8/19/2019 Is Radio Broadcasting From School Necessary http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/is-radio-broadcasting-from-school-necessary 1/8 1. Bayu Aji Kusuma (05) 2. Suhesti Varidah (27) 3. Suswanto (29) . !yas "atna #an$esti%a (30) Broadcasting from School Necessary?

Is Radio Broadcasting From School Necessary

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Page 1: Is Radio Broadcasting From School Necessary

8/19/2019 Is Radio Broadcasting From School Necessary

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1. Bayu Aji Kusuma (05)2. Suhesti Varidah (27)3. Suswanto (29). !yas "atna #an$esti%a


Broadcasting from

School Necessary?

Page 2: Is Radio Broadcasting From School Necessary

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IssueDo you know radio broadcasting? No? Well,Radio broadcasting is a one-way wirelesstransmission oer radio wae intended toreach a wide audience! Now, many school

that already hae a radio broadcasting fromschool! "s you see, there has been a greatdeal of discussion on the #roblem of radiobroadcasting from school in this country! $he

discussion includes% &s radio 'roadastin$rom shoo* neessary+ &oweer, in thisdiscussion we would like to talk you #ro andcons about radio broadcasting from school!

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"rgument for 'oint (

,n one hand- radio 'roadastin$rom shoo* is useu* to ro/ideinormation a'out the shoo* to

students. $he e)am#le is when schoolhold #rogram, students can know it!So, all of the information that su##ortslearning actiities more clear and


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"rgument for 'oint *

&n addition- students whoha/e an interest and

atitude in the 'roadastmay distri'ute this ta*ent. Ifthey were used to be a

broadcaster in the school, theywill not feel awkward when theygo directly to the broadcast


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+ontrasting 'oint (

,n the other side- radio'roadastin$ rom shoo* ha/emany disad/anta$es. Radiobroadcasting from school can disturbstudents concentration in learning!s#ecially for students who areentering the .nal grade, it will

de.nitely a/ect their learning hours!

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ontrastin$ #oint 2!he radio 'roadast at the shoo*

a*so has a 'i$ imat to theshoo*. If the news broadcast is aschools disgrace, it will certainly lead

to bad-talk in the outdoor enironment! $he e0ui#ment that should be#re#ared also re0uires funds that arenot chea#! In addition to, the cost

treatment of the e0ui#ment in thefuture will increase!

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Well, radio broadcasting from schoolhae adantages and disadantagesfor students and school! Radiobroadcasting from school can build

students talent! But, it hae big im#actfor school and student learning hours !

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 $hank 1ou 2