SAP CRM Release 7.0 Enhancement Package 3 Support Package 5 IS-U/CRM Integration: Replication of Prices from SAP CRM in Conjunction with the SAP IS-U Master Data Generator

IS-U/CRM Integration: Replication of Prices from SAP CRM

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Page 1: IS-U/CRM Integration: Replication of Prices from SAP CRM

SAP CRM Release 7 .0Enhancement Package 3

Support Package 5

IS -U /CRM In tegra t ion :Replicat ion of Prices from SAP CRM

in Conjunction with theSAP IS-U Master Data Generator

Page 2: IS-U/CRM Integration: Replication of Prices from SAP CRM


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IntroductionThis document describes the replication of prices from the CRM document to the ERP system. Forinformation about defining prices in the CRM system, see the document "Quotation Calculation - SalesProcess for Commercial and Industrial Customers on SAP Service Marketplace athttp://service.sap.com/utilities -> SAP for Utilities – Product Information -> SAP CRM forUtilities -> Cookbooks&Guidelines.

The master data generator is used to replicate prices from the CRM system to the ERP system. Toensure this is possible, you must define the price nodes at two levels in the master data generator.You can choose between three different procedures here:

You combine a node with the QPRICE category with a node with the INST_FACTS_QPRICEcategory to replicate a quantity-based price.QPRICE generates the quantity-based price, INST_FACTS_QPRICE generates an installationfact with the operand to which the key for the quantity-based price is assigned.

As of SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement package 5, you are using the node with the QPRICE_NEWcategory together with a node with the INST_FACTS_QPRICE category.The node with the QPRICE_NEW category is easier to use and more flexible in its handlingthan QPRICE. As of Release SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement package 5, we recommend usingQPRICE_NEW instead of QPRICE.

As of Release SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement package 7 SP 06, you are using a node with theQPRICE_FIX category to generate quantity-based fixed prices. To create installation factswith quantity-based fixed prices, you must activate nodes with the INST_FACTS_QPR_FIXcategory.

In the following, we will only describe replication of quantity-based prices. Time-based prices thathave nodes with the TPRICE, TPRICE_NEW or TPRICE_FIX category can be replicated in the sameway. We use nodes with the LPRICE, LPRICE_NEW or LPRICE_FIX. category for flat-rates.

Price Replication with QPRICE

DesignFirst, you have to activate the QPRICE (Quantity-Based Price) node in a template with the categoryCRMNEWCONTRACT (Create New Data in Conjunction with SAP CRM).

You can use nodes with this category to create or change quantity-based prices. Prices are selected inthe field Price Origin using the value "CRM". You cannot change these prices in the IS-U system usingthe transaction EA90 (Change Price).

You can also use these nodes to create or change historical prices. This means that severalhistorically separate price amounts can exist for a price header.

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The attribute PRICE represents the price key. Use "Parameter" to fill this attribute. You define theother attributes in the characteristics for the price header.

When you activate the subnode QPRICE_HIST (Price History for Quantity-Based Price), the systemdisplays a dialog box where you have to enter the number of nodes or time slices to be generated,and the pricing condition.

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Based on this information, the master data generator generates n nodes with the categoryQPRICE_HIST (Price History for Quantity-Based Price), and the parameter names, which arecompiled as follows:

PR_<Pricing Condition>_<Sequence Number>_<Name of Attribute>

These parameter names correspond to the values that are written to the container for the master datagenerator during contract replication from SAP CRM. The algorithm used to determine the parameternames is identical in SAP CRM.

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You also have to activate the nodes with the category INST_FACTS_QPRICE (Installation Facts:Operand Category QPRICE) and allocate the same parameters to the attribute PRICE that you usedfor the same attribute in the QPRICE (Quantity-Based Price) node. This multiple use ofparameter names ensures that the price and its history are saved in the correct installation facts.

Use an operand as a value for the attribute OPERAND for which the field Product-Related Operand isselected.

The same applies to the nodes TPRICE (Time-Based Price) and LPRICE (Flat-Rates).

RuntimeAt runtime, when you create a new contract, the system generates a new price key for each node withthe category TPRICE (Time-Based Price), QPRICE (Quantity-Based Price) und LPRICE (Flat-Rates),and transfers historical values from SAP CRM to the price keys. Following this, when the installation isprocessed, only the price key is written to the relevant installation facts (nodes with the categoryINST_FACTS_*). This ensures that a price or price key is only used in one installation or contract.

This means that if you then change a contract and the price key at the same time, the changes affectone contract only.

You can prevent a price that is replicated from the CRM system to SAP ERP being allocated to adifferent installation manually. To do so, in the node INST_FACTS_QPRICE, activate the subnodeswith the category QPRICE_INST_ASSIGN Allocate Quantity-Based Price to Installation. If you activatethese nodes, the key for the utilities installation is entered in the price header. This means that theprice becomes an installation-specific price and can only be used in this installation.

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Price Replication with QPRICE_NEW

DesignThe disadvantage of replicating prices that have nodes with the category QPRICE is that you have todefine a fixed number of subnodes with the category QPRICE_HIST. Complete replication of pricedata from CRM to ERP is only possible if the number of nodes with the category QPRICE_HIST is atleast as large as the amount of price data. You can use the generation assistant to activate a largenumber of nodes with the QPRICE_HIST category. However, this means that the master datatemplate can become confusing.

You can avoid these disadvantages by activating nodes with the QPRICE_NEW category instead ofQPRICE. These nodes are available as of SAP ERP Enhancement Package 5. In the case ofQPRICE_NEW, there are no explicit subnodes with the category QPRICE_HIST. The master datagenerator expects the container to contain price data with the same naming conventions as thoseused to process it in QPRICE_HIST. You define the pricing condition, which is part of the namingconvention, using the attribute PRICECONDITION.

RuntimeAt runtime, the node QPRICE_NEW responds in the same way as the nodes QPRICE andQPRICE_HIST. The amount of price data is determined dynamically and a price is generated with thecorresponding number of historical price amounts.

Price Replication with QPRICE_FIX

What Are Fixed Prices?As of Release SAP ERP 6.0 enhancement package 7 SP 06, the following nodes for fixed prices areavailable to you in the master data template category CRMNEWCONTRACT:

QPRICE_FIX Quantity-Based Fixed PricesTPRICE_FIX Time-Based Fixed PricesLPRICE_FIX Flat-Rate Prices

A fixed price has the following characteristics:

Fixed prices are created using the master data generator. They are selected in the priceheader using the value CFX (CRM fixed price).

A fixed price cannot be changed. This affects both the data in the price header and the pricehistory. A fixed price cannot be deleted.

A fixed price only has one price amount. This price amount is historically valid withoutrestriction.

A fixed price only has one currency. Fixed prices cannot be defined as average prices or using a price adjustment clause. Fixed prices in the IS-U system cannot be changed using the transaction EA89(Create Price)

and EA90 (Change Price). They can however be displayed using the transaction EA91(Display Price).

The main advantage of fixed prices is that they can be reused without restriction. They can be used ininstallation facts for various installations, since it is not possible to make unauthorized changes to

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them. Price changes to an installation are modeled by changing the fixed price key in the installationfacts. This does not affect the installation facts for other installations.

If you are using standard prices, you must create a new price for every installation. This is the onlymeans of ensuring that price changes only affect the installation required. However, this may lead tothe creation of a large number of redundant prices with identical characteristics.

Example of using standard prices:

You create a quotation in SAP CRM for 100 installations. The same price is to apply to allinstallations.

You are using a node with the category QPRICE_NEW in the master data template. During contract replication, the system generates 100 identical prices and allocates them to

the facts for an installation in each case.

Example of using fixed prices:

You create a quotation in SAP CRM for 100 installations. The same price is to apply to allinstallations.

You are using a node with the category QPRICE_FIX in the master data template. During contract replication, the system creates a new fixed price. Its price key is used in the

facts for all 100 installations.

When the master data template is executed, the system checks whether a fixed price with the requiredcharacteristics already exists. If this is the case, this price is used. If this type of fixed price does notexist, the system creates a new fixed price.

Fixed prices are ideally suited to products with a price guarantee.


You define a product with a 12 month price guarantee in SAP CRM. This means that the priceis not changed for 12 months for every contract that is signed with this product. However, theprice changes according to the contract start. This means that an IS-U rate that defines theprice using the rate facts is not suitable.

You are using a master data template with fixed prices for the product. During the CRMquotation process, you determine the required price according to the contract start.

During contract replication, the requested fixed price is created once and then reused for allcontracts until the guaranteed price changes in the CRM system.

It does not always make greater economic sense to use fixed prices in relation to the data volumesgenerated in the IS-U system instead of standard prices. If during the quotation process forcommercial and industrial customers, you always calculate the price down to a large number ofdecimal places, the "number of hits" and therefore the frequency of reuse is fairly low. Historical pricechanges must also be represented by separating the installation facts. In the case of a product with 12monthly prices, replication produces up to 12 new fixed prices and 12 separated installation facts.

You should therefore use fixed prices where possible in the following situations:

For products with a price guarantee For quotations for a large number of installations For prices with a small number of decimal places in the price amount

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More Information

You should always fill the PRICE (price key) attribute using the Parameter supply type. It doesnot make sense to specify a value for these parameters in the container, since no changemode is available for fixed prices. The node can also generate or identify several fixed pricesin a general example. The parameter name is only required as a connection to the node forinstallation facts.

To allocate a quantity-based fixed price to an operand for the installation facts, you must use anode with the INST_FACTS_QPR_FIX category. The connection of QPRICE_FIX toINST_FACTS_QPRICE is not allowed.

It does not usually make sense to define nodes with the category QPRICE_FIX as dynamic. Ifno historical price data is found in the container, the node is terminated without an errormessage and without a generated fixed price.

In the case of IS-U contracts, the move-in or move-out date can be changed subsequentlyunder certain circumstances. In the case of contracts with fixed prices, you can only makethese changes using the CRM system. Adjust the validity periods for the prices accordingly.You cannot change the move-in or move-out date using the IS-U transactions EC51E (ChangeMove-In) or EC56E (Change Move-Out).


The integrated search for a fixed price in the master data generator requires you to activate anadditional index for the database table EPREIH.

Activate the SAP-defined "index for fixed prices" using the index fields PREISBTR andABDATUM, if you are using the nodes QPRICE_FIX, TPRICE_FIX or LPRICE_FIX in amaster data template or create a comparable index.

DesignIf you want to replicate prices from SAP CRM as fixed prices, you must activate a node with thecategory QPRICE_FIX in the master data template with the CRMNEWCONTRACT category.

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Specify a pricing condition for the attribute PRICECONDITION. The pricing condition defines theparameter names used to find price data in the container using the same rules as those for nodes withthe category QPRICE and QPRICE_NEW. In the case of QPRICE_FIX, there are no explicit nodes forthe price history, as is also the case for QPRICE_NEW.

You also have to activate the node with the category INST_FACTS_QPR_FIX (Installation Facts:Operand Category QPRICE Fixed Price) and allocate the same parameters to the attribute PRICE thatyou used for the same attribute in the QPRICE_FIX (Quantity-Based Fixed Price) node. Thismultiple use of parameter names ensures that the price and its history are saved in the correctinstallation facts.

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Use an operand as a value for the attribute OPERAND for which the field Product-Related Operand isselected.

The same applies to the following combinations of nodes:

TPRICE_FIX Time-Based Fixed Prices and INST_FACTS_TPR_FIX Installation Facts:Operand Category TPRICE Fixed PriceLPRICE_FIX Flat Rate Fixed Prices and INST_FACTS_LPR_FIX Installation Facts: OperandCategory LPRICE Fixed Price

RuntimeIf new contract is created in SAP CRM during runtime, the system transfers and replicates thehistorical price data to the container. Parameter names are represented using the pricing condition.When nodes with the category QPRICE_FIX are processed, the system analyzes the historical pricedata. The master data generator checks whether a corresponding fixed price is already available forevery price. If this is the case, the price key for the fixed price is noted internally by the system. If thistype of fixed price does not exist, the system creates a new fixed price. The system ignores priceperiods in this step, since fixed prices are always valid without restriction.


You generate a contract with a 12 month validity period in SAP CRM. You negotiate a newprice amount for each month. During replication, the node with the category QPRICE_FIXanalyzes the historical price data. It finds suitable fixed prices for 10 price amounts andmakes an internal note of the price key. It creates new fixed prices for 2 additional priceamounts and also saves their key.

The node with the category INST_FACTS_QPR_FIX is then processed. This node transfersthe price key that was previously determined or generated using the node with theQPRICE_FIX category. Time slices for the facts are transferred from the historical price data.

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The node with the INST_FACTS_QPR_FIX category transfers the 12 price keys and theirassociated time slices from the node QPRICE_FIX. It generates an installation fact for a priceoperand with 12 separate values.