Page 1 BWON Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist as an Inspection Program? BWON Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist as an Inspection Program? Frank Burgard CEO Dexter Field Services

Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON

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Page 1BWON

Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and

Where Does BWON Exist as an

Inspection Program?

Frank Burgard


Dexter Field Services

Page 2BWON

Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

Benzene Waste Operations NESHAP (BWON)

40 CFR Part 61, Subpart FF (§61.340 – 61.359)

Air rule that requires control of air emissions from waste and


BWON Affected Facilities: Refineries, Chemical Plants, Coke By-

Product Recovery Plants, and RCRA Treatment Storage and

Disposal Facilities

Affected facilities are subject to control if they generate more than 10

Megagrams of benzene containing waste (Total Annual Benzene

Quantity or “TAB” > 10 Megagrams); however, not all wastewater

components require controls

One of the marquis elements of EPA’s Refinery Enforcement Initiative

1st - What is BWON

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

Agency Inspection & Enforcement Influence

Agency focus on TAB, and not inspection program. (As

compared to high levels of scrutiny on LDAR inspection


Apparent exposure level, observed during audits and

enforcement of LDAR versus BWON, drives focus of facility

management. (HSE & above)

Historical BWON Perspective

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


As a result of selective scrutiny of inspection

program …

LDAR program receives funding and management attention.

BWON program focus is TAB, 6BQ, and verification through EOL

sampling. (i.e., A sampling, not inspection, program.)

Creates gap in understanding the depth of BWON inspection

program requirements.

BWON program Administrator and Contractors have a “tough

sale” for resources and struggle to achieve BWON program

health similar to LDAR.

Historical BWON Perspective

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

Recognize that BWON is an inspection program, not a sampling


Establishing that compliance sustainability is a core value of the

BWON inspection program as it is in LDAR

Gain understanding of the differences between LDAR

inspections vs. BWON inspection

Evaluate the synergies between the resources, equipment and

requirements between the two programs.

Remember it is all about Fugitive Emissions:

Not just LDAR or just BWON but both

Path Forward

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

What “components” are subject to BWON inspection and


How do BWON “components” compare to LDAR

component types?

What are the specific BWON inspection, monitoring and

repair requirements?

How do BWON inspection and monitoring requirements

compare to LDAR monitoring?

What is considered a “leak” under BWON?

Things to Consider

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


What are the BWON inspection and monitoring recordkeeping


How might LDAR database tools and tagging be used for BWON

inspection and monitoring program implementation and


What are some BWON inspection and monitoring program


Things to Consider

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

BWON doesn’t define component types; it uses the term “potential leak


Inspection and monitoring required on controlled waste management units


Waste Management Units include:

• Individual Drain Systems

• Tanks

• Oil Water Separators

• Surface Impoundments

• Containers

• Treatment Processes

• Closed Vent Systems

BWON Equipment

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


BWON includes “non-traditional” components and does not

provide exemptions based on component service

Typical BWON components that may not be LDAR components

• Drains

• Manholes

• Junction boxes

• Hatches

• Roof seams

• Vacuum Trucks

BWON Equipment

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


Sealed Cover venting through Closed Vent System to a

Control Device

• Alternative - Floating Roofs on Tanks and Separators

Water Seals on IDS Drains

Device to Prevent Flow during Normal Operation and a

Flow Indicator on Junction Boxes

Treatment Devices controlled similarly to other WMU (i.e.,


BWON Equipment

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as an Inspection Program?

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

Bridging the Gap

Incorporate all the LDAR processes & checks into the

BWON program.

Utilize LDAR Technicians for inspections

LDAR Tech will have to be trained up to the BWON Rules

and Sampling

• Incorporate special training for BWON samplers (e.g., SW846)

• Combine inspection and repair procedures

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?



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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

Already embedded into organization. (Relationships)

Cost savings on resources and equipment

Consolidation of work flows, procedures and processes

BWON inspection and monitoring has been a recent focus area

during EPA audits

• EPA using infrared camera to identify leaks on BWON


• EPA has been finding deficiencies in BWON component

inventory and equipment integrity

It Just makes good business sense!

Benefits to a Fugitive Emissions Program

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

BWON program management goes deeper than this


The transition to combine the programs takes time

Will require some additional resources and cost during the

transition to combine

Remember that it is not “if” the agency will be auditing your

BWON program but “when”

Strive for compliance sustainability not just compliance

Key Points

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Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?


Page 19BWON

Is it LDAR or Fugitive Emissions, and Where Does BWON Exist

as an Inspection Program?

Frank Burgard


Dexter Field Services