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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report (GWW)

Dear Global Watch Weekly (GWW) Member

When you study and understand the origins and ideals of Western Freemasonry it doesn't take you

long to realize it is built on an ideology that has undertones of racism. Studying the origins of the

Knights Templars and their transition into the era of the stone masons it becomes clear that

freemasonry was a vehicle by which European nobility who descended from the Venetian Oligarchs

would seek to cement power by infiltration of key positions of influence across all aspects of society.

If you study the history and development of the European Union you will realize that the aspirations

of this project is fuelled by a desire to re-create a revival of the Roman Empire. The Roman empire

was a European power which expanded its control of non European territory such as the Middle

East and North Africa.

If you study the development of the United States of America where Europeans seeking to resist the

tyrannical rule of Roman Catholicism and European Monarchies in Europe pursued new pastures of

freedom and opportunity you will see that the hand of freemasonry was evident. Today the United

States is seen as the protector of political Zionism.

Too often political Zionism is confused with Spiritual Zionism. Spiritual Zionism is based on the tenet

of the latter day restoration of the Jews to their homeland based on the prophecy of Ezekiel 37. It is

a belief that Israel still has a significant role to play in the divine plan of God Almighty.

However political Zionism is saturated with Masonic undertones and you only have to see the

evidence of this in Washington and the early history of the United States. Also many of the power

brokers of the new world order are situated in the United States. The Council on Foreign Relations,

the Trilateral Commission, the United Nations, Skull and Bones etc.

It is clear that the ideals of Freemasonry is one which sees the global control and monopolization of

power as residing in the West rather than the east. This is why Freemasonry has long been viewed

with significant distrust and unease by social structures from the east such as Islam and


However in this edition of the global watch weekly we explore where freemasonry has sought to

extend influence into cultures that reside outside its primary DNA structure of European royalty and

nobility. Notably its influence in black culture such as the jazz music industry as well as the civil

rights movements. We also explore the interesting paradox where freemasonry has made inroads

into specific elements of Islam, the very religion which views freemasonry as the under current of its

main enemy, political Zionism.

Hope you enjoy.

Rema Marketing.

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Jazz and freemasonry are unlikely bedfellows, but in the 1950s, the secret society became a support network for musicians and the world’s largest fraternity for black men, among them Duke Ellington and Sun Ra.

When the City of London festival found out about a long dormant masonic temple that had been uncovered next to Liverpool Street station, it seemed obvious that this wonderfully opulent hall should be used as a one-off music venue. The only question was – what music should it host?

“The obvious choice would have been to host a Mozart recital, because everyone knows that Mozart was a freemason,” says Paul Gudgin, former director of the Edinburgh Fringe and now director of the City of London Festival. “But it just so happened that I was reading a biography of Duke Ellington which mentioned, in passing, his membership of a masonic lodge. I found it astonishing that such an anti-establishment figure turned out to be at the heart of an establishment organization. And I thought it would be a perfect place to pay tribute.”

In July 2014, the City of London Festival hosted 2 Duke Ellington tributes in this elaborate, neo-classical masonic temple, now in the basement of the Hyatt group’s Andaz hotel. Both saxophonist Tommy Smith and pianist Julian Joseph played.

“It’s something of a badge of honour to hear that Ellington was a mason,” says Joseph. “Not only was he part of a musical elite, but he had managed to enter this secretive and powerful organization, one that only the privileged few had access to.”

Start digging into the history of freemasonry and you discover that Ellington was just one of many renowned African-American musicians to be inducted into its mysterious world. He was joined by the likes of Nat King Cole, WC Handy, Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie, Lionel Hampton and Paul Robeson.

“Throughout history, freemasonry has attracted musicians,” says Martin Cherry, librarian at the Museum of Freemasonry in London. “Mozart is the obvious example, but in 18th-century London, a lodge was established called the Lodge of the Nine Muses, which attracted a number of European musicians and artists, including JC Bach.”

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“For musicians and artists who were new to a city, the lodge would have been an opportunity to meet fellow artists and network with people with whom they may be able to find work.”

The same applied two centuries later, across the Atlantic. “Musicians often led an itinerant lifestyle,” says Cherry. “Belonging to an organization that had lodges all over a country could help ease the slog of life on the road, particularly in such a vast country as the US. Freemasonry was also charitable towards its members when they fell on hard times, looking after them when they were sick or paying for their funeral.

Mozart’s funeral, famously, was paid for by his lodge, and there’s evidence that freemasons paid for the funeral of the blues musician Mississippi Fred McDowell – there are images of his open coffin which show him wearing his masonic regalia.”

Many white jazz musicians and bandleaders were freemasons, including Glenn Miller, Paul Whiteman, George Gershwin and Irving Berlin, as were many country & western stars. But, like so much in American life, freemasonry was segregated, with American masonic lodges split along color lines.


Black freemasonry dates from before the American war of independence, when a freed black abolitionist and leather worker by the name of Prince Hall (1735-1807) was refused admittance to the St John’s masonic lodge in

Boston, Massachusetts. Undaunted by the rebuff, Hall and 14 other free black men were initiated into freemasonry in 1775 by a British military lodge based in Boston.

In 1784, after the British had left America, the grand lodge of England issued Hall with a charter to set up an African lodge in Boston. It proved so popular that Prince Hall was granted the status of provincial grand master, allowing him to set up two further African masonic lodges in Philadelphia and Rhode Island.

Over the next two centuries, Prince Hall freemasonry snowballed across the United States, becoming the world’s largest fraternity for black men. By the middle of the 20th century there were lavish Prince Hall masonic temples around the country – from Los Angeles to Washington DC, from Seattle to Madison, Wisconsin.

“One of the attractions of Prince Hall freemasonry to African-Americans is that it is an organization started by African-Americans in the 18th century for African-Americans,” says Cherry. “It has a history. And, like all freemasonry in America, it became very popular in the early 20th century”

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By 1900, Prince Hall masonry had become a forum for politicized African-Americans, with Booker T Washington (1856-1915) and W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) serving as active members.

Throughout the 20th century, many key figures in the civil rights movement were attracted to freemasonry. The father of Martin Luther King Jr – Martin Luther King Sr (1900-84) – was a member of the 23rd lodge in Atlanta, Georgia. Medgar Evers, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) activist who was assassinated in 1963, was a 32nd-degree freemason in Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction. Alex Haley (1921-92), the writer of Roots and biographer of Malcolm X, was a 33rd-degree mason in the same order.

Thurgood Marshall (1908-93), the first black member of the US supreme court, was supported by his Prince Hall lodge in Louisiana. The comedian Richard Pryor (1940-2005) joined a lodge in Peoria, Illinois, while actor and activist Ossie Davis (1917-2005), Paul Robeson (1898-1976) and the boxer Sugar Ray Robinson (1921-89) were all active Prince Hall masons.

“Like all freemasonry, Prince Hall freemasonry does tend to have a middle-class appeal,” says Cherry. “The many Prince Hall visitors to the Masonic Library and Museum in London are often doctors, lawyers or skilled artisans, and a lot of them have a military background. Some join because their family were members; some think it’s a good way of networking. Some like the comradeship and the social aspects; others like the ritual and the regalia.”

As well as being a networking institution, freemasonry might also have had a philosophical appeal to many politicized African-Americans. The mysterious tenets of freemasonry include gnostic texts, references to ancient Egypt and alternative interpretations of the Bible. Prince Hall lodges thus became a forum where pre-Christian knowledge could mix freely with black liberation theories and remnants of African religions.


When the Afro-Guyanese historian George GM James (a Prince Hall mason and professor at the University of Arkansas) wrote his influential 1954 book Stolen Legacy: Greek Philosophy Is Stolen Egyptian Philosophy, he made explicit the connections between freemasonry and Egyptology.

For James, Egypt was “the cradle of the mysteries and of the masonic brotherhood”, while the Greek philosopher Socrates was merely a “master mason” and “a brother initiate of the Egyptian Mysteries”.

The most obvious musical manifestation of this is Sun Ra. Born Herman Sonny Blount in 1913, Sun Ra seems to have hidden in plain sight as a freemason throughout his career.

He performed regularly at a masonic temple in his home town of Birmingham, Alabama, and – according to his biographer John Szwed – was a regular at Birmingham’s masonic library, one of the few places in the city where African-Americans had unlimited access to books.




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Indeed, Sun Ra’s trademark stage garb is based on masonic cloaks and aprons (his ceremonial robes in the 1974 film Space Is the Place were borrowed from a Prince Hall lodge in Oakland, California), while – as the writer Kodwo Eshun suggests – his obsession with Egyptology shares much with freemasonry.

“Although Sun Ra had links to the masons,” says Cherry, “there’s no evidence that he was ever a member of a particular Prince Hall lodge.” Cherry thinks it likely that Sun Ra was a member of a fraternal order called the Knights of Pythias, another secretive organization who meet in lodges, and who also claim Louis Armstrong as a former member.


The paradox of conspiratorial world history is that whilst there is a geo-political power struggle between Islam and Western Freemasonry, Masonry itself has historically made inroads into various elements of Islam.

After the rise of freemasonry pseudo-Islamic trappings were added to Freemasonry through the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, founded around 1870, commonly

known as the Shriners.

Today after a man passes through the "Blue Lodge" or the first 3 degrees of Masonry and has achieved the status of Master Mason he can petition to become a member of the Shrine or the "Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine."

Until 2000, one had to complete the Scottish Rite or York Rite degrees of Masonry to be eligible for Shrine membership, but now any Master Mason can join.

One of the most distinguishing marks of a Shriner is the Fez hat that he wears. So named after the city of Fez, Morocco which by the way has been the site of numerous documented massacres of both Jews and Christians by various Muslim conquerors. The Fez is a distinctly Muslim symbol and, at least indirectly, celebrates the Muslim conquest of the area. The emblem found on the fez is that of Muslim origin. It contains the Arabic pagan god symbols of the Crescent Moon and Star found on every flag of Islam. The symbols are hung under a "scimitar" or an Arabic sword of war.

This is the sword that has killed the "infidels" down through the ages under Muslim conquest.

The Shriner meets in temple most of which have distinctly Arabic names. They are often built to resemble a Mosque. He wears his fez with the Muslim symbols on it. He takes his oaths and says his prayers in the name of Allah. Many of his secret passwords and code phrases are in Arabic, which he is required to memorize in order to be in the "order".




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Following the American revolution, there emerged a convergence between Freemasonry and racial politics that would eventually influence the direction of Black Nationalist Islam in America.

Some Black Freemasons such as John Edward Bruce and Arthur Alfonso Schomburg influenced Marcus Garvey’s The Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities’ League (UNIA-ACL), founded in 1914, with an American branch based in New York City emerging in 1917.

UNIA-ACL advocated from Black self-improvement and self-sufficiency, much like the charters of the Prince Hall Lodges. The uniforms of the UNIA-ACL resembled ones worn by American Knights Templar Freemasonic order, and the titles of the officers were influenced by the nomenclature of Prince Hall Freemasonry as well.

Another Freemasonry-influenced Black nationalist thinker was Noble Drew Ali, who formulated the doctrine of “Moorish Science,” a mixture of Islamic, Freemasonic, Rosicrucian, and anti-colonial

schools of thought. Noble Drew Ali, who was probably born as Timothy Drew in 1866, moved from the Southern United States to Newark, New Jersey and founded the Canaanite Temple of Moorish Science, which eventually spread throughout the country, garnering perhaps as

many as 30,000 members. From the Shriners, Noble Drew Ali derived some of Moorish Science’s terminology, such as calling members “Noble” and referring to the “temple.” The aim of Moorish Science was to uplift the Blacks in America and throughout the world.

This unique syncretic religion influenced the founder of the Nation of Islam, W. D. Fard Muhammad. (Many incorrectly believe that it was Elijah Muhammad who founded Islam not realizing that Elijah

Muhammad only took over after Fard disappeared in June 1934). Fard incorporated Theosophy into his religion and developed a racial doctrine of Black superiority.

In Detroit in the 1930s, Muhammad began telling Blacks that their original religion was Islam and that slavery had stripped them of their true heritage. Among the followers he attracted were Freemasons and sensing the connection between the esoteric symbolism of Freemasonry and Islam, the Nation of Islam actively drew more members from the Freemason community.

In conclusion we can see that the hand of freemasonry has been influential in shaping various political movements such as the American Civil Rights struggle and anti-colonialism. It has inspired both violent revolution and calls for universal brotherhood in the Divine. It is the principality that sits at the top of the Luciferian food chain.

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