L]~TT]~R]~ AL NUOVO CIM]~NTO VOL. 32, N. 3 19 Sottombro 1981 Is There a Maximal Acceleration? ]7,. R. CAIANIELLO (*) Hochschule der Bundeswehr, ~achbereich Elektrotechnik - Miinchen (ricevuto il 27 Luglio 1981) In previous occasions (l-a) I have proposed as a game, or (~ tool for thought ,), a model which geometrizes QM by endowing phase space (extended with t and E dimen- sions) with a metric: ~ plays in it the same role as c in Minkowski space. It was shown to yield the Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization both for integers and half-integers, the Klein-Gordon equation as defining the null-cone, a Dirac equation which stays inva- riant only under CPT, (~ free particles )) which have extended structures and positive mass spectra determined, without further assumptions, by a pseudoharmonie poten- tial. The loose notion of (x, p)-space as a fibre attached to t is replaced with the much more stringent metrical requirement; as a consequence, the (( intuitive ~) notion of par- ticle as a ((pointlike object ~) is completely lost; a particle can only be ~extended ~) and capable of rich structures, as indicated in (2). I propose to play here this game a little further, in a still more simplified version. It was shown in the w, orks mentioned above that QM can be derived by using a connection which can be taken rather freely as (( metric ~ or (( gauge )): we take it here as gauge, and then forget about it. We are thus left with only an 8-dimensional flat metric, which we take, in appropriate units, as twice Minkowski, once in each subspace; the connection between the (t, x) and (E, p) space, from which QN[ arises, is forgotten about. We are thus at a (( prequantum, quasi-classical )) level, which we propose here to explore, both to supply a more explicit and intuitive motivation to our model, and because already at this level one meets the possibility of a reformulation of mechnics in which physical objects arc limited not only by a maximal velocity, but also by a maximal acceleration, in a sense that will be specified. The discussion is quite elementary and self-contained; no reference to the cited papers is necessary, excepting of course the already mentioned metrization postulate, on which the whole game rests. It may be relevant to remark, at this point, that the concept of a (~ maximal acceleration )) proposed here might well be an object of interest per se, regardless of the context in which it happens now to arise: it works (*) Universitk di Salerno. (l) E. R. CAIAN1ELLO: Left. Nuovo Gimento, 25, 225 (1979); 27, 89 (1980); Nuovo Cimento B, 59, 350 (1980). (B) ]~. R. GAIANIELLO and G. VILASI: Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 30, 469 (1981). (a) E. R. CAIANIELLOI • game with geometry and quantum mechanics, invited talk at the VI J.J.N.R. International Con]erence, Alushta, May 1981. 65

Is there a maximal acceleration?

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L]~TT]~R]~ AL NUOVO CIM]~NTO VOL. 32, N. 3 19 Sot tombro 1981

Is There a Maximal Acceleration?

]7,. R . CAIANIELLO (*)

Hochschule der Bundeswehr , ~achbereich Elektrotechnik - Mi inchen

(r icevuto il 27 Lugl io 1981)

In previous occasions (l-a) I h a v e proposed as a game, or (~ tool for t hough t ,), a mode l which geometr izes QM by endowing phase space (extended wi th t and E dimen- sions) w i th a met r ic : ~ p lays in i t the same role as c in Minkowski space. I t was shown to y ie ld t he Bohr -Sommer fe ld quan t iza t ion bo th for in tegers and half- integers, t he Kle in-Gordon equa t ion as defining the null-cone, a Dirac equa t ion which s tays inva- r i an t only under CPT, (~ free par t ic les )) which have ex tended s t ructures and pos i t ive mass spectra de termined , w i thou t fu r the r assumptions , by a pseudoharmonie poten- t ial . The loose not ion of (x, p)-space as a fibre a t t ached to t is rep laced wi th the much more s t r ingent met r ica l r equ i r emen t ; as a consequence, the (( in tu i t ive ~) not ion of par- t icle as a ((pointlike object ~) is comple te ly lost ; a par t ic le can only be ~ex tended ~) and capable of r ich s t ructures , as indica ted in (2). I propose to p lay here this game a l i t t le fur ther , in a stil l more simplified version. I t was shown in the w, orks ment ioned above tha t QM can be der ived by using a connect ion which can be t aken ra ther f reely as (( met r ic ~ or (( gauge )): we take i t here as gauge, and then forget about it. We are thus lef t wi th only an 8-dimensional flat metr ic , which we take , in appropr ia te units , as twice Minkowski , once in each subspace; t he connect ion be tween the (t, x) and (E, p) space, f rom which QN[ arises, is forgot ten about . W e are thus at a (( p r equan tum, quasi-classical )) level , which we propose here to explore, bo th to supply a more expl ic i t and in tu i t ive mo t iva t i on to our model , and because a l ready at this level one meets t he possibi l i ty of a r e fo rmula t ion of mechnics in which physical objects arc l imi ted no t only by a m a x i m a l ve loci ty , bu t also by a m a x i m a l accelerat ion, in a sense t h a t wil l be specified. The discussion is qu i te e l emen ta ry and self -contained; no reference to t he ci ted papers is necessary, except ing of course the a l ready ment ioned met r iza t ion pos tu la te , on which the whole g a m e rests. I t m a y be re levan t to remark , at th is point , t ha t t he concept of a (~ m a x i m a l accelerat ion )) proposed here migh t wel l be an object of in te res t per se, regardless of the con tex t in which i t happens now to arise: i t works

(*) Universitk di Salerno. (l) E. R. CAIAN1ELLO: Left. Nuovo Gimento, 25, 225 (1979); 27, 89 (1980); Nuovo Cimento B, 59, 350 (1980). (B) ]~. R. GAIANIELLO and G. VILASI: Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 30, 469 (1981). (a) E. R. CAIANIELLOI • game with geometry and quantum mechanics, invited talk at the V I J . J . N . R . International Con]erence, Alushta, May 1981.



better than ordinary cut-offs, is not objectionable on relativistic grounds and prevents , particles ,~ from totally collapsing into one another.

To begin with, it is clear tha t any at tempt at describing physics through a metric geometry requires first of all a decision about what (~ length ~ should mean. Any meas- urable quantities (provided they are given the same dimension) can be put together so as to form a (~ metric structure ,); thus one could define in Newtonian physics

(I) S ~ = t 2 + ~x 2 ~ t 2 ~- ax e (~ arbitrary real) .

The problems are 1) relevance, 2) compatibility with the physical model this S ~ pur- ports to describe. I shall formulate explicitly this notion, which is plain common sense to every physicist, by posing a Postulate o] metric measurability: ~ length must be measurable with arbitrarily high precision ~) (i.e. l imited only by available experimental know-how); to allow for local changes of frame, (~ any partial sum of elements of length must be likewise measurable,). Let us go back to the Newtonian example (1). I emphasize that we are here not concerned with descriptions of measuring apparatuses, bu t only with the fact that iV independent measurements, say of the quant i ty x, give (for iV arbitrarily large) a distribution

I [ (2) pa,(x) -~ p(x; ~, az) = V ~ a x e x p 2a~ J

around the arithmetical mean ~ of the measured values x, so that

(3) <$2> = ~ + ~ + al + ~a~.

Both dispersions a~ and a~ in a Newtonian world can decrease independently: a metric (1) is irrelevant because x and t are not mutually dependent, though not contradictory with this postulate.

Better experimental evidence has shown that ax and as cannot be independent:

(4) ~ < v. fit

The measurabili ty postulate clearly binds now ~ and ~ in the length (1): the choice = - 1/c a, which gives

(5) <s~> = ~-- ~ 1 C2 X2

needs no comment. Uncer ta in ty is defined by informational entropy. Suppose that the minimum avail.

able dispersion in measuring x is a and that a device is used having a' > a. The information loss caused by the use of the less precise device is, from (2),

+ } o (6) AI = ~,(x) leg p~,(x) dx -t- a(x) log/~(x) dx = log - -


(for continuous distributions only differences are free from ambiguity), so tha t

(7) AI > O.


Remark, next, t ha t to say tha t x can be anywhere within an interval 2L may be rendered equivalent to saying tha t the quant i ty x is measured with an appara tus having dispersion a'= _5. Then (6) tells, when maximal precision is a, t ha t log (L/a) is the best information one can have on the location of x in Z. One might crudely express this by saying tha t (~ L is divided into segments each of length a 7), and con- coct thereby (~ lat t ice models ~) of a continuum.

Wi th our phase space the s i tuat ion is ent irely analogous. Suppose we want to measure x and p. We can always give i t a metric

(8) 1

S ~ = t 2 _ _ x ~ q - C 2 ~

According to our discussion, in classical theory this is feasible bu t i r relevant because %, a~, etc. are not mutual ly related. In quantum theory, though,

(9) %a~ >~h, e tc . ,

so tha t (8) is not measurable according to our postulate, unless %, a~ are sui tably re la ted: (9) acts like (4) before. We may take


where % is some number of which only the sign e is relevant, since I%l can always be scaled away.

By calling a~ = 2, a~ = / z c and setting

(lO) h = ~t/~e,

(8) is thus reduced to the relevant and unique form

1 h ~ e [ 1 2 ] ( 1 1 ) S ~ = t 2 - - x 2 q - e2 ~ ~ E - p ~ .

2 and pc were regarded by BORN (4) as fundamental (~ length 7) and (~ momentum ,); for us the only meaningful s ta tement is t ha t expressed by relations (10) and (9). Uncer- t a in ty of posit ion in volume I2 of phase space x, p is given, as with (7), by

(12) AI = log_--,

a famil iar result, h --~ 0 disconnects configuration and momentum parts , as i t should in the classical l imit .

(') M. BOR~: Rev. Mod. Phys. , 21, 463 (1949).


Note now that, by adding to the Minkowskian metrization of space-time the require- ment tha t for any particle

( 1 3 ) c 2 d s 2 ---- c ~ d t 2 - d x 2 > 0 ,

one has the fundamental result of relativity, tha t no physical velocity can exceed the maximal value c.

Wha t happens when the same requirement is imposed upon the metric element of our space (no other is allowed because when ~ ~ 0 one wants to retrieve classical mechanics)? I t reads now

(14) ~* r l 3

c' ds ' = c ' d t ' - - d x ~ + e ;~c, [ ~ d E ' - - d p ' ] > 0 �9

The answer to this question depends crucially upon the value of ~. I t was shown in (2) tha t the choice 8 = + 1 leads to positive mass spectra through a Born-like equation; i t would be tr ivial to verify tha t the alternate choice ~ = - 1 does not lead to any such result (3); we know thus already, from our past game, that the two situations are profoundly different. We have to compute, from (14), the value of

(15) + - > o .

Whatever, if any, the correct formal t reatment of this problem (we shall re turn to this point at the end), i t will make sense only if, under ordinary circumstances, i t reduces to the standard formalisms; furthermore, since v = c cannot be exceeded, it is to be expected that a maximal value of the acceleration should appear when v << c.

Call , v rest frame ~ of the particle the one obtained by an ordinary Lorentz trans. formation leading from the observer frame to that in which the velocity v of the par- ticle vanishes at that instant . We may compute thus (15), to begin with, with the s tandard formulae of special relativity





, , , ) - 1 > o ,

e = - - 1: no maximal acceleration,

~ = + I

a = %/a~ + a*, A- ada<A~ = (c~--v2) t#~<A, ,=o, moh

#%3 c~ pc 2 ( 1 8 ) A~ ,=o = A = - - =

mo h mo~ mo~t

is the maximal acceleration (s).

~) (18) states that the orbital speed of an extended structure with radius ~ )~ cannot exceed G.


The same m a x i m a l accelerat ion A in the v res t f rame (relat ive to which the conccp~ wil l be f rom now on defined) obta ins of course also b y comput ing wi th NewConian me- chanics. A~ is m a x i m u m when v = 0, as expec ted ; for v = e, A = 0. B y choosing

= + 1 we obta in thus a typ ica l ins tance of wha t m a y be cal led an ~, a posteriori i n tu i t i ve ,) concept : (~ ve loc i ty )~ in our 8-space is made of two 4-vectors, o rd inary ve loc i ty v and accelera t ion a : w h y should only its first half , v, h a v e an upper bound?

Before g iv ing a fu r the r look to the mat te r , i t is conven ien t to check at t he crudes t level , nonre la t iv i s t ic mechanics, whe the r the game is af ter all wor th playing. W e mus t first note tha t , since our par t ic les are in no w a y (~ m a t h e m a t i c a l po in ts ,), t he s t a t emen t t h a t t h e y cannot get (( closer t h a n some dis tance ~ allows a degree of i nde te rminacy : different forces m a y lead to different numer ica l va lues for such a (, d is tance ~ for the same par t ic les (which we m a y conceive, if we have to, as (( clouds ~) which m a y more or less in terpenet ra te) .

I shal l consider th ree typ ica l s i tua t ions :

a) Two identical particles attracting one another gravitationally.

In no case t he force can become larger t h a n p e r m i t t e d by t h e assumed m a x i m a l accelera t ion (18).

T a k e # = m o (rest mass); in t he c.m. sys tem one finds

m0 (19) - - a = G ,

2 r a

so tha t , since f rom (18) A = c2/~, r cannot in (19) become smal ler t h a n al lowed by

m~ A m~176 G m~ 2 2 4 ~2 '

i .e.

(20) ~ = 2Gm~ C2 '

which is of course the Schwarzschi ld radius : complete collapse is ]orbidden.

b) Two attracting electric charges o/ same magnitude e and mass mo.

In the c.m. sys tem

(21) m ~ c2 - - e2

2 ~. ~ '


e 2 (22) 4 . - - 2 -

m 0 c 2

which is t he classical (~ e lectron ~) d iamete r (s).

(6) ~te c a n n o t of cou r se s a t i s f y (18); b y s e t t i n g )le = r162 = ~(~]mec), (18) y i e ld s ~ = e']~c. I d e n t i f y i n g

t h e n th i s w i t h (20), one f inds for t he pa r t i c l e * r a d i u s * ~/2 = % / ~ , t h e P l a n e k l e n g t h .

70 ~. R. CAIANI~,LLO

c) The Bohr orbits.

Consider the high-school Bohr orbits. They have diameters and binding energies

2 ~ 2 e 2 ,mo e 4 (23) ~.,~ ~ n 2 , E~ -= - - -

~no e 2 4 . = - - 2 ~ 2 n ~;

E . measures the energy defect with respect to the free electron. Set now ~---- X."/~e and compute the maximum acceleration which we assume is

reached, as before, when r ---- ~ in

i.e. from (18)

we find. t ha t

e 2

q n o a ~ ~-~,

~ n c2 e2

n0 n o ~ ~t~

e 2 (24) tt~ e 2 . . . . E .

expresses the kinetic binding through the relat ivist ic mass formula, which does not belong to Bohr ' s theory.

These est imates indicate that , in this game and at this level, the main effect of QM is tha t of forbidding the to ta l collapse of a t t rac t ing particles; ~longitudinal,~ and

t ransversal ~ masses and forces should then create orbit ing situations, the quantiza- t ion of which requires of course the full use of QM geometry (neglected here since no a t tent ion is pa id to the gauge connection).

Passage from {15) to (16) was made w i ~ special re la t iv i ty : this amounts to associating to the part icle, as proper t ime, t ha t determined by only the (t, x)-subspaee metric. A deeper discussion would involve issues such as arise in connection with the Dirae- ]~liezer equation for the classical electron, and several nontr ivial points would have to be settled. A complete recourse to QM is probably preferable; i ts results are expected to be consistent with the est imates given here.