f r, U l l i i RAILWAY RECORD. MISSISSIPPI VALLA T KOtTE. L. K. . T. Rr. In I et SanUyt Ffbrawry 8, ISHg. NO. t GOrriii BOCTti. NO. atiOU-i- NORTH. Lt. Ylcks 'urg.. 7:'a.m' Lv. X. Orlearjs..8:46 a.m Ar. N. vriens:.::n p.m'Ar. Vicksburg...? :4o p.m NO. 3 uuXNti Sol'iU.KO. 4 GOlN'tf NORTH. Lt. .o;rrhia... fi:4o a.m.LY. N. UrleanB-- 7 :() p. a Ar. YiC'is'irg p.ai Lv. Vick;turg.6::ft a.m Ar. X. urleanj a.nrAr. Meini'hm J:dO p.m Puliman Palrce Drawing-roo- and Sleeping Carson train? .v3. .i jicd 4 between Kanu City i&tew Gr.ens. JAa. 6. DAYAXT. Gen. Pfs. Ag't, .Mem;-his- lean. JAS. M. EDWARDS, V. P. and ... M., iemphia, Tenn. SisaisHtppt erne! Tvaneswee. Mail train leaves at 4 :"0 p.m. ; arrives &t ld:4-- a.m. Striis aecouvno Jation leaves at 3 p.ai.; arrives it it a.m. irreiut train leave (di .ly exoipt iundayt at 7 :iu a.m. ; arrives J '.v ex Stiiuay at t p.m. 4Jties$aHl.c), . aw. ii e wir-- 5 r.a.i:i more it ftii-ws- ;'.(. 8 t;.$t line leaves at 7:4a.m. No. 6 U'uitoa accommoda- tion ri;iiy, leaves at Sz'Mi p.m. No. 7 (rant line y arrive at :ly p.m. No, S u'uiton accom-mo- d b? ion daily) arrives &; 9: jo a.m. .1 - !. UTIU iw.a TriP uO.I a folic i:ri.i:ri I. : .rvci daily at 5:1" p.m.; a,t a.J b5 p.m. ; ;!), 3 lo,.we5 r.'4:a.-- f ;m itS.4'i.i.; ;. 6 (ireic ;. leave tit;; l" t y, t tep;. 'ui.LdT, at 6: o p.a : rnv, - :0f LvumiilPRtK' ".b-- r iluv-Xra- iiv iroiu folio, t; Fa i a. a: I iv;y u. 4:od a.'n.; leave a'. p.m.; oi:.i ;.-.- i.j.i'y 9a-- a.m. i. "own-viii- iiia.1r.-i- t,. z. Svsva; ;!, saad.y. :t J :"0 p.ie .; r.Ait trri-c- - at 4 :: p. ji. i;towD.-- ,Li-.-- .ro -- ci 7r v dui7, exoopt aal7. at .:' n.i.j. .an-lar- tiinr). JtiMt'tit t a j.jrTrHi3-- Iv.i;r cove rU f ' J UTL'- .sV'H! a':y iit ii:45 p.ir., Mr-- : n- .r'e;r Ui'- . y:li dum o1' uf", i ; U'..'.,.a:1 XCpt iac i2y, At 4.4- j'.ui. arrive i.:y n '0 ;u '.- - no evi ,f.ai arrivaa caiiy ar 10 :i0 p.ia. ir.irv i -- co7ju:o-d.t'03 i:.;'-.- . f.,v" t : JUir.. Tr.ii:-- itfrtvo "tt . .&d 1'. 'i.-.- as follows : Kansas Cit r e?:;ires leave? i til? t 11 a.m. ; arrives at in. Kacr.i C;iy auil leaves daily t 6:00 p.m.; arrives at 8 :2T a.m. ijt Louis an Chir.i(ro XiTiF leve d: ly it 2:1 p.m. : arrives at U!:j0 non; r-- s express loaves a a. y at li a. m. ; arrive at good. Ir. Bfruhanlt'H 9icen4 ProTeMtloniU Viil to ?IomphiH afler a IHp"i f Morris Brtaiit CULSST -- AXD- III lltl21JE OF CHICAGO, 1E.I- -, Formerly oT Berlin, Pru-i- and New York, is lUfpm; at preheat OiUce Koo&i No. 4 Parlur Fltort MEMPHIS TEXfrS OfTers to tho. s who are suffering frein weakness and DEFECTIVE SIGHT HIS Brazilian Pebble and Australian Crystal Glass Spectacles Knperior to act ether In a. Con- structed in accordance with tbe ar i I'hii-s- by of nkture, u ;:j'ted to the or- gans of sipht, and prtrct y na'.urai t is oye. aaordin? altogether tee be-- artiticial help to tlte tumao visiun ever invented. 1. Iberrao be troru with perfect ew for any length o" smj at one ittiiif . yivioir clearnss-- vi?ion, by dnaie or oiher arti-'ia- ii.ibt. acd eon.f-jr- to tiie Ei'ct4j;e wearer hereto fyre uoknown. 2. How to Nli-- t lwfi.-- It proi"e'i'"'Ca! Jan e, even wnn a pnot article i'cCrci. Dr. Berchkrdt u t oniy i. ..s t':.e be.--! Itlae-e-- to be found m t'- e market, out c.irefuiiy eivjuac' the eye; the atieitt, and ci"es it pnaA:jt advice as U tbe iiroitr tselciiioD ol toetn. DR. M0HFJ3 BERNHARDT eome recomraendi.-- ;n the hii;hest terms of prai iy certifi'-ntv- tro'a tiio mo"! eminent Physiianf Ucmite, Iivine,, i.d the mtflt Torii;;ent u rr o ;r Aai'.np tnom a.e lb" e of . LMi'JJ IS. 'I ., :c i Hum ail the principal c;ii ot me L a .ted ctie. Pvcn:c---- year- - iipw. in the ej.rine ot lk7, our city wa vUittid t y an em:n:r Opi'MJi;. Dr. Morr:-- lierhardt. f Pruf.-:a- , o'.joyine :.t that V- t::e thfc ird'.rej.:'i now i.i hij jrfi:e finn 'f A. K. '."a M.D.,.1 K. ;.!.!).. John P.::; itn, M.D , li. ;r;ir.. M. D. K. n. d D., E. .Milf VV.Jle'T. .M D., W. I. M. D. Lii'y. t;. D. S., t&e Hev. C. A. Dsvi, the lie v. T. D. W trif Rev. J. ('. ti.e iv. i. White, the Ilev. ft. H. rord, t'rav.'tii-i;- h:? ain" then in t'e iincij al cit:c ot'the Vnitcd Mate. aLU .:i''T lennanent 'Ovation in Chicks.'- -, ind by te Mtdical in that rnv, the Doctor, on aroouiit ui i'l if.ilt-i- . has been obliged to tfUiporariiy haine, and coat?! uK-- to v.; t i.nr city ,"iain. We have examined his rredfn;s it wt!! a.s a large and rre a.-o- r .n;erit .i.;;cal and l:ne fr corret-tiLi- de'et.-- yA and believe irom oar interview w;ih th D;ct'r thit he i." thorouifbiy ja:iiitied in in." pr- te.-io- n to re- lieve the vri'-u- iLlirrnitie ot by t.i appl.n.'.iii.n at 2 :11 earh indorse hiu. K VIL- - wli.IJ.ii, M.D., J'lii.-- ; rt. M.D.. ?A I'r.L J. (USON, M.D., .? NL- -, M.D., JutiN PIT M.N , M.D., iKu. H . y,'j)t. k., .M.D., J. L. tiV..5. 'i;-- . .Vl'iUIIKLL A MAURY, i; W. OVKit LL, M.D., D D t.Nf::ivS, .M.D., W". U'. W. E. fcHKPA. K'MiE.M.I)., A. W. LAMAR. . Pa'.ro: Ter'Tal Captia? Church. EVtiENK DANiMU, Ptorof rir-- t Presbyterian Church-N.M- . LoN'w, Pastor of Stransers Churo Mhmphis, TitNy., DecemHer 10. 184. I have been long ii miliar with the n.ttue and reputation of the a'nyve pentieman, and i';el B- leared that tbetr ind rseii.e;;t isi a uarntee fur the doctor's pro:f?i n;il skill. I ve Dr. AI. Bernhardt, "vent;n yrrg . a certificate with the one tixLed, written by medical enticuien. fii:0. WHITE, Rectus Emeritus Calvary Cuurvh. 55F.iiPHt5, Tkn., December 15, IHi. I have read a very natterina notice of the of Dr. ilernhardt ai an op'ician and hi wondrrful skill as an oculist written by my la- mented predecessor. Dr. C A. Davis. All who know Dr. Davis will i.ear testimony to the fact that any coinmunicKtion f0111 him wi.uld he merited and deserved. ii A.J0NL.S, Pastor Cumberland Preubyterian Church. MniPHis, Tknjt., December V,?t&i. Dr. Bernhardt, of Chicago, brings tne jndorso-cnent- a'l tiie principal physiciuhi and clergy- men of that city, the njot of whom I know, and many of ihoin y and yerv weli. ! lie certainty stands at tbe top of his profession j aa an oeutitt and optician. I have unuaiibed ; coundenr in him to do almost to tiie limits ot j the ponsibilities of bis He ha the ; test indorsements oa b":i si is "f the Atlantic. UEO. W. SWEENEY. f Pastor Christian Church. j John Atlee, M.D., the eminent surgeon of Lan j carter. Pa., says. "It. Ltrnharit has htted i glares to my eyes, maamg the vision almost as perfect as in youth." 'Dr. Bernhardt' lenses are trade of aT'rlnr mntenal and with hiit aid, must luawriaiiy aasiet iulirmities nffisht." k. E. teuton, New loric. "The glasses ued in hi7 faroUy adapted by Dr. Bernbar it are o! ui.erior qjalny anu workman- - snip. 1 have no he-- iion in fomiimntting mm as an acoatpii-he- and it itf u opij-ia- O. P, Morton, ui Indiana. Dr.'Bernbardt glasses, fitted to my eyes by I him, are the be-- t 1 ev-- ued. 1 fectly as 1 could in my y.utb. 1 lieurTiiy recoua- - mend hi in to the s,i! runage of the puohc. Jonathan Worth, ei.tior. North Carolina. "Tho glares admirabiy answer the purpose for whi-- tiiey were It. s me great I to certtfy to your ability, and to cor- - lially commend you to hII ho have impenect i Tis,o, with fuiJert eonfi kree in your power to .reas-isttnetn.- " eoVwin. ! "The perfect adnptaldlity of fhe glasses fitted to my e ye- - i unm ista ka hie evidsiCfl of your high sc ien till ce kiil ae an optician. " R. M. Patten. of Alabama. A- O. Curtin, nor Pennsylvania, 1 V'j'j ((. of aui'ther pair of gls-es- . ot tb.- - .'liipted tj my eye. J ney are fevonl c to my eyes .1 any huie ever w i:.J . 1 would nt i e without tbem pr any and d- - , air to Veep in rfMd.ne-- s to take fheir Place in ni,y a"Mdcnt t- the pair 1 am Ufcing. lour in your prole.-,-io- u makes i TOU a public berjelaetor. Jotepn L. iro n, Georgia. "Ir. Eernbirdt s skill mut hf r,f ffreAl htnefit to thna availing thein-idve- s ol it." J. k'. Hart-ratilt-, Pennsylvania. ('OSrLTATi FKIK. Letters of inquiry must inclose stamp for reply OrKtrn lietv r rom V a.m. to 5 p. rt.'. Naw Yoax Aii.imss box No. r.'.O. CirTio.f-.- No gent employed or apointd. N.B. Owing to M"nLs eisewhere, Dr. '' ; u ' hat "hort Bernhardt w s lune. "3 For sal by J. :. t.l. I A COTTOII-SE- E and ftr tblf date, nnti! further Dotir. FROM Jioiphii CoItoD-sec- i Cle.riur Uoui. will p7 ,a er l u '"r S0""1 clean Cotton. "la li. r. UAL Li.lt. Ueoaral Mna. Unphij, f,brury U. are lor i, -- o Ur as he t tbs ;,ower, and will tiike K" to have the FINANCE AND TRADE. Bankers report no change in tbe financial market money easy, with a moderate The cotton market opened and closed qniet, little doing, with middling quoted at 10 and ealea of 1000 bales, of which exporters took 50 bales. Receipts, 653 bales, of which 178 bales were y river; shii mentc, 2537 bales, of which H were by river. Slock, 6S,5lil bales. 3ow York spota closed quiet at 11 lot-ure- B steady, March qaoted at 11.29(3,11.30, other months 2 to 3 points lower. New Or- leans spots closed very steady at lOJc; fut- ures closed steady, March quoted at 10 63 10.64, and other months 4 to 5 points lower. Liverpool spots closed fla, very lit tie doing;, quoted at 6 futures quiet and steady, March 6 sellers, bi t at Liverpool .March tith, H 74,000 bf.k'8, asainEt '., 000 bales same date last year. Ileceip.s at all United btates porta yesterday, 512 bales. Busiaesa continues dull in general traila, owing to the Ecireity ol stable sup- plies. Kut the moderate deraand has thus far been abundant y Eupplied. Tbe exception is in potatoes, for which there is a lively demand from planters. Kv'gs are firm "and a shade higher, the stock be-ic- g about adequate to the demand. Ke-cp- ts and shipments yesterday were: IMPORTS. Forty tcs bacon and hams, 10 ska bran, 12 brls beans and peas, 15 pkes but- ter, 2tf pkss boots and shoes, 2J0 bu corn, '2 cars cotton-see- 127 pks cheese, 177 sks coflve, 8 pkm dry poods, 2 pkgs tti.s, 1012 bria ilour, 619 baits hay, lo cars hav, 2 cars lumber, 40 pkirs liquors, 125 brls meal, 172 brla niGlafses, 3u0 kgs nails, 2 cars oats.Oo2 bu oats, 46 brls onions, 3412 brls potatoes, 8 cars bulk pork, 3S0 brls parked porK. 5 hhds sugar, 440 brls sugar and 50 pkga tobacco. EXPORTS. Niaety-ei- ht brls apples, 48 rls bac-giii- 35 tcs bacou and hams, s bran, 24 hris boans and peas, 47 pk's butier, pkjis boots and shoes, t :iy4 bu corn, 100 brls cotton-see- d oil, 816 s'is cotton-see- d oil meal, 73 pkgs cheese, 218 cotTee, 16 hd cattle, 116 pkes dry ous, 20 pkgs ec?. 715 bris flour, ZiSi bales hay, 116 hd horsoand males, 41 bdis iron tits, 103 pks !urd, 8 cars lumber, 46 pkjr8 liquors, 4:i0 br:s meal, 117 brls 2b2 ta:i nails, 2516 bu oats, 81 brls onions, 640 brls potatoes, 8 care bulk pork, 5S brls packed pork, 3 hhds sugar, l'J8 brls Bugarand lSu pkgs tobacco. riXAXCE. Money 8 per cent, cn satisfactory collat-'ra- l. The fcllowin tuble shows the clear- ances and balances, tbe rates of exchange :. id prices of lo;al stocks and bonds at tiie of yesteiday's business: CLEARINGHOUSE STATEMENT. rarch loth J.ilnl ! 3 T2.5-'- - 00 Thus far this week 22 lLV.;S.i.--i ,r'fi time Inst week s") l:ii,:io Strae week v4. W.So Si.W 4 .iIEe week lbW - 5Jy 4iti 15 ,LC1 72 EXCHANGE. New York x4 disVi prem .New Ennland dcn.aud.. .....1s dif.' .New En viand siffut. diy.is New Orioaus -- . du'l par BANK fcTOCKs. Tank of Commerce i irft National ...I Ji bid riertiutn Naiiuaal li i lit' Si,ate Nation:!. ... r- I niun i: Planters....,...- - u .Mtircantilo Lii bid INSURANCE STOCKS. Home fri to -- tutTOity V'J 4 75 . - lC- i- fujetiix . Ui0 Memphis City .... irv.ilto Vaii'lerbiit s 3 I.craando ltlljillO Ariinfcton - 'Jo bid RAILWAY STOCKS. and Charleston S and Tennessee..,- - 4u i '.uisrihe an i i!4 .luLtilc and Ohio - 7J 10 RAILWAY BONDS. M.j phi? City V veni.hia ami Charles tun -- d uiort.7si,)fcArli(. eninuic arifi Charleston cor?ol-- l'J Memphis and Little Hock let mort ,v and Tennessee consuls A.. .xZn Mississippi and Teuuessea Contois li.. llU MISCELLANEOUS. rnxinft-Pistriu- t comiTomirie bonds 73 C 'tt"n builditff bonds, par and ac- crued iaurest added Vempnis lorjt? CompreK Co lf (Sl'H Vein ;hi Gas Company dock S) M oinphis (ius Couipiiny bond 102 9A 'eni;nis Water Co. bonds, accrued int li' emp.iis W ater.Compatiy fctouk V0 ftlt ' .euph s City bnds, old. i" Vemphis City Coiupromisa bonds 7'A - .ienij-h'.- City oonpons I'roir. old bonds. :!7 .. e'niTiis Cit v em: p. from com p. b jnds. in run. his Citv ledirer balanees Meiu City j udtf. or. i bond... i.fMpiiis Citv paving indebtedness Sueihy county M'iin. A Ohio K R.)6ii.l!'J e by c.juity tM- - O K.liJ long....!"! iclhy county warrants '. ' i'.ouevr Cotton Mills . 50 $ tx Z't'.r Yoke, March 10. Money ea.y, 1 , it 1 ier cent. Prime meicaa-i:iepa-je- 5 p cunt. sterling bankers bids dull, ; demand, iiondb Governmcxite quiet, with of pr ct ia 4i. fetato bonds : fleeted. liaiircad bonds mote active; : rictaLrea:;raUy hher. Mocks The tfi-- rl Piock market con- tinued quiet with a strong undertone. In i ,e ear;y dezHDre this morning thero ws a fciiht decline from tbe ov-:i:- oV 0 Gsinfs. prices in the gone' j' v a'ler opening J lo.vcr, at declined rapidly until eoldat 105 J, rbich it rrachei before 11 oViOck On j rjje sales from tiiat piicA i: rallied to luoj continued duria- - ih rfeiiiainder of t ie day between 10oJ:;i10ojr, with one fUiio at" 105, seller 3 days, following the i.--s at lOO-i- were transactions at )., Feller IxJ days, bat optional sales were not terse. TranRrtions azgregates 242,0(X) follows: 60,000 1 acka wanna, 30,CO0 L ke iiorz, 20,00 Northwestern, 12.000 f Jrtey Central, 32,000 New York Oen-r- 40,000 St. i'aul, and 14,000 Western Closing quotaiions: ,;OVKKNilF.yT3. r. s. .v. 1014- - vs, 111". f'acic os of 1S65, 125. BONDS. P. firsts, llJi. T. P. land grant, Krie scond, .r7l4. r.P., BioG. div.,&. hith k Wilkes, i U. P. lissts, Hi. l.tai; iana Consols, . U. P. land grants, Missouri s, P. sink, lund, 17 loepb, b"' . Vin-ini- a r.s. Cy. I'.iii.C. firns. 129- Va. con., ex-i- o, i 42. ".''eon. old, 47. Ya. consols, did, 0. 'J onn. 6s, new, 4oM. STOCKS. Ada ms Exi-res- 152 AUcrheny Central, 3Ji-- " oA ierre H., ?2. i: . II., itd, Co. : press, yi . i.i lia PaciSc, ;i'.44. Cannda Southern, antral Pacitie, 'Mrm-- ) and 0.t 5;i. .t l. 1st ptd, 11. C .V 'J -- d pfd, ( i Alto-- i:vi. C. A A. pld, P. C, St. L. A N. O..H1. ('., ht. L. P., h;. C.St L,AP. pld, 17. S. 4 C. 2J' i. C. A C. .vi1;. k Hud.. 7' .. L. A V., 5's. i''jn. & Kioij., lie, ld;4. p'd East Tenn., V. Fort Way no, . liunnibul A bt. Jo, 33. "ti. A tit. Jo pld.HS'i. linrlem, IIouHtn A' T., 15. Illinois Central, Ind. li. A W., 1.1. K.mas & 1 ., Lake E. W., 15. .ake hore, d1 Lou. A N. S2V. . Lou- N. A., .M. A C, 1st pfd, 10. !. A C. jd vhl, b. Stem. Char., 42. Michigan Centra'. 1. Min. A St. L:. 12. M. a fct. L. pfd, Missouri Paci6'. W). ;.lbile A V Morris A E., olf'd, 120. ;Hiiville AC , 4(4. N.J. Cfcntral. 40. Norfolk H W. '21, Northern P.icilic, 18? M. Northern P; pfd, W. I. Tel, tit). 4 N. W., '"' C. A N. W. prefd, 12M. New ork Cen., 4, Ohio Central, 1 ' h io A ilis"issipp!.l7; . Ohio A M-- . pfd, 75. tario A 1"'.-- Oregon Navigation, 6S. t'retfoo Trans., Oregon Imp., 21.. 1'iicifie Mail, j. Panama, H. 1'.. I. A K.. PitLsburff. MT1. llman Val. tsr, i. licadii. g, 17' Aked. 1No sales. New Oai.KASrf, March exchange rn New York, j2 per premium. Sterling exchange bankers' bills, 463. Joupo;c,March 10. Co;isols,P7 ac- count, U L'nited htateH 4a, 121 i: Krie snc or.dF, 0t; xvew xora central, uij; THE COTTON LVKKETS. The local market opened and closed 'jtiiet, little doinjr, wi h quotations and f !e8 ol lOflO bales .0 to ixjvirters and 'J50 to Bninners. Quota-liri- at the clone were: Yesterday Day .' 'rdinary. Noiu. Noni. ( ", dinnry li K V ' !. M!4lin 10 10 l.diluTK Ill l' V""1 MiMUnn .1" 'i 1" .Hii'iliiig Iiir . 10 ; 11) 10 16 lf-- nin. Num. Mama, (I'll:; t.HKrs. l.':l'.'.'-.0- . CUTION STATEMENT. Mimphih, March 10, !";. Hceive'l iM ' l f 'y 1 . r.i - " St L AS K pld t. u c St P p'd o p1;1 m'.V.'J. tl P. A Omaha, 2'. 47 v'Em A ' 4 V? , St.L. A 1 "t.'-t- : V- . 'tfrt l'' ieidwood lr0'''r" Cr 6 in '?r7o if 1 2' v.r,W) 2o. rc uth . Sutro, li. J "iUJ,n V ; t ral, i?4$ ; Keadmg, y; r anaain i acn.c, J0i fet "i'aul. 76. i' FaBIS. March 10. KenteS, oI, e OC. ,mim , ....4ill,ir.'2 WT.SA 2. 7 3M,.i:9 21.1 t S.T,f.fl 6i,6Ul Sliif-jjc- hi ped llurnt, eti: liome coneumiition tu dul..'. Stock, running account ititpititt. Thus far thi week Thui far l;uit week Sine, beptember luu, Memphis and Charleston Rp.il'oad 71 .V and Tnnes.-e- e Kailrokd '.'J I.'.uiiivillo and Nah-ili- A i. !S. Kuilroadj &i j Meiuphif and Lilt. r.ek i'.rtilroad Z H' Ciij.apeike. ii'it and &. V. haiirtmd l j kjiii.vilie. New Oriean? and 1. Kaiiroad... 14 te8ler ITS Wafuns and other aources ID Total . j t JToth t roirwJ aa,i em cn the 3,1 ExporU. Thus far thie week Ttios far laat week Since beptember lit . THE MEMPHIS1 DAILY AiPPBAL-WEDNESD- AY, MAECH 11, 1885. .. 8.997 .. a.m 337, Sn6 Mii'i?!'inpi and Tennessee Railmad ,,. 144 J.cui.-vil- Kew Orleans and I. Kaiiroad... IMS Bteamers souta 745 Total 2,437 Kew York spots opened dull ; at 12:0S, easy; at 2, quiet, closing quiet, with sales of. 1 'j bales, and quotations as follows: - Yeiterday Day Bofor Oriinav 9' Ona i 10 W, 1.CW M)ilinK.. 11 11 .V.itiil.ir:, .. 11 V. t'ot.(l Middling. 11H 11 16 Miud'ing Fair. .....12 1JH 1'air U 6 New York futures opened weak: at 10:18. steady; at 11:33, steady; at 12 quiet and steady ; at 1 :30, quiet and steady ; at 2:2tJ, quiet and steady, closing steady, with e.il. a of 59,yt)0 bales, and quotations as follows: Y.surday Day Before January ... F.bruary . . March M.29ll.90 11.3111.31 April 11.32j11.33 Vay .. 11.4J-- 1 11.45 Jll.46 June n.f2 (11.53 11.55 July 11.6"11.61 ll.tU4U.RS Auirusl .ll. 07-- 1.68 11.6v:l.6s( September 11.27 ill.28 '.l.&kdl.a 111.77 10.76 10.77 JHI.VS Noveniter... 10.6210.63 10.61ylO.cS Decouiber .10.6210.6a 10.61 aio.os New Orleans six its opened quiet: at 11:30, quiet; at 1 :3J, quiet, closing very steady, with quotations unchanged, and sales of 2250 bales. Yesterday Day Before Ordinary 9 0 (food Ordinary -- .....lO lu Low Miiidling 10 lut Middlinif 10!.J Vi'-- Good Middling ..........lWi lipl New Orleans futures opened steady at decline; at 12:16, eteady, closing steady, Tvith sales of 20,100 bales, and quotations as follows: Y.tterday Day Be for. January ra March . 10.63 10.4 10 64 10 65 April 11). 7710.7.1 10.S1110.Ri May 11 si 1.01 11.04.4U.U5 J une 11. '.ll.4ll.il 11.24 111.25 July 1 .SS' i,l 1.39 11.42J11.43 t 11.4;. U 47 ll.ft.iOll.51 September ID H .10. 10.90 S10. 92 October 10.4.!0 47 Noveu'ber 1" XI ..,1.1.33 10 :te10.:4 leco tuber 10.a210.S3 10.i5isl0.36 DAILY BULLETIN'S. State of Market. Rec'a Pric. Stock. Cftlveston .... Liull. 44 10 11 16i 26.542 New Urioans V'yStdy. 2,S-'- 10VJ i2n2,ir21 .Moi.i:e Quiet. "4 10 7. 16i 26,790 ravannth Quiet. 515 10"a 24 (.'harleston Quiet. 4 11 20,3X3 Wilmington... S'eady. 94 10 13 16 2,629 Norfolk Dull. 3N2 11 20,2r.9 Baltimore Quiet. 494 11 17.999 New York Quiet. 4ili 11 347,252 Iior.tnn Dull. SS4 6,310 l'hiladelphia. Dull. 113 11 9 8,06 St. Louis. Dull. 443 10 32.201 Aaeueta Steady. ariou.... Day's receipts, 1 v.) 5,!42 Day's receipts, IM .. 8,660 Day's receipts, lheVi . 16,654 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT. This Last Last Week. Week. Y.ar. Receipts 4 days 23,719 29,1611 25,22 K'xporti to Gr't Britain 17.H5I 12.295 26. 13 Fxporu to Continent... 6,694 17,035 Sto. k at nil ports 764.261 797.07 Ihia Last Year Y'ear. Year. Before. 1'eceipts since Sept.lt:4,431.fri6 4,4:w,i57'5,0"6.470 Foreign exports .'3,K6,9;).5 3,(5,:. 477i3, 438,714 ;.ock at U. S. ports.... 764 ,11 Mo,USli 900,015 iLcranan In r.minl. 7 .'.li Liverpool ppsts at noon were quoted flat, little doinjf.with sales of 5000 bales, of which 3r;00 were American. .Receipts, 18,000 bales, of which 13,300 were Ameri- can. At, 12: Ordinary, 5 1 6d ; good ordinary, 5 low middling, 6 good middling. 6 uplands, 6 Or- leans, 6Jd. Liverpool futures at noon were yery flat; Murcb, March-Apri- l, 6d; April-Ma- r, 0 May-Jun- June-Jul- G July-AuKU- 8 d; August-t:ep:embe- r, & At 2: Flat; March, 6d, value; March-Apri- l, 6d, value; April-Ma- 6 sell-or- May-Jun- e, 6 tellers; June-July- , ti j2 64J, eeliers; July-Augus- t, 6 sellers; August-Septetnoe- r, ti 18 Wd, value. At 2: Manchester Cloths flat, very lit- tle tioicg ; yarns flat, somewhat irregular. At 4: May-Jun- e, June-July- , G 1 i 04d ; Auzust-Septembe- r. 6 At 5: March, 6 sellers; March-A- i ril.G sellers; April-Ma- 6 (seiitjis; May-Jun- 6'J-G4- sellers ; June-Jal- y, 0 13 64J, eeliers; July-Augu- 6 16-- 1.1, a Hers; August-Septeiube- r, 6 sjllers. i'utuies closed quiet and steady. GEXERiVL TEADE. CALL BOAKU DEALIXGB. The daily meetings of the Call Board kI.ow increase in attendance, but owing 1 lightness of stocks of both grain and previsions, transactions are very light Yt sterday'g session was attended by some close Lidding and offering, excepting for oa;a on which buyers and sellers were wide apart Quotations are as follows: Cokn To. 2 miied. epot 45oT451n bid : M;ircb,4rrf?44fC asked ; April, 44 Jc asked; lay, 44c bid; year, 4L'c asked. Corn No. 2 white, mixed, spot sold it 45i(2;40Jc bid; March, sales of two lots at 4tiii; 47c asked ; April, 4C46c bid, 47J' 47c asked ; May, 40c bid, 48c asked; yenr, 44c aeked. Cobs Kejected, spot, 40c bid. Oats So. 2 mixed, spot, 35c bid, ;tic asked; March, 35 bid, 37c asked; jear, isc bid, 32c asked. Oats o. 2 while, April, 3 jc bid. Cle ah Kib Sides Spot. 30 davs. fcl 35 bid, in 40 asked ; March, fully cured, $6 45 asked ; April, 6 35 bid. Mess x'ork Spot. $13 55 asked : March. $13 60 asked. Corxmeal Standard, March, $2 a5 ; April, f 2 .40 asked ; May, 12 46 2 37J. EKtlADtilCfr't. Cok.v yhite, SZdhc ; mixed, 50c, from store; ear, sacked, 50c. from levee or track, round lots in bulk, shelled white, 4W5;47c on track and elevator; sacked, 51c; mixed, Eacked, 4Sc; in bulk, 43f3i44c. Hay Strictly choice, from store, 85 SOc; prime, S5e; prairie, GOc; round lots from levee or depot, choice, $lo15 50; prime, 14 50; prairie, $U 10 50. Oats White, 42c; mixed, 40c from store. Round lota from levee or track hito, sacked, 40c j mixed, sacked 30c; in fcul, 3Gc. From store, 8 c perewt; round lois from levee, 514 5015 per ton. CoRXMKiL Standard,$2 402 45; pearl, i'i 25(5,3 50 from store; 5c cheaper from mill, levee or track. Heans Navy, $1 75f?,2; medium, $1 25 (57 1 ii . Table peas, $1 75 per bushel. Stock peas, no demand. Oatmbal In halt barrels, S3 o Lroia store. Flocr Fr.im 6tore, triple extra, $3 60 3 75; family, J3 7"(fi74; choice, $4 104 25; fancy, $4 35(5,4 50; extra fancy, $4 75(j;5; pateuts, $5 25't,5 75 ; round lota from levee or track lOQjl 'ic cheaper. Cracked Wheat In half barrels, $4 50 from store. Hominy and Garrs From store, $3 40. Kick Louisiana, 5J(S;Gic; Carolina, 73 71c LonsviLLE, March 10. Wheat firm; longoerry, 94 lc ; No. 2 red winter, 86c. Corn No. 2 mixed, 44 Jc Oats No. 2, 34 Jc. New Orleans, March 10. Flour "easy; choice, J4 20!W4 25. Corn ia moderate de- mand, 58(5 60c. Oats Western, 41(:42c. Cornmeel, $2 65. St. Lofif, March 10. Receipts Flonr, 4 0 brls; wheat, 14,000 bu; corn, 72000 bu ; oats, 31 000 hu ; rye, 1000 bu ; barley, bu. Shipments Flour, 11,000 brls; wheat, 2000 bu ; corn 481,000 bu; oats, 20,0uo b ; rye, 1000 bu ; barley, none, Cincinnati, March 10 Flour dull and drooping; family, S3 50i SO, Wheat duil; So. 2 red winter, S5c. Corn stronger; No. 2, mixed 44C"M4i& Oats demand fair and market firm ; No. 2 lioic. Rye easier, 67c. Barley brin ; No. 2 fall, 80c Kanhas Citv, March 10. Wheat steady ; cash, tCjc bid, Glc asked; April, 62Jc bid, 02jc asxed; Mav, 64c. Corn steady; cash, 311c; Apri1, 31c bid,32c awked ; May, 32jc bid, 32?c asked; June, 32Jc. Oals dull and nominal; 2Sc bid, 29c asked. Chioai, March 10. Receipts Flonr, 12,000 brls; whet, 87,000 bu ; corn, 113,-00- 0 bu ; oats. 106,000 bu ; rye, 7000 bu ; bar- ley, 65,1.00 bu. Shipments Flour, 2S.0CO brls; wheat, 25,000 bu ; com, 172,000 bn; oat?, 199,000 bu ; rye, 2000 bu ; barley, 52,-O- 0 ba. PKOVINIOSH. Creamery, 300j :Wc ; dairy, 18 25c; butterine, country, 1020c, according to condition. Ciihesk l'rime flats, 6 7c; N. Y. fac- tory, 13fn;14c; fu'l cream, i3014e; Y. A., 14'.. 1.5c. Mess Pork $13 75 per barrel; sugar-cure- d bams, packed, lOlllc; breakfast bacon, 10t(llic; clear rib bacon, 7,c. BfLK Fork Clear sides, 6 jfeOjc; clear rib sides, 6 jc ; shonlders, 5c. Lard Tierces, 7.i7jc; 7J (i 7jc kegs.7ii(3)7tc ; buckets, 81(2 8c; 6 j- c; 20-l- b tins, 7j(o7ic; 10 1b tins, SJSjc; b tins, Sj'ASlc; tins, 8j(a,85c; choice kettle, SlfeSic. Leaf lard, tierces, Sic New Orleans, March 10. Pork $13 37 J. Lard refined, tierce, 7(ni7ic. Bulk meats shoulders, packed, 4.80c; long clear, clear rib, ojjc Bacon shoal-der- s, 5!(2,6c; long clear,7rc; clear rib, 7jc. Sugar-cure- d hams lOilOlc. Cincinnati, March 10. Fork dull and nominal, 312 7513. Lard quiet but firm, 7c. Bulk meats 6rm ; shoulders, 4jc ; nhort rib, 6Jc. Bacon dull ; shoulders, 5c; short rib, 7c; short clear, 7gC Butter j 'its, "of Pice 't'fatf, Ark., - u;!ie3, $11,000; nomi- - r j nul aretn, at', dull and drooping; Northwestern cream- ery, 3335c ; fancy dairy, 20c. Louisvillb, March 10. Provisions steady. Mess pork, $13. Bulk meats ehoulders, 4Jc; clear rib, 6c; clear sideR, 6jc Bacon shoulders, 5fc; clear rib, 7c; aides, 7 jc. Sugar-cure- d bams, 10illc. Lard prime steam, 81c. UKOl'EKI EH, CorrEE Common, 10c; ordinary, 10jo7 101; prime Rio, 12(312 ; choice, 13(4 14; old government, 20 !'2S':. tcoAR Pure white, G( 7c; whilo, 6(?,6jc; yellow clarified, bi-;- open kettle, 6j(oi5jc; refined 4., 7c; granulated, 710 7jc; powdered, 7Jc; cut loaf, 7,(5:8c. Molasses Louisiana, common to fair, 30(537c; prime to choice, 4(o)o3c ; syrup, 5(u30c : centrifugal, fancv, 45c ; common to lair, 28(j,33c; Prime to fair, 35(340c. Baooinu and Ties Bagging, jute, 91 111c; flax, 10(a;10ic, according to weight. Ties, $1 300)1 40. Soap 3J(Jt6ic per pound. Candles Full weight, 12c. Tobacco Common, SSfjJ'ic;, other grades and styles, 35(5.HOc. SnulT Garret "a, $11 per case : Ralph's, $10 25 per case; railroad, $9 2510. Salt Per car-loa- d, $1 30 per barrel; ?1 40 in sacks; pockets, bleached, 2j7c; coarse, $1 25 ; car-loa- from levee or de--' pot, 5fel0c cheaper. Canned Woods, Etc. Prices per dozen, Pineapples. $1 5(Kal 60; peaches, standard, $1 50; Eecondx, $1 20; tomatoes, b standard, il ; 1 2o(ui So; straw- berries, $1 25 1 50; raspberries, $1 15 1 25; blackberries, $1 10 1 25; green ganes, $1 25150; pears, No. 2, $1 50; plums, $1 50; asparagus, $44 50; green corn, $I1 40; green peas, $1 75; cove oysters, full weight, b, $1 15 ; cove oys- ters, full weight, $1 90; cove oysters, light weight, 65c; cove oysters, light weight, $1 20; condensed milk ( rown,$6 40650; Eagle, $8 25; Swiss, Jti0 25. Baltimore, March 10. Coffee lower; Rio, cargoes, ordinary to fair, 7Sjc. Su- gar quiet; refined, 10llc; A soft, 6Jc New York, March 10. Coffee spot, fair Rio dull; options opened a shade lower, closing steadier; sales, 32,250 begs. Sugar dull and weak; Fernambnco, 4jc; fair to good refining quoted at 4 51-16- refined C, 4lc; yellow, 414Sc; powdered, 6 cubes, 6Jc Mo lasses steady. New Orleans, March 10. Coffee steady with a good demand: Rio, cargoes, ordi- nary to prime, 7 l10c Sugar common to good common, 4J4c; fair to fully fair, 4J(SMjc: prime to choice, 451c; yellow clarified easier, 55c; choice white. Die. Molasses steady with a good demand ; good common to good fair, 25 32c; prime, 3436c; strictly prime, 41 43c Cbleasr Grata ut Provision Markets. ISrECIAL TO THE APPEAL.! Chicago, March 10. The tendency of prices is still upward, but the, movement is slow. Corn for spot delivery gained 1c and futures held abo?e buyers' views. Wheat closed about lc higher all round. Provisiens are strong and a fraction higher for all articles of tbe bog product line, ex- cepting April pork, which closed at yester- day's quotations, with but little doing. The opening and closing prices of the day were as follows : Corn spot, 38jc, 38Jc ; April,38jc asked, 38Jcbid; May, 42c, 42 jc. Wheat spot, 75e, 75 Jc; April, 76ic, 76c bid; Mav, 80c, 79c asked. Oata April, 27 jc, 28c asked; May, 3iie, 31c Pork spot,$12 50,$12 57; April.812621, $12 621; May, $12 t5, $12 77 bid. Lard spot, $6 95, $6 97; April, $6 97 bid, $6 97; May, $7 02 bid, $7 07 bid". Clear rib sides spot $6 40, $6 40; April, $6 35, $i5 35; May, $6 45, $6 45 bid. Hogs $4 354 95. t Leal, drain and Provision Markets. l8PCIiL TO TBI APPEAL. Sr. Louis, March 10. Corn and wheat continue firm and looking up in spot and future transaction-- . Oats opened dull, but made light advances during the day, closing with a steady tone. Provisions are steady at previous quotations, except- ing a shade lower for lard. The hog mar- ket is strong but unchanged in values. Breadstuffs and produce are unchanged, excepting a firmer tonefor potatoes and onions. Others unchanged. 's transactions were as follows : Corn Spots opened at 3Sc bid, and closed at S8c selling. Futures April opened.'at 38c bid, and closed at 38ic sell- ing; May opened at 3Sfc, closing at 38 c bid. Wheat Spots opened at 81c bid, and closed at 81j81Jc selling. Futures April opened at 83c bid, aud closed at 83jc asked ; May opened at 85c bid, and closed at Hojc. Oats Spots opened at 30s bid, and closed at 30jjc. Futures May opened at 313c, and closed at 31c. Provisions Pork opened and closed at 12 75; lard at $B 80(2;6 85; and clear rib sides at $6 40. General Trade Flour quiet at $2 6c 4 25 for double extra to fancy ; corn-me- al steady, $2 25: potatoes steady, 5 60o ; onions quiet, $2 753, Hogs active at $4 50o. HOrsEHOLU aCPPLIES. Vegetables Onions, yellow.new Louis- iana, $44 50 per barrel. Potatoes Irish, Western stock, $2 ; wed varieties, Western, $2; New York. $2 252 50. Sweet potatoes, $2 753. Cabbage, $3 50(33 75 per crate. Turnips, $1 50 per barrel. Beets, 507oc pr dozen bunches. Kraut, new, $4 50 5 per barrel ; $2 503 per half barrel. Gar- lic, $1 per 100. Apples Common and medium, $3 per barrel; choice to fancy, S3 504. Dried apples, 3i4'i per pound from store. Dried peaches, 67c from store. Pickles, me- dium barrel, $77 50; half-barre- l, $4 4 25 ; pint jars, $1 25 per dozen; quart jars, $11 75(2)2 per dozen. Egos 1516c. Fre-ii- i Meats Beef Good Kansas City steers, heavy, 7(S,5c ; light, 7c; cows and heifers, 67c; mutton, 7c; mutton sad- dles, 9c; lambs, 10c; pork, 8c. Podltrt Old hens, $3 504; large young, $3; young and mixed, $2 503 25. Turkeys, $12l6 per dozen; dressed, 15 17c per pound. Geese, $45. Ducks, $3 50. Fruits Oranges, Messina, $3,3 50 per box ; Florida, $4 per box. Lemons, $22 50 per box. Catawba grapes, 12c per pound; Concord grants, 8c per pound ; Malaga, $8 per barrel. Bananas, Sl2 50 per bunch, Cocoanuts, $4(35 per 100. Peanuts Virginia, 67c; TenntTBee, farmers' stock, 2jc; recleaned 33c; roasted, 2c higher; shelled, 10c. Al- monds, 18,20c. Texas pecans, 1015c; Arkansas, 46c. English walnuts, 12c; Naples, 16c. Filberts, 14c. Brazil nuts, 8c. Raisins London layers, $2 753; Im perial, $3 754 Brandy cherries, 3(3.3 25 per dczen. Cider Missouri, $7 50 per barrel and $4 25 per half-barre- Kentucky barrels, $6 507 ; Kentucky $4. Vin- egar, 12c per gallon. Fiau Mackerel, 10-l- b kit No. 1, 90c; No. 2, 80c; 15-l- No. 3, 70c White fisb, No. 2, half barrel, $5 50. CUIXOX-SKE- Cjtton-See- d Oils In car-loa- d lots, prime crude C S. o 1, 3435c ; prime sum- mer yellow, 38j(3;39c; off summer yellow, 33c; Winer's, 39(3 ,40c; prime summer white, 4243c; prime winter yellow, 4Sc; prime winter white, 50c; choice cooking summer yellow, 3940c Less than car-loa- d lots; Choice cooking summer yellow, 4115c; choice winter yellow, 50d:c. Cotton-See- d Meal Prime, f. o. b., 319 per ton. Cotton-See- d Cotton-see- railroad. sacked, $10 per ton, delivered ; wagon seed, delivered. $10 50 oer ton : river seed, ou bank, $3 per ton. Rates established by aiemphis (Jotton-bee- d Clearinghouse. LC3f BEst ZKEI- - The following are the wholesale Drice of lumber in this market: Poplar 1 in.,. 1st and 3d clear, $18 50 21; 1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, i22(5i24; common board, $10(3 12 50;siding Btrips, i0. face measure, 1st and 2d clear, $i2; ceiling, 1x6 in., 1st and 2d, $21 : dressed, 1, 1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d, $27 5030; com- mon dressed, 1 in., $11(3,15. Timber Poplar. $o9; cypress, 69; Cottonwood, S2 50(3-- ; gum, $3(3 4 ; oak, $6 9; ash, $78; black walnut, $2050. Cypress 1, 1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, $26 50(3,27 50; common, $15; fenc- ing, 1x6, 18 ft., $16. Black Walnut 1st and 2d, 1, 1 J and 2 in., $75; common, $37 5040 ; culls, $22 50 . " Yellow Pine 1, 1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d, $25; dressed, $30; flooring, 5 and 6 in., $25; flooring, 3 and 4 in., $27 50; heart step lumber, $3540;J ceiling, $25; ceil- ing, $2250; ceiling, $20. Oak 1 to 4 in., 1st aud 2d, $18 5021 ; common, 1 and 2 in.,$812. Red Gum 2ds, $17 50; common $811. Cottonwood 1 to 3 in. mill run, culls out, $10U. Lath Poplar, $1 GO; cypress, $2. Shingles No. 1, sawed or 8haved,$4 50; sawed or shaved saps, $3. Ash 1st and 2d clear, 1 to 3 in., $21 23; common, $10 12 50. HIDES AMD PELTRY, Wo3i Choice washed, 23c per lb ; un- washed, 10(3,23c; unwashed bnrry, 10 16c; clear do, 16(3,22e. Market weak. Hides Dry flint No. 1, lOjc; No. 2, 13c. Dry salted, 10llc. Green salted, 8j81c. Tallow, 66c. Beeswax, 22 2ec Market firm. HOCftE-nl'ILltl.t- MATERIALS. Framino-Lcmb- er Yard pr'ces Rough, $15 per 1000 feet; dressed, $30; yellow pine flooring, $25 ; shingles, $34 50; lathing poplar, $175; cypress, $2 per 1000 laths. day iiiornina; o?T mariTlart rrive1 fcijd elated to Cbief Davis lhatsoou af tr he received news of hi-- fan's ai bfl was ... 1., ! A I'ji. ov n i... Extra prices for extra lengths abovs 20 feet Lime and Cement Pure Alabama lime, 85c in bulk delivered; 90c per barnsl; in store ; Louisville cement, $1 50 a barrsl; Riasdale cement, $2 25 a barrel ; Portland, $4; Roman, $5; plaster of Paris, $20; Hair, 5c per pound ; 40c per bushel. Nails $2 352 50 per keg. PLTKULLIH MAIKIT. Coal-O- il Prime white, wholesale lots, 43c per gallon. Baltimore, March 10. Petroleum 77jc. Cleveland, O., March 10. Petrolecin s.w. 110, 7,c PiTTSRUHO.'March 10. Oil market opened steady aud was generally etronuer on bull- ish monthly report; opened at7Sc; lush- est before 12:30 o'clock ,79 jc. Good buy- ing here, although there are some fears oi new mills on Thorn Creeek. Total notion of Thorn Creek wells, 6520 bir-re- ls per day. IIOKStB AAU MILES. Me?6is. F. A. Jones & Co., live stock aLdc iramisiion merchants, Monroe street, fiirnUh the following quotations of the horee and mule market: Horses Good driving, $125(3250; good saddle, S140300; plugs, $350; good mares, $85(2,140. Demand aout equal to supply. Muleh 14to 15. $110(3,130: 15 to 1!., S12ojfcl40; 15 to 16, $141175. Supply small; demand increasing with prosptict ol brisk and active trade. W11ISKY, ETC. Wines Imported port, $1 50(3,6; sher- ry, $1 506; champagne American ex- tra, $78; Piper Heidsick, $25(3,57; Mumm's extra dry, $29(3,31 ; Roederer, $29 (3 31; Ve. Cliquot $3133 ; claret, $35 13 per box ; Catawba, $45 per case. St. Louis, March 10. Whisky.steady, $1 14. Chicago, March 10. Whisky steady, $1 15. Baltimore, March 10. Whisky steady, $1 201 21. Cincinnati, March 10. Whisky active and firm, $1 13. New Orleans, March 10. Whisky steady; Western rectified, $1 0531 25. UVE.TOCKHA8KET. Cattle Choice corn-fe- d to extra, por lb, 45c; good, 4(3-- c. Grass Cattbk Choice, 34c per lb; good, 3i31c; fair to medium, 213t:; common, 22c. Hogs Choice light, 150 to 200 lbs, 4 5c; choice heavy, 4j5c; common, 4 4c. Sheep Choice, 44c per lb; medium, 3(3'3c per lb ; common, per head, $1 1 50; choice lambs, 4(5 5c Cows and Calves Choice milch cow, with yooDg calves, per head, $30(3,40; medium, $2025. St. Louis, March 10. Hogs strong and higher; Yorkers, $4 704 85; packers, $4 50(34 75; heavy, $4 855. Receipt 2300 head; shipments, none. Cattle scarce and firm; Western and Southern trains generally dels ed or suspended; exports, $5 706; good to choice, $6 30(56 70; receipts, 500 head. Chicago, March 10. Hogs Receipts, 20,000 head ; slow and weak ; 5 10c low er; light, 4 304 80; rough packing, ?4 354 60; heavy packing and shipping, $4 704 95. Cattle Receipts, 7300 head ; slow; 10c lower; shipping, $4 i55 90; bulk, $4 5o 2o. Sheep Receipts, 4000 head; slow; sales, $2 504 50. Kansas City, March 10 The Live Stock Indicator reports: Cattle receipts 160(1 head; shipping and a shade lower; butch- ers barely steady; exports. S5 255 50 good to choice shipping, $4 9,15 20; com- mon to medium, $4 50(3 4 80; feeders. $44 50 ; cows, $33 75. Hojs receipts. 2400 head ; weaker and 510c lower ; good to choice packing, $4 55; medium tc fair, $4 304 4'). Sheep receipts, 1500 head ; steady ; fair to good muttons, $2 50 33 25; common to medium, $1 50(3.2 25. NEW TOKK BEY 4OU4 H1BKCT. New York. March 10. Although less active than yesterday, there ha3 been a very lair demand trom agents and many miscellaneous assortments have been called for to the extent of a good volume of sales. SMI Hi 11! Ridos, McIntosh Couittt, Gl, Dr. J. BDriEL Dear Sir: I have taken sev eral bottles of your Female Regulator for falling of the womb and other diseases combined of six teen Tears standing, and I really believe X am cured entirely, for which please accept my heart felt thanks and most profound gratitude. I know yoor medicine saved my life, so yon see I eaanot speak too highly in its faror. I have recom- mended it to several of my triends who are suf- fering as I was. Yours, very respectfully. MRS.W.K. STEBBIXS, TESTED A QUARTER CENTUHY. It SUDds Varivaieo. Lagkaxge, Ga. Dr. J. Bbadfibld, Atlanta, Oa. Dear Sir: 1 take pleasure in stating that I have used, for the last twenty years, the medicine yon are new put- ting up, known as Dr. Bradfield's Female Regu- lator, and consider it the best combination ever gotten together for the diseases for which it is recommended. With kindest regards, I am, re- spectfully, W. B. TERRELL, M D. Atlanta, Oa. Da. J.Bbadftsxd Dear Sir: Some fifteen years ago 1 examined tbe recipe ef Female Regulator, and carefully studied authorities in regard to its components, and then (as well as new) pronounce it to be the most scientific and skillful oombina tion ef the really reliable remedial vegetable agents known to icienee, to act directly on the womb and uterine organs, and the ergans an 4 parts sympathising directly with these; ana, therefore, providing a spicipic kxmkdt for all diseases of the worn and of the adjacent organs and parts. Yours truly. JESSE BORING, M.D., D-- Bend lor our treatise on Health and Happiness of Woman." Aiailed free. The CradHold Kcffulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. For ts year at 37 Court Place, now at IiimiSwillBT A rwJrrT educated ud letmlly qriflriyajcUn and Lbs Dmi m hi prmtOoe will Pnrr. CvLTf? rU forma of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SIUAL DIS- EASES. Spermatorrhea ana Impotency. u the mult rHf-tm- la vwiUl, exosi wtmm la m rpa.-- i. or othar eta... no, sail pitiduaaf tune a f the U!tcU: NertausitcM, Seminal foif b aii Aw bj dram. Diurnna of llht, Mecory. 1'ty-- i tlU"aj, Fun le as Par, ivmion u Society ofFerc:,' CuDTurloa of of xnal Fewer. A., rtairriuf marrug" imprormr or uahappT, rm tbcreuiibly tad ptc orntlycurvi SYPHXL IS irirtl fr m i Gonorruesu OLEET. Ptrltiur, OrciUOj, eniii, oc Kuviurw, flKi ami iltier privau ditaMM qoivkly fiirnd. It is Unit a phy icin who n .p1l tttnttcQ to ft claM of dtiCUM, ri4 tresaUo; tbcurudB aucif ally, acquires rraat ikiU. FhTaiciana avnoviaf lht Fact aea iBrvrrtmrud (roiii to my eare. Wben U la HsoosnciRiti to mit tiie city fa- - troament. eae k teat frtnuif Ad tafaly by mall r oxprva. aaywhara. Cures Onarsuiteed la all Caaoa ondertalcen. I't'OruiiatiotiB or hr Vrtttr (W tmi Iv1t4. Cliarje reaoiutbl4 aud oorrMpuu4ettCC atristlj OunJutatlal. A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Or 300 i(M, mt to any addmat, orowely tar Urrrty i) cenL. Should read bv alL Adflrraa as aViova Otica boara from t A. kt. to. F. M. BanOaji, 2 to f. M Proposals for Shelby Couuty Bonds BIDS will be receded by the SEALED Commlsstonerf until March 'JZih next, At o p.m., any part of one hand red and five thou-an- d fSlOfsOtv) dollars new tShelby County bix Per Cent. Bund., ifued in psytnentef a like amount o Maijbis and Ohio Hailrad Bends i stt'd new Konl tnture as follows ; in 1; 7U) in 1S4; 17,in in 16'.; 824,000 in OOuin iWJi nod U,0iX) in 1911; interest payable Bi'ii ean be addrcod to John Johnson, to S. H. Dnnfcotrb, or to Edward iioidniith, indorsed "Bids for Shelby County Bonds," and most be accompanied by a remittance ot wo per cent, on the amount bid for. Bonds will be delivered to ful bidders on March 31?t. The Foard re formation will be furnished on ppptcvtAv.-undersign- JOHN JOHNSON, S. H. DI NSCOMB, EDWARD GOLDSMITII, C. K. MMITH, R. D. JOHDAK, Baard of Funding Commissioners of Shelby county, Tenn. Memphis, Tenn., February 25, 1S. otice No. 1016, R.D. In the Chancery Court of Shelby County, Tenn. B. P Anderson, Commissioner of Revenue, et., vs J. F. MeKinney et al. It appearing from the allegations of the bill, which is sworn to in this cituse, that tbe defend-aut- ?, John F. MeKinney, Charles L. McK.inny and W. B. MeKinney. D. K. Cook and K. E. Crane and R. li. Richards, assiicoees in bank- ruptcy of D. R. Cook, are of the State of Tennrssoe, and from tbe return of tbe sheriff that Mrs. A. MVKinney, Martha Me- Kinney and Arthur He Kinney, are not to be found in bis county: It is therefore ordered, That they make their appearance herein, at tbe courthouse of Shelby county, in Memphis, Tenn.. on or before the first Monday in April, 1SX5, and plead, answer or de- mur to complainant bill, or tbe same will be taken for oonfosged as to them and set for hearing exi iixte; and that a copy of this order be pub- lished once a week for four successive weeks in tbe Memphis Appeal. This 2th day of February, 185. A cop- y- Att"t: S I. McDrjVVELL. Clerk and Master. By II. F. WaUb. Deputy Clerk and Master. John Johnson, Sol. for complainant. wed Aotiee. So. 778 (1) R.D. In the Chancery Courtof thelby county, Tenn. B. P. Anderson, Commissioner of Revenue, etc., vs. Martha A. Ashe et al. It appearing from the allegations of tbe bill, which is "worn to in this cause, that the defend- ant, W W. Judfnn, is a of the State of Tennessee and a resident of the (State of Mis-- it is therefore ordered, That ha make his appearance herein, at tbe courthouse of tetaelby county, in Memphis . Tenn-- , on or before tbe &rst Monday in April, 13, and plead, answer or de- mur to cotDpUinant's bill, or the same will be Ukeu for conjessrd as to htm and set for bear- ing ex parte; aud that a copy of this order be pub- lished once a week for four succe'iive weeks In t'e Memphis Appeal. This 26th day of February, 1S&. A copy Attest : H. I. McDOWELL. Clerk and Master. H- F. Walsh, Deputy Clerk and Master. John Johnson, tt oi. for oomplainanu wed Tt'ThTTSTJTRjrSwitr 'imuitions of clHSt.n are n ld uuder simitar nam s, When bnt-- litDson'a, .xaiuin. 14. Pin.1.''' y1.U'-o;- n rc it is vrn. pnol up. Tb. piuuii'it RIVER NEWS. RTCiaKii LeAna THIS DAY. Friars Point Jiau Lei, Claggatt, 5 p.m. Whit Rir.r Chickasaw, Postal, S p.m. Osoaola . Diah Adams, Ooopar, 5 p.m. Cincinnati Oaio, Dm, 12 m. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. Arkauas City.-KA- Ti AnaB.Thursdar. 6 P.- - TipUnrill. ....Oatoso. Thundar, 5 p.m. Cincinnati Jag. W. Qatt, Fridar, 6 p.m. TUMEVrit AT TUB I.KTEK. ArrivaU. Ohio, Cincinnati; New Mary Houston, Cincinnati; Chickasaw, White river; City of Providence, Vickaburg; Commonwealth, 8L Louis; C ty of Baton Rouge, bt. Louia. ltpartwe. City of Providence, St. Louis; New Mary Houston, New Orleans; City of Bat.a Kouge, New Orleans; Com- monwealth, Vicksburg; Winnie, St. Fran- cis river; Bene Mac ready, St. "Franci. river. Bmtt ia Port. Ohia, Chickasaw and E. VV. Cole. BoaU that Down. Dean Adams. JJoatt Due Up. James Lee. Tefcterslisjr. New Mary Houston 31 brls flour and 13 plows. Chickasaw (brought out of White river) 204 bales cotton, tea ska seed, 2S hd stock and 1U pkg snndriec. Commonwealth 618 brls doui ,10 brls meal, 41 brls oil, 90 brla applet, 13 bxs ba- con, 1H8 sks seed, 479 fjkg6 white lead and 445 pkgSBiindries. Ohio 2720 brls potatoes, 60 brls meal and grits, 25 brls flour, 10 brls oil, 6 c?ks sides, 20 bxs bacon, 100 bris apples, 500 empty boxes, 174 bales hay, 6 doz chairs, 10 doz barrows, 50 sks seed, 40 reels wire, 44 pkgs furniture aud 100 pkgs miscellan- eous. rCTl'KA: HOVEMKHTB. The Jaa. W. Gaff, Capt. Win. Tichenor, is tbe Friday packet for Cincinnati. Thb Chickasaw, Capt. L"d C. Postal, ia the packet this evening at 5 o'clock for White river. C. M. and Joseph Postal are her clerks. Th Dean Adams, Capt. Henry Cooper, is the packet this evening at 5 o'clock for Osceola and tbe upper bends. William Smither is in her office. The James Lee, Capt. Thomas Claggett, is the packet this evening at 5 o'clock for Helena, Friars Point and all way landings. Piatt Knock's is her clerk. Tbi Gayoso, Capt. W. P. Hall, is the packet evening at 5 o'clock tor Hales Point, Tiptonville and all way land- ings. Col. J. D. Fuller has charge of her o tfite. The Kate Adams, Capt. M. R. Cheek, is the United States mail packet evening at 5 o'clock for Helena, Arkansai City and all way landings. W. C. Blenker has charge of her cilice. Tub Ohio, Capt M. M. Deem, having been detained on account of business, will leave y at 12 o'clock for Cairo, Louis- ville, Cincinnati and all way landings oa the Ohio river. Harry Proctor and Harry Best are her cleras. GE5EBAL HEWS. Bi'sixsss fair. Tbe river continues rising sharply her and at Cairo. The Cty of Povidence passed up for St. Louis on time yesterday morning. Receipts by river yesterday, 178 bales ef cotton and 409 sacks of cotton-seed- . Dceino the six months ending last Fri- day night St. Louis collected $i'50 88 for wharfage dues and rents. Tbe Arkansas River Packet Company will send out the R. L. Cobb for that stream every Saturday hereafter. The Ohio arrived from Cincinnati'early yesterday morning with 3470 packages. Sne will return some time The carpenter on the Evansville tried to bill himtelf at Livermore the other day by cutting his throat-- It wasn't a success- ful job. The Commonwealth, bound for New Orleans, passed down late last night, after discharging here 1863 packages and adding 150 tons. Tub Chickasaw arrived from 'White river Monday night, bringing 204 bales of cotton out of that str'iui. She retarnx this evening. The New Mary Houston, from the Ohio river, passed to New Orleans yesterday frill of freight and people. She discharged a email lot of freight here. The City of Baton Rouge passed to New Orleans about dark yesterday with a big load, of which there were 1300 sacks of corn added below Cairo. Her cabins were crowded, and she had all the freight she wanted leaving here. Will S. Hays throws the following brick at the O. Line: "We state with feel- ings of no less pride than pleasure that we have been honored with an acceptance of our resignation as passenger and ticket agent of the O. Line boats at this place." Cincinnati Tim's-Sta- r: "The reort was curreuti on the landing tlii morning that tbe Springer had been sold to Capt. Wash Thompson. That gentleman in- formed us that the negotiai ions had not been closed. It is said Capt. John Patter-so- her commander, ia dickering for an interest in the boat." Among) the passengers on board the City of Baton Rouge, passing to New Or- leans yesterday, was Capt. Joab Law- rence, of Salt Lake City, but formerly en- gaged here in steamboat agency business. He was accompanied by his wife. Capt. Pat Yoreja retired steamboatman, of St. Louis, was aluj aboard. Cincinnati Enquirer: "Capt. W. O. Tichenor, of the James W. Gaff, and Capt. Andy Lindsey left for Memphis by rail lsst night, to attend a lawsuit which the old Memphis packet has pending at that place. Superintendent R. W. Wise went out in command of the James W. Gaff last night, but expects to ba relieved at Evansville by Capt. Tichenor, on his re- turn from Memphis." WEATHER AND BITERS. Orrirg Sign'al Sirviob, U. S. A., Mshphis, lass., March 10, Ism, 2 p.m. I The following observations are taken at al. stations named at 759 meridian time, which is l auar laater man wempaii time. Changes. Above tatioks. low water. Riae. Fall. Fe.tluths Feet luths Feet loths Caire 2T 2 1 Chattanooga 5 6 3 Cincinnati... 20 4 .. 1 lllavenport ' Ibubuque ' K.irt Smith. 1 7 9 Helena 21 8 1 4 Keokuk 1l,a Crosce...' .eavenw'th.i 11 1 w 5 Little Rock..! 11 9 1 Louisville ... 4 Keu.libta.1 18 4 1 O Nashville ...J 8 8 1 tNewUrl.'naj 6 2 1 Omaha 13 2 Pittshur... 3 9 7 Shrev.port.J IS 3 2 St. Louis 17 5 .. 1 !St. Paul Vicksbnrs;,..! 23 1 4 Betow water mark. tbetow hiah-wat- mark. 1874. Wheeling, March 10. Night River 6 feet 9 inches, and falling. Weather olear and sold. New Orleans, March 10. No arrivals. Departed : Port Eads and bargrs, St. Louia. The Golden Rule is loading for Cinoinnati. Vicksbuho, March 10. No arrivals. !cpaited: John A. Wood and tow, Pittsburg; Suiding Str, Jiew Orleans; Arkansas Ci'.r.b.. Xiouis. PirrcBURO, Marih 10. Noon River 3 feet 9 Inches, nd falling. Weather clear and miid. Night Kiver3 feet 7 inches, and station- ary. Weather elear an. pleasant. St. Locis, March 10 Night River 17 f inches by the aaug., and stationary. Weather clear aod fleafant. Arrived; Jay Gould and barges. New Orleans; City of Cairo, St, Louia. Departed : City of Cairo, Vicksburg. BvASBvaxi, March 10. Noon River 19 feet 4 inches, and falling. Weather cloudy and toild. Arrived: Thomas Sherlock, Cincinnati, Io departures. Night Riv-- r 19 feet 1 inch, and failing. Weather cloudy and mild- - No arrivals. Departed; Ihomss Sherlock, New Orleans; Jaa. w ..aff. Memphis, Cincinnati, March 10. Noon River 20 fset, and falling. Weather cloudy and mild; thermometers0. Arrived: Granite State, Mem-fb?- s. Nooerartures Kipbt- - River 20 feet 6 inchas and about stationary. Weather cloudy and cool, ho arrivals or departures. March 10. Noon River 9 fret 6 inches in the oanal aud 7 feet 4 inches on tae falls, and falling. Weather cloudy and warm, with signs of rain. Business doll. No arrivals or departures. Nieht River 9 feet 4 inebes in tae canal, and falling, business dull. Weather eloudyan rainy. No arrival, or departure, f regular pacaeis. Caiaa.March cloudy and mild. Arrived: Buckeye State. Memphis, 6 a.m.; Joseph B. Williams and tow, Ohio river, 11 a.m. Departed: Buckeye ritate, Cincinnati, 7 a.m.; Wiliiaois and tow. New Orleans, 9 a.m. Night Riv.r 27 feet 2 inches, and rising. Weath- er clear and mild; thermometer 48. No arrival. or departures ot regular packet.. IOVEHE1VT8 Or Ul'KAD 8TEAHEBS. New York, March 10, Arrived; Hol- land, London. Naw Orleans, March 10. Cleared: El Paso. Knickerbocker and Bessie Morris, Nc l'ork. Arrived: Hartw.st, Hartlepool. London, March 10. Arrived: State of Nebraska, Wyoming and France. New York: Elafield, New Orleans; Lord Clive, I'hiladel- - pnra. L. M. STANLEY, . V-'- - i ' t 'cf'fe l'UXEHH DIRECTOR, H04 Hala Strret, MetnphU, Team; A FULL stock of Wooden and Metallic Case il and Caskets, Burial Robes, ate., always en n.nd. Orders by laaa.sa.ai r XaUphon. prompt- s' attended to. yr: ; '.' ""' ,f- - . , , '. i u SESITCKtC. ? TblM madlotiM. QamWatTisr Itm warn par. regntabl. to. toe, r"l5ily aad ffs.Ui.ly Impair. UImma, wsa. rl.U.iu.aa .vara, an. ..rtilll. Ilia an uataJaar aa4y fcr Wmisl f tka KMasri lJvaar. It is lnvaloabl. fcr Ptasaao, asnUar to Woman, and ail wV. laad awlsuaaiT avea. Itdow not iagur. tba taMa.eaa. aeadeaa,OT produc. colitlua. UAar Inm wsiriiir da. It eurichee and purirla. UieatMd.as'm.Mte. the appetlt. ails tbe ssaamila.oa f fMd. re- lieve, Beartbara and KaWaUif , and gUnUi-tu- i tb. muae anil uervoa. For Uusauin.ut r.vwa, Laaattuda, lack ot Energy, ... lt aaa no equal. ' a Th. mnutoe aaa asiov. VrmAm mark a J croauad ladllni. on wrappu. laa. u oUiez. mttmwr aaawi caracal, ca. aAiaroiuu, aa STKaMiKUTM. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' PHK steam.r OHIO will leav. . ca. X THIS DAY, March 11th. at lijcafiXiaSi; o'clock sharp FOR LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI naKBl aa4 1 aria nail racks! C'a. LOUI8TILL.I: at CIfCISJCaVTI. The elegant and superb paasanger steamer James W. Gait', jSssi W. C. Tichenor master. Will leav. FRIDAY, March 13th, at t p.m. For freight or paasag. apply to R. W. L1GUT-BUKN- Agent, eorner Madison and Front sta. Tbe ataamer GRANITE 91AIB f.llews, leav-ip- r Tn.xinv. Mi"h 17t, M., A. C, V. AND ARK. RIV. PKT. CO. a., A. C, aaa ASK, BITES fKT. A O. ti. a. Mall !... For Arkansas City and Way Landing, 8Uaaaer IAT3E AIA2i3,t5i M. R. Choek ,DuUr. learcs Momphia ararj MuNDAi" end THURS- DAY, tvt ft p.m.. ooocftoTioc at ArcDiiM City with LittU Kook.Miw. RiTer and Texu R.H., firing through rates to all point! od lin of road. ArkiniM Klver alTllB. For Pint Bluff and mil Way Landing, Sir. It. I.. Vohh,Sl& John A, Williami, maftr, Leavei Mamphia rr UAIURDAY at 5 p.ai. For general information apply at No. 2M Front or H. C. l.V K. Anit. FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. aru BlMk Klver Ii. ft. Mir For Indian Bay, tit. Charles, Clareadan, DTal!i riluff, Dea Aro, Aucuita, Jaekaanpart laearcy, Batesville, Powhatan aotf Paoakantas. b ie.au. er JOK FICTCBJI, M. R. llarry. maatar, VfCfi&nim Will laara Memphii aTarrJ""y at aa ciack oanneouaa 4 root with tha new Hack rUver &.m.f tiutea Mail Packet MILT HARRY, far Powhatan and Pooahoataa, and with the Daily Paeketa to BaUtrille and Cppar White riTar. Through Katea to all point. Proiarkt con i mad to Milt Harry Lisa. Mamahii or Torre na, will ba promptly forwarded. . ii. iiUrrt, artnT, wnaTTPoai. FOR ST. FRAIfULS RIVKR. Tbe M Francis River TrauKporUtion ta)'a tine U. S. Alil learner ISeno Macread v, r 0. K. Joplin matter. WILL LEAVE BKMfUM KTEBT at 5 o'olook, for Marianne, tha Cat-Of- f, and inter mediate landings on bt. Francis rirer. The cap- tain reBerrea tha right to paas all landing! he deem unsafe. JAS. LES, Ja., fiaperintendent, Otttce, No. 4 Madison street. Merciniaitti' And I'ltiattere' i'Acket Une. rpHB Steamer WIS V IK, CanUin w erT a o. in. aiaumua; m. a. viuiud.i clerk, will leare Memphia BVERt TiiiuA, at 5 p.m. for all points on bt. Francis river go- ing as hgh as Marian a and tha Cut-O- t. for freight or passage apply to R. W. LIUHTBURNB, Agent, reT.er Mrdinon and Front streets. LEE LINE STEAMER. 9Aatpbin. Friars ftatna amel Eftssiglkia aaial Oaoola Pachii Oetapaay, For Helena, Qlendale, Friars Point and all Way ian d i ngs Dtaasn ar JAMES LEE, K. T. Clarett master I Piatt Rhode Mark WilileaTe s abore on erery MoN OAY, W KDIS aib- - DAx. and if XL1VA i , at o o clocH p.m. Fcr Ran 401 ph, Fulton , OiceaU ib!wi' Landingi .St earner ueax AUAflfS, J. H. Cooper, matter. J. W. Stnithars. alerk ieaves m above every aiun ua i , vr MLr DAY and FRIDAY at 6 p.m. The boats ef this line reserve the right to pas aU landings the cap-t&- in may deem uniafe, Oftee, Ko. 4 Madison st FOR TIPTONVILLE. For 0 6 coot a, Hales Point. CaruthersTille, Gayoso and Iirtonviile lhe new passenger steaaier GAYOSO, ilSfi W. P. Hal- l- --master t J. D. Fuller clerk. will leve aabive, anda'l way points, KVKiii MONDAY and THURSDAY at5 p.m. Knr tTarhf a rotamre nn-l- T on hoard. Eismphis &. Whits Fivsr Pkt Cs. v. rosuai..m aster i jb. rcsuu.HM..eiexa pom Clsurn4loiiv naval la RaJr. fi Are, Aa-7ii9- tsU iwerfy. LXAVF.S MEMPHIS KVERY WKDNESDAY at & p-- 1 broach rates te all petets. River PaoketCo." will baforwardedrrosaitly. H.: IjI-- k, Arent. on wnirfHot. Cook's Esrnrsien Partlen Bail from lVew York in April, May, Jane andJaly hy First-clas- s steamships. Npeeiai TossriasTitrsicM ror laniTiaaai Travelers at reduce rales, oy tbe best rentes for plea are travel. svaacarsiaaisf, with mane, ee a tains full particular ; by mail for ten eenta. rMOSU aoBA alSS,e,i Breaslway, 5. T. Estsy and propsrly-'Btts- J Bpectskclss and by Prof. Cat bear t, Optl-cla- n, wltn F. s. Bara am, 953 Mala !., s' Hall. Satisfaction gnaranteed Notice. No. S299. 26 T. and C, R. D In the Chan eery Ceart of Shelby oonnty, Tenn. State ef Ten- nessee, for nse, etc., vs. W . E. Butler et al. It appearing from amended bill whieh is swera to in this cause that the defendant!, the unknown heirs of Matt O'Hearn, whose names and places of residence are unknown and cannot be ascer- tained after diligent inquiry, and who are sup- posed to Larean interest1 in the north part of lot S, block 35, 32x east side of St. Martin street, in the Taxing-Diitric- t of bbelby county, Tennessee; aod it further ap- pearing from sher'ff'a return that Caroline lireishaber, Michael Brady, Jeha A. Jones, John Pointer, Mary U. Tighe, John Miller. Aorahaia Freiteoburg and Jos. Mite kU are not te be foand ia his oonnty; It is therefore ordered, That they make their appearance herein, attke eeurtheuse ef Shelby county, in Memphis, Tenn., en or before the nrst Monday in April, 1M5, and plead, answer or de- mur te complainant's bill, or tbe same will be taken for eon fasted as te tbem and set for kear ing exparte; and that a eopy ef tkii order be pnblishsd once a week for fear successive waekj In the Memphis Appeal. Tlji sU ; J rnary, A oopy Attest: S. I. MCDOWELL. Clerk and Master. By H. F. Walsh, Deputy Clark and Master. Taylor A Carratl, be is. far complainant. wad PRtE OF B60 GOLD MEDAL WITH IR0M BMoroendedSf for Ohloroaia. Anemia. .rroeaiJ rnlios Arroction. ca pAitrs, at, nra rRurOT. HEWTUnKrOUfefcKAuCO: Notice. No. 4714, R. D. In the Chancery Court of Shelby county, Tenn. State of Tennessee for a so. etc., rs. W. T. Prewittet al. It appearing from bill which Is sworn te in this cause that the defendants, W. T. liecoz and Albert Pearce, surviving partners et Wm. But- ler A Co., Waddy Thompson. R. B. Woodruff, Marcus Woodruff, Julia Woodruff, Minnie Weed-ruf- f, Julia . Pearce, Robert M. Henning, Jas. W. Henning, Bailie A. Henning, Carringten Henning and Anreiia C. Henning, and James A. Anderson, administrator of 6. M. Wheaton, de- ceased, arenon-rresideot- s ef the State of Tennes- see, and for the unknown heirs of suck of the above parties who are dead; and the unknown heirs ef Wm. Butler, of S- - M. Whea- ton, and ef S. M. dates, whose names and places of residence are unknown and eaanot be ascertained after diligent inquiry, all ef whom are made parties on account of their inter- est in the following property proeeeded against in this bill to enforce liens for taxes, A lot beginning on the northeast eorner ef Mrs. Sande.-s'- s lot No. 3 en the soatb side ef Ala- bama street; thence with the south side el said street north 56" west 20 poles to a stake; thanee south 5U west 15 poles to east bank ef Bayou Gayoso ; thence with Bayou south 40 east t pale ; thence south Su west 14 poles i thepee south 45 east to a stake at bridge on Market street; thenoa north Mv 14 poles to a stake; thenee north 62 IB1) poles to the beginning; It is thareiore ordered, That they make their appearance herein, at the eourthoo in Shelby county in Memphis, Tenn., oa er before the first Monday in April, ISaS, and plead, answer er demur te complainant's bill, or the same will be taken furconfeased as to them and set for hearing exparte; and that a eopy ol this order be pub- lished once a week, for four tueaesive weeks, in the Memphis Appeal.; TtiisiiJih day ef February, A eopy attest: S. I. McDOWELL. Clerk and Matter. By H. F. Walsh, Deputy Clerk mad Master. F. H. Bail kail and k. I). Jordan, iolUUere fec ssniplainant. w ExecsUora' if vtlee. HAVINS anal ill ad as exeeutert ef the estate M. C. Jones, deeeased, aetlee is hereby given te all parties having elaims agaiast said estate te Ale same with as, daly auafceatt-ea'e- within tka time prescribed by law, sad sdl parties indebted to said eitate te eeme ferwart and settle at ones. M. J A R A In , P. F. VAN YLSsT. BxsoueM'ia Uamnaia tmw. . P. VL 1316. "'f';--- ? waa jr a w j - . contra ; s- m WM. R. MOORE. ROBT. M. WM.R.MO0 (XCl.rSIVI.Y NEW GOODS OPENING DAILY irj ieoas, m Hosiery, Notions, White Goods,Etc, ENTRANCE, 390 MAIN STREET, : MEMPHIS, TENN. Tftia Larceeit Establish meat of its kind in the States. Bntldlas; Dlincasloas, 11W bv sa5 fff. rtinning throngh from Mnin tn pfonrl wtrmtp . RELIABLE GAEBEN AND GRASS FARMING IMPLEMENTS. 1880 CA-TA- Ij O HBADT. 3B1 Main Street, 37 Union McLEAN. Southern OTJH arPor aa. 1 Ey A.11. Flrat01aaa DeAlera.ii It ia to Your Interetst to Read this C'Mrefullj. COLEMAN'S UNE QXT AXED KO-K- O TULU CHEWING GOil! TRADE MARK Is now In reneral use throughout this section. sweetest flaverea, tbe purest ana most delicious a ear las; in tbe world. Pro noting digestion, effectively and permanently reujoving offensive smell from the breath and reem, it stimulates a waning appetite, and renders bilaratinr. In addition to perfuming tbe breath, and giving a sense of exquisite enjoy mem t, its abeolote of materials, it unaeulteration in maautactare and cleanliness exercised in packing it, it a boon to mankind. The packages are put up in a neat, attractive, picturesque style, which naturally aids tha retailer in utaaing saia. m irmi oru-r- . MH, (OI KHV, W. A. GAGE O Cotton Factors, JTo. SOQ Front street, t i Memphis, Tenn. euwabu wm h is, r" i4 aUaSSbsl WIIittKNALK obacco SO. 333 xt!AIX ST., No. J376 Frost Klrect. v llilS 61T J. Ol'Ii'tOH & lis Cotton Factors, Wholesale liroceis ISO. SOfl PHOST aTKr;T. EVF.MPHIH. TEW. AKDR2W 8TEVTART, Kew OrletmB. AJJDKEW 1). GWYSSE, Memphim STEIiUlIIE 4 Cfl., W holesale Grocers, Cotton Factors AND S5S FBOT ST2iET, EfE'XPIIIS, TEX SfEWAET BHOTiSilS & C0MPM1 COTTON FACTOKS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, wew sr,F..s. T.onsnxi. sr. .... - iA-'Zlr'ir:z- 3 "imiksil - - a ORK. THE Send a trial order to your merchant. It is the a spirit, otherwise and ex Ts'nn. moon. U it g M f p.iT l?J: VO? VOW avati Ui : : - Jtnd F. X. 9 H B r .1 E m BA W AMD Lath and and Posts. au Fraidet. tt. T. ti and Trail aattl ia AND and SAW AJVI A. 1. ; t t em nil i . fuh: and free from no animal fat.' i'ure no KUne, clay or reNiu in it. For Eatli and Toilet. Goe Iata loneer. liny from I3oa1er Sole 4 tents tor following Firat-Cl- a Instru rrents : "Ef J,- BACH, Ci. D. PKAHI3 4t CO., t Wlll.l l.OCH. BiMUIl I LUllB 4k WABB-.!- , C.a 1 IS st SI 11 1HK A W Ja, tCft, A.S A NEW PIANO FOR !.- - for Kn.-2- t mild hF fstp. NT.. St. Omo, Miss. i ill Front : w'nf "ars-j- sv , K n' M. PECK. "01? P Co. miOaUBSAaLG.) THROUGHOUT TEAR. mmmm, Street. MpmphK Tpnn. RE9ISTIRLD.) debilitated, buoyant Wnuf;pnrer. fv,iipht-a- . tit iaasUatt DEALERS and Cigars, MEMPHIS. TEjf. St CO. iriemivlil. Tenia. 'STsN-lintHi- r SUH13 Pnblaherfi. MOKFLEET, Kesident Partner. factors, MemDhis, Tenn, FLANIXIBIU HATT-YAB- DOORS, SASH, BL!NDS,M0LDirG,LUM6Etl 8hin$rle3, Flooring, Celling Cedar MEMPHIS, Woodruff Lumber Company WMOKirr, HAH.1AU, ManaiiKtairersof X)caira CYPRESS, POPLAR, COTTONWOOD, WALNUT, OAK ASH Doors, ftieh, BHn5n, Moldings, Bailding Xaterial Generail I'URfl JftII.jLJi, lorth Front St., Wear CJas Work. Taylor. 3taagT. 'liioeH-- e E Perfcclly Pure, adulteration. Entirely Vegetable diseased fciirelj Kroartti Eaundry, China, furiher any Grot-e- n TVbo!cfKs the ATi"5K .KBAMUI U4KI.KK. AA AJf8""J1W"i PKI.orBf'.T ear CtaWns. MESffPI!" HILL, FOITAiE & GO, Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers g3-9- 8 ront St., Jfleinphta, Teisw. LL, F0KTI1E & 00, Cotton Factors, Commission Oerchanis, TSo. 11C South Main fit.. IfaOuSs. HLEUUE BEOS., Cottoa 356 St., or. d. s. JOHNSorrs P3UVATE Iledical Dispensary, No. 17 Jenonca ilt fiecw3i Kaln and Fresi fa Jesmplala DR. JOHNSON is acknowledged by all parties internte a by rr the mnstsaeesasfal par Si- i.n m '! igin,enfc o; private or aeret die er.S(i8. Quak, uriuianent cuie guaranteed in 0" -- ry ?hso, ts;.. a or :tmslt. rteoeut eaaee of r; nriivs. i.nj Lji hills cured in a few days, with :. 'he va ot luer coanic f diet or bin C:.aioe lruin biin,uf. 3ecomtary byphills, the t t reitM eradicauxi wubout the use ot siar cur?. lQ7ulurt. ry lots u semen stopped in a t..o;t ti i;e. uiiorers from itapotaney or Joaa ol f.'- t, r..j restored to viror in a lew ir.iima oi aud exoesiWa r. city, saonnir irutn fermaterrhea and lots ol cal or metitai iKwer, teduy and perma-f-ut-iv cure.i. Varticulac stteaiiun paid to the life&t ot Women, aod eure knaranteed. Pile ir.o 'oro- - curetl without the ne of caustic or t 5 ki;fe. All oonssitations strictly oonfidentiaJ. &;' iaes tent by exirs to all parte ol th enuntry. ar 'VoTkir7men enre! at haif the nsual prioea. Ouoehonrs from I o'clock a.m. to 9 i.ni. S. jnHNtf.v, m. TV IIENrYOUNGoOIiD HirnK'M and arfM kr aisaafaaaj "vr, tipotart, wear.eii.-r- YOUOAN BC CUSISaOI tur 1 aHrotha r ad. CrRK ha all eiaelMle, Lilii UaiLI t'j "--? Al CMVAM tC CO- -3 1 j. eTH ll r.ta iriMl hi&lu of land and JAuir BT virtue of the term of a ried or trust axe-rul- to me as trufiee by W H. Scan fan on the d.y of April, lM, wHich is recur (Jed in tiie Hecordcr's ofii'-- e of Orittendna ounty, Ark., in liwK "A," volume 2, pae 49, made U, secure an iudabteine.- - therein deeenbed, nod delault . iua- - l;een made thereunder by the grfcwV.r. and 1 haTitig bu hereoiAtu duly re que led -- "v,. tha benef 'Mrifp. will on Mitiurdii, narra 31, lfaa, on 'he premie-- , J be pi natation knows. ia tbe "fiii..D .ln.re, inCrittDden r.unty, Arr oalha.Mi--Jicii.p- l river, below Men-ph- be iv nir.g at 12 o'clock noin, of tha day. tffr afi tell at public o tcry. to the buhu bidder, ;or a h, tha lollowing lands and perror al property ' in i;ritit.dn couniy. Ark., i he snuih--wes- t quarter of section twenty m Uwat.ip fi' (it) raine e ght 'fit ni, containing lu ". 1 he norttie.t e, irter of sect'on nineteen in t"WDhi: five Co uartti. range eight ) ea--t, r rui'img Upj acres. nd 1 blark horse mule, 1 hfidi h sff, avmed Mike, V ynars old: 1 bay nuirt- - uiulr, li hanua hiah, named Hattie.i years old: i bay tuare mule. 1: hand high, rained .Mnffe-ia- . 7 yrar eld ; 1 bay mare mule, li hands high, Dau.ed Manda, 7 yeroid: 1 sorre ivt'e tnuie. hands bub, rntcnrd Ked, old; 1 uik h:y n.are mala, 14 , b nalih !!t ear enpf ped, CHiued Alice. 13 years eld:l dirk bay tuare luule, Vj hands higti, named lielie. It: ynro1d; ) dark bay mare mule.lt hand biiiQ, ramrd Annie, 7 old: 1 dark bay hor e male, l.k hitodD high, named Lan. 1 years old; 1 by msre nuule, V' hand bigo, named H years Id ; 1 bay horee, 1S handj hisih, nniued Kan it, 10 year ld; 1 sy mars u if, IS1! hands tiich. uan-e- Kate, IS yrar old; 1 y hore mule, I'i Lml- bigQ, cattied llawk. Id rears old: I u..rk bay hfr-- a sauie, Ul hands bigii, nnrurd icl?!. k year old; bay bore mule. 1.'H banc high, named , 8 years old; I fl! rk bar mr mule, ltt haouh hih, named Uai-se- y, A rears eld ; 1 roan mare, 14 hands hih, named , 8 years old; 1 bay horte, 14 hands high, ntned bt 1, V Tear oid; 1 spotted borne, i" liands hi-'- nxmed bi.t, yoar old; 1 bay borae mule. H'a hami biph, named John, 9 yar old: I bny hure iue, 14l hand high, named Lo gun, 11 year old. Eyuity ol redemption, statutory proTUioc r SKle, and ail ruicemcnta are waived 1 e ti- tle is beneTed to be pr:e(, but 1 shall sail and eon-re- s Tu-tt- a only. MeinpUu, lann..reu-ruar- y 12, lSh6. ROTJCKT M. HORTON, Truites. M- B. TEtzitVA r. Atto-Ly- . iiwmj hi'ik af a."aI-3- . was: i 1'iiiaSMi 'aaM is nB('irKD sr K0TAL IIAVANA LOTTERY t Co v ens ii v.wt ixrrmmo,) DRAWN AT HAVANA, CUrJAv Every to 14 Uayi. S that th- - nam- -' Oott.t. Co. ! on tsw tlcfcft. Srbjtct to lui inanipniatlon, ant ooi,troh-- hy U ' l::irU ib lrifrr--- is tlic falrrt--t iti la the nattut vt ii ' In - Kor lnforniai '.n and prttulare ant-l- to RfTIPSl": i ro..ften. Pt.uuj . N. . uty.aud e La laaodulpti St., Ltiicagu. til., or sfei Court Mrtt-- , C1IANCZHY SALE or II E A Ii ESTATE No. ZJ0 R. Court of Pheiby eounty Julius W tnkelmeyer A Co tb. Patrick Two bigetal.,and Cosgrove tb. Patrick Twohig tta.,':u K. D. : Jauie Cei vs. Annis Coxet xu. H: RHd Jame- - Coa ts. Patrick Twohia et at., .ilw K. 1V virtue of an interlocutor d.ru f, J J entered in the above caufeon the Uth da ot February, Iksii, V,. B. 2n. p. 212, and renewed n, Vrirrrt L7, lss.1, August V, latiL and reuruary It. 1KV,, I will aeli, ai publie aue-- tlon. to tiie hlft'hal'.t kirfiiaar. in fu.nl ..f . l I'M a. and Ma-tr- u Qir. oourthoue of Shelby count. &ieinphi, Xeun.,on KntniMlny, March 14, 1HM5, within ler il Sours, the folio ring described prop- erty, n,i anted in MicMit county. Tenn., it: lhe undivided oneh lt oltbe fdowing lots. Bituuuiia iMe city of Mi ini'hLS. All al It aud part of lot 1C, on Main street, at th, southwe-- t intersetiou of Main and Rxxhaoir StrctJ. fronting Mi feet on Main trt, ani runnim t.av-- W tu Exchange alley. 'lorui.tol nU t'Mfh. This Feorrjarx l.-- , Is. 1. M: ImWfcl.L. Clerk and Mwrt,. Hy eo. alaliery, Clerk and Mantth 5S'er A aneed, W, Al. Kaudolph-an- d Duboe. aolicii No. , . and C R. n.-- In the Chancery Court uf hbelty couniy, Tenn. tuts of Ten -- cesee, for ue, ate., vs. W. E. Butler et at. it ani'ear tglmrn amen Jed bill which if swors, toislliisraiuaih.it the detondanu, R. M. a resident ot tne Mure of Arkansas, Annie Merrer. a o New York, aad Mtra. 8. b:reet, all non of the .Stale of Tennessee; a?d th unknown heira of Jan. A. Street, wbo iro varrosed to have an intereat ia t 14, C. I.. f.il, ;.'il4A, north side of Jettersoa street, and lot 6, C. L. 001, TOxHV, south side of Alum sfret. Alro south part of lots a and 10 biock TS, )72li, north side of (?aney. north of .iQuen street, and lot2i,C. U. ?), 7:xJWS. souta side of Jcfterfon street, and lot 4, C. L. fcOl, 7f 14W. sou'h side of Adatus treet;the unknowu heirs of liimm Valiontiue, fui-ofe- to hare an interest in 1, C. L. 5o4, 142x- Id, soulb side of Al:iaa street; the unknown heirs ef Elisabeth 1'eard, supit.ed to have an interest in lot 1, block iVt, UOxlJd, rorth side of Pt ntotoe street; and tbe unknown heirs ol Phil 11. Thompson, supposed to hate an interest in oth part ci lot 11, blerlt2i, lxli. wet side ot Main street; ail of watch is situatx-- in the Iaxing li triet of ceurty, Kute ot rennessee ; and it further sppeartr.g fretu sheriff s return that Alias A. Keaauiiy is to m tund in his county; theretore ordered, Thtt they make '.heir appearance herein, at the courthuuae of Shelby county, in aVieuiidiii. Tenn., on r be lor the fir at on day in Aprii, ibS'u and plead, answer er de- mur to complainant'? bill, or tbe same will be ttkeu for confe-fe- d as to am and et for hearing exparte; and that a eopy 6 1' this order be pub- lished ence a week for our saccesive weeks in the ai m phis Appa.j. This UU day of Febru- ary, JSbO. A aop7 at!e : I. MrDOWKLL, Clerk anal Master. Jy H. F. Wala, I'eout Clek and Mmw. l!LJiarrMli fr eosapiaisant. wed. Notice Ko. 6.W4, R. D. In the Chancery Court of Shelby county, Tenn. State of lent esse, for use. etc., vs. eu. Chri-ti- e et al. It appearing from bill whi?h Is sworn to In ib ;it the defvedsnte, tiforge 1 Collins and Mildred late- - Caiufrou are of the Mate of lfUrtPSr); It is jrilered. That they make their at the courthouse of Shelby Oounty, in Memphis. Tenn.. on or before the Oral Monday in .,.nl, lvv. and plead, answer or demur to complttinaiit's bill, or the same will be taken fur cor.lted as to them and set for hearing exparte; and that a copy ot this order be pub- - liMhea once a week, for four 8ucceHive weeks. In the Memphis Appeal. Tiii lutn day of February, lbfto. A copjr Attet tf. 1. .McDOWELL, Clerk and Master. By If. V. Wal-- Ieputy Clerk and Mauler. K. II. lici-ke- ll and H. b- Jurdan, Solicitors for oomplainaat. wed Notice. No. 3512, R D. Ia the Chancery Court oi Bkslhjp County. Tenn. J. YT . Burton et al. ya. M Hayen Friar et al. It appearing from erossbill, which is sworn te in thie cause, that lhe detendante, Mtaes P. lloustHn. VT. K. Oliver, Jobs Oliver, kloise Oliver and Wiliie Oliver, aro resident oi the Srate ef Mississippi and of tfco btate of Tenn-nae- e; It is therefore ordered, That they make their ap pearance herein, at tne couithoute ef Shelby cunty, is Mean hip, Tenn,, on or before the u'st Monday in April, l&&.r, and plead, answer or te compiainnnt till, or the same will us taken for eoDtes-r- d as to them and aet for hear- ing exparte ; and that a cupt of this order be sue-lQ- ed onoe a k for tour successive weak in the Memphi Apreal. This 20th day of February. l5e". A eopy tteat: B, I. Mel) )ZLh, Clerk and Master. Tiy H. F wilih, Deputy Clerk and Matter. XaJone W;iod, bula. for eomtd'nt. wed Notice. No. 19 T. and C, R. T. In the Chancery Courtof Shelby county, Tenn. Mate ef e, for uhe. etc., v.. W. K. Puiler et al. It arrea'-in- from sher'ff'a return in this cases that tha defendants, Letitiali. Vance and Char- lotte fcSyrd n.e n t to be found in his county ; It is therefore ordered. That they make their appearance herein, ht the courthouse of Shelby county, m Menu-hin- Toua,, oa or before the first Monday in April, lhv, and plesd, answer sr demur to eomphiinant's bill, or the same will bs taken for contained as to them, aud sot for hear- ing exparte; at.d that a copy of this order be pnt- - )ihad onoe a weak, tor four suceefsive wek in the Vetaphis Apieta. Tan Uhh day oi lebna-ar- y. lwii. A oopy attest : af' Mfliinw r.iiij, Clerk and Maatsr. By H. F.Walh, leputy Clerk and MMter Taylor A Ciarroll. Suia. for complainant. wed Notice. No. WW, R D. In f'e Chancery Court o. Shelby County, Tenn. State of Tennessee, et?.. tb. H. L. tuu.n et al. It a penrinr from amended bill, whieh Is sworw to in this came, that theldefendant, the onknowa heirs of ien B. Ivi and .Nannie B. Iavis, whose names and residenees are unknown and cannot be ascertained a ter di Igent inquiry, and who are made parties on nt ot their in a lot in sou u try lot 528, trontin 67 fast on the north sde of Auction street and run- ning bi.-- north, between parallel lies, 3o0 feet, being the lot decreed to Geo. 11. and Nannie L. Davis in the partition proceedings by decree of record in book rageS4J. of thin Court: It is tbereiore ordered, That they snake their appertnoe herein, at the oourthouee ef Ahelby county, :a Memphia, Tenn., on or before the first Monday in April, InevS, and plead, answer or de- mur to complainant bill, or the aame will b taken for contoescd as to them and set for hearing; exoarte; and that a copy of this order be pub- lished once a week for foor successive weeks in. tbe Memphis Appeal. This 2Ut day of February. 18S5. A copy Attest : S. 1. McOOWKLL, CleTk and Master. By TT. V. Walsh, Deputy Clerk and Ma tar. C. W. HcisksU, Sol, sor eottipiainant. wed TaffvTolu i f Use after sating, for lndires- - ita-awt'n- . A perfect suantituas ri B tob"-- Ak your drux- - Pll tr F A ot Hofeotiono for Coi ril ...wn'i genniae and orisnnsl ij Of aF Taffy loIu,"man nfaetsred iwaavBWalBSBkVsr bv Uolsran i MoA faa. laoa.av ville, bLy. aaaw&ainplo bundis by xuaii oa re-- oslpto sixoent. e attor eatinr 'hacou periapt sub-tit- Afk your d --

irj ieoas, mmmm, · f r, U l l i i RAILWAY RECORD. MISSISSIPPI VALLA T KOtTE. L. K.. T. Rr. In I et SanUyt Ffbrawry 8, ISHg. NO. t GOrriii BOCTti. NO. atiOU-i-NORTH.Lt. Ylcks 'urg

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Page 1: irj ieoas, mmmm, · f r, U l l i i RAILWAY RECORD. MISSISSIPPI VALLA T KOtTE. L. K.. T. Rr. In I et SanUyt Ffbrawry 8, ISHg. NO. t GOrriii BOCTti. NO. atiOU-i-NORTH.Lt. Ylcks 'urg








In I et SanUyt Ffbrawry 8, ISHg.NO. t GOrriii BOCTti. NO. atiOU-i- NORTH.

Lt. Ylcks 'urg.. 7:'a.m' Lv. X. Orlearjs..8:46 a.mAr. N. vriens:.::n p.m'Ar. Vicksburg...? :4o p.mNO. 3 uuXNti Sol'iU.KO. 4 GOlN'tf NORTH.

Lt. .o;rrhia... fi:4o a.m.LY. N. UrleanB-- 7 :() p. aAr. YiC'is'irg p.ai Lv. Vick;turg.6::ft a.mAr. X. urleanj a.nrAr. Meini'hm J:dO p.m

Puliman Palrce Drawing-roo- and SleepingCarson train? .v3. .i jicd 4 between Kanu Cityi&tew Gr.ens.

JAa. 6. DAYAXT. Gen. Pfs. Ag't,.Mem;-his- lean.

JAS. M. EDWARDS, V. P. and ... M.,iemphia, Tenn.

SisaisHtppt erne! Tvaneswee.Mail train leaves at 4 :"0 p.m. ; arrives

&t ld:4-- a.m. Striis aecouvno Jation leaves at 3p.ai.; arrives it it a.m. irreiut train leave(di .ly exoipt iundayt at 7 :iu a.m. ; arrivesJ '.v ex Stiiuay at t p.m.4Jties$aHl.c), . aw. ii e wir-- 5

r.a.i:i more it ftii-ws- ;'.(. 8 t;.$t lineleaves at 7:4a.m. No. 6 U'uitoa accommoda-tion ri;iiy, leaves at Sz'Mi p.m. No. 7 (rant line

y arrive at :ly p.m. No, S u'uiton accom-mo- db? ion daily) arrives &; 9: jo a.m.

.1 - !. UTIU iw.a TriP uO.Ia folic i:ri.i:ri I. : .rvcidaily at 5:1" p.m.; a,t a.J b5 p.m. ; ;!), 3lo,.we5 r.'4:a.-- f ;m itS.4'i.i.; ;. 6(ireic ;. leave tit;; l" t y , t tep;. 'ui.LdT,at 6: o p.a : rnv, - :0f

LvumiilPRtK' ".b-- r iluv-Xra- iiv iroiufolio, t; Fa i a. a: I iv;y u. 4:od a.'n.;leave a'. p.m.; oi:.i ;.-.- i.j.i'y 9a--a.m. i. "own-viii- iiia.1r.-i- t,. z. Svsva; ;!,saad.y. :t J :"0 p.ie . ; r.Ait trri-c- -at 4 :: p. ji. i;towD.-- ,Li-.-- .ro -- ci 7r vdui7, exoopt aal7. at .:' n.i.j. .an-lar-

tiinr).JtiMt'tit t a j.jrTrHi3-- Iv.i;r cove

rU f ' J UTL'- .sV'H! a':y iitii:45 p.ir., Mr-- : n- .r'e;r Ui'- . y:lidum o1' uf", i ; U'..'.,.a:1XCpt iac i2y, At 4.4- j'.ui.

arrive i.:y n '0 ;u '.- - no evi ,f.aiarrivaa caiiy ar 10 :i0 p.ia. ir.irv i -- co7ju:o-d.t'03

i:.;'-.- . f.,v" t : JUir..

Tr.ii:-- itfrtvo "tt . .&d 1'. 'i.-.- as follows : KansasCit r e?:;ires leave? i til? t 11 a.m. ; arrives at

in. Kacr.i C;iy auil leaves daily t 6:00p.m.; arrives at 8 :2T a.m. ijt Louis an Chir.i(ro

XiTiF leve d: ly it 2:1 p.m. : arrives at U!:j0non; r-- s express loaves a a. y at li a. m. ;arrive at good.

Ir. Bfruhanlt'H 9icen4 ProTeMtloniUViil to ?IomphiH afler a IHp"i f

Morris BrtaiitCULSST

-- AXD-


Formerly oT Berlin, Pru-i- and New York, islUfpm; at preheat

OiUce Koo&i No. 4 Parlur Fltort

MEMPHIS TEXfrSOfTers to tho. s who are suffering frein

weakness and


Brazilian Pebble andAustralian Crystal

Glass SpectaclesKnperior to act ether In a. Con-

structed in accordance with tbe ar i I'hii-s-

by of nkture, u ;:j'ted to the or-

gans of sipht, and prtrct y na'.urai t is oye.aaordin? altogether tee be-- artiticial help to tltetumao visiun ever invented.

1. Iberrao be troru with perfect ewfor any length o" smj at one ittiiif . yivioir

clearnss-- vi?ion, by dnaie or oiherarti-'ia- ii.ibt. acd eon.f-jr- to tiie Ei'ct4j;ewearer hereto fyre uoknown.

2. How to Nli-- t lwfi.-- Itproi"e'i'"'Ca! Jan e, even wnn a pnot articlei'cCrci. Dr. Berchkrdt u t oniy i. ..s t':.e be.--!Itlae-e-- to be found m t'- e market, out c.irefuiiyeivjuac' the eye; the atieitt, and ci"es it

pnaA:jt advice as U tbe iiroitr tselciiioD oltoetn.

DR. M0HFJ3 BERNHARDTeome recomraendi.-- ;n the hii;hest terms ofprai iy certifi'-ntv- tro'a tiio mo"!eminent Physiianf Ucmite, Iivine,, i.d themtflt Torii;;ent u rr o ;r Aai'.nptnom a.e lb" e of . LMi'JJ IS. 'I . , :c i Humail the principal c;ii ot me L a .ted ctie.

Pvcn:c---- year- - iipw. in the ej.rine ot lk7,our city wa vUittid t y an em:n:r Opi'MJi;. Dr.Morr:-- lierhardt. f Pruf.-:a- , o'.joyine :.tthat V- t::e thfc ird'.rej.:'i now i.i hij jrfi:efinn 'f A. K. '."a M.D.,.1 K. ;.!.!)..John P.::; itn, M.D , li. ;r;ir.. M. D . K.

n. d D., E. .Milf VV.Jle'T. .M D., W. I.M. D. Lii'y. t;.

D. S., t&e Hev. C. A. Dsvi, the lie v. T. D. W

trif Rev. J. ('. ti.e iv. i.White, the Ilev. ft. H. rord, t'rav.'tii-i;- h:?

ain" then in t'e iincij al cit:c ot'theVnitcd Mate. aLU .:i''T lennanent 'Ovation inChicks.'- -, ind by te Mtdical in thatrnv, the Doctor, on aroouiit ui i'l if.ilt-i- . hasbeen obliged to tfUiporariiyhaine, and coat?! uK-- to v.; t i.nr city ,"iain.We have examined his rredfn;s it wt!! a.s alarge and rre a.-o- r .n;erit .i.;;caland l:ne fr corret-tiLi- de'et.-- yA andbelieve irom oar interview w;ih th D;ct'r thithe i." thorouifbiy ja:iiitied in in." pr- te.-io- n to re-

lieve the vri'-u- iLlirrnitie ot by t.iappl.n.'.iii.n at 2 :11 earh indorse

hiu. K VIL- - wli.IJ.ii, M.D.,J'lii.-- ; rt. M.D..?A I'r.L J. (USON, M.D.,

.? NL- -, M.D.,JutiN PIT M.N , M.D.,iKu. H . y,'j)t. k., .M.D.,

J. L. tiV..5.'i;-- . .Vl'iUIIKLL A MAURY,i; W. OVKit LL, M.D.,D D t.Nf::ivS, .M.D.,W". U'.

W. E.fcHKPA. K'MiE.M.I).,A. W. LAMAR. .

Pa'.ro: Ter'Tal Captia? Church.EVtiENK DANiMU,

Ptorof rir-- t Presbyterian Church-N.M- .

LoN'w,Pastor of Stransers Churo

Mhmphis, TitNy., DecemHer 10. 184.I have been long ii miliar with the n.ttue and

reputation of the a'nyve pentieman, and i';el B-leared that tbetr ind rseii.e;;t isi a uarntee furthe doctor's pro:f?i n;il skill.

I ve Dr. AI. Bernhardt, "vent;n yrrg .

a certificate with the one tixLed,written by medical enticuien.

fii:0. WHITE,Rectus Emeritus Calvary Cuurvh.

55F.iiPHt5, Tkn., December 15, IHi.I have read a very natterina notice of the

of Dr. ilernhardt ai an op'ician and hiwondrrful skill as an oculist written by my la-

mented predecessor. Dr. C A. Davis. All whoknow Dr. Davis will i.ear testimony to the factthat any coinmunicKtion f0111 him wi.uld hemerited and deserved. ii A.J0NL.S,

Pastor Cumberland Preubyterian Church.

MniPHis, Tknjt., December V,?t&i.Dr. Bernhardt, of Chicago, brings tne jndorso-cnent-

a'l tiie principal physiciuhi and clergy-men of that city, the njot of whom I know, andmany of ihoin y and yerv weli. !

lie certainty stands at tbe top of his profession jaa an oeutitt and optician. I have unuaiibed ;

coundenr in him to do almost to tiie limits ot j

the ponsibilities of bis He ha the ;

test indorsements oa b":i si is "f the Atlantic.UEO. W. SWEENEY. f

Pastor Christian Church. j

John Atlee, M.D., the eminent surgeon of Lan j

carter. Pa., says. "It. Ltrnharit has htted i

glares to my eyes, maamg the vision almost asperfect as in youth."

'Dr. Bernhardt' lenses are trade of aT'rlnrmntenal and with hiit aid, must luawriaiiy aasietiulirmities nffisht."

k. E. teuton, New loric.

"The glasses ued in hi7 faroUy adapted by Dr.Bernbar it are o! ui.erior qjalny anu workman- -snip. 1 have no he-- iion in fomiimntting mmas an acoatpii-he- and it i t f u opij-ia-

O. P, Morton, ui Indiana.

Dr.'Bernbardt glasses, fitted to my eyes by I

him, are the be-- t 1 ev-- ued. 1fectly as 1 could in my y.utb. 1 lieurTiiy recoua- -mend hi in to the s,i! runage of the puohc.

Jonathan Worth, ei.tior. North Carolina.

"Tho glares admirabiy answer the purpose forwhi-- tiiey were It. s me great I

to certtfy to your ability, and to cor- -lially commend you to hII ho have impenect i

Tis,o, with fuiJert eonfi kree in your power to.reas-isttnetn.- " eoVwin. !

"The perfect adnptaldlity of fhe glasses fittedto my e ye- - i unm ista k a hie evidsiCfl of your highsc ien till c e kiil ae an optician. "

R. M. Patten.of Alabama.

A- O. Curtin, nor Pennsylvania,1 V'j'j ((. of aui'ther pair of

gls-es- . ot tb.- - .'liipted tj my eye.J ney are fevonl cto my eyes .1 any huie ever w i:.J . 1 would nti e without tbem pr any and d- - ,

air to Veep in rfMd.ne-- s to takefheir Place in ni,y a"Mdcnt t- the pair 1am Ufcing. lour in your prole.-,-io- u makes i

TOU a public berjelaetor.Jotepn L. iro n, Georgia.

"Ir. Eernbirdt s skill mut hf r,f ffreAl htnefitto thna availing thein-idve- s ol it."

J. k'. Hart-ratilt-, Pennsylvania.

('OSrLTATi FKIK.Letters of inquiry must inclose stamp for replyOrKtrn lietv r rom V a.m. to 5 p. rt.'.Naw Yoax Aii.imss box No. r.'.O.

CirTio.f-.- No gent employed or apointd.N.B. Owing to M"nLs eisewhere, Dr.

' ' ; u ' hat "hortBernhardt w s lune.


For sal by J. :. t.l. I A


and ftr tblf date, nnti! further Dotir.FROM Jioiphii CoItoD-sec- i Cle.riur Uoui.will p7 ,a er l u '"r S0""1 clean Cotton.

"la li. r. UAL Li.lt. Ueoaral Mna.Unphij, f,brury U.

are lor i, --o Ur as he t tbs;,ower, and will tiike K" to have the

FINANCE AND TRADE.Bankers report no change in tbe financial

market money easy, with a moderate

The cotton market opened and closedqniet, little doing, with middling quotedat 10 and ealea of 1000 bales, ofwhich exporters took 50 bales. Receipts,653 bales, of which 178 bales were yriver; shii mentc, 2537 bales, of which Hwere by river. Slock, 6S,5lil bales. 3owYork spota closed quiet at 11 lot-ure- B

steady, March qaoted at 11.29(3,11.30,other months 2 to 3 points lower. New Or-

leans spots closed very steady at lOJc; fut-

ures closed steady, March quoted at 10 6310.64, and other months 4 to 5 points

lower. Liverpool spots closed fla, verylit tie doing;, quoted at 6 futuresquiet and steady, March 6 sellers,bi t at Liverpool .March tith, H 74,000bf.k'8, asainEt '., 000 bales same date lastyear. Ileceip.s at all United btates portayesterday, 512 bales.

Busiaesa continues dull in generaltraila, owing to the Ecireity ol stable sup-

plies. Kut the moderate deraand hasthus far been abundant y Eupplied. Tbeexception is in potatoes, for which thereis a lively demand from planters. Kv'gsare firm "and a shade higher, the stock be-ic- g

about adequate to the demand. Ke-cp- ts

and shipments yesterday were:IMPORTS.

Forty tcs bacon and hams, 10 skabran, 12 brls beans and peas, 15 pkes but-ter, 2tf pkss boots and shoes, 2J0 bucorn, '2 cars cotton-see- 127 pks cheese,177 sks coflve, 8 pkm dry poods, 2 pkgstti.s, 1012 bria ilour, 619 baits hay, lo carshav, 2 cars lumber, 40 pkirs liquors, 125brls meal, 172 brla niGlafses, 3u0 kgs nails,2 cars oats.Oo2 bu oats, 46 brls onions, 3412brls potatoes, 8 cars bulk pork, 3S0 brlsparked porK. 5 hhds sugar, 440 brls sugarand 50 pkga tobacco.

EXPORTS.Niaety-ei- ht brls apples, 48 rls bac-giii-

35 tcs bacou and hams,s bran, 24 hris boans and peas, 47

pk's butier, pkjis boots and shoes,t :iy4 bu corn, 100 brls cotton-see- d oil, 816s'is cotton-see- d oil meal, 73 pkgs cheese,218 cotTee, 16 hd cattle, 116 pkes dry

ous, 20 pkgs ec?. 715 bris flour, ZiSi

bales hay, 116 hd horsoand males, 41 bdisiron tits, 103 pks !urd, 8 cars lumber, 46pkjr8 liquors, 4:i0 br:s meal, 117 brls

2b2 ta:i nails, 2516 bu oats, 81 brlsonions, 640 brls potatoes, 8 care bulkpork, 5S brls packed pork, 3 hhds sugar,l'J8 brls Bugarand lSu pkgs tobacco.

riXAXCE.Money 8 per cent, cn satisfactory collat-'ra- l.

The fcllowin tuble shows the clear-ances and balances, tbe rates of exchange:. id prices of lo;al stocks and bonds at tiie

of yesteiday's business:CLEARINGHOUSE STATEMENT.

rarch loth J.ilnl ! 3 T2.5-'- - 00Thus far this week 22 lLV.;S.i.--i ,r'fi

time Inst week s") l:ii,:ioStrae week v4. W.So Si.W 4

.iIEe week lbW - 5Jy 4iti 15 ,LC1 72

EXCHANGE.New York x4 disVi prem.New Ennland dcn.aud.. .....1s dif.'.New En viand siffut. diy.isNew Orioaus -- . du'l par

BANK fcTOCKs.Tank of Commercei irft National ...I Ji bidriertiutn Naiiuaal li ilit'Si,ate Nation:!. ... r-

I niun i: Planters....,...-- u.Mtircantilo Lii bid

INSURANCE STOCKS.Home fri to-- tutTOity

V'J 4 75. - lC-i-fujetiix . Ui0

Memphis City .... irv.iltoVaii'lerbiit s 3I.craando ltlljillOAriinfcton - 'Jo bid

RAILWAY STOCKS.and Charleston S

and Tennessee..,- - 4ui '.uisrihe an i i!4

.luLtilc and Ohio - 7J 10

RAILWAY BONDS.M.j phi? City Vveni.hia ami Charles tun -- d uiort.7si,)fcArli(.

eninuic arifi Charleston cor?ol-- l'JMemphis and Little Hock let mort,v and Tennessee consuls A.. .xZnMississippi and Teuuessea Contois li.. llU

MISCELLANEOUS.rnxinft-Pistriu- t comiTomirie bonds 73

C 'tt"n builditff bonds, par and ac-crued iaurest added

Vempnis lorjt? CompreK Co lf (Sl'HVein ;hi Gas Company dock S) M

oinphis (ius Couipiiny bond 102 9A'eni;nis Water Co. bonds, accrued int li'

emp.iis W ater.Compatiy fctouk V0 ftlt' .euph s City bnds, old. i"Vemphis City Coiupromisa bonds 7'A -.ienij-h'.- City oonpons I'roir. old bonds. :!7

.. e'niTiis Cit v em: p. from com p. b jnds. inrun. his Citv ledirer balanees

Meiu City j udtf. or. i bond...i.fMpiiis Citv paving indebtedness

Sueihy county M'iin. A Ohio K R.)6ii.l!'Je by c.juity tM- - O K.liJ long....!"!

iclhy county warrants '. '

i'.ouevr Cotton Mills . 50 $ tx

Z't'.r Yoke, March 10. Money ea.y, 1

, it 1 ier cent. Prime meicaa-i:iepa-je-

5 p cunt. sterlingbankers bids dull, ; demand,

iiondb Governmcxite quiet, withof pr ct ia 4i. fetato bonds

: fleeted. liaiircad bonds mote active;: rictaLrea:;raUy hher.

Mocks The tfi-- rl Piock market con-tinued quiet with a strong undertone. Ini ,e ear;y dezHDre this morning thero wsa fciiht decline from tbe ov-:i:- oV

0 Gsinfs. prices in the gone' j' v

a'ler opening J lo.vcr, atdeclined rapidly until eoldat 105 J,

rbich it rrachei before 11 oViOck Onj rjje sales from tiiat piicA i: rallied to luoj

continued duria- - ih rfeiiiainder oft ie day between 10oJ:;i10ojr, with onefUiio at" 105, seller 3 days, following the

i.--s at lOO-i- were transactions at)., Feller IxJ days, bat optional sales were

not terse. TranRrtions azgregates 242,0(X)follows: 60,000 1 acka wanna, 30,CO0

L ke iiorz, 20,00 Northwestern, 12.000f Jrtey Central, 32,000 New York Oen-r-

40,000 St. i'aul, and 14,000 WesternClosing quotaiions:


r. s. .v. 1014- -

vs, 111". f'acic os of 1S65, 125.


P. firsts, llJi. T. P. land grant,Krie scond, .r7l4. r.P., BioG. div.,&.

hith k Wilkes, i U. P. lissts, Hi.l.tai; iana Consols, . U. P. land grants,Missouri s, P. sink, lund, 17

loepb, b"' . Vin-ini- a r.s. Cy.

I'.iii.C. firns. 129- Va. con., ex-i- o, i 42.".''eon. old, 47. Ya. consols, did, 0.'J onn. 6s, new, 4oM.


Ada ms Exi-res- 152 AUcrheny Central, 3Ji-- "o A ierre H., ?2. i: . II., itd, Co.

: press, yi. i.i lia PaciSc, ;i'.44. Cannda Southern,

antral Pacitie, 'Mrm-- ) and 0.t 5;i..t l. 1st ptd, 11. C .V 'J -- d pfd,

( i Alto-- i:vi. C. A A. pld, P.C, St. L. A N. O..H1.('., ht. L. P., h;. C.St L,AP. pld, 17.

S. 4 C. 2J' i. C. A C. .vi1;.k Hud.. 7' .. L. A V., 5's.

i''jn. & Kioij., lie, ld;4.p'd East Tenn., V.

Fort Way no, .liunnibul A bt. Jo, 33. "ti. A tit. Jo pld.HS'i.linrlem, IIouHtn A' T., 15.Illinois Central, Ind. li. A W., 1.1.

K.mas & 1 ., Lake E. W., 15..ake hore, d1 Lou. A N. S2V. .

Lou- N. A., .M. A C, 1st pfd, 10.!. A C. jd vhl, b. Stem. Char., 42.

Michigan Centra'. 1. Min. A St. L:. 12.M. a fct. L. pfd, Missouri Paci6'. W).

;.lbile A V Morris A E., olf'd, 120.

;Hiiville A C , 4(4. N.J. Cfcntral. 40.Norfolk H W. '21, Northern P.icilic, 18? M.

Northern P; pfd, W. I. Tel, tit).

4 N. W., '"' C. A N. W. prefd, 12M.

New ork Cen., 4, Ohio Central, 1

' h io A ilis"issipp!.l7; . Ohio A M-- . pfd, 75.tario A 1"'.-- Oregon Navigation, 6S.

t'retfoo Trans., Oregon Imp., 21..1'iicifie Mail, j. Panama, H.

1'.. I. A K.. PitLsburff. MT1.

llman Val. tsr, i. licadii. g, 17'

Aked. 1No sales.New Oai.KASrf, March exchange

rn New York, j2 per premium.Sterling exchange bankers' bills, 463.

Joupo;c,March 10. Co;isols,P7 ac-

count, U L'nited htateH 4a, 121 i:Krie snc or.dF, 0t; xvew xora central, uij;

THE COTTON LVKKETS.The local market opened and closed

'jtiiet, little doinjr, wi h quotationsand f !e8 ol lOflO bales .0 to

ixjvirters and 'J50 to Bninners. Quota-liri-

at the clone were:Yesterday Day

.' 'rdinary. Noiu. Noni.( ", dinnry li K V

' !.M!4lin 10 10l.diluTK Ill l'V""1 MiMUnn .1" 'i 1".Hii'iliiig Iiir . 10 ; 11) 10 16lf-- nin. Num.

Mama, (I'll:; t.HKrs. l.':l'.'.'-.0- .

CUTION STATEMENT.Mimphih, March 10, !";.

Hceive'l iM

' l f 'y1. r.i -

" St L A S K pldt. u c St P p'd op1;1 m'.V.'J. tl P. A Omaha, 2'.

47 v'EmA ' 4 V? , St.L. A 1

"t.'-t- : V- . 'tfrtl'' ieidwoodlr0'''r" Cr 6 in '?r7o if1

2' v.r,W) 2o.

rc uth . Sutro, li.

J"iUJ,n V ;t ral, i?4$ ; Keadmg, y; r anaain i acn.c,J0i fet "i'aul. 76.i'FaBIS. March 10. KenteS, oI, eOC.

,mim ,

....4ill,ir.'2 WT.SA

2. 73M,.i:9

21.1t S.T,f.fl



hi pedllurnt, eti:liome coneumiition tu dul..'.Stock, running account

ititpititt.Thus far thi weekThui far l;uit weekSine, beptember luu,

Memphis and Charleston Rp.il'oad 71.V and Tnnes.-e- e Kailrokd '.'JI.'.uiiivillo and Nah-ili- A i. !S. Kuilroadj &i

jMeiuphif and Lilt. r.ek i'.rtilroad Z H'Ciij.apeike. ii'it and &. V. haiirtmd l

j kjiii.vilie. New Oriean? and 1. Kaiiroad... 14

te8ler ITSWafuns and other aources ID

Total .

j t JTotht roirwJ aa,i em cn the 3,1

ExporU.Thus far thie weekTtios far laat weekSince beptember lit .


337, Sn6

Mii'i?!'inpi and Tennessee Railmad ,,. 144J.cui.-vil- Kew Orleans and I. Kaiiroad... IMSBteamers souta 745

Total 2,437

Kew York spots opened dull ; at 12:0S,easy; at 2, quiet, closing quiet, with salesof. 1 'j bales, and quotations as follows: -

Yeiterday Day BoforOriinav 9'Ona i 10 W,1.CW M)ilinK.. 11 11.V.itiil.ir:, .. 11 V.t'ot.(l Middling. 11H 11 16Miud'ing Fair. .....12 1JH1'air U 6

New York futures opened weak: at 10:18.steady; at 11:33, steady; at 12 quietand steady ; at 1 :30, quiet and steady ; at2:2tJ, quiet and steady, closing steady, withe.il. a of 59,yt)0 bales, and quotations asfollows:

Y.surday Day BeforeJanuary ...F.bruary . .March M.29ll.90 11.3111.31April 11.32j11.33Vay .. 11.4J-- 1 11.45 Jll.46June n.f2 (11.53 11.55July 11.6"11.61 ll.tU4U.RSAuirusl .ll. 07-- 1.68 11.6v:l.6s(September 11.27 ill.28 '.l.&kdl.a

111.77 10.76 10.77 JHI.VSNoveniter... 10.6210.63 10.61ylO.cSDecouiber .10.6210.6a 10.61 aio.os

New Orleans six its opened quiet: at11:30, quiet; at 1 :3J, quiet, closing verysteady, with quotations unchanged, andsales of 2250 bales.

Yesterday Day BeforeOrdinary 9 0(food Ordinary -- .....lO luLow Miiidling 10 lutMiddlinif 10!.J Vi'--

Good Middling ..........lWi liplNew Orleans futures opened steady at

decline; at 12:16, eteady, closing steady,Tvith sales of 20,100 bales, and quotationsas follows:

Y.tterday Day Be for.January ra

March . 10.63 10.4 10 64 10 65April 11). 7710.7.1 10.S1110.RiMay 11 si 1.01 11.04.4U.U5J une 11. '.ll.4ll.il 11.24 111.25July 1 .SS' i,l 1.39 11.42J11.43

t 11.4;. U 47 ll.ft.iOll.51September ID H .10. 10.90 S10. 92October 10.4.!0 47Noveu'ber 1" XI ..,1.1.33 10 :te10.:4leco tuber 10.a210.S3 10.i5isl0.36

DAILY BULLETIN'S.State ofMarket. Rec'a Pric. Stock.

Cftlveston .... Liull. 44 10 11 16i 26.542New Urioans V'yStdy. 2,S-'- 10VJ i2n2,ir21.Moi.i:e Quiet. "4 10 7. 16i 26,790ravannth Quiet. 515 10"a 24(.'harleston Quiet. 4 11 20,3X3Wilmington... S'eady. 94 10 13 16 2,629Norfolk Dull. 3N2 11 20,2r.9Baltimore Quiet. 494 11 17.999New York Quiet. 4ili 11 347,252Iior.tnn Dull. SS4 6,310l'hiladelphia. Dull. 113 11 9 8,06St. Louis. Dull. 443 10 32.201Aaeueta Steady.

ariou....Day's receipts, 1 v.) 5,!42Day's receipts, IM .. 8,660Day's receipts, lheVi . 16,654


Week. Week. Y.ar.Receipts 4 days 23,719 29,1611 25,22K'xporti to Gr't Britain 17.H5I 12.295 26. 13Fxporu to Continent... 6,694 17,035Sto. k at nil ports 764.261 797.07

Ihia Last YearY'ear. Year. Before.

1'eceipts since Sept.lt:4,431.fri6 4,4:w,i57'5,0"6.470Foreign exports .'3,K6,9;).5 3,(5,:. 477i3, 438,714;.ock at U. S. ports.... 764 ,11 Mo,USli 900,015iLcranan In r.minl. 7 .'.li

Liverpool ppsts at noon were quotedflat, little doinjf.with sales of 5000 bales, ofwhich 3r;00 were American. .Receipts,18,000 bales, of which 13,300 were Ameri-can.

At, 12: Ordinary, 5 1 6d ; good ordinary,5 low middling, 6 goodmiddling. 6 uplands, 6 Or-leans, 6Jd.

Liverpool futures at noon were yery flat;Murcb, March-Apri- l, 6d; April-Ma- r,

0 May-Jun- June-Jul-

G July-AuKU- 8 d; August-t:ep:embe- r,


At 2: Flat; March, 6d, value; March-Apri- l,

6d, value; April-Ma- 6 sell-or-

May-Jun- e, 6 tellers; June-July- ,ti j2 64J, eeliers; July-Augus- t, 6sellers; August-Septetnoe- r, ti 18 Wd,value.

At 2: Manchester Cloths flat, very lit-tle tioicg ; yarns flat, somewhat irregular.

At 4: May-Jun- e, June-July- ,

G 1 i 04d ; Auzust-Septembe- r. 6At 5: March, 6 sellers; March-A- iril.G sellers; April-Ma- 6

(seiitjis; May-Jun- 6'J-G4- sellers ; June-Jal- y,

0 13 64J, eeliers; July-Augu- 6 16--

1.1, a Hers; August-Septeiube- r, 6sjllers.

i'utuies closed quiet and steady.


The daily meetings of the Call BoardkI.ow increase in attendance, but owing1 lightness of stocks of both grain andprevisions, transactions are very lightYt sterday'g session was attended by someclose Lidding and offering, excepting foroa;a on which buyers and sellers werewide apart Quotations are as follows:

Cokn To. 2 miied. epot 45oT451n bid :M;ircb,4rrf?44fC asked ; April, 44 Jc asked;lay, 44c bid; year, 4L'c asked.Corn No. 2 white, mixed, spot sold

it 45i(2;40Jc bid; March, sales of two lotsat 4tiii; 47c asked ; April, 4C46c bid,47J' 47c asked ; May, 40c bid, 48c asked;yenr, 44c aeked.

Cobs Kejected, spot, 40c bid.Oats So. 2 mixed, spot, 35c bid,

;tic asked; March, 35 bid, 37c asked;jear, isc bid, 32c asked.

Oats o. 2 while, April, 3 jc bid.Cleah Kib Sides Spot. 30 davs. fcl 35

bid, in 40 asked ; March, fully cured, $6 45asked ; April, 6 35 bid.

Mess x'ork Spot. $13 55 asked : March.$13 60 asked.

Corxmeal Standard, March, $2 a5; April, f2 .40 asked ; May, 12 46

2 37J.

EKtlADtilCfr't.Cok.v yhite, SZdhc ; mixed, 50c, from

store; ear, sacked, 50c. from levee ortrack, round lots in bulk, shelled white,4W5;47c on track and elevator; sacked,51c; mixed, Eacked, 4Sc; in bulk, 43f3i44c.

Hay Strictly choice, from store, 85SOc; prime, S5e; prairie, GOc; round lotsfrom levee or depot, choice, $lo15 50;prime, 14 50; prairie, $U 10 50.

Oats White, 42c; mixed, 40c fromstore. Round lota from levee or track

hito, sacked, 40c j mixed, sacked 30c; infcul, 3Gc.

From store, 8 c perewt; roundlois from levee, 514 5015 per ton.

CoRXMKiL Standard,$2 402 45; pearl,i'i 25(5,3 50 from store; 5c cheaper frommill, levee or track.

Heans Navy, $1 75f?,2; medium, $1 25(57 1 ii . Table peas, $1 75 per bushel.Stock peas, no demand.

Oatmbal In halt barrels, S3 o Lroiastore.

Flocr Fr.im 6tore, triple extra, $3 603 75; family, J3 7"(fi74; choice, $4 104 25;fancy, $4 35(5,4 50; extra fancy, $4 75(j;5;pateuts, $5 25't,5 75 ; round lota from leveeor track lOQjl 'ic cheaper.

Cracked Wheat In half barrels, $4 50from store.

Hominy and Garrs From store, $3 40.Kick Louisiana, 5J(S;Gic; Carolina, 73

71cLonsviLLE, March 10. Wheat firm;

longoerry, 94 lc ; No. 2 red winter, 86c.Corn No. 2 mixed, 44 Jc Oats No. 2,34 Jc.

New Orleans, March 10. Flour "easy;choice, J4 20!W4 25. Corn ia moderate de-

mand, 58(5 60c. Oats Western, 41(:42c.Cornmeel, $2 65.

St. Lofif, March 10. Receipts Flonr,4 0 brls; wheat, 14,000 bu; corn, 72000bu ; oats, 31 000 hu ; rye, 1000 bu ; barley,

bu. Shipments Flour, 11,000 brls;wheat, 2000 bu ; corn 481,000 bu; oats,20,0uo b ; rye, 1000 bu ; barley, none,

Cincinnati, March 10 Flour dull anddrooping; family, S3 50i SO, Wheatduil; So. 2 red winter, S5c. Corn stronger;No. 2, mixed 44C"M4i& Oats demand fairand market firm ; No. 2 lioic. Rye easier,67c. Barley brin ; No. 2 fall, 80c

Kanhas Citv, March 10. Wheat steady ;

cash, tCjc bid, Glc asked; April, 62Jc bid,02jc asxed; Mav, 64c. Corn steady;cash, 311c; Apri1, 31c bid,32c awked ; May,32jc bid, 32?c asked; June, 32Jc. Oalsdull and nominal; 2Sc bid, 29c asked.

Chioai, March 10. Receipts Flonr,12,000 brls; whet, 87,000 bu ; corn, 113,-00- 0

bu ; oats. 106,000 bu ; rye, 7000 bu ; bar-ley, 65,1.00 bu. Shipments Flour, 2S.0CObrls; wheat, 25,000 bu ; com, 172,000 bn;oat?, 199,000 bu ; rye, 2000 bu ; barley, 52,-O- 0


Creamery, 300j :Wc ; dairy, 1825c; butterine, country, 1020c,according to condition.

Ciihesk l'rime flats, 6 7c; N. Y. fac-tory, 13fn;14c; fu'l cream, i3014e; Y. A.,14'.. 1.5c.

Mess Pork $13 75 per barrel; sugar-cure- d

bams, packed, lOlllc; breakfastbacon, 10t(llic; clear rib bacon, 7,c.

BfLK Fork Clear sides, 6 jfeOjc; clearrib sides, 6 jc ; shonlders, 5c.

Lard Tierces, 7.i7jc; 7J(i 7jc kegs.7ii(3)7tc ; buckets, 81(2 8c;

6 j- c; 20-l- b tins, 7j(o7ic;10 1b tins, SJSjc; b tins, Sj'ASlc;

tins, 8j(a,85c; choice kettle, SlfeSic.Leaf lard, tierces, Sic

New Orleans, March 10. Pork $1337 J. Lard refined, tierce, 7(ni7ic. Bulkmeats shoulders, packed, 4.80c; longclear, clear rib, ojjc Bacon shoal-der- s,

5!(2,6c; long clear,7rc; clear rib,7jc. Sugar-cure- d hams lOilOlc.

Cincinnati, March 10. Fork dull andnominal, 312 7513. Lard quiet butfirm, 7c. Bulk meats 6rm ; shoulders, 4jc ;

nhort rib, 6Jc. Bacon dull ; shoulders, 5c;short rib, 7c; short clear, 7gC Butter

j 'its, "of Pice 't'fatf,Ark., - u;!ie3, $11,000; nomi- -

rj nul aretn, at',

dull and drooping; Northwestern cream-ery, 3335c ; fancy dairy, 20c.Louisvillb, March 10. Provisions steady.

Mess pork, $13. Bulk meats ehoulders,4Jc; clear rib, 6c; clear sideR, 6jc Bacon

shoulders, 5fc; clear rib, 7c; aides, 7 jc.Sugar-cure- d bams, 10illc. Lard primesteam, 81c.

UKOl'EKI EH,CorrEE Common, 10c; ordinary, 10jo7

101; prime Rio, 12(312 ; choice, 13(414; old government, 20 !'2S':.

tcoAR Pure white, G( 7c; whilo,6(?,6jc; yellow clarified, bi-;- open kettle,6j(oi5jc; refined 4., 7c; granulated, 7107jc; powdered, 7Jc; cut loaf, 7,(5:8c.

Molasses Louisiana, common to fair,30(537c; prime to choice, 4(o)o3c ; syrup,

5(u30c : centrifugal, fancv, 45c ; commonto lair, 28(j,33c; Prime to fair, 35(340c.

Baooinu and Ties Bagging, jute, 91111c; flax, 10(a;10ic, according to weight.Ties, $1 300)1 40.

Soap 3J(Jt6ic per pound.Candles Full weight, 12c.Tobacco Common, SSfjJ'ic;,

other grades and styles, 35(5.HOc. SnulTGarret "a, $11 per case : Ralph's, $10 25 percase; railroad, $9 2510.

Salt Per car-loa- d, $1 30 per barrel;?1 40 in sacks; pockets, bleached, 2j7c;coarse, $1 25 ; car-loa- from levee or de--'pot, 5fel0c cheaper.

Canned Woods, Etc. Prices per dozen,Pineapples. $1 5(Kal 60; peaches,standard, $1 50; Eecondx, $1 20; tomatoes,

b standard, il ; 1 2o(ui So; straw-berries, $1 25 1 50; raspberries, $1 151 25; blackberries, $1 10 1 25; greenganes, $1 25150; pears, No. 2, $1 50;plums, $1 50; asparagus, $44 50; greencorn, $I1 40; green peas, $1 75; coveoysters, full weight, b, $1 15 ; cove oys-ters, full weight, $1 90; cove oysters,light weight, 65c; cove oysters, lightweight, $1 20; condensed milk( rown,$6 40650; Eagle, $8 25; Swiss,Jti0 25.

Baltimore, March 10. Coffee lower;Rio, cargoes, ordinary to fair, 7Sjc. Su-gar quiet; refined, 10llc; A soft, 6Jc

New York, March 10. Coffee spot,fair Rio dull; options opened a shadelower, closing steadier; sales, 32,250 begs.Sugar dull and weak; Fernambnco, 4jc;fair to good refining quoted at 451-16- refined C, 4lc; yellow, 414Sc;powdered, 6 cubes, 6Jc Molasses steady.

New Orleans, March 10. Coffee steadywith a good demand: Rio, cargoes, ordi-nary to prime, 7 l10c Sugar commonto good common, 4J4c; fair to fullyfair, 4J(SMjc: prime to choice, 451c;yellow clarified easier, 55c; choicewhite. Die. Molasses steady with a gooddemand ; good common to good fair, 2532c; prime, 3436c; strictly prime, 4143cCbleasr Grata ut Provision Markets.

ISrECIAL TO THE APPEAL.!Chicago, March 10. The tendency of

prices is still upward, but the, movementis slow. Corn for spot delivery gained 1cand futures held abo?e buyers' views.Wheat closed about lc higher all round.Provisiens are strong and a fraction higherfor all articles of tbe bog product line, ex-cepting April pork, which closed at yester-day's quotations, with but little doing.

The opening and closing prices of theday were as follows :

Corn spot, 38jc, 38Jc ; April,38jc asked,38Jcbid; May, 42c, 42 jc.

Wheat spot, 75e, 75 Jc; April, 76ic,76c bid; Mav, 80c, 79c asked.

Oata April, 27 jc, 28c asked; May, 3iie,31c

Pork spot,$12 50,$12 57; April.812621,$12 621; May, $12 t5, $12 77 bid.

Lard spot, $6 95, $6 97; April, $6 97bid, $6 97; May, $7 02 bid, $7 07 bid".

Clear rib sides spot $6 40, $6 40;April, $6 35, $i5 35; May, $6 45, $6 45 bid.

Hogs $4 354 95.

t Leal, drain and Provision Markets.l8PCIiL TO TBI APPEAL.

Sr. Louis, March 10. Corn and wheatcontinue firm and looking up in spot andfuture transaction-- . Oats opened dull,but made light advances during the day,closing with a steady tone. Provisionsare steady at previous quotations, except-ing a shade lower for lard. The hog mar-ket is strong but unchanged in values.Breadstuffs and produce are unchanged,excepting a firmer tonefor potatoes andonions. Others unchanged.

's transactions were as follows :

Corn Spots opened at 3Sc bid, andclosed at S8c selling. Futures Aprilopened.'at 38c bid, and closed at 38ic sell-ing; May opened at 3Sfc, closing at 38 cbid.

Wheat Spots opened at 81c bid, andclosed at 81j81Jc selling. Futures Aprilopened at 83c bid, aud closed at 83jcasked ; May opened at 85c bid, and closedat Hojc.

Oats Spots opened at 30s bid, andclosed at 30jjc. Futures May opened at313c, and closed at 31c.

Provisions Pork opened and closed at12 75; lard at $B 80(2;6 85; and clear rib

sides at $6 40.General Trade Flour quiet at $2 6c

4 25 for double extra to fancy ; corn-me- al

steady, $2 25: potatoes steady, 560o ; onions quiet, $2 753,

Hogs active at $4 50o.HOrsEHOLU aCPPLIES.

Vegetables Onions, yellow.new Louis-iana, $44 50 per barrel. Potatoes Irish,Western stock, $2 ; wed varieties, Western,$2; New York. $2 252 50. Sweet potatoes,$2 753. Cabbage, $3 50(33 75 per crate.Turnips, $1 50 per barrel. Beets, 507ocpr dozen bunches. Kraut, new, $4 505 per barrel ; $2 503 per half barrel. Gar-lic, $1 per 100.

Apples Common and medium, $3 perbarrel; choice to fancy, S3 504. Driedapples, 3i4'i per pound from store. Driedpeaches, 67c from store. Pickles, me-dium barrel, $77 50; half-barre- l, $44 25 ; pint jars, $1 25 per dozen; quart jars,$11 75(2)2 per dozen.

Egos 1516c.Fre-ii- i Meats Beef Good Kansas City

steers, heavy, 7(S,5c ; light, 7c; cows andheifers, 67c; mutton, 7c; mutton sad-dles, 9c; lambs, 10c; pork, 8c.

Podltrt Old hens, $3 504; largeyoung, $3; young and mixed, $2 503 25.Turkeys, $12l6 per dozen; dressed, 1517c per pound. Geese, $45. Ducks,$3 50.

Fruits Oranges, Messina, $3,3 50 perbox ; Florida, $4 per box. Lemons,$22 50 per box. Catawba grapes, 12cper pound; Concord grants, 8c perpound ; Malaga, $8 per barrel. Bananas,Sl2 50 per bunch, Cocoanuts, $4(35 per100. Peanuts Virginia, 67c; TenntTBee,farmers' stock, 2jc; recleaned 33c;roasted, 2c higher; shelled, 10c. Al-monds, 18,20c. Texas pecans, 1015c;Arkansas, 46c. English walnuts, 12c;Naples, 16c. Filberts, 14c. Brazil nuts, 8c.Raisins London layers, $2 753; Imperial, $3 754 Brandy cherries, 3(3.3 25per dczen.

Cider Missouri, $7 50 per barrel and$4 25 per half-barre- Kentucky barrels,$6 507 ; Kentucky $4. Vin-egar, 12c per gallon.

Fiau Mackerel, 10-l- b kit No. 1, 90c;No. 2, 80c; 15-l- No. 3, 70c White fisb,No. 2, half barrel, $5 50.


Cjtton-See- d Oils In car-loa- d lots,prime crude C S. o 1, 3435c ; prime sum-mer yellow, 38j(3;39c; off summer yellow,33c; Winer's, 39(3 ,40c; prime summerwhite, 4243c; prime winter yellow, 4Sc;prime winter white, 50c; choice cookingsummer yellow, 3940c

Less than car-loa- d lots; Choice cookingsummer yellow, 4115c; choice winteryellow, 50d:c.

Cotton-See- d Meal Prime, f. o. b., 319per ton.

Cotton-See- d Cotton-see- railroad.sacked, $10 per ton, delivered ; wagonseed, delivered. $10 50 oer ton : river seed,ou bank, $3 per ton. Rates established byaiemphis (Jotton-bee- d Clearinghouse.

LC3f BEst ZKEI- -

The following are the wholesale Driceof lumber in this market:

Poplar 1 in.,. 1st and 3d clear, $18 5021; 1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d clear, i22(5i24;common board, $10(3 12 50;siding Btrips,

i0. face measure, 1st and 2d clear, $i2;ceiling, 1x6 in., 1st and 2d, $21 : dressed, 1,1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d, $27 5030; com-mon dressed, 1 in., $11(3,15.

Timber Poplar. $o9; cypress, 69;Cottonwood, S2 50(3-- ; gum, $3(3 4 ; oak, $6

9; ash, $78; black walnut, $2050.Cypress 1, 1 and 2 in., 1st and 2d

clear, $26 50(3,27 50; common, $15; fenc-ing, 1x6, 18 ft., $16.

Black Walnut 1st and 2d, 1, 1 J and 2in., $75; common, $37 5040 ; culls, $22 50


" Yellow Pine 1, 1 and 2 in., 1st and2d, $25; dressed, $30; flooring, 5 and 6 in.,$25; flooring, 3 and 4 in., $27 50; heartstep lumber, $3540;J ceiling, $25; ceil-ing, $2250; ceiling, $20.

Oak 1 to 4 in., 1st aud 2d, $18 5021 ;

common, 1 and 2 in.,$812.Red Gum 2ds, $17 50; common $811.Cottonwood 1 to 3 in. mill run, culls

out, $10U.Lath Poplar, $1 GO; cypress, $2.Shingles No. 1, sawed or 8haved,$4 50;

sawed or shaved saps, $3.Ash 1st and 2d clear, 1 to 3 in., $21

23; common, $10 12 50.

HIDES AMD PELTRY,Wo3i Choice washed, 23c per lb ; un-

washed, 10(3,23c; unwashed bnrry, 1016c; clear do, 16(3,22e. Market weak.

Hides Dry flint No. 1, lOjc; No. 2,13c. Dry salted, 10llc. Green salted,8j81c. Tallow, 66c. Beeswax, 222ec Market firm.

HOCftE-nl'ILltl.t- MATERIALS.Framino-Lcmb- er Yard pr'ces Rough,

$15 per 1000 feet; dressed, $30; yellow pineflooring, $25 ; shingles, $34 50; lathingpoplar, $175; cypress, $2 per 1000 laths.

day iiiornina; o?T mariTlart rrive1 fcijd

elated to Cbief Davis lhatsoou af tr hereceived news of hi-- fan's ai bfl was

... 1., ! A I'ji. ov n i...

Extra prices for extra lengths abovs 20feet

Lime and Cement Pure Alabama lime,85c in bulk delivered; 90c per barnsl;in store ; Louisville cement, $1 50 a barrsl;Riasdale cement, $2 25 a barrel ; Portland,$4; Roman, $5; plaster of Paris, $20;Hair, 5c per pound ; 40c per bushel.

Nails $2 352 50 per keg.

PLTKULLIH MAIKIT.Coal-O- il Prime white, wholesale lots,

43c per gallon.Baltimore, March 10. Petroleum

77jc.Cleveland, O., March 10. Petrolecins.w. 110, 7,cPiTTSRUHO.'March 10. Oil market opened

steady aud was generally etronuer on bull-ish monthly report; opened at7Sc; lush-est before 12:30 o'clock ,79 jc. Good buy-ing here, although there are some fears oinew mills on Thorn Creeek. Total

notion of Thorn Creek wells, 6520 bir-re- ls


Me?6is. F. A. Jones & Co., live stockaLdc iramisiion merchants, Monroe street,fiirnUh the following quotations of thehoree and mule market:

Horses Good driving, $125(3250; goodsaddle, S140300; plugs, $350; goodmares, $85(2,140. Demand aout equal tosupply.

Muleh 14to 15. $110(3,130: 15 to 1!.,S12ojfcl40; 15 to 16, $141175. Supplysmall; demand increasing with prosptictol brisk and active trade.

W11ISKY, ETC.Wines Imported port, $1 50(3,6; sher-

ry, $1 506; champagne American ex-tra, $78; Piper Heidsick, $25(3,57;Mumm's extra dry, $29(3,31 ; Roederer, $29(3 31; Ve. Cliquot $3133 ; claret, $3513 per box ; Catawba, $45 per case.

St. Louis, March 10. Whisky.steady,$1 14.

Chicago, March 10. Whisky steady,$1 15.

Baltimore, March 10. Whisky steady,$1 201 21.

Cincinnati, March 10. Whisky activeand firm, $1 13.

New Orleans, March 10. Whiskysteady; Western rectified, $1 0531 25.

UVE.TOCKHA8KET.Cattle Choice corn-fe- d to extra, por

lb, 45c; good, 4(3-- c.Grass Cattbk Choice, 34c per lb;

good, 3i31c; fair to medium, 213t:;common, 22c.Hogs Choice light, 150 to 200 lbs, 4

5c; choice heavy, 4j5c; common, 4

4c.Sheep Choice, 44c per lb; medium,

3(3'3c per lb ; common, per head, $11 50; choice lambs, 4(5 5c

Cows and Calves Choice milch cow,with yooDg calves, per head, $30(3,40;medium, $2025.

St. Louis, March 10. Hogs strong andhigher; Yorkers, $4 704 85; packers,$4 50(34 75; heavy, $4 855. Receipt2300 head; shipments, none. Cattle scarceand firm; Western and Southern trainsgenerally dels ed or suspended; exports,$5 706; good to choice, $6 30(56 70;receipts, 500 head.

Chicago, March 10. Hogs Receipts,20,000 head ; slow and weak ; 5 10c lower; light, 4 304 80; rough packing,?4 354 60; heavy packing and shipping,$4 704 95. Cattle Receipts, 7300 head ;

slow; 10c lower; shipping, $4 i55 90;bulk, $4 5o 2o. Sheep Receipts, 4000head; slow; sales, $2 504 50.

Kansas City, March 10 The Live StockIndicator reports: Cattle receipts 160(1

head; shipping and a shade lower; butch-ers barely steady; exports. S5 255 50good to choice shipping, $4 9,15 20; com-mon to medium, $4 50(3 4 80; feeders.$44 50 ; cows, $33 75. Hojs receipts.2400 head ; weaker and 510c lower ; goodto choice packing, $4 55; medium tcfair, $4 304 4'). Sheep receipts, 1500head ; steady ; fair to good muttons, $2 5033 25; common to medium, $1 50(3.2 25.

NEW TOKK BEY 4OU4 H1BKCT.New York. March 10. Although less

active than yesterday, there ha3 been avery lair demand trom agents and manymiscellaneous assortments have beencalled for to the extent of a good volumeof sales.

SMI Hi 11!Ridos, McIntosh Couittt, Gl,

Dr. J. BDriEL Dear Sir: I have taken several bottles of your Female Regulator for fallingof the womb and other diseases combined of sixteen Tears standing, and I really believe X amcured entirely, for which please accept my heartfelt thanks and most profound gratitude. I knowyoor medicine saved my life, so yon see I eaanotspeak too highly in its faror. I have recom-mended it to several of my triends who are suf-

fering as I was. Yours, very respectfully.MRS.W.K. STEBBIXS,


Lagkaxge, Ga.Dr. J. Bbadfibld, Atlanta, Oa. Dear Sir: 1

take pleasure in stating that I have used, for thelast twenty years, the medicine yon are new put-ting up, known as Dr. Bradfield's Female Regu-lator, and consider it the best combination evergotten together for the diseases for which it isrecommended. With kindest regards, I am, re-

spectfully, W. B. TERRELL, M D.

Atlanta, Oa.Da. J.Bbadftsxd Dear Sir: Some fifteen years

ago 1 examined tbe recipe ef Female Regulator,and carefully studied authorities in regard to itscomponents, and then (as well as new) pronounceit to be the most scientific and skillful oombination ef the really reliable remedial vegetableagents known to icienee, to act directly on thewomb and uterine organs, and the ergans an 4

parts sympathising directly with these; ana,therefore, providing a spicipic kxmkdt for alldiseases of the worn and of the adjacent organsand parts. Yours truly.


Bend lor our treatise on Health and Happinessof Woman." Aiailed free.

The CradHold Kcffulator Co.,Atlanta, Ga.

For ts year at 37 Court Place, now at

IiimiSwillBTA rwJrrT educated ud letmlly qriflriyajcUn and Lbs

Dmi m hi prmtOoe will Pnrr.CvLTf? rU forma of PRIVATE,


Spermatorrhea ana Impotency.u the mult rHf-tm- la vwiUl, exosi wtmm la m

rpa.-- i. or othar eta... no, sail pitiduaaf tune a f theU!tcU: NertausitcM, Seminal foif b aii

Aw bj dram. Diurnna of llht, Mecory. 1'ty-- itlU"aj, Fun le as Par, ivmion u Society ofFerc:,'

CuDTurloa of of xnal Fewer. A., rtairriufmarrug" imprormr or uahappT, rm tbcreuiibly tad ptcorntlycurvi SYPHXL ISirirtl fr m i GonorruesuOLEET. Ptrltiur, OrciUOj, eniii, oc Kuviurw,flKi ami iltier privau ditaMM qoivkly fiirnd.

It is Unit a phy icin who n .p1l tttnttcQto ft claM of dtiCUM, ri4 tresaUo; tbcurudB aucifally, acquires rraat ikiU. FhTaiciana avnoviaf lht Fact aeaiBrvrrtmrud (roiii to my eare. Wben U la HsoosnciRiti to

mit tiie city fa-- troament. eae k teat frtnuifAd tafaly by mall r oxprva. aaywhara.Cures Onarsuiteed la all Caaoa

ondertalcen.I't'OruiiatiotiB or hr Vrtttr (W tmi Iv1t4.

Cliarje reaoiutbl4 aud oorrMpuu4ettCC atristlj OunJutatlal.A

PRIVATE COUNSELOROr 300 i(M, mt to any addmat, orowely tar Urrrty

i) cenL. Should read bv alL Adflrraa as aViovaOtica boara from t A. kt. to. F. M. BanOaji, 2 to f. M

Proposals for Shelby Couuty BondsBIDS will be receded by theSEALED Commlsstonerf until March 'JZih next,

At o p.m., any part of one hand red and fivethou-an- d fSlOfsOtv) dollars new tShelby Countybix Per Cent. Bund., ifued in psytnentef a likeamount o Maijbis and Ohio Hailrad Bends istt'd new Konl tnture as follows ; in 1;7U) in 1S4; 17,in in 16'.; 824,000 inOOuin iWJi nod U,0iX) in 1911; interest payable

Bi'ii ean be addrcod to John Johnson, to S.H. Dnnfcotrb, or to Edward iioidniith, indorsed"Bids for Shelby County Bonds," and most beaccompanied by a remittance ot wo per cent, onthe amount bid for. Bonds will be delivered to

ful bidders on March 31?t. The Foard re

formation will be furnished on ppptcvtAv.-undersign-


Baard of Funding Commissioners of Shelbycounty, Tenn.

Memphis, Tenn., February 25, 1S.otice

No. 1016, R.D. In the Chancery Court of ShelbyCounty, Tenn. B. P Anderson, Commissionerof Revenue, et., vs J. F. MeKinney et al.It appearing from the allegations of the bill,

which is sworn to in this cituse, that tbe defend-aut- ?,

John F. MeKinney, Charles L. McK.innyand W. B. MeKinney. D. K. Cook and K. E.Crane and R. li. Richards, assiicoees in bank-ruptcy of D. R. Cook, are of theState of Tennrssoe, and from tbe return of tbesheriff that Mrs. A. MVKinney, Martha Me-Kinney and Arthur He Kinney, are not to befound in bis county:

It is therefore ordered, That they make theirappearance herein, at tbe courthouse of Shelbycounty, in Memphis, Tenn.. on or before the firstMonday in April, 1SX5, and plead, answer or de-mur to complainant bill, or tbe same will betaken for oonfosged as to them and set for hearingexi iixte; and that a copy of this order be pub-lished once a week for four successive weeks intbe Memphis Appeal. This 2th day of February,185. A cop- y- Att"t:

S I. McDrjVVELL. Clerk and Master.By II. F. WaUb. Deputy Clerk and Master.John Johnson, Sol. for complainant. wed

Aotiee.So. 778 (1) R.D. In the Chancery Courtof thelby

county, Tenn. B. P. Anderson, Commissionerof Revenue, etc., vs. Martha A. Ashe et al.It appearing from the allegations of tbe bill,

which is "worn to in this cause, that the defend-ant, W W. Judfnn, is a of the Stateof Tennessee and a resident of the (State of Mis-- it

is therefore ordered, That ha make hisappearance herein, at tbe courthouse of tetaelbycounty, in Memphis . Tenn-- , on or before tbe &rstMonday in April, 13, and plead, answer or de-mur to cotDpUinant's bill, or the same will beUkeu for conjessrd as to htm and set for bear-ing ex parte; aud that a copy of this order be pub-lished once a week for four succe'iive weeks Int'e Memphis Appeal. This 26th day of February,1S&. A copy Attest :

H. I. McDOWELL. Clerk and Master.H- F. Walsh, Deputy Clerk and Master.John Johnson, tt oi. for oomplainanu wed

Tt'ThTTSTJTRjrSwitr 'imuitions ofclHSt.n are n ld uuder simitar nam s,

When bnt-- litDson'a, .xaiuin. 14. Pin.1.'''y1.U'-o;- n rc it is vrn. pnol up. Tb. piuuii'it


THIS DAY.Friars Point Jiau Lei, Claggatt, 5 p.m.Whit Rir.r Chickasaw, Postal, S p.m.Osoaola . Diah Adams, Ooopar, 5 p.m.Cincinnati Oaio, Dm, 12 m.

THURSDAY AND FRIDAY.Arkauas City.-KA- Ti AnaB.Thursdar. 6 P.- -

TipUnrill. ....Oatoso. Thundar, 5 p.m.Cincinnati Jag. W. Qatt, Fridar, 6 p.m.

TUMEVrit AT TUB I.KTEK.ArrivaU. Ohio, Cincinnati; New Mary

Houston, Cincinnati; Chickasaw, Whiteriver; City of Providence, Vickaburg;Commonwealth, 8L Louis; C ty of BatonRouge, bt. Louia.

ltpartwe. City of Providence, St.Louis; New Mary Houston, New Orleans;City of Bat.a Kouge, New Orleans; Com-monwealth, Vicksburg; Winnie, St. Fran-cis river; Bene Mac ready, St. "Franci.river.

Bmtt ia Port. Ohia, Chickasaw andE. VV. Cole.

BoaU that Down. Dean Adams.JJoatt Due Up. James Lee.

Tefcterslisjr.New Mary Houston 31 brls flour and

13 plows.Chickasaw (brought out of White

river) 204 bales cotton, tea ska seed, 2Shd stock and 1U pkg snndriec.

Commonwealth 618 brls doui ,10 brlsmeal, 41 brls oil, 90 brla applet, 13 bxs ba-con, 1H8 sks seed, 479 fjkg6 white lead and445 pkgSBiindries.

Ohio 2720 brls potatoes, 60 brls mealand grits, 25 brls flour, 10 brls oil, 6 c?kssides, 20 bxs bacon, 100 bris apples, 500empty boxes, 174 bales hay, 6 doz chairs,10 doz barrows, 50 sks seed, 40 reels wire,44 pkgs furniture aud 100 pkgs miscellan-eous.

rCTl'KA: HOVEMKHTB.The Jaa. W. Gaff, Capt. Win. Tichenor,

is tbe Friday packet for Cincinnati.Thb Chickasaw, Capt. L"d C. Postal, ia

the packet this evening at 5 o'clock forWhite river. C. M. and Joseph Postal areher clerks.

Th Dean Adams, Capt. Henry Cooper,is the packet this evening at 5 o'clock forOsceola and tbe upper bends. WilliamSmither is in her office.

The James Lee, Capt. Thomas Claggett,is the packet this evening at 5 o'clock forHelena, Friars Point and all way landings.Piatt Knock's is her clerk.

Tbi Gayoso, Capt. W. P. Hall, is thepacket evening at 5 o'clock torHales Point, Tiptonville and all way land-ings. Col. J. D. Fuller has charge of hero tfite.

The Kate Adams, Capt. M. R. Cheek, isthe United States mail packetevening at 5 o'clock for Helena, ArkansaiCity and all way landings. W. C. Blenkerhas charge of her cilice.

Tub Ohio, Capt M. M. Deem, havingbeen detained on account of business, willleave y at 12 o'clock for Cairo, Louis-ville, Cincinnati and all way landings oathe Ohio river. Harry Proctor and HarryBest are her cleras.

GE5EBAL HEWS.Bi'sixsss fair.Tbe river continues rising sharply her

and at Cairo.The Cty of Povidence passed up for St.

Louis on time yesterday morning.Receipts by river yesterday, 178 bales

ef cotton and 409 sacks of cotton-seed- .

Dceino the six months ending last Fri-day night St. Louis collected $i'50 88 forwharfage dues and rents.

Tbe Arkansas River Packet Companywill send out the R. L. Cobb for thatstream every Saturday hereafter.

The Ohio arrived from Cincinnati'earlyyesterday morning with 3470 packages.Sne will return some time

The carpenter on the Evansville triedto bill himtelf at Livermore the other dayby cutting his throat-- It wasn't a success-ful job.

The Commonwealth, bound for NewOrleans, passed down late last night, afterdischarging here 1863 packages and adding150 tons.

Tub Chickasaw arrived from 'Whiteriver Monday night, bringing 204 bales ofcotton out of that str'iui. She retarnxthis evening.

The New Mary Houston, from the Ohioriver, passed to New Orleans yesterdayfrill of freight and people. She dischargeda email lot of freight here.

The City of Baton Rouge passed to NewOrleans about dark yesterday with a bigload, of which there were 1300 sacks ofcorn added below Cairo. Her cabins werecrowded, and she had all the freight shewanted leaving here.

Will S. Hays throws the followingbrick at the O. Line: "We state with feel-ings of no less pride than pleasure that wehave been honored with an acceptance ofour resignation as passenger and ticketagent of the O. Line boats at this place."

Cincinnati Tim's-Sta- r: "The reortwas curreuti on the landing tlii morningthat tbe Springer had been sold to Capt.Wash Thompson. That gentleman in-formed us that the negotiai ions had notbeen closed. It is said Capt. John Patter-so-

her commander, ia dickering for aninterest in the boat."

Among) the passengers on board the Cityof Baton Rouge, passing to New Or-leans yesterday, was Capt. Joab Law-rence, of Salt Lake City, but formerly en-gaged here in steamboat agency business.He was accompanied by his wife. Capt.Pat Yoreja retired steamboatman, of St.Louis, was aluj aboard.

Cincinnati Enquirer: "Capt. W. O.Tichenor, of the James W. Gaff, and Capt.Andy Lindsey left for Memphis by raillsst night, to attend a lawsuit which theold Memphis packet has pending at thatplace. Superintendent R. W. Wise wentout in command of the James W. Gafflast night, but expects to ba relieved atEvansville by Capt. Tichenor, on his re-

turn from Memphis."

WEATHER AND BITERS.Orrirg Sign'al Sirviob, U. S. A.,

Mshphis, lass., March 10, Ism, 2 p.m. I

The following observations are taken atal. stations named at 759 meridian time, whichis l auar laater man wempaii time.


tatioks. low water. Riae. Fall.Fe.tluths Feet luths Feet loths

Caire 2T 2 1Chattanooga 5 6 3Cincinnati... 20 4 .. 1lllavenport 'Ibubuque '

K.irt Smith. 1 7 9Helena 21 8 1 4Keokuk

1l,a Crosce...'.eavenw'th.i 11 1 w 5

Little Rock..! 11 9 1Louisville ... 4Keu.libta.1 18 4 1 O

Nashville ...J 8 8 1

tNewUrl.'naj 6 2 1Omaha 13 2Pittshur... 3 9 7Shrev.port.J IS 3 2St. Louis 17 5 .. 1!St. PaulVicksbnrs;,..! 23 1 4

Betow water mark.tbetow hiah-wat- mark. 1874.

Wheeling, March 10. Night River 6feet 9 inches, and falling. Weather olear andsold.

New Orleans, March 10. No arrivals.Departed : Port Eads and bargrs, St. Louia. TheGolden Rule is loading for Cinoinnati.

Vicksbuho, March 10. No arrivals.!cpaited: John A. Wood and tow, Pittsburg;Suiding Str, Jiew Orleans; Arkansas Ci'.r.b..Xiouis.

PirrcBURO, Marih 10. Noon River 3feet 9 Inches, nd falling. Weather clear andmiid. Night Kiver3 feet 7 inches, and station-ary. Weather elear an. pleasant.

St. Locis, March 10 Night River 17f inches by the aaug., and stationary. Weatherclear aod fleafant. Arrived; Jay Gould andbarges. New Orleans; City of Cairo, St, Louia.Departed : City of Cairo, Vicksburg.

BvASBvaxi, March 10. Noon River 19feet 4 inches, and falling. Weather cloudy andtoild. Arrived: Thomas Sherlock, Cincinnati,Io departures. Night Riv-- r 19 feet 1 inch, andfailing. Weather cloudy and mild- - No arrivals.Departed; Ihomss Sherlock, New Orleans; Jaa.w ..aff. Memphis,

Cincinnati, March 10. Noon River 20fset, and falling. Weather cloudy and mild;thermometers0. Arrived: Granite State, Mem-fb?- s.

Nooerartures Kipbt- - River 20 feet 6 inchasand about stationary. Weather cloudy and cool,ho arrivals or departures.

March 10. Noon River 9fret 6 inches in the oanal aud 7 feet 4 inches ontae falls, and falling. Weather cloudy and warm,with signs of rain. Business doll. No arrivalsor departures. Nieht River 9 feet 4 inebes intae canal, and falling, business dull. Weathereloudyan rainy. No arrival, or departure, fregular pacaeis.

Caiaa.March cloudyand mild. Arrived: Buckeye State. Memphis, 6a.m.; Joseph B. Williams and tow, Ohio river,11 a.m. Departed: Buckeye ritate, Cincinnati, 7a.m.; Wiliiaois and tow. New Orleans, 9 a.m.Night Riv.r 27 feet 2 inches, and rising. Weath-er clear and mild; thermometer 48. No arrival.or departures ot regular packet..

IOVEHE1VT8 Or Ul'KAD 8TEAHEBS.New York, March 10, Arrived; Hol-

land, London.Naw Orleans, March 10. Cleared: El

Paso. Knickerbocker and Bessie Morris, Ncl'ork. Arrived: Hartw.st, Hartlepool.

London, March 10. Arrived: State ofNebraska, Wyoming and France. New York:Elafield, New Orleans; Lord Clive, I'hiladel- -pnra.

L. M. STANLEY,. V-'- - i ' t 'cf'fe

l'UXEHH DIRECTOR,H04 Hala Strret, MetnphU, Team;

A FULL stock of Wooden and Metallic Caseil and Caskets, Burial Robes, ate., always enn.nd. Orders by laaa.sa.ai r XaUphon. prompt-s' attended to.

yr:; '.' ""' ,f- - .

, ,'. i


TblM madlotiM. QamWatTisr Itm warn par.regntabl. to. toe, r"l5ily aad ffs.Ui.lyImpair. UImma, wsa. rl.U.iu.aa .vara,an. ..rtilll.

Ilia an uataJaar aa4y fcr Wmisl f tkaKMasri lJvaar.

It is lnvaloabl. fcr Ptasaao, asnUar toWoman, and ail wV. laad awlsuaaiT avea.

Itdow not iagur. tba taMa.eaa. aeadeaa,OTproduc. colitlua. UAar Inm wsiriiir da.

It eurichee and purirla. UieatMd.as'm.Mte.the appetlt. ails tbe ssaamila.oa f fMd. re-

lieve, Beartbara and KaWaUif , and gUnUi-tu- itb. muae anil uervoa.

For Uusauin.ut r.vwa, Laaattuda, lack otEnergy, ... lt aaa no equal. '

a Th. mnutoe aaa asiov. VrmAm mark a Jcroauad ladllni. on wrappu. laa. u oUiez.

mttmwr aaawi caracal, ca. aAiaroiuu, aa



' PHK steam.r OHIO will leav. . ca.X THIS DAY, March 11th. at lijcafiXiaSi;o'clock sharp

FOR LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATInaKBl aa4 1 aria nail racks! C'a.

LOUI8TILL.I: at CIfCISJCaVTI.The elegant and superb paasanger steamer

James W. Gait', jSssiW. C. Tichenor master.

Will leav. FRIDAY, March 13th, at t p.m. Forfreight or paasag. apply to R. W. L1GUT-BUKN-

Agent, eorner Madison and Front sta.Tbe ataamer GRANITE 91AIB f.llews, leav-ip- r

Tn.xinv. Mi"h 17t,


a., A. C, aaa ASK, BITES fKT. A O.ti. a. Mall !...For Arkansas City and Way Landing, 8Uaaaer

IAT3E AIA2i3,t5iM. R. Choek ,DuUr.

learcs Momphia ararj MuNDAi" end THURS-DAY, tvt ft p.m.. ooocftoTioc at ArcDiiM Citywith LittU Kook.Miw. RiTer and Texu R.H.,firing through rates to all point! od lin of road.

ArkiniM Klver alTllB.For Pint Bluff and mil Way Landing,

Sir. It. I.. Vohh,Sl&John A, Williami, maftr,

Leavei Mamphia rr UAIURDAY at 5 p.ai.For general information apply at No. 2M


aruBlMk Klver Ii. ft. Mir

For Indian Bay, tit. Charles, Clareadan, DTal!iriluff, Dea Aro, Aucuita, Jaekaanpart laearcy,Batesville, Powhatan aotf Paoakantas.

b ie.au. er JOK FICTCBJI,M. R. llarry. maatar, VfCfi&nim

Will laara Memphii aTarrJ""y at a a ciackoanneouaa 4 root with tha new Hack rUver

&.m.f tiutea Mail Packet MILT HARRY, farPowhatan and Pooahoataa, and with the DailyPaeketa to BaUtrille and Cppar White riTar.

Through Katea to all point.Proiarkt con imad to Milt Harry Lisa. Mamahii

or Torrena, will ba promptly forwarded.. ii. iiUrrt, artnT, wnaTTPoai.

FOR ST. FRAIfULS RIVKR.Tbe M Francis River TrauKporUtion ta)'a

tine U. S. Alil learnerISeno Macreadv, r

0. K. Joplin matter.WILL LEAVE BKMfUM KTEBT

at 5 o'olook, for Marianne, tha Cat-Of- f, and intermediate landings on bt. Francis rirer. The cap-tain reBerrea tha right to paas all landing! hedeem unsafe. JAS. LES, Ja., fiaperintendent,Otttce, No. 4 Madison street.Merciniaitti' And I'ltiattere' i'Acket Une.rpHB Steamer WIS V IK, CanUin w erT

a o. in. aiaumua; m. a. viuiud.iclerk, will leare Memphia BVERt TiiiuA,at 5 p.m. for all points on bt. Francis river go-

ing as hgh as Marian a and tha Cut-O- t. forfreight or passage apply to

R. W. LIUHTBURNB, Agent,reT.er Mrdinon and Front streets.

LEE LINE STEAMER.9Aatpbin. Friars ftatna amel Eftssiglkia

aaial Oaoola Pachii Oetapaay,For Helena, Qlendale, Friars Point and all Way

ian d i ngs Dtaasn arJAMES LEE,

K. T. Clarett master I Piatt Rhode MarkWilileaTe s abore on erery MoN O A Y , W KDIS aib- -

DAx. and if XL1VA i , at o o clocH p.m.

Fcr Ran 401 ph, Fulton , OiceaU ib!wi' Landingi.St earner ueax AUAflfS,

J. H. Cooper, matter. J. W. Stnithars. alerkieaves m above every aiun ua i , vr MLrDAY and FRIDAY at 6 p.m. The boats ef thisline reserve the right to pas aU landings the cap-t&- in

may deem uniafe, Oftee, Ko. 4 Madison st

FOR TIPTONVILLE.For 0 6 coot a, Hales Point. CaruthersTille, Gayoso

and Iirtonviile lhe new passenger steaaierGAYOSO, ilSfiW. P. Hal- l- --master t J. D. Fuller clerk.

will leve aabive, anda'l way points, KVKiiiMONDAY and THURSDAY at5 p.m.

Knr tTarhf a rotamre nn-l- T on hoard.

Eismphis &. Whits Fivsr Pkt Cs.

v. rosuai..m aster i jb. rcsuu.HM..eiexapom

Clsurn4loiiv naval la RaJr. fi Are, Aa-7ii9-


at & p-- 1 broach rates te all petets.

River PaoketCo." will baforwardedrrosaitly.H.: IjI-- k, Arent. on wnirfHot.

Cook's Esrnrsien Partlen Bail from lVewYork in April, May, Jane andJaly hy First-clas- s

steamships.Npeeiai TossriasTitrsicM ror laniTiaaaiTravelers at reduce rales, oy tbe best

rentes for plea are travel.svaacarsiaaisf, with mane, ee a tains

full particular ; by mail for ten eenta.rMOSU aoBA alSS,e,i Breaslway, 5. T.

Estsy and propsrly-'Btts- J Bpectskclss andby Prof. Cat bear t, Optl-cla- n,

wltn F. s. Bara am, 953 Mala !.,s' Hall. Satisfaction gnaranteed

Notice.No. S299. 26 T. and C, R. D In the Chan eery

Ceart of Shelby oonnty, Tenn. State ef Ten-nessee, for nse, etc., vs. W . E. Butler et al.It appearing from amended bill whieh is swera

to in this cause that the defendant!, the unknownheirs of Matt O'Hearn, whose names and placesof residence are unknown and cannot be ascer-tained after diligent inquiry, and who are sup-posed to Larean interest1 in the north part of lotS, block 35, 32x east side of St. Martinstreet, in the Taxing-Diitric- t of bbelbycounty, Tennessee; aod it further ap-pearing from sher'ff'a return that Carolinelireishaber, Michael Brady, Jeha A. Jones, JohnPointer, Mary U. Tighe, John Miller. AorahaiaFreiteoburg and Jos. MitekU are not te befoand ia his oonnty;

It is therefore ordered, That they make theirappearance herein, attke eeurtheuse ef Shelbycounty, in Memphis, Tenn., en or before the nrstMonday in April, 1M5, and plead, answer or de-mur te complainant's bill, or tbe same will betaken for eon fasted as te tbem and set for kearing exparte; and that a eopy ef tkii order bepnblishsd once a week for fear successive waekjIn the Memphis Appeal. Tlji sU ; Jrnary,

A oopy Attest:S. I. MCDOWELL. Clerk and Master.

By H. F. Walsh, Deputy Clark and Master.Taylor A Carratl, be is. far complainant. wad



BMoroendedSffor Ohloroaia. Anemia. .rroeaiJ

rnlios Arroction. capAitrs, at, nra rRurOT.


Notice.No. 4714, R. D. In the Chancery Court of Shelby

county, Tenn. State of Tennessee for a so.etc., rs. W. T. Prewittet al.It appearing from bill which Is sworn te in this

cause that the defendants, W. T. liecoz andAlbert Pearce, surviving partners et Wm. But-ler A Co., Waddy Thompson. R. B. Woodruff,Marcus Woodruff, Julia Woodruff, Minnie Weed-ruf- f,

Julia . Pearce, Robert M. Henning, Jas.W. Henning, Bailie A. Henning, CarringtenHenning and Anreiia C. Henning, and James A.Anderson, administrator of 6. M. Wheaton, de-ceased, arenon-rresideot- s ef the State of Tennes-see, and for the unknown heirs of suck of theabove parties who are dead; and the unknownheirs ef Wm. Butler, of S- - M. Whea-ton, and ef S. M. dates, whose namesand places of residence are unknown and eaanotbe ascertained after diligent inquiry, all efwhom are made parties on account of their inter-est in the following property proeeeded againstin this bill to enforce liens for taxes, Alot beginning on the northeast eorner ef Mrs.Sande.-s'-s lot No. 3 en the soatb side ef Ala-bama street; thence with the south side el saidstreet north 56" west 20 poles to a stake; thaneesouth 5U west 15 poles to east bank ef BayouGayoso ; thence with Bayou south 40 east t pale ;thence south Su west 14 poles i thepeesouth 45 east to a stake at bridge on Marketstreet; thenoa north Mv 14 poles to a stake; theneenorth 62 IB1) poles to the beginning;

It is thareiore ordered, That they make theirappearance herein, at the eourthoo in Shelbycounty in Memphis, Tenn., oa er before the firstMonday in April, ISaS, and plead, answer erdemur te complainant's bill, or the same will betaken furconfeased as to them and set for hearingexparte; and that a eopy ol this order be pub-lished once a week, for four tueaesive weeks, inthe Memphis Appeal.; TtiisiiJih day ef February,

A eopy attest:S. I. McDOWELL. Clerk and Matter.

By H. F. Walsh, Deputy Clerk mad Master.F. H. Bail kail and k. I). Jordan, iolUUere fec

ssniplainant. w

ExecsUora' ifvtlee.HAVINS anal ill ad as exeeutert ef the estate

M. C. Jones, deeeased, aetlee ishereby given te all parties having elaims agaiastsaid estate te Ale same with as, daly auafceatt-ea'e-

within tka time prescribed by law, sad sdlparties indebted to said eitate te eeme ferwartand settle at ones. M. J A R A In ,

P. F. VAN YLSsT.BxsoueM'ia

Uamnaia tmw. . P. VL 1316.

"'f';--- ? waa jr a w j-

.contra ; s- m




irj ieoas, mHosiery, Notions, White Goods,Etc,

ENTRANCE, 390 MAIN STREET, : MEMPHIS, TENN.Tftia Larceeit Establish meat of its kind in the States. Bntldlas; Dlincasloas,

11W bv sa5 fff. rtinning throngh from Mnin tn pfonrl wtrmtp .



3B1 Main Street, 37 Union




arPor aa. 1 Ey A.11. Flrat01aaa DeAlera.iiIt ia to Your Interetst to Read this C'Mrefullj.COLEMAN'S UNE QXTAXED


Is now In reneral use throughout this section.sweetest flaverea, tbe purest ana most delicious a ear las; in tbe world.

Pro noting digestion, effectively and permanently reujoving offensive smell from the breath andreem, it stimulates a waning appetite, and rendersbilaratinr.

In addition to perfuming tbe breath, and giving a sense of exquisite enjoy mem t, its abeoloteof materials, it unaeulteration in maautactare and cleanliness exercised in packing it,it a boon to mankind.The packages are put up in a neat, attractive, picturesque style, which naturally aids tha retailer

in utaaing saia. m irmi oru-r- .


W. A. GAGE OCotton Factors,

JTo. SOQ Front street, t i Memphis, Tenn.euwabu

wmh is, r" i4



obaccoSO. 333 xt!AIX ST.,

No. J376 Frost Klrect.

v llilS 61T J. Ol'Ii'tOH & lisCotton Factors, Wholesale liroceis


STEIiUlIIE 4 Cfl.,

W holesale Grocers, Cotton FactorsAND S5S FBOT ST2iET, EfE'XPIIIS, TEX


wew sr,F..s. T.onsnxi.

sr. ....

- iA-'Zlr'ir:z-

3 "imiksil- -




Send a trial order to your merchant. It is the

a spirit, otherwise and ex



U it g M f p.iT l?J:

VO? VOW avatiUi

: :



F. X.

9 H B r .1 Em


Lath and and Posts.

au Fraidet. tt. T. ti and Trailaattl ia



A. 1. ; t t em nil i .

fuh:and free from

no animal fat.'i'ure no KUne, clay or reNiu in it.

For Eatli and Toilet.Goe Iata loneer. liny from


Sole 4 tents tor following Firat-Cl- a Instru rrents :

"Ef J,- BACH, Ci. D. PKAHI3 4t CO., tWlll.l l.OCH.BiMUIl I LUllB 4k WABB-.!-,

C.a 1 IS st SI 1 1 1HK A W Ja, tCft, A.SA NEW PIANO FOR !.- -

for Kn.-2- t mild hF fstp. NT..

St.Omo, Miss.

i ill

Front :

w'nf "ars-j- sv , K n '


"01? P Co.miOaUBSAaLG.)



Street. MpmphK Tpnn.


debilitated, buoyant

Wnuf;pnrer. fv,iipht-a- .

tit iaasUattDEALERS

and Cigars,MEMPHIS. TEjf.

St CO.iriemivlil. Tenia.




MOKFLEET, Kesident Partner.

factors,MemDhis, Tenn,


DOORS, SASH, BL!NDS,M0LDirG,LUM6Etl8hin$rle3, Flooring, Celling Cedar


Woodruff Lumber CompanyWMOKirr, HAH.1AU,


Doors, ftieh, BHn5n, Moldings, Bailding Xaterial GenerailI'URfl JftII.jLJi,

lorth Front St., Wear CJas Work.Taylor. 3taagT. 'liioeH-- e


Perfcclly Pure, adulteration.Entirely Vegetable diseasedfciirelj Kroartti

Eaundry, China,furiher any Grot-e- n




AJf8""J1W"i PKI.orBf'.Tear

CtaWns. MESffPI!"

HILL, FOITAiE & GO,Cotton Factors and Wholesale Grocers

g3-9-8 ront St., Jfleinphta, Teisw.

LL, F0KTI1E & 00,Cotton Factors, Commission Oerchanis,

TSo. 11C South Main fit.. IfaOuSs.HLEUUE BEOS.,

Cottoa356 St.,

or. d. s. JOHNSorrsP3UVATE

Iledical Dispensary,No. 17 Jenonca ilt

fiecw3i Kaln and Fresi fa Jesmplala

DR. JOHNSON is acknowledged by all partiesinternte a by rr the mnstsaeesasfal par

Si- i.n m '! igin,enfc o; private or aeret dieer.S(i8. Quak, uriuianent cuie guaranteed in0" -- ry ?hso, ts;..a or :tmslt. rteoeut eaaee ofr; nriivs. i.nj Lji hills cured in a few days, with

:. 'he va ot luer coanic f diet or binC:.aioe lruin biin,uf. 3ecomtary byphills, thet t reitM eradicauxi wubout the use ot siarcur?. lQ7ulurt. ry lots u semen stopped in at..o;t ti i;e. uiiorers from itapotaney or Joaa olf.'- t, r..j restored to viror in a lew

ir.iima oi aud exoesiWar. city, saonnir irutn fermaterrhea and lots ol

cal or metitai iKwer, teduy and perma-f-ut-iv

cure.i. Varticulac stteaiiun paid to thelife&t ot Women, aod eure knaranteed. Pileir.o 'oro- - curetl without the ne of caustic ort 5 ki;fe. All oonssitations strictly oonfidentiaJ.&;' iaes tent by exirs to all parte ol thenuntry.ar 'VoTkir7men enre! at haif the nsual prioea.Ouoehonrs from I o'clock a.m. to 9 i.ni.

S. jnHNtf.v, m. TV


kr aisaafaaaj"vr, tipotart, wear.eii.-r-YOUOAN BC CUSISaOI

tur 1

aHrotha r ad.CrRK ha all eiaelMle,

Lilii UaiLI t'j "--?

Al CMVAM tC CO- -3 1 j. eTH ll r.tairiMl hi&lu of land and JAuir

BT virtue of the term of a ried or trust axe-rul-

to me as trufiee by W H. Scan fan onthe d.y of April, lM, wHich is recur (Jed intiie Hecordcr's ofii'-- e of Orittendna ounty, Ark.,in liwK "A," volume 2, pae 49, made U, securean iudabteine.- - therein deeenbed, nod delault. iua-- l;een made thereunder by the grfcwV.r.and 1 haTitig bu hereoiAtu duly re que led --"v,.tha benef 'Mrifp. will on

Mitiurdii, narra 31, lfaa,on 'he premie-- , J be pi natation knows.ia tbe "fiii..D .ln.re, inCrittDden r.unty, Arroalha.Mi--Jicii.p- l river, below Men-ph- be ivnir.g at 12 o'clock noin, of tha day. tffr afitell at public o tcry. to the buhu bidder, ;or

a h, tha lollowing lands and perror al property 'in i;ritit.dn couniy. Ark., i he snuih--wes- tquarter of section twenty m Uwat.ipfi' (it) raine e ght 'fit ni, containing lu". 1 he norttie.t e, irter of sect'on nineteenin t"WDhi: five Co uartti. range eight )ea--t, r rui'img Upj acres. nd 1 blark horsemule, 1 hfidi h sff, avmed Mike, V ynars old: 1bay nuirt- - uiulr, li hanua hiah, named Hattie.iyears old: i bay tuare mule. 1: hand high,rained .Mnffe-ia- . 7 yrar eld ; 1 bay mare mule, lihands high, Dau.ed Manda, 7 yeroid: 1 sorreivt'e tnuie. hands bub, rntcnrd Ked,old; 1 uik h:y n.are mala, 14 , b nalih!!t ear enpf ped, CHiued Alice. 13 years eld:ldirk bay tuare luule, Vj hands higti, namedlielie. It: ynro1d; ) dark bay mare mule.lthand biiiQ, ramrd Annie, 7 old: 1 darkbay hor e male, l.k hitodD high, named Lan. 1years old; 1 by msre nuule, V' hand bigo,named H years Id ; 1 bay horee, 1S handjhisih, nniued Kan it, 10 year ld; 1 sy mars

u if, IS1! hands tiich. uan-e- Kate, IS yrar old;1 y hore mule, I'i Lml- bigQ, cattied llawk.Id rears old: I u..rk bay hfr-- a sauie, Ul handsbigii, nnrurd icl?!. k year old; bay boremule. 1.'H banc high, named , 8 years old; Ifl! rk bar mr mule, ltt haouh hih, named Uai-se- y,

A rears eld ; 1 roan mare, 14 hands hih,named , 8 years old; 1 bay horte, 14 handshigh, ntned bt 1, V Tear oid; 1 spotted borne, i"liands hi-'- nxmed bi.t, yoar old; 1 bay boraemule. H'a hami biph, named John, 9 yar old:I bny hure iue, 14l hand high, named Logun, 11 year old.

Eyuity ol redemption, statutory proTUioc rSKle, and ail ruicemcnta are waived 1 e ti-tle is beneTed to be pr:e(, but 1 shall sail andeon-re- s Tu-tt- a only. MeinpUu, lann..reu-ruar- y

12, lSh6.ROTJCKT M. HORTON, Truites.

M- B. TEtzitVA r. Atto-Ly- .

iiwmj hi'ik af a."aI-3- . was: i 1'iiiaSMi 'aaMis nB('irKD sr

K0TAL IIAVANA LOTTERYt Co v ens ii v.wt ixrrmmo,)

DRAWN AT HAVANA, CUrJAvEvery to 14 Uayi.

S that th- - nam- -' Oott.t. Co. ! on tsw tlcfcft.Srbjtct to lui inanipniatlon, ant ooi,troh-- hy U '

l::irU ib lrifrr--- is tlic falrrt--t iti la the nattutvt ii ' In -

Kor lnforniai '.n and prttulare ant-l- to RfTIPSl": iro..ften. Pt.uuj . N. . uty.aud e Lalaaodulpti St., Ltiicagu. til., or

sfei Court Mrtt-- ,


II E A Ii ESTATENo. ZJ0 R. Court of Pheiby eounty

Julius W tnkelmeyer A Co tb. Patrick Twobigetal.,and Cosgrove tb. PatrickTwohig tta.,':u K. D. : Jauie Cei vs. AnnisCoxet xu. H: RHd Jame- - Coa ts. PatrickTwohia et at., .ilw K.1V virtue of an interlocutor d.ru f,J J entered in the above caufeon the Uth daot February, Iksii, V,. B. 2n. p. 212, and renewedn, Vrirrrt L7, lss.1, August V, latiLand reuruary It. 1KV,, I will aeli, ai publie aue--tlon. to tiie hlft'hal'.t kirfiiaar. in fu.nl ..f . l I'M a.and Ma-tr- u Qir. oourthoue of Shelby count.&ieinphi, Xeun.,on

KntniMlny, March 14, 1HM5,within ler il Sours, the folio ring described prop-erty, n,i anted in MicMit county. Tenn., it:

lhe undivided oneh lt oltbe fdowing lots.Bituuuiia iMe city of Mi ini'hLS. All al Itaud part of lot 1C, on Main street, at th,southwe-- t intersetiou of Main and RxxhaoirStrctJ. fronting Mi feet on Main trt, anirunnim t.av-- W tu Exchange alley.

'lorui.tol nU t'Mfh.This Feorrjarx l.--


Is. 1. M: ImWfcl.L. Clerk and Mwrt,.Hy eo. alaliery, Clerk and Mantth5S'er A aneed, W, Al. Kaudolph-an- d

Duboe. aolicii

No. , . and C R. n.-- In the ChanceryCourt uf hbelty couniy, Tenn. tuts of Ten --cesee, for ue, ate., vs. W. E. Butler et at.it ani'ear tglmrn amen Jed bill which if swors,

toislliisraiuaih.it the detondanu, R. M.a resident ot tne Mure of Arkansas,Annie Merrer. a o New York, aad Mtra.

8. b:reet, all non of the .Stale ofTennessee; a?d th unknown heira of Jan. A.Street, wbo iro varrosed to have an intereat iat 14, C. I.. f.il, ;.'il4A, north side of Jettersoastreet, and lot 6, C. L. 001, TOxHV, south side ofAlum sfret. Alro south part of lots a and 10

biock TS, )72li, north side of (?aney. north of.iQuen street, and lot2i,C. U. ?), 7:xJWS. soutaside of Jcfterfon street, and lot 4, C. L. fcOl, 7f14W. sou'h side of Adatus treet;the unknowuheirs of liimm Valiontiue, fui-ofe- to hare aninterest in 1, C. L. 5o4, 142x- Id, soulb side ofAl:iaa street; the unknown heirs ef Elisabeth1'eard, supit.ed to have an interest in lot 1,block iVt, UOxlJd, rorth side of Pt ntotoe street;and tbe unknown heirs ol Phil 11. Thompson,supposed to hate an interest in oth part cilot 11, blerlt2i, lxli. wet side ot Main street;ail of watch is situatx-- in the Iaxing li triet ofceurty, Kute ot rennessee ; and it furthersppeartr.g fretu sheriff s return that Alias A.Keaauiiy is to m tund in his county;

theretore ordered, Thtt they make '.heirappearance herein, at the courthuuae of Shelbycounty, in aVieuiidiii. Tenn., on r be lor the firaton day in Aprii, ibS'u and plead, answer er de-mur to complainant'? bill, or tbe same will bettkeu for confe-fe- d as to am and et for hearingexparte; and that a eopy 6 1' this order be pub-lished ence a week for our saccesive weeks inthe ai m phis Appa.j. This UU day of Febru-ary, JSbO.

A aop7 at!e :

I. MrDOWKLL, Clerk anal Master.Jy H. F. Wala, I'eout Clek and Mmw.

l!LJiarrMli fr eosapiaisant. wed.

NoticeKo. 6.W4, R. D. In the Chancery Court of Shelbycounty, Tenn. State of lent esse, for use.etc., vs. eu. Chri-ti- e et al.

It appearing from bill whi?h Is sworn to Inib ;it the defvedsnte, tiforge 1 Collins andMildred late- - Caiufrou are of theMate of lfUrtPSr);

It is jrilered. That they make theirat the courthouse of Shelby

Oounty, in Memphis. Tenn.. on or before the OralMonday in .,.nl, lvv. and plead, answer ordemur to complttinaiit's bill, or the same will betaken fur cor.lted as to them and set for hearingexparte; and that a copy ot this order be pub- -liMhea once a week, for four 8ucceHive weeks. Inthe Memphis Appeal. Tiii lutn day of February,lbfto.

A copjr Attettf. 1. .McDOWELL, Clerk and Master.

By If. V. Wal-- Ieputy Clerk and Mauler.K. II. lici-ke- ll and H. b- Jurdan, Solicitors for

oomplainaat. wed

Notice.No. 3512, R D. Ia the Chancery Court oi Bkslhjp

County. Tenn. J. YT . Burton et al. ya. MHayen Friar et al.It appearing from erossbill, which is sworn te

in thie cause, that lhe detendante, Mtaes P.lloustHn. VT. K. Oliver, Jobs Oliver,

kloise Oliver and Wiliie Oliver, aro resident oithe Srate ef Mississippi and of tfcobtate of Tenn-nae- e;

It is therefore ordered, That they make their appearance herein, at tne couithoute ef Shelbycunty, is Mean hip, Tenn,, on or before the u'stMonday in April, l&&.r, and plead, answer or

te compiainnnt till, or the same will ustaken for eoDtes-r- d as to them and aet for hear-ing exparte ; and that a cupt of this order be sue-lQ- ed

onoe a k for tour successive weak inthe Memphi Apreal. This 20th day of February.l5e". A eopy tteat:

B, I. Mel) )ZLh, Clerk and Master.Tiy H. F wilih, Deputy Clerk and Matter.XaJone W;iod, bula. for eomtd'nt. wed

Notice.No. 19 T. and C , R. T. In the Chancery

Courtof Shelby county, Tenn. Mate ef e,

for uhe. etc., v.. W . K. Puiler et al.It arrea'-in- from sher'ff'a return in this casesthat tha defendants, Letitiali. Vance and Char-lotte fcSyrd n.e n t to be found in his county ;

It is therefore ordered. That they make theirappearance herein, ht the courthouse of Shelbycounty, m Menu-hin- Toua,, oa or before the firstMonday in April, lhv, and plesd, answer srdemur to eomphiinant's bill, or the same will bstaken for contained as to them, aud sot for hear-ing exparte; at.d that a copy of this order be pnt- -)ihad onoe a weak, tor four suceefsive wekin the Vetaphis Apieta. Tan Uhh day oi lebna-ar- y.

lwii.A oopy attest :

af' Mfliinw r.iiij, Clerk and Maatsr.By H. F.Walh, leputy Clerk and MMterTaylor A Ciarroll. Suia. for complainant. wed

Notice.No. WW, R D. In f'e Chancery Court o. ShelbyCounty, Tenn. State of Tennessee, et?.. tb.H. L. tuu.n et al.

It a penrinr from amended bill, whieh Is sworwto in this came, that theldefendant, the onknowaheirs of ien B. Ivi and .Nannie B. Iavis,

whose names and residenees are unknownand cannot be ascertained a ter di Igent inquiry,and who are made parties on nt ot their

in a lot in sou u try lot 528, trontin 67 faston the north sde of Auction street and run-ning bi.-- north, between parallel lies, 3o0 feet,being the lot decreed to Geo. 11. and Nannie L.Davis in the partition proceedings by decree ofrecord in book rageS4J. of thin Court:

It is tbereiore ordered, That they snake theirappertnoe herein, at the oourthouee ef Ahelbycounty, :a Memphia, Tenn., on or before the firstMonday in April, InevS, and plead, answer or de-mur to complainant bill, or the aame will btaken for contoescd as to them and set for hearing;exoarte; and that a copy of this order be pub-lished once a week for foor successive weeks in.tbe Memphis Appeal. This 2Ut day of February.18S5. A copy Attest :

S. 1. McOOWKLL, CleTk and Master.By TT. V. Walsh, Deputy Clerk and Ma tar.C. W. HcisksU, Sol, sor eottipiainant. wed

TaffvTolui f Use after sating, for lndires- -

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