Croquet Club Update page 7 Kayak Challange page 6 Landscaping page 4 Seymour’s Nesting Boxes page 2 Water Watch page 3 NWRA Crossword page 8 Noosa Waters news Residents Association Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008 MESSAGE FROM NWRA PRESIDENT Dear Fellow Residents After another very busy month, we bring you a packed edition of the new look newsletter, introducing a number of features in response to requests made by members through the recent survey. We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with Councillor Russell Green, (p2) as one such initiative re- sponding to requests for more information about Council issues, particularly those likely to affect Noosa Waters residents. We would also like to thank Councillor Green for making time to meet with members of the Manage- ment Committee and for sponsoring this edition of the newsletter. Russell will be our invited guest speaker at the upcoming AGM where he will discuss a variety of Council initiatives and share ways that residents can best use their Council. He will also be invited to draw the winning entry of the survey competition. Members will be pleased to know that the Partnering Charter with Council has been signed off by the new Council and arrangements will continue as before, until a new charter is accepted. There were over 300 work- ing group arrangements in place throughout the previous three regional Councils. Details can be found on the NWRA website, as can much more information than can be included in printed news- letters. Visit www.noosawaters.org. May I draw your attention to the special crossword feature and to a number of events, including the AGM in October, the NWRA Kayaking/ Canoe Challenge and the Christmas events all covered later in this edition? We do still need a social secretary or co-ordinator. Many residents requested more social events, so please let me know if you are willing to take on this role - or even just help with specific events! Please keep sending ideas and photos to the editor or secretary for Festive next edition. I appreciate the dedication and hard work of my fellow committee members and teams of volunteers who con- tribute to administering and maintaining our parks and waterways, and wall other NWRA activities including the achievement with Council, of the new entry statement pictured above. Please volunteer to help and consider nominating for a position on the committee. I would like to thank all advertisers and sponsors who make this newsletter possible. Thanks also to residents and owners who have paid their subscriptions and made donations, and to those who responded to the survey. If you have not yet paid, please contact the Treasurer; pay- ment forms can be dowloaded from the website. Your support is appreciated. Gary Trevithick, President Noosa Waters Residents Association Inc. AGM 6.30 pm for 7pm, Wednesday 15 October Good Shepherd Lutheran College Hall 6.30 pm Viewing Plans for Noosa Northrise Estate Opportunity to Consult with Engineer, Andrew Fraser 7 pm Welcome address - President Gary Trevithick Guest speaker - Councillor Russell Green General Meeting followed by AGM with Election of New Officers NWRA members can nominate themselves or other members - with their consent - for office for next 12 months, by notice in writing to: The Secretary, Harvey Williams NWRA Inc, PO Box 197, Noosaville, 4566 or [email protected] ****** 6.00 - 6.25pm Neighbourhood Watch AGM Exclusive Interview with Sunshine Coast Regional Councillor, Russell Green Division 11

Issue 51 - Spring 2008 - Noosa Waters

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Croquet Club Update page 7

Kayak Challange page 6

Landscapingpage 4

Seymour’s Nesting Boxespage 2

Water Watch page 3

NWRA Crosswordpage 8

Noosa Watersnews

Residents Association

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008


Dear Fellow ResidentsAfter another very busy month, we bring you a packed edition of the new look newsletter, introducing a number of features in response to requests made by members through the recent survey.

We are delighted to present an exclusive interview with Councillor Russell Green, (p2) as one such initiative re-sponding to requests for more information about Council issues, particularly those likely to affect Noosa Waters residents. We would also like to thank Councillor Green for making time to meet with members of the Manage-ment Committee and for sponsoring this edition of the newsletter.

Russell will be our invited guest speaker at the upcoming AGM where he will discuss a variety of Council initiatives and share ways that residents can best use their Council. He will also be invited to draw the winning entry of the survey competition.

Members will be pleased to know that the Partnering Charter with Council has been signed off by the new Council and arrangements will continue as before, until a new charter is accepted. There were over 300 work-ing group arrangements in place throughout the previous three regional Councils.

Details can be found on the NWRA website, as can much more information than can be included in printed news-letters. Visit www.noosawaters.org.

May I draw your attention to the special crossword feature and to a number of events, including the AGM in October, the NWRA Kayaking/ Canoe Challenge and the Christmas events all covered later in this edition?

We do still need a social secretary or co-ordinator. Many residents requested more social events, so please let me know if you are willing to take on this role - or even just help with specific events! Please keep sending ideas and photos to the editor or secretary for Festive next edition.

I appreciate the dedication and hard work of my fellow committee members and teams of volunteers who con-tribute to administering and maintaining our parks and waterways, and wall other NWRA activities including the achievement with Council, of the new entry statement pictured above. Please volunteer to help and consider nominating for a position on the committee.

I would like to thank all advertisers and sponsors who make this newsletter possible. Thanks also to residents and owners who have paid their subscriptions and made donations, and to those who responded to the survey. If you have not yet paid, please contact the Treasurer; pay-ment forms can be dowloaded from the website.

Your support is appreciated.Gary Trevithick, President

Noosa Waters Residents Association Inc. AGM 6.30 pm for 7pm, Wednesday 15 October Good Shepherd Lutheran College Hall

6.30 pm Viewing Plans for Noosa Northrise Estate Opportunity to Consult with Engineer, Andrew Fraser

7 pm Welcome address - President Gary Trevithick Guest speaker - Councillor Russell Green General Meeting followed by AGM with Election of New Officers

NWRA members can nominate themselves or other members - with their consent - for office for next 12 months, by notice in writing to: The Secretary, Harvey Williams NWRA Inc, PO Box 197, Noosaville, 4566 or [email protected] ****** 6.00 - 6.25pm Neighbourhood Watch AGM

Exclusive Interview with Sunshine Coast Regional Councillor,

Russell Green

Division 11

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter

INTERVIEW - Councillor Russell Green

About Changes to the Noosa Plan of specific inter-est to NW - Operating small businesses from homes Russell explained that administrational changes have been introduced which will make it easier for small busi-nesses that run from home - provided the nature of the business is not disruptive to their residential neighbour-hoods.

New NW Residents Requested Welcome Kits Russell showed the current, comprehensive welcome kit that is available for new residents to the area. It can be collected from council Office in Tewantin and contains much valuable and interesting information.

About Peak Oil, Sustainability and Climate Change Issues for the Local CommunityRussell explained how the emerging carbon emission leg-islation will eventually impact on the way we transact in every aspect of life, and how these changes will affect all of us. However, while acknowledging there will be chal-lenges ahead, Russell encourages everyone to recognise the tremendous range of potential opportunities that now exist, for those with the vision to embrace them.

About Any New Initiatives to Help Residents to Re-duce Carbon FootprintsSCRC is supporting various environmentally focussed initiatives of community groups, boards and previous Council programs such as the former Noosa Council’s Liv-ing Smart Homes Program which addresses issues such as household water and power usage, recycling, litter reduction and management.

Coming soon will be a new, “Green on Line” device which residents can have installed for just $50. This will show immediately just how much power is being used with each item of electrical equipment. (Readers may have first seen this shown in TV program, “Carbon Cops”.) This device can help residents to identify and cut down the use of, heavy power consuming equipment, - then not only help the environment, but save money!

Eco-Light Bulbs - Russell explained how using this Green on-line device and by replacing all the light-bulbs in his house with low energy versions, has saved an astonishing amount on his family’s electric bill, without compromising quality of life in any way.

About current local sustainability initiativesRecently awarded Sunshine Coast Transition Towns Re-gion status, Green Streetscapes, Peregian Veggie Village and community permaculture options were discussed. Russell explained that there are a range of Sunshine Coast community organisations, reference groups, task-forces and departments working on different Climate Change projects.

When asked how the volume of emerging informa-tion can be accessed, combined and utilised Russell referred to the Council of Mayors (SEQ) who meet regularly to share diverse concepts and will be introduc-ing further Climate Change, reduction of energy con-sumption and greenhouse emissions initiatives into their regions, as part of their commitment to achieving sus-tainability and renewable energies under SEQ Regional Plan. According to the website, the SEQ “Regional Plan sets out estimates for each local government area of the

total of new dwellings required - 575,000 new dwellings over the period to 2026 – more than 50 per cent of our existing housing stock. Visit the website for more infor-mation. http://www.councilofmayorsseq.qld.gov.au/con-tent/sitemap.asp

About the Future of Noosa Community Environment Trust with New Council in PlaceRussell assured the community that the Trust would continue. Furthermore, the carbon emission sequestra-tion changes provide an opportunity for it to expand. As stewards for the environment, the Trust will pursue a direction of rehabilitation of degraded sites, preserving eco-systems and participating in carbon off-set pro-grams. Russell pointed out the potential for gaining carbon emission credits for careful management of this community resource; how additional planting of suit-able trees could provide habitat for wildlife and generate revenue at the same time – a win/win for the community and the environment.

About Noosa’s Biosphere and How Residents can Contribute and ParticipateSignificant delays have been caused by the enormity of the sheer volume of processes and changes involved in merging the councils. However Biosphere sector boards have held their first joint meeting and Russell hopes progress will be possible once the Council structures and budgets are in place. He envisages a further 12 months of planning will be required before Council is fully opera-tional with local laws, policies and budgets aligned.

Seymour’s Nesting Box Initiative for new Noosa Northrise EstateAs one of the first developments approved since the of-ficial granting of Biosphere status by UNESCO, Russell was pleased to be made aware of Seymour’s nesting box initiative, which was pioneered with NWRA.

The new Noosa Northrise Estate is believed to be the first development in Noosa to be willing to go above and beyond the minimum Council required, enforceable standard - responding to community concerns about loss of wildlife habitat and in support of the UNESCO “Man and Biosphere” principles. It is to be hoped that other developers will now follow this positive example, as they perceive the benefits of assisting wildlife in this region.

Russell hopes this project will be expanded innovatively to include the addition of in-situ cameras which will show the usage of these boxes. Data can then be used for environmental research and education purposes.

Street-scaping Entry Statement, Shipwright AvRussell backed Seymour’s commitment to Shipwright Avenue residents that they will be consulted about street-scaping and any traffic calming measures that are to be incorporated into this street to ensure best possible outcomes for residents and wildlife, alike.2

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008 Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter

A number of calls have been received from residents with oil-like pollution appearing in the canal outside their property. These residents were able to take a sample in a clean jar for Council analysis. All samples taken were shown to be different forms of organic debris. Pollen blown by westerly winds falling into the canal has been shown to turn a reddish colour resembling paint during the decomposition process. One sample resembling oil proved to be organic debris with sediment indicating that this was grass whipper-snipper clippings from the edge of the revetment wall. The latest water quality report shows that our water is very good.

Stormwater QM Education for NW ResidentsMichael Hagan to arrange for program through Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (NICA) re use of storm-water drains. See NW website for more information.

Message From NICA Re Waterways Health Protection

Shorehaven Drive Flooding Concerns were raised with Mike Hagan SCRC at a Noosa Waters Meeting on 29th July 2008 attended by NWRA Committee with regards to the silt entering the canal system and flooding of Shorehaven Drive as occurred during recent storm events. NWRA raised concerns about sediment run-off which appeared to stem from NW Retirement Estate and new Development. MH will follow-up with Land Development and Environmental Health about these potentially, Maritime Safety Queens-land, Noosa River Plan issues. MH also reported that SCRC are proposing new guidelines for development and building sites for erosion, sediment control and water quality.

In the event of another storm leading to signs of sedi-ment runoff into the canals, NWRA are to contact Mike Conroy or Cherie O’Sullivan in Council’s Land Develop-ment branch immediately. An inspection of development sites will be arranged, if needed.

Discussions were held in regards to a performing a local-ised hydraulic study for the drainage system at the point of concern in Shorehaven Drive. MH advised that given that there were alternative accesses to the houses in the estate without using the affected section of Shorehaven Drive, any study for drainage improvement here was not a priority, given there other locations in the SCRC where access is severely limited and property affected.

When queried about putting a detention system in the wetland upstream of Shorehaven Drive, Michael advised that there would be concerns with increasing flood levels upstream and the impacts this increase may have on houses adjacent to the wetland. There was also an issue with vegetation disturbance and the actual benefit to reducing water levels on Shorehaven, given the fact that MH had been advised that the difference in water levels on Shorehaven Dr and in the canal was minimal in the recent event.

Lock Sign Replacement NWRA reported that the locks signs are eroded and crumbled, and requested they be replaced.

Jetty Policy EnforcementDave McNicholl from Environmental Health, together with Land Use, has raised the jetty enforcement policy with the interim director. In the meantime, any specific issues regarding jetty enforcement are to be raised with Dave McNicholl or the Land Use branch.

Audit Of Jetties An audit of jetties in Noosa Waters was to be performed to identify each jetty, the ownership, photos and regis-tration. Dave was dealing with this issue; breaches were to be investigated by Ron Thomas. Penny Smith is to follow-up the status of audit with Dave and Kerri Coyle.

When Council was approached about ‘4 Knots no wash’ signage we were referred to recent legislated changes throughout Queensland to 6 Knots minimum speeds. However, it was pointed out that a Maritime Safety Queensland, Noosa River Plan map shows 4 knots for Noosa Waters and that this accords with current Council bridge signage of 4 knots. Our proposal was accepted.

What Is Floating On The Water Surface?


The WW sub-committee sur-veyed the entire canal system to determine suitable locations for signage. Many thanks to residents who allowed signs to be installed, and to John and Janet Day, and Rob van We-gan for placing them. Thanks also to Council for Lock and bridge signage.

Plastic Litter found near canal side. Deadly for wildlife

Slurry in canal near fountain after heavy rain

Each NW property is part of a stormwater catchment that drains directly into the canal and then into the A-rated Noosa River System. Everyday substances such as detergents, fertilisers and litter are pollutants which degrade water quality, causing harm to the receiving environment and eco-systems. Help to protect our waterways by keeping out: oil, paint, leaves, dirt, cleaning chemical residue, weed-killers and any other pollutants. Use local, native plants which have minimal maintenance, ferti-lising and watering needs. For more information call NICA on:5449 9650 or visit our website: www.noosariver.com.au 3

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter page 4


Firstly, thanks to Council for our new look entry state-ment on Saltwater Ave and Gibson Rd. This, combined with recent mulching of middle road gardens, have made Noosa Waters look refreshed and ready for Spring.

Revamping SignsKeep an eye out over the next couple of months for some more changes to signage. Around the estate, the As-sociation felt some areas would benefit from a facelift. The areas are Riverbreeze Ave entry statements (on both sides of the road) Oceanmist, Figurehead, and The Penin-sula. Thanks to Woody pictured above, and to Gary (not T!) for the water pressure cleaning of the Peninsula entry sign. The sandstone has also been sealed and is just awaiting the final part of the facelift on the sign.

Blue Fin Court - “Yes” To Asphalt and a New Picnic Table InstalledThanks to Ross Orr for all the leg work that was involved with the survey for Council about Bluefin Court and the ‘noisy’ pavers at their entry. Residents voiced their opin-ion with an overwhelming ‘yes’ to change the existing pavers to asphalt. So the survey is now back at Council and we are awaiting approval and a date to start works. Blue Fin Court Park now has a new Picnic Table - in time for Spring! Enjoy!

Tree Management PlanCouncil are trialling a new aerial survey exclusively here in Noosa Waters. We believe it will be a fairer and quicker way to determine the removal of nuisance trees in our parklands and street-scapes. The aerial shots have already been taken and now the task of sighting and numbering each and every tree with a rating from 1 to 5 (5 being the worst and to be removed) is in progress.

I urge all residents who want a street tree, to go through myself, and order a Council approved street tree for their area, so we plant the right species and we never have to remove it. This makes sense!

We have nuisance trees uplifting services, roads, and roots in drains. Most of these trees have been planted by the developer and some by home owners. Everyone loves Noosa for the trees, so here in Noosa Waters we are encouraging our Council for a ‘2 trees to be planted when 1 tree comes out’ policy. This might not mean in

the exact location of the removal. I am sure this tree management plan will be a success because it is fair. We have done our own list of trees, in Landscaping, so it will be interesting to view Council’s surveys.

Fantastic Fountain News! Council has agreed to commit to a revamp of our foun-tain along with a facelift of the surrounding gardens – to be completed for Christmas! The old surface of the fountain is to be resurfaced with a more updated surface like a pool finish and the gardens to be improved with species of plants, local to Noosa. All in all, I would say it was a win to the Noosa Waters Residents! Thanks to Werner’s crew that sweep the fountain. We appreciate you guys!

Looking For Helpers Throughout The EstateLastly, we are always after more people to join our sometimes, weary crew of helpers. You meet like- mind-ed people of your community and enjoy each other’s company! We have several projects on the go, so if you can help with mulching, pressure cleaning of Bay Street entry statement and/or painting of this entrance, any experience with rendering, can spare a half hour to spray a bit of weed killer in an area, or can pick up a few palm fronds occasionally - please get in touch with Landscap-ing - 5442 4309. We love our estate Noosa Waters, and it is a great place to live and enjoy - so let’s look after it. Happy Landscaping! Sharon Woodford and John Langdon


A sub committee has been formed to follow-up com-plaints from a number of residents in regard to short term holiday rentals in Noosa Waters. As far as we can determine, there are currently eighteen holiday rentals represented by: Richardson & Wrench 12 Laguna 1 Dowling & Neylan 3 Century 21 2

In discussions with these agents our stated objective was to ensure that short term holiday rentals would operate in a manner that was compatible with the quiet residential nature of Noosa Waters. Noise control, vehicle parking and agent contacts for prompt action in relation to problems were particularly emphasised.

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter page 4

The agents recognised the potential for problems and in-dicated a desire to cooperate as far as possible to ensure harmonious relations between all parties. They agreed to consider ideas put forward by the sub committee. As a result some changes have been instituted and further follow-up is expected.

Some residents have expressed the view that holiday rentals are a tourist activity and as such are not appro-priate for a quiet residential community like Noosa Wa-ters. Concern has also been raised about the potential growth in the numbers of holiday rental properties within Noosa Waters.

There will be a resolution put to the next NWRA An-nual General Meeting, 15 October, opposing short term holiday rentals in the Noosa Waters Estate. We hope all residents will take this opportunity to put forward their views on this matter. Your sub-committee will continue to monitor the situation closely.


A special thanks to all who took time out to attend the information evening on Wednesday, August 20th at the Leisure Centre, which Seymour’s held to assist residents with concerns about various actual or potential impacts that may be experienced as the new development, Noosa Northrise, proceeds.

Thanks to the Marketplace Communications Team who organized such a professional presentation, and to Sey-mours who took the time and invested resources in con-sulting with residents at this early but significant stage of proceedings.

A number of issues were addressed to the relative satisfaction of residents at this stage, others will be addressed after further enquiry by Market Place Commu-nications. Outcomes and FAQ’s part 1 and 2 are posted on www.noosawaters.org website and have been emailed to those who wish to be contacted about development.

Seymours will present a photographic display with drain-age and landscaping plans on Wednesday October 15th, at the NWRA AGM meeting, from 6.30pm – 7pm. Site engineer, Andrew Fraser and other key personnel will be available to assist with any questions. Queries to [email protected]. or call 0409 904 224.

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter page 5


Thank you to the many who responded to the survey and for the many positive comments about the website and the newsletter. Many constructive and creative ideas were submitted, of which we have taken as many on board as possible for this edition, including: interview with Cr Russell Green to give residents the most up to date Council information, social events and new History section with NWRA archivist, Ian Wallbank.

Other ideas will be worked on for next edition and web-site such as list of fish caught or seen in Noosa Waters; matching covenants stages with house numbers; wel-come kit; more social; more photos; more IT; more gen-eral useful information.

Readers and website visitors particularly appreciated the revetment wall article, and information about Water-Watch, Landscaping, covenants information, Council flood planning, Banana Plantation development, photos and general content.

The need for more social activities was raised by several respondents suggesting theatre events, activities for people without partners, activities and interest groups.

About the website - respondents said they particularly enjoy the weather updates, social events and real estate news. They also appreciated the technical information that is readily available on matters such as revetment wall, covenants, and past to current newsletters.

Concern was raised by some of those who do not use internet. They felt they may be disadvantaged and wanted to have access to all the same information. Whereas it is clearly not possible to write all information and keep posting it out to all, as it becomes available, perhaps those who do not use the internet could partner with friends or neighbours who have this facility?

• 48% of people who completed payment form also completed survey• 43% had visited the website before • 57% had not visited the website before• 44% respondents now want to be on website database• 57% want to be notified about Seymour’s development• 56% keep the newsletter

Early Historic photo of Noosa Waters Development

HISTORY OF NOOSA WATERS – “Did You Know?” with Archivist, Ian Wallbank

Noosa Council endorsed T M Burke’s $170 million application for the 150 hectare canal development back in the early 80’s. At that time the area was flood plain and heavily timbered with melaleuca and she-oak trees. In the intervening years it was resold and in the early 1990’s Stage 1 plans for 199 residential blocks were put before Council by the developer, Noosa Waters Pty Ltd, and permission given for the clearing of 50% of the area to allow survey to proceed. Early resident Margaret Davies recalls seeing kangaroos hopping down the main road and around the estate in the early days.

The first land was released for sale in 1991 with water-front lots in the low $100,000’s - it sold out within 6-8 weeks. Subsequent releases continued to sell out in weeks, gradually increasing in price.

The original buyers purchased before the lock and weir was built and access to the River constructed. There was concern at the time as to whether access to the River would be gained because negotiations in regard to the Gympie Terrace bridge and river access were not final-ised. The ultimate approval of the lock system so that boats could navigate the canal was given in exchange for over $1 million in roadworks.

Construction of the lock and weir was completed and the Member for Noosa, Bruce Davidson MP. officially opened the entrance canal and related works on June 20, 1993, which included the lock and weir system and the James Duke and William Gibson Bridges. Over 10,000 people were reported to have attended the gala opening celebration.

KAYAKING CHALLENGE (Not-a-Race!) Sunday, December 7th from 7 am – 9am Depart from Mermaid Beach, Mermaid Quays PRIZES for Participating and Supporting including Kayak Noosa T’shirts, Hats, Double sided Paddle and free instruction package to the value $250. Light Refreshments will be available for Participants

As a result of the last event in 2007, then first timer,Ron (pictured with Gary) and his wife Liz have now become avid kayakers. Later this year they will be un-dertaking a major challenge, with other Noosa Waters residents, of paddling from Lucinda, along Hinchenbrook Island to Mission Beach. Our kayaking challenge will be the chance for serious kayaking enthusiasts to test their merit, and for new-to-the-water kayakers to have a go!

Come along to support the participants - meet your fellow residents and enjoy the atmosphere!

President Gary Trevithick encourages all Noosa Waters residents to have fun and try their hands at kayaking in this event, making the most of Noosa Waters’ calm wa-ter environment and the support of fellow kayakers.

You too could become hooked on this healthy, active hobby – just in time for Christmas! Picture yourself kay-aking down the Everglades - as your confidence grows!

If you don’t own a canoe or kayak, you can hire or buy one from Challenge sponsors, Kayaking Noosa. Try before you buy; take advantage of a pre-event lesson on the River with Rod from Jetty 17 for just $20. Hire a kayak for the Challenge for just $25 single; $40 double.

Booking in advance is essential - Call Cath or Rod Withyman at Kayak Noosa on: 0448 567 321.For a map of the route and for more details, please come to AGM in October and/or visit www.noosawaters.org


It will soon be Christmas again! So now is the time to start planning your Christmas lights for both house and boat! The Christmas lights will be judged between Mon-day 15th – Friday 19th; the flotilla lights will be judged on the day – Friday, 19th December.

There will be prizes for sections such as best decorated waterfront and dry block houses or apartments, and for best dressed boats – details in next newsletter, at AGM and on website when available.

All boats will gather at the usual spot at Masthead Quays at 6.15pm for 6.30 pm departure. A map of the route will be posted on website, given at the AGM in October and will be in the festive Christmas edition of newsletter in December. All participants are reminded to have fun, but to put safety first in all matters – well maintained boats with navigation lights, 4 knots no wash and safe driving - Maritime regulations apply; Coastguard to lead.

If weather is seriously inclement, Festive Flotilla will be postponed until Sunday, 21st December. Come and watch or join in. Check website for route and latest info.

0448 567 321 www.kayaknoosa.com

Sponsors of Noosa Waters Residents Association

Kayaking Challange


Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter

By 1996 waterfront lots ranged from $100,000 to over $300,000. Noosa Waters was voted best Queensland De-velopment in 1996 and again in 1997 by the Urban De-velopment Institute of Australia, as well as being the best waterside project and receiving various other marketing awards. It was the fastest selling Estate in the country.

The developer completed the Estate early in 1999, and progressively handed the landscaping over to Noosa Council. The lock and weir and canal system was handed over to Council in July 2000, when the developer left the Estate.


Resident Sharon Godfrey is launching new, personally customised Noosa Waters Cute Pets Calendars, Christmas cards and other lines, featur-ing Noosa Waters ‘Hot Dogs’ and ‘Cool Cats’. These would make unique Noosa Waters gifts while helping injured or abandoned pets, as each sale will generate a donation to RSPCA and 4PAWS.

Elsa - 4 Paws Misty & Jake - RSPCA Call Julie 0411 144 689 Call Nicole 54 491 371 Save a Life - Sharon urges us to do all we can to rescue discarded pets by discovering new caring homes for them, making donations or by fostering. 4Paws “Pet of the Week” is a little 12 year old Elsa with lots of love to give, who needs a gentle, caring owner to make her twilight years full and happy. Visit www.4pawsanimalrescue.org.au.

What about Jake and Misty who have had a cruel start in life and need a kind home too? Call Nicole or Heidi at the RSPCA Noosa. For more pets in need of good homes, visit www.rspcaqld.org.au All are desexed, vaccinated, dewormed and microchipped. See new Road Home service.

FINE DINING with Louise Taylor

Thursday, October 23rd 6:30pm for 7:00pm Coconut Grove, Sunshine Beach

Guests will be greeted with glass of Spanish wine, and treated to a taster entrée and two course meal - main and dessert, tea or coffee all included, for just $45.

Please call restaurant direct 5449 2333 to book

In the spirit of welcoming new members and possibly meeting new friends, we will mingle from 6.30 – 7pm for our customary ‘get to know you’ drink before dinner - so I would ask that you not book a particular table, but leave seating until the night. Who knows what lovely person you may find yourself sitting next to!? See www.noosawaters.org for more details.

NOOSA CROQUET CLUBWinning Trio at State Divisional Championships!

Photo taken at the Croquet Club by Noosa Journal photographer, captures our Championship place getters, John Philpott; Division One Gold Medal Winner, Colin Harris; Division Two winner and Paul Baker; Division Four runner up.

The Division One Gold Medal Competition was held at Noosa, after being postponed from June when the lawns were flooded after continuous heavy rain.

NW Croquet Club Hosts Successful Come & Try Day

Some twenty visitors of all ages turned up to experience the fas-cination of croquet recently, where they were introduced to the game by Club members including Ricochet Captain and Noosa Waters resident, Geoff Colwell. The Club served afternoon tea and finished the afternoon with a cheese and wine party. Why not try croquet, the ideal physical and mental exercise - New introductory courses available.

Call Andy Hallinon on 5449 7493

A warm welcome greets those who attend the Noosa U3A Music Appreci-ation Group each Thursday morningfrom 9.30 am - 11.30am.

Call Lyn on 5449 0537


Selected programs of classical music are presented by members. Recent musical treats included Sibelius No 2 Overture, Mozart, Strauss, sopranos & Spanish music. Everyone is welcome to enjoy this delightful musical experience - with coffee break too!


Noosa Smartcable has resumed responsibility for provision and maintenance of the Noosa Waters free to air TV cable service from Metrioo Cable P/L. Now that all the legal requirements have been completed we have commenced our process of con-tinuous monitoring of System levels and service.

We are aware that some residents will no longer require connection to our system and look forward to the support of the majority of residents who remain connected. As local residents ourselves, we are committed to provide our fellow residents with a quality service at a reasonable cost.

Annual fee – a low $60.00 including GST

Residents will have received our annual invoice and we would appreciate payment by the 26th September. No further remind-ers will be issued. If you are a rental resident, please ensure that your agent is made aware of this.

Phone: 5474 0868 Address: Noosa Smartcable, P.O. Box 856, Tewantin, Qld 4565


Calling all Noosa Waters Hot Dogs & Cool Cats!

Star in your own personalised Noosa Waters Cute Pets Calendar

Don’t let your owners miss out!

You can help abandoned pets too Each sale generates a donation to RSPCA or 4Paws Animal Rescue Shelters

Email: [email protected] Phone: Sharon 5474 1340 M: 0402 011 416

Exclusive Noosa Waters Crossword Across 2. A popular palm tree 6. Body of water 7. Pays water rates 8. Nautical term 10. Citrus fruit 11. Midday 12. Towards 14. Water ways 16. Morning 18. Not yes 20. A birds claw 23. A sport in Noosa Waters 25. Identification 27. Brickwork finish 28. To Pay/used in cricket/ remove water 29. Popular destination 30. Debt

Down 1. Gentle/mild 2. Feature at end of River breeze3. A sea bird 4. To borrow 5. Noosa ferry signal 6. Noosa Waters Avenue 9. Stretching exercise 13. Result of sunshine 15. Canal entrance/used for security 17. Mother 19. Noosa Waters Court/part of a yacht 21. Unusual jargon 22. Not even/strange 24. Landing place for ships 26. Shape of footbridge

2008 Committee Members

President Gary Trevithick 5473 0519 [email protected] President Dick Patterson 5449 9288 [email protected] Tony Van Der Linden 5474 4109 [email protected] Harvey Williams 5473 0012 [email protected] Secretary Ian Wallbank 5474 3312 [email protected] / Council Liaison Water Watch Warren Burrows 5473 0545 [email protected] Sharon Woodford 5442 4309 [email protected] John Langdon 5455 5125Webmaster Howard Martin 5474 2230 [email protected] Case Smit 5473 0475Social Events TBA Non Committee PostsInsurance Allan Day 5474 1015 [email protected] Advisor Harvey Williams 5473 0012 [email protected] Gisa/Henry Weatherill 5474 4125 neighbourhoodwatch @noosawaters.orgFine Dining Louise Taylor 0408 743 377 [email protected] Kay Pallot [email protected] Liaison NWRA liaison 5449 8104 [email protected] Lost and Found Janet & John Day 5455 5835 (Noosa Waters canal only)

Noosa Waters Residents Association (Inc.) DISCLAIMER PO Box 197 Noosaville 4566 The information contained in this publication has been obtained from sources deemed to be reliable, but its’ accuracy cannot be guaranteed. No responsibility for error or omission, can be accepted. Interested persons should rely on their own enquiries.

Across 2. Foxtail 6. Sea 7. User 8. Ahoy 10. Lemon 11. Noon 12. To 14. Canals 15. am 18. No 20. Talon 23. Croquet 25. ID 27. Render 28. Bail 29. NoosaHeads 20. Owe

Down 1. Balmy 2. Fountain 3. Tern 4. Loan 5. Toot 6. Salt-water 9. Yoga 13. Tan 15. Lock 17. Ma 19. Keel 21. Lingo 22. Odd 24. Quay 26. Arch

Neighbourhood Watch

What should you do if you see anything suspicious?

Phone local police (Noosa: 5447 5888; Maroochydore: 5479 9888) and Complex Security, (5447 7559) straightaway. If it is an emergency, call 000; later, please let Henry and Gisa (5474 4125) know about incidents.

NW Waterways Lost and Found

FOUND - Traversex Eurostar Rod and Daiwa-Z Reel.Found close to the lower Saltwater Bridge

Phone... Janet and John Day 5455 5835

Coast Guard Notice - Are You An Associate Member?

Did you know that Noosa Waters boat owners can gain significant benefits through Associate Membership of Coast Guard Noosa? For an annual cost of just $50, you will receive: • On water assistance FREE (conditions apply).

• Discounted courses, including: � radio, � first aid, � bar crossings, � boat safety and � navigation. • Your boat will included in our database with a photograph and other details, which could aid in the recovery of your boat, should it go missing. • Quarterly magazine “The Bar Watch”, which includes many interesting articles, news, and tide tables will be mailed free to your nominated address.

Coast Guard Noosa, is staffed entirely by volunteers, and almost totally self-funded. We need your help in staying afloat, so why not join us and become a vital part of Coast Guard Noosa.

For further information please call Alan Hall on: 5455-5020 or 0414 957 427.

Issue 51 - Spring Edition 2008Noosa Waters Residents Association Newsletter page 8

Residents are warned to be ever vigilant and alert to the dangers of strangers calling at your door. A recent suspi-cious caller stating his car had broken down, gained access to residents’ homes. Also be warned, a syringe (capped) was found in Saltwater letterbox. Take care when collecting mail! AGM on October 15th, 6.00pm St Lutheran College Hall See webpage for more NHW information.

Noosa Waters Community WebsiteFor the latest informa-tion on all Noosa Waters Resident Assn activities, events and local news or issues.
