Ipomoea Capitellata Var. Multilobata (Convolvulaceae) – a New Variety From Jammu and Kashmir State, India

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  • 8/12/2019 Ipomoea Capitellata Var. Multilobata (Convolvulaceae) a New Variety From Jammu and Kashmir State, India


    Ipomoea capitellata var. multilobata (Convolvulaceae) A new varietyfrom Jammu and Kashmir State, India

    Keywords:Flora, new variety, Jammu and Kashmir, India.


    Ipomoea capitellata choisy var. multilobata Bhellum var. nov. collected fromJammu and Kashmir, India is described and illustrated.

    060-062 | JRPS | 2012 | Vol 1 | No 1

    This article is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which gives permission for unrestricted use, non-commercial, distribution, andreproduction in all medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


    Authors:Bhellum BL.

    Institution:Department of Botany,Government Degree College,Kathua-184 101, India.

    Corresponding author:Bhellum BL.

    Web Address:http://plantsciences.info/documents/PS0017.pdf.

    Dates: Received: 15 Jan 2012 / Accepted: 24 Jan 2012 / Published: 23 Feb 2012

    Article Citation:Bhellum BL.Ipomoea capitellata var. multilobata (Convolvulaceae) A new variety from Jammuand Kashmir State, India.Journal of Research in Plant Sciences (2012) 1: 060-062

    Original Research

    ournal of Research in Plant Sciences







    Journal of Research inPlant Sciences

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    An International Scientific Research Journal

  • 8/12/2019 Ipomoea Capitellata Var. Multilobata (Convolvulaceae) a New Variety From Jammu and Kashmir State, India


  • 8/12/2019 Ipomoea Capitellata Var. Multilobata (Convolvulaceae) a New Variety From Jammu and Kashmir State, India


    long, very hairy; flowers sessile, 3 or more in a head;

    peduncle 2.5- 7.5 cm long, hairy; outer bracts nearly 2.5

    cm, inner ones 1cm long, all ovate-oblong, sub-obtuse,

    hairy; sepals 8- 13 mm long, densely hairy, ciliate with

    long stiff hairs; outer sepals broader than the inner ovate-

    laceolate, the inner three linear-oblong, acute; corolla ca

    ca 3 cm long tubular, campanulate, white or pale-pink;

    capsule 6 mm across, globose, glabrous, papery,

    concealed in the calyx; seeds 5 mm long, grey,


    var. differet in folia multilobata.


    Straggling on the shrubs of the wastelands in the

    surroundings of Jammu.

    Specimens examined

    The specimens were collected from the ridges of

    Jammu. The flowers open mostly in the evening.

    Flowering and Fruiting : August- October


    In the process of evolution, the lobes occur from

    the simple to dissected not from the dissected to simple.

    Therefore, I. capillata Choisy is a different species andnot the variety I. pes-tigridis . During the course of

    evolution I. pes-tigridis has been evolved from the static

    characters of shallowly lobed leaves. There seems to be

    two lines of evolution from Ipomoea capitellata and I.

    Pes-tigridis . The other characteristics which attract the

    attention are texture of leaves, intermixed pubescence,

    high state of variability in the vegetative and floral



    The authors is grateful to Prof. A. K. Koul, Dean

    Centre for Biodiversity, BGSB Rajouri and Prof. Rani

    Magotra Department of Botany, University of Jammu for



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    Bhellum , 2012

    Journal of Research in Plant Sciences (2012) 1: 060-062 062

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