Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

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ISSUE TWO of The Racing Magazine covers the incredible story of Matt Speakman, the paraplegic racer who will compete in the Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge Australia this season. In a one-on-one interview, Matt speaks about overcoming his disability to live the motorsport dream. Also, we profile Mallala's sensational history and some more V8 Sleuthing is in order - this time some classic Fords from Brad Jones Racing!

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Page 1: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine


Matt SpeakMan talkS about HiS Second

cHance & tHe journey aHead

V8 SleutHing WitH aaron noonan

pluS! all tHe inFo For round 2

oF tHe 2013 SHannonS auStralian Motor racing


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Page 2: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

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“ N O O N E K N O W S Y O U R

P A S S I O N L I K E S H A N N O N S.”

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4 Latest News

5 In Brief...

7 CraILLsy’s soapBox

8 Feature The Top FIve Car raCINg soNgs

10 Feature MaTT speakMaN - parapLegIC porsChe raCer

14 Feature CLassIC CIrCuITs

16 Feature v8 sLeuThINg

19 round 2 program

24 Categories & entries

30 Television Coverage & Lap records

Publisher Australian Motor Racing Pty Ltd

Editor Richard Craill

Art Director Sarah Anesbury 121 Creative Hilton

Writers Richard Craill, Rob Curkpatrick

Production Kwik Kopy Printing Hilton

Feedback We want your feedback. Please email us at [email protected]

Advertisers If you would like to advertise in the next issue of The Racing Magazine please contact 0414 294 153 or email [email protected]

Disclaimer While reasonable effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information provided, Australian Motor Racing Pty Ltd make no representation, express or implied, as to the accuracy, currency, reliability or suitability. Australian Motor Racing Pty Ltd expressly disclaim responsibility for any damages that may be caused by or in connection with the information provided.

Page 3: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

4 | the Racing magazine

Big WinneRs in nationals

sYDneY oPeneR

the latest neWs...

ToNy rICCIardeLLo opened his kerrick sports sedan series title

attack in style with a round win and victory in the des Wall Trophy race,

whilst there were wild scenes in the final kumho v8 Touring Car series

race of the weekend – shae davis carving his way through the pack to

bounce back from a drive-through penalty yesterday to take the win.

Neale Muston won the radical australia Cup round to continue his

clean sweep of race wins – dating back to the start of 2012 – at his

home circuit whilst simon Tabinor opened his saloon Car title defence

in style with a round win.

British-born but victorian-based Tabinor, last year’s saloon Car series

winner, won all three races in the six-cylinder holden-versus-Ford series

to kick off his title defence in style, driving a holden Commodore.

Tabinor’s performance this weekend was complete – taking pole

position and three victories in his vT Commodore to lead the dial

Before you dig saloon Car series after round one. gavin ross was

second in all three races and for the round, whilst kane Baxter-smith

completed the top three.

There Were pLeNTy oF BIg WINNers aT The opeNINg shaNNoNs ausTraLIaN MoTor raCINg NaTIoNaLs aT sydNey MoTorsporT park, IN MarCh.

WoRDs: RichaRD cRaill image: nathan Wong


thenationals.com.au | 5

the latest neWs...

this month in

social meDiaThe shannons Nationals Facebook page has

been busy this past month – especially thanks

to the heroics of kumho v8 Touring Car ace Jim

pollicina. The holden driver made a stunning

start in the opening race of the weekend at

sydney Motorsport park and fortunately the

series filmed it from the big grandstand – and it

went viral, quickly!

Follow us at www.facebook.com /TheNationals

Justin garioch won the opening round of the kumho Tyres australian v8 Touring Car

series, though it took some post-round stewards intervention to do it.

having won the opener on saturday, the Makay-based driver was in the box seat to win

the round in sunday’s final race before wild scenes following a safety car intervention

caused mayhem.

a big dive by Morgan haber into turn six on the last lap saw contact with Terry Wyhoon

and garioch, the winner of the first two races, coming off second best and – at the time

– out of the round winning position.

haber was penalised post-race for an earlier incident with Nathan assalit - the penalty

elevating garioch one position up the final race order and back into the winning position

he arguably deserved after dominating the opening two races of the round.

shae davies came from fifth on the grid to win the third race – in his first v8 round – and

scored second overall for the weekend, but will actually lead the series going into round

two following a 10-point penalty handed to garioch post round.

Tony ricciardello was forced to work for his trophy in round one of the kerrick sports

sedan series today, though he was able to win all three races.

Closest rivals darren hossack and kerry Baily had mixed weekends, hossack failing to

finish race two after his car stopped at the final turn mid way though the 10-lap affair.

he recovered for the third race and charged his way through the field to be racing

ricciardello for the race lead in the feature before spinning off the circuit at speed at turn

one, making contact with the tyre barriers in the process.

hossack was uninjured but will trail his longstanding series rival by a hefty margin going

into the second round at Mallala.

The third and final race of the weekend was run in memory of des Wall, the kerrick sports

sedan series confirming today that the final race of the first round each season will be

run in Wall’s honour.

Neale Muston continued his winning ways in the radical australia Cup, taking the second

50-minute race of the weekend ahead of ash samadi and richard kimber, having won

the first on saturday afternoon. simon haggarty won the sr3 class ahead of Liam Talbot

and greg smith.

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a WhILe ago now a certain major australian series issued a mandate

that its winning drivers could no longer exuberantly showcase their joy

at winning races by doing what many refer to as a post-race ‘skid’.

In its aftermath, the ‘banning of the burnout’ by v8 supercars became

one of the most hotly discussed topics within the industry. some agreed,

emphasising that these drivers, as role models to our youth, needed to

exercise caution in doing burnouts as to not unduly influence our youth

in doing the same on the roads.

oh, please. I was the biggest fan of peter Brock growing up yet not

once in my life have I ever gone into a shop with the intent of buying a

packet of Marlboro’s because they were his major sponsor.

It’s the same as shane van gisbergen smoking some dunlops post-

race. 99% of people watching it will say ‘oh look, there’s a young driver

celebrating’. The 1% who go ‘oh look, something I can do on the

streets’ are idiots, will be caught by the constabulary and deserve to

have their cars crushed. I just don’t believe it translates like the political-

correctness Nazi’s think it does.

Motorsport is, at its very core, a passionate sport. how can it not be,

when people invest their heart, soul and countless thousands of dollars

into it day in and day out?

so why on earth do particular elements of the sport, and even the

media, try to stop the sport showing of its passionate foundations?

so while the v8’s reversed their call on the burnouts – allowing us, the

fans, to enjoy some more excellent car control by van gisbergen and

Craig Lowndes, in particular – the sport (and not just the v8’s) continues

to shy away from letting people say and do what they really think.

Let me stress, I’m not an advocate for a full on footy-style fist-fight, but

let’s have at least a shred of emotion.

NasCar, I reckon, have the balance about right. The Clint Bowyer-

versus-Jeff gordon feud of last year in particular, was superb, and it

culminated in something that gained NasCar more airtime around

the world than the similarly exciting championship battle that was won

by Brad kesolowski.

at phoenix, the pair collided and we were treated to two minutes

of brilliant television of Bowyer charging down the garages to give

gordon a piece of his mind. That his crew followed and a 20-person

all-in melee ensured added to the vision. It was beamed around the

world and Tv stations that had never shown a spot of NasCar all of a

sudden picked up on it.

Now, NasCar fined everyone involved and put people on probation

and wrapped them over the kuckles and, publically, said all the right

things. But I reckon internally, they were slapping themselves on the


heck, NasCar was made on the basis of a brawl. as the first ever

nationally televised NasCar race, the 1979 daytona 500 already

had plenty going for it but when leaders donnie allison and Cale

yarborough collided several times on the final lap before stopping at

turn three, it got better.

The pair argued, were joined by donnie’s brother – Bobbie – in a full on

punch on as a captivated nation – much of the West Coast of it snowed

in with nothing else to do – watched on.

It was a turning point for NasCar, a sport built on pure, raw, emotion

spilling over and being settled in the most basic way.

What the sport needs is more of greg Murphy yelling at Marcos

ambrose, their two cars torn to shreds at the Cutting. It needs more of

Mark skaife on the side of the track gesticulating at russell Ingall after

being served out of a key race.

The various football codes have this kind of thing week in, week out,

and it doesn’t hurt their image. It’s time for motorsport to embrace the

passion that is the absolute foundation of everything we do within it.

cRaillsY’s soaPBoXWoRDs: RichaRD cRaill

Page 5: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

the toP FiVe caR Racing songs

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LeT’s Be hoNesT – Motor sport has been one of the hardest disciplines to transfer from reality into pop culture.

a majority of serious, drama-oriented movies made about the sport (save for the ridiculously brilliant days of Thunder) are rubbish whilst driven set the entire genre back a decade. That film should be banned.

and then there’s music – or funnily enough, a lack thereof.

It’s funny, you know. Music is generally created out of emotions, out of feelings, thoughts or comment on a situation. Motorsport offers a rich tapestry of all three and more – and yet, not many have chosen to embrace it as a writing subject.

except for a brave few, that is. We’ve gone through our record library (and some really were on the big, black, vinyl Cd’s) and dug out the top five songs about car racing that we can think of.

If you can think of any more, get on to our facebook page and let us know – and we’ll publish them in Issue 3!WoRDs: RichaRD cRaill

thenationals.com.au | 9

1. MARK KNOPFLER – Speedway at Nazareth (Sailing to Philadelphia, 2000).

No song about motorsport encapsulates the feeling and

emotion behind the sport better than this. Composed and

performed by former dire straits lead singer and guitarist

Mark knopfler, speedway is a brilliant tribute IndyCar

racing from his 2000 solo work, sailing to philadelphia.

knopfler was reportedly friendly with swedish racer,

stefan Johansson, who was racing in CarT IndyCar racing

at the time – a relationship that apparently inspired this

song that features a thumping bass riff and knopfler’s

signature finger-picking and sublime guitar style.

The song charts the story of a desperate racer, trying to

ply his trade and coming up short at tracks across america

before succeeding at the circuit made most famous as

the home-town track of the andretti family – Nazareth

speedway. Though a work of fiction, the song roughly

charts the 1994 CarT season.

as well as featuring knopfler’s virtuoso guitar work,

speedway features incredibly telling lyrics – such as this

wonderful piece about a certain race in the Month of May:

“Well the Brickyard’s there to crucify anyone who will

not learn; I climbed a mountain to qualify I went flat

through the turns; But I was down in the might-have-

beens and an old pal good as died; And I sat down in

Gasoline Alley and I cried”

It’s wonderful and, in our opinion, the best song ever

written about the sport.


(george harrison, 1979)

The guitar-playing Beatle was a noted car nut and a

regular attendee at Formula one races throughout his

life, as well as an accomplished driver and car enthusiast.

Faster, was written by harrison in 1977-8 after spending a

year off attending Formula one races. Featuring sound

effects recorded at the British grand prix, the song

never directly references the sport – though is clearly a

tribute to it.

of note is the video clip of the song – filled with racing

clips interspersed with shots of harrison in the back of a

taxi singing and playing the song. The Taxi driver?

That would be Jackie stewart, three-time world champion.

3. METALLICA – Fuel (reLoad, 1998)

“ooh, I burn, Fuel is pumping engines,

Burning hard, loose and clean; and I burn,

Churning my direction, Quench my thirst with gasoline”

Metallica lead singer James heitfeld’s vocals about driving

are appropriate – the man is a noted hot-rodder and fan

of all things with petrol. Fuel is your typical Metallica song.

hard, fast, loud and irrepressibly catchy. Fuel is like a pop

song after three bottles of scotch.. which is appropriate, if

you know the history of Metal’s most famous group.

Fuel has become a defacto anthem for motorsport and, in

particular, the motorsport video montage. everyone from

the BBC to NBC has used it and, in fact, NBC and TNT

used it as the intro song of their NasCar coverage for

several seasons.

give Me Fuel. give me Fire. This is a racing song if there

ever was one.


(sing When you’re Winning – 2000)

speaking of Jackie stewart, the three-time world

champion is a feature of robbie William’s hit from the

year 2000, supreme.

Thought the song itself has no real relevance to

motorsport, the video clip alone gets it on our list.

It’s a wonderful extrapolation of robbie digitally inserted

into period 1970 Formula one world Championship vision

playing a character called Bob Williams – and battling for

that year’s title with stewart.

It’s brilliantly shot, brilliantly produced and in five minutes

successfully narrates a full world championship battle to

its – rather humorous – conclusion.

The fact that one of the world’s biggest pop stars chose

to include classic Formula one on a hit song from his

biggest ever album is a pretty good vote of confidence in

the sport – old or new!


(adam Brand, 1998)

okay, non-country fans will have a crack at us for this but

you can’t deny that adam Brand is one heck of a high-

profile advocate for motorsport.

The multiple golden-guitar winning artists’ hit dirt Track

Cowboys has become a speedway anthem over the

summer months and perfectly encapsulates the whole

speedway landscape – the mud, the stars and the action.

The fact that the voice of speedway, Wade aunger, makes

an appearance mid-song calling the action and the big

names in his typical, excitable style only validates this

song as the official anthem of speedway. and you can’t

knock Brand for not knowing the sport; he spent several

season in the v8 utes racing wheel to wheel with the best

in the series.

you might not like Country Music – but there’s no hating

the enthusiasm of Brandy and his love of the sport.

Michael Andretti racing his Newman / Hass IndyCar in 1994 – the season that forms the basis of Speedway at Nazareth, by Mark Knopfler. Photo via Flickr (user: Stupix).

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WoRDs / inteRVieW: RichaRD cRaill images: mattsPeakman.com / PoRsche caRs austRalia


aT age 26 and with a professional contract to ride racing bikes in his

back pocket, Matt speakman should have been on top of the world.

except he wasn’t. Instead, he was in hospital being told by doctors that

he would never walk again after being hit by a drunk driver whilst riding

his motorcycle on the road in March, 1993.

a serious spinal cord injury resulted in paraplegia, a life confined to a

wheelchair and dreams of a racing career on the backburner.

except now he’s ready to make a comeback to the sport he loves. after

years of waiting, negotiations and tests to obtain a racing licence and a

search for the right people to work with, speakman will this year race in

the porsche gT3 Cup Challenge australia series – a one-make porsche

championship that is renowned for being highly competitive and not

for the faint-hearted.

except Matt is very much competitive. and faint-hearted doesn’t seem

to be in his vocabulary.

speakman will race a hand-controlled porsche 997 gT3 Cup Car this

season for the experienced Queensland-based Mcelrea racing team

this year, as part of a wider program that created an entirely new

organisation: No second Chances, dedicated to raising awareness

about youth violence and drunk driving amongst australia’s youth.

speakman has his second chance and as such, a fascinating journey

awaits this exceedingly driven individual.

The Racing Magazine: One of the most remarkable things I’ve ever

seen in Motorsport is Alex Zanardi’s return to the cockpit after losing

his legs in his CART crash in Germany years ago. His story has been

pretty well documented – is it an inspiration to what you are trying

to achieve this year?

Matt Speakman: Most definitely. To find out that there are other people

out there in my situation and not only competing, but competing

successfully was a huge inspiration. I’d been racing for a few years

before someone brought Zanardi to my attention and when I did some

searching I saw what I was doing it most definitely helped.

We’ve actually spent a lot of time looking at his in car, especially when

he went into the BMW in the touring Car series to see what we could

pinch ideas-wise about the setup of the car as wel.

TRM: I imagine that this has been something of a voyage to get to

this point – is where you are at now the realisation of a dream?

MS: Most definitely and it’s been a huge journey. I first started applying

to CaMs for a circuit licence way back in 1994 after I completed the

sydney hobart yacht race with a full disabled crew and at the time they

were less than enthusiastic about me having a circuit racing licence, in

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No seCoNd ChaNCe was an idea of mine to combine the efforts we

were already making to make a difference in kids lives.”

so says Mcelrea racing’s andy Mcelrea on his brilliant ‘No second

Chance’ campaign that this year has become a travelling road show of

inspiration for australia’s youth.

proudly adorning the sides of Warren Luff’s Mcelrea racing porsche

Carrera Cup entry, N2C is a youth safety Campaign that has the

objective of saving teenage lives by educating them about the dangers

of street violence and the realities of road Carnage.

The campaign combines the work of the Matthew stanley Foundation

– long supported by Mcelrea racing – and team newcomer Matt

speakman, who was paralysed from the waist down after being

crashed into by a drunk driver 20 years ago.

speakman, paul stanley – the father of Matthew, who was tragically

killed in an act of street violence – and Mcelrea drivers including Luff

have embarked on a campaign of public speaking events this year to

get their cause out and about.

“We have spoken to a high-end private school in adelaide before

Clipsal, a Community Collage which looks after troubled and homeless

youths in Melbourne before the grand prix and all of the junior aFL

clubs in and around the gold Coast and the reaction has been

extraordinary,” Mcelrea says.

“We are making a combined effort to get this message out to these

kids. The center-point of the whole program is that once these kids

have got this message from paul, Matt and Luffy, the race cars are an

opportunity to remind them and keep dragging them back to our

social media portals and keep coming back to it.

“We plan to have a lot more cars with N2C signage with them – with

Matt being the next cab of the ranks – this program has a lot of program

to be enormous. When we first started getting schools to allow us to

come and speak was hard work – but now they are coming to us.”

fact, in three years of campaigning CaMs and ringing back, ringing

back and ringing back just to get some kind of licence – finally they said

‘you can have a hillclimb, super sprint or rally licence – so there was only

one car at a time, to give me time to get out of the car if I needed too.

on the day I had the accident I had signed a contract to race a 600

supersport championship in 1993, so I had a big desire to get back as

much of my life as I could and get back to national level motorsport,

so I jumped straight into the rally Cars and went into the NsW series.

after 5 or 6 rally’s I did fairly well, got third in class and jumped straight

into the national series in a group a evo lancer.

unfortunately I had the driving talent, and was doing top 10 stage

times, but didn’t have the backup or team behind me. It was just a

group of mates trying to do a backyard operation and that ended up

ending up in tears with a huge crash coming back from perth, trying to

rush the car back to try and get it all sorted out.

TRM; So there was some time between that and the moves that has

you at this point, about to race Porsche’s...

MS: This time around it was 2009 that I went back into Motorsport

again, and I made a decision again that I wouldn’t go out and try to

compete in a national series straight up – and that I would go back to

grass roots initially thanks to the mistake I made in ’99.

I went right back to kanahcross and made myself a promise that I

wouldn’t step up a class until I had won the class I was in. I went into

kanahcross and won 15 events from 15 starts and it was at that point

where I went back to CaMs and said ‘look, is there any chance of a

circuit racing licence, is there a chance we could reassess the situation?’.

This time around CaMs were quite accommodating. They set me up

with a few tests, extra medical evaluations and an observed test at a

kanahcross event and also some emergency evacuation tests all of

which I passed with flying colours.

I got my circuit racing licence at the end of 2010 and then immediately

lost a year in 2011 waiting for people to call me back.

TRM: Waiting for people to call you back?

MS: No one really believed what I was trying to achieve or that I could

be competitive.

I took the old rally car I raced in 1998 and converted that into an

improved production car and raced in the Queensland improved

production car championship and dominated my class – pole at every

round and won the championship at every round.

With those results in hand I then turned to porsche and applied at

the porsche driving school first to see if they would accommodate

me by putting some driving aids and hand controls on one of their

school cars. They got me to speak to Tomas Mezera and Tomas was

very enthusiastic about the whole program, put me in touch with andy


I got a call from him the next day and he was really keen and we’ve

been going strong ever since.

TRM: Andy’s team is not only very experienced but also very

professional.. That has got to be an asset to have in your corner when

it comes to the process of putting all this together.

MS: It’s been a huge advantage to me being able to travel with the

N2C crew to the major Carrera Cup events. It gives me a great insight

into how everything runs, what it’s like being at those events and being

around Luffy, patrizi and those guys and getting information on driving,

and to the whole Mcelrea team and the professionalism that they bring

to it just helps me move forward in leaps and bounds.

I can see myself spending three to four years on my own trying to get

to the same point I am now.

TRM: Do you expect to be competitive from the outset?

MS: I’ve got to get my head around the porsche a little bit more... Just

getting the race lines. Last year in my little Celica – it was just a little 1600

with a three-speed auto so the big thing for me was about keeping as

much mid-corner speed up as I could and take wide, sweeping lines.

I didn’t have a lot of power to get out of the corners so I had to keep

the speed up.

I’m going in very confident. The hand control system they’ve given

me has put me on a level playing field with everybody else. I’m a very

competitive driver and I like to drive fast so I’m going in with a lot of

confidence that I’ll be somewhere in the front.

no Second cHanceS

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TraveL across the united kingdom and you will find circuit after circuit

that evolved from ex royal air Force air bases.

silverstone. snetterton. Croft. The names echo with the history of

wartime action that following the cessation of hostilities saw the

runways and taxiways turned into straights and corners for car racing.

australia has traditionally done it

differently. our circuits have either

been purpose-built for motorsport

or double up as multi-use facilities –

look at sandown, for instance.

But Mallala, about 50-minutes north

of adelaide’s CBd in south australia,

is different – and few circuits echo

with history like the 2.6km track on

the flat Northern plains just off the

road to port Wakefield.

during World War II Mallala was

home of the No. 6 service Flying

Transport school before being later

selected as the temporary base for

flight test and transport support to

the joint united kingdom – australian

Weapons research establishment, at Woomera.

Following the construction of raaF edinburgh – still the major air

Force base in south australia – Mallala housed No. 24 (City of adelaide)

squadron until the base was finally closed for good in 1960.

however, that wasn’t its end.

Motorsport in south australia had been held mainly on “closed road”

circuits such as victor harbour, Nuriootpa, Lobethal and Woodside.

When racing on these circuits was banned, a purpose-built circuit

was established at port Wakefield, 60 miles north of adelaide. This

circuit was used for many years, but was seen to be too dusty and too

far from adelaide.

during 1959 CaMs decided that

the port Wakefield circuit would be

unsuitable for the scheduled 1961

australian grand prix. With new

high standard motor racing circuits

being built interstate it was decided

to start with a new site closer to

adelaide and with the raaF exiting

Mallala, a sale of the property was


Following a subdivision of the

airfield, work commenced quickly to

transform the precinct into a racing

circuit and a ‘premier race meeting’

was held there earlier in the year to

test the facilities.

15,000 people attended and a packed program saw the last race

commence at 6:15pm!

With the circuit finished and tested to an appropriate standard, the

1961 australian grand prix was held at Mallala, and was the first to have

sponsorship by Wd & ho Wills (Craven a cigarettes), to the value of

1000 pounds.

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sixteen cars faced the starter for the 32-lap race, won by the great Lex


Mallala hosted many important championship races over the next

10 years including 1962 & 1964 gold star Championship, 1962

& 1968 australian Tourist Trophy, and 1963 and 1965 Touring Car

Championship. The track was shortened during 1964 from 2.1 miles to

1.6 miles and the pits were moved to outside the circuit.

during 1977 Clem smith purchased the property and the track was

used for Club sprints, motorcross and mud plugging events on

purpose built courses.

It was during this time that Bob Jane’s adelaide International raceway

– located 20 minutes closer to the city on port Wakefield road, took

prominence as south australia’s premier circuit – but up north things

were changing.

In 1982 Mallala was reopened to circuit racing with a CaMs B - class

track license (no national championship races). With each event Clem

smith slowly upgraded the facilities, with these improvements paying

off when the circuit hosted it’s first major national meeting in years

when the south australian round of the 1989 australian Touring Car

Championship was held at the circuit. The track would host the aTCC

from ’89 through to the end of 1998, when the Clipsal 500 took over.

In 1997 a record crowd of 30,500 people packed the circuit to farewell

Touring Car great, peter Brock, at his final appearance at the venue.

other Championship events have included 2-litre super Touring cars,

super Trucks, super Bikes and drift supercup.

The initial “loss” of the v8 supercars to the Clipsal 500 at the adelaide

street grand prix Circuit reduced the number of major events at

Mallala. however, new events and activities at the circuit has ensured

that is booked almost all year round with Club sprints, go-kart and

motorcycle race meetings, historic race meetings, drifting, sa police

driver training, motor racing schools and “driving experiences”.

Circuit racing is still popular at Mallala, including the shannons

Nationals, the sCCsa state series and the easter historics. however, in

recent years Mallala has become one of australia’s premier drift tracks,

holding several state and national level events.

The recent introduction of Time attack events and the popular

MallaNats events has started new era of motorsport at Mallala.

This is a circuit that echoes with the history of not only great racing –

but the service men and women who worked there during it’s time as

a raaF base.

It remains the home of south australian Motorsport.

PhilliP island Great Southern 4 Hour

sydney Ms 3 Hours + Australian 6 Hour Option

Queensland Raceway 2 x 200km

wakefield PaRk 2 x 200km

sandown 3 Hours





classic ciRcuits

RICHARD CRAILL looks at the history of the Mallala ciruit

and where it all began. WoRDs: RichaRD cRaill (With thanks to mallala.com)

images: mallala museum / mallala.com

Page 9: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

16 | the Racing magazine

IN The first issue of ‘The racing Magazine australia’ we focused on a

pair of holden racing Team Commodores competing in the kumho

Tyres australian v8 Touring Car series.

This time around, we’ve catered for Ford fans and picked a pair of ex-

Brad Jones racing Falcons.

In the case of long-time kumho series competitor John vergotis, he’s

certainly gone the ‘full hog’ in reverting his BJr–built Falcon to 2004

ozemail livery for his return to the category this year.

But there’s a quirk in the storyline – that car never actually raced under

those colours.

Certainly one with great attention to detail, vergotis is aware of the

fact but felt the black colours (as carried by John Bowe) were far more

distinctive than the white livery this car actually ran in the hands of team

boss Brad Jones.

and we agree – it looks sharp!

The car first debuted in Brad Jones’ hands at albert park before being

driven by Jones all season, though renumbered from #21 to #888 for

the endurance races where it was driven by nephew andrew Jones and

scot John Cleland.

Brad again raced the car in 2004 and again it became the #888 a.Jones/

Cleland car for the enduros, but this time things didn’t go quite as well

and the former British Touring Car Champion found himself launched

onto his roof when he tripped over a limping Jason plato in peter

Brock’s hrT Commodore.

repaired, the car returned in BoC colours in 2005 for Jones to drive

but it found itself rolling over again – twice! – at pukekohe and

Barbagallo after being part of a 1-2 with John Bowe in the non-title

albert park event.

This chassis reverted to being the team’s spare for the second part of

’05 (after dale Brede had raced it in the hpdC series round at Mallala)

through to early 2007 when it was leased by Britek Motorsport and

became Jason Bright’s Fujitsu Falcon after he’d had a practice accident

in perth for the next few rounds.

It was stripped of Britek bits and returned to BJr before being sold to

dean Neville and run by Terry Wyhoon’s Image racing.

In fact, this car then found itself a place in history at a wet oran park

in 2007 when owen kelly won a Fujitsu series race in it – after starting

last in the pit lane!

Neville made infrequent development series starts in the car over

tHe albury Falcon

v8 sleuth aaroN NooNaN takes a look at a pair of Brad Jones racing Falcons competing in this year’s kumho Tyres australian v8 Touring Car series …WoRDs: aaRon noonan

day VergotiS

thenationals.com.au | 17

the next season or so before it was placed up for sale, though not

before he’d run the car in the Winton round of the v8 Touring Car

series in 2010.

It was purchased by Mark shepherd for the 2011 kumho series and

again prepared by Image racing, who again ran him in the same car

last year.

he took pole and won a race in it at Mallala before engine dramas

sidelined him, though things got worse at Winton when he crashed

heavily at turn three, prompting his withdrawal from the series.

eventually the car was secured by vergotis, who set about having it

repaired and re-liveried in time for this return to the kumho series in

the opening round for 2013.

he secured the #12 plate and put the car ‘back to John Bowe black’,

finishing it just before heading to sydney Motorsport park for its first

race meeting in his hands.

While vergotis is a veteran of the kumho series, the pilot of the other

BJr Falcon in 2013 is at the opposite end of the experience spectrum.

Teenager dan day’s background is in rallying, but his #4 Falcon shares

common history with vergotis’ given it’s also a BJr-built Falcon – the

last constructed before the team swapped to Commodores.

debuted at the 2005 sandown 500 by Brad Jones and John Bowe, it

became Jones’ car for the remainder of the season in BoC colours

before a number change from #21 to #14 for 2006.

Jones drove it all season – including the endurance races with Bowe –

before it was converted to BF spec for 2007 and again raced by Jones

until he decided to retire from full-time driving on the eve of Winton.

simon Wills took over the car and raced it through to the enduros,

where Christian Murchison and damien White drove it, though White

crashed it at Bathurst in qualifying and it was badly damaged and

sidelined for the season.

It eventually was purchased by Wayne russell’s Novocastrian

Motorsport in 2010 as a spare, returning on-track in the 2011 Fujitsu

series with drew russell driving. he drove it again last year in the

development category before the car was secured at the start of this

year by dan day racing for the 2013 kumho series.

he made his debut in the car at the opening round at sydney Motorsport

park with the next round on his home track at Mallala on april 20-21.

For more on the kumho series: www.v8touringcars.com.au


Page 10: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

thenationals.com.au | 19

WeLCoMe to Mallala Motor sport park and round 2 of the

shannons australian Motor racing Nationals. a special welcome

to competitors in the porsche gT3 Cup Challenge and the

hi-Tec oils australian suzuki swift racing series who are joining

the shannons Nationals for the first time in 2013.

The 2013 series commenced around 4 weeks ago in perfect

weather at the new look sydney Motor sport park. The full program

of motor racing was entertaining and in some cases controversial,

with some interesting results. The live streaming of round 1 and

the follow-on speedweek television shows, with new formats and

new technology have entertained our fans in even greater numbers

than in previous years.

as always, we are looking forward to our annual Mallala round.

The technically difficult track will provide some unique challenges.

Mallala is the only motor racing circuit in australia with lights

around the entire track, and we are looking forward to using them

this weekend. Night racing is a unique spectacle. Whilst a full view

of the racing is not always possible after dark, bright lights and

brakes glowing red are just part of the spectacle and ambiance

that is motor racing at night. our plans for the future will include

night racing each year at Mallala and Queensland raceway.

The feature event for this weekend is the Clem smith Cup. apart

from the prize money offered by Mallala Motor sport park owner

and motor racing legend, Clem smith, the Clem smith Cup is a

much sought after trophy at the top end of australian sports sedan

racing. race 2 on sunday is longer and tougher than normal,

and an event firmly implanted in the heritage of national sports

sedan racing.

‘The racing Magazine’, which includes our official event program

has been well received. This (our second edition) is our own

‘shannons Nationals’ magazine edited by Media Manager, richard

Craill. It is now available in printed format and electronic format via


To improve driving standards, reduce race car damage and

improve safety, our categories have recently been introducing

driving standards observers. Cameron McConville is looking after

the kumho Tyres australian v8 Touring Car series and the dial

Before you dig australian saloon Car series this weekend, and for

the first time touring car legend, allan grice joins the hi-Tec oils

australian suzuki swift racing series as their dso.

Finally, I would like to say thank you the officials who are making

this weekend possible for all of us. There have been some ‘changes

of the guard’ in recent weeks and the enthusiasm and dedication

of our volunteer officials is very much appreciated, especially those

of you who have stepped into new roles.

Welcome to RounD 2of the shannons australian Motor racing Nationals!

WoRDs: RoB cuRkPatRick, seRies DiRectoR images: nathan Wong

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

Page 11: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

20 | the Racing magazine

2013 shannons austRalian motoR Racing nationals

seRies ManaGeR the CAMS National racing Championships Pty ltd t/A Shannons Nationals

auThoRiTythis Meeting is conducted under the international Sporting Code of the FiA, the National Competition rules of the CAMS ltd, the race Meeting Standing regulations of CAMS, Phillip island Standing regulations 03/2012, and Supplementary regulations issued for this Meeting. CAMS Permit : 812/1507/01

iMPoRTanT noTices & GeneRal infoRMaTion EXCluSiON OF liABilitY, rElEASE AND ASSuMPtiON OF riSK MoToR sPoRT is danGeRous

in exchange for being able to attend or participate in the event, you agree: to release Confederation of Australian Motor Sport ltd (“CAMS”) and Australian Motor Sport Commission ltd, promoters, sponsor organisations, land owners and lessees, organisers of the event, their respective servants, officials, representatives and agents (collectively, the “Associated Entities”) from all liability for your death, personal injury (including burns), psychological trauma, loss or damage (including property damage) (“harm”) howsoever arising from your participation in or attendance at the event, except to the extent prohibited by law; that CAMS and the Associated Entities do not make any warranty, implied or express, that the event services will be provided with due care and skill or that any materials provided in connection with the services will be fit for the purpose for which they are supplied; and to attend or participate in the event at your own risk. You acknowledge that: the risks associated with attending or participating in the event include the risk that you may suffer harm as a result of: motor vehicles (or parts of them) colliding with other motor vehicles, persons or property; acts of violence and other harmful acts (whether intentional or inadvertent) committed by persons attending or participating in the event; and the failure or unsuitability of facilities (including grand-stands, fences and guard rails) to ensure the safety of persons or property at the event. motor sport is dangerous and that accidents causing harm can and do happen and may happen to you. You accept the conditions of, and acknowledge the risks arising from, attending or participating in the event and being provided with the event services by CAMS and the Associated Entities.

PRohiBiTed aReasthe organisers of the event have made every effort to ensure the safety of spectators at this meeting. in the interest of public safety, all areas other than the official spectator areas are prohibited. the spectator areas are plainly defined and spectators are requested to keep behind the safety fence at all times. Do not

walk on the circuit at any time, or move into prohibited areas. in the event of an accident on the circuit, the public must remain behind the safety fence as their entry to the race track may cause further accidents and hinder officials.

safeTythe fencing erected around this circuit is there for your protection. it is forbidden to stand, sit or climb on it.

PaRkinGVehicles are permitted to enter and park on condition that the promoters and circuit owners are not under any liability whether in contract or in tort and whether for negligence as an occupier, or on any other basis or for any cause for action, for loss or damage to the vehicle or its contents no matter how or whether such may be caused.

PeTsPets are not allowed at Mallala Motor Sport Park during race meetings, unless approved by State legislation.

coPyRiGhTAll material in this program is copyright and may not be used without permission of the publishers. the opinions of the contributors are not necessarily those held by the publishers or the event organisers.

enTRiesthe organisers accept entries and driver nominations in good faith. Every effort is made to adhere to the printed program of competitors but the promoter cannot accept responsibility for the failure of any driver or competing vehicle to appear. Although every endeavour is made to avoid inaccuracies in the description of competing vehicles, the organisers accept no responsibility for any that may occur. the organisers reserve the right to postpone, abandon or cancel the meeting or any part thereof.

aPPReciaTion and ThanksMallala Motorsport Park thanks the following for their support; Competitors and Category Managers All Officials of the Meeting SAMrOA (Flag Officials) SA Scrutineers Women for Wheels Mallala Motorsport Park Staff Gilbert Motor Bodies Dave’s Dynamic towing and transport Xtreme towing Austin 7 Club timing team Shannons Hi-tec Oils Kumho tyres Adelaide BMW livingstone Motorsport Safety

Mallala, souTh ausTRalia 19-21 APril 2013

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

thenationals.com.au | 21

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

clerk of course: David Mori

deputy clerk of course: lawrie Schmitt

assistant clerk of course: rob thiry

secretary of the Meeting: Wayne Giles

assistant secretary: Joan Shearer

series steward: Steve lisk

stewards: Gordon Boyce, David Petterson

series director: rob Curkpatrick

Judges of fact: tBA

start: David Mori, Barry Frost or Deputy

finish: David Mori, Peter Green, Peter Cirillo Barry Frost or Deputy

chief Medical officer: Dr John Cooper-Smart

chief Timekeeper: Barry Frost

chief scrutineer: tim Edmonds

compliance checker: Wayne Giles

communications: tBA (SAMrOA)

speed: Sue South

noise: tBA

starter: Peter Green, Peter Cirillo or Deputy

course Marshals: tBA

safety car: Keith Williamson & ryan Pym

course car: Steve lewis

chase car: rob Meade

chief Grid Marshal: June Bunker

chief Pit Marshal: trevor unsworth

chief Paddock Marshal: Peter South

fire & Rescue: Women for Wheels

flag Marshals: SA Motor racing Officials Ass

chief Recovery Marshal: Alistair Walker

ambulance and first aid: Mallala Motorsport Park

Radios: tBA

equipment & supply: Gordon Sweeney & Peter Winton

chief flag Marshal: Karl Fleming

asst chief flag Marshal: Steve Clift

series announcer: Darren Smith

credentials office: Sally Cowan

Media Manager: richard Craill

documentation: Chief Scrutineer & Joan Shearer

Acknowledgment is also made to the many officials who will be assisting at the meeting

but whose names were not available when this programme was printed.

oRGanisaTion and sTaTus

officials of The MeeTinG

Mallala Motorsport Park Pty ltd 1050 South road Edwardstown SA 5039Phone: 08 8276 7744, Fax 08 8276 7290Email: [email protected]: www.mallala.com

the event shall be held under the international Sporting Code of the Fed-

eration internationale de l’automobile (FiA,) the National Competition rules

of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS), the race Meeting

Standing regulations published by CAMS, relevant Category Championship

or Series Sporting regulations as approved by CAMS, the Supplementary

regulation, and any Further regulations or Bulletins that may be issued by

either the Series or Meeting Organisers. this event will be conducted under

aand in accordance with CAMS OH&S and risk management Policies which

can be found on the CAMS Website at www.cams.com.au. insurance for

this event is provided in accordance with Appendix 1 of the current CAMS

Manual. Authorised under caMs Permit no. 813/2104/01


Page 12: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

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“ N O O N E K N O W S Y O U R

P A S S I O N L I K E S H A N N O N S.”


0700 gates open

0900 practice 1 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 20 mins

0925 practice 1 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 20 mins

0950 practice 1 kerrick sports sedan National series 20 mins

1015 practice 1 kumho Tyres v8 Touring Car series 20 mins

1040 practice 2 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 20 mins

1105 practice 2 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 20 mins

1130 practice 2 kerrick sports sedan National series 20 mins

1155 practice 2 kumho Tyres v8 Touring Car series 20 mins

1215 Lunch Break documentation to Category Managers 35 mins

1250 practice 1 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 30 mins

1325 practice 3 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 20 mins

1350 practice 3 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 20 mins

1415 practice 3 kerrick sports sedan National series 20 mins

1440 practice 3 kumho Tyres v8 Touring Car series 20 mins

1505 practice 2 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 30 mins

1540 sponsor rides australian swift series/saloon Cars 30 mins

1610 sponsor rides v8TC/porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 30 mins

satuRDaY 20th aPRil0800 gates open

1130 practice 1 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 20 mins

1155 practice 1 kumho Tyres aust. v8 Touring Car series 20 mins

1220 practice 1 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 30 mins

1255 Qualifying 1 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 20 mins

1315 officials Break 30 mins

1350 Qualifying 1 kerrick sports sedan National series 25 mins

1420 Qualifying 1 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 20 mins

1445 Qualifying 2 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 20 mins

1510 Qualifying 1 kumho Tyres aust. v8 Touring Car series 20 mins

1540 Qualifying 1 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 30 mins

1615 Qualifying 2 kerrick sports sedan National series 25 mins

1645 race 1 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 14 laps

1715 race 1 kumho Tyres aust. v8 Touring Car series 15 laps

1735 officials Break & demonstrations 30 mins

1805 race 1 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 12 laps

1840 race 1 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 40 laps

sunDaY 21st aPRil0700 gates open

1000 race 1 kerrick sports sedan National series 12 laps

1030 race 2 kumho Tyres aust. v8 Touring Car series 15 laps

1100 race 2 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 14 laps

1130 race 2 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 12 laps

1155 race 2 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 14 laps

1230 race 2 Clem smith Cup 15 laps

kerrick sports sedan National series

1255 Clem smith Cup podium on Track 15 mins

1310 demonstrations 10 mins

1330 race 3 kumho Tyres aust. v8 Touring Car series 20 laps

1405 race 3 porsche gT3 Cup Challenge 14 laps

1435 race 3 hi-Tec oils aust. swift racing series 12 laps

1500 race 3 dial Before you dig aust.saloon Car series 14 laps

1530 race 3 kerrick sports sedan National series 12 laps

FRiDaY 19th aPRil

22 | the Racing magazine thenationals.com.au | 23

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Page 13: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

24 | the Racing magazine thenationals.com.au | 25

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliARounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

keRRick sPoRts seDan seRies


1 SS Rent Depot Kerry Baily Kerry Baily Qld Aston Martin DBR9 6000 Silver

4 SS Auto union Deutsche John Gourlay Darren Hossack Vic Audi A4 6000 Silver/Orange

5 SS B&M Ricciardello Motors Basil Ricciardello Tony Ricciardello WA Alfa Romeo GTV 6000 Red

9 SS Luxury Auto Body Daniel Tamasi Daniel Tamasi Vic Holden Calibra 6000 Black

19 SS Johnson Motorsport Damian Johnson Damian Johnson Vic Holden Torana 3300 Red/White

21 TA Moonbi Oil Traders Phil Crompton Phil Crompton Qld Ford Mustang 5936 Orange

32 SS Bell Real Estate Michael Robinson Michael Robinson Vic Holden Monaro 6000 Grey

38 SS Barnes High Performance Jeff Barnes Jeff Barnes Qld Pontiac 6000 Red/Blue

44 SS MR Automotive Colin Smith Colin Smith Qld Holden Monaro 6000 Red

45 SS Campbelltown Frames & Trusses Dameon Jameson Dameon Jameson NSW Jaguar XKR 6000 Black

51 SS MR Automotive Bob McLoughlin Bob McLoughlin NZ Commodore VS 6000 Red/White

72 TA BJ Banks Electrical Bruce Banks Bruce Banks Tas Chev Camaro 5860 yellow

68 TA Aston Air Conditioning Shane Bradford Shane Bradford Qld Chev Camaro 6000 yell/White

81 TA The Car Mine/Liqui Moly/Meguiars Charlie Senese Charlie Senese Qld Chev Corvette 6000 Blue

WheN CLeM sMITh fires up his old Charger sports sedan and leads the kerrick series field around for the pace laps in sunday, you’ll be watching one of the best moments in sports sedan racing of the season.

The Clem smith Cup has turned into a must-win event for australia’s fastest tin-top field and this weekend will be no exception.

Last year we were robbed of a spectacle when both contenders Tony ricciardello and darren hossack were forced into ‘loaned’ cars after their original rides broke early in the weekend, handing a relatively unchallenged win to the man who would go on to take the title, kerry Baily.

But this year will be different. one round under the belts, both ricciardello and hossack are plenty fast and, though hossack had a wretched opening round in sydney, both are keen for Mallala success. The audi always goes well at Mallala, too, so this could be the round where hossack gets things back on track after just one race finish in the opener.

Baily, with No. 1 on the door of his stunning aston Martin, will surely contend and this weekend you can’t count out the speedy daniel Tamasi, who has his Calibra particularly flying following a strong run at the opening round.

The 14-car field includes the return of phil Crompton’s stunning new Mustang.

on the WeB: WWW.sPoRtsseDans.com.au

kumho tYRes austRalian V8 touRing caR seRies


00 H PGC Security/Fallow Spares & Repairs Matt Chahda Matt Chahda NSW Ford Falcon Au 5000 Black/Silver

3 H Fernandez Motorsport Jose Fernandez Shae Davies Qld Ford Falcon BF 5000 Green/White

4 S S & J Automotive Sean Day Dan Day SA Ford Falcon BF 5000 White

5 S ACM/Vanglobe/Bossen Matthew Hansen Matthew Hansen WA Commodore VZ 5000 Red/White

6 H 501 Performance Les Morrall Tony Evangelou Vic Ford Falcon BA 5000 Black/yellow

7 S Poll Performance/McDonalds Jim Pollicina Jim Pollicina NSW Commodore VZ 5000 Orange/Black

8 H Ozzy Tyres/Holden Motorsport Steve Briffa Steve Briffa NSW Commodore Vy 5000 Silver/Green

12 S JCV Automotive John Vergotis John Vergotis NSW Ford Falcon BA 5000 Green/Blk

21 H Century 21 Hazelbrook Chris Delfsma Chris Delfsma NSW Ford Falcon BA 5000 White

22 H Westco Equip/SA Tractors Isidoro Ambrosio Isidoro Ambrosio WA Commodore VZ 5000 Black

25 H Bartsch Homes Terry Wyhoon Michael Bartsch SA Ford Falcon BA 5000 Black/Red

39 H Vectra Corp/Lubrimaxx Chris Smerdon Chris Smerdon SA Ford Falcon BA 5000 Blue/yellow

45 H THR Motorsport/Wemake Horsepower THR Motorsport Josh Kean SA Commodore VZ 5000 Blk/Red/Wh

49 H Lubrimax/Vectra Terry Wyhoon Terry Wyhoon Vic Ford Falcon BF 5000 Blue

51 H IR yeing Transport/THR Developments Ian yeing Ian yeing SA Commodore VZ 5000 Red/Black

57 H ADG Engineering/Precise Precut/

Gold Coast Postforming Lyle Kearns Lyle Kearns Qld Commodore VZ 5000 Black/Orange

72 H uSQ Engineering Nathan Assaillit Nathan Assaillit Qld Ford Falcon BF 5000 yellow

Fresh from a wild opening round, both old hands and new are likely to be frontrunners during Mallala’s second round of the exciting kumho v8’s this weekend. porsche racer shae davies was speedy in sydney and won the third race of the weekend and must be considered a favourite ahead of this weekend – especially in the absence of round one winner, Justin garioch.

But don’t count out the experienced hands like Terry Wyhoon, Tony evangelou and Chris smerdon – all of whom started slowly in sydney but ended the weekend with race-winning potential.

series newcomer, steve Briffa, might also be another to surprise at Mallala after an exciting introduction to the category at his home track in sydney’s west a month ago.

Local drivers always go well at Mallala – it’s the kind of track where local knowledge of circuit and weather conditions can really deliver an advantage – so watch for smerdon, especially, to perform on home turf.

Impressive rally driver-turned racer dan day is another to have laps at Mallala as is holden driver, Ian yeing. Barossa valley racer Michael Bartsch returns to Terry Wyhoon’s team and is always fast at Mallala, so he’s also one to watch.

saloon Car champion, shawn Jamieson, missed the opening round and as such will be another local star to watch for race-winning potential on his home turf.

on the WeB: WWW.V8touRingcaRs.com.au

Page 14: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

26 | the Racing magazine thenationals.com.au | 27

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

PoRsche gt3 cuP challenge PResenteD BY PiRellion the WeB: WWW.gt3cuPchallenge.com.au


4 997 Grove Group Stephen Grove Stephen Grove VIC Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Red/Balck

9 997 Fleetplus McElrea Racing Scott Taylor NSW Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 White

14 997 No Second Chance McElrea Racing Mathew Speakman QLD Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Blue/White

15 996 Veloce Motorsport Keith Wong Keith Wong SA Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 yellow

16 997 Kinpath John Karytinos John Karytinos SA Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 White

17 997 Wallerawang Engineering Philip Woodbury Philip Woodbury NSW Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 White

18 997 Copyworld/Toshiba Michael Almond Michael Almond SA Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Wh/Red/Black

22 997 Muscrete Constructions/PEG

Genis Steel/ Genisis (Aust) Richard Muscat Richard Muscat VIC Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 White

26 997 Mc Fadyen Pipeline Group/

Prosurv Surveyors John Modystach John Modystach NSW Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Blue/White

34 997 GT3 Factory/Copyworld John Morriss John Morriss VIC Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Blue/Wh/Silver

44 997 Merry Sparks Art Grant Sparks Grant Sparks QLD Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Wh/Or/Blue

65 997 The Ross Partnership/

Porsche Centre Brighton Fraser Ross Fraser Ross SA Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 Green/White

66 997 GaP Soultions/Sektor John Goodacre John Goodacre VIC Porsche 911 GT3 Cup 3600 White

91 997 Eva Racing/

AF Engineering Services Alex Franes Peter Fitzgerald

The aLL-porsche championship takes on a new look and feel this year.

several new names have joined group of second or third-year drivers who look ready to step up to the mark in the absence of regular winning names of the past several seasons like Jeff Bobik and 2012 champion, kane rose.

so, who is favourite? That’s a hard one to pick, but it’s probably best to look at four key names that we think will contend this weekend and, this year.

adelaidian John goodacre is now amongst the most experienced racers in the field and his gap solutions porsche is well proven. Not only is Mallala home, but goodacre has been a regular frontrunner in the series for the past two seasons and there’s no reason for that to not continue.

John Modystach won brilliantly at Mallala last year, sweeping the weekend with fast and consistent performances that kept him in title contention for much of the year. Meanwhile, second-generation adelaide driver Michael almond backs up for his second year in the category after shocking the establishment with pole position on his debut at the same track twelve months ago.

almond since has accrued a full season – plus a Carrera Cup start – under his belt and should contend this weekend. victorian racer Fraiser ross, another newcomer last year, finds himself in a similar situation and will look to build on last year’s experiences.

perhaps the biggest surprise of all could come from a wildcard who has snuck his way onto the entry list in car No. 91.

Not only is he the driving standards observer for Carrera Cup (no excuses here, then), but peter Fitzgerald remains one of the most successful and enduring porsche racers in australia. Fitzy just could be the biggest wildcard of all.

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

Dial BeFoRe You Dig austRalian saloon caR seRieson the WeB: WWW.salooncaRs.net.au


1 Eurostar Diesels Simon Tabinor Simon Tabinor Vic VT Comm 3800 White/yellow

Frank Walsh Drilling Josh Kean Naomi Maltby SA VT Comm 3800 Green/Black

3 Amcap/Just Commodore Tony James Tony James WA VT Comm 3800 Red

6 Morphett Vale Garage Wayne King Wayne King SA VT Comm 3800 Red

7 NIPPy’S Chris Milton Sam Milton SA Au Falcon 4000 Black

8 PJT Accountants Wayne Patten Wayne Patten Qld VT Comm 3800 Whi/Grn/Gry

9 Silkgate Group Ian Chivas Ian Chivas NSW Au Falcon 4000 Blue/yellow

10 Eurostar Diesels Tony McKenzie Tony McKenzie SA VN Comm 3800 White

12 Trik Trailers Keven Stoopman Keven Stoopman Vic Au Falcon 4000 Black

16 Kleenduct Australia P/L Peter Phelan Harley Phelan Vic VT Comm 3800 Purple

23 Tyre Pro Motorsport Travis Sharpe Travis Sharpe WA Au Falcon 4000 Whi/Blk/Org

27 Transley Solutions Luke Westall Luke Westall NSW Au Falcon 4000 White/Blue

38 Blackwell Race Engines Gavin Ross Gavin Ross Vic VT Comm 3800 Green

40 Fox Roofing Reginald Ralph Reginald Ralph WA VT Comm 3800 Red

41 Dial Before you Dig Mark Primmer Mark Primmer NSW Au Falcon 4000 Blue/Red

42 Dial Before you Dig Mark Primmer Cameron Moss NSW Au Falcon 4100 Blue/Red

45 Millenium Screens Deni Razmovski Deni Razmovski WA Au Falcon 4000 Orange/White

56 Baxter Electrical Kane Baxter-Smith Kane Baxter-Smith QLD Au Falcon 4000 Blue/Black

57 Campbells Motorsport Craig Campbell Craig Campbell QLD VT Comm 3800 Red

61 Mike Dale Automotive Michael Dale Michael Dale SA EA Falcon 3900 Red

62 Bridge Model Cars Mark Bryan Mark Bryan SA Au Falcon 4000 Green/Black

67 Scotts Rods Exhausts Lindsay Kearns Lindsay Kearns QLD Au Falcon 4000 White

71 Betta Calibrations Brett Campbell Brett Campbell Vic Au Falcon 4000 Blk/Purp/Silv

93 Thornlie Just Commodore Frank Panizza Frank Panizza WA VT Comm 3800 White/Red

BIg FIeLd, holden and Ford, close racing. sounds familiar, doesn’t it.

The dial Before you dig saloon Cars had a sensational season opener at sydney Motorsport park in March, but no one could catch defending series champion, simon Tabinor, and his flying eurostar diesels vT Commodore.

But Mallala often throws up some wildcards, so keep an eye on round one performers gavin ross and harley phelan to make some inroads on the defending champ this weekend.

adelaide driver, sam Milton, is back this weekend in his Nippy’s sponsored au Ford and always runs at the front on home (or away, for that matter) turf so he could just be the one flying the flag for

the Ford fans amongst the crowd and the paddock.

Ford drivers Luke Westall and kevin stoopman – a hQ champion – could also contend for strong results so keep an eye on their respective au Ford’s.

one other name springs out on the entry list, as well – the #6 entry of Wayne king.

Those who have followed hQ racing at Mallala over the years will know Wayne’s name and will also know that he is very hard to beat at the place. he has plenty of experience under his belt in saloon Cars, too, and armed with a front-running vT Commodore could a new king topple the old at Mallala?

Page 15: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA


1 achilles radials Trans Tasman allan Jarvis QLd suzuki swift 1600 Black

2 g1 drift series Trans Tasman Tom Monkhouse sa suzuki swift 1600 red

6 Finance ezi Trans Tasman Ben grice QLd suzuki swift 1600 yellow/Black

7 Trans Tasman Luke Fraser sa suzuki swift 1600 Black

9 Macline group Jamie MacMaster Jamie MacMaster QLd suzuki swift 1600 White

17 BvC racing Trans Tasman rob Jarvis QLd suzuki swift 1600 White

24 Joe Cool’s airconditioning Trans Tasman Mitch Lukasz sa suzuki swift 1600 TBa

33 shannons Nationals Trans Tasman Callan sayers QLd suzuki swift 1600 White

47 CLs Finance Trans Tasman Mike gore QLd suzuki swift 1600 Blue

57 Trans Tasman keishi ayukai QLd suzuki swift 1600 TBa

99 CLs Finance Trans Tasman scott gore QLd suzuki swift 1600 Black

ThIs Could be the season where the swift racing series comes

of age.

The swift series can put on a great show with half a dozen cars, but

add in another six and all of a sudden you have a recipe for very

competitive things as the new season commences this weekend.

defending champion allan Jarvis is back as his dad and regular

on-track rival, Captain rob.

after impressing in February’s swift drivers Challenge, Callan

sayers will compete in the full season this year and will look to

put his competition-winning pace and all-rounder ability into a

championship campaign this year. his one-off rounds at the end of

last year showed that he can contend regularly for podiums.

Impressive Queenslander Brooke Leech is back for another year

after an interruputed 2012-campaign, whilst familiar swift racing

names like Brothers Mike and scott gore and Jamie MacMaster

are all back.

But perhaps the biggest addition to the series might not even be

on the race track – it might be in race control.

Two-time Bathurst winner and Touring Car great allan grice joins

the series as driving standards observer, thanks in part to his son,

Ben, joining the series to drive the #6 car.

gricey will surely impart his wisdom on the field and help lift

the level of a series that looks to be taking the next step forward

in 2013.

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We are now taking bookings for full page, half page and

quarter page advertisments for the next issue.

We will also be running a ‘Market Place’ section is the next

issue, the perfect place to sell your car or spare parts.

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IntErEstED In ADvErtIsIng In thE nExt IssuE oF ‘thE rAcIng MAgAzInE’?

NaThaN WoNg captured this great still of kerrick sports sedan

racer at sydney Motorsport park last month. We’re not sure if this

car – entered as a holden Calibra – is trying to be a Nissan gTr or

not, but one thing is for sure.. it complies to the part of the series

regulations that say ‘Must be fire-breathing’...

sPeeD shots...

Page 16: Issue 2 - The Racing Magazine

30 | the Racing magazine

RounD 2 MAllAlA, SOutH AuStrAliA

laP RecoRDs

Mallala MoToRsPoRT PaRk saciRcuiT lenGTh 2.6kM

CATEGORy DRIVER VEHICLE EVENT DATE FASTEST LAP V8 Touring Car Scott Loadsman Commodore Vy 15/05/11 1:10.3755 Porsche GT3 David Stevens, NSW Porsche GT3 25/06/06 1: 09.7070 Sports Sedan Tony Ricciardello,WA Alfetta GTV/Chev 18/05/08 1: 05.9536 Saloon Car Bruce Heinrich Commodore VT 23/08/08 1: 18.8580

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