Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. इंटरनेट मानक !ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-णSatyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge” प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफJawaharlal Nehru “Step Out From the Old to the New” जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकारMazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” !ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह Bharthari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder [FAD 16: Foodgrains, Starches and Ready to Eat Foods]

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Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

इंटरनेट मानक

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”Jawaharlal Nehru

“Step Out From the Old to the New”

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार”Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

“The Right to Information, The Right to Live”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता है”Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam

“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”


IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder [FAD 16: Foodgrains, Starchesand Ready to Eat Foods]

Page 2: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org
Page 3: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org
Page 4: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org



(First Revision)

( Firat Reprint MAY 1996 )

UDC 664·643

IS ; "68 .1181( Reaffirmed 2005)

C Copyright 1981



Price Group 3 S~ptemb~' 1981


Page 5: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS : 115' • 1.1

Indian Standard


( Fira. Radio,,)

Bakery and Confectionery Industry Sectional Committee, AFDC 31

CII.i,,,,..SHI. R. B. RAG

R,,,,,s,"'i,,,Uppal Biscuit Co Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad

M",.6,r,SHa. O. S. 841NI Punjab Alricultural Univer!Cil', LudhianaSHRI M. R. BHALERAD Indian Suaar Milia Alsoclation, New Delhi

SHa, K. K. SHARMA ( Al,,,",,, )SMRI D. S. CHADHA Central Comnlittee for Foodstlndlrds, Ministry

or Health It Family Welrare, New DelhiSMT D. MUKHEIUII ( ~1'''II.t' )

CHAIRMAN TechniCAl Standardization Committee ( Foodstuff! ),Mini!try of Alricullure & Irriplion, New Deihl

THE SeCRETARY ( AI,,,,..,, )COL S. K. CHI. Quanerma.ler General's Branch, New Delhi

LT-COL K. N. ACHAIlYA ( Allmwllt)CHIEF INSTRUCTOR School or Rakina. Institute o( Aariculture. Univer-

sity or AnandSHRI M. M. PATIL ( AI",,..,, )

SHRI N. B. CHOUDHAaY Brady and Morril Enlineerinl Company Limited.Bombay

SH•• J. M. DAnA Britannia Indu5tries Ltd, BombaySMa. RAY' KRISHNA ( Allw"",. )

SHill R. N. OHATAK · Indian Yeast Company Limited, CalcuttaSHRI A. MAJUMDAR ( AI,,,,..,, )

SHa. K. O. OHO~H Defence Food Research Laboratory, MysoreSMR' T. K CHAKRABARTY ( All""." 1

DR M. C. GUPTA Warner Hindustln Limited, HyderabadDR U. RAV' RAO ( AI'"IIGI, )

SMRJ H. R S. IVENOAR Parry's Conrcctioncry Limited, MadrasSMRI E. K. JAYANARAYANAN Mohan Meakin Ltd, Mohan Napr, Ohaziabad

SMR. JAI PAL SINOH ( AI,,,,,,,,, )SHRI B. K. KHANNA Institute or HOlel Maaa,ement, Caterina A

Nutrition, New DelhiSHRI A. P. MINDONCA ( AI,,,,.,,,,)

Da V. B. M'T."NDEIt Modem Bakeries ( India) Ltd. Now Deihlna M. M. KRISHNA ( AI,,,,.,.,, )(C.,.,i...." '11 /M" 2 )


This publication il protected uncler the IlItli"" C'A'"f'" A" (XIV or 19") andreproduction in whole or in part by lay means excepi With written permission 01 thepublisher .hall be deemed to be aD inrri~t of copyripi under tbe .kI Act.

Page 6: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org


( Contanuedjrom /Jill' 1 )Mtmb,rJ


IS : 1159 • 1981


The Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associa­tion of India, New Deihl

SHRI K K MFHRA ( AI1'mtJl, )SHRI G K NOON Royal Fancy Sweetmeat Sclloon. Bombay

SHRI A A FIDVI ( Alt"nat, )SHIt. S RAMASWAMY D1rectorate General of Technical Development,

New DeihlSHRI S N PANDEY ( Alt,rftat, )

SURI M. G SATHB Indian Confectionery Manufacturers' ASSocIation,New DeIhl

C)HRr S N MAHESIIWARI ( All,rllat, )SHRI M G SATHE Federation of BISCUit Mclnufa~turers'of [ndla. Deihl

SHRJ M N KHANNA ( All""at' )SHRI J C SHA" Mantta Baking Corporation, Bombay

SHat PANKAJ V SHAH ( Alt"nal, )StlRJ K K c;HAR\tA Daurala ~ug'1r Work~t DluralaSHRI S R SHURPALEKAR Central Food Technological Research InstItute,

MysorcPublic Analy\t, Government of U PSociety of Indian Bakers, New DeihlRoller Flour Millers' Federation or India,

New DeihlSHRI K B TflJAOARAJAN ( AllnlltJt. )

SHR1 T PURNANANDAM. DIrector General, lSI ( E~.officltl Mtmh" )Director ( Agr. &. Food )



ASSistant Director ( Agrl &. Food ), 1')1

Bakery Subcommltt,-e, AFDC 31 : 1

Co Rv'n,'SHRI G S BAINS PunJJb Aar,cultural University, Ludblana



Quartermaster General's Branch, New DeihlSchool of 8,klng, InstItute of Agriculture, Univer-

sIty l'f AnandDR C B OLDTA Modern Bakerfes India Ltd, New DelhiSHRI T J MlJRZELLO Dalml8 BISCUits t.td, RaJPuraSHRI M G NERURKAR Corn Products Company (India) LimIted. Bombay

SHltJ A 0 BUDHISAOAR ( Alt,rnal, )f)'IRI J C ~HAH Manlta Baklnl Corporation, Bombay

\IIRI J.... H TIMBADIA ( AlttrntJl, )SURI S R SRtrAPALEKAR Central Food Technolollcal Research Institute.

MYloreSociety of Indian Baken, New DeIhlPublic Health Laboratory, Pune


Page 7: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org



( Page J, clause 0.3 ) -Insert tbe following clauses after 0.3 and renumberthe subsequent clauses:

eGA A scheme for labelling environment friendly products to be known as ECOMark bas been introduced 8t tbe instance of the Ministry or Environment andForests (MEP), Government of India. The BCO Mark sball be administered bytbe BureD" of Inditln Standards (SIS) under tbe BIS Act, 1986 as per theResolution No. 71 dated 20 Febl1lary 1991 as published in the Gazette of theGovernment of India vide GSR No. 8S(E) dated 21 February 1991. For aproduct to be eligible for ECO Mark it shall also carry tbe Standard Mark of DISCor quality besides 11leering additional optional environmental friendly (Ef)requirements. The EF requitements for biking powder, is therefore, beingincluded tbrough an Amendment No. 1 to this standard.

0.5 This Amendment is based on the Gazette Notification No·. 21S(E) dated 17May 1996 for labelJing Food Additives IS environment friendly products,publisbed by rhe Ministry ofEnvironment Ind FOR:sls. J

( Page 4, clause 3.% ) - Insert the following clauses .Cter 3.%:

'33 Criteria For ECO Mark

3.3.1 ·GeDerai Requirements The product shall conform to the quality stand.lds of BIS. The product manufacturer shall produce the consent clearance IS per theprovisions of Water ( Prevention cl Control of Pollution ) Act, 1974 and Air(Prevention cI Control ofPollution) Act, 1981, Wate, (Prevention &: Control ofPollution) Cess Act, 1977 respectively Iiongwith tbe lutbori.lion, if required,under En.,wOMIellt ( Prolec,ioll) Act, 1986 aDd tbe Rules made thereunder toBUlelu of IDdiin StandaJds while applying for tbe Eoo Mark; and tbe productshall be in Iccord.nee with the Prevention 01Food Adulteratioll Act, 1954 Indthe Rules mlde thereunder unless otbeJWise specified. TIle pmduct/packing shill display in brief lhe criteria based on whicb theplOdUCI has been labelled e~vilODD1ent friendly.


Page 8: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

Anaead No.1 to IS 115' : 1981

3.3.1A The IOIlerial used Cor producl/plwging sbaD be recyclable orbiodegradable. The elate of manuflcture Ind date of expiry shill be declared 08 theproduct/package by the manufacturer.

3.3.1.' The product/package or leaDet accompanying it may display instructionsof proper use Ind storage so IS to mlximise the product perComlance, Slfety andminimise wastage.'


Repropapby UDit. SIS, New Delhi, India2

Page 9: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS : list· 1.1

Indian Standard


( Fir.' Reuuion)

o. FOR E W 0 R D

0.1 This Indian Standard ( First Revision) was adopted by the IndianStandards Institutjon on 30 January 1981. after the draft finalizedby the Bakery and Confectionery Industry Sectional Committee had beenapproved by the Agricultural and Food Products Division Council.

0.1 Baking powder finds widespread use as a 'chemical leavener' ofdough for bakery products. The constituents of baking powder are(a) sodium bicarbonate, (b) edible starcb, and (c) acid reacting com­ponent. The acid reacting component may be any ont= or a combinationof these givtn UDder 2.1.3. On wetting, baking powder produces carbondioxide by the action of acid reacting component on sodium bicarbonate.

0.3 This Indian Standard was first published in 1957. In this revi!tionthe requirement for carbon dioxide has been increased, and that forcopper, zinc and tin has been deleted. A list of edible starches whichcan be used are also listed. In addition an alternative method for thedetermination of carbon dioxide has also been included. This revisioD8160 incorporates a~endments No. I and 2 issued to the standard.

0.4 In the preparation of this standard, due consideration has been givento the prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 and the Rules framedthereunder. Due consideration has also been given to the Standards ofWeights and Measures ( Packaged Commodities) Rules, 1977. However,the ,'andard is subject to the restrictions imposed under these. wheneverap~Jicable.

0.5 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement ofthis standard is complied with the final value, observed or calculated,expressing the result of a test or analysis, sball be rounded off inaccordance with IS: 2 • 1960·. The number of significant placesretained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of thespecified value in this standard.

-Rule. for rOUDdiDI 011 numerical values (,.,,4).


Page 10: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS I 115'· 1981


1.1 This standard prescribes the requl~elDents and the methods ofsampling and test for baking powder.


2.1 Baking powder shall contain the following materials.

2.1.1 Sodium Bicarbonate ( see IS : 2124 • 1974-').

2.1.% Edib'e Starches - such as maize starch (see IS : 100S • 1976t ),tapioca starch (see IS: 13) 9 - )969*), rice starch, wheat starch.arrowroot starch ( see IS : 1006 - 19671), potato starch, sorgum starchor other neutral material such as calcium lactate, anhydrous calciumsulphate, sodium sulphate and other similar compounds.

2.1.3 Acid Reacting Component - The acid reacting component. shallbe free from flavour. It shall be anyone or a combination of thefollowing:

a) Sodium acid pyrophosphate with or without mODO acid calciumphosphate,

b) Mono acid calcium phosphate with or without dicalciumorthophosphate,

c) Pota"sium hydrogen tartrate or tartaric acid or a mixture ofboth,

d) Acid compounds of aluminium, and

e) Glucono delta lactone.


3.1 The product shall be in the form of a frec-flowing, whitish powderand free from any off odour. It shall be free from dirt, insect or fungusinfestation and adulterants. I t shall also be free from any other harmfulor injurious foreign matter.

NOTE - The nppearance and odour shall be determined by orllnoleptic tests.

3.2 The material shall also conform with the r&:qujremeDts given inTable I.

·SpeciftcatioD for sodium bicarbonate (first "Vili,PI ).f5peciftcation for edible maize starch ( corn ftour) (pIt ",1;S;.1I ).*8pecification (or edible tapioca starch ( firJI ",Ui,,. ).'Specification ror arrowroot starch (firSI ,II1i,ioll ).


Page 11: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS I 115' • UBI

C112 ofIS : 6287 • 1971-

CI 13 0'IS : 6287 • 1971-




TABLE 1 __Oil BAKING POWDER(a.., 3.2)



Appendix A

iii) HeaV)' metal. ( a. Pb ). ml/~l. M..

SLNo.(I) (2)

i) Available carboa dioxide percentby mals,Mi.

Ii) Arsenic ( II AI). mllkl. M.

-Methods orllmplinl andlnalysis oflupr conrcctloaery.


4.1 Unless otherwise agreed to between the purcbaser and the vendor,the material shall be pa~ked in clean, souDd and air-tight containers.


5.1 The folJowiDI particulars shall be clearly and indelibly marked ODeach container:

a) Name of the material;b) Name of the manuracturer;c) Batch or code number;d) Net mass; and

e) Other labellinl requirements according to the provisions of theStandards of Weights &. Measures (Packaged Commodity)Rules, 1977.

5.1.1 Each container may also be marked with the lSI CertificationMark.

Nan - The use of the lSI Certiftcation Mark illOWmccl by the pw;ovisionl or theIndian StaDelardl Inltitution (Certiftcation Marks) Act and the .Rules .nd R.­lalionl made tbereunder. The 151 Mark on products eovcred by In Indian Standirdcon"" the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirementsof that standard under a well-deftned ."tem of Inspection, leltinl and qualitlcontrol which i. devised anclsupcrviscd bY 151 and o~rated by the producer. lSImarked products are also continuouslychecked by ISJlor conformity to tbat standarda. • further safe_rd. Details or conditions uncler which. licence for the use ofthe lSI Ceniftcation Mart may be aran'ed to maauCacturerl or processors. may beobtained rrom tbe IDdiaD StaDdardllftititutloQ.


Page 12: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS : 1159· 1981


fi.l Representative samples of the material shall be drawn and con..formity of the material to the requirement of the specification shall bedetermined according to the procedure given in Appendix B.


7.1 Tests shall be carried out as prescribed under 3.1 and in the appro­priate appendices and clauses specified in col 4 of Table 1.

7.1 Quality 01 Relsents -- Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals anddistilled water ( see IS : 1070·1977· ) shall be employed in tests.

NOTl - ·Pure chemicals' shall mean chemicals that do not contain impuritieswhich affect the test results.

APPENDIX A[ Table J, Item ( i ) ]


A-O. Two methods have been prescribed. Any of these can be useddepending on the facilities available.


A-I. t Apparatus

A-I.I.I Schroedte,'s Alkalimeter - as shown in Fig. I.A-l.2 Re.ceat

A-l.2.1 Sulphuric Acid - sp gr 1-84.

A-1.3 Procedure

A-I.3.t Fill bulb J4 with water and bulb B with sulphuric acid to aheight of 25 mm above the port C through which carbon dioxide escapesinto the acid. Weigh the alkalimeter. Introduce about one gram of thesample through the side opening D, into the decomposition flask E.Weigh the alkalimeter again. Open the stopcock F and allow about 25"mlof water to flow into the flask E. Allow the initial vigorous reaction tosubside. Place the apparatus over a low flame and boil the solution forabout 3 minutes. Aspirate carbon dioxide-free air through the solutionby applying suction at G, the air first passing through soda lime. Weighthe alkalimeter again.

·Specification for water for senerallaboratory use ( s"olld rtl/;S;OIl ).


Page 13: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS : 115'· It11





percent by mass

whereM. = mass of alkalimeter with sample, before decomposition;III == mass of alkalimeter with sample, after decomposition;

andAI == mass of alkalimeter before introducing the sample.

A-l.4 C.lculatloB

A-l.4.1 Available carbon dioxide._ )00 '< ( M. - Ml )



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IS: list ·1t11







A-2.1.1 A recommended apparatus of the gasometric assembly, asassembled, is shown in Fig. 2.

A- Assembly - The apparatus consists of a 2S0-ml, widemouthed extraction flask A made of heat resistant a)ass, CODDcctedby a short bent BJass tube to a rubber tube B. This is connected by atwo-way stopcock C to a gas measuring tube D \\'hich is graduatedin millilitres at 20·C with zero mark at the point jUlt below the top andgraduated up to SOO-ml. Tbrough the other hole is passed a 4O-mlburette H graduated in ml at 2S·C aDd numbered at I-ml intervals.The aas measuring tube is connected to a levelling tube F through arubber tube E having a pinchcock P to c:oDtro) tbe flow of solution.


Page 15: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS : 1159· 1981

A-2.2 RealeatA-2.%.1 Displacemlnt Solutio" -- Dissolve 100 g sodium chloride o~

sodium sulphate in 3S0-ml water. Add accurately I g sodium bicar­bonate and 2 ml methyl oraDle (0·5 percent aqueous solution) andthen enougb sulpburic acid or hydrochloric acid to make just acidic( decidedly pink ). Stir until all Co. is removed. This solution is usedin gas measuring tube and levelling bulb and seldom Deeds correction.

A-2.3 ProcedureA-l.3.1 Accurately weigb 2-5 g sample into flask A. Using the two­

way stopcock C. Connect with both gas measuring tube 0 and levellingtube F to atmosphere and fill them with displacement solution up to thezero mark of tube D. Connect decomposition ftask A with rubbertube Band tUfn stopcock so that the gas measuring tube is connectedto decomposition ftask and disconnected from atmosphere. Fill theburette H with distilled water up to the 40-mI mark. Let apparatusstand I to 2 minutes so that the temperature and pressure within theapparatus comes to room conditions. Open stopcock (or pinchcock )P and briol down the solution level in glass levelling tube F to reducepressure within apparatus. Collect the 4isplacement solution in a glassbeaker and reserve for re-use later. Slowly add to' decompositionflask, from burette N, 35 ml of distilled water. To allow un iformmixing of contents, rotate decomposition flask with swirling action andthen put it on a wire gauze over a tripod stand and heat it to boilingwith a Bunsen or HurshaDe burner. To prevent overflowing of dispJace­ment solution in levellinl tube fill to a level lower than the overflowcapacity. Occasionally rotate the decomposition flask to ensure uniformmixing of contents and complete evolution of CO'e Then the mixture indecomposition ftask foams up and the foam reaches the neck of theflask, stop he_ting and quickly immerse decomposition flask in cold tapwater kept in a tray below. Also pour \..iter over the decompositionflask while rotating it to bring the conten .. J to the temperature of waterin the tray. When this happens wait for further five minutes to secureequilibrium. Equalize pressure in measuring tube by pouring solutionin levelling tube, using the pinchcock P if necessary and read thevolume Y in the measuring tube.

A-2.4 CalculatloDA-2.4.1 Deduct from this volume Y. the volume of distilled water

added namely 35 ml to get the corrected volume of CO. evolved afterdecomposition at atmospheric temperature and pressure.

From the following equation the volume of carbon dioxide atnormal temperature and pressure is obtained:

'f~ T. X PlY!rl == ----PI P.1'1


Page 16: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org

IS: 1159-1981

wbereYI = volume of CO. calculated at normal temperature and

pressure,T. == normal temperature ( 273°K or O·C ),PI = normal pressure ( 760 mm ),PI = corrected barometric pressure at temperature TI,VI = V - 35 ml = corrected volume of Co. evolved after

decomposition, andTl = observed temperature of displacement solution.

Now one gram mole (44 g) of carbon dioxide, at NTP, willoccupy 22 400 ml, that is, 22 400 ml of CO. at NTP. weigh 44 g.

Therefore VI 011 CO. at NTP will weigh:VI 44

22400 X I

Now 22~oo X 4: g of carbon dioxide are obtained from 2·S g of

baking powder.

Therefore available carbon dioxide percent100 VI 44

by mass = TS x 22 400 x T= 40 x VI x 44

22 400

APPENDIX B( Clause 6.1 )


B·l. GENERAL REQUIREl\fENTS OF SAMPLINGB..l.0 In dra\ving, preparing, storing and handling samples, the follo\\'­jng precautions and directions shall be observed.

B-I.l Samples 511311 be taken in a protected place not exposed to dampair, dust or soot.B-l.2 The sanlpling instrument shall be clean and dry when used.B-l.3 Precautions shall be taken to protect the samples, the materialbeing sampled, the sampling instrument and the containers for samplesfrom adventitious contamination.8-1.4 The samples shall be placed in clean, odourJess and dry glass


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IS : 1159 • 1981

containers. Tbe sample containers shall be of such size that they arealmost completely filled by the sample.B-l.5 E1Zb contain:r shall b= scaled air-tight after filling and markedwith full d~tails of sampling, batch or code number, name of theInln'Jfactur~ranj other important particulars of the consignment.a-I.6 Samples shall be stored in such a manDer that the temperatureof the mlterial do.:s not vary unduly from the normal temperature.8-1.7 Sampling shall be done by a person, agreed to between thepur~haser and the v~nd.or and in the presence of the purchaser (or hisrepr~seQtative ) and the vendor ( or his representative ).


B·l.1 Lot -- All th= containers in a consignment belonging to - the samebatch or m1nufacture shall constitute a lot.

8-1.1.1 Samples shall be tested from such lot for ascertaining con­formity of the material to the requirements of the specification.8-2.1 The number of containers to be tested from a lot shall depend onthe size of the lot and shall be in accordance with Table 2.




Up to 5051 to 100101·to 300

301 to '00SOl and above





B-2.3 The containers to be selected for sampling shall be chosen atrandom from the lot and. for this purpose, random number tables( s~e IS: 4905-1968-) shall be used. In case such tables arc notavailable, the following procedure may be adopted:

Starting from any container, count them as I, 2, 3 , rand so OD, in one order. Every rth container thus counted shallbe choseD, , being the integral part of Nln, where N is the totalnumber of containers in the lot and n the number of containers tobe selected ( $e~ Table 2 ).

·Methods for random sampliol.


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IS : 1159· 1981


8-3.1 PreparatioD of ladi,idaal Samples - Empty out the cont(Dts orthe container on a sheet of paper and mix thoroughly. Cone and quarteras often as necessary till about 7S g of the material IS left. From thistake about 15 g Qf the material and divide it into three equal parts.Each part so obtained shall constitute an individual ~ampJe rcprestntingthe container and shall be transferred immediately with particulars ~ivcn

in 8-1.5. The individual samples so obtained shalJ be divJdcd into threesets in such a way that each set has a sample represt.nting each selectedcontainer. One of these sets shall be marked for the purchaser, theother for the vendor and the third for the referee.

8·3.2 Prep.ratioD of • Composite Sample - From the material fromeach selected container remaining after the individual sample has beentaken, equal quantities of material shall be taken and mixed together soas to form a composite sample weighing Dot less than 160 g. This com­posite sample shall be divided into three equal parts and transferred toclean dry glass containers and labelled with the particulars givenin D-I.S. One of these composite samples shall be marked for thepurchaser, the other for the vendor and the third for the referee.

D-3.3 Referee Samples - Referee samples shall consist of a set ofindividual samples (see 8-3.1) and a composite sample ( Ste 8-3.2 )marked for this purpose and shall bear the seals of the purchaser andthe vendor. These shall be kept at a place agreed to between the two.


B-4.1 Tests for requirements given in 3.1 and available carbon dioxideshall be conducted on each of the sam.ples constituting a set of individualtest samples ( see B-3.1 ).

8-4.2 Tests for the remaining characteristics, nanlely, arsenic and lead,shall be conducted on the composite sample (see B-3.2 ).


8-5.1 The lot shall be considered satisfactory in respect of the require­ments of B-4.1. if each individual sample satisfies all the requirements.

8-5.2 The lot shall be considered satisfactory in respect of the require·ments of B-4.2: if the test results on the composite sample satisfy thecorresponding requirements.

D-S.3 The lot shall be declared to be in conformity with all the require..ments of this specification, if it has been found satisfactory in accordancewith 8-5.1 and 8-5.1.


Page 19: IS 1159 (1981): Baking Powder - Public.Resource.Org


H••dqu.t'." :M.n.1c Bhlvan.9 Behldur Shah lat. M8rg. NEW DELHI 110002r.'ephon.. : 331 01 31 Telegrlml : Man.tun."'.

331 13 7& (Common 1o In OffiCeS)

R.,/on.' O"'c.. :Clntral : Mlnlk Bhlven, 9, 81hldur Shah Zit., M.ro.

NEW DELHI 110002• eutem : 1/14 e.I.T. Schem. VII M.

V.I.P. ROld, Maniktol., CALCUTTA 700054Northern : sea 4415..448, Sector 36·C, CHANDJGARH 180038Southern : C.I.T. Campul. IV Cro.. Raid. MADRAS 600113

t We.wn : Mlnlk.'.ya, E9 MIDe, M.rol. Andh.,. (E.I').80MBAY~83

B,.nch Off/c•• :

'PUlhpak', Nurmohamld Shlikh Merl, Khlnpur, AHMADABAD 380001t P••ny. Indultri.1 Ar••, 1.t Stlg., Blngalor••Tumkur ROld.

BANGALORE 6800&8(Jlngotr' Complex, 5th Floor, Bhldbhldl Raid, T.T. Neg_,.

BHOPAL 482003Plot No. 21, Sltvlnlglr, BHUBANESHWAR 761007KII.I Kathlr Building, 8/48·A Av.n••' Road. COIM8ATORE 84103'Plot No 43. Sector t8A. Mlthur. ROld, FARIDABAD 121001S.v;trl Complex, 118 G. T. AOld, GHAZIABAD 20100113/6 Werd No. 29. R.G. Blrul ROId, 6th By-I.nl.

GUWAHATI 7810031-I-B8C L. N. GUptl Mlrg, (NlmPllly 5tltion ROld)

HYDiRABAD 800001"14 Yudhlatlr Marl. C Scheme, JAIPUR 302008117/411 B S.rvod-YI Hlgar, KANPUR 208006Plot No. A-9. Houl. No. 681/83, Sindhu N.g.,. Kanpur Road.

LUCKNOW 22800&'Itllputr. Indultrial Elte••, PATNA 800013C/o Smt. Sunit. Mi'lkhlr, a8 Ole Annex•• Gandhi Negar.

JAMMU (TAWI) 1800u4r. C. No. 14/1421, University P.O., PI'aY8m

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 696034InlP.ellon Off/eel (With 5." Point) :PUlhpenJlli. Fir.t Floor, 205·A We.t High COUr1 ROld.

Shenkar Nagar Squ8re, NAGPUR 440010In.titution of Engine.r. (Indll) Building. 1332 Shlv.U N8gar,

PUNE 411001--------'SI'" Office Calcutta is It 6 Chowr.ngh•• APP'08ChP. O. P,lncep Str••t, CALCUTTAt Sel•• Office il I' Novelty Chamber•. Gr.n. Roed, BOMBAYI 581.. Office I. .t Unity BuildinG. N.,••imh.,.ja Squ.r.BANGALORf

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