issues ralated with behavior of suzuki.rtf

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  • 7/24/2019 issues ralated with behavior of suzuki.rtf


    Summary of Report

    Organizational behavior can help the organizations in facing and coping up with these

    challenges because these cannot be eliminated. There is no perfect solution to

    organizational problems, but if handled with care and diligence, these challenges can

    be covered into profitable opportunities. TQM, reengineering, leadership,

    organizational culture, group norms etc. are some of the OB concepts which can help

    in facing various challenges.

    Pak Suzuki Vision Statement

    To be recognized as a leading organization that values Customers needs and provides

    motoring solutions with strong customer care.

    Pak Suzuki mission Statement

    trive to mar!et value pac!ed vehicles that meet customers e"pectations.

    #rovide a platform where our sta!eholders passionatel$ contribute, invest and e"cel.

    Ma!e valuable contribution to ocial development of #a!istan.

    Formed in 1983 as a joint venture between Pakistan Automobie !orporation

    "imited and Suzuki #otor !orporation $apan%

    Avaiabiity of spare parts

    &uman Resour'e deveopment remains one of t(e key obje'tives of t(e 'ompany

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    )e proa'tive

    One of the best wa$s to neutralize problem emplo$ees is to ta!e an ob%ective loo! at

    $ouremplo$ee handboo!, policies, and practices. &mend an$ policies that are

    outdated, unfair, or open the door to litigation. 'hile $oure at it, as! $ourself these


    *o we compl$ with all legall$ mandated emplo$ee benefits and re(uirements+

    *o we clearl$ communicate e"pectations for emplo$ee behavior and %ob


    *o we provide a safe and secure wor! environment+

    &re we respectful and considerate of our emplo$ees+

    *o we listen to our emplo$ees concerns and address them in a responsible and

    effective manner+

    *o we have a formal complaint process+

    *o we conduct thoroughinvestigationsinto issues as the$ arise+

    &re our pa$ practices for each position in line with the position, the

    communit$, and our industr$+

    *o we reward e"cellence+

    *o $ou Train $our supervisorsto deal effectivel$ with problems that do arise

    and not wait until it gets out of hand.+

    f $ou not -ulfil this these t$pe of practices $ou will be face man$ issues and

    problems in organization.

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    *(at is probem+

    ,s somet(in- t(at is diffi'ut to dea wit( t(at 'reate barriers to doin- somet(in-%

    #roblem emplo$ees comprise a ver$ small portion of the wor!force $et manage to

    consume a disproportionate amount of / and managements time and attention. 0er$

    few emplo$ees set out to be a problem for their emplo$ers and those that do usuall$

    reveal themselves (uic!l$. The$ tend to be disgruntled, suspicious, and apathetic

    emplo$ees and, generall$, the$ have chronic attendance issues,performance issues,

    and disciplinar$ issues.&nd, than!s to the proliferation of emplo$ment and labor law

    information available via the nternet, the$ !now %ust enough to effectivel$ wor! the

    s$stem to their advantage 1 particularl$ when it comes to state or federall$ mandated

    benefits such aswor!ers compensation.

    ,SS./S R/"A0/ 0&/ )/&AV,2R 2F /#P"2//S

    A4 S.55/S0,24 0&A0 R/S2"V/ 0&/ ,SS./S

    1%*ork for'e iverse 'auses and soution

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    'or!place diversit$ e"ists when companies hire emplo$ees from various geographical

    location, bac!grounds and e"periences. Communication barriers lead to problems in a

    compan$ attempting to create a diverse wor!place. This can lead to misunderstandings

    and a decrease in productivit$. Once wor!place diversit$ is implemented, companies

    must effectivel$ manage the changes in policies. This presents a challenge for #a!

    uzu!i. . 2owada$s, emplo$ees demand empowerment and e"pect (ualit$ of status

    with the management. 'e offer training programs to managers to help them effectivel$

    manage their newl$ diverse departments.3ncourage emplo$ees to e"press their ideas

    and opinions and attribute a sense of e(ual value to all.

    6%*ork ife 'onfi't 'auses and soution

    ncrease in wor!ing hours increases the wor!load, which negativel$ affects the %ob

    satisfaction of the emplo$ees. &n emplo$ee faces different famil$ problems along with

    their %ob responsibilities. The child care or elderl$ care responsibilities some time

    interfere in the %ob and create a situation of famil$ to wor! interference.The t$pes of

    support offered, and the level of organizational commitment to wor!4lifest$le issues,

    varies widel$ across companies. This part of the report e"amines the prevalence of

    four organizational initiatives or practices that the research literature suggests ma$

    help emplo$ees balance wor! and famil$ demands)

    5.&lternative wor! arrangements

    6.perceived fle"ibilit$ with respect to hours and location of wor!

    7.supportive management

    8.supportive policies

    3%,n'rease 0urnover 'auses and soution

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    3mplo$ee turnover can affect the compan$ bottom line and overall productivit$ and

    ma!es maintaining compan$ growth a challenge. Turnover is caused from #olitical

    behavior in area of wor!. 'e reduce turnover rate through e(uit$ theor$ that suggest

    2*0*9&: 2#9T 3Q9&: TO 2*0*9&: O9TCOM3, ncrease OCB,

    ncrease #O that can lead to more committed with them.

    7%4e-ative Attitude about work 'auses and Soution

    Our 3mplo$ees have negative attitude at different level due to basis of different needs

    ever$ one have separate issues form other to a attitude but still the$ continue their %ob

    and this lead to against their attitude we are tr$ing to shift them from negative topositive through salar$, benefits , resolve conflicts in wor! life.

    %"ow 2r-anizationa !ommitment 'auses and soution

    /ecentl$ we face some issues about commitment in previous $ears man$ of emplo$ees

    left their %ob for better opportunit$ because the$ are not committed with us. This can

    lead to high turnover and decrease productivit$ we are tr$ing them more committed

    through #O , corporate social responsibilit$.

    %$ob issatisfa'tion 'auses and soution

    it also challenge for us because when people are not committed and negative attitude

    ts means the$ e"tremel$ dissatisfied from their %ob. That is ma%or issues in our

    compan$ and the problem ofcommitment and attitude occur when organization not do

    %ustice to their all wor!ers thats called ine(uit$ in above discussion we discuss

    turnover that increase through dissatisfaction. 'e suggested that org. ma!e policies

    same for all because pa! suzu!i is leading compan$ in automobile so the$ their

    policies is favourable for automobile emplo$ees not for motorc$les emplo$ees.

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    The onl$ ;ob *issatisfaction create man$ issue if we maintain the satisfaction level of

    emplo$ees that can be lead to higher performance. ome impact that compan$ face

    due to dissatisfaction)4

    1. 2ot tr$ to satisfied the customer

    2. &bsenteeism

    3. 'or! place deviance

    &lthough pa$ing emplo$ees poorl$ will li!el$ not attract high4(ualit$ emplo$ees to the

    organization or !eep high performers, managers should realize that high pa$ alone is

    unli!el$ to create a satisf$ing wor! environment.

    :% &ow 4e-ative /motions de'rease performan'e; its !auses and


    #eople have nagetive emotions when the$ feel ine(uit$ when the$ face comple"

    enviorment uncertain situations this had been lead to lower performance. Org. should

    arrange wor!shop for emplo$ees, create health$ and safe wor! enviorment that

    motivate the emplo$ees behavior and manage should be relationship oriented.

    3motions impact on our customer when the$ feel negative emotion customer also feel

    dissatisfied. n 6

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    *ifferent personalit$ of people due different geographical location. ome re(uired

    higher status in organization due to 2arcissem. ome are different in their conformit$

    level. 2ow our head M/.=:&Q '/= that have highl$ narcacism. o we face

    man$ problem. 'e suggest that at the time of /ecruitment $ou have to use some

    personalit$ measure and on the basis of these things $ou can hire positive personalit$


    'e re(uired different personalit$ people according to the nature of %ob but due to some

    personal interest and political behaviors we do not recruit the people that are

    accomplish our re(uirements. n below we discuss main issues that is occurred due to

    negative personalit$.

    *ecline in profits

    -or mar!eting activities we need a e"travert people but we have not this t$pe of

    people due to this personal interest and political behavior. Our liana car is decline

    due technological change when our competitor adop new technolog$ and

    innovation. till our survival was on old technolog$. Because our emplo$ees not

    adopt change.

    &t this stage we suggested $ou should use Big -ive #ersonalit$ Test Through this)4

    5.3"travert )if $ou recruit mar!eting person we see their social life how he friendl$

    with others and how he interact with others

    6.&greeable ) if $ou centralized $our structure $ou have to recruit agreeable people.

    7.Conscientiousness ) if $ou recruit finance manager $ou have to recruit /eliable


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    8.3motional tabilit$) if $ou recruit person at top level $ou e"pect from him he handle

    the stress in better wa$.

    >.openess to e"perience) this dimension use for innovation.

    9%5roup !o(esiveness ow !auses and soution

    *ue to different geographical location and across cultural people within nation this

    problem is occurred. o #a! uzu!is emplo$ees has low cohesiveness this lead to

    moderate productivit$. o we suggested organization must remove their geographical

    differences through seminars.


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    for 'asi( tr$ to show lo$alt$ that bring a positive attitude and we suggest the

    compan$ do not do this !ind of things.

    11%Risk Avoiders and ess Stimuation 'auses and Soution=

    ome companies dont change their wor!ing structure with the fear that the$ might

    e"perience loss in revenue and are contented with the profit the$ alread$ earn. Their

    sales remain limited. One of the prime e"ample is uzu!i, the$re lac!ing new

    innovations thats wh$ their $earl$ ales are :imited to certain e"tent. ;ust because of

    this, the$ provide less opportunities to their emplo$ees of bonus, promotion and

    revered. Thats wh$ their behavior dont timulate much and emplo$ees cant innovate

    new things.


    uzu!is Mehran Car has been same since so man$ $ears. 2o nnovation has done in it.

    Thats wh$ their sales are limited


    The$ should give freedom to their emplo$ees so the$ can innovate new thingsdesigns,

    %ust li!e now the$ made bi!es of new designs.

    The$ should stimulate the behavior of their emplo$ees.

    16%Su''ess Pannin- for &i-(er performan'e

    Management shouldnt prefer -riends and relatives. t happens in #a! uzu!i. ome

    organizations plan ahead of time that if an$ manageremplo$ee passes awa$ or leaves

    his %ob, whom the$ should be loo!ing for to replace himher ?manager4emplo$ee@.

    Meaning which emplo$ee is suitable for a certain post. On the above mentioned terms

    #a! uzu!i also !eeps the persons past e"perience in that organization, manners,

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    personalit$ and his entrance4e"it time in view while awarding himher with a post.

    This thing helps ever$bod$ moving towards hard wor!. That wh$ the behavior of #a!

    uzu!is emplo$ee is good with senior. #a! uzu!i hould ma!e decisions on


    13%Peope>&uman orientation in produ'tion probem and Soution=

    Behavior and personalit$ of #a! uzu!is #roduction dept. is nagative. The$ wor! in a

    team, helps each other. *ue to this its impact is ver$ negative on the productions of

    9A9= .

    9A9= should ta!e steps to ma!e good relationship between them. hould give them

    their rewards that can ma!e their relation good.

    hould develop a friendl$ atmosphere among themselves.

    17% ,nferna !aused )e(avior probem and Soution=

    Their few emplo$ee cause nternal Clashes due to their irresponsible habits++

    9A9= should use more power on them. On their such mista!e the$ should fine them

    and put cuts on their salaries.

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    1. dentif$ the specifics of the problem behavior and the conditions that prompt

    and reinforce it.

    2. Modif$ the wor! place environment to decrease problem behavior.

    3. Teach and reinforce new s!ills to increase appropriate behavior and preserve a

    positive wor! place climate. 'e recommend that bosss activel$ teach

    emploo$ess sociall$4 and behaviorall$4appropriate s!ills to replace problem

    behaviors using strategies focused on both individual emploo$ess and the

    whole organization. n doing so, bosss help emploo$ess with behavior

    problems learn how, when, and where to use these new s!illsD increase the

    opportunities that the emploo$ess have to e"hibit appropriate behaviorsD

    preserve a positive classroom climateD and manage conse(uences to reinforce

    emploo$ess displa$ of positive EreplacementF behaviors and adaptive s!ills.

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    4. 'e suggested the process of problem solving method that is This)4

    *(at we earned about workin- on team+

    o share ideas and e"periences

    o offer an alternative to wor!ing on $our own

    o draw on $our particular strengths and e"periences

    o increase the (ualit$ of output

    o find wa$s of solving problems

    o provide a supportive environment for challenging wor!

    o develop essential s!ills for use throughout $our career.

    o Great place to as! for help with those concepts $ou find hard to understand.

    o Good opportunit$ to receive advice on that homewor! problem with which

    $ouve been struggling.

    o Can result in significant time savings given that $ou can as! for help instead

    of staring at a particular problem for a long time.

    o Other people often have different wa$s of approaching a particular concept or

    problem, which in turn can enhance $our own understanding.

    o *iscussing general stud$ strategies with others can provide $ou with tips to

    enhance $our own.

    o trengthens $our team wor! s!ills, a s!ill in high demand from an$ emplo$er.

    *(at *e "earned after Studyin- t(is !ourse+

    'e learn a series of behaviour that can lead to lower the productivit$, we learn tactics

    that remove this !ind of behaviour. 'e learn how we resolve conflict behvior at wor!

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    3valuate &lternative

    &lternative Generation&nal$ze /oot Causes

    The #roblem dentification

    #roblem 0erification#roblem *efination


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    place, how we we deal with people of different cultures what t$pe of bahvior the$

    have. 'e learn how we gain sustainable advantage after stud$ing the OB. Because

    ever$ problem have some solution OB tells us what solution of this problem wh$ this

    problem has been occur what we needed to use.

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