ISPRA National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research EMODNET Chemistry 2 Kick-off meeting Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013 Anna Maria Cicero

ISPRA National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research EMODNET Chemistry 2

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ISPRA National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research EMODNET Chemistry 2 Kick-off meeting Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013. Anna Maria Cicero. ISPRA. ISPRA is a National public body, subject to the vigilance of the Ministry of the Environment, Territory and Sea - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ISPRANational Institute for Environmental Protection and


EMODNET Chemistry 2 Kick-off meeting

Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013 Anna Maria Cicero

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ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013

ISPRA is a National public body, subject to the vigilance of the Ministry of the Environment, Territory and Sea

Merging of three former institutions:• Agency for Environmental Protection and

Technical Services (APAT)• Central Institute for Marine Research

(ICRAM)• National Institute for Wildlife (INFS)

Coordinates the Federal Council of the Italian Regional Environmental Agencies


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ISPRA and Marine PolicyProvides support to the Ministry of the Environment on:

• Controlling the quality of the marine environment• Provides assistance to regional agencies for

protection of the sea against pollution

In the framework of the C.I.S of the Water Framework Directive:

1. Coordinator of the Geographical Mediterranean Intercalibration Group (Med GIG) for Coastal (CW) and Transitional (TW) WatersIn the framework of the Mediterranean Action Plan of the

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP-MAP):

1. National Focal Point for Mediterranean Pollution Assessment and Control Programme (MED POL) (Land Based Sources Protocol)

2. National Focal Point for Specially Protected Areas in the (Specially Protected Areas Protocol)ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013

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Production of Report Marine Strategy Framework Directive on Initial Assessment, definition of Good Environmental Status and determination of Environmental Targets for MS Italy

ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013

MS representatives for Italy in C. I.S. Working Groups:• DIKE: on Data Information Knowledge and

Exchange (Giordano Giorgi)• GES: on Good Environmental Status• ESA: on Socio-economic analysis Contribution to JRC Program Monitoring Guidelines to be developed by end of 2013

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Data provider for nutrients and contaminants from the following Italian monitoring network:• Regional EIONET-SOE managed by Regional

Environmental Protection Agencies• Research network (CNR, CoNiSMa) for

Descriptor D5 (Eutrophication) and D8 (Contaminants) for MSFD

ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013

Coordinator of WP3 on QA/QC validation and MSFD -Interaction

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Western Mediterranean Sea; Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea; Adriatic Sea


Water Column

Dissolved Gases Dissolved Oxygen - [mg/L], [% sat.] 2001-2011

Organic Matter Chlorophyll a pigment concentrations [µg/L ] 2001-2011

Fertilisers and other Nitrogen and Phosphorus rich substances

PO4-P, NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, C, TN, TP, Si_SiO4 - [µmol/L], [µg/L] 2001-2011

ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013

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  DESCRIPTOR D8 - CONTAMINANTSWestern Mediterranean Sea; Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea; Adriatic Sea



Biota, Sediments

Heavy Metals

As, Cr total, Ni, Pb, Cd, Hg, Zn, Al, Cu, Fe, V - [mg/kg] dw


Synthetic Compounds

PAH - [mg/kg] dw

Halogenated Organic Compounds - [mg/kg] dw

Pesticides - [mg/kg] dw

Organotin Compounds - [mg/kg] dw2001-2011

Hydrocarbon Mineral Oils 2001-2011

WaterRadionuclides 137_Cesium - [mBq/L]


SedimentsRadionuclides 137_Cesium - [Bq/Kg] dw 2001-2011


137_Cesium - [Bq/Kg] dw 210_Polonium -[Bq/Kg] dw 2001-2011

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Roma, 24 febbraio 2011

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The acquisition data for the MSFD Directive by the External

Institutions to ISPRA is carried out through the application of defined

rules, by Standard Formats that are processed in accordance with

the SEADATANET standards.

The management data is achieved through the storage in a

centralized database in order to be able to use the data in integrated

mode for the scientific elaboration, control and representation.

ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013

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Thank you for your attention!

ISPRA - Trieste (Italy), 3-5 June 2013