Irigasi Sprinkler Compatibility Mode

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    Dr.IrDr.Ir. . SugengSugeng PrijonoPrijono, MS, MS

  • DefinitionDefinition

    Pressurized irrigation through Pressurized irrigation through

    devices called sprinklersdevices called sprinklers

    Sprinklers are usually located on Sprinklers are usually located on

    pipes called lateralspipes called lateralspipes called lateralspipes called laterals

    Water is discharged into the air and Water is discharged into the air and

    hopefully infiltrates near where it hopefully infiltrates near where it


  • Kesesuaian PemakaianKesesuaian Pemakaian TanamanTanaman

    Cocok hampir semua tanaman (pohon, semak, Cocok hampir semua tanaman (pohon, semak, hamparan), dapat disiramkan di atas atau di bawah hamparan), dapat disiramkan di atas atau di bawah kanopikanopi

    Tidak cocok untuk beberapa jenis sayuran yang mudah Tidak cocok untuk beberapa jenis sayuran yang mudah rusak karena tetesan airrusak karena tetesan airrusak karena tetesan airrusak karena tetesan air

    Kemiringan lahanKemiringan lahan Cocok untuk lahan datar maupun bergelombangCocok untuk lahan datar maupun bergelombang

    Tanah Tanah Paling cocok untuk tanah pasiran, tapi cocok untuk Paling cocok untuk tanah pasiran, tapi cocok untuk hampir semua tipe teksturhampir semua tipe tekstur

    Air irigasiAir irigasi Cocok untuk air yang bersih dan bebas sedimenCocok untuk air yang bersih dan bebas sedimen

  • Fixed sprinklerFixed sprinkler

  • Traveling Volume Gun Sprinkler Irrigating Traveling Volume Gun Sprinkler Irrigating

  • Travelling gun sprinkler Travelling gun sprinkler

  • Permanent LateralPermanent Lateral

    Laterals are permanently placed Laterals are permanently placed

    (enough to irrigate the entire area)(enough to irrigate the entire area)

    Laterals are usually buried, with Laterals are usually buried, with

    risers or poprisers or pop--up sprinklersup sprinklersrisers or poprisers or pop--up sprinklersup sprinklers

    Easily automated and popular for Easily automated and popular for

    some agriculture/some agriculture/horthort applicationsapplications

    Capital investment can be highCapital investment can be high

  • SolidsetSolidset sprinklersprinkler

  • Periodically Moved LateralPeriodically Moved Lateral

    Single lateral is moved and used in Single lateral is moved and used in multiple locationsmultiple locations



    TowTow--line/skidline/skid--tow (lateral is pulled across tow (lateral is pulled across the field)the field)

    SideSide--roll (lateral mounted on wheels that roll (lateral mounted on wheels that roll to move the lateral)roll to move the lateral)

    Fairly high labor requirementFairly high labor requirement

  • Portable SolidPortable Solid--Set Sprinkler SystemSet Sprinkler System

  • SideSide--roll wheelroll wheel--move sprinkler move sprinkler

  • SideSide--Roll Sprinkler Lateral Roll Sprinkler Lateral

  • Moving LateralMoving Lateral

    Single lateral moves automatically Single lateral moves automatically

    (mounted on wheeled towers)(mounted on wheeled towers)


    Center pivots (lateral pivots in a circle)Center pivots (lateral pivots in a circle) Center pivots (lateral pivots in a circle)Center pivots (lateral pivots in a circle)

    Linear or lateral move systems (lateral Linear or lateral move systems (lateral

    moves in a straight line)moves in a straight line)

    Fairly high capital investmentFairly high capital investment

  • Center Pivot System with Spray Pad SprinklersCenter Pivot System with Spray Pad Sprinklers

  • Komponen Irigasi CurahKomponen Irigasi Curah






    Contoh untuk sprinkler tak bergerak

  • System Components (5) System Components (5)

    LateralsLaterals Pipelines that provide water to the sprinklersPipelines that provide water to the sprinklers

    May be below, on, or above the groundMay be below, on, or above the ground

    RisersRisers Smaller diameter pipes used to bring water from the Smaller diameter pipes used to bring water from the

    lateral to the sprinklerlateral to the sprinkler

    PurposesPurposes PurposesPurposes

    Raises the sprinkler so that the plants won't Raises the sprinkler so that the plants won't interfere with the water jetinterfere with the water jet

    Reduces turbulence of the water stream as it Reduces turbulence of the water stream as it reaches the sprinklerreaches the sprinkler

    Mainlines and submainsMainlines and submains Pipelines that supply water to the lateralsPipelines that supply water to the laterals

    May serve several laterals simultaneouslyMay serve several laterals simultaneously

  • Impact SprinklersImpact Sprinklers


    Devices (usually brass or plastic) with one or more Devices (usually brass or plastic) with one or more

    small diameter nozzlessmall diameter nozzles

    Impact sprinklersImpact sprinklers

    Drive or range nozzle (hits sprinkler arm and throws Drive or range nozzle (hits sprinkler arm and throws Drive or range nozzle (hits sprinkler arm and throws Drive or range nozzle (hits sprinkler arm and throws

    water out farther)water out farther)

    Spreader nozzle (optional; Applies more water close Spreader nozzle (optional; Applies more water close

    to the sprinkler)to the sprinkler)

    Trajectory anglesTrajectory angles

    PartPart--circle sprinklerscircle sprinklers

    Used in all types of irrigation, but especially Used in all types of irrigation, but especially

    agricultural cropsagricultural crops

  • Impact SprinklersImpact Sprinklers

    RainBird 30 RainBird 14 RainBird 70RainBird 30 RainBird 14 RainBird 70

  • Impact SprinklersImpact Sprinklers

    Impact ArmImpact Arm

    Range (Drive) NozzleRange (Drive) Nozzle

    TwoTwo--nozzle, bronze impact sprinklernozzle, bronze impact sprinkler

    Spreader NozzleSpreader Nozzle


    Trajectory Angle

  • System Components (2)System Components (2)

    GearGear--driven rotors (rotary heads)driven rotors (rotary heads)

    Energy in the water turns a turbine that Energy in the water turns a turbine that

    rotates the nozzle through a gear trainrotates the nozzle through a gear train

    Typically used in large, open landscape Typically used in large, open landscape


  • TurbineTurbine--driven rotor w/ adjustable spray angledriven rotor w/ adjustable spray angle

  • Spray Pad devicesSpray Pad devices

    Water jet strikes a plate or padWater jet strikes a plate or pad

    Pad spreads the water and may be smooth Pad spreads the water and may be smooth

    or serratedor serrated

    Popular on center pivot and linear move Popular on center pivot and linear move

    System Components (3) System Components (3)

    Popular on center pivot and linear move Popular on center pivot and linear move


  • Spray Pad SprinklersSpray Pad Sprinklers


    Smooth Deflector PadSmooth Deflector Pad Serrated Deflector PadSerrated Deflector Pad

  • PopPop--Up Spray HeadUp Spray Head

    FullFull--circle, 4circle, 4--inch, Popinch, Pop--up spray head w/ Funny Pipe Riserup spray head w/ Funny Pipe Riser

    Funny Pipe RiserFunny Pipe Riser

    Pipe ThreadPipe Thread--Barb AdaptersBarb Adapters

  • Spray headsSpray heads

    Heads do not rotate Heads do not rotate

    Nozzle is shaped to irrigate a certain Nozzle is shaped to irrigate a certain

    angle of coverageangle of coverage

    Typically used for small or irregularly Typically used for small or irregularly

    System Components (4) System Components (4)

    Typically used for small or irregularly Typically used for small or irregularly

    shaped areasshaped areas

    PopPop--up heads are installed flush with up heads are installed flush with

    ground and rise when pressurizedground and rise when pressurized

  • PopPop--up spray head with adjustable coverage up spray head with adjustable coverage

    angle from 1 angle from 1 -- 360360

  • PopPop--up, turbine rotor with riser up, turbine rotor with riser extendedextended

  • PopPop--Up Turbine Rotor Sprinklers in Up Turbine Rotor Sprinklers in OperationOperation

  • Kinerja sprinklerKinerja sprinkler

    Debit sprinklerDebit sprinkler

    Jarak lemparanJarak lemparan

    Pola distribusiPola distribusi

    RataRata--rata aplikasirata aplikasi RataRata--rata aplikasirata aplikasi

    Ukuran tetesan (Ukuran tetesan (dropletsdroplets))

  • Sprinkler Performance (1)Sprinkler Performance (1)


    Depends on type of sprinkler, nozzle size, Depends on type of sprinkler, nozzle size,

    and operating pressureand operating pressure

    q C D Ps d= 29822


    qqss = discharge (gpm)= discharge (gpm)

    CCdd = discharge coefficient for the nozzle and = discharge coefficient for the nozzle and

    sprinkler sprinkler 0.960.96

    D = inside diameter of the nozzle (inches)D = inside diameter of the nozzle (inches)

    P = water pressure at the nozzle (psi)P = water pressure at the nozzle (psi)

    q C D Ps d= 2982.

  • Diameter of CoverageDiameter of Coverage

    Maximum diameter wetted by the sprinkler Maximum diameter wetted by the sprinkler

    at a rate that is significant for the intended at a rate that is significant for the intended


    Depends on operating pressure and Depends on operating pressure and

    Sprinkler Performance (2) Sprinkler Performance (2)

    Depends on operating pressure and Depends on operating pressure and

    sprinkler and nozzle design (includingsprinkler and nozzle design (including

    trajectory angle)trajectory angle)

  • Single SprinklerSingle Sprinkler

  • Pengaruh Tekanan AirPengaruh Tekanan Air

  • No windNo wind

    Elongated parallel pattern

  • Distribusi air dari sprinklerDistribusi air dari sprinkler

  • Overlapped Sprinklers Overlapped Sprinklers

    Dry zone

  • Overlapped SprinklersOverlapped Sprinklers

    Uniform Application: Uniform Application: Overlap Overlap 50% of 50% of sprinkler wetted sprinkler wetted diameterdiameter

    NonNon--uniform uniform Application: Overlap Application: Overlap

  • Pengaruh Angin thd Jarak Pengaruh Angin thd Jarak SprinklerSprinkler

  • Application RateApplication Rate

    Rectangular sprinkler layoutRectangular sprinkler layout


    S Srs=

    96 3.




    ar= =

    AArr = water application rate (inches/hour)= water application rate (inches/hour)

    qqss = sprinkler discharge rate (gpm)= sprinkler discharge rate (gpm)

    SSll = sprinkler spacing along the lateral = sprinkler spacing along the lateral


    SSmm = lateral spacing along the mainline = lateral spacing along the mainline


    S Sr l m

  • Equilateral triangular layoutEquilateral triangular layout

    S = spacing between sprinklers (feet)S = spacing between sprinklers (feet)






    Depth of water appliedDepth of water applied

    IIgg = A= Arr TToo IIgg = gross depth of water applied per irrigation = gross depth of water applied per irrigation


    TToo = actual time of operation (hours)= actual time of operation (hours)

  • Maximum Spacing of Maximum Spacing of SprinklersSprinklers

  • Efficiencies Efficiencies

    Application efficiency (EApplication efficiency (Eaa))

    ddnn = net irrigation depth= net irrigation depth

    ddg g = gross irrigation depth= gross irrigation depth






    ddg g = gross irrigation depth= gross irrigation depth

    fraction or percentagefraction or percentage

    Water lossesWater losses EvaporationEvaporation



    Deep percolationDeep percolation

  • Distribution Distribution UniformityUniformity

    Distribution uniformity (DU)Distribution uniformity (DU)






    ddLQLQ = average low= average low--quarter depth of water quarter depth of water receivedreceived

    ddzz = average depth applied= average depth applied

    Popular parameter for surface irrigation Popular parameter for surface irrigation systems in particularsystems in particular


  • Application Uniformity Application Uniformity

    Christiansens Coefficient of Uniformity (CU)Christiansens Coefficient of Uniformity (CU)

    n = number of observations (each representing the n = number of observations (each representing the




    i z






    n = number of observations (each representing the n = number of observations (each representing the same size area)same size area)

    ddzz = average depth for all observations= average depth for all observations ddii = depth for observation = depth for observation ii

    Popular parameter for sprinkler and Popular parameter for sprinkler and microirrigationmicroirrigation systems in particularsystems in particular

    For relatively high uniformities (CU > 70For relatively high uniformities (CU > 70%)%)

  • Sprinkler Uniformity TestSprinkler Uniformity Test

    (catch cans placed on a 5 ft x 5 ft grid)(catch cans placed on a 5 ft x 5 ft grid)

  • AdequacyAdequacy

    Because of Because of nonuniformitynonuniformity, there is a tradeoff , there is a tradeoff between excessive deep percolation and plant between excessive deep percolation and plant water stresswater stress

    Adequacy: the percent of the irrigated area that Adequacy: the percent of the irrigated area that receives the desired depth of water or morereceives the desired depth of water or more

    Figure Figure 5.3 (a 5.3 (a d)d) Plotting the percentage of area in the field that Plotting the percentage of area in the field that Plotting the percentage of area in the field that Plotting the percentage of area in the field that receives a given depth of irrigation water or more receives a given depth of irrigation water or more gives a distribution uniformity curvegives a distribution uniformity curve

    Irrigating for a longer or shorter time moves the Irrigating for a longer or shorter time moves the curve up or down curve up or down

    System modifications may be required to change the System modifications may be required to change the shape of the curveshape of the curve

  • Figure 5.3aFigure 5.3a


  • Fig 5.3bFig 5.3b


  • Figure 5.3cFigure 5.3c


  • Figure 5.3dFigure 5.3d