Isaacs-Wexford County

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  • 8/6/2019 Isaacs-Wexford County


    Requested By: steve 07/26/2011InstruMent2 01 00 0 00 6 78 0 O R 1 iber Puge634 1719

    2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 8 0Filed for Record inW E X F O R D C O U N T YL OR IE L . S OR EN S E N - S M I T H11 -0 4-2 01 0 A t 0 9: 46 aM .A S S I G N M T G 14.00DR liber 634 Page 1719 - 17192 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 3 0O R L A N S A S S O C I A T E S P CP .O . BOX 5041T R O Y M I 4 8 0 0 7 - 5 0 4 1

    ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGEKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as

    nominee for lender and lender's successors and/or assigns, 1595 Spring Hill Rd Ste 310 Vienna, VA 22182,for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to itpaid byHAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, 190Queen Anne Avenue North, Suite, Seattle, WA 98109 it s successors and assigns, party of the second part, thereceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha s sold, assigned and transferred and does hereby sell, assign and transferto the said party of the second part, all the right, title and interest of the said party of the first part in and to a certainreal estate mortgage dated October 31, 2007, made by Paul A. Somerville a/kIa Paul Allen Somerville and FrancescaL. Somerville, to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for lender and lender's successorsand/or assigns in the amount of$166,400.00 and recorded on November 6, 2007 inWexford County Register ofDeeds office in Liber 606, Page 53, described as follows, to wit:

    Parcell: A parcel ofland situated in the West 1/ 2 of the East 11 2 of the Northwest 114of the Southeast 1 1 4of Section 17, Town 22 North, Range 9 West, Haring Township, Wexford County, Michigan described asfollows: Commencing at a point located 1647.70 feet South 89 degrees 32 minutes 11seconds West and984.95 feet South 00 degrees 21 minutes II seconds East from the East 1/4 corner of said Section 17, Town22 North, Range 9 West; thence from said point of beginning South 00 degrees 21 minutes, 11secondsEast, 333.93 feet; thence South 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds West 121.72 feet; thence North 00degrees 21 minutes 11 seconds West 333.93 feet; thence South 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds East,131.72 feet to the point of beginning. Together with and Subject to a 66 foot wide easement for ingress andegress across part of the Northwest 1I4 of the Southeast 1 1 4 of Section 17, Town 22 North, Range 9 West,Haring Township, Wexford County, Michigan, the centerline of which is described as: Beginning at apoint 1977.24 feet South 89 degrees 32 minutes 11seconds West and 784.74 South 00 degrees 21 minutes26 seconds East and 164.75 North 89 degrees 34 minutes 25 seconds East from the East 1I4comer of saidSection 17; thence from said point of beginning South 00 degrees 21 minutes 11seconds East, 533.93 feetto the point of ending Tax lD # 2209-17-4207Commonly known as: 7675 30 3/4 RoadEffective Date: On or before October 29,2010DATED: October 29, 2010

    INWITNESS WHEREOF of said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by it sAssistant Secretary and Vice President to Corporate Resolution for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,Inc., as nominee for lender and lender's successors andlor assigns and it s corporate seal to be hereunto affixedthis 29th day of October, 2010.

    assigns~""'U:O~Pffation Systems, Inc., asIjlll,ae.l~rm.lleJI~r's successors and/or


    On this 29th day of October, 201O.before me appeared Marshall R. Isaacs to me personally known, whobeing byme duly sworn, did each for her/himself say that they are respectively the Assistant Secretary and VicePresident to Corporate Resolution for Mortgage Elec onic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for lenderand lender's successors and/or assigns and which ex uted the within instrument, and that the seal affixed to thesaid instrument is the corporate seal of the corporatio arne in and hich e ecuted the within instrument.

    Drafted by and when recorded return to:Marshall R. IsaacsAttorney at LawOrlans Associates PCP.O. Box 5041Troy, MI 48007248-5021479

    Orlans File No. 617.7234

    Recording Fee: $

  • 8/6/2019 Isaacs-Wexford County


    Instruill'i:mt2 01 10 00 00 12 6 O R l i b e r PU98636 860- . : - a

    2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 6F i l e d f o r R e c o r d i nW EX FO R D C OU NT YL O R I E L . S O R E N S E N01-07-2011 A t 10:46 m HoA S S I G N M T G 1 4 . 0 0O R l i b e r 6 3 6 P ag e 86 0 - 86 0201100000126O R L A N S A S S O C I A T E S P CP . O . B O X 5 0 4 1T R O Y M I 48007-5041

    ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGEKNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., asnominee for lender and lender's successors and/or assigns; 1595 Spring Hill Rd Ste 310 Vienna; VA 22182.for and inconsideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to it paid byHAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME WANS SERVICING LP; 4200Amon Carter Blvd., Ft Worth, TX 76155 its successors and assigns, party of the second part, the receipt whereofis hereby acknowledged, has sold, assigned and transferred and does hereby sell, assign and transfer to the said partyofthe second part, all the right, title and interest of the said party of the first part in and to a certain real estatemortgage dated April 12, 2006, made by Paul Sake and Patricia Sake, husband and wife, to Mortgage ElectronicRegistration Systems, Inc., as nominee for lender and lender's successors and/or assigns in the amount of

    $157,600.00 and recorded on May 1,2006 in Wexford County Register of Deeds office in Liber 586, Page 2635,described as follows, to wit:A parcel ofland situated in the East 112of the Southeast 1/ 4 of Section 10, Town 21 North, Range II West,described as commencing 20 Rods North of the Southeast comer; thence West 80 Rods; North 20 Rods;thence East 80 Rods; thence South 20 Rods to the point of beginning, Henderson Township, WexfordCounty, Michigan.Tax ID # 2111-10-4403

    Commonly known as: 7874 South 21 RoadEffective Date: On or before December 27,2010DATED: December 27,2010

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF of said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by itsAssistant Secretary and Vice President to Corporate Resolution for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems,Inc., as nominee for lender and lender's successors andlor assigns and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixedthis 27th day of December, 2010.

    u.~_~~csAssistant Secretary and Vice President Pursuantto Corporate Resolution




    )) 5S.)



    .On this 27th day of December, 20lD.before me appeared Marshall R. Isaacs to me personally known, whobeing by me duly sworn, did each for her/himself say that they are respectively the Assistant Secretary and VicePresident to Corporate Resolution for Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc" as nominee for lenderand lender's successors and/or assigns and which executed the within instrument, and that the seal affixed to thesaid instrument is the corporate seal of the corporation n . and which executed th in instrument.

    Drafted by and when recorded return to:Marshall R. IsaacsAttorney at LawOrlans Associates PCr.o. Box 5041Troy, MI48007248-502-1336Orlans File No. 617.7939

    ,i,1: 1,~Recording Fee: $

  • 8/6/2019 Isaacs-Wexford County


    Requested By: teve 07/26/2011I n s t r u m e n t2 01 10 00 00 74 8 O R l i b e r PEl!:!e6 3 7 1 6

    201100000748F i l e d f o r R e c o r d i nW E X F O R D C O U ~ {T 'fL o R I E L . S O R E N S E ~0 2 - 0 7 - 2 0 1 1 A t 1 0 : 5 7 ElM.A S S I G N M T G 14.00O R l i b e r 6 3 7 P a g e 1 6 - 1 62 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 8O R L A N S A S S O C I A T E S P CP . O . B O X 5 0 4 1TR OY H I 48007 -504 1

    ASSIGNMENT O F MO RTGAGEKNOW ALL MEN BY TH ESE P RESEN TS. that M ortgage E lectronic Registration System s, Inc., as

    nom inee for lender and lender's successors and/or assigns, P.O. Box 2026 Flint, MI 48501, fo r and inconsideration of the sum of O ne D ollar ($1 .00 ) and other good and valuable consideration, to it paid by RACHOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, 400C ountrywide W ay, Sim i V alley, CA 9 30 65 its suc cess ors a nd a ss ig ns. party o f th e sec on d part, th e re ce ip t w here ofis hereby acknow ledged, has so ld, assigned an d transferred and does hereby sell, assign and transfer to the said partyof the second part, all the right, title and interest of the said party of the first part in and to a certain real estatem ortgage dated July 25 ,2 007, m ade by Gordon B undy and Stacy B undy, husband and wife, to M ortgage ElectronicR egistration System s, Inc., as nom inee fo r lender and lender's successors and/or assigns in the am ount o f$91 ,2 50 .0 0 and recorded on A ugust 1 ,2 00 7 in W exford County Register o f D eeds office in Liber 602 , P age 2892 ,d es cribed as fo llo ws, to w it:

    A parcel ofland com mencing 75 feetEast and 10 80 .0 feet N orth of the Northwest corner of the Southw est1 /4 of the Northwest 1 /4 o f Section 3, Town 23 North, Range 9 W est; thence East 165.0 fee t; th en ce N orthto the South right-of-w ay of the East W est County Road as it now exists; thence W est along the Southright-of-w ay of said Road to a point w here said right-of-way intersects w ith the righ t-o f-way on the Eastside of US H ighway 131 ; thence in a South direction along the East right-of-way of said H ighway US 131to th e p la ce o f begin nin g.Ta x ID# 83-2309-03-2302Com monly know n as: 668 N orth M ichigan

    INW ITNESS W HEREO F of said party of the first part has caused these presen ts to be signed by itsA ssistant S ecretary and V ice P resident to C orporate R esolution for M ortgage Electronic R egistration System s,Inc., as nom inee fo r lender and lender's successors and/or assigns and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixedthis 2 6th day of January, 2011 .

    . saaAssistan t Secret and V ice P resident Pursuantto C orp ora te R es olu tio n

    STATE O F MICHIGAN )) ss.CO UNTY O F O AKLAND )O n this 26th day of January, 20 l l.befo re me appeared M arshall R . Isaacs to m e personally known, whobeing by m e duly sworn, did each for her/himself say that they are res pectively th e A ssista nt S ec reta ry an d V ic eP resident to Corporate R esolution for M ortgage E lectronic R egistration System s, Inc., as nom inee for lenderand lender's successors and/or assigns and w hich executed the w ithin instrum ent, and that the seal affixed to thesaid instrum en t is the corporate seal of the corpo ration nam ed in and w hich executed the w ithin instrum ent.

    ~tL~Cyn hia M . R ussell, N otary P ublicM acom b C ounty A cting in O akland C ounty, M ichiganM y C om mission E xpires: 9 /2 0/2 01 3

    D rafted by and w hen recorded return to:Marshall R. IsaacsA tto rn ey a t LawO rla ns A sso cia tes P CP .O . B ox 5041Troy, M I 4 80 07248-502-1336

    O rlans File No. 617.8160

    R ecordin g Fee: $O:S:::t..)1"'"11X0""""-.10I ;i;);i;)t..)O,'Do n~("")ID~o-c:.::::Z;,1I~-ic.0-':. .r"t.J1 : : 1!$.

    I . L _

  • 8/6/2019 Isaacs-Wexford County


    ; 3 4 t!t+;$I:mi4')4.fl;W4~'I'InstruMent2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 2 0 O R l ib er P ag e632 1

    20100000~920Filed f or R ec or d inW EX F O R D C OU N T YL OR I E L . S OR E NS EN -S MI TH08-06 -2 010 A t 01 :59 PM.ASSIGN HTG l~.OOOR Iiber 632 P ase 1 - 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 " " 9 2 0E - n T l E A G E N C YP O B O X 50HT R O Y N I 4 8 0 0 7 - 9 63 1

    ASSIGNM ENT O F M ORTGAGEKNO W ALL MEN BY TH ESE PRESENTS, that M ortgage E lectronic Registration System s, Ine., as

    nom inee for lender and lender's suceessers a nd lo r a ss ig ns , 1595 Spring Hill Rd Ste 310 Vienna, VA 22182,fo r a nd in c on sid era tio n Of the sum of O ne Dollar ($1 .00 ) and other good and valuable consideration, to it paid byRAC :HOME LOANS SERVICING, LPFKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, 400Countrywide W ay, Sim i Valley, CA 93065 its successors an d assigns, party of the secon d p art, the receipt w hereofis hereby acknow ledged, has sold, assigned an d transferred an d does hereby sell, assign and transfer to the said partyof the second part, all the right, title and in terest of the said party of the first.part in and to a certain real estatem ortgage dated June 8, 2007, m ade by Regina L , Jarvis, a single wom an , to M ortgage E lectron ic RegistrationS ystem s, Inc., as nom inee for lender an d lender's successors and/or assign s in the am oun t o f $83,000 .00 andrec orded o n Jun e 2 0,2 00 7 inW exford C ounty R egister of D eeds office inLiber 601 , Page 181 4, described asfo llo ws , to wit:

    L ot 2 4, P leasant P ines acco rding to the plat recorded inLiber 6 at Page 278, H aring Tow nsh ip, W exfordCo un ty , M i ch ig an .Tax ID# 2209-PP-24C om monly known as: 4 969 M eyer Avenue

    togeth er w ith the no te to w hich th e sam e is collateral;E ffective D ate: O n or before July 1 4,2 01 0D A T ED : July 1 4,2 01 0

    INW ITNESS W HEREO F of said party of the first part has caused these presents to be signed by itsA ssistan t Secretary and V ice P residen t to C orp orate R esolution fo r M ortgage E lectron ic R egistration S ystem s,Inc., as nom inee for lender and lender's successors andlor assigns and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixedthis 1 4th day o f July, 2010 .



    O n this 14 th day of July, 20 1O .before m e appeared M arshall R. Isaacs to m e personally known, w ho beingby m e duly sworn, did each for herlhim self say that they are respectively the A ssistan t Secretary and V ice P residentto C orp ora te R eso lutio n fo r M ortga ge E lectro nic Re is tra tio n S ys te ms , Ine., as nom inee for lender and lender'ssuccessors aud/or assigns and w hich executed the w i in instrum en t, and that the seal affixed to the said instrum entis the corporate seal o f the corporation nam ed in and ich xecute e w ithin instrum ent.

    ew 0 lin s, N ota ry P ub licO akland C ounty A cting in O aklan d C ounty. M ichiganM y C om m is sio n E xp ires: 9/512016

    D rafted by and w hen recorded return to :Marshall R. IsaacsA ttorney at L awO rlans A ssociates P CP .O . B ox 5041T roy, M I 4 80 07( 2 48) - 5 0 2 -1 482

    O rlans File No. 617.5697

    R ecordin g Fee: $


  • 8/6/2019 Isaacs-Wexford County


    Requested B : steve 07/26/2011I n s t r u M e n t2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 - 6 7 9 O R l i b e r P o . ! l e6 3 1 2 2 5 - t

    2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 7 9F i l e d f o r R e c o r d i nW EX FO R D C OU N TYL DR I E L . S OR E NS EN -S MI TH0 7 - 2 7 - 2 0 1 0 A t 1 0 : 0 7 a~.A S S I G N M T G 1 4 . 0 0O R l i b e r 6 3 1 P a g e 2 2 5 q . - 2 2 5 42 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 7 9E - T I T L E A G E N C YPO 80X 5 0 4 1T R O Y M I 4 8 0 0 7 - 5 0 4 1

    ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGEK NO W A LL M EN B Y TH ESE P RE SE NT S, th at M ortgage E lec tro nic R egistration System s, In c., asn om in ee fo r len der a nd len der's succ esso rs an d/o r assign s, 1595 Spring Hill Rd Ste 310 V ien na , V A 22182,fo r a nd in c on sid era tio n o f th e su m o f O n e D olla r ($ 1.0 0 ) a nd o th er good and va lu ab le cons id e ra t ion , to it p aid b y

    BAC HOME LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, 400C ou ntry wide W ay , S im i V alley , C A 93065 i ts s uc c es so rs a n d a s si gn s , party o f t he s ec on d part, t he r ec ei pt whe re ofi s h er eb y a ck no w le dg ed . h as s old , a ss ig ne d a nd t ra ns fe rr ed a nd d oe s h er eb y s el l, a ss ig n a nd t ra ns fe r to th e s aid p ar tyo f th e s ec on d p ar t, a ll th e right, title a nd in te res t o f th e s aid p arty o f th e firs t p ar t in a nd to a c erta in rea l es ta tem o rtg ag e d ate d Ma y II , 2 00 7, m a de b y B re nd a P ow er s, a s in gle w om a n, to M o rtg ag e E lec tro nic R eg istra tio nSy st em s , I nc ., as n om in ee fo r len der a nd len der's s uc ces so rs a nd /o r a ssig ns in th e a m ou nt o f$ 80 ,0 00 .0 0 a ndrec ord ed o n M a y 1 6,2 0 07 inW e xfo rd C ou nty R eg is te r o f D ee ds o ff ic e in L ib er 6 00 , P ag e 1193, d es cr ib ed a sf ol lo w s, to w it :

    L ot 1 5 , B l oc k 133 o f D ig gi ns F ir st A d di ti on to t he C it y o f C a dil la c, We xf or d C o un ty , M i ch ig an .Tax ID # 10-061-00-082-00Common ly known as : 8 25 S ec on d A v en ueto ge th er w ith th e n ote to w hic h th e s am e is c olla te ra l;E ffec tiv e D ate : O n o r b efo re Ju ly 6 , 2010D A T ED : July 6, 20 I 0

    IN W IT NE SS W H E RE O F o f said party o f th e first part h as c au se d th es e p res en ts to b e s ig ned by it sA s sis ta nt S ec re ta ry a nd V ic e P re sid en t t o C o rp o ra te R es ol uti on f or Mo rt ga ge E le ctr on ic R eg is tr ati on S ys te m s,Ine., as n om in ee fo r len der a nd len der'! succ esso rs and/or a ss ig ns a nd its c or po ra te s ea l t o b e h er eu nt o a ff ix edth is 6 th d ay o f Ju ly , 2 01 0 .

    M ortg age E lec tro nic R egistratio n S ystem s, In c" asnom inee for er '5s uc c es so r s a n d/ or


    On th is 6 th d ay o f Ju ly , 20 I O . b ef o re me appe ar ed Ma r sh a ll R. Is aa cs to m e p ers on ally k no wn , w ho b ein gb y m e d uly s wo rn . d id ea ch fo r h er/h im se lf s ay that t he y a re r es pe cti ve ly t he A s sis ta nt S ec re ta ry a nd V ic e P re si de ntto C orp ora te R es olu tio n fo r M o rtg ag e E le ctro nic R eg is tra tio n S ystem s , In c., a s n om in ee fo r len der a nd len de r'ss uc ce sso rs a nd /o r a ss ig ns a nd w hic h ex ec ute d th e w i in in stru m en t, a nd th at th e s ea l a ffix ed to th e s aid in stru m en tis th e c orp ora te s ea l o f th e c orp or atio n n am ed in a nd ic h exec d the w ith in instrum ent.

    Drafted by a nd wh en r ec or de d r etu rn to :Marshal l R. IsaacsA tto rn ey a t L awO r la ns A s so ci ate s P CP .O . B ox 5041T ro y, M I 48007(248)-5021482O rlans File N o. 617.5501R ec or di ng F ee : s


  • 8/6/2019 Isaacs-Wexford County


    Requested By: .._--@ U W d i , t fl l lf f j .t . II 'Ins tr u~e nt l ibe r P uge

    200900006862OR 625 800

    200900006862F i l e d f or R e c o r d i nW EX F O R D C OU NT YL O R I E L . S O R E N SE N -S M IT H1 0 - 2 3 - 2 0 0 9 A t 1 0 = 3 1 UM.ASSIGN MTG l~.OOO R l i b e r 6 2 5 Pu ge 80 0 - 80 02009000068 62E - T I T L E A G E N C YPO BOX SOHT RO Y H I 4 8 0 0 7 - 5 0 4 1

    A SSIG NM EN T O F M O RT GA GEK NO W A LL M E N B Y T H ES E P RE SE NT S, th at M o rta:ag e E lectro nic R eg istratio n Sy stem s; In e., asno minee fo r len der and lender's s uc ce ss ors a nd /o r a ss ig ns t 1595 Spring mil Rd Ste 310 V ie nn a, V A 21182,fo r a nd in c on sid era tio n o f th e s um o f O n e D o lla r ($1.00) a nd o th er good a nd v al ua bl e c on si de ra tio n , to i t p a id b yHAC H O M E LOANS SERVICING, LP FKA COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS SERVICING LP, 400C o un tr yw id e W a y, S im i V alle y, CA 93065 its successors and assigns, party o f th e s ec on d part, the receipt whereofis h er eb y a ck now le dg ed , h as s ol d, a ss ig ne d a nd t ra ns fe rr ed a nd d o es h er eb y s el l, a ss ig n a nd t ra ns fe r to the said partyo f th e s ec on d part, all t he r igh t, t it le and interest of the said party of th e first part in and to a ce rt a in real es ta temortgage d ate d M a y 26, 2 0 05 , m a de by Laurie R. Koon , a s in g le woman , t o Mor tg a ge E l ec tr oni c Reg is tr at ionS ys tem s, I nc ., a s n om in ee f or le nd er a nd l en de r's s uc ce ss o rs a nd /o r a ss ig ns in th e a m ou nt o f$ 96 ,0 0 0.0 0 a ndr ec or de d o n June 3, 2005 in W e xfo rd C o un ty R eg is te r o f D ee ds o ffic e in L ib er 5 73 , P ag e 3 0 8, d es cr ib ed a s fo llo w s,to wit:L o t 4 4 , D un ca n A cre s N um b er 2 , a cc ord in g to th e p la t re co rd ed in L iber 6 o f P lats at P age 2 76 and 2 77,H a ri ng T own sh ip , Wex fo rd Coun ty , M i ch ig an .T ax ID # 2 2 09 -D A 2-4 4

    C om m o nly k no wn as: 3 72 6 C ecil R oadtogether with th e note to w hich the sam e is collateral;Effec tive Da te: On o r b efo re O cto ber 1 8, 2 00 9

    I N W I TN E SS WHEREOF o f said p arty o f th e first p ar t h as c au se d th es e p re se nts to b e s ig ne d by it sA ss is ta nt S ec re ta ry a nd V ic e P re sid en t to C or po ra te R es olu tio n fo r M o rtg ag e E le ctro nic R eg is tr atio n S ys te m s,In c., as n om in ee fo r len de r an d le nd er's su cc esso rs an d/o r assig ns an d its c orp ora te sea l t o be hereun to a f fixedth is 1 8th d ay o f O c to be r, A .D .,2 0 09 .

    M o rtg ag e E le ctro nic R eg is tra tio n S ys te m s, In e., a sn om in ee C or len der a I 's su essnrs and/orassigns


    O n th is 1 8th d ay o f O c to be r, A .D .,2 0 09 , b efo re m e a pp ea re d M a rs ha ll R . I sa ac s to m e p ers on ally k no w n.w ho b ein g b y m e d uly s wo rn , d id each fo r h er/h im self say th at th e are resp ectiv ely th e A ss istan t S ecretary an dV ice P resident to Corporate Reso lution for M ortgage E lectro istrati stem s, Ine., as nom inee forle nd er a nd lender's successo rs and/or assigns and which e cuted . s m en t, and that the seal affixedto the said instrum ent is t he corporate seal of the eorporatio nam ed' cuted the w ith in instrum ent.

    Drafted by a nd w he n re co rd ed r etu rn to :Marshall R. IsaacsA tto rn ey a t L awO r la ns A ss o cia te s PCP .O . B o x5 0 4lT ro y, M I 4 80 0724g~S02~1470O rlan s F ile N o. 6 17 .1 10 0

    R ec ord in g F ee : $