
Iron Fertilization Neg

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Inherency Frontline

International bans only apply to commercial iron fertilization, researchprojects still allowed and the ban is described as a policy role model bythe same author in the same article -Stallmann ’13 (Martin, Umwelt Bundesamt Press Staf, “Geo-Engineering:Commercial ertiliation o oceans !nall" #anned,$ %&')')&%,*tt+:www'umwelt#undesamt'deen+ress+ressinormationgeo-engineering-commercial-ertiliation-o-oceans


 .*e lengt*" international negotiations were triggered #" a Plan/tos cor+oration+ro+osal su#mitted in )&&0 to carr" out commercial ertiliation acti1ities of t*e

Gala+agos 2slands to cur# climate c*ange, e1en t*oug* t*e efecti1eness o suc*inter1entions *as not #een +ro1en' .*e Contracting Parties to t*e 3ondon Protocol*ad agreed until )&& u+on non-#inding control mec*anisms' .*en, in )&),anot*er *ig*l" contro1ersial ertiliation +ro4ect was carried out of t*e west coast o Canada' 5owe1er, preious a!reements were completely i!nored, t*usconstitutin! a major reason for the "ontractin! #arties to a!ree onbindin! re!ulations ' UB67s 8ice-President .*omas 5olmann remar/ed, 9.*einternational #an on commercial climate and geoengineering acti1ities and t*eefecti1e monitoring o researc* +ro4ects are e$actly what is needed' e sim+l"/now too little a#out t*eir efects on man and t*e en1ironment' ;or t*e sa/e o+recaution we s*ould onl" allow e<+eriments wit* our +lanet to #e carried out understrict control, or researc* +ur+oses and in small ste+s' .*e new regulations o t*e3ondon Protocol ta/e account o t*is and t*us ser1e as a role model or internationalen1ironmental law in general'9 =ne signi!cant amendment to t*e regulations is t*atocean ertiliation as well as ot*er marine geoengineering measures will #ecomeeasier to monitor in uture' .*e regulations also esta#lis* criteria w*ic* must #ea++lied w*en re1iewing t*e en1ironmental im+act o acti1ities' 3astl", t*e !rst-e1er#inding criteria were de!ned #" w*ic* to distinguis* researc* rom commercialacti1ities' 9.*ese criteria can also *el+ to reduce t*e negati1e efects o du#iousscienti!c acti1it" on t*e en1ironment in ot*er areas o resource +rotection > ore<am+le, w*ale catc*ing #" ?a+an or su++osedl" scienti!c +ur+oses,9 said .*omas5olmann'

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%armin! Frontline"F"’S responsible for !lobal warmin!, not "&'-disre!ard iron

fertilization because they focus on "&'(astasch 13 (Mic*ael Bastac*, @uoting studies “AEP=A.: C=) 2S =.

AESP=S2B3E ;=A G3=B63 6AM2G$ Ma" %&, )&%*tt+:dail"caller'com)&%&%&re+ort-co)-not-res+onsi#le-or-glo#al-warming)$,5G

C*loroDuorocar#ons (C;Cs not car#on emissions are t*e real cul+rit #e*indglo#al warming, claims a new stud" out o t*eUni1ersit" o aterloo'F“Con1entional t*in/ing sa"s t*at t*e emission o *uman-made non-C;C gases suc*as car#on dio<ide *as mainl" contri#uted to glo#al warming' But we *a1e o#ser1eddata going #ac/ to t*e 2ndustrial Ae1olution t*at con1incingl" s*ows t*at

con1entional understanding is wrong,$ said ing-Bin 3u, a science +roessor at t*eUni1ersit" o aterloo and aut*or o t*e stud"'F “2n act, t*e data s*ows t*at C;Cscons+iring wit* cosmic ra"s caused #ot* t*e +olar oone *ole and glo#al warming ,$3u said'F 6ds #" GoogleF 6ds #" Cou+onHro+Hown F 3uIs !ndings were +u#lis*ed int*e 2nternational ?ournal o Modern P*"sics B and anal"ed data rom J& to t*e+resent'F 3uIs stud" runs counter to t*e long-standing argument t*at car#ondio<ide emissions were t*e dri1ing orce #e*ind glo#al warming' Aecentl" scientistswarned t*at car#on concentrations were nearing t*e K&& +arts +er million le1el'Scientists sa" t*at car#on dio<ide le1els must #e lowered to %& ++m to a1oid t*ese1ere im+acts o glo#al warming'F “.*e K&&-++m t*res*old is a so#ering milestoneand s*ould ser1e as a wa/e-u+ call or all o us to su++ort clean-energ" tec*nolog"

and reduce emissions o green*ouse gases #eore itIs too late or our c*ildren andgrandc*ildren,$ said .im 3ue/er, an oceanogra+*er and car#on c"cle researc*erw*o is a mem#er o t*e Scri++s C=) Grou+'F 3u notes t*at data rom J& to L0&s*ow car#on emissions increasing due to t*e 2ndustrial Ae1olution' 5owe1er, glo#altem+eratures sta"ed constant'F “.*e con1entional warming model o C=), suggestst*e tem+eratures s*ould *a1e risen #" &'NC o1er t*e same +eriod, similar to t*e+eriod o L0&-)&&),$ reads t*e stud"Is +ress release'F6ds #" GoogleF C;Cs “arenonto<ic, nonDamma#le c*emicals containing atoms o car#on, c*lorine, andDuorine$ t*at are used to ma/e “aerosol s+ra"s, #lowing agents or oams and+ac/ing materials, as sol1ents, and as rerigerants$ according to t*e ational=ceanic and 6tmos+*eric 6dministration' .*e Montreal Protocol +*ased out t*e+roduction o C;Cs as t*e" were #elie1ed to #e lin/ed to oone de+letion' 6ccordingto t*e ational 2nstitutes o 5ealt*, C;Cs are considered a green*ouse gas, li/ecar#on dio<ide, #ecause t*e" a#sor# *eat in t*e atmos+*ere and send some o it#ac/ to t*e eart*Is surace, w*ic* contri#utes to glo#al warming' F “;rom t*eUni1ersit"  o aterloo, an e<traordinar" claim,I writes glo#al warming #logger6nt*on" att' “*ile +lausi#le, due to t*e act t*at C;CIs *a1e 1er" *ig* OGlo#alarming Potential num#ers, t*eir atmos+*eric concentrations com+ared to C=)are @uite low, and t*e radiati1e orcings t*e" add are small #" com+arison to C=)'$ F

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“.*is ma" #e not*ing more t*an coincidental correlation,$ att added' “But, 2 *a1eto admit, t*e gra+* is 1isuall" com+elling' But to determine i *is +ro+osed cosmic-ra"-dri1en electron-reaction mec*anism is 1alid, 2Id sa" it is a case o Qurt*er stud"is neededI, and wort* unding'$ F *en Barac/ =#ama +romised to slow t*e eart*Isrising sea le1els and *eal t*e +lanet during t*e )&&J cam+aign, *e +ro#a#l" *ad no

idea t*at cur#ing car#on dio<ide emissions mig*t not lower t*e sea le1els'F 6 stud" +u#lis*ed in t*e ?ournal o Geodes" ound t*at t*e sea le1el *as onl" risen #" '0millimeters +er "ear o1er t*e last & "ears a#out '0 inc*es +er centur" allw*ile car#on dio<ide concentrations in t*e air *a1e risen #" a t*ird, suggesting t*atrising car#on concentrations *a1e not im+acted t*e rate at w*ic* sea le1els arerising'F .*e stud" used data rom t*e Gra1it" Aeco1er" 6nd Climate E<+erimentsatellite mission and anal"ed “continental mass 1ariations on a glo#al scale,including #ot* land-ice and land-water contri#utions, or L continental areas t*ate<*i#ited signi!cant signals$ o1er a nine-"ear +eriod rom )&&) to )&'F .*eresults ec*oed a stud" conducted last "ear, w*ic* also ound t*at sea le1el *as#een rising on a1erage #" '0 mm"ear o1er t*e last & "ears' .*is was alsosuggested #" two ot*er studies conducted in t*e last decade'F “.*e latest resultss*ow once again t*at sea le1els are not accelerating ater all, and are merel"continuing t*eir modest rise at an unc*anged rate,$ said Pierre Gosselin, w*o runst*e climate s/e+tic #log o.ric/sRone' “.*e more alarmist sea le1el rise rates  some *a1e claimed recentl" stem rom t*e use o statistical tric/s and t*e 1er"selecti1e use o data' ;ortunatel", t*ese udged alarmist rates do not agree wit*real-lie o#ser1ations ' =1erall t*e latest com+uted rates s*ow t*at t*ere isa#solutel" not*ing to #e alarmed a#out '$F =t*er e<+erts agree, citing dataregarding t*e Eart*Is rate o rotation'F “;or t*e last K&-& "ears strongo#ser1ational acts indicate 1irtuall" sta#le sea le1el conditions,$ writes ils-6<elMrner, ormer *ead o t*e Paleogeo+*"sics and Geod"namics de+artment atStoc/*olm Uni1ersit" , in t*e ?ournal Energ" and En1ironment' $.*e Eart*Is rate orotation records a mean acceleration rom L0) to )&), contradicting all claims oa ra+id glo#al sea le1el rise, and instead suggests sta#le, to slig*tl" alling, seale1els'$F But in t*e wa/e o 5urricane Sand", U'S' coastal states *a1e #een moreconcerned a#out t*e +ossi#le efects o glo#al warming on rising sea le1els'F 6re+ort #" ) U'S' scientists, commissioned #" Mar"land Hemocratic Go1' Martin=IMalle", ound t*at t*e sea le1els are rising aster t*an t*e" +redicted !1e "earsago' ;lorida Te"s residents are also concerned a#out sea le1els #" t*e island t*at*a1e risen L inc*es in t*e +ast decade, according to a tidal gauge t*at *as o+eratedsince +re-Ci1il ar da"s'F “2t doesnIt need a lot o roc/et science,$ said HonaldBoesc*, +resident o t*e Uni1ersit" o Mar"land Center or En1ironmental Science'“eI1e got tide gauges t*at s*ow us sea le1el is increasing' .*is is a real+*enomenon' e s*ould ta/e it seriousl" and *a1e to +lan or it'$F .*e Mar"landre+ort ound t*at ocean waters and t*e C*esa+ea/e Ba" mig*t onl" rise a#out oneoot #" )&&, #ut t*e stud"Is aut*ors said t*at it would #e +rudent to +lan or a two-oot rise in sea le1els to account or t*e ris/s o Dooding caused #" storms' .*estate *as alread" seen sea le1els rise #" a#out a oot in t*e +ast centur" *alcoming rom t*e natural sin/ing o t*e land and t*e ot*er *al coming rom risingseas rom a warming ocean'F ew or/ Cit" Ma"or Mic*ael Bloom#erg *as alsoannounced a V)& #illion +lan to ada+t to glo#al warming to +re+are t*e cit" or

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rising sea le1els and *otter summers'F 6 re+ort commissioned #" ew or/ Cit"ound t*at t*e num#er o sweltering summer da"s could dou#le, ma"#e e1en tri+le,and t*at waters surrounding t*e cit" could rise #" ) eet or moreF ew or/ Cit" can“do not*ing and e<+ose oursel1es to an increasing re@uenc" o Sand"-li/e stormst*at do more and more damage,$ Bloom#erg remar/ed' “=r we can ma/e t*e

in1estments necessar" to #uild a stronger, more resilient ew or/ in1estmentst*at will +a" or t*emsel1es man" times o1er in t*e "ears go to come'$ F

"F"’s are the root cause- science proes- the )ontreal accordsare the *ey not the a+ u 13 .(, /epartment of #hysics and 0stronomy and /epartments of (iolo!y and "hemistry,

"&S)I"-20-/2I45N 250"6I&N 0N/ 7255N8&9S5 5FF5"6 &F 80&75N065/ )&5"95S: "9#2I6S

F&2 06)&S#852I" &;&N5 /5#56I&N 0N/ 7&(0 "I)065 "80N75<, =>3?>13,

*tt+s:uwaterloo'canewsnewsglo#al-warming-caused-ccs-not-car#on-dio<ide-stud"-sa"s, 87@

Furthermore, the substantial combined data of total solar irradiance, the sunspot number and cosmic

rays from multiple measurements hae unambi!uously demonstrated that the natural factors hae

played a ne!li!ible e+ect on 5arth’s climate since 1AB?C )oreoer, in-depth analyses of time-seriesdata of "&', halo!en-containin! molecules and !lobal surface temperature hae shown solid eidencethat the 78 e+ect of increasin! concentrations of non-halo!en !ases has been saturated zero@ in the

obsered data recorded since 1D=?C In particular, a statistical anal"sis gi1es a nearl" erocorrelation coeWcient 2E-?C?=@ #etween C=) concentration and t*e o#ser1ed glo#alsurace tem+erature corrected #" t*e remo1al o t*e solar efect during J&-L0&'In contrast, a nearl" +erect linear correlation with coecients of ?CAG-?CAB is o#tained#etween corrected or uncorrected glo#al surace tem+erature and total le1el ostratos+*eric *alogenated molecules rom t*e start o considera#le atmos+*ericC;Cs in L0& up to the presentC 6hese results stron!ly show that the recent !lobal warmin!

obsered in the late '?th century was mainly due to the 78 e+ect of human-made halo!en-containin!molecules mainly "F"s@C )oreoer, a reHned calculation of the 78 e+ect of halo!enated molecules

has conincin!ly demonstrated that they mainly "F"s@ alone accounted for the !lobal temperature

rise of about ?CG " in 1AB?-'??'C &win! to the effectieness of the )ontreal #rotocol , t*e glo#all"mean le1el o *alogen-containing molecules in t*e stratos+*ere *as entered a 1er"slow decreasing trend since )&&)' Corres+ondingl", a 1er" slow declining trend int*e glo#al surace tem+erature *as #een o#ser1edC It is predicted that the success of the

)ontreal #rotocol will lead to a lon!-term slow return of the !lobal surface temperature to its alue in

1A=?-1AB? for comin! =?-B? years if there is no si!niHcant emission of new 78 species into the

atmosphereC 2n summar", t*e o#ser1ed data *a1e con1incingl" s*own t*at C;Cs aret*e ma4or cul+rit not onl" or =% de+letion 1ia cons+iring wit* cosmic ra"s #ut alsoor glo#al warming #" X&' C  during L0&X)&&)' .*e successul e<ecution o t*eMontreal Protocol *as s*own its ast efecti1eness in controlling t*e =% *ole in t*e+olar region and a slow cooling down o t*e glo#al surace tem+erature' .*e =% loss

in t*e +olar region is estimated to reco1er to its LJ& 1alue #" )&J, aster t*anrecentl" e<+ected rom +*otoc*emical model simulations,J,L w*ile t*e return(lowering o glo#al surace tem+erature will #e muc* slower due to t*e slow declineo t*e stratos+*eric *alogenated molecules in low and mid latitudes' .*is leads toan interesting +rediction t*at glo#al sea le1el will continue to rise in coming X)decades until t*e glo#al tem+erature reco1er" dominates o1er t*e =% *ole reco1er"'6ter t*at, #ot* glo#al surace tem+erature and sea le1el will dro+ concurrentl"' 2ts*ould also #e noted t*at t*e mean glo#al surace tem+erature in t*e ne<t decade

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will /ee+ nearl" t*e same 1alue as in t*e +ast decade, i'e', “t*e *ottest decade$o1er t*e +ast & "ears' .*is, *owe1er, does not agree wit* t*e warming t*eor" oC=)' 2 t*e latter were correct, t*e current glo#al tem+erature would #e at least&')X&'% C *ig*er t*an t*e o#ser1ed 1alue' 6ctuall" a slow cooling trend *as#egun' .*is stud" also s*ows t*at correct understandings o t*e #asic +*"sics o

cosmic ra" radiation and t*e Eart* #lac/#od" radiation as well as t*eir interactionswit* *uman-made molecules are re@uired or re1ealing t*e undamentalmec*anisms underl"ing t*e oone *ole and glo#al climate c*ange' *en t*eseunderstandings are +resented wit* o#ser1ations o#4ecti1el", it is easi#le to reac*consensuses on t*ese scienti!c issues o glo#al concern' ;inall", t*is stud" +ointsout t*at *umans are mainl" res+onsi#le or t*e oone *ole and glo#al climatec*ange, #ut international eforts suc* as t*e Montreal Protocol and t*e T"otoProtocol must #e +laced on !rmer scienti!c ground s' .*is inormation is o +articularim+ortance not onl" to t*e researc* communit", #ut to t*e general +u#lic and t*e+olic" ma/ers'

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Solency FrontlineScientiHc understandin! too low to issue carbon credits

doesn’t e+ectiely sole for impacts4au!han et enton 11

aomi E' 8aug*an,P*'H' in Climate C*ange Mitigation and Geoengineering romUE6, .imot*" M' 3enton P*'H' UE6' “6 Ae1iew o Climate GeoengineeringPro+osals$ Marc* )), )& =nline: *tt+:download's+ringer'comstatic+d&LartY)%6&'&&0Y));s&JK-&-&&)0-0'+dZaut*[K&K)&L0\L0%#%adKJ#00d)Kaca#LedJ]e<t['+d 

2ron ertilisation *as or man" "ears now attracted a strong commercial interest

grounded on emerging car#on mar/ets and car#on ofsetting (C*is*olm et al' )&&^Cullen and Bo"d )&&J' .*e !rst commercial ertilisation e<+eriments were due to#egin in )&&J, #ut Caliornian #ased Plan/tos 2nc' *alted o+erations (Courtland)&&J' Currentl" acti1e commercial 1entures include Climos (www'climos'com andPlan/tos Science (www'+lan/tos-science'com' .*ere are a +let*ora o c*allenges,contentions and +otential s"nergies #etween scienti!c and commerciall" undedocean iron ertilisation (3einen )&&J' 5owe1er, t*e current le1el o scienti!cunderstanding regarding t*e eWcac" o iron ertiliation to se@uester car#on, as wellas concerns regarding ecological and #iogeoc*emical im+acts, +ro1ides no #asis toissue car#on credits (Buesseler et al' )&&J'

Nelson 13

Ga#riel elson, Climate and 6griculture Polic" S+ecialist, Masters rom ?o*n 5o+/insS62S, “=cean Car#on Se@uestration: Solution to Climate C*ange or Polic"HistractionZ$ =nline: *tt+:searc*'+ro@uest'comdoc1iewKK)& Summer;all)&%

 .*e main #od" o literature ocuses on ertiliation, +articularl" iron ertiliation' 2ronertiliation is contro1ersial not onl" or its +otentiall" detrimental efects on marine

ecolog", #ut also or its +ercei1ed lac/ o o1er- all #ene!t' 6 )&% Georgia .ec*stud" demonstrated t*at indi1idual +*"to- +lan/ton will re@uentl" 9eat9 ar more ot*e iron ertilier t*an t*e" eac* need, w*ic* would signi!cantl" limit t*e reductiono atmos+*eric car#on'J ;or t*ese reasons, it is unli/el" t*at ocean car#onse@uestration will #e- come widel" used in t*e near uture' 2 scientists can *onet*eir tec*ni@ues and o1ercome t*e signi!- cant engineering c*al- lenges oim+lementing a glo#al en*anced weat*- ering +rogram, it seems concei1a#le t*atocean car- #on se@uestration could e1entuall" #ecome a useul tool or climate

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c*ange a#atement' But as Proes- sor Ha1id Teit*, a 5ar1ard climate scientist,notes, 92 don7t t*in/ it ma/es an" sense to +ut signi!cant efort into oceanse@uestra- tion a#sent a #ig efort to cut emissions''' O;or se@uestration to #e1ia#le it would ta/e a signi!cantl" *ig*er +rice on car#on, new go1ernance, andnew tec*nolog"'9L Ultimatel", t*ere will come a +oint w*ere e1en large-scale

car#on se@uestration will not #e enoug* to a1ert climate c*ange' E1en i oceanse@uestration o an" /ind +ro1es 1ia#le in t*e uture, large-scale emissionsreduction s*ould remain t*e to+ +riorit"'

&s*in 1J


 .*e dust le1el in t*e drill core suggests t*at a#out our to !1es times moresediment ell across t*e Sout*ern =cean #etween Sout* 6merica and 6rica duringt*e ice age t*an t*e amount t*at alls t*ere toda", Mart_ne-Garc_a said' 9.*emagnitude o t*e area we are tal/ing a#out is e@ui1alent to t*ree times t*e areas o t*e entire United States, and is maintained or se1eral t*ousand "ears,9 *e told 3i1eScience' 9.*is *el+s +ut into +ers+ecti1e w*at we can do in terms o t*e modernocean'9 .*e new stud" su++orted t*e argument t*at t*e amount o iron needed orgeoengineering is untena#le in t*e long term, said Ga#riel ;ili++elli, a#iogeoc*emist at 2ndiana Uni1ersit"-Purdue Uni1ersit" in 2ndiana+olis' 92t is diWcultto imagine e1en a decade-long international efort o iron ertiliation, sustained #"continual s*i+ runs dum+ing iron in a weat*er-*ostile and isolated region o t*e

world, let alone an efort t*at lasts a millennium,9 ;ili++elli said' But ;ili++elli alsosaid *e t*in/s t*e ice-age iron stor" is more com+licated t*an 4ust dust #lowing int*e wind' 9.*e aut*ors note onl" one source o iron rom a#o1e,9 *e said' .*ere isalso e1idence t*at t*e oceans were ric*er in iron #ecause o more ri1er in+ut duringt*e ice ages, *e said' .*us, t*e ice-age ocean *ad e<tra iron rom a#o1e and rom#elow'

7eoen!ineerin! an add on, but not alternatie to emissionsmiti!ation4au!han et enton 11

aomi E' 8aug*an,P*'H' in Climate C*ange Mitigation and Geoengineering romUE6, .imot*" M' 3enton P*'H' UE6' “6 Ae1iew o Climate GeoengineeringPro+osals$ Marc* )), )& =nline: *tt+:download's+ringer'comstatic+d&LartY)%6&'&&0Y));s&JK-&-&&)0-0'+dZaut*[K&K)&L0\L0%#%adKJ#00d)Kaca#LedJ]e<t['+d 

Geoengineering is #est considered as a +otential addition to strong mitigation oC=) emissions, rat*er t*an as an alternati1e to it' S*ortwa1e geoengineering can

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recti" a glo#al radiati1e im#alance, and can do so on a decadal timescale'5owe1er, ocean acidi!cation and residual regional climate c*anges would still occurand t*e inter1ention could #ring a#out unoreseen Eart* s"stem res+onses t*at ma"in turn increase t*e radiati1e im#alance' Solar radiation management is not analternati1e to mitigation, and would *a1e to #e de+lo"ed in con4unction wit* car#on

dio<ide remo1al geoengineering or maintained on timescales `&,&&& "ears inorder to a1oid e<tremel" a#ru+t warming i t*e" ailed, or w*en t*e inter1entionsto++ed' Car#on dio<ide remo1al in1ol1es less ris/ t*an solar radiationmanagement geoengineering, as it acts u+on t*e +rimar" cause o t*e radiati1eim#alance (atmos+*eric C=) and *as limited ca+acit" or QailureI' 5owe1er, t*esemeasures are onl" reall" efecti1e in t*e longer term' 2t will not #e +ossi#le to returnto a +re-industrial climate on a millennial timescale wit*out t*e creation oengineered car#on sin/s, e'g' car#on storage wit* C=) ca+tured rom t*eatmos+*ere, eit*er #" #io-energ" or c*emical +rocesses' 5owe1er, air ca+ture andstorage is +otentiall" limited #" t*e ca+acit" o geological reser1oirs'Geoengineering could #e conducted #" one nation or indi1idual and would incurglo#al (and regionall" 1aria#le im+acts' .*e geo+olitical im+lications o t*is are+oorl" understood' 2t is oreseea#le t*at glo#al consensus would *a1e to #e attained#eore an" large scale geoengineering were underta/en' .*e ma4orit" ogeoengineering o+tions re@uire signi!cant amounts o researc*, +articularl" intoefecti1eness and side efects' 5owe1er, muc* o t*is researc* is *am+ered #" t*eglo#al scale nature o t*e geoengineering +ro+osals' .*e diWculties o 1eri"ingefects, cou+led wit* ine1ita#le acce+tance issues amongst t*e glo#al +o+ulation,could im+ose a signi!cant (i not terminal constraint on t*e +ossi#le role ogeoengineering in a1oiding dangerous climate c*ange'

6heir solency eidence repeatedly stresses that international re!ulationis *ey4ictor et alC A (Ha1id 8ictor, M' Granger Morgan, ?a" 6+t, ?o*n Stein#runer, and Tat*arine Aic/e, Marc*6+ril

)&&L, *tt+:www'oreignafairs'comarticlesKJ)Lda1id-g-1ictor-m-granger-morgan-4a"-a+t-4o*n-stein#runer-and-/att*e-geoengineering-o+tion, .*e Geoengineering =+tion 6 3ast Aesort 6gainst Glo#al armingZ, SAB

Serious researc* on geoengineering is still in its inanc", and it *as not recei1ed t*eattention it deser1es rom +oliticians' .*e time *as come to ta/e it seriousl"'Geoengineering could +ro1ide a useul deense or t*e +lanet -- an emergenc"s*ield t*at could #e de+lo"ed i sur+risingl" nast" climatic s*its +ut 1italecos"stems and #illions o +eo+le at ris/' 6ctuall" raising t*e s*ield, *owe1er, would#e a +olitical c*oice' =ne nation7s emergenc" can #e anot*er7s o++ortunit", and it isunli/el" t*at all countries will *a1e similar assessments o *ow to #alance t*e ills ounc*ec/ed climate c*ange wit* t*e ris/ t*at geoengineering could do more *armt*an good' Go1ernments s*ould immediatel" #egin to underta/e serious researc*on geoengineering and *el+ create international norms go1erning its use'

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0nd a!ain4ictor et alC A (Ha1id 8ictor, M' Granger Morgan, ?a" 6+t, ?o*n Stein#runer, and Tat*arine Aic/e, Marc*6+ril

)&&L, *tt+:www'oreignafairs'comarticlesKJ)Lda1id-g-1ictor-m-granger-morgan-4a"-a+t-4o*n-stein#runer-and-/att*e-geoengineering-o+tion, .*e Geoengineering =+tion 6 3ast Aesort 6gainst Glo#al armingZ, SAB

 .*e *ig*l" uncertain #ut +ossi#l" disastrous side efects o geoengineering

inter1entions are diWcult to com+are to t*e dangers o unc*ec/ed glo#al climatec*ange' C*ances are t*at i countries #egin de+lo"ing geoengineering s"stems, itwill #e #ecause calamitous climate c*ange is near at *and' et t*e assignment o#lame ater a geoengineering disaster would #e 1er" diferent rom t*e currentde#ates o1er w*o is res+onsi#le or climate c*ange, w*ic* is t*e result o centurieso accumulated emissions rom acti1ities across t*e world' B" contrast, t*e sideefects o geoengineering +ro4ects could #e readil" +inned on t*e geoengineerst*emsel1es' .*at is one reason w*" nations must #egin #uilding useul internationalnorms to go1ern geoengineering in order to assess its dangers and decide w*en toact in t*e e1ent o an im+ending climatic disaster'

0nd a!ain4ictor et alC A (Ha1id 8ictor, M' Granger Morgan, ?a" 6+t, ?o*n Stein#runer, and Tat*arine Aic/e, Marc*6+ril

)&&L, *tt+:www'oreignafairs'comarticlesKJ)Lda1id-g-1ictor-m-granger-morgan-4a"-a+t-4o*n-stein#runer-and-/att*e-geoengineering-o+tion, .*e Geoengineering =+tion 6 3ast Aesort 6gainst Glo#al armingZ, SAB

6lt*oug* go1ernments are t*e most li/el" actors, some geoengineering o+tions arec*ea+ enoug* to #e de+lo"ed #" wealt*" and ca+a#le indi1iduals or cor+orations'6lt*oug* it ma" sound li/e t*e stuf o a uture ?ames Bond mo1ie, +ri1ate-sectorgeoengineers mig*t 1er" well attem+t to de+lo" aforda#le geoengineering sc*emeson t*eir own' 6nd e1en i go1ernments manage to /ee+ reelance geoengineers inc*ec/, t*e +ri1ate sector could emerge as a +otent orce #" #ecoming an interestgrou+ t*at +us*es or de+lo"ment or dri1es t*e direction o geoengineeringresearc* and assessment' 6lread", +ri1ate com+anies are running e<+eriments onocean ertiliation in t*e *o+e o se@uestering car#on dio<ide and earning creditst*at t*e" could trade in car#on mar/ets' Pri1ate de1elo+ers o tec*nolog" or al#edomodi!cation could o#struct an o+en and trans+arent researc* en1ironment as t*e"

 4oc/e" or +osition in t*e +otentiall" lucrati1e mar/et or testing and de+lo"inggeoengineering s"stems' .o +re1ent suc* scenarios and to esta#lis* t*e rules t*ats*ould go1ern t*e use o geoengineering tec*nolog" or t*e good o t*e entire+lanet, a coo+erati1e, international researc* agenda is 1ital'

0nd a!ain4ictor et alC A (Ha1id 8ictor, M' Granger Morgan, ?a" 6+t, ?o*n Stein#runer, and Tat*arine Aic/e, Marc*6+ril

)&&L, *tt+:www'oreignafairs'comarticlesKJ)Lda1id-g-1ictor-m-granger-morgan-4a"-a+t-4o*n-stein#runer-and-/att*e-geoengineering-o+tion, .*e Geoengineering =+tion 6 3ast Aesort 6gainst Glo#al armingZ, SAB

 .*e scienti!c academies in t*e leading industrialied and emerging countries --w*ic* oten control t*e +urse strings or ma4or researc* grants -- must orc*estrate aserious and trans+arent international researc* efort unded #" t*eir go1ernments'6lt*oug* some wor/ is alread" under wa", a more com+re*ensi1e understanding ogeoengineering o+tions and o ris/-assessment +rocedures would ma/e countriesless trigger-*a++" and more inclined to consider de+lo"ing geoengineering s"stems

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in concert rat*er t*an on t*eir own' (.*e 2nternational Council or Science, w*ic**as a long and successul *istor" o coordinating scienti!c assessments o tec*nicalto+ics, could also lend a *el+ing *and' E1entuall", a dedicated international entit"o1erseen #" t*e leading academies, +ro1ided wit* a large #udget, and sufused wit*t*e norms o trans+arenc" and +eer re1iew will #e necessar"'

0nd a!ain4ictor et alC A (Ha1id 8ictor, M' Granger Morgan, ?a" 6+t, ?o*n Stein#runer, and Tat*arine Aic/e, Marc*6+ril

)&&L, *tt+:www'oreignafairs'comarticlesKJ)Lda1id-g-1ictor-m-granger-morgan-4a"-a+t-4o*n-stein#runer-and-/att*e-geoengineering-o+tion, .*e Geoengineering =+tion 6 3ast Aesort 6gainst Glo#al armingZ, SAB

6lt*oug* t*e international scienti!c communit" s*ould ta/e t*e lead in de1elo+ing aresearc* agenda, social scientists, international law"ers, and oreign +olic" e<+ertswill also *a1e to +la" a role' E1entuall", t*ere will *a1e to #e international laws toensure t*at glo#all" credi#le and legitimate rules go1ern t*e de+lo"ment ogeoengineering s"stems' But efecti1e legal norms cannot #e im+eriousl" declared'

 .*e" must #e careull" de1elo+ed #" inormed consensus in order to a1oidencouraging t*e rogue orms o geoengineering t*e" are intended to +re1ent

0nalysis: .*eir +lan #rings regulator" uncertaint" into @uestions and could encourage ot*ercountries to #egin t*eir own geoengineering +ro4ects > w*ic* could come wit*unintentional conse@uences'

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/o/ "#

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KKK1N"KKK"ounterplan 6e$t: 6he /epartment of /efense shouldsi!niHcantly increase its iron fertilization of the earth’soceansC

/&/ deelopment leads to better inestment and techSarewitz et alC 1' (HanielCo-Hirector, Consortium or Science, Polic" ] =utcomes

6ssociate Hirector, Center or anotec*nolog" in Societ" Proessor o Science and Societ" 6SU, Samuel .*ernstrom--6s codirector o t*e 6E2 Geoengineering Pro4ect, Mr' .*ernstrom studied t*e +olic" im+lications ogeoengineering, or climate engineering, ?o*n 6lic--6lic is t*e aut*or or co-aut*or o se1eral #oo/s and o1er &&+a+ers, articles, case studies and #oo/ c*a+ters' 6 graduate o Cornell, Stanord, and t*e Uni1ersit" o Mar"land, *e*as taug*t at se1eral uni1ersities, .ra1is Hoom+rogram coordinator or t*e Consortium or Science, Polic"]=utcomes'


SCIENCE, POLICY AND OUTCOMES at Arizoa State Ui!er"it#$ AP

HoH integrates into t*e +ursuit o its mission t*e ull +ano+l" o A]H unctions ound in t*e

+ri1ate sector (#o< '' =t*eragencies suc* as t*e He+artment o Energ" aim tocatal"e +ri1ate sector inno1ation, #ut since t*e accom+lis*ment o t*eir mission does notusuall" re@uire t*em to +urc*ase t*e +roducts o t*e researc* t*e" su++ort, t*e"oten must ma/e decisions wit*out #ene!t o t*e guidance t*at HoH managers ta/erom +lanning and oresig*t e<ercises t*at go on constantl" wit*in t*e ser1ices ' HoHis also uni@ue among agencies in t*e degree to w*ic* its tec*nolog" s+ending Dows to +ri1ate !rmsrat*er t*an to its own la#oratories or to uni1ersities and ot*er non+ro!ts'  .*e sums are

largesome V)% #illion or A]H and +rocurement in !scal )&and #" ot*er measures,

too, /o/ commands !reater innoatie capacity than the rest of!oernment C .*e 6rm", a1", and 6ir ;orce, or e<am+le, em+lo" nearl" &&,&&&engineers and scientists #etween t*em' Most o t*e +eo+le, and most o t*e mone",

su++ort ac@uisition o s"stems and e@ui+ment rom !rms in t*e e<tended deenseindustr" (w*ic* is +er*a+s #est t*oug*t o as a 1irtual industr"' Eugene G*olIs w*ite +a+er, “.*e H"namics o

Militar" 2nno1ation and t*e Pros+ects or Heense- 3ed Energ" 2nno1ation,$ discusses t*e relations*i+s #etween HoHand its contractors'

6he political process discoura!es pro!ram eciency,innoation0dler 11 Jonathan H. Adler Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation,

Case Western Reserve Universit !chool of Law, "#$#! %& A CL'(A)# PR'*#+ R#WARD'& #&#R$ '&&%-A)'%&

)% ACH'#-# CL'(A)# !)AB'L'*A)'%& /011

*ile inno1ation re@uires ris/ ta/ing, +oliticall" controlled agencies *a1e a diWcult timeacce+ting ailure and terminating +rograms' n)) =nce grants *a1e #een allocated,t*e reci+ient *as an interest in /ee+ing t*e mone" Dowing, e1en i it will not+roduce +ositi1e returns' 6s 3inda Co*en and Aoger oll ound, su#stantial +olitical +ressure to continue

A]H +rograms remains long ater it is clear t*e" *a1e ailed' n))) 6t t*e same time, t*e +olitical +rocess*as a +reerence or large, 1isi#le +ro4ects to t*e detriment o t*ose t*at are lesscons+icuous, #ut more li/el" to +roduce results ' n))% Encouraging needed inno1ationis not sim+l" a matter o dedicating resources to t*ose endea1ors a1ored #"scientists and tec*nologists' E1en t*e most educated and well-intentioned e<+erts

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ma" ocus t*eir energies in t*e wrong direction' 2ndeed, as noted a#o1e, it is t*eune<+ected nature o man" inno1ations t*at ma/es t*em so 1alua#le' n))K

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/o/ L /o5 Solnecy/&/ deelopment leads to better inestment and techSarewitz et alC 1' (HanielCo-Hirector, Consortium or Science, Polic" ] =utcomes

6ssociate Hirector, Center or anotec*nolog" in Societ" Proessor o Science and Societ" 6SU, Samuel

 .*ernstrom--6s codirector o t*e 6E2 Geoengineering Pro4ect, Mr' .*ernstrom studied t*e +olic" im+lications ogeoengineering, or climate engineering, ?o*n 6lic--6lic is t*e aut*or or co-aut*or o se1eral #oo/s and o1er &&+a+ers, articles, case studies and #oo/ c*a+ters' 6 graduate o Cornell, Stanord, and t*e Uni1ersit" o Mar"land, *e*as taug*t at se1eral uni1ersities, .ra1is Hoom+rogram coordinator or t*e Consortium or Science, Polic"]=utcomes'


SCIENCE, POLICY AND OUTCOMES at Arizoa State Ui!er"it#$ AP

HoH integrates into t*e +ursuit o its mission t*e ull +ano+l" o A]H unctions ound in t*e+ri1ate sector (#o< '' =t*eragencies suc* as t*e He+artment o Energ" aim tocatal"e +ri1ate sector inno1ation, #ut since t*e accom+lis*ment o t*eir mission does notusuall" re@uire t*em to +urc*ase t*e +roducts o t*e researc* t*e" su++ort, t*e"oten must ma/e decisions wit*out #ene!t o t*e guidance t*at HoH managers ta/e

rom +lanning and oresig*t e<ercises t*at go on constantl" wit*in t*e ser1ices' HoHis also uni@ue among agencies in t*e degree to w*ic* its tec*nolog" s+ending Dows to +ri1ate !rmsrat*er t*an to its own la#oratories or to uni1ersities and ot*er non+ro!ts'  .*e sums are

largesome V)% #illion or A]H and +rocurement in !scal )&and #" ot*er measures,

too, /o/ commands !reater innoatie capacity than the rest of!oernmentC .*e 6rm", a1", and 6ir ;orce, or e<am+le, em+lo" nearl" &&,&&&engineers and scientists #etween t*em' Most o t*e +eo+le, and most o t*e mone",su++ort ac@uisition o s"stems and e@ui+ment rom !rms in t*e e<tended deenseindustr" (w*ic* is +er*a+s #est t*oug*t o as a 1irtual industr"' Eugene G*olIs w*ite +a+er, “.*e H"namics o

Militar" 2nno1ation and t*e Pros+ects or Heense- 3ed Energ" 2nno1ation,$ discusses t*e relations*i+s #etween HoHand its contractors'

/&/ better with 2 and / than /&5 due to process0dler 11 Jonathan H. Adler Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Business Law and Regulation,

Case Western Reserve Universit !chool of Law, "#$#! %& A CL'(A)# PR'*#+ R#WARD'& #&#R$ '&&%-A)'%&

)% ACH'#-# CL'(A)# !)AB'L'*A)'%& /011

;ederal unding o science is wort*w*ile, +articularl" or #asic scienti!c researc*' n)&L et ederal A]H mone"rarel" +roduces commerciall" 1ia#le tec*nologies or dramatic tec*nological inno1ation' n)& .*is is +articularl"

true or agencies t*at are not t*emsel1es consumers o t*e inno1ations t*e" are tr"ing to stimulate' .*eHe+artment o Heense7s +rocurement +rocess ma" stimulate a signi!cant degree o inno1ation #ecause t*ose deense contractors t*at de1elo+ tec*nological#rea/t*roug*s ma" #e rewarded wit* sia#le contracts' .*ere is com+etition or t*e

contracts and inno1ation is rewarded' .*e He+artment o Energ", on t*e ot*er*and, is not a signi!cant consumer o t*e tec*nolog" it unds' n) 2ndeed, t*eHe+artment o Heense Ob% ma" #e #etter +ositioned to encourage energ"inno1ation t*roug* its +rocurement +rocess t*an is t*e H=E wit* traditional A]Hgrants' n)) 2nsoar as t*is is so, it is #ecause a com+etiti1e +rocurement +rocess caninduce inno1ation #" ofering a su#stantial !nancial reward or signi!cant#rea/t*roug*s'

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/&/ *ey to implementin! tech empirics proe8ayward et al 1? (Ste1en ;' 5a"ward, Aesident Sc*olar, 6merican Enter+rise 2nstitute, Mar/ Muro,

Senior ;ellow, Metro+olitan Polic" Program, Broo/ings 2nstitution, .ed ord*aus and Mic*ael S*ellen#erger,Coounders, Brea/t*roug* 2nstitute, =cto#er )&&, Post-Partisan Power, “5ow a 3imited and Hirect 6++roac* toEnerg" 2nno1ation can Heli1er Clean, C*ea+ Energ", Economic Producti1it" and ational Pros+erit"$,*tt+:t*e#rea/t*roug*'org#logPost-PartisanY)&Power'+d , 3M

 .*e go1ernment *as a long *istor" o successull" dri1ing inno1ation and +ricedeclines in emerging tec*nologies #" acting directl" as a demanding customer tos+ur t*e earl" commercialiation and largescale de+lo"ment o cutting-edgetec*nologies' ;rom radios and microc*i+s to lasers and camera lenses, t*e ederal go1ernment, in+articular t*e H=H, *as *el+ed catal"e t*e im+ro1ement o countless inno1ati1etec*nologies and su++orted t*e emergence o 1i#rant 6merican industries in t*e+rocess'0 et toda"Is mess o o+en-ended energ" su#sidies reward +roduction omore o t*e same +roduct, not inno1ation ' .*e ederal go1ernment s*owers su#sidies across man"

energ" o+tions, rom oil and coal to et*anol and wind +ower' one o t*ese eforts, *owe1er, are

designed or o+timied to dri1e and reward inno1ation and ensure t*e +rices o t*esetec*nologies all o1er time, ma/ing t*e su#sidies efecti1el" +ermanent' .*is mustc*ange'

/&/ soles better than /&5 tech production proes8ayward et al 1? (Ste1en ;' 5a"ward, Aesident Sc*olar, 6merican Enter+rise 2nstitute, Mar/ Muro,

Senior ;ellow, Metro+olitan Polic" Program, Broo/ings 2nstitution, .ed ord*aus and Mic*ael S*ellen#erger,Coounders, Brea/t*roug* 2nstitute, =cto#er )&&, Post-Partisan Power, “5ow a 3imited and Hirect 6++roac* toEnerg" 2nno1ation can Heli1er Clean, C*ea+ Energ", Economic Producti1it" and ational Pros+erit"$,*tt+:t*e#rea/t*roug*'org#logPost-PartisanY)&Power'+d , 3M

2n addition to reorming energ" de+lo"ment su#sidies and launc*ing a newcom+etiti1e de+lo"ment strateg", t*e nation s*ould once again le1erage t*e +ower

o ederal +rocurement to esta#lis* demanding re@uirements to dri1e inno1ationand im+ro1ement in new energ" tec*nologies' .*e H=H *as a long trac/ record ousing t*e +ower o +rocurement to successull" dri1e t*e commercialiation andim+ro1ement o new tec*nologies, man" o w*ic* later s+un of into #roadercommercial ado+tion' 2n contrast, t*e H=E *as no wa" to eit*er +rocure or useenerg" tec*nologies at commercial scale' .*e H=H s*ould *el+ !ll t*is 1oid, once again

using +rocurement to ad1ance a range o +otential dual-use energ" inno1ations' .*e PentagonIs )&&“uadrennial Heense Ae1iew$ +riorities e<+anded H=H in1ol1ement in energ"inno1ation and wit* good reason'L .*e U'S' militar" toda" uses more oil t*an Sweden and more electricit"

t*an Henmar/' E1er" V& increase in t*e +rice o oil costs t*e H=H more t*an V #ill ion dollars, sa++ing mone" t*at s*ould #e used

to e@ui+ our troo+s or critical missions at *ome and a#road'0& it* uel con1o"s costing #ot* li1es and

mone" e1er" da" in 2ra@ and 6g*anistan, @uestions o energ" are understanda#l"*ig* on t*e list o Pentagon +riorities , and a growing communit" o national securit"e<+erts, including #ot* acti1e and retired generals and Dag oWcers, *as identi!ed t*e de1elo+ment onew energ" alternati1es t*at can #ot* reduce 6mericaIs e<+osure to 1olatile oilmar/ets and en*ance militar" o+erational ca+a#ilities as /e" to securing t*enationIs deense'0 Congress s*ould +ro1ide new unds necessar" to secure6mericaIs energ" uture and national deense, +ro1iding u+ to V #illion annuall" (as

needed to su++ort H=H eforts to +rocure, demonstrate, test, 1alidate, and im+ro1e a

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suite o cutting-edge energ" tec*nologies wit* +otential to en*ance 6mericanenerg" securit" or im+ro1e t*e strategic and tactical ca+a#ilities o t*e 6mericanarmed orces' Energ" tec*nologies wit* clear dual-use commercial and militar" +otential well suited to H=H +rocurement

could include: ad1anced #iouels, including a1iation uels^ ad1anced solar t*ermal and +*oto1oltaic +ower tec*nologies^ im+ro1ed#atteries^ electric 1e*icles^ and new, modular nuclear reactors (discussed in greater detail #elow'

/o/ !rants spur innoation for renewable ener!ySerbu 11 (?ared Ser#u co1ers t*e Heense He+artment, including contracting and legislati1e issues afecting

t*e Pentagon, “HoH almost read" to *and out V%&M in clean energ" grants$, o1em#er L, )&,*tt+:www'ederalnewsradio'comK%&)LJK)HoH-almost-read"-to-*and-out-%&M-in-clean-energ"-grantsM

 .*e Pentagon is a cou+le wee/s awa" rom announcing t*e winners o tens omillions o dollars in grants t*at aim to use militar" #ases as a test #ed or newenerg" tec*nologies' F .*e Heense He+artment !rst released t*e +resolicitation notice or t*e installation

energ" test #ed efort in ;e#ruar"' HoH leaders at t*e time +lanned to ma/e grants tocom+anies and ot*er ederal agencies o V)& million to test new energ" conce+ts onmilitar" #ases, including smart microgrids and energ" storage tec*nolog", renewa#le energ" generation and

ad1anced tec*nologies to im+ro1e #uilding energ" eWcienc"'F But Horot*" Ao#"n, t*e de+artment7s de+ut"undersecretar" o deense or installations and en1ironment, said HoH is read" to ma/e awards wort*V%& million wit*in t*e coming wee/s' S*e said t*e de+artment was 9o1erw*elmed9#" && *ig*-@ualit" +ro+osals' F 9 .*is test #ed +rogram is m" *ig*est +riorit",9 s*esaid' 92 t*in/ it7s so undamental to w*at we s*ould #e doing and w*at HoH uni@uel"can do' e71e done t*is on t*e en1ironmental tec*nolog" side #" c*anging t*e aceo en1ironmental cleanu+ in 4ust t*is wa"' 2 t*in/ we7ll do t*e same in t*e energ"area '9 F HoH alread" is testing se1eral tec*nologies at U'S' #ases, including e1er"t*ing rom new im+lementations

o wind and solar +ower generation to generating electricit" rom land!ll gas' F Ao#"n s+o/e .uesda" at a Pentagonorum set u+ to mar/ ational Energ" 6wareness Mont*, as did Gen' Martin Hem+se", t*e new c*airman o t*e ?ointC*ies o Staf' 5e t*rew *is considera#le clout #e*ind t*e de+artment7s renewa#le energ" and eWcienc" eforts'

ot 4ust on #ases, #ut on #attle!elds'F 9it*out im+ro1ing our energ" securit", we are not

merel" standing still on energ" securit", we7re alling #e*ind,9 *e said' 9.*e de+artment7senerg" culture *as c*anged dramaticall" since 2 was a "oung 6rm" armor oWcer, and t*at7s a 1er" good t*ing' Butwe can and must do #etter, +articularl" in +us*ing +rogress out to t*e !eld, to t*e Dig*t line and into t*e Deet'9

/o/ has the current capabilities and fundin! to do renewableener!ySerbu 11 (?ared Ser#u co1ers t*e Heense He+artment, including contracting and legislati1e issues afecting

t*e Pentagon, “HoH almost read" to *and out V%&M in clean energ" grants$, o1em#er L, )&,*tt+:www'ederalnewsradio'comK%&)LJK)HoH-almost-read"-to-*and-out-%&M-in-clean-energ"-grantsM

But wit* generators and uel, too, t*e militar" is ma/ing +rogress'F  .*e 6rm" *as #egun

lin/ing u+ t*e generators on its orward-o+erating #ases into smart microgrids"stems' .*is a++roac* automaticall" turns on or of generators as t*e"7re needed,and t*e electrical load is #alanced #etween t*em ' 6nd, ewell said, t*e"7re also coming u+ wit*

wa"s to /ee+ leaders rom #ringing along more uel and generators t*an t*e" actuall" need'F 9e *a1e e1en goneto t*e +oint o de1elo+ing smart+*one a++s t*at allow a commander to loo/ at w*at *e7s got to +ower sa", ourcom+uters, two Dat screens and a cofee +ot and it7ll s+it out a solution t*at sa"s "ou need ') /ilowatts,9 *esaid' 95e can t*en loo/ at *is logistics gu"s and tell t*em not to #ring along t*at !1e /ilowatt generator' 2 4ust needt*is little one, and a small can o gas' 2 t*in/ culturall", it7s #een a *uge c*ange or us'9 F .*e Pentagon *as ta/en onse1eral new eforts to tac/le its energ" use latel", dri1en in +art #" t*e V #illion uel #ill it +aid last "ear' HoH7s

uel #ill was e1en *ig*er in )&&J V)& #illion w*en glo#al energ" +rices s+i/ed'F HoH +u#lis*ed its !rst

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o+erational energ" +lan t*is "ear' 2t also signed a memorandum o understandinglast "ear wit* t*e Energ" He+artment to s*are resources and researc* towardenerg" securit"' F 6nd t*e indi1idual militar" ser1ices are ta/ing on t*eir own eforts' .*e a1", ore<am+le, released a re@uest or inormation to industr" t*is summer t*atcontem+lates s+ending V&& million on researc* and de1elo+ment or a new

generation o #iouels to re+lace 4et uel and diesel'

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06: #erm#erm lin*s to the Nay /0 - It’s a Muestion of priorityseMuencin! the nay must ta*e the lead on marine ener!ydeelopment to ensure access to proper trainin!C

.uinn 11 (?o*n P' uinn leads t*ree di1erse +rograms essential to a1" sustaina#ilit" initiati1es, a B'6' in+olitical science and economic, rom Hu/e Uni1ersit"^ a ?'H' rom Georgetown 3aw Center^ and a 33'M(en1ironmental, wit* *ig*est *onors, rom .*e George as*ington Uni1ersit", “.*e U'S' a1"Is Sustaina#ilit"2m+erati1e$, o1em#er ), )&, *tt+:li1e#ettermagaine'comarticlet*e-u-s-na1"s-sustaina#ilit"-im+erati1eM

*ile su++orting t*e nationIs need to de1elo+ new energ" sources as a means o im+ro1ing its

energ" and economic securit", in some instances t*ese +riorities *a1e created tension #etweenrenewa#le energ" de1elo+ment and ro#ustmilitar" testing andtraining' =fs*ore oil andgas de1elo+ment, and uture wind energ" +ro4ects, could +otentiall"o#struct e<istingmilitar" training areas andor create intererence wit* radar s"stems used ortesting and training as well as *omeland deense' 6s*ore, solar towers constructed in +ro<imit"

to air corridors could create o#structions andor reDection issues, w*ic* could degrade air na1igation' 6dditionall",

new wind tur#ines > some reac*ing && or more eet into t*e air > could create o#struction and intererencec*allenges or militar" training and testing at e<isting #ases and range areas' F  .*e c*allenge is to !ndsolutions t*at will ena#le t*e nationIs de1elo+ment o needed energ" and ot*erinrastructure w*ile ena#ling t*e a1" to carr" out its national deense missiont*roug* continuous training and testing at sea, as*ore and in t*e air' .owards t*ese

o#4ecti1es, as discussed #elow, a num#er o initiati1es are underwa" at t*e national le1el wit*in t*e He+artment o

Heense (HoH and wit*in t*e He+artment o t*e a1" (H=' .*e a1"Is acti1e +artici+ation int*ese initiati1es, and orward-leaning a++roac* to its own energ" re@uirements, will*el+ ensure a sustaina#le uture or t*e a1" and t*e nation '

bb t*is is t*e same card #ut wit* diferent *ig*lig*ting as one o t*e H6 =fs*ore Energ" lin/s and t*at is in t*e

6.:Perm in generic renewa#les as well

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06: /o/ 8urts 5nironment6he /epartment of defense ensures enironmentallyresponsible actionN&00’?= (ational =ceanic and 6tmos+*eric 6dministration, ational Marine Protected 6reas Center,

“;ederal 6genc" Progress Ae+ort Under E<ecuti1e =rder %J$ Se+tem#er )&&,(*tt+:marine+rotectedareas'noaa'go1+d*el+ul-resourcesed-agenc"-+rog-r+t'+d  3P

E<ecuti1e =rder %J en*ances t*e le1el o +rotection o signi!cant natural and cultural resources wit*in t*emarine en1ironment and coordinates t*e de1elo+ment o an efecti1e national s"stem o marine +rotected areas in

t*e United States' .*e He+artment o Heense is committed to marine resources+rotection t*roug* 1arious +rograms and +olicies' 6ll o t*e militar" ser1ices *a1e acti1e+rograms to com+l" wit* en1ironmental and natural resources +rotection laws' 6lt*oug* most en1ironmental legislation was not +assed s+eci!call" or t*e +rotection o marine +rotected areas,t*e He+artment o HeenseIs com+liance wit* t*e ational En1ironmental Polic" 6ct, E<ecuti1e =rder )K,“En1ironmental Efects 6#road o Ma4or ;ederal 6ctions$, Clean ater 6ct, =cean Hum+ing 6ct, =il Pollution 6ct,Coastal Rone Management 6ct, Magnuson >Ste1ens ;is*er" Conser1ation and Management 6ct Si/es 6ct, E<ecuti1e=rder' %), “Coral Aee Protection, Endangered S+ecies 6ct, and ot*er statutes directl" #ene!ts marineresources' 6s wit* all He+artment o Heense natural resources stewards*i+, it is and will continue to #e our +olic"to ensure sae and en1ironmentall" res+onsi#le action in and around marine +rotected areas' He+artment oHeense is not an im+lementing agenc" o E<ecuti1e =rder %J, #ut conducts at sea training and testingo+erations wit* an awareness o and sensiti1it" to t*e resources wit*in MP6s and ot*er sensiti1e marine resourcemanagement areas' 2n +lanning or needed *ar#or and anc*orage maintenance and im+ro1ements, t*e a1"sur1e"s t*e marine resources around its 6tlantic and Paci!c installations in ;lorida, Puerto Aico, 5awaii, Guam,

Sai+an, and ?a+an' 6s a result o t*ese sur1e"s, t*e He+artment o Heense *as documentedre+eated instances w*ere marine resources near militar" acilities are insigni!cantl" #etter condition (*ealt*, sie, di1ersit", etc' t*an t*ose outside t*earea o militar" inDuence' Hata rom t*e He+artment o Heense marine sur1e"s isca+tured or uture use' 2n addition, t*e +lanning +rocess or He+artment o Heense actions t*at could

afect sensiti1e marine resources includes inorming agencies concerned wit* natural resources managementrelated to Essential ;is* 5a#itat and ot*er land and water management issues'

6rainin! occurs only when necessary majority ofenironmental impacts minimal and temporary)c0oy 13 ,6udre" Mc61o" news+erson, co1ers t*e militar" and general news at t*e 5onolulu #ureau o

 .*e 6ssociated Press, “a1" studies: .raining, testing ma" /ill w*ales, dol+*ins$, a1" .imes, 6ug %& )&% =nline:*tt+:www'na1"times'comarticle)&%&J%&ES&K%&J%&&&a1"-studies-.raining-testing-ma"-/ill-w*ales-dol+*ins

Most o t*e deat*s would come rom e<+losi1es, t*oug* some mig*t come rom testing sonar or animals #eing *it

#" s*i+s' Aear 6dm' Te1in Slates, t*e a1"Is energ" and en1ironmental readinessdi1ision director, told re+orters t*is wee/ t*e a1" uses simulators w*ere +ossi#le,#ut sailors must test and train in real-lie conditions' 6ccording to t*e re+orts,com+uter models s*ow training and testing ma" /ill J w*ales and dol+*ins of t*eEast Coast and of 5awaii and Sout*ern Caliornia' =f t*e East Coast, t*erecould #e ,)0 serious in4uries and 'JL million minor in4uries suc* as tem+orar"*earing loss' .*e re+orts also said t*e testing and training mig*t cause marine mammals to c*ange t*eir

#e*a1ior suc* as swimming in a diferent direction in )& million instances' =f 5awaii and Sout*ern Caliornia,t*e re+orts said t*e na1al acti1ities ma" cause ),&%L serious in4uries, 'J million tem+orar" in4uries and 0'0 millioninstances o #e*a1ioral c*ange'

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in*sSection: &cean policy unpopular

"han!es in ocean policy are slow and controersial b>cpolarized con!ress

8elar!, ’1J, (Ha1id, “.*e oceans demand our attention,$ .*e 5ill, ;e#ruar" K,)&K, *tt+:t*e*ill'com#logscongress-#logenerg"-en1ironmentLJ%-t*e-oceans-demand-our-attentionerg

 .*e latest#attle o1er t*e uture o 6mericaIs ocean rontier is #eing oug*t out in a

seemingl" unrelated #ill in Congress' Hemocratic Sen' S*eldon *ite*ouse (A'2' recentl" introduced *is

ational Endowment or t*e =ceans rider to t*e Senate 1ersion o t*e ater Aesources He1elo+ment 6ct (AH6,w*ic* unds t*e 6rm" Cor+s o Engineers to wor/ on dams, dredging and Dood control' .*e Endowment wouldesta#lis* a +ermanent und > #ased on ofs*ore energ" re1enue > or scienti!c researc* and coastal restoration'

=n t*e 5ouse side .ea Part" Ae+u#lican Ae+' Bill ;lores (.e<as *as a rider to cancelout an" unding t*at mig*t allow t*e 6rm" Cor+s to +artici+ate in t*e =#amaadministrationIs ational =cean Polic" , w*ic* *e claims would em+ower t*e EP6 to

control t*e +ro+ert" o *is droug*t-+lagued constituents s*ould an" rain (generated#" t*e ocean land on t*eir rooto+s' =ne rider re+resents a constructi1e additionand t*e ot*er a +aranoid +artisan im+ediment to an ocean +olic" aimed atcoordinating ederal agencies in wa"s t*at could reduce conDict, redundanc" andgo1ernment waste , “+utting ur#an +lanning in t*e water column,$ in t*e words o ormer Commandant o

t*e Coast Guard 6dmiral .*ad 6llen' 6llen, w*o coordinated ederal disaster res+onse to 5urricane Tatrina and t*eBP oil #low out understands t*e im+ortance o wor/ing toget*er w*en res+onding to a disaster' 6nd li/e it or not,o1er!s*ing, +ollution, coastal s+rawl and climate c*ange *a1e created an ongoing disaster in our +u#lic seas'Unortunatel" +rogress towards a ma4or reorganiation o *ow we as a nation manage and #ene!t rom our oceancontinues to ad1ance wit* all t*e deli#erate s+eed o a sea *are (large marine snail' 2n )&&K ocean

conser1ationists *eld t*eir !rst QBlue 8ision SummitI in as*ington H'C' 2t was t*ere Ae+' Sam ;arr (H-Cali' called or a “Big =cean Bill,$ to incor+orate man" o t*e recommendations ot*e )&&% Pew =ceans Commission and )&&K U'S' Commission on =cean Polic", t*e !rst #lue ri##on

+anels to e<amine t*e state o 6mericaIs #lue rontier in o1er t*ree decades ' Huring *is

+residenc", George ' Bus* esta#lis*ed ma4or marine reser1es in t*e Paci!c, #ut ot*erwise ignored *is own ederalcommissionIs recommendations along wit* t*ose o t*e Pew grou+ *eaded #" uture Secretar" o Heense (now

retired, 3eon Panetta' 6s a result 6mericaIs seas continue to #e +oorl" managed #" )Kdiferent ederal agencies ta/ing a +iecemeal a++roac* to t*eir o1ersig*t under KKse+arate laws' 2n t*e all o )&&J, =regon State marine ecologist Hr' ?ane 3u#c*enco met wit* t*en President-

elect =#ama in C*icago' .*ere, *e ofered *er t*e 4o# o running .*e ational =ceanic and 6tmos+*eric6dministration (=66, and s*e suggested *e +romote an ocean +olic" #ased on t*e two commissionsI

recommendations t*at *e agreed to do' B" t*e time o t*e )&&L Blue 8ision Summit it was clear "on!resshad become too polarized to pass major ocean reform le!islation at t*e le1el o

t*e Clean 6ir and Clean ater 6cts o t*e last centur"' Still, acti1ists gat*ered t*ere were t*rilled to *ear t*e new*ite 5ouse Council on En1ironmental ualit" C*air, anc" Sutle", announce +lans or a new ational =cean Polic"initiati1e #" t*e =#ama administration' .*is was ollowed #" a series o si< +u#lic *earings o1er t*e ne<t "ear *eldin diferent +arts o t*e countr"' =cean conser1ationists were a#le to mo#ilie t*ousands o +eo+le and J& +ercento +u#lic comments a1ored mo1ing orward wit* a +olic" o ecos"stem-#ased regional +lanning or ocean uses' 2n

 ?ul" )&&, in t*e wa/e o t*e BP oil disaster in t*e Gul o Me<ico, President =#ama !nall" signed t*e ational=cean Polic" as an administrati1e directi1e' =66 t*en *eld a series o additional *earings to engage sta/e*oldersduring w*ic* t*e oil and gas industr" tried to a++l" t*e #ra/es (w*" su++ort a le1el +la"ing !eld w*en "ou alread"own t*e !eld' 2n )&), CE !nall" announced t*at nine regional +lanning #odies would #e esta#lis*ed to get t*eocean +olic" im+lemented' 2n )&%, during t*e Kt* Blue 8ision Summit acti1ists *eld t*e largest =cean 5ill Ha" in*istor", a citiens lo##" rom ) states t*at included o1er && meetings wit* Senators, 5ouse mem#ers and t*eir

stafs to ad1ocate or getting t*e ational =cean Polic" underwa"' Still, toda" in earl" )&K, only four of thenine re!ional bodies hae held meetin!s C 2n ew England, +artici+ation #" t*e states, tri#al

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go1ernments, !s*ermen, en1ironmentalists and ot*ers *a1e seen a strong launc*' 2n t*e mid-6tlantic, itIs #eenmore a case o diferent ederal agencies tal/ing to eac* ot*er wit*out muc*trans+arenc" or citien +artici+ation' 2nitial meetings *a1e also #een *eld in t*e Cari##ean and t*e

estern Paci!c, including 5awaii'

&cean policy chan!es disrupt the fra!ile partisan alliance

0llen, ’13, (.om, “C*allenges o a C*anging =cean: Can Congress 6ct in .imeZ$Aoll Call, Hec' K, )&%,*tt+:www'rollcall'comnewsc*allenges\o\a\c*anging\ocean\can\congress\act\in


2n a Congress marred #" gridloc/ and +artisan #rin/mans*i+, a sur+risingo++ortunit" *as emerged to strengt*en our nationIs ocean and coastalcommunities, #usinesses and en1ironment ' Congress s*ould seie t*e moment andesta#lis* t*e long-recommended ational Endowment or t*e =ceans , Coasts and Great

3a/es' 9nless "on!ress acts now, the opportunity will slip awayC .*e 5ouse and

Senate ater Aesource He1elo+ment 6ct (AH6 #ills currentl" in conerence contain com+eting

+ro1isions  wit* com+eting 1isions or t*e uture o ocean and coastal management in6merica' 6his le!islatie conict is part of our country’s broader ideolo!icalstru!!le , #ut wit* t*is diference: =n t*e ocean, no state go1ernment, c*am#er o commerce or en1ironmental

grou+ can e<ercise coordinated and efecti1e leaders*i+ alone' .*e Senate-+assed AH6 #ill includes anamendment rom Sen' S*eldon *ite*ouse, H-A'2', t*at +ro1ides or a ational Endowment or t*e =ceans t*at+assed wit* strong #i+artisan su++ort' .*e endowment would aut*orie grants to uni1ersities, states and localorganiations or ocean researc*, ma++ing, monitoring, conser1ation and restoration +ro4ects wor/ t*at is criticalto coastal economies t*at rel" on a *ealt*" ocean wit* well-managed resources' 2t reDects t*e #elie t*at t*eederal go1ernment *as an im+ortant role to +la" in strengt*ening coastal communities, *el+ing ocean-de+endent#usinesses and im+ro1ing t*e *ealt* o our ocean en1ironment'

Section: &cean policy popular

&cean policy chan!es are popular and *ey0llen, ’13, (.om, “C*allenges o a C*anging =cean: Can Congress 6ct in .imeZ$

Aoll Call, Hec' K, )&%,*tt+:www'rollcall'comnewsc*allenges\o\a\c*anging\ocean\can\congress\act\in


B" contrast, t*e AH6 #ill +assed #" t*e 5ouse o Ae+resentati1es includes an amendment rom Ae+' Bill ;lores, A- .e<as, t*at would undermine our ational =cean Polic", smart ocean +lanning and ecos"stem a++roac*es to ocean

resource management' 2n an era w*en we need go1ernment to wor/ #etter, smarter, and moreefecti1el", t*e ational =cean Polic" and smart ocean +lanning are 4ust common sense' .*e" allow t*e local,

state, tri#al and ederal entities res+onsi#le or ocean management to wor/ across 4urisdictional #oundaries and+roacti1el" tac/le c*allenges in a orward-loo/ing wa"' .o ta/e t*ose tools awa" would #e #ad or ocean *ealt*, #ador t*e ocean econom" and #ad or coastal communities' .*is legislati1e *ead-to-*ead dis+ute reDects t*e #roaderideological struggle t*at *aunts t*e *alls o Congress toda"' 2tIs #etween t*ose w*o #elie1e t*at t*e go1ernmentcan #e a 1e*icle to ser1e t*e common good and t*ose w*o #elie1e t*at nearl" all go1ernment action restricts

+ersonal reedom' e *a1e or too long ta/en t*e ocean or granted' 2ts immense sie and

a++arent resilience ooled us into t*in/ing t*at *umans could draw on it or limitless +rotein and use it as a gar#age

dum+' But now t*e ocean and our coastal communities ace serious c*allenges ' Coralrees are in stee+ decline' Man" !s*eries continue to struggle' ater @ualit"+ro#lems and to<ic algae #looms t*reaten #eac*es and clam diggers' =cean

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acidi!cation is worsening eac* "ear, t*reatening multigeneration amil"-owneds*ell!s* arms' .ras* litters t*e o+en ocean, occasionall" e<acer#ated #" tragic e1ents suc* as t*e ?a+anese

tsunami' 6nd sea le1el rise is 4ust o1er t*e *orion' .*e AH6 conerees and Congress s*ouldc*oose t*oug*tul long-term engagement to +rotect and en*ance ocean @ualit" o1er

t*e all-too-common /nee-4er/ *ostilit" toward an" new go1ernment initiati1e'

&cean enironmental policies empirically appease democrats2ast 1'Ae#e/a* Aast, % =cto#er )&), =#amaIs en1ironmental +olicies e<tend to6mericaIs oceansand into t*e u+coming elections,*tt+:wail"'com)&)&o#amas-en1ironmental-+olicies-e<tend-to-americas-oceans-and-into-t*e-u+coming-elections

 ou can de!nitel" see a +artisan line w*en it comes to en1ironmental +olicies in t*is

countr"' &ne side thin*s many related laws and re!ulations !o too farO theother side thin*s many of these laws don’t !o far enou!h' 5owe1er, it seemst*is

+artisan line also stretc*es +ast t*e land o t*e U'S' and dee+ into its oceans ' 2n)&&, w*en President =#ama +assed *is e<ecuti1e order “Stewards*i+ o t*e=cean, =ur Coasts, and t*e Great 3a/es,$ *e claimed it “strengt*ens ocean go1ernance and

coordination, esta#lis*es guiding +rinci+les or ocean management, and ado+ts a De<i#le ramewor/ or efecti1ecoastal and marine s+atial +lanning to address conser1ation, economic acti1it", user conDict, and sustaina#le use o 

t*e ocean, our coasts and t*e Great 3a/es'$ ot e1er"one agrees wit* *is claim and now t*is oceans andla/es +ower +la" *as s+ar/ed @uite a +artisan !g*t going into t*is election "ear'Man"Ae+u#licans see t*is E<ecuti1e =rder as not*ing more t*an an a#surd +ower gra##" t*e =#ama administration' .o control t*e countr"Is la/es, oceans and coastlands #" issuing strict

usage regulations and restrictions will onl" *urt suc* li1eli*oods as arming, !s*ing and logging' Man"Hemocrats and en1ironmental allies see t*is as a +ositi1e ste+ orward t*at will+rotect t*e nationIs oceans and also limit t*e num#er o conDicts o1er *ow t*e

waters are used'

&cean re!ulation is empirically popular with the democraticbase8ota*ainen 11A=B 5=.6T62E, K =cto#er )&, Congress s+ars o1er 7ocean oning7,*tt+:www'mcclatc*"dc'com)&&&K)Kcongress-s+ars-o1er-ocean-oning'*tml6S52G.= 5ouse mem#ers clas*ed .uesda" o1er a *ite 5ouse +lan t*atessentiall" calls or oning t*e oceans, wit* Ae+u#licans c*arging t*at it alread" *ascreated more 4o#-/illing #ureaucrac" and Hemocrats sa"ing it could gi1e 6mericans

more certaint" on *ow t*e" can use #us" +u#lic waters ' 92t *as t*e +otential to stunt economic

growt* and t*e 4o#s associated wit* t*at growt*,9 said Ae+' Hoc 5astings, A-as*', c*airman o t*e 5ouse atural

Aesources Committee' Ae+' Ed Mar/e" o Massac*usetts, t*e to+-ran/ed Hemocrat on t*e+anel, li/ened t*e idea ormall" /nown as marine s+atial +lanning to ma/ing+lans or air s+ace' 9=++osing ocean +lanning is li/e o++osing air-traWc control ,9 *e


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Section: 5nironment unpopular

"on!ress hates enironmental moements4alentine, B>1=, (Tatie, re+orter or Climate Progress, “Congressional

Candidate: Most Energ" Pro#lems Q6re Caused B" En1ironmentalistsI,$ ClimateProgress, ?U3 , )&K,*tt+:t*in/+rogress'orgclimate)&K&0%K&%LJcongressional-candidate-en1ironmenterg

2n t*e e"es o  one candidate running oroWce in as*ington, en1ironmentalists arenIt t*eones loo/ing to sol1e t*e countr"Is energ" +ro#lems they’re the ones at faultfor them' George Cicotte, a Ae+u#lican candidate or as*ingtonIs ourt* congressional district, said at a

candidate orum Saturda" t*at i en1ironmentalists *adnIt “sto++ed nuclear in its trac/s$ int*e L0&s, t*ere would #e a lot less green*ouse gas +ollution toda" ' “Aeall", w*en we tal/

a#out energ" +ro#lems, most of the ener!y problems are caused byenironmentalists,$ *e said' CicotteIs comments came as +art o a longerstatement on*is 1iews on en1ironment and energ" issues, during w*ic**e s+o/e o *is “all o t*ea#o1e$ energ" +reerences #ut made comments t*at were dismissi1e o windenerg" a resource *e claims to su++ort on *is cam+aign we#site' “ind energ"Z 2Ill #e *onest gi1e me a

#rea/,$ *e said' “ .*ere would not #e a single windmill in t*is entire statewere it not or tonso irrational ederal go1ernment s+ending' .*e"Ire tr"ing to lig*t a #rus* !re or wind and it ainIt


2epublicans hate pro-enironmental policies"&"P5280), '?1J

SE6^ MCC36.C5 6S52G.= BUAE6U^ ?ul" 0, )&K^ “=++onents sa" 6las/a

mine would de1astate salmon, as*ington state !s*ing industr"$^*tt+:www'#elling*am*erald'com)&K&00%0&&&o++onents-sa"-alas/a-mine-would'*tml

6S52G.= Su++orters o t*e em#attled Pe##le Mine +ro4ect in 6las/a arema/ing a des+erate efort in Congress and t*e courts to /ee+ it ali1e in t*e ace owarnings rom t*e En1ironmental Protection 6genc" t*at it could de1astate t*e!nest run o wild salmon let on t*e glo#e'F Mem#ers o t*e U'S' 5ouse oAe+resentati1es are +us*ing a #ill to /ee+ t*e EP6 rom #loc/ing t*e mine, des+iteo++osition rom as*ington state lawma/ers w*o sa" t*e +ro4ect could #e

de1astating to t*e !s*ing industr" in t*eir state ' F .*e mine de1elo+er, ort*ernH"nast" Minerals, is suing t*e EP6, see/ing an in4unction to +re1ent t*e agenc"rom mo1ing to sto+ t*e +ro4ect'F .*e de1elo+er is in trou#le' Mining giants 6nglo6merican and Aio .into +ulled out o t*e +ro4ect in t*e midst o t*e contro1ers",lea1ing ort*ern H"nast" scram#ling or anot*er +artner to +ro1ide !nancialsu++ort or t*e mine' Getting t*e EP6 to #ac/ of would *el+'F 6ter a long series oset#ac/s, t*e mine won a small 1ictor" ednesda" w*en t*e 5ouse .rans+ortationand 2nrastructure Committee a++ro1ed t*e #ill or a 1ote in t*e ull 5ouse' F EP6

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6dministrator Gina McCart*" said t*e Pe##le Mine would 9li/el" *a1e signi!cant andirre1ersi#le negati1e im+acts on t*e salmon o Bristol Ba"'9 F as*ington statelawma/ers are leading t*e !g*t in Congress against t*e mine' Sen' Maria Cantwell,H-as*', as/ed t*e *ite 5ouse to sto+ t*e mine and +artici+ated in a rall" earliert*is "ear on t*e Seattle waterront t*at included )& c*es and ot*er ood wor/ers

+rotesting t*e +ro4ect'F

Ae+' Aic/ 3arsen, H-E1erett, attem+ted to sto+ t*e #illednesda" in t*e committee' 5e said t*ousands o !s*ermen and +rocessors romas*ington state de+ended on t*e Bristol Ba" !s*er" in 6las/a' .*e EP67s decisionto consider 1etoing t*e mine ollowed t*ree "ears o stud" o t*e damage t*at ort*6merica7s largest o+en-+it mine could do to t*e salmon, *e said' F 92 t*is #ill goesorward it could lead to t*e construction o a mine t*at would *a1e de1astatingeconomic im+acts or man" +eo+le in as*ington state,9 3arsen said'F Sue6s+elund, t*e e<ecuti1e director o t*e Bristol Ba" Aegional Seaood He1elo+ment6ssociation, com+lained t*at !s*ermen weren7t gi1en a c*ance to testi"'F 92t7sincredi#l" unortunate t*at Congress is de#ating legislation t*at would directl"im+act Bristol Ba"7s commercial !s*ermen w*ile t*ousands o t*em are currentl"contri#uting to "et anot*er *istoric soc/e"e salmon season in sout*west 6las/a,96s+elund said'F .*e measure would *a1e scant c*ance o ma/ing it t*roug* t*eHemocratic-controlled Senate and sur1i1ing a li/el" +residential 1eto' But mineo++onents ear it mig*t #ecome a +latorm to re1i1e t*e +ro4ect7s ortunes,+articularl" i Ae+u#licans ta/e control o t*e Senate ater t*e o1em#er midtermelections'F .*e !s*ing and conser1ation grou+ .rout Unlimited said it +lanned tolaunc* a social media cam+aign to rall" !s*ermen to cam+aign against t*e #ill' F .*emine de1elo+er 9*as lost most o its !nancial #ac/ing #ecause o t*e in*erent ris/so t*e +ro+osed mine, and its man" ailures to +roduce a 1ia#le mining +lan' Butnow t*e 5ouse .rans+ortation and 2nrastructure Committee is rus*ing to ta/e u+t*e #eleaguered cause,9 .rout Unlimited said in an email'F McCart*" said t*e EP6would ta/e action to +rotect t*e salmon under t*e Clean ater 6ct' .*at could leadto a 1eto o t*e +ro4ect +rior to its +ermit a++lications'F Ae+' Bo# Gi##s, A-=*io,s+onsor o t*e #ill, said t*e mine s*ould #e allowed a c*ance' 5is measure wouldor#id t*e EP6 rom *alting a +ro4ect #eore t*e +ermit +rocess'F 92t7s un-6merican totell a +ri1ate com+an" or an"#od" t*at "ou can7t e1en a++l" or a +ermit, cannote1en consider doing an" o+erations on t*is land #ecause t*e go1ernment *as#loc/ed it out,9 *e said'F .*e ational Mining 6ssociation also criticied t*e EP6, wit*its +resident, 5al uinn, sa"ing in1estors need con!dence t*at t*e agenc" won7t+re-em+ti1el" #loc/ a +ro4ect'F 9EP67s actions tram+led t*e aut*orit" o t*e state o6las/a, +re-em+ted t*e role o ot*er ederal and state agencies and +otentiall"stranded t*e mining com+an"7s V0&& million in ca+ital in1estment,9 uinn said'F .*eEP6 said it #egan stud"ing t*e mine at t*e re@uest o 6las/a tri#es and ot*ersconcerned a#out t*e salmon ' Mine ad1ocates assert t*e agenc" was #iased andt*at agenc" stafers t*emsel1es initiated t*e efort to #loc/ t*e +ro4ect' .*e EP67sins+ector general is in1estigating t*ose allegations'F *ile t*e Pe##le Mine +ro4ectma" a++ear near deat*, tensions still run *ig*'F Ae+' Hon oung, A-6las/a, las*edout at a *earing ednesda" w*en a Mar"land congresswoman c*arged t*at t*e #illis not*ing #ut a gi1eawa" to t*e mine de1elo+er'F oung said *is state s*ould get todecide w*et*er to #uild t*e massi1e o+en-+it co++er mine, not t*e EP6 or mem#erso Congress rom outside 6las/a'F 9ow we *a1e some#od" rom Mar"land telling

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me *ow we s*ould re+resent t*at state' Hisgusting,9 said oung, w*o starteds*outing and +ointing *is !nger'F 927ll #e damned i 27m going to sit *ere and watc*some#od" rom Mar"land or an" ot*er state start telling me or an"#od" in 6las/a*ow we s*ould #e running our state'9

Section: 5nironment unpopular unions

5colo!ical re!ulations for oceans !reatly upset unionsP*uong 3e, ?une )&K, Unions 4oin !g*t o1er as*ington !s* consum+tion,*tt+:www'#usinesswee/'coma+)&K-&-unions-4oin-!g*t-o1er-was*ington-!s*-consum+tionSE6..3E (6P Unions re+resenting Boeing mac*inists and mill wor/ersare siding wit* #usinesses in a#itter !g*t o1er *ow muc* !s* +eo+le eat, and t*us *ow clean as*ington statewaters s*ould #e' .*e Mac*inists union and ot*ers are worried a new water @ualit"standard #eing de1elo+ed #" t*e state would *urt 4o#s and economic de1elo+ment concerns t*at Boeing Co' and ot*er industr" grou+s *a1e also raised' .*e unli/el"

allies *a1e ound common ground, uniting o1er t*e to+ic o en1ironmental regulations' 9e *a1e somecommon interests #ecause we want to sa1e 4o#s' 2 t*in/ we *a1e t*e same goal,9 said .an"a

5utc*ins, a s+o/eswoman or t*e Mac*inists union, w*ic* re+resents more t*an %),&&& wor/ers in t*e Puget Soundregion' S*e added, 9e 4ust want to ma/e sure it7s a +ro+osal t*at wor/s or e1er"one'9 =Wcials rom t*e Mac*inistsunion, t*e 6ssociation o estern Pul+ and Pa+er or/ers, and ot*ers *eld a news conerence Monda" in =l"m+ia to

urge Go1' ?a" 2nslee to ta/e a #alanced a++roac*' .*e state He+artment o Ecolog" a++ears read"to s*ar+l" increase as*ington7s !s* consum+tion rate, an o#scure num#er t*at*as *uge im+lications #ecause it *el+s set water @ualit" standards' 6 *ig*ernum#er means ewer to<ic +ollutants would #e +ermitted in waters'

9nions will a+ect the fate of the democrats5nten B>15arr" Enten, ?ul" )&K, 5ow Muc* Ho Hemocrats He+end on t*e Union 8ote,*tt+:!1et*irt"eig*t'comdatala#su+reme-court-ruling-wounds-#ot*-democrats-and-unions-neit*er-atall" O5arr" Enten is a senior +olitical writer and anal"st or;i1e.*irt"Eig*t

 .oward t*e middle o t*e list is t*e efect o union mem#ers*i+ and li1ing wit* a union mem#er' .*e efect is not as

large as most demogra+*ic 1aria#les' But itIs not not*ing^ #eing a mem#er o a union or li1ing wit*a union mem#er did ma/e a +erson more li/el" to 1ote Hemocratic ' 6t least according to

t*e )&) 6ES, t*e efects o t*e two diferent union 1aria#les were +rett" muc* identical' 6nd t*e im+act wasa#out t*e same as t*e '0 +ercentage +oints it was in )&&J' 2n t*e 6ES data set, J +ercent o union mem#ers ort*ose li1ing wit* a union mem#er 1oted or =#ama' 2 e1er" union mem#er or mem#er o a union *ouse*old 1otedas i t*e" were not one and e1er" ot*er c*aracteristic was /e+t constant, ' +ercent o t*em still would *a1e

1oted Hemocratic' =#ama would *a1e lost 'K +ercentage +oints of *is 1ote s*are in

)&) wit*out unions'  2nstead o *is margin o 1ictor" o1er Aomne" #eing %'L+ercentage +oints, it would *a1e #een ' +oints' =#1iousl", t*is sort o anal"sis doesnIt ta/e

into account w*at would reall" *a++en wit*out t*e union 1ote' .*e two +arties would go a#out courting 1oters

diferentl"' 6nd unions also +la" a #ig role in undraising and organiing or Hemocratic candidates' But t*e )'J+ercentage-+oint diference in t*e +residential 1ote margin is not*ing to sneee at  

eit*er' 2tIs larger t*an t*e margin in two o t*e +ast our elections , and itIs a#out t*e same as

it was in )&&J' E1en i unions ma/e u+ a lower +ercentage o 1oters t*an at an" +oint in t*e +ast & "ears, t*e" are

a +la"er in +residential elections' 6nd i a uture Su+reme Courtdecision su++resses union +owerurt*er, it would not #e good news or Hemocrats'

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9nion support *ey for democrats &bama’s actions swin! ote ?ordan M' 7rossman, %& 6+ril )&1J, .rends and Sur+rises in Union Political

S+ending on t*e )&K Elections, *tt+:onla#or'org)&K&K%&trends-and-sur+rises-in-union-+olitical-s+ending-on-t*e-)&K-elections

 .*e )&K congressional elections do not ta/e +lace until o1em#er, #ut unions *a1e alread" +ro1ided

millions o dollars in cam+aign contri#utions to candidates, +olitical +arties, andoutside grou+s > including to some sur+rising reci+ients' 6ccording to t*e non+artisan Center or Aes+onsi1e

Politics, w*ic* counts all donations rom +olitical action committees (P6Cs, indi1idual contri#utions o more t*anV)&& to ederal candidates and +arties, and “donations rom indi1iduals, P6Cs and ot*er organiations ' ' ' to

outside interest grou+s t*at re+ort to t*e ;ederal Election Commission,$ !1e o t*e to+ ten o1eralldonors in t*e )&K election c"cle *a1e #een la#or grou+s, edging out e1en some o6mericaIs largest cor+orations li/e 6.]., 3oc/*eed Martin, and Comcast' *ic* unions

are t*e #iggest donorsZ .*e ational Education 6ssociation (E6, t*e ourt* #iggest o1erall contri#utor, leads t*ewa" or la#or wit* V,J00,L00 in contri#utions' .*e" are ollowed #" t*e Car+enters and ?oiners Union atVK,LJ,)0, t*e 6merican ;ederation o State, Count" and Munici+al Em+lo"ees (6;SCME at V%,%&,J0, t*e 6;3-C2= at V),K%,)&&, and t*e 2nternational Brot*er*ood o Electrical or/ers (2BE at V),&&K,J' .wo ot*er unionsare also in t*e to+ twent": t*e =+erating Engineers Union comes in at num#er %, wit* V,0,LJ% in donations,and t*e 3a#orers Unions is ran/ed )&t*, wit* V,K%,&&' E1en in t*e +ost-Citiens United en1ironment > in w*ic*+residential and congressional cam+aigns, +olitical +arties, and P6Cs s+ent V0 #illion in t*e )&) election c"cle -

o1er V)) million rom to+ la#or organiations is signi!cant, +articularl" in a midtermelection  t*at does not eature a +residential race' ;or conte<t, according to data com+iled #"

e<+erts at t*e Broo/ings 2nstitution and t*e 6merican Enter+rise 2nstitute, t*e a1erage winning congressionalcandidate in )&) s+ent a++ro<imatel" V' million - “a %KKY increase since LJ > wit* incum#ents t"+icall"

outs+ending t*eir c*allengers V'0 million to VJ0,&&&' Put sim+l", des+ite t*e con1entionalwisdom t*at t*e +olitical +ower o unions is dwindling due to declining mem#ers*i+,t*is le1el o +olitical gi1ing ensures t*at t*e" still remain a ma4or orce in electoral+olitics'  2n act, t*e data on labor donations challen!es another piece ofconentional wisdom: that unions solely support /emocrats , es+eciall" at t*e

national le1el' .*e num#ers rom t*e Center or Aes+onsi1e Politics illustrate t*at unions direct a nota#le amount odonations to congressional Ae+u#licans' ;or e<am+le, t*e largest union gi1er, t*e E6, donated V,&&& to t*eational Ae+u#lican Senatorial Committee and anot*er V,&&& to t*e ational Ae+u#lican Cam+aign Committee -

t*e oWcial Ae+u#lican Part" entities c*arged wit* winning seats in Congress' .*e E6 *as also donated V,&&&eac* to Senators 3indse" Gra*am and ?err" Moran, #ot* Ae+u#licans, and #etween V&& and VK,&&& to L 5ouseAe+u#licans' .*is su++ort ma" seem sur+rising considering t*e *ostilit" toward unions, +articularl" +u#lic sectorunions, e<+ressed #" leading Ae+u#licans in recent "ears' 6s one article +ut it, “5ouse Ae+u#licans are read" orwar against +u#lic sector unions,$ and Senator Gra*am *imsel *as called t*e 3AB, t"+icall" seen as an all" ola#or, “t*e Grim Aea+er o 4o# creation'$ .*e ACC itsel *as criticied t*e E6 as a “well-unded li#eral s+ecialinterestO$ t*at is +art o a Hemocratic esta#lis*ment t*at *as s+ent millions to “sa1e t*eir +awnOs$ incongressional races, and t*e E6 *as gi1en Senator Gra*am grades o H, ;, and ; in t*e +ast t*ree congresses,res+ecti1el"' 2nterestingl", it is diWcult to !nd an" +u#lic materials rom t*e E6 e<+laining t*eir su++ort o t*e

Ae+u#lican cam+aign committees or oWce*olders li/e Gra*am ( while both the N50 and some2epublicans hae recently criticized the &bama 0dministration’s approachto "ommon "ore education standards, the N50 has been donatin! to2epublicans or t*e +ast se1eral election c"cles, #eore Common Core emerged as suc* a +olariing issue'

Section: 5nironment popular sin!le women

Sin!le women hae the power to swin! the ote pushin!enironmental policies means a win for the democratsShepeard G>11 Cr"stal S*e+eard, ?une )&K, Single omen ill Ma/e t*e Hiference in t*eMidterm Elections, *tt+:www'care)'comcausessingle-women-will-ma/e-t*e-

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diference-in-t*e-midterm-elections'*tmlStatistics s*ow t*at an increase in women re+resentati1es s*ows a greater ocus on+olicies t*at afect e1er"one' 2ne1ita#l", “women$ issues suc* as re+roducti1e rig*ts and c*ild care are

+ut to t*e oreront w*en more women are elected' 5owe1er, more legislation is introduced regarding 

economic +olic", education, ci1il rig*ts and t*e en1ironment w*en women *a1e a larger

+resence' .*ere is also a su#stantial im+ro1ement in economic +erormance in countries w*ere women *old /e"national leaders*i+ +ositions' .*e num#er o women in local, state and national go1ernment in t*e U'S' is at an alltime *ig*' *ile im+ressi1e, we are still ar #e*ind ot*er countries t*at *a1e a muc* *ig*er re+resentation owomen' E1en t*oug* more organiations are ocused on increasing t*e num#er o women in oWce, t*e #arriers toget t*ere are daunting' .*e !nancial costs or cam+aigning deter man" women due to ewer a1enues or unding'

 .*ere are also t*e structural issue o electoral +olitics t*at limit *ow and w*ic* candidates get elected, or e1en get

on t*e #allot' 5owe1er, t*e greatest +ower t*e ma4orit" o women *a1e is t*eir 1ote' .*eHemocratic contingent o congresswomen and one congressman werenIt s+reading t*e

message t*at women s*ould 1ote or women (t*oug* t*e" did *ig*lig*t *ow it would ma/e a diference' .*e"

wanted t*em to understand t*e im+ortance o 1oting, es+eciall" in t*e u+comingmidterm elections' omen, +articularl" unmarried women and wor/ing moms,arenIt 4ust a statistic > t*e" are a iable and powerful demo!raphicC .*e 8oter

Partici+ation Center (8PC is a non+artisan researc* organiation dedicated to am+li"ing t*e 1oices o unmarried

women (t*is includes di1orced, widowed, se+arated, and single' .*ere are million 1oting eligi#leunmarried women in t*e United States, re+resenting more t*an ) +ercent o t*e1oting +o+ulation' 5owe1er, t*e" *a1e consistentl" #een underre+resented in elections' Married women are

1irtuall" e@ual in eligi#le 1oting +o+ulation at nearl" 0 million, #ut 1ote at a *ig*er rate t*an unmarried women' 2nt*e )&) election, nearl" +ercent more married women 1oted in t*e election t*an unmarried, e1en t*oug* t*e"

onl" outnum#er t*em #" a little o1er one +ercent o t*e electorate' President Barac/ =#ama won #" %+ercent' .*e reasons t*at nearl" a t*ird o unmarried women are not registered to 1ote, and t*ose t*at are donIt

1ote, *a1e a lot to do wit* t*e +olicies t*at afect t*em' .*e wage ga+ in t*e industries t*at man" women wor/,es+eciall" "ounger women, ma/es it diWcult to !nd aforda#le *ousing, w*ic* can result in re@uent c*anges inaddress' .*is is made more diWcult or women wit* c*ildren > #ot* married and not' .*e *ig* cost o da" carema/es it diWcult to !nd wor/ t*at can co1er all costs, not to mention t*e lac/ o +aid time of or amil" and sic/lea1e urt*er strains t*e needed sta#ilit"' 2t is no sur+rise t*at t*ese women are most 1ulnera#le to 1oter 2H andregistration re@uirements w*ic* re@uire large windows or registration' Strict guidelines or name c*anges alsoma/e it more cum#ersome or recentl" di1orced or recentl" married women to *a1e t*eir 2Hs acce+ted at t*e

+olling #oot*' .*e 1oting +atterns or single and married women *a1e less to do wit*+art" aWliation and more to do wit* t*e issues t*e" *a1e to ace' .*is is w*"women wit* c*ildren, man" o t*em married, were also t*e target or t*eHemocratsI message o t*e im+ortance o 1oting in t*e midterm elections' 6heyshare many of the needs that sin!le women carryC .*e Hemocratic +art" *as +ut ort* a

great deal o legislation t*at *as ocused on e@ual +a", +aid amil" and medical lea1e, e<+anding aforda#lec*ildcare, e<+anding unding or 5ead Start +rograms, and raising t*e minimum wage' .*ese are all +olicies t*at*a1e #een re+eatedl" #loc/ed #" t*e Ae+u#lican-controlled 5ouse o Ae+resentati1es'

Section: "limate action unpopular

"limate chan!e action is controersialQlac* on consensussplits the partySheppard, G>1D, (Tate, “Ae+u#lican ;ormer EP6 C*ies .r" .o Con1ince SenateG=P .*at Climate C*ange 2s Aeal,$ 5uWngton Post, &J)&K,*tt+:www'*uWngton+ost'com)&K&Je+a-re+u#licans-climate\n\&L&KJ'*tmlerg

6S52G.= -> ;our Ae+u#lican ormer administrators o t*e En1ironmental Protection 6genc" *ad a message or

t*e Senate on ednesda" on climate c*ange: 2t7s real, it7s #ad and t*e United

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States s*ould do somet*ing a#out it' But t*eir ellow Ae+u#licans at t*e *earinglargel" ignored t*at +osition, instead repeatin! a ariety of ar!uments aboutwhy the 9CSC should not address the !reenhouse !as emissions causin!the planet to warm upC .*e *earing #eore t*e Senate En1ironment and Pu#lic or/s Su#committee on

Clean 6ir and uclear Saet" ocused on new EP6 standards or reducing emissions rom +ower +lants' .*e

standards, released on ?une ), hae been a major point of contention forcon!ressional 2epublicansC 9e #elie1e t*ere is legitimate scienti!c de#ate o1er t*e +ace and

efects o climate c*ange, #ut no legitimate de#ate o1er t*e acts o t*e eart*7s warming oro1er man7s contri#ution,9 said illiam Auc/els*aus, w*o ser1ed as t*e EP6 administrator under #ot*

Aic*ard i<on and Aonald Aeagan' C*ristine .odd *itman, w*o ser1ed as t*e agenc"7s administrator during t*e

!rst "ears o George ' Bus*7s +residenc", e<+ressed rustration at critics w*o argue t*e EP6 doesn7t *a1eaut*orit" to act on green*ouse gas emissions'

No !lobal consensus on how to act on climate chan!e ma*es itcontroersial

#hillips, B>13, (6ri, Ae+orter or climate +rogress, “Au+ert Murdoc* Sa"s ClimateC*ange S*ould Be 6++roac*ed it* Great S/e+ticism,$ Climate Progress, ?U3 %,)&K, *tt+:t*in/+rogress'orgclimate)&K&0%%KLJKru+ert-murdoc*-climate-c*ange-ru##is*erg

Au+ert Murdoc* is c*airman and CE= o ews Cor+oration, one o t*e worldIslargest media conglomerates, w*ic* includes ;o< ews and .*e all Street ?ournal'Since launc*ing .*e 6ustralian news+a+er & "ears ago *e *as also #ecome one o t*e ric*est +eo+le in t*e world'

2n a wide-ranging inter1iew aired Sunda" in 6ustralia to mar/ t*is &-"ear anni1ersar", Murdoc* reDectedcandidl" on climate c*ange, sa"ing *e t*oug*t it s*ould #e a++roac*ed wit* greats/e+ticism' “6t t*e moment t*e nort* +ole is melting #ut t*e sout* +ole is getting #igger,$ *e said'

“.*ings are *a++ening' 5ow muc* o it are we doing, wit* emissions and so onZ 6s ar as 6ustralia goesZ ot*ing in

t*e o1erall +icture'$ *ile 6ntarctica *as #een losing ice more slowl" t*an t*e 6rctic, and t*e geo+oliticalim+lications are less salient, studies s*ow t*at +arts o t*e massi1e continentIs ices*eet *a1e entered irre1ersi#le decline and t*at melting is li/el" to accelerate'6ustralia is one o t*e most green*ouse gas intense economies in t*e world, rel"ing *ea1il" on coal e<+orts' .*ecountr" +assed a car#on +rice in )& #ut since last "ear t*e conser1ati1e go1ernment led #" Murdoc*-su++orted

+rime minister .on" 6##ott *as #een tr"ing to re+eal it' .*e latest attem+t ended in disarra" lastwee/ ater se1eral senators re#elled at t*e last minute ' Murdoc* said t*at i tem+eratures rose

under t*e worst case scenario %C ('K; o1er t*e ne<t && "ears $at t*e 1er" most one o t*ose Odegrees would #emanmade'$

"limate "han!e issues are controersial in "on!ress0t*in, B>A, (Emil", “Tentuc/" Senator: Climate C*ange 2s ;a/e Because Qe 6ll

6greeI Mars 2s arming .oo,$ Climate Progress, ?U3 L, )&K,*tt+:t*in/+rogress'orgclimate)&K&0&L%KJ%smit*-mars-climate-c*angeerg

6 +rominent Tentuc/" state Senator on .*ursda" ga1e a glim+se o detail on w*" *edoesnIt acce+t t*at glo#al warming e<ists and is caused #" *umans, and *is argument is

a #it out o t*is world' 6t a *earing to discuss *ow t*e state could deal wit* t*eEn1ironmental Protection 6genc"Is new +ro+osed green*ouse gas regulations orcoal +lants, Ma4orit" *i+ Brandon Smit* (A-5aardargued t*at car#on emissions rom coal

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+lants canIt #e causing climate c*ange #ecause Mars is also e<+eriencing a glo#altem+erature rise  and t*ere are no coal +lants emitting car#on on Mars' “2 t*in/ t*at in academia, we all

agree t*at t*e tem+erature on Mars is e<actl" as it is *ere' o#od" will dis+ute t*at,$ Smit* said' “et t*ere are no

coal mines on Mars, t*ereIs no actories on Mars t*at 2Im aware o' So 2 t*in/ w*at weIre loo/ing at issomet*ing muc* greater t*an w*at weIre going to do'$ atc* it *ere: 6t !rst glance, it seems

as t*oug* Smit* was sa"ing t*at t*e tem+erature on Mars is e<actl" t*e same as it is on Eart*, an argument t*at is

#ot* incorrect and ma/es no sense, as man" ot*er news outlets *a1e alread" +ointed out' Smit* clari!ed *iscomments on .witter on .*ursda", *owe1er, sa"ing *e meant not to im+l" t*at tem+eratures were t*e same, #ut

t*at climate s*its on Eart* and Mars *a1e #een t*e same' 5is im+lication, reall", is t*at climate c*ange isa solar s"stem-wide +*enomena, and canIt #e caused #" *umans on Eart* '

Section: "limate policy popular

#lan popular-%ashin!ton wants to stop climate chan!eespecially because of ocean acidiHcation@4alentine, B>1=, (Tatie, re+orter or Climate Progress, “Congressional

Candidate: Most Energ" Pro#lems Q6re Caused B" En1ironmentalistsI,$ ClimateProgress, ?U3 , )&K,


But t*oug* Cicotte drew on w*at *e t*in/s o as Bi#lical +rinci+les to #ac/ u+ *is en1ironmental 1iews, not allC*ristians t*in/ t*e +lanet was created or *umans to use *owe1er t*e" wis* ' .*e

E1angelical En1ironmental etwor/ *as +us*ed climate c*ange as an issue conser1ati1es s*ould care a#out,

es+eciall" conser1ati1e C*ristians' 6nd in )&%, )&& sel-identi!ed e1angelical scientists sent a letter t*aturged Congress to reduce car#on emissions and +rotect t*e en1ironment, usingBi#lical reerences to #ac/ u+ t*eir argument' “=ur c*anging climate t*reatens t*e*ealt*, securit", and well-#eing o millions o +eo+le w*o are made in GodIs image ,$

t*e letter read' “ .*e t*reat to uture generations and glo#al +ros+erit" means we can nolonger aford com+lacenc" and endless de#ate' e as a societ" ris/ #eing counted among Qt*ose

w*o destro" t*e eart*I (Ae1elation :J'$ CicotteIs statements on Eart*Is +ur+ose also ignore t*e t*reatclimate c*ange +oses to as*ington, a state t*atIs #attled numerous wild!res in t*e

+ast ew wee/s' &cean acidiHcation has ta*en its toll on %ashin!ton’s oysterindustry, wit* one o"ster com+an" in t*e state sending t*eir o"ster lar1ae growing o+erations to 5awaii due to

water in illa+a Ba", 6 #ecoming too acidic' Sea leel rise, beetle infestations, and watershorta!es due to decreased snowpac* also pose a threat to the state in

coming "ears, according to t*e ational Climate 6ssessment

Section: "limate policy *ey

&bamas stance on climate chan!e inuences oter turnout/&4525 G>'G OEH6AH-2S66C H=8EAE, senior *ite 5ouse re+orter, “Barac/

=#ama #ecomes moc/er-in-c*ie on climate c*ange s/e+tics$,*tt+:www'+olitico'comstor")&K&#arac/-o#ama-climate-c*ange-&J%%J'*tml,)K

;or t*e *ite 5ouse itIs a#out getting t*e li#eral #ase e<cited or t*e midterms' 2tIsa con!dence t*at climate c*ange *as s*ited in 1otersI minds' 2tIs a #roader +la"

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against congressional Ae+u#licans as o#structionists' 6nd or =#ama, itIs a goodtime' ednesda" nig*t, =#ama ri++ed into *is o++onents in ront o a 3eague oConser1ation 8oters crowd so riendl" t*at some were +um+ing t*eir arms in t*e airas *e s+o/e' “2tIs +rett" rare t*at "ou encounter +eo+le w*o sa" t*at t*e +ro#lem o car#on +ollution is not a +ro#lem,$ =#ama said' “2n most communities and

wor/+laces, t*e" ma" not /now *ow #ig a +ro#lem it is, t*e" ma" not /now e<actl"*ow it wor/s, t*e" ma" dou#t t*e" can do somet*ing a#out it' Generall" t*e" donIt 4ust sa", Qo 2 donIt #elie1e an"t*ing scientists sa"'I E<ce+t, w*ereZ$ *e said,waiting or t*e more t*an accommodating crowd to call #ac/, “Congress$ =#amasmiled not *is #ig toot*" sel-satis!ed grin, #ut *is stic/-it-in-t*e-ri#s smir/' “2nCongress,$ *e said' “;ol/s will tell "ou climate c*ange is *oa< or a ad or a +lot' 6li#eral +lot'$ .*en, =#ama said, t*ere are t*e +eo+le w*o duc/ t*e @uestion' “.*e"sa", *e", 2Im not a scientist, w*ic* reall" translates into, 2 acce+t t*at man-madeclimate c*ange is real, #ut i 2 sa" so out loud, 2 will #e run out o town #" a #unc* o ringe elements t*at t*in/s climate science is a li#eral +lot so 2Im going to 4ust+retend li/e, 2 donIt /now, 2 canIt read,$ =#ama said' “2 mean, 2Im not a scientisteit*er, #ut 2I1e got t*is gu", ?o*n 5oldren, *eIs a scientist,$ =#ama added tolaug*ter' “2I1e got a #unc* o scientists at 6S6 and 2I1e got a #unc* o scientists atEP6'$ “2Im not a doctor eit*er, #ut i a #unc* o doctors tell me t*at to#acco cancause lung cancer, t*en 2Ill sa", o/a"' Aig*tZ 2 mean, itIs not t*at *ard,$ =#ama said,managing not to mention t*at *e /e+t smo/ing *imsel at least t*roug* *is !rstterm' 2 =#amaIs tal/ing a#out regulations, *eIs losing' 2 *eIs tal/ing a#out car#onca+s or +ower +lants or energ" emissions or air conditioners, no one cares' But i*eIs tal/ing a#out cra" Ae+u#licans w*o donIt ma/e an" sense and #" t*e wa",are +utting c*ildren at ris/, *e c*arges well, t*atIs an argument *e can wra+ *isarms around'

Supportin! climate chan!e will help midterms%0S8IN76&N 1J^ Ma" ))^ “Billionaire U'S' en1ironmentalist to target se1en

midterm races$^


(Aeuters - Billionaire en1ironmental acti1ist .om Ste"er will gi1e a#oost to )&K +olitical candidates rom se1en U'S' states w*o wor/ tocom#at climate c*ange, countering +olitical su++ort rom ossil uel

interests'e<tGen said it would use climate c*ange as a 9wedge issue9 to drumu+ 1oter turnout and to s*ow t*at ta/ing an anti-science +osition can*urt rat*er t*an *el+ +olitical candidates'

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5$port > Import

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in*s6he 6ea #arty is fundamentally at odds with enironmentalsustainability in eery instance)erchant 11 Brian, en1ironmental #logger, “ou Can7t #e Bot* a .ea Partier

and an En1ironmentalist' Sorr"'$, Pu#lis*ed 6ugust , )&, .ree*ugger,*tt+:www'tree*ugger'comcor+orate-res+onsi#ilit""ou-cant-#e-#ot*-a-tea-+artier-


 .*e line gets drawn somew*ere, ol/s' 3atel", 271e #een recei1ing a #unc* o comments as/ing me to la" of t*e .ea

Part"' =ne @ui++ed t*at 9it7s not li/e e1er" +erson w*o #elie1es in +ersonalaccounta#ilit" and smaller go1ernment wants to strangle +enguins and clu#+andas'9 5e7s rig*t -- it7s not li/e t*at' 2 "ou su++ort t*e .ea Part", t*en w*at "ou7redoing to t*e en1ironment is muc*, muc* worse' 6nd it7s not #ecause t*e .ea Part" is made u+ o a

#unc* o terri#le, male1olent +eo+le -- ar rom it' ItRs just that the ideolo!y espoused by the!roup is fundamentally at odds with conserationism and enironmentalresponsibility in the modern worldC .*e .ea Part"7s 6ssault on t*e En1ironment .*e .eaPart"-led Congress *as so ar t*is term led an assault on 4ust a#out e1er" corner ot*e en1ironment imagina#le: .*e"71e wor/ed to gut t*e Clean 6ir 6ct' .ried to slas*t*e EP67s #udget' Soug*t to +re1ent t*e go1ernment rom e1er tac/ling climatec*ange' 6nd t*ese are 4ust t*e more outwardl" contro1ersial ones -- t*e laws t*at

 .ea Partiers can #ogusl" claim t*e" can su++ort w*ile still caring a#out t*een1ironment' .*e" do so #" arguing t*ings li/e: Climate c*ange is a *oa<, so we don7t need to regulate t*e

t*ings t*at are causing it' .*e EP6 is a #ureaucratic monstrosit", and must #e cut li/e all ot*er #ranc*es ogo1ernment' Ma/ing com+anies u+grade t*eir +ollution-reducing e@ui+ment would slow t*e econom" during areco1er", and no#od" wants t*at =/a", !ne -- let7s sa" we lea1e t*ose 9contro1ersial9 items alone (t*oug* t*e" arein realit" an"t*ing #ut' But we also *a1e t*ese: .*e .ea Part"-lead G=P is also wor/ing to allow mountainto+remo1al mining to #ecome more wides+read and less regulated' .*e"7re !g*ting to *el+ o+en a giant uranium minene<t to t*e Grand Can"on' .*e" want to #loc/ or o1erturn rules t*at allow com+anies to s+ew ginormous amountso to<ic +ollution into t*e air' .*e" want less regulation on oil drilling and +i+eline-#uilding, des+ite t*e onslaug*t o

recent accidents (Gul S+ill muc*Z t*at +ro1e 4ust *ow #adl" regulation is needed' 2n states across t*e countr",t*e"7re wor/ing to o1erturn conser1ation measures t*at +rotect land and wildlie +reser1es' .*e"71e gone so art*at t*e nation7s traditionall" Ae+u#lican-leaning *unters and !s*ers are su+remel" ed u+' 2n t*e #udgeta++ro+riation #ill *eading to Congress t*is wee/, t*ere are no less t*an %L diferent measures t*at would in onewa" or anot*er dissol1e or wea/en en1ironmental +rotections' =ne lawma/er called it t*e most 9anti-en1ironmental

+iece o legislation9 e1er to #e considered #" Congress' So "es' 2ndi1idual .ea Part" mem#ers ma"not *ar#or t*e instinct to murder wildlie or dum+ oil into +ristine la/es -- t*e 1ast,1ast ma4orit" certainl" does not But t*e +olicies t*e" are ad1ocating or --relentlessl" and 1ocierousl" -- will *a1e t*e same efect' 6nd again, it7s not out omalice' 2t arises rom t*e 1er" ideolog" t*e" +rescri#e to' .*e .ea Part", in its +urestorm, is !g*ting or a world wit* 1er" little go1ernment -- w*ere onl" t*e #arest oci1il ser1ices (law enorcement and national deense are +ro1ided #" t*e state, and

t*e ree mar/et ta/es care o t*e rest' But consider, .ea Partiers -- in t*at world,w*at *a++ens to t*e en1ironmentZ *o +rotects itZ BusinessesZ Concerned citiensZ Please' 2n t*e

modern world, wit* our ad1anced ca+acit" to e<tract and *ar1est resources, to +ollute on an industrial scale, andt*e 1ast monetar" incenti1es to do so, no +ri1ate entit" would stand in t*e wa"' 6nd concerned citiens would #e

s@uas*ed o1er li/e a steamroller, gi1en t*e resources modern cor+orations can muster wit* ease' 2n a mar/eteconom", natural resources and +ristine wildlie are 1ictims in t*e traged" o t*ecommons' 2 *a1e not "et *eard a li#ertarian or a .ea Partier come orward wit* a +lausi#le wa" t*at t*e

en1ironment would #e +rotected in suc* a world -- t*ere would sim+l" #e insigni!cant moti1ation to do so' 6nd it7snice t*at most indi1idual .ea Partiers sa" t*e" care at least a little #it a#out t*e en1ironment' 2 wouldn7t /ill a #a#"

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seal or release to<ic sludge into +ristine orest, t*e" tell me' .*at7s great 27m glad to *ear it' But *onestl", 27m notso worried a#out "ou, +ersonall"' 2t would #e nice i e1er" 6merican +ledged to #e good conser1ationists in t*eir

+ri1ate li1es -- #ut t*ese da"s, t*at reall" doesn7t get us an"w*ere' 2t7s t*e cor+orations t*at do t*eindustrial-scale damage, and t*e"7re not guided #" a moral com+ass #ut t*e needto turn a +ro!t (again, t*is isn7t monstrous, it7s sim+l" a structural realit"' e need laws to +rotectstuf li/e t*is' .*at7s w*at doesn7t register amongst t*e .ea Part", and w*ere muc*

o its magical t*in/ing a#out t*e en1ironment alls a+art -- "ou can7t +rotect t*enation7s air, water, and wildlie 4ust #" #eing a determined, indi1idual citien andguiding "our +ersonal c*oice towards t*e morall" correct end' 2t7s not enoug*' Part o

+rotecting t*e en1ironment in t*e modern era means recogniing t*e sco+e o t*e c*allenges t*at currentl" ace it'

*ic* is w*" we need t*e go1ernment to set and enorce en1ironmental rules'  

Go1ernment agencies li/e t*e EP6 ma" #e #ul/", slow-mo1ing, e1en a #it #loated -- #ut t*ose agencies, along wit*t*e ad1ocac" grou+s t*at +us* t*em to act, are t*e onl" true guards we71e got against industrial +olluters' 6gainsta dirtier, un*ealt*ier, less #eautiul nation' So, needless to sa", until t*e .ea Part" sto+s calling or t*e a#olis*ment

o t*e EP6, ceases tr"ing to *alt all-im+ortant regulations t*at +reser1e t*e @ualit" o our air andwater, and @uits wor/ing to roll #ac/ e1er" imagina#le en1ironmental +rotection ont*e #oo/s, 2 will continue to #e critical o t*e grou+7s aims' 6nd one last word toan"one w*o still t*in/s t*at t*e" can #e #ot* a 9small go1ernment9 .ea Partier and

an en1ironmentalist' ?ust consider again: 5ow will "ou +rotect t*e nation orindustrial +ollutionZ ;rom mountainto+ remo1al miningZ ;rom deorestation, romt*e e<+loitation o endangered s+eciesZ ;rom to<ic air +ollutionZ 5owZ

Fossil fuel money powers the 6ea #arty Note: the a+represents an admission of emissions bein! bad@Schen*el 1? 6ndrew, en1ironmental #logger, “5ow t*e .ea Part" is #ad or t*e

en1ironment,$ Pu#lis*ed in Mot*er ature etwor/ 6ugust ), )&&,*tt+:www'mnn'comeart*-matters+oliticsstories*ow-t*e-tea-+art"-is-#ad-or-t*e-


ot*ing goes wit* a little tea li/e some Big =il'  2n t*e most recent issue o t*e ew or/er, ?aneMa"er connects one o 6mericaIs wealt*iest oil amilies, t*e Toc* amil", to t*e .eaPart" mo1ement' 2s an"one sur+risedZ .*e su+er wealt*" and t*eir entanglement in+olitics is as 6merican as sa"ing w*ate1er "ou need to sa" to get elected'  2n terms o

wealt*" +olitical amilies, t*e Aoc/eellers and Tenned"s come to mind' But letIs not o1erloo/ t*e #e*ind-t*e-

scenes +awn-+us*ers li/e George Soros on t*e let, and now +er*a+s, Ha1id Toc* on t*e rig*t' .*e .ea Part"mo1ement and Toc* ma/e +erect sense as a team' ;orget t*at Toc* *as #een #ot*a 1ice +residential nominee and t*en +residential candidate or t*e 3i#ertarianPart", and ocus on *ow *e got to #e wort* an estimated V0 #illion #" ;or#esmagaine dirt" #usinesses' Go1ernment regulation is #ad or t*e Toc* amil"#usiness, w*ic* is a conglomeration o +i+eline, ertilier, oil re!ning and c*emical#usinesses' So, w*en an anti-go1ernment grou+ li/e t*e .ea Part" mo1ement comesalong, Toc* ta/es out t*e c*ec/#oo/' .*is s*ould concern t*ose w*o 1ote +ro-en1ironment eac* o1em#er, assuming t*ese +eo+le actuall" e<ist' E<ecuti1e #ranc* +ower, li/e an EP6

ruling, loo/s to #e one o t*e ew a1enues let remaining or a legitimate climate +olic"' 2 an"t*ing can #e learnedrom t*e 3isa Mur/ows/i resolution, itIs t*at t*e Senate is 4ust a ew 1otes s*" o #eing a#le to 1eto an"t*ing t*eEP6 does' .*is sounds li/e e<actl" w*at Ha1id Toc* wants' 2t sounds e<actl" li/e w*at t*e .ea Part" wants' 2san"one sur+risedZ

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6ea party people hate !lobal warmin!, but not for the reasonyou thin* 5ilperin and "lement 1J  ?uliet and Scott, as*ington Post re+orters, “.ea

+art" Ae+u#licans are #iggest climate c*ange deniers, new Pew +oll !nds,$Pu#lis*ed o1em#er , )&%, t*e as*ington Post,


 .ea +art" Ae+u#licans are now t*e onl" grou+ o 6mericans w*o t*in/ t*e Eart* isnot warming, according to a new +oll #" t*e Pew Aesearc* Center, wit* 4ust )+ercent o tea +art" Ae+u#licans sa"ing glo#al warming is *a++ening' B" contrast,0 +ercent o all 6mericans sa" t*ere is e1idence climate c*ange is underwa",including +ercent o non-tea +art" Ae+u#licans' Hemocrats and inde+endents are more

con!dent a#out glo#al warming: JJ +ercent o Hemocrats and ) +ercent o inde+endents sa" t*ere is solide1idence climate c*ange *as ta/en +lace o1er t*e +ast ew decades' Hes+ite #road #elie in warming o1erall, ewert*an *al t*e +u#lic #elie1es *uman acti1it" is to #lame (KK +ercent, a num#er *ardl" c*anged rom last "ear (K)+ercent' .*at7s des+ite a signi!cant rise in t*e s*are o 6mericans w*o #elie1e scientists generall" agree t*e Eart*is getting warmer #ecause o *uman acti1it", rom K +ercent last "ear to K +ercent now' Partisans *a1e s*ar+l"difering +erce+tions o t*e le1el o scienti!c consensus t*at mirror s+lits in t*eir own #elies -- se1en in &Hemocrats, #ut 4ust o1er our in & Ae+u#licans sa" scientists “generall" agree$ *umans are causing a rise in t*eEart*Is tem+erature' 2n )&&L, more t*an nine in & scientists said t*e Eart* *as gotten warmer, according to ase+arate Pew Aesearc* sur1e" conducted among mem#ers o t*e 6merican 6ssociation or t*e 6d1ancement o

Science' .*e sur1e" is t*e latest e1idence t*at t*e tea +art" *as s+lit Ae+u#licanlo"alists, not 4ust o1er t*e recent go1ernment s*utdown and t*e #udget #ut onlower-+ro!le issues suc* as immigration and t*e en1ironment' ;ull" 0& +ercent oAe+u#licans and Ae+u#lican-leaning inde+endents w*o agree wit* t*e tea +art"mo1ement said t*ereIs no solid e1idence t*e Eart* *as gotten warmer in t*e +astew decades' .*at com+ares to +ercent o non-tea +art" Ae+u#licans w*o#elie1e warming is *a++ening, along wit* ma4orities in o1er & demogra+*ic and+olitical grou+s t*at #elie1e glo#al warming is *a++ening, according to t*e +oll '

Se1eral en1ironmental and li#eral grou+s, including t*e 3eague o Conser1ation 8oters and =rganiing or 6ction,*a1e soug*t to ma/e climate c*ange denial a lia#ilit" in recent elections' 2n t*e 8irginia go1ernor7s race, 3C8, t*e#iggest outside s+ender, *as targeted G=P nominee Ten Cuccinelli or suggesting t*at glo#al warming is not lin/edto *uman acti1it", and Hemocratic nominee .err" Mc6ulife *as run ads on t*e issue'

6ea #arty hates the enironment(lod!et 13 (5enr", co-ounder and editor in c*ie o Business 2nsider, “271e

;inall" ;igured =ut *" Some Cra" Ae+u#licans ant .o S*ut .*e Go1ernmentHown,$ Pu#lis*ed Se+tem#er %&, )&%, in Business 2nsider,*tt+:www'#usinessinsider'comw*"-re+u#licans-want-to-s*ut-go1ernment-)&%-L

;or t*e +ast ew wee/s, 271e #een scratc*ing m" *ead a#out w*" a minorit" action o one o our two +olitical

+arties seems so determined to s*ut t*e go1ernment down' .*is grou+ o e<tremists, /nown as 9.eaPart" Ae+u#licans,9 doesn7t seem to care a#out t*e damage a s*utdown will do toour ragile econom" or con!dence in our go1ernment' .*e" also don7t seem to care t*at t*e

larger +art" t*e" are mem#ers o, t*e once-admired Ae+u#lican Part", will #e tarnis*ed #" t*eir sel!s*,

irres+onsi#le #e*a1ior' 2nstead, t*e .ea Part" e<tremists 4ust sa" t*at, #ecause t*e" don7tli/e a +articular +iece o legislation, t*e" are 4usti!ed in s*utting t*e w*olego1ernment down ' Grandstanding and #rin/smans*i+ are one t*ing, #ut t*e e<tremists w*o now control t*e

Ae+u#lican Part" don7t seem to #e engaging in grandstanding and #rin/smans*i+' Aat*er, t*e" a++ear to #earguing t*at, an" time a minorit" action o our go1ernment is not gi1en e1er"t*ing

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it wants #" t*e rest o t*e go1ernment, it is acce+ta#le to s*ut t*e go1ernmentdown' 2 t*is 1iew o our go1ernment #ecomes acce+ted as non-cra" #e*a1ior, lie in t*is countr" is going to get

interesting in t*e ne<t ew "ears' 6n"wa", t*is +osition and attitude *as #een m"sti"ing to me: *" engage insel!s*, irres+onsi#le #e*a1ior, *urt 6merica and 6mericans, and destro" "our +olitical +art"7s #rand w*en "ou don7t*a1e toZ Es+eciall" w*en e1en t*e .ea Part" admits t*at t*e s*utdown t*reat no longer *as an"t*ing to do wit* t*enational de#t M" colleagues *a1e e<+lained two o t*e reasons, namel" t*at 8oting districts *a1e #een sosuccessull" gerr"mandered t*at .ea Part" e<tremists are assured o #eing reelected e1en i t*e" #e*a1e li/e

sel!s*, irres+onsi#le lunatics, and ) t*e countr" *as #ecome more conser1ati1e in recent "ears' .*at *el+ed meunderstand' But now, on t*e e1e o t*e s*utdown, t*e 9gidd"9 #e*a1ior t*e .ea Part" e<tremists are dis+la"ing is#ecoming e1en more com+re*ensi#le' *"Z Because t*e !rst +arts o t*e go1ernment t*at will #e s*ut down aret*e +arts o t*e go1ernment t*at t*e .ea Part" e<tremists sa" t*e" *ate S+eci!call": .*e En1ironmental Protection

6genc"' .*e .ea Part" e<tremists don7t care a#out t*e en1ironment and *ate t*eorganiation dedicated to +rotecting it'

6ea party wants !ridloc* Pesselman 13 Mar/, +roessor emeritus o +olitical science, Colum#ia

Uni1ersit" and editor o t*e international +olitical science re1iew, “*" gridloc/ inas*ingtonZ$, Pu#lis*ed ?anuar" 0, )&%, 6l ?aeera,


2n act, +olarisation is not s"mmetrical: .*e Ae+u#lican Part" (G=P is muc* urt*er to t*e rig*tt*an t*e Hemocratic Part" is to t*e let^ and it is ar less willing to com+romise'

 .*ereore, e<+laining gridloc/ re@uires understanding w*at *as +roduced t*eAe+u#lican Part"7s rig*tward ideological s*it and intransigence' .*e answer can #e+ro1ided in one - or rat*er, t*ree - words: 6he 6ea #arty Gridloc/, +artisan+olarisation, and t*e rig*tward t*rust in contem+orar" 6merican +olitics deri1e romt*e .ea Part"7s ta/eo1er o t*e Ae+u#lican Part", w*ic* in turn *as ena#led t*e .eaPart" to +aral"se Congress and t*e entire 6merican go1ernment' .*e .ea Part" mo1ement

eru+ted in )&&L, soon ater t*e election o t*e !rst 6rican 6merican +resident in 6merican *istor", a Hemocrat w*o

was mar/edl" more li#eral t*an *is Ae+u#lican +redecessor' .*e .ea Part" is an ideological outlierwit*in 6merican +olitics, gi1en its !erce o++osition to ta< increases^ strong su++ort or a minimal ederal

go1ernment ac*ie1ed #" su#stantial cuts in ederal s+ending on social +rogrammes (or, +reera#l", t*eir

+ri1atisation^ and *ars* immigration +olicies' .*e .ea Part"7s reusal to #argain and com+romisealso contrasts wit* w*at *as oten #een descri#ed as t"+ical 6merican +ragmatism '

 .*eir inDuence is dis+ro+ortionate to t*e num#er o its su++orters or electedoWcials' 2ts ma4or source o +ower is t*e Ae+u#lican-controlled 5ouse o Ae+resentati1es'

ew or/ .imes columnist Aoss Hout*at *as o#ser1ed t*at #ecause t*e Ae+u#lican Part" controls t*e 5ouse oAe+resentati1es, it 9*as muc* more +ower in as*ington t*an it *as su++ort in t*e nation as a w*ole9' *ile onl"

a#out one @uarter o 5ouse Ae+u#licans #elong to t*e .ea Part" Congressional Caucus, t*e .ea Part"7sideological inDuence in t*e 5ouse Ae+u#lican caucus, cou+led wit* Ae+u#licancontrol o t*e 5ouse o Ae+resentati1es, *a1e gridloc/ed t*e 6merican +oliticals"stem since )&&' .*e .ea Part"7s direct inDuence can #e measured #" t*e num#er o Ae+u#lican oWcials in

Congress and at state and local le1els w*o owe t*eir election to its su++ort' 5owe1er, t*e mo1ement7s indirect

inDuence wit*in t*e Ae+u#lican Part" reac*es ar #e"ond its oWce*olders' .*e .ea Part" *as res*a+edt*e orientation o t*e entire Ae+u#lican Part" toward t*e *ard-edged rig*t^ it *as#een remar/a#l" successul in intimidating Ae+u#lican oWce*olders, including t*osew*o ma" not s*are its e<treme +ositions'

6ea party unwillin! to compromise7a!e 1J Patric/, *eir to Carlson *otel em+ire, Georgetown Uni1ersit" undergrad,

editor o t*e re+u#lican +u#lication .*e Aig*t a", “3ose t*e .ea Part",$ Pu#lis*ed

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Marc* ), )&K, t*e Aig*t a",


 .*e Aig*t a" recentl" +u#lis*ed se1eral articles discussing t*e uture o t*e Ae+u#lican Part"' 6 num#er o t*em,li/e 6le< Ao#ledoIs “.*e G=P Must Be More 3i#ertarian,$ suggest success lies urt*er to t*e rig*t, t*at Q#ecomingImore conser1ati1e or li#ertarian is t*e /e" to a Ae+u#lican resurgence' 2 could not disagree more' 2n m"

*um#le o+inion, t*e .ea Part" and its ar-rig*t com+anions are t*e #ane o t*econser1ati1e mo1ement, no-nonsense, uncom+romising organiations t*at caremore a#out ideolog" t*an go1erning' .o ensure long-term Qwinna#ilit"I, t*e G=Pmust cut t*e .ea Part" loose' .*e .ea Part", w*ic* emerged in t*e wa/e o President=#amaIs disastrous !rst "ear, *as consistentl" dogged Ae+u#licans and donee1er"t*ing it can to ruin our c*ances o electoral 1ictor"' 2n )&&, t*e G=P was +oised to seie

#ot* t*e Senate and t*e 5ouse' ell-/nown esta#lis*ment !gures, suc* as Mi/e Castle (Helaware and Sue 3owden(e1ada, were +olling e<ce+tionall" well against t*eir Hemocratic counter+arts^ 5arr" Aeid was all #ut gone' Entert*e .ea Part"' Polariing ringe candidates li/e S*arron 6ngle (e1ada, Ten Buc/ (Colorado, and C*ristine=IHonnell (Helaware, w*o admitted to *a1ing “da##led$ in witc*crat, destro"ed an" +ossi#ilit" o ta/ing t*eSenate' Gal1anied #" a wa1e o grassroots su++ort, all t*ree lost races t*at were winna#le 4ust mont*s #eore' .*isunortunate situation +roduced a gain o Ae+u#lican seats w*en & were needed or a ma4orit"' .*e t*ree seats 2mentioned, +lus one toss-u+, could *a1e gi1en us t*e Senate' B" nominating some o t*e worst +olitical candidatesin recent *istor", t*e .ea Part" made sure t*at didnIt *a++en' 2 s*are t*ese e<am+les #ecause t*e" +ro1e t*e +oint

2Im tr"ing to ma/e: or t*e +ast K "ears, t*e .ea Part" *as used its inDuence to orceAe+u#licans to t*e ar-rig*t' 2 a candidate reuses to c*ange, acti1ists sim+l"endorse t*e most conser1ati1e, least electa#le alternati1e t*e" can !nd' 2n doingso, t*e .ea Part" *as made t*e G=P an incredi#l" to<ic #rand in t*e +olitical arena'8oters loo/ing or candidates w*o want to wor/ wit* t*e ot*er side and get t*ingsdone wonIt !nd t*em in t*e .ea Part"^ t*ere is little, i an", com+romise to #e *ad'Unortunatel", #ecause .ea Part" candidates trac/ Qrig*tI and are oten elected asAe+u#licans, t*eir 1iews are conDated wit* t*ose o t*e esta#lis*ment ' 2n act, t*e two

+arties Ae+u#lican and .ea could not #e more diferent' .*e .ea Part", #roadl" s+ea/ing, cares most a#outta<es and s+ending' 2n general, 2 agree wit* its +olitics ta<es are too *ig* and Congress s+ends li/e a drun/ensailor (or worse' 6t t*at +oint, our similarities disa++ear' 2 am willing to com+romise on t*ese issues in order toac*ie1e a greater good: +er*a+s we raise ta<es a #it to decrease s+ending, or ma"#e increase s+ending w*en a

sound in1estment o++ortunit" comes our wa"' Unli/e t*e ringe, 2 understand t*at Congress is no +lace orideologues' Go1ernment re@uires com+romise, a act t*e .ea Part" seems loat* toacce+t' .*is *eadline rom t*e .ea Part" .ri#une sa"s it all: “=ur Moment: oCom+romise' o Surrender' .otal 8ictor"'$ .*e .ea Part" and its rigid, ideologicalo#session wit* cutting ta<es and reducing s+ending, t*oug* lauda#le goals in and o t*emsel1es, Dies in t*e ace o common sense' .*e term A2= (Ae+u#lican in ame =nl", used

re@uentl" during t*e )&& midterms, ridiculed Ae+u#licans w*o *ad t*e gall to “reac* across t*e aisle'$ 2tclearl" *as not occurred to t*e ar-rig*t ringe t*at A2=s ma/e go1ernment run'*ile t*e .ea Part" +ledges “total 1ictor"$ and “no surrender,$ real leaders sit downand tr" to !nd 1ia#le solutions' Screaming ma" eel good, #ut it doesnIt get usan"w*ere' .*e .ea Part"Is attitude can #e summed u+ in a warning acti1ists sent to

Senator 3amar 6le<ander (A-.:“our great nation can no longer aford com+romiseand #i+artisans*i+'$ .*e"Ire wrong' =ur nation can aford com+romise^ in act, weneed it' 2tIs *ig*-time t*e esta#lis*ment told t*e .ea Part" to go awa"^ it doesnIt#elong in a mo1ement t*at wis*es to go1ern ' ;ellow Ae+u#licans, *eed m" words: t*e .ea Part" will

#e t*e end o us i we do not act' 2 urge t*e esta#lis*ment to disown t*is mo1ement, as 2 *a1e *ere' 2deolog" isruitless i it cannot #e im+lemented^ t*e .ea Part"Is +olariing, un+o+ular message will ensure we ne1er winanot*er general election' 2tIs time to tell t*e .ea Part" enoug* is enoug*' M" wa" or t*e *ig*wa", t*e" as/Z 2c*oose t*e *ig*wa", and so s*ould "ou'

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6ensions are hi!h eery new policy will be scrutinized forconseratie purity%all Street Tournal, G-1D-K, Tristina Peterson and Mic*ael A' Crittenden,

“5ouse G=P 3eaders*i+ 8ote Could Be a Hress Ae*earsal$ Pu#lis*ed -J-K,*tt+:online'ws4'comarticles*ouse-go+-mem#ers-want-#igger-role-in-legislation-


 .*e tension is li/el" to escalate i Ae+u#licans 1ote to re+lace Mr' McCart*" wit* *is current to+ de+ut", Ae+' PeterAos/am o 2llinois, loc/ed in t*e tig*t w*i+ race wit* Ae+u#lican Stud" Committee C*airman Ste1e Scalise o

3ouisiana' 6 t*ird candidate, Ae+' Marlin Stutman o 2ndiana, is trailing' 9 2 we +reser1e t*e status @uo 

#" 4ust mo1ing e1er"#od" u+ a seat, 2 t*in/ t*ere will #e a +us* internall" and e<ternall" li/e "ou saw in

8irginia,9 said Ae+' .*omas Massie (A', T"', reerring to Mr' Cantor7s deeat' 9 2 we reuse to listen to t*atmessage, we do so at our own +eril'9 Conser1ati1e lawma/ers, #ristling rom  w*at t*e"

see as a domineering a++roac* rom t*e current leaders*i+, said t*e" would #escrutiniing t*e winners o .*ursda"7s contestclosel" in t*e #rie mont*s #eore t*e ne<tround o elections' Between now and o1em#er, Congress will *a1e to address a

looming s*ortall in t*e *ig*wa" trust und, t*e e<+iration o t*e E<+ort-2m+ort Ban/w*ic* man"

conser1ati1es want to eliminateand unding o t*e go1ernment #e"ond t*e end o t*e !scal "ear in Se+tem#er'

92 we see t*em not go1ern t*e wa" we *o+e t*e" will, 2 guaranteet*ere will #e con1ersations

a#out ma/ing c*anges,9 said Ae+' ?ef Huncan (A', S'C''

6he 6ea #arty hates policy per se any  new a!enda item willinfuriate themHr' umi 0*intide, B-1=-K, *tt+:sa*arare+orters'com)&K&0o#struct-or-


E1en t*oug* t*e" are currentl" in t*e minorit" in t*e US Senate t*e" *a1e

efecti1el" used t*e Senate rule t*at re@uires a ma4orit" o & out o && mem#ersto +ass an" motion 4ust to rustrate =#ama to a +oint t*at t*at =#ama #ecame soun+o+ular wit* *is Hemocratic #ase or tr"ing to a++ease t*e Ae+u#licans too muc*#ecause *e wanted to #e seen as a consensus #uilder' .*e Ae+u#licans wanted *imto lose su++ort rom *is #ase in addition to t*eir reusal to su++ort *im' .*at wast*eir ormula or rustrating or distracting *im e1er" ste+ o t*e wa"' =nce t*at#ecame clear to =#ama, *e decided to re1erse course' =nce *e managed to win asecond term on *is own merit, and since *e was no longer going to run or a t*irdterm, *e /new it was time to call of t*e #luf o t*e Ae+u#licans i t*e" were notread" to meet *im *al wa"' 5e t*ereore resorted to using e<ecuti1e orders tocarr" out some o t*e +olicies *e /new were going to #e in t*e #est interest o t*e

silent ma4orit" o 6mericans and t*at are li/el" to remain +art o *is legacies asPresident' .*e Ae+u#licans /new an" attem+t to im+eac* t*e President as ad1ised#" Sara* Palin and *er co*orts would ail #ecause t*e President was constitutionall"em+owered to do all o w*at *e *as done and *e was @uic/ to +oint out to t*em *e*ad used e<ecuti1e orders ar less re@uentl" t*an all o *is +redecessors' 5eurt*er argued t*at *e was orced to do it #ecause t*e non-+erorming Congress *asreused to do t*eir own 4o#' .*e Ae+u#licans donIt want *is +residenc" remem#eredor an"t*ing good' .*e" *a1e *o+ed *e was onl" going to #e a one term President

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#ut =#ama com+letel" sur+rised t*em w*en *e won a landslide 1ictor" against t*eir#est candidate, Mitt Aomne"' =#ama *as managed to +us* t*e Ae+u#licans to t*ee<treme rig*t w*ic* +ut t*e Ae+u#licans at logger *ead wit* t*e 2nde+endent 1otersw*o constitute t*e swing 1ote in 6merican Politics' .*e ad1ent o t*e .ea Part" *asurt*er #o<ed t*e Ae+u#licans into a corner rom w*ic* t*e" cannot esca+e'

2ndi1iduals li/e .ed Cru and Sara* Palin wit* t*eir e<treme 1iews *a1e urt*er dugt*e Ae+u#licans into a dee+er *ole' .*e" now tal/ o ta/ing =#ama to Court andt*reatening *im wit* a 3aw suit orgetting t*at t*e President and *is !rst lad" areto+ notc* 5ar1ard law"ers w*o could not #e intimidated at all #" an" ri1olous lawsuit' .*e" are 4ust *o+ing to distract *im and to dela" t*e im+lementation o someo *is sound +olicies'

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NS0 2eform

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in* eed s+eci!c lin/, 4ust use ot*er da' Ma" not *a1e *ad time to cut t*is' 2ronertiliation /ills =#amaIs +c needs to #e +ut *ere'

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Naal 2eadiness

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&cean space is narrowin! and conicts are ineitable it isreMuired for readiness"olleen )C Sullian, http:>>sea!rantCore!onstateCedu>s!pubs>y-1'-?1J, U1J

=regonIs ocean waters are a +otential source o wind, wa1e, and tidal energ"^ o interest torenewa#le energ" entre+reneurs and to t*e U'S' go1ernment as it see/s to #olster energ"securit"' 2n order to install tec*nolog" to ca+ture t*is energ", *owe1er, it ma" #e necessar"to mitigate conDict wit* e<isting ocean s+ace users' .*e o#4ecti1e o t*is researc* was to construct a

conDict anal"sis model in a G2S to answer t*e ollowing researc* @uestions: ( it*in t*e stud" area of t*e coast o 

=regon, w*ere are sta/e*olders currentl" using ocean s+ace and *ow man" uses o1erla+Z () .o w*at e<tent mig*t e<isting ocean s+ace use +resent +otential or conDict wit* renewa#leenerg" de1elo+mentZ (% 5ow do 1arious t"+es o uncertaint" afect anal"sis resultsZ (K *at are t*e

im+lications o t*ese !ndings or ecos"stem #ased management o t*e oceanZ 6ll a1aila#le s+atialinormation on ocean s+ace usage #" commercial !s*ing, commercial non-!s*ing,

recreational, ati1e 6merican, and scienti!c communities was gat*ered' Sta/e*olderoutreac* wit* t*ese communities was used to 1et t*e collected data and allow eac* tocontri#ute /nowledge not +re1iousl" a1aila#le t*roug* G2S data clearing*ouses maintained#" go1ernment or interest grou+s' .*e resulting data were used as in+uts to a conDict1isualiation model written in P"t*on and im+orted to an 6rcG2S tool' Aesults s*owede<tensi1e co1erage and o1erla+ o e<isting ocean s+ace uses^ s+eci!call" t*at LL'0Y o t*e-nm) grid cells o t*e stud" area are occu+ied #" at least diferent categories o oceans+ace use' .*e si< uses wit* t*e greatest co1erage were: ;is*ing > .rolling, 5a#itat, Militar",;is*ing - Closure 6reas, Protected, and Marine .rans+ortation - 3ow 2ntensit"' 6n uncertaint"

anal"sis was also com+leted to illustrate t*e margin or error and t*ereore t*e necessit" o a++ro+riate sta/e*older

outreac* during t*e renewa#le energ" siting +rocess, as o++osed to rel"ing onl" on a G2S' Aan/ing o eac* categor"

#" its +otential or conDict wit* renewa#le energ" de1elo+ment demonstrated w*ic* areas o t*e ocean ma" #e

+articularl" contentious' Because ran/ings are su#4ecti1e, a tool was created to allow users to in+ut t*eir own

ran/ings' ;or t*e +ur+ose o t*is re+ort, deault ran/ings were assigned to eac* as 4usti!ed #" t*e literature' Aesults

under t*ese assum+tions s*owed t*at s+ace use and +otential or conDict were *ig*est #etween t*e coast and

a++ro<imatel" %& nm at sea' .*is is li/el" #ecause certain s+ace use is limited #" de+t* (e'g',recreational use^ t*ere is increased s*i++ing densit" as 1essels a++roac* and de+art ma4or+orts^ and increased uel costs associated wit* tra1eling urt*er rom s*ore' .wo +otential

a++lications o model results were demonstrated' ;irst, com+arison wit* e<isting wa1e energ" +ermit sites

*ig*lig*ted relati1e +otential or conDict among t*e sites and t*e in+ut data detailed t*e s+eci!c uses +resent'

Second, com+arison wit* areas determined most suita#le or de1elo+ment #" t*e wa1e energ" industr" illustrated

t*at areas o *ig* suita#ilit" oten also *ad *ig* ran/ings or +otential or conDict' 2t a++eared t*at t*e actors t*at

determined de1elo+ment suita#ilit" were oten t*e same actors t*at drew current ocean s+ace users to t*ose

locations' Current su++ort at t*e state, regional and ederal le1el under t*e ational =cean Polic" or t*e use o

marine s+atial +lanning as a tool to im+lement ecos"stem #ased management o t*e oceans re@uires t*at tools

suc* as t*e one de1elo+ed in t*is researc* are used, to ensure t*at all com+onents o t*e marine ecos"stem are

considered +rior to im+lementation o a management +lan' .*e addition o renewa#le energ" to t*e current social

landsca+e o t*e ocean will reduce t*e resource #ase or man" categories o ocean s+ace use' Model resultsdemonstrated t*at mitigation o conDict #etween de1elo+ment and e<isting s+ace use is notmerel" a #est +ractice su++orted #" current +olic", #ut a necessit"' Aesults +resented a1isualiation o t*e social landsca+e o t*e ocean t*at could *el+ managers determine w*ic*sta/e*olders to engage during t*e initial stage o c*oosing a site or de1elo+ment'

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6he ocean is *ey to military readiness)edina etC alC 1J (Medina, Monica, ?oel Smit*, and 3inda Sturgis' 9ational Coastal Ma++ing

6d1ancing ational Heense and =cean Conser1ation'9 ational Coastal =cean Ma++ing ()&K: n' +ag' Center or aew 6merican Securit"' ?an' )&K' e#' ?ul" )&K' *tt+:www'cnas'orgsitesdeault!les+u#lications-+d=ceanMa++ing\MedinaSmit*Sturgis'+d`' M

 .*e ocean unctions as a geogra+*ic #arrier or t*e United States, as well as a*ig*wa" or U'S' militar" orces to de+lo" around t*e world' 2n order to #e+re+ared or national deense, t*e a1", Coast Guard and Marine Cor+s re@uirelarge areas o t*e coastal ocean or training and long-range wea+ons testing' .oma<imie situational awareness and ensure saet" and o+erational efecti1eness,t*e militar" +laces signi!cant 1alue on t*e collection and anal"sis o data'J .oo+erate in t*e coastal ocean, ederal agencies > including t*e militar" > must undergo an e<+ansi1e

+ermitting +rocess to com+l" wit* t*e ational En1ironmental Protection 6ct' .*e law re@uires ederal agenciesto “ma/e ac*ie1ing en1ironmental 4ustice +art o its mission #" identi"ing and addressing, as a++ro+riate,

dis+ro+ortionatel" *ig* and ad1erse *uman *ealt* o its +rograms, +olicies, and acti1ities'$ 9 Militar" usersmust also com+l" wit* a *ost o ot*er marine-#ased en1ironmental +rotectionlaws, suc* as t*e Endangered S+ecies 6ct, t*e Marine Mammal Protection 6ct,

t*e Coastal Rone Management 6ct and t*e Clean ater 6ct, as well as stateen1ironmental +rotection laws'

6he Nay’s use of ocean trainin! is *ey to naal readiness7uerrero ’13 (?esse 3eon Guerrero, ?oint regions marianas +u#lic afairs, “.sunami E<ercise strengt*ens

na1"Is readiness on Guam$ ) Hecem#er )&%'(*tt+:www'+acom'milMediaewsews6rticle8iewta#id0KK6rticle00Jtsunami-e<ercise-strengt*ens-na1"s-readiness-on-guam'as+< 3P

 .*e #ene!t o an e<ercise li/e t*is is t*at we7re not caug*t of guard and t*atwe /now w*at to do w*en t*e time to do it occurs, rat*er t*an tr"ing to !gure it out on

t*e da" o,9 *e said' 92t7s im+ro1ing us wit* material and orce readiness'9 U'S' Coast

Guard Sector Guam (USCG C*ie =+erations S+ecialist Brian To4i said in a real-lie situation t*ecommand mig*t onl" *a1e two *ours to res+ond and go t*roug* all o t*eiremergenc" c*ec/lists and noti!cation +rocedures' To4i and ot*er Coast Guardsmen set u+

a +orta#le *ig*-re@uenc" communications s"stem at t*e ?oint Aegion Marianas *ead@uarters, w*ic* allowed USCGto maintain t*eir communications wit* t*e emergenc" management oWce in Sai+an and 1essels around Guam' 92tis im+ortant or us to +ractice our s/ills #ecause it *as to #e automatic w*en we7re going t*roug* e1er"t*ing,9 *e

said' 92 we don7t +ractice, we7re not as +ro!cient wit* setting u+ our gear'9Heense 3ogistics 6genc" (H36 Histri#ution Guam Marianas Hirector ?oe Pirman said it onl" too/ #etween t*ree to

!1e minutes or a#out & H36 em+lo"ees to e1acuate rom t*eir oWces near .ango *ar to E##ett ;ield'  9.a/eit seriousl" #ecause "ou ne1er /now w*en it7s reall" going to *a++en,9 *e said' 9.*is is somet*ing t*at we can do or a t"+*oon, eart*@ua/e or tsunami'

*en a real world t*ing *a++ens, i it *a++ens, we will /now w*at to do'6rainin! imperatie to military readiness Vadjacentdeelopment &2 ocean obseration systems &2 economice$pansionW can compromise"ullom 13 S.6.EME. =; 86HM P5232P 56A. CU33=M, US, HEPU. C52E; =; 6863 =PEA6.2=S ;=A

;3EE. AE6H2ESS 6H 3=G2S.2CS (K, U'S' 68 .5E AE6H2ESS P=S.UAE =; .5E U'S' 68 6H .5E U'S'M6A2E C=APS$ 6PA23 ), )&% =nline *tt+:www'g+o'go1ds"s+/gC5AG-%**rgJ&00&*tmlC5AG-%**rgJ&00&'*tm

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 .o su++ort a read" a1", it is im+erati1e we +ro1ide our war!g*ters wit* ro#ust@ualit" training #eore t*e" ser1e at t*e ti+ o t*e s+ear ' .*e #udget includes sustained

in1estments in /e" training ca+a#ilities, including Deet s"nt*etic training' .o urt*er im+ro1e undersea wararereadiness, it also increases unding or t*e diesel electric su#marine initiati1e and continues de1elo+ment o t*es*allow water training range' Continued +rocurement o *ig*-s+eed maneu1era#le surace targets +ro1ides realistic

li1e !re training at sea or o+erator +ro!cienc"' e must ensure our training in1estments are not

com+romised to t*e detriment o our war!g*ters' Encroac*ment to /e" trainingsites, #ot* +*"sical and electromagnetic, can occur #ot* as*ore and at sea' 2 notcontrolled, it t*reatens our a#ilit" to train and o+erate and can ad1ersel" im+act ournational securit"' =1er t*e course o t*e +ast "ear, we *a1e learned t*atencroac*ment can include ad4acent de1elo+ment, ocean o#ser1ing s"stems, oreconomic e<+ansion' 2ncreased awareness and continued interagenc" coo+erationare central to maintaining our national securit" '

&cean drills *ey to Naal )aritime 2eadiness

9CS Fleet Forces "ommand NC/C (U'S' ;leet ;orces CommandUnder t*e control o t*eSecretar" o t*e a1"' “*" t*e a1" .rains and .ests$ o Hate'*tt+:atteis'coma1".rainingand.esting*"t*ea1".rainsand.ests'as+<6P

a1al orces must #e read" or a 1ariet" o militar" o+erationsrom large-scaleconDict to maritime securit" and *umanitarian assistancedisaster relie to dealwit* t*e d"namic, social, +olitical, economic, and en1ironmental issues t*at occur intoda"Is world' 6he Nay supports these military operations throu!h itscontinuous presence on the world’s oceans' .*e a1" can res+ond to a widerange o issues #ecause, on an" gi1en da" , oer one-third of its ships,submarines, and aircraft are deployed oerseasC a1al orces must #e+re+ared or a #road range o ca+a#ilitiesrom ull-scale armed conDict in a 1ariet" o diferent

geogra+*ic areas to disaster relie eforts+rior to de+lo"ment on t*e world7s oceans ' 6o learnthese capabilities, personnel must train with the eMuipment and systemsthat will achiee military objectiesC 6he trainin! process proidespersonnel with an in-depth understandin! of their indiidual limits andcapabilities^ t*e training +rocess also *el+s t*e testing communit"im+ro1e new wea+ons"stems'

)odern weapons trainin! reMuires space *ey to readiness9CS Fleet Forces "ommand NC/C (U'S' ;leet ;orces CommandUnder t*e control o t*e

Secretar" o t*e a1"' “*" t*e a1" .rains and .ests$ o Hate'


Modern wea+ons #ring #ot* un+recedentedo++ortunit" and innumera#le c*allenges to t*ea1"' ;or e<am+le,modern (or smartwea+ons are 1er" accurate and*el+ t*e a1" accom+lis*its mission wit* greater +recision and ar less collateral damage t*an in +ast conDicts^

*owe1er, modern wea+ons are 1er" com+le< to use' )ilitary personnel musttrain re!ularly with these weapons to understand the capabilities,limitations, and operations of the platform or systemC )odern militaryactions reMuire teamwor*Qteamwor* that includes the use of arious

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eMuipment, ehicles, ships, and aircraftQbetween hundreds or thousandsof people to achiee successC F Militar" readiness training and +re+aration or de+lo"ment include

e1er"t*ing rom teac*ing #asic and s+ecialied indi1idual militar" s/ills to intermediate s/ills or small unit training'

6s +ersonnel increase in s/ill le1el and com+lete t*e #asic training, t*e" ad1ance to intermediate and

larger e<ercise training e1ents, w*ic* culminate in ad1anced, integrated training e1ents com+osed

o large grou+s o +ersonnel and, in some instances, 4oint ser1ice e<ercises'

2ealistic 5nironment *ey to Naal 2eadiness9CS Fleet Forces "ommand NC/C (U'S' ;leet ;orces CommandUnder t*e control o t*e

Secretar" o t*e a1"' “*" t*e a1" .rains and .ests$ o Hate'*tt+:atteis'coma1".rainingand.esting*"t*ea1".rainsand.ests'as+<6P

)ilitary readiness trainin! must be as realistic as possible to proide thee$periences so important to success and surial' *ile simulators ands"nt*etic training are critical elements o trainingto +ro1ide earl" s/ill re+etition and en*ance

teamwor/there is no substitute for lie trainin! in a realistic enironmentC .*e range com+le<es and o+erating areas *a1e t*ese realistic en1ironments, wit* suWcient sea and airs+ace 1ital

or saet" and mission success' Tust as a pilot would not be ready to y solo aftersimulator trainin!, a Nay commander cannot allow military personnel toen!a!e in real combat actiities based merely on simulator trainin!C

)ilitary 5$ercises *ey to deelopment of new naal technolo!y9CS Fleet Forces "ommand NC/C (U'S' ;leet ;orces CommandUnder t*e control o t*e

Secretar" o t*e a1"' “*" t*e a1" .rains and .ests$ o Hate'*tt+:atteis'coma1".rainingand.esting*"t*ea1".rainsand.ests'as+<6P

 .*e a1" uses a num#er o diferent testing met*ods, including com+uter simulation and anal"sis, t*roug*out t*e

de1elo+ment o +latorms and s"stems' 6lt*oug* simulation is a /e" com+onent in t*e

de1elo+ment o +latorms and s"stems, it cannot +ro1ide inormation on *ow a+latorm or s"stem will +erorm or w*et*er it will #e a#le to meet +erormance andot*er s+eci!cation re@uirements in t*e en1ironment in w*ic* it is intended too+erate wit*out com+arison to actual +erormance data' ;or t*is reason,+latorms ands"stems must undergo at-sea testing at some +oint in t*e de1elo+ment +rocess' .*us, li/e t*e Deet,

t*e researc* and ac@uisition communit" re@uires access to large, relati1el" unrestrictedocean o+erating areas, multi+le stri/e targets, and uni@ue range attri#utes tosu++ort its testing re@uirements' a1" +latorms and s"stems must #e tested ande1aluated wit*in t*e #roadest range o o+erating conditions a1aila#le  (e'g', #at*"metr",

to+ogra+*", geogra+*" #ecause a1" +ersonnel must #e ca+a#le o +erorming missionswit*in t*e wide range o conditions t*at e<ist worldwide' ;urt*ermore, a1"

+ersonnel must #e assured t*at +latorms and s"stems will meet +erormances+eci!cations in t*e real-world en1ironment in w*ic* t*e" will #e o+erated'

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5nironmental Security

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in*s7eoen!ineerin! puts the jumper cables on the motor ofbiopolitics that ma*es bare life, !enocide and nuclear warineitableQwe’re not *iddin!

(ruyXre 13 (8incent, assistant +ro o ;renc* Emor" Uni1',Paro%e" E L&air:C%i'ate Cha(e a) the S*ie*e of Fa+%e", diacritics 8ol K'%, )&%, +gs &-0Lmm

 .*e contro1ersial *uman engineering +ro+osal signed #" Matt*ew 3iao, 6ndersSand #erg, and Ae#ecca Aoac*e is e@uall" demanding in t*at res+ect' 2n t*eir +a+er“5uman Engineering and Climate C*ange$ t*e" e<+lore #iotec*nologicalalternati1es to +rograms t*at see/ mar/et-regulated #e*a1ioral c*ange to addressglo#al warming, and to e@uall" controersial !eoen!ineerin! pro!rams t*atsee/ to cool t*e +lanet t*roug* Solar Aadiation Management' .*e suggestionsrange rom t*e distri#ution o +*armaceutical +atc*es to induce a meat intolerance

t*at ena#les indi1iduals to #ecome 1egetarians and t*us +artici+ate acti1el" in t*ereduction o li1estoc/ arming, and o<"tocin treatment to en*ance altruism andem+at*"+recious @ualities in times o scarcit"to more radical geneticmodi!cations' .*ese measures, insist t*e aut*ors, would not #e orced u+on a+o+ulation #ut would #e encouraged t*roug* ta< #rea/s or s+onsored *ealt*careincenti1es'KL 2 am not @uite sure w*at to sa" a#out t*is te<t, or *ow to res+ond toit, ot*er t*an wit* a "es, no, or +er*a+s, #ased on a re1iew o its assessment oris/s and #ene!ts' But t*is reaction would onl" concern t*e suggested measures,not the form of the proposal itself in its in1enti1eness' 6n" answer to t*e@uestion o w*at #iotec*nolog" can or cannot do #ased on t*e rationale o ris/assessments is alread" +art, i not the product, of the bioethicist machine'

 .*ese measures #elong to t*e cor+us o modern +ano+lies accom+lis*ing t*etransorma#ilit", reorma#ilit", and reasonin! of bodies throu!h a scripturalmachine' Cons+icuousl" remodelin! the bios inoled in #ioet*ics,biopolitics,and #iotec*nolog", the transformations iao’s measures promote are ta/ing+lace in a time w*en, muc* li/e in 3"otardIs a#le o biotechnolo!ical escalation,t*ere would #e no undamental diference #etween a Bildung +ro4ect and a slowtoo slow according to 3iaosel-ormation +rocess culti1ating *uman +otentialt*roug* t*e arts and *umanities, along wit* t*e #io- c*emical acilitation t*ataccelerates #e*a1ioral c*ange'& .*is reormati1e efort, writes de Certeau,+receded t*e *istorical orm t*at writing *as ta/en in modern times' 2t will outli1et*is +articular orm' 2t is interwo1en into t*is orm and determines it li/e a

continuing arc*aeolog" w*ose name and status we are una#le to determine' *atis at sta/e is t*e relation #etween t*e law and t*e #od"a #od" is itsel de!ned,delimited, and articulated #" w*at writes it' 2n t*at sense, w*en it comes to t*e#ioengineering +ro+osal, t*e onl" t*ing 2 can tal/ a#out concerns “t*e relation#etween t*e delimitation o a !eld ' ' ' or a s"stem ' ' ' and w*at it constitutes as itsoutside or its remainder$ or, in ot*er words, t*e relation #etween *umanengineering as a !eld o o+erations and t*e desire or t*e need “to ma/e our #odiest*e em#lems o an identi"ing law'$) 2 cannot sto+ t*e mac*ine #ut 2 can sa" t*at

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3iao and *is coaut*ors renew a /ind o #elie in t*e *istor" o a#les translatingdiscursi1e sur+lus into mana!eable alues' 6hey renew the form of ane$pertise in !ction' B" doing so, t*e" create a s"stem o constraints along wit* adomain o +ossi#ilities' .*e" come u+ wit* a new range o answers to ;oucaultIs@uestion: “5ow can one reduce t*e great +eril, t*e great danger wit* w*ic* !ction

t*reatens our worldZ$% 6lmost a+ologetic, 3iao, Sand#erg, and Aoac*e write: eare well aware t*at our +ro+osal to encourage *a1ing smaller, #ut en1ironmentall"-riendlier *uman #eings is +rima acie outlandis*, and we *a1e made no attem+t toa1oid +ro1o/ing t*is res+onse' .*ere is a good reason or t*is, namel", we wis* to*ig*lig*t t*at e<amining intuiti1el" a#surd or a++arentl" drastic ideas can #e anim+ortant learning e<+erience, and t*at ailing to do so could result in our missingout on o++ortunities to address im+ortant, oten urgent, issues'K 3iaoIs#ioengineering +ro+osal is contained in a #o< made o com+eting +ro+osals ando+tions (Solar Aadiation Management, ocean fertilization, car#on +ricing, etc'' 2tis not "et a++ro1ed, or e1en welcomed as t*e #est +ossi#le, or least ris/", o+tion^and "et it *as not #een re4ected eit*er' 2 am not in a +osition to o+en t*e #o<, in t*esame wa" t*at 2 cannot tell t*e of-+osition rom t*e on-+osition in Sc*rdingerIse<+eriment, #ut 2 can intensi" t*e +ro+osal #" readin! for its scriptural plotw*ile resituating it in a culture o !ction and t*e *istor" o t*e science o a#les' .*e+ro+osal itsel unctions as one o t*ese t*eoretical !ctions t*at “tell us t*at t*ere isno entr" or e<it or writing, #ut onl" t*e endless +la" o its a#rications,$ !ctionsamong w*ic* de Certeau +laced Ta/aIs “2n t*e Penal Colon",$ Aa"mond AousselIs3ocus Solus, and Marcel Huc*am+Is celi#ate mac*ines' 2n Ta/aIs stor", access isgranted to an anti@uated 4udiciar" mec*anism designed toenforcewrite+ro4ectengra1einscri#e+rescri#e the law directly into the eshof those who hae been found !uilty, and to write it in such a way that thebody brou!ht before the law perishes in the process, without a trial,unaware of the char!es' “2n t*e Penal Colon"$ grants 3"otard access to a+ro#lematiation o morals and +olitics, and #" e<tension to t*e @uestion o t*e+enitentiar" wit*in ci1il societ"' 2 lea1e aside muc* o 3"otardIs ela#oration o t*einnocence and inanc" o t*is #od" #eore it entered t*e (time o t*e law and wasreclaimed #" t*e legallet*al a++aratus, to 4um+ a*ead to t*e ending and to t*ereturn o a certain orm o e<acting cruelt"' .*e old mac*ine destro"s itsel #eoret*e e"es o t*e 1isitor w*o *ad #een granted access to it, t*us ma/ing room or t*ere+resentational mac*ine o +olitics, an enlig*tened mac*ine t*at, unli/e t*e+re1ious one, would +ermit trials and deli#erations' But li/e t*e +re1ious one, t*enew mac*ine would con1ene a communit" around its +roceedings' .*e originalmac*ine was alread" old, and its mode o o+eration in @uestion' .*e 1isitor was+re+aring to re+ort #ac/ on its cruelt" and s+read outrage in t*e nascent +u#lics+ace o t*e colon" t*at *ad soug*t *is ser1ices and granted *im access to t*emac*ine' .*e narrati1e eat t*at #rings a#out t*e demise o t*e mac*ine onl"#rings to t*e ore, and or t*e na/ed e"e so to s+ea/, w*at was meant to *a++en,and ma" *a1e in act alread" *a++ened' 6s 3"otard remar/s at t*e #eginning o *is“inter1ention,$ Ta/aIs te<t doesnIt call or an" commentar", w*ic* would onl"diminis* #ot* its clarit" and its 1iolent @ualit"' =ne could also argue t*at there isnothin! radically new in principle in the bioen!ineerin! proposal, and againnot*ing muc* to sa" a#out it, nor to read into it' 3iaoIs +ro+osal restarts t*e old

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moral mac*ine t*at *ad #een sto++ed in Ta/aIs stor"' 2n t*e u+dated 1ersion, t*e 4udicial unction is almost entirel" a#sent #ut t*e communal s+ectacle t*at at onceem#odies and engineers t*e o#ligation, res+onsi#ilit", +rescri+tion, and a certainsense o 6nt*ro+ocenic citiens*i+ is more +ronounced t*an e1er (e1en i it is #lood-less' 2n a normati1e world t*at onl" /nows +rocedures, tec*nical rationalit", and

1alues, an et*ics o res+onsi#ilit" ends u+ #eing +erormed #" t*e return o Ta/aIsmac*ines' *at is let o cruelt" i sanguis is not s*ed to #ecome cruorZ0 it*3iao, it is not a#out t*e #od" an"more, nor a#out its indiference regarding t*e lawand t*e lawIs e<acting timeliness, e1en w*en one o t*e +ro+osed measurese<+oses t*e un#orn, t*roug* +re- im+lantation genetic diagnosis (PGH, to selects*orter c*ildren' .*at w*ic* stands #eore t*e cruel mac*ine *as #een relocated,and cruelt" is t*us redirected toward a timeless and unmitigated uture t*at doesnot include us“a uture #e"ond t*e gras+ o *istorical sensi#ilit"$to #e reclaimed#" a moral a++aratus'J .*ose sudden s*its onl" *a++en in !ction, and +articularl"in !ctions t*at write t*emsel1es as !ctional mac*ines' .*e illegi#le +raescri+ta to#e inscri#ed on t*e #od" o t*e con1ict #ecome let*al onl" w*en t*e mac*ine readst*em^ a #utton is red onl" i +ressed' 6he machine tar!ets a scriptural andle!al e+ort t*at, turning one last time to de Certeau, “+receded t*e *istorical ormt*at writing *as ta/en in modern times$ and t*at “will outli1e t*is +articular orm'$

 .*is mac*ine we call !ction stands or t*at w*ic* does, o+erates, and inter1eneswit*out *a1ing to #e o#ser1ed doing, o+erating, and inter1ening' 2t is its ownarc*i1e e1en w*en access *as #een granted to it' ;or t*is reason, an" mac*inewould dream o #eing a doomsda" de1ice t*at will /ee+ on tic/ing, not necessaril"inde!nitel", #ut at least untildoomsda" or nott*ere is not*ing let to register itsmo1ement or notice its ading rustle an"more'L ?ames attIs steam engineac*ie1ed t*at status in a +ost *oc as*ion t*an/s to Paul Cruten'& E1en i allwor/ing steam engines *a1e disa++eared #" t*e time t*e last o#ser1er e<+ires,attIs in1ention will *a1e still #een a doomsday deice  or t*ose w*o are nott*ere on doomsda" to recall t*e instrument o t*eir demise' 5a1ing created “thefuture prospects of a !enetic !enocide,$ 3iao and *is colleagues ma" 4ust haeset such a machine in motion, or, as George 6nnas contends, “gi1en t*e *istor"o *uman/ind, it is e<tremel" unli/el" t*at we will see t*e #etter Oor or t*at mattert*e s*orter #a#ies ' ' ' as e@ual in rig*ts and dignit" to us, or t*at t*e" will see us,t*e Qnaturals,I as t*eir e@uals'$ 6nd so it may be with !eoen!ineerin!proposals 6lan Ao#oc/ con!des *is ears in t*e same issue o Et*ics, Polic" and

En1ironment w*ere 3iao +u#lis*ed *is +ro+osal: “I can ima!ine worse scenarios,

including !lobal nuclear war started in response to unilateral

!eoen!ineerin! implementation'$) But it is also in lig*t o 3iaoIs de1ice and

its s+licing o e1olutionar", #iotec*nological, and *istorico-legal timelines t*atnormati1e diferentials, suc* as *uman rig*ts, ma" endure in t*e con4ecturalecologies o t*e 6nt*ro+ocene'% Polic" rele1ance is 1er" muc* a new rontier int*e *umanistic and social *umanistic culture o researc*' 6nd it is so +er*a+s#ecause o t*e wa" it ad4usts orms o in@uir" to meet demands or meaning' 2t isnew as ar as “t*e uture a++ears as a contingent set o +ossi#ilities a#out w*ic*decisions are demanded^ decisions are demanded #ecause the future appears assomethin! about which we must do somethin!'$K 6s suc*and #ecause

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ad4ustments entail dela"s, mis*a+s, and re+la"st*e *istoricit" o policyreleance, as an object of  discourse and an o#4ect o desire, must not bei!nored #" literar" sc*olars e1en i t*e" cannot decide on t*e de!nitional status o+olic" rele1ance wit*in relations o +ower' 5owe1er, w*en it comes to +olic"rele1ance in its modalities o e<istence, as well as its non-de!nitional dimension and

e<teriorit" relati1e to t*e realit" it see/s to transorm, +rotocols o inter1ention andrenunciation remain to #e in1ented, te<tual com+etencies to #e concei1ed' 2t is lessa +lea to ma/e literar" criticism +olic" rele1ant, or a +raise o its unctional +olic"irrele1ance in a /nowledge econom" dri1en #" ris/ management, and more amemorandum o understanding or w*at t*e go1ernance o uturit" in1ests inorattac*es tot*e culti1ation o diference in orms o in@uir", and or t*e /ind ocom+arati1e wor/, notional distinctions, and orms o lie t*at mig*t sanction t*edescri+tion o emergent orders o diference' 2 t*ere is a de!nitional outcome tot*is 6nt*ro+ocenic se@uencing o artiacts, it ma" #e ound in t*e distinction#etween sur1i1al tec*ni@ues and w*at ;reud in Ci1iliation and 2ts Hiscontents calls“tec*ni@ues o li1ing'$ 6 +olic"-rele1ant 1iew o S1al#ard, 3iaoIs +ro+osal, anddemands or sustaina#ilit" would see eac* o t*ese as sur1i1al tec*ni@uesnecessar" or t*e management o lie ater good lie' Seen rom t*e +ers+ecti1e ot*ose “s"stemics o de1elo+ment$ t*at, according to Bill Aeadings commenting on“=i/os,$ are now “t*e general *orion under w*ic* ' ' ' all orms o lie are #eingsu#sumed,$ S1al#ard, 3iaoIs #iotec* +ro+osal, and t*eir res+ecti1e demands orsustaina#ilit", are all tec*ni@ues o li1ing' .*e" “st"lie Oour ca+acit" or sense-eeling and awareness'$ .*e" manner sentiencew*ere insentience is “notnecessaril" t*e nonawareness o a dead t*ing O#ut also t*e o+acit", to us, o t*ein*uman structures t*at structure t*e *uman, and emerge in our artiacts'$0 6ndt*roug* t*is o+eration, t*e" de!ne ones o interest in lie, rat*er t*an wa"s “to/ee+ deat*or t*e wrong /ind o deat*at #a"'$J 2t is in t*is manner t*at t*e6nt*ro+ocene +ro4ect lea1es us wit* somet*ing interesting to read' Polic" rele1ancerelies on t*e a#ilit" to “imagine t*e cali#ration o e<c*ange #" means o a#stractinstruments,$L and on t*e +articular regulator", aut*oritati1e e<c*ange o orms o e<+ertise' But w*at is o interest is +recisel" the relation of policy releance tothe liin!, which is to say dyin!, bein!s who create them,$0& es+eciall" as itmediates t*eir lie interests' 3i/ewise, w*at s"stemics o de1elo+ment will lea1e uswit*, “i we are sent to s+ace after the e$plosion of the sun$0 in a !nal send-of, is less a matter o car#on lie, !nitude, and sur1i1al, t*an o an o#ligationtoward t*e +*ilologies and t*ose ot*er tec*ni@ues, disci+lines, institutions,arc*itectures, +ro+osals, +olicies, and narrati1es o t*e “once we *ad #een sent tos+ace,$ t*at interest us in our a#les'

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non-huan actor in its own ri'ht+ 6owever, no such references to the sea=s 'eophysical ateriality and

the %arriers that this i'ht pose to its ideali<ation as a friction-free surface of oveent appear in The

 Forgotten Space+

6uan frictions on the sea li0ewise feature in  Fish Story: ilitant seafarers, lon'shoreen, andutineers all a0e appearances in the te2t+ In contrast, these individuals receive scant attention in The

 Forgotten Space (a point noted %y Story as well), and uch of the attention that they do receive is a%out

their failin's+ ! relatively hopeful account of union or'ani<in' in Los !n'eles is paired with a story of

la%our=s defeat in the face of autoation in #otterda and that of a faded oveent in 6on' Bon'where the union hall has %ecoe a social clu% for retirees and their widows+

or Se0ula, the heterotopia of the ship cele%rated %y oucault has %ecoe a neoli%eral

dystopia+ &he world of containeri<ation is oucault=s dreaded ?civili<ation without %oats, in which dreas have dried up, espiona'e has ta0en the place of adventure, and the police have

ta0en the place of pirates= (adapted fro oucault *9/, pa'e A)+ Echoin' oucault, Se0ula as0s near the

 %e'innin' of the fil, ?Does the anonyity of the %o2 turn the sea of e2ploit and adventure into a la0e of

invisi%le drud'ery$= !lthou'h Se0ula never answers this >uestion directly, his response would see to %e

in the affirative: the sea is no lon'er a roantic space of resistance it has %een taed +

Se0ula and 8urch=s failure to depict the ocean as a space of dialectical encounters (whether

 %etween huans or aon' huan and non-huan eleents) reproduces a deateriali<ation of the

sea that is fre>uently found in narratives of 'lo%ali<ation, includin' critical narratives (Stein%er' .*)+ &his leads the fila0ers to inadvertently reaffir the capitalist

construction of the ocean as an e2ternal space %eyond politics+ 8y turnin' away fro thefrictions encountered at sea, Se0ula and 8irch end up tacitly endorsin' the very ?for'ettin'=

of the sea prooted %y capital, as it su%scri%es to an ideolo'y of liitless o%ility +

!assive change is needed to solve climate change " only an end to capitalism can solve

#oster et al (professor of sociolo'y at the University of Fre'on assistant professor of sociolo'y at orth

Carolina State University associate professor of sociolo'y at the University of Fre'on) $(oster, G+ 8+, Clar0, 8+ and Hor0, #+ (..9), &he idas Effect: ! Criti>ue of Cliate Chan'e Econoics+

Developent and Chan'e, J.: *.@K*.9A)

Soe ar'ue today that the speed and intensity of the ecolo'ical threat leaves us with nochoice %ut to stic0 with the e2istin' syste and e%race its liited and yopic solutions to

environental pro%les: such strate'ies as ?cap and trade= car%on ar0ets and ar0et-driventechnolo'ical silver %ullets+ &he fantastic nature of these strate'ies reflects the fact that they confor to

the idas Effect of ainstrea econoics: environental chan'e ust confor to the ?%otto line= of

capital accuulation+In fact, where adopted, car%on ar0ets have accoplished little to reduce car%on eissions+ &his has to

do with nuerous factors, not least of all provisions for nations to %uy out of the actual reductions in

various ways+ &he idea that technolo'y can solve the 'lo%al environental pro%le, as a

0ind of deus e2 achine without chan'es in social relations, %elon's to the area of fantasy and

science fiction+  &hoas riedan  (..: */KA) provides a vision of 'reen industrial revolution in

his6ot, lat, and Crowded  in which he repeatedly tells his readers that if 'iven ?a%undant, clean,

relia%le, and cheap electrons=, we could ove the world and end all ecolo'ical pro%les+ "re''

Easter%roo0  (*99@: /AK), in what he calls environental ?realis=, ar'ues that even if we destroy this %iosphere we can ?terrafor= ars so huanity1s e2istence is not necessarily ipaired %yenvironental destruction+

&he very desperation of such esta%lishent ar'uents, which see0 to address the present-day

environental pro%le without confrontin' the reality of capitalis, hi'hli'hts the need for ore radical

easures in relation to cliate chan'e and the ecolo'ical crisis as a whole+ Especially noteworthy in thisrespect is 6ansen1s car%on ta2 proposal, and 'lo%al contraction-conversion strate'ies+ In place of car%on

ar0ets, which invaria%ly include various ways to %uy out of eissions reductions (re'isterin' reductions

while actually increasin' eissions), 6ansen (..a)  proposes a car%on ta2 for the United States to %e

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iposed at well-head and point of entry, aied at %rin'in' car%on dio2ide eissions down to near <ero,

with *.. per cent of the revenue fro the ta2 %ein' deposited as onthly dividends directly into the %an0

accounts of the pu%lic on a per person %asis (with children receivin' half shares)+ ot all car%on ta2es of

course are radical easures+ 8ut 6ansen1s eer'ency strate'y, with its onthly dividends, is desi'ned to0eep car%on in the 'round and at the sae tie to appeal to the 'eneral pu%lic+ It e2plicitly circuvents

 %oth the ar0et and state power, in order to %loc0 those who desire to su%vert the process+ In this, the

hope is to esta%lish a ass popular constituency for co%atin' cliate chan'e %y prootin' social

redistri%ution of wealth toward those with saller car%on footprints (the lar'er part of the population)+6ansen insists that any serious attept to protect the cliate eans 'oin' a'ainst 8i' Coal+ !n iportant

step would %e to declare a oratoriu on new coal-fired power stations, which he descri%es as ?death

factories= since the car%on eissions they produce contri%ute to escalatin' e2tinction rates (as well as

 pollutin' re'ional environents and directly ipairin' huan health) (6ansen, ..9)+ 6e ar'ues that weneed to leave as uch coal as possi%le in the 'round and to close e2istin' coal-fired power stations if we

are to prevent catastrophic environental chan'e+

ro a 'lo%al standpoint, ecolo'ical de'radation is influenced %y the structure and dynaics of a world

syste hierarchically divided into nuerous nation states, copetin' with each other %oth directly andvia their corporations+ In an attept to counter car%on iperialis, !nil !'arwal and Sunita arain

(*99*)  propose that car%on eissions of nations should %e deterined on an e>ual per capita %asis, rooted

in what is allowa%le within the shared atosphere+ &he 'lo%al orth, with its relatively saller

 population in contrast to the South, has used a disproportionate aount of theatospheric coons, 'iven its iense car%on eissions+ &hus &o !thanasiou and aul

8aer (..) and other cliate Mustice activists propose a process of contraction and conver'ence+ &he rich

nations of the orth would %e re>uired to reduce (contract) their eissions of 'reenhouse 'ases toappropriate levels as deterined %y the atospheric car%on tar'et+ "iven 'lo%al ine>ualities, the nations

of the South would %e allowed to increase their eissions 'radually to a liited e2tent %ut only if a

nation had a per capita car%on eission rate %elow the accepta%le level esta%lished %y the tar'et+ &his

would create a world conver'in' toward ?e>ual and low, per capita allotents= (!thanasiou and 8aer,..: J)+ &oday contraction and conver'ence would necessarily ai at sta%ili<in' atospheric car%on

dio2ide at @. pp, in confority with scientific indications+

Such a proposal would ean that the rich nations would have to reduce their car%on eissionsvery rapidly %y levels approachin' *.. per cent, while a assive 'lo%al effort would %e

needed to help countries in the 'lo%al South ove toward eissions sta%ili<ation as well,

while not Meopardi<in' sustaina%le huan developent+ Such a process of contraction and conver'encewould re>uire that the 'lo%al orth pay the ecolo'ical de%t that it has accrued throu'h usin' up the %ul0

of the atospheric coons, %y carryin' the ain cost of iti'ation 'lo%ally and aidin' nations of theSouth in adaptin' to ne'ative cliate effects+

In reality, the radical proposals discussed a%ove, althou'h ostensi%ly transition strate'ies, presentthe issue of revolutionary chan'e+ &heir ipleentation would re>uire a popular revolt

a'ainst the syste itself+ ! oveent (or oveents) powerful enou'h to ipleent

such chan'es on the necessary scale i'ht well %e powerful enou'h to ipleent a

full-scale social-ecolo'ical revolution+ In fact, huanity cannot e2pect to reach @. ppand avoid planetary cliatic disaster e2cept throu'h a aMor 'lo%al social

transforation, in line with the 'reatest social revolutions in huan history+ &his would

re>uire not siply a chan'e in productive forces %ut also in productive relations,

necessitatin' a 'reen cultural revolution+ &he answer to today1s social and environental crisis, as Lewisuford  ar'ued in&he Condition of an  (*9A: J*9K), lies in the creation of the ?or'anic person=,

or a syste of sustaina%le huan developent+ &his eans the creation of cultural fors that present theopportunity for %alance in the huan personality+ #ather than prootin' the asocial traits of huanity,

the ephasis would %e on nurturin' the social and collective characteristics+ Each huan %ein' would %e

?in dynaic interaction with every part of his environent=+

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5nironmental Tustice

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in*s6heir reductionist iew of climate chan!e reinscribes whitesupremacy by mar!inalizin! the daily stru!!les of people ofcolorC 8oweer, racism is intricately lin*ed to enironmental

destruction-6he lin* means they can’t sole

9tt 11

 ?asmine, riter or C*ange ;rom it*in

(“ .im ise and *ite Pri1ilege$, 6+ril %, )&, *tt+:c*angeromwit*in'org)&&K%tim-wise-and-w*ite-+ri1ilege

But as trou#ling as color#lindness can #e w*en e1inced #" li#erals, colormuteness ma" #e e1enworse' Colormuteness comes into +la" in t*e wa" man" on t*e w*ite li#eral-letail to gi1e 1oice to t*e connections #etween a gi1en issue  a#out w*ic* t*e" are

+assionate, and t*e issue o racism and racial ine@uit"' So, or instance, w*enen1ironmental acti1ists ocus on t*e *arms o +ollution to t*e +lanet in t*ea#stract, or tonon-*uman s+ecies, #ut largel" ignore t*e da"-to-da" en1ironmentalissues acing +eo+le o color, li/e dis+ro+ortionate e<+osure to lead +aint, or munici+al,

medical and to<ic waste, t*e" marginalie #lac/ and #rown ol/s wit*in t*e mo1ement, and in so doing, reinorce

racial di1ision and ine@uit"' 3i/ewise, w*en climate c*ange acti1ists ocus on t*e ecologicalcosts o glo#al warming, #ut ail to discuss t*e wa" in w*ic* climate c*angedis+ro+ortionatel" afects +eo+le o color around t*e glo#e, t*e" undermine t*ea#ilit" o t*e green mo1ement to gain strengt*, and t*e" reinorce w*ite+ri1ilege 'F 5ow man" climate c*ange acti1ists, or instance, reall" connect t*e dots#etween glo#al warming and racismZ E1en as +eo+le o color are twice as li/el"as w*ites to li1e in t*e congested communities t*at e<+erience t*e most smog

and to<ic concentration t*an/s to ossil uel useZ E1en as *eat wa1es connected to climate c*ange /ill

+eo+le o color at twice t*e rate o t*eir w*ite counter+artsZ E1en as agricultural disru+tions due to warming

caused dis+ro+ortionatel" #" t*e w*ite west cost 6rican nations V&& #illion annuall"Z E1en as t*econtri#ution to ossil uel emissions #" +eo+le o color is )& +ercent #elow t*at ow*ites, on a1erageZ Sadl", t*ese acts are t"+icall" su#ordinated wit*in climateacti1ism to sim+le “t*e world is ending$ r*etoric, or +redictions (accurate t*oug*t*e" ma" #e t*at unless emissions are #roug*t under control glo#al warming wille1entuall" /ill millions' ;act is, warming is /illing a lot o +eo+le now,and most ot*em are #lac/ and #rown' .o #uild a glo#al mo1ement to roll #ac/ t*e ecologicalcatastro+*e acing us, en1ironmentalists and clean energ" ad1ocates mustconnect t*e dots #etween +lanetar" destruction and t*e real li1es  #eing destro"ed

currentl", w*ic* are dis+ro+ortionatel" o color' .o do an"t*ing less is not onl" to engage in aorm o racist marginaliing o +eo+le o color and t*eir concerns, #ut is towea/en t*e !g*t or sur1i1al'

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"enterin! climate chan!e trades o+ with focus on theneoliberal social forces driin! it the a+ displaces non-warmin! enironmental crises and the root causes of

warmin!"rist B

(Eileen, *as #een teac*ing at 8irginia .ec* in t*e He+artment o Science and .ec*nolog" in Societ" since LL0, w*ere s*e is ad1isor or t*e undergraduate+rogram 5umanities, Science, and En1ironment, “Be"ond t*e Climate Crisis: 6Criti@ue o Climate C*ange Hiscourse$, Te%o", K (inter )&&0: )L>'

*ile t*e dangers o climate c*ange are real, 2 argue t*at there are een !reaterdan!ers in representin! it as the most ur!ent problem we face' ;ramingclimate c*ange in suc* a manner deser1es to #e c*allenged or two reasons: itencourages t*e restriction o +ro+osed solutions to t*e tec*nical realm, #"+owerull" insinuating t*at t*e needed a++roac*es are t*ose t*at directl" addresst*e +ro#lem^ and it detracts attention rom t*e +lanetIs ecological +redicament as aw*ole, #" 1irtue o claiming t*e limelig*t or t*e one issue t*at trum+s all ot*ers'2denti"ing climate c*ange as t*e #iggest t*reat to ci1iliation, and us*ering it intocenter stage as t*e *ig*est +riorit" +ro#lem, *as #olstered t*e +rolieration otec*nical +ro+osals t*at address t*e s+eci!c c*allenge' .*e race is on or !guringout w*at tec*nologies, or +ortolio t*ereo, will sol1e “t*e +ro#lem'$ *et*er t*ecall is or re1i1ing nuclear +ower, #oosting t*e installation o wind tur#ines, using a1ariet" o renewable ener!y sources, increasing t*e eWcienc" o ossil-uel use,

de1elo+ing car#on-se@uestering tec*nologies, or +lacing mirrors in s+ace to deDectt*e sunIs ra"s, t*e narrow c*aracter o suc* +ro+osals is e1ident: conront t*e+ro#lem o green*ouse gas emissions #" tec*nologicall" +*asing t*em out,su+erseding t*em, ca+turing t*em, or mitigating t*eir *eating efects' 2n *is .*eAe1enge o Gaia, or e<am+le, 3o1eloc/ #rieD" mentions t*e need to ace climatec*ange #" “c*anging our w*ole st"le o li1ing'$ But t*e t*rust o t*is wor/, w*atreaders and +olic"-ma/ers come awa" wit*, is *is re+eated and strident call orin1esting in nuclear energ" as, in *is words, “t*e one lieline we can useimmediatel"'$0 2n t*e +olic" realm, t*e !rst ste+ toward t*e tec*nological !< orglo#al warming is oten identi!ed wit* im+lementing t*e T"oto +rotocol' Biologist

 .im ;lanner" agitates or t*e treat", com+aring t*e need or its successul

endorsement to t*at o t*e Montreal +rotocol t*at +*ased out t*e oone-de+letingC;Cs' “.*e Montreal +rotocol,$ *e su#mits, “mar/s a signal moment in *umansocietal de1elo+ment, re+resenting t*e !rst e1er 1ictor" #" *umanit" o1er a glo#al+ollution +ro#lem'$J 5e *o+es or a similar 1ictor" or t*e glo#al climate-c*ange+ro#lem' et t*e dee+ening realiation o t*e t*reat o climate c*ange, 1irtuall" int*e wa/e o stratos+*eric oone de+letion, also suggests t*at dealing wit* glo#al+ro#lems treat"-#"-treat" is no solution to t*e +lanetIs +redicament' ?ust as t*eris/s o unantici+ated oone de+letion *a1e #een ollowed #" t*e dangers o a long

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undera++reciated climate crisis, so it would #e na1e not to antici+ate anot*er(+er*a+s e1en entirel" unoreseea#le catastro+*e arising ater t*e (*o+ed-orresolution o t*e a#o1e two' ;urt*ermore, i green*ouse gases were restrictedsuccessull" #" means o tec*nological s*its and inno1ations, the root cause ofthe ecolo!ical crisis as a whole would remain unaddressed' .*e destructi1e

+atterns o production, trade, e<traction, land-use, waste +rolieration, andconsumption, cou+led wit* +o+ulation growt*, would go unc*allenged, continuingto run down t*e integrit", #eaut", and #iological ric*ness o t*e Eart*' 2ndustrial-consumer ci1iliation *as entrenc*ed a orm o lie t*at admits 1irtuall" no limits toits e<+ansi1eness wit*in, and +ercei1ed entitlement to, t*e entire +lanet'L ButMuestionin! this ciilization is #" and largesidestepped in climate-chan!ediscourse , wit* its single-minded @uest or a glo#al-warming tec*no-!<')& 2nsteado conronting t*e orms o social organiation t*at are causing t*e climate crisisamong numerous ot*er catastro+*esclimate-c*ange literature oten ocuses on*ow glo#al warming is endangering t*e cul+rit, and agonies o1er w*attec*nological means can sa1e it rom im+ending ti++ing +oints') .*e dominantrame o climate c*ange unnels cogniti1e and +ragmatic wor/ toward s+eci!call"addressing glo#al warming, w*ile mutin! a host of eMually monumental issues'"limate chan!e looms so hu!e on t*e en1ironmental and +olitical agenda toda"that it has contributed to downplayin! other facets of the ecolo!ical crisis:mass e<tinction o s+ecies, t*e de1astation o t*e oceans #" industrial !s*ing,continued old-growt* deorestation, to+soil losses and deserti!cation, endocrinedisru+tion, incessant de1elo+ment, and so on, are made to a++ear secondar" andmore orgi1ing #" com+arison wit* “dangerous ant*ro+ogenic intererence$ wit* t*eclimate s"stem' 2n w*at ollows, 2 will ocus s+eci!call" on *ow climate-c*angediscourse encourages t*e continued marginaliation o t*e #iodi1ersit" crisisacrisis t*at *as #een so#erl" descri#ed as a *olocaust,)) and w*ic* des+ite decadeso scienti!c and en1ironmentalist +leas remains a 1irtual non-to+ic in societ", t*emass media, and *umanistic and ot*er academic literatures' Se1eral wor/s onclimate c*ange (t*oug* #" no means all e<tensi1el" e<amine t*e conse@uences oglo#al warming or #iodi1ersit", )% #ut rarel" is it mentioned t*at #iode+letion+redates dangerous green*ouse-gas #uildu+ #" decades, centuries, or longer, andwill not #e sto++ed #" a tec*nological resolution o glo#al warming' Climate c*angeis +oised to e<acer#ate s+ecies and ecos"stem lossesindeed, is doing so alread"'But w*ile tec*nologicall" +reem+ting t*e worst o climate c*ange ma" tem+oraril"a1ert some o t*ose losses, suc* a resolution o t*e climate @uandar" will not +ut anend towill #arel" address the on!oin! destruction of life on 5arth

7eoen!innerin! leads to war, massie ineMuality and endlesscapitalismCorner $(a #esearch !ssociate in the School of sycholo'y at Cardiff University)

(Dr !da, "EF-E"IEE#I": DEI!L F ! "LF8!L SC!LE, http:;;cliatedenial+or';..9;./;.;'eo-


Dr !da Corner ar'ues that 'eo-en'ineered solutions to cliate chan'e are ?capitalis=s

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ultiate parlour tric0 N+an ipressive leap fro a desperate denial of the causes of cliate chan'e, to a

triuphant denial of the conse>uences= In her %oo0 &he Shoc0 Doctrine, aoi Blein Moined the dots %etween

the coercial anufacture of ilitary weaponry, the ar0etin' of anti-flu pandeic dru's and the forei'n

construction firs drafted in to re%uild Ira> K three happy proMects %ound %y the shared philosophy of ?disastercapitalis=+ It ay %e tie to add another enterprisin' schee to this rather opportunistic pro'rae of panic-

driven profit a0in': "eo-en'ineerin' K the intentional, lar'e-scale anipulation of the earth and its

ecosystes in response to huan-caused cliate chan'e+ In an ipressive leap fro a desperate denial of thecauses of cliate chan'e, to a triuphant denial of the conse>uences, frontier capitalis ay have stu%ledacross its %est idea yet+ &he loose %and of technolo'ies that offer the outh-waterin' prospect of en'ineerin'

our way out of the cliate crisis are strai'ht out of science fiction, yet are %ein' ta0en seriously %y scientists

and investors ali0e+ Schees vary fro inMectin' the atosphere with sulphate particles to induce coolin', to

fertilisin' al'al %loos with iron filin's to cause increased CF se>uestration, to cheically ?scru%%in'= CFout of the air+ !s the #oyal "eo'raphical Society event on 'eo-en'ineerin' last wee0 lin0 showed, any are

seduced %y science that dan'les the carrot of a technolo'ical fi2 to cliate chan'e in front of their noses+  &he

event provided a fascinatin' window into the way in which 'eo-en'ineerin' is currently perceived %y the

scientific counity+ rofessor David Beith lin0N, a 0een advocate (althou'h far fro an evan'eliser) of 'eo-en'ineerin' called for a responsi%le, easured research pro'rae into the possi%ilities of 'eo-en'ineerin'+

&he pro%le with this proposal, however, is that even toyin' with the idea of 'eo-en'ineerin' opens a

andora=s 8o2 of cliatic and socio-political uncertainty+ !s the "reenpeace scientist Dr aul Gohnston noted

at the sae event, even the ost eleentary research into 'eo-en'ineerin' will involve real%world experiments  with the 'lo%al coons+ Gi &hoas, capai'ner with the Canadian E&C

"roup has o%served that if control over this 'lo%al coons appears even reotely feasi%le,

international conflict will inevitably ensue lin0N + Environental scientists li0e David Beith are

undou%tedly well-eanin' in their pursuit of technolo'ical solutions to cliate chan'e, %ut their research does

not ta0e place in a vacuu K it is conducted in a world that is defined %y a deeply unsustaina%le and

ine>uita%le socio-econoic syste+ 3hat hope is there that 'eo-en'ineerin' will %e %eni'nlyapplied for the 'reater 'ood$ 3ill the consent of the developin' world %e sou'ht when we conduct our

cliatic e2perients with their natural resources$ 3ill we share our new found 0nowled'e with everyone, or

only those who can afford to %uy our patented desi'ns$ !s philosophers li0e Gohn "ray have repeatedly

o%served, an unwaverin' faith in huan pro'ress often aounts to little ore than a secular replaceent ofreli'ious fervour+ In response to accusations that that 'eo-en'ineerin' research would involve ta0in'

unprecedented ris0s with the planet=s fra'ile eco-syste, rofessor David Beith replied O&his isn=t *[email protected] K the

iplication %ein' that while pre-industrial revolution scientists did not foresee the conse>uences of their

actions, today=s crop of e2perts are too wise to act so carelessly+ 8ut while few in the environental sciencecounity would see0 to ta0e un>uantifia%le ris0s with the cliate, there is a hardy %and of disaster capitalists

that would happily ta0e the ris0 for the+ 3orryin'ly, several e2perients with al'al %looin' have

 %een driven %y coercial pressure fro copanies 0een to sell credits into the eer'in'car%on-tradin' ar0et+ ever ind that artificial al'al %loos are yet to deliver any proven

CF reductions K lar'e scale 'eo-en'ineerin' proMects could %e capitalis=s ultiate parlour 

tric0: &he desi'n and anufacture of achines, on which we ultiately %ecoe dependent,to neutralise the waste produced %y a society of consuption-driven econoic 'rowth + &he

lure of 'eo-en'ineerin' K colonic irri'ation for the planet K is alost irresisti%le+ 3hat if it wor0ed K what if

we really could scru% the s0ies of car%on, and without havin' to reduce our car%on eissions$ Unfortunately,

the >uestion of technical proficiency is a red herrin'+  3e 0now we can desi'n technolo'ies that can

alter the cliate K that=s the pro%le we=re tryin' to solve+ &he ore iportant issue is whether we

can en'ineer our way out of trou%le in a way that does not e2acer%ate e2istin' ine>ualities+

&ac0lin' cliate chan'e is perhaps the ost critical test of our coitent to social Mustice we will ever

encounter K what could %e ore fundaental than the intentional ana'eent and division of the earth=snatural resources$ 8ut unless si'nificant chan'es in how scientific 0nowled'e is shared and distri%uted are

achieved& geo%engineering simply cannot address climate change in an e'uitable way + &o

 %elieve that the unprecedented power of 'eo-en'ineerin' will not %e wielded %y the rich andthe powerful at the e2pense of the wea0 and the vulnera%le is ore than siply wide-eyed techno-

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optiis: It aounts to a coprehensive denial of political reality+

7eoen!ineerin! ma*es enironmental destruction beyondwarmin! ineitable"rist B

(rof in Departent of Science and &echnolo'y in Society Q ir'inia &ech)(Eileen, 8eyond the Cliate Crisis: ! Criti>ue of Cliate Chan'e Discourse, &elos J (3inter ..A): 9K@@)

"iven the doinant frain' of cliate chan'e, it is hardly surpris- in' that schees for what is called O'eoen'ineerin'P (and, in even

ore Frwellian spea0, Oradiation ana'eentP) are increasin'ly aired as rea- sona%le solutions to the cliate crisis it will %e e>uallyunsurprisin' if they are soon prooted as inevita%le+ ! recent article in ature clais that 'iven Othe need for drastic approaches to stave

off the effects of risin' planetary teperatures + + + curiosity a%out 'eoen'ineerin' loo0s li0ely to 'row+P@J Si2 onths earlier, an article in

3ired 'ushed over the prospects, assurin' us that Oluc0ily, a 'rowin' nu%er of scientists are thin0in' ore a''ressively, developin'

incredi%ly a%itious technical fi2es to cool the planet+P@@ In the wa0e of apocalyptic fears, 'eoen'ineerin' is easily pac0- a'ed as

an idea whose tie has coe physicist aul Crut<en=s recent attentions have i%ued it with even ore credi%ility+ Crut<en received the o%el ri<e for his wor0 on o<one depletion, and is now cautiously pro- otin' Oactive scientific researchP into the possi%ility of shootin'

SF into the stratosphere, which, %y convertin' into sulfate particles, would as0 'lo%al warin' %y an effect 0nown as 'lo%al diin'

Crut<en calls it Ostratospheric al%edo enhanceent+P@/ In essence, this strate'y calls for counterin' one for of pollution with another+ In a *99A article in the 3all Street Gournal, nuclear physicist Edward &eller %eat the environental

ainstrea to a 'eoen'ineerin' solution for 'lo%al warin' %y a decade+ Indeed &eller=s suons to underta0e, if necessary, incredi%ly

a%itious technical fi2es to cool the planet, as a rational and econoically defensi%le enterprise, ay turn out in retrospect to have %een pioneerin' in the real of policy+ It even sees plausi%le that &eller=s self-assured and dollar->uantified essa'e (coincidin' with the year

of the Byoto protocol) played into the current U+S+ adinistration=s resolute defiance of calls to cur% eissions, for he confidently affired

that should 'lo%al warin' turn out to %e dan'erous, an in'enious en'i- neerin' e'a-fi2 for it will %e cheaper than phasin' out fossilfuels+@A If ainstrea environentalis is catchin' up with the solution pro- oted %y &eller, and perhaps har%ored all alon' %y the 8ush

adinistration, it would certainly %e ironic+ 8ut the irony is deeper than incidental politics+ &he proMected rationality of a

'eoen'ineerin' solution, sto0ed %y apocalyptic fears surroundin' cliate chan'e, proisesconse>uences (%oth physical and ideolo'ical) that will only >uic0en the real endin' of wild nature : Ohere

we encounter,P notes urray 8oo0chin, Othe ironic perversity of a ?pra'atis= that is no different, in

 principle, fro the pro%les it hopes to resolve+P@ Even if they wor0 e2actly as hoped,

'eoen'ineerin' solutions are far ore siilar to anthropo'enic cliate chan'e than they are

a counterforce to it: their ipleentation constitutes an e2perient with the %iosphere underpinned %y technolo'ical arro'ance,

unwillin'- ness to >uestion or liit consuer society, and a sense of entitleent to transo'rifyin' the planet that %o''les the ind+ It is

indeed these ele-ents of techno-arro'ance, unwillin'ness to advocate radical chan'e, andunliited entitleent, to'ether with the profound erosion of awe toward the planet that evolved life (and %irthed us), that

constitute the apocalypse underway if that is the word of choice, thou'h the words huani<ation, coloni<ation, or

occupation of the %iosphere are far ore descriptively accurate+ Fnce we 'rasp the ecolo'ical crisis as the escalatin' conver- sion of the

 planet into Oa shoddy way station,P@9 it %ecoes evident that inducin' O'lo%al diin'P in order to offset O'lo%al warin'P is not acorrective action %ut another chapter in the proMect of coloni<in' the Earth, of what critical theorists called world doination+

Doination coes at a hu'e cost for the huan spirit, a cost that ay or ay not include the scale

of physical iperilent and sufferin' that apocalyptic fears conMure+ 6uan %ein's pay for the

doination of the %iospherea doination they are either %ent upon or resi'ned to with alienation fro the livin' Earth+/. &hisalienation anifests, first and foreost, in the invisi%ility of the %iodiversity crisis: the steadfast denial and repression, in the pu%lic arena,

of the epochal event of ass e2tinction and acceleratin' depletion of the Earth=s %iolo'ical treasures+ It has ta0en the threat of cliate

chan'e (to people and civili<ation) to allow the tip of the %iodepletion ice%er' to surface into pu%lic discourse, %ut even that has %een

woefully inade>uate in failin' to ac0nowled'e two crucial facts: first, the %iodiversity crisis has %een occurrin'

independently of cliate chan'e, and will hardly %e stopped %y windills, nuclear power plants,

and car%on se>uesterin', in any aount or co%ination thereof and sec-ond, the devastation that

species and ecosystes have already e2perienced is what lar'ely will ena%le ore cliate-chan'e-driven daa'e to occur+ 6uan alienation fro the %iosphere further anifests in the recalcitrance of instruental

rationality, which reduces all challen'es and pro%les to varia%les that can %e controlled, fi2ed, ana'ed, or anip- ulated %y technical

eans+ Instruental rationality is rarely >uestioned su%stantively, e2cept in the fla''in' of potential Ounintended conse- >uencesP (for

e2aple, of ipleentin' 'eoen'ineerin' technolo'ies)+ &he idea that instruental rationality (in the for of technolo'ical fi2es for

'lo%al warin') i'ht save the day hovers %etween isrepresenta- tion and delusion: firstly, %ecause instruental rationality has itself

 %een the planet=s neesis %y ediatin' the %iosphere=s constitution as resource and %y condonin' the transforation of 6oo sapiens intoa user spe- cies and secondly, %ecause instruental rationality tends to invent, adMust, and twea0 technical eans to wor0 within 'iven

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conte2tswhen it is the 'iven, i+e+, huan civili<ation as presently confi'ured econoically and culturally, that needs to %e chan'ed+