Versione 1.1 1 Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, Italian National Institute of Health) Data format to submit items to DSpace ISS digital repository (release 1.1) General remarks The format for representing data to be transferred to DSpace ISS repository has to be an XML file, compliant to the technical specifications reported by the scheme below. Files no compliant with the following rules will be discarded. XML File An XML file is a document which offers data encoded according to the Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/XML/) formatting conventions and to the scheme dspaceiss.xsd (release 1.1) available at: http://dspace.iss.it/XMLSchema/1.1/dspaceiss.xsd . XML Scheme The scheme file currently in use is dspaceiss.xsd (release 1.1). It displays the content and stucture of the XSD file and is available for download on DSpace ISS website. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns="http://dspace.iss.it/dspace/XMLSchema/1.1" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" targetNamespace="http://dspace.iss.it/dspace/XMLSchema/1.1" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" version="1.1"> <xs:element name="documenti"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="documento" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="documento” type=“documentoType"/> <xs:complexType name="documentoType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="titolo"/> <xs:element ref="citazione"/> <xs:element ref="chiaveinterna"/> <xs:element ref="datapubblicazione"/> <xs:element ref="pubblicazione"/>

(ISS, Italian National Institute of Health)dspace.iss.it/dspace/bitstream/2198/664/16/DSpaceISS-XML1.1_en.pdf · 1 Versione 1.1 Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, Italian National

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Versione 1.1 1

Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS, Italian National Institute of Health)

Data format to submit items to DSpace ISS digital repository

(release 1.1)

General remarks The format for representing data to be transferred to DSpace ISS repository has to be an

XML file, compliant to the technical specifications reported by the scheme below. Files no

compliant with the following rules will be discarded.

XML File An XML file is a document which offers data encoded according to the Extensible Markup

Language (XML) 1.0 (http://www.w3.org/XML/) formatting conventions and to the scheme

dspaceiss.xsd (release 1.1) available at:


XML Scheme The scheme file currently in use is dspaceiss.xsd (release 1.1). It displays the content and

stucture of the XSD file and is available for download on DSpace ISS website.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>








<xs:element name="documenti">



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Versione 1.1 2

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<xs:element ref="doi"/>

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<xs:element ref="abstract"/>

<xs:element ref="files"/>

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<xs:maxLength value="50"/>



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<xs:simpleType name="annoType">

<xs:restriction base="xs:gYear"/>


<xs:element name="pubblicazione” type=“pubblicazioneType"/>

<xs:simpleType name="pubblicazioneType">

Versione 1.1 3

<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:minLength value="1"/>

<xs:maxLength value="256"/>



<xs:element name="editore” type=“editoreType"/>

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<xs:pattern value="[0-9]{4}\-[0-9]{3}([0-9]|X)"/>



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<xs:enumeration value="Conference Paper"/>

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<xs:enumeration value="Letter"/>

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Versione 1.1 4


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<xs:pattern value="(\w|-|_)[^(=|^|ç|@|§|$|£|°|%)]*"/>




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<xs:enumeration value="other"/>

Versione 1.1 5



<xs:element name="soggetti” type=“soggettiType"/>

<xs:complexType name="soggettiType">


<xs:element ref="soggetto" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>



<xs:element name="soggetto” type=“parolechiaveType"/>

<xs:element name="autori” type=“autoriType"/>

<xs:complexType name="autoriType">


<xs:element ref="autore" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>



<xs:element name="autore” type=“personaType"/>

<xs:complexType name="personaType">


<xs:element ref="cognome"/>

<xs:element ref="nome"/>

<xs:element ref="affiliazione"/>



<xs:element name="cognome” type=“cognomeType"/>

<xs:simpleType name="cognomeType">

<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:maxLength value="100"/>

<xs:minLength value="1"/>



<xs:element name="nome” type=“nomeType"/>

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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:maxLength value="100"/>

<xs:minLength value="0"/>



<xs:element name="affiliazione” type=“affiliazioneType"/>

<xs:simpleType name="affiliazioneType">

<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:maxLength value="500"/>



<xs:element name="curatori” type=“curatoriType"/>

<xs:complexType name="curatoriType">


<xs:element ref="curatore" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>



<xs:element name="curatore” type=“personaType"/>

<xs:element name="congresso” type=“congressoType"/>

<xs:complexType name="congressoType">


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<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:maxLength value="500"/>

<xs:minLength value="3"/>




<xs:element name="luogo" minOccurs="0">


Versione 1.1 6

<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:maxLength value="100"/>

<xs:minLength value="2"/>




<xs:element name="date" minOccurs="0">


<xs:restriction base="xs:string">

<xs:maxLength value="100"/>

<xs:minLength value="1"/>






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<xs:complexType name="classificazioniType">


<xs:element ref="classificazione" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>



<xs:element name="classificazione” type=“parolechiaveType"/>

<xs:element name="lingua” type=“linguaType"/>


Versione 1.1 7

XML Examples

A sample XML document describing two types of publication (Article and Conference Paper)

is reported below.

An extended version, containing samples for all types of publications suitable for

submission to DSpace ISS, is available for download on the DSpace ISS website.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<documenti xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"





<titolo>La carta del rischio cardiovascolare globale</titolo>


Giampaoli S, Palmieri L, Chiodini P, Cesana G, Ferrario M, Panico S, Pilotto L,

Sega R, Vanuzzo D, Gruppo di ricerca del progetto CUORE. La carta del rischio

cardiovascolare globale. Italian heart journal. Supplement. 2004;5(3):177-185.








<pubblicazione>Italian heart journal. Supplement</pubblicazione>

<editore>CEPI </editore>








<ente>Gruppo di ricerca del progetto CUORE</ente>
















<valore>Infarto miocardico</valore>




<valore>Myocardial Infarction</valore>




<valore>Fattori di rischio</valore>




Versione 1.1 8

<valore>Risk Factors</valore>









Istituto superiore di sanità. Laboratorio di epidemiologia e








Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca Milano. Facoltà di

scienze statistiche







Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca Monza (MI).

Dipartimento medicina clinica prevenzione e biotecnologie







Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca Monza (MI).

Dipartimento medicina clinica prevenzione e biotecnologie




<cognome>Panico </cognome>

<nome> Salvatore</nome>


Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II Napoli. Dipartimento

di medicina clinica e sperimentale







Centro di prevenzione per le malattie cardiovascolari Udine







Università degli studi di Milano-Bicocca Monza (MI).

Dipartimento medicina clinica prevenzione e biotecnologie







Centro di prevenzione per le malattie cardiovascolari Udine



Versione 1.1 9






<valore>Laboratorio di epidemiologia e biostatistica</valore>








Chylomicron remnants containing lycopene enhance lipid accumulation in THP-1




Bravo E, Moore EH, Botham KM, Avella M, Napolitano M. Chylomicron remnants

containing lycopene enhance lipid accumulation in THP-1 macrophages. In:

44.International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL).Abstracts;

September 7-11,2003;Oxford.2003.p.20.









44.International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL).Abstracts








<tipologia>Conference Paper</tipologia>







<valore>Chylomicron Remnants</valore>




<valore>Chilimicroni remnant</valore>



















Versione 1.1 10







Istituto superiore di sanità. Laboratorio di metabolismo e

biochimica patologica





<nome>Elizabeth H</nome>


Royal Veterinary College London (UK). Department of

Veterinary Basic Sciences





<nome>Kathleen M</nome>


Royal Veterinary College London (UK). Department of

Veterinary Basic Sciences







Royal Veterinary College London (UK). Department of

Veterinary Basic Sciences




<cognome> Napolitano</cognome>



Istituto superiore di sanità. Laboratorio di metabolismo e

biochimica patologica







44.International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL)



<date>September 7-11,2003</date>




<valore>Laboratorio di metabolismo e biochimica patologica</valore>







Versione 1.1 11

Guide to fill a dataset using an XML file


<title>(*) Alphanumeric string consisting of max 500 characters

Alcuni aspetti di etica in sanità pubblica

<citation> Alphanumeric string of characters Greco D, Petrini C. Alcuni aspetti di etica in sanità pubblica. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 2004;40(03):363-371.

<DocumentKey> Alphanumeric string consisting of max

50 characters


<day> DD (publication day) 31

<month> MM (publication month) 03

<year> (*) YYYY (publication year) 2004

<publication> (*) Alphanumeric string consisting of max 256 characters

(journal title, monograph title, etc)

Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità

<publisher> Alphanumeric string consisting of max

500 characters

Istituto Superiore di Sanità

<issn> XXXX-YYYY

In case of serials with both ISSN print and

electronic, insert only ISSN print


<isbn> [HHH-]XX-YYY-ZZ-WWW

(ISBN-10 or ISBN-13)



<uri> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 255 characters L’URI

The URI (Uniform Resource Identifier)

provides univoque identification of a generic

web resource (web address, document, image,

file, service, e-mail address, etc.)


[email protected]

<url> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 256 characters

The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a type

of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that

specifies where an identified resource is

available and the mechanism for retrieving it


<doi> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 256 characters

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) provides a

framework for persistent identification in the

digital environment, managing intellectual

content and managing metadata


<typology> (*) To be selected among:

Article; Letter (type of article); Abstract

(type of article); Book; Edited Book;

Book Chapter; Conference

Proceedings; Conference Paper;; Technical Report; Other


<corporateAuthor> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 256 characters

Gruppo di ricerca del progetto CUORE

Versione 1.1 12

An organisation (eg. a business, government

agency, institution) considered to be the author

of a published work

HERMES Collaboration

<abstract> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 2500 characters

The significance of the binomial “ethics” and “public health” is firstly described…

<name> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 2500 characters (without blanks) in which the first two digits must refer

to the year of publication followed by _ and by a unique identifier

File name (eg. the full text of an article)


(year, issn, vol, issue and pag)

<format> It must be encoded as follows:

pdf;txt;rtf;doc;ppt;xml;htm;html;na (not-available:default value)

File extension


<value> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 100 characters

Subjects, MeSH terms, classification (local

collection headings used to group documents)

Valutazione etica

Ethical evaluation

<language>(*) It must be encoded as follows:

it; en; fr; es; de; ja; zh; other

Used to specify the language of documents,

subjects, MeSH terms, classification



<name> Each of max 100 characters

Refers to the first name of an author or editor

If the complete name is missing, provide the

initials not followed by “.”


<surname Each of max 100 characters

Refers to the last name of an author or editor


<affiliation> Each of max 500 characters

Refers to the institution to which an author or

editor belongs. In case of multiple affiliations

insert just the first one

Istituto superiore di sanità Roma. Centro nazionale di epidemiologia sorveglianza e promozione della salute

<title> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 500 characters to be used in case the document typology is Conference Paper or Conference Proceedings

Refers to the title of a congress

2. Convegno della Federazione italiana scienze della vita (FISV)

44. International Conference on

the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL)

<place> Alphanumeric string consisting of max 500 characters to be used in case

the document typology is Conference Paper or Conference Proceedings

Refers to the place where a congress has been


Riva del Garda


<date> Alphanumeric string consisting of max

50 characters to be used in case the document typology is Conference Paper or Conference Proceedings

Refers to the date of a congress

30 settembre - 4 ottobre 2000

September 7-11, 2003

(*) mandatory (if missing, the item will not be archived in DSpace ISS)

Versione 1.1 13


The XML format includes the fields relating all types of items that can be archived in DSpace ISS: Article; Letter (type of article); Abstract (type of article); Book; Edited Book; Book

Chapter; Conference Proceedings; Conference Paper;; Technical Report; Other

The suggested citations of the different types of items (see Appendix) have been created, with some customizations, according to the Uniform Requirements for Manuscript Submitted to Biomedical Journals (known as Vancouver style, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html).

Filling in all the format fields, particularly the field Citation, is heartily recommended in order to guarantee the quality and uniformity of items’ descriptions contained in DSpace ISS.

Versione 1.1 14

XML Validation

Prior to trasmitting data to the ISS, the XML file must be validated; files resulting not

validated will not be considered for inclusion in DSpace ISS.

To validate XML files use an editor XML, eg. xmlcopyeditor, a free of charge software

distributed under GNU GPL and available for download at http://xml-copy-

editor.sourceforge.net/ both for Windows and Linux platforms.

The validation process envisages two phases:

1) the first one aims to verify whether the XML file is properly formatted. In case of

use of xmlcopyeditor, proceed to activate the √ symbol coloured in blue (in the

toolbar) by clicking on it, in order to verify the proper format of the XML file (Fig.


Fig. 1 – Example o fan XML file properly formatted.

Versione 1.1 15

2) The second phase aims to check whether the XML file has been validated against

the provided XML scheme. Once the XML file has been placed inside the same

folder containing the scheme file (dspaceiss.xsd), open it by using the XML editor

and activate the √ symbol coloured in green (in the toolbar) by clicking on it, in

order to verify the validation status of the XML file (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 – Example of validated XML file.

Versione 1.1 16

APPENDIX – Examples of citations according to type of publications

Article (with personal authors)

Greco D, Petrini C. Alcuni aspetti di etica in sanità pubblica. Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità. 2004;40(03):363-371.

Letter (type of article)

Preventive medicine. 2008;47(4):454-455| Gallus S, Tramacere I, Zuccaro P, Colombo P, Boffetta P, La Vecchia C. Attitudes and perceptions towards increasing of cigarette price: a population-based survey in Italy [letter]. Preventive medicine. 2008;47(4):454-455.

Abstract (type of article)

Vanacore N, Da Cas R, Bianchi C, Sorrentino C, Raschetti R, The OSMED Study Group. A descriptive analysis of use of antiparkinsonian drugs in Italy in the period 2000-2007 [abstract].Neuroepidemiology. 2008;31(4):215.

Article (with personal and corporate authors)

Giampaoli S, Palmieri L, Chiodini P, Cesana G, Ferrario M, Panico S, Pilotto L, Sega R, Vanuzzo D, Gruppo di ricerca del progetto CUORE. La carta del rischio cardiovascolare globale. Italian heart journal. Supplement. 2004;5(3):177-185.

Article (with corporate author)

HERMES Collaboration. Nuclear polarization of molecular hydrogen recombined on a non-metallic surface. European physical journal D. 2004;29(1):21-26.


Vecchia P, Tirelli U, Spezia U. Campi elettromagnetici e salute: dai miti alla realtà. Milano: 21mo Secolo; 2001.

Edited Book (monograph with editors)

Macchia T, Giannotti CF, Taggi F, ed. I servizi e le sostanze ricreazionali. Una rilevazione

clinica in Italia. Milano: Franco Angeli; 2004.

Book Chapter

Migliaccio G, Novelli G, Cancellieri E. Le nuove frontiere della ricerca clinica. In: Tomino C, ed. Manuale tecnico-pratico sulla sperimentazione clinica dei medicinali. Roma: Critical

medicine publishing; 2004. p. 335-389.

Conference Proceedings

Bedetti C, Guerrera D, ed. Seminario Recenti tematiche in medicina. 9. Settimana della cultura scientifica e tecnologica. Atti. Roma: Istituto Superiore di Sanità; 2000.

Conference Paper

Bravo E, Moore EH, Botham KM, Avella M, Napolitano M. Chylomicron remnants containing lycopene enhance lipid accumulation in THP-1 macrophages. In: 44. International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids (ICBL). Abstracts; September 7-11, 2003; Oxford.

2003. p. 20.

Technical Report

Michael B, Sideris E, Frankenberg D, Heimgartner E, Cherubini R, Belli M, Darroudi F,

Kiefer J, Carlsson J. Experimental data for the induction of cancer by radiation of different

qualities (EDICAR). Northwood: Gray Laboratory Cancer Research Trust, 1999. (GSF Final Report F14P-CT95-0011).