Iron Man 3 Iron Man 3 is an American Super Hero film released May 2013. It was directed by Shane Black and produced by Kevin Feige. The film is the third in the Iron Man trilogy which has become very popular over the past few years. Iron Man is a fictional character from the Marvel comics and has been brought to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film stars Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man/ Tony Stark as he tries to come to terms with his near death experience in the film Avenger Assemble. This leads to him having anxiety attacks in different parts of the film. Gwyneth also reprises her role as Pepper Potts, Tony Stark’s girlfriend. The film starts at a new year’s party in Tony Starks past, where he humiliates an inventor. The inventor then set out to get revenge for the way he made him feel. Throughout the rest of the film Tony tries to uncover the mystery behind the Mandarin, a terrorist leader, and the strange deaths that have been occurring across the world. Iron Man 3 is a certificate 12A, this means that the film may be too violent for younger audience. The demographic that the film is aimed at is families, adult males and teens. Adult fans of the Marvel comics may be able to remains about their childhood through this film. Even younger comic book fans would want to see this film; this is because the story is based on a story from the comics. Teens will also enjoy watching this film as they have been brought up on a long line of super hero films. Children who watch the cartoons made by Marvel may want to see Iron Man 3 as it contains an iconic character from their television shows. A lot of the jokes and puns in the Iron Man franchise can be aimed at most demographics. Some jokes are very slapstick like, making it very family friendly. Some of the jokes in the Iron Man Franchise contain adult themes, but this is done in a discreet manor. The budget for Iron Man 3 was $200 Million and at box offices they earned $1,073,273,000. There were many different marketing methods that cropped up when Iron Man 3 was released such as television trailers and advertisements on social networks. Photos from the set were released to the public prior to the release of the film, so that fans could speculate and through word of mouth get the news out that there would be a new film. Not long after production was finished, billboards and posters were put up along with the release of video games and other synergies.

Iron man 3

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Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 is an American Super Hero film released May 2013. It was directed by Shane Black and produced by Kevin Feige. The film is the third in the Iron Man trilogy which has become very popular over the past few years. Iron Man is a fictional character from the Marvel comics and has been brought to life in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film stars Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man/ Tony Stark as he tries to come to terms with his near death experience in the film Avenger Assemble. This leads to him having anxiety attacks in different parts of the film. Gwyneth also reprises her role as Pepper Potts, Tony Stark’s girlfriend.

The film starts at a new year’s party in Tony Starks past, where he humiliates an inventor. The inventor then set out to get revenge for the way he made him feel. Throughout the rest of the film Tony tries to uncover the mystery behind the Mandarin, a terrorist leader, and the strange deaths that have been occurring across the world.

Iron Man 3 is a certificate 12A, this means that the film may be too violent for younger audience. The demographic that the film is aimed at is families, adult males and teens. Adult fans of the Marvel comics may be able to remains about their childhood through this film. Even younger comic book fans would want to see this film; this is because the story is based on a story from the comics. Teens will also enjoy watching this film as they have been brought up on a long line of super hero films. Children who watch the cartoons made by Marvel may want to see Iron Man 3 as it contains an iconic character from their television shows.

A lot of the jokes and puns in the Iron Man franchise can be aimed at most demographics. Some jokes are very slapstick like, making it very family friendly. Some of the jokes in the Iron Man Franchise contain adult themes, but this is done in a discreet manor.

The budget for Iron Man 3 was $200 Million and at box offices they earned $1,073,273,000.There were many different marketing methods that cropped up when Iron Man 3 was released such as television trailers and advertisements on social networks. Photos from the set were released to the public prior to the release of the film, so that fans could speculate and through word of mouth get the news out that there would be a new film. Not long after production was finished, billboards and posters were put up along with the release of video games and other synergies.

Anchorage is a media term that means that when a person sees a logo, brand or company they automatically know what it is about. Within Iron Man 3 posters there are many things that anchor the audience to the film. Posters contain the well-known Marvel logo which is very iconic with today’s generation. As Marvel is such an iconic company the audience will have high expectation of Iron Man 3 especially as their past films have a high reputation. The character of Iron Man is very iconic also. Audiences can recognise that character without their being any mention of his name. On the poster bellow, there is the iconic ‘IRON MAN’ logo in its iconic font. This can be recognised as it is on all Iron Man products.

During pre-production the producer would part in some primary and secondary research to find out about the audience.

Research Method the Producer UsesPre-production research- Secondary research into location (read the script), culture of the location, location managers will help the producer, health and safety

Primary Research- Focus groups, surveys, Questionnaires (genre, stars, narrative, special effects)

Qualitative research- opinions

Quantitative Research- statistics

Post-production Research – test screening (focus group which will watch the first cut of the film) Intimate screening, responses will be used in marketing and it may be edited slightly