An Analysis of the Economic Efficiency of Iraq’s Oil Service Contracts 1 Abbas Ghandi a , C.-Y. Cynthia Lin b a Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis, 1605 Tilia Street, Suite 100, Davis, CA 95616, United States. Email: [email protected] b Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, United States. Phone: (530) 752-0824. Fax: (530) 752-5614. Email: [email protected] Abstract Iraq’s recent service contracts with international oil companies, known as technical service contracts (TSC), exemplify the increasing reliance of oil producing countries on service contracts. In this study, we examine the economic efficiency of Iraq’s Rumaila producing field technical service contract via a dynamic optimization model of oil production and well drilling. A comparison of what our dynamic optimization model recommends as the optimal production profile with the most likely scenario to be realized suggests that the Rumaila producing field technical service contract could result in economically inefficient outcomes, with the loss in profit as high as $73 to $90 billion in 2008 dollars through the lifetime of the contract depending on the well productivity assumption. In order to assess the inefficiencies introduced by various aspects of a technical service contract and by other factors surrounding the implementation of the contract, we solve for the optimal production and well drilling under various constraints and find that economic inefficiency exists even after controlling for TSC specific elements, capital cost ceilings and other constraints. The existence of economically inefficient outcomes suggests that it may be desirable to address the potential sources of economic inefficiency through implementation of some policy reforms in Iraq’s oil sector. Keywords: Iraq technical service contract; oil production; dynamic optimization JEL Classification: Q4, Q48 1 The authors would like to thank the Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS) Program at the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) at the University of California at Davis for funding this research project. We are grateful to Joan Ogden and Jim Bushnell for their helpful comments. We are also thankful to Sonia Yeh and Bryan Jenkins for their advice. We also acknowledge Deutsche Bank Securities Inc, for providing some production data. In addition, the research has benefited from comments made by participants in STEPS seminars and poster sessions; the 31 st US Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) conference in Austin, Texas in November 2012; and the 51 st meeting of the Euro Working Group on Commodities and Financial Modeling in May 2013. We would also like to acknowledge several individuals from international oil companies for their input and feedback. Lin is a member of the Giannini Foundation for Agricultural Economics. All errors are our own.

Iraq TSC Paper

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Page 1: Iraq TSC Paper

An Analysis of the Economic Efficiency

of Iraq’s Oil Service Contracts1

Abbas Ghandia, C.-Y. Cynthia Lin


aInstitute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis, 1605 Tilia Street, Suite

100, Davis, CA 95616, United States. Email: [email protected] bAgricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Davis, One Shields Avenue,

Davis, CA 95616, United States.

Phone: (530) 752-0824. Fax: (530) 752-5614. Email: [email protected]


Iraq’s recent service contracts with international oil companies, known as technical

service contracts (TSC), exemplify the increasing reliance of oil producing countries on service

contracts. In this study, we examine the economic efficiency of Iraq’s Rumaila producing field

technical service contract via a dynamic optimization model of oil production and well drilling.

A comparison of what our dynamic optimization model recommends as the optimal production

profile with the most likely scenario to be realized suggests that the Rumaila producing field

technical service contract could result in economically inefficient outcomes, with the loss in

profit as high as $73 to $90 billion in 2008 dollars through the lifetime of the contract depending

on the well productivity assumption. In order to assess the inefficiencies introduced by various

aspects of a technical service contract and by other factors surrounding the implementation of the

contract, we solve for the optimal production and well drilling under various constraints and find

that economic inefficiency exists even after controlling for TSC specific elements, capital cost

ceilings and other constraints. The existence of economically inefficient outcomes suggests that

it may be desirable to address the potential sources of economic inefficiency through

implementation of some policy reforms in Iraq’s oil sector.

Keywords: Iraq technical service contract; oil production; dynamic optimization

JEL Classification: Q4, Q48

1 The authors would like to thank the Sustainable Transportation Energy Pathways (STEPS) Program at the Institute

of Transportation Studies (ITS) at the University of California at Davis for funding this research project. We are

grateful to Joan Ogden and Jim Bushnell for their helpful comments. We are also thankful to Sonia Yeh and Bryan

Jenkins for their advice. We also acknowledge Deutsche Bank Securities Inc, for providing some production data.

In addition, the research has benefited from comments made by participants in STEPS seminars and poster sessions;

the 31st US Association for Energy Economics (USAEE) conference in Austin, Texas in November 2012; and the

51st meeting of the Euro Working Group on Commodities and Financial Modeling in May 2013. We would also

like to acknowledge several individuals from international oil companies for their input and feedback. Lin is a

member of the Giannini Foundation for Agricultural Economics. All errors are our own.

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1. Introduction

Iraq’s plans to expand its oil production through its recent technical service contracts

(TSCs) with international oil companies (IOCs) exemplify the increasing reliance of oil

producing countries on service contracts. Several other countries around the world have also

adopted service contracts. Ghandi and Lin (forthcoming) document this rise in interest in

service-type contracts among eight major oil or natural gas producing countries. Venezuela,

Kuwait and Iran signed their first of such contracts in 1991, 1992 and 1995, respectively. More

recently, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador and Turkmenistan have signed new service contracts, or have

shown more interest in adopting variations of service-type contracts rather than production

sharing contracts in order to explore and develop their oil and natural gas fields (Ghandi & Lin,


The increasing interest in the service contract framework has the potential to change the

geopolitics of energy around the world, for several reasons. First, the service contract framework

allows national oil companies to have more control over the oil supply (Ghandi & Lin,

forthcoming). Second, service contracts cover huge previously untapped resources that might

otherwise have been unavailable in countries such as Iraq. This could lead to an unprecedented

increase in the global supply of conventional oil in both the short and long term.

For example, in the short term, Iraq’s incremental oil production through the TSC

framework has already helped alleviate the potential global negative effect of the Iranian oil

export decline due to EU and US sanctions and embargos since July 2012. In fact, since the end

of 2012, Iraq has replaced Iran as the second largest crude oil producer among OPEC members

(Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2013). In the long run, the International Energy

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Agency (2012) estimates that Iraq oil production could reach an astonishing 10.5 million barrels

per day by 2035, which is significant considering that the Saudi Arabia’s current crude oil

production is 9.8 million barrels per day in 2012 (Energy Information Administration (EIA),


An oil or natural gas service contract is a financial and legal framework that host

governments of some oil producing nations use to engage with the IOCs for long-term oil and

natural gas exploration and development. Oil service contracts are different from the traditional

production sharing framework in at least two ways. First, the reserves and the extracted resources

are not handed over to the IOCs. Second, the IOCs’ return including their profit has to be agreed

upon during the signing of the contract (Ghandi & Lin, forthcoming).

A service contract is also different from an oilfield service contract in which service

companies receive a fixed return for their short term services. While service contracts are

contracts between host governments and international oil companies, oilfield service contracts

are contracts between an operator and a service provider.3

In almost all the countries with service contracts, the primary motivation for pursuing the

service contract framework is to garner the IOCs’ cooperation and expertise for their

development and exploration projects without having to transfer the control of the reserves and

extracted resources to the IOCs. As explained in Ghandi and Lin (forthcoming), one main

2 The International Energy Agency estimates that current Iraqi technical service contracts could bring the country’s

oil production to 5.3, 8.3 or 10.5 million barrels per day in the IEA Iraq Energy Outlook’s delayed, high and central

scenarios, respectively (International Energy Agency (IEA), 2012). The IEA’s central scenario estimate of10.5

million barrels per day is lower than the cumulative contractual plateau production targets of all the technical service

contracts, which is12 million barrels per day by 2020 (Sankey, Clark, & Micheloto, 2010).

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driving factor why many countries are adopting a variation of service contracts is their concern

for maintaining their sovereignty over their natural resources. Under a service contract,

countries maintain field ownership and in most cases produced crude ownership rights as well,

and do not have to allocate them to the foreign company. Countries are interested in adopting

service contracts because service contracts enable them to give up less control over the fields and

over the produced crude to foreign oil companies while still using the expertise of these


However, despite widespread adoption of service contracts, it is unclear whether oil

service contracts are economically efficient and whether these contracts provide the right

incentives for international oil companies to invest in these countries. An analysis of the

economic efficiency of these contracts and the sources of economic inefficiency is important for

the design of future economic and energy policy in these countries. In this paper we focus on oil

technical service contracts in Iraq.

A TSC can be considered a hybrid between Iran's buy-back service contracts and

production sharing contracts (Sankey, Clark, & Micheloto, 2010). Under a TSC, as with most

other types of service contracts in other countries, including Iran’s buy-back service contracts,

but in contrast to production sharing contracts, the IOC does not benefit from oil price increases.

However, a TSC is different from a buy-back contract in at least two major areas. First, in a TSC,

3 There are oilfield service firms, such as Halliburton, Schlumberger and Baker Hughes, that provide oilfield

services and that may specialize in services such as drilling. These firms are awarded oilfield service contracts to

fulfill particular jobs as part of broader development or exploration plans. 4 Host countries may want oil price insurance as well as operational expertise from the IOCs. Stroebel and van

Bentham (2013) show theoretically and verify empirically that oil price insurance provided by tax contracts is

increasing in a country’s cost of expropriation and decreasing in its production expertise.

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the Iraqi government allows the IOC to recover the total capital expenditures including any cost

overrun once the contract reaches an agreed upon minimum production level. That is in contrast

with Iran’s first- and second- generation buy-back contracts where the capital cost level is pre-

determined and cost overrun is non-recoverable. Second, in Iran's buy-back service contract, the

remuneration is determined in negotiations in association with the IOC’s targeted rate of return.

However, in the Iraqi TSCs, the remuneration is based upon per barrel production and is

determined in a bidding process.5

The Iraqi government has a range of possible contracts to choose from to use with

international oil companies, including service contracts and production sharing contracts, as

described in Article 9 of Iraq’s post war constitution (Blanchard, 2008). However, probably due

to sovereignty issues, the Iraqi government has been persistent in using technical service

contracts. From a profit maximization point of view, a technical service contract might not be

the most suitable option for Iraq. Moreover, since technical service contracts might not let

international oil companies gain much from their investment, it is possible to make a strong

argument for the Iraqi government to consider increasing the efficiency of their operation by

either improving the contractual design of their technical service contracts or adopting other

contractual frameworks. In this study, we examine the economic efficiency of Iraq’s Rumaila

producing field technical service contract via a model of dynamically optimal oil production and

well drilling under five optimality scenarios.

5 For a comparison of production sharing and buy-back contracts, see Feng et al. (2014), who develop a theoretical

model to compare investment and production levels under these two contracts.

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A comparison of what our dynamic optimization model recommends under the general

optimal scenario with the outcome of the most likely to be realized scenario suggests that the

Rumaila producing field technical service contract could result in economically inefficient

outcomes, with the loss in profits as high as $73 to $90 billion in 2008 dollars through the

lifetime of the contract, depending on the well productivity assumption. In order to assess the

inefficiencies introduced by various aspects of a technical service contract and by other factors

surrounding the implementation of the contract, we solve for the optimal production and well

drilling under various constraints and find that economic inefficiency exists even after

controlling for TSC specific elements, capital cost ceilings and other constraints.

We analyze and discuss several potential sources of economic inefficiency that could

help explain our results. They include: the terms of a technical service contract and its structure

and process; factors outside the contract that lead to Deutsche Bank’s lower than contractual

level plateau production target estimate; incentives faced by the IOC under a technical service

contract; and the objectives of the Iraqi government and its entities. The existence of

economically inefficient outcomes suggests that it may be desirable to address the potential

sources of economic inefficiency through implementation of some policy reforms in Iraq’s oil


The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows. First, we provide background

information on Iraq’s technical service contracts. Subsequently, we discuss our methodology in

modeling the optimal production of a field under technical service contract. We then describe the

optimality scenarios we use to analyze sources of inefficiency. Then we present the optimal

results in comparison to the most likely scenario to be realized. In order to analyze whether a

technical service contract incentivizes the IOC to pursue an optimal policy, we then model the

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Rumaila producing field technical service contract cash flow from the IOC’s perspective.

Finally, we conclude with a discussion of the factors that could explain our results and of the

potential for policy reforms in Iraq’s oil sector.

2. Iraq’s Technical Service Contracts

The Iraqi government has held three rounds of licensing from June 2009, with 12 oil

technical service contracts awarded in the first two rounds, and three non-associated natural gas

technical service contracts6 awarded in the third round as shown in Table 1. The fourth round,

which consists of 12 exploration projects,7 was held in May 2012. Of the 12 fields with awarded

service contracts in the first two rounds, 6 fields are considered very large or large. The Iraqi

government has awarded producing field technical service contracts (PFTSC) for three8 of the

very large fields since they were already in production before the signing the contract, and the

contracts’ scope involve increasing the production levels. The remaining 9 service contracts use

a framework known as a development and production technical service contract (DPTSC). We

discuss the cash flow mechanisms of producing field technical service contracts in detail in

Appendix A.

6 The Korea Gas Corp.-led consortium won the bid on the Akkas natural gas field by offering a remuneration fee of

U.S. $5.50 per barrel oil equivalent with an expected investment of U.S. $4.4 billion. Kuwait Energy and Turkish

Petroleum International Co. together were awarded Siba and Mansouriya non-associated natural gas fields with

remuneration fees of U.S. $7.50 and U.S. $7 per barrel oil equivalent for each field, respectively (Hafidh, 2010).

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Table 1: Summary of Iraq’s four licensing rounds

Round # Pre-


bidders Important Dates Bid Projects’ Scope Outcome

1 35 [1] June 30, 2009 results announced. [1] To develop 6 oil and 2 non-

associated natural gas fields [1]

One contract was awarded (Rumaila).

Three other oil contracts were signed later.


2 9 [1] December 12, 2009 results

announced. [1] To develop 10 oil fields [1]

Seven contracts were awarded.

Three contracts did not have any bidders.


3 13 [4] October 20, 2010 results announced.


To develop 3 non-associated

natural gas fields including two

from the first round

Three fields were awarded to two

international consortia [4]

4 46 [3] Promotional Conference: August 2011 [2]

Final Tender: November 2011 [2]

Bidding Event: May 2012 [5]

To explore 12 oil and natural gas

blocks [2] Not yet determined


[1] Sankey, Clark, & Micheloto (2010)

[2] The Petroleum Services Group (PSG) at Deloitte (2011)

[3] Reuters (2012)

[4] Hassan Hafidh (2010)

[5] Hassan Hafidh (2012)

We model the dynamically optimal oil production and well drilling for the Rumaila oil

field, which is under development through a producing field technical service contract. The

Rumaila contract was the first contract awarded in the first round of auctioning in Iraq in 2009.

The winner was a consortium of BP, CNPC and Iraqi State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO)

with 38%, 37% and 25% working interests, respectively.9 The proposed plateau production

target was 2.85 million barrels per day and the bid remuneration fee was $2 per barrel (Sankey,

Clark, & Micheloto, 2010). Once reaching the plateau production target, Rumaila will be the

second largest producing field in the world after Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar oil field.

Rumaila was discovered in 1953 by the Iraq Petroleum Company in partnership with BP.

Rumaila has three known formations: the Main Pay reservoir, the Mishrif carbonate formation

and the Yamama formation. In the beginning years, the production increase was to be based on

7 The bidders have to bid on fees in return for their exploration activities (Hafidh, 2012). 8 These three fields include Rumaila, West Qurna 1 and Zubair.

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the recovery of 275 existing wells. Main Pay is also the main reservoir for the initial production.

However, the sustained peak production at the plateau production target is to be based on

production from Mishrif formation (Daly, 2010).

3. Model

3.1. Iraqi Producing Field Dynamic Optimization Model

Our dynamic optimization model solves for the optimal oil production path and well

drilling plan that yield maximum profit for the owner of the chosen field of the study through the

lifetime of the contract, based on a choice of a discount rate. Therefore, the solution of our

dynamic optimization problem yields the optimal trajectories for the control variables through

time which maximize the present discounted value of the entire stream of per-period profit,

subject to several constraints. Our dynamic optimization model yields the first-best dynamically

efficient benchmark against which our other optimality scenarios and the most likely to be

realized scenario are compared. The economic inefficiency of any given scenario is therefore

quantified by the difference between the present discounted value of the entire stream of per-

period profit from that scenario and the present discounted value of the entire stream of per-

period profit from the first-best dynamically efficient outcome.

In designing our dynamic optimization model, we assume that the optimal decision is

taking place in a cooperative manner between the IOC and the Iraqi government with the sole

objective of maximizing the present discounted value of the entire stream of per-period net

9 We refer to BP and its partners as “IOC” or “IOCs” throughout the rest of the paper.

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profits over the lifetime of the contract, where the profits are the joint profits to both the IOC and

Iraqi government. Our notion of the efficient outcome is therefore the maximum present

discounted value that would arise if the IOC and the Iraqi government cooperated to maximize

joint profits. In the case of the Iraqi producing field technical service contracts, even though the

owner of the field is the Iraqi government, modeling optimal oil production requires an implicit

assumption that the IOC and the Iraqi government are able to collude or cooperate on decisions

about all aspects of development including production levels.

In our cash flow analysis in Section 5.3, we show that the cash flow mechanism of a

producing field technical service contract does not allow the perfect cooperation of the Iraqi

government and the IOCs. Thus, failure to cooperate is a potential source of economic

inefficiency that can lead to lower profits. In order to assess the inefficiencies introduced by

various aspects of a technical service contract and by other factors surrounding the

implementation of the contract, we also consider other optimality scenarios as described in

Section 4.

We use Bellman’s (1957) set-up and mathematical representation in order to find

numerical solutions for the following dynamic programming problem:10

subject to:

10 The notation follows closely Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) since we use their functional forms and

methodologies on cost, water injection and maximum production constraint.

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where the control variables and represent respectively the extraction rate (in million barrels

per day) and the number of new wells drilled during the time period ; the state variables

and are respectively the number of producing wells and the cumulative production at the

start of time period ; is the cost function; depicts the water injection rate (in million

barrels per day) in time period , which is determined by the function as will be discussed

in Section 3.3; stands for total number of producing wells during time period ; is the

exogenous price estimates in time period ; is the discount factor; corresponds to the

proportion of producing wells which are depleting in time period and finally is the value

function (Gao, Hartley, & Sickles, 2009).

We assume that Rumaila cumulative production level and recoverable reserve estimates

in the beginning of 2010 are 13.08 and 16.08 billion barrels respectively.11

The cumulative

production is our state variable, and the recoverable reserve estimates is used in the model as a

constraint to limit the overall cumulative production. We assume that in the beginning of 2010,

Rumaila had 275 producing wells (Daly, 2010). Details on the price estimates we use are given

in Appendix B.

11 These estimates are based on International Energy Agency [IEA] (2012) Iraq Energy Outlook and personal

communication with Deutsche Bank Securities Inc, September 2011.

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The Rumaila technical service contract is a 20-year contract with the possibility of

extension up to 5 years (Sankey, Clark, & Micheloto, 2010). Since the contract effective date

was December 2009, and since in reality BP and its partners took over the field from the

beginning of 2010, it is reasonable to consider 2010 as the start of our optimization model.

Having 2010 as the first period in our optimal model matches well with Deutsche Bank’s

Rumaila production estimates for 2010, which include baseline and incremental production.12

Thus, we allow the model to choose optimal baseline and incremental production levels starting

the year 2010 and ending 20 years later at the end of the 20-year contract, in 2030. We discuss

our choice of discount rate in Appendix C.

3.2. Cost

The cost function in this study represents the operation expenditures (opex) and capital

expenditures (capex) during the contractual period. In designing our dynamic optimization

model, we assume that the optimal decision is taking place in a cooperative manner between the

IOC and the Iraqi government with the sole objective of maximizing the present discounted

value of the entire stream of per-period net profits over the lifetime of the contract. Therefore, in

contrast to Ghandi and Lin’s (2012) cost function, which represents the operation and

maintenance cost, here in this paper, our cost function reflects the capital expenditures, which

also include development and reservoir engineering costs. Estimating the Rumaila specific cost

function was out of the scope of this project since we did not have access to data and necessary

12 Personal communication with Deutsche Bank Securities Inc, September 2011

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tools for such estimation. In fact, the IOCs involved in this contract are spending huge resources

to accomplish this extraordinary task.13

On the other hand, as we discuss towards the end of this

section, we believe we can justifiably approximate the cost function for Rumaila by using the

approach and functional forms used by Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009).

Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) annual cost function has the following five main

components which are described in detail in Table 2:14

where and stand for total annual surface infrastructure maintenance cost and total cost of a

new well respectively; represents maintenance costs; and are the variable operating

costs and annual water injection cost, respectively. By replacing each component with its

functional form, we obtain:

Water injection rate is a function of extraction rate and total number of producing wells

including new drilled wells in time period t with the following functional form:


Therefore, as listed below, the cost function depends only on the extraction rate at time t,

total number of producing wells at the beginning of time t and the number of drilled wells during

time t:


13 Personal communication with industry experts 14 Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) production cost function also includes exploration costs. They assume the

exploration cost to be 20% of the development and operation cost combined. Even though the Ghawar oil field is a

producing field, it still incurs exploration costs, which include “geological and geophysical surveys for discovery,

and delineation of reservoirs and the drilling of exploration wells” (Gao, Hartley, & Sickles, 2009, p. 164).

<Footnote continues next page.>

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The above cost function is concave with respect to both the production and the total

number of producing wells. The concavity of the variable operating cost implies the existence of

an economy of scale in oil production. In other words, new per barrel incremental production

will be less costly compared to existing production. As shown in Table 2, since the manpower is

the primary component of Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) variable operating cost, concavity

implies an economy of scale with respect to labor. In order for this cost function to be applicable

to Rumaila, it must therefore be the case that in Rumaila, there are economies of scale in the

labor needed to operate new drilled wells. This is not an unrealistic assumption due to BP’s plan

for “real time management and remote monitoring of wells” through the company’s in-house

advanced technologies such as Field of the Future15

(GDS Publishing, Inc., 2010).

The concavity of the variable operating cost with respect to the oil production in the

Rumaila oil field could also be explained by the fact that not all the new incremental production

is coming from the new drilled wells. In fact, in the beginning of the contract in 2010, Rumaila

had 550 producing and 150 injecting wells. Among the producing wells, half were in production

and BP planned to bring the other half into production gradually, suggesting that it is reasonable

to assume that the new incremental production is based on the new drilled wells as well as the

old wells. Consequently, variable operating costs may be concave because resuming a flow of oil

from existing wells might not be as costly as extracting oil through new drillings. Therefore, we

However, for our dynamic optimization model of a producing field technical service contract, since there is no

exploration involved, we just consider the development and operation cost. 15 As BP states, “through a programme called Field of the Future®, BP is installing a range of standardized digital,

sensing and control technologies in its operations and integrating data to enhance real-time operating efficiency and

recovery” (BP p.l.c, 2012).

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could justify the economy of scale in the variable operating cost by considering the plans for

rehabilitation of old wells.

The fact that BP’s plan includes resuming a flow of oil from existing wells could also

justify using a concave water injection rate function with respect to the total number of

producing wells. In other words, bringing back the existing producing wells into operation might

not require the same proportionate increase in the water injection rate. On the other hand,

considering just the new wells and as discussed, the concavity feature means that new producing

wells will require more water, but in a decreasing manner, which suggests that the new wells are

either productive enough that they need less additional water, or that the location pattern of the

new wells are such that the water injection rate from a single water well could serve several

production wells.

Table 2: Components of Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) cost function


components Break down of components Explanation of functional form Functional form



Infrastructure and

maintenance cost for




infrastructure costs

Included in the cost of drilling

a new producing well



maintenance costs

Total annual surface infrastructure

maintenance cost ( ) as a function of

extraction rate ( )

Oil well costs Investment for new


Total cost of a new well ( )17 with additional

surface infrastructure as a function of the

number of new drilled wells during time

period t ( )

16 Gao, Hartley and Sickles, (2009) argue that a new producing well in Saudi Arabia may cost $482,000 in addition

to the 0.44 dollars per barrel (1986 dollars) daily maintenance cost based on data from Center for Global Energy

Studies (1993). They include a new producing well’s $482,000 surface infrastructure cost in the cost of drilling a

new well as part of oil well costs. For the surface infrastructure maintenance cost, and based on above mentioned

daily maintenance cost, they use as their functional form. 17 Drilling each new Arabian Light producing field costs $2.4 million besides the above mentioned $482,000 surface

infrastructure cost, which brings total drilling cost to $2.882 million per well including the cost of water injection

wells (Gao, Hartley, & Sickles, 2009)

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Annual maintenance

costs for old wells

(millions of dollars)

Continuing investment is needed to maintain

well productivity.18 Maintenance costs ( )

as the function19of number of wells ( ) in

time period t



Operating costs

Annual expenditures

on manpower and

other variable

operating costs

Variable operating costs ( ) as a function20

of annual extraction rate ( )


engineering costs

Annual water

injection cost

(millions of dollars)

In order to capture reservoir engineering

costs, annual water injection cost ( ) are

calculated as $0.20 per daily barrel water

injection rate ( ) in time period t.

In general, there are at least three arguments which justify using Gao, Hartley and

Sickles’ (2009) cost function for our Rumaila dynamic optimization model. The first argument

for using Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) cost function is that their cost function is for a field

similar to Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar oil field that has an important water injection component.

Since the production plans in Rumaila are also based on water injection,21

by using their cost

functional form, we are able to capture water injection related costs in our model to some extent.

However, geological differences between Rumaila and Ghawar may cause these two fields to

have different cost functions. We address this caveat by conducting a cost sensitivity analysis

where we analyze the effect of changing some components of the cost function on the results.

18 This does not include the surface infrastructure maintenance cost, since that is included in the development costs. 19 This coefficient is based on two main assumptions. First, producing wells phase out gradually at a 5% rate during

the wells’ 20-year simulated assigned life. Second, the present value, at 10% discount rate, of the needed investment

to keep the wells productivity during the 20-year period is the same as the initial well infrastructure investment

(Gao, Hartley, & Sickles, 2009). 20 This functional form, estimated by the Energy Information Administration (EIA), is based on the EIA’s Estimator

database. The Estimator includes discovered and/or undiscovered fields and production specifications of 8

geological plays with different field sizes, based on different recovery estimations, and with similar geology,

geography and temporal specifications (Gao, Hartley, & Sickles, 2009). 21 Water injection method is used in the secondary oil recovery operations on aged fields with depleted natural

pressure. The injected water, through specific water injection wells, is to increase the reservoir pressure and to

facilitate oil transition in the reservoir towards the producing wells. Each producing field may have several water

injection wells located in different patterns depends on the characteristics of the reservoir. It is also possible that a

single water injection well used for several producing wells (Rigzone, 2012).

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A second argument for using Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) cost function relies on the

fact that Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) have made several generalizations in order to estimate

their cost function, generalizations which can also apply to the Rumaila oil field. First, the water

injection rate, which is one of the five main cost terms, is based on a generalized simulation

approach for a field similar to the Ghawar oil field. Second, since Ghawar is an Arabian light

field, Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) use a “weighted annual average infrastructure cost per

million barrels per day production capacity”22

of Arabian light and medium fields to estimate its

$482,000 (1986 dollars) surface infrastructure cost as well as its 0.44 dollars per barrel (1986

dollars) surface infrastructure daily maintenance cost. Third, Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009)

assume $2.4 million as the cost of drilling of a new producing well for an Arabian light crude,

which in addition to the $482,000 surface infrastructure cost, account for the total cost of a new

well ( ). Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) therefore make some simplifying assumptions in

terms of geology and crude characteristics in order to construct their cost function. In order to

generalize their cost to Rumaila, we similarly make the implicit simplifying assumption that the

Rumaila oil field and crude are similar to the field and crude in Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009)

study. In order to account for possible errors due this generalization, we also do sensitivity

analysis for the cost components that require such geology and characteristics assumptions.

These cost components are annual surface infrastructure maintenance cost ( ) and the total cost

of a new well ( ), which together account for about 48% of total cost in 2010, as shown in

Table 3.

22 Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009, p. 164)

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A third argument for using Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) cost function is that it gives

us cost estimates close to BP’s actual 2010 announced budget for Rumaila. We consider the year

2010 as the first year of the contract in our model, similar to the actual Rumaila producing field

technical service contract. For this year, BP’s $1.7 billion annual work plan includes drilling new

producing wells and maintaining the production over the 275 producing wells that already were

in operation in order to add an incremental production up to 200,000 barrels per day. The 2010

total production target including the incremental production from the new wells as well as

production from existing wells is 1.2 million barrel per day (GDS Publishing, Inc., 2010). We

estimate the annual cost of such production and wells plans for 2010 as $1.47 billion in 2010 real


using the cost function and parameters from Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) that we

calibrate based on Rumaila’s specifications. As presented in Table 3 our 2010 cost estimate is

therefore fairly close to the company’s announced 2010 annual budget, which improves our

confidence in using this cost function in our dynamic optimal oil production model for Rumaila.

Table 3: Our Cost Estimates Based on BP's 2010 Work Plan

Cost Item


(Current 1986

Million Dollars)


(Real 2010

Million Dollars)

Percentage with

Respect to Total Cost


Total Annual Surface Infrastructure Maintenance Costs ( ) 192.72 383.51 26%

Variable Operating Costs ( ) 77.40 154.02 10%

Annual Water Injection Costs ( ) 230.74 459.16 31%

Annual Maintenance Costs for Old Wells ( ) 77.52 154.27 10%

Total Cost of a New Well ( ) 161.39 321.16 22%

Total Cost 739.77 1472.11 100%

23 $434.23 million dollars in 1986 dollars

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3.3. Constraints

Our dynamic optimization model of a producing field technical service contract yields the

optimal production path and the optimal number of new drilled producing wells each year. Based

on a choice of the discount rate, our model chooses the production path and the number of new

drilled producing wells each year to maximize the present discounted value of the entire stream

of per-period net profit subject to several geological, technical and contractual constraints. The

geological and technical constraints are essential since without them, the model might result in

unfeasibly high or low production levels as well as infeasible drilling well plans in some periods.

In addition, we use the contractually imposed constraints in defining our various optimality

scenarios in Section 4, in order to provide optimal solutions under the various constraints

imposed by the contract and in order to assess the inefficiencies introduced by various aspects of

a technical service contract. The production related constraints include a maximum production

cap; a feasibility constraint between the production level of two consecutive periods (Ghandi &

Lin, 2012); a minimum production limit; and a cumulative production cap based on the Rumaila

2010 recoverable reserve. These production constraints are described in detail in Appendix D.

In addition to the production constraints, we also include a well productivity constraint in

all of our optimality scenarios. This constraint accounts for the fact that there are production

limitations in terms of barrels per day that an average new well can handle. We base our well

productivity constraint on the Deutsche Bank forecast of the number of new drilled wells that we

also use in order to define the Rumaila most likely scenario to be realized. In particular, for each

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year we divide the Deutsche Bank total production forecast24

for that year by the Deutsche Bank

forecast of the total number of producing wells in that year. This calculation results in what we

call “well productivity”, which varies by the year of the contract based on the production and

new wells drilling plan with a minimum of 1,740 barrels per day and a maximum of 3,240

barrels per day as shown in Figure 1.

As seen in Figure 1, under the Deutsche Bank forecast, well productivity first declines

until around 2020, after which it rises. Rumaila’s incremental production was to be initially

based on the production from the Main Pay, where the wells have high productivity.25

In later

years, the production from the Mishrif formation was to be used to keep the production at the

plateau production target. The Mishrif formation’s wells have lower productivity.26

The transfer

of production from the highly productive Main Pay to the less productive Mishrif formation is a

likely explanation for the declining productivity from 2010 to 2020. After 2020, with additional

production estimates and no new wells as estimated by Deutsche Bank, the productivity will

reverse course as shown in Figure 1.

24 Deutsche Bank’s Iraq production and well drilling outlook is a “bottom-up field-by-field forecast, which is based

on a mosaic of company data, company comments, press reports, industry chatter, contract targets/thresholds, etc.”

(Personal communication with Deutsche Bank Securities Inc, September 2011) 25 Personal communication with industry experts 26 Personal communication with industry experts

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Figure 1: Rumaila average well productivity based on Deutsche Bank production and number of new of wells

drilling for the varying well productivity case

Well productivity is imposed as a separate constraint in all optimality scenarios. In order to

account for the sensitivity analysis on the well productivity assumption, we report optimal results

for 2 cases of well productivity. In the first case, we fix well productivity at its maximum level

of 3,240 barrels per day. In the second case, we allow well productivity to vary each year

according to the annual well productivity plotted in Figure 1.

4. Scenarios to Analyze Sources of Inefficiency

In order to account for factors that could affect the overall economic efficiency of the

Rumaila contract, we define five optimality scenarios that are different in one or more

incorporated constraints as listed in Table 4. The overall goal is to show the potential sources of

economic efficiency in the contract or outside the contract by comparing our optimal results with

the outcome from the most likely to be realized scenario.









2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030











Rumaila Varying Well Productivity

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The most likely scenario to be realized values for production and new wells drilled are

based on Deutsche Bank forecasts describe in the previous section. To calculate the cost, revenue

and the present discounted value of the entire stream of per-period profit for the most likely

scenario to be realized, we evaluate our cost, revenue and value functions at these Deutsche

Bank values for production and new wells drilled.

Our five optimality scenarios are: general optimal, technical service contract (TSC)

optimal, TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling, TSC actual optimal not considering capital

cost ceiling, and TSC actual optimal. The general optimal scenario is the dynamic optimization

model described above, and yields the first-best benchmark against which our other optimality

scenarios and the most likely to be realized scenario are compared. The remaining optimality

scenarios allow us to account for the realities that the IOC and the Iraqi government face in

implementing the contract.

The general optimal scenario results are what our model recommends as the optimal

production path and the optimal trajectory for drilling new wells when only considering geology-

based constraints as well as some general well-related constraints in order to avoid unreasonably

high number of wells or unreasonably high well productivity for some years. Besides the well

productivity constraint that was discussed in the previous sub-section, the other well-related

constraint is the maximum number of feasible new wells in each year, which we incorporate into

the model based on Deutsche Bank’s realistic estimate of well drilling plans in coming years.27

27 The maximum number of wells constraint is also to account for possible shortage of drilling rigs in Iraq due to the

need for such rigs from other development projects. In general, a drilling rig can drill 12 wells per year on average

(personal communication with industry experts). Considering BP’s announced plan for having 20-25 rigs at the

maximum (Daly, 2010), it is reasonable to expect 240 to 300 wells as feasible number of wells to be drilled in each

year. Therefore, we set the maximum feasible number of new drilled wells in each period at 285, which is in the

<Footnote continues next page.>

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In our TSC optimal scenario, we impose additional constraints in order to control for the

TSC imposed conditions including an additional maximum production cap based on the

performance factor and plateau production target as specified in the contract. The term plateau

production target refers to the “net production rate that is to be achieved and sustained for the

plateau production period.” The plateau production period starts once the field’s production

reaches and stays for 30 consecutive days at the plateau production target level.28


performance factor is defined as the ratio of the net production rate to the bid plateau production

target and should never exceed 1.0 (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011). In other words, the

performance factor acts as a penalty for the IOC in case the net production rate stays below the

plateau production target. At the same time, the performance factor could act as a constraint,

since it does not allow the net production to exceed the plateau production target. In Table 4, we

refer to the additional maximum production cap we impose in the TSC optimal scenario based on

the performance factor and plateau production target as the “max production cap based on

performance factor at 2.85 million barrels per day” in order to distinguish between the general

optimal and TSC optimal since the 2.85 million barrels per day is the targeted plateau

production, and the IOC has the obligation to reach that level. Otherwise, IOC’s remuneration is

adjusted through the enforcement of the performance factor.

Our TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling scenario applies an additional constraint

on capital expenditures to the TSC optimal scenario. This is to account for the possibility that the

upper range of the feasible number of wells. The maximum number of wells at 285 is slightly higher than the

maximum number estimated by Deutsche Bank at 220 and the 275 wells that BP plans to bring online in the first

three years of the development starting 2010, (GDS Publishing, Inc., 2010), since it may be possible that the optimal

number of wells is higher than BP’s well rehabilitation plan in 2010. 28 The plateau production period may last 7 years.

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Iraqi government may change its mind about the capital cost level a few years after the start of

the contract. The cost constraint is in fact the cost associated with the production and well

drilling estimates of our most likely to be realized scenario using our cost function. Therefore,

the constraint is partially based on the Deutsche Bank production and well drilling estimates and

partially based on the functional form of our cost function.

We also have two scenarios that could represent optimal solutions considering additional

limitations that the IOC and the Iraqi government may face in implementing the contract,

including Iraq’s export capacity constraint and Iraq’s new quota in OPEC.29

These two

optimality scenarios are the TSC actual optimal not considering capital cost ceiling scenario and

the TSC actual optimal scenario. These two scenarios have a lower maximum production cap of

2.35 million barrels per day that is based on Deutsche Bank’s lower than contractual level

plateau production target estimate, and therefore account for the factors that lead to Deutsche

Bank’s lower than contractual level plateau production target estimate. In addition, in the TSC

actual optimal not considering capital cost ceiling scenario, we avoid enforcing a capital cost

ceiling. However, we incorporate the capital ceiling in the TSC actual optimal scenario for the

reasons discussed in the above.

29 These important limitations are discussed in detail in the conclusion section.

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Table 4: Scenarios


List of Constraints General

Optimal TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal


Capital Cost


TSC Actual

Optimal Not


Capital Cost


TSC Actual


Production Constraints

Min production based on 2009 baseline production (2010-2030) X X X X X

Max production (2010-2030) X X X X X

Production feasibility cap (2011-2030) X X X X X

Cumulative production cap based on 2010 recoverable reserve X X X X X

Max Production cap based on performance factor at 2.85 million barrels/day 30 (2022-2030) X X

Max Production cap based on performance factor 2.65 million barrels/day 31 (2010-2021) X X

Max Production cap based on performance factor 2.35 million barrels/day (2022-2030) X X

Max Production cap based on performance factor 2.15 million barrels/day (2010-2021) X X

Wells Constraints

Non-negativity of the Number of New Wells Drilled (2010-2030) X X X X X

Well productivity constraint (2010-2030) X X X X X

Max feasible number of new wells drilled in each period (2010-2030) X X X X X

No new wells after 2020 X X X X X

Cost Constraint X X

30 This is the contractual production plateau target. 31 Due to the performance factor in the contract, the operator cannot reach the plateau production target before the start of the plateau production period as

specified in the contract. Therefore, we set this constraint in accordance to the production feasibility constraint.

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5. Results

5.1. Dynamic Optimization Model Results

We present the results from our dynamic optimization model for each of the above-

mentioned five optimality scenarios for both well productivity cases and in comparison with the

most likely scenario to be realized for the extraction rate (Figure 2 and Figure 3); the number of

new drilled wells (Figure 4 and Figure 5); cost (Figure 6 and Figure 7); per-period revenue

(Figure 8 and Figure 9); and present discounted value of entire stream of profit (Figure 10 and

Figure 11). These results are based on a 10% discount rate and a calibrated price estimate based

on the EIA 2010 Reference case.

Figure 2 and Figure 3 show extraction rates for five optimality scenarios in comparison

with the production path of the most likely scenario to be realized through 2030 for the fixed

high well productivity and varying well productivity cases, respectively. In both cases, our model

suggests that it would be optimal to have a higher production level than is likely to be realized

until 2024-2025 for the general optimal and TSC optimal scenarios. This is an indication that the

implementation of the contract might yield economically inefficient outcomes. The lower

production path of the TSC optimal scenario compared to the general optimal production path is

due to the TSC optimal scenario’s maximum production cap based on the performance factor and

the plateau production target at 2.85 million barrels per day. Therefore, the performance factor

component of a technical service contract could contribute to the overall inefficiency of the

contract. In addition, since the production path of the TSC optimal in both well productivity

cases are higher than is likely to be realized (comparing orange and black scenarios), it seems

that other factors besides the terms of the contract, factors that we study through our other

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optimal scenarios, could play important roles in decreasing the efficiency in a technical service

contractual framework.

The TSC actual optimal not considering capital cost scenario has a lower maximum

production cap at 2.35 million barrels per day compared to the TSC optimal scenarios’ at 2.85

million barrels per day. However, in the beginning years, this scenario yields a similar

production profile to the general optimal and TSC optimal scenarios in both well productivity

cases, as shown in blue color in Figure 2 and Figure 3, with a higher production level than is

likely to be realized until 2017. The higher production levels of the TSC actual optimal not

considering capital cost ceiling than what is likely to be realized in the beginning years could be

interpreted as existence of additional economic inefficiency even after accounting for the

inefficiencies introduced by the performance factor and the actual plateau production target at

2.35 million barrels per day as estimated by Deutsche Bank. The incorporated lower maximum

production cap at 2.35 million barrels per day is also the reason for the TSC actual optimal not

considering capital cost scenario’s lower production path than the general optimal and TSC

optimal (comparing red and orange scenarios with blue) in the years after 2017.

The two scenarios that show different outcomes under each of the two well productivity

cases are the TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling and TSC actual optimal (green and

purple). Under the high well productivity assumption (Figure 2), the cost constraint does not play

a binding role as both scenarios follow the production paths of their counterparts without the cost

constraint. However, for the varying well productivity case, these two optimal scenarios that

have the additional cost constraint follow the production path of the most likely scenario to be

realized. This could be explained by the fact that cost is more important determinant factor under

varying well productivity case since wells have lower productivity in almost all the years of the

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contract than the fixed high well productivity case. With lower productivity, the per barrel cost

of the same production level is higher, and as a result, it makes sense to see lower production

profiles than other optimal scenarios. In addition, since the cost constraint is indirectly based on

the most likely to be realized production and well drilling plans, it is reasonable to see

production profiles and well drilling plans (Figure 5) that closely follow the most likely scenario

to be realized.

Figure 2: Rumaila optimal extraction rate of the five optimal and the most likely to be

realized scenarios through 2030 assuming high well productivity.

Figure 3: Rumaila optimal extraction rate of the five optimal and the most likely to be

realized scenarios through 2030 assuming varying well productivity.









2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030



n B






Extraction RatesHigh Well Productivity

Most Likely to be RealizedGeneral OptimalTSC OptimalTSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceiling TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost CeilingTSC Actual Optimal









2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030



n B






Extraction RatesVarying Well Productivity

Most Likely to be RealizedGeneral OptimalTSC OptimalTSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceiling TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost CeilingTSC Actual Optimal

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Figure 4 and Figure 5 display what our optimality scenarios recommend as the optimal

drilling of new wells through time compared to the most likely scenario to be realized for the

fixed high well productivity and the varying well productivity cases, respectively.32

For the fixed

high well productivity case, while our model recommends stable plans for drilling new wells for

the optimal scenarios in most years, in the most likely to be realized scenario, the number of new

drilled wells is much higher especially in the years 2013 to 2017. In order to explore the exact

reasons of such differences in the new well drilling plans and as part of the sensitivity analysis,

we also run the model for the varying well productivity case.

Under the varying well productivity case, the drilling plans of the general optimal and the

TSC optimal scenarios are higher than that of the most likely scenario to be realized, but follow

its general trend. The new well drilling plans of the two capital cost constrained optimality

scenarios (the TSC optimal considering capital cost and the TSC actual optimal) match closely

with that of the most likely scenario to be realized. This is likely because we calculate the capital

cost and the varying well productivity constraints based on Deutsche Bank production and new

well drilling plans. As a result, it is reasonable to see these two optimal scenarios’ new well

drilling plans at or below the most likely scenario to be realized. However, for our TSC actual

optimal not considering the capital cost ceiling scenario, the optimal drilling new wells starts at a

higher level in the beginning years and continues to a lower level starting 2015 compared to the

most likely scenario to be realized. The higher number of wells in this scenario also matches

with the higher production level of the TSC actual optimal not considering the capital cost

32 We don’t consider any new well drilling after 2020 in our dynamic optimal model following Sankey, Clark, and

Micheloto (2010).

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ceiling compared to the most likely scenario to be realized as shown in Figure 3 in the beginning


Figure 4: Rumaila Drilling New Well Plans of the four optimal and the most likely to

be realized scenarios through 2020 assuming high well productivity.

Figure 5: Rumaila Drilling New Well Plans of the four optimal and the most likely to be

realized scenarios through 2020 assuming varying well productivity.

Figure 6 and Figure 7 present the cost associated with each of the five optimality

scenarios through 2030 for the fixed high well productivity and the varying well productivity

cases, respectively. For the fixed high well productivity case (Figure 6), the yearly cost of the

most likely scenario to be realized is always greater than or equal to the yearly cost of all








2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

Number of New Wells DrilledHigh Well Productivity

Most Likely to be RealizedGeneral OptimalTSC OptimalTSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost CeilingTSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost CeilingTSC Actual Optimal








2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020

Number of New Wells DrilledVarying Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal

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optimality scenarios. This is an interesting result since as shown in Figure 2, the production

profile of the most likely scenario be realized is the same or smaller than all the optimality

scenarios under the high well productivity case. However, while our model recommends stable

plans for drilling new wells for the optimal scenarios in most years, in the most likely to be

realized scenario, the number of new drilled wells is much higher especially in the years 2013 to

2017. Thus, the higher cost of the most likely to be realized scenario is likely due in part to an

inefficiently high number of new wells being drilled.

As shown in Figure 7, for the varying well productivity case, the cost constraint is

binding for the two cost constrained optimality scenarios. In these two scenarios (the TSC

optimal considering capital cost ceiling and TSC actual optimal), the production and well drilling

plans follow the most likely scenario be realized, as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 5. Therefore, it

is reasonable to see similar trends for per-period cost as well. The per-period associated cost of

each the other three optimality scenarios is higher in all the years (until 2018 for the TSC actual

optimal not considering capital cost ceiling). The higher production profiles and new wells

drilling plans for the general optimal and TSC optimal scenarios could explain their higher

associated cost compared to the most likely scenario to be realized. However, the production

profile of the TSC actual optimal not considering capital cost is higher than the most likely

scenario to be realized in the beginning years, and it is the same starting 2017. In the absence of

a cost constraint, it is optimal in this scenario to choose a higher number of new wells in the

beginning years until 2014 (blue line in Figure 5) with higher production (blue line in Figure 3)

to be offset by a lower number of new wells with the same production profile later on as in the

most likely scenario to be realized.

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Figure 6: Rumaila associated cost of extraction and development of the five

optimal and the most likely to be realized scenarios through 2030 assuming high

well productivity.

Figure 7: Rumaila associated cost of extraction and development of the five optimal and

the most likely to be realized scenarios through 2030 assuming varying well productivity.

Figure 8 and Figure 9 summarize per-period revenue associated with each of the five

optimality scenarios compared to the most likely scenario to be realized through 2030 for the

fixed high well productivity and the varying well productivity cases, respectively. Under the

fixed high well productivity assumption, per-period revenue of the optimal paths are higher or

about the same in the beginning years due to the most likely scenario to be realized lower

production (Figure 2) in most years compared to the optimal scenarios. We see similar per-











2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030



n $



Per Period CostHigh Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceilling

TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal








2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030



n $



Per Period CostVarying Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceilling

TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal

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period revenue trends for most optimality scenarios, under the varying well productivity

assumption, as shown in Figure 9, except for the TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling

(green scenario). The TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling yields the same per-period

revenue as in the most likely scenario to be realized due to the similarity of production and new

wells drilling plans in these two scenarios.

Figure 8: Rumaila per-period revenue of the five optimal and the most

likely to be realized scenarios through 2030 assuming high well productivity.

Figure 9: Rumaila per-period revenue of the five optimal and the most likely to be

realized scenarios through 2030 assuming varying well productivity.









2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030



n $



Per Period Revenue High Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceilling

TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal









2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030



n $



Per Period RevenueVarying Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost Ceilling

TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal

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Figure 10 and Figure 11 indicate the present discounted value of entire stream of profit of

the five optimality scenarios compared to the most likely scenario to be realized through 2030

for the fixed high well productivity and varying well productivity cases, respectively. Under the

high well productivity case as shown in Figure 10, a comparison of our general optimal and the

most likely scenario to be realized suggests that Rumaila producing field technical service

contract could result in economic inefficient outcomes, with the loss in profits as high as $90

billion in 2008 dollars. The present discounted value profits associated to our other four

optimality scenarios also suggest that economic inefficiency exists even after controlling for TSC

specific imposed constraints as well as capital cost ceiling constraint and any other constraints

reflected in our TSC actual optimal based on Deutsche Bank lower plateau production target

estimate compared to the contractual plateau production target.

Under the varying well productivity case, as shown in Figure 11, a profit loss, and

therefore economic inefficiency, still exists at a lower level of $73 billion in 2008 dollars. In

addition, we see the same incremental decline in the entire stream of per-period profit due to the

additional constraints, as in the high well productivity case. Under the varying well productivity

assumption, all our optimality scenarios yield a higher entire stream of per-period profit

compared to the most likely scenario to be realized except for the cost constrained scenarios.

Even with our cost constrained optimal scenarios under the varying well productivity case,

however, our model yields close to or the same entire stream of profit compared to the most

likely scenario to be realized. Since the outcome of the most likely scenario to be realized was

generated in the absence of a capital cost restriction, it is still possible that the actual outcome of

the contract would have a present discounted value of profit even lower than our two capital cost

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constrained optimal scenarios if in reality the government of Iraq enforces the capital cost ceiling


Overall, in our modeling simulations, we have been able to clearly show the effects of

various factors on the entire stream of per-period profit. However, the difference in the present

discounted value of the entire stream of per-period profit between the TSC actual optimal and the

most likely scenario to be realized, under the high well productivity assumption, might suggest

that there are other factors that might explain the remaining difference. However, we do not see

such a profit difference under the varying well productivity case.

Figure 10: Rumaila dynamic optimal model’s present discounted value of entire stream of profit of

the four optimal and the most likely to be realized scenarios through 2030 assuming high well








200 300 400 500 600

Billion Dollars

Present Discounted Value of Entire Stream of ProfitsHigh Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost


TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering

Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal

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Figure 11: Rumaila dynamic optimal model’s present discounted value of entire stream of profit of

the four optimal and the most likely to be realized scenarios through 2030 assuming varying well


5.2. Sensitivity Analysis Results

For robustness, we also perform sensitivity analysis for the discount rate, price and

components of our cost function for the general optimal, TSC actual optimal and TSC actual

optimal not considering capital cost scenarios, and we compare the outcomes with the most

likely scenario to be realized under new assumptions. As mentioned above, the base case

dynamic optimization results we report are based on a discount rate of 10% and calibrated price

estimates based on the EIA 2010 Reference case. For robustness, we try discount rates of 5% and

20% and price estimates based on the EIA 2010 Low Oil Price case and the EIA 2012 Reference

Price case estimates.33

Our sensitivity analysis shows that qualitative results for the relative

trajectories for the extraction rate, cost and revenue for the three scenarios (general optimal, TSC

actual optimal not considering capital cost ceiling, TSC actual optimal) are robust to these







200 300 400 500 600

Billion Dollars

Present Discounted Value of Entire Stream of ProfitsVarying Well Productivity

Most Likely to be Realized

General Optimal

TSC Optimal

TSC Optimal Considering Capital Cost


TSC Actual Optimal Not Considering

Capital Cost Ceiling

TSC Actual Optimal

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individual changes. The present discounted value of entire stream of profit for all three scenarios

are much lower under the 20% discount rate and the EIA 2010 Low Oil Price case than what we

report as our main results based on a 10% discount rate and EIA 2010 Reference case.

As discussed earlier in the paper, we perform sensitivity analysis with respect to two

components of the cost function as well. As for the first component, since the 0.44 dollars per

barrel surface infrastructure daily maintenance cost is in 1986 dollars, we also try the per barrel

surface infrastructure daily maintenance cost in 2008 real dollars, which could be as high as 0.86

dollars. However, after incorporating the 0.86 dollars per barrel surface infrastructure daily

maintenance cost, we did not find any significant difference in the outcomes of the three

scenarios relative to each other. We also do cost sensitivity analysis based on the total cost of

new wells for only our general optimal scenario.34

A comparison of these results with the

outcomes of the most likely scenario to be realized confirms the robustness of results.

5.3. Cash Flow Analysis Results

As shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11, the current implementation of the Rumaila

producing field technical service contract could result in economically inefficient outcomes and a

loss of joint profits to both the IOC and the Iraqi government combined as high as $73 to $90

billion depending on the well productivity assumption. Thus, if the IOC and the Iraqi

33 These price estimates are described in Appendix B. 34 We do not conduct the sensitivity analysis based on the total cost of new wells for the TSC actual optimal

scenario. That is because the TSC actual optimal scenario would result in optimal solutions even with the higher cost

of drilling new wells, but due to the cost cap, the overall profit is lower than the most likely scenario. Therefore, a

fair comparison between the outcomes of the scenarios is not possible.

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government cooperated to maximize joint profits, both the IOC and the Iraqi government would

be better off by following the optimal policy. However, it is possible that the structure of the

technical service contract does not incentivize the IOC to pursue the optimal policy.

In order to analyze whether a technical service contract incentivizes the IOC to pursue an

optimal policy, we model the Rumaila producing field technical service contract cash flow from

the IOC’s perspective under the high well productivity as well as varying well productivity

cases. If the optimal policy not only leads to higher overall profit but also a higher net present

value for the IOC and a higher rate of return to the IOC, then the IOC would have an incentive

under the technical service contract to follow the optimal policy. However, if the optimal policy

does not maximize the net present value and the rate of return to the IOC, then the IOC would

not have an incentive under the technical service contract to follow the optimal policy.

As shown in Figure 12 and Figure 13 for both well productivity cases, our cash flow

analysis suggests that at a 10% discount rate, BP and its partners could benefit from a net present

value of around $1.9 billion if they follow our general optimal scenario production path and new

wells drilling plan, which is higher than the $1.3 billion35

they would earn from the most likely

scenario to be realized.36

In other words, IOC’s net present value could be increased by $600

million or 31% by following our general optimal policy. Similarly for the rate of return, our

35 Our findings that BP and its partners’ net present value and the rate of return are $ 1.31 Billion (2008 dollars) and

22% respectively, as shown in Figure 12, are comparable with Rumaila NPV and IRR estimates by Sankey, Clark,

and Micheloto (2010), with the difference that their calculation is net for BP. But here we consider BP and its

partners as a single IOC. This was a simplifying assumption in order to avoid complication with regards to the

capital expenditures share of each partner since in our cost function that we use in the cash flow we do not have such

distinction. 36 Our general optimal scenario was defined as a representative general case without any contract specific

constraints. However, we have modelled Rumaila cash flow based on the cash flow mechanism of a technical

service contract. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider the NPV and ROR under the general optimal scenario as the

<Footnote continues next page.>

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results show that following the optimal scenarios could improve the IOC’s rate of return from the

22% rate of return for the most likely scenario to be realized to a rate of return of at least 25%

only considering the contractual imposed conditions on the optimality through TSC optimal, or

26% considering our general optimal.

However, if the contract turns out the way it is predicted by Deutsche Bank with a lower

than expected plateau production target as modeled in our TSC actual optimal and TSC actual

optimal not considering cost scenarios, then the optimality does not lead to a significant increase

in the IOCs’ gain in terms of net present value and rate of return. Even though joint profits are

higher under the TSC actual optimal not considering cost scenario compared to the most likely

scenario to be realized, neither the IOC’s net present value nor the rate of return to the IOC is

higher under either the TSC actual optimal scenario or the TSC actual optimal not considering

cost scenario compared to the most likely scenario to be realized. Thus, under the constraints of

the either the TSC actual optimal scenario or the TSC actual optimal not considering cost

scenario, the IOC does not have an incentive to pursue the optimal policy. Thus, if the actual

implementation lays out the way predicted by Deutsche Bank, it might be hard to provide

incentives to the IOCs under the technical service contract to follow an optimal policy.

The results for the net present value to the IOC and the rate of return to the IOC under the

TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling scenario are different under the two well

productivity cases. While we find that under the high well productivity assumption there are

additional benefits to the IOC from following the optimal policy considering the contractual

least the IOC in this contract could expect to get. It is the least since under other frameworks, including a production

sharing, IOCs could gain more in general under similar situations.

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constraints and in case the contract faces the capital cost restrictions, we do not see such gains

under our varying well productivity case. That is because the production and well drilling plans

of this scenario are very similar to the most likely scenario to be realized.

Figure 12: Rumaila NPV and ROR to the IOC for high well productivity case

Figure 13: Rumaila NPV and ROR to the IOC for varying well productivity case


$1.901 $1.773 $1.799

$1.290 $1.298


26.93%25.85% 25.72%

22.02% 22.18%



















Most Likely to be


General Optimal TSC Optimal TSC Optimal

Considering Capital Cost


TSC Actual

Optimal Not Considering

Capital Cost


TSC Actual





V a

t 10%





($ B




International Oil Company's Net Present Value and Rate of Return High Well Productivity

NPV for IOC at 10% Discount Rate ROR


$1.866 $1.760

$1.311 $1.249 $1.270



22.06%21.62% 21.53%



















Most Likely to be


General Optimal TSC Optimal TSC Optimal

Considering Capital Cost


TSC Actual

Optimal Not Considering

Capital Cost


TSC Actual





V a

t 10%





($ B




International Oil Company's Net Present Value and Rate of RetrunVarying Well Productivity

NPV for IOC at 10% Discount Rate ROR

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6. Conclusion and Discussion

As shown in Figure 10, the present discounted value of entire stream of profit in each of

our five optimality scenarios is higher than the most likely scenario to be realized under the fixed

high well productivity case. Therefore, we conclude that the Rumaila producing field technical

service contract and its implementation could result in economically inefficient outcomes. This

conclusion holds even under the varying well productivity case, as portrayed in Figure 11, except

for the optimality scenarios with the binding capital cost ceiling constraint. Moreover, since the

most likely scenario to be realized outcome was generated in the absence of a capital cost

restriction, there is still the possibility that the actual outcome of the contract would have a

present discounted value of profit even lower than our two capital cost constrained optimal

scenarios if in reality the government of Iraq enforces the capital cost ceiling restriction. As a

consequence, our estimates of economic inefficiency may be a lower bound.

A comparison of what our dynamic optimization model recommends as the optimal

production profile with the most likely scenario to be realized suggests that the Rumaila

producing field technical service contract could result in economically inefficient outcomes, with

the loss in profit as high as $73 to $90 billion in 2008 dollars through the lifetime of the contract

depending on the well productivity assumption. There are several potential sources of economic

inefficiency that could help explain our results. They include: the terms of a technical service

contract and its structure and process; factors outside the contract that lead to Deutsche Bank’s

lower than contractual level plateau production target estimate; incentives faced by the IOC

under a technical service contract; and the objectives of the Iraqi government and its entities. In

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what follows, we discuss each of these factors and the way they relate to the constraints imposed

in our four optimality scenarios.

The first source of economic inefficiency are the terms of a technical service contract and

its structure and process. To incorporate economic inefficiencies from constraints imposed by a

technical service contract, we define our four optimality scenarios in addition to the general

optimal with the consideration that each new scenario has additional constraints based on the

imposed conditions of the contract or on factors surrounding the implementation of the contract.

As a result, while the outcome of each of the four optimality scenarios of TSC optimal, TSC

optimal considering capital cost ceiling, TSC actual optimal and TSC actual optimal not

considering capital cost ceiling all represent optimal solutions similar to our general optimal

scenario, their lower present discounted value of entire stream of profit compared to the general

optimal, as shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11, could be interpreted as the result of economic

inefficiencies. Therefore, the imposed constraints in these four scenarios are all potential sources

of economic inefficiencies.

Compared to the general optimal scenario, the TSC optimal scenario has a performance

factor constraint, which is an additional contract specific restriction that the IOCs face. As shown

in Figure 10 and Figure 11, incorporating the performance factor constraint in the TSC optimal

scenario results in about $3 to $7 billion loss of profit compared to the general optimal and

depending on the well productivity assumption. Therefore, we conclude that performance factor

related terms of a technical service contract could contribute to the overall economic inefficiency

of the contract. In order to comply with the performance factor, the IOC could keep the

production at a sub-optimal level, or it might prevent the production from reaching the field’s

geologically highest possible level in time, both of which could result in economic inefficiency.

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In addition to the terms of the contract, the overall TSC structure and process in relating

the IOC’s profit (per barrel remuneration) to plateau production target could cause the IOC to bid

production paths that might not result in economically efficient outcomes. For example, the

bidding process requires the IOCs to bid the lowest per barrel remuneration, and that could be a

reason for the operator (IOC) to not follow an optimal production path as long as the IOC

economic goals, in terms of the ROR and NPV, are met.37

The second source of economic inefficiency are factors outside the contract that that lead

to Deutsche Bank’s lower than contractual level plateau production target estimate, factors which

we incorporate in our TSC optimal and TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling scenarios.

For example, Iraq’s future OPEC quota38

has the potential of limiting Iraq’s production if the

country decides to join the quota’s system and to comply with the system, unless the new quota

accommodates Iraq’s production expansions. The OPEC quota’s effect will likely be higher on

Iraq’s bigger fields especially Rumaila. This suggests that there is a possibility that the Iraqi

government might later change its mind about the plateau production target in some fields.39


addition, for the next few years, Iraq’s export terminals and pipelines also play significant role in

limiting the production level of the developed fields, which might prevent reaching the plateau

37 We did not investigate such a possibility in our study. 38 Iraq has not had an OPEC quota since 1990 after Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. However, the country is determined to

return to the OPEC’s quota system by seeking a potentially conflicting quota higher than Iran’s at 3.34 million

barrels per day. However, unless OPEC accommodates Iraq’s production expansion plans in the cartel’s quota

system, a lower quota may affect Iraq’s production plans assuming the country decides to comply with OPEC’s

quota system (Ajrash & DiPaola, 2011). 39 As of May 2013, the Iraqi government has started the process of negotiating down the plateau production targets

with the IOCs. And at least on Majnoon and West Qurna 2 fields, the government has reached new agreements with

Shell and Lukoil, respectively, on reduced plateau production target. Similar negotiation is underway on Rumaila

with BP and its partners (Personal communication with the industry experts).

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production target.40

In fact, Deutsche Bank’s plateau production target estimate at 2.35 million

barrels per day, lower than contractual, is in anticipation of effectiveness of such factors on the

outcome of the contract.

In order to account for these outside factors leading to Deutsche Bank’s lower than

contractual level plateau production target estimate, we incorporate the Deutsche Bank estimated

plateau production target as an additional constraint in the optimization of our TSC optimal and

TSC optimal considering capital cost ceiling scenarios. Based on the TSC actual optimal result,

as shown in Figure 10, we conclude that on one hand these factors have the potential to affect the

economic efficiency of the contract due to the $61 billion loss of profit compared to our general

optimal under the fixed high well productivity. Assuming well productivity changes yearly, then

the loss of profit could be much higher as shown in Figure 11. On the other hand, there is still

$29 billion gain in the profit compared to the most likely scenario to be realized if the TSC actual

optimal policy were to be pursued for the high well productivity case.

The third source of economic inefficiency are the incentives faced by the IOC under a

technical service contract. By comparing the IOC’s net present value and the rate of return to the

IOC resulting from the most likely scenario to be realized with those of the other optimality

scenarios, as shown in Figure 12 for the high well productivity case, we find that under the

contract the IOCs could benefit from following an optimal policy as recommended in this study

even under the imposed conditions of this contract in all except the two TSC actual optimal

40 In case of Rumaila, the produced crude could reach the export points through the Strategic Pipeline 1 (SP1) to the

north or through the Southern Distribution Pipeline System to Fao terminal in the south on the Persian Gulf shore.

However, the pipelines and the terminal are not in full capacity working conditions due to years of wars and poor

maintenance. The Iraqi government oil infrastructure expansion plans could cost $50 billion dollars (Sankey, Clark,

<Footnote continues next page.>

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scenarios. However, we find that there is no significant improvement in the IOCs net present

value and rate of return under our two TSC actual optimal scenarios compared to the most likely

scenario to be realized. This is an important finding since it implies that if the contract turns out

the way it is predicted by Deutsche Bank with a lower than expected plateau production target as

modeled in our TSC actual optimal and TSC actual optimal not considering cost scenarios, then

the optimality does not lead to a significant increase in the IOCs’ gain in terms of net present

value and rate of return.

In addition, our cash flow analysis shows that both the general optimal and the TSC

optimal would yield almost the same net present value and rate of return to the IOCs in this

contract under both well productivity cases. Thus, the IOCs in this contract do not receive any

additional gain from following the general optimal instead of the TSC optimal. However, if the

IOCs and the Iraqi government cooperated to maximize joint profits, they would jointly earn a

higher present discounted value of the entire stream of per period profit under the general

optimal scenario, as seen in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Since the IOC net present value and rate of

return calculation is based on the producing field technical service contract cash flow, the result

that the IOCs earn the same net present value and rate of return under the general optimal and the

TSC optimal could suggest that the contract cash flow framework prevents the Iraqi government

and the IOCs from fully cooperating. In other words, the IOCs’ net present value and rate of

return are misaligned with the higher present discounted value of the entire stream of per period

profit under the general optimal scenario. Therefore, we conclude that the lack of incentives for

& Micheloto, 2010). The country’s struggle in securing funds for these costly plans may suggest that the insufficient

export facilities could restrict the production plans.

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the IOCs or failure to cooperate perfectly could contribute to the overall economic inefficiency in

this framework.41

Finally, the fourth important potential source of economic inefficiency are the objectives

of the Iraqi government and its entities. Instead of maximizing the present discounted value of

its entire stream of profits, their objective may instead be to maximize current revenue while

keeping development costs as low as possible.42

In addition, there might be misaligned

responsibilities among different Iraqi government entities involved in this contract. In particular,

entities that are awarding the contracts, making cost decisions and receiving the revenue are

different with different objectives. The Ministry of Oil and in particular, its Petroleum Contracts

and Licensing Directorate follow a policy of maximizing revenue with emphasis on the higher

plateau production target in the bidding process. However, the state-owned South Oil Company,

which oversees the Rumaila operation, has to approve the IOCs’ work plans and their capital

expenditures. And their main concern at the South Oil Company is the cost. In addition, the flow

of revenue from the fields goes through the Ministry of Oil’s Treasury department. In other

words, South Oil Company decides on the cost without seeing the revenue.43

Thus, even though

the contract awarded by the Petroleum Contracts and Licensing Directorate is agnostic about

how much it would cost to reach the plateau production target, the South Oil Company is able to

enforce a cost constraint on the IOCs after the contract is awarded. The different Iraqi

41 We do not actually investigate such possibility directly in our study. In other words, we just show that the IOC in

this contract might not have the necessary incentive to follow a different policy. But that does not mean that the lack

of incentive is the reason for the profit loss as we see under the two well productivity cases as shown in Figure 10

and Figure 11. 42 Personal communication with industry experts 43 Personal communication with the industry experts

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government entities involved in the contract may therefore have different objectives which are

not well-aligned with maximizing the present discounted value of the entire stream of profits.

While we do not investigate Iraqi government objectives and their effects on the overall

efficiency directly, we do incorporate the capital cost restriction possibility into our TSC optimal

considering cost scenario, and we find that the loss of profit, as shown in Figure 10, could reach

$16 billion compared to our general optimal scenario under the fixed high well productivity case.

The loss of profit could be much higher, as shown in Figure 11, if the well productivity varies

year by year. In other words, the Iraqi government’s entities interference on the capital cost level

could indeed affect the production plans and overall economic efficiency of the contract with a

high potential of a loss in profit. Indeed, the cost concern may be particularly important in Iraq’s

southern fields, including Rumaila, due to the fields’ huge and costly water injection

requirements. Water injection in the southern oil fields is costly mostly due to the insufficient

water supplies, and due to the reliance of these fields on seawater transfer plans. The seawater

transfer plans include delivering and processing seawater for hundreds miles from Persian Gulf,

which could cost $10 billion dollars. Even though the cost should eventually be recovered

through the oil production revenue from the developed fields through technical service contracts’

cost recovery framework (Sankey, Clark, & Micheloto, 2010), the water issue could affect the

production plans in these fields. The water issue has recently become even more complicated due

to ExxonMobil’s departure out of the Iraq’s southern fields water supply project in February

2012 (Middle East Economic Survey, 2012).44

44 In October 2011, ExxonMobil signed new contracts with the Kurdistan regional government on 6 oil fields. As a

form of penalty and due to its opposition of such contracts, the Iraqi Federal government barred ExxonMobil from

<Footnote continues next page.>

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In addition to the above sources of economic inefficiency that we analyze, another

possible source of inefficiency are informational asymmetries between the IOC and the Iraqi

government. We hope to study the optimal design of technical service contracts in the presence

of asymmetric information in future work.

The existence of economically inefficient outcomes suggests that it may be desirable to

address the potential sources of economic inefficiency through implementation of some policy

reforms in Iraq’s oil sector. The presence of economic inefficiency even under our most realistic

scenarios implies the importance and necessity of reforms in the design of the technical service

contract and of improvements in the implementation of these contracts. Besides improvement in

the framework of the technical service contract, considering the adoption of other contractual

frameworks at this stage, after about 4 years of starting the first technical service contact, is

necessary and helpful since the Iraqi Constitution allows other contractual frameworks. In

addition, it is important to understand that the implementation of other frameworks might not be

possible unless it is accompanied with more general reforms in the Iraq oil sector’s governing

organizations, institutions and companies.

continuing its operatorship in the seawater injection project in February 2012. By October 2012, the Iraqi Federal

government chose CH2M, a US-based consultancy, to manage the seawater injection project (Bakir, 2012).

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7. References

Adelman, M. A. (1993). Modelling World Oil Supply. The Energy Journal, 14, 1-32.

Ajrash, K., & DiPaola, A. (2011, October 26). Iraq Aims to Join OPEC Quota System in 2014.

Retrieved February 13, 2012, from Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-


Bakir, S. (2012, October 11). Iraq awards water-injection oil project to CH2M instead of

ExxonMobil. Retrieved July 9, 2014, from IHS Global Insight through Factiva.

Bellman, R. (1957). Dynamic programming. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Blanchard, C. M. (2008). Iraq: Oil and Gas Legislation, Revenue Sharing, and U.S. Policy.

Congressional Research Service.

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Center for Global Energy Studies. Oil Production Capacity in the Gulf, Vol. II: Saudi Arabia.


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Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2010). Annual Energy Outlook. Retrieved from


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Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2013, April 2). Iraq Country Analysis Reprot.

Retrieved July 5, 2013, from http://www.eia.gov/countries/cab.cfm?fips=IZ

Energy Information Administration (EIA). (2013, February 26). Saudi Arabia Country Analysis

Report. Retrieved July 5, 2013, from http://www.eia.gov/countries/country-data.cfm?fips=sa#pet

Feng, Z., Zhang, S.-B., & Gao, Y. (2014). On oil investment and production: A comparison of

production sharing contracts and buyback contracts. Energy Economics, 42, 395-402.

Gao, W., Hartley, P. R., & Sickles, R. C. (2009). Optimal dynamic production from a large oil

field in Saudi Arabia. Empirical Economics, 37 (1), 153-184.

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GDS Publishing, Inc. (2010, Februrary). Rebirth of Rumaila. Retrieved August 13, 2012, from

Next Generation Oil & Gas, Issue 5, Exploration: http://www.ngoilgasmena.com/article/Rebirth-


Ghandi, A., & Lin, C.-Y.C. (2012). Do Iran’s buy-back service contracts lead to optimal

production? The case of Soroosh and Nowrooz. Energy Policy , 42, 181-190.

Ghandi, A., & Lin, C.-Y.C. (forthcoming). Oil and gas service contracts around the world: a

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Hafidh, H. (2010, October 20). Iraq Lauds Licensing Auction After Awarding Three Fields.

Retrieved April 6, 2012, from The Wall Street Journal Online through Factiva.

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Retrieved April 6, 2012, from Dow Jones News Service through Factiva.

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International Energy Agency (IEA). (2012). Iraq Energy Outlook. World Energy Outlook 2012

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Jassim, S. Z., & Goff, J. C. (2006). Geology of Iraq. Prague: Dollin.

Lando, B., & Dourian, K. (2010, November 6). Output at Iraq's Rumaila field stabilized; BP led

consortium says October saw high activity level. Retrieved Februrary 13, 2012, from Platts

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Middle East Economic Survey. (2012, March 26). ExxonMobil Water Project Exit Threatens To

Derail Iraqi Upstream Schedule.

Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil. (2011). Technical Service Contract. Retrieved November 29,

2011, from http://www.oil.gov.iq/Technical_Service_Contract.pdf

Reuters. (2012, January 4). UPDATE 1-Iraq delays 4th energy auction to Apr 11-12-official.

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Sankey, P., Clark, D. T., & Micheloto, S. (2010). The Mother of All Oil Stories. Deutsche Bank,

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The Petroleum Services Group (PSG) at Deloitte. (2011). Launch of the 4th Licensing Round in

Iraq 2011. Retrieved January 25, 2012, from Launch of the 4th Licensing Round in Iraq 2011:


Page 52: Iraq TSC Paper

Appendix A . Components of a Producing Field Technical Service Contract

The main cash flow components of a producing field technical service contract are either

related to production or to fees/costs. The four production-related terms are the baseline

production rate, the incremental production rate, the plateau production target and the improved

production rate. Producing fields are those whose initial production began before the start of the

new development that is taking place through a technical service contract. For these fields, the

baseline production rate,45

which declines annually at a 5% rate, is the fields’ production rate

before any development. The incremental production is any production above the baseline


The baseline and incremental production levels are used in the recovery of

supplementary costs and petroleum costs via the supplementary fees and service fees parts of a

cash flow of a producing field technical service contract, respectively. The term plateau

production target refers to the “net production rate that is to be achieved and sustained for the

plateau production period.” The plateau production period starts once the field’s production

reaches and stays for 30 consecutive days at the plateau production target level. The plateau

production target is bid on in the contract and is used for the remuneration calculation as part of

the service fees of the cash flow. The next production-related term is the improved production

target, which is defined as 10% higher than the initial production rate. Once production reaches

45 This term has been used in the technical service contracts for the three very large producing fields of Rumaila,

West Qurna 1 and Zubair (Sankey, Clark, & Micheloto, 2010). In the official contract language, baseline production

“constitutes the amount for any incremental production being derived from an assumed decline from the initial

production rate at a compounded annual rate of 5%” (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011). 46 In the official contract language, incremental production means “the incremental volume of net production that is

realized in excess of deemed net production volume at the baseline production rate,” (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of

Oil, 2011).

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and stays for 30 consecutive days at this level, the service fees eligibility date of the contract

starts. After the service fees eligibility date, the IOC is eligible to recover the service fees of the

contract (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011).

The three important fee-related terms are: supplementary fees, which cover

supplementary costs;47

service fees, which cover petroleum costs;48

and the remuneration fee.

Supplementary fee payments are funded based on 10% of the revenue from the baseline

production, and the payments start with the start of the contract or the effective date as defined in

Article 19 of a producing field technical service sample contract.49

Service fees and remuneration

are due and payable to the IOC once the contract reaches the service fees eligibility date with

priority given to petroleum cost repayments.50

The total remuneration that the IOC receives in

each quarter is based on the bid per barrel applicable remuneration fee and the incremental

production as well as the performance factor. The bid per barrel applicable remuneration fee is

determined in accordance to the stage of the IOC’s cost recovery in the contract, which is based

on an index called the R-Factor. The R-Factor, calculated annually, is a coefficient of the IOC’s

overall payback over the IOC’s total expenditure. The R-Factor is used to gradually adjust the

IOC’s per barrel remuneration with the increase in the IOC’s cost recovery as described in Table

47 Supplementary costs are non-petroleum costs, which mostly include the signature bonus and de-mining costs

(Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011). 48 According to Iraq’s Ministry of Oil, “Petroleum Costs means recoverable costs and expenditures incurred and

payments made by Contractor and/or Operator in connection with or in relation to the conduct of Petroleum

Operations (except corporate income taxes) determined in accordance with the provisions of this Contract and the

Accounting Procedures” (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011). 49 Article 19.3 specifies that the supplementary fees are paid in kind or in cash in U.S. Dollars. If paid in kind, the

price of oil is determined based on provisions of the Valuation of Export Oil Article in the contract (Republic of

Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011). 50 It is also important to mention that the service fees payments to the IOC cannot exceed 50% of the deemed

revenues of the incremental production. In other words, 50% of the revenue from the incremental production is the

only source for the service fees payments (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011).

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5. In the early stages of the contract, the R-Factor is lower than 1, and therefore, the applicable

remuneration is the same as the per barrel bid remuneration. However, later on with the increase

of the R-Factor, the applicable remuneration declines. The remuneration fee is also adjusted with

the performance factor during the plateau production period. The performance factor is defined

as the ratio of the net production rate to the bid plateau production target and should never

exceed 1.0 (Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, 2011). In other words, the performance factor acts

as a penalty for the IOC in case the net production rate stays below the plateau production target.

At the same time, the performance factor could act as a constraint, since it does not allow the net

production to exceed the plateau production target. In our dynamic optimization model, our

general optimal scenario does not have any performance factor-related constraint. However, the

other four optimality scenarios have performance factor-related constraints based on the contract

or based on the estimates by Deutsche Bank that will be discussed in the section on scenarios.

Table 5: Remuneration Fee and R-Factor in a Producing Field Technical Service Contract

R-Factor Remuneration Fee per Barrel (USD)

Less than 1.0 100%

1.0. to less than 1.25 80%

1.25 to less than 1.5 60%

1.5 to less than 2.0 50%

2.0 and above 30%

Source: Republic of Iraq, Ministry of Oil, (2011)

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Appendix B . Price Estimates

Our optimal production model provides the optimal production profile in the time horizon

of the model, based on the choice of a discount rate. We assume such optimization takes place in

2010, before the start of the contract. This assumption is necessary since as Ghandi and Lin

(2012) argue, at different point of time, the price estimates are different, and since we want to

compare the outcome of our model under the general optimal scenario with the outcomes under

the other optimality scenarios and under the most likely scenario to be realized, we have to make

sure other factors, such as price estimates, do not play significant roles. Our calibrated Rumaila

specific price estimates in the model is based on the EIA’s 2010 Reference price forecast51


2010 to 2030, the end of the contract.52

In order to use the EIA 2010 Reference estimates, we implicitly follow the EIA’s

Reference case assumption that OPEC’s share of world oil production will stay at the current

40% level by 2035. However, Iraq’s ambitious production plans have the potential to suppress

the world oil prices in the mid-term. The EIA 2010 Low Oil Price accounts for the Iraqi

production ramp up by assuming a sharp increase in OPEC’s share of world oil production to

50% by 2035 (Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2010). Therefore, in order to make sure

that we capture such possibility and its potential price effect on our model outcome, we also

report our results based on the EIA 2010 Low Oil Price scenario as part of our price related

sensitivity analysis.

51 EIA’s 2010 Reference case price forecast time horizon is 2035. 52 By relying on the EIA’s price estimates, we can relax the consideration of the price effects of new sources of

energy including solar on the world oil market as pursued by Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009).

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In addition, since price volatility through time could affect our optimization results, as

another part of the price related sensitivity analysis, we report optimal results based on the EIA

2012 Reference case price projection.

The EIA 2010 world oil price projection is a price forecast of a “light, low-sulfur (or

“sweet”) crude oil delivered at Cushing, Oklahoma” (Energy Information Administration (EIA),

2010, p. 36). In a more detailed description, EIA’s 2012 forecast “is defined as the average price

of light, low-sulfur crude oil delivered in Cushing, Oklahoma, which is similar to the price for

light, sweet crude oil, West Texas Intermediate (WTI), traded on the New York Mercantile

Exchange” (Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2012, p. 23). In addition, the EIA’s 2012

Reference case projection relies on assumption that WTI and Brent price differences will

disappear once the Cushing, Oklahoma and Gulf of Mexico pipeline is completed (Energy

Information Administration (EIA), 2012). Since we use a price formula based on the Brent price,

as we discuss below, we extend EIA’s 2012 Reference case assumption to EIA’s 2010 Reference

and Low Oil Price scenarios, and we assume that the EIA’s 2010 Reference and Low price

forecasts could be used as appropriate forecasts for the Brent price until 2030. We need to make

this assumption in order to calculate Rumaila crude price estimates until 2030 based on the

average 2010-2012 price discounts discussed below.

Rumaila, as a giant field, produces at least three blends including Basra Light, Basra

Medium and Basra Heavy with 34˚, 30˚, 22˚-24˚ API and 2.1%, 2.6%, 3.4% sulphur respectively

(Jassim & Goff, 2006). However, we treat all Rumaila production as Basra Light that are

exported as a simplistic assumption and in order to estimate the Rumaila production price

forecast. Iraq’s State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) announces next month Basra Light

Official Selling Price (OSP), as discounts to three international market price indices, based on

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Basra Light U.S., Europe and Asia export. As the other simplistic assumption, we assume that all

Rumaila production is exported to Europe and its price follows Basra Light Official Selling Price

(OSP) price. Table 6 shows Basra Light monthly OSP for U.S. and Europe destinations from

November 2010 to August 2012 with a two-year average price at $3.96 below the North Sea

Spot BFOE53

(Brent) and $1.65 per barrel below Argus Sour Crude Index.

Table 6: Basra Light Discount Price 2010-2012


For U.S. Delivery

Discounted against Argus

Sour Crude Index


For Europe Delivery

Discounted against

North Sea Spot BFOE


Nov 2010 1.10 2.30

Dec 2010 1.15 2.55

Jan 2011 1.15 1.90

Feb 2011 1.35 3.40

Mar 2011 1.35 4.60

Apr 2011 1.65 4.60

May 2011 1.95 6.50

Jun 2011 2.10 7.05

Jul 2011 2.00 5.25

Aug 2011 1.75 4.55

Sep 2011 1.85 4.05

Oct 2011 1.70 3.00

Nov 2011 1.60 4.10

Dec 2011 1.60 3.15

Jan 2012 1.50 2.50

Feb 2012 1.70 4.35

Mar 2012 2.00 2.55

Apr 2012 2.00 2.55

May 2012 1.90 6.10

Jun 2012 1.80 4.50

Jul 2012 1.65 4.40

53 BFOE stands for Brent-Forties- Oseberg-Ekofisk as a “family of North Sea crude oils, each of which has a

separate delivery point. Many of the crude oils traded as a basis to Brent actually are traded as a basis to Dated

Brent, a cargo loading within the next 10-21 days (23 days on a Friday).” (ICE Crude Oil, 2012)

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Aug 2012 1.5 3.2

Average 2010-

2012 1.65 3.96

Source: Dow Jones Newswires. Dow Jones Energy Service (2010-2012)

Table 7 shows the three Rumaila calibrated price estimates that we calculate for our

model based on the EIA 2010 and 2012 Reference and Low Oil Price cases with a $3.96 per

barrel premium.

Table 7: Rumaila Calibrated 2010-2012 Price Estimates


Based on EIA

2010 Reference

Case (2008


Based on EIA

2010 Low Oil

Price Case (2008


Based on EIA

2012 Reference

Case (2010


2010 66.34 66.34 75.4354

2011 69.10 53.88 88.90

2012 75.45 50.92 90.77

2013 81.78 49.90 99.74

2014 86.95 48.83 106.93

2015 90.56 47.63 112.95

2016 94.27 47.77 115.95

2017 97.27 47.82 118.93

2018 100.45 47.86 120.04

2019 102.51 47.95 121.26

2020 104.32 47.90 122.71

2021 105.56 47.87 124.03

2022 106.96 47.86 125.46

2023 108.36 47.84 126.52

2024 109.67 47.80 127.57

2025 111.13 47.77 128.60

2026 112.65 47.75 129.51

2027 114.36 47.75 130.38

2028 116.17 47.70 131.42

2029 118.08 47.66 133.07

2030 119.54 47.67 134.53

54 This represents actual Basra Light average price in 2010.

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Appendix C . Discount Rate

Following Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009), who report their optimal results based on

discount rates of 10% and 30%, we run our model using discount rates of 10% and 20%,55


are two reasonable choices for a range of possible discount rates, in order to account for

uncertainties and in order to not choose an arbitrary discount rate. We choose the 10% discount

rate as the lower end of the range for two reasons. First, IOCs treat their internal discount rate as

propriety information, and in order to avoid revealing that, they use a 10% discount rate in their

joint cash flows with their partners. In the same way, the IOCs negotiate deals with their partners

and host governments over net present value of cash flow with 10% discount rate (NPV10).56

Second, in contrast to the oil sector in Iraq, other parts of Iraq’s economy are not growing fast

enough to absorb today’s oil revenues. Therefore, for the government of Iraq, future gain might

be more valuable. This perception towards future gain implies low discount rates. And it seems

that a discount rate as low as 10% is reasonable.

We treat the 20% discount rate as the higher end in the scenario analysis for two reasons.

First, the 20% discount rate or higher, as Adelman (1993) argues, is the suitable discount rate for

countries with oil revenue as the largest portion of governments’ revenue, which should also

include Iraq. In other words, since oil revenue is these governments’ main sources of income,

they prefer present to future production. Such preference also implies that these countries should

have a low discount factor or high discount rate. This is also the basis for Gao, Hartley and

55 We use the model outcomes based on the 20% discount rate as part of our sensitivity analysis. 56 Personal communications with industry experts

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Sickles’ (2009) 30% choice of discount rate. However, similarly to what Ghandi and Lin (2012)

suggest for the case of Iran’s buy-back service contracts, in Iraq’s technical service contracts, the

presence of international oil companies may imply lower than 20% discount rates. Second, we

are looking for a discount rate that represents the IOC and the Iraqi government as if they are

colluding or cooperating in deciding the optimal production level. This is in contrast to Gao,

Hartley and Sickles (2009), since their choice of discount rate represents the Saudi Aramco or

the Saudi government.

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Appendix D . Production Constraints

D.1. Maximum Production Constraint

For the maximum production cap, we follow Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009)

methodology and estimated functional forms that address geological and technological

limitations of extraction from an onshore oil field in Saudi Arabia. We discuss their approach in

setting the maximum production constraint in detail below. There is also another maximum

production cap based on the contract performance factor in coordination with the plateau

production target levels that we apply in four of our optimality scenarios (TSC optimal, TSC

optimal considering cost, TSC actual optimal not considering the cost and TSC actual optimal),

as discussed in detail in the section on Scenarios. For our general optimal scenario, however, we

avoid using a fixed production level at the plateau production target since in setting the plateau

production target, the IOC and the Iraqi government might have taken into account some other

economic and non-economic factors besides the geology/technology constraints. Therefore, since

the maximum production constraint should reflect the physical limitations of the field, we do not

have the additional plateau production target-based maximum production constraint in our

general optimal scenario.

Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009) dynamic optimization model for Saudi Arabia’s giant

Ghawar oil field benefits from engineering-economic simulations based on Workbench Black

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Oil software. Workbench Black Oil software simulates the fluid movements57

in the reservoirs.

The simulations happen through using partial differential equations describing the movement of

the fluids58

that take into account the reservoirs’ geological and technological constraints. Gao,

Hartley and Sickles (2009) use Workbench Black Oil software to generate data on the required

water injection rates and number of producing wells in accordance to the simulation assigned

production target on a field with similar physical characteristics to their field of study. They use

the simulated data for two purposes. First, they econometrically estimate water injection as the

following function of the extraction rate ( ) and total number of producing wells ( ) including

new drilled wells in time period t:59


Gao, Hartley and Sickles (2009) also estimate the maximum production capacity in the

vicinity of an average oil well based on the water injection rate and the field’s cumulative

production using a semi-log functional form that best matches the simulated data. This

functional form captures the geological constraint in the reservoir since it takes into account the

effect of reservoir engineering on the production capacity. By extending the maximum

production capacity function to the field as a whole, they arrive at the following functional form

as the production constraint:

57 These include water injection to the reservoir, fluid transition in the reservoir and oil extraction from the

reservoir’s producing wells. 58 Partial differential equations represent the science of fluid movements in the reservoir before and after the start of

the production (Gao, Hartley, & Sickles, 2009). 59 This captures the technological limitation of their field of study as mentioned in the above.

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where is the total number of producing wells including new drilled wells in time period t. The

above functional form and estimated coefficients are also based on the assumption that the

average oil well of their study has an annual cumulative production equal to 5% of the reservoir

reserve. Based on their results, we assume that 5% of the Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar reserve is at

least 5 million barrels per day. Therefore, in order to use Gao, Hartley and Sickles’ (2009)

production capacity function as our production cap for Rumaila, which had one million barrels

per day production in the beginning of 2010, amounting to about one fifth of the production in

Saudi Arabia’s Ghawar reserve, we divide the whole production capacity function by 5 in our


D.2. Minimum Production Constraint

We use the field’s baseline production as the minimum production constraint for two

reasons. First, in a producing field technical service contract, it is the responsibility of the joint


to keep the production at the baseline level. Through this company, the IOC is

responsible for seeking approval from the Iraqi government on the annual work program and the

budget including the next year’s IOC capital expenditures on the field. It is possible that the

optimal production may be lower than the baseline. However, in a producing technical service

contract, the IOC cost recovery is related to the baseline production level. Therefore, even

though we are not modeling optimal production under technical service contract limitations in

60 Rumaila Operating Organization (ROO) is the joint company in this contract. In the Rumaila producing field

technical service contract, Iraq State Oil Marketing Organization is BP’s partner with 25% interest. However, the

field’s rehabilitation and expansion is managed by Rumaila Operating Organization, which was established by a BP-

<Footnote continues next page.>

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our general optimal scenario, we still keep the minimum production constraint at the baseline

level, since in other contractual frameworks including production sharing, the IOC has to recover

the cost based on some portion of production. In other words, we assume that in these producing

fields, the IOC or any other entity in charge of the field would still be expected to keep the

production at least at the baseline in any other contractual framework including frameworks that

may be more economically efficient.

The second reason why we use the field’s baseline production as the minimum

production constraint is that the IOCs’ low cost exposure due to rapid cost recovery is considered

to be an important incentive in the producing field technical service contract.61

The cost recovery


once the field reaches the improved production target.63

The rapid cost recovery has been

made possible due to the fact that the fields are in production before the start of the contracts.

Therefore, the IOC has the incentive as well as the responsibility to keep the production at least

at the baseline. As a result, we consider the baseline production rate as the minimum production

constraint in our optimal production model based on 2009 production level before the start of the


D.3. Feasible Production

led consortium in November 2009, based on the terms of the contract. ROO is staffed from Iraq’s national South Oil

Company (Lando & Dourian, 2010). 61 Personal communications with industry experts 62 Service Fee Eligibility Date 63 10% higher than the initial production rate

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We also consider a feasible production constraint, which sets a cap on the largest possible

absolute difference between the production level of two consecutive periods following Ghandi

and Lin’s (2012) approach. Ghandi and Lin’s (2012) feasible production level is 10,000 barrels

per day for two fields with about 190,000 combined per day production. For Rumaila, with a

baseline and target plateau production of one and 2.85 million barrels per day, respectively, it is

reasonable to set the feasible production level in a range between 50,000 to 150,000 barrels per

day. However, Rumaila’s proposed work plans also include installing additional incremental

production capacity at 200,000 barrels per day in some years. Therefore, we set the Rumaila

feasible production constraint at 200,000 barrels per day.