(' Regular Meeting - Board of Directors Greenville Community Services District January 18, 1978 The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on January 18, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law. Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called with all directors being present. Also present was Ed Anderson, District Engineer; Cy Hall, Fire Chief; and interested citizens. The minutes of the meeting of December 21, 1977, were corrected in "Reports from Improvement Districts - Fire" to read "The District needs 1,000 gallons per minute pumping capacity to get credit from ISO". This corrected the "500" to read "1,000". The minutes were approved as corrected. Reports from Improvement Districts: Sanitary - Jim Hamblin was not present to submit a report. Ed Anderson reported that the pumping station was working to capacity, but that it was not an uncommon situation. He stated it comes from joints that deteriorate over the years and water coming through the manholes. Ed stated he would expect it to return to normal with cold weather or a snow cover. Ed suggested that the District request PG&E to make a pump check to see ,how efficient it is operating. According to Cy, as far as he knows Knadler has not finished the job at the pumping station. Fire - Cy stated that he and Jim Hamblin tested the alarm system that day at the hospital. There is a new maintenance man, and he didn't know how to disconnect the local alarm system from the box. Old Business: Mill Site Subdivision - The District received a tentative parcel map of 49 lots on the proposed Mill Site Subdivision. The Planning Depart- ment wished to know if it would have any effect on this District's service capacity. Ed reviewed the map and stated that if the subdivision proceeds according to plan there should be no problem; however any future expansion should be reviewed as the sanitary system is near capacity. Tanker Truck - According to Cy, he understands there will be little grant money available under Title IV for rural fire departments. He further stated that the grant wouldn't apply to the truck part ••• only to tank and attachments. Cy made a presentation on the needs, accom- plishments and attentives of the fire department. He also presented a proposed action on purchasing a fire truck, both of which are being made a part of the minutes. The directors discussed the presentations. President Hunter stated he saw no problem in obtaining a loan or the '.'

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    Regular Meeting - Board of Directors Greenville Community Services District

    January 18, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on January 18, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called with all directors being present. Also present was Ed Anderson, District Engineer; Cy Hall, Fire Chief; and interested citizens.

    The minutes of the meeting of December 21, 1977, were corrected in "Reports from Improvement Districts - Fire" to read "The District needs 1,000 gallons per minute pumping capacity to get credit from ISO". This corrected the "500" to read "1,000". The minutes were approved as corrected.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim Hamblin was not present to submit a report. Ed Anderson reported that the pumping station was working to capacity, but that it was not an uncommon situation. He stated it comes from joints that deteriorate over the years and water coming through the manholes. Ed stated he would expect it to return to normal with cold weather or a snow cover. Ed suggested that the District request PG&E to make a pump check to see ,how efficient it is operating. According to Cy, as far as he knows Knadler has not finished the job at the pumping station.

    Fire - Cy stated that he and Jim Hamblin tested the alarm system that day at the hospital. There is a new maintenance man, and he didn't know how to disconnect the local alarm system from the box.

    Old Business:

    Mill Site Subdivision - The District received a tentative parcel map of 49 lots on the proposed Mill Site Subdivision. The Planning Depart-ment wished to know if it would have any effect on this District's service capacity. Ed reviewed the map and stated that if the subdivision proceeds according to plan there should be no problem; however any future expansion should be reviewed as the sanitary system is near capacity.

    Tanker Truck - According to Cy, he understands there will be little grant money available under Title IV for rural fire departments. He further stated that the grant wouldn't apply to the truck part ••• only to tank and attachments. Cy made a presentation on the needs, accom-plishments and attentives of the fire department. He also presented a proposed action on purchasing a fire truck, both of which are being made a part of the minutes. The directors discussed the presentations. President Hunter stated he saw no problem in obtaining a loan or the


  • v

    January 18, 1978 - Page 2

    r:payment thereof, and the longer the District waits the more a truck w1l~ cost. It w~s a~reed by all directors to proceed to get specifi-catlons and obtaln blds on the truck. It was further agreed to seek the most advantageous financing. It was further agreed that FHA shou~d be contacted to see if Mr. McArthur had any further information on T1tle IV grants.

    Fire Hall Renovation - There were no further plans explored, as Supervisor Papenhausen has stated that the funds for remodeling would come from Revenue Sharing. Coy Block also indicated that he was placing the remodeling in his budget.

    New Business:

    The President read a letter of resignation from the Secretary, to be effective January 31, 1978. President Hunter set aside his gavel and asked if any director would like to serve as President. Director Dunham asked for an executive session in which to discuss personnel matters.

    At the conclusion of the executive session the Secretary was asked to withdraw her resignation, which she agreed to do. President Hunter agreed to remain in office at least until the fire truck purchase is complete.

    The full Board discussed the letters which had been received from Charles Ridgeway and Greg Gregory. It was agreed that it would be advantageous to the Board if they could in some way participate in the meetings so that they would be knowledgable if and when vacancies occur on the Board. It was agreed that letters be written inviting the men to be non-voting representatives from their areas.

    By unanimous vote of the Board, Jim Hamblin was appointed Assistant Fire Chief.

    The need for a women's auxiliary to the Fire Department was discussed. It was agreed by all directors that an auxiliary should be formed for fund raising and social purposes. Several names were proposed as potential organizers of the women's group, but action was tabled until guidelines could be drawn up by the Board.

    A motion was made by Charlie Scott, seconded by Bob Johns, that the Secretary receive a minimum salary of $100 per month. The roll was called with all directors voting aye.

    Director Dunham suggested that the Board should investigate the possibilities of this District taking over the garbage collection within its boundaries. It is the opinion of the Board and many citizens that the County and those holding the garbage franchises are not doing a good job and that the cost is excessive. Don stated he would be willing to do some leg work to see how feasible the project would be.

  • January 18, 1978 - Page 3

    Al l owance of Claims:

    Improvement District No. 1 - Sanitary

    James Hamblin Citizens Utilities PG&E

    Improvement District No. 2 - Lights


    Improvement District No. 3 - Fire

    State Compensation Insurance Fund PG&E Citizens Uti l ities Kampschmidts Service F . L. Mi ll er Co . Fire Calls C. L. Hall

    Greenville Community Services District

    U.C . Cooperative Extension County Cle r k Helen Mar t in

    Receipts :

    Improvement District No . 1 - Sanitary

    Raymar Plumbing

    $150 . 00 4 . 00

    66 . 90


    $ ,,/(,



    January 26, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in special session January 26, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    The meeting was called to order by President Hunter at 7:35 p.m. The roll was called with Directors Hunter, Dunham, Wiley and Johns being present and Director Scott being absent. Also present were General Manager Cy Hall, Sanitarian Jim Hamblin, and several interested citizens.

    The specifications for a tanker truck (truck, tank and pump) were sub-mitted by Jim Hamblin, Assistant Fire Chief, for approval. John Bryant explained that the specifications meet the needs of Rural Class 8 from ISO. Questions from the visitors were raised as to power take off pump vs. skid mount pump. Jim explained that the District could not get a power take off large enough to pump what we want. Larry Thompson asked why the District wasn't requesting bids on a three axle drive. Larry was concerned that property which he is lot splitting could not be served during inclement weather with a two axle vehicle. The specifications were reviewed line by line, with the option added that a 6x6 with GVW would be considered if the t~ck with pump and tank installed could be packaged to the District's dimensions.

    The point was raised as to the desirability of the District hiring a consultant to inspect the low bid offerings, who would evaluate the trucks as to condition and suitability and make recommendations prior to awarding the purchase order. John Bryant explained that this had already been considered, and the District would request cooperation from a specialist in an appropriate public agency in the area in which the vehicles being considered were located.

    A motion was made by Director Dunham and seconded by Director Johns that the Board adopt Resolution No. 78-1, a resolution approving specifications and calling for bids. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye.

    A motion was made by Director Johns, seconded by Director Wiley, that the Board adopt Resolution No. 78-2, a resolution providing for the issuance and sale of negotiable promissory notes of the Greenville Community Services District in the principal sum of $25,000 and calling for bids thereon. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye.

    A motion was made by Director Johns, seconded by Director Dunham, that the Board adopt Resolution No. 78-3, a resolution determining that the issuance of District negotiable promissory notes is not subject to prior investigation, report and approval by the State Treasurer. The roll was called with all directors pre~ent'voting aye.

  • Minutes - January 26 , 1978 - Page 2

    A motion was made by Director Johns , seconded by Director Wiley, that the Board adopt Resolution No . 78 - 4 , a resolution making findings with respect to payment of negotiable promissory notes . The roll was called with all directors present voting aye.

    Director Dunham described the Board of Supervisors meeting which was held on January 24 , 19 78, regarding the solid waste program . Director Du~ham explained the costly proposed settlement with the franchisees , wh~ch he feels has r esul ted from misma nagement a nd irre'sponsibili ty on behalf of the majority of the supervisors . Director Dunham stated that he felt the Dis t rict should have the right to handle its own garbage if it can be done better and cheaper than the county . According to Director Dunham , it behooves this Board to do all in its power to save money for the taxpayers of this Dis t rict . Director Dunham felt that the District should contact Sharon White and ask her if this District could handle its own SOlid Waste Program even though the county has a contract with franchisees to service this District . Also ques-tioned is would the District be bou nd by the Cou n ty ' s settlement or contract, or could it endeavor to obtain its own franchisee .

    A discuSSio n followed as to whether the District should involve itself in the issue of solid waste removal , President Hunter feeling that the residents of the District should petition the Board if it wishes a c h ange . Mr . and Mrs . Larry Thompson , residents of Zone A, asked that the Board hold a special meeting to discuss the possibility of handling the solid waste program within this District . Director Dunham made a motion to hold a special meeti ng of the Board of Directors on February 2 , 1978 , at 7 : 30 p . m. in the Town Hall to discuss the solid waste program and to consider the feasibility of assuming the responsibility of solid waste removal by t~i s District . The motion was seconded by Director Johns . The roll was called with Directors Dunham , Wiley and Johns voting aye . President Hunter declared the motion carried .

    The secretary was asked to notify the Board of Supervisors of this meeting . The secretary was asked to invite Baird McKnight, County Counsel, and ask him to explain the present program a nd the proposed counter proposal and settlements . It was suggested by John Bryant, and agreed to by the Board, that Dr . Willard Wattenburg be invited to act as moderator of the open session , so that the meeting would be orderly and constructive .

    The meeting was adjourned a t 11 : 45 p.m. by President Hunter .

    Respectfully submitted,

    ~.J//~~ Helen Martin , Secretary

    Approved :

  • v




    February 2, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in special session February 2, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    The meeting was called to order by Director Dunham at 7:40 p.m. The roll was called with Directors Scott, Johns and Dunham present; Directors Hunter and Wiley absent. Also present was County Counsel Baird McKnight, Road Commissioner Jim Brock, Supervisor Russ Papenhausen, Solid Waste Franchisee Leroy Austin, and approximately 75 interested citizens.

    Director Dunham opened".the meeting by introducing the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District. Dunham stated that the District is advocating nothing, and that the meeting is merely an information seeking junket. He explained the ground rules of the forum, which were that the Board is not interested in the past; no personalities; no politicking; and if the Directors do not have the answer to a ques-tion, they will obtain it.

    Director Dunham introduced Dr. Willard Wattenburg, whom the Board asked to moderate the meeting.

    Bill Wattenburg asked each participant to stand and give his name and make a statement, comment or ask a question, keeping the guidelines in mind. Questions could be asked of the County Counselor Road Commissioner however because of possible litigation between the county and the solid waste franchisee, the County Counsel might not be able to answer.

    Many questions were asked (a reasonable transcript of the meeting is found in the minute book); however the main thrust of the meeting was a general dissatisfaction by residents of the GCSD with the manner in which the solid waste program is being presently handled. Many ex-pressed a desire to return to open dumps; however Supervisor Papenhausen stated that this is prohibited by law. Opposition was expressed to both Plan A and Plan B, which had been presented to the county by the Solid Waste Committee as a possible solution. Most participants felt that the present franchisee was doing an inadequate job.

    Facts revealed by the County Counsel were that there is no written contract between the County and its individual franchisees; and that when the county wished to terminate the terms of the "specifications", the franchisees had obtained a temporary injunction prohibiting the termination of association on the grounds that the specifications were construed to be a contract. The proposed "payoff" indicated in Plan A was to eliminate litigation. Road Commissioner Brock informed those attending that the entire solid waste program is now being funded by revenue sharing funds, and there is no direct charge to the taxpayer. Bill Wattenburg reiterated that revenue sharing funds, if not expended

  • v



    Minutes - Page 2 - February 2, 1978

    on solid waste, could be directed toward projects which could reduce the tax rate. Franchisee Leroy Austin indicated that Quincy has a mandatory collection program, which relieves the county, and he would be happy to work with the Services District in working out a mandatory collection, and provide the service. Baird McKnight issued the opinion that if the GCSD undertakes to handle its own solid waste program no revenue sharing funds could be given to this District to unde~rite the program even though it is now being done. Mr. McKnight based his opinion on the number of individual districts within the county.. If revenue sharing money were channeled to this District, other Di~tricts would request funds.

    Bill Wattenburg summed up the issue by stating everyone was eissatisfied, but each had his own way of looking at the problem and obtaining a solution. The basic question to be answered, though was do the citizens of the Greenville Community Services District wish the Directors to investigate getting into the solid waste program. Bill first asked for a show of hands, which proved difficult to count. He then asked if those agreeing with his statement to please stand. "This District has no business in the garbage business whatsoever," stated Bill. Three citizens rose to be counted. "The District should get involved," stated Bill. Twenty-four citizens rose. This left over half the citizens uncommitted.

    Bill suggested that those interested in a particular phase of solid waste, whether it be open bidding for franchisees, cut and cover dumps, hauling, recycling, etc., each investigate his area of interest. In the meantime, the Board would pursue contact with its attorney to find out what it can or cannot do.

    Don Dunham thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He expressed his feeling that it was a well-run meeting, and his appreciating for the input from the residents. He thanked Bill for moderating the meeting and Baird, Jim and Russ for attending. The meeting was adjourned by Director Dunham at approximately 10:13 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin, Secretary


  • v

    Regular Meeting - Board of Directors Greenville Community Services District

    February 15, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on February 15, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:40 p.m. The roll was called with Directors Hunter, Scott, Wiley and Johns being present; Director Dunham being absent. Also present were Fire Chief Cy Hall, Sanitarian Jim Hamblin, Charles Ridgeway, Greg Gregor and interested citizens.

    The minutes of the meetings of J-a-nu..ary 18, January 26 and February 2 were approved as written. The Secretary noted that the minutes of January 18, 1978, should have the sum of $964.11 placed under Improve-ment District No.3 - Fire, State Compensation Insurance Fund. This figure was not available when the warrant was signed and minutes prepared.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim Hamblin reported that during storms in January, it was learned that th~~e wa~·~uite·a~bit:of;infiltration in the sewer system; and if such intense storms continue, we cannot handle the infiltration and runoff;- thus bypassing into Wolf Creek. Normally pumps run less than 5 or 6 hours each in winter during a 24 hour period and 3 to 4 hours each during the summer. Both pumps ran 24 hours out of 24 during the recent storms and still couldn't take care of the problem. The pond capacity is large enough, but the pumping is inadequate.

    A letter was read from Water Quality Control Board re the raw sewage bypass and requesting a plan of action be submitted by March 1. It was also noted that the Water Quality Control Board had informed the Planning Department of the violation because of the proposed expansion of the system to the Mill Site Subdivision.

    Jim stated that he feels that the problem was caused by excess runoff and infiltration into the system. In addition, we have been using one pond since the system was built, and there is an 18" buildup of sludge. The discharge pipe is only 10 inches above the pond base, so sludge fell back into the pipe, causing a blockage. This has been cleaned out, and a pipe extension is to be installed. Jim stated he had talked with Tom Jernigan about the infiltration, and they feel the best solution would be to block off each manhole and check the flow at the next man-hole. There appears to be a great deal of infiltration on Kinder Street and near the little teague field. There appears to be no infiltration on the North Canyon sewer line.

    Jim states that even with lessening the infiltration, the District needs ~ a new pump. The emergency pump is not built to handle a long-term situa-

    tion, and our present pumps are old. Jim has asked Tom to ascertain the cost of installiW,;n an additional underground pumping station. In addi-tion Jim recommends that when the weather dries out that the sludge should be removed from the bottom of the primary pond. Also a dike

  • Minutes - February 15, 1978 - Page 2

    should be built across the secondary pond, leaving one pond about the size of the primary pond and a smaller overflow pond. Also a drainage ditch should be built at the same time as the pond is divided.

    Greenville is scheduled to receive $180,000 in Clean Water grant funds in FY 1980-81; and Water Quality will attempt to put the District in a higher priority. In the meantime, Jim Hamblin was authorized to obtain cost estimates on the needed work. An additional problem at the sewer ponds is gophers which are digging through the dikes and undermining them. Charlie Scott agreed to take on the project of eliminating gophers.

    Fire·-~Cy reported that interest has been expressed in submitting bids for the tanker truck, and two letters (bids?) have been received but-·not opened. Gene Porter stated that he felt that the bid form is inadequate and allowed too much latitude. Cy reported that the fire hydrants were being flushed out, which will provide better water. He stated he plans to repeat the flushing in two or three months. He also reported that in 1977 it cost $159 per voluntary fireman for compensation insurance, or approximately $3,500 for the year for an average of 19 volunteers. This year the cost will be $121 per man. The fireloss in the District for 1977 was $200 in property value.

    Solid Waste - Director Dunham not being present, the report was tabled until next meeting.

    Allowance of Claims;

    Improvement District No.1 - Sanitary

    Citizens Utilities PG&E James Hamblin

    Improvement District No. 2 - Lights


    Improvement District No. 3 - Fire

    F.L. Miller Co. State Compensation Insurance Fund C.L. Hall Texaco, Inc. Citizens Utilities PG&E Cal Gas, Inc.

    Greenville Community Services District

    Helen Martin-reimburse postage Postmaster· Helen Martin

    $ 4.00 148.84 150.00

    $ 596.61

    $ 10.45 1,828.55

    230.00 25.12

    100.55 136.77


    $ 13.89 71.45


    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin, Secretary


    March 15, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on March 15, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called with Directors Dunham, Wiley, Scott and Hunter present, with Director~ Johns arriving at 9:00 p.m. Also present were Ed Anderson, District Engineer; Cy Hall, Fire Chief; Jim Hamblin, Sanitarian; and interested citizens.

    The minutes of the meeting of'February 15, 1978, were approved as mailed.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim reported that he and Tom Jernigan were looking into pumps and what might be needed to eliminate bypassing into Wolf Creek. A discussion and slide present'Cition were delayed until Ed Anderson could give input.

    Fire - Letter dated February 17, 1978, from Insurance Services Office was read which stated that ISO has processed the regrading of the area to Protection Class 7 for areas protected by mains and hydrants and Class 9 for areas without recognizable water supplies. This action has been anticipated.

    Solid Waste - The secretary repeated the essence of a telephone conversa-tion with Jim Parmalee, who replaced Sharon White at Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch. It appears that the District cannot enter the solid waste business as long as the county has a valid contract with a franchisee~ The District has not received a letter confirming this opinion; however. In the meantime, the county has arrived at a settlement with the franchisees to avoid litigation. David Hagerstrand and Larry Thompson felt that the Secretary should have submitted the county's specifications and county code to the attorney. The Secretary felt that questioning the validity of the county code or contract was not the issue. President Hunter stated that no matter what the issue, if the GCSD could not provide a service cheaper than it can be provided by the county, it was not proper to take on the function. Ken sug-gested that Dave Hagerstrand volunteer to prepare a report that would show how,the solid waste program could be handled more effectively and at less expense than the taxpayers are now charged.

    The District was informed by Bank of America and Lloyds Bank that they were unable to submit by March 15 sealed bids for the purpose of pur-chasing $25,000 of negotiable promissory notes. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Scott, that the Board adopt Resolution No. 78-5, a resolution providing for the issuance and sale of negotiable promissory notes of the Greenville Community Services District in the principal amount of $25,000 and calling for bids thereon (identical to Resolution No. 78-2, with date change), on

  • Minutes - Page 2 - March 15, 1978

    April 5, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye.

    President Hunter asked for the opening of the bids on the truc~ pump and tank. The following bids were received:

    A. W. Glenn, for A, Band C Opperman & Son, for A, Band C Acme Truck for A, Band Cl

    A, Band C2 Stockton Manufacturing, tank only Curtis, pump only

    $35,000.00 $37,500 to $42,500.00

    $45,161.90 $40,531 $ 6,500 $ 8,815

    The low bid was Glenn; however his bid did not meet specifications of a 1968 or newer 10 wheeler truck. The Directors have indicated they would consider a top price of $35,000 plus tax. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Charlie Scott, that all bids be rejected. The roll was called with all directors voting aye. Director Dunham stated that he felt it was not in the best interests of the District to go out to public bid again, and moved that Fire Chief Hall and Assistant Chief Hamblin be authorized to inspect suitable trucks and equipment and present a package to the Board for its consideration and approval on April 5. The motion was seconded by Director Scott. The roll was called with all directors voting aye. President Hunter, with the approval of the Board, went on record stating that travel time and expenses would be paid to those inspecting trucks.

    Sanitary - Tom Jernigan showed slides of a pumping station he had installed in Live Oak. Further discussion was held on whether to install new pumps prior to checking lines for infiltration, or whether the infiltration problem should be attacKed first. Ed Anderson stated he knew of no district that didn't have infiltration problems. Ed referred to the minutes of February 15, 1978, in which it was noted that this District is in line for Clean Water grant monies in the amount of $180,000. Ed suggested that if the District could at all pay for the improvements itself, it should do so. The State require-ments in paperwork and reports escalate the costs dramatically; however Ed stated that if the District did wish to apply for the grant mon~v, he would not be willing to do the engineering. Ed described the process of checking lines whereby a camera is lowered down the manhole and the lines are videotaped. The lines must be cleaned first. Ed anticipated a cost of around $1 per foot for short lines. Ed suggested that first the District might wish to smoke test the lines. Don Dunham cautioned that the system eventually will be expanded, and that it should be kept in mind so that money is not wasted.

    Allowance of Claims:

    The bills were read for which warrants were drawn. The billing from Wilson, Jones, Morton & Lynch was discussed in depth. The Board felt it improper that billings should go back to July of 1976, when bills have been requested. Also the charge for the wildlife ordinance and annexation to Improvement District No.1 were felt to be excessive. The Board unanimously requested that the statement be questioned.

  • Minutes - Page 3 - March 15 , 1978

    Improvement District NO . 1 - Sanitary

    PG&E Citizens utilities Co . James Hamblin

    Improvement District No . 2 - Lights


    Improvement District No . 3 - Fire

    PG&E F . L . Miller Citizens Utilities Co. Cal Gas Bidwell Water Co . John F . Colagass Texaco , Inc . C. L . Hall

    Greenville Community Services District

    Feather Publishing Co . Helen Mar t i n State Treasurer


    Improvement District No . 1 - Sanitary

    Raymar Plumbing

    $ 149 . 53 4 . 00

    150 . 00

    $ 596 . 61

    $ 130 . 21 5 . 33

    99 . 18 80 . 60

    376 . 00 50.00 11 . 18

    230 . 00

    $ 58 . 14 100 . 00


    $ 160 . 00

    The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p . m. to continue on April 5 at 7 : 30 p . m.

    Respectfully submitted ,

    Helen Martin, Secretary

    Aoproved :

  • AdjoQrned·~~~ting - Board of Directors

    Greenville Community Services District

    April 5, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District reconvened on April 5, 1978, from its meeting of March 15, 1978, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting 'was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:40 p.m. The roll was called with all directors being'present. Also present were Cy Hall, Fire Chief; Jim Hamblin, Sanitarian; representa-tives of the fire department and interested citizens. Also present was Forrest Steinle, Manager, Lloyds Bank, Greenville branch.

    The proposed preliminary budgets were presented for discussion. The budgets were reviewed item by item, and were thanged:where"deemed appropriate. The preliminary budget was unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors, a copy of the approved preliminary budget being attached hereto and made a part of the minutes.

    A discussion was held on upgrading and improving the fire department. The improvements desired are limited by the amount of funds available. In the long-term interests of the community, it was agreed that addi-tional taxes should be generated. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Johns, and passed unanimously that Fire Chief Hall develop a proposed long-term program for upgrading the de-partment, funded by a tax increase election to be held in November of this year. All who attended the meeting assured the Board of the community's support of the fire department, and offered the opinion that the taxpayers would pass the tax increase by more than the two-thirds majority required.

    The President called for the opening of bank bids. One bid was received and opened by the Secretary. Lloyds Bank of California submitted a bid for the purchase of negotiable promissory notes in the total amount of $25,000 at the rate of 6.500% per annum payable annually on January I of each year following their,date. A motion was made by Director Johns, seconded by Director Scott, that the Board adopt Resolution No. 78-6, a resolution awarding sale of notes. The roll was called with all directors voting aye. President Hunter thanked Forrest Steinle for the effort he took to secure the bid. President Hunter stated 'that Bank of America did not wish to submit a bid ,for the purchase of notes, but was willing to process a lease purchase on behalf of the district for the purchase of a tanker truck at 5-3/4% interest.

    On behalf of the fire department, John Bryant made the presentation for securing the fire tanker truck. John stated that the fire department feels that the most efficient and less costly method of handling the truck will be to purchase the components and have the unit fabricated in Greenville. John suggested working with the low bidders who sub-mitted bids in March. Jim Hamblin, Don Kampschmidt and A.W. Glenn were

    ~ authorized to visit at District expense Acme Truck Parts and EqUipment in Stockton and Opperman in Healdsburg to select a truck. A motion was

  • Minutes - April 5, 1978 - Page 2

    made by Director Scott, seconded by Director Dunham, that Jim Hamblin be allowed to issue purchase orders for a tank from Stockton Manufacturing Company for $6,500 plus tax per their bid; to negotiate for the purchase and installation of pump; and to purchase a truck from either Acme or Opperman in the price range of $15,765, conforming to the specifications or an equivalent. The roll was called with all directors voting aye.

    Sewer Pond Project - Bud Doyle reported that there has been confusion as to the property line at the sewer ponds, and apparently the District does not have as much property as thought available for seeding for wild-life habitat. Bud has been coordinating the project with the local game manager of the Fish and Game Department. Bud also reported conversations with the adjoining property owner, who would like to either lease or sell the adjoining 40 acres lying east of the ponds. Bud feels he is registering complaints about odor and discharge from the ponds because of his desire to sell. Bud has also contacted Ed Pope of Louisiana Pacific Lumher Co., who voluntarily agreed to not allow anyone to intrude on the sewer ponds or harm the wildlife by trespassing through L.P. property.

    The Secretary called to the Board's attention a change in government code regarding filling of a vacancy on the governing board of special districts. She also read a letter from Claude "Bud" Doyle requesting consideration if a vacancy on the Board should occur.

    Dixie Reed made a presentation on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce to solicit support for a recreation park on Forest Service property.

    Bud Doyle suggested that this summer a public function be held in support of the fire department. President Hunter suggested that Bud consider chairing a committee to sponsor a Fireman's Ball.

    The meeting was adjourned by President Hunter at approximately 10:30 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    _;)~~~a~: Helen Martin, Secretary


    ~~~ Kenneth Hunter, President

  • Greenville Community Services District Minutes - April 19, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on April 19, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:33 porn. The roll was called w~th all directors being presento Also present were Fire Chief Cy Hall, Sanitarian Jim Hamblin, and interested citizens.

    Minutes - The minutes of the meetings of March 15 and April 5, 1978, were approved as mailed.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim Hamblin reported that everything appeared to be operating all right nowo There had been a blockage at the ponds over the week end, Jim stated that he now had a map of the ponds and knows where two corner posts are. Jim stated he would proceed with getting man-holes uncovered, and expect~d to have the job completed by the first of the week o

    ~ Fire - Cy Hall asked if the District wished him to proceed with fixing a connection for fire use at Rich Humphrey's pond. President Hunter stated that he felt Cy should proceed. Cy asked if the District wished to improve the pond at Cassity's. Cy was asked to seek per-mission from Mike Cassity to have improvements made. Forrest Wiley stated that Mario Taddei is willing to have the Di~trict improve the spring on his property for fire protection purposes. Jim Hamblin agreed to check with Hamilton Branch to question their liability on established sumps.


    Cy reported that Jim Hamblin and Don Kampschmidt had purchased a truck on behalf of the District fiom Acme Truck Parts & Equipment, and that a full package has been pu~ together which will cost approximately $30,0000

    Truck Sales Tax Tank Plumbing, Lights and Fenders

    Sales Tax Pump Sales Tax

    $16,300.00 978.00

    $ 7,050.00

    1,705.00 525.30

    $ 2,291.19 137047

    $ 17,278.00



    $ 28,986.96

  • Minutes - April 19, 1978 Page 2

    The Tank is being purchased from Stockton Manufacturing. The original tank bid of $6,500 included two reels, but they were not electric. The price was increased to include electric reels, installation, etc. The pump is 3500 gallon power take off pump capable of delivering 150 psi. Acme will put in drive line, ··There will be no labor charge, just two "U" joints and drive shafts. Some bids are open, so it will be about an additional $700, and the entire package will come close to $30,000, according to Jim.

    Recreation - The final lease with Plumas Unified School District and this District was presented for approval. According to John McMurrow, it was desirable that it be signed as soon as· possible so that the project could go out to bid. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Scott, that the District sign the lease, subject to its conformance with prior agreements approved in September, 1977. The roll was called with all directors voting aye o

    Sanitary - Jim Hamblin reported that Raymar is in the process of selling his trucks and the new owner, Westwood Sanitation, would probably not be utilizing our facilities.

    Papenhausen Dump Station - A discussion was held with Russ Papenhausen . on the useage of his dump station and the propriety of this District charging an annual fee. It was agreed among all parties that a proper fee would be $10 per year. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Johns, that the Board adopt Resolution No. 78-7, a Resolution authorizing execution of agreement for

    ~ effluent disposal. The roll was called with all directors voting ayeo

    Wildlife Project - Bua Doyle stated that the project is ready to go whenever the weather improves. Bud also recommended that a fence be installed to keep out the cattle. The discussion continued on maintaining the levees which the gophers undermine. Director Dunham stated he would contact the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and attempt to obtain gopher bombs.

    Ordinance No. 1 - It was agreed to allow the automatic provision of Ordinance No. 1 to go into effect, thus increasing the sewer connec-tion fee $25, to $250, effective July 1, 1978.

    Jarvis-Gann. The Secretary reported conversation held with Auditor-Controller Ann Patten on the affect of this District if Jarvis-Gann passes. The Secretary requested permission to attend a con-ference sponsored by the State Controller's office in Redding, with a registration fee of $15. Permission was granted.

    The Secretary reported that the District has not received a response from Wilson, Jones requesting adjustment of fees. Further, the District has not heard from Jim Parmalee with letter necessary to conclude borrowing process. Should the District consider securing another attorney: Supervisor Papenhausen felt that the District should utilize the services of the County Counsel's office, which charges $27.50 per hour for its services. The secretary will com-municate with the County Counsel's office and ask if this is possible, for in the past this was denied.

  • u


    Minutes - April 19, 1978 - Page 3

    Supervisor Papenhausen wa~ asked why the Indian Valley Parks and Recreation District had not been disganded. Russ responded that it was because the GCSD did not wish to get involved. A discussion followed on whether the local citizens would support a recreation tax, and it was felt that the majority would not.

    Open Agenda:

    Forrest Wiley submitted. his resignation as director of the Greenville Community Services District. He cited his retirement and travel plans as reasons. His resignation was accepted with regret. A letter was read from Bud Doyle reques ting cons.idera tion '.- that ·-,he:·:.be ::?-pp6iilted Director should a vacancy occur. The District also had on file letters from Greg Gregor and Charles Ridgeway both requesting appoint-ment to fill vacancies. It was reported that Greg had verbally withdrawn his request, ~s the U.S. Forest Service did not permit its employees to run for elective office. Ridgeway is not· longer living in the area. The secretary was requested to ppst notice of vacancy in compliance with government code.

    Allowance of Claims:

    Improvement District No. 1 - Sanitary

    Citizens Utilities Company PG&E James Hamblin James R. Hamblin (additional wages)

    Improvement District No. 2 - Lights·


    Improvement District No. 3 - Fire

    State Compensation Insurance Fund Texaco,. Inc. C.L. Hall PG&E Citizens U·tilities Co. C.L. Hall CalGas - Greenville Hunter Hardware

    Greenville Community Services District

    Dept. of Benefit Payments Feather Publishing James R. Hamblin-Travel Expenses Helen Martin Don Kampschmidt-Consulting Fee

    $ 4.00 117.66 150.00 150.40

    $ 596.61

    $ 21.93

    230.00 120.04 106.09

    23.66 77.91 39.21

    $ 54.18 12.50 50.67

    100.00 50~OO

  • u


    Minutes - April 19, 1978 - Page 4

    Improvement District No. 1 - Sanitary

    RayMar Plumbing Russ Papenhausen

    $ 40.00 10.00

    The meeting was adjourned by President Hunter "at approximately 10:30 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin~ Secretary


    d~~~. Kenneth Hunter, Presiden"t

  • Regular Meeting - Board of Directors Greenville Community Services District

    May 17, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on May 17, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:38 p.m. The roll was called with Directors Scott, Johns and Hunter present; Director Dunham absent; with one vacancy on the Board. Also present were Fire Chief Cy Hall and sanitarian Jim Hamblin.

    The minutes of the meeting of April 19 were approved as mailed.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim Hamblin reported that the sewer ponds had been inspected by a representative of Water Quality Control Board, and everything looked ok. Jim discussed with the representative the plans for making two smaller ponds out of the one large pond. He also noted that there is a little duck weed growing on the ponds. It is not considered a problem until a crust is formed, according to Jim; but he stated that a crust has never formed in prior years. Jim noted that he had counted 24 ducklings which bad hatched at the ponds.

    Bud Doyle reported that the seeding is completed. Despite the fact that he was not able to obtain the equipment to do what he wanted, the job is ok. Bud submitted the bills he has received for the job, the total of which is under $1,000. He cited the need for fencing the ponds, and suggested the District ask for additional funds from the Fish and Game Commission to cover the cost of fencing. Ken stated that Tom Hunter will survey the ponds for the District.

    Ken stated that he had talked with Noel Brown regarding lifting the manholes, and he reported that the County will unseal the manholes on the county roads and will raise them, providing the District supplies the materials. Jim Hamblin stated he would order the rings right away.

    Fire - Cy stated that there was not too much to re~ort. He requested that the secretary send a letter to Rich Humphrey, Mike Cassity and Marion Taddei asking if they would allow improvement of their water source for fire protection purposes, and to set up an appointment to discuss said improvements. Cy also recommended that we should request an answer in writing.

    Cy stated that the fire truck is just about ready to go to the tank builder. Cy stated that he has permission from the Forest Service to park the tanker truck in its fenced, locked yard until such time as the District has room for it. In any event, the District would not be able to leave the tanker truck unprotected during the winter, as the water supply would freeze. Cy suggested writing to the Board of Sunervisors requesting $5,000 in revenue sharing monies to change the

    / /

  • v

    : M1nutes - May 17, 1978 - Page 2

    the doors in the front of the hall to accommodate the tanker truck. Cy recommended that the letter be phrased so as to impress the Board of Sup~rvisors with the fa7t that this project was to not only aid Greenv1lle, but all of Ind1an Valley, as the District now extends 6.5 miles into Indian Valley and also the mutual aid program. It was recommended that the District just do one door for the time being, and change the others as financing permits. Bids are to be obtained from Charlie Neer and Loren Kingdon. Supervisor Russell Papenhausen arrived late at the meeting, and strongly recommended a delay in submitting a letter to the Board of Supervisors until such time as the deeds to the property are completely reviewed. He stated that there was a possibility that if the building belongs to the County (land is vested in the Fire District) that the County would start charging the Fire District rent.

    Legal representation - A letter was read from County Counsel in which he stated that his office could provide legal advice at the current rate of $27 per hour, but that this rate will be re-evaluated in June and may increase considerably. He further stated that County work would take priority if there is a conflict of time schedules.

    Vacancy in Office - Letters requesting appointment to the vacancy on the Board were received from Larry Thompson and Claude "Bud" Doyle. With only three Board members present, President Hunter asked if they wished a one-month's delay in making the appointment, or if they wished to proceed. A secret ballot was held in which "Bud" Doyle was unanimously named by the Directors present.

    New Business:

    The sanitary fees for additional hookups at the Feather River District Hospital were waived by the Board of Directors.

    Helipad - President Hunter stated he had discussed with George Kiser, Sr., administrator of the Feather River District Hospital, the desir-ability of establishing a .helipad on hos~ital district property for emergency transportation of critical patients. The hospital board is in favor of such a project. The directors discussed the project, and requested that the secretary send a letter to the Board of Supervisors requesting a commitment that the airport tax be expended toward main-taining the helipad. It was also asked of Supervisor Papenhausen if the money generated in Indian Valley for the old airport project, and which was loaned to Chester, could be returned to Greenville, to finance the. project. According to Russ, Larry Dean maintains that the airport funds were a grant and not a loan. He said such an action to recover the money would require the vote of three supervisors, which he is not sure he can obtain. The possibility exists of selling the old airport site and applying that money to the cost of the helipad. The Board recommended that the airport site be retained, as it is increasing in value, and that an attempt be made to have Chester return Indian Valley money.

    It was agreed that two Board members would meet with Russ Papenhausen at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday at the hospital to look over the proposed site of the helipad and discuss the cement pad and black-topped parking area. Russ also stated that to protect the hospital and county on liability, the piece should be designated as an airport.

  • ~ Minutes - May 17, 1978 - Page 3

    Bud Doyle asked permission to use the District t s name in obtaining cedar posts through the U.S.F.S. to be used at the sewer ponds. Per-

    (.) missio~ was granted. .


    U ""i='-

    Supervisor Papenhausen discussed the three road less wilderness areas being proposed in Plumas County by the Department of Agriculture, U.S. Forest Service. Russ pointed out that this action would prohibit log-ging in an area of mature and over-ripe trees, which would cause an economic hardship to this County.

    Russ informed the District that County Counsel had given the·op1n10n that the District is not liable for charges over one year old. He stated he would obtain a copy of the government code for our use.

    Russ stated that the District would be requested to take action rescind-tngthe signing of the lease with t~e Plumas Unified School District. He asked if the Board could meet in the near future to take action.

    Allowance of Claims:

    Improvement District No. '1 - Sani tary

    Citizens Uti~ities Co. James Hamblin PG&E

    Improvement District No.· 2 - Lights


    Improvement District No. 3 - Fire

    B&G Auto PG&E Citizens utilities Co. F.L. Miller Co. Cal Gas Burtons Communications Fire Chief Magazine Texaco, Inc. C.L. Hall

    Greenville Community Services District:

    Hele n Marti n

    Improvement District No. 1 - Receipts

    Avery Poole, Jr. U. S. Forest Service

    $ ::,4.00 150.00



    $ 8.16 104.20 117.65

    20.46 20.28 48.08 12.00 38.36



    $225.00 448.00

    The meeting was adjourned by President Hunter at 9: 25 p.m. ,to reconvene on May 24, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., for any and all purposes.

    Approved: Respectfully submitted,

    ~d-x:~~ Kenneth Hunter, President Helen Martin, Secretary

  • v

    Adjourned Meeting - Board of Directors Greenville Community Services District

    May 24, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District reconvened on May 24, 1978, from its regular meeting adjourned on May 17, 1978, for any and all purposes.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Kenneth Hunter at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called with all directors being present with the exception of Director Charles Scott. Also present was General Man-ager Cy Hall, and arriving late, Supervisor Papenhausen.

    Recreation - A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Johns, that the Board adopt a minute order rescinding the action taken at its meeting of April 19, 1978, in signing a lease with the Plumas Unified School District. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye.

    Sewer Ponds - President Hunter stated that representatives of the State Water Resources Control Board (Clean Water Grant Program) would be in Greenville on June 1 to review this District's plans for improving the waste treatment plant and sewer ponds. Hunter suggested that all directors who are able to do so meet at Hunter Hardware at 9 o'clock a.m. on June 1 to then proceed to the ponds for discussion.

    The meeting was adjourned by President Hunter at 7:45 p.m., to reconvene on June 1 at 9;0'clock a.m., for any and all purposes. Supervisor Papenhausen was invited to join the group.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen C. Martin, Secretary


    d.-~7c.~ Kenneth Hunter, President

  • Adjourned Meeting - Board of Directors Greenville Community Services District

    June 1, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met at Hunter Hardware on June 1, 1978, at 9:00 p.m., and then pro-ceeded to the sewer ponds to inspect the ponds and discuss proposed improvements with employees of the Wa ter Qua lity Control Board.

    At approxima tely 10:15 a.m., President Hunter called the meeting to order at the Fire Hall. Directors present were Scott , Doyle, Dunham and Hunter. Absent was Johns. Also present were Sanitarian Jim Hamblin and Evelyn K. Tipton, Bob Matteoli, Jim Lee, and Gary Minnes of the State \oJater Resources Board.

    Evelyn Tioton discussed the procedure to follow to obtain Clean Water Grant funds. She stated that this District should submit a Plan of Study and a Grant Application within the next three weeks.

    The meeti ng was adjourned by President Hunter at approxima tely 11:45 p .m.

    Respectfully submitted ,

    ~~~J Helen Martin, Secretary


    ~~cfl?£: /h~. Kenneth Hunter, President

  • v



    June 21, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California on June 21, 1978, pursuant to 'notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by President Hunter at 8:00 p.m. The roll was called with directors Hunter, Johns and Doyle present. Absent were directors Dunham and Scott. Also present were Sanitarian Jim Hamblin, General Manager Cy Hall, and interested citizens. Director Dunham ~rrived at the conclusion of the discussion on fencing.

    The minutes of the meetings of May 17, May 24, and June 1, 1978, were approved as mailed.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim reported that everything is normal and working p~operly at the sewer ponds. He reported the completion of the manhole inventory, which was accomplished with the help of Bud Doyle and Charlie Scott. The following rings are needed:

    38 2':' rings 18 - 3" rings

    8 - 2" rod holes 4 - 3" rod holes 4 - 4" rod holes

    Ken stated he would talk with Papenhausen about getting county help to install the rings. Bud suggested that if the coulnty wouldn't help, the District should still go ahead and complete the project. Ken didn't think it necessary to order extra rings. A motion was made by Director Doyle, seconded by Director Johns, that Jim be authorized to obtain prices of the rings. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye. Larry Thompson asked permission to submit prices.

    Fire - Jim stated that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Davidson of Acme Truck, who wanted to know when they would be paid for the truck. President Hunter stated that the money from the loan had been deposited with the county, and there was no reason warrants could not be drawn immediately. A warrant in the amount of $6,000 had already been drawn from the Community Services District reserve fund.

    Helipad - It was reported that plans for the helipad are progressing, with the Rotary Club sponsoring the project. It was agreed that blacktop could be utilized, as it will stay solid in this climate.

    Fencing - Herman Posh is having his property surveyed, and upon com-pletion, the fencing could be installed.

  • Minutes - June 21, 1978 - Page 2

    Legal representation - The secretary stated that a warrant had been drawn for the attorney fees. She asked if it would be proper to obtain names of attorneys who might be willing to represent the District in the future. Permission was granted.

    Zoning - The secretary asked if the District wished to answer the forms received from the Planning Department regarding zoning of Indian Valley. After discussion, the Directors felt it would be in-appropriate 'for this District to respond.

    Open Agenda:

    Larry Thompson complained about the condition of the streets in Greenville and asked the District to seek improvement. The President informed Mr. Thompson that the Road Department was under the authority of the Board of Supervisors, and he should direct his com-plaint to Supervisor Papenhausen.

    Director Doyle expressed his concern at the hazardous conditions at the intersection of Highway 89 and Main Street. He feels that the four corners should be a red no-parking area so that cars would not have to creep into the intersection to see if the road is clear. He also suggested a red flashing light be located by the Shell Service Station to slow traffic. Those directors present indicated their agreement and requested the secretary send a letter to Supervisor Papenhausen with a copy to Road Commissioner Jim Brock, outlining the dangerous situation and recommending changes.

    ~ Allowance of Claims:

    Improvement District No. 1 - Sanitary

    James Hamblin Citizens Utilities PG&E Murray Insurance Agency

    Improvement District No. 2 - Lights


    Improvement District No. 3 - Fire

    Poole Fire Equipment Co. Cal' 'Gas Murray Insurance C. L. Hall Citizens Utilities Co. Texaco Inc. PG&E

    $210.00 4.00

    131.34 836.00


    $ 40.00 41.00

    2,264.00 230.00 500.84

    39.26 86.89

  • Minutes - June 21, 1978 - Page 3

    Greenville Community Services District

    Acme Truck Parts Wilson, Morton, Assaf & McElliot Helen Martin

    $6,000.00 1,742.50


    Receipts - Improvement District No. 1 - Sanitary

    Raymar Plumbing $ 10.00

    The meeting was adjourned by President Hunter at approximately 9:30 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin, Secretary


    ~~-z~ . Kenneth Hunter, President



    June 29, 1978

    A special meeting of the Greenville Community Services District was held on Thursday, June 29, 1978, at t~e Fire Hall, 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law. ¢

    The meeting was called to order by President Hunter at 8:15 a.m. The roll was called with all directors being present.

    President Hunter stated that the special meeting was called to discuss the sanitary district problems and to establish priorities. Ken enumerated the problems as being raising the manholes; infiltration into the system; overflow pond draining into Wolf Creek, with need to purchase pumps; screen pumps; and clean and dike the secondary pond; Standart Mine Road and Old Mill Site Subdivision expansion.

    Without knowing the prices, the District cannot put a dollar sign on anything. Ken discussed the Taylorsville project, which carries a $450,000 price tag, with engineering of $28,000. Ken indicated each project for the expansion of the sewer system would call for a separate engineering report, and that the District's share could be $20,000 to $30,000 even with a grant.

    ~ Director Dunham went on record as being against going for a. grant. Director Johns also expressed opposition.

    President Hunter indicated that the District has on hand $15,000 to apply towards improvements, and according to its preliminary budget should have another $5,000 in December and $5,000 in May. However, the District does not know if it will obtain the additional $10,000. A telephone call to Ann Pattan revealed that the Board of Supervisors decides how to distribute the state surplus funds. She further indicated that the distribution will be partial to those districts which cannot charge service fees. As sanitary districts are able to charge such fees, they would not receive a preference. President Hunter discussed.with Ann this District's citation from the Water Resources Control Board. The secretary was instructed to send a letter to Ann Pattan outlining the problems faced by the District, and requesting her support before the Board of ~upervisors in bUdget sessions.

    Kenneth Hunter proceeded with discussing the problems which have to be solved. The directors reviewed the problems and established the priorities of: (I) raising manholes; (2) pumps in the overflow pond; and (3) dike. Inasmuch as the District does not choose to apply for a grant, for which it has recently learned could not be used for expansion, no discussion was continued on Old Mill Site, Standart Mine Road or High 89 extension. A motion was made by Director Doyle, seconded by Director Dunham, that the District go ahead with purchasing rings, providing the county will install them. The roll was called with all directors voting aye.

  • Minutes - June 29, 1978 - Page 2

    A discussion was held on whether the District should proceed with its own survey of the sewer ponds, or wait until Herman Posch completes his survey. It was agreed to wait a month to six weeks,

    ~ and then raise the question again.

    Jim Hamblin stated he had received prices for rings, which are gS follows:

    Jernigan - 2" - $ 7.95 ea. 3" - $ 8.50 ea. Thompson - 2" - $10.00 ea. 3" - $11.00 ea. District - 2" - $ 7.82 ea. 3" - $ 8.45 ea.

    A discussion followed on the propriety of accepting Jernigan's bid or the price quoted to the District from Walsh. It was agreed that it was only proper to accept low cost, which was for the District to order the rings itself. In order that no criticism be leveled at the District for asking or granting favors, Jim Hamblin was instructed to ask Tom Jernigan to present a bill for using his metal detector to locate the manholes.

    Jim Hamblin reported that he had asked Tom to get prices on pumps. An off the cuff figure was $2,000 each. Jim said that if the District puts in two pumps to pump from the overflow into the big ponds, if there is a problem in the pumping station, we can always let the effluent run into the overflow pond and use this as a second pumping station. Also, if there is too much for the pumping station to handle, there would be auxiliary pumps. The pumps must be placed below frost level so that they won't freeze in the winter. Jim was authorized to look into the costs of obtaining two 500 gpm pumps. These could handle the infiltration problem until that is corrected; however there would be an increase in the electric bill.

    The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. by President Hunter to continue on July 12th, at 7:30 p.m., at which time the Board will reconvene to discuss the suggestions and costs which Jim has been able to obtain.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin, Secretary


    ~d-x.~ Kenneth Hunter, President



    July 12, 1978

    The special meeting of the Greenville Community Services District which was held June 29, 1978, and adjourned until July 12, 1978, pur-suant to notice .duly given as prescribed by law, was called to order by President Hunter at 7:45 p.m.

    Roll Call:

    The roll was called with directors Hunter, Dunham, Scott and Doyle being present; Director Johns being absent. Also present were General Manager Cy Hall and Sanitarian Jim Hamblin.

    Sanitary Improvement District:

    Jim Hamblin submitted prices received from Ed Anderson for a new pumping station at the sewer ponds. The price breakdown is as follows:

    Submersible pumps (2 each) 500 gpm - 7~ hp

    Control Panel Concrete structure Wiring, piping, valves and misc.


    500 1,500 1,500


    ~ President Hunter discussed the financial picture of the District, and asked the Board members if they felt the priority should go to the pumping station or the manholes. He reiterated the situation in which the District has received a citation for spilling effluent into Wolf Creek and asked which problem should have first calIon the funds. Also, it was not certain if the Road Department would install the manhole rings for the District. Don Dunham stated if we could proceed with the ~ssumption that the county will install the rings, he would be in favor of first attending to the manholes. Bud Doyle repeated a con-versation he had had with Noel Brown in which Noel stated he felt that anything the county road department had covered up should be uncovered by the county. The secretary stated that she had talked with Supervisor Papenhausen and he assured her that the Road Department would install the rings. It was felt by all concerned that continued pressure should be applied to the Supervisor.

    General Manager Hall displayed a copy of the District's budget balances as of May 31, which showed that the Sanitary District had available approximately $15,000. Allowing $5,600 to remain for cash flow pur-poses until revenues are received in December still left a balance which could effectively improve sanitary problems.

    A motion was made by Director Doyle, seconded by Director Dunham, that Jim Hamblin order the rings so that they will be on hand when the county has available time. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye. President Hunter and the Board suggested that Jim

  • u


    Minutes - July 12, 1978 - Page 2

    work wit~ Noel Brown toward expediting the project. Ten manholes are located on the state highway. Jim was instructed to contact the Cal Trans office in Quincy, and ask for their assistance. Jim mentioned there would be a problem with the manhole on the school property, for it had been sealed under the parking lot.

    The subject returned to the pumping station, and a discussion as to the value of submersible pumps. Director Dunham wished Jim to confirm that these pumps would not bnly be adequate for present problems, but would satisfy possible future expansion. Jim Hamblin assured him of this. Jim was further instructed to obtain separate prices for each phase of the project, so that it would not be necessary to go through formal bid procedure.

    The cleaning and diking of the ponds was discussed. Jim stated there is ample room to deposit the unneeded material at the site. The secretary was instructed to contact three cat operators and ask for his price to clean the pond and build the dike. Names recommended by the Board were Floyd Neer, Tom Jernigan and Dan Mason.

    The secretary apologized to the Board for not submitting the courtesy grant application, but after the last meeting she had discovered that the Board must adopt a compliance resolution and other documents. After discussion, the Board unanimously agreed not to submit an application to the Clean Water Grant funds.

    The Secretary discussed the feasibility of the District charging an annual sewer service fee in lieu of the present method of financing the District. She requested permission to obtain a computer printout of the properties located within the Sanitary Improvement District to obtain an idea of how many services are involved and the approximate charge necessary to maintain the District. Director Johns had submitted a report that in Susanville the hookup charge is $300 and that the home-owner is charged $3 per toilet per month. The hotel is charged $50 per month and the hospital $125.00 per month. The Board requested that the secretary proceed to obtain information.

    The Secretary presented a map obtained from Tom Hunter re the Old Mill Site SUbdivision. She stated that Ed Anderson had received a detailed subdivision map, without cover letter or instructions. She asked if the Board wished to contact Len Franz or Bill Wattenburg to discuss the subdivision or the future plans of the subdivision. The Board felt that the burden should fall upon the subdivider, and until such time as the District receives a formal request to review the plans or a request for annexation, the District wished to do nothing.

    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:35 p.m.

    Respectfully submitted,

    ~7?~ Approved: Helen Martin, Secretary

    ~~d:a:~ Kenneth Hunter, President

  • ...



    ~ The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on July 19, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    Roll Call:

    The meeting was called to order by Vice President Charles Scott at 7:55 p.m. The roll was called with directors Dunham, Johns, Doyle and Scott being present, and Director Hunter being absent. Also present were Cy Hall, Jim Hamblin and interested citizens. The secretary read a letter of resignation from Kenneth Hunter, in which he cited personal and business demands as reasons for his resignation. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Johns, that the resignation of Kenneth Hunter be accepted with regret. The roll was called with all directors voting aye.

    Nominations were opened for the presidency. Directors Dunham, Johns and Scott unanimously agreed that Director Doyle would make an ex-cellent president, as well as having the time available. Director Doyle accepted the presidency.

    Vice President Scott turned the gavel over to newly-elected President Doyle.

    The minutes of the meetings of June 21, June 29 and July 12 were approved as mailed.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - Jim Hamblin reported that 40 manhole rings are now here. The other 20 will be delivered, but Hamblin told the supplier not to make a special trip. Supervisor Papenhausen reported that the Road Department could find no record of encroachment permits. If there is no prohibition against the Road Department doing the work, Papenhausen said he felt they would. In addition, the Road Department might pay for the rings.

    Jim stated he had received a price of $5,200 from Dan Mason for the work and pipe necessary to clean and dike the pond. Jim stated Floyd Neer would not give a dollar figure, but stated he charges $35 per hour, and as a result of examining the site, he feels his cost would be considerably under $4,500. Inasmuch as the District cannot enter financial arrangements in excess of $5,000 without going to bid, it was considered by the Directors having Floyd Neer do the work. A lengthy discussion followed on why the District did not go out to bid and/or solicit additional prices through advertising. The directors responded that the District has complied with the government code in the handling of this item, and it is not necessary for under $5,000 to follow bid procedures with the accompanying legal fees. It was agreed that the District would place an ad in the local news-paper soliciting names of those craftpersons who would like to be

  • Minutes - July 19, 1978 - Page 2

    placed on a list to be notified when the District needs work done. Because the pond is expected to be dry in ten days, a cutoff date on the ad was to be July 31, 1978.

    Also discussed was the advisability of hiring licensed contractors because of their insurance coverage. A decision on who to hire to clean and dike the pond was tabled until the meeting could be re-adjourned in two weeks.

    Jim discussed the plans for installing additional pumps at the sewer ponds. The project will need to be engineered. Ed Anderson has a crew working in the area, according to Jim, and if we wish the work done, we should let Ed know right away. The charge for this engineer-ing will be approximately $700. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Scott, that the firm of Rolls, Anderson & Rolls be hired to prepare the engineering for the pump station at the sewer ponds. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye. Jim Hamblin was asked to find out if inspection of the job is included in the $700 fee. Jim further stated the estimated cost of $6,500 for the project could possibly be lowered if the District hires its own contractors or suppliers.

    Fire - Cy reported that the truck should be delivered in about thirty days. He expressed concern that there is no place to house the truck. Cy indicated he has made several telephone calls to Coy Block about removing existing post and fastening two doors together. The post to be removed is not a supporting post, but was used to hang doors. If the material arrives, the volunteer firemen planned to do the work themselves on the next Sunday.

    Cy reported that the fire department has received a federal grant, distributed through the Fire Marshall's office in the amount of $1,250. A motion was made by Director Dunham, seconded by Director Scott, that the District adopt Resolution 78-9, a resolution entering into a contract between this District and the State of California -Department of Forestry, providing for a Federal grant under Title IV. The roll was called with all directors present voting aye.

    Old Mill Site Subdivision - Len Franz appeared before the Board requesting approval of the subdivision map. He stated that the project is ready to proceed, and the only impediment is this Board's approval being submitted to the Planning Department. The Board expressed its desire that the map be reviewed by District's engineer at the expense of the subdivider. This Len Franz agreed, and the Board tabled any decision until it receives an opinion from Ed Anderson.

    A letter was received from the Plumas County Road Department acknowledg-ing this District's letter. Supervisor Papenhausen stated he has tried to get flashing lights or stop signs at four corners, but has been unable to do so.

    A letter vias read from Helen Hollingsworth requesting that the road to the sewer ponds be improved. No action taken.

    It was agreed to delay any discussion on budget cuts or street light reduction until the District finds out how much money it will have to work with.

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    Minutes - July 19},: 1978 - Page 3

    Open Agenda:

    Dixie Reed, President of Plumas County Taxpayers Assn., complimented the Board on its ded~cation. Suggested that the Board encourage citizen participation.

    President Doyle asked what the Board's position was on enforcing Ordinance No. 1 as it applies to Mr. Carpenter, who has refused to hook onto the sewer line and is impeding the progress of the District in serving Mr. Pettit. Also Bud mentioned that the Bidwells have not hooked on yet, and he wouldn't wish anyone to claim projudice, so this should also be handled. The secretary was instructed to contact the Health Department and ask them to proceed to look into this matter.

    Discussion was held on the auxiliary fireman programG Although there has been discussion and correspondence between the Office of Emergency Service and the state, there are many unanswered questions as to the amount of workmen's compensation coverage there is availableo The Board accepted the concept of auxiliary fireman as a money-saving idea, but feels that the District should not jeopardize any volunteer by having him inadequately insured. Russ Papenhausen stated that DES has been working with the legislature to obtain a firm dollar commit-ment in the program, but without success.

    Allowance of Claims:

    Improvement District No. 1 - Sanitary

    Citizens utilities Coo PG&E James Hamblin

    Improvement District No o 2 - Lights


    Improvement District Noo 3 - Fire

    state Compensation Insurance Fund Citizens utilities Coo PG&E FoL. Miller Co. Co L. Hall-Office Co L. Hall Simplex Time Recorder Coo Texaco

    Greenville Community Services District

    Helen Martin Dept. of Benefit Payments

    Fire Truck Account

    Acme Truck Parts & Equipment

    $ 4.00 79 0 87


    $581 0 79

    $737 0 90 100 0 07

    79.84 4.10

    18.40 230.00 16.90 26076


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    Minutes - July 19, 1978 - Page 4


    Fire Truck Account

    Five-year negotiable pr9Ijlissory notes $25,000.00

    Sanit~ry District

    Round Valley Homeowners-Legal feeS' $ 262.50

    The meeting was adjourned by President Doyle at approximately 10:30 p.m., to meet August 2, 1978, at 7:30 p.m., for any and all purposes.

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin, Secretary


    Clatide Doyle, ~resident



    The regular meeting of the Greenville Community Services District which was held July 19, 1978, and adjourned until August 2, 1978, for any and all purposes, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law, was called to order by President Doyle at 7:45 p.m. The roll was called with Directors Scott, Johns and Doyle being present, and Director Dunham arriving later in the meeting.

    Reports from Improvement Districts:

    Sanitary - The secretary reported that no letters had been received from craftpersons in response to the District's ad in the Indian Valley Record.

    Jim Hamblin reported that Floyd Neer v'Jill not do the work at the ponds because of harrassment. He stated that Dan Mason's price was broken down into $4,000 fot moving material and $1,200 for culvert pipe. He suggested that the District purchase the pipe on its own and su~mitted the following prices: Redding Steel, Redding, California

    12" pipe @ $5.43 ft. - $217.20 15" pipe @ $6.78 ft. - $271.20 12" valve 185.00 200.00

    Hallsten Supply, 6944 -12" pipe @ $3.64 ft. coupler 12" valve

    $402.20 $471.20 34th Street, North Highlands, California

    $132.70 15" pipe @ $4.52 ft. $143.65 9.20 coupler 10.00

    140.60 15" valve 189.80 $282.50 $334.45

    Jim explained that Hallsten Would be plus freight, ~."hich could cost $80.00 or more. Jim further stated he felt that the 12" pipe would be adequate. Dixie Reed asked if he could get a price from Redding Steel, and if the price is cheaper, he is willing to pass on exact cost to the District.

    Bob Johns made a motion, seconded by Charlie Scott, that Dan Mason be approached to move the material at the sewer ponds at a cost not to exceed $4,000, the District supplying the pipe. All present voted aye, Dunham absent. Jim Hamblin reported that there would be a one-week delay on delivery of the pipe. Jim was also instructed to welte up specifications for the job as part of a written agreement.

    Jim reported that Ed Anderson had called making recommendations on the design and engineering of the pumping station, which could save the District money. Jim explained the proposed changes and concurred with Ed's idea.

    Cy Hall reported on the Board of Supervisors hearing on July 31, 1978, in which state surplus funds were apportioned. The following funds were allocated to the Greenville Community Services District:

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    Minutes - August 2, 1978

    Greenville Com Serv Dist Sanitary Lights Fire Zone A

    Old Business:

    Page 2

    Ext. 1% of taxes

    $ 8,425 5,298 4,181

    11,951 -0-

    State Surplus

    $ -0--0--0-

    2,400.00 6,625.00

    Old Mill Site Subdivision - Len Franz agreed to pay engineering . fees of $112.50, which he would send direct to Rolls, Anderson & Rolls. Mr. Franz stated that he had discussed Ed Anderson's com-ments on the subdivision map with Ed and also with the subdivider's engineer. He ~tated that the changes will be made that have been recommended by Ed. Jim Hamblin stated that before the final map is approved, it would be proper for money to be set aside in a special bank account to cover the cost of inspection. Jim stated that this should not be difficult to inspect if the contractor follows plans as submitted. Jim suggested twice daily inspections of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Len said he will submit a copy of the final map to the District. No action taken.

    Noncompliance with Ordinance No. 1 - President Doyle stated that if it is going to take legal action to force Mr. Carpenter to hook onto the sewer line, it might be best to wait. Dixie Reed suggested placing a lien on the property so that the property cannot be sold until it is hooked onto the sewer line.

    U New Business:

    Dixie Reed appeared before the Board to ask whether the District would be interested in annexing the Hideaway property into the Sanitary District. He asked what fees would be involved and what should be done, as the property owner is interested in starting his work in the spring. At issue is 46 trailer spaces. President Doyle suggested that Dixie work with .Cy and Jim.

    Open Agenda:

    John Rilea complained at the widening of Hideaway Road. Supervisor Papenhausen discussed the reasons for the improvements with Mr. Rilea o Bud stated that Mr. Kiser wants a fire hydrant moved because of the parking area going in at the clinic building. Also Mr. Kiser sug-gested that the District submit a letter ·to the hospital enumberating the charge for doing the work. Cy stated he would look into it.

    President Doyle suggested a letter be sent to the Board of Supervisors thanking them for the money for the District. The complaint· of June Bohne on Hillside Drive over raw sewage discharge was investigated and a complaint to the Health Department is to be made.

    The Board of Directors excused themselves to go into executive session to discuss personnel matters. After this session, Director Doyle stated that no action had been taken.

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    Minutes - August 2, 1978 - Page 3

    The meeting resumed to discuss ways of controlling mettings, so that it is not disrupted by outside influences. It was agreed that the agenda be prepared and availabl~- one week before the regular meeting. It ~as agreed that only those persoris requesting a place on the agenda might be heard. It was further decided that in the interests of saving postage costs, that each director have a folder and pertinent information be placed therein for the Directors to pick up.

    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:00 p.m. The President stated tha·c he would probably be calling a special meeting wi thin a week to further discuss problems facing the Bo~rdo

    Respectfully submitted,

    Helen Martin, Secretary


    Claude Doyle, President

  • v




    August 8, 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in special session August 8, 1978, at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street, Greenville, California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law.

    The meeting was called to order by President Doyle at 7:30 p.m. The roll was called with all directors being present.

    The first consideration was to establish priorities with what monies are available. President Doyle stated that if the Sanitary District goes ahead with its present projects it cannot survive. As long as the Dis-trict is making an attempt to improve the situation at the ponds, the State Water Quality Control Board will not interfere. If these proposed projects can be included in a grant to expand the District, then it would be only propr, according to Bud, to hold off and not spend the money now. A discussion followed on whether the $5,000 should be expended to clean the ponds now or delay; and, if expended, would this District be reimbursed by the grant. At a prior meeting with representatives of the Regional Board, the use of force account to pay for situations such as this had been dis-cussed, but nothing had been received in writing to this affect.

    Supervisor Papenhausen was asked if the County Road Department would pay for the rings. He stated that Jim Brock would have preferred an adjustable ring. It was suggested by this Board that he could exchange the rings. Russ excused himself to talk on the telephone to Mr. Brock. He returned and stated Mr. Brock is waiting for a legal opinion from County Counsel Baird McKnight.

    President Doyle asked if the Board is willing to wait on having the ponds cleaned. By voice vote, each director voted to wait a year.

    Ed Anderson arrived and discussed with the Board the proposal to send a list of questions to an appropriate person in authority to obtain additional information before submitting a "Plan of Study" to the Water Resources Control Board. Ed suggested sending a letter to Edward Dlugosz. Ed was questioned if he would continue to act as District Engineer on such a grant project, and he agreed.

    Under the topic of expansion of the sewer system, it was noted that there is inadequate water flow in the present water line to the Old Mill Site Sub-division, which means inadequate water for flushing as well as for fire protection. President Doyle commented that he has noted the flow of effluent in the manholes is very high, and wondered if there is adequate room for expansion. Ed Anderson stated that it is up to the subdivider to prove he has water. He recommended an 8" line on Setzer Road.

    The budgets of the various Districts were discussed, with great frustration. Supervisor Papenhausen recommended that the District submit a revised Fire District Budget to the Board of Supervisors in hopes of obtaining additional financing. A motion was made by Director Scott, seconded by Directors Johns, that Cy Hall and Jim Hamblin submit their respective budgets for considera-tion of the Board at its next regular meeting. All directors voted aye.

    The meeting was adjourned at approximately 10:30 p.m.

  • Minutes - August 8 , 1978 - Pag e 2


    Respectively submitted ,

    ~~ Helen Martin , Secreta ry

    Approved :

    Claude D. Doyle , President

  • , Regular Meeting - Board of Directors

    Greenville Community Services District

    August 16 , 1978

    The Board of Directors of the Greenville Community Services District met in regular session on August 16 , 1978 , at its meeting place at 121 Ann Street , Greenville , California, pursuant to notice duly given as prescribed by law .

    Roll Call :

    The meeting was called to order by President Bud Doyle at 7 : 30 p . m. The roll was called with directors Dunham, Scott and Doyle being present and Director Johns absent, with one vacancy on the Board. Also present was Sanitarian Jim Hamblin and many interested citizens .

    The minutes of the meetings of July 19, August 2 and August 8 were approved as written .

    Reports from Improvement Districts :

    Sanitary - Jim stated that there was nothing new to report . He reported that some of the rings are here, but there is as yet no indication as to who would install them. He also stated he had talked with Floyd Neer, and there was a chance he would still clean the oond and build th e dike .

    Lights - The secretary had contacted PG&E to obtain a list of lights and locations. There was a discussion as to wheth ' r the state could assume the obligation of liohts on the highway , the contact person being Gene Knavel of Redding . There was a motion made by Director Dunham , seconded by Director Scott , that PG&E be contacted to see if the vOltage on the lights could be turned down. The motion was passed unanimously .

    Fire - Fire chief Hall was not present to make a report or submit his final budget . Jim Hamblin stated that there was not too much to reoort. He stated that Cy had requested that the GCSD assume obligation for the telephone expense over and above that which is paid for the fire phones . Afte r discussion , it was agreed that for this year only, as in the past, $120 be transferred from th e GCSD budget to the fire Improvement district budget ($10 per month) . Inasmuch as no budget provi s ion had been made in the sanitary district for teleohone, it could not be d c ne t lis year . Next ye ar's budget should include a $120 telephone eXGense, which should be avail able for transfer . Further discu~sed was the electricity bill, with the directors feeling that the GCSD should not contribute toward this, as no electricity is c o n-sumed which would not already be utilized . Director Dunham and Doyle both stated th t th p fire improvement district has to stand on its own. President Doyle requested that a minute order be made to transfer $120 from the GCSD to the fire improvement district. All present voted aye. President Doyle stated that he wish~d a telephone log be maintained at the fire ~all, listing e ach out- f-town call be date , to whom the

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    Minutes - Page 2 - August 16, 1978\

    call is made, purpose and pe~son making the call.

    President Doyle stated he would get together with the Secretary in the morning to finalize the budgets, and that he would present these to Supervisor Papenhausen in an attempt to obtain ~dditional funding.

    Also p~esent at this mee~ing were Evelyn Tipton and Bob Matteoli, who had been invited by .Russ Papenhausen to discuss the Clean Water Grant Pr6gram. A copy of letter dated August 14, 1978, which had been dire~ted to Edward Dlugosz, was given to Evelyn and Bob for any com-ments they would wish to make. Evelyn stated she was the proj