I THE OCALA BANNER I I BIG FLEETS GETTING READY FOR BATTLE- r c Japanese Close Port of slang 1 To The World i MIKADO REINFORCES HIS ARMY While Little News Is Obtainable from f from the Far East It is as Evident that Big Warships Will Soon Be En- gaged i r in Great Naval Battie- St Petersburg Apri1111i > p in J Whether Vice Admiral Hojestvensliys battleship division passed through the iJ straits of Sunda or the straits of Ma- lacca ¬ it is practically certain now that 1 he is moving to effect a juncture with the division which passed Singapore i April 8 It is possible that this nay j not tale place until the two divisions ttc reach Cape Padaran on the east ccaat r ef CochinChina The dispatches front r Singapore naming the ships that pass1 ed there on Saturday are erroneous in 1 several places notably the case of the t Fuersf Bismarck rechristened The rg DOB which is still at Libau il Kelung Port Closed to World Washington April 12 mister Griscom at Tokio has cabled the state ft department that he has been advised L of the closing of Kelung to foreign ships until further notice ff Kelung is a port on the north end of l the island of Formosa It Is believed i l here that the action of the Japanes t government in closing Kelung ind i cates that this port will be used by j dmiral Togo as a base for his fleet 1 Dutch Squadron Sails Under Orders t The Hague April 2he Dutch > East Indian squadron is said to have l been ordered to proceed to the Anam 1 bf islands where the Russian squad rbn which passed Singapore April S is < anchored with the view to assuring I fthe observance of neutrality- JapsReinforcing ot Army Tokio April 12Japan is meeting i the Russian plan of reorganization and reinforcement of its Manchurian army r with an extensive expedition from its own military organization The de tails and figures are carefully con > eealed of what seems to be a plan j f to double the present army units but- t it is estimated that by autumn next l the total military organization will l exceed a million men actually em- ployed i in the field I The fighting force is roughly esti sated at 700000 men with increases largely in the infantry and artillery j although an enlargement the cavalry i branch is also contemplated As a j result of the manufacture at the arsen j mis in Japan together with captures j and purchases of guns it is predicted- that I this year will see a Japanese ar- tillery j superior to that of the Russian j- la quality as well as numerically and I It is confidently believed that the Rur i ians will be incapable of overcoming- these j numerical disadvantages Wher ever railway improvements are possi ¬ ble they will be carried out when Ja- pan t will be sufficiently strong to takf j ad hold Harbin and simultaneously continue operations against the Rus ¬ I sian forces to the eastward of that I city I 1 G Heavy Hail Storm at Pittsburg i PUtsburg April 12One of the I worst hail storms ia years passed over I Pittsburg yesterday The hail stones were and done much damage to < 4zhLs conservatories and plate glass windows At Schenly park about J aIfet the glass ia the skylights ol tme Phipps conservatory were broken The private conservatories of H C Vrick and AR Peacock in the East 1 ad also suerd severely In the toutaese part of the city many plate glass windows were broken The fall lag ball frightened horses on the l streets and there were a number ol maaways As far as known no one was seriously injured c Kllled In Pythian Lodge I Little Rock Ark April 12 While t eaeier Ruayon was Being Initiated t 7 tke local lodge Bights of Pythias lat Ftlaenthal Ark he was shot an- disttl7 killed Chartea Filler an f ssr of the lodge was afficiating at itfcft VItiation aad It ia said uaed a i YGier which in some nayterious I fIFbd bees loaded although it Was MM4 to contain blank cartridges b ballet entered Runyans Drain Lag instant death Ths lodge 1bes mp tai consternation S Pr tMt AfaiM t Fre Textbooks Z ffMiaaati April 12A formal pro > calast Ute extension of free text to ether grades of tka public tkam those now receiving them- e a4 toy by the Hanfttom cow Mtratlon of Catholic societies Th A I of the federation which ooo- C X L seventy societies preMated T written protest to the board ol < JJ The reasons glrem are that textbooks are unsanitary J Aerlcan and a step toward socialism i fZ tft- J i > > J j > f < E > 1 < < ONES OF PIRATE ARE FOUND What Remains of Captain Hicks Un earthed Near New York New York April 12The bones of Captain Hicks a notorious pirate are aid to have been unearthed on Bedloe island While digging for a foundatcn for several new buildings a laborer threw up in a shovelful of earth a brt tie object that resembled a huTiica thigh bone An almost perfect skele- ton ¬ finally was collected From the position of the skeleton It could be seen that the arms and legs were pinned close together at the time of the burial which led to the stisgstion that the skeleton of the p- rate captain had been unearthed When one of the laborers turned up- a semipetrified section of a voo Ife- iigibetit became almost certain t> ai the tones were these of the pirate Captain Hicks with his fleet cruised I about the Carolina coast venturing j i sometimes as tar north as the end or I Long Island preying on New York I shipping lie was finally captured j brought to New York convicted and I sentenced to be hanged on Eadloes- I island The execution was public and the island as crowded at tie I time j I YOUNG MAN S THRCAT CUT i Police Looking for Man VVI2 Commit i ted Deed in New Ycr New York April 1LWhi r2mm i- Seracno I 19 years of age lay sleepin in his home in Brooklyn early tcua i a man brole through a rear windo I of the house cut the youths throat j almost severing the head Sara c 4 died shortly after the deed WES disco j ercd The police are searching for Pa J Catilino a man of 5G years ot ac by whom Saraono was employed who j has not ben seen since the murder j I Deverce Genera a youth of 17 who j occupied the bed with Saraouo wa t I awakened by the warm blood of hIs bed fellow flowing over his body He found Saraono dying and the bedroom window open I The police say they have learned i that Saraouo and Catilino had not been on good terms for some time and t that they had trouble last evening t Catalinos son and the dead youth were chums- I Military Plot in France f Paris April 12Captain Volpert ol the Eleventh infantry has been arrest- ed ¬ on the charge of complicity in the I supposed military plot against the se curity of the state It was announced i from Paris April 5 that the 3000 rounds of cartridges had been discov- ered in the house of a man named iley er in the suburbs of Paria and that a supply of rules was found later The researches it was added were the re suit of the recsnt seizure of 500 uni forms In the residence of Captain Tambourina a retired officer The au thoritieg at first did not consider the affair serious but their subsequent opinion was that a genuine conspira- cy was being hatched Homicide In Walton County Ga 1 Monroe Ga April 11 Hampton Morris son of exTreasurer Henry Mor riB son of exTreasurer Henry Morris has shot and killed his brotherinlaw Arthur Haynie threequarters of a mile south of Bethlehem It is said J Haynie and a young man Virgil Smith went to the home of Morris late in the afternoon and remained there some- time Arthur walked out into the yard and upon returning was denied- it is Claimed the privilege of enter- Ing He is said to have insisted that ke be permitted to enter but having made his threats it in charged as to what he would do Morris would not let him fearing the worst Tunnel Through Lookout Mountain Kn KTlll Tena April laW J Oliver 4k OB railroad contractors of tkto city today reosived advices from PrwMaat Samuel Spencer of the BovftfcMK railway award that firm the o tra t to buiid tILe tunnel ikraofk Lookeikt Mountala near Chat taaooga Tcu oa the Southern rail- ways extension from Chattanooga to tvaion Ala The price involved not made pixblio but it la under- stood ¬ the extension and tunnel will eost between two and three million dollars Work wltt beet at once Man Clerk Hurt in Wreck Birmingham Ala Aprl11A spe- cial ¬ I BO The New front Decatur Ala saj that LomicTtlle and Nashvilles fat pasenger train No1 south- bound ¬ I warn wrecked Bear Lynnville Tenm flftyaine miles north of Deoa I tar ai I oclock this morning The eoglae baggage mail and express cars were dttcked No one is reported kurt except a saail elerk and he is- aM serlousb injured The cause of the wreck ic not stated May Arbitrate Chicago Strike Chieaje April 12A crisis hi the eemtreTersy growing out of the Mont gory War Jk Oe teamsters strike waa Iftfced for today by both sides I It waa Mayer Dvnaee first day in of BBS it was acid that he would be aeked by feeth aides te arrange an It armistice and to aet as am arbitrator a c all iusae j I fA IVE j J I cA1A1bIi I a j ease of Catarrh and took a great deal of I medicine without airy benefit I had a continual headache my cheeks I had grown purple my nose was always stopped tip my breath had a sickening and disgusting odor and I coughed incessantly I heard of your S S S and wrote you I commenced to use it and after taking I several bottles I was cured and have never since had the slightest symptom of f the disease Miss MARY L STORM Cor 7th Felix Sts St Joseph Mo Wheeling W Va May 29 1903 I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I used S S S with very gratifying results- I I tried local applications for some time and getting no permanent relief I came IT the conclusion that the seat of the trouble was in the bUod Knowing S S S to be I a good blood medicine I began its use and after using it for some little while it did away entirely with the offensive mu- cus ¬ in the nostrils and I did not have to hawk and spit especially in the morning to dislodge the catarrhal matter 1627 South St FRED H PRESSY The filthy secretions and foul mucus that ire continually dropping back into the throat find their way into the stomach ind are absorbed into the blood Cata- rrhS then becomes con- stitutionaland f1 onlywaytoget1cI- the of it is through the blood Write us if you have Catarrh and our physici- ans ¬ will advise you without charge The Swift Specific Comnanv Atlanta Ga The Jacksonville Cider and Vinegar Co The above named company has just opened business in Jacksonville with headquarters at 429 EastBay St and the orders already sent in show that a large business awaits them as soon as it become generally known that thi class of goods is made here The company is composed of gen ¬ tlemen well known in business in this state for many years Thomas- L Irwin jr secretary and general manager of the company for yearsI traveled Florida in the the Belle of Nelson Company He gives his personal attention to the manufacture of the companys pro ¬ ducts H L Irwin president ha traveled all over the country in the interest of several drug houses Dr T L Irwin treasurer is one of the best known men in Florida having- for a number of years been on the city council of Jacksonville and on matters that pertained to the citys health was always looked to for ad- vice ¬ and council We predict for the new company a big success Their advertisement will be found in another column of todays paper and Florida merchants will do well to correspond with them when in the market for goods in their line At The Variety Marcus Frank is a veritable genius and is constantly adding spice and ginger to the sales at the Variety He recently attended the Old H 3 i Sale in Jacksonville and bought a great many curious and useful things which he will place on special sale next Monday and in order to make the day an especially attractive- one there will be a cut on all sales made at the Variety on that day In addition to these extraordinary bargains the first fifty customers will be given a present of a shirt waist pattern free The Variety is fast getting to be the most popular store in Ocala Follow the crowds and see what business enterprise is accomplishing- arco I and MeFall Messrs B B Barco and J S Mc Fall both former residents of Marion county and who still have a host of friends and well wishers here have formed a real estate copartnership in Tampa and solicit the patronage and good will of every one requiring their services either in the selling of lauds or the negotiating of loans The Ocala Banner wishes them marked success Mr EP Thagard recently elected secretary to the Naval Stores Export company the new million dollar con ¬ cern just organized left for Jackson ¬ ville last night and today will assume the duties of his office His family will continue to reside in Ocala until after the closing of the high school They will then leave for Jacksonville- and will make that city their home Mr and Mrs Harry Phillips left yesterday for Gainesville where they will reside in tuture Mr Phillips is the junior member of the firm of Sternberger Phillips NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THE intend lo apply t > ch cncui- tjudgeoffanon county Hlond at hts office in Ocjla Florida on the Islh iiyof May J D Igo5 a charter for a corporation under the pro ¬ visions ot chapter 4231 acts of 1893 laws ot FIr aa and of the acts amendatory thereto The nameoftheproposed corporation to be formed s the Marion Countv Hospital Association and the character and business of the same is- o t provide for and take c > rerf uch persons who are sick as is provided in the proposed char- ter ¬ which is ttached hereto and made part of this notice Thos C Hill Maurice trau D E Mclver I > M Smith to D W N Camp W H Powers M L > Z CChambiiss David s Woodrow A L Izlar M D 0 T Green J W Hood M D Edw Hiller r B Rheinauer B Vn Hood MD I W V Xewsom M D George MacKay C L Bittinger TT Munroe Proposed charter of the Marion County Hospi- tal ¬ Association 1st The name of this corporation shall be the Marion ounty Hopital Asociatiou to be located in Ocala Florida and The general nature of and the objectof- this corporation will be to care for such per- sons who are sick and require medical surgi- cal ¬ attention as the managing officers of this corporation may select 3rd All white persons over twentyone ye rs 01 age mast become member of thi associatio- nan the manner of their admission shall be by ballot of the managing board in the manner and form they povide in their bylaw 4th The term existence of this corporation- shall I be for ninetynine years 5th The names and reidenceof the sul > scri cer to this association are as for ow Names Place of Residence- E Vn Hood Ocala Floriia W H Powers W V Newsoni I J Walter Hood A L Izlar- X I MSmith- Tnos C Han I D K Mclvcr w N Camp Z C Chan tbls I T T Munioe eo B thriI2ucr- Maurice strau s David s Woodrow I Edward HiHvr Gcorg MacKay C L Bittini > er j O T OrcrT 6th The affairs of thi corporation will be managed by the president secretary and trea J urcr and beard of five muager known as tile board of manager The preideut ecre i ta ry and treasiirershall be three of the mem trr = ol he board to be elected at the annual j meftins of he members of this corporation which unaal meeting shall be held on the sec i end fuesday after the first day of March of j each year t th R kheineur shall be president A L I Izlar shah be secretary TT Munroe shall be I trsaure and with W V Xewsoni and E Van i Hojd halbe the board of managers They hall hold oince until the first annual election to f> e reld as provided herein and until their I successors be elected and qualified I sh The bylaws of this corporation shall be made altered and rescinded by the managing board a qth The highest amount indebtednes or liability to which this potation may at any- time subject itself shall be five hundred dollar provided however that this cxKporatio may I subject itself to specified bouded and mortgaged indebtedness not exceeding jioooo ten thou ¬ I sand dollars in addition to the said five hun ¬ dred dollars for the purpose ot purchasing laud J and constructing thereon a hospital building I toth The amount and value of the real es- tate which this corporation may hold ubject to the approval of the citcuit judge shall be ten I thousond dollars iho3 C Hall D M Smit- hi i X Camp V H Power Z C Chainbis David Woodrow I T T Munroe O T Green A L Izlar Edw Hiller I J W Hood E Van Hood B Rheiuauer George MacKav W V Xewsoru C L Btttinger State of Fionda j Marion County Residence of all Ocala Fla Before me an officer authorized to take fiok nowledginerits of deeds in the srate of Florida per- sonally appeared O T Green to me well known to be one ot the subscribers to the foregoing I proposed charter and to be the ame person who signed the s ime as said subscriber and I the said OT Green did acknowledge to me that he subscribed and signed the foregoing propos ¬ ed charter for the purpoes therein expressed and the said OT Green being by me duly sworn upon his oath did av that it isintendert by the subscribers to the foregoing charter and by the arSant in good faith to carry out the purpose and object therein set forth in the said proposed charter I further certify that my commission as no- tary public expires on the iTth day of lurch AU taoa- Sworn to subscribed and acknowledged be fore me this 13th day of April A D loo 0 T GREEN In witness whereof I have hereunto set my I hand > nd official teal this the X3th day ot April A I > icoj JOSPH BELL Notary Public State ot at Large I 4U SPECIAL MASTERS SALE U > DER XD BY VIRTUE O A tiNt decree of foreclosure and sale rendered bv- I the Hon R M all 01 the circuit court- for the Fourth judicial circuit of Florida in and for St Johns county in chancery silting I ou the i6th day of Maich A V 1905 in a cer- tain ¬ cause wherein Federal Trust company r J I corporation is complainant and We turn pica I Fruit Company a corporation is defendant as special master appointed therein I will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash i I before the front door of the court house of said i county in St Augustine on the that Monday in I May next being the first day of May 1905 at oclock noon the following lands situate in Marion and St Johns counties State of Florida to rit I In Marion county the following lands with I all buildings and improvements thereon Lots one twa three four twelve thirteen fifteen j sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen thirty I five thritysix and the eastern halt of lot forty one as shown upon a plan entitled Map of a portion of lernandez Grant and lots one and J two of section 21 and lot one of section 28 township 13 south of range 21 east H J I Campbell engineer recorded in the Public I Kecords of Marion connty which lots are see erally described by metes and bounds in said 1 decree and also ii the mortgage given by We I tumpka pruit Company to Thomas S Pierce 1 foreclosed in said suit recorded in Marion county Public Records in mortgage book 33 I pages 362 and 363 and in St Johns connty Records in mortgage book N paes94 to 98 I also two and azoo acres in the southeast cor- ner ¬ of lot 14 of said plan beretotoe mentioned- In I St Johns county the following lands with the buildings and improvements thereon I The southeast quarter the south half of the northeast quarter the south half of the north half of the northeast quarter the eat half of t the southwest quarter the southeast quarter of I the northwest quarter the south half of north- east quarter of northwest quarter of section 29 the east half and the east half of the west half of section 32 in township 9 south of range 28 east containing about gbo acres also the east half and the east half of the west half of see 1 tion in township 10 south of range 28 east- containing I I 480 acres more or less excepting from the foregoing lands sold outof said sec- tions I as follows i The west half of the south half of the north half of the northeast quarter- of I said section 29 2t commencing at thC I northwest corner of the preceding parcel run south 660 feet west 660 feet north 660 feet I and east 660 feet containing 10 acres 3 One I acre and 990 square teet in the southwest ner ot the south half of the northeast carr ot th northwest quarter of said section 4 Ten acres in the southwest corner of acC east half of the southwest quarter of said sec- tion ¬ I 29 5 Five acres in the northwest corner of the east half of the west half of said section j 32 bounded as follows Commencing in the north line 1320 feet east of the west line of I section 32 thence run east 660 feet south 330 I feet west 660 feet and north 330 feet 6 Tea acres ia the northwest corner of the southeast I quarter of the northwest quarter of sectioa 32 bounded as follows Commencing 1320 feet t south from the north line and 1320 feet east from the west line of said section 32 thence run east 660 feet south 660 feet west 660 feet and north 66b feet GEORGE P FOWLER Special Master mcha6w NOTCE W P HAISLEY EXECUTOR OF TUB last will and testament ot Anna M Butt deceased will present his accounts and vouch ers to the Ran R Bullock connty judge Ma- rion ¬ county Florida on the Third Day of July A D 1905 and ask for a final settlement and discharge f This thesist day ot December 1004 66m W P HAISLEY Executor NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE intend to apply ta the Goer nor of the state of Florida at Tallahassee Flor ¬ ida on the moth day of April A D 1905 f letters patent on the proposed charter here- to attached original of which is now on file in the orfcce ot the secretaryof state of FIr Ma at Tallahassee Florida W N CAMP- CLARENCE CAMP R F BREWER GKO 1 > MCNIXG- O T GRiCrX The undersigned do hcrebv associate them elves together as a boy corporate under the provisions of the statute aws of the statof Florida and do publish the following articles of IncorporatIon ARTICLE I The name of tin corporation shdl be the Florida foxver Company The pnnopal place 01 buiness of this corpor- ation ¬ shall b at Ocala Marion county Florida with such branch offices as may be adopted by the bar tI directors ARTICLE I The genera nature of the blsines to be transacted by this corporation 1st The purclning construction or leasing and selling ot water power tights including the conitruciiou of dams lor the purpose ot geiier a ting electric power and also conveying the s to factories and machine shops for the e of running machinery electric lighting includint The business of this corporation shall be the purchasing leasingand selling of real and per- sonal ¬ ot all kinds and descriptions including lands improved or ¬ uated anywhere in state of Florida the purohse and selling of general merchandise I to loan or borrow money with the power to mortgage any and all ot said property to secure to construct lease and build docks whirfsand elevators and make any improv- ement ¬ for the of navigation in any i nver purse ocean in or bound- ing ¬ the state of Florida to manufacture any I article of commerce including machinery and to build equip operate and maintain mills for uch purpo s to mine any kind of mineral in I the state of Florida 2nd Also in connection with the said elec ¬ I tic power aforesaid and carrying on the busi- ness ¬ I afore ic to own construct or purchase crse1s of any description including i strls or other craft telephone lines electiic light lines ectric light plants and railroads including terminals to said railroads and said J Alo including the power to pur j chose leae and construct anv f the same pro vided that tile said shall not have he cvrpmion rightof the c a and shall not in crthe duties and liabilities of a pulic car = r > in the contni tion maintenance and operation oi the properties above mentioned i i ARTICLE II t The amount of the capital lock author zed shall be 300000 3 003 shares of the par v lue of Soo per share the same to be ua I assesable and to be issued when the money therefor paid into the tresury ARTICLE IV j The term fjr which thi corporation hal ex- ist ¬ shall be ntnetynine yer ARTICLE V The business of this corporation shall be con- ducted ¬ by a president secretary and treasurer both of which foe can be held by the same- person j and a office directors of whom the president and secretary shall be members all of whom hal be stockholder and shall be elected by their annual meeting to be held on the hist Monday alter the tenth day of January of each year- HamS Camp shall be president Clarence be secretary and with O T Green Geo D Munsing and R F Brewer shall constitute the first board of directo s All of the said officers shall be continued in cihce conducting the business of the corporation until the qualification of their successors at the first election to be held under t the proviioris of this article The highest amount of indebtedness of liabl I ity which this corporation can at any time sub ¬ I jecr itself hal be 5300 ooA- RTICLE I The name of the sui scribersto these articles areas follows and their place of residence is set opposite each name together with the ok subcbe for by etch- I William X Camp Ocala Florida 265 shares Clarence Camp Ocala Florida 10 O T Green Oc > la Florida 5 R F Brewer Ocala Florida 10 Ceo D Munsicg Roauoke Va 10- J Signatures of subscribers subscription So Shales- W I I NCAMP- CIARENCH 263 CAMP lo FBREWEk 10 GEO D MUXSING 10 OT GREEN 5 I Suite of Florida Marion Ccunty I hereby that brfbre me personally ap ¬ > N Camp Clarence Camp R F Brewer O T Green and George D Mun sing eac of whom are to me well known as persons who subscribed to the foregoing articles of incorporation and each of whom acknowledged that he signed- the said arce incorporation as one of the articles and I each of the said subscribing incorporators ac- knowledged for the amount for of capital stock set opposite his I name I further that I am a notary pub ¬ lic under the law Florida and that my com- mission f In witness wheret 15 I 19 hereunto set my hand and this the Sth day of March zoos A U FRANK DRAKE 3 10 5t Notary SEAL State of Fla at Large NOTICE OF APPLICATION CHARGE FOR DIS I SIX MONTHS FROM THIS DATI JAN 2 on the3d day of July will pr sent my accounts and vouchers to the judge of Marion county Florida and ask for final settlement and as administrator a de boms non of the estate of J Lynn Feaster- D H IRVINE 12 66m Administrator de bonis non NOT IC Of Application for Tax Deed Under Section 3 of Chapter 4888 Laws ot Florida NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TAT AL pu rchaser of t certifcte No 1126 1125 and 1154 dated October A D 1898 and certificate 986 dte the 1st of JnlyA 1901 has flu d tificates in has made for tax deeds to issue in accordance applcto Said certificates embrace the following deb property situated in county towit Southwest quarter of section 2 and northwest quarter of northeast quartersion 3 southeast quarter of southwest quarter of noath east quarter and norhwe quarter of southeast 14 range 24 The said 1andbeingassessed at the date ot the isac the name of E I and F Q Brown trustee Unle said certificates shall redeemed tax deed grill issue thereon on the i6th day of April A D- Witness 1905 my official signature and seal this th- x3thdayofMarch A l 195 SISTRUNK 3 17 Clerk Circuit Court NOTICE I Application for Tax Deed Urder section 8 ot Chapter 4SJ 8 Laws of Florida NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN THAT Z GR purchaser of tcetcte dated the 3rd day 1893 has filed said certificate i mvofc and h made aplcatio for tax aace certificate embraces U following described property stt i county Florida towiu Southwest quarter of norwe quarter s tion 18 township 14 The being assessed at the date ot the tnc such cfct i te names01 Unless said certificate sb redeemed according to law tax ite OB the roth day of April A D Wte official air seal this the Mar D ST SISTRUNK I 310 Clerk Circuit Court Marion County F t If you want to get t biggest returns your labor and your ground you cant don 1 to plant FERRYSth- e SEED I the lar and surest dealers 11 them Our 1 I Seed JlBBRal free on request OMFERRYCOD- ETROIT MIC- HNOTICE United States Laud Omce Gaincsv la Iccember 29 1904 To Whom it JJay Concern VOriCE IS HEREBY C1VEX THAT THIS 4 state of Florida has fle in this office List N < 123 filed Jan 1 I sj < ofnwK and nj of ivi section 19 hip 20 s range 20 e se ¬ led by the state for choo indemnity under of congress approved Feb sS 1891 Slid tract are is township containing min- eral ¬ record A copy of said list so far as it relates to these tracts by descriptive subdivision has been con- spicuously this office for the ton of any person interested and the publicat Within the next sisty days the date of this notice underthe departmental reg¬ ulation November 27 1896 23 L B 450 pro ¬ tests or contests against the claims of the state- to any of the tracts or subdivisions herein de- scribed on the ground that the same are more valuable for mineral than agricultural pur ¬ 2 will be received and noted for report to the general laud office at Washington D C Faiuleto protest or contest the claim of the s land within the time will be considered sufficient evidence specife non mineral character and the selection being otherwise free from objection will he recom- mended ¬ fr approval W G ROBINSON HENRY S CHUBB Register Receiver i6iot ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE TO CRED I TORS ETC I VOTICS IS HEREBY GIVEN TO CREl j i itr distributees and all persons barins I clAinn or demands against the estate of Jas M Eagietoa deceased to present the same withinti two years This 9th of Feb 1005 IARGARE ECGLETOX 2 17 Adrainistratnx NOTICE- To All Persons Whomsoever NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT of Marion through its TH County Commissioners iutend to apply to the t legislature the passage of a bill authorizing and empowering them to issue county warrants to amount of 550000 90 for the purpose of- remodeling the court house Said warrants to payable 5500000 each and year there ¬ after until paid and to draw interest not to ex- ceed ¬ 5 per cent per annum H W LOX Attest Chm Board County Comsrs S 1 SiSTRCJTK 2 10 Clerk Circuit Court NOTICE OF FINAL DI8CHARGE VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT ON il the 24th dav of March I will apply to the county judge oftarion county Florida for final ettlement an1 discharge as the ad ¬ ministratrix of the estate Julia P Johnson deceased Done this the I7th day of October 1904 Mr F A HOWSE 10 21 6m Administratrix NOTICE OF MASTERS SALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAIN in chancery rendered by the Hon WS Bullock urge ot the circuit court of the fifth judicial or Florida sittinjr in chan ¬ cery for Marion county on the 21St day of Feb ¬ mary 195 a certain cause therein pending V Clyattis complainant and John o Matthews and others are defendants I will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder for cash befofe theconr house door south in the cty of Oc1a county Florida on grst Monday in lowit the 3rd A D 1905 an undivided onethird interest in the fol ¬ lowing describedpmpemty towit Beginning at a pint 10j and 14 links south 14 de from the northwest corner of the Catalina Jesus Hijuelas Grant thence south degrees east along western boundary of the saidgrant38 chains and 28 links to a stone thence north 55 degrees east 31 chains toa stone thence north 14 degrees and ro minute west 38 chains and S3 links to point ¬ ning containing Ito acres more or less or much thereof as may be necessary to 9 said decree and costs H M HA1tPOY 33 Special NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER AND 1 by viriue of a certain final decree issued by the Honorable W S Bullock judge ot the cir ¬ cuit court for the fifth judicial circuit of in and for Marion in chancery Flrd tsl day of Febrr A D 1905 wherein the Piedmont Guano Company a cor- poration ¬ etc is complainant and Alfred Tooler is defendant the undersigned as special master appointed to execute said final decree will on Monday the 3rd day of April A D 1905 in front of house door in Oala Marion county Ford during the legal hours of sale ofier for public auction and will the highest and best bidder for cash the follow ¬ ing d mortgaged premis towit The west of north ¬ east quartetofuorthwetquaTer section 23 Pet eight ers old one bay mare mare name nine years three cow and calves Too and over bit in one ear and un mak the othe in Marion county Florida or so as mav be necessary to satisfy mid decree and costs of foreclosure proceed ings J B BELL 33 Special Master in Chancery NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Departmentof the Interior Land Office at Gaincville Fla March 131905 NOTICE IS named HEREBY GIVE THAT T his intention to make final proot in support of his claim and that sid proof will b made be for Clerk Circuit at Ocala on viz Ly Wila ofLeroy Fla Apr 29331 for the quarterand- west half of southeast quarter of section township 15 sout range east 24 He names folog wite his continuous prove orjsaid land viz John F Parker of Leroy F Thomas P Dean of El- y Bird Fla Barco Cottoi Plant Joseph B Parker of Cotton Plant Fla 3 17 WGROBINSON Register NOTICfc In the CircuitCourt of the Fifth Judicial of Flod in and for Marion Crt in Chancery 1 Katie White Complaisant vs Solomon Defendant W- it ir IS ORDERED THAT THE 1 her named Solomoa DEFEDAN is required to appear to the bin ot com- plaint ¬ in this caace oa or b Monday the- 5thdayOfJaeADigc5 t a order c oCt be published oce a weeks the Ocala 3auez- ThiSthe7thdayofAprilA 01905 S T SISTRUNK Clerk Circuit C By MABLE L GODSON EDWIN SPKKCEK- Coraplaiaacts Solicitor 4 14 fL I a I AT r b 1 ak s

is- lar Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00320/00165.pdfI awakened by the warm blood of hIs bed fellow flowing over his body He found Saraono dying and the bedroom window open

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Page 1: is- lar Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00320/00165.pdfI awakened by the warm blood of hIs bed fellow flowing over his body He found Saraono dying and the bedroom window open




READY FOR BATTLE-rc Japanese Close Port of slang

1 To The World


While Little News Is Obtainable from

f from the Far East It is as Evidentthat Big Warships Will Soon Be En-

gagedi r in Great Naval Battie-

St Petersburg Apri1111i > p in

J Whether Vice Admiral Hojestvensliysbattleship division passed through the

iJ straits of Sunda or the straits of Ma-


it is practically certain now that1 he is moving to effect a juncture with

the division which passed Singaporei April 8 It is possible that this nayj not tale place until the two divisionsttc reach Cape Padaran on the east ccaatr ef CochinChina The dispatches front

r Singapore naming the ships that pass1ed there on Saturday are erroneous in

1 several places notably the case of thet Fuersf Bismarck rechristened Therg DOB which is still at Libau

ilKelung Port Closed to World

Washington April 12 misterGriscom at Tokio has cabled the state

ft department that he has been advisedL of the closing of Kelung to foreign

ships until further noticeff Kelung is a port on the north end of

l the island of Formosa It Is believedil here that the action of the Japanest government in closing Kelung indi cates that this port will be used by j

dmiral Togo as a base for his fleet1

Dutch Squadron Sails Under Orders

t The Hague April 2he Dutch> East Indian squadron is said to havel been ordered to proceed to the Anam1 bf islands where the Russian squad

rbn which passed Singapore April S is< anchored with the view to assuring I

fthe observance of neutrality-


ArmyTokio April 12Japan is meeting

i the Russian plan of reorganization andreinforcement of its Manchurian army

r with an extensive expedition from itsown military organization The details and figures are carefully con

> eealed of what seems to be a planjf to double the present army units but-

t it is estimated that by autumn nextl the total military organization willl exceed a million men actually em-


in the field I

The fighting force is roughly estisated at 700000 men with increaseslargely in the infantry and artillery j

although an enlargement the cavalry i

branch is also contemplated As a j

result of the manufacture at the arsen j

mis in Japan together with captures j

and purchases of guns it is predicted-that


this year will see a Japanese ar-tillery


superior to that of the Russian j-

la quality as well as numerically and I

It is confidently believed that the Rur i

ians will be incapable of overcoming-these j

numerical disadvantages Wherever railway improvements are possi ¬

ble they will be carried out when Ja-pan


will be sufficiently strong to takf j

ad hold Harbin and simultaneouslycontinue operations against the Rus ¬


sian forces to the eastward of that I




Heavy Hail Storm at Pittsburg i

PUtsburg April 12One of the I

worst hail storms ia years passed over I

Pittsburg yesterday The hail stoneswere and done much damage to

< 4zhLs conservatories and plateglass windows At Schenly park aboutJ aIfet the glass ia the skylights oltme Phipps conservatory were brokenThe private conservatories of H CVrick and AR Peacock in the East

1 ad also suerd severely In thetoutaese part of the city many plate

glass windows were broken The falllag ball frightened horses on the

l streets and there were a number olmaaways As far as known no onewas seriously injured


Kllled In Pythian LodgeI Little Rock Ark April 12 Whilet eaeier Ruayon was Being Initiated

t 7 tke local lodge Bights of Pythiaslat Ftlaenthal Ark he was shot an-disttl7 killed Chartea Filler anf ssr of the lodge was afficiating atitfcft VItiation aad It ia said uaed ai YGier which in some nayterious I

fIFbd bees loaded although it WasMM4 to contain blank cartridges

b ballet entered Runyans DrainLag instant death Ths lodge

1bes mp tai consternationS

Pr tMt AfaiM t Fre TextbooksZffMiaaati April 12A formal pro

> calast Ute extension of free textto ether grades of tka publictkam those now receiving them-ea4 toy by the Hanfttom cow

Mtratlon of Catholic societies ThA I of the federation which ooo-


L seventy societies preMatedT written protest to the board ol<

JJ The reasons glrem are thattextbooks are unsanitary JAerlcan and a step toward socialism i

fZ tft-


> > J j >f < E >

1 <<


What Remains of Captain Hicks Unearthed Near New York

New York April 12The bones ofCaptain Hicks a notorious pirate areaid to have been unearthed on Bedloeisland While digging for a foundatcnfor several new buildings a laborerthrew up in a shovelful of earth a brttie object that resembled a huTiicathigh bone An almost perfect skele-ton


finally was collectedFrom the position of the skeleton

It could be seen that the arms andlegs were pinned close together at thetime of the burial which led to thestisgstion that the skeleton of the p-

rate captain had been unearthedWhen one of the laborers turned up-

a semipetrified section of a voo Ife-iigibetit became almost certain t> aithe tones were these of the pirate

Captain Hicks with his fleet cruisedI about the Carolina coast venturing j

i sometimes as tar north as the end orI Long Island preying on New YorkI shipping lie was finally capturedj brought to New York convicted andI sentenced to be hanged on Eadloes-I island The execution was public

and the island as crowded at tieI

time j



Police Looking for Man VVI2 Commiti ted Deed in New Ycr

New York April 1LWhi r2mm i-

SeracnoI 19 years of age lay sleepinin his home in Brooklyn early tcua i

a man brole through a rear windoI of the house cut the youths throat j

almost severing the head Sara c 4

died shortly after the deed WES disco j

ercdThe police are searching for Pa J

Catilino a man of 5G years ot acby whom Saraono was employed who j

has not ben seen since the murder jI Deverce Genera a youth of 17 whoj occupied the bed with Saraouo wa t

I awakened by the warm blood of hIsbed fellow flowing over his body Hefound Saraono dying and the bedroomwindow open


The police say they have learnedi that Saraouo and Catilino had not

been on good terms for some time andt that they had trouble last eveningt

Catalinos son and the dead youthwere chums-

I Military Plot in Francef Paris April 12Captain Volpert ol

the Eleventh infantry has been arrest-ed


on the charge of complicity in the I

supposed military plot against the security of the state It was announced

i from Paris April 5 that the 3000rounds of cartridges had been discov-ered in the house of a man named ileyer in the suburbs of Paria and that asupply of rules was found later Theresearches it was added were the resuit of the recsnt seizure of 500 uniforms In the residence of CaptainTambourina a retired officer The authoritieg at first did not consider theaffair serious but their subsequentopinion was that a genuine conspira-cy was being hatched

Homicide In Walton County Ga 1

Monroe Ga April 11 HamptonMorris son of exTreasurer Henry MorriB son of exTreasurer Henry Morrishas shot and killed his brotherinlawArthur Haynie threequarters of amile south of Bethlehem It is said

JHaynie and a young man Virgil Smithwent to the home of Morris late in theafternoon and remained there some-time Arthur walked out into theyard and upon returning was denied-it is Claimed the privilege of enter-Ing He is said to have insisted thatke be permitted to enter but havingmade his threats it in charged as towhat he would do Morris would notlet him fearing the worst

Tunnel Through Lookout MountainKn KTlll Tena April laW J

Oliver 4k OB railroad contractors oftkto city today reosived advices fromPrwMaat Samuel Spencer of theBovftfcMK railway award that firmthe o tra t to buiid tILe tunnelikraofk Lookeikt Mountala near Chattaaooga Tcu oa the Southern rail-ways extension from Chattanooga totvaion Ala The price involved

not made pixblio but it la under-stood


the extension and tunnel willeost between two and three milliondollars Work wltt beet at once

Man Clerk Hurt in WreckBirmingham Ala Aprl11A spe-

cial¬ I

BO The New front Decatur Alasaj that LomicTtlle and Nashvillesfat pasenger train No1 south-bound


warn wrecked Bear LynnvilleTenm flftyaine miles north of Deoa I

tar ai I oclock this morning Theeoglae baggage mail and express carswere dttcked No one is reportedkurt except a saail elerk and he is-

aM serlousb injured The cause ofthe wreck ic not stated

May Arbitrate Chicago StrikeChieaje April 12A crisis hi the

eemtreTersy growing out of the Montgory War Jk Oe teamsters strikewaa Iftfced for today by both sides I

It waa Mayer Dvnaee first day in ofBBS it was acid that he would be

aeked by feeth aides te arrange an It

armistice and to aet as am arbitratorac all iusae






cA1A1bIiI a

j ease of Catarrh and took a great deal ofI

medicine without airy benefitI had a continual headache my cheeks

I had grown purple my nose was alwaysstopped tip my breath had a sickening anddisgusting odor and I coughed incessantly

I heard of your S S S and wrote youI commenced to use it and after taking

I several bottles I was cured and havenever since had the slightest symptom of

f the disease Miss MARY L STORMCor 7th Felix Sts St Joseph Mo

Wheeling W Va May 29 1903I had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I

used S S S with very gratifying results-II tried local applications for some timeand getting no permanent relief I came ITthe conclusion that the seat of the troublewas in the bUod Knowing S S S to be

I a good blood medicine I began its useand after using it for some little while itdid away entirely with the offensive mu-cus


in the nostrils and I did not have tohawk and spit especially in the morningto dislodge the catarrhal matter

1627 South St FRED H PRESSY

The filthy secretions and foul mucus thatire continually dropping back into thethroat find their way into the stomachind are absorbed into the blood Cata-


then becomes con-stitutionalandf1 onlywaytoget1cI-


of it is through theblood Write us ifyou have Catarrhand our physici-ans


will advise youwithout charge

The Swift Specific Comnanv Atlanta Ga

The Jacksonville Cider and Vinegar Co

The above named company hasjust opened business in Jacksonvillewith headquarters at 429 EastBay Stand the orders already sent in showthat a large business awaits them assoon as it become generally knownthat thi class of goods is made here

The company is composed of gen ¬

tlemen well known in business inthis state for many years Thomas-L Irwin jr secretary and generalmanager of the company for

yearsItraveled Florida in thethe Belle of Nelson Company Hegives his personal attention to themanufacture of the companys pro¬

ducts H L Irwin president hatraveled all over the country in theinterest of several drug houses DrT L Irwin treasurer is one of thebest known men in Florida having-for a number of years been on thecity council of Jacksonville and onmatters that pertained to the cityshealth was always looked to for ad-


and councilWe predict for the new company a

big success Their advertisementwill be found in another column oftodays paper and Florida merchantswill do well to correspond with themwhen in the market for goods intheir line

At The Variety

Marcus Frank is a veritable geniusand is constantly adding spice andginger to the sales at the Variety

He recently attended the OldH 3 i Sale in Jacksonville and boughta great many curious and usefulthings which he will place on specialsale next Monday and in order tomake the day an especially attractive-one there will be a cut on all salesmade at the Variety on that day

In addition to these extraordinarybargains the first fifty customers willbe given a present of a shirt waistpattern free

The Variety is fast getting to bethe most popular store in Ocala

Follow the crowds and see whatbusiness enterprise is accomplishing-



and MeFallMessrs B B Barco and J S Mc

Fall both former residents of Marioncounty and who still have a host offriends and well wishers here haveformed a real estate copartnership inTampa and solicit the patronage andgood will of every one requiring theirservices either in the selling of laudsor the negotiating of loans TheOcala Banner wishes them markedsuccess

Mr E P Thagard recently electedsecretary to the Naval Stores Exportcompany the new million dollar con¬

cern just organized left for Jackson¬

ville last night and today will assumethe duties of his office His familywill continue to reside in Ocala untilafter the closing of the high schoolThey will then leave for Jacksonville-and will make that city their home

Mr and Mrs Harry Phillips leftyesterday for Gainesville where theywill reside in tuture Mr Phillips isthe junior member of the firm ofSternberger Phillips


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THEintend lo apply t > ch cncui-

tjudgeoffanon county Hlond at hts office inOcjla Florida on

the Islh iiyof May J D Igo5a charter for a corporation under the pro ¬

visions ot chapter 4231 acts of 1893 laws ot FIraa and of the acts amendatory thereto Thenameoftheproposed corporation to be formeds the Marion Countv Hospital Association

and the character and business of the same is-ot provide for and take c> rerf uch persons who

are sick as is provided in the proposed char-ter


which is ttached hereto and made part ofthis noticeThos C Hill Maurice trauD E Mclver I> M Smith to DW N Camp W H Powers M L>

Z CChambiiss David s WoodrowA L Izlar M D 0 T GreenJ W Hood M D Edw Hiller

r B Rheinauer B Vn Hood MDI W V Xewsom M D George MacKay

C L Bittinger T T MunroeProposed charter of the Marion County Hospi-


Association1st The name of this corporation shall be

the Marion ounty Hopital Asociatiou to belocated in Ocala Florida

and The general nature of and the objectof-this corporation will be to care for such per-sons who are sick and require medical surgi-cal


attention as the managing officers of thiscorporation may select

3rd All white persons over twentyone ye rs01 age mast become member of thi associatio-nan the manner of their admission shall be byballot of the managing board in the mannerand form they povide in their bylaw

4th The term existence of this corporation-shallI be for ninetynine years

5th The names and reidenceof the sul>scricer to this association are as for ow

Names Place of Residence-E Vn Hood Ocala FloriiaW H PowersW V Newsoni

I J Walter HoodA L Izlar-XI MSmith-

Tnos C HanI D K Mclvcr

w N CampZ C Chantbls

I T T Munioe eo

B thriI2ucr-Maurice strau sDavid s Woodrow

I Edward HiHvrGcorg MacKayC L Bittini > er

j O T OrcrT6th The affairs of thi corporation will be

managed by the president secretary and treaJ urcr and beard of five muager known as

tile board of manager The preideut ecrei ta ry and treasiirershall be three of the memtrr= ol he board to be elected at the annual

j meftins of he members of this corporationwhich unaal meeting shall be held on the sec

i end fuesday after the first day of March ofj each yeart th R kheineur shall be president A LI Izlar shah be secretary T T Munroe shall beI trsaure and with W V Xewsoni and E Vani Hojd halbe the board of managers Theyhall hold oince until the first annual electionto f> e reld as provided herein and until their

I successors be elected and qualifiedI sh The bylaws of this corporation shall be

made altered and rescinded by the managingboard a

qth The highest amount indebtednes orliability to which this potation may at any-time subject itself shall be five hundred dollarprovided however that this cxKporatio may

I subject itself to specified bouded and mortgagedindebtedness not exceeding jioooo ten thou ¬

I sand dollars in addition to the said five hun ¬

dred dollars for the purpose ot purchasing laudJ and constructing thereon a hospital buildingI toth The amount and value of the real es-

tate which this corporation may hold ubjectto the approval of the citcuit judge shall be tenI thousond dollarsiho3 C Hall D M Smit-hii X Camp V H Power

Z C Chainbis David WoodrowI T T Munroe O T Green

A L Izlar Edw HillerI J W Hood E Van HoodB Rheiuauer George MacKavW V Xewsoru C L BtttingerState of Fionda

j Marion CountyResidence of all Ocala FlaBefore me an officer authorized to take fiok

nowledginerits ofdeeds in the srate of Florida per-sonally appeared O T Green to me well knownto be one ot the subscribers to the foregoing

I proposed charter and to be the ame personwho signed the s ime as said subscriber and

I the said OT Green did acknowledge to me thathe subscribed and signed the foregoing propos ¬

ed charter for the purpoes therein expressedand the said OT Green being by me duly swornupon his oath did av that it isintendert by thesubscribers to the foregoing charter and by thearSant in good faith to carry out the purposeand object therein set forth in the said proposedcharter

I further certify that my commission as no-tary public expires on the iTth day of lurchAU taoa-

Sworn to subscribed and acknowledged before me this 13th day of April A D loo

0 T GREENIn witness whereof I have hereunto set my

I hand > nd official teal this the X3th day ot AprilA I > icoj JOSPH BELL

Notary Public State ot at LargeI 4U


U> DER XD BY VIRTUE O A tiNtdecree of foreclosure and sale rendered bv-

Ithe Hon R M all 01 the circuit court-for the Fourth judicial circuit of Florida inand for St Johns county in chancery silting

I ou the i6th day of Maich A V 1905 in a cer-tain


cause wherein Federal Trust company r JI corporation is complainant and We turn pica


Fruit Company a corporation is defendant asspecial master appointed therein I will sell atpublic outcry to the highest bidder for cash i

I before the front door of the court house of said i

county in St Augustine on the that Monday inI May next being the first day of May 1905 atoclock noon the following lands situate in

Marion and St Johns counties State of Floridato rit I

In Marion county the following lands with I

all buildings and improvements thereon Lotsone twa three four twelve thirteen fifteen j

sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen thirty Ifive thritysix and the eastern halt of lot fortyone as shown upon a plan entitled Map of aportion of lernandez Grant and lots one and J

two of section 21 and lot one of section 28township 13 south of range 21 east H J


Campbell engineer recorded in the Public I

Kecords of Marion connty which lots are seeerally described by metes and bounds in said 1

decree and also ii the mortgage given by We I

tumpka pruit Company to Thomas S Pierce 1

foreclosed in said suit recorded in Marioncounty Public Records in mortgage book 33 Ipages 362 and 363 and in St Johns conntyRecords in mortgage book N paes94 to 98


also two and azoo acres in the southeast cor-ner


of lot 14 of said plan beretotoe mentioned-In


St Johns county the following lands withthe buildings and improvements thereon I

The southeast quarter the south half of thenortheast quarter the south half of the northhalf of the northeast quarter the eat half of tthe southwest quarter the southeast quarter of I

the northwest quarter the south half of north-east quarter of northwest quarter of section 29the east half and the east half of the west halfof section 32 in township 9 south of range 28east containing about gbo acres also the easthalf and the east half of the west half of see 1tion in township 10 south of range 28 east-containing


480 acres more or less exceptingfrom the foregoing lands sold outof said sec-tions Ias follows i The west half of the southhalf of the north half of the northeast quarter-of


said section 29 2t commencing at thC Inorthwest corner of the preceding parcelrun south 660 feet west 660 feet north 660 feet I

and east 660 feet containing 10 acres 3 One I

acre and 990 square teet in the southwestner ot the south half of the northeast carrot th northwest quarter of said section4 Ten acres in the southwest corner of acC

east half of the southwest quarter of said sec-tion

¬ I

29 5 Five acres in the northwest cornerof the east half of the west half of said section j

32 bounded as follows Commencing in thenorth line 1320 feet east of the west line of I

section 32 thence run east 660 feet south 330 Ifeet west 660 feet and north 330 feet 6 Teaacres ia the northwest corner of the southeast Iquarter of the northwest quarter of sectioa 32bounded as follows Commencing 1320 feet tsouth from the north line and 1320 feet eastfrom the west line of said section 32 thence runeast 660 feet south 660 feet west 660 feet andnorth 66b feet




W P HAISLEY EXECUTOR OF TUBlast will and testament ot Anna M Butt

deceased will present his accounts and vouchers to the Ran R Bullock connty judge Ma-rion


county Florida on theThird Day of July A D 1905

and ask for a final settlement and discharge f

This thesist day ot December 100466m W P HAISLEY Executor


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEintend to apply ta the Goernor of the state of Florida at Tallahassee Flor¬

ida on themoth day of April A D 1905

f letters patent on the proposed charter here-to attached original of which is now on filein the orfcce ot the secretaryof state of FIrMa at Tallahassee Florida


The undersigned do hcrebv associate themelves together as a boy corporate under theprovisions of the statute aws of the statofFlorida and do publish the following articles of

IncorporatIonARTICLE I

The name of tin corporation shdl be theFlorida foxver Company

The pnnopal place 01 buiness of this corpor-ation


shall b at Ocala Marion county Floridawith such branch offices as may be adopted bythe bartI directors

ARTICLE IThe genera nature of the blsines to betransacted by this corporation

1st The purclning construction or leasingand selling ot water power tights including theconitruciiou of dams lor the purpose ot geiiera ting electric power and also conveying thes to factories and machine shops forthe e of running machinery electriclighting includint

The business of this corporation shall be thepurchasing leasingand selling of real and per-sonal

¬ot all kinds and descriptionsincluding lands improved or ¬

uated anywhere in state of Florida thepurohse and selling of general merchandiseI to loan or borrow money with the power to

mortgage any and all ot said property to secureto construct lease and build docks

whirfsand elevators and make any improv-ement


for the of navigation in anyi nver purse ocean in or bound-


the state of Florida to manufacture anyI article of commerce including machinery and

to build equip operate and maintain mills foruch purpo s to mine any kind of mineral in

I the state of Florida2nd Also in connection with the said elec¬

I tic power aforesaid and carrying on the busi-ness


I afore ic to own construct or purchasecrse1s of any description includingi strls or other craft telephone lines electiic

light lines ectric light plants and railroadsincluding terminals to said railroads and said

J Alo including the power to purj chose leae and construct anv f the same pro

vided that tile said shall not have hecvrpmionrightof the c a and shall not incrthe duties and liabilities of a pulic car =r

> in the contni tion maintenance and operationoi the properties above mentioned



ARTICLE IIt The amount of the capital lock author zedshall be 300000 3 003 shares of thepar v lue of Soo per share the same to be ua

I assesable and to be issued when the moneytherefor paid into the tresury


j The term fjr which thi corporation halex-ist


shall be ntnetynine yerARTICLE V

The business of this corporation shall be con-ducted


by a president secretary and treasurerboth of which foe can be held by the same-

personj and a office directors of whomthe president and secretary shall be membersall of whom hal be stockholder and shall beelected by their annualmeeting to be held on the hist Monday alterthe tenth day of January of each year-

HamS Camp shall be president Clarencebe secretary and

with O T Green Geo D Munsing and R FBrewer shall constitute the first boardof directo s All of the said officers shall becontinued in cihce conducting the business ofthe corporation until the qualification of theirsuccessors at the first election to be held under

t the proviioris of this articleThe highest amount of indebtedness of liabl Iity which this corporation can at any time sub ¬

Ijecr itself halbe 5300 ooA-

RTICLE IThe name of the sui scribersto these articlesareas follows and their place of residence isset opposite each name together with theok subcbefor by etch-

I William X Camp Ocala Florida 265 sharesClarence Camp Ocala Florida 10O T Green Oc > la Florida 5R F Brewer Ocala Florida 10Ceo D Munsicg Roauoke Va 10-

J Signatures of subscribers subscriptionSo




263CAMP lo



Suite of FloridaMarion CcuntyI hereby that brfbre me personally ap¬

> N Camp Clarence Camp R FBrewer O T Green and George D Munsing eac of whom are to me well knownas persons who subscribed to theforegoing articles of incorporation andeach of whom acknowledged that he signed-the said arce incorporation as one of the

articles and Ieach of the said subscribing incorporators ac-knowledgedfor the amount

forof capital stock set opposite his I

name I further that I am a notary pub ¬

lic under the law Florida and that my com-mission


In witness wheret15I 19 hereunto set my

hand and this the Sth day of Marchzoos A U FRANK DRAKE

3 10 5t Notary SEAL State of Fla at Large



SIX MONTHS FROM THIS DATI JAN 2on the3d day of July will prsent my accounts and vouchers to the

judge of Marion county Florida and ask forfinal settlement and as administrator a

de boms non of the estate of J Lynn Feaster-D H IRVINE

12 66m Administrator de bonis non


Of Application for Tax Deed Under Section 3of Chapter 4888 Laws ot Florida

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TAT ALpu rchaser of t certifcteNo 1126 1125 and 1154 dated

October A D 1898 and certificate 986 dtethe 1st of JnlyA 1901 has flu dtificates in has madefor tax deeds to issue in accordance applctoSaid certificates embrace the following debproperty situated in countytowit Southwest quarter of section 2 andnorthwest quarter of northeast quartersion3 southeast quarter ofsouthwest quarter of noatheast quarter andnorhwequarter of southeast

14 range 24The said 1andbeingassessed at the date ot theisac the name of E I

and F Q Brown trustee Unlesaid certificates shall redeemedtax deed grill issue thereon on the i6th day ofApril A D-


my official signature and seal this th-x3thdayofMarch A l 195 SISTRUNK

3 17 Clerk Circuit Court


IApplication for Tax Deed Urder section 8 otChapter 4SJ 8 Laws of Florida

NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN THAT Z GRpurchaser of tcetctedated the 3rd day 1893has filed said certificate imvofc and hmade aplcatio for taxaace certificate embraces Ufollowing described propertystticounty Florida towiu

Southwest quarter of norwequarter stion 18 township 14The being assessed at the date ot

the tnc such cfctite names01

Unless said certificate sb redeemedaccording to law tax iteOB the roth day of April A D

Wte official air seal this theMar D


310 Clerk Circuit Court Marion County Ft

If you want to gettbiggest returnsyour labor andyour ground

you cant don 1

to plant


the lar and surestdealers 11them Our 1 I

Seed JlBBRalfree on request



United States Laud Omce Gaincsv laIccember 29 1904



state of Florida has fle in this office ListN< 123 filed Jan 1 I sj< ofnwK and njof ivi section 19 hip 20 s range 20 e se¬

led by the state for choo indemnity underof congress approved Feb sS 1891Slid tractare is township containing min-


recordA copy of said list so far as it relates to thesetracts by descriptive subdivision has been con-

spicuously this office for theton of any person interested and the publicat

Within the next sisty days thedate of this notice underthe departmental reg¬ulation November 27 1896 23 L B 450 pro¬

tests or contests against the claims of the state-to any of the tracts or subdivisions herein de-scribed on the ground that the same are morevaluable for mineral than agricultural pur ¬ 2

will be received and noted for report tothe general laud office at Washington D CFaiuleto protest or contest the claim of thes land within the time willbe considered sufficient evidencespecifenon

mineral character and the selection beingotherwise free from objection will he recom-mended

¬fr approval W G ROBINSONHENRY S CHUBB Register

Receiver i6iot



VOTICS IS HEREBY GIVEN TO CRElj i itr distributees and all persons barinsI clAinn or demands against the estate of JasM Eagietoa deceased to present the samewithinti two years This 9th of Feb 1005

IARGARE ECGLETOX2 17 Adrainistratnx


To All Persons WhomsoeverNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATof Marion through its THCounty Commissioners iutend to apply to thetlegislature the passage of a bill authorizingand empowering them to issue county warrantsto amount of 550000 90 for the purpose of-remodeling the court house Said warrants topayable 5500000 each and year there¬after until paid and to draw interest not to ex-ceed


5 per cent per annum H W LOXAttest Chm Board County ComsrsS 1 SiSTRCJTK2 10 Clerk Circuit Court


VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT ONil the 24th dav of March I will applyto the county judge oftarion county Floridafor final ettlement an1 discharge as the ad ¬ministratrix of the estate Julia P Johnsondeceased

Done this the I7th day of October 1904Mr F A HOWSE

10 21 6m Administratrix


UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A CERTAINin chancery rendered by the HonW S Bullock urge ot the circuit court of thefifth judicial or Florida sittinjr in chan ¬cery for Marion county on the 21St day of Feb¬mary 195 a certain cause therein pendingV Clyattis complainant and Johno Matthews and others are defendants I willoffer for sale to the highest and best bidder forcash befofe theconr house door south in thecty of Oc1a county Florida ongrst Monday in lowit the 3rd A D1905 an undivided onethird interest in the fol ¬lowing describedpmpemty towit Beginning ata pint 10j and 14 links south 14 de

from the northwest corner of theCatalina Jesus Hijuelas Grant thence southdegrees east along western boundary of thesaidgrant38 chains and 28 links to a stonethence north 55 degrees east 31 chains toastone thence north 14 degrees and ro minutewest 38 chains and S3 links to point ¬ning containing Ito acres more or less ormuch thereof as may be necessary to 9said decree and costs H M HA1tPOY33 Special


IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER AND1 by viriue of a certain final decree issued bythe Honorable W S Bullock judge ot the cir¬cuit court for the fifth judicial circuit ofin and for Marion in chancery Flrdtsl day of Febrr A D 1905 wherein thePiedmont Guano Company a cor-poration

¬etc is complainant and Alfred Tooleris defendant the undersigned as special masterappointed to execute said final decree will onMonday the3rd day of April A D 1905 infront of house door in Oala Marioncounty Ford during the legal hours of saleofier for public auction and willthe highest and best bidder for cash the follow ¬

ing d mortgaged premis towitThe west of north ¬east quartetofuorthwetquaTer section 23

Pet eight ers old one bay maremare name

nine years three cow and calvesToo and over bit in one ear and un makthe othe in Marion county Florida or so

as mav be necessary to satisfymid decree and costs of foreclosure proceedings J B BELL

33 Special Master in Chancery


Departmentof the Interior Land Office atGaincville Fla March 131905

NOTICE ISnamedHEREBY GIVE THAT This intention to make final proot in support of

his claim and that sid proof will bmade beforClerk Circuit at Ocala on

viz Ly WilaofLeroy Fla Apr29331 for the quarterand-west half of southeast quarter of sectiontownship 15 sout range east 24

He names folog witehis continuous proveorjsaid land viz John F Parker of Leroy FThomas P Dean of El-y Bird FlaBarco Cottoi Plant Joseph B Parker ofCotton Plant Fla

3 17 WGROBINSON Register


In the CircuitCourt of the Fifth Judicialof Flod in and for Marion Crtin Chancery 1Katie White Complaisant vs SolomonDefendant W-it

ir IS ORDERED THAT THE1 hernamed Solomoa DEFEDANis required to appear to the bin ot com-plaint


in this caace oa orbMonday the-5thdayOfJaeADigc5ta ordercoCtbe published oce aweeks the Ocala 3auez-

ThiSthe7thdayofAprilA 01905S T SISTRUNKClerk CircuitCBy MABLE L GODSON

EDWIN SPKKCEK-Coraplaiaacts Solicitor 4 14

fL IaI ATr

