1 Issue 12 Friday, 24 th May 2019 Upcoming Dates Summer Term 24 th May HT/ DHT Coffee Morning 27 th May 31 st May CLOSED FOR HALF- TERM HOLIDAY 3 rd 5 th June Year 4 Residential Trip to Ufton Court 5 th June Year 6 kayaking at Wellington College 6 th June Year 2 Trip to Legoland w/c 10 th June Year 1 Phonics Screening 12 th June visit to Englefield Estate (Years 3 and 5) 13 th June - Year 6 to Wicked In London leaving School at 3.45pm 14 th June Father’s Day Assemblies (R, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6) 14 th June PTA Talent Show 6.30pm 17 th June New Reception parent meeting 6.30pm 19 th June New Reception visits pm 25 th June Governors Day 26 th June New reception visits morning visit plus lunch 27 th June Year 5 Trip to Go Ape 28 th June Reception Class Assembly, 2.40pm w/c 1 st July SRE Week (Sex and Relationships Education) 2 nd July Year 6 Kwik Cricket Festival 3 rd and 4 th July Year 6 Secondary School Transition Dear Parents and Carers, I am pleased to say that the sun is shining and the weather is looking very hopeful for our half-term break. As we draw this half-term to a close, we have a few updates for you and some requests for your assistance please. Firstly, school staff have noticed that our pupils are bringing a wide range of snacks in to eat at playtime, including crisps, biscuits and sweets. The school adheres closley to governmental recommendations on healthy eating as part of our overall drive to ensure the well-being of our children. Could you please ensure that your child’s snack is limited only to fresh fruit, fresh vegetables (e.g. carrot / celery sticks), a plain cereal bar or similar item. All Reception and KS1 children are offered fresh fruit and vegetables daily as part of the government’s healthy eating scheme; you are warmly welcome to supplement this. I have asked playtime duty staff to remind children not to ‘dip’ into theirn lunch boxes for other items and to ask a child to put away any snack item which does not meet our guidelines. Thank you for your support with our healthy eating pledge! Inevitably at this time of year, school governors and leaders would like to announce some staffing changes for the end of the year. Miss Leadbeatter (Year 6) has been promoted within Greenshaw Learning Trust to a Team Leader position at Crown Wood. This is a well-deserved promotion and we know she will enjoy her new role. Miss Carter (Year 2) is relocating to her family home town of Swindon to continue teaching. Mrs Wells (Year 5) is leaving us to work closer to her home. We will miss them all and wish them every success. Governors and leaders are pleased to have appointed three strong, highly qualified new teachers: Miss Parnell who will join us a class teacher/SENDCo from 1 st September; Miss Smith who will join us from 2 nd July 2019 and Mr Phelps who will join us from 15 th July 2019. All three teachers will be in school to meet their new classes for our Transition Day, and on other occasions before the end of term. This is an exciting time for Wildmoor Heath and we are delighted to have made such strong appointments to build our team. Finally, I would like to thank the Wildmoor Heath PTA for organsing another successful Family Campout last weekend undeer the wobnderful banner of ‘Enchanted Woodland’. The event was well attended and much enjoyed by all. We value the tireless efforts of all the PTA members who go over and beyond to ensure that the events are original, fun and allow funds to be raised to support the school. Thank you also to our Administration Team who work closley with the PTA to ensure that all the logistics and security arrangement are in palce to enable these exciting events take place. If you missed this Family Campout, there will be another one on Saturday, 21 st September 2019 watch this space! Many thanks for your continued support of your children’s education, our staff and our school. We wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable half-term break and look forwartd to welcoming everyone back on Monday, 3 rd June 2-019 from 8:40am. Leslie Semper Headteacher

Issue 12 Friday, 24th May 20192 3rd July Musical Soiree 6.30pm 4th July Transition Day 5th thJuly Year 4 Brass Concert (tbc) 8th July – Residential Meeting for Year 5 (RYG trip in

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Page 1: Issue 12 Friday, 24th May 20192 3rd July Musical Soiree 6.30pm 4th July Transition Day 5th thJuly Year 4 Brass Concert (tbc) 8th July – Residential Meeting for Year 5 (RYG trip in


Issue 12 Friday, 24th May 2019

Upcoming Dates Summer Term 24th May HT/ DHT Coffee Morning 27th May – 31st May – CLOSED FOR HALF-TERM HOLIDAY 3rd – 5th June Year 4 Residential Trip to Ufton Court 5th June Year 6 kayaking at Wellington College 6th June Year 2 Trip to Legoland w/c 10th June Year 1 Phonics Screening 12th June – visit to Englefield Estate (Years 3 and 5) 13th June - Year 6 to Wicked In London – leaving School at 3.45pm 14th June Father’s Day Assemblies (R, 1&2, 3&4, 5&6) 14th June PTA Talent Show 6.30pm 17th June New Reception parent meeting 6.30pm 19th June New Reception visits pm 25th June – Governors Day 26th June New reception visits – morning visit plus lunch 27th June Year 5 Trip to Go Ape 28th June Reception Class Assembly, 2.40pm w/c 1st July SRE Week (Sex and Relationships Education) 2nd July Year 6 Kwik Cricket Festival 3rd and 4th July Year 6 Secondary School Transition

Dear Parents and Carers, I am pleased to say that the sun is shining and the weather is looking very hopeful for our half-term break. As we draw this half-term to a close, we have a few updates for you and some requests for your assistance please. Firstly, school staff have noticed that our pupils are bringing a wide range of snacks in to eat at playtime, including crisps, biscuits and sweets. The school adheres closley to governmental recommendations on healthy eating as part of our overall drive to ensure the well-being of our children. Could you please ensure that your child’s snack is limited only to fresh fruit, fresh vegetables (e.g. carrot / celery sticks), a plain cereal bar or similar item. All Reception and KS1 children are offered fresh fruit and vegetables daily as part of the government’s healthy eating scheme; you are warmly welcome to supplement this. I have asked playtime duty staff to remind children not to ‘dip’ into theirn lunch boxes for other items and to ask a child to put away any snack item which does not meet our guidelines. Thank you for your support with our healthy eating pledge! Inevitably at this time of year, school governors and leaders would like to announce some staffing changes for the end of the year. Miss Leadbeatter (Year 6) has been promoted within Greenshaw Learning Trust to a Team Leader position at Crown Wood. This is a well-deserved promotion and we know she will enjoy her new role. Miss Carter (Year 2) is relocating to her family home town of Swindon to continue teaching. Mrs Wells (Year 5) is leaving us to work closer to her home. We will miss them all and wish them every success. Governors and leaders are pleased to have appointed three strong, highly qualified new teachers: Miss Parnell who will join us a class teacher/SENDCo from 1st September; Miss Smith who will join us from 2nd July 2019 and Mr Phelps who will join us from 15th July 2019. All three teachers will be in school to meet their new classes for our Transition Day, and on other occasions before the end of term. This is an exciting time for Wildmoor Heath and we are delighted to have made such strong appointments to build our team.

Finally, I would like to thank the Wildmoor Heath PTA for organsing another successful Family Campout last weekend undeer the wobnderful banner of ‘Enchanted Woodland’. The event was well attended and much enjoyed by all. We value the tireless efforts of all the PTA members who go over and beyond to ensure that the events are original, fun and allow funds to be raised to support the school. Thank you also to our Administration Team who work closley with the PTA to ensure that all the logistics and security arrangement are in palce to enable these exciting events take place. If you missed this Family Campout, there will be another one on Saturday, 21st September 2019 – watch this space! Many thanks for your continued support of your children’s education, our staff and our school. We wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable half-term break and look forwartd to welcoming everyone back on Monday, 3rd June 2-019 from 8:40am. Leslie Semper Headteacher

Page 2: Issue 12 Friday, 24th May 20192 3rd July Musical Soiree 6.30pm 4th July Transition Day 5th thJuly Year 4 Brass Concert (tbc) 8th July – Residential Meeting for Year 5 (RYG trip in


3rd July Musical Soiree 6.30pm 4th July Transition Day 5th July Year 4 Brass Concert (tbc) 8th July – Residential Meeting for Year 5 (RYG trip in Year 6). 3.30pm and 6.00pm 10th July Bracknell Forest Schools’ Kwik Cricket Tournament 10th July – Year 6 Family social on school field 11th July End of Year Reports are sent home 12th July Sports Day w/c 15th July Informal teacher meetings re: reports 15th July Y6 Production – The Pirates of the Curry Bean (performances at 1.45pm and 6.30pm) 15th July Informal Report Meetings for Parents 16th July – Contingency Sports Day (if 12th July cancelled) 17th July Yr 6 to Oakwood Climbing Centre 19th July Leavers’ Assembly at 2.15pm (Y6 parents/ carers invited) 19th July - END OF TERM – School closes at 3.15pm (SCHOOL CLOSED FOR INSET DAYS ON 22nd and 23rd JULY)

Wildmoor Heath Pupils Tour the new Barratt Homes Site at Cricket Field Grove

On Tuesday, 26th May 2019, all the pupils from Years 4 and 5 enjoyed a local community visit to tour the new Barratt Homes site at Cricket Field Grove. The children were taught the importance of staying safe around building sites, toured a glossy new home and – perhaps the best bit of all – they were also invited to test out their construction skills and had a go at building a wall. I have to say many of them showed excellent brickwork skills! Alongside learning important safety messages, the children learned about the materials and work that goes into building new homes, and the opportunities available in the construction industry. Lynnette St-Quintin, Sales Director for Barratt Southern Counties, comments: “As a responsible company, we are dedicated to ensuring that the next generation are educated on the risks of being on or living around a development. When we are building in an area, we are keen to work with the local community to ensure that children, who might see a site as more of a big playground, are safe. We thought this project with schools was a fun and engaging way for children to understand how to stay safe on site, but also to see the work that goes into creating new communities such as these.”

I have invited the Marketing Manager, Alannah France, back to school in the autumn term to discuss the importance of the environment when building a new housing estate with the whole school. Community and Environment are two key drivers in Wildmoor Heath’s curriculum offering and the children would like to know how we are safeguarding our local environment.

Page 3: Issue 12 Friday, 24th May 20192 3rd July Musical Soiree 6.30pm 4th July Transition Day 5th thJuly Year 4 Brass Concert (tbc) 8th July – Residential Meeting for Year 5 (RYG trip in


M & M Theatre Production

On Monday, we had a return visit from the wonderful M&M Theatrical Productions (who brought us Beauty and the Beast in November). They came along with their pop-up set and transformed our hall, to take us over the rainbow and into the magical world of Kansas. The children were enthralled at the production, with all the comic moments, singing and the dancing. Favourite moments included: when they all got given the gifts they wanted”, “I liked it when the munchkins sang about the wicked witch”, “when the flying monkeys danced, “it was really funny when the puppet appeared at the door of the Emerald Castle”. The visit concluded our Year 6 pupils having a workshop, where they learnt about the lighting and sound, with 2 children being able to be technicians, and 4 children acted out a scene from the

show. We thank all our parents who donated to this event.

Page 4: Issue 12 Friday, 24th May 20192 3rd July Musical Soiree 6.30pm 4th July Transition Day 5th thJuly Year 4 Brass Concert (tbc) 8th July – Residential Meeting for Year 5 (RYG trip in


Foodbank Vouchers We have now established a link with the Crowthorne Foodbank and if any families are in need to support, please do not hesitate to speak to the School Office, your conversation will, of course, be treated in strict confidence. We have vouchers available at the school office. The Crowthorne Foodbank are always in need to donations and have a collection box at the Co-op on the High Street they are particularly in need of hand wash, shampoo, conditioner, black bin bags, coffee, orange Squash. PTA Save the date: Friday 14th June - Talent Show Friday 5th July - Break the rules day & end of year school disco Wednesday 11th September - AGM Saturday 21st September - Family Camping If you would like to help or organise an event please do contact us on [email protected] or leave a message at the school office for Kelly Charles or Donna Cooper. Bags to School Clothing Collection Date – Wednesday, 3rd July 2019 REMINDER ON MOBILE PHONES AND SOCIAL WEBSITES A reminder to all pupils, parents and carers that children are not allowed to have their mobile phones in class and are recommended not to bring them to school. If they need to have a phone at school, they must hand their phone in every day to our office for safekeeping and to safeguard all our pupils. We will not tolerate pupils breaking these rules and, any use of a mobile phone in school without adult permission, such as taking a photograph, will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. Parents and carers are reminded that no child should have a social website membership (e.g. Facebook, What’s App, Tick Tock, etc.) when the rules clearly state that children must be 12 years or older. Please ensure that your child respects and upholds these rules. CHILD PROTECTION AND SAFEGUARDING ISSUES MRS SEMPER, MR THOMAS AND MRS WEBB The safeguarding, welfare, health and safety of all our pupils and staff is the foremost concern for all staff and governors and we are proud to have excellent safeguarding procedures in place at Wildmoor Heath. Mrs Semper is the Designated Safety Leader (DSL), Mr Thomas and Mrs Webb are the Deputy Designated Safety Leaders (DDSL). The Safeguarding Policy (September 2018) can be found on the school website and/or a copy can be requested from the school office. If you have any concerns whatsoever, please ask to speak to Mrs Semper, Mr. Thomas or Mrs Webb.

REACH FOR THE STARS Respect - Empathy - Aspirations - Courage - Honesty