Chapter 12: Sacred Astronomy as a Prophetic Tool Page 701 Israel recaptured Jerusalem during the Six-Day War between predominantly Jewish Israel and her radical Muslim enemies. Also of high importance is the fact that the two Lunar Eclipses that fall on Passover during this Tetrad will occur in the sign of Virgo, which signified Miriam, the Jewish mother of Yahshua in the past, but which now signifies the Bride of Christ. In addition, both of these Lunar Eclipses will be visible over Easter Island, with the second one in particular of interest because it will occur on the night of Passover on April 4th, 2015, which is also the eve of Easter on April 5th, 2015, and Easter Island was also discovered on an April 5th Easter or Resurrection Sunday in 1722! Finally, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the Eclipses that fall on the first day of Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles will both occur in the Sign of Pisces the Fishes. This is significant because, though the world is generally unaware of it, these two celestial fishes signify the Two Houses of Israel: Judah, which signifies the Jews, and Ephraim or the born-again Gentile believers. This Blood Moon Tetrad therefore shows that the time period that they are attached to is extremely important in the history of the Jewish people, as well as being highly significant to Gentile believers that have accepted Yahshua as their Messiah and have been grafted into Israel by their faith in, and devotion to Yahweh God. Now let’s look at some specific celestial signs during the period of 2014t through 2017 that appear to indicate that we are indeed at the close of human history as we know it, and are likely on the threshold of the Great Tribulation, followed by the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. Is The 2014 Sukkot Blood Moon Post First Rapture? As has been repeatedly shown in previous sections of this book, the First Rapture is likely tied to the middle of the Tribulation, and will likely occur just before God’s Wrath on the wicked is poured out. Marking this possibility, there is a heavenly sign alluding to the Rapture on October 8th, 2014, when there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces representing the Two Houses of Israel. According to the Gospel in the Stars that is captured in the illustration of this Blood Moon on page 703, the Two Houses of Israel - Judah or the Jews and Ephraim or the mixed Israelite and Gentile Church - are not in sync with one another in their interpretation of who Christ is and what His sacrifice on the Cross did for humanity.

Is The 2014 Sukkot Blood Moon Post First Rapture?pillar-of-enoch.com/language_series/prophecy/LOG4... · 2014-05-02 · Eclipses will be visible over Easter Island, with the second

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Israel recaptured Jerusalem during the Six-Day War between predominantly Jewish Israel and her radical Muslim enemies.

Also of high importance is the fact that the two Lunar Eclipses that fall on Passover during this Tetrad will occur in the sign of Virgo, which signified Miriam, the Jewish mother of Yahshua in the past, but which now signifies the Bride of Christ. In addition, both of these Lunar Eclipses will be visible over Easter Island, with the second one in particular of interest because it will occur on the night of Passover on April 4th, 2015, which is also the eve of Easter on April 5th, 2015, and Easter Island was also discovered on an April 5th Easter or Resurrection Sunday in 1722!

Finally, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the Eclipses that fall on the first day of Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles will both occur in the Sign of Pisces the Fishes. This is significant because, though the world is generally unaware of it, these two celestial fishes signify the Two Houses of Israel: Judah, which signifies the Jews, and Ephraim or the born-again Gentile believers. This Blood Moon Tetrad therefore shows that the time period that they are attached to is extremely important in the history of the Jewish people, as well as being highly significant to Gentile believers that have accepted Yahshua as their Messiah and have been grafted into Israel by their faith in, and devotion to Yahweh God.

Now let’s look at some specific celestial signs during the period of 2014t through 2017 that appear to indicate that we are indeed at the close of human history as we know it, and are likely on the threshold of the Great Tribulation, followed by the Millennial Kingdom of Christ.

Is The 2014 Sukkot Blood Moon Post First Rapture?

As has been repeatedly shown in previous sections of this book, the First Rapture is likely tied to the middle of the Tribulation, and will likely occur just before God’s Wrath on the wicked is poured out. Marking this possibility, there is a heavenly sign alluding to the Rapture on October 8th, 2014, when there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces representing the Two Houses of Israel. According to the Gospel in the Stars that is captured in the illustration of this Blood Moon on page 703, the Two Houses of Israel - Judah or the Jews and Ephraim or the mixed Israelite and Gentile Church - are not in sync with one another in their interpretation of who Christ is and what His sacrifice on the Cross did for humanity.

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In fact, there is a big divide between them that centers on how binding the keeping of the Mosaic Law is upon believers in Yahshua as the Son of God and the perfect Passover Lamb. Some Torah-observant congregations insist that the entire Law is binding on all believers, not just the Jewish members of these congregations, and that the Law should be kept and followed in every respect that is possible without the existence of the Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem. So, excluding the laws pertaining to animal sacrifices in the Temple, this group of believers thinks that all of the Law must be kept to the best of their ability.

Nonetheless, as shown in “The Language of God in Humanity”, there is ample evidence in the New Testament that - outside of the Ten Commandments and the Book of the Covenant - the Law is only meant to be binding upon those who have not accepted Yahshua as their Messiah. Though the Law itself and the blessings and curses of the Law are still fully in effect, they have no hold on the way Christians and enlightened Messianics show their love and devotion to Yahshua. This is because Yahshua came to fulfill the Law perfectly, and to die on the Cross so that His perfection in keeping the Law could cover all those who are baptized by His blood. All of this is graphically shown in the Star Gospel surrounding this Lunar Eclipse on October 8th, 2014 that will feature the Moon in conjunction with Uranus, the planet signifying the Bride of Christ and her Five Wise Virgin handmaids.

Yahshua’s desire to save His Bride and her Virgin handmaids from sin and death can be seen in the presence of Aries as the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world and in the Ephraimite Fish swimming along the ecliptic or path of the Sun that is the heavenly Way of Yahweh. That little fish is swimming with all its might toward the inexhaustible supply of the Holy Spirit that is depicted in the neighboring sign of Aquarius.

Thus, the Star Gospel shows that Yahshua’s shed body and blood became the perfect covering for sin that allows us to appear as white as snow before God instead of as the filthy sinners that we are and will remain until we partake in the First Resurrection. With their baptism by the Holy Spirit, true believers now have God’s direct guidance through their Spirit-inspired consciences, as well as through visions, dreams, and direct words of knowledge from God or his holy angels. These Spirit-filled believers living under Grace rather than the Law are the only members of the Church that will be included in the Rapture.

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Blood Moon on Feast of Tabernacles, October 8th, 2014

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It is therefore fitting that the Lunar Eclipse on October 8th, 2014 will be on the evening of the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles, which celebrates the ingathering of all God’s people during the Millennial Rule of Christ. Indeed, it can also signify the ingathering of the all the saints that will take part in the Rapture and the Wedding of the Lamb in Heaven, and it may be that this Blood Moon on the first day of Tabernacles in 2014 is meant to indicate the bad luck of those who insist on keeping the Law and rejecting the Grace, peace and freedom offered to those covered by Christ’s shed blood.

In this book, I have presented much evidence that the Tribulation may be tied to Psalms 111 though 117, which are tied to the years 2011 through 2017. In addition, I discovered that Hallel Psalms 110 and 118 serve as a type of frame around the other Hallel Psalms. By examining the liturgical use and wording of Hallel Psalms 110 through 118, it appears that these psalms are truly tied to the prelude to the Tribulation, the Tribulation period itself, and the year of the restoration of Christ’s Kingdom in its aftermath.

In closing this section of the book, let me point out that Yahshua was unquestionably alluding to the Rapture when He said:

“‘In My Father’s House are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And… I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.’ Thomas said to Him, ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?’ Jesus (Yahshua) said to him, ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’” - John 14:2-6

Though some have said that these words of Yahshua do not pertain to the Rapture, and many have also denied that Yahshua is the only Way to Heaven, I wholeheartedly disagree with their assertions. Indeed, this passage can only pertain directly to the Rapture since our final everlasting habitation will not be in Heaven with the Father but on the Earth in the New Jerusalem with Christ. Furthermore, Yahshua said no one’s prayers will be heard before the Throne of our Heavenly Father Yahweh unless they are directed through Yahshua, Who is our only true Mediator before God.

Both Yahshua and the Apostle John, who wrote the Book of Revelation, mentioned that the New Jerusalem - which will be filled with believers chosen by God to be the Bride of Christ and her Virgin

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attendants - would come down out of Heaven and rest on the Earth forever after the Millennial Rule of Christ:

“He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more. And I will write on him the name of My God and the name of the city of My God, the New Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God. And I will write on him My new name.” “Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.’” - Rev. 3:12 & Rev. 21:2-3

There you have it! The beautiful city called the New Jerusalem, which was built by God for mankind to dwell in forever, will one day rest on the Earth. These Scriptures serve as a potent indication that the Earth will one day be re-created to be mankind’s and Yahshua’s perfect and everlasting habitation for all eternity. What a glorious point beyond time that will be! Thank you Yahshua and Maranatha!

The Sixth Seal Pole Shift or Sudden Destruction

After the first four Seals are opened, and the Four Horsemen are sent by God to ride over the Earth, the next event in the Book of Revelation is the opening of the Fifth Seal:

“When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony… saying, ‘How long, O Lord… until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?’”… “and it was said… that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed.” - Revelation 6:9-11

This Scripture suggests that the false peace of the Tribulation period will end abruptly sometime after December 21st, 2012, and that rebellions and wars will erupt everywhere when countless Tribulation Saints begin to be imprisoned, tortured, and killed as martyrs all over the world. These persecuted contenders for the faith will then be added to the number of saints in Heaven who already await divine justice for their martyrdom at the hands of their satanic persecutors. Also, there will be four Lunar Eclipses (i.e. Blood Moons) on Passover and Tabernacles in

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2014 and 2015. These suggest that the world’s hatred of Jews and Christians will erupt into the War of Armageddon around that time and the Four Horsemen will continue their ominous rides.

In my book “The Language of God in History,” I speculated that a shift of Earth’s poles may have occurred in the past. Based on warning passages in the Book of Revelation, it is also possible that a potentially catastrophic Pole Shift may be about to occur again. Before we explore the possibility of a future Pole Shift, however, let me explain why I think a massive Pole Shift may have occurred at the time of the Great Flood. Due to the supportive evidence in ancient Judeo-Christian manuscripts like the Book of 1 Enoch, which was a canonized edition of the Ethiopian Christian Church’s Bible, I believe that a massive Pole Shift and 180-degree crustal displacement happened at the time of the Flood, which, according to a strictly biblical chronology, occurred in 2347 BC. This is what the Book of 1 Enoch records about this event:

“And all shall be smitten with fear, and the Watchers shall quake, and great fear and trembling shall seize them unto the ends of the earth. And the high mountains shall be shaken, and the high hills shall be made low, and shall melt like wax before the flame. And the earth shall be wholly rent in sunder, and all that is upon the earth shall perish, and there shall be a judgment upon all (men). But with the righteous He will make peace.” - 1 Enoch 1:5-8 (R. H. Charles Translation)

“In those days Noah saw that the earth became inclined, and that destruction approached. Then he lifted up his feet, and went to the ends of the earth, to the dwelling of his great grandfather Enoch. And Noah cried with a bitter voice: ‘Hear me; hear me; hear me;’ three times. And he said: ‘Tell me what is transacting upon the earth; for the earth labors and is violently shaken. Surely I shall perish with it.” - 1 Enoch 65:1-3 (R. Laurence translation)

These passages from 1 Enoch seem to be describing the destruction that resulted from a Pole Shift and Crustal Displacement that transpired when the Great Flood occurred. The Book of Revelation also indicates that a Pole Shift and Crustal Displacement may occur again art the time of the Sixth Seal Judgment, which I believe will happen before the end of 2014. Based on the Signs in the Heavens and the Great Pyramid, the real trouble won’t begin until June of 2014. Another Scripture that appears to be graphically describing a Pole Shift is in the Book of Revelation regarding the Sixth Seal Judgment:

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“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold,

there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair (a solar eclipse), and the moon became like blood (a lunar eclipse). And the stars of heaven fell to the earth (a massive meteor shower)… Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up (severe atmospheric changes), and every mountain and island was moved out of its place (massive Earth changes). And the kings of the earth… every slave and every free man, hid themselves… and said to the mountains and rocks, ‘Fall on us and hide us from…. the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?’“ - Rev. 6:12-17

If you picture yourself looking up at the sky as a 180-degree magnetic Pole Shift accompanied by a similar movement of the Earth’s upper crust was occurring, the sky would likely appear to be receding like a scroll being rolled up, and the sensation of vertigo would be intense. In addition, the severe crustal displacement that could be caused by this Pole Shift could be the cause of the great earthquake mentioned in Revelation 6:12. If so, this would physically move every continent and island out of its place. Then the mountains and islands of the Earth would no longer be in their original positions, but completely shifted around, making modern astronomy-based navigation impossible until new co-ordinates were established.

There are other futuristic prophecies in the Bible that support the idea that there will be a shift in the Earth’s poles before the end of the Tribulation period. Note the following passage:

“And it shall be that he who flees from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit, and he who comes up from the midst of the pit shall be caught in the snare; for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth are shaken. The earth is violently broken, the earth is split open, the earth is shaken exceedingly. The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut; its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again. It shall come to pass in that day that the LORD (Yahweh) will punish on high the host of exalted ones…” “Then the moon will be disgraced and the sun ashamed; for the LORD of hosts (Yahweh Tsavout) will reign on Mount Zion…” - Isaiah 24:18-23

Focusing on verse 20, which says: “The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall totter like a hut,” this passage should not be viewed allegorically, but literally. Furthermore, the language is future tense, describing a future judgment of the Earth that will cause this

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planet to “reel to and fro like a drunkard” as a punishment for the iniquity of the wicked people living upon it. The idea of punishment is expressed by the passage: “its transgression shall be heavy upon it, and it will fall, and not rise again.” Furthermore, Isaiah has this to say about this future Tribulation judgment of the Earth: “Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth will move out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts and in the day of His fierce anger,” - (Isaiah 13:13). Here, the prophet Isaiah tells us that the Earth will be moved out of its place when God’s Wrath is poured out on it during the Great Tribulation. This suggests that the Earth is now fixed with a particular orbit, rotation, and axial tilt, but that its orbit, rotation, and tilt will be changed during the Great Tribulation. This Pole Shift could be further aggravated later on when the Earth is bombarded with the asteroid-like mountain of fire and a comet-like star called Wormwood that are also described in the Book of Revelation:

“Then the second angel sounded: And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. And a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed. Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and… a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died.” - Revelation 8:8-11

Now, it is clear from Revelation 6:12-15 that - sometime after the first four Seal Judgments have begun - a Total Solar Eclipse and Total Lunar Eclipse will occur around the time that the Sixth Seal is opened, but before the earthquake that will accompany the foretold Pole Shift and crustal displacement. Because the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are being allegorically alluded to by the Anti-Peace Sign formed in the heavens on December 21st, 2012, I originally assumed that these Seal Judgments wouldn’t actually begin to be opened until that time. However, after that date in 2012, there are no more Total Solar Eclipses followed quickly by a Total Lunar Eclipse until Passover in 2015. Furthermore, if 2014 is at the mid-point of the Tribulation, this is when the Seven Trumpet judgments will end, so the eclipses in 2015 will occur far too late in time to accompany the opening of the Sixth Seal. This suggests that the Total Solar Eclipse on the 1st of Av on July 11th, 2010 and the Total Lunar Eclipse of December 21st, 2010 may be the Total Eclipses of the Sun and Moon that are being pointed to in Revelation 6:12 as signs that will occur before this Pole Shift is about to occur.

If this is true, the Anti-Peace Sign in Heaven representing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse that will appear in the heavens on

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December 21st, 2012 may actually signify the midpoint or finish of the Seals being opened rather than the beginning of the first four Seal Judgments. In addition, it may mark a time of gradually increasing natural disasters leading up to the Pole Shift of the Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal ushering in the Seven Trumpet Judgments.

Could the Solar and Lunar Eclipses in 2014 and 2015 be the signs that accompany the first of the Seven Trumpets of Revelation that mark the start of the last outpouring of God’s Wrath on a wicked world during the Great Tribulation, as well as the beginning of the most severe persecution of the Tribulation Saints? One thing is certain: the blowing of the First Trumpet will herald the beginning of massive Earth changes that will occur via an earthquake that moves mountains and islands out of their places. In addition, many heavenly signs, including a Solar Eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, and massive meteor shower will accompany this great earthquake that will shake the foundations of the world.

Interestingly, during a Lunar Eclipse, the Moon often appears red when the eclipse is at its greatest point. Furthermore, this effect is often intensified when the Eclipse is seen from less ideal viewing areas. The Full Moons in 2014 and 2015 will all be Blood Moons, and allegorically these may mark times of much suffering and bloodshed from intense plagues and a world at war.

The Lunar Eclipses on Passover and Tabernacles in 2014 likely indicate the time when some of the Trumpet plagues will occur. After this, the outpouring of the Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath can be determined by looking for a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse in quick succession. Ominously, a total Solar Eclipse and total Lunar Eclipse or Blood Moon will occur in the spring of 2015 AD - in conjunction with major events on the Jewish calendar. Since the Hallel Psalm prophecies suggest that the Great Tribulation will end in 2017, the eclipses in 2014 and 2015 may herald the coming of the Seven Trumpet and Seven Bowl Judgments between the spring of 2014 and the end of 2017.

Fourteen days after the New Moon on the Spring Equinox in 2015 - on the evening of April 4th - it will be Passover. Intriguingly, a Lunar Eclipse will occur in the sign of Virgo on that night that will be best viewed on Easter Island. This is significant because Easter Island was discovered on Easter Sunday, April 5th, 1722, and Easter will be on Sunday, April 5th, 2015 - on the morning after the Passover Lunar Eclipse! Virgo represents the ancient kingdom and modern nation of Israel, as well as the True Church, and both serve as forerunners to the coming Millennial Kingdom of Yahshua.

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Lunar Eclipse Over Easter Island - April 4th, 2015

Could this be why Easter Island is covered with many enigmatic ancient stone statues - most of them with emaciated human torsos suggesting starvation and sickness? Could this be why their stone faces appear to be staring out in dismay at the far horizon in every direction? Could our righteous Sethite ancestors who knew Sacred Astronomy and the holy Watchers who guided them have been trying to tell us something by making Easter Island a modern archeological marvel and mystery? It is my belief that the answer to these questions is “Yes!” In fact, I am convinced that Easter Island is a giant marker pointing to terrifying earthly events that began around the time of the July Solar Eclipse over Easter Island in 2010, and will begin to reach a climax in intensity around Passover in 2015 AD.

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Ominous Solar Eclipse of March 20th, 2015

In Book Three, “The Language of God in History,” it was conclusively shown that the monuments that the Sethites built on Earth to record the wisdom in the heavens are tied to the Star Gospel

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surrounding Orion and Taurus, which dually tell us about the purpose and nature of Christ at both His First and Second Coming. If the Sethites knew of the First and Second Advent of Christ from the Gospel in the Stars, could Easter Island‘s hundreds of stone statues or moai have been carved to portray the global state of mankind during the last few years before Christ’s Second Coming, which may occur in 2017?

Though archeologists insist that the Easter Island stone heads were carved from solidified lava ash long after the time of Christ, some believe them to be much older. In particular, one wall carved at Ahu Vinapu on Easter Island greatly resembles ancient Pre-Flood structures made of finely fitted monolithic stone blocks that have been found around the world in places like Machu Picchu in South America, Teotihuacán in Mexico, Baalbek in Lebanon, and Giza in Egypt.

As shown in my book: “The Language of God in History,” it is my belief that these disparate sites are all connected by the Sacred Astronomy of the righteous Sethite Enoch, as well as through his descendents Noah and Shem. Furthermore, it is my contention that these men wanted to leave a testimony that communicated what they believed and knew would happen in the far future. Therefore, they carved it all in stone to guide the final generation that will experience the terrifying events heralding the end of this old world system and the ushering in of a true New Age of Righteousness built on the foundation of Christ, the Bible, and the Star Gospel.

Whatever these heavenly signs portend, the pairing of these eclipses with two major Jewish calendar events in 2015 seems highly significant when viewed through the lens of biblically-based Sacred Astronomy. As shown in my book: “The Language of God in Humanity,” Lunar Eclipses occurred over the Middle East on the night of the first Passover in Egypt, and on the night of the Passover when Christ was crucified! Could it be that this night of a Passover Lunar Eclipse in 2015 will also mark another significant turn of events for the Jews and Tribulation Saints?

After the Easter Island Lunar Eclipse in 2015, there will be a Total Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on March 8th, 2016 that will be best seen over Hawaii in the Earth’s Scorpio Meridian. After that, the next Total Solar Eclipse won’t be until August 21st, 2017, when the Sun and Moon will be in conjunction with the king star Regulus in Leo. Interestingly, the Moon will be fully centered over the Sun at exactly 12 o’clock noon that day. As shown in “The Language of God in the Universe,” the star Regulus was known as the king star because ancient astrologers noted that it was often prominent in the heavens when great personages were

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born. Not surprisingly, then, Regulus was in conjunction with the Messiah planet Jupiter when Christ was born. Interestingly, the sign of Leo represents Yahshua as the King of kings returning to trample the wicked under His feet! In the Star Gospel, this is indicated by Leo’s placement over the long serpent form of the constellation Hydra, which - like Cetus - is another symbol for the Beast from the Sea.

From an aerial perspective, the August 21st, 2017 Solar Eclipse will cast the Moon’s shadow over all of North America, possibly indicating that something prophetically significant will occur on behalf of this region of the world sometime around that date in history. Could this be close to the time when Christ, the King of kings will return with His heavenly armies to defeat the Antichrist‘s armies that may be invading the USA and Israel? Only time will tell, but, as shown in the following illustration, the placement of the Heavenly Signs on this day is quite compelling!

Solar Eclipse on August 21st, 2017

Another celestial sign indicating that Christ may return or will already be reigning on the Earth in 2017 will occur on September 20th that year, on the day before Rosh Hashanah and two days before the Autumn Equinox. On that day at dawn, the Sun and New Moon will be directly between Virgo and Leo and will form the Christ Angle with the Great Sphinx and Venus in conjunction with Regulus the king star. Uncannily, Leo and Virgo recall the imagery of the Great Sphinx with its

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woman’s face and lion’s tail that represents Yahshua as “the First and the Last” and “the Beginning and the End” (Rev. 22:13), while the planets Venus and Regulus recall Christ’s role as the King of kings and bright Morning Star (Rev. 22:16). Meanwhile, the Messiah planet Jupiter will be in Virgo and the star Al Nitak, which corresponds with the Great Pyramid, will be at its zenith on the ecliptic due south in Taurus and directly above the Giza Plateau. This can be seen in the interpretive illustration on this page:

Heavenly Signs at Giza on September 20th, 2017

Due to these uncanny parallels in symbolism and orientation between the monuments at Giza and the heavens on September 20th, 2017, could it be that the Giza Pyramid Complex was meant to point to

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that very day in history? After all, the Great Sphinx and three auxiliary pyramids on the south side of Menkaure’s Pyramid appear to be heralding a time when Orion’s Belt will be directly overhead in the south when the Sun rises in the east between Virgo and Leo, and in direct line with the Great Sphinx. In light of the amazing ties between Easter Island and the Lunar Eclipse on Passover in 2015, this exact correlation between the Star Gospel and the Giza Plateau seems to be far more than a coincidence. The illustration split between pages 716 and 718 was taken from my Tribulation Timeline, where you can see it in one piece and in full color. In it, I show not one but three amazing Christ Angle correlations that will occur on that day in relation to the positions of three planets with the Giza Pyramids when Orion is at the sky’s zenith.

The Christ Angle of 26 degrees 18 minutes, and 9 seconds will be

formed in the sky three times that day, and the first will be formed just before dawn. This angle will be formed by Uranus the “Bride of Christ” planet in Pisces the “Two Houses of Israel” and the Giza Pyramids which symbolize the three crosses on Golgotha at the Crucifixion of Christ. Next the Christ Angle will be formed by Venus the “Morning Star” in conjunction with Regulus the “King Star” and the Giza Pyramids with the horizon at dawn. Finally, just after dawn, the Christ Angle will be formed with Jupiter the Messiah planet in conjunction with Spica, the Righteous Branch or Tzemach. All of these hearken back to titles for Yahshua as the Bridegroom (Mat. 25:1), Yahshua as the Bright and Moring Star (Rev. 22:16), Yahshua as the King of kings (Rev. 19:6), and Yahshua as the Righteous Branch out of Jesse (Isa. 11:1; Jer. 23:5, 33:15:). This phenomenal correlation between the heavens and the Pyramids at Giza will occur fifteen days before the week-long Feast of Tabernacles beginning on October 6th, 2017.

Later, on the first day of Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles on

October 6th, 2017 - at one-and-a-half hours before sunrise - Mars, the planet signifying Yahshua’s Blood Atonement and Blood Sacrifice for us will rise in a brilliant conjunction with Venus, the Morning Star - which signifies Yahshua as the Star out of Jacob (Numbers 24:17), who is the Light of the World (John 8:12, 9:5). This will occur at the junction between the constellations Virgo and Leo signifying Christ as the Beginning and the End. Later that day at dawn, the Sun will rise in near conjunction with Mercury in Virgo. If Yahshua’s Second Coming is sometime in 2016 or 2017, this heavenly alignment on October 6th will indeed be prophetic.

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The Language of God in Prophecy Page 716

Interestingly, the symbolism behind Virgo and Leo allegorically compliment the prophetic meaning behind the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, which centers on the miracle of God incarnating as a man in Christ, and dwelling or tabernacling with mankind. The week of Sukkot prefigures the miraculous First Advent (as seen in Virgo) and Second Advent of Christ (as seen in Leo), as well as His Millennial Kingdom.

Uncannily, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse on January 31st, 2018 in the sign of Cancer, a sign representing the ingathering and uniting of all God’s people Israel that is also recalled during the Feast of Tabernacles. This Lunar Eclipse will be best seen from the western coast of the United States and Mexico. Then, looking to the end of 2017 via the Jewish Sacred Calendar on Nissan 1 or March 17th, 2018, the Sun (Yahshua) and the New Moon (His Bride) will rise in conjunction over the Ephraimite Fish of Pisces/Israel representing those saved by Grace and born-again with the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Signs in the Heavens on January 31st and March 17th, 2018 appear to support and enhance the meaning of the signs preceding it in 2017.

Page 17: Is The 2014 Sukkot Blood Moon Post First Rapture?pillar-of-enoch.com/language_series/prophecy/LOG4... · 2014-05-02 · Eclipses will be visible over Easter Island, with the second

Chapter 12: Sacred Astronomy as a Prophetic Tool Page 717

Before closing this final section of the book on the Signs in the Heavens that may be announcing the timing of the Tribulation period, I wanted to seal my arguments for paying attention to these signs by focusing on two Total Lunar Eclipses in the stellar line up of amazing Heavenly Signs between 2010 and 2018 that are called Central Lunar Eclipses. One of these Central Lunar Eclipses falls in the middle of 2011, and the next one falls in the middle of 2018, making these two eclipses exactly seven years apart. A Central Lunar Eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse where all or some portion of the Moon passes directly through the center of Earth’s shadow.

Central Lunar Eclipses are the longest and darkest of the different kinds of Lunar Eclipses, and they are also relatively rare, with only ten of these occurring in the next fifty years. Also of importance is the fact that, just as in 2011, the year 2018 is marked as significant by a rare line-up of three Total Lunar Eclipses or Blood Moon Triad near to the beginning, middle and end of the year on January 31st, 2018 in Cancer; on July 27th,

Page 18: Is The 2014 Sukkot Blood Moon Post First Rapture?pillar-of-enoch.com/language_series/prophecy/LOG4... · 2014-05-02 · Eclipses will be visible over Easter Island, with the second

The Language of God in Prophecy Page 718

2018 on the opposite side of the Zodiac in Capricorn; and on January 21st, 2019 - again in Cancer, the sign pointing to the ingathering of all God’s people into His Kingdom. This marks a period of 355 days, which is a bit more than the length of one 354.37-day Lunar Year. Here are graphics derived from my full-color Tribulation Timeline showing these Lunar Triads. To see these images in color, you can download my timeline from my POEM Web Site at http://pillr-of-enoch.com.

Blood Moon Triads of 2011 and 2018

Page 19: Is The 2014 Sukkot Blood Moon Post First Rapture?pillar-of-enoch.com/language_series/prophecy/LOG4... · 2014-05-02 · Eclipses will be visible over Easter Island, with the second

Chapter 12: Sacred Astronomy as a Prophetic Tool Page 719

Could the Blood Moon Triads marking the beginning, middle and

end of 2011 and 2018 be meant to indicate both the beginning year of the seven-year Tribulation period and the beginning year of Yahshua’s Millennial Kingdom? Furthermore, could the Blood Moon of June 15th, 2011 be marking the beginning of God’s full judgment and wrath on the wicked nations of the Earth? In addition, could the Central Lunar Eclipse on July 27th, 2018 be marking the time when the healing of the Earth after the Great Tribulation will be completed and Yahshua’s Millennial Kingdom on Earth will be fully established? If so, it would be fitting that this would happen around the 9th of Av or Tisha B’Av, which is currently a day of Jewish mourning over the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem.

Following the 9th of Av, the 15th of Av or Tu B’Av is already a joyous day dedicated to celebrating love, romance and marriage in Israel today, and it would become one of the most wonderful celebrations of love and marriage in history if Yahshua’s Kingdom were inaugurated on that day or on Tisha B’Av in 2018! This is an intriguing possibility, especially since rabbinic traditions state that the 9th of Av will one day be turned from a day of mourning to one of rejoicing. It would certainly be a day of rejoicing if the Kingdom of God on Earth were inaugurated on that day and a worldwide Marriage Feast celebrating the everlasting unity between Jews and Gentiles in Christ was celebrated on Tu B’Av in 2018. Intriguingly, as if to frame this Blood Moon, the partial Solar Eclipses just before and after it fall on the 1st day of the 5th Jewish month of Av on July 13th, 2018 and the 1st day of the 6th month of Elul on August 11th, 2018.

In light of these amazing heavenly signs in 2017 and 2018, wouldn’t it be fitting if our wonderful Savior and King Yahshua arrived in time to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles in 2017 with His resurrected and glorified saints? To this I say, Maranatha! Come, Adonai Yahshua Ha Mashiach!