Issue One September 29th 2017 Welcome Back Welcome back to what promises to be an exciting year at Cherry Tree Hill. As our school continues to build upon prior successes and improve, I think it is worthwhile sharing with you our positive results from last year as well as our focus for this year. •Reception- A continued improvement over a five year period. 70% of children made a ‘good level of development’ in 2017. This is in line with national figures. •Year One Phonics- 92% of children passed. The highest results the school has ever had and significantly above national average. •Key Stage One Phonics- Overall, by the end of Year Two, 95% of children passed the phonics check. 10% higher than in 2016. •Year Two SATS- This is the 2nd year of the new SATs and we have improved results to be in line with national figures and maths results have surpassed national expectations. •Year Six SATS- Results have improved in all subjects since 2016. However, reading results in particular were not as high as we would have hoped; we have, though, already put plans in place to improve our teaching of reading and how we assess the children. Likewise, we know some children simply don’t perform best in ‘test’ situations. We’ve got a bit of work to do to make our children ‘shine’ in test conditions as well as promoting a love of reading! Watch this space as we will be needing your help! Call us on 01332 673520 www.cherrytreehillprimary.co.uk 1 CHERRY TREE NEWS E Mail: [email protected] | Twitter: @cherrytreederby Reception Classes Over the summer, our reception classes had a complete overhaul! All the classrooms have been refurbished. Watch this space for continued improvements in our reception areas; we will be installing more doors and a top- class outdoor play area. The continued works are due to start in the next few weeks. Our thanks go to Derby Homes and Pentagon Play. Trim Trail We have been successful in our recent lottery bid to build a new trim trail (assault course) for our older children. The installation will begin soon. A quick advance message to you all; if you or your children go on the trim trail unsupervised and have an accident, it is your responsibility! Uniform Uniform is available to order online. Visit our website (Parent’s Section ) for a link, or type ‘Grantham Clothing’ into Google. Remember, you do not have to buy uniform from our suppliers; you can purchase non - logo uniform from supermarkets, which are permitted in school too.

Issue One September 29th 2017 CHERRY TREE NEWSfluencycontent2-schoolwebsite.netdna-ssl.com/FileCluster/Cherry... · Issue One September 29th 2017 Welcome Back Welcome back to what

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Issue One September 29th 2017

Welcome Back Welcome back to what promises to be an exciting year at Cherry Tree Hill. As our school continues to build upon prior successes and improve, I think it is worthwhile sharing with you our positive results from last year as well as our focus for this year.

•Reception- A continued improvement over a five year period. 70% of children made a ‘good level of development’ in 2017. This is in line with national figures.

•Year One Phonics- 92% of children passed. The highest results the school has ever had and significantly above national average.

•Key Stage One Phonics- Overall, by the end of Year Two, 95% of children passed the phonics check. 10% higher than in 2016.

•Year Two SATS- This is the 2nd year of the new SATs and we have improved results to be in line with national figures and maths results have surpassed national expectations.

•Year Six SATS- Results have improved in all subjects since 2016. However, reading results in particular were not as high as we would have hoped; we have, though, already put plans in place to improve our teaching of reading and how we assess the children. Likewise, we know some children simply don’t perform best in ‘test’ situations. We’ve got a bit of

work to do to make our children ‘shine’ in test conditions as well as promoting a love of reading! Watch this space as we will be needing your help!

Call us on 01332 673520 www.cherrytreehillprimary.co.uk �1

CHERRY TREE NEWS E Mail: [email protected] | Twitter: @cherrytreederby

Reception Classes

Over the summer, our reception classes had a complete overhaul! All the classrooms have been refurbished. Watch this space for continued improvements in our recept ion areas ; we wi l l be installing more doors and a top-class outdoor play area. The continued works are due to start in the next few weeks. Our thanks go to Derby Homes and Pentagon Play.

Trim Trail

We have been successful in our recent lottery bid to build a new trim trail (assault course) for our older children. The installation will begin soon. A quick advance message to you all; if you or your children go on the trim trail unsuper v i sed and ha ve an accident, it is your responsibility!


Uniform is available to order online. Visit our website (Parent’s Section ) for a l ink, or type ‘Grantham Clothing’ into Google. Remember, you do not have to buy uniform from our suppliers; you can purcha se non - logo uniform from supermarkets, which are permitted in school too.

Issue One September 29th 2017

School fundingYou may have read recent news reports about school funding changes, so I wanted to take this opportunity to explain how we expect them to affect Cherry Tree Hill and our provision for your child.

The government has confirmed that a new national funding formula will be introduced from April 2018, in order to address long-standing variations in the funding of schools in different parts of the country. The formula aims to ensure that schools with similar contexts and pupil characteristics receive the same amount of funding.

Our actual funding has not yet been confirmed but, based on the information we have at the moment, we expect that our funding will increase over the next three years. We are fortunate, as not all schools are in this position and many schools face great uncertainty.

All schools are still facing rising costs due to, among other things, increases in the National Insurance and pension contributions that we have to make for staff. Inflation also means that the costs of resources and services that we buy are rising. Likewise, due to our large grounds and five buildings, premises costs remain significant. What the rise means in the long term remains to be seen.

I aim to keep you updated as we gain more information on what this means for our school.

SafeguardingSafeguarding children remains our top priority. You may have noticed the new fencing around our reception play areas. I have been making plans (and trying to save some money) to enable us to purchase more of this fencing around the school which will safeguard the children. As with anything of this nature, it will take time.

If you have a concern regarding the safety or welfare of any child in school, please call us on 01332 673520 and

select option 2. Miss Dale and Mr Morris are always on hand to help you. Alternatively, call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.

Call us on 01332 673520 www.cherrytreehillprimary.co.uk �2

Complaints / Issues

We’ve got over 600 children in schoo l and near l y 100 s taf f. . Somet imes mis takes happen and we don’t always get things right. In the first instance, contact your child’s teacher or phase leader. If you remain dissatisfied, call 01332 673520 then opt ion 3 twice to make an appointment with a member of s taf f. We ha ve a robust complaints procedure in school and take your concerns seriously.

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith (Badgers Class) will soon be leaving us to have her baby. During her maternity leave, Mrs Straw will be increasing her teaching commitments to full time. Therefore, the Badgers will be taught by Mrs Straw all week.


Please may I reiterate the 48 hour rule. If your child becomes sick and suffers from diarrhoea or vomiting, they must remain at home for at least 48 hours after the last ‘episode’. This is to ensure that the infection has completely left their system before they return to school. This, in turn, safeguards the health of other children and staff.


Our book fair will be open during Parent’s Evenings. The more books you buy, the more we can buy too! Please support us.

Issue One September 29th 2017

Parent ViewYour opinion matters. If you think we’re doing a good job, tell us. If you don’t think we are, tell us. OfSTED’s website (parent view) is set up to allow parents to share their thoughts on what they think about the school. It may not fully inform OfSTED’s judgements, but inspectors do look at what you have to say. Please can I ask that you take five minutes out of your day to log on to OfSTED’s Parent View Website and share your thoughts.

Packed LunchesI don’t want to be one of those Head Teachers that you read about in the papers who confiscate food, but as I walked through the Dining Hall just the other day, I noticed a significant number of ‘unhealthy’ packed lunches. After speaking with midday supervisors, it is clear that many children may not necessarily be getting a balanced meal at lunchtimes. The Children’s Food Trust offers the following advice:

•“instead of chocolate bars or cereal bars, pack lower-sugar alternatives like scones, malt loaf, fruit bread, plain popcorn or fruit in sugar-free jelly.

•instead of processed fruit snacks, choose fresh fruit or plain dried fruit.

•instead of crisps, try plain rice cakes, oat cakes or breadsticks with cheese.

•get children involved in choosing and preparing what goes into their lunchbox, to help encourage them to eat it.

•pre-prepared fruit and veg are generally more expensive than doing it yourself, so get some small pots and prep them yourself to cut the cost.

•using leftovers as part of packed lunches is a good way to cut down the prep time, but make sure it’s cooled and stored properly.

•make sure that what you pack is easy for little fingers to open, and to eat.

•children often love a bit of DIY – wraps and pots of fillings can be more exciting if they get to put them together.

•‘dipping foods’ rule for many kids, so give breadsticks or toast fingers, veg sticks and a pot of houmous a try.”

Thank you! Mr. Appleton.

Call us on 01332 673520 www.cherrytreehillprimary.co.uk �3


It’s that time of year again! Do you have any old children’s wellies that you don’t need anymore? Our Nursery children would love them. Please feel free to leave your donations outside the Seahorses (Nursery) class or send your chi ld into school with some.


Thank you all for your kind harvest donations. Don’t forget, we can continue to accept donations until Thursday 5th October.


We are a lways look ing for volunteers to help out in school in many ways.

Could you…

• do a bit of gardening?

• listen to some children read?

• help out at a fundraising event?

• help make some costumes for concerts?

• come swimming with us as an extra pair of hands?

• help out in class?

However you (or a relative) could help, would be great. We will talk with you about what you would like to do and complete a police check (free of charge). Please call 01332 673520 and ask to speak to Miss Dale for more information.

Issue One September 29th 2017

Diary Dates Monday 2nd Oct Y6 Trip to Eden Camp

Tuesday 3rd Oct Harvest Festival

2:15 Friends of Cherry Tree Meeting

Wednesday 4th Oct 5:00 Y2 Residential Parents Meeting

Thursday 5th Oct Y3 Trip to Cadbury World

McCherry Day!

Friday 6th Oct Padley Centre Collecting Harvest Festival Donations (thank you!)

9th-11th Oct Trim Trail Installation

9th- 12th Oct Book Fair

Wednesday 11th Oct School Photos

11th-12th Oct 3:30-6:30 Parents Evening

16th-20th Oct RE week

Wednesday 18th Oct 9:15 Y2 Family Assembly

5:00 Y4 Residential Meeting

Friday 20th Oct Y4 Roman Experience Day

21st-27th October Half Term

21st October-10th November

Works to begin on outdoor reception area.

Tuesday 31st Oct 4:30 Pumpkin Disco

Wednesday 8th Nov 9:15 Y3 Family Assembly

Thursday 9th Nov Y5 Trip to Black Country Museum

13th-17th Nov Anti-Bullying Week

Thursday 16th Nov DCFC Move & Learn in Y5

Friday 17th Nov Y4 Viking Visitors!

Children in Need Non Uniform Day

Tuesday 5th Dec 9:30 Reception & Year One Christmas Concert

4:00 Reception & Year One Christmas Concert

Wednesday 6th Dec 9:45 Nursery Christmas Concert

2:30 Nursery Christmas Concert

Friday 8th Dec 1:30 Choir Singing at Aspen Court Care Home

Tuesday 12th Dec Christmas Dinner Day

Wednesday 13th Dec Nursery Christmas Party

Whole School Trip to see Beauty and the Beast at Derby Arena.

5:00 Carols by Candlelight (+ Santa’s Grotto!)

Thursday 14th Dec Y1-6 Activity Day

Friday 15th Dec Christmas Jumper Day

18th Dec-2nd Jan Xmas Holiday

Wednesday 3rd Jan Back in School

Monday 8th Jan Spring After School Clubs Start

Friday 2nd Feb Y4 Trip to Tutbury

Wednesday 14th Feb 4:30 Spring Disco

19th-23rd Feb Half Term

26th Feb- 2nd Mar Book Week

Wednesday 28th Feb 2:15 Reception, Y1-2 Travelling Theatre Company Visit in School

Thursday 1st Mar Offer Day for Secondary Schools

9:15 Y3-6 Travelling Theatre Company in school

7th-8th Mar 3:30-6:30 Parent’s Evening

8th-9th Mar Derby Dance Festival

Friday 9th Mar INSET Day

Thurs 15th Mar Whole School Photo (try again!)

Call us on 01332 673520 www.cherrytreehillprimary.co.uk �4