ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 3 5, 6 & 7 5 Procurement Opportunities GPSA Catalogue GPNs Inside PPRA urges bidders, supplies to seize opportunities presented by TANePS DID YOU KNOW? Potential bidders in the procurement of common-use items and services, medicines and medical supplies are required to register in the Tanzania National e-Procurement System (Taneps) at www.taneps.go.tz Maximum number, in years, provided for framework agreements between GPSA and tenderers, for procurement of common-use items and services. PPRA Chief Executive Officer, Eng. Leonard Kapongo, speaks to some of PPRA’s staff at PPRA’s pavilion during this year’s Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair in Dar es Salaam Cont Pg ...4 3 By TPJ Reporter, Dar es Salaam By TPJ Reporter, Dar es Salaam Ministry of water justified in disqualifying company from tendering, PPAA rules T he Public Procurement Regulatory Authori- ty (PPRA) has urged bidders and suppli- ers of goods and services in the country to seize procurement opportunities presented by the Tanzania National Electronic Procurement System (TANePS), TPJ can authoritatively report. Speaking at the 43rd Dar es Sa- laam International Trade Fair in the city recently, PPRA Chief Exec- utive Officer, Eng. Leonard Kapon- go, called upon bidders and suppli- ers to abide with procurement law, including ensuring they register with the system that brings about transparency in public tenders. Furthermore, Eng. Kapongo called upon members of the pub- lic to fully utilize opportunities presented by Taneps in order to benefit from public procurement and urged public procurement stakeholders to enrich their un- derstanding of the system, with a view to enhancing transparen- cy and accountability in procure- ment processes in the country. He appealed to members of the public to volunteer information to PPRA whenever they become aware of anyone flouting public procurement law and regula- tions, vowing that stern action will be taken against the culprits. Eng. Kapongo said compli- ance to the public procurement law facilitates control and efficient Cont Pg ...2 The Public Procurement Appeals Authority (PPAA) has dismissed an appeal lodged by a bidder who was challenging the decision of the water ministry that they did not qualify to tender for consult- ing services for verification of re- sult for the sustainable rural water supply and sanitation program. According to the proceedings of the appeal, Upimac Consul- tancy Services Ltd had sought the intervention of PPAA af- ter being dissatisfied with the ministry’s decision to disqual- ify them on the grounds that they lacked relevant experience. The appellant also complained that the entity failed to respond to his application for adminis- trative review when he timely and properly sought the rea- sons for not being in the shortlist. He was categorical that he complied with the requirements in the expression of interest doc- ument, including the fact that the company had been involved in various World Bank bas- ket funded projects in Uganda, Tanzania and Southern Sudan. The appellant stated further that the firm had undertaken two proj- ects with the respondent name- ly; Technical Audit of the Water Sector Development Program in the years 2010 - 2012 and 2014 – 2018, which exposed them to WSDP at village level for six years. In reply, the ministry of water, foremost stated that while the ap- pellant’s grievances were rooted in

ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

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Page 1: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019

3 5, 6 & 7 5 ProcurementOpportunities

GPSA CatalogueGPNsInside

PPRA urges bidders, supplies to seize opportunities presented by TANePS


Potential bidders in the procurement of common-use items and services, medicines and medical supplies are required to register in the Tanzania National e-Procurement System (Taneps) at www.taneps.go.tz

Maximum number, in years, provided for framework agreements between GPSA and tenderers, for procurement of common-use items and services.

???Potential bidders in the ?Potential bidders in the ?Potential bidders in the ?Potential bidders in the procurement of common-use ?procurement of common-use ?procurement of common-use ?procurement of common-use items and services, medicines ?items and services, medicines ?items and services, medicines ?items and services, medicines and medical supplies are ?and medical supplies are ?and medical supplies are ?and medical supplies are required to register in the ?required to register in the ?required to register in the ?required to register in the

PPRA Chief Executive Offi cer, Eng. Leonard Kapongo, speaks to some of PPRA’s staff at PPRA’s pavilion during this year’s Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair in Dar es Salaam

Cont Pg ...4


By TPJ Reporter, Dar es Salaam

By TPJ Reporter, Dar es Salaam

Ministry of water justifi ed in disqualifying company from tendering, PPAA rules

The Public Procurement Regulatory Authori-ty (PPRA) has urged bidders and suppli-

ers of goods and services in the country to seize procurement opportunities presented by the Tanzania National Electronic Procurement System (TANePS), TPJ can authoritatively report.

Speaking at the 43rd Dar es Sa-laam International Trade Fair in the city recently, PPRA Chief Exec-utive Offi cer, Eng. Leonard Kapon-go, called upon bidders and suppli-ers to abide with procurement law, including ensuring they register with the system that brings about transparency in public tenders.

Furthermore, Eng. Kapongo called upon members of the pub-lic to fully utilize opportunities presented by Taneps in order to benefi t from public procurement and urged public procurement stakeholders to enrich their un-derstanding of the system, with

a view to enhancing transparen-cy and accountability in procure-ment processes in the country.

He appealed to members of the public to volunteer information to PPRA whenever they become aware of anyone fl outing public

procurement law and regula-tions, vowing that stern action will be taken against the culprits.

Eng. Kapongo said compli-ance to the public procurement law facilitates control and effi cient

Cont Pg ...2

The Public Procurement Appeals Authority (PPAA) has dismissed an appeal lodged by a bidder who was challenging the decision of the water ministry that they did not qualify to tender for consult-ing services for verifi cation of re-sult for the sustainable rural water supply and sanitation program.

According to the proceedings

of the appeal, Upimac Consul-tancy Services Ltd had sought the intervention of PPAA af-ter being dissatisfi ed with the ministry’s decision to disqual-ify them on the grounds that they lacked relevant experience.

The appellant also complained that the entity failed to respond to his application for adminis-trative review when he timely

and properly sought the rea-sons for not being in the shortlist.

He was categorical that he complied with the requirements in the expression of interest doc-ument, including the fact that the company had been involved in various World Bank bas-ket funded projects in Uganda, Tanzania and Southern Sudan.

The appellant stated further that

the fi rm had undertaken two proj-ects with the respondent name-ly; Technical Audit of the Water Sector Development Program in the years 2010 - 2012 and 2014 – 2018, which exposed them to WSDP at village level for six years.

In reply, the ministry of water, foremost stated that while the ap-pellant’s grievances were rooted in

Page 2: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

Tanzania Procurement Journal Tuesday July 09, 2019



Je Wajua?

???Wazabuni watakaoshiriki katika zabuni za ununuzi wa vifaa na huduma mtambuka, dawa na vifaa tiba, wanatakiwa kujisajili katika mfumo wa ununuzi wa umma kwa njia ya mtandao (TANePS) kupitia www.taneps.go.tz

Muda wa juu wa makubaliano maalum, katika miaka, baina ya GPSA na wazabuni, kwa manunuzi ya bidhaa na huduma mtambuka.


Vigezo vitumikavyo kutathmini zabuni katika hatua ya awali: Je, ni halali kuvitumia kukataa zabuni?

Na Magnus Menas Mlokota


Makala hii inalenga kuain-isha baadhi ya chan-gamoto, hasa malalamiko toka kwa wazabuni,

juu ya baadhi ya sababu zinazotole-wa na taasisi nunuzi, zinapokataa zabuni katika hatua ya awali. Kwa mujibu wa Kanuni ya Ununuzi wa Umma (PPR) Na. 211 ya mwa-ka 2013 na marekebisho yake: “Ta-asisi nunuzi zitatathimini na kulin-ganisha zabuni zilizopokelewa na kumpata mshindi kwa kuzingatia vigezo na taratibu zilizoainishwa kwenye kitabu cha tenda husika”. Hivyo, taasisi nunuzi inatakiwa ifa-nye tathimini ya zabuni kwa vigezo vilivyoainishwa kwenye vitabu vya tenda husika na si vinginevyo. Makala itajikita kwenye vigezo vya tathmini katika hatua ya awali, vina-vyoweza kumtoa nje mzabuni. Pia makala imeainisha baadhi ya kesi zilizowahi kuamuliwa na PPAA, zilizohusu madai ya kwamba ten-da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi ili zipate mtiririko wa bidhaa, kazi na huduma zenye ubora wa hali ya juu, kwa muda ulio kusudiwa na kwa thamani halisi ya pesa. Kanuni ya ununuzi wa umma Na. 4 ya mwaka 2013 na marekebisho yake ya mwa-ka 2016, inasisitiza taratibu za un-

unuzi zizingatie misingi ifuatayo:• Uadilifu, uwazi, usawa na uwajibikaji• Matumizi sahihi ya pesa ya umma• Kipaumbele kwa ununuzi wa bidhaa na huduma zinazozalishwa na viwanda vya ndani• Uzingatia wa matokeo chanya • Ulinzi wa mazingira Kwa mujibu wa sheria, mchakato wa ununuzi hupitia hatua mbalimbali, iki-wemo tathimini ya vigezo mbalimba-li kutegemea njia ya ununuzi husika, aina ya bidhaa au huduma, pia mazin-gira ya soko. Baadhi ya vigezo hivyo ni : • Uwezo wa kiutendaji na kifedha wa mzabuni• Uzoefu wa mzabuni na wataalamu wake, • Historia ya utendaji wa mzabuni, • Ripoti za ukaguzi wa kifedha,• Historia ya uhalifu au kesi zina zomkabili mzabuni• Muda pendekezwa katika kukamil isha mkataba• Majukumu ya mzabuni wakati wa kuomba tenda• Rasilimali watu, vifaa na taarifa zingine za mzabuni. Hatua ya tathimini ni muhimu sana katika mchakato; isipofanyika ipas-avyo inaweza kusababisha athari nyin-gi kwa taasisi, zikiwemo zifuatazo:• Malalamiko kutoka kwa wazabuni, yanayoweza kusababisha uchelewe shaji wa zabuni katika kuyashughu likia• Ushindi wa wazabuni wasio na

sifa, na wenye sifa kukosa ushindi• Bidhaa au huduma kwa bei zi sizoendana na hali ya soko • Taasisi kupoteza heshima kwa wazabuni na umma, pale wazabuni wenye sifa wanaposhindwa kupata kazi pasipo sababu za msingi• Hoja za kikaguzi pale taasisi ishindwapo kufuata sheria ya ununuzi wa umma• Uwezekano wa taasisi kushindwa kufi kia malengo mkakati Kwa mujibu kanuni PPR Na. 202(4) ya mwaka 2013 na marekebisho yake ya mwaka 2016, kabla ya tathimini ya kina, zabuni zipitishwe kwanza kwenye hatua ya awali, ili kuthibitish-wa kama zimekidhi vigezo vya awali kama ilivyoelekezwa katika kitabu cha tenda. Kanuni hii pia inaeleke-za ya kwamba vigezo vitumikavyo kumpata mshindi kwa hatua ya wali anapaswa kukidhi vigezo vifuatavyo:• Awe na sifa zote kama ilivyoainish-wa kwenye kitabu cha tenda • Zabuni iwe zimesainiwa kama ilivyoelekezwa kwenye kitabu cha tenda• Zabuni iwe kwenye mpangilio ulioagizwa • Nyaraka zote zilizoombwa kwa ajili ya kulinda mchakato wa zabuni (Securities) ziambatishwe kwenye zabuni Kanuni PPR Na. 204(2) ya mwaka 2013 na marekebisho yake ya mwa-ka 2016, sambamba na muongozo wa PPRA wa mwaka 2017 Kifungu

Inaendelea Uk 4

spending of public funds to ensure funds earmarked for development projects are spent prudently to meet government expectations.

Taneps, which was launched in June 2018 by Prime Minis-ter Kassim Majaliwa supports among others, processes of pro-curing goods, works, consul-tancy, non-consultancy and dis-posal of public assets by tender.

So far a total of 1,958 suppli-ers of goods and services from fi ve regions have been registered with the system following gov-ernment directive issued to sup-pliers to register themselves with the system so as to increase trans-parency in public procurement.

PPRA urges bidders... From Pg ... 1

PPRA inazikumbusha Taasisi nunuzi

kuwasilisha GPN zao za mwaka 2019/20 kwa

wakati kama sheria inavyoelekeza.

Page 3: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

Tanzania Procurement JournalTuesday July 09, 2019

Procurement Opportunities

3This section provides summaries of open tender opportunities in Procuring Entities (PEs). More details of the tenders may be found on PPRA website www.ppra.go.tz. Prospective bidders are required to confirm the information provided hereunder or seek further details from respective PEs.

GOODSEntity: Mafia District Council

Tender No: LGA/008/2018/2019/G/10

Tender Name: Supply of a New Ambu-

lance Boat

Lot 1 : Ambulance Boat

Lot 2: Passengers’ Boat

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 150,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, Mafia

District Council , P.O.Box 85, Mafia

Deadline: 16th July 2019, 14:00HRS

Entity: Bank of Tanzania

Tender No: PA/082/2018-19/HQ/G/19

Tender Name: Supply, Instillation,

Testing and Commissioning of Cool-

ing Units for Auditorium at BOT

Head Office

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, BOT,

2nd Floor, South Tower at 2

Mirambo Street, Dar es Salaam

Deadline: 29th July 2019, 11:00HRS

Entity: MSD

Tender No: IE-009/2018/2019/HQ/G/


Tender Name: Supply of Prosthetic

and Orthotic Materials, Devices and

Equipment from Manufacturers/ Au-

thorized Distributors using Frame-

work Agreement

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: USD. 50

Eligible Firms: International

Method of Procurement: ICB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, MSD,

P.O. Box 9081, Dar es Salaam

Deadline: 26th July 2019, 10:00HRS


Tender No: AE/001/2018-19/HQ/G/99

Tender Name: Supply and Installation

of Three (3) Units of Fixed Electronic

Wheel Load Weighbridge Scales

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: International

Method of Procurement: ICB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, TAN-

ROADS Conference Room, 4th Floor,

Airtel House, Ali Hassan Mwinyi/

Kawawa Roads, Junction, Dar es


Deadline: 30th July 2019, 10:00HRS


Tender No: PA/001/2018-19/CZN/W/04

Tender Name: Changing of Gantry

Crane and Wheel Gate Operating

Mechanism From Electromechanical

Brake Shoes to Electro Hydraulic Sys-

tem at Mtera Hydro Power Plant

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: International

Method of Procurement: ICB

Contact Address: TANESCO Central

Zone Office Building, located along

Dar es Salaam Road P.O. Box 49,


Deadline: 16th July 2019, 10:30HRS


Tender No: AE/001/2019-2020/

KIL/W/17-33 TO AE/001/2019-2020/


Tender Name: Periodic and Routine/

Recurrent Maintenance, Bridge Major

Repairs, Upgrading and Rehabilita-

tion Works

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 150,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, TAN-

ROADS, Ujenzi Building, Old Moshi

Road, P.O Box 3051 Moshi

Deadline: To Be Shown in the Tender



Tender No: PA/001/ 2018-18/HQ/W/32

Tender Name: Supply, Installation,

Testing and Commissioning of Air

Conditions and Plumbing System at

Newly Constructed Ubungo Electrical

Workshop Lot 1&2

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary,

TANESCO Head Office, Ground Floor

Room No. 04, Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road,

P.O. Box 9024 Dar es Salaam

Deadline: 26th July 2019, 10:30HRS


Tender No: PA/001/2018-19/HQ/N/15

Tender Name: Provision of Service

For Supply and Servicing Fire Fight-

ing Equipment and Carry Fumigation

Services for Umeme Park Building and

Its Components Under Framework


Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary,

TANESCO Head Office, Ground Floor

Room No. 04, Umeme Park Building

Ubungo, Morogoro Road, P.O. Box

9024 Dar es Salaam

Deadline: 17th July 2019, 10:30HRS

Entity: Halimashauri ya Wilaya ya


Tender No: LGA/123/2019-20/NCT/01

Tender Name: Huduma ya Usafishaji

na Uzoaji Taka Ngumu

Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, Hali-

mashauri ya Wilaya ya Igunga, P. O.

Box 19, Shinyanga

Deadline: 16th July 2019, 10:00HRS

Entity: Halimashauri ya Wilaya ya


Tender No: LGA/123/2019-20/NCT/02

Tender Name: Huduma ya Ukusany-

aji Mapato Yatokanayo na Madini


Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, Hali-

mashauri ya Wilaya ya Igunga, P. O.

Box 19, Igunga

Deadline: 16th July 2019, 10:00HRS

Entity: Tanzania Wildlife Manage-

ment Authority

Tender No: AE-084/2019-20/HQ/


Tender Name: Provision of Air tick-

ets for Domestic and Foreign travel-


Source of Fund: Government

Price of Bid Document: TZS. 100,000

Eligible Firms: National

Method of Procurement: NCB

Contact Address: TB Secretary, Tan-

zania Wildlife Management Authori-

ty, P.O. Box 2658, Morogoro

Deadline: 22nd July 2019, 14:00HRS

Page 4: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

Tanzania Procurement Journal Tuesday July 09, 2019

E d i t o r i a l B o a r d

Mr. Peter Shilla


Members Dr. Daudi Momburi Qs. Bertha RuteganywaMr. Mcharo MrutuMr. Castor Komba

SecretaryMr. Nelson Kessy

EditorEng. Nestor Ilahuka



Vigezo vitumikavyo kutathmini zabuni...

The Editorial Board of TPJ wishes

to invite from the general public,

procurement related news and

articles for publication in the


The invited articles could be either

in English or Kiswahili. Please

submit the article through the

following emails address:

[email protected]

The Editorial Board reserves the

right to approve articles for

publication in TPJ.

Public ProcurementRegulatory Authority (PPRA),PSPF Plaza, 9th Floor,P.O. Box 2865, Dodoma.TanzaniaTel: +255 26 296 3854;email: [email protected];Website: www.ppra.go.tz

From Pg 2

a claim that they had vast relevant experience which should have qual-ifi ed them to be shortlisted, indeed it was not an issue that all seven-teen fi rms, including the appellant, had successfully met the require-ments of the expression of interest.

However, the entity also said that as the World Bank procure-ment regulations dictated that not more than eight shortlisted fi rms be selected for the bidding pro-cess, those with more experience were given priority and that the eight picked were rightly deemed to have had more experience than the appellant in the fi eld of ru-ral water supply and sanitation.

In addition, the ministry stat-ed that while it was not obliged by law to shortlist any fi rm that

had submitted the expression of interest, the entity conducted the exercise fairly and prudently and that therefore they chose not to re-spond to the appellant’s complaint over the matter, leaving them to pursue their rights as they saw fi t.

In determining the grounds of the appeal, the Appeals Au-thority observed that indeed the ministry did evaluate the fi rms in order to shortlist them as per World Bank Procurement Regu-lations, which dictated that not more than eight fi rms be picked.

PPAA also observed that the en-tity shortlisted the fi rms according to their experience, ranging from 13 to 57 projects and that the appellant had three projects which ranked it 16th in the evaluation report.

Noting that there were no cri-teria in the terms of reference to guide the ranking, PPAA went on to rule that the ministry was in no obligation whatsoever to short-list the appellant and that there-fore their exclusion in the list of pre-qualifi ed fi rms was justifi ed.

Regarding the appellant’s con-tention that no reasons were giv-en by the entity for their being deemed unsuccessful, the Appeals Authority ruled that since the entity was not obliged to short-list the appellant, it was equally not obliged to provide reasons for the exclusion and that there-fore the decision was justifi ed.

Consequently, PPAA dis-missed the appeal with no costs.

Ministry of water justifi ed in disqualifying company from... From Pg ... 1

PPRA inakualika kushiriki katika Kongamano la Mwaka la Manunuzi litakalofanyika kwa awamu tatu kama ifuatavyo:-

1. Awamu ya kwanza tarehe 16 - 17 Julai, 2019 JNICC, DSM kwa ajili ya Wakuu wa Taasisi, Wenyeviti wa Bodi na Wajumbe wa Bodi ya Wakurugenzi. Ada ya ushiriki ni TZS 480,000.00 kwa kila mmoja

2. Awamu ya pili tarehe 24 - 26 Julai, 2019 AICC, Arusha kwa ajili ya Watumishi wa Kitengo cha Manunuzi, wajumbe wa Bodi ya Zabuni, Watumiaji (User Departments), Wakaguzi wa Ndani na Wanasheria. Ada ya ushiriki ni TZS 580,000.00. kwa kila mmoja

3. Awamu ya tatu tarehe 29 - 30 julai, 2019 kwa ajili ya Mameya (Mayors), na Wenyeviti wa Halmashauri. Ada ya ushiriki ni TZS 480,000.00. kwa kila mmoja

Taarifa zaidi kuhusu kongamano hili zinapatikana kwenye Tovuti ya Mamlaka www.ppra.go.tz


9.2 (Criteria for Preliminary Evalu-ation and rejection of Bids), imewe-ka wazi kuwa yafuatayo yataifanya zabuni itolewe kwenye mchakato:• Kutosainiwa kwa fomu ya zabuni na ukurasa wa bei (Bid form and Price Schedule)•Kutoambatisha kwenye zabuni ush-ahidi wa sifa •Kutowasilisha dhamana ya zabuni (Bid security or Bid Securing Declara-tion)• Kutoonesha ukomo wa muda wa zabuni (Bid validity period)•Kutoonesha muda wa utekelezaji wa mkataba endapo ulikuwa kigezo cha msingi•Kutokuwa na uzoefu uliotajwa

• Kutokubali marekebisho katika zabuni endapo yataonekana ni ya msingi•Kutoleta nyaraka zilizotakiwa• Sharti la kubadili bei kwa tenda isi-yoruhusu badiliko la bei (fi xed price).Je, ni vipi zabuni inaweza kuenguli-wa au kutoenguliwa kwa kutokidhi vigezo au kwa kupotoka kidogo (mi-nor deviation) katika hatua ya awali?Kinadharia ni rahisi kujibu hili swali, lakini kiutendaji ni vigumu kwani lina-hitaji tafsiri ya sheria, vinginevyo un-aweza kujikuta unakinzana na Kanuni Na 204 (2) au muongozo wa PPRA wa mwaka 2017 Kifungu 9.2. kwa saba-bu hakuna kipimo kinachowezesha kupambanua kati ya “Minor devia-

tion na Major Deviation.”Ili kupata uelewa unaokidhi kiu juu ya jambo hili, msomaji anashauriwa kusoma kwenye mtandao wa PPAA www.ppaa.go.tz taarifa za kesi zifuatazo:• “Appeal Case No 3 of 2017 – 18 between M/s Datahouse Tanza-nia Limited (Appellant) and LAPF pensions Fund (Respondents)”• Appeal Case No 29 of 2016 – 17 be-tween M/s Mntambo Construction Company Ltd (Appellant) and Kilin-di District Council (Respondents)”• Appeal Case No 19 of 2016 – 17 be-tween M/s Nyakirang’ani Construc-tion Ltd (Appellant) and Musoma Municipal Council (Respondents)”Itaendelea...

Page 5: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

Tanzania Procurement JournalTuesday July 09, 2019 5


No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 10 154,415,356.00 3 Non - Consultancy Services 11 262,680,442.00

Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

21 417,095,798.00

No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 9 482,705,000.00 2 Works 65 22,925,008,000.00 3 Consultancy Services - -4 Non - Consultancy Services 2 50,000,000.00

Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

76 23,457,713,000.00

No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 19 3,290,844,998.002 Works 1 2,274,470,000.003 Consultancy Services 6 435,500,000.00

4 Non-Consultancy Services 17 1,521,460,000.00Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

43 7,522,274,998.00No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)

1 Goods 23 1,072,260,592.002 Works 10 183,607,413.003 Consultancy Services 1 2,750,000.00

4 Non-Consultancy Services 5 99,489,000.00Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

39 1,358,107,005.00

No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 71 3,008,808,500.00 2 Works 11 6,626,000,000.00 3 Consultancy Services 4 389,000,000.00

4 Non-Consultancy Services 90 1,669,076,000.00 5 Disposal of Public Assets by

Auction1 10,000,000.00

Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

177 11,702,884,500.00

Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance

Tanroads - Tabora


Bariadi Town Council


Agricutural Inputs Trust Fund


No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 16 348,263,000.003 Consultancy Services 2 176,700,000.00

4 Non-Consultancy Services 13 171,668,000.00Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

31 696,631,000.00

No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 36 3,682,274,120.43 2 Works 84 1,635,451,227.72 3 Consultancy Services 2 16,000,000.00 4 Non-Consultancy Services 16 205,042,386.72

Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

138 5,538,767,734.87

No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 27 21,768,015,820.002 Works 3 897,460,000.003 Consultancy Services 4 1,097,304,560.004 Non-Consultancy Services 8 2,556,408,410.00

Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

42 26,319,188,790.00

Tabora Municipal Council TCRA




Class 2: Clothing itemsS/N ITEM No. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT OF


1 555 Soft Broom Plastic 300mm wide with Handle EA2 553 Hard Brooms EA

3 707 Brass Lapel Pins of a National Flag EA

4 708 National Flag URT Table EA

5 710 National Flag URT Car EA6 711 National Flag URT Boat EA

7 712 National Flag URT Mlingoti EA

8 715 National Flag URT Presidential Car EA

9 716 National Flag URT Presidential Mlingoti EA10 717 National Flag URT Presidential Large EA

11 730 Portrait - Father of the Nation Framed EA12 731 Portrait – President Framed EA13 733 Portrait – President Unframed EA

No Category No. of Tenders Total Value (TZS)1 Goods 13 177,000,000.00

4 Non-Consultancy Services 11 90,278,362.00Total Approved Budget for Planned Procurement

24 207,278,362.00

Public Procurement Appeals Authority

Page 6: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

Tanzania Procurement Journal Tuesday July 09, 20196





1 14 Diesel LT2 22 Petrol LT

Class 50


1 0565 Basket Waste EA2 0657 Mop Complete EA3 0701 Key rings EA4 0702 Souvenirs EA

5 0703 Brass Lapel Pin – Gold EA6 0704 Hand Flags EA7 0705 National Flag car – Normal EA8 0706 National Flag Table – Normal EA9 0709 Brass Lapel Pin – (Presidential, English, Swahili) EA10 0709 Brass Lapel Pin – Presidential EA11 0709 Brass Lapel Pin – English EA12 0709 Brass Lapel Pin – Swahili EA13 0713 National Flag URT - Jeneza EA14 0721 Tarpaulins Complete EA

Class TwoSupplementary list of Stores Items


1 4578 Toner NPG 15 Canon Ea2 4579 Toner Photocopier NPG 11/GPR 10 Ea

3 4580 Toner For Canon Ir 3570c-Exv12 or GPR 16 Ea

4 4815 12A, Part number Q2612A Ea

5 4848 13A, Part number Q2613A Ea6 4874 15A, Part number C7115A Ea

7 4965 36A , Part number CB436A Ea8 5010 49A , Part number Q5949A Ea

9 5038 51A, Part number Q7551A Ea10 5508 TK – 130 for Kyocera Ea

11 5513 TK – 170 for Kyocera Ea

Class Six A

S/N 53ITEM 54No.


1 4578 Toner NPG 15 Canon EA2 4579 Toner Photocopier NPG 11/GPR 10 EA3 4580 Toner For Canon Ir 3570c-Exv12 or GPR 16 EA4 4581 Toner For Canon P1010 EA5 4735 11A, Part number Q6511A EA6 4795 125A, Part number CB540A EA7 4796 125A, Part number CB541A EA8 4797 125A, Part number CB542A EA9 4798 125A, Part number CB543A EA10 4815 12A, Part number Q2612A EA11 4848 13A, Part number Q2613A EA12 4874 15A, Part number C7115A EA13 4878 16A, Part number Q7516A EA14 4965 36A , Part number CB436A EA15 4990 42A , Part number Q5942A EA16 5010 49A , Part number Q5949A EA

17 5038 51A, Part number Q7551A EA

18 5042 55A, Part number CE255A EA

19 5508 TK – 130 for Kyocera EA

20 5513 TK – 170 for Kyocera EA

21 5518 TK – 340 for Kyocera EA

22 5520 TK – 360 for Kyocera EA

23 5530 TK – 675 for Kyocera EA

24 5540 TN - 3030 EA

Class 6 A:

Class Six A


1 0578 Toilet Paper ROLL2 0607 Soap Powder KG3 0612 Soap Laundry in a bar of 500 grams EA

Class Five


1 0189 Fluorescent Fittings EA

2 0190 Fluorescent Tube EA

3 0447 Air Condition W/T EA

4 0448 Air Condition S/T EA

5 0511 Switch Water Heater EA6 3842 Rakes EA7 5003 Electric Cooker EA

8 5203 Refrigerator S/D EA

9 5204 Refrigerator D/D EA

10 5206A Deep Freezer EA

11 5207 Vacuum Cleaner EA

Class 4


1 6000 Glue Stick 21 gm EA

2 6001 Glue 90gm BTL

3 6002 Glue 125 ml BTL

4 6003 Glue 160 ml BTL

5 6020 Note Book Spiral Ordinary, Size 2108x297mm, 70 sheets


6 6021 Writing Pad Small (128mmX203mm) PAD

7 6025 Draft Pad Small (128mmX203mm) PAD

Class 6


1 4701 Toner Cartridge 05A EA2 5041 Toner Cartridge 53A EA3 5201 Toner Cartridge 80A EA4 5279 Toner Cartridge 85A EA5 4582 Toner Cartridge 26A EA

Page 7: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi

Tanzania Procurement JournalTuesday July 09, 2019 7GPSA APPROVED STORES CATALOGUE FOR FY 2019/20

Class 6

8 6092 Clip Binder 19mm Durable steel with nickel-plated handles


9 6093 Clip Binder 32mm Durable steel with nickel-plated handles


10 6094 Clip Binder 41mm Durable steel with nickel-plated handles


11 6098 Binder A4 [297x210mm] EA

12 6099 Binder A5 [210x148mm] EA

13 6127 Spiral 6mm Plastic PKT

14 6129 Spiral 10mm Plastic PKT

15 6131 Spiral 16mm Plastic PKT

16 6133 Duplicating Ink TUBE

17 6134 Spiral 18mm Plastic PKT

18 6135 Spiral 20mm Plastic PKT

22 6137 Spiral 30mm Plastic PKT

23 6138 Spiral 44mm Plastic PKT24 6142 Correcting Fluid BTL 25 6146 Plastic Folder A4 EA

26 6147 Packing tape 3”72mm ROLL

27 6153 Envelope Q size: Manila Size: 254x178mm; PKT

28 6182 White Board Duster EA29 6183 Black Board Duster EA30 6202 Box File A4 with Lid EA31 6282 Paper Photocopy A4 [297x210mm] colored RM

32 6284 Drawing sheet A3 [420x297mm] EA

33 6289 Manila Sheet SHEET34 6290 Drawing sheet A4 [297x210mm] EA35 6291 Wrapping Size: (860 x 690) mm QUIRE36 6292 Carbon Paper Black PKT37 6307 Paper Typing A4 [297x210mm] RM

38 6378 Mark pen Permanent synthetic tip, waterproof instant drying


39 6378 Mark pen Permanent synthetic tip, waterproof instant drying


40 6400 Office Pins BOX41 6410 Punching Machine 1 Hole EA

42 6415 Typewriter Manual EA43 6427 Ribbon for Typewriter EA

44 6445 Heavy duty staple remover EA

45 6475 Cello tape of width ½” deepness 12mm ROLL

46 6476 Cello tape of width 1” deepness 24mm ROLL

47 6477 Cello tape of width 2” deepness 48mm ROLL

48 6503 Desk Organizer EA49 6582 Clipboard Plastic Single Size 22.5X31.5 cm EA

50 6583 Clipboard Plastic Double Size 47X31.5 cm EA


1 6008 Combined Requisition and Issues Note (CRIN) Book EA2 6012 KadiyaMaendeleo - Life Education CTN

3 6014 A Exercise book pg 48 CTN

4 6014 B Exercise Book pg 100 CTN

5 6016 Counter Book 2Quire 320x202 mm; 192 pgs EA

6 6017 Counter Book 4Quire 320x202 mm; 384 pgs EA7 6018 Dispatch Book 190 x 130 mm; 40 pgs EA

8 6019 Note Book Spiral, Size 128x203 mm, 56 gm 70 sheets EA

9 6020 Note Book Spiral Ordinary, Size 2108x297mm, 50 sheets EA10 6022 Writing Pads Ruled A4 – 50 sheets PAD

11 6023 Sticker Paper Pad PAD12 6026 Draft Pad F/S -100 sheets PAD13 6035 Visitors Book Size: 25 cm L x 28 cm H x 1.5 cm


14 6036 Log Book Carbonized EA

15 6060 Calendar for year 2020 EA16 6064 Diary for year 2020 EA17 6091 Paper Clips Stainless PC-33 mm PKT18 6141 Correction Pen Metal Tip 7ml EA19 6147 Transparent Sheet EA20 6152 Envelopes Small A5 Manila 210x148mm PKT21 6158 Envelopes Medium A4 Manila 297x210mm PKT22 6160 Envelopes Large A3 Manila 420x297mm PKT23 6181 Rubber PKT24 6184 Highlighter EA25 6192 File Cover General PKT

26 6199 File Lever Arch EA27 6207 File Cover Confidential. EA28 6280 Paper Photocopy A3 [420x297mm] RM29 6281 Photocopy A4 - 80gm [297x210mm] RM30 6287 Paper Legal PKT31 6288 Hard Cover Manila A4 [297x210mm] PKT32 6294 Paper Carbon Blue PKT33 6296 Paper Duplicating A4 [297x210mm] RM34 6320 Minute Sheet A4 [297x210mm] RM35 6325 Paper Examination F/S Ruled RM

36 6328 Paper Carbon Red PKT37 6332 Flip Chart sheet PAD

38 6341 Pencil HB EA

39 6375 A Ball Pen Blue/Black DOZ

40 6375B Ball Pen Blue/Black i.e. Balaji, Nataraji, Obama DOZ

41 6377 Ball Pen Red DOZ

42 6378 Mark Pen Permanent Synthetic Tip, Waterproof Instant Drying


43 6379 Mark pen Transparent, waterproof instant drying


44 6411 Punch Machine 2 Hole EA

45 6412 Punch Machine Heavy Duty 2 Hole EA

46 6440 Stapling Machine Std with Remover EA

47 6442 Heavy Duty Stapling Machine EA

48 6446 Staple Pins Heavy Duty No.6 BOX

49 6447 Stapling Pins Size 24/6-1M BOX

50 6526 Ruler (Black board) EA

51 6581 Green Tags PKT

52 6645 Chalk White in a box of 100 BOX

53 6650 Note Book Spiral Executive 242x165mm 100pgs EA

54 6652 Counter Book 3Quire 320x202mm; 288pgs EA

55 6653 Chalk White Simiyu in a box of 100 BOX56 6801 Graph Paper PKT57 6806 Admission Register DOZ58 6807 Exercise Book Pg 80 CTN59 6808 Class journal PKT60 6809 Lesson Plan STD V-VII EA61 6810 Maandalio ya Mitaala Mipya na Zamani (3-5 na


62 6811 Lesson Plan STD I-IV EA

63 6812 Attendance Register - Life Education DOZ

Page 8: ISSN: 1821 - 6021 Vol XII - No - 28 Tuesday July 09, 2019 jo… · da hazikukidhi vigezo vya awali. Vigezo vya awali Ikumbukwe taasisi nunuzi zinapas-wa kuendesha shughuli za ununuzi


MakalaFaida za kutumia huduma za GPSA

Na David Nganila

Wakala wa

Huduma ya

Ununuzi Ser-

i k a l i n i - G P -

SA, umeedelea kutoa huduma

mbalimbali kwa taasisi za umma

kama sheria ya ununuzi wa

umma inavyoelekeza. Hata hivyo,

bado kuna baadhi ya taasisi haz-

itumii huduma hizo kwa sababu

mbalimbali, ikiwamo kutoele-

wa huduma zitolewazo, kutojua

matakwa ya sheria juu na inaweze-

kana kukataa kwa makusudi.

Lengo la makala hii ni kuchan-

gia katika kuongeza uelewa wa

wadau na kuwakumbusha juu ya

huduma zinazotolewa na GPSA,

na faida zitokanazo na utumiaji wa

huduma hizi. Zaidi ya hapo,hii ni

fursa ya kubadilishana uzoefu wa

kitaalamu ili kuongeza ufanisi ka-

tika utendaji wa kila siku na hati-

maye kuzisaidia taasisi za umma

kupata huduma inayolingana na

thamani ya fedha inayotumika.

Umuhimu na faida za kutumia

huduma za GPSA ni kama ifuatavyo:

Kupata unafuu wa bei

Kwa mujibu wa kanuni ya 130

ya Kanuni za Ununuzi wa Umma,

2013 taasissi nunuzi zinalazimi-

ka kununua “catalogue items”

zinazopatikana GPSA endapo bei

itakuwa chini ya bei katika soko.

Lengo la kanuni hii ni kuz-

idhibiti taasisi nunuzi kununua

mahitaji yake nje ya GPSA na kwa

upande mwingine ni kuidhibiti

GPSA isiuze vifaa vyake kwa bei

kubwa ikilinganishwa na bei ya

soko. Matokeo makubwa ya ute-

kelezaji wa kanuni hii ni Serikali

kupata mahitai yake kwa gharama

nafuu na hivyo kuiwezwsha ku-

toa huduma bora kwa wananchi.

Kwa nini GPSA?

a) GPSA ni taasisi ya

umma pekee ambayo ina miun-

dombinu ya kutosha kununua

kwa wingi, kuhifadhi kitaa-

lam na kusambaza nchi nzima.

b) Sheria ya ununuzi wa umma,

sasa inaruhusu ununuzi wa moja

kwa moja kutoka kwa watengene-

zaji, wakala au wauza kwa jumla.

Mara nyingi, watengenezaji

huuza bidhaa zao kwa njia ya us-

ambazaji ambapo kabla bidhaa

haijamfikia mlaji, hupitia mikononi

mwa watu walioko katikati – ma-

dalali - ambao nao huongeza gha-

rama kwa kuweka faida. Lengo

la kifungu hiki katika sheria ni

kuondoa udalali katika mfumo wa

ununuzi wa mahitaji ya Serikali.

Taasisi ya umma pekee inayowe-

za kuisaidia Serikali kukwepa uda-

lali huu ni GPSA, kwa sababu mahi-

taji yak taasisi nunuzi moja moja ni

kidogo na hivyo kutoweza kukub-

alika kwa ununulizi wa moja kwa

moja kutoka kwa watengenezaji.

Hivyo basi, si sahihi kwa taasisi

nunuzi kuichukulia GPSA kama

mzabuni anayeshindana na kam-

puni binafsi kuuza bidhaa Serikalini

bali ni wakala unaonunua kwa ni-

aba ya taasisi nyingine kwa lengo la

kuzipunguzia gharama za ununuzi.

Huo ndiyo mtazamo sahihi na uta-

ziepusha taasisi kufanya marudio

ya mchakato wa zabuni ambao

unaongeza gharama kwa Serikali.

Muda mfupi wa kupata Mahitaji

Taasisi nunuzi, pindi zinapohi-

taji kununua, hutumia muda mfupi

zaidi katika uagizaji wa vifaa kwa

kutumia fomu maalum kwa ajili hii.

Udhibiti wa bidhaa

z i n a z o n u n u l i w a

Taasisi nunuzi inaponunua ma-

hitaji yake kutoka GPSA,inahaki-

kishiwa kwa asilimia kubwa juu

ya uwezekano wa bidhaa hizo

kuwasili katika muda muafaka.

Mfano mzuri ni ununuzi wa ma-

futa kwa ajili ya magari: kwenye vi-

tuo vya GPSA shughuli hii husima-

miwa na walinzi pamoja na maafisa

ugavi ili kuhakikisha kuwa kiasi

chote kilichonunuliwa kinaingiz-

wa kwenye magari - tofauti na un-

unuzi kufanyika kwenye vituo vya

watu au kampuni binafsi, penye

uwezekano mkubwa wa madereva

kushirikiana nao kubadilisha ki-

asi cha mafuta na kujipatia fedha.

Aidha, matumizi ya mifumo

ya kielektronik kama epicor, ora-

cle kunasaidia kudhibiti madeni.

GPSA inasisitiza umuhimu wa

taasisi kuagiza bidhaa baada ya

kutenga fedha kwa ajili hii. Tasi-

si hazitakiwi kuagiza vifaa GPSA

bila kuwa na fedha za kulipia. Su-

ala hili husimamiwa na mameneja

wa mikoa ambao hutoa maelekezo

ya kiutekelezaji kwa wateja wao.

Udhibiti wa ubora wa bidhaa

Ukaguzi wa mafuta au bidhaa

zinazonunuliwa hufanywa na

kamati inayoteuliwa na mtendaji

mkuu au meneja wa kituo-mikoani

ili kuhakikisha kwamba mafuta au

bidhaa zinazopokewa vinakidhi

viwango na maelezo yake kama

yalivyotolewa na watumiaji.

Huduma za GPSA hutolewa na

watumishi ambao wengi wao ni

waajiriwa wa kudumu Serikali-

ni na wana viapo vya kuzingatia

maadili ya utumishi wa umma,

jambo ambalo wakikiuka hu-

wajibishwa, tofauti na mtaani

ambako njama na hujuma dhi-

di ya mali za umma hutamalaki.

Utunzaji wa kumbukumbu

GPSA kuna mifumo dhabiti

ya kutunza kumbukumbu am-

bazo hufanyiwa ukaguzi na vy-

ombo mahsusi kila mwaka kama

CAG, PPRA) na Msimamizi wa

Mali za Serikali ( GAM). Kum-

bukumbu hizi muhimu zinawe-

za kupatikana kwa miaka min-

gi baadaye hata baada ya ile ya

kisheria yaani miaka mitano.

Kituo cha mafun-

zo kwa vitendo na tafiti

GPSA ni taasisi pekee hapa

nchini yenye wataalamu wengi

wa ununuzi na ugavi na ambayo

majukumu yake ya msingi ni un-

unuzi na ugavi. Pia, ndiyo taasisi

pekee ipokeayo wanafunzi wengi

wa kujifunza kwa vitendo kutoka

vyuo mbalimbali hapa nchini, na

ambao kwa kupitia tafiti wana-

zofanyia GPSA, huchangia kaika

kubuni mbinu nyingi za kubore-

sha taaluma ya ununuzi na ugavi.


GPSA hutoa zaidi ya asilimia

98 ya huduma zake kwenye ta-

asisi za umma tu na wakati wote

imeendelea kuziboresha, jambo

ambalo ni vema likafahamika kwa

taasisi za umma ili nazo zitoe kipa-

umbele katika kutumia huduma

hizo kwa sababu GPSA ni chom-

bo cha Serikali kwa jili ya kutoa

huduma bora kwa gharama nafu.

Rai yangu kwa wadau wote wa

ununuzi wa umma ni kushiriki-

ana na GPSA, kuishauri na kuwa

na mtazamo chanya juu yake ili

kutimiza matarajio ya wadau.