ISSN 0160-8029 P LIBRARY OF C01 CSS/WASHINGTON CATALOGING SERVICE BULLETIN PROCESSING SERVICES Nmkr 44, Spring 1989 Mitor: Robert M. Hiatt llmmFmm CATAIQGIm Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI) 2 SPBCIAL MA- CATAWGING Scnmd Recordings /-- SUaTBCT CATAWGING Subject Headings of Current Interest Revised LC Subject Headings DBCm CLASSIE'XCATION Edition 20 H]BLICATIONS USMARC Format for Authority Data Update USMARC Cancise Fonnats Format Integration Cwaphic Cutters AACR 2-88 Music Subject Headings m- Name Authority Record vs. Subject Authority Record Editorial address: Office of the Director for Cataloging, Processing Services, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540 n Subscription address: Subscriber Accounts, Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20541 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-51400 ISSN 0160-8029 Key title: Cataloging service bulletin

Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

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Page 1: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

ISSN 0160-8029



llmmFmm CATAIQGIm Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRI) 2


/-- SUaTBCT CATAWGING Subject Headings of Current Interest Revised LC Subject Headings


H]BLICATIONS USMARC Format for Authority Data Update USMARC Cancise Fonnats Format Integration Cwaphic Cutters AACR 2-88 Music Subject Headings

m- Name Authority Record vs. Subject Authority Record

Editorial address: Office of the Director for Cataloging, Processing Services, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540

n Subscription address: Subscriber Accounts, Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20541

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 78-51400 ISSN 0160-8029 Key title: Cataloging service bulletin

Page 2: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)


Cumulative index of LCRI to the Anglo-American Catalcrguing Rules, second edition, 1988 revision, that have appeared in issues of Catalqing Semi ce Billet in. Any LCRI prwiausly published but not listed below is no longer applicable and has been cancelled.

2 Cataloging ,%mice Arlletin, M. 44 (-%ring 1989)

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Catalcrging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (.wring 1989)

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mtalcging ,Cerv3ce Bulletin, Nb. 44 (-s;Pring 1.989) 5

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24.1 24.1B 24.2 24.2B 24.2C 24.2D 24.3A 24.33 24.36 24.4B 24.4C 24.4C3 24.4C6 24.4C7 24.4C8 24.5C1 24.6 24.m 24.7R2 24.8B 24.9 24.10B 24.13 24.13, TYPE 2 24.13, TYPE 3 24.13, TYPE 5 24.13, TYPE 6 24.14 24.15A 24.15B 24.17 24.18 24.18, TYPE 2 24.18, TYPE 3 24.18, TYPE 5

Catalcging -Service Bulletin, M. 44 (,@ring 1989)

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24.18, TYPE 6 24.18, TYPE 11 24.19 24.20B 24.203 24.21B 24.21C -24.21D 24.23 24.24A 24.26 24.27C 24.27C3

G9talaging .Servi ce Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989) 7

Page 8: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

D, llCollectlonll 14 D, "Colophon" 13 D, "Preliminaries" 16

&talclging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,?ring 1989)

Page 9: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

[Nbte: The LCRI that appear in vlis issue are those that have had provisions added or deleted or those that have had their rule numbers chatlged as a result of the 1988 revision of AACR 2. Other IXXI have been revised to reflect the 1988 revision of the rules, but space limitations prevent their publication in this issue. They will be published in subsequent issues, havever. None of the provisions in the unpublished LCRI have been changed. They have been revised either 1) to reflect changed rule numbers when referring to other LCRI or specific pages in AACR 2 (l.OC, 1.6HI 2.1B1, 21.0BI 21.1B1, 21.1B, 21.7C, 21.17BI 21.18BI 21.2XI 21.27, 21.28A, 21.28BI 21,29D, 21.30HI 21.305, 21.30L, 21.30M, 21.31B, 21.32A, 22.6, 22.10, 22.22, 24.3AI 24.3E, 24.4CI 24.4C3, 24.7l3, 24.17, 24.24AI 25.1, 25.5B, 25.6A2, 25.8, 25.8-25.11, 25.9, 25.10, 26.2, 26.2B2, 26.2C, A.33, and B.14) ; 2) to make minor rearrangements to or clarifications of the LCRI (1.0, 1.4F8, 1.4G4, 2.OB1, ll.OA, 12.3EI 21.1R2, 24.1, 24.21CI and 24.23); 3) to delete the rule change texts (l.OEI l.lE5, 1.1F11, 1.2B5, 1.202, 1.2C5, 1.2E3, 1.4D2, 1.4F5, 1.4F6, 1.4F7, 1.5R4, 1.5D2, l.lOC2, 2.2B4, 3.2B4, 5.1B1, 5.2B1, 5.2B4, 5.3, 5.1B19, 6.2E54, 6.5B2, 7.2B4, 7.4F2, 8.2B4, 8.581, 8.5B2, 10.2B4, 11.2B4, 21.0DI 21.1CI 21.3B, 21.48, 21.23DI 22.3CI 22.5A, 23.1, 23.2, 23.4B, 23.4C, 23.4D, 23.43, 23.4F1, 23.4F2, 24.13, TYPE 3, 25.2A, 25.32A2, and B.9); or 4) to change the rule caption (21.35A1, 22.5C4, and 22.12B). The remaining LCRI specifled in the listing (pages 2-8) above have not been changed.]

1.OG. Accents atxi other diamitical marks. [Rev.]

In French, Portuguese, and Spanish do not transcribe or add accent marks over letters that are transcribed in thelr capitalized form. (Note: The Spanish letter IV is transcribed as found since it is a separate letter of the Spanish almbet. ) For books published before 1801, retain an accent found in the source being transcribed,

I but do not add one not present. Apply these guidelines also to ,,- I headings, as appropriate.

1.OH. Itenas w i t h several chief suurces of infomation. [Rev.]

I When the item is a bilingual dictionary or other mrk not I involving "original languagev or translation or it is a work that does I not contain mrds (e.g., sane music), select the source in the language I or script of the issuing body. This means using the criterion of the [ issuing body after considering sections i )-ii ) of paragraph d) , but I before -idering section iii).

l.lB1. [Rev.]


1) AACR 2 does not mention the problem that arises when data being transcribed for the bibliographic description include a colon, a slash, or the equals sign. 13o not transcribe any of these three marks unless, according to normal practice, the space may be closed up on both sides. Us~ally, a cmna or a dash (with s p m closed up an both sides) can be substituted for a colon.

Proceedings / Sympasium-Fine Arts in the 80's or Proceedings / Symposium, Flne Arts in the 80's

(On ,snrce: . . . ,Sppsium: Flne Arts . . . ) k t Dinner at 8:00 / ...

It is difficult to imagine a case in which it would be impossible to close up the space on both side of the slash or the equals sign.


Gitaloging ,Sew$ ce Bulletin, Nb. 44 (,cprfng 1989)

Page 10: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Study/mrkbook for knitting . . . 2 x 2 = 5 : a farce in one act ...

None of these statements applies when one is considering the fonn of m access paint, which should generally follow the punctuation found in the source,

Symgosium: Fine Arts in the 80's ... World Council of Might = Wrong

(Both of these are corporate hewdim)

2) When replacing t l . , , t l in the title proper with tL,tt leave a space after the -, unless the dash is at the beginning.

Getting armnd- in Germany nat Getting armxl-in Germany

but -and then there were none I

1. lC. @tima1 addition. Gemem3 material designation. [ R w . ] - For the material currently cataloged by the Library of Congress,

apply only the follawing general material designations (CMDs):

computer file filmstrip kit micmf o m motion picture slide savld recording t ranspareney videorecording

Do not apply any of the options that permit specific material designations to be shortened when they are repetitious of GMDs (e.g. , 6.5B1).

1.lE. bthsr title infcmmtion. [Rw.] - If subordinate titles (e.g., appendices or other mbeidiary

texts) appear before a statement(8) of reepansibility, record them as other title information.

They suught a camtry : Mennonite calanizaticm in Maxim : with an appendix on Mennonite colonizaticm in British H m W r a e / Harry Lmmrd Sawatzky

If such subordinate titles appear after a statement(s) of rsspanslbility, record them as mbeequent statements of respansibility whether or m t they actually nwne a person or bady. If they are very lengthy, recod thm In a note.

Hlgh life belw stairs : a farce / by James Tcrwnley ; with a variety of Oarman nates explanatory of the idiane ... alluded to by John Christian Huttmr

If subordinate titles a m given -1 pranlmce with the first mrk in the item, hmever, apply 1.lG.

10 Cataloging Sew1ce Bulletin, M. 44 (Spriqy 1989)

Page 11: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

l.iF6. [Rw.]

I . ‘ WRI 1.1~. bthsr title informatim, I

l.lF7. [Rw.] I

If an added entry is required for a corporate body and the only I prominently named source for the body's name on the item is its appearance in conjunction with a personal name being recorded in a statemnt of responsibility, apply one of the following methods:

1) Enclose within perentheses the corporate name following the personal -(s) (e.g. , "prepwed by Morton J. Schussheirit, Joshua M. Kay, Richard L. Wellom (Coqressional Research Service, Library of -)I1) *

2) Give the corporate name in a quoted note (e.g., "Building Economics and Regulatory Technology Division, Center for Building Technology, National Engineering Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards. " ) .

1 . 1 . [Rw.] [Formerly l.lG21 1

The final sentence of this rule specifies that two spaces are to follaw a period. Instead, see IXRI 1. OC and apply that, which means follawing the period with one space.

M l z l t i p l e ,Sources

c If there is no single chief source of information for a single part item and it is not possible to say which wrk is first, second, etc., transcribe them in English almbetical order.

For materials such as books that normally confine the source for the title and statement of responsibility area to one location within the item, make a note to explain the situation when there is no single chief source for the single part item (e.g., "No collective t.p. ; titles transcribed from i ~ i v i ~ l title pages.").

Other T i t l e In fomt ion

If a single statement of other title information applies to all titles listed, record it after all the titles if all titles are by the same pem(s) or b d y (bodies). Precede the statement by a space- mlon-space. Otherwise, record it in a note.

chief -soume Party party // Girlfriends // two short m l s by // Rcmni Sandmff

transcription: Party party ; Girlfriends : t m short -1s / by R m n i Sandroff

chief csm.rce: Henry Esmnd // Thackeray // Bleak Hause // Dickens // ?frso navels

transcription: Henry Esmand / Thackeray. Bleak How* / Dickens

note ama: "Two novels. "

Statwnents o f Responsl b i l i ty

If a single su-ent statement of responsibility applies to all titles listed, record it after the final first statement of responsibility if psible. Precede the suksquent statement by a ~ce-semicolon-s~3ace-s~ce.

Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,*rjng 1989) 11

Page 12: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

History of the elementary school contest in Ehglmd / Frrwcis Adam. The struggle for natianal eckxcatim / John Morley ; [both] edited, with m m introducticm, by A- Brim

If errry element of the pxblication, distribution, etc., area 9s transcribed from a prescribed sowe, do not bracket it even though it is obmxmly pmemted (am in the m e of -18, insignla, logos, etc.) or is Fcmnd an a stamp or 1-1.

Pbke a note to mmey that such information is fcnand on a stamp m lahl.

Iwint stamped on verso of t . p. Publisher from label an t.p.

If a place of publication and the name of its larger jurisdictian{n) (e.g., country, state, or similar designation) appear together in the source frcm which they are being transcribed (e. g . , title page, cover), transcribe all that appear. Do this even if the place does not need to be identified or is clearly the best h a m one of that rrarre.

t!murce: New Yb*, NeJW York t m c r i p t i m : Waw York, N.Y.

,soume Washington, D.C. tmmcript ion: bbshingtm, D . C . -23ourO9: mipei, Taiwan, Chim trr~nscription: Taipei, Taim, China

If a place of pblimtim and the mme of its larger jurisdiction ( do not appeetr together, apply the provision3 of rule 1.4C3. I

BQhcsn a ~~t printm ar govmmmt printing office is nemed ah the itm and there is no evidence that its function is not that of a prblisher ur distributor, record it as the publisher. If, hmewr, another bcdy also appears on the item and the gavernment printing office is mmed only in a 1- pruninent pitim unaccompanied by a statement of printing or distribution, the likelihood is greater that it functi- only as printer and that the body is the publisher.

I Prlvatcrly PrlnM $ibrb


Per cataloging purptxw~, treat privately printed works as gwthld- mrks if they have bean distrihted only to a very linitd grmp (e.g., a kmpxth for dinner guests or a Christmas gmmting far friends). Treat the person or boay issuing the item, whether a ~ r c i w l publisher, a private press, or a person or group for w h m it m y hmve been printed, as the publisher. If it is stated in the item that it has been privately printed, this fact may be exgmmmd in a note, usually quoted. ( M t e : Private presses should be mmsiderarl pblishem of the it- they print if there is no evidence to the cmtmmy in the item or in reference sunarc- cmmlted.) P=-,

Page 13: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

1 . 4 . [Rev.]

r I

C h a l c e o f Publishem

Whm two publishers are named, record bath. If three or more publishers are involved, rard the first and a subsequently Mmed publisher that is the only one located in the U.S. or is the one that is given prminence by typography as the principal publisher, etc. Record also a subeequently named publisher whenever an added entry for

I it needs to be justified. (Distribtors are -led under 1.4D6.)

The phrase "subsequently named" means named anywhere in the it=. Nevertheless, care must be taken not to record a s u ~ m t l y named entity that relates to another edition, separate fmn the one being cataloged.

t.p.: Hcldder & Stoughton t .p. w m Published in USA by David McKay

Cmpany, Inc. transcription: Iondon : Iiodder & Stoughton

If the source used for the title proper has an it a "generaln imprint name that is shared by associated cunpanies or by parent and branch companies and the specific firm names appear in a secondary position, generally assume that the first of these names represents the publisher of the item and combine the firm's name with the "general" imprlnt name. If this place is m t in the U.S. and a U. S. place is coilpled with one of the other finn names, add this place to the "general" imprint name also.

t .p. : Pitman Publishing t .p. verso: Sir 1-c Pltman and Sans Ltd.

Pitman Hause, Parker Street, Kingsway, London WC2R 5PR P.O. Box 46038, Ekmda Street, Nairobi, Kenya

Pitman Publishing Pty. Ltd. Pitman Hause, 138 Bauverie S t m t , Carlton, Victoria 3053, Australia

Pltman Publishing Corporation 6 %st 43rd Street New York, NY 10017 USA

transcription: -on ; New York, NY, USA : Pitnwwn

t.p.: Penguin Eooks t.p. verso: Penguin Books Ltd., Hartnod-rth, Middlesex, mlM

Penguin Books Inc., ... Baltimore, Maryland Penguin Books Australia Ltd., Ringwood, Victoria, Australia

Penguin Books Canada Limited, ... Markham, Ontario, Canada

Penguin Baoks (N.Z.) Ltd., ... Auckland 10, Ne#r Zealand

tmscr ip t ion: Xa-swo~th, Middlesex, England ; Baltimore, Md . : Penguin Boolcs

If the source used for the title proper has an it a specific firm name and a statement about associated companies or a parent organizatim appears in a secondary position, do not include these assisted cmpanies or their places in the imprint.

Catalclgim~ Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,!ring 1,989)

Page 14: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

t . p . : Newnes Technical Baoks (Information f m otztside the I_xrok establishes that t h i s finn is 1c~'ated i n London! ms

t . p . verso: The Buttemrth Group

United Kingdm Buttemrth & Co (PublSshers) Ltd. London: 88 Kingsway, WC2R rjAR

Australia Butterworths Pty Ltd. Sydney: 586 Pacific Highway, Chatmmd NSW 2067 Also at Melbme, Briskme, Adelaide and Perth

Butterworth & Co (Canada) Ltd. Toronto: 2265 Midland Avenue, Scarbmugh Ontario, MIP 4S1

New Zealand B~tterworths of New Zealand, Ltd. Wellington: T & W Ymng Building 77-85 Customhouse Quay, 1, CPO Elox 472

with Africa Butterworth & Co (Scnxth Africa) (Pty) Ltd.

Durban: 152-154 Gale Street

USA Butterworth (Publishers) Inc. Boston: 19 Cunnnings Park, W o ? x m , MA 01801

First published 1978 by Newnes Technical Rmks A Butterworth Imprint

transcription: [London] : N e m e s Technical Eboks

t . p . : Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd. t .p . vem:

Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd. London, Bath, Carlton, Melbourne, .Tohanne?sI?w

Associated Companies

Pitman Medical Publishing Cmpny Ltd. 46 Charlotte Street, Lm-~Icm

Pitman Publishing Corporation 20 -st 46th Street, New York, NY 11105

Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons (Canada) Ltd. 381-383 Church Street, Tomto

traraqcription: London : I. Pitman

Recording Mzl t ip1 e E h t i ties

When recording the names of two or more publishers, distributors, etc., and the names appear together In the item in a single statement that connects them linguistically, generally give them in a single statement rather than separating them with a space-colon-space. H m r , if the names need to be transcribed after different places, give each entity in a separate publisher statement in the publication, distribution, etc., area.

NewYork : Foremost AmericansPub. Corp. for BckcJker -<

14 C a t a l q i r g cService Rul l e t i n , M. 44 (-%rim 1989)

Page 15: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

London : National Council for Educatianal Technology with the Library Association

Landon : -ley H e a d far Mackays

but New Yark : Garland ; Paris : Fondation Le Carbusier ( source: Garland Publi~hi~~g, Inc. , New York and London, and Fondation Le Carbusier, Paris)

Note that if the entities are located in different places, it does w t necessarily mean that the item was published, distributed, etc. , in those places. Record as places of publication, etc., only the locations of the entitles that are actually publishing, distributing, releasing, etc., the item. H-r, names of places rejected for recording as places of publication, etc., may be retained in the publisher statement if they,appear in ~OIIjUnction with the names of the entities being recoded here.

Riberalta, Bolivia : Publicado par el Instituto Lingtifstico de Verano en colaboracibn can el Ministerio de Educacidn y Cultura

Toronto ; Ruffalo : Rzblished for the Glen* Alberta Institute, Calgary, Alta., by University of Toronto Press

Rio de Janeiro : Livraria Editora mtedra em conv&io cam o Instituto Naclonal do Livm, Ministerio da Educa@o e Cultura, Brasllia

London : Published by Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd. for the Institute of Tribalogy, Leeds University, and the Institut national des sciences appligutses, Lyon

If the names of two or more entities appear in .separate statements on the item, do not routinely glve in the publication, distribution, etc., area the entities that are not involved wlth the publication, distribution, etc., of the item. Generally give them in a quoted noted instead.

fmt of t . p . : George Gadwin, Lcmdon and New York m i a l e o f t . p . : Published in association with the Plastics and Rubber Institute

piblimtian, e t c . , area: London ; New York : Gadwin

note a m : llPublished in association with the Plastics and Rubber Instltute.u

foot o f t , p . : The University of Tennessee Press, Knwi 1 le

mjddle of t , p . : Published in amperation wlth the Tennee8ee Historical Ccamnissicm

publication, e t c . , area: Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press

note area: llPublished in cooperation with the Tennessee Historical Canmission.

foot o f t . p . : Publication of the Hawaii Natural History Resociation

a t bead of t i t l e : Published in cmperaticm wlth the National Park Service

przbllcation, e t c . , a m : [Honolulu] : Hawaii Natural History A w i a t ion

note area: llPublished In cbaperatian with the Nat ianal Park Service.

C%rtalcglng ,Service Bulletin, Nb. 44 (Spring 1989) 15

Page 16: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

but f m t o f t.p.: Alfred A. Knopf, New York t .p . wm: Distributed by R d c m House, Inc., New York

publication, etc., area: NEW York : Knopf : Distributed by Random Hmse

t .p.: Chapn h Hall Limited London t .p . verso: Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York

publication, etc., area: London : Chapman & Hall ; Berlin ; New York : Springer

1.4D6. [New]

Option Declslon

Apply the optional provision of the rule. If information concerning the distributor is printed or appears on a stamp or label anywhere in the item, record the distributor in the publication, distribution, etc., area. (Ignore distributors given only on the dust jacket.) Record the name of the distributor if it differs in form from the name of the publisher even though both belong to the same entity. Exceptions: 1) Do not record those distributors that are remaindering an edition, that are secondhand dealers, or that act in some other capcity as outlets for only part of an edition. Distributors of these types are of no bibliographic significance. If in doubt as to the significance of the distributor statement, record it. 2) If distribution is dispersed between publisher and distributor(s) or ktuRen distributor and distributor (with one distributing in one area and the other distributing in mother area) , give only the distributor that distributes the edition In the U.S. If, in case of dispersed distrilmtion, there is no distributor for the U.S., give the first- named distributor only when there is no publisher. P-

For items from the United States CZnerrnnent Printing Office (GPO), retain the statement that an item is for sale by the Superintendent of Ilommnts since only a portion of GPO's items is distributed in that manner.

1-4D7. [Rev.] [Formerly 1.4D6]

For a language whose final cataloging record is not in rosnanized form, use "s.n." if there is no equivalent abbreviation in the norulaman script .

If the item gives both the Grqorian and the non-Gregorian dates, I record only the Gregorian date. I 1.7Al. Ekmctuatian. [Rw.]

Start a new paragraph for each note; end each paragraph with a period or other mark of punctuation. If the mark of final punctuatim is a closing bracket or prenthesis, however, add a period.'

I 'LX: foll- the practice stated here. Note that the examples in the LCRI texts, as a matter of style, do not shw ending periods for notes.

16 Catalwing ,Service Bullet in , Nu. 44 (,*ring 1989)

Page 17: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Continued by: Juurnal (Chader Corporation). not Continued by: Juurnal (Chmder Corporation)

1.7A4. Notes citing other editions and mrks. [Rev.] I I

Fonn of C i t a t i o n

In citing a serial in a note an a bibliographic record for a serial, apply LCRI 12.m. In other sitnatians, when citing another work or another manifestation of a work, in general use the title chosen for uniform title for the work if one has heen assigned to it. Otherwise, give its title proper.

Translation of : Odyssey not Translation of: Ck3ysseia

If the work being cited is entered under a name heading that differs fmn the main entry heading on the mrk being cataloged and the difference is not apparent frcnn information given in the M y of the

I entry, add the raame after the title (uniform title or title proper) and a ~pace-sl~h-space. I Adaptation of: Kipps / H.G. Wells Rev. ed. of: Guide to reference books / Constance

M, Winchell. 8th ed. 1967 Continues: (3meral catalogue of printed books. Five year supplement, 1966-1970 / British Museum

hbte C i t i n g O t h e r ,?Hitions and Mrkc

When a revised edition (other than a revised translation, cf. 25.2B) of a work is being cataloged and

1) it has a different title fran that of the previous edition or

2) it has a different choice of entry from that of the p~wiaul edition (for r e a m other than the change to AACR 2), e.g., 21.12B, link the new edition with the immediately preceding edition2 by using AACR 2 style for connecting notes: on bth AACR 2 and non-AACR 2 records.

1 ) T f t l e change only. If the title has c m since the previous edition but the choice of main entry remains the same, make a note on the record for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition. Also make a related work added entry on the record for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition, unless -use of the addition of a uniform title, these two are identical. Mid neither the note nor the added entry to the record for the earlier edition. Always make the added entry on the record for the later edition according to the AACR 2 choice of entry and form of heading, as vell as the AACR 2 form of the title proper or uniform title (cf. LCRI 21.30G). (Note that the phrase llchoice of main entry remains the same" means that bth editions, if cataloged according to AACR 2, muld have the same choice of main entry. )

2 ~ f the inmediately preceding edition is not in the catalog (the file against which the searching and cataloging is being done), make the connection to the most recent edition in the catalclg. If no previous edition is in the catalog, use any information available in the item being cataloged to ccrnstruct a note or added entry, but do not ordinarily do further research to establish details abut the earlier edition.

Catalcrglng Servf ce R u l l e t i n , No. 44 ( .Spr im 1989)

Page 18: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

The following pattern is suggested for the note:

Rw, [enl., updated, etc.] ed. of: [Title proper. n~ Edition statement. Date]

Do not include the place or name of the publisher in such notes unless needed for identification (e.g., to distinguish between tm version9 published in the same year).

Rw. ed. of: 33 & 45 exterded play record alban price guide. 1st ed. c1977

Rw. ed. of: Spanish for hospital personnel. 1974

Note that the wording of the introductory phrase may vary depending on the situation and the presentation in the text.

2) Choice of entry change. If the choice of entry has changed since the prwiaus edition, make a note on the record for the later edition to link it to the prwiwq edition, Alsa, make a related work added entry on the record for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition. Do not make either a note or an added entry an the record for the earlier edition. Always make the added entry on the record for the later edition according to the correct AACR 2 choice of entry and form of headiy, as well as form of tltle proper or uniform title (cf. LCRX 21.30G).

Use the form of note suggested under 1) above, when the title changes or remains the same, and add the first statement of responsibility.

Rev. ed. of: Guide to reference books / Canstance M. Winchell. 8th ed. 1967

Note that if the new edition has a different choice of entry solely because of the change in cataloging rules (i.e,, the earlier edition, if recatalged, would also have the same choice of entry), do not make a note or an added entry in the record for the new edition.

pm-1981: Smith, John Hendersm, comp. Readings in American history, canpiled

by J. H. Smith ... 1972 rev. &. , 1981 : Readings in Anterim history /

cmpiled by J.H. Smith. - Rw. ed. - ... 1981

In the above examples, the correct AACR 2 choice of entry for the 1972 edition would be the same as that for the 1981 edition, and therefore, the connecting note and added entry are not needed.

1.7132. Langmge of t h Item and/or tranelatlm or &%aptation. [Rev.] -

Generally restrict the making of language and script notes to the situations covered in this directive. (Note: In this statement "language" and "language of the item1' mean the language or langu,ages of the content of the item (e . g . , for books the language of the text ) ; "title data" means title proper and other title information.)

3por Library of C m g m s descriptite catal-~9 anly: see alee DCM D2Q. 1, for information that needs to be provided to subject /rq catalogers.

Page 19: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

If the language of the item is not clear from the transcription of - the title data, make a note naming the language whether or not the 1- Is named after a uniform title. Use "andu in all cases to link bm languages (or the final two when more than t m are named) . If more than one language Is named, give the predominant language first if readlly ament; name the other languages in alphabetical order. If a predominant language is not apparent, name the languages in alphabetical order.

Articles chiefly in French; one article each in English and Italian

Arabic and English Text in Coptic and French; notes in French

In addition to the conditions cited abate, record in a note the language of the item being cataloged (whether or not the language is identified in the uniform title or in the body of the entry) in the following cases:

I ) the item Is in one or more of the following lang~mges: Amharic, Georgian, Ottoman Turkish, Persian, a Hebrew-alphabet language (other than Hebrew), a non-Slavic language of Central Asia written in the Cyrillic alphabet;

2) the itm is in a language indigenous to one or more of the follcwing countries: Afghanistan, Rangladesh, Rhutan, Brunej, Burma, Cambodia, India, Indonesia (other than Indonesian), Laos, Wlaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Tibt ;

3) the item is in a language indigem to Africa and is in a F-- r m script;

4) the item is in a language that is not primarily written in one script. Name both the language and the script in larguage notes. (Note: Do not add "script1' to the name of a script unless the name is also the name of a language. )

In Konkmi (Kamada script) In Konkani (Dwanagari)

In Serb-Croatian (roman) In Ser-roatian (Cyrillic)

In Syriac (Nestorian) In Syriac (Eqtrangelo) In Syriac (.Tacobite)

5 ) the iten is wrltten in a script other than the prlmary one for 1 the lang~zage. &me both the language and the script in the language I notes.

In Panjabi (For a pn&lication using the Ganmkhi scrdpt)

but In Panjabi (Devanagari)

In ,Sanskrit (For a publication using the Demnapri s c r i p t )

h~t In Sanskrit (Grantha)

In Sindhi (For a publication using the P&an s c r i p t )

but In Sindhi (Gunrmkhi)

ata lcging ,Service Bulletin, I@. 44 (-Spring 1989)

Page 20: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

In Azerbaijani (For a publication using the C y r i l l i c s c r i p t )

but In Azerbaijani (Arabic script) In Azerbaijani (rcanan)

In Church Slavic (For a publication rising the C y r i l l i c s c r i p t )

hit In Church Slavic (Glagolitic) (For a publication rising the G l a p l i t i c s c r i p t )

Note that more information may be added to language ard script notes whenever the case warrants it.

English and Sanskrit (Sanskrit in roman and -*ri

Form of Langwqe

For the form of the name of the language, we the latest edition of the USWRC Cde L i s t for Languages. M t e : For an early form of a modern 1-q that appears in inverted form (e.g., French, Old; English, Middle) , use the direct form in the note (e .g . , Old French, Middle English). Ekception: For sane dialects that cannot be es tab1 ished seprately , the Sub Sect Cataloging Division SI-~pplies a specific language name for use in the note area only.

Greek represents a special case. Use "Greek" to cover all forms of this language. If, haever, the item is a translation frm one specific Greek form into another Greek form, name the specific form of the translation in the note. If the item contains text in two or more specific form, l ~ m e the specific forms in the note. In specifying the form of the Greek, use only one or more of the following terms: Ancient Greek (for all pre-Hellenistic Greek), Hellenistic Greek (for the period 300 I3.C.-A.D. 600), Biblical Greek (for the Septuagent and the New Testament), Medieval Greek (for 600-1452), Modern Greek (after 1452) .

Ancient Greek text and Modern Greek translation

V i a l i z a t i o n i n Chief ,CCnrces

When a chief source in a nonroman script is vocalized or I partially vocalized and this fact is significant, make m e of the ( follawing notes as appropriate:

Title page vocalized Title page partially vocalized

2.2B1. [New]

Below are scme examples of different types of edition statements.

1st ed. 1st U.S. ed. 2e tirage rev. et corr. Repr. Mar. 1933 with corrections Large print ed.

2.2B3. q t i o n a l addition. [New]

Apply the option according to the statements in LCRI 1.2B4. Also, do not make up edition statements frm Information gleaned fra intrdnctions, prefaces, etc. Such information may he quoted in a note if considered important.

20 Catalsgirg Service Bulletin, M. 44 (,';pr.irg 1989)

Page 21: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

2.5B7. [New]

Except for childrenls literature and for rare bocks, do not follw the rule. Instead, record the extent statement as

2.5B8. [Rw.]

If the volume has cmplicated or irregular pging, apply method c) '


1 v. (various pgings)

Interpret the phrase llpublications that are designed to receive additions" to cover publications for which the additions or

1 replacements are to be interflled within the existing text. For this and other matters relating to loose-leaf phlblicatfons, see Adele Hallamls Cataloging Rules for the Description of Looseleaf

I Pnblications, prelim. notes and rule 5B1.

2.5B19. [Rev.]

When a bibliqra@ic volume is later expanded (e.g., a volwne originally issued as v. 2 is later eyprded into v. 2A, 2B, and 26) , record such expansion as one bibliographic volume in several physical

-. volumes (e.g., <2> v. in <4>).

In recording bibliographic details for books that have been, or will be, hound by sameone other than the publisher, formulate volume and illustration statements in the physical description and note areas has& on the bonk as issued by the publisher rather than as bcmnd after p~iblication. For example, if a separately issued "volume 1" and "vollm 2" of a monograph is kmmd by a library in one physical volume, "2 v. is the correct volume statement, not "2 v. in 1. "

For ephemeral and "made up" sets lacking a collective title, base the volume and illustration statements on the llbraryts copy and binding.

Do not awly the rule.

2.5C1, 2.x2. [Rev.]

I Describe an illustrated printed monograph as "ill." in all cases 1-ml-s 2.566 is applicable. Disregard illustrated title pages and minor illulstrat ions.

2.7B9. Publication, distributian, etc. [Formerly 2.m)

When a publication has a date of release or transmittal in a prominent position, include it in the bibliographic description. Typically these v i a l dates consist of month or month and day as hell

n as year and appear on the title page or ccnrer. If the date is in a phrase that is being recorded as an edition statclment, so record it.

Page 22: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

If an edition statemnt is not appropriate, quote the date in a note, including with it any associated words. m

"May 1979" ''May 1, 197911 "Issued May 1979"

Note that a date of release or transmittal is not a publication date. If the publication lacks a cmight date or a date of manufacture (cf. LCRI 1.4F6), the publication date maybe inferred from the date of release or transmittal. Then, give the inference in brackets in the publication, distribution, etc., area and follaw the above instructims for the date of release or transmittal.

In case of doubt as to the character of the date, treat it as a date of release or transmittal.

The Library of Congress overseas offices provide a subject note on records they create for their accesions lists. Those notes creatd by the New Delhi Office for b k s are included in Library of Congress bibliographic records. These notes, which are tagged 520 in the machine-readable record, are introduced by "sunnmry: ...I1


2.7B18. Ccmtents. [Rev.]

I For books, give same tyge of contents note of item contained I

1) when required by specific rules (e.g., l.lB10, 1.1G1, 21.m); e

2) when necessary to justify an added entry for an item not mentioned in the body of the entry;

3) when the publication is in two or more volumes and each ( volume has a title of its am. (Exception: Do not add the title to ) bibliographic records for nonroman scripts that are represented by both nmrmanized cards and machine-readable romanized records if the titles are analyzable) ;

4) when the cataloger has created a sinple bibliographic record I that covers a number of ephmral publications ; I

5 ) when the pblication contains items of particular importance

I that need stressing; cases that should be routinely considered as being important are I a) summaries in languages other than that of the text;

b) bibliographies and bibliographic references, I discographies, and filmographies (except for any that are obviously of 1 little value);

c) ap2sendices, provided they contain important matter;

d) volumes separating text from plates, text from maps, text f m canrmentary, etc. ;

e) errata slips that are not printed as part of the publication.

4~or Library of Cangnss descriptive catalugers only: cf . DCM m C12.6. .

22 Cataloging .Srvicc, Bulletin, M. 44 (*ring 1989)

Page 23: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

More unu8ual situations should be evaluated on a case-by-case

P I basis with the aim of providing access to material not implied by the rest of the description.


Use an informal contents note for any of the following: selected parts of an itan (generally no more than three); summaries in languages other than that of the text; bibliographies, discographies, and filmographies; appendices; and errata slips. (If such information is already recorded in the body of the entry, hawever, do not make a separate note for it. ) Give pagination or foliation unless the texts

1 are scattered through the publication.

"Life cycle of the liver fluke" : leaves 75-89 'Types of prayer wheels found in south central Tibet, by M i LlnI1: p. [310]-[375]

Tables showing family relationships (Ogden, R M , and Jordan): p. 120-[I251

Includes biographical sketches of each satellite governor

For the types of contents notes shown in the follawing examples, generally prefer a standardized COIIS~WC~, rather than a quotation from the book:

Discography (or Filmography): p. [310]-13751 Swmnary in French and Gennan

I Errata slip inserted

i h z t "List of films showing her at ages 3-12": p. 75

See Pfblliqpsphy Note below for special information about that type of note.

Formal Cantents N o t e

I Transcribe a formal contents note as follaws: I 1) w i n the note with tlCantentsl' or "Partial contentst1 (without

quotatian marks), follovlred by a colon-space.

1 2) Record the title proper that appeam in the table of contents, I unless another source gives a more authoritative account of the data; haever, If the title appears on the title page, normally use the title page title; give other title information only when the title proper m l d be meaningless without it.

3) Include a fimt statement of responsibility (cf. 1.1F) if it differs in fact frcnn the statement included in the M y of the entry; mit names according to l.lF5.

4 ) Chit Introductions already included in the body of the entry; generally cnnit prefatory and similar matter.

5 ) For publicatlone In one volume

a) mlt chapter and section numbering;

b) if the extent of the part being llsted occupies a disproportionately large portion of the ~bllcatlon, Include the extent within parentheses after the title (or after the title and statement of responsibility); record an unnumbered pge or leaf within brackets;

c ) separate the item with a 8.pace-dash-space.

Catalwing ,Service Bulletin, Nb. 44 (,Spring 1989) 23

Page 24: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

6 ) For publication.. in twP or more volumes P

a) give the volume designation that is found on the item, except use Appendix B abbreviations for the terms and substitute arabic numerals for raman; if there is no abbreviation for the term, give only the mber if the term is long; if the r m numeral is required for clarity, retain it; separate the volume designation fra the title by a . per iod-space ;

b) if the numher of physical volmes differs from the number of bibliographic volumes, include the nl-r of physical volumes within garentheses after the title (or after the title and statement of responsibility);

c) if the volumes are of different editions (cf. LCRI 2.2), include within parentheses edition statements and dates of publication, distribution, etc., after the title (or title and statement of resp~siSiiity) ;

d) separate each v ~ l w n e with a space-dash-space; if the set is inccmplete, put the space-dash-space before each title (other than the first) that is being recorded anli leave four smces for the missing volume; if twP or more titles are being transcribed for one volume, apply the punctuation conventions from i. lG3 such that the titles by the same person, hdy, etc. , are separated by a space-semicolon-spce and titles by different persons, bodies, etc . , are separated by a per iod-space.

When sane of the volumes in a multipart pblication have their own titles and same of the volumes do not and it is decided to make a formal contents note, use the statement "[without special title]" to represent the untitled volumes.

If a publication contains bibliographical citations in any form, the follawing note:

Includes bibliographical references


Do not make a note for the presence of an index; if, hcrwever, the item contains an index to its rn contents, indicate this fact by adding the value "x" to the machine-readable record (008/31) . ' 5.5B2. [Rev.] [Formerly 5.5B31

I In terpne ta tion

When there is only one part, include its pagination. (Disregard the sexmd ex;urrple under 5.5D1. )

1 score (20 p.) + 1 part (3 p.)

When parts are listed in two or more "volumes, include the number of volumes.

1 score (2 v.) + 1 part (2 v.) 1 score (3 v.) + 2 parts (3 v.) 4 parts (6 v.)

5~0r Library of Cbmpess descriptive c a t a l a p s only: fixed f ield e box 4.

24 Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 25: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

6.lBl. [Rev.]

If the chief source shcm the name of an author or the name of a performer before the titles of the individual works and there is doubt whether the publisher, etc., Intended the name to be a collective title proper or a statement of responsibility, treat the name as the title proper. Exmption: If the mrks listed a m musical compositions and the name is that of the canposer of the mrks, treat the name as a statement of responsibility in cases of doubt.

If the chief source being follcxlued is the lab1 of a sound recording and the decision is to treat the name as a title proper but one name appears on the label of one side and another name on the second side, transcribe the two names as individual titles (separated by a period-space).

9.2B6. [Rev.] [Formerly 9.2B51 i

Option Decfsion

Do not apply the optimal provision of the rule.

12.m. ScCpe. [Rev.]

-ph m. ,Serial Treatment of Publications

1 ) Crf teria for consideration as a serial

a) Issuance in successive parts.

b) Parts carry unique numeric and/or chronological designation.

c) Intended to continue indefinitely.

Note: The designation must appear praninently or in a formal statement on each issne, since the designation is the - by which serial issues are identified and recorded upon receipt. Do not consider for serial treatment a publication that carries only a copyright date or date of publication even if it is issued regularly and intended to continue indef initely. Such dates do not constitute a numerical or chronological designation.

Exception: In the Library of Congress existing serial entries that use the date of publication or copyright date as the chronological designation according to earlier cataloging practices will not be recatalog&.

m t m e n t as a serial

i f r e : 1978 Report to the Governor desipation: 1978

chief source: Formulary Nineteenth edltion

(hh1 ished semiannual 1 y in Jan. and ,7uly) designation: 19th ed.

Page 26: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

2 ) of publications to XZE! handled as monographs. Catalog as a monograph any itan not meeting the definition of a serial and itam /r of the following types :

censuses dict imar ies encyclapedias hear ings publicatlons of five-year plan.. and other similar

progr- items issued for the duration of a single occurrence (e,g., a daily bulletin issued for the duration of a non-recurring meeting)

3 ) Detemining i ntention to pub1 ish indefinitely. The f 01 laving guidelines are intended to help apply the definition of a serial when questions arise as to the publlsherls intention. Treat publications falling into categories a-g belaw as serials.

a) Item with titles that imply continuing publication.

"Advances in [subject]" "Developrents in [subjectIN llPrqresq in [subject]

b) Items with a statement of frequency in the title or elsewhere . in the publication.

c) Items with a numeric or chronolagical designation in the 1 title. d) Items of the fallawing types: college catalogs, court

reparts, session laws. - e) Items for which it Is known that a continuing

I subscription order can be placed with the publisher. (See also 4c for 1-e-leaf publications.) I

f) Generally, items bearing an ISSN. Under the International Serials Data System, ISSNs can be assigned to unnumbered publications, loose-leaf publications, and other types of publications that wauld not be cataloged as serials, such as same canference and exhibition publications. (See 4b below).

g) Items that acqutre a designation after the first issue(s), thereby becuning bana fide serial. (See 12.3D.)

4) Special Q p s o f publications

a) Publicatians that arrs published i n new editions. I f these publications carry acceptable designations (e.g., date or numeric edition designations) , base the decision to catalog as serials on the frequency of the new editions. Catalog frequently issued editions (erg., annual, biennial) as serials; catalog editions that are infrequent (e.g. , generally more than five or six years apart) as monographs.

If these publications are supplemented by updates between the editions, base the decision to catalog as a serial on the publishing pattern of the main work.

b) Canference and exhibition publications. Catalog- as a serial a publlcaticm of a named conference or exhibition cmly If a l l the following conditions are met:

(1) the publication does not have a distinctive title;

26 Cataloging .Service Rulletin, A b . 44 (.Spring 1989)

Page 27: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

(2) the name of the meeting or exhibition remains constant, and this can be documented by widence in several issues of the item, in bibliographies, or in the catalogs against which the item is being cataloged;

(3) the title remains constant, and this can be documented by evidence in several issues of the item, in bibliographies, or in the catalogs against which t-he item is being cataloged.

I Once a conference or exhibition publication has been treated as a

I se~ial, catalog earlier and later title changes to that pblicaticm as serials.

c ) Luuse-leaf publications

( 1) Catalog as serials I I (a) Publications meeting the definition of serials but issued in loose-leaf form simply to allow issues to be stored in a binder.

This category includes publications whose successive issues consist of parts that may be filed into separate sections of a binder but that do not replace parts already present (e.g., a monthly publication listing recalled prducts; each monthly issue consists of separately designated sheets to be filed into an annual binder divided into various product categories).

(b) Publications that consist of a basic binder,or set of binders that are issued periodically (usually annually or biennially) and carry correspondirg desigmtions . Loose-leaf updates are issued betwen the periodic editions of the basic volume(s) (e.g., a 1979 vollme, pluq quarterly updates to be interfiled; 1980, plus quarterly updates to be interfiled).

( 2) Catalog as monographs

(a) Publications consisting of a loose-leaf binder or finite number of binders to which new or replacanent pages are added periodically.

Do not catalog as serials any of the updates, revised pages, or supplements to these publications, even thuugh these updates, etc., are frequently issued in packages containing a numeric or chronological

, designation suggestive of serial publications. Also do mt catalog as 1 serials serial-like sections of such publications even if they carry independent numeric or chronological designations and seprate titles slch as bulletin, newsletter, report bulletin, etc.

(b) Generally do not catalog as a serial 1-e- leaf material of permanent value (e.g., court decisions) that constitutes a sectim of a loose-leaf publication and that at the end of the year or fran time to time is transferred fran the lcmse-leaf binder to a permanent binder or is sent by the publisher to the subscriber in a p m t volume that contains the material prwicnisly receiver3 in 1--leaf format. (Access to the special section and the transfer volumes is provided by a title added entry on the bibliographic record for the 1-e-leaf.)

d) cSi,rpplents t o monographs. Do not catalog as a serial a supplement to a monograph. A n example of such a supplment would be an update to an infrequently rwised directory. The supplement would be handled as a note on the monograph. This pattern is also follaed by many legal reporting services.

Catalclging cService Rzil l e t in , I%. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 28: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

e) Reprints o f ser ia l s . In order that necessary access be prmided, most reprints of serials will be cataloged as serials except the follming which will be cataloged as monographs:

(1) a reprint that is of a single issue or a limited n~~mber of issues.

(2) a collection of bibliographically unrelated serials.

In -e of doubt as to whether the item fits the criteria for cxitaloging as a monograph, catalog it as a serial.

12.081. Printed serials. IRe17.1

F i r s t I.%sue

The -is for the description is the first issue of the serial. In determining which issue is first, disregard the date of pblication, etc., and use the designation on the issues. For serials that carry numeric or alphabetic designations, the first issue is the one with the laest or earliest (in the alphabet) designation. For serials that do not carry nlrmeric or alphabetic designations, the first issue is the one with the earliest chronological designation. (If the actual first issue is not amilable, use these same guidelines to determine which is.-~e should be 11& as the hsis for the description. )

Since the title page (or title page substitute) of the first issue is the chief scnxce of information for a printed serial, a title page that is published later to cover one or more issues cannot be used as the chief source. (Haever, data from such a title page may be put into the note area when necess-ry.)

If the description has been formulated fran the first issue of a serial, the b d y of the entry remains unchanged throughaut the life of the serial. If issues after the first have data different from those recorded in the body of the entry, record the different data in the note a.rea as necessary. However, if the differences are in the title proper, create a separate record when appropriate (21.2C). (For changes in the main entry heading, see 21.33.)

T i t l e Page ,Substitute

if a serial lacking a title page Iaas a title (the same title or different titles) m more than one source in the item, choose as the title page substitute the source that a p r s first in the preferred

I order of sources listed in the rule. Use the entire page frcm which 1 the title was taken as the title page substitute, not just the caption area, masthead area, etc. Do not enclose in brackets any data found anywhere on that page. mception: In any instance in which the item has tvllo or more different titles and the title that appears in a less preferrecl source is (because of a trademark or other symbl that appears with it) to be the stable title that does not vary frcm issue to issue, use the source with the stable title as the title page substitute. Apply this exception also in any instance in which two or more isles are in hand and the title appea~ing in a less preferred source remains stable from issue to Issue (e.g., if the masthead title remains stable but the m r title changes frm issue to issue, use the masthead as the title substitute).

The chief source of information for a series is the series title page. If the item lacks a series title page, the chief source for the series is the chief source for the analytic. If the series title does e not appear on the chief source for the analytic, the chief source for

Page 29: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

the series is (in this order- of preference) the cover, caption, masthead, editorial p a p , colophon, other pages. These provisions apply to numbered and unnumbered series; for series-subries, h-r,

I apply LCRI 12.1B4. I Reprints o f .Serials

In order that the description of the reprint resemble and file with the description of the original, the earliest fssue reprinted is used as the chief source for the f irst three areas of the description. Data for these areas may be taken from any place on the reprinted issue without the use of brackets. If it is known that the description of the original vmuld include data that are not on the reprinted issue, the data may he supplied in brackets.

In area faur the place of publication, publisher, and date of the reprint are recorded, wing brackets if the data do not came fmn a prescribed source on the reprint.

The physical description area gives the physical description of the reprint, not the original.

A series is recorded if the reprint appears in a series.

I Usually a single nute gives important details abut the original ( while other notes give necessary information about the reprint. Notes giving the sources of the title or the issue on which the description is based are not given.

12.1EB. [Rev.] [Formerly 12.1R2]

In any ase of doubt as to whether a wmd, mase, or other statement is part of the title proper, apply the same guidelines as given in this rule in regard to the inclusion of a corporate body's name (or abbreviation of that name) as part of the title proper.

Generally, do not include as part of the title proper, even when consistently so presented in various locations in the serial, statements that mention an earlier title, title absorbed, etc., even when such statements are grammatically linked to the rest of the title.

12.1B4. [Rev.] [Formerly 12.1B31

In applying rule 12.1B4, consider all presentations of the c m n title and section title within the item. If any one source within the preliminaries presents bth titles, consider 12.1B4 applicable, not 12.1B6, regardless of the proximity of the titles within the same source. Treat the source containing both titles as the chief source of information for the item.

1) Each t i t l e has its own numeric and/or chtvnolclgic designation. When both titles have their awn designation, treatment is determined by the presence or absence of additional titles that could be separately cataloged.

a) No addltfmal t i t l e present. Treat the section title as a serial (12.1B1) and the Gammon title as a series (12.6B).

Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 30: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

on i t e m : Mineral eccmunics series no. 1 Oil develomnt and production in Indiana during 1954

245: Oil dewlopent and production in Indiana during . . .

4XX: Mineral econanics series ( ,Serial t i t l e with ser ies )

b) Amitional t i t l e present. Treat both titles as the title proper of a series (i.e., main series follwed by stkseries) when there are additional titles that could be cataloged separately.

on item: FAixatioml and cultural diplomacy [date] Department of State publication [no.] International information and cultural

series [no.]

245: Fducational and cultural diplomacy 4XX: Department of State publication. International information and cultural series ( -Series and stibseries)

Note: If an additional title occurs only on occasional isscxw, apply la above.

2) Only one designation. When there is only one designation on the item .it m y he difficult to determine if the more crnrehmsive title is a common title or the title of an ~mmbered series. To help make this determination, consider the presence of other records in the =talq in which thp camon title appears, either treated as a series or as part of the title proper.

a) Treat both titles as the title proper if:

(1) the comprehensive title is carried by a group of related serials that are issued by the same publisher in a similar format. Frequently the section title will consist of no more than a geographic designation or subject phrase.

Ctmmn t i t l e and section t i t le

245: Global studies. Latin America.

245: CAS bioT~.h updates. Pharmaceutical applications.

245: Situation and outlook report. Agricultural resources.

(2) the section title is dependent on the more cmprehensive title ( cf . LCRI 25.6A) , or the more comprehensive title is essentially general (e.g., "Acts," llAbstracts,u "Journal," "Proceedings, " ) and the second title includes or consists of a subject phrase that indicates a division of the general title.

0mmn t i t l e and sectfon title

245: Directory. Plastics-molders.

245: Acta ciencia Indica. Phthematics.

245: Procedings. Chemical sciences.

b) Treat the more comprehensive title as a series in all other cases or in case of doubt.

30 C2tal-irg ,Service Bulletjn, No. 44 (,Spriw 1989)

Page 31: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

,Serial and unnumbered ser ies

245: Women and the law. 4XX: Froan the state capitals

245: Massachusetts facts. 4XX Flying the colors

12.1B7. [Rw.] [Formerly 12.1B61

If a date or numbering occurs at the end of the title proper, do not transcribe it as part of the title proper. H-r, use the mark of mission to indicate this in the following t m cases:

1) there is a linking word between the designation azld the preceding -part of the title proper.

source: Sport in 1981 transcriptdon: Sport in ..,

2) case endings of m e or more words in the chrcmolugical designation link these words with antecedents within the preceding part of the title proper.

scmme: Taqr'ir al-wy li-sanat 1980 transcrdption: TaqrTr al-WT li-sanat . . .

Onit from a. title proper, uelng a mark of mission, any name or number that can be expected to vary. Since these amissl~ will not be items that are part of the numeric or chronological designation of the serial, they may be explained in notes if it is considered important to do so.

/-- source: Framer's Washington, D.C., on $35 a day transcription: Frcanner's Washington, D . C . , on

$ ... a day note: Each issue has an amaunt in the title, e.g., 1982 has $25; 1984 has $35

source: The annual report of Governor Rhoades transcription: The annual report of Governor ...

12.1El. [Rw.]

1 Other T i t l e Informtion

Generally, do not give other title information for serials. However, other title information must be given in the follwing circumstances:

I 1) when it includes a statement of responsibility and the statement is an integral part of the other title Infamation (cf. 1.1E4) ;

2) when it Is the form rejected as the tltle proper in the full form vs. acronym or initialism questlon (cf. 12.1E1);

I In addition, other tltle information h y be given whenever the cataloger determines that this information is useful to the description of the serlal.

Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 ( , ! r ing 1989)

Page 32: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

12.5B. Pxtent of item (includim specific material designaticm). [ New1

In recordirq bibli-bgramc details for items that have been, or will be, b u n d hy someone other than the publisher, formulate volume and illustration statements in the physical description and note areas based cm the item as issued by the publisher rather than as bound after ~blication.

In serials cataloging, avoid the use of a "v. in," etc., statement altogether; instead, formulate the statement in term of bibliographic units only (i.e., "v.").

12.1B6. Statements of responsibility. [New]

"At hEHd of ti t le" note

According to 1.1F3, statements of responsibility appearing at head of title are transposed to their proper position. Occasionally, however, a phrase or name that is clearly not a statement of responsibility a p r s at head of title. Use an "at head of title" note for these and any other indeterminate cases.

12.mf). Afisorption. [Rev.]

I Apply the optimal provision of the rule whenever the information ( is readily available.

1 2 . m ) . Edition. [Rev. ] [Formerly 12.7B7h) ] - Edi tions

if a serial has another edition differing in partial content and/or in language, give the title of the other edition on the bibliographic record for the edition being cataloged. If the title of the other edition is not k n m or is the same as the edition being cataloged, give a general note.

English ed. of: New French books Ism& also in an English ed. Omnilation of the quarterly pfilication

(On the mcl for the annual) Issued also in an annual cumulation

(On the record for the quarterly) Sumnary of the monthly ~pxblication

(On the recod for the annual) Issued also in an annual sumnary

(On the record for the monthly)

12.7B7j). 3pplemErnts. [Rw.] [Formerly 12.1B?k)]

,Serial 3ppleents to Other ,Serials

Note serial sup~lements on the bibliographic records for the related serial wen if the supplements are represented by their am bibliographic records (cf. 'XRI 21.28B). Also, on those separate biblia-paphic records created for some serial sup~lements, give linking notes to the related serials.

(The examples helm Illustrate the notes as well as the added entries specified in LCRI 21.28B.)

- 32 Catalcging , m i c e Rralletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 33: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

1 ) No separate bibliographic record for the suppzlment

supp1emnt t i t le: Who's who In consulting. A periodic supplement

record for related serial: Who's who in consulting note on that recoxE Supplement issued between d i t ion3

szipplement t i t le: New York law review. Occasional slqplemt

record for related serial: New York law review note on that m o x E Supplemnts accompany some


Lmpplment t i t le: Running notes supplement t i t le: Running newsletter reo,rd for related ,serial: Walking, jogging, or running for health

note or! that record: E m supplement: m i n g notes, 1972-1980; Running newsletter, 1981-

a&ed entries on that record: Running notes Running newsletter

supplement t i t le: Current changes in health plans (Vol . 1 , no. 1, mrch 1984; quarterly upYates to an annzial pabl ication)

rprrmrd for relatd serial: Health plans note on that rxord: Kept up-to-date betwen editions hy quarterly supplement with title: Current changes in health plans

added entry on that record: Current changes in health plans

2 ) ,Separate bib1 iqraphic rem,rd for the su&plent

mmrd for srzpplement: Brand new ... supplmmt to the Wrlhide register of adult education

note on that record: Sipplmnt to: Worldwide register of adult elh-~cation

added entry on that record: Worldwide register of adult &cation

rxo,rcl for related .serial: Worldwide rqister of adult education

note on that m r d : Has sugplement: Rrancl new . . . supplement to the Worldwide register of adult &i-~rat ion

remrtt for mpplement: Donnh statistiques pmr la mute-Nomandie

not- on that record: Supplement to: Statistiques pour l'koncnnie normande, 1979

Supplement to: Aval, <1982- >

a&?& entry on that record: Stat istiques p u r llkonanie normande

add& entry on that recond: Aval record for related serial: Statistiques p-ir lfkonanie normande

note on that record: Has supplement: Dorm&- 2L statistiques pour la Haute-Normandie

mmrd for related serial: A\-1 note on that rarrl: Has supplement : Dc,nn&es statistiques pour la Haute-Nomandie

Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (.Spring 1989) 33

Page 34: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

record for supplement: J m l of cellular biochemistry. Supplement ,/

note on that -OR?: Supplement to: Journal of cellular biochemistry (hk, added entry for the related serlal)

record for relate? ,serial: Jownal of cellular himhenistry

note on that record: Has supplement: J m l of cellular biochemistry. Supplement

12.7B23. Item described. [Rev.] [Formerly 12.1R221

In the IIDescription based on" note give the numeric and/or chronologic~l designation of the issue cited in the form that it wauld be given if the issue =re the first issue of the serial and the numeric and/or chrcmological designation were being recorded in area 3. H m r , if there is more than one numeric designation, give only the one that wbuld have appeared first In area 3. Do not use brackets in this note to indicate either that the designation was sumlied or that it cme frm other than a prescribed source for area 3.

If the issues of the serial do not carry chronological designations, give the date of publication follawing the numeric designation.

Description -& on: Vol. 19, published in 1986

13.3. ANALYSIS OF -C SERIES AND MULTIPART -. [Rev.] [Formerly 13.21

Series n

When a pblicatlon in a monographic serles that is analyzed in full lacks a title other than that of the comprehensive title or has a title that is dependent on the comprehensive title, prepare a separate bibliographic record for that part, regardless of whether the part is numbered or not. Apply the follming when preparing the record.

1) Transcribe the comprehensive title as the canmon title of the ansllytlc.

2) If there is numbering only, transcribe the numbering as the section title; if there is numbering and also a dependent title,

I transcribe the numbering as enumeration (cf . 12.1B6) and the dependent / title as the section title; if there is a dependent title but no '

n~mbering, transcribe the dependent title as the section title.

3) Do not formulate a series statement for the analytic record; instead, provide an additional access point in the form of an explicitly traced series added entry.

Studies in gypsy lare. Volcmre 25. - Berlin : ... added entry: Series: Studles in gypsy lore ; v. 25

Studies 3x1 19th amtury French literature. Velum 57, Paris / edited ...

added entry: Series: Studies In 19th century French literature ; v. 57

not Studies in 19th century French literature. Paris / edlted ... - 200 p. ; 25 an. - (Studies in 19th century French literature ; v. 57)

not Paris / edited ... - 200 p. ; 25 an. - (Studies in 19th centilry French literature; v. 57 -

34 Cataloging ,Service R~llet in, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 35: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

1 ) C l a s s i f i d separately. When a part of a multipart monograph that is classified separately lacks a title other than that of the comprehensive title or has a title that is dependent on the comprehensive title, prepre a sewrate bibliographic recod for that part, regadless of whether the part is numbered or not. Awly the follming when preparing the record:

a) Transcribe the cmprehensive title as the cannon title of the analytic.

b) If there is numbering only, transcrib the numbering as the section title; if there is numbring and also a dependent title, transcrib the numbering as enmration or alphabetic designation and the dependent title as the section title; if there is a dependent title but no numbering, transcribe the dependent title as the section title.

c) Do not formulate a series statement for the analytic record; instead, provlde an additional access point in the form of an explicitly traced series added entry.

Ftecent trends in elementary educatian. Volum 1, IntFOducti~. - ...

addd entry Series: Recent trends in elementary &cation ; v. 1

not Recent trends in elementary education. Introdr~ctim. - 201 p. ; 25 cm. - (Recent treds in elementary education ; v. 1)

( 1 ) Mlxtzre of independent aml dependent titles. If a multiprt monograph consists of parts whose individual titles are a mixture, i.e., m e are irdependent of the comprehensive title and sane are dendent on it, prepre a series authority record and I(I! a regular series statement in the records of the analytics with independent titles.

The Art of sewing (An unnumbered m-13 t ipart i t e m )

Art of sewing (.%ries au thori ty recoml)

&sic tailoring (T i t l e of analytic)

Basic tailor- / ... 203 p. ; 25 cm. - (The Art of sewing)

added entry: Series

For the analytics with dependent titles, use the techniqie described in 1) a b w , i.e., do not use a series statement on the record for the analytic.

The Sprting some (Ti t l e of analytic)

Art of sewing. Sport- scene The art of sewing. The sporting scene / ...

203 p. ; 26 m. added entry: Series: Art of sewing

( 2 ) A l l titles dependent t i t l e s : ~mnznnkred. If all the titles of the parts are dependent on the comprehemive title and the miltipart monograph is ~mlmberecl, for the analytics transcribe the comprehensive title as the c m n title and the title of the part as a section title. LM not prepare a series authority record.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (.Spring 1989)

Page 36: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Bates, James D. Minnesota 1-1 forms. Prohte / ...

Roer , ZCathleen M. .Minnesota legal forms. Residential real estate /

. . . not Minnesota legal forms

( S e r i e s a u t h o r i t y r ecord fo r a mult ipart mnapaph with the following analyt ics:)

Bates, James D. Probate / ...

Rrrer, mthleen M. Residential real estate / ...

2) Classified a s a collection. If classif ied as a collection, generally do not prwre a bibliographic record for a part that lacks a title other than that of the comprehensive title or has a dependent title.

a) Part lacks its m t i t l e . If a contents note is being or has hen made, use the statement "[without special title]" (cf . LCRI 2.7RlP) .

b) Part has dependent t i t l e . If a contents note is being or has heen mde, list the title in it.

13.5. "IN" ANALYTICS. [Rev.] [Formerly 13.5RI

Do not employ the techniq-le of "In" analytics except in very special cases.


21.2A. Definition. [Rev.]

I Ti t l e C m e s o f ,Serials (Including Nrnnkred l@mcgra@ic Series) I In, applying category a) of 21.2A1, consider that at least the

following are covered in addition to those explicitly mentioned in the "e.g.," statement:

Arabic numeral(s) \7s. roman nmral(s)

Initial i s m and letters with sewrat ing pmctuation ~ts. those without seprating p-mctuat ion

Numbers or dates vs . spl led-out f o m

One spelling vs. another splling: apply this criterion hoth in the c ~ s e of ordinary orthographic variations and in the =se of official orthographic changes 1

One-word compounds vs. two-word compounds, whether hyphenated or not

Signs and symlmls (e.g., "&'I) vs. spelled-out forms

In applying category c) , also do not consider the title proper to have changed if the name of the issuing M y or an element of its hierarchy at the end of the title changes from one form to another (e.g., from an initialism to the spelled-out form, from a longer form

I to a shorter form).

36 Catalclging .Cerv1ce Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 37: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Note that if the change is in the name of a budy that is prt of the title proper and the change requires the creation of a new heading for the b@dy (cf. 24.1C), it is necessary to consider that the title proper has c-. This statement takes precedence over all the preceding statements.

Any change in the title proper of an unnumbered series is considered a title ckrarage requiring a new entry. Exception: rm not consider the title of an unnumbered French, Italian, Porttiguese, or Spanish series to have changed if the difference is the omission/inclusion of an introductory word such as "SBrien or "Callection. "

21.6C1. [ R e v . ]

Reversed Oder of M m s

I If the title of the later edition is the same as the title of the I earlier edition, give in an informal note on the recofi for the later edition information abut the orcler of names in the earlier edition. (Do not give the title and statement of responsibility for the earlier edition solely to indicate the order of me on the earlier edition. ) In addition, on the record for the later edition make a m added entry under the heading for each person or M y not given as the main entry heading. (Do not make a -/title added entry for the earlier edition. )

1st &. : Decision system of inventory management and prcd1iction planning / Rein Peterson, Edward A. Silver. c1979

Main entry under the heading for Peterson Added entry under the heading for Silver

2nd &. : Decision systems of inventory managmmt and production planning / Edward A. Silver, Rein Peterson. 2nd &., ~1985

B i n entry under the headiw for Silver Added entry zmder the heading for Peterson S1g3ested note: Peterson's name appears first on the earlier edition

21.23. SOUND RECORDINGS. [Formerly 21.23AI !

Addd Entries

For a sound recording cmred hy 21.23A or 21.23B, make whatever added entries are prescribed hy the rules under which the choice of main entry for the work or works record& was made (e. g. , for a joint amthor or conposer under 2 1.6C1; for an arranger under 2 1 . l8E1; for a 1 librettist ~ m d e ~ 21.19Al) as well as any others provided for under LCRI I 21.29.

chief so~lrce:

L'ELISIR DIAMORF,--31ighLights (Pnnizetti; Rmani)

(Music by Donizetti; libretto by Rcmani, hs& on Le philtre by Eugene Scribe)

main entry rmder the heading for Bnizetti as m p e r (21.23A1, 21.19A1)

added entries under the headings for Rcmani and for Scribe's Le philtre (21.19A1)

Catalcgiw ,-rvi ce Pul letin, IW. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 38: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

i ) f- alonesingle author. For a person knclwn p~imarily as an author, if the chief s m c e of information show this person as the single author and s h m his/her surname without other names, search briefly to see if there are other publications that are his/her mrks. If the search is s1ccessfu1, use the form fo~md most frequently. Otherwise, use the sl?xmne without other names as the h-ding. m e the heading if sukqently receiwd items shcrw other names with the s n n m in the chief s(r.rce of inf o m t ion. N. g. See LCRI 22.5~4 for a different treatment of authors writing in Portuguese.

2 ) .St- alonennll t i p l e authom. For persons known primarily as authors, if the chief smnce of information shove more than one person as author and s h m each s u m without other names, add the forenames provided they can be found in the item being cataloged. Otherwise, follow the preceding instructions for single authors represented hy surnames alone.

3 ) Phrase or other appellation. For persons (either authors or others) known by only a phrase or other appellation that does not contain a real name (cf. 22.11), use the form fmmd in English-language reference sources if the phrase, etc . , was not used by the person hut was assigned to him/her by scholars later.

6 ~ o r Libmry o f Congress descriptive ca ta lop l "~ only: Assistance to inputter for certain names.

To ~ ~ T s u T ~ that inptters and printers can clearly distinguish between a name and any aciditions to it, apply the conventions below.

n 1 ) N m authority and EaARC bibliegraphic records. If the entry

e ~ ~ n t of a name is follow33 directly by a title or other ~ ~ r d s associated with the but not p ~ t of it, insert a delimiter ( * ) before the title, etc. (or before the first title, etc.., if there is more than one us& in the heading), when the name is izsed

a) in the heading ard in references on a name authority record;

b) in the main or added entry (including subject) on a MARC bibliographic record.

Mason , +Mrs. Q~atrm6re de Quincy,+M. (Antoine-Chrysostclme), 1725-1849 ( I'M. 'I is h a m t o st& for ltMn~imu-rr)

Winter,*ktnr de La Fayette,+Phdame de (fJkrie-Mafieleine Pioche de La Vergne), 1634-1693

Seni Pramoj,=p4.R. ( '%I.R. I' is known t o st& for the t i t l e "qrn RZ tchawng ")

2) Vernaailar printed card. I f s~ch a name is us& as a main entry heading m a full MARC romnized .TACKPHY record for which a card in the vernacular is also printed, underscore the name portion of the heading with a wavy line on the rataloging c m that will be used for the printed vemamzlar card, even if this is also the source I L S to input that record into MARC.

38 Cataloging c*~ice Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 39: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

4 ) Abbreviated name. If the name selected for the heading for a person huwn primarily as an author contains a name represented by an abbreviation rather than by an initial, use the abbreviated form in the heading. (If the full form of the name for the particular person is available at the time the heading is established, add it within

I parentheses, cf. 22.18.) I

name: Wln. Brawnridge heading: Brmmridge, Wn. (William) x Brawnridge, William

name: Manuel Fdez.-Rivera Garcla heading: Fdez. -FUvera Garcla, Manuel (Fern- Rivera Garcla) x Fernhdez-Rivera Garcla, Manuel

name: Sa. Freeman heeding: Freeman, Sa. (Samuel) x Freeman, Samuel

name: Th. Ziehen hpading: Ziehen, Th. (Theodor) x Ziehen, Theodor

namrr: Th. de Waal heeding: Vbal, Th. de

name: Mhd. Taib Osman hpading: MOM. Taib Osman

Farm of I\kme urld ,burces

a) The rule does not limit the consideration of chief source of information to pblications issued during the person's lifetime; this is deliberate: consider also posthumous publications.

b) For authors before 1801, when chief sources of information show one form of name am3 another form is wed in modern reference sourcm in the perscmfs language, prefer the latter.

c) For pwposes of the distinction between persons h a m as authors and others, treat music composers as authors and determine the name from the form found in the chief sources of information in publications of the printed music. If no form in these chief sources of information is in the composer Is language, determine the name f m reference sources of the canposer Is country of residence or activity. If the name is not listed there, use the form found in the chief sources of information.

a) Treat persons Involved in the graphic aspects of cartographic materials (cartographers, engravers, etc.) as working in a nonverbal context and so as non-authors,

b) For artists, etc., and for people who appear prjmarily as subjects rather than as authors, note that the "reference sources" mentiond in fmtnote 1 muqt be issued in the person's language or in the laryplage of his/her country of residence or activity.

c ) When using reference sources for sane persons who are found both in the t2-sual reference tmls (encyclopedias, etc. ) and in other sources such as wrks about the person, two different forms may be seen, each consistently amring in one of the t m types of smxces. In that case, use judgment and pick the form that is most

mtalcging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (-Spring 1989) 39

Page 40: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

likely to he the one sought by library users.

/ d) If the only reference source is the item king catalogtxl,

generally U,W the fullest form found anywhere in the item whenever the name m i in l n If the item gives both a nickname and a real name, generally use the real m. When a less fill1 form or a nickname is clearly the one by which the person is best known, h m r , U-se this less fill1 form or the nickname in the heading.

<Spcing and Punctuation Conmntions i n Personal Ahme Headings i n Accescc Points i n N A m Authority and RibJiqmphic Records

a) Ahme portion of heading

Periods. If the name of a person consists of or contains initials, insert a period after an initial if it is certain that the letter is an initial. In case of doubt, do not insert a period.

If the m e consists of separate letters that are presumed not to he initials, omit or include periods according to the predominant usage of the person.


Spaces. If the name contains two or more forenames represented by initials, consists entirely of initials, or congists entirely of separate letters that are not initials, leave a single spce beteen the initials/letters in all cases.

/"- Eliot, T. S. H. D. X Y Z

b) "Addi tions" to name headings

Periods. With forename initials, include periods unless the authors predominant usage makes it clear that the author mits them.

-Spces. Dc, not leave spaces betwen single initials/ letters.

Brawn, G. B., F.I.P.S.

Treat an abbreviation consisting of more t m a single letter as if it were a distinct word, seprating it with a space frcnn preceding and succeeding wads or initials/letters.

Brawn, G. B., Ph. D.

2 ) Names wi th portions abbreviated or missing. If a prt of a name is abbreviated (two or more letters present as opposed to a single letter u 4 as an initial) or if a forename is missing from a name entered under surname, do not open space after the abbreviation or missing fore-. Instead, insert, as appropriate,

a comma and one spce;

Mat=, Sa, 1943- Costa, Torres Valmer,+capitaine Morrisan, 1776-1815 Masan,-.

40 Catalwing ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 {Spring 1989)

Page 41: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

a period;

Tiggot . Corpeleijn, W. F. Th. Jmager, Sv.-Aa.

a period and one space;

EmchxE, Ch. J.

a period, a canma, and one space.

J-, Th., 1910- Calles Ll., Alfarxso Dahlan Aman, Mohd., Haji

3) Names e n t e d under l a s t element o f multiple element st-. When a name heading lacking any forename(s) is enterd under the last element of a multiple element surname and a reference is tram from the surname in direct order, do not add a canma after the tracing.

Rosa, Ferreira da x Ferreira da Rosa

Reference generat& frcm tracing:

Ferreira da Rrrsa search under

Rosa, Ferrelra da

4 ) ,Srrmam~?s alone incluzding prefixe.s,/particles. ~f a heading consisting entirely of m e or mre surnames also contain& a separately written prefix/particle, see instructions in LCRI 22.m.

5 ) Pfblicgraphic description. Note that the spacing and punctuation conventiom applied to personal names used in access plnts differ f m those used in the descriptive portion of a bibliographic record; for the latter, see LCRI 1.W.


Different R-1 mmes ULs& Canarrentl y by Cont-riiries

Apply thls interpretation only in retrospct, after infomtion received from publications, etc., has begun to provide the necessary evidence and this evidence is clear.

If a contemporary author who uses different real names concurrently (as c g p c e d to akmx3oning one real name in favor of another) and this usage at the same time of multiple real names can be ascribed to the fact that the mrks written under one raame are dif fermt frm works written under other m ( s ) , then treat the case

I in the same way as pseudonyms and follclw LCRI 22.2B for the details of using rnul t iple headings.

heading 1 : Khight, ICathryn Lasky ( Mrks for adz11 ts a m HTTf t ten tmder the name Kathryn Lasky Knight)

heiding 2: Lasky, Kathryn (Wrks for children are mitten a t the same time ruKi%r the f l i im~? Kathryn Icasky)

Page 42: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

22.2B. Pseudonyms. [Rev.] [Formerly 22.2C]

1 22.2B3 says that if a person is a cantemporary and uses more than one name, including at least one pseudonym, establish as many headings

I as names. For nm-contemporaries, 22.2B2 says the same, prcwided the cataloger can identify what is called "separate bibliographic Identities" (see below); otherwise, non-contemporaries have m e head ing/person . The f ol lowing paravapks prcwide guidelines for

I defining "conternprary" and "separate bibliographic identi ties, and for forrm11at.i~ the necessary cross reference structure.

Mil tipl e Hmding?-Cont~vnporaries

1) Note that all living authors are contemporaries. Consider also as contemporary any author who dies within the 20th century and whose literary activity is primarily within this century. In case of doubt, do not conslder the person a contemporary.

2) Note that the follawing instructions for multiple headings I merride 22.2C whenever there is kth a name change involving the real name and also the use of one or mare pseudonyms: multiple headirgs a1.m for earlier and later real names.

3) If the works appear under more than m e name (as known frm pblieatlons or reference sources) and these r.;i:+les Inclucde at least m e pseudonym, create multiple headings, one for each name, including the passihly unused real m.

4) If different names appear in different edf tions of the same work, choose for all editions of the same work the name that predominates In the editions of the same wark. If, haever, a change in the personls bibliagraphlc Identific~tlon from an older name to a newer name that seems to be stable has taken place, choose that name for all editions. In case of daubt on any pint, choose the name used latest for all editions.

If the works appear under more than one name, including at least ( one pseudonym, consider whether the different mrb show semrate I bibliographic identities for the author because the worlcs can be divided into clearly differentiated types (e.g., one laame for boys1 sport storiw and another name for works on nuclear ph~ics), If a clear differentiation b e d on this criterion is possible, create a different heading for each name, In m e of dmbt , do not consider that there are such separate bibllagraphic identities for the author and instead create a single heading for him/her (see the guideline at the end).

M i l t ip1 e Hmdings- 'lBasictl H W i r y y s

If according to these guidelines, two headlngs cmly are created for the author, do not attempt to c h m e a "basic" heading (see the next section on references for the directive to connect the two headings with simple ''see alsot1 references) . When mare than tvm headings are created, haever, ldentlfy one of the headings as the Itbasic" heading for purposes of simplifying the crorw3 reference structure when necessary and for supplying the subject cataloger with a heading to be used as the subject of biographical or crltlcal works. (The Subject Cataloging Dlvislon also uses the single heading as the basls for mtterlng.) Choase the llbasicll M i n g according ta the follawlng instmctlons:

1) If multiple M I n g w for the authm have already been created, 1mk for evidence of a single heading used In pre-AACR 2 cataloging if that M i n g Is readily available cm exlsting name authority record(s)* n Uae the AAm 2 form for the pre-AACR 2 heading as the I1kmsic" heading.

Page 43: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

2) If mltiple headings for the author are naw being meat& for the fimt time, use the existing single heading as the "hsicI1 heading.

3) If multiple headings for the author already exist muse there was no earlier indication that the multiple headings represented one person, use the predcmlmt form as the llhsicll headiw.

1) If only two headings are created for an author, connect the mes with simple ,see al-sc, references (cf. 26.2C1).

2) If more than two headings are created for an author, choose a "basict1 hexling according to the able guidelines. On the authority record for this heading, trace catalqer-ggnerated see also references from all other headings used, justifying the references in 670 citations, according to normal practice. Prwide a 663 cataloger- generated reference field listing all the other' names establish& with the following text:

For works of this author entered under other names, search also under [list names]

On each of the other authority records created for the author, trace a cataloger-generated see also reference from the "bsic" heading, justifying that reference in a 670 citation, according to noml practice. (Other names m y be mentioned in the 670 if it is convenient to do so.) Prcwide a 663 cataloger-generated reference field with the following text:

Wrks by this author are entered under the name used in the itan. For a listlng of other names i-~sd by this author, search also imder [basic heading]

When the author uses another nev name, create a new name authority reG0rsi for that name and also add it to the reference structure and 663 listing on the authority record for the llbasicll heading. (Do not add information abut it to the authority records for other names used by the author.)

Basic heading

100 field: Earris, Jrzhn, 1916- 670 field: His Corpmal Cotton's little m, 1979: t.p. (John Harris)

670 field: LC data hse, 1-18-84 (hdg. : Harris, John, 1916- ; usage: Phrk Hemen; M x Hennes-sy; John Harris)

670 field: Contemp. all., v. 93-96 (Harris, John, 1916- ; peuds.: Mark HeMen, Wix Hennessy)

500 field: Hemessy Max, 1916- (k\r, pition 4 = ~ ) 3

Hebden, Mark, 1916- !w, mition 4==c)7

663 field: For works of this anthor entered under other names, search also under Hebrlen, Mark, 1916- , Hennessy, W, 1916-

7~or Library of Congn~,s,e descriptim catalogers only: Cde the reference as "cataloger-generated . I'

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Page 44: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Other headings

100 field: HeMen, Mark, 1916- ,' 670 field: His Pel under pressure, 1983, ~1980: t :p . (Mark HeMen)

670 field: IC data bse, 1-18-84 (hdg.: Harris, John, 1916- ; usage: Mark HeWen; Phx Hennessy; John Harris)

670 field: Contemn. au., v . 93-96 (Harris, John, 1916- ; peuds. : Mrk He*b%n, Mx Hennessy)

500 field: Harris, John, 1916- ("u, position 4=c17

663 field: Works by this author are entered under the name! ILS& in the item. For a listing of other names I-LS& hy this author, search also u&er Harris, John, 1916-

100 field: Hennessy, Max, 1916- 670 field: His Back to battle, 1980: t .p. (Max

H m - q ) 670 f ie ld: LC data base, 1-18-84 (hdg.: Harris,

John, 1916- ; u m : Mark Hehden; Max Hennessy; ,70hn Harris )

670 field: Contemp. au., v. 93-96 (Iiarris, John, 1916- ; pads.: Mark HeMen, Max Hems.)

,500 field: Harris, John, 1916- [Rr, position 4=c,17

663 field: Works hy this author are entered under the name msed in the item. For a listing of other names used by this author, search also under Harris, John, 1916-

Single Heading

If the preceding guidelines do not result in multiple headings for m

an author, because

1) the author uses only a single m, which is a pseudonym;

or 2 ) the author is not a contemporary and does not ham separate bibliographic identities;

chmSe one name as the 'msis for a single heading. If a choice is necessary, choose the name under which the prson has cane to be identified in later &itions of his or her mrks, in critical works, or in other references sources (in that order of preference). W e simple s e references from otner names.

22.3A. Fullness. [Rev.]

H a d i m Being Coded AACR 2

If the f o m of an author's name vary in fiillnes from one mrk to another in the same language and the AACR 2 form for the heading has not yet been determid, apply the follcwing:

1) If the form found on the item being cataloged agrees with the form used for the heading on existing records in the catalcrg, accept this form as AACR 2. (The "catalog" referred to here is the file against which the cataloging and searching is king done.)

2) If the form fcrunti on the iten being cataloged d m not agree 1 with the form already in =e as the heading, choose as the AAGR 2 form ( the form found in 80% of the author's works as the most commonly found form (counting f o m amring on bibliographic records in which the

I heading is used in both main and added entries bat considering cmly ( -

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I usage fuund in the bibliographic description (primarily statements of respnsihility, not headim appearing as main or added entries). (The form found in the chief source of a person's thesis is taken into account when choosing the form to be uqed in the heading.)

When calculating the 80%, do it quickly am3 use c m n sense. This m e a n s

1) cuunt the forms if there are no more than amroximately 15 records or

2) if there are more than approximately 15, browse through the file, looking for an obvious case of predominance. If nothing is obvious, sample the file (every 3rd, 5th, loth, etc., record, depending on the length of the file).

Men there is no commonly found form (defined above), choose the fullest form as the AACR 2 form.. (When determining the fullest form for a person who uses both fore- initials and forenames, make no distinction betwen initials and forenames, e.g., "R.E.F. Pagenu is fill ler than "Rernad Edward Pagen . l1

N o t e : Equating the prer3minant form or the cmmnly found form with the form found in 80% of the person's works amlies only to 22.3A; no such fonrmla has heen assigned to "predominant form" or "ccmnnonly found form" in the other rules.

Headings Already Cded "AACR 2" or "AACR 2 Canptible"

If an established heading is already coded "AACR 2" (including those labeled preliminary8---008 byte 33 = d) ard subsequently receivect items shuw forms in the chief source that \my in fullness, change the established heading to the form fuund in 80% of the author 'a works if it differs from the form used in the heading.

If an established heading is already coded "AACR 2 comptihle" hecause it varies in fullness f m the AACR 2 form, generally do not reconsider the heading.

Variant F o m Within One Item

If the m of an author appears in two or more f o m in one work, apply the follcwing:

1) If the name appears in t w or more sources, once in the chief source and one or more times in other somces, choose the form apparlng in the chief source.

title pge: T.R. Smith verso of t .p . : T . msil Smith I11 heading: Smith, T. B . (T. Basil)

2) If the name does not appear in the chief source but does appar once in another prominent source (cf. 0.8) and one or more times in other sources, chmse the form avring in the prominent source.

verso of t .p.: R.J. Gottschall p g e 239: Robert J. rsttschall heading: Gottschall, R. J . (Robert J.)

3) In all situations not covered by 1) or 2) above, choose the fi-lllest f m of name.

8 ~ o r Library of Co- descriptive catalsgers only: cf . DCM 21.15.5.

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Page 46: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

ve-0 of t .p. : Victoria &lof re Nmto p g e 1 of cmr: Victoria Calofre heading: Galofre Neuto, Victoria

Note: Po not c h m e for the heading a form amring in the follwing sources if the name appears prominently elsewhere in the item: 1) the copyright statement; 2) the colophon for it- pblishd in the Saviet Union.

22.8Al. [Rev.] [Formerly 22.8AI

If the name chosen for the heading is hsed on a form found In non-English sources (cf. 22.3B, 22.3C1) and the m e fmrd in these S(r(-rces includes "mrds or phrases denoting place of origin, domicile, OC~-€pati@n, or other chracterist ic that are commonly ass= jated wi th the name, " use in the heading the f o m for these wnrds and phra- that are fmmd in the sawces IIS&.

r e : Shm-I' el D~ker mi-Rar ism heding: Shemu' el hxber , imi-Ra.r isov

not Shem-1' el D ~ b r , of Eiar isov

If mrds and denoting place, m m ~ t i o n , etc., a p r only in complex statements that contain other elements, generally do not treat them as being "commonly associatedu with the name. H m r , if the excll-ision of such mrds and phrases results in a heading that conflicts, they may he added to the heading as a parenthetical q~alifie~ (22.19A). (If added, w e mlish forms whenever possible.)

Generally, this rule requires a coma ktwen the m e and, an assmiat& phrase. Note, hmmer, that in a few cases there is a single name that cmot be broken d m into the cmpnents "name11 and "phrase." Do not punctuate these with a comma. (Hmever, m&e a reference from the form using a comma.) Several examples are fimished

e hy the headings for Carmelites and certain other religicn~s who formerly tmk a ::amp in religion that combined a forename with the m of a saint, of a dogma, or of sane event in the life of Jesus or Mary.

John of the! Cross x .Tohn, +of the Cross

Marie de llIncarnation x Marie,+de llInrarnation

Marie de Saint Bernard x Marie,%e .Saint &marc3

22.8A2. [Rev.] [Formerly 22.8Rj

If a person is m t commonly known only by given name^ a& the name is enter& ~ M e r an element other than the first, treat the m as a surname when determining whicn additions are amropriate for incli~sion in the heading.

22.11D. [Rev.]

Headings referred to in the rule apply only to persons whose m e s are unknclwn (cf. 21.5C), not to prsons whose names are known m

1 (cf. 21.4A). I

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22.16C. Biskraps, etc. [Rw.] [Formerly 22.17CI

For bishops, etc., who are also saints (22.13), apply the follaving :

1) Add only "Saintn if there is no other saint with the same name.

2) Add both "Saint" and "Bishop," etc., if there is mare than one saint with this name.

22.16D. Other persons of religious vucation. [Rw.] [Formerly 22.17DI

Add a title , term of address, ,etc. , to persons of religious vocation entered under given name, etc., only if the title, term of address, etc., appears with the name In the chief sources of information in itms by the person or in reference sources if the person is not an author.

Ignore Japanese titles of priests unless they are fixed as an integrated part of the name.

22.17. DATES. [Rev.] [Formerly 22.181

H & i w lRat Do Not Conflict

Apply the optimal prwision. This means adding a date whenever It is h a m .

W n t i e t h Century Person*

For persons living in the twntleth century, the date should be a precise me. Specifically, add the date to hdings for these persons only if it falls into any of the following c~tegories:

1) The person is still living and the year of birth is known ( I' 1900- I' ) .

2) The person is no longer living and the years of birth and death are known ("1900-1981").

3) The person is no longer living and only the year of birth is known ("b, 1900").

4 ) The person is no longer living and only the date of death is knm ('Id. 1981f1).

Note: If a date In one of these categories is available only in a nrm-Gregarian year, add the Gregarian year to the heading only If the Gregorian year is certaln.

P m - N n t leth Century P e m m

For pre-twentieth century persons, less precise dater3 may be used. I Canrsult the examples under 22.1714 for guidance, Note one detajl about ( the use of "f louri~h&~ dates: llFlourlsheB1l dates acceptable for addition to headings for pre-twentieth century persans normally express a span of years of actlvlty. A elngle year llfl,ll may be used only in exceptional cases, as *en ia reference source itself deelgnates the date in this way or there is m e publicatlan or other event in the person's life known to be the single or at lemt primary basis for a single year,

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Page 48: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Existing H m d i n p A l r e a d y Coded for AACR 2

Po not add the date to an existing heading represented by a name P-

authority record that has already b n coded "AACR 2" or "AACR 2 cmmtible" ( inclucling in either case those labled "preliminary11---008 byte 33 = d) . H C ~ ~ T E ~ , if such a heading must be revised later, add the date.

'mist ing H d i r g s &ing Coded for AACR 2

Po not add the date to a heading being coded for AACR 2 when the heading is represented by an access pint on an existing bibliographic record in the catalog ( i . e. , the f iie against which the cataloging and searching is done) and is otherwise in accord with current policy. Emever, if the person is no longer living and the existing heading contains a date, change the date if it is obsolete in either f m or fact. For example, if the existing heading has an open birth date such as "1861- ," either add the death date (if available) or change the open birth date to "b. 1861 ,I1 or, if the existing heading has an approximate date and the exact date is now available, use the exact date in the AACR 2 heading.

Abbreviations R.C. and A.D.

Use the abbreviation B.C. for dates in the pre-Christian era. Place the a-bhrwiation at the end of a date or span of dates in that era.

Nefertiti, Queen of Fgyp 14th cent. R.C. Spartacus, d. 71 R.C. Pericles, 499-429 R.C. AjZta&tru, King of W-gadha, r ~ . 494-ca. 467 B.C.

U s e the abbreviation A.D. only when the dates s y m bth eras. F

Awtus, Elmperor of Rme, 63 i3.C.-14 A.D. Wid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D. Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, a. 4 B.C.-65 A.D.

If a. date is questionable, place the mark immediately follawing the date.

Antdus Marcus, 83?-30 R.C. Vercingetorix, Chief of the Arverni, d. 45? B.C.

22.17-22.20. AtHiticms to Distinguish Identical m. [Rev.! [Formerly 22.18-22.201

If a personal name heading conflicts with another heading, resolve the conflict as follows, in this oder of preference:

1) Add to the heading being established

I a) the fill1 form of a name represented by an initial or abbreviation in the form chosen for the heading if the full form is available in the item being (22.18);

establ i s h d h d i n g : Jackson, A. new author: A. Jackson (New author's full name, Arnold Elrod Jackson, is available)

heading for new author: Jackson, A. (Amold)

I b) the date (22.17) other than a "flourished" or 'lcentury" I date; do not go beyond making a routine telephone call to a place within the continental U . S . or searching the catalogers' reference

48 Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (-Spring 1989)

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collection to determine the date;

established heading: Brue , James E. new author: James E . Brue

(New author ' s birth &te, 1942, is available) M i n g for new author: B m e , James E., 1942-

Note: If both the full form representd by an initial and a date are available, add both.

c) a term of address, etc. , that appears with the name in a prminent source (cf. 0.8) in items by the person or with the name in M i - in reference sources (22.19B). (For pre-20th century authors, see LCRI 22.19);

established h a d i n g Brcmn, George new author: Gcmrge Brown ( N m author's statement o f responsibility: by the Rev. C e w e B m )

heading for new author: Brcmn, George, R w .

establ ished heading: Wbb, William new author: William Webb

( N m arithorfs statanent o f responsibility: by W i l l i a m e b b o f Virginia)

heading for new author: Webb, William, of Virginia

Note: If either the full form of the name representd in the heading by an initial or a date -es available later (or both become available), do not change the existing heading just to replace the term of address, etc.

d) a forename or surname or the initials of a forename or s~-mmm not represented hy an initial in the form of name chosen for the heading;

establish& heading Clapper, John new author: John Clapper

(New author's fi-111 name, John ,Samuel Clapper, is available)

heading for new author: Clapper, John (John -1

established h a d i n g Gelfund, David new author: David Gel f1.d

(New author's frill name, David A. Celfimd, is available)

M i n g for new author: Gelfund, David (David A.)

established heading: Smith, Elizabeth new author: Elimbeth Snith

(New author's fir11 name, Ann Elizabeth ,with, is avai 1 ab1 e)

heeding for new author: Smith, Elizabeth (Ann Elizabeth)

established heading Oliver, Joan nev author: ,Toan 01 iver

(New a u t h o r ' s f u l l name, Joan O l i v e r i hri@o&nech, is availabl e)

heading for new author: Oliver, Joan (Oliver i wgd-h)

Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 50: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

establ ishe3 hmding: Jones, Mrs. new azithor: Mrs. Jones

(New author Is forenames, E l l a Gertrude, are F available)

hmcling for nsv author: Jones, Mrs. (Ella Gertrude )

Note: If the full form of a name renresented in the heading hy an initial or a date or a term of address, etc., becomes available later, do not change the existing heading just to replace the un~~sed forename or mused surname.

e) a fuli f o r e m when the forename chosen for the headirg is a nickname;

-tab1 ished h e d i n g Jorgen , Dick new author: Dick Jorgen

( N m azithor Is fi~ll name, R i m Clark Joqen, I s availah1 e)

hpadlng for new author: JO-, Dick (Richard Clark)

Note: If the full form of name represented in the heading by an initial or a date or a term of address, etc., becomes available, do not change the existing heading just to replace the unused full f orename.

1 f) a llfJaurishedll date (22.17) ; I Note: 1) Do not add "flourishedv dates to headings for persons

living in the twntieth century even if the heading conflicts. 2) 11F14urished11 dates acceptable for addltion to headings normally express a span of pars of activlty. A single year after l1fl." may be usred only in exceptional cases, as when a reference source itself designates the date in this way or there is one publication or other event in the e prscmls life kncrwn to be the single or at least primary basis for a single year.

I g) a century date (22.17). 1 Note: Do not add a "century" date to persons living in the

tventfeth century wen if the heading conflicts.

2) Change the established heading according to the order of preference given in 1) a w e .

3) Apply 22.20.

Note: if the full form of a name represent& by an initial in the heading or a date or a term of address, etc., becomes available later for one of these name9, establish this name separately. (Do not esrtablish one of these names separately If only an unused forename or unused f o r e m initial or u n m s s u m or unwed full forename becomes available later.)

22.18A. [ R e v . ] [Formerly 22.16Al

For names that conflict, aee 22,17-22.20.

For references, apply the prwisions of LCRI 26,

Apply the optional provision, This means adding within I parentheses the full fom of an lnltial or abbrwiatlan usd In the headlng when the full form is l a w n w l t h certainty, (In e m cases of doubt, do not add the full form.) DQ not search solely to discover this information if there is no conflict.

$0 Chtalogjng Servdce Rulletln, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 51: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

When adding the full form, observe the following guidelines:

1) If the initial m m in the forename portion of the s m - forename heading, give in the parenthetical addition not only the fi-111 form .but also the other forenames that appear in the forename portion of the heading. Hcmver, do not include a particle or prefix ?:?st appeas in the f o r e m portion. Place the parenthetical addition directly after the forename portion and before any other addition (e.g., hte, title).

Smith, T. B. (T. Basil)

Jaina, Pra. (e) ("Pra." is the systematically romanfzed form of a single no- ini t ial)

mth, Arthur D. (Arthur I)wi@t), 1907-

E W h d i , Francis A. A. L. (Francis A. A. Lwemore), 19.55-

I 2) If the initial mcurs in the name entered as a given name,


etc., give in the parenthetical addition all the names that appear in the heading. Place the prenthetir~l addition directly after the given name and before any other addition (e.g., date, title).

A. F;;rmad Said (Abdul F;;rmad Said), 1935-

M. Alicia (Mary Alicia),Sister, S.C.N. I I

3) For names that are represented in the heading by an ( abbreviation rather than an initial (cf . LCRI 22.1B) , give in the ( wrenthetical allidition the full name for the particular person.

EWmridge, Fan. (William) Fdez . -Rivera Garcia, Manuel ( Fer-nhdez-Rivera Garcia)


I 1) not apply 22.18A to a name in which the letters of the 1 forename! initials i-lsed in the heading differ from the letters msed in the full forem.

Reddi, Vai. Sf. Vi., 1926- not ~$+i. Vai. Si. Vi. ( ~ ~ ~ I W U I I ~ I Ci- vehta),


Jaina, Pi. not Jaina, Pi. (~rakZ&)

Ajgaankar, G. F. not Ajgaonkar, G . F . (G~mdi-I Phatu)

I 2) IF2 not apply 22.18A to a heading for a marrid woman that ( consists of her hil~shandls S I I ~ m d initial(s) .

Renfro, Roy E., Mrs. xRenfro, Xelen Kay

not Renfro, Roy E . (Roy EEbard), Mrs.

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Page 52: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

3) Dc, not add the fuller form to an existing h d i ~ falling into either of the following categories: e

a) The name authority record for it has already keen coded "AACR 2" or "AACTi. 2 cmptible" (incli- ding in either case those lakeled "prp1iminary"--408 byte 33 = d) .

b) The heading is represented by an access pint on an existing bibliographic record in the catalog (i . e. , the file against which the cataloging and searching is done) and is otherwise in accord with cn.urrent p l icy.

heading Eddison, C . D. n w i n f o m t i o n : "C. D." stands for "Carlton Paniel" (Do not change the heading to: Eddison. C . D . (Carlton Paniel) )

h d i n g : J&rregui C . , Juan Herlberto new i n f o m t i o n : "C. " stands for "Corderow

(Dc, not change the heading to: ,T&i~qui C., J u a n 3eriberto (J2ixegui Cordero))

Hmler, if such a heading must be revised later, a M the fuller f om.

22.25Bl. (Rev.] [Formerly 22.25B]

w i n g the EZltry Element for North Indian khnes

The guidelines below arzply to North Indian names, for vhm the I last sentence of 22.2591 says "if there is no s-, enter under ( the last name." Apply these guidelines in the order in which they are F presented.

1) Consider that the last element is a surname and enter iMer it if initial(s) and/or title(s) precede the last element. Take into account form found anwere in the p~~iblication.

lamia?, Anil ( t.p.: Anil Kzmr; spine: A. Kzonar)

GapalI ( t . p . : Ram Capl; pmface signed: R. Gopl)

- I - ( t .p .: Skntsr~r Rahman; cover: .C. R-)

-we, J* (John) ( t . p . : J. Georg~; t .p. m m o : John Cerge)

Rani, Gita ( t . p . : Gita Rani; spine: G. Rani)

m i , Yamuna ( t .p. : Yannma B v i ; p-face signed: Y. m i ) - ( t . p . : A m 1 Haq; i n preface: D r . Haq)

2) If the preceding guideline is not applicable, and no other infomtion is available, consider that a surname is absent and enter the name directly when the last element of a wcmanls name is one of the following:

Amma Brio, %C Sahan Rani Amma1 E % ? g a l n , ~ r n Khatoon,--tih &la Ara Eibi K ~ m r i Bai Wbi, M 7 i Maha1

3) If the preceding guidelines are not applicable, consider that ,-

the last element is a s-umme and enter under it in the following

52 Cataloging ,Service Ail l e t in , No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

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a) An author who writes in English (or primarily in English) .

b) A non-author appearing in connection with publications in English (or primarily in English).

4) For cases not covered by the preceding guidelines, 11.. cataloger's judgment and expertise in determining the entry element.

5 ) Retain and continue to use established headings, unless these guidelines call for a clearly different heading. Wen then, normally wait until a pattern is seen as suhtantiating the change. W'ern Indic &mes Written W i thcnlt ,Sepation

When separable elements of a modern name are found written together in the nonroman scrlpt, identify the separable elements (names or titles) and search for a source giving them written separately. Record this searching in the 670/675 fields of name authority records, as usual. If the search is not successful and there is certainty abut the sewrate elements, supply these in a bracketed "i .e. " statement, follwing the citation of the name as found in the 670 field.

heading Midn, MdarE 670 field: His . . . : t .p. (P+itm&namigr~ [i.e., Wana Migrz])

675 field: New cat. cat.; Breneau

If considered necessary, make a fuller explanation in the 667 field, e.g., P;up?ita is a title; Mi66 is a Srlmmme.

1 N.R. 22.25B4, for religious titles, should also be followd when 1 appl irxible .

22.26Clc). [Rev.] [Formerly 22.26C31 I I

When a heading established under this rule ends in an initial, make the reference called for by rule 22.26C, from the next to last element only when the next to last element is a full name.

Jdro BLldi S. x S . , Joko B-~di x B~di S . , .Joke

24.1B. Rmanizaticm. [Rev.] [Formerly 24.1A]

Dc, not apply the alternative rule found in footnote 4 to rule 24.1B. This means always using systematic rmanization as the headiq for a M y with a rn written in a n o n r m script.

24.2D. [Rev.]

If in a body's publications its fill1 form of name and its I initials both appear formally in the same source, choose the full form ( for use in the heading. (Change the heading if later evidence shows a clear ,pttern of predominant usage that differs from the heading chosen. )

When a corporate name mlst be established for an item not issued by the cowrate M y , treat the item b i n g cataloged as a reference sa-rce. If the item provides both the b3y1s full form of name and its initials, choose the full form for 1-1se in the heading (even if the

Page 54: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

initials appar prminent?y and the fllll form d m not).

If variant forms appear formally in chief sources of the W y l s F

publications, choose the predominant form. If an initial form (incll.~ding an acronym) appears prominently, check the authority file to see if there is a reference or a heading for another 'mdy already under the same initials. If there is, this means the initials do not "differentiate1' and thus the fill1 form mu-st be adopted as the AACR 2 form.

24.4427. Institutians. [Rev.; [Formerly 24.4C81

Wnen adding the name of a higher or relat& corporate body to a corporate name, give the m e of the b d y in the form and language on which the heading for the W y is hLd (not necessarily the catalog- entry form for the in.tit\.ltion). I J s e in the qualifier the M y ' s current name. H-er, if a qlaiifier is add& to the name of a body that no longer exists, use in the qualifier the m e of the ;dy that was appropriate at the time the hady ceased.

Nevaran Club (Southern State College) not N e m C11-1b (Southern State cmllqe (Springfield,

s .n .1)

Center for Materials Science (National Measurement Laboratory)

not Center for Materials Science (National Meas~wement Labratory (U.S. ) ) x National Measurmnt Labratory (U.S.) . -nter for Materials Science

If the combination of corporate name ~1x1s q~alifier actually conflicts in the file being searched against, then give the qualifier F in catalog-entry form.

Newaan Club (St. Joseph's College (Brooklyn, New Yark, N.Y. ) )

Newaan Club (St. Joseph's College (Philadelphia, P a - ) )

If the higher or related M y is entered s-~hrdinately, use either its parent W y or its catalog-entry f m .

Institut avtcrmatiki i elektranetrii (AkadeniG nauk

or Institut avtanatiki i hlektmnetril. (Akademira muk SSSR. Sibirskoe otdelenie) x Akademi nauk SSSR . Sihirsktx otdelenie . Institut avtmtiki i elektmtrii

Change an establish& heading whenever the existing qualifier hecanes inappropriate (as when the m e I - L S ~ in the qualifier changes or when the m e 1-1~~~3 in the qualifier is no longer associated with the body king qualified) .

Dolclrmentatiarrs-Leitstelle Afrika (Institut fur Afrilta-Kde ) x I>c>hmntatims-Leitstelle Afrika (kutsches Inst itut f i j ~ Af r ika-Forschung ) (7% name of the qualifying h Y y chary& f m Deu t s c h e s I n s t i t u t fiir Afrika-Forschrrng t o Insti t7rt fiir A f r i k a - K m d e )

54 Catalcging ,Service hr l l e t in , No. 44 !,Spring 1989)

Page 55: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

24.4C8. Year (s ) . [Rw.] [Formerly 24.4C91 P

Always use dates as qualifiers to headings for emitions, even if there is no current conflict. For the form of the qualifier, see

I rule 24.4C8. Follm 24.7 when the date appears in the name of the 1 egitlon.

24.6. -. ADDITIONS. [Rev.]

When a sovereiw nation mci another place of the same name that is not a sovereign nation exist at the .same time, do not qualify the name of the sovereign nation.

Italy (Terx.) Italy

When a succession of jurisdictions wauld be entered under the same name, use one heading for all, no matter what differences there are between the jurisdictions.

North Carolina not North Carolina (Colony) and North Carolina (State)

Terrcas not Texas (Republ ic ) and Texas (State)

llamii not Hawaii (Kingdom), Mwaii (Republic) , and Mwaii


M a not India (Dominion) and India (Republic)

H m r , when the geographic qmllfler added to a. name to reflect its current statuq is not appropriate for the earlier entity, IL* tvm headings and. qalify each.

B r a b m t (Belgium) Brabant (Duchy)

not Brahant (Eieigium)

Tu==v ( I t a l y ) Wcany ( G r d Duchy)

not Tuscany (Italy)

Venice ( I t a l y ) Venice ( R e p u b l i c )

not Venice (Italy) - (Spain) Amz'n (m-)

not Aragon (Swin)

When the m e of a state, province, or territory of Australia, M a , or the United States, or the m e of a constituent state of I Malapla, the USSR, or Y\lgoelavla conflicts with the name of a place I within the same larger ju.ri&iction, add the type of government as a qualifier to the larger geographic entity,

Malacca (Malacca) Malacca ( S t a t e )

not Malacca

Werw York (N.Y.) New Yark ( S t a t e )

not New York

mta.loglng S e r v i c e Bullatfn, No. 44 (%Sprdng 1989)

Page 56: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

When the name of a state, province, or territory of Austraiia,

I Canada, or the Vnited States, or the name of a constituent state of m.ia.~ia, the TJSSR, or Yugoslavia conf licts with t'ne m e of a place in another yiurisdiction, qualify the iatter only.

I F Alberta (Va. ) Alberta

not Alberta (Province)

Victoria (Tex.) Victoria

not Victoria (State)

Virginia (Minn. ) Virginia

not Virginia (State)

Ekception: U s e "Washington (State)" as the hea6ing for the state of Flashington.

If the name of a TJ. S, t-hip (r~lled "towns" in New England and saw other states) conflicts, apply the following:

-11 - ~f the conflict is with the m e of a Imal place within the same state, afid

a) the name of the state to the local place;

b) the name of the state and llT@wn.~hip" (or l l T m u ) to the name of the tmship.

Passaic (N.J.) Passaic (N.J. : Tamship)

m 2) If the conflict is with both t'ne name of a local nlace and the

name of another tmship, all of which are within the same state, a&

a) the name of the state to the lwal piace;

b) the m e of the county, the name of the state, and "Tamship" (or "Tm") to t'ne names of the townships.

Berlin (Wis.) Berlin (Green Lake Cuunty, Wis. : Tmn) Berlin (Marathcm Caunty, Wis. : Tarn)

3) If the conflict is only with the name of another township within the .same state, apply 23.4-1.

Add a qualifier to the heading for a jurisdiction that does not conflict with the heading for another j~ulisdiction when

1) the heading for the jurisdiction is the m e as the m e of a geographic area but the territory governed by the jurisdiction varles significantly frm the geographic area;

West Indles (Federatian) (The heading for Federation o f the W e t Indies, which consisted only of sane of the British ~nc,~c,~essions i.n the Caribbean; West Indfes is a subject heading that covers a l l the islands in the Carib-)

56 Cataloging ,Service milletin, Nb. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 57: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Pacific Islands (R.ust Territory) (The heading for Tmst Territory of the Pacific Islands, which cons is t s o f the Caroline, Marshal 2 , and Mariana Islands; wi thout the qualifier the heading could mean the subject heading for all the islands of the Pacific Ocean)

2) the heading for the j~risdiction is the same as the name of a geographic area but the name of the jurisdiction ha5 ceased.

New Guinea (Territory) (The h d i n g for Territory of New Guinea, which ceased in 2942; New Guinm is a srzhject heading for the island which contains the current jtzri.dictions Pap~za New Guinea and Pmpinsi Irian Jays)

24.10B. [Rev.] I

Place @ial i f i e r s

Add to the name of a 1-1 church, cathedral, mmxvstery, convent, abbey, temple, mosque, synagogue, etc. , the name of the place in which it is located unless the I-tion is clear from the name itself. (If the name of the M y contains the place in mich it is l w ~ t d , use jrldgment in determining whether the a6dition of the riame of the place malices the I-tion clear. For example, make the addition if the place is not well hmm or there is more than one place of the same name and the one being cataloged is not the best knm. In case of doubt, do not make the addition.)

A l w ~ make a reference from the place if the body is 1-ted In a city or t m .

Eglise Saint-Jean-I3aptiste (Baurbomy, France) x ~~ (France). Fglise .Saint-Jean-mptiste

Abtei Reichenau

Bethel Baptist Church (Washirqtm Cuunty, ICy. )

Tmafly Presbyterian Church (-fly, N.J.) x Tenafiy (N.J.). Presbyterian Church

JWische Refomgemeinde in Berlin x Berlin (Germany). Jiidische Reformgemeincie

m i s h church of Lfmpefield (Limpsfield, Fhglam3) x Limpsfield (England). Tarish Ch~wch I

S. Stefano di Bologna (bbmstery) xBoiqna (Italy). S. Stefano (Monastery)

Note: Ileadings alreaciy cdes for AACR. 2 that lack a qualifier call& for by this directive shmlci not be chmgd unless a conflict or stme other extreme need arises.

Mrl tiple Oial i f iers

If the name needs the addition of both a general designation and the name! of the place, add the general designation fimt.

r a t a l ~ i n g .Service Billetin, No. 44 (Spring 1,989)

Page 58: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Santo Duningo (Mwsastery : Pmnplona, Spain) xPamplona (Spain). Santo Dmingo (Monastery)

Chtirches, Chapels, etc . , of Larger Institutions If a church, chapel, etc., is a subordinate unit of a larger

institution and is entered directiy under its awn name (24.12), generaliy add the name of the larger institution as a qualifier. Make a reference frcnn the name as a subheading of the larger institution, A l s o make a reference from the place if the bofiy is located in a city or t m .

Chapel of the Good Shepherd (General Theological Seminary) x General Theological Seminary (New Ynrk, N.Y.). Chapel of the G o d Shepherd x New York (N.Y.). Chapel of the Good Shepherci


When the M y being entered subordinately contains the name or prt of the name of the higher body as an element of its own name, rcn-~tinely mit this elment whenever the particular higher body's name is retained in the hierarchy s h m in the heading.

If a, W y is entered ~5u~mrdinately according to types 2, 3, or 4, make a direct reference from the name of the su.mrclinate M y only if its name a m . r s without the name of its parent M y on the chief scnwce of one of its crwn PI-lblications. When making the reference, generally, qualify the name with the name of the parent M y (in the form and language on which the heading for tne parent body is bas&, not necessarily its catalog-entry form).

/= Note: If a m e authority record for a heading established

before January 1981 contains such a direct reference, accept it as valid without examining the evidence (althmgh a qualifier m y have to be added to it).


24.13, TYPe 5. [Rev.] [Formerly 24.13, TYPE 41

Enter a s1150rdinate or related unjt of a college or university subordinately if the name of the unit simply indicates a particular field of stuiciy, interest, or activity.

UniversiM Mayor de San Simdn (CochaM, Bolivia). Editorial Universitaria

Universitat Wien. Institut ftir Ueterreichische Geschichtsf orschung

University of California, Berkeley. University Art Museum

University of Iarudan. Southern African Materials Project

University of Texas at Austin. Council m Wrgy Resaulces

24.13, TYPE 6. [Rev.] [Formerly 24.13, TYPE 51

Understand the term "includes" in the rule to apply to any linguistic relationship between the name of the body and its pa.rent (higher or related) body, not just to those shown in the examples imder type 6.

58 Catalcging ,Fewice Bnlletrin, No. 44 (Sprring 1989)

Page 59: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Understand the phase "entire name" to be the name th& ms selected for use in the heading for the parent (higher or related) body, not necessarily the catalog-entry form of the parent body's hmding. For example, disregard cataicgerls additions to the parent body's name or the fact that the parent body may be entered s;~?mrdinately. Note, h m r , that if the heading for the prent W y incll~des a term indicating incopnration, etc. (24.5C1) , the form with the term must also apr in tine name of the subordinate body for type 6 to be amlid.

name: Friends of Wells Cathedral heading for parent: Wells Cathedral heading: Wells Cathedral. EYlends

name: Northwestern University School of Law heading for parent: Nartlwestern Univemity (Evanstcm, Ill.)

heading: Northwestern University (Evanstori, Ill. ) . School of Law

name: Ostmrop-Instltut an der Freien Universitat Berlin

heading for m n t : Freie Universitat Berlin heding: E'reie Ilniversitgt Berlin. Osteurcrpa- Institut

but name: Hoech~t Ghmlcal Society heading for prent: Hoechst A.G. heding: Hoechst Chemical Society

not Hoechst A.G. Chemical W.ie?y

name: Cambridge University Library heading for parent: University of Cambridge heading: Cambridge University Library

not University of fmbridge. Library

When the name of a s~ibrdinate ?&Q contains more than on& unit in the hierarchy, awly the "entire n m " provision in type 6 only to the M y immediately above the body bing established. Exception: If the application of rule 24.14 results in tne mission of the irronediately higher M y frcnn the headirq for the 91brr3inate bcdy, do not apply type 6 to the name of the subrdinate b d y in a language other than Chinese, Japanese, or Korean. For Chinese, Japanme, and Korean bodies, apply type 6 althcnugh 24.14 results in the omission of the M y immediately abve.

m: 3mearch Cm-mcil of the Cbnmer Branch of the Jefferson Academy

heading for 1st unit: Jefferson Academy of Science. Canaver Branch

heading: Jef fersan Academy of Science. Conover Branch. Research Cauncil

name: Thomas Foulxi-ation of the Conover Branch of the Jefferson Academy of Science

heding for 1st unit: Jefferson Academy of .Science. Canaver Branch

heading: Thomas Foundation of the Canover Branch of the Jefferscm Academy of Science

not Jefferson Academy of Science. Thorns F~n~mdation not Jefferson Academy of Science. Conover aranch.

T h m s Fm~ndat ion

Exceptions: Treat as falling into type 6 a x i m e that fits one of the follming categories:


eatal wing Service Rrl l l etin, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 60: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

1) The sibrdinate ?mdyls name contains the entire name of a directly entered U.S. government b d y except that one 'nociy us- /r "United States" and the other M y us, "TJ. S. "

2 ) The sl-~bordinate bdyls name contains the entire name of its parent body except that the form of the parent h d y in the subordinate bdyls name is in another lang~age.

name: Smith Carolina Advisory Cmittee to the U . S . Cmission on Civil Rights

heading for parent: United States W s s i o n on Civil Rights

hEHding: United States Carmission on Civil Rights. South Carolina Advisory Ccamittee

name: International Medical Commission of tne Princess Takiunatm Cancer Research Fund

heading for parent: Takamtsu no Miya Hi Gan K m k y f i Kikin

heading: T'akamatsu no Miya Hi Gan Kmkyi Kikin. International Medical Colrmissicm

G e m Universi t i e s

The names of Cerman universities a m r frequently both in a long form, e.g., Christim-Albrechts-TJniwrsitWt ZLI Kiel, and in a short form, e.g., [Jniversitgt Kiel. When consifiering the headings for assmiat&. institutions whose names are connected to the 1-rnivemit-y name by a linking mrd or phrase, awly typ 6, no matter whether the long form or the short form of the university m e is l-isd. For example, treat both Instibit fiir Agrarplitik i~nd Marktlehre der Christ ian-Alhrechts-Universitgt 21-1 Kiel and Institl~t fiir Internationales Recht an der iiniversit2t Kiel as case of t y p 6 application, resulting in the follckving headings: F

Umlversiti4t Kiel. Imtitut f W -1itik urrd Markt1e.e

Universitat Kiel. Irmstitut fUr Internationales W h t


Routinely make a reference from the entire name of a 'nociy entered under type 6. Note, hove~er, if the name also fits 24.13, type 1, a reference fran the entire name is ume~essary.

American Legion. Auxiliary x Amerirm Legion Ami liary

Auburn University. Agricultural Ekperiment Station x Agricultural Experiment Stat ion of Au.m University

Type 6 is not applicable to a m that falls into one of the follming categories :

1) Tne name of the subordinate W y is made 1-ip of the higher M y ' s name pltis a designation for the s~brdinate bcdy that dcles not by itself convey the idea of a corporate M y .

name: Camden Friends of the Earth healing: Camden F'riexls of the Earth

not Friends of the Earth. C-en n

60 ratalcgirg ,Service hzlletin, No. 44 (\S'prir?y 1989)

Page 61: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

m: W m e n of the Minnesota Conference of the ilnited Church of Christ

h e d i n g : Women of the Minnesota Canference of the United Church of Christ

not ilnited Church of Christ. Minnesota Conference. Women

name: Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic heading: M e s of the GrarYd Army of the Repblic

not Granii Army of the Repiiblic. iadies

name: St. John ' s Episcopal Chi-rch h e d i n g : St. John's Episcapal Church (Knoxville,

Term. ) not Episco-1 Church. St. ,Tohnls (Knoxville, Tenn.)

N.R. This category of exclusions does not apply to the subordinate designation 11EYien6s," as in "Friends of the [name of the library or mrmr~sa-un! ,I1 hecause this designation has ken so commonly us& anr3. consequently c - be consider& "corporatef1 in connotation.

2) The name is a U.S. state imiversity institution that contains the name of the statewide system.

name: University of Nebraska Mica1 Center h e d i n g : Univemity of Nebraska Medical Center

m t University of Xebraska (Central administration). Medical rater

If a named meeting (cf. LCRI 21.1R1) contains the entire name of a corporate M y (as defind above), enter the meeting mbrdinately to the heading for the body if the name contains, in adfiitlcm to the name of the M y , no more than a generic tern for the meeting or not mre than a generic term plus one or more of the following elmnts: the venue of the meeting; ni.unber, date, or other sequencing element.

name: Annual Conference of the Amri=n Academy of Advertising

heading: American Academy of Adtvertising. Conference (221~3 : 1980 : University of Missouri --Columbia)

name: First Constitutional Convention of the f~ngress of Imiustriai Organi?~tions

heading: Cmgress of lndustrial Organizations (U.S.). Canstitutimal Camrentian (1st : 1938 : Pittsburgh, Pa.)

name: 5th Annual Conference of the Nicprian Political Science Assmiat ion

heading Nigerian Political Sci ence Association. Ccmfemce (5th : 1978 : University of Ife)

name: Human Factors Society 1979 Annual Meeting heading: Human Factors Society (U. S . ) . Meeting (1979 : Bostm, Mass.)

In all other cases, enter the namd meeting directly under its o m name.

Cataloging Service Eiulletin, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 62: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

name: Miami TTniversity Conference on Sentence Combining the Teaching of Witing

hmding: Miami University Conference on Sentence ,F

Combining and the Teachirg of Writing (1978) not Mimi Tjniversity. Conference on Sentence Combining

and the Teaching of Wrlting (1975)

name: iTnesco International Chemistry Canf erence h m i n g : Unesca Internatianal Chanistry Conference (1978 : Perth, W.A.)

not Lhesco. International Chemistry Confe~ence (1978 : Perth, W.A.)


When the hcly being entered subordinately contains the n m or ~ r t of the name of the higher b&y as an element of its m m e , rol-ltinely omit this element whenever the particular higher m y ' s m e is retained in the hierarchy s h m in the heading.

name: Senate Cxmnnittee on Natural R~ources ulr3 Wildlife [of the California Legislab-re!

heading California. Legislature. Senate. Camittee an Natural Resources and Wildlife

! There is no cmanterprt to rxle 24.13, W E 6, 1-mder 24.18. 1 Therefore, even if the name of a subordinate g m e m n t agency contains the entire name of its parent b d y (i.e., the m of the -rent body in the form in which the heading of the prent body is bsed) and the prent M y is entered shrdinateiy to the heading for tine government, nevertheless, mter the stibordi~ate agenq dirwtly under its own name uniess the name meets one 0: the foliming cordit ions : P

1) The name of the s-~'mrciinate agency itself fits one of the types ~-mder 24.18.

2) The name of its rent lmdy mcl~rs at the heginning of the s-ibrdinate agency's name and the first w ~ r d is a 24.18, W E 1, term. (Note: if the m e meets this cordition, do not omit any hierarchy frm the heading for the 3-~brdinate agency.)

name: Veterans Administration Dental Er3i-icat ion Center (The name does not meet e i ther o f the two cadi tions]

heading Veterans Administration Dental Education Center (U.S.)

name: Senate Cmittee on Natural Resources ancl Wild1 ife (The name fits 24.18, TYPE 6) I

heading: California. Legislature. Senate. Camnittee an Natural R e s o u r c e s and Wildlife

name: Department of Health and Social Security Library (me parent body's name mc1a-s a t the w inn ing and the first wrrl is a typ~ 1 tern)

hmding: Great Britain. Dept . of Health ard' Social Security. Library


62 Cataloging ,Service P-~l le t in , No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 63: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

24.18, TYPE 3. [ R w . ] I

The Library of Congress interprets "a name that is general in I nature1' in the rule as follm:

1) I\lational-lev~?l M i e s . If the bOdy is at the national-level of government, consider that the name is ugmerall'-md enter it

I subordinately--if its name lacks distinctive elements of the following 1 types:

proper nouns or adjectives; subject words; or the term l'national,n or "staten (meaning "nationalu), or

I equivalents in foreign languages.

Research Center Library Technical Laboratory

Xnter the mes of all other national-level bodies Independently,

Population Research Center Nuclear Energy Library Technicill Laknratoq of Oceanographic Research National Institutes of Health Carporation for Public Rrmdcastjng National Cellery State Library

Note: Prior to 1989, headings for names of national-1-1 Wies consisting solely of a general phrase plus the term "natiomlH or "state" (or their equivalents) were entered si~bordinately; such headings are rmised when they are needed in post-1988 cataloging.

2 ) &dies k I m the nationaZ 1-1. If the is below the national level and Its name does not fall into any other type under 24.18, enter it under the heading for the government unless elther the name of the government is stated explicitly or I s implied in the vmrdlng of the name or the name contains some other element tending to guarantee imiqieness (usually a proper noun or adjective). (If variant form in the m y ' s usage make it unclear as to whether the name includes the name of the government (as defind a m ) , do not treat the name of the guvernment as _Part of the name of the body. ) In case af doubt as to whether the name of a body kim the national level fits the criterion for ~n~mrdinate entry, enter it subrclinately.

If according to these instructions, the body is entered under its am name, generally, add the name of the government as a qualifier unless this name or an understan&ble surrogate is already present in the My's name (cf. LCRI 24.4C).

24.18, TYPE 5. [ R w . ] [Formerly 24.18, W E 41

Restrict the a~lication of 5 to major executive agencim of national gcnernments .

24.18, TYPE 6. [Rev,] [Formerly 24.18, TYPE 51

Apply 25.18, TYPE 6, to the names of county, regional, and district councils in Ehgland, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, since the bodies are lqislative in chmacter, at least in part, according ta the British Library. Ag~ly type 6, also, to the predecessor camcils existing before the reorganl7~tions in 1974/1975.

Cataloging ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (Spriry 1989) 63

Page 64: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

- 24.18, TYPE 11. [Rev.] [Formerly 24.18, TYPE 101

4 Do not apply 24.18, TYPE 11, to the name of national 'irnesco

commissions that are agencies of the governments they represent. Instead, apply 24.17 or 24.18, TYPE 2, to these names.

24.21B. [Rev.]

When a body presents itself as a sulzordinate unit of a legislat~lre (or of a chamber) apply the rule without rega.r-6 for the fact that sme or even all the members of the M y are non-mkrs of the legislature.

n m : Colora.60 Legislative r~~mcil heading: Colorado. General Assembly. Legislative Cauncil


When a subordinate unit is entered as a subheading of a prticular chamber of a legislature, generally do not make a reference from the imit as a direct subheading of the legislature.

C1. S . Hotise o f Representatives

Ignore the heading for the 1;. S . House of Representatives shown in one of the exam~les in rule 24.218, Consider "House" as the con~entional name ( cf . 24.3C) and use

M t e d States. Cmgres s . Hause n


The first and second exampies showing ~renthetiral akifiitions to the headings are erronm-1s. N~un~~rs, dates, and locationsf, that apply not to the delegation Fr?lt to the international undertaking snmlii k expressed at the end of the heading, p::nct~~at& with corns anti follming only the order of elements as p~escribd by 24.3A.

sotrce: r3bien-m de Emador . . . m.~nda IXlegacib a la Quint3 Cmferencia Pmmerirxma de Elellas Art- tenida a Lima 5-10 mayo 1949

heading: Ecuador. Segrnvda Delegacih a la Canferencia Pammericana de Bellas Art-, 5th, 1949, Lima, Peru

source: Indonesia ... Deiqation to the Sixth Cmference of the Cmcil of Mxth Asian Ministers of Ed~~r~tion . . . Manila, 1965

heeding: Irdanesia. Delegation to the Canference of the Council of Sauth Asian Ministers of Education, 6th, 196!5, Manila, Philippines

When a serial entry is king prepred, folly the usual practice of mitting number, date, and place when a~ropriate. In monograph cataloging, nonnally fornilate the heading to include number, date, and

I place (with a separate name authority record in each case). I

64 Cata lq ing cService i3-illetl'n, No. 44 (.Spring 1989)

Page 65: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

24.27C. Subordinate badies. [Rev.]

Tor dioceses of the Church of Bgland, make a reference from the name of the place named in the heading, if the place name is the same as a 1-1 place. ~mstyr-~ct the heading in the following form: name of the. 1-1 place, followed by "Diocese" and "Church of England. IT

Church of Ehglarud. Diacese of Ely x Ely (Engld : Diocese : Church of mid)

24.27C3. Catholic dioceses, etc. [Rev.]

If the name of the see itself, as given, wmld be a heading and this heading wrmld include a larger geographic qualifier, according to 23.4, then add the qualifier within parentheses. Make a reference from the name of the place named in the heading in the follm1nc~ form: raame of the local place, followed by the term for the of body ( "Patriarchate, " "Diocese, "Province, " etc . ) and 'ICathol ic Church. "

I In of doubt, do not qualify the name of the see. I

Catholic Church. ArcMiocese of Santiago de Cuba x Santiago de C u b (Cub : Archdiocese : Catholic Ch~~arch)

Catholic Church. Diocese of -la (Saden) xl-la (Sweden : Diocese : -tholic Church)

Catholic Church. Diucese of Ely (-land) xEly (Ehgland : Diocese : Cathoiic Ch1Irch)

Catholic Church. Ulcminian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia (Pa. ) x Philadelphia (Pa. : Archeparchy : Catholic Chl-lrc,'n )

Catholic Church. Vicariate Apostolic of 2hmra ( -or x Zamora (Ecuador : Vicariate Apostolic : Catholic Church)

For item pi-Mished in countries where orthographic reform has taken place (Indonesia and Malaysia, the Netherlands, Soviet Gnion, etc. ) , record the data appearing in the ayes preceding the physical description area and in the series area exactly as fmmd in the source of information with regard to orthography.

For mnographs, on the bibliographic record for any edition of a work whose title proper contains a mrd in the old orthography, provide a uniform title reflecting the new orthography, althoi.~gh no &ition with the reformed orth-aphy has been received.

For serials, awly 21.2A and 21.2C.

Omit alternative titles frcnn uniform titles when basing the I uniform title on a title proper that inclucis an alternative title. I n

Catalcging ,Service Rrrl letin, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 66: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

If the title proper w i n s with a statment of responsibility, use judgment in deciding whether or not the statment may he separated. For example, to take tTAXS rather ohvicn.1~ cases :

1) For the title proper "Shakespeare's King Lear," "Shakespeare1 sf' can he separated and so the uniform title "King Lear" is used. In general, make a name-title reference from the title proper

( for a mrk entered under a personal or corporate heading (cf . 25.232) . 1

2) For the title proper "The John Franklin Rardin omnihm," "John Franklin Bardin" is not separable and no uniform title is used.

Retween these twc, obvious extremes, handle more ambiguous cases accorciing to one's hest judgment (i .e. , use "feeling" and examination of typography and layout of the chief source and other expressions of the title ( c m r title, running title, etc.)).

Unless 25.3A applies, routineiy accept the wrd "constitution" (or I its ecyjvalent as the complete uniform title by virtue of 25.38. I 25.5C. -. LRm7.1 [Formerly 25.5D]

When naming a language in a uniform title, use the name found in the latest edition of IhSRMRC Code List for Languages. Mte: If the language is an early form of a modern language that appears in inverted form (e.g., French, Old; English, Middle), use the early form in direct order within parentheses following the modern language. (Disregard the example "French (Anglo-Norm~ln)~' in the printed text of AACR 2; insteacl, use "Anglo-Norman. I' )

Charrscrn de Raland. French & French (Old F'rench)

Palladius, Rutilius Taurus ~liarrus [De re mtica. English (Micidle English)]

Greek represents a special case. Use I1Greek1' to c m r all f o m of this language. If, h m e r , the item is a translation frm one specific Greek form into another Greek form, use in the uniform title the specific: form of the transiation within parentheses following "Greek. 'I If the item contains text in two qecific forms, use the specific forms within prentheses follcrwjng "Greek." in qecifying the form of the Greek, use only one or more of the follclwing terms: Ancient Greek (for all pre-Hellenistic Greek), Hellenistic Greek (for the period 300 B.C.-A.D. 600), Biblical Greek (for the Septuagent a~rF the NEW Testament), Medieval Greek (for 600-1452), Modern Greek (after 1452).

Plato [Republic. Greek (Madern Greek) & Greek (Ancient Greek) ]

Multilingual W o r k s

If a vmrk was originally issued in a single edition in twa or mare languages and there is no evidence that one text represents the orlginal and the others translations of this original, do not add the l ~ l g e s after the uniform title when the edition being cataloged is in all these languages. For example, m e dacwnents of international bodies are first issued with a text in all the official languages of the body; also, the laws of sane countries with two official languages

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(e.g., Wlgium, South Africa) are originally issued in both officiai l ~ ~ g e s . Hmewr, if mother edition of such a work is issued in only one of the l~iages, or in additional 1-g:, add the name of the language or "Polyglot" after the uniform title for this edition, leaving the uniform title for the original without a language designation.

If a work was originally issued simtiltan-ly in seprate editions in different lampage and there Is no evidence that the text in one of the lzn-guag- is the original, select one of the editions as the original accorditq to 25.3C and treat the others as translations.

Occasionally an author's vlork is translated into another language hit has not been published in the ai-ithorls original language. If the transiation indicates the original has newr been published but gives the author's title in the original lampage, use this title in .the uulif~rm title on the translation. In case of dmbt as to whether the originai title given in the tr-lation is indeed the original title, do not use that title as the uniform title.

25.5D. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.5E]

Do not apply 25.5D to any uniform title.

Tebrema. Ehglish Theorem [motion pict~are] ...


1) This rule m be 1-1sd

a) to formi~late a heading for a textual work or a collection of .such wrks when either the work does not haw an ai-lth~r or titie or the collection d m not have a title and rules 1.1~7 & 2.5.3-25.4 do not help; or,

b) to form-if ate a heading to represent the manizscript when the item bing cataloged warrants s-ich a hm3ing as an added entry (cf. LCRI 21.30H) or as a st-iaject entry (see kelm).

I I 2 Whenever the r~ile is being amlied, note rxefiilly the

hierarchy of choices, especially betwen the choice of the name of a manuscript and the choice of the repository designation for a manuscript. Generally spaking, the name of a manuscript is a designation containing a generic term .such as "codex," "stone," or "tablet." Also, generally, accept those designations as the name of a m~script that combine a location name (monastery, t m , etc.) with a generic term ordinarily indicative of text (e.g., Lindisfarne Ciipels). It is much better to us;e such a name in preference to the repository designation, which shmlld be the wry last choice.

Cadex Brucianus not Wieian Library. &muscript. Brr~ce 96

Also, the name of a man~iscript shmld not be us4 as a repository designation.

Codex Peresianr;ls not Ribliothkge naticmale (France). Mm1iscript. Codex

Per- iani-1s

ratalcging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (Spy-irg 1989)

Page 68: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

P h y s i c a l Aspects

When a publication is about one or more physir.1 aspects of a manlLscript, e.g., its illumination or the style of the in which it m s written, the Subject -talqirg Division n&s a heading seyrate from the one created for the written wor~ contained in the man~iscript. Furnish a heading based on the name of the manuscript (or its designation in a repository).

R e p i tory N;wne

When a heading for a manuscript or muscript grmp contains the name of the repository, u* the name of the repository that currently has pS~c3s~ion of the man11script (or the repsitory that last heid the manuscript if it no longer exists). Use the current name of the remitory in a11 cases, W e a reference from the repository given on the item king cataloged if it is not the repository used in the heading.

British Library. Marruscript . Arundel 384 x British M ~ s m . Manuscript. Ar~-mdel 384

For the form of the repository's designaticm, use the form f w d on the first item received. For consistency, use this form in subsequently establ ished headings. E i ~ ~ e r , if later items shm mother form as the predominant one, change the existing headings.

British Library. Manuscript. Additicmal 39996 British Library. Manuscript. Additional 43487

BibliotMque naticmale (France) . Marruscript . Wanpis 95

BibliothGqw naticmale (France). Manuscript. -pis 3137


25.27A. General rule. [Ra7.] [Formerly 25.27BI

Footnote 9 lists three categories of titles that are to be treated as "titles consisting solely of the name of one tytp of canposition": 1) Titles that consist of a name of a form; 2) Titles that cm8ist of the name of a genre; 3) Titles that consist of a generic term frqlently usd by different comers. The third category (and the third category only) should k evaluated with the final sentence of the footnote in mind also. This will be particularly true when the cammn term is accanpnied by some modifier other than a medium or numeral. One should canslder that all modifiers other thm medium or numeral make the phrase a distinctive title-no matter how cannon sa-mding it is. For example, "Piecen is a generic term frequently used by different composers, i7ut "Concert piecen and "Little piece" are considered distinctive titles.

25.29A. Initial title elements consisting solely of the name of ane type of ccarpasitim. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.27Bj

One Wrk of One 7&e

When cataloging the first occurrence of a work of a particular type by a composer, apply the following: e

Page 69: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

1) If the capser is deceased, search reference sources to determine whether the canposer wrote more than cme work of the type, and use the singular or plural form in the uniform title according to the information found.

2) If the composer is living, use the singular form in the uniform title unless the work being cataloged bears a serial nlunkr (including 1); in that case use the plural form on the assumption that the composer has written or intends to write more works of the type.

When cataloging the second mcurrence of a work of a particular type by a capser, if the singular form has been used in the uniform title for the first mrk of the type, revise the uniform title to 11- the plural form.

Note that the medium of performance is not a criterion in the application of this prclvision of the rule; if the canper wrote one piano sonata and one violin sonata, he or she wrote twr? sonatas and the plinal form -t he used.

When a French work for solo mice and keyboard stringed instrument has the title Wldie or PIEjldies, do not translate the title into Ehglish, since the cognate mrds in English and other languages do not have the spcific meaning of the French mrd. Cnnsider the medium of performance to be implied hy the title and do not inc11-~de it in the

I 1-miform title (25.308la). I

When a French work for solo mice withm~t accmpmiment or with accmpmiment other than a keyboard stringed instrument alone has the title Hldje or Mldies, do not translate the title into Znglish. Include the m&im of accmpaniment or a statment of the absence of

( accmpnlment (25.30B10). I

When the word Mlody or Melodies, or its cognate in another language (including French) , is the title of any other wrk, consider it the name of a type of composition. Use the English form in the

I rmiform title and include the medium of'perfomnce (25.30Bl).

Give Latin lit~qiral titles (e.g. , IfGloria, " %11\7e Xqina, "Te Mun" ) in tne singular. Exception: ?Jse "Magni f icats" and "F?qecn~iemsn

( when appropriate. Apply 25.30Bla, and do not normally include a ) statement of medirun of performance.

25.30Blb). [Rev.] [Fomrly 25.29A21 1 Revise subsection b) to read:

or b) the work consists of a set of congositions for different media, or is one of a series of compositions with the saae title h ~ t for diffe~ent media

25.30B4. Individual instruments. [Rev.] [Fomrly 25.29DI

ilse the follming instnment names: violonceilo, English horn, contrahassmn, and tinpmi.

I If the application of 25.30Rd results in the sepraticm of a 1 c m p e r ' s mrks between harpsichord or clavichord on the one hand and piano on the other, choose the instrument for which the ma joy portion

,- of the mrks of a given type was intended and use that instnmnt name for ail wrks of the type. If the "majorf1 instyrmnt is not amrent,

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Page 70: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

use I 1 k q b M ins t m n t . " - 25.30B5. G r u u p of instruments. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.2931

I Use the phrase "instnmntal ensemble" as a statement of medium


that is add& to a titie in a miform title only if the rnmlitrm is a gro1rp of diverse instnments not alreacty prcwided for by other terms in the list.

25.30B7. Solo instrument(s) and accanpanying ensemble. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.29Gj

For an accmpanying ensmhle that has only one performer to a part, use the mrc?l "ensemble" prec&& the appropriate qualifying term (e.g. ; "string ensemble," "jazz ensmble," "wind ensembleu) as a statement of &i~m that follows the statement for solo instnmnts in a uniform title.

25.30C1. General rule. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.31A3.1

1 When adding a serial nlmber or ops or thematic index number to a 1 title that consists solely of the m ( s ) of type(s) of cornition or to a title that conflicts, generally, use English tern and Arabic n~.merals.' Abbreviate both English and non-English terms in accord with Appendix A and transcribe numbers in accord with Appendix C.

25.301). Key. [New]

Use Bglish tern in stating the key in a uniform title. F

25.32A. One part. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.32AII I

When selecting the title of a part of a musical work, follw 25.27 I

and 25.28 but not 25.29.

When the number of a prt of a work is used in the uniform title of the part, precede the number by the abbreviation "No." ("No," "Nr.," "N . , etc , ) when such an abbreviation, or the corresponding worci, appears with the n1mbrs of the parts in the smpce on wnich the uniform title is based. Give the abbreviation in the larg~age of tne first element of the uniform title.

Brahms, JdEannes [Ungarische T-e. Nr. 51

25.34B-25.34C. Selections and Works of wrious types in one broad or specific medium, and mrks of one type for one specific medium or variaus media. CRc37.1 [Formerly 25.35- 25.36]

If a sound recording collection contains three, fcrur, or file musical mrks entered under a single personal name heading, enter tne collection under the collective I-miform title appropriate to the mole item. W e --title analytical added entries for each work in the c o t i o n . For excerpts frm one work, make a separate analytical added entry for each excerpt imless there are tm or mre exceqts numbered consecut ivel y ( 2 5.6B 1 ) or three or more ~-ann~~rnbered or noncm~tively numbered excerpts (25.681).

Do not apply these provisions to the follwlng suwd recording colle-tions :

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1) a collection whose contents m i s t of all of a composer's P works of a particular tyge or for a particular medium of performance

! (25.34C2); I

2) a collection made up of a consecutively numbered group of [ mrks (25.34C3); I

3) collections of pop, folk, ethnic, or jazz music;

4) multipart collections that are not yet carrrplete.

25.34Bl. [ R e v . ] [Formerly 25.351

Dc, not add a date of publication, etc., to the uniform title llSelectionslt when this is used for collections of musical wrks by one canposer (unless the uniform title is being used in an analytiral added entry (cf. 21.3OM)).

Disregard the last sentence of this rule. (Under 25.32B2, the term I "SuiteI1 is to be used only for excerpts fmn a single work. )

25.34C2. [Rev.] [Formerly 25.36RI

For collections of music by a single composer for \ariaus motion pictures, w e the uniform title "Motion picture musicft or I1Motion picture music. selection^'^ (withuut a statement of medium) instead of such uniform titles as "Orchestra masic. Selections. I'

7 Reference Eva1 zia tf on

All cross references on authority records in the autm,ted name authority flle must eventually be in accordance with LC/AACR 2 practice in matters of form, style, and choice of references. Although much work was done prior to the adoption of AACR 2 to identify the correct AACR 2 heading, it was not possible to do this in advance for references. Near the end of 1980, a new fixed field (008/29)~ was add& to the authorities format to indicate explicitly the status of the references with regard to the heading. The \ai~les in this byte of the fixed field are

a = references have been evaluated b = references have not been evaluated n = there are no references in the record

For records in the autmted file and coded for AACR 2 at the time of the "flip" of the name authority file on November 15, 1980, the value "b" ws automatir~lly added to all records with cross references and "nu to all records without references. Records on the file hit not coded for AACR 2 at the time of the Iff lip1' and records creatd before 1981 but added to the datahse after Nwember 15 had the fixed field value "b" set as the result of the master file conversion completed March 22, 1984.

When making any change to an authority record on which the referencm have not been evaluated, the descriptive cataloger must evaluate and adjust the references for AACR 2 and LC practice. This -t be done even if no actual changes are made to the reference tracings.

9~or LC descriptive catalogers only: 008/29 = fixed f ield box 12 ..

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In waluiating references, search the necessary related authority records to verify the AACR 2 forms. If the headings on the related records are already in correct AACR 2 form ( a d cded to so indicate

- this), it is not necessary to evaluate the references on these records unless saw other change to the record Is n@ed. Otherwise, apply LCRI 26.3E-C, Evalr~ating misting References.

Linkiq References

1) Frznctions of linking references. Linking references may serve in one or more of three different capacities: -1) As actual connections between different pre-1981 and pst-1980 headings IIS&; 2 ) As valid cross references leading to the form chosen as the post-1980 heading; and 3) AS a mechanism for ~ m t i n g headings in pre-AACR 2 bibliographic records to the AA(=R 2 form.

a) Connections he-n pre-1981 and pt-1980 headings. When the heading has been changed for AACR 2, the pre-1981 heading will generally k retain& as a linking reference in the name authority file. Value "a" in psition 3 of the +.v ccmtrol %ibfj.elci of the 4xx fields is used to indicate the pre-1981 heading. It is the respnsibllity of the descriptive cataloger to trace the reference from the pre-1981 heading.

b) Valid cross refervnces. The tracing from the pre-1981 heading may also be used to pro&ice a valid cross reference to the post-1980 heading if it is appropriate in exactly the same form as the nre-1985 heading. Based on this decision of validity as an appropriate AACR 2 reference, add or delete value "a" in position 4 of the fw cc~ntrol snbfieid (do not make) as necessary. If the nre-i981 headirq I - reference is valid in ~3-bstance ' but not in fom, make another tracing in the correct form. In this =se the pre-1981 heading must have the

I vali~e "a" in wition 4. Tne examples belrrw reflect the values that resulted frm the name authority "flip." e

110 Delaware Racing Cmission (008,llO = c)"

410 Delaware. Racin~ Cmission. (+w, psition 3 = a; pition 4 = a)

The reference is a valid AACR 2 reference. Pelete the period frm the end of the tracing and change position 4 to value "n."

410 Delaware. Racing Ccrmmission (+w, position 3 = a; pmsition 4 = n)

151 McAlester Okla.) (008,/10 = c) i 0

451 McAlmter, Okla. (+w, position 3 = a; pition 4 = a)

The reference is not a valid AACR 2 reference; allm the tracing to remain exactly as it is to prclduce the linking reference only.

110 Illinois State M1se1m (008/10 = c)lo

410 Illinois. state Museum, Springfield, Ill. (+w, pition 3 = a; pition 4 = n)

The reference is valid for AACR 2 in substance but not in form; change position 4 to vali-~e "a" (do not make) in the tracing and trace another reference in the correct AACR 2 form. -

lopor LC descriptiw catalogers only 008/10 = fixed field box 7 .

Page 73: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

410 Illinois. State Museum, Springfield, Ill. (#w, p i t i o n 3 = a; p i tion 4 = a )

410 Illinois. State M~emn (fw, p i t i o n 3 = n ; p i t i o n 4 = n)

C) Whanism for [@&tirig headings. The linking reference from the old catalog heading was u s e d as a mechanism for iqdating headings on pre-AACR 2 bibliographic records. At LC, it m s done through the "bib flip" projects. Since June 3, 1985, LC catalogers have 'been responsible for initiating individual changes to i~gxlate pre- AACR 2 headings wnen establishing or coding a heading for AACR 2 and there are bibliographic records in the machine fiie on wnich the heading angears in its pre-AACR 2 form.

Nevertheless, linking references will still be trad on authority records for the benefit of other libraries.

2 ) Guidelines for &en to trace linking references

a) General. Trace a linking reference frm the LC pre-AACR 2 heading whenever the reference tracing muld sene to identify exactly the pre-AACR 2 form of neading found in MARC bibliographic records or m l d sene as a connection between the: old and new LC catalogs. Do not trace a linking reference when there is no exact one- tmne correlation betwen the AACR 2 heading(s) and the pre-AACFl 2 hmding(s) or when the linking reference normalizes to the same form as the heading (see e) mceptions belaw). Note that only one linking reference cxm he traced; when multiple linking references appear to be needed, the linking reference technique is probably not appropriate.

b) Bibliqraphic records. When establishing a new name authority record or assigning an AACR 2 heading to an existing name authority record and there are bibliographic records In the machine file with the heading in pre-AACR 2 form, initiate individual changes to update the heading to the AACR 2 form. Change cmly the particular heading king newly established or cod& for AACR 2, although this may result in a mixture of AACR 2 and pre-AACR 2 headings on records that were originally cataloged under pre-AACR 2 rules. When working with a name heading, do not charge m/title series added entries to 1-@ate the name portion of the added entry. (The entire series will be updated when the series authority record is prepared. ) When the name of a conference is represented hy an authority record that omits the number, date, and place qualifiers frm the hding (cf. 24.7R) arid there are pre-AACR 2 MARC bibiiqrqhic records under the heading for the conference that shav quai if iers in pre-AAm- 2 form, up3ate the q~alifiers to AACR 2 form and order.''

c ) New name authority records. Trace a linking reference frm a pre-AACR 2 heading found cm bibliographic records in the master books, serials, films, maps, or -ic files when it differs from the AACR. 2 heading. In rare cases wnen the m-la1 authority racl is examined, also trace a linking reference frm the pre-AACR 2 heading even if there are no 'LC MARMARC records. C&e the reference for "do not make" when it is not amropriate in the AACR 2 context.

''For LC descriptive catalogers only: Follav the proced~sres in K M C13 and forward the change requests to MARC Ed m d i m or other appropriate section after rwiew. (Do not forward them with the m authority record to MARC Ed Adams or Desc Pol. ) mception: When there are more than fifteen bibliographic records to u~flated ~mder one heading, fill out 'LC form 6-66 "Heading has been changed frm/toW instead of preparing individual change requests. Include on the form all relevant information needed to i~@ate the bibliographic records. Send the form to Desc Pol after section review of the name authority record.

Cataloging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (Spring 1989) 73

Page 74: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

NACO participants should trace iinklng references only from pre- AACR 2 headings found in I tC VARC records; do not trace linking references from headings f& in Lc, nm-MARC biblicqmphic records or frm headings in MARC records that =re not created or input by LC.

Note: It will be necessary to standardize same obolete pre-AACR 2 heading forms when tracing a linking reference, although the linking reference will be coded "do not make."

pre-AACR 2 heading: Plunket , H o n . Emmeline M[ary] , 1835-

linking reference: Plunket, meline Mary, Ron., 183.5-

pre-AACR 2 heading Glocker , miby Mcser (Clif t ) linking reference: Glocker, Ruhy W e r Clift

pre-AACR 2 heading: Prjnce, C[harles] L[eeson], 1821-1899

linking reference: Prince, Ckbarles Leeson, 1821- 1899

d) Existing autcasated authority records. When the linking reference is already traced, retain It unless one of the exceptions helm is applicable. Do not routinely examlne the file to see if there are MARC bibliqraphlc records. Add or delete coding for "do not make, " as. appopr iate .

When coding an uncoded authority record for AACR 2, convert the pre-AACR 2 heading into a linking reference wnen it differs from the AACR 2 heading (lmless one of the exceptions belm is a.pplir~ble). W e the reference for "do not make1' if it is not appropriate in the

catalw. Initiate cChanges to the MARC bibliographic records on which the old neadlng has hen used. e

When changing the heading on an authority record that has already been c d d as AACR 2 or AACR 2 cmx#tible and the former heatilng is retain& as an ampriate see reference, code the reference as an earlier establish& form of heading by uslng the value "el' in +w, position 3 .I2 Initiate changes to the MARC bibliographic records on which the old heading has *been US&.

e) Exceptions. Do not trace a linking reference when there is no one-to-one correlation betwen the AACR 2 heading(s) and the pre- AACR 2 headlng(s) or when the linking reference normalizes to the same form as the headlng.

When the linking reference is not uqd, s~ipply information about the old catalog heading in the 667 field of the authorlty record, and initiate updates to MARC bibliographic records.

(1) Multiple pre-AACR 2 forms b&ng combined into a single AACR 2 heading

pre-AACR 2 headings: Hawaiian Islands; Hawaii (Ter,); Hawaii

AACR 2 heading: Hawaii

Retain only one authorlty record for nHawali'l; do not trace any linking references. In the 667 field add the information: Includes the old catalog headings: Hawaiian Islands; Hawaii (Ter.). Initiate changes to MARC bibliographic records,

l2~or LC descr1ptIvr catalcprs only: See DCM 2 2 . 5 . 5 . -

74 Catalcging ,Service Bulletin, A@. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 75: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

( 2 ) Single pre-AACR 2 form k i n g divided into mu1 t i p l e P AACR 2 headings (e.g., 22.2B)

pre-AACR 2 heading Linington, Elizabeth AACR 2 hmdings: L W h g t m , Elizabeth; SharnwKI, Dell, 1921- ; Egan, -ley, 1921- ; O'Neill, Egan, 1921- ; Blalsdell, Anne, 1921-

Prepare authority records for all headings, connecting them with explanatory see also references; do not trace linking references. In the 667 field an the authority records for Shannon, Egan, OtNeill, and Blaisdell, make the note: Old catalog heading: Linington, Elizabeth.

Examine the bibliographic file under Linington and initiate changes to the headings on those records written under the names Shannon, Egm, O'Neill, and Rlaisdeli.

I I ( 3 ) Non erract one-to-one relationship, a1 though on1 y

t m headings may be inwlvPd

pre-AACR 2 heaciirg National Xesearch Council of Cmaa

AACR 2 h d i n g s : National Research Cuuncil of Canada ( f o r pre-1972 imprints) ; National Research Cauncil Canada ( f o r 1972- imprints)

Retain the authority record for "National Research Cmcil of Canada" and create one for "National Research Council Canada," coding bth as AACR 2. Trace see also references betwen the headings hxt do not trace a linkiq reference. In the 667 field of the authority record for "National Research Cm~ncil of Canada" add the information: For pre-1972 imprints only. On the authority record for "National

P Research Council Cmada" add in the 667 field the information: For 1972- imprints; old catalog heading: National Resea~ch Council of Canada. Examine the bib1 iographic files ~ulcier "National Research Council of and initiate changes to the headings on those records with 1972- imprints.

! ( 4 ) Conf l ic t ing personal name headings when the

confl ict is resolved by changing the existing hesding

new heading Smith, Paul ( No addi tional information is available)

e x i s t i w heading: Smith, Paul (The bir th date is hewn and added t o the heading t o resolve the confl ict: Smith, Paul, 1939- )

Change the authority record for the exlsting heading. Initiate changes to bibliographic records to agree with the new form of neading. Do not trace a linking reference or make a note abl-~t the oid catalog heading. The change is not caused by a. change for AACR 2.

( 5 ) Linking reference muld n o m l i z e t o the .same f o m as the heading

pm-AACR 2 heading Pluchart , Jean ,Tacq-les AACR 2 heding: Pluchart, J e a n - J a w

not trace a linking reference because it m l d normalize to the same form as the heading. In the 667 field make the note: Old catalog heading: Pluchart, Jean Jacques. Initiate changes to MARC bibliographic records.

3) Special instnictions on linking references for zmifonn t i t l e s . - I For ne/title llniform titles, trace or retain a linking reference frcnn the old catalog heading 1) whenever a single pre-AACR 2 uniform title 1 Catalcging c S e ~ i ~ Bulletin, No. 44 (Spring 1989) 7.5

Page 76: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

I is replac& k y a single AACR 2 imi form title or 2) whenewr a pre-AACR uniform title incli.ld& a form si-lbheading (e .g. , laws, statutes, etc. ) in the name portion of the uniform title.

100~Hmer.*Iliad 400 Hmem.+Ilias

!+w, pi tion 3 = a; position 4 = a j

110 Argentina.** no. 17.237 410 Argentine Repuhlic.*Laws, statutes, etc.*CLq no. 17.237 (fw, p i t i o n 3 = a; p i t i o n 4 = A )

I With regard to linking references for uniform titles traced on

I existing authority recon3s, note the follcrwlng situations:

a) For m-title headings when there is no change in the title portion of the heading, do not retain the reference from the pre- AACR 2 heading imles it . incluaded a form mxbheading (e.g., Law, statutes , etc . ) .

100 Schillebeeckx, mdI+l9l4+erechti~he1d en liefde.*English

400 Schillebeckx, Ectwarcl Carnelis Florentius Alfons,*1914~er~htigheld en liefde.+English !+w, position 3 = a; -sition 4 = a )

The reference is a nam-title o m with no change in the title prtion; do not retain the reference tracing.

b) When the choice of entry for a uniform title heading differs between AACR 2 and the old catalq entry, do not retain the reference from the old catalq heaciing, since there is to k no uplate of the pre-1981 bibliographic records for choice of entry. e

130 History of the Amerirm aircraft Inr31-~stry.+ ,Japanese

430 Simonson, C n e Roger1+1927+comx,.fHistory of the Mrican aircraft industry.+7apanese (+w, position 3 = a ; 4 = a ) .

The choice of entry differs for AACR. 2; delete the entire reference tracing.

c) Collective unifonn titles when there is no one-to-one relationship hetween the AACR 2 and pre-AACR 2 neadings.

100 Cethe, ,Toham Wolfgang von,+i749-1832. + Selections. +I980

400 Gethe, ,Jnhann Wolfgang mn,+1749-1832 .* Selected mrks (+w, weition 3 = 2; -<ition 4 = a)

blete the entire reference tracing.

26.1. GENERAL FWLE. [Rev.] [Formerly 26.01

In general, apply the guidelines in LCRI 26 when forrm~lating the reference structllre for new authority records and in evaluating references on existing authority records.

76 rdtaloging .*rvice P r z l letin, No. 44 (,Spriq 1989)

Page 77: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

- 1 Note that in LC displays the terms "search underw and "mrch alm 1 under" have replaced "see" and "see alson in the referral line. Huwever, the terminology see and see a1-w reference has keen retained in these instructions for ease of expianation.

Do not trace a reference that m l d normalize to the same form as the heading on the same record or to the same form as a heading on another record.

Forms of References

In general, construct a reference in the same form in which it would be constructed if chosen as the heading. Hmewr, because the LC AACR. 2 authority file includes headings constructed according to earlier practices, in m e cases references must k fonm~lated to "match" the existing heading. Spcific instructions are below.

1) Persoml names

a) Btes. Include dates in references if they have 'Den includd in the heading. If the form of reference conflicts with an established heading, resolve the conflict hy using dates in the reference, although they are not used in the heading.

b) Initials. In references containing initials, generally include in parentheses the fill1 form of the name represented by the initial ( s ) when 'ham. Howe~7er, if the initial is represented in the neading without the fill1 form king given there, make the reference "match" the heading.

100 Rodin, Euene, 1824-1891 400 W i n , E. (Blgene), 1824-1897 400 Rnciin, L. E. (L@uis Eugene), 1824-1897 400 EWin, M~-l.is Z~~gAne, 1824-1897

100 Hays, ,Tames D., 1926- 400 Hays, J. P. (5- P.), 1926-

not 400 Hays, J. D. (James Donald) , 3926-

100 Hemo Velez, C&ar G. 400 Vglez, C h r G. Henao

not 400 Velez, C h r G. Henan ( C h r Gabriel Hemo)

not ccsnhine different lang~qe forms or rmizations.

100 Arnolrdov, ArnolJd Isaevich 400 Arnoldcw, A. I.

not 400 Amoldow, A. I. (Arnol'd Isaevich)

c) Titles,/epithets. Include titles and epithets used in the heading In the reference mnless, for titles, they are not appropriate to the form in the reference, or, for epithets, the is to refer from a form containing a different epithet. For variant language forms for a p m n entered ~-rder smm, include titles of nobility and terms of honor and address in the form found in the sa-l.rce for the reference. If the source for the reference does not incl~ide the titie, etc., use in the reference the term u.ed in the heading, although it is in a dif f erent language.

100 Wiliiam, of Auverpe, Bjshop of Paris, d. 1249 400 Guillam, dlAuwrgne, Bishop of Paris, 6. 1249

Catalcging Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989) 77

Page 78: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

100 Maria, Mother, 1912-1977 400 Gysi, Lydia, 1912-1977

100 Gnioch, Glen, consort of Machth, King of Scotland

400 Gruach, Qaeen, consort of Mckth, King of Scot land

400 Mckth, Lady

100 Cuxstine, &tolphe, m-rqxis de , 1790-1857 400 Kfixstin, Adolf, markiz de, 1790-1857

100 Aixfsess , Hans Max, F'reiherr m n uml ax 400 Auf s-3, Fi . M . (Hans Max) , Freiherr I n I ~ C I ZLI

d) Comtihlle headings. Normally, construct the reference to llmtch" the AACR 2 comptihle element in the heading. Exception: Do not use "pm~d, " in references .

i0O Irenae~ks, Saint, Bp. of Lyons 400 IrE!n&, Saint, Bp. of L p n s

100 Crespelle, Jean Paul 400 Crespelle, J.-F. ( J m Paul)

100 Stevens, .Bhn n., fl. 1972- 400 Stelens, 3. D. (John D.), fl. 1972-

Addi tiom1 exampies illl-xstrat ing formats of references ( full reference stnicture not necessarily shm): -

100 Scottm, J~shi~~a, 1618-1698 400 J. S. (,Tcsh_ua Scottm) , 1618-1698

100 Sassmn, Siegfried, 1886-1967 409 Author of Memoirs of a fox-hunting man, 1886- 1967

400 Memoirs of a fox-hunting man, Author of, 1886- 1967

100 -5-PritchaM, E. E. (IWwad Ebn) 400 Pritchard, E . E. Evuzs ( EBmrd Evan IWams-)

100 Sigal-Ii de 'm. Fond, M. (Joseph Aignan), 1730- 1810

400 I k La FondI Sigaud, M. (.ioseph A i m ) , 1730- 1810

400 La Fond, Sigaud de, M. (Joseph Aipn), 1730- 1810

400 Fond, Sigaud de La, M. (Joseph Aipan), 1730- 1810

a ) Qual i f iers . Incluck qxtlifiem in the reference if awmpriate to the form in the reference wen if the qualifier has not heen im& in the heading bca~~se of ea~lier policies or because it is not appropriate there. Exception: not add a palifier to a reference consisting solely of an initialism. - 78 Cataloging ,S?rvice hi1 l e t in , No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 79: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

151 Ghat (Belgium) 451 Gent (Belgium)

110 Celleria nazionale dlarte mderm (Italy) 410 National Cellery of Modern Art (Italy)

111 Conf6rence Europe-Afrique (1979 : Lauwe, Swi tzerlilnd)

411 Rro-Afrlkanische Konferenz (1979 : La~~sanne, Svi tzer land )

110 Evangelisk lutherske frikirke (Norway) 410 IWangelical Lutheran Free Church of Norway

110 National Cultural History and Open-air Museum 410 Nasiomlo Kultuurhistoriese en Opelug--eum (South Africa)

110 BANAS (Organization : Incionesia) 410 B.A.N.A.S.

110 North Carolina Wood Energy Coordinating Group 410 Wood Energy Coordinating Grmp (N.C.)

110 S~~ibtb des arts de Genh 410 Socigt9 pour l'avancement des arts (Geneva, Switzerland)

110 BFA Educational Media 410 R.F.A. Educational Media (Firm)

b) T e r n o f incorpration. Construct the reference to llmatchll the heading with regard to the presence, absence, or form of a term of incorporation.

110 Wllliam Claibrne, Inc. 410 Claiborne, inc.

-bin& References

When reference is made to tK, or more different headings frcnn the same form, trace indiviZrual references rather t'nan listing on one combined reference all headings referred to through the cataloger- generated reference technique. Use a cataloger-generated reference only when a special explaxtory referral legend Is needed, e .g . , for

I psetxclonymcnzs authors ( cf . LCRI 22.2B) . I

m a p h i c Style

Generally, LC typographic style will not change.

Ini t i a l Arti cles

Treat references just as headings with respect to deletion/ ) retention of initial articles. I

When twa or more persans have used the same pseudonym and one or more is entered under another name, make references to the names alone, not name-title references.

100 Enriq~ez, Colin Metcalf 400 Thmphilus

C!.!.talcging .!Service hrllet in, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 80: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

100 Dickinson , .?omt'm 400 Thenphi 111s

26.2D. Ekplanatory references. [Rev. ]

Generally, 'a practice wiil be to prefer simpie, indivi&xal see or see also references to expimatory refe~ences, but the cataloger- generated technique is avai lahie when explanatory references are required.

Cross References for Join t Pse~rdonps

Make an explanatory reference from real names to a joint pseudonym. Also, make the reference from joint psmdonyn to real

I - -. I

Graves, Robert, 1895- For mrks of this author written in collahration with Lal-wa (Rid iw) Jackson, search also under:

Rich, Barbara

Rich, Barbra Joint pseudonym of Robert Gram and Lai-ra (Riding) Jackson. For works of these authors written d e r their clwn names, search also under:

G r a ~ e ~ , Robert, 189.5- , Jacksan, &ma (Ftiding), 1901-

26.3A7. Different forms of head-. [ R e v . !

1 ) References from location. Make a reference from the place in which the follming Wies are located: -,

a) a local religions inst i tut ion ( i . e . , chi-wch, cathd.ral, etc.; cf. 24.3G, 24.10);

b) a U. S . chamber of commerce.

W e the reference from the name! in the heading from the English name if a non-"qlish name has been chosen for the heading. If the M y l s name includes the name or the abbreviation of the x ime of the place in nm-m form, make the reference from the place foll& by the name of the ?mdy, omitting the place name unless such an cnnission milld result in ob~ectionable distortion.

110 Warrenton Chited Methodist Church (Warrenton, va. )

410 Warrenton (Va.). i~hited Methodist Church

110 Winchester Cathedral 410 Winchester (England). Cathedral

110 All Saints1 Church (Banstead, England) 410 Eknstead ( E K J ~ ~ ) . Ail Saints1 Church

110 Duma di Verona 410 Verona ( Italy ) . D - I ~

110 Qlise de la Madeleine (Paris, France) 410 Church of the Weleine (Paris, France) 410 Paris (France). Eglise de la Madeleine 410 Paris (France). Church of the mdeleine


RO Catalqing ,Service hilletin, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 81: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

110 Chamber of Commerce of Northwest Camecticut 410 Torrington (Cam.). Chamher of Commerce of Northvest Connecticut

110 W l e Lake Chamber of C m r c e (Eagle Lake, Fla. )

410 Eagle Lake (Fla.). Chamber of Ckmnerce

110 Greater Golden Area Chamber of Cananerce 410 Caldm (Colo. ) . Chamber of Camerce

2 ) References from jzzri,scliiction. If a government body is entered independently, make a reference fra its name as a subheading of the government that created or controls it (cf. 24.17). W e the reference from the name used in the heading and fram the English name if a non-English name has been chosen for the heaiiing. If the body's name incli-ides the name or the abbreviation of the name of the government in nuun form, make the reference frm jurisdiction followed by the name of the M y , mitting the name of the jurisdiction unless s~ch an omis3ion wmld result in objectionable distortion.

110 National Institute of Health (U. S . ) 410 IJnited States. National Institutes of Health

110 Victoria and Alhert Musmam 410 Great Britain. Victoria and Albert Museum

110 Natural History Museum of Los Angel- Cuunty 410 im Angeles Cxvunty (calif. ) . Ekt~wal History Museum

110 M u . des beaux-arts de h.oyes 410 Trqes (France). Muse des beaux-arts

110 Romewlt Junior High Schml (Eugene, Or.) 410 h m (Or.). Rmsewlt Junior High Schml

110 rxntre d'6tu1de de la population et de la famille (Eklgilm)

410 Pop~lation and Family Study Centre (mlgium) 410 Centnm vmr EWmlIcllngs- en Gezinsstt-~dien (l3elgii.un)

410 Eklgi~m. C&re d ' &trc1de de la population et de la famille

410 Belgium. Population and Family stu~dy Centre

110 Muleshoe Junior High Schml (Mulesh~, Tex.) 410 Muleshoe (Tex.). Junior Hign Schml

110 Baltimore R&evelopnent Corporation 410 Baltimore (Md.). T?ecim~lopxnent rmrporation

110 Wyxdotte County Museum 410 Wyandotte Comty (Kan. ) . Museum 1 10 T - b i ted States Employment Service 410 1-init& States. Employment Service

110 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 410 United States. Fish and Wildlife Service

110 Irdiana University, Rlmnington 410 Indiana. liniversity, Elmington

C a t a l q i r g cService Rr l l e t in , No. 44 (-wring 1989) 81

Page 82: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

110 University of California, San Diego 410 California. University of California, San Diego


26.4B. Seereferences. [Rev.] [Formerly 26.4Al

References to the Title P r o p r f m P a r a l l e l T i t l e s , Phrases a t Head of T i t l e , etc.

For works enter& under a name heading, make references in name- title form to the titie proper from phrases or titles other than the title proper when it might reasonabiy be expected that sane mtalq users would consider the element the title proper.

She-, Rankin Pony express to railways

a t h& of t i t le &fore the West was won

100 Shewmod, Rankin.+Pony express to railways 400 Snerwood, R;ankin.+Before the West was w n

Canadian Wildlife Service N m s des oiseaux Canada : n m franqais,

anglais et scientifiqrles = Gmadian bird names : French, English, and scientific

m au thori ty record

110 Canadian Wildlife Servlce.+Nms des oiseaux &I rmda

410 r m d i m Wildlife Service.fCmdian bird names

26.4D2. Titles of parts of a wbrk cataloged independently. [Rev.] [Formerly 26.4C2j

I LC will not amly this rule but instead apply 26.4B2 and make ) individual references frm the titles of such parts in the form of subheadings under the unlform title for the whole work.


LC wlll not apply this rule.

A.20. NAMES OF m, [Rev.] 1) For collections of laws, it is sametimes difficult to tell

whether the title used in the publication represents a single legislative act or is only a publication title formulated by an editor, publisher, etc. In these cases, consider that a formal or conventional m e of a legislative act is not inmlwl (whether or not it actually is) and we routine upper- and 1-r-casing.

2) For documents such as plans or statements of policy, use routine upper- and lower-casing if there is any doubt alsclut the formality or comentionality of the name.

82 C a t a l c g i n g Service mil letin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 83: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

C.1. GESlRAL RULE. [Rev.] [Formerly C.01 -

Objective. The objective of this rule interpretation is to normalize the method of transcribing numbers used in acc- points of bibliographic records to achieve consistent results in filing accomplished either by cmpter or by person (the LC computer filing program reflects U.S. transcription practiceonly). In the LC campriter f i 1 ing program, c m s are discounted but periods an3 spaces are not. Thi~s, 1,512 and 15i2 are treated the same but 1.512 is treated as a decimal and 1 5i2 is treated as twn distinct nimbers separated by a space. Thus, consistent treatment with respect to filing depends on consistent, normalized transcription in certain cases.

1 ) Access p in ts . For prur~x>ses of this mle interpretation, access points are headings, uniform titles, titles proper, series titles, and title add& entrie.

a) T'ranscribirg nrmbrs given in arabic numerals. Use U . S . I practice as described in The Chicago Mmual of Style, sections on decimals (8.17) and on the use of the comma (8.64). I

( 1) Lkc1mls. Use of a period instead of a raised dot or a coma.

3.14159 not 3.14159 not 3,14159

(2 ) Fipres of om thousand nr more. Use comas.

32,987 not 32.987 not 32987

Do not, hmever , use a ccgmna when a f igurc is judged . to be a literary device, ccsnmclniy written without the c-, or when It is jud-gd the coma would be inappropriate.

1001 decorating ideas ... Note: Apply these prwisions for access points also to any title

recorded in a bibliographic record (e.g., in a prallel title, in a variant title note, in a fonnal contents note).

h) (@dating existing records

( 1 ) Authority records

(a) Jkms. UMate any a1.1tmtd name authority record that contains a number in any heading or reference that does not reflect the practice described in this interpretation.

(b) ,Series. Update any AACR 2 series 31-ithority record that contains a n~unber in any heading or reference that does not reflect the practice ctescrihd in this rule interpretation,

( 2 ) F i bl icgraphic records

(a) Do not update pre-1981 non-MARC records to reflect this rule fn.terpretation.

(h) iV4RC records and pst-1,980 n o n M records. ilflate any bibliographic record that contains a number in an access - point that does not reflect the practice described in This rule interpretation.

Cataloging ,service Bulletin, Nc,. 44 (.Spring 1989) 83

Page 84: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

2 ) Other,mrtions of the recorvll. Use U.S. practice as descriw in me Chicago Mn~Ial of Style, sections on tiecimals (8.17) a d on the I use of the comma ( 8.64) . Note that section 8.64 contains exceptj mi I applicable to page nlmkrs, addresses, etc.

C.5C. [Rev.] [~omrly C.4Cj

! Apply C.5C to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages whenwer a ( vernacl-~lar numeral represents a typgmphic variant of an arabic numeral or constitutes a nimrir~l concept qmbliz& by an arabic ni~mbr .

1 1) Cansider that C.5C cmot awly to the following tern: I

2) Canvert the follming to arabic numerals when they represent tnl-e ni.mbers; otherwise, romanize them as a word: -

sin fu nil chieh ch Ci chci shih pien Niniro-in1 Jiken n

N o t e : For the numerals from one to nine that have no qui\mlent arabic form, follm 1) above, except those ie~sd in d a t ~ .

1981 nien 7 yiieh 12 jih - h ~ 7 - % t B t Z 0 1981-nen ?-gatsin 12-nichi

1981-yon 7 4 1 12-il

mception: When the date is a principal element of a title proper in r m i z e it in word-form with its particular reading.

)I Z B , 3 7% [f t=, Hachiptsu fi~tsuka, ten made yaketa

3) Retain arabic numerals as they a m r in corporate names or titles.

20 shih chi 20 @fi! 20-seiki


1981 nien is81 % 198 1 -nen

198 I-y6n

If an arabic numeral has a particular reading in Japanese idiomatic usage, h m e r , r m i z e it in word fom.

@%2B%d Shiii fiit wkasei

! 4 a ) Apply C.5C to Chinese an3 Korean ordinal numbrs belonging to a sequence.

84 Catalwing Service Bulletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 85: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

%-rnMI*B Ti 1 chi chieh kung yeh pu

Z=&MIikB Ti 2 chi chieh h q yeh PI

Ti 2 fu shu i yiim

Pei-ching shin ti 4 chien jtg*zeslg~ri92m C ~ U k~~ ch 4w lad.ng SSI-I

J ~ R ~ M ~ S ~ A I W ~ ~ Pti-ching shin ti 5 chien chu kung chCeng k u n g ssu

jtgive/tstimzm Pei-ching shin ti 6 chien chu kung ch6ery kung SSLI


e2z-sfi T'ai-wan ti i yin ha~g

ti liu h n

ti sin hsi

I 4b) Apply C.5C to Zapnese ordinal numbers IZS& in headings for ( divisions or sections of cowrate bodies or divisions or branches of armed forces. (For ordinal n~mbers in titles, follow I)->) abve.)

Japn. R . i I n ~ g u n . Shidan, Dai 1

%-matf7$!33 Daiichi Shidan Reite senki

C.?. ALTERNATIVE DATES. [Rev.! [Formerly C.61 - When giving alternative dates of birth or death in headings for

persons, apply the following:

1) If the dates are the last year of me century and the first year of the following century, give the complete date for both (e.g., 1899 or 1900).

2) If the dates are the first and second years of the same century, give the complete date for both (e.g., 1900 or 1901).

3) If the dates are the last year of one decade the first year of the following eerade in the same century, give the complete date for the first and the last t m digits of the second date (e.g., 1979 or 80).

4 ) If the dates are any t m years within the second decade of the cent~q, give t'ne cmplete date for the first and the last twn

digits of the second date (e.g., 1914 or 15 ) .

5) If the dates are the first t m years of a decade (other than the fi'rst two years of the first d d e of the century), give the cmplete date for the first ancl the last two digits of the second date (e.g., 1970 or 71).

6) If the dates are those not covered by 1 ) -5) above, give the cmplete date for the flrst and the final digit of the second date

C a t a l q i w -Service P-11 l c t i n , N o . 44 (Spring 1989) 85

Page 86: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)


As of January 1989 the Library of Congress has discontinued preassigning catalog card numhrs to suund recordings. This program has been terminated pr imar i ly bec~use partici~tion has 6eclined grecipitm~sly as recording canpies have adopted the cmpct disc format. Of co1-me, the Lihrary of Congress will continue to cataiq sound recordings and make the cataloging data available through the Music MARC Pistritmltion Service and Mtisic, Bmks on Music, ,CC,I& Recordings.


M k l y Lists 46-51, 1988 and 1-5, 1989

AIIX vaccines ( M y Sdx? C q ) R-2 -her Biologi cal weapons ( M y ~ L M C A ) Caregivers ( M y .5zM r q , l Chmical wmpns ( M y 3.M C q ) Chronic fatigue syncirm ( M y ,CrM C q ) c~ns~mer gods ( M y .f;tM C q ) Carprate ~ ~ ~ c e (Fhy SziM C q ) Dating violence ( M y S M C q ) IXjS vu (my SM C q j Drugs and pp11la.r tmisic (M;7Y ,C1M C~ecg,l Cey youth ( m y ,Sum C w ) Ho1.1ses ( As trolqy ) Infecti- wastes (May ,SilW C q ) Infill hmisiq (May Sit-Id C i ) Interethnic dating ( M y .SUM C w ) Interracial sating (My SzrM G q ) Job creation ( B y RIM C q ) me-hate relationships ( M y Sztbd C w ) Mica1 wastes ( m y S z M C q ) Wtis -ter trucks ( M y SiM C w ) Plastic gms (May ,FuM C-) Slm wave sleep ( M y SiM C~ecg,l Trail hikes ( m y SIW C q j Pbrkaholism ( M y .SrW C q )

The list belm comprises headings that =re changed or cancelled on weekly lists 42-51, 1988.

Accawai Indians Acawai Imlians NO Accawi language Acawai language YES Adrenal in Adrenaline NO Adreneqic receptors Adrenaline-lteceptors NO Altiplm (Bolivia and Peru) Altiplano NO Amp1 if iers , Push-pi 1 Push-pul i amplifiers NO Apple juice, Frozen concentrated Frozen concentrated a ~ l e juice YES

86 Catalcging Service Ril let in, No. 44 ( , S p i r y 1989)

Page 87: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Arrcw-heads Arrowheads YE,q Art, Batak Art, Ratak (Indonesian people) YES Aqia, Southeasterrr-Literatures Southeast Asian literature NO -paragus, Canned Canned asparagus YES Aqtor Place Riot, New York, 1849 Astor Place Riot, New York, NO

N.Y., 1849 Atmamet er Atmameters NO Avm, River (Glo~cestemhire- Avon, River (Glmcestershire- NO Awn) Awn, England)

Raked products, Frozen Frozen baked products YES Rambute Mbuti (African people) YES Elat& Batak (Indmesian people) YES Fatak-Marrlage custcarw and Rat& (Indonesian people)- NO rites Marriage custom and rites

E+atak-Misslons Batak (Indonesian people)- YES Mission!

-talc--Rites and ceremonies Batak (Indonesian people)- NO Rites and ceremonies

Ekens, C m & Cannd beans YES Ream, Dried Dried beans YES Re;ms, DrJleLaw and Dried beans-Law and YES legislation legislation

Beans, Driecf-Storage Dried b e a n s s torage NO Beef, cannd Canned beef YES Reef, Dried Dried k e f YE3 Berries, Canned Canned berries YES Eldletting Phlehc, t omy YES Blueberries, Dried Dried blueberries YES Canning and preserving-Industry C m & foods industry YES and trade

Capacitors, Electrolytic Electrolytic capacitors NO Cereal products, Enriched Enriched cereal products YE!! Chicago (111.)-Riot, 1968 Riots-Illinois-Chicago

F- ( Auwt ) Chickens, Frozen Frozen chicken YES Chimney-sweep Chlmney sveeps YlEq Chinese hawthorn Crataegus pinnatifida YE!! Cholinergic receptors Acetylcholine-Receptors NO Christiana (Pa.)-Riot, 1851 Rlots-Pennsylvani~istim NO Clothing, Cold weather Cold wather clothing YES Clothing, Protective Protective clothing NO Clothing, Waterproof Wate~rmf clothing NO C m m farmem Cam gr-rs YES Cnf fee, Instant Instant coffee YES Collective labor agreements--- Collective labor agreements-- YES Cming industry Canned fmds industry

Cmnfectionery, Sugar-free Sugar-free confectionery YES Confderate States of Americ- Gwernment publication. Government pub1 i cat l ons Confederate States of America

Coni f ersrSeed ConIfer&&s NO Convents uad nunneries Conmnt s YES Convents and nunneries, Convents, Franciscan Y"oS Franciscan

Cookery (KiwJ fruit) Cookery (Kiwlfrult) NO Corn, C m e d Canned corn YES Crab, Canned Canned crab meat YES Crabs, Frozen Frozen crab mat YES Crataegu.. mcyacmntha Engl i sh hawthorn YES Crystal Night, 1938 Gemy-History- NO

Kristallnacht, 1938 Ombr la Cwnbria (England) NO r3clmbr2a-Soclwl ccmdlticm Cumbria (England)-Social NO

condl t ions Cwnbrla--Social conditians--17th Cwnbria (Engld)-ial NO century conditions-17th century

Decoratlon and ornament, Karo- Decoratlon and ornament, Karo- YES Ratak Batak (Indonesian people)

~ a t a l q i n g Service ail l e t in , No. 44 (-Spring 1989) 87

Page 88: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Decorative arts, Ratak

Desserts, Frozen Desserts, Ekoze~Law and legislation

Draft Riot, 1863

Drllgs, Frozen 'Eels, Smkd p%~gs, Pried Eggs , Frozen Electric amratus and aplimces , Explosionproof

Electric controllers , Explosi onprmf

Electric meters, Xsording Erythrocytes, Frozen Falanation (Philosophy) Fish, C2nned Fish, Dried Fish, Femented Fish, Zrra-diated Fish, Smked Fishery products, C m e 3 Fishery prclducts, Dried Fishery prcld~ictls, Frozen F d , Artificial F&, C m d F d , C m e L a b l i q F d , C2nned-Microhiolcgy F d , CmMterilization F d , Dietetic Food, Dried F d , DrieCt-Microhiology F d , Dri-atents F d , Enriched F d , Femnted Food, Freeze-dried F d , Fried F&, Frozen F d , Irradiated F d , Irradiated-Law ;mci legislation

F&, Junk F d , Natural Food, Pickled Food, Precmked Food, Raw F d , Raw-Therapeutic use Food, Wild Free trade and protection Free trade and protection Free trade and protection-rn trade

Free trade and protection- Protect ion

Frozen Pacific salmon Fruit juices, Canned mii t juices, Cancentrated Fruit juices, Frozen Fruit, Cmed Fruit, Dried Fruit , Dried-Patents Grapfrui t juice, Cannd Grapefruit juice, Pried

Decorative arts, mtak (Indonesian people)

Frozen desserts Frozen desserts-Law and iqisiation

Draft Riot, New York, N.Y., 1863

Frozen drugs smoked eel Dried egg$ Frozen eggs "&ploslonprmf electric- apparatus and appl imces

Explmioprmf electric controllers

Recording electric meters Frozen erythrxytes Eqlmtion Ca-med fish Dried fish Fermented fish irradiateii fish Smoked fish fm& fishery pr&icts Dried fishery prd~~cts Frozen fishery products Artificial f d s C m d foods C m & f d ~ L a b e l ing

. CZinned f ds-Microbiology Canned f@&terilizatim Dietetic fonds Dried f d s Dried foods-Microbiology Pried fmdeatents Enriched f d s Fermented foods Freeze-dried foods Fried food Frozen foods Irradiate3 f d s Irradiated fds-Law and legislation

3unk f& Natlml fclods Pickle3 foods Precooked foods m w f d s Raw f&s-Theraput ic use Wild foods Free trade Protectionism Free trafie


Frozen salmon Cannd fruit juices Cancentrated fruit juices Frozen fruit juices Canned fruit Dried fruit Dried fruit-Patents rmed grapefruit juice Dried grapefruit juice










88 Cataloging ,Service hr l le t in , No. 44 (Spring 1,989)

Page 89: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Great Britain-+%loni~ Cmrnment publicat ion-reat Cbvemmnt pbl icat ions BritaiHolonies

Greek Theater (Syracuse, Sicily) Greek Theater (Syrac1.xse. Italy) Hadrianls Villa (Tivoli, Maritime Theater (Ha6rian1s Italy)---Maritime Theater Villa, Tlvoli, Italy)

Hadrian1s Villa (Tivoli, Hadrianls Villa (Tivoli, Italy) Italy)+tadiwn

Hadrianrs Villa (Tivoli, Stadia-Italy-Tivoli Italy)+tadium

Eessle Road ('Eull, Hlmberside) Hessle Road (Hull, England) B m n T-cell lmikmfa lymphoma HTLV (Viruses) vin1-s

H i m imundef iciency vim HIV antibcdies antilmdies

Iiuman im~ndef iciency viruses HIV (Vines) Irxliia-Gavernment miblications State gmernment publication- (State governments) Irdia

Interferometer Interferameters Ivories, Americxm, [Greek, etc.] Ivori~[place] .Jaffa Riot, 1921 .Taffa Riot, Tel Aviv, Israel,

1921 ICal inga language Kalinga languages mro-Btak Karo-Batak (Indonesian people) Karo-BtMi ssi on8 Karo-Wtak (Indonesian

pple)---Missions Khasia pine Kiwi fruit

Pinus kesiya Kiwifruit

Kiwi fruit industry Kiwifruit in&ustry Kohs block design test Kohs Block Deign Test Uhor classification Ocmpat ions-Ciassif imtion Laser interfermeter Laser interfermneters Lavender (Plant) Lavenders Lexdm Tmn1111s Site (Cnlchester , Leden ~mUlllili~s Site

,F Zssex ( Colchester , kgld ) Libraries, Bible coiiqe Bible college! libraries Lihmries, Catholic Catholic libraries Libraries, Ch~rch Church 1 Tnrar ies Libraries, Sunday-school !5unday schml iibraries LObste3?sI C m d Canned lobsters Local government d.wuments; Inca1 government p h i icat ions Landon (England)-Riot, 1833 Clerkenwll Riot, Lnndcln,

- l a , 1833 Los Angel- (Calif.)-Riot, 1965 Watts Riot, Las Angeles,

Calif., 1965 Manchester (England)-mk Dock Strike, Marchester, Strike, 1951 England, 1951

Mmt, rmd Canned Ineat Meat, Dried Dried meat Meat, Frozen Frozen meat Meat, Precmkd Precmkllci meat Meat, Precook-Flavor and odor Precooked meat-Flavor and &ox Meat, m k & Smoked meat Milk, Drid Drid milk Milk, Fermented Fermented milk Milk, Frozen Frozen milk Mm1lsham Street (Chelmsford, M0111sham Street (Chelmsford, -sex ) ~ l ~ )

Municipal dmmnts Municipal government pub1 icat ions

M?isnrcans, C m e d Canned nlrzshrcans Kative la'mr Indigencn~s labr Non-verbal intelligence tests Nonverbal intelligence tests Noradrenalin Noradrenaline @pera-glasses Opera glasses Orange juice, fanned fZmned orange juice

, Orange juice, Frozen Frozen concentrated orange cmcentrated juice

ratalqing .!Service Rnlletin, Ni. 44 {Spring 2989)









Page 90: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Oysters, C m e d CannM oysters Palem (Sicily) Palem ( Italy ) Palermo (Sicily)-History Palermo (Tta1y)-History Yalermo (Sicily)-History- Palem ( Italy)-Xistory-- Rebellion, 1647 Rebellion, 1647

Paris (France)---Riot, 1968 Riots-France-Paris Paris (Frmcej-Riot, 1 9 6 e Riots-France-Paris Language (New mrds , slang, etc. )

Paris (France)-Riot, 1 9 6 e French languagelang Lang-mge (New wordis, slang, etc. )

Patersonls curse Echium plantagineum Peach, C m d Cmed peaches Pear, &nn& Canned pears Peas, C m & C a e d pas Peas, Dried Dried peas Perlnatal rncrrtallty Perlnatal death Philippines-Politics and Philippines-Politics and government--1 973 - govermn+1973-1986

Phiiippine-Politics and PhillppinWolitics and gmmnt-1973- government-1986-

Pholidota, Fossil PhoiSdota (Mmimals), Fossil Pineapple, Canned Canned pineapple Pl~un, Cmned Canned plums Polari7ation interfermeter Polarization interferometers Pork, Camed Canned pork Po1.11 try, rmed Canned poultry Poultry, Frozm Frozen -mu1 try Project Apllo In art Project Apllo (U.S.) in art Prussia-History--Frederick TI, Prussi+History-Frederick 11, the Great, 1740-1786 1740-i786

Purdue non-lang- age . adaptabi 1 i ty Pnrdue Non-Language test Adaptabi li ty Test

Raspberries, C m e d Canned raspberries Reykjavik (Iceland)-C33ttb Riot, Gutto Riot, Reykjavik, Iceland, 1932 1932

Rice, Canned Canned rice Rice, @uick-cooking Quick-cooking rice Roman Villa of Casale (Piazza R u m n Villa of Casale (Piazza Armrim, Sicily) Armerina, Italy)

Russian poetry-American authors Russian-American poetry Salmon, C m e d Canned salmon Salt, Idizd Iodized salt Sandal Castle (Wakefield, West Sandal Castle (Wakefleld, Yorkshire ) England)

%.rdines, Canned Canned sardines Saurashtra language Saurashtri dialect .Saurashtra philology Saxmsht r i phi lo1 ogy Sauropda Saw ischia Schlossga~ten (Schwtzingen, Schlcssgarten Schwtzlngen Germany) (Schwetzingen, Germany)

Seafood, Irradiated Irradiated seafd Semen, Frozen Frozen semen Shakespeare, William, 1564- Shakespeare, W11llam, 1564- 1 6 1 ~ ~ . , relic!, etc. 16 1 ~ ~ s ~ m .

Shakespeare, William, 1564- Shakespeare, William, 1564- 1616--M~ms, relics, etc. 1616-Relics

Sheepen Hill Site (Colchester, Sheepen Hi11 Site (Colchester, Essex ) mid)

Shimbara Uprising, 1637-1638 Japarr-History-Shimbra Uprising, 1637-1638

Shimbra rSprising, 1637-1638- Japan-History-Shimbara Art and the uprising Uprising, 1637-163eArt and

the uprising Shrimps, Canned Canned shrimp Shrimp, Frozen Frozen shrimp





YES -,







- 90 C. '- talogi~ LServicx! Ailletin, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 91: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Shrimps, Irradiated Sicily in literature Sick-Clothing SicHositioning Silk, Chinese, [French, etc.] Southsea (Portm~ith, Hampshire) Soviets Spa Fields Riot, 1816

Spout Rm Parkway (Arlington, va. )

Sr6 language Stanford-Ohwakl-Kohs tactile block design intelligence test for the blind

Strawberries, Canned Sugar, Enriched Sunday-school buildings Sunday-school conventions Smday-school Institutes Sunday-school literature Surday-schml superintendents 8mday-school teachers Stday-schools S~~mday-school~Exercises , recitations, etc.

!3mday-schools--(;rawth ~y-schmls-Hymns Sunctay-schools-Prayers Sunday-schools-Records S1mCIay-schoo1s-l-in1 ted States sweet potatoes, fmed Tcsnatw, canned - Trophies, Military Tuna, canned United Stat-rnment publications

tlni ted Statmaernment publications (Counties)

Ilnited StatMfiernmmt piblications ( Interstate


agencies ) thited States-Gcnernment publications (Mmicipi governments )

United Stat-mnt pu.blications (State g m m e n t s )

United Stat-rnment pus1 Iczitions-Periodirals

IJsur~if a language Vegetables, Smed Vqetables, Dried Vqetables, Dried-Patents Villino 3asile (Palem, Sicily) Whitechapel murders, 1888

Irradiated shrimp Sicily (Italy) in literature Patient-lothing Patients-Positioning Silk-cplace] Southsea (Portsmouth, England) Soviets (Councils) S p Fields Riot, London, -la, 1816

Sl,?out Run Parkway (Va.)



SrG dialect NO Stanford-Ohwaki-Kohs Tactile NO Bloc'K Design Intelligence Test for the Blind

Canne3 strawberries YES Enriched sugar YE,F . . Sunday school buildings YES Sunday school conventions YES Sunday school institutes YE,S Sunday school li te~ature YE,F Sunday school s~iperindtendents YES Sunday school teachers YES Sunciq schools YES Sunday schools-Exercises, NO recitations, etc .

!3mday schml&rW-h Nn S d a y ~chm1~s-Hy-m~ NO .Sunday schools-Prayers NO Sunday school~ecords NO Sunday schmls--Unit& States NO Canned sect pntatoes YFs Canned tcsnat- YES Military trophies YES Canned tuna YES Gcnerrrment publicat inn-ni t& States

Ccnmty government pf~lir~tion_znited States

Interstate agency p1bl icat ions-llnited States

Municipal gclvemt publicationH1nited States

State gwernment publications- Unit& States

Government publfcatio~nited StatMeridicals

Usarufa langiage YES Canned vegetables YES Drid vegeta-bles Dried vqetables-Patents NO Villino Bsile (Palem, Italy) NO Jack the Zipper Murciers, NO London, England, 1858

Wood cluck YES Frozen yogurt YES


Cmcelled 9ib jet H&1ng Replacement A k m H e a d i n g

ratalqrirg ,Service h i 1 1 etin, No. 44 (.!!riq 1989) 91

Page 92: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Edict of Nantes France. Eiit de N a n t e s Project Awllo Project Apollo (U.S.) Sm.r t ( Cam~ter prqran) Smart ( Computer yzrqrms ) Stockholm, Treaty of, i85.5 November Treaty (18.55) Wakehmt Place (Ardingly, W e s t S~~zssex) Fkicehurst Place Cierden

( W l a M Ymg-Turkish Party fttihat ve TeraWci. Cemiyeti

Edition 20

The Decimal Classifiration Divisim kegan to w e numbm frcm the newly yzl~-blish& Edition 20 of the Dewy k i m l Classiflc2fion on March 6. M-mbers assigned frm the new edition, the first since 1979, are identified by 1120" in subfield 2 of the 082 field in PIARC bibliographic records and by "dc20I1 on Library of Congress prlntd P A ~ ~ S .

The prime (segmentation) marks in the numbers reflect the latest information that the division has abut the forthcaning 12th abridged edition, to be published in 1990. In a few cases these marks m y red to be changed after editorial work on the abridgment has 'hen completed.


USIWC Format for Au'thorlty Data m t e

Urnate no. 2 to the IEMRC mmmt for A~zthority Data is nm e, available. The uwate consists prlmarilyly of changes to the format resulting from proposals that were consider& by the! American Llbrary Association RTSD/LITA/RASD Camittee on Representation In. Machine- Readable Form of Ribliogmphic Information (MARBI) at its July 1988 m i In a-ddition, certain pges have ken revised to align mms and def initions with the IEMRC Format for Bihlicrgraphic h t a .

m e Library of Cbnpess will not implement data element c m in its tape services descrihd in i-@datt no. 2 before March 1, 1989, unless special notice is given. Such a SF-ial notice m l d allow a minimun of 90 days frm the date of the notice hefore implementation.

IlSWRC Format for Authority h t a was issued in June 1987 ($35) and Urnate no. 1 ($20) in February 1988. ITpdate no. 2 is available for $20 from the Library of Congress, Custcnner Services Section, Cataloging Distribution Service, Washington, LX: 20541, (202) 707-6100.

ITSMARC Concise F o m t s for Bibliqraphf c, Authority, ax l Holdings Lkta is a new publication that provides a ccmprehensive overview with brief descriptions for tags, indicators, and s1-&field codes; that may occur in U.SMARC Format for Authority Data, ITSMARC Format for R ih l iqrah ic Lkta, and E M R C F o m t for Holdilrgs and Locations.

Prepred by the Netvmrk Dewlopent and MARC Standards Office, this p~blicatim makes the use of the other fonnat publications easier. Each separately published TEMARC fomt guide provides detailed field descriptions and guidelines for applying the defined content designation (with examples) and identifies the conventions to be used to ensure inpit cmsistmcy. rSlz

92 Catalcgdng ,Service Bulletin, No. 44 (Spring 1989)

Page 93: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

IJCSM4RC Pancise F o r m ts for Rib1 i ~ a p h i c , Authri ty, a d Holdings Data provides a short description of each field, each character position of the fixed-lerqth data elements fields, aru? of the defined indicators in the variable data fields. Descriptions of subfield codes and values are given only when their names may not be sufficiently descriptive.

IlSWE'C: Canci-se Formats for Rib1 iqraphic, Authority, and Holdimp Data is a loose-leaf publication in a three-ring binder. It is priced at $40 and may be ordered from the Library of Congress, Cwstcrmer Services Section, Cataloging Distribution Service, Washington, D.C. 20541, (202) 707-6100.

Format integration has been a recurring topic of discllassim concerning the USMAR-C bibliographic format since the separate dcmments began amring in the late 1960s. Although cmrdination across forms of material, especially of core data elements, has always heen a format developent principle, the final step of establishing validity of all data elements for all forms required careful consideration. In the mid 1980s the work was finally undertaken. A tlSMRC format change proposal for format integration was considered by the USMARC advisory group over a --year perid ( 1986-88) . The cnltcme of those disclassions and the format in an integrated form are presented in the newly available Fonnat Integration and I t s Effect on the I E M P X Rib1 i w a p h i c Format.

This publication, preprd by the Ne-rk M~lopnent arxl MARC Stdards Off ice, is intended to serve as an interim indication of the integrated format decisions to assist planning. It does not replace the published tJSM4RC F o m t for Bibliographic Lhta and its I-1pc3ates as the authoritative version of ~ ~ C . A few of the format changes approve3 with fo-t integration (tne delete3 fields and subfields) are being published with rJMate no. 1 (Winter 1988/89) to U C M C Format for Bibliwaphic m t a . The remainder of the changes will be published in IJIrlate no. 2 (Sumner 1989).

Part I of the publication presents an overview of format integration+nckgruund, definition, general model, and description of types of changes. Part I1 lists the int-ated format fields, subf ields, and ~.ali-~ with all changes clearly highlighted.

Format Integration is available for $20 from the Library of Cangress , OC1xstmr !3en?ices Section, Cataloging Distribution Service, Washlngtm, D.C. 20541, (202) 707-6iOO.

Geoqramc Cutters

A greatly e m & second dition of C w a p h i c C t ~ t t e ~ , prepred by the C-raphy and Map Division, is now an-iiable. This micrclrofiche pi-~blication contains Cutters, or alphanumeric codes, covering

+ a t e . geographic piace names in the United S.--

This second edition contains more than 65,000 Cutters arranged in Library o f Congress Class i f icat ion, Class G: Geography, Maps, Anthrc,plqy, Recreation order with an alphabetic microfiche index that provides easy access to each state and region larger than a state. A loose-ieaf index and printed introduction are also new to this &it ion.

Geographic: Ctrtters r a help map librarians locate and group maps of an area and create consistent bihliographic recorcis. It can also help librarians identify specific geographic areas and collate place names within a specified area such as a state or region larger than a

Page 94: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)

state. In a-ddition, using the new pblication c . access to MrC Cartqraphic Mter ia ls for those who use it to spot Cutters &fore looking up a specific map reference. -

Cutters provide a m s of identifying spcj f ic geographic places in addition to creating a hierarchy of place names: within a specif i d area s~ch as a state or rqion. Inclu~d~d are cod- for physical and cultural features and regions, for first order administrative divisions of each state, as well as cities and tms. To prcwide alphabetical access to the states in these listings, the final frame on each fiche contains an index to the nl-nneriral equivalent for each state.

To provide as cmpiete a listing of place names as possible, the Gmgraphy and- Map Division identified a rescnrce person in each state to help develop m d maintain ijsts of gmgmphic Cutters for that state. The names of the resource persons are listed with their affiliations in the new print intrwluction.

Geographic Cutters may be ordered for $40 (U.S.) or $50 (international) from the Library of Congress, Customer Services .Sect ion, Cataloging Distrihutim Sen7ice Washington, DC 20541, ( 202) 707-6100.

All catalqing rule changes amring in the 1988 revision of the second edition of the Anglo-American Catalcg~ing Rules are identified in the -publication Changes t o the Anglo-AmErican Catalqing Rules, -Second Edition, compiled by Ettmrd Swanson. These champs include both new and deleted rules and examples as w11 as changed n11es and I s . Changes made to the appendices are also identified.

Changes to the -1 o-Amr-i ra Ca tal c q ~ i n g Rrrl e, .Seed Edi tian, ,-

is available for SlFt-ISBN 0-936996-35-8; no postage or handling if prepaid-frm Soldier Creek Press, PO Drawer TJ, Lake Crystal, Minn. 56055.

Milsic .%2b f ect Hmdings, c o ~ i led from Library o f Cong-ess .sub j ~ t Headings by Perry Bratcher xd Jennifer Smith, is available frm Soldier Creek Press. Tne p-~hlication provides m~sic catalqers with a one!-vol;ur\9 desk-reference set that can be i~sMi on a daily hasis in assigning subject headings to scores, sa-~nd recordings, and bonks ahi~t

Tine intrmluctfon contains all LC ~ l i q statements frm the Subject Cataloging Manual: Subject Headings that apply to music headings, as well as simple instructions for the fomMm~lation of headings for musical works. The section entitles "Significmt Changes and Re-vi.sionsU sho-~-ld be of 11se to those planning and implementing re trmpective conversion projects that inclu~de music records. m e svrhject headings are complete through Septmher 1987.

Music .Subject Hedings rm 'm orderd for $50-ISBN 0-936996-31- .+from Soldier Creek Press, PO Drawer U, Lake Crystal, Minn. 56055.

94 Catalqing .Service B!rlletin, No. 44 (,Spring 1989)

Page 95: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)


Headings established in the subject authority file nomlly are uised only for suI?$ect ~ ~ e s . (For information on which headings are appropriate for the subject authority file and which are appropriate for the name authority file, see "Headjngs for Certain Entities1' in Cataloging Service Rulletfn, no. 43, p. 2 f f . ) . Occasionally, a heading established in the subject authority file is needed for descriptive cataloging puqmses. For example, if the heading used in the add& entry for the entity in which an art exhibition was held is for a building rather than a corporate body, its authority record resides in the subject authority file. If a subject heading is needed for descriptive catalqing purposes, current policy is to cancel the headirg in the sixbject al-ithority file and reestab11sh it in the name au.thorlty fjle. This action results in the loss of subject cross-references, confimion rqarding the saurce cltatlons that reflect subject authority rather than name authority policies, and jnconslstent search strategies (e.g., a subject heading not found in the subject authority file is assumed not to lx established when in fact it may exist in the name authority file).

The Library of Ccmgress is considering changing its policy to keep headings that are appmoprjatr! for the subject authority file in that file even when the headings are uwd for descriptive catalcging purposes. In such cases, the suhjw-t authority record m l d he adjusted to indl-te that the heading is appropriate for use also in a main or added entry (008/14). (Note that headings n w app~opriate for the name authority file but which still remain in the subject authority file under earlier catalqing policies (e.g. , cmputer programs), will continue to be reestahlishd in the name authority file when the headings are reused in connection with current mtaloging.)

,- LC wants tn assess the impct of the change on other =ers before making a decision. If y m wisn to respond, please tear out this page and check the statement that represents your preference.

When a particular subject heading is needed for descriptive catalcglng m e s , I prefer to keep the heading in the s~in Ject authority f i ie . When a mrticrular subject heading is needed for descriptive cataloging purposes, I prefer to transfer the heading from the mbject authority file to the name authority file.





Please send'res~nses to i,~icla J. Rather, Director for Cataloging, Processing Services, Library of cmngress, Washington, l3.C. 20540.

ratalqing Service I311 letin, No. 44 (Spring 1989) 95

Page 96: Issue No. 44 (Spring 1989)