ispeakuspeak General Presentation

ISUS general presentation v1309 EN

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This is a short descritpion of the ISUS ispeakuspeak virtual language training service

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ispeakuspeak General Presentation

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The Best of Man & Machine




Fluency and Listening





Tracking & Control

Self study

Reduced costs

Global Reach

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ISUS is an revolutionary online platform that connects language learners to top trainers around the world.

Learners are assigned a dedicated trainer who analyses their needs, identifies their goals, and then guides and motivates them through a personalized one-to-one program that makes learning fun, engaging and highly effective.

ISUS is not traditional learning. ISUS is not e-learning. ISUS is technology-facilitated, human-driven learning. ISUS is eLearning 2.0.

The Solution

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How does it work?

Learners prepare with a range of individually-assigned interactive online activities that cover all key skill areas.


Learners connect with their trainer over the phone or online through Skype for 25 minutes of live 121 speaking.


Learners consolidate their learning with a follow-up activity and a personalised feedback report that’s prepared by their trainer.


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Prepare Connect Consolidate

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Prepare Connect Consolidate

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Prepare Connect Consolidate

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Prepare Connect Consolidate

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Prepare Connect Consolidate

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Anytime, Anyplace

Top trainers

Guaranteed quality

Personalised programs

Real language, real-time

Needs Driven

Intuitive design

Built for Business

Blended Learning enabled

Multiple languages

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Learn when and where you want, with:

Anytime, Anyplace Flexibility

15 global interface languages

Automatic time zone management

Compatible with traditional phone, online with VoIP, and even by mobile*

100% flexibility, 100% attendance, 100% ROI

* supplements apply for mobile calling plans

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With no geographic limits, ISUS is able to employ the best trainers around the world. Staff are subject to a rigorous recruitment, training and certification procedures. Key characteristics include:


Business experience

Teaching qualifications / experience

Strong communication skills

Positivity and warmth

Availability + Flexibility

IT literate + well-connected

Top Trainers

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Quality 100% Guaranteed

ISUS includes a real-time monitoring system that provides up-to-the-minute statistics and proactive alerts on class quality levels, trainer performance, activity effectiveness and a range of other key performance indicators.

This enables our pedagogical support team to take proactive steps to address any potential problems guaranteeing maximum quality at all times.

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Personalized Programs

ISUS programs are 100% personalized so every minute is spent on interesting and relevant topics.

Classified by language, level, type, sector, author and date, trainers use advanced search tools to hand-pick activities from a sophisticated library of >1000 core curriculum activities.

Students work on their own specific needs and job related requirements at their own individual pace.

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With powerful ‘mashup’ capabilities, ISUS links with up-to-the-minute content across the web, including video, news, podcasts, and journals, opening-up more than 20 billion exciting learning opportunities.

Forget text books!

This is real language, in real time!

Real language, real-time

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Needs Driven & Open Source

Preparing for an important presentation? Need to deliver a report before the end of the week?

No problem. With needs driven activities, trainers build the class around the task a learner is working on, helping them deliver the best possible results and develop some key skills at the same time.

ISUS also comes with a full suite of authoring tools, so our pedagogical teams can create client-specific activities in less than a day.

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ISUS is simple and easy to use. Highlighted characteristics include:

Intuitive Design

Clean intuitive design

Automatic record-keeping of classes, activities, reports etc.

7 different interactive question styles (MCQ, ordering, pairing, fill-the-gap etc.)

Personalised homepages

Integration with electronic calendars

Helpful email reminders

Motivate your learners with an environment which is fun, easy and effective!

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• Dedicated team of specialist multi-lingual program managers around the world.

• Powerful suite of workflow management tools that ensure smooth, easy launches of thousands of students at a time.

• Invaluable experience from more than 500,000 online training sessions.

• Sophisticated real-time monitoring and reporting systems that provide detailed data across all key performance indicators.

• The choice of top companies around the world.

Built for Business

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‘Blended Learning’ Enabled

ISUS is the world’s first fully integrated blended learning solution, giving learners the flexibility to learn a language online, with tutoring, virtually, face-to-face in a classroom environment, or through any combination of the above methods.

This solution includes the ISUS face-to-face series, a multi-level range of activity packs based on the ISUS core curriculum and designed specifically for use in the classroom with both groups and individuals.

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ISUS is not only about English, but also many other global languages. ISUS programs are currently available for the following languages:






Multiple Languages

We also provide on-demand programs in many other languages with recent projects in Catalan, Portuguese, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, and Czech.

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Additional Benefits


No paper

No packaging

HASSLE-FREE No software

No plug-ins

No special setup


standard subsidy and funding programs

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The ISUS method is unique in its proven ability to give learners a dramatic breakthrough in their confidence and ability to speak.

Learners report immediate improvement with:

listening comprehension

comfort and fluency on the phone

stronger relationships with colleagues, clients and suppliers

Dramatic Results

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Return on Investment

ISUS has consistently demonstrated an unprecedented return-on-investment by delivering the optimum balance of online and trainer-led learning, with:

• Individual learning plans

• Outstanding attendance levels

• Unparalleled fluency improvement

This is the power of technology-facilitated, human-driven learning. This is what’s possible with the perfect blend of man and machine.

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Who’s using it?

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Find your voice with ispeakuspeak!

Anytime, Anyplace flexibility - Top trainers - Guaranteed quality - Personalised programs - Real language, real-time - Needs Driven & Open Source - ‘Blended Learning’ enabled - Individual feedback - Intuitive design -

Multiple languages - Built for Business - No Software or Setup - Dramatic Results - Unprecedented ROI