irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com...• Technical data DM915- Clamp carrier for earth wire • Technical data DM1203- Compressed Bifilar clamp • Technical data DM 1204- Compressed lug

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    CRASH TEST 115


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    Who we are and what we produceManufatti Caggiano Ltd was born in 1989 in the industrial area of Savoia di Lucania (Basilicata) in the province of Potenza with the aim to produce precasts and reinforced concrete products. Based on a long-lasting experience of thirty years, our name is synonymous with reliability and our firm plays a leading role in the precasting field.

    We have at our disposal more than 25.000 square metres, including a workshop devoted to checking the concrete, and possible building materials testing, a technical office (made up pf surveyors, design engineers, engineer responsible for production, concrete technologist and a quality manager), a trained staff with collaborators in charge of the production and installation of our precasts, trading agents for the maintenance in Itlay as well as in Europe.. Our products and services take the company to the forefront of the precasting sector (concrete production system, shattering, and as many other equipment) in order to obtain a high standard quality product .

    We offer the following services and products on the market:

    • Concrete precasts and products design according to the single customer’s need.

    • Site survey for on-site inspections• Warranty and maintenance• Installation and siting• Electrical substations equipped with

    electromechanical equipment;• E-distribution Enel- approved substations• Prefabricated rainwater tanks equipped with

    pumps and different accessories;• Mono-block and Panelled Prefabricated

    substations with variable dimensions;• Prefabricated Villas and Houses• Prefabricated warehouses;• Prefabricated Offices;• Prefabricated Garages;• Substations lease;• Shelter container;• Switchboards and compartments

    transformers;• Accessories, doors and grids;• Concrete shafts and Pipes;• Concrete Shafts for telecommunications;• Prefabricated niches for BT switchboards;• Burial niches and ossuary.

    ManagerFiore Caggiano

    Technical Director and Quality managerGeom Ruggiero Caggiano

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    CertificatesWe possess the following certifications which can be divided in Qualifications and Approvals.

    Qualifications are important because they grant the firm to be 100% reliable and suitable with regard to the Technical, Legal and Eco-fin requirements and to the quality system.

    We also boast Enel ,Ministry of Public Works and quality management system’s qualifications.

    Approvals are important because they certify the compliance of the product. We possess the approval certificate for each kind of E-distribution substation.





    dei L






    o Tecn

    ico C





    SERIE DICHIARATA n. 23 /2017-SD In conformità al D.M. 14.01.2008 “Norme tecniche per le costruzioni” ed ai sensi

    dell’art.9 della legge n.1086/1971 si attesta che la ditta:

    MANUFATTI CAGGIANO s.r.l. con sede legale: Contrada Seta n.12 – 85050 Savoia di Lucania (PZ)

    e stabilimento: Savoia di Lucania (PZ) ha depositato presso il Servizio Tecnico Centrale del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici la documentazione inerente il possesso dei requisiti richiesti dal p.to 11.8.4 delle Norme Tecniche di cui al D.M. 14.1.2008, in relazione al processo produttivo ed al controllo di produzione in stabilimento finalizzati alla produzione dei seguenti componenti prefabbricati in c.a. e/o c.a.p.:

    • Cabine in c.a. per apparecchiature: MICRO BOX PLUS DG 10200 ED.01 (Dim. 1,80X2,20XH.2,53) CABINA E-DISTRIBUZIONE EASYSAT (Dim. 6,70x2,50x H 2,55) con vasca di fondazione CABINA CON PANNELLI PREFABBRICATI (Dim. 8,10x 6,10x H 3,06) con platea di fondazione

    Il presente Attestato, ha decorrenza dal 19/10/2017 e validità fino al 19/10/2020,

    fatto salvo l’obbligo della diversa procedura di marcatura CE connessa all’attuazione del Regolamento dei Prodotti da Costruzione (CPR-Construction Products Regulation) n°305/2011, per le specifiche famiglie di prodotti coperti da norma EN armonizzata.

    Il presente Attestato ha l’obiettivo di identificare lo stabilimento di produzione ed i

    componenti prodotti e non è finalizzato a certificare la concreta idoneità tecnica dei manufatti alle diverse utilizzazioni cui possono essere destinati.

    L’Attestato non prevede, da parte del Servizio Tecnico Centrale, l'approvazione tecnica degli elaborati presentati, per i quali il Progettista ed il Produttore, ciascuno secondo le rispettive competenze, sono pienamente responsabili ai sensi di legge, restando altresì nella responsabilità delle figure suddette ogni impiego del prodotto.

    L’Attestato si intende sempre riferito ai singoli elementi costruttivi, nei limiti d’impiego indicati nella documentazione tecnica presentata, e non all’opera o al sistema costruttivo che ingloba gli stessi.

    Ogni impiego dei componenti strutturali di cui al presente Attestato deve avvenire

    sulla base di calcoli redatti in conformità alla normativa tecnica vigente al momento dell’utilizzo. Roma, 19 ottobre 2017



    VIA NOMENTANA 2 – 00161 ROMATEL. 06.4412.4101, 2367


    20 ott 2017 08:11

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    E-Distribution Approved SubstationsThe E-Distribution Approved Substations are divided into three models which are hereunder listed:

    BOX MODEL:E-distribution Box SubstationDG 2061 ED.08

    E-distribution Box SubstationDG 2061 Ed.08/Mod.750 dual Transformer

    E-Distribution Box SubstationEASYSAT ED.01

    MINI BOX MODEL:E-Distribution Mini Box SubstationDG 2081 ED.05

    MICRO BOX MODEL:E-Distribution Microbox SubstationDG 10197 ED.03

    E-Distribution Microbox SubstationDG 10200 PLUS Ed.01

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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08The substation is realized according to the E-Distribution DG 2061 Ed.08 technical specification of September 15th 2016. It possesses three serial numbers: It is in compliance with the following laws and provisions:


    • Law November 5th 1971 no.1086: “Laws aimed at regulating the reinforced, normal and pre-stressed concrete works and with a metallic structure”

    • Law February 2nd 1974 no.64 “Provisions concerning the constructions with particular limitation to the earthquake zone”.

    • Presidential Decree June 6th 2001 no. 380: “Consolidated Act of the statutory provisions on the building construction subject”

    • Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008 : “New technical laws for constructions”• Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37 “Provisions on the installation activity

    subject with regard to the technical implants inside buildings”• Circular February 2nd 2009, no.617: Instructions about the implementation of the “New

    technical laws for constructions” , by derogation from the Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008.

    • IEC Law 7-6: “laws for inspection of the hot dip galvanizing on ferrous materials used for electrical implants and lines”

    • IEC Laws EN 60529: “Grade of protection of the shell (IP Code)”• EN Law 12504-2:2001: “Non-destructive tests on concrete »• EN Law 10088-1 :2005 : « List of stainless steels »• IEC EN Law 50522:2011-07. “Earthing of implants with voltage superior to 1 kV”• RAL-F2 chart: “Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedinungen” -RAL colour chart


    • Technical data DS918-DS919- Metal doors/Fiberglass• Technical data Ds926-Ds927- Metal Windows/Fiberglass• Technical data DS988- Latch door• Technical data DY3016/3- Accessory surface• Technical data DY3021- Lamps• Technical data DY3203- BT Automatic switch at 630 A• Technical data DJ1111- Plug insulator• Technical data GST001- Transformers• Technical data GSM001- QMT• Technical data Dy3009- QBT• Technical data DS3055- QBT support frame

    • Technical data DY 3005/1- Rack• Technical data DS 920- fairleads• Technical data DC1003- Copper wire rope• Technical data DM915- Clamp carrier for earth wire• Technical data DM1203- Compressed Bifilar clamp • Technical data DM 1204- Compressed lug• Technical data DR1015- Iron bars and profiles of refined steel• Technical data DR1020- Straight compressed lug• Technical data Dr1040- Depth Modular Ground rod• Document DK 4461 Ground networks of secondary implant.• Global Standard Document GSCG002-TCA

    It is produced through a mono-block structure in order to obtain a real Faraday cage. The concrete which is used for the realization of the Box components is in compliance with the European law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following compression concrete strength class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104)X c4 with slump in S5 maximum chloride content class 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and accelerator, the steels consist of grids and pylons of B450C quality and reinforcing adherence bars which can be welded, finally the BOX grants an IP 33 protection grade according to CEI EN 60529 Laws.The low voltage boards which are installed in the box are in compliance with the technical data DY3009 with a maximum of 8 lines provided with BT switches until 350A , DY310-like, on BT board. On exceptional occasion we install 630 A DY 3103 –like switches.The installed transformers are in compliance with the GST001 technical specifications with MT insulator with an inside plug cone DJ1111 with a maximum power at 630 KVA.During the assembly stage the box is fixed through plates on a mono-block prefabricated base to run the wires and therefore to grant the oil leak and possible transformer’s leakages. It possesses rupture flange where some stainless steel screws are installed which are useful for the MT/BT cables water tightness. Inside the whole box, as envisaged by DK 4461 document, all the metallic components are not linked with the track-side assembly such as doors and frames which can be accessed as provided for by provision M 1.1 of the IEC EN law 50522.

    The box is designed to bear the following loads:• Wind pressure equal to q(z)=190 from N/m2, corresponding to the following parameters:

    1000 square meters’ height above sea level; micro-zoning: 4 zone; return period: RP050 years

    • Snow load action on the coverage equal to qs=480 from N/m2, corresponding to the following parameters: 1000 square meters’ height above the sea level; macro-zoning: I zone; return period: RP= 50 years; ratio exposure: RE=1.0 (normal topography class); ratio shape: m=0.8 (flat coverage)





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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08SEISMIC ACTION

    With regard to the assessment of the seismic action, according to the construction modes which have been adopted, it is possible to employ different calculation methods.In the event that a dissipating structural behaviour is supposed, a design on the final stages will be implemented; the reference calculation parameters are reported as follow:

    The design Spectrum therefore will be defined by the vibration period: TB

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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08WALLS

    The walls are realized in vibrate concrete, suitably equipped with a tightness which is not inferior to 9. centimetres.During the casting stage, the steel inserts which are required to the fastening of the bearing structure of the BT boards (both on base and on coverage), to the clamping of the rack board and for the earthling system are built-in and placed as indicated in the graphics. These inserts, closed at the bottom, are welded with the concrete structure and are flush with the wall, base or coverage surface.The inserts present a well clean thread, they are oiled and well equipped with plastic caps.On the wall, on the windows ‘side, a plastic link, which is inside the concrete during its casting phase, in order to allow the temporary electrical wires to pass. This link possesses a minimum internal diameter of 150 millimetres, it is equipped with a closing/opening device only working with special equipment and which must grant the maintenance also in the absence of wires.On the opposite side of the wall thereof, a wall cable seal system is envisaged (minimum 80 millimetres) with the possibility to seal a prewired wire (4 wires of 10 millimetres are envisaged) per antenna.The internal height of the product is 2.32 metres.Two resin doors (DS919) are installed inside the box, in painted zinc-coated steel (Ds918) or stainless steel (DS 918), equipped with locks (Ds988) and two resin windows (Ds927) or in stainless steel (DS926). Or These components are e-distribution approved. The doors, the relating frame and any other concrete component which can be accessible from outside are electrically insulated from the track-side assembly (CEI EN 50522:2011-07) and from the armature incorporated into the concrete, in compliance with DK 4461.


    The roof grants an average coefficient of heat transmission which is inferior to 3.1 W/°C square meters. It should be double pitch- short sides- with a grade of 2% on each pitch and it will have to be well provided for gathering and removing the rainwater, on the long sides, of two fiberglass drinkers of a depth of 3 millimetres. Moreover, it is protected with a suitable prefabricated water proofing roof made up of a bitumen polymer membrane, at a cooling flexibility of -10°C, reinforced with a line of polyester and coated, at the top, with slate of a depth of 4 millimetres (slate excluded), overcoming the drinker.The roof can be provided with two grade pitches and may envisage a tile or brick (bent or roofing tiles) or slate or natural stone sheathing.


    The box is perfectly finished both inside and outside.The possible union joints of the structures and the whole box perimeter in the bearing point with the base are sealed for a perfect water maintenance.The outside walls are finished with water-resistant plastic material made up of valuable synthetic resin, quartz powder, colouring agents, and additives which allow the perfect anchorage on the product, resistance to the weather agents also in an industrial and sea

    environment, colour fastness with the solar light exposure and resistance to the weather agents (-20°C + 60°C).The colour of the product is 1011 RAL (beige-brown) of the RAL-F2 scale. Upon request, the outside walls can be finished with top-shelf reinforced tile panels (recommended dimensions 24 millimetres x 6 millimetres); the inside walls and the roof are painted with synthetic resins based on 9010 RAL colour (pure white)A primer is applied to the base on the outside fronts, on the internal base and on the internal fronts until a height of 60 centimetres, as to allow the quartz colour to always start from an elevation of 500 centimetres outside.The roof component, in the visible vertical fronts is realized with the aforesaid cladding, but with a 7001 RAL colour (silver grey) of the RAL-F2 scale.


    Two stainless steel wind-powered cleaners are placed on the roof, with oiled buffer. The stainless steel is of AISI 304 type (steel at Austenitic Cr-Ni) according to UNI EN 10088-1:2005. In addition to the wind-powered cleaners, the ventilation inside the box is integrated with two resin or steel ventilation windows (DS 927-Ds 926).The wind-powered cleaners and the ventilation windows are electrically insulated from the earthling system (IEC EN 50522:2011-07) and from the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete, in accordance to what is provided for by DK 4461 law.


    It is unthreaded-like, realized by a unipolar cable, flame-retardant, with a pipe made up of insulating materials incorporated into the concrete.The implant includes.• No.1 low voltage board for supplying the additional services AS (DY3016/3) which

    should be assembled on the rack (DY3005)• No.3 lighting lamps, as provided for by the DY3021 technical specification • The supply of each lighting lamps is realized with two unipolar cables of 2,5 mm2

    (square millimetres) inside an insulating material pipe incorporated into the concrete by a unipolar switch IP>40.

    All the system’s components are marked by a label certifying the compliance with the laws and the whole electrical system is equipped with a statement of compliance pursuant the Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37.


    The substation is provided with a safety earthling system twith which the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete are linked and all the provided metallic inserts. As it was envisaged by DK 4461 document, metallic components must not be linked to the earthling system, such as frames and doors of the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside: this allows to always take advantage of the profits resulting from derogation of the provision M 1.1 of the EIC EN 50552 law.

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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08SUBSTATION

    The internal-external link with the earthling system is realized with 2 stainless steel fasteners drowned into the concrete or with a similar system characterized by the same features.The fasteners are equipped with water tightness threaded bushings which are used to link the earthling system and which are flush with the internal and external surface of the tank.With regard to the internal earthling system, all the masses of the BT (law tension) and MT (average tension) equipment, belonging to the electrical system, are linked with the internal earthling system, in particular with reference to the following equipment masses:• Average Tension board;• Transformer caisson Average /Low tension;• Low tension equipment rack;• Frame for low tension boards;• All the low tension equipment.The earthling system is provided in its fitting phase and is made up of hoop. Whether the basic earthling system must be reinforced, or it cannot be realized, it can be integrated with horizontal electrode (whiskers) by excluding the usage of further stakes. If it is not possible to integrate the earthling system with horizontal electrodes (whiskers) the possibility to install, inside the hoop, one or more depth steaks in compliance with the DR 1040 technical data, can be taken into account.The horizontal electrodes are realized by bare copper rope of 25 square millimetres and placed at the bottom of trenches.


    • Prior to shipment, the box is submitted to the following tests:• Inspection of the building correspondence to the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which was used on the basis of

    tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts ‘mechanical resistance• Checks of earthling connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which can be accessed from outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the low tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete


    The substation will be made up of the following components:

    No. 1 removable covering slatted platform to access the tank 1000x600

    No. 2 DS 918/DS 919 Doors

    No. 3 lighting lamps as reported in DY3021 table

    Electrical board for DY3016/3 additional services, version for rack (DY 3005) (with insulating transformer)

    Temporary cable gland of 150 millimetres

    No. 1 DY3005/1 Rack Cabinet

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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08No. 2 stainless-steel Wind Aspirators

    Internal external fastener for earthling grid

    Fibreglass tunnel covering components: no. 6 for Average Tension compartments (650x250x40)

    No.2 ventilation grills

    Identification platePlate indicating the uplifting scheme

    Prefabricated water proofing roof made up pf bitumen-polymer membrane, at a cold flexibility of -10°C, reinforced by polyester wire and upper slated, thickness of 4 millimetres (slate excluded) overcoming the race-way.

    Fiberglass race-way for the rainwater exit (for substations which are not inside a civilian building) Quantity no. 4







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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08Low tension boards bearing frame

    Low tension board spacer as provided for by document DS 3055


    Our product is covered by warranty in the event of manufacturing defects including structural components, plasters, sheathings, seepages.

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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08

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    E-Distribution Box Substation DG 2061 ED.08

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    DG 2061 DOUBLE CONCRETE E-Distribution Box SubstationThe substation is realized according to the technical specifications included in the DG 2061 Ed.08 E- Distribution Document of September 15th 2016 and possesses three matrices:

    It is in compliance with the following laws and prescriptions:


    • Law November 5th 1971 no. 1086: “Laws on regulation of the reinforced, normal and pre-stressed concrete works and with a metal structure”.

    • Law February 2nd 1974 no.64 “measures for constructions with particular exceptions for the earthquake zones “

    • Presidential Decree June 6th 2001 no.380 “Consolidated Act of the legislative regulations on the building subject “

    • Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008: “New technical laws for constructions”• Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no. 37: “Provisions on the implants installation

    activity subject inside the buildings”.• Circular February 2nd 2009, no.617: “Instructions for the derogation of the “New technical

    laws for constructions” under Ministerial Decree January 14th 2208.• CEI 7-6 law: “Laws on hot dip galvanizing control on ferrous metals for electrical lines

    and implants”• CEI EN 60529 law: “Degrees protection of cases (IP Code)”• CEI EN 12504-2 :2001 UNI EN Law “Non-destructive testing of concrete”• CEI EN 10088-1 :2005 law: « List of stainless steels »• CEI EN 50522:2011-07 Law: “Earthling of implants with a voltage superior to 1kV”• RAL-F2 scale: “Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingen”- Colour Scale


    • DS918-Ds919 Technical data- metal Door/Fiberglass• DS926-DS927 Technical data- Metal Windows/ Fiberglass• DS988 Technical Data- Door’s lock• DY3016/3 Technical data- extra surface• DY3021 Technical Data- Lamps• DY3103 Technical data- Law voltage automatic switch at 630A• DJ1111Technical data- Spark Plug Insulator• GST 001 Technical data- transformers• GSM001 Technical data- QMT• Dy3009 Technical Data- QBT• DS2055 Technical data- QBT support frame

    • DY 3005/1 Technical data-Rack• DS 920 Technical data- fairleads• DC1003 Technical data- copper stranded conductor • DM915 Technical data- bearing connector for earthling conductor• DM1203 Technical data- pre-stressed bifilar connector• DM1204 Technical data- pre-stressed lug• DR1015 Technical data- iron rod of stainless-steel• DR1020 Technical data- right pre-stressed lug• DR1040 Technical data- earth dig rods• DK4461 document earthling grid for secondary implants• GSCG002 Global Standard Document- TCA

    It is realized through a mono-block structure in order to obtain a real Faraday cage. The concrete which is used to realize some Box components is in compliance with the European Law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following features of pre-stressed resistance class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104) X C4 with slump in chloride content S5 class max 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and accelerators, the used steels are grills and pylons of B450C quality and bars with improved adherence B450C which can be welded, finally the Box ensures an IP33 degree of protection IEC EN 60529.The Law voltage boards which are installed in the box are in compliance with the technical specifications of the DY3009 document with a maximum of 8 lines with BT DY3101-like switch until 350A on BT board. We install 630A DY3130-like switches in exceptional case.The transformers which are installed are in compliance with the technical specification GST001 with MT insulator with conical plug socket DJ1111 with a maximum power at 630kVA.In the assembly phase the box is fixed through plates on a mono-block prefabricated base to pass the wires and to grant the oil’s leak and possible transformer’s leakages. It possesses rupture flanges where stainless steel links are inserted for the MT/BT wires water tightness.In the whole box, as provided for by DK 4461 document, all the metal components are not linked with the earthling system such as door frames and doors which can be accessed as indicated under M 1.1 provision of the IEC EN n 50522 law.

    The box is designed to resist the following loads:• Wind pressure equal to q(z)= 109 daN/m2 corresponding to the following parameters:

    1000 meters of height above the sea; macro-zoning: 4 zone, return period: Tr= 50 years• Snow load action on the covering equal to qs=480 daN/m2, corresponding to the

    following parameters: 1000 meters of height above the sea level ; macro-zoning: l zone; return period: Tr= 50 years; exposure coefficient: CE= 1,0 (normal topography class); coefficient of shape: m=0,8 (flat roof)





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    With regard to the assessment of the seismic action, according to the construction modes which have been adopted, it is possible to employ different calculation methods.In the event that a dissipating structural behaviour is supposed, a design on the final stages will be implemented; the reference calculation parameters are reported as follow:

    The design Spectrum therefore will be defined by the vibration period: TB

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    The walls are made up of vibrated concrete, suitably reinforced with a thickness which is not inferior to 9 centimetres.During the casting phase, as it is indicated in the graphics, the steel inserts are incorporated, which are necessary to the fastening of the load-bearing structure of the Law Tension boards (both on pavement and on roof), to the clumoing of the rack board and to the earthling system , closed at the bottom, and they are welded to the metal structure and linked with the surface wall of the pavement or of the roof.The inserts own a well clean thread, they are oiled and equipped with plastic cap.On the walls ,at the window side,s a plastic shaft passer is fastened, drowned in the concrete during the casting phase in order to grant the temporary electrical wires passage.This cable gland possesses a minimum diameter of 150 millimetres, and it is equipped with a closure/opening device which only works through special tools and which must grant the maintenance also in the absence of wires.On the opposite side of the aforesaid wall ,a wall cable gland is provided (minimum 80 millimetres) with the possibility to seal the precabled wires (4 wires of 10 millimetres are envisaged) per antenna. The internal height of the manufactured product is equal to 2.32 meters.Two resin doors are installed within the box (DS919), they rae realized in painted galvanized steel (DS918) or stainless steel (DS918), provided with latches (DS988) and two resin (DS927) or in stainless steel (DS926) windows. These components are e-distribution approved.The doors, their relating frame and any kind of metal component which can be accessed from outside are electrically isolated from the earthling system (CEI EN 50522:2011-07) and from the reinforced concrete, in compliance with DK4461 Document.


    The covering grants an average coefficient of heat transmission which is inferior to 3.1 W/°C square meters; it will be two-pitches- short sides- and will possess a grade of2% on each pitch and it shall be well provided for the rainwater gathering and expulsion on the long sides of two fiberglass conduit of a tightness of 3 millimetres. Moreover, it is protected by a suitable pre-fabricated water-proofing roof made up of a polymer-bitumen membrane, with a cold flexibility of -10°C, reinforced by polyester wire and covered by slate, with a tightness of 4 millimetres (plate excluded), overcoming the conduit. The coverage may be provided with two pitches with plate and may envisage a terracotta or brick (imbrex or tiles) or natural stone or plate facing.


    The box is perfectly external and internal pargetted. The possible union joints of the structures and the whole box perimeter in the bearing point with the base are sealed for a perfect water integrity.The external walls are covered with water-repellent plastic material made up of fine synthetic resins, quartz powder, colouring oxides and additives which grant the perfect anchorage on the manufactured product, weather resistance also in a sea as well as in

    an industrial environment, colour fastness to the sun exposure and stability to the sudden changes in temperatures (-20°C +60°C).The manufactured product colour is RAL 1011 (beige-brown) of the RAL-.F2 scale. On demand, the external walls could be finished with top-shelf reinforced tile panels of first-choice (recommended dimensions 24 millimetres x 6 millimetres); the internal walls and the ceiling are painted with synthetic resin paintings of RAL colour (pure white)A primer is applied to the base on the all external façades and to the internal ones until a height of 60 centimetres, such as to make the quartz colour start, outside, from an elevation of 500 centimetres.The covering component, within the visible vertical façades, is produced with the aforesaid cladding but with a RAL colour 7001 (silver grey) of the RAL.F2 scale.


    Three stainless-steel wind aspirators are placed on the covering and which are oil-bath buffer-like. The stainless-steel is AISI 304 -like(steel at austenitic Cr-Ni) according to UNI EN 10088-1:2005. In addition to the wind aspirations, the ventilation inside the box is integrated with two resin or steel ventilation windows (DS 927-Ds926)The wind aspirators and the ventilation windows are electrically isolated from the earthling system (IEC EN 50522:2011-07) and from the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete, in compliance with what is provided for by Document DK 4461.


    Unthreaded-like, it is realized with a flame-retardant unipolar wire, with an insulating material which is incorporated into the concrete.

    The system includes:• No.1 low voltage boards for the supply of the auxiliary services (DY 3016/3) which shall

    be assembled on the rack (DY3005)• No.3 lighting lamps, as provided for by the technical data DY 3021.• The supply of each lighting lamp is realized with two unipolar wires of 2.5 square

    millimetres, in an insulating material pipe which is incorporated into the concrete through an unipolar switch IP>40.

    All components of the electrical system are labelled with a trademark certifying the compliance with the laws and the whole electrical system is equipped with a conformity statement pursuant the Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37.

    DG 2061 DOUBLE CONCRETE E-Distribution Box Substation

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    The substation is equipped with a protection earthling system with which the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete and all the metal inserts are linked.As it is envisaged by DK 4461 document the metal components, such as door frames and doors, of the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside, do not have to be linked with the earthling system: this allows to always profit from the advantages resulting from the application of the Ministerial provision 1.1 of the IEC EN 50552 law.The internal-external link with the earthling system is realized with 2 stainless steel fasteners which are drowned into the concrete or with a similar system characterized by the same features.The fasteners are equipped with water tightness threaded bushings linking the earthling system and which act as connection with the internal and external surface of the tank.With regard to the internal earthling system, all the masses of the BT (law tension) and MT (average tension) equipment, belonging to the electrical system, are linked with the internal earthling system, in particular with reference to the following equipment masses:• Average Tension board;• Transformer caisson Average /Low tension;• Low tension equipment rack;• Frame for low tension boards;• All the low tension equipment.The earthling system is provided in its fitting phase and it is made up of hoop. Whether the basic earthling system must be reinforced, or it cannot be realized, it can be integrated with horizontal electrodes (whiskers) by excluding the usage of further stakes. If it is not possible to integrate the earthling system with horizontal electrodes (whiskers) the possibility to install, inside the hoop, one or more depth steaks in compliance with the DR 1040 technical data, can be taken into account.The horizontal electrodes are realized by bare copper rope of 25 square millimetres and placed at the bottom of trenches.


    Prior to the shipment , the box is submitted to the following tests:• Inspection of the building correspondence with the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which has been used on the

    basis of tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts mechanical resistance• Checks of earthling connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which can be accessed from

    outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the low tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete


    The substation shall be made up of the following components:

    No.1 removable covering shatted platform to access the tank 1000x600

    No. 3 DS 918/DS 919 Doors

    No.3 lighting lamps as reported in DY3021 table

    Electrical board for DY3016/3 additional services, version for rack (DY 3005) (with insulating transformer)

    Temporary cable glands of 150 millimetres

    DG 2061 DOUBLE CONCRETE E-Distribution Box Substation

  • 30

    No.1 Rack Cabinet DY3005/1

    No.3 stainless-steel Wind Aspirators

    Internal external fastener for earthling grille

    Fibreglass tunnel covering component: no.6 for Average Tension compartments (650x250x40)

    No.4 ventilation grilles

    Identification platePlate indicating the uplift scheme

    Prefabricated water proofing roof made up pf bitumen-polymer membrane, cold flexibility at -10°C, reinforced by polyester wire and upper slated, with a thickness of 4 millimetres (slate excluded) overcoming the race-way.

    Fiberglass race-way for the rainwater output(for substations which are not inside a civilian building)Quantity no.4

    No.2 Low Tension bearing boards frame

    Low tension boards spacer according to document DS 3055.


    Our product is covered by warranty in the event of manufacturing defects including structural components, plasters, sheathings, seepages.

    DG 2061 DOUBLE CONCRETE E-Distribution Box SubstationBUILDER’S NAME







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    DG 2061 DOUBLE CONCRETE E-Distribution Box Substation

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    DG 2061 DOUBLE CONCRETE E-Distribution Box Substation

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    The substation is realized according to the EASYSAT Ed.01 technical specifications of March 18th 2015.It is in compliance with the following laws and provisions:

    It is produced through a mono-block structure in order to obtain a real Faraday cage. The concrete which is used for the realization of the Box components is in compliance with the European law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following compression concrete strength class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104)X c4 with slump in S5 maximum chloride content class 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and acceleratosr, the steels consist of grids and pylons of B450C quality and reinforcing adherence bars which can be welded ;finally the BOX grants an IP 33 protection grade according to EIC EN 60529 Laws.

    During the assembly stage the box is fixed with plates on a mono-block prefabricated base to run the wires and therefore to grant the oil’s leak and possible transformer’s leakage. It possesses rupture flanges where some stainless steel cable glands can be inserted as to ensure the MT/BT cables water tightness. Inside the whole box, as provided for by DK 4461 document, all the metallic components are not linked with the track-side assembly such as doors and frames which can be accessed as provided for by the provision M 1.1 of the IEC EN law 50522.The box is designed to bear the following loads:• Wind pressure equal to q(z)=190 from N/m2, corresponding to the following parameters:

    1000 square meters height above the sea level; micro-zoning: 4 zone; return period: RP050 years

    • Snow load action on the coverage equal to qs=480 from N/m2, corresponding with the following parameters: 1000 square meters’ height above the sea level; macro-zoning: I zone; return period: RP= 50 years; ratio exposure: RE=1.0 (normal topography class); ratio shape: m=0.8 (flat coverage)


    With regard to the assessment of the seismic action, according to the construction modes which have been adopted, it is possible to employ different calculation methods.In the event that a dissipating structural behaviour is supposed, a design on the final stages shall be implemented; the reference calculation parameters are reported as follow:

    The design Spectrum therefore will be defined by the vibration period: TB

  • 36

    The wind pressure and the seismic activity shall be separately considered according to Law February 2nd 1974 no.64, art.10• Stress due to the uplift and transportation of the whole box provided with equipment

    (transformer excluded)• Moving and permanent loads on the substation’s pavement.• With regard to the tile’s assessment an aggressive environment must be considered

    and therefore defined according to the criteria under the following prospectus (Circular February 2nd 2009. No 617).

    In a sea as well as in an industrial environment, it is possible to notice colour fastness to the sun exposure and stability to the sudden changes in temperatures (-20°C +60°C).The manufactured product colour is RAL 1011 (beige-brown) of the RAL-.F2 scale. On demand, the external walls could be finished with top-shelf reinforced tile panels of first-choice (recommended dimensions 24 millimetres x 6 millimetres); the internal walls and the ceiling are painted with synthetic resin paintings of RAL colour (pure white)A primer is applied to the base on the all external façades and to the internal ones until a height of 60 centimetres, such as to make the quartz colour start, outside, from an elevation of 500 centimetres.The covering component, within the visible vertical façades, is produced with the aforesaid cladding but with a RAL colour 7001 (silver grey) of the RAL.F2 scale.


    Unthreaded-like, it is realized with a flame-retardant unipolar wire, with an insulating material which is incorporated into the concrete.

    The system includes:• No.1 low voltage boards for the supply of the auxiliary services (DY 3016/3) which will be

    assembled on the rack (DY3005)• No.3 lighting lamps, as provided for by the technical specification DY 3021.• The supply of each lighting lamp is realized with two unipolar wires of 2.5 square

    millimetres, in an insulating material pipe which is incorporated into the concrete through an unipolar switch IP>40.

    All components of the electrical system are labelled with a trademark certifying the compliance with the laws and the whole electrical system is equipped with a conformity statement pursuant the Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37.


    Prior to the shipment, the box is submitted to the following tests:

    • Inspection of the building correspondence with the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which has been used on the basis

    of tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts’ mechanical resistance• Checks of grid connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which can be accessed from outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the low tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete


    The satellite substation will be made up of:• No.1 unified reinforced concrete manufactured product UE DG2092-like• No.1 Average tension board UE DY 900-like, realized through no.1 board DY900/5-

    like (4Lei, registered no. 162109) and an Average tension board DY900/1-like (2Lei+1T- registered no. 162105)

    • No.1 Low Tension board UE DY3009-like (registered no. 160125)• No.1 spacer UE DS3055-like (registered no. 160650 or 150651)• No.2 low tension switches UE DY3101-like (registered no. 131056)• No.1average/low tension transformer UE DT 796-like or GST001 Ed with plug connections

    (DT796/53- registered no. 113532)• No.1 protection realized through RGDM ST UE DV7070 –like (registered no. 160005) for

    each average tension line)• No.1 set of three Smart Termination UE DJ5400/4 –like (registered no. 273201) for each

    Average Tension line• No.1 Peripheral Termination for remote control TPT2020• No.1 Unified Frame 600x600 equipped with a switch with optical inputs (connectors LC-

    like)• A possible patch panel for the optical fibre connection;• A Router IMOLA-like)• A low tension board for substation auxiliary services UE DY3016/3 (registered no. 16147)• A support for possible concentrator DH933• No.1 energy station at 24Vcc UE DV7077-like (registered no. 160124) with relating rack

    600x800;• No. 1 Command and Control Panel UE Dv970-like (registered no. 160079)


    Our product is covered by warranty in the event of manufacturing defects including structural components, plasters, sheathings, seepages.

    EASYSAT E-Distribution Box Substation

    Cmin C0 C≥ C0 Cmin ≤C≤ C0 C≥ C0 Cmin ≤C≤ C0 C≥ C0 Cmin ≤C≤ C0 C≥ C0 Cmin ≤C≤ C0

    C28/35 C40/50 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 45

    Bars for reinforced concrete Plate components

    Bars for reinforced concrete Other components

    Wires for Pre-stressed concrete (PSC) Plate components

    Wires for pre-stressed concrete (PSC) Other components

  • 37

    EASYSAT E-Distribution Box Substation

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    EASYSAT E-Distribution Box Substation

  • 39

  • 40

    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box SubstationThe Substation is realized according to the E-distribution technical specifications included within the document ED 2092 Ed.03 of September 15th 2016.

    It is in compliance with the following laws and provisions:• Law November 5th 1971 no.1086: “Laws aimed at regulating the reinforced, normal and

    pre-stressed concrete works and with a metallic structure”• Law February 2nd 1974 no.64 “Provisions concerning the constructions with particular

    limitation to the earthquake zone”.• Presidential Decree June 6th 2001 no. 380: “Consolidated Act of the statutory provisions

    on the building construction subject”• Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008 : “New technical laws for constructions” • Circular February 2nd 2009, no.617: Instructions about the implementation of the “New

    technical laws for constructions” , by derogation from the Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008.

    • Ministerial Decree February 16th 2007: “How to define the fire resistance of products and constructive components”

    • Law February 22nd 2001 no. 36 “Exposure to the electro-magnetic field”• Prime Ministerial Decree July 8th 2003 “Limits of exposure of the electromagnetic fields

    at 50 Hz”• Decree May 29th 2008 “Calculations of the values with respect to the electrodes” • Ministerial decree January 22nd 2008 no. 37: “Provisions on the installation activity of the

    systems inside the buildings”• IEC EN 62271-202 Law “ High /low tension prefabricated Substations “• IEC Law 7-6: “Laws for inspection of the hot dip galvanizing on ferrous materials used for

    electrical systems and lines”• IEC EN Law 50522:2011-07. “Earthling systems with a voltage superior to 1 kV”• IEC EN 61936-1Law (IEC 99-2): “eEectricl systems with a voltage superior to 1kV in

    alternating current”• IEC Law 99-4: “guide for the execution of Average/Law Tension electric substations of

    the final customer/user “• IEC 0-16 Law: “Technical reference rule for the connection of active and passive Users

    with the Averahge/Law tension grids of the electric power suppliers”• IEC EN 60529 Law: “Degree of protection of the cases (IP Code)”• Technical data DS918-DS919- Metal doors/Fiberglass• Technical data Ds926-Ds927- Metal Windows/Fiberglass• Technical data DS988- latch door• Technical data DS3055- QBT support frame• Technical data DY3203- BT Automatic switch at 630 A• Technical data DY3016/3- Accessory surface• Technical data DY3021- Lamps• Technical data DS 920- fairleads• Technical data DY 3005/1- Rack

    It is produced with a mono-block structure in order to obtain a real Faraday cage. The concrete which is used for the realization of the Box components is in compliance with the European law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following compression concrete strength class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104)X c4 with slump in S5 maximum chloride content class 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and accelerators, the steels consist of grids and pylons of B450C quality and improved adherence bars which can be welded , finally the BOX grants an IP 33 protection grade according to IEC EN 60529 Laws.

    During the assembly stage the box is fixed through plates on a mono-block prefabricated base to run the wires and therefore to grant the oil’ leak and possible transformer’s leakage. It possesses rupture flanges where some stainless steel screws are inserted as to grant the MT/BT cables water tightness.

    Inside the whole box, as provided for by DK 4461 document, all the metallic components are not linked with the track-side assembly such as doors and frames which can be accessed as provided in force of the provision M 1.1 of the CEI EN law 50522.

    The box is designed to bear the following loads:• Wind pressure equal to q(z)=190 from N/m2, corresponding to the following parameters:

    1000 square meters’ height above sea level; micro-zoning: 4 zone; return period: RP050 years

    • Snow load action on the coverage equal to qs=480 from N/m2, corresponding to the following parameters: 1000 square meters’ height above the sea level; macro-zoning: I zone; return period: RP= 50 years; ratio exposure: RE=1.0 (normal topography class); ratio shape: m=0.8 (flat coverage)

  • 41


    With regard to the assessment of the seismic action, according to the construction modes which have been adopted, it is possible to employ different calculation methods.In the event that a dissipating structural behaviour is supposed, a design on the final stages shall be implemented; the reference calculation parameters are reported as follow:

    The design Spectrum therefore will be defined by the vibration period: TB

  • 42

    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box SubstationWALLS

    The walls are made up of vibrated concrete, suitably reinforced with a thickness which is not inferior to 9 centimetres.During the casting phase, the steel inserts which are required to fasten the load-bearing structure of the Law Tension boards (both on pavement and on roof), to clamp the rack board and the earthling systems, closed at the bottom, are incorporated and welded to the metal structure and are linked with the surface wall of the pavement or of the roof, as it is indicated in the graphics.The inserts own a well clean thread, they are oiled and equipped with plastic cap.On the walls at the window sides a plastic cable gland is fastened, drowned in the concrete during the casting phase in order to grant the temporary electrical wires passage.This cable glad possesses a minimum diameter of 150 millimetres, and it is equipped with a closure/opening device which only works through special tools and which must grant the maintenance also in the absence of wires.On the opposite side of the aforesaid wall a wall cable seal is provided (minimum 80 millimetres) with the possibility to seal the pre-cabled wires (4 wires of 10 millimetres are envisaged) per antenna. The internal height of the manufactured product is equal to 2.32 meters.Within the box:• Two resin doors are installed (D S919), in painted galvanized steel/stainless steel (DS

    918) equipped with approved latches.• Two resin (DS 927) or stainless steel (DS 926) windows• No.1 resin or galvanized/stainless steel (Ds 918) one-leaf door of 800 mmThe doors, their relating frame and any kind of metal component which can be accessed from outside are electrically isolated from the earthling system (CEI EN 50522:2011-07) and from the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete.


    The covering grants an average coefficient of heat transmission which is inferior to 3.1 W/°C square meters; it will be two-pitches- short sides- and will possess a grade of2% on each pitch and it shall be well provided for the rainwater gathering and expulsion on the long sides of two fiberglass conduit of a tightness of 3 millimetres. Moreover, is protected by a suitable pre-fabricated water-proofing roof made up of a polymer-bitumen membrane, with a cold flexibility of -10°C, reinforced by polyester wire and covered by slate, with a tightness of 4 millimetres (plate excluded), overcoming the conduit. The coverage may be provided with two pitches with plate and may envisage a terracotta or brick (imbrex or tiles) or natural stone or plate facing


    The box is perfectly external and internal pargetted. The possible union joints of the structures and the whole box perimeter in the bearing point with the base are sealed for a perfect water tightness.The external walls are covered with water-repellent plastic material made up of fine

    synthetic resins, quartz powder, colouring oxides and additives which grant the perfect anchorage on the manufactured product, the weather resistance also in a sea as well as industrial environment, colour fastness to the sun exposure and stability to the sudden changes in temperatures (-20°C +60°C).The manufactured product colour is RAL 1011 (beige-brown) of the RAL-.F2 scale. On demand, the external walls could be finished with top-shelf reinforced tile panels of first-choice (recommended dimensions 24 millimetres x 6 millimetres); the internal walls and the ceiling are painted with synthetic resin paintings of RAL colour (pure white)A primer is applied to the base on the all external façades and to the internal ones until a height of 60 centimetres, such as to make the quartz colour start, outside, from an elevation of 500 centimetres.The covering component, within the visible vertical façades, is produced with the aforesaid cladding but with a RAL colour 7001 (silver grey) of the RAL.F2 scale.


    Three stainless-steel wind aspirators are placed on the covering, of type oil-bath buffer . The stainless-steel is AISI 304-like (steel at austenitic Cr-Ni) according to UNI EN 10088-1:2005. In addition to the wind aspirations, the ventilation inside the box is integrated with two resin or steel ventilation windows (DS 927-Ds926)The wind aspirators and the ventilation windows are electrically isolated from the earthling system (IEC EN 50522:2011-07) and from the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete, in compliance with what is provided for by Document DK 4461.


    Unthreaded-like, it is realized with a flame-retardant unipolar wire, with an insulating material which is incorporated into the concrete.

    The system includes:• No.1 low voltage boards for the supply of the auxiliary services (DY 3016/3) which will be

    assembled on the rack (DY3005)• No.4 lighting lamps, as provided for by the technical data DY 3021.• the supply of each lighting lamp is realized with two unipolar wires of 2.5 square

    millimetres, in an insulating material pipe which is incorporated into the concrete through a unipolar switch IP>40.

    • No. 1 Frame low Voltage board holderpre in hot galvanized steel• A Rack cabinet- e-ditribution approved- racking-like, which is suitable to contain 19’’

    drawers (Dy 3005 table)

    All components of the electrical system are labelled with a trademark certifying the compliance with the laws and the whole electrical system is equipped with a conformity statement pursuant the Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37.

  • 43


    The substation is equipped with a protection earthling system which is tailored according to the provisions of the Law and to the EIC EN Laws 50522:2011-03 (EIC 99-3) (E EIC EN 61936-1:2011-03(EIC 99-2). The internal-external link with the earthling system is realized with 2 stainless steel fasteners which are drowned into the concrete or with a similar system characterized by the same features.The fasteners are equipped with water tightness threaded bushings as to link the earthling system which are flush with the internal and external surface of the tank.With regard to the internal earthling system, all the masss of the BT (law tension) and MT (average tension) equipment, belonging to the electrical system, are linked with the internal earthling system, in particular with reference to the following equipment masses:• Average Tension board;• Transformer caisson Average /Low tension;• Low tension equipment rack;• Frame for low tension boards;• All the low tension equipment.The earthling system is provided in its fitting phase and it is made up of hoop. Whether the basic earthling system must be reinforced, or it cannot be realized, it can be integrated with horizontal electrodes (whiskers) by excluding the usage of further stakes. If it is not possible to integrate the earthling system through horizontal electrodes (whiskers) the possibility to install, inside the hoop, one or more depth steaks in compliance with the DR 1040 technical data, can be taken into account.The horizontal electrodes are realized with bare copper rope of 25 square millimetres and placed at the bottom of trenches.


    Prior to the shipment , the box is submitted to the following tests:

    • Inspection of the building correspondence to the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which has been used on the basis

    of tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts mechanical resistance• Checks of earthling connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which can be accessed from outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the law tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete


    The substation will be made up of the following components:

    No.1 removable slatted platform coverage to access the tank 1000x600 (Building handover)No.1 removable slatted platform coverage to access the tank 600x600 (Dimension building)

    No. 2 DS 918/DS 919 Doors

    No. 1 one-leaf door (Dimension building) DS918

    No. 3 DY3021 lighting lamps

    Temporary cable glands for wires 150 millimetres

    Two ASI 304 stainless-steel wind aspirators approved by e-distribution (for substations which are not inside the civilian building)

    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box Substation

  • 44

    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box SubstationInternal external fastener for earthling grid

    Fibreglass tunnel covering components: no.6 for Average Tension compartments (650x250x40)

    No.2 ventilation grills

    Identification platePlate indicating the uplifting scheme

    Prefabricated water proofing roof made up of bitumen-polymer membrane, cold flexibility -10°C, reinforced with polyester wire and upper slated, thickness of 4 millimetres (slate excluded) overcoming the race-way.

    Electrical board for auxiliary services- approved- DY3016/3 version for rack (DY 3005) (with insulating transformer)

    Fiberglass race-way for the rainwater output(for substations which are not inside a civilian building )Quantity no.4

    Low Voltage bearing-boards frame

  • 45

    Rack cabinet

    Keys case measurement space (minimum measurements 150mmx150mmm)Prototype of keys case

    DS3055 Low tension board holder

    Pre-set Rupture flange (rupture load > 3000N)


    Our product is covered by warranty for manufacturing defects such as structural components, plasters, sheathings and seepages.

    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box Substation

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    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box Substation

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    DG 2092 ED.03 E-Distribution Box Substation

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    The substation is realized according the Ed.05 DG E-Distribution technical specification of September 9th 2016, and possesses a registered number:


    These provisions are applied to the reinforced concrete pre-fabricated Minibox substation for sulphur (SF6) isolated 24kV boards .

    It complies with the following rules and provisions:

    Laws and Ministerial Decree• Law November 5th 1971 no. 1086: “Laws on regulation of the reinforced, normal and pre-

    stressed concrete works and with a metal structure”.• Law February 2nd 1974 no.64 “measures for constructions with particular exceptions for

    the earthquake zones “• Presidential Decree June 6th 2001 no.380 “Consolidated Act of the legislative regulations

    on the building subject “• Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008: “New technical laws for constructions”• Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no. 37: “Provisions on the implants installation

    activity subject inside the buildings”.• Circular February 2nd 2009, no.617: “Instructions for the derogation of the “New technical

    laws for constructions” under Ministerial Decree January 14th 2208.• CEI 7-6 laws: “Laws on hot dip galvanizing control on ferrous metals for electrical lines

    and implants”• EIC EN 60529 law: “Degrees protection of cases (IP Code)”• EIC EN 12504-2:2001 UNI EN Law “Non-destructive testing of concrete”• UNI ISO 2081 : » electrolytic galvanisation »• UNI EN 12504-2 :2001 « reinforced concrete non –destructive testing »• EIC EN 50522:2011-07 Law: “Earthling of implants with a voltage superior to 1kV”• UNI EN 10346/2009. “hot galvanized steels”• RAL-F2 scale: “Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingen”- Colour Scale


    a) DS918 Technical data- Metal Doors- DS 988 Technical data- latch doorb) DK 4461 Document- Secondary systems earthling networksc) DR1040 Technical Data- dig modular grounding platesd) DY 3016/3 Technical data- Secondary accessories- DY3021 Technical data- Lampse) DJ1111Technical data- Plug Insulator- DJ4448 Technical data- USB wire – GSTR001 Technical data- Control peripheral devicef) DS3055 technical data- QBT header frame- DY 3005/2 Technical data-Rack- DS 920 Technical data- cable glands- DH 933 Technical data concentrator- DX1215 technical

    data control peripheral device;g) GST001 Technical data- Transformer- GSM001 or Dy900 Technical data-QMT- Dy- 3009 Technical data- QMT- Dy3101 Technical data- Low tension switches.h) GSCG002 Global Standard Document- TCA

    It is realized with a mono-block structure with removable covering for the installation from the top, of the Low/Average tension equipment . The manufactured product is characterized by a base which is linked with the walls and which uplifts in completion with the coverage and equipment, except for the law/average tension transformer.The concrete which is used to realize some Box components is in compliance with the European Law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following features of pre-stressed resistance class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104) X C4 with slump in chloride content S5 class maz 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and accelerators, the used steels are grids and pylons of B450C quality and bars with improved adherence B450C which can be welded, finally the Box ensures n IP33 degree of protection CEI EN 60529.As it is provided for by 4461 DK Document metal components, such as door frames and doors, are not linked with the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside: this allows to always profit from the advantages resulting from the Ministerial provision 1.1 of the CEI EN 50522 Law.

    The Mini Box is designed to bear the following loads: Wind pressure equal to q(z)= 109 daN/m2 corresponding to the following parameters: 1000 meters of height above the sea; macro-zoning: 4 zone, return period: Tr= 50 years Snow load action on the covering equal to qs=480 daN/m2, corresponding to the following parameters: 1000 meters of height above the sea; macro-zoning: l zone; return period: Tr= 50 years; exposure coefficient: CE= 1,0 (normal topography class); coefficient of shape: m=0,8 (flat roof)Seismic action: with regard to the seismic action assessment, different calculation modes can be employed, according to the construction modes which are adopted. In the event that a dissipating structural behaviour is supposed, a design on the final stages shall be implemented; the reference calculation parameters are reported as follow.

    DG 2081 ED.05 MINI BOX E-Distribution MiniBox Substation



  • 51

    The design Spectrum therefore will be defined by the vibration period: TB 150 millimetres) The shaft passers are equipped with a closure/opening device through special equipment which are supplied with the substation and granting the tightness (IP33-IEC EN 60529) also in the absence of wires. All the metal parts which are included in the base tank and which are required to support the equipment, are hot galvanized (IEC Laws 7-6).


    The substation is perfectly pargetted both internally and externally. The walls are covered with water repellent plastic wall plaster, made up pf fine synthetic resins, quartz powder, colouring oxides and additives which grant the perfect anchorage on the manufactured product, weather resistance also in the sea as well as industrial environment, colour fastness to the solar light and weatherability (from -20°C to + 60°C). The manufactured product colour is RAL 1oo1 (beige-brown), except for the coverage which will be coloured with RAL 7001 (grey-silver); the internal wall and the ceiling are painted with RAL 9010 colour (pure white) synthetic resin paintings. Next to the manufactured product base, that is inside the oil containment tank, a bitumen emulsion or primer on the external façades is applied to the internal base and to the external façades, until an elevation of 700 millimetres, as to grant the quarts colour to always start from 500 millimetres of elevation

    DG 2081 ED.05 MINI BOX E-Distribution MiniBox SubstationSEISMIC PARAMETERS

    Nominal life (Years) 50 User class Second

    Soil theme 14,93992 Topography Condition Coefficient


    structural factor “q” D “low” ductility class 1,4

    “q” Strukturfaktor 3 Classe di duttilità “bassa” CD “B”


    Probability(reference period)

    0,63 Return Period (Years) 50

    Acceleration Expected acceleration/gravity acceleration

    0,07 Constant Time Period 0,27

    Maximum Spectral Amplification Factor (Fo)

    2,52 Amplification Factor FV 0,88

    “S” Stratigraphic factor 1,80 Constant Acceleration Spectrum Period (TB)


    Constant Spectrum Period (TC)

    0,65 Constant moving Spectrum Period (TD)



    Probability(reference period)

    0,10 Return Period (Years) 475

    Acceleration Expected acceleration/gravity acceleration

    0,28 Constant Time Period 0,42

    Maximum Spectral Amplification Factor (Fo)

    2,28 Amplification Factor FV 1,62

    “S” Stratigraphic factor 1,45 Constant Acceleration Spectrum Period (TB)


    Constant Spectrum Period (TC)

    0,81 Constant moving Spectrum Period (TD)


  • 52

    The border of the holes for the wire passage are refinished as to avoid possible sharp edge and protruding irons .


    An electrical system for the connection of the all equipment which are required to the correct working of the substation (such as auxiliary services board, lamps, etc); this system is unthreaded-like, it is realized with a flame-retardant unipolar wire, with an insulating material which is incorporated into the concrete.The system includes:• The low voltage board to supply the auxiliary services SA (DY3016/3) assembled on

    the rack (DY3005) and placed on the low voltage side;• No.3 lightening lamps (one in each space), according to the DY3021 technical data;• Supply of the lightening lamps which is realized with two unipolar wires of 2.5 square

    millimetres, in an insulating pipe which is incorporated into the concrete with a bipolar switch IP>40, placed on the door side;

    • 4 wires 1x6 millimetres NO7V-K IEC 20-22;• A rack cabinet- e-distribution approved- racking-like which is suitable to include 19’’

    drawers (DY3005/2 Technical data);All components of the electrical system are labelled with a trademark certifying the compliance with the laws and the whole electrical system is equipped with a conformity statement pursuant the Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37.


    The substation is equipped with a protection earthling system with which the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete are linked and all the provided metal inserts.As it is envisaged by DK 4461 document the metal components, such as door frames and doors, of the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside, do not have to be linked with the earthling system: this allows to always profit from the advantages resulting from the application of the Ministerial provision 1.1 of the CEI EN 50552 law.The internal-external link with the earthling system is realized with 2 stainless steel fasteners which are drowned into the concrete or with a similar system characterized by the same features.The fasteners are equipped with water tightness threaded bushings as to link the earthling system which are flush with the internal and external surface of the tank.With regard to the internal earthling system, all the masses of the BT (law tension) and MT (average tension) equipment, belonging to the electrical system, are linked with the internal earthling system, in particular with reference to the following equipment masses:• Average Tension board;• Transformer caisson Average /Low tension;• Low tension equipment rack;• Frame for low tension boards;• All the low tension equipment.

    The earthling system is provided in its fitting phase and it is made up of hoop. Whether the basic earthling system must be reinforced, or it cannot be realized, it can be integrated with horizontal electrodes (whiskers) by excluding the usage of further stakes. If it is not possible to integrate the earthling system with horizontal electrodes (whiskers) the possibility to install, inside the hoop, one or more depth steaks in compliance with the DR 1040 technical data, can be taken into account.The horizontal electrodes are realized with bare copper rope of 25 square millimetres and placed at the bottom of trenches.


    Prior to the shipment, the box is submitted to the following tests:• Inspection of the building correspondence to the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which has been used on the basis

    of tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts mechanical resistance• Checks of earthling connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which can be accessed from outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the law tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete


    • No.2 doors for low/average voltage boards space according to DS 918 document equipped with DS 988 latches;

    • No.2 aeration panels TR space;• No.2 internal partition walls and support components for low voltage board;• No.8 pre-stablished rupture flange for the tank’s holes;• No. 1 plastic shaft passer for the temporary supplies wire exit (> 150 millimetres)• Electrical system including DY 3016/3 Auxiliary Services Board;• A fairlead system for wall (>80 millimetres) for the antenna,• No.3 ceiling light fixtures for the lightening system according to DY3021 document;• No. internal ground grid;• No. 1 external ground grid, if included in the supply;• A rack cabinet for minibox substation- e-distribution approved- racking-like which is

    suitable to contain drawers of 19’’dimensions: 1400x600x600 millimetres (DY3005/2 technical data)

    • A spacer for low voltage boards (DS3055)• No.4 ringbolts for the coverage uplift.


    Our product is covered by warranty in case of manufacturing defects such as structural components, plasters, sheathings and seepages.

    DG 2081 ED.05 MINI BOX E-Distribution MiniBox Substation

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    DG 2081 ED.05 MINI BOX E-Distribution MiniBox Substation

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    DG 2081 ED.05 MINI BOX E-Distribution MiniBox Substation

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    DG 2081 ED.05 MINI BOX E-Distribution MiniBox Substation

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    MICRO BOX DG 10197 ED.03 E-Distribution Microbox SubstationThe substation is realized according to the DG 10197 ED.03 Technical specifications of September 15th 2016 and possesses a registered number:

    It is in compliance with the following laws and provisions:• Law November 5th 1971 no. 1086• Law February 2nd 1974 no.64• Decree January 14th 2008 of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transports• IEC Laws 60529• IEC laws 60439-5• IEC Laws 17-63• IEC Laws 7-6• UNI ISO Laws 2081• Table of Unification DS988• Table of Unification DS4559• Table of Unification DS4548• Table of Unification DH2480• Table of Unification DM4121• GSCG002 Global Standard Document-TCA

    It is realized twith a panelled structure and a bearing plate.

    The concrete which is used to realize some Box components is in compliance with the European Law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following features of pre-stressed resistance class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104) X C4 with slump in chloride content S5 class maz 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and accelerators, the used steels are grids and pylons of B450C quality and bars with improved adherence B450C which can be welded, finally the Box ensures n IP33 degree of protection CEI EN 60529.

    As it is provided for by 4461 DK Document metal components, such as door frames and doors, are not linked with the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside: this allows to always profit from the advantages resulting from the Ministerial provision 1.1 of the CEI EN 50522 Law.

    The Micro Box is designed to bear the following loads: • Wind pressure and snow load on the coverage are considered by referring to a height

    of 1500 metres above the sea, with maximum values of the parameters which can be detected on the national territory;

    • Overload on the bearing plate of 3000 daN in addition to the body weight of the manufactured product;

    • Seismic action: maximum degree of seismicity: reference parameters: nominal life 50 years; Class of use: second; Soil classification: Topography condition coefficient;

    Structure Period: TB

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    The substation is equipped with a protection earthling system with which the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete and all the provided metal inserts are linked. As it is envisaged by DK 4461 document the metal components, such as door frames and doors, of the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside, do not have to be linked with the earthling system: this allows to always profit from the advantages resulting from the application of the Ministerial provision 1.1 of the CEI EN 50552 law. The internal-external link with the earthling system is realized with 2 stainless steel fasteners which are drowned into the concrete or with a similar system characterized by the same features. The fasteners are equipped with water tightness threaded bushings to link the earthling system which are flush with the internal and external surface of the micro box.


    Prior to the shipment, the box is submitted to the following tests:• Inspection of the building correspondence to the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which has been used on the basis

    of tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts mechanical resistance• Checks of earthling connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which can be accessed from outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the law tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete


    • Two-loaf fiberglass door of useful minimum dimensions of 1200x700 millimetres equipped with DS988 unified latch and of the security signboard Table EA 8028;

    • Two fiberglass ventilation grlls with tightness equal to 3 millimetres or in stainless-steel equal to 1.5 millimetres for possible oil leakage from the transformer;

    • Square mesh panel 20x20 millimetres and hot galvanized metal beam; a circular opening of 50 millimetres with screw closure must be placed in the middle for the insertion of the voltage detector switch hook;

    • Fiberglass cabinet for Low Voltage board which is approved under technical specifications of documents DS 4559 and Ds 4548 (V. Picture 10-11) with the suitable modifications (plate);

    • Fiberglass cabinet for concentrator, approved according to the technical specification of document DH 2480 (see Picture 12) with the suitable modifications (wall fastening and wires input);

    • Internal earthling grid;• External earthling grid.


    Our product is covered by warranty in the event of manufacturing defects such as structural components, plasters, sheathings and seepages.

    MICRO BOX DG 10197 ED.03 E-Distribution Microbox Substation

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    MICRO BOX DG 10197 ED.03 E-Distribution Microbox Substation

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    MICRO BOX DG 10197 ED.03 E-Distribution Microbox Substation

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    MICROBOX PLUS DG 10200 ED.01 E-distribution Microbox SubstationThe substation is realized according the Ed.05 DG E-Distribution technical data of September 9th 2016, and possesses a registered number:


    The Microbox Plus Substation is used as transformation point which can be isolated and connected with antenna with anpre-set power until 250kVA

    It complies with the following rules and provisions:Laws and Ministerial Decree• Law November 5th 1971 no. 1086: “Laws on regulation of the reinforced, normal and pre-

    stressed concrete works and with a metal structure”.• Law February 2nd 1974 no.64 “measures for constructions with particular exceptions for

    the earthquake zones “• Presidential Decree June 6th 2001 no.380 “Consolidated Act of the legislative regulations

    on the building subject “• Ministerial Decree January 14th 2008: “New technical laws for constructions”• Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no. 37: “Provisions on the implants installation

    activity subject inside the buildings”.• Circular February 2nd 2009, no.617: “Instructions for the derogation of the “New technical

    laws for constructions” under Ministerial Decree January 14th 2208.• IEC 7-6 laws: “Laws on hot dip galvanizing control on ferrous metals for electrical lines

    and implants”• IEC EN 60529 law: “Degrees protection of cases (IP Code)”• IEC EN 12504-2:2001 UNI EN Law “Non-destructive testing of concrete”• UNI ISO 2081 : » electrolytic galvanisation »• UNI EN 12504-2 :2001 « reinforced concrete non –destructive testing »• EIC EN 50522:2011-07 Law: “Earthling of implants with a voltage superior to 1kV”• UNI EN 10346/2009. “ hot galvanized steels”• RAL-F2 scale: “Reichsausschuss für Lieferbedingen”- Colours Scale


    a) DS918 Technical data- Metal Doors- DS 988 Technical data- latch doorb) DY3016//3 Technical data- SAc) DY3021 Technical data-Lampsd) DS3055 technical data- QBT frame support e) DS 920 Technical data- fairleadsf) GST001 Technical Data- Transformers- GSM001 Techcnical data- QMT- DY3009 Technical data- QBTg) DJ1111Technical data- internal cone Plug socket h) DJ1111Technical data-MT USB Cable;

    i) GSCG002 Global Standard Documebt-TCA

    It is realized with a mono-block structure with removable covering for the installation, from the top, of the Low/Average tension equipment. The manufactured product is characterized by a base which is linked with the walls and which uplifts in completion with the coverage and equipment, except for the law/average tension transformer.The concrete which is used to realize some Box components is in compliance with the European Law UNI-EN 206-01 with the following features of pre-stressed resistance class C 35/45, exposure class (UNI11104) X C4 with slump in chloride content S5 class maz 0.60, the concrete which is used is the CEM I R 52.5 in the mixture of sand quarry and additive with fluidifiers and accelerators, the used steels are grids and pylons of B450C quality and bars with improved adherence B450C which can be welded, finally the Box ensures n IP33 degree of protection CEI EN 60529.

    As it is provided for by 4461 DK Document metal components, such as door frames and doors, are not linked with the secondary substations which can be accessed from outside: this allows to always profit from the advantages resulting from the Ministerial provision 1.1 of the CEI EN 50522 Law.

    The Microbox Plus substation is designed to bear the following loads:• Wind pressure equal to q(z)= 109 daN/m2 corresponding to the following parameters:

    1000 meters of height above the sea; macro-zoning: 4 zone, return period: Tr= 50 years;• Snow load action on the covering equal to qs=480 daN/m2, corresponding to the

    following parameters: 1000 meters of height above the sea level ; macro-zoning: l zone; return period: Tr= 50 years; exposure coefficient: CE= 1,0 (normal topography class); coefficient of shape: m=0,8 (flat roof)

    • Pressure due to the uplift and transportation of the Microbox Plus equipped with equipment (transformer excluded)

    • Seismic action: with regard to the seismic action assessment, different calculation modes can be employed, according to the construction modes which are adopted.



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    In the event that a dissipating structural behaviour is supposed, a design on the final stages will be implemented; the reference calculation parameters are reported as follow.Das Planungsspektrum wird durch die Schwingungsfrist: TB

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    MICROBOX PLUS DG 10200 ED.01 E-distribution Microbox SubstationPARGETTINGS

    The box is perfectly external and internal pargetted. The possible union joints of the structures and the whole box perimeter in the support point with the base are sealed for a perfect water tightness.The external walls are covered with water-repellent plastic material made up of fine synthetic resins, quartz powder, colouring oxides and additives which grant the perfect anchorage on the manufactured product, weather resistance also in a sea as well as industrial environment, colour fastness to the sun exposure and stability to the sudden changes in temperatures (-20°C +60°C).The manufactured product colour is RAL 6005 (green moss) of the RAL-.F2 scale. On demand, the external walls could be finished with top-shelf reinforced tile panels of first-choice (recommended dimensions 24 millimetres x 6 millimetres); the internal walls and the ceiling are painted with synthetic resin paintings of RAL colour 9010(pure white)A primer is applied to the base on the all external façades and to the internal ones until a height of 60 centimetres, such as to make the quartz colour start, outside, from an elevation of 500 centimetres.The border of the holes for the wires passage are finished as not to show sharp edges and protruding irons.


    An electrical system for the connection of the all equipment which are required to the correct working of the substation (such as auxiliary services board, lamps, etc.); this system is unthreaded-like, it is realized with a flame-retardant unipolar wire, with an insulating material which is incorporated into the concrete.The system includes:No. 1 low tension board for the auxiliary services supply (DY 3016/1) which is supplied by the low tension board DY3009 with unipolar conductor 4x6 square millimetres NO7V-K IEC 20-22;No.2 lightening lamps (technical specification DY3021), placed as indicated in picture 14, linked with the auxiliary service board DY3016/1 with unipolar wires 2x2.5 square millimetres NO7V-K IEC 20-22.All the components of the system are labelled with a trademark certifying the compliance with the laws and the whole electrical system is provided with compliance statement pursuant the Ministerial Decree January 22nd 2008, no.37.


    The substation is equipped with a protection earthling system with which the reinforcement incorporated into the concrete are linked and all the provided metal inserts. The doors and the aeration panels of the transformer space and the metal components which can be accessed from outside are not linked with the earthling system (IEC EN 50522:2011-07)Two connections to the earthling system from inner and outer of the substation are envisaged, which are realized through two stainless steel fasteners and which are diametrically opposite placed, drowned into the concrete and linked with the reinforcement. The fasteners are equipped with water-tightness threaded bushes, to connect connection earthling grid and wired with the internal and external wall surface. With regard to the internal earthling system, all the masses of the BT (law tension) and MT (average tension) equipment, belonging to the electrical system, are linked with the internal earthling system, in particular with reference to the following equipment masses:• Average Tension board;• Transformer caisson Average /Low tension;• Low tension equipment rack;• Frame for low tension boards;• All the masses of the low tension equipment.

    The earthling system is provided in its fitting phase and it is made up of ring. The horizontal electrodes are realized by bare copper rope of 35 square millimetres and placed at the bottom of trenches. The electrodes ( plaits and stakes) are surrounded by winnowed ground which is slightly constipated.


    Before the shipment, the box is submitted to the following tests:

    • Inspection of the building correspondence to the approved prototype;• Examination of the concrete features and of the steel which has been used on the basis

    of tests which are carried out at Official Laboratories. • Check of the inserts mechanical resistance• Checks of earthling connections• Check of the insulation of the metallic component which are accessible from outside• Check of the tightness of the hot galvanising of the law tension board frame• Non- destructive sclerometry test of hardened concrete

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    MICROBOX PLUS DG 10200 ED.01 E-distribution Microbox SubstationSUBSTATION’S COMPONENTS

    • No.2 doors for low/average voltage boards space according to DS 918 document equipped with DS 988 latches;

    • No.2 aeration panels transformer space;• No.1 internal partition wall;• No. 1 metal frame for the installation of the low tension boards and of the concentrator;• No.1 metal harder frame of the average tension board;• No.1 stepped floor in correspondence with QBT• No.3 pre-stablished rupture flanges for the three tank’s holes;• No. 1 plastic shaft passer for the temporary supplies wire output (> 150 millimetres)• No.1 wall cable gland(> 80 millimetres) for the antenna;• No.1 Electrical system including DY 3016/3 Auxiliary Services Board;• Spacer for low tension boards (DS3055)• No.2 ceiling light fixtures DY3021 for the internal and lightening and relating electrical

    system;• No.1 internal earthling grid;• No.1 external earthling grid;• No.4 ringbolts for the coverage uplift.


    Our products is covered by warranty in