Is happiness an overrated emotion? Baruch Spinoza said that “Happiness is a virtue, not a reward”. I personally think this to mean that life has its moments and with each moment in a person’s life, they may be genuinely happy about the situation. With this being said, I think that happiness is not an overrated emotion. However, when some people are depressed, they go too far to try and be happy, which leads them to usually being more depressed. Happiness is not an overrated emotion because many persons achieve happiness by simple life situations, for example the birth of a healthy child. When a healthy child is born, the parents are elated; tears are brought into their eyes. This proves that happiness is not overrated because of the fact that these parents are truly happy that they have created this child. They feel blessed that their child has been born. Therefore, happiness is not an overrated emotion. However, “fake happiness” also exists. Fake happiness is where a person does something so that he/she thinks they are happy. The existence of fake happiness can prove that happiness can be seen as an overrated emotion. When a person is longingly depressed about a situation, they feel that they cannot be happy again. Instead, they turn to drugs, cutting themselves, and even

Is Happiness an Overrated Emotion

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Is happiness an overrated emotion?Baruch Spinoza said that Happiness is a virtue, not a reward. I personally think this to mean that life has its moments and with each moment in a persons life, they may be genuinely happy about the situation. With this being said, I think that happiness is not an overrated emotion. However, when some people are depressed, they go too far to try and be happy, which leads them to usually being more depressed. Happiness is not an overrated emotion because many persons achieve happiness by simple life situations, for example the birth of a healthy child. When a healthy child is born, the parents are elated; tears are brought into their eyes. This proves that happiness is not overrated because of the fact that these parents are truly happy that they have created this child. They feel blessed that their child has been born. Therefore, happiness is not an overrated emotion.However, fake happiness also exists. Fake happiness is where a person does something so that he/she thinks they are happy. The existence of fake happiness can prove that happiness can be seen as an overrated emotion. When a person is longingly depressed about a situation, they feel that they cannot be happy again. Instead, they turn to drugs, cutting themselves, and even attempting suicide to try and be happy. These persons usually are still hurting even after they do all of these things. They think happiness can be obtained by these substances. But it really cannot. This leads to fake happiness hence, happiness is an overrated emotion.Trying to be happy in the wrong ways may cost you your life.