Is intuition a way of knowing? Intuition is defined as the power of attaining knowledge or understanding without evident rational thought and the drawing of conclusions from the available evidence. Intuition can be argued as not a way of knowing, as it is similar to emotion (which is a way of knowing) in several aspects. According to the Theory of Knowledge website, “Intuition is similar to emotion in that it is something that guides us towards knowledge without conscious reasoning, but unlike emotion, it does not involve us entering another psychological state. It is, then, ‘purer’ than emotion, involving just an immediate awareness of something, often without realising why we have that awareness.We look at The Arts (art and music). In Art, when painters create their masterpieces, they use their inspiration throughout the process of painting and their intuition to know where the painting stroke is supposed to be, which colours should be mixed to produce the desired colour. Brenda Goodman quoted, "With some exceptions all my paintings start with a surface full of random marks and gestures until it is completely filled. I step back and look until certain shapes emerge that I resonate with. Those initial marks that are now shapes and colors start tumbling around the picture plane while intuitively I am seeing and feeling what my unconscious wants to say. Most of the time it connects to what I am dealing with in my life I can never explain intellectually why a painting of mine works. If it 'feels' right, then it's right and I know it on an intuitive level." Eric M. Davis quoted, "Relying on my intuitive sense gives my work its natural and unique qualities, revealing the soul of my work. Through my choices others can see through their eyes what I have seen through my eyes." it is the past experience artists accumulated during their past, and their subconscious mind to work on making their masterpieces what they are, thus allowing intuition as a way of knowing in art. In music, a musician’s intuitions about how to play a certain pieces of music have been informed by years of experiences playing the way everyone else plays before its ever occurs to him to improvise, and the audience must have a certain level of sophistication to realize what has just happened. We look at the natural sciences. In science, anything or everything scientific is expected to be rational, in order to prove the scientific results are true or false, valid or not, evident or not. however, it is not always the case. One example to support it is

Is Intuition a Way of Knowing

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To the IB Diploma students: Intuition in Theory of Knowledge

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Is intuition a way of knowing?Intuition is defined as the power of attaining knowledge or understanding without evident rational thought and the drawing of conclusions from the available evidence. Intuition can be argued as not a way of knowing, as it is similar to emotion (which is a way of knowing) in several aspects. According to the Theory of Knowledge website, Intuition is similar to emotion in that it is something that guides us towards knowledge without conscious reasoning, but unlike emotion, it does not involve us entering another psychological state. It is, then, purer than emotion, involving just an immediate awareness of something, often without realising why we have that awareness. We look at The Arts (art and music). In Art, when painters create their masterpieces, they use their inspiration throughout the process of painting and their intuition to know where the painting stroke is supposed to be, which colours should be mixed to produce the desired colour. Brenda Goodman quoted, "With some exceptions all my paintings start with a surface full of random marks and gestures until it is completely filled. I step back and look until certain shapes emerge that I resonate with. Those initial marks that are now shapes and colors start tumbling around the picture plane while intuitively I am seeing and feeling what my unconscious wants to say. Most of the time it connects to what I am dealing with in my life I can never explain intellectually why a painting of mine works. If it 'feels' right, then it's right and I know it on an intuitive level." Eric M. Davis quoted, "Relying on my intuitive sense gives my work its natural and unique qualities, revealing the soul of my work. Through my choices others can see through their eyes what I have seen through my eyes." it is the past experience artists accumulated during their past, and their subconscious mind to work on making their masterpieces what they are, thus allowing intuition as a way of knowing in art. In music, a musicians intuitions about how to play a certain pieces of music have been informed by years of experiences playing the way everyone else plays before its ever occurs to him to improvise, and the audience must have a certain level of sophistication to realize what has just happened.

We look at the natural sciences. In science, anything or everything scientific is expected to be rational, in order to prove the scientific results are true or false, valid or not, evident or not. however, it is not always the case. One example to support it is Kekule, who quoted, I was sitting writing on my textbook, but the work did not progress; my thoughts were elsewhere. I turned my chair to the fire and dozed. Again the atoms were jumbling before my eyes. This time the smaller groups kept modestly in the background. My mental eye, rendered more acute by the repeated visions of the kind, could now distinguish larger structures of manifold conformation; long rows sometimes more closely fitted together all twining and twisting in snake-like motion. But look! What was that? One of the snakes had seized hold of its own tail, and the form whirled mockingly before my eyes. As if by a flash of lightning I awoke... which results in the discovery of the benzene molecule and its structure. This however does not compensate that intuition is a vital part of natural science, but it is one that is and can be used. So to conclude, intuition is used in our everyday lives. Intuition is important, but not extremely important that we must depend on it on everything. It is not 100% reliable, as it may lead to good results, but also may lead to bad results. We still need to be rational when we are thinking; we need to be processing, to have the package being understood, before making decisions.