IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association http://www.ipma.ch/certification

IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

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Page 1: IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

IPMA Certification

Yearbook 2008

April 2009


Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel

International Project Management Association http://www.ipma.ch/certification

Page 2: IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 International Project Management Association 2 Certification

Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009 © 2009 International Project Management Association

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© 2009 International Project Management Association Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009

Table of Content

1 Preface ................................................................................................................ 5

2 IPMA Certification Programme Status .............................................................. 6

3 Four Level Certification System........................................................................ 7 3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Certification System........................................................................................... 8 3.3 General Structure and Principles ....................................................................... 9 3.4 Organisation and Administration ...................................................................... 11 3.5 Worldwide Cooperation ................................................................................... 12 3.6 National Competence Baselines ...................................................................... 13 3.7 Implementation of ICB Version 3.0 and ICRG Version 3.00 ............................. 17 3.8 Standards ........................................................................................................ 18 3.9 History ............................................................................................................. 18

4 Number of Certificates ..................................................................................... 20 4.1 IPMA Level A® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website)............ 20 4.2 IPMA Level B® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website)............ 21 4.3 IPMA Level C® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website) ........... 22 4.4 IPMA Level D® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website) ........... 23

5 Assessors of the Certification Bodies ............................................................ 27 5.1 List of First Assessors ..................................................................................... 27

5.2 List of Actual Assessors .................................... 30

6 Certification Bodies ......................................................................................... 36

7 IPMA Validation ................................................................................................ 42 7.1 Certification Validation Management Board ..................................................... 42 7.2 List of Validations and Revalidations (R) ......................................................... 42 7.3 Certification System Panel in Copenhagen September 2008 .......................... 43

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Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009 © 2009 International Project Management Association

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© 2009 International Project Management Association Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009

1 Preface

The universal IPMA Four Level Certification (4-L-C) system became operational in 1998 officially and world-wide after several years of development in our national associations.

The certification programme of a member association starts with the nomination of the first assessors, the establishment of the certification body engaging important sectors of the economy, and the trans-fer of the IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) to the National Competence Baseline (NCB) or the direct usage of IPMA‟s ICB by the Certification Body (CB). The own assessors are assisted by an experi-enced assessor from an existing CB. The IPMA approved first assessors are responsible for the valid-ity of the system until the first standard validation by IPMA.

In the year 2008:

The certification bodies of 39 member associations were in operation. The great performance and the continuing high growth rates demonstrate how much potential is in IPMA's Certification Sys-tem. Next year, the growth seems to be lower due to the financial and economic situation.

Again a great quantitative growth in the project management certification was realised this year. Until the end of 2008 about 91'000 certificates were granted in total.

The IPMA Level A has been a part of the IPMA Certification System since 1998. It is now recog-nised more and more.

The IPMA validation with the standard IPMA validation procedure was finished in Azerbaijan, Croatia, Norway, Romania and Serbia.

The IPMA revalidation was finished in Switzerland and Portugal (January 2009). Egypt will follow.

The ICB Version 3.0 was published in June 2006 and got an excellent reception worldwide. It is already published in 30 countries using the IPMA certification system.

The ICRG Version 3.00 was approved by the Council of Delegates in March 2007. The National Regulations and Guidelines based on this version is finished in 25 countries.

The trademarks IPMA®, IPMA Level A

®, IPMA Level B

®, IPMA Level C

®, IPMA Level D

® and IPMA

ICB® are registered in many countries.

The IPMA four level certification for individuals as well as the IPMA excellence award programme for teams are continuing to animate a great and sustainable professional development of the IPMA Member Associations and their members.

IPMA started projects to complement its service package with a certification of PM-consultants and the assessment of organisations as well as the registration of education programs.

The ICB as a global standard, the National Competence Baselines, the certification of the national certification bodies and the global companies cooperating with IPMA are major flywheels for generat-ing the benefit of project management world-wide.

More and more project, programme and portfolio managers prefer IPMA's four level system which fits to the personal development and career of individuals as well as to the competitiveness of the compa-nies and the other organisations. The Editors of the IPMA Certification Validation Management Board

Werner Schmehr Hans Knoepfel

Member Member


The information in this yearbook may contain errors or non-actual information due to an imperfect retrieval, trans-fer or interpretation of data from the national certification bodies.

IPMA endeavours to present correct data. However, IPMA does not accept any liability for the completeness and correctness of the information.

To be sure it is necessary to contact the national certification body for getting the latest information.

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2 IPMA Certification Programme Status LEGEND: see next page Status January 2009

Country New Old Accre- Level

(Member Assoc. / Certif. Body) agree




Austria (pma / zertif.stelle) S O AP VP rVP rVP rVP

Azerbaijan (AZPMA) S O V V V

Brazil (ABGP) S O AP CP C C C

Bulgaria (BPMA) S O C C

China P.R. (PMRC) S O V V V V

Croatia (CAPM-CERT) S O CP V V V

Czech Republic (SPR) S O V V V

Cyprus P - CP

Denmark (DPMA / CERT) S O C V V V

Egypt (MES / MPC) P O rVP rVP rVP rVP

Finland (PMAF / FINCERT) S O V V V V

France (SMaP) P O CP CP CP

France (AFITEP) P O V V V V

Germany (GPM / PM-ZERT) S O A, I rV




Greece (PM-greece) P O CP CP CP

Hungary (PMPEF) S O V V V V

Iceland (VSF-CB) S O V V V

India (PMA) S O C C C C

Iran (Iran PMA) S - C C C CP

Ireland (PMI Ltd.) S O VP V V V

Italy ( IPMA Academy) P O V V V V

Kazakhstan (KPMA) S O C C C

Kuwait (KSE / KBMCB) P O CP C C

Latvia (Latvia-PM-Cert) S O CP C

Morocco P - CP

Netherlands (IPMA-NL/Cito) S O I V V V V

Norway (NFP) S O V V V V

Poland (SPMP-Cert) S O I V V V V

Portugal (APOGEP / Cert) S O rV




Romania (PMR-Cert) S O I C V V V


Serbia (YUPMA / YUPMA Cert) P O CP V V V

Slovak Rep. (SIPR / SPPR) P O CP V V V

Slovenia (Slo Cert) P O V V V V

South Africa (APMSA-Cert) P O CP C C


Sweden (SPF) S O C V V V

Switzerland (SPM / VZPM) S O rA rV rV rV rV

Taiwan, CN (TPMA) S O C C

Turkey (PYK Cert) P O CP C C

Ukraine (UPMA Cert) S O I V V V V

United Kingdom (APM) P O C C C

United States (asapm/PMCert) P O CP C C C

Zambia P - CP CP

Total 28(+16) 40 2(+3) 21(+7) 33(+5) 37(+5) 38(+6)

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© 2009 International Project Management Association Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009

LEGEND to table:

Empty no plans

P new agreement planned

S new agreement signed by end of 2008/early 2009

O old agreement signed at the end of 2008

CP certification planned in 2009

C certification realised at the end of 2008

V validated by end of 2008 with standard procedure

VP validation planned in 2009

rVP Revalidation by IPMA planned in 2009

rV Revalidated by end of 2008

I ISO 9001 Certified

AP Accreditation ISO/IEC 17024 planned in 2009

A Accredited (EA, IAF)

rA Reaccredited (EA, IAF)

3 Four Level Certification System

3.1 Overview

The International Project Management Association (IPMA) is a non-profit organisation, whose function is to be the prime promoter of project, programme and portfolio management (PM) internationally.

IPMA started in 1965, under its former name of INTERNET, as a forum for the exchange of experi-ence amongst project managers of international projects. It hosted its first international conference in 1967 in Vienna, and since that time has developed steadily, as indeed has the discipline of project management itself.

The membership of IPMA is primarily of national project management associations. The about 45 member associations serve the specific needs of project management professionals in their own coun-try in their own language. IPMA develops those needs at the international and global levels.

To achieve this aim IPMA has developed a number of services encompassing research and devel-opment, education and training, standards and certification as well as conferences, seminars and workshops as well as a growing number of publications.

An individual or company automatically supports IPMA if they become a member of a project man-agement association which is a member of IPMA. If there is no Member Association in a country, then direct „international‟ membership is available to them and the certification can be done with an existing certification body.

The benefits of membership include:

Extensive networking opportunities

Promotion and support for conferences

Panels and workshops for exchange of experience

Internationally recognised qualification and certification

Participation in international research projects

International award

Bi-monthly International Journal

Quarterly Newsletter

Reduced entry fee for conferences.

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3.2 Certification System

On June 14, 1998 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, the IPMA Council confirmed the establishment of IPMA's universal four level system which was approved on February 28, 1998 in Bled. The certification in project, programme and portfolio management was then realised by the certification bodies of the Member Associations.

The certification schemes and systems of the certification bodies (as defined in the ISO/IEC stan-dard 17024) shall be an incentive for the project managers and the members of the project manage-ment teams (i.e. the project management personnel) to

expand and improve their technical, behavioural and contextual PM competence

continue their education and experience in PM

improve the quality of PM

last but not least – achieve the project, programme and portfolio objectives better.

The benefits of the certification are

for the project management personnel: an internationally acknowledged certificate of their PM competence

for the suppliers of project management services: a demonstration of their employees' professional competence

for the clients: more certainty to get the state-of-the-art services from project management professionals.

For these purposes, a variety of competence elements of the project management personnel con-cerning the knowledge and experience in the technical, behavioural and contextual range are as-sessed. IPMA developed the universal four-level concept for the certification processes and scheme. The certification processes, scheme and system of a certification body that abides by the rules of IPMA will be validated and revalidated on a regular basis by IPMA.

The main requirements for each level are derived from typical activities, responsibilities and require-ments from practice. The IPMA four level certification is now shown as follows:

Long title Capabilities Certification Process Validity

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3


Projects Director

Competence = knowledge

+ experience


Application, Curriculum vitae, self-

assessment, references, project list

Projects director report


5 years


Senior Project Manager


Project report


Project Manager





Project Management




Application, Curriculum

vitae, self -assessment


Figure 1 IPMA Four Level Certification System

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IPMA Level A®

Certified Projects Director

Shall be able to manage complex portfolios or programmes.

IPMA Level B®

Certified Senior Project Manager

Shall be able to manage complex projects.

IPMA Level C®

Certified Project Manager

Shall be able to manage projects with limited complexity and / or to assist the manager of a complex project in all competence elements of project management.

IPMA Level D®

Certified Project Management Associate

Shall have the knowledge in all competence elements and be able to apply it.

The levels are not restrained to hierarchical thinking. A project management specialist on the IPMA Level D may be, apart from his fundamental knowledge in project management, a highly qualified, experienced and recognised expert in a special field. On each level most professional work can be done for the respective range of tasks and decisions, in a local or regional or national or in an interna-tional context.

The levels are suitable for career track and maturity models as well as for personnel development and benchmarking companies and other organisations.

The IPMA Level D represents the requirements of the professional associations for project manage-ment knowledge provided by the education and training in project management for its use in prac-tice.

A member association is responsible for establishing the national certification body which operates and develops its project management certification based on the IPMA certification system.

IPMA owns, maintains an develops its universal certification system and harmonises and validates the national certifications with the national certification bodies and the member associations.

3.3 General Structure and Principles

The general structure for all levels is shown in the IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) which includes the description of the PM competence elements and the taxonomy for the assessment of the project management personnel.

The usage of the IPMA certification system is the content of the Agreement between IPMA and a member association.

The IPMA Competence Baseline (IPMA ICB®)

contains fundamental terms, tasks, practices, skills, functions, management processes, methods,

techniques and tools that are commonly used in project management, as well as advanced knowl-

edge, where appropriate, of innovative and advanced practices used in more limited situations. The

ICB is not a textbook and not a cookbook. It offers an access to the knowledge and experience in pro-

ject, programme and portfolio management.

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Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009 © 2009 International Project Management Association

The organisation, the procedures and the forms shall be described in the documentation of the certifi-

cation body. They should fulfil the requirements of the standard ISO / IEC 17024. It is recommended

that each certification body is accredited by the national governmental institute which ideally should be

a member of the European Accreditation (EA) and the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

The following table shows the steps for each IPMA Level that are required or optional for the certifica-tion process:

IPMA Level

Stage Step A B C D

1 Application form R R R R

Curriculum vitae R R R R

Self-assessment R R R R

List of projects/programmes/portfolios R R R O

Report proposal R R O N/A

People to be contacted for references (referees) R R R O

360-degree assessment O O O N/A

Exam O O R R

2 Report R R O N/A

Competence development plan O O O O

3 Workshop O O O N/A

Interview R R R N/A

Feedback O O O O


R = Required

O = Optional - for the CB to decide

N/A = Not applicable

The certificate holders provide periodic evidence of their competence maintenance and development

in project, programme and portfolio management. The recertification process evaluates their profes-

sional activities and the continuing development in project, programme and portfolio management.

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3.4 Organisation and Administration

The certification bodies administer their confidential documentation of the candidates and the per-

sonnel of the certification body including the assessors. They process the certification and provide the

information about their certification scheme.

IPMA Council, ExBo, VP Certification

member association

management (strategic)

scheme committee

Administration Assessors

Customers of CB: applicants, candidates, certificate holders




appeal committee




administration information

management (operational)


Figure 2 CB Organisation structure

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The Council of IPMA set up the certification validation organisation shown in the figure below.

IPMA Council of Delegates

IPMA Executive Board

IPMA Vice President Certification

IPMA Certification

Validation Management


ValidatorsNetwork of Member Associations

IPMA Certification System Panel

Network of Certification Bodies



Figure 3 IPMA Validation Organisation

The IPMA Council of Delegates (CoD), the IPMA Executive Board (ExBo) and the IPMA Vice

President Certification make the general decisions concerning the context of IPMA‟s certifica-

tion system and appoint the Certification Validation Management Board.

The IPMA Certification Validation Management Board (CVMB) operates, improves and devel-

ops IPMA‟s system for the certification of competence in project management as well as the

corresponding validation.

The validators visit the Certification Body (CB), audit their certification and identify potential for


A Global organisation can choose one CB which is responsible for the coordination of the

processes for the certification in this Global organisation throughout all the countries involved.

The IPMA Certification System Panel (CSP) is a forum for exchange of experience. It also

makes recommendations for improving IPMA‟s certification system and validation.

IPMA maintains a register of all acknowledged certificates of individuals and organisations granted by

the bodies for certification of all member associations.

3.5 Worldwide Cooperation

About 40 National Associations have now signed the agreement with IPMA about the usage of the

IPMA Certification System. The certification of project management personnel on several IPMA-levels

is in operation in 39 countries. Several more countries are on the way to their certification according

to the 4-L-C system of IPMA and other countries are extending their certification to more IPMA levels.

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In the universal certification system of IPMA, the competence is the demonstrated ability to apply

knowledge, skills, experience and other personal attributes, as defined in the certification scheme. The

assessment is made by experienced and independent experts (assessors) who know well the rele-

vant project management practice. In addition to evidence in writing, the candidates present them-

selves in person to the assessors.

The certification processes, schemes and systems are a major point of discussion for project man-

agement associations around the globe for several years. The main partners in the world-wide coop-

eration for the qualification and certification of project management personnel are

IPMA (International Project Management Association)

PMI (Project Management Institute)

AIPM (Australian Institute for Project Management)

and the Project Management Society in Japan

3.6 National Competence Baselines


ICB IPMA-Kompetenzrichtlinie Version 3.0, pma, deutsch, 2008 (basics in pm baseline, Wissenselemente zum Projekt- und Programmmanagement sowie zum Management Projektorientierter Organisationen, pma, Version 2.4, May 2007, Vienna, published first in 1999)


Project Management: National Competence Baseline/National Certification System/ Basis of Professional Knowledge. Baku-2002 (in Azeri language).

Basis of Professional Knowledge by Project Management. / National Competence Baseline / Baku-2004. (in Russian language)


Referencial Brasileiro de Competências em Gerenciamento de Projetos (RBC), Versão 2.1 Julho de 2008, first published in 2005

ICB Version 3.0 (in Portuguese-BR) 2008 to be released in 2009


Национални изисквания за компетентност по управление на проекти (National Compe-tence Baseline), Bulgarian Project Management Association, Sofia, 2006


ICB Version 3.0 (in Chinese) 2006

Chinese-Project Management Body of Knowledge 2006 (superseded the Chinese-Project Management Body of Knowledge & Chinese-National Com-petence Baseline C-PMBOK&C-NCB, second edition 2001)


National Competence Baseline - NBC, Croatian version 3.0, / Hrvatski nacionalni vodič za temeljne sposobnosti upravljanja projektima – Hrvatski NBC, Verzija 3.0, Zagreb 2008.

Czech Republic

Projektové řízení, (standard ČR dle IPMA), Project Management (Czech Republic Body of Knowledge), SD 02.2, 2005.

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“Kompetencer I projektledelse” (Competencies in Project Management) in Danish and English, February 2005, first published in Danish, June 2002


ICB Version 3.0 as National Competence Baseline (ECB/ICB, 2007


Projektin Johdon Pätevyys - National Competence Baseline Finland, Version 3, Finnish and English, published on 31.1.2008. Version 2 published in May 2004, first version in May 1997


Référentiel de Compétences en Management de Projet, National Competence Baseline, AFITEP, version 5, février 2004, Paris, published first in 1996

Référentiel de Compétences en Management de Projet – ICB3 (SMaP)


Deutsche NCB 3.0, National Competence Baseline, published 07/2008, PM-ZERT, Juli 2008, (superseded PM-KANON, published first in 1998)


Elliniki Vasi Anaforas Diaheirisis Ergwn (Hellenic PM Competence Baseline), version 1.0 planned for 2009.


IPMA szerinti vizsgakövetelmények és vizgarend, version 1.0 published in May 2002.


Hugtakalykill - National Competence Baseline, fourth edition, November 2007, first edition published in December 2001


ICB Version 3.0 as National Competence Baseline, 2006


ICB Version 3.0 as National Competence Baseline, 2007


PMCBI – Project Management Competence Baseline Ireland, Version 2.2, published in 2008


Manuale delle Competenze di Project Management, edizione 5, 1° Gennaio 2009


National Competence Baseline, 2007


Kuwait Competence Baseline KCB


National Competence Baseline, Version 1, 2004


Nederlandse Competence Baseline, Version 3.0, 2007


“Kompetanse I prosjektledelse” – Norsk - Published 2007

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Polskie Wytyczne Kompetencji IPMA Wersja 1.2, 2002 ICB Version 3.0, Polish, planned for 2010


NCB – Descrição dos Elementos de Competência, Version 3.0, APOGEP, Jun 2007


SR 13465 :2007, version 2, published in 2007


ICB Version 3.0, July 2008, (superseded Project Management: A Framework of Professional Knowledge, National Compe-tence Baseline, Moscow: SOVNET, 2001)


Nacionalna osnova za ocenjivanje kompetentnosti / National Competence Baseline, Version 3.0, Belgrade, 2008, published first in 2008

Slovak Republic

SPS3 - Súbor poţadovaných schopností pre odborníkov na projektové riadenie, version 3, Trnava, 2008


SKPM – Struktura kompetenc projektnega managementa, 2007

South Africa

NCB2008 based on ICB3 completed.

Previous Service SETA work suspended because of legislature obstacles.


Bases para la competencia en Dirección de Proyectos, V.3.0, Valencia, 2006. (translation and adaptation ICB Version 3.0 (in Spanish), first published in October 2000


Kompetens i Projektledning, Version 2.2, published in November 2007


Swiss National Competence Baseline, VZPM Beurteilungsstruktur, Zürich, Swiss NCB Version 4.0, 15.10.2007, published first in 1996

Swiss National Competence Baseline, Instrument d'appréciation VZPM, Zurich, Swiss NCB Version 4.0, 15.10.2007, première édition 2002


Taiwan National Competence Baseline, Version 1.001 2005

International Project Management Body of Knowledge, traditional Chinese, 2005


Turkish National Competence Baseline, TrPMA, Ankara, 2007


ICB Version 3.0 (in Russian), 2006 (superseded Ukraine National Competence Baseline, UPMA, Version 2.0, Kiev, 2003, pub-lished first in 2000)

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United Kingdom

APM Body of Knowledge, Association for Project Management (APM), 5th Edition (2006), U.K., published first in 1992

APM Competence Framework, Association for Project Management (APM), 1st edition (2008),


United States

US National Competence Baseline, Version 2.0, March 2008, first published in June 2006


In co-operation with South Africa

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3.7 Implementation of ICB Version 3.0 and ICRG Version 3.00

January 2009

Country My NCB My NCRG

(member assoc. / certif. body) language format Publ.dat language format Issue.dat

Austria (pma / zertif.stelle) Germ., Engl e Q3, 08 German e Q4, 08

Azerbaijan (AZPMA)

Brazil (ABGP) Portuguese p, e Jul 2009 Portuguese p,e 2009

Bulgaria (BPMA) Bulgarian e 2006 Bulgarian e 2007

China P.R. (PMRC) Chinese p Oct 06 Chinese p, e end 08

Croatia (CAPM-CERT) Croatian e 2008 Croatian e 2008

Czech Republic (SPR) Czech p May 08 Czech p, e May 08

Denmark (DPMA / CERT) Engl., Dan. p Aug 08 Engl., Dan. p, e Spring 08

Egypt (MES / MPC) English p Jan 07(ICB) English p Nov 08

Finland (PMAF / FINCERT) Finn., Engl. e 31.01.08 English e 31.03.08

France (AFITEP) French,Engl P, e 2009 French,Engl P, e 2009

France (SMaP)

Germany (GPM / PM-ZERT) German e Jan 09 German p, e Jan 09

Greece (PM-greece) Greek, Engl p, e 2009 (ICB) Greek, Engl p, e 2009 (ICRG)

Hungary (PMPEF) Hungarian e 2008 (NCB3) Hungarian e 2009 (NCRG3)

Iceland (VSF-CB) Icelandic (e), p Early 08 Icelandic e or p Oct 07

India (PMA) English p, e 2006 (ICB) English p, e Dec 09

Iran (Iran PMA) Farsi, Engl p, e 2009(Farsi) English p, e Nov 07

Ireland (PMI Ltd.) English p Sep 06 English p, e Jun 08

Italy ( IPMA Academy) Italian p, e Jan 09 Italian p, e Jan 09

Kazakhstan (KPMA) Russ., Kaz. p, (e) 2007 Russ., Kaz. p, (e) 2008

Kuwait (KSE / KBMCB)

Latvia (Latvia-PM-Cert) Latvian p May 09 Latvian p, e May 09

Netherlands (IPMA-NL/Cito) Dutch p Sep 07 English e 2007 (ICRG)

Norway (NFP) Norwegian p 09/08 Norwegian p, e 2008

Poland (SPMP-Cert) Polish e Mar 2010 Polish e Sep 09

Portugal (APOGEP / Cert) Portuguese e Oct 07 English p, e Oct 07

Romania (PMR-Cert) Romanian p Oct 07 Romanian p, e July 07

Russia (SOVNET-CERT) Russian p, e Jul 2008 Russian E 2008

Serbia (YUPMA / YUPMA Cert) Serbian p Oct 08 Serbian e Oct 08

Slovak Rep. (SIPR / SPPR) Slovak p Feb 08 Slovak e Dec 08

Slovenia (Slo Cert) Slovenian p, e 2007 Slovenian p, e 2007

South Africa (APMSA-Cert) English p, e Oct 06 English p, e Jan 11

Spain (AEIPRO / OCDP) Spanish p, e Jun 06 Spanish p, e May 07

Sweden (SPF) Engl., Swe. p 2009 Engl., Swe. e Spring 09

Switzerland (SPM / VZPM) Germ., Fren p Sep 07 Ger,Fr.,Engl p, e July 08

Taiwan, CN (TPMA) En., tradChi p 2008 En., tradChi p mid 08

Turkey (PYK Cert) Turkish p, e 2007 Turkish p, e 2007

Ukraine (UPMA / Cert) Russian p, e Aug 06 Russian p, e Aug 07

United Kingdom (APM) English p 2006

United States (asapm/PMCert) English e 2008 English e Jun 09


Total 38 38 38 37 37 37

2006: 8 2006: 0

2007: 8 2007: 9

2008:13 2008:16

2009: 8 2009:11

2010: 1 2011: 1

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3.8 Standards

IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB®), Version 3.0, March 2006,

International Project Management Association, (superseded IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB), Version 2.0b, Bremen, 1999/2001).

ISO Standard EN ISO/IEC 17'024:2003 General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons (superseded EN 45013:1989).

3.9 History

In 1985 the Project Management Institute (PMI) in North America elaborated a „Body of Knowledge

(BOK)“ for Project Management. This document and later versions until the actual „Guide to the Pro-

ject Management Body of Knowledge“ have been the basis for the knowledge test for the Project

Management Professional (PMP).

IPMA (at that time called INTERNET) made an inquiry with their members about the need for certifica-

tion in 1987. The majority of the answers were positive. The leading professional project management

associations were then establishing their baselines for the assessment of project management

competence during the next ten years. The Association of Project Managers (APM) in the United

Kingdom published the first version of its „BOK“ in 1991. In other European countries, similar projects

and development work were done in the first half of the nineties, sometimes in connection with training

material. A general distinction has been made between the processes, the scheme and the system

(responsibilities and procedures) for the certification.

From 1993 the IPMA Certification Core Team (CCT) was charged with the coordination and har-

monisation of the national projects and achievements. A first agreement was elaborated to establish

an international framework for developing the national documents for the certification. In this process

the sunflower was used as an instrument for the harmonisation and finally as the logo for the ICB

Version 2.0.

In 1997 the IPMA Certification Validation Management Board (CVMB) took over the further devel-

opments and the co-ordination of the member associations‟ qualification and certification processes,

schemes and systems. In 1998 the IPMA Council accepted the standard agreement between a mem-

ber association and IPMA and approved the universal four level concept. The ICB was submitted to

the National Associations as version 1.0 for comments in 1998 and then published the first time by

IPMA as version 2.0 in February 1999.

The ICB Version 2.0 was established on the basis of the National Competence Baselines of APM (the

U.K. Body of Knowledge), VZPM (the Swiss Assessment Structure), PM-ZERT (the German Pro-

jektmanagement-Kanon) and AFITEP (the French Assessment Criteria). The ICB Version 2.0 con-

sisted of 42 elements for knowledge and experience in project management (28 core elements and 14

additional elements) as well as 8 aspects for personal attitudes and 10 aspects for the general impres-

sion. IPMA required that all 28 core elements and at least 6 additional elements chosen by the nation

as well as the aspects for personal attitudes and the general impression are accepted in a NCB. How-

ever up to eight of the additional elements for knowledge and experience (i.e. about 20% of the 42

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elements) could be eliminated or replaced by new elements for taking the national characteristics and

new developments into account. A minor revision of the ICB was made in April 2001.

A major revision of the ICB started in 2004 and was finished in March 2006. The ICB Version 3.0

(IPMA ICB® 2006) consists of 46 competence elements:

20 technical competence elements dealing with the project management matter on which

the professionals are working

15 behavioural competence elements dealing with the personal relationships between the

individuals and groups managed in the projects, programmes and portfolios

11 contextual competence elements dealing with the interaction of the project management

with the context of the project and within the permanent organisations

For each competence element, the knowledge and the experience are assessed using a scale with

values from 0 (no competence) to 10 (absolute maximum) are used.

Technical competence elements

Behavioural competence elements

Contextual competence elements

1.01 Project management success

2.01 Leadership 3.01 Project orientation

1.02 Interested parties

2.02 Engagement & motivation 3.02 Programme orientation

1.03 Project requirements & objectives

2.03 Self-control 3.03 Portfolio orientation

1.04 Risk & opportunity 2.04 Assertiveness 3.04 Project, programme & portfolio implementation

1.05 Quality 2.05 Relaxation 3.05 Permanent organisation

1.06 Project organisation 2.06 Openness 3.06 Business

1.07 Teamwork 2.07 Creativity 3.07 Systems, products & technology

1.08 Problem resolution 2.08 Results orientation 3.08 Personnel management

1.09 Project structures 2.09 Efficiency 3.09 Health, security, safety & environment

1.10 Scope & deliverables 2.10 Consultation 3.10 Finance

1.11 Time & project phases 2.11 Negotiation 3.11 Legal

1.12 Resources 2.12 Conflict & crisis

1.13 Cost & finance 2.13 Reliability

1.14 Procurement & contract 2.14 Values appreciation

1.15 Changes 2.15 Ethics

1.16 Control & reports

1.17 Information & documentation

1.18 Communication

1.19 Start-up

1.20 Close-out

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4 Number of Certificates

First number in tables 4.1 to 4.4: new certificates. Second number: renewed certificates.

4.1 IPMA Level A® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website)


(nat. assoc. / certif. body)


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005



2008 2009 plan

Austria (pma / zertif.stelle) 1 2 0 0+1 0 0+2 1 1

Azerbaijan (AZPMA) 0 0

Brazil (ABGP) 0 0 0 1

Bulgaria (BPMA) 0 0 0 0

China P.R. (PMRC) 4 0 1 5 5 3 7 10

Croatia (CAPM-CERT) 0 0 0 4

Czech Republic (SPR) 0 0 0 2

Denmark (DPMA / CERT) 3 1 7 1 6

Egypt (MES / MPC) 1 0 0 0 0 1 1+1

Finland (PMA / FINCERT) 1 0 1 0 1

France (AFITEP) 14 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0+2

France (SMaP) 0

Germany (GPM / PM-ZERT) 3 0 2 4 5 3 3 4 6+5 5+5

Greece (PM-greece) 0 0 0 0

Hungary (PMPEF) 4 2 0 1+1 0+2 0+1 4

Iceland (VSF-CB) 0 0 0 0

India (PMA) 2 0 0 1 10

Iran 3 10

Ireland (PMI Ltd.) 1 0 0 2 2

Italy ( IPMA Academy) 1 0 2 3 1 2+1 3

Kazakhstan (KPMA) 0 0 0 0

Kuwait (KSE / KBMCB) 0 0

Latvia (Latvia-PM-Cert) 0 0 0 0

Netherlands (IPMA-NL/Cito) 1 0 0 0 3 1 2

Norway (NFP) 0 1 0 1

Poland (SPMP-Cert) 1 0 0 0 0 0+1 0+1

Portugal (APOGEP / Cert) 0 0 1 1

Romania (PMR-Cert) 0 0 1 1

Russia (SOVNET-CERT) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0+1 1

Serbia (YUPMA / YUPMA Cert) 0 0 0 2

Slovak Rep. (SIPR / SPPR) 0 0 0 2

Slovenia (Slo Cert) 0 1 0 0 0 2 1

South Africa (APMSA-Cert) 0 0 0 0

Spain (AEIPRO / OCDP) 0 1 0 0

Sweden (SPF) 0 1 1 0 2

Switzerland (SPM / VZPM) 6 3 6 6 5 5

Taiwan, CN (TPMA) 0 0 0 0

Turkey (PYK Cert) 0 2

Ukraine (UPMA / Cert) 1 0 0 0 0 1 0+1 2 0 0

United Kingdom (APM) 0 0 0 0

United States (asapm/PMCert) 0 0 0 10

Zambia 0 0

IPMA Level A® per year 20 0 8 16 17 19 22 34 43 99

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4.2 IPMA Level B® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website)

Country (nat. assoc. / certif. body)

1995 2000

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005



2008 2009 plan

Austria (pma / zertif.stelle) 158+6 35+7 62+4 83+18 66+17 104+42 133+57 118+64 143 +88

125 +100

Azerbaijan (AZPMA) 0 1 0 0 1

Brazil (ABGP) 5 0 0 1 4

Bulgaria (BPMA) 0 0 0 0

China P.R. (PMRC) 9+0 17+0 34+0 38+0 65 99 76 140

Croatia (CAPM-CERT) 0 1 0 2 2 15

Czech Republic (SPR) 4 0 10 3 3 7 18 18 22

Denmark (DPMA / CERT) 47 22 38 25+13 39 26+7 28+13 28+26 32+35 50

Egypt (MES / MPC) 3 7 9 4 3+1 3+3 0+2 1+5 0+2 5+2

Finland (PMA / FINCERT) 6 1 0+2 7+2 5+1 5+0 6+0 9+1 10+6 12

France (SMaP) 0

France (AFITEP) 30 2 5 3 3 6 5 2 3+3 4+5

Germany (GPM / PM-ZERT) 102+22 5+11 38+10 37+18 69+15 89+30 60+49 93+56 101+70 100+80

Greece (PM-greece) 0 0 0 10

Hungary (PMPEF) 5 3 6 12 5+3 11+3 1+10 10

Iceland (VSF-CB) 10 0 3+6 7+2 5 5 7 6 3 5

India (PMA) 0 0 0 11 2 15

Iran 3 10

Ireland (PMI Ltd.) 3 10 10 10 11 8 13 5

Italy ( IPMA Academy) 3 4 8 13 1 3+1 10+7 12+2

Kazakhstan (KPMA) 1 1 3 3

Kuwait (KSE / KBMCB) 0 0 0

Latvia (Latvia-PM-Cert) 0 0 0 0 0 0

Netherlands (IPMA-NL/Cito) 31+3 5 11 9 14 16 36+10 16 34 40

Norway (NFP) 3 12 16 4 10

Poland (SPMP-Cert) 2 1 1 1+2 0+1 2+1 3+0

Portugal (APOGEP / Cert) 5 0 3 0 3 1+3 1+2 4+1 0+3 4

Romania (PMR-Cert) 0 6 10 4 2 7 10

Russia (SOVNET-CERT) 6 4 2 3 4 7+4 6+1 5+1 7 3

Serbia (YUPMA/YUPMA Cert) 0 8 1 2 3

Slovak Rep. (SIPR / SPPR) 7 3 7 8 17 14 39 25

Slovenia (Slo Cert) 24 6 11 9+8 1+0 0 3 9 4+5 6+5

South Africa (APMSA-Cert) 0 0 0 0 5

Spain (AEIPRO / OCDP) 2 1 0 0 4 2+1 3

Sweden (SPF) 11 35 25 24 35+0 27+0 27+10 35

Switzerland (SPM / VZPM) 54+10 30+4 36+6 36+14 60+22 108+23 84+54 96+7 111+3 81+30

Taiwan, CN (TPMA) 0 0 0 0

Turkey (PYK Cert) 0 4

Ukraine (UPMA / Cert) 3 5 6 2 1 6 1+0 1 9 5

United Kingdom (APM) 119 10 12 40 24 21 14 20 20 30

United States (sapm/PMcert) 0 0 10 1 20

Zambia 0 0

IPMA Level B® per year 639 158 302 426 455 637 744 802 934 1058

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4.3 IPMA Level C® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website)

Country (nat. assoc. / certif. body)


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005




2009 plan

Austria (pma / zertif.stelle) 86 132 197 211+8 300+40 274+71 385+79 391+105 446 +157

390 +200

Azerbaijan (AZPMA) 3 13 2 4 3 5

Brazil (ABGP) 1 2 0 8 20

Bulgaria (BPMA) 0 0 3 5

China P.R. (PMRC) 136 1219 1587+0 1861+0

1341+0 1337 1299 1339 1800

Croatia (CAPM-CERT) 6 10 5 32 11 45 5 40

Czech Republic (SPR) 10 10 9 15 22 25 45

Denmark (DPMA / CERT) 45 10 44 77+8 90 145+29 139+35 140+36 141+3 80

Egypt (MES / MPC) 70 65 57 67+17 50+21 35+6 25+29 5+17 20+7 20+5

Finland (PMA / FINCERT) 4 51 75 140+3 137+37 171+57 268+115 248+98 275+121 250

France (SMaP) 0

France (AFITEP) 41 0 5 1 10 0 5 12 9+1 6+5

Germany (GPM / PM-ZERT) 101 73+0 62+3 123+15 100+74 171+22 214+68 227+68 372+83 250+115

Greece (PM-greece) 0 0 0 50

Hungary (PMPEF) 1 7 1 5 3+1 8+2 4+1 30

Iceland (VSF-CB) 9 18 6 11+6 14+9 7 15

India (PMA) 0 0 0 25 6 30

Iran 1 80

Ireland (PMI Ltd.) 81 73 70 89 90 130 76 55

Italy ( IPMA Academy) 8 14 11 8 11 5+4 24+1 19+1 30+4

Kazakhstan (KPMA) 1 13 30 30

Kuwait (KSE / KBMCB) 0 0 0

Latvia (Latvia-PM-Cert) 0 0 0 0 0 3

Netherlands (IPMA-NL/Cito) 7 0 41 53 101 104 127 221 224 250

Norway (NFP) 9 14 18 7 12

Poland (SPMP-Cert) 12 7 29 29 20+4 17+17 11+21 20+20

Portugal (APOGEP / Cert) 11 20 16 17 10+7 13+14 13+5 20+8

Romania (PMR-Cert) 0 11 4 5 15 7 10

Russia (SOVNET-CERT) 6 14 3 19 29 30+3 24+1 28+2 25+2 15

Serbia (YUPMA / YUPMA Cert) 0 4 2 13 15

Slovak Rep. (SIPR / SPPR) 1 4 26 11 22 21 40 65 45

Slovenia (Slo Cert) 0 1 0 2 6 9 10

South Africa (APMSA-Cert) 0 0 0 10 20

Spain (AEIPRO / OCDP) 9 5 4 7 0 0 6 16+1 15

Sweden (SPF) 20 30 40 29+7 34+4 46+0 68+5 49

Switzerland (SPM / VZPM) 3 21 37 39+1 102+14 101+24 157+1 184 210+20

Taiwan, CN (TPMA) 0 0 7 20

Turkey (PYK Cert) 0 8

Ukraine (UPMA / Cert) 19 21 19 40 45 61 93+0 42 41 50

United Kingdom (APM) 94 100 26 43 72 115 111 140 200 220

United States (asapm/PMcert) 0 0 10 0 20

Zambia 0 0

IPMA Level C® per year 473 623 1929 2669 3236 3025 3457 3739 4094 4615

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4.4 IPMA Level D® (The individual certificates can be searched on the IPMA website)

Country (nat. assoc. / certif. body)


2001 2002 2003





2008 2009 plan

Austria (pma / zertif.stelle) 130 77 135 177 314 467 532 724 835 800

Azerbaijan (AZPMA) 23 20 5 14 6 20

Brazil (ABGP) 7 11 37 17 500

Bulgaria (BPMA) 0 0 5 7

China P.R. (PMRC) 33 194 323 434 1349 848 561 466 550

Croatia (CAPM-CERT) 0 5 34 8 17 6 20

Czech Republic (SPR) 21 31 50 97 53 55 115 128 150

Denmark (DPMA / CERT) 11 59 90 210 199 346 278 451 460

Egypt (MES / MPC) 9 40 29 37+2 43+7 43 27+6 9+2 48+1 30+10

Finland (PMA / FINCERT) 0 20 13 53 84 80+1 100

France (SMaP) 0

France (AFITEP) 8 56 201 319 272 167 171 111 261 200

Greece (PM-greece) 0 0 0 160

Germany (GPM / PM-ZERT) 3279 325 702 1023 1287 1327 1421 1954 2162 1800

Hungary (PMPEF) 3 7 1 3 2 2 1+2 30

Iceland (VSF-CB) 1 9 57 51 63 72 63

India (PMA) 12 27 66 136 210 444 182 788 528 800

Iran 0 200

Ireland (PMI Ltd.) 146 113 117 108 105 127 165 90

Italy ( IPMA Academy) 18 15 12 20 21 18 65 81 37 88

Kazakhstan (KPMA) 5 36 37 40

Kuwait (KSE / KBMCB) 0 0 0

Latvia (Latvia-PM-Cert) 0 3 10 5 5 1 5

Netherlands (IPMA-NL/Cito) 65 42 105 111 230 290 515 642 854 1000

Norway (NFP) 15 9 15 8 20

Poland (SPMP-Cert) 0 17 77 138 292 142 620

Portugal (APOGEP / Cert) 19 24 27 57 43 53 71 134 100

Romania (PMR-Cert) 2 13 4 1 3 7 10

Russia (SOVNET-CERT) 13 36 12 76 153 114 132 173 123 45

Serbia (YUPMA/UPMA Cert) 0 0 13 13 5 10

Slovak Rep. (SIPR / SPPR) 1 5 4 9 30 28 25 36 40

Slovenia (Slo Cert) 9 3 0 21 10 22 25

South Africa (APMSA-Cert) 0 0 0 15 25

Spain (AEIPRO / OCDP) 31 42 43 28 9 0 0 2+1 13+1 35

Sweden (SPF) 15 32 99 72 154 136 227 157

Switzerland (SPM / VZPM) 2 0 0 18 91 181 336 399 477 500

Taiwan, CN (TPMA) 0 236 800 1728 1500

Turkey (PYK Cert) 20 120

Ukraine (UPMA / Cert) 33 86 120 80 120 81 62 43 29 50

United Kingdom (APM) 5300 1300 1500 1800 1400 1475 2251 2500 4000 4500

United States (asapm/PMcert) 0 67 100 120 250

Zambia 0 0

IPMA Level D® per year 8900 2131 3425 4505 5256 6695 7915 10239 13265 15110

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Number of Certificates IPMA Level A® per year and cumulated (2009: planned value)

















per year 20 0 8 16 17 19 22 34 43 99

Total 20 20 28 44 61 80 102 136 179 278


20002001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Number of Certificates IPMA Level B® per year and cumulated (2009: planned value)


















per year 639 158 302 426 455 637 744 802 934 1058

Total 639 797 1099 1525 1980 2617 3361 4163 5097 6155


20002001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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Number of Certificates IPMA Level C® per year and cumulated (2009: planned value)

















per year 473 623 1929 2669 3236 3025 3457 3729 4094 4615

Total 473 1096 3025 5694 8930 11955 15412 19151 23245 27860


20002001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Number of Certificates IPMA Level D® per year and cumulated (2009: planned value)




















per year 8900 2131 3425 4505 5256 6695 7915 10239 13265 15110

Total 8900 11031 14456 18961 24217 30912 38827 49066 62331 77441


20002001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

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Number of Certificates all IPMA Levels cumulated

IPMA Level A B C D all

2008 (actual)

Sum of annual new certificates 161 4160 21655 62308

Sum of annual recertification 16 937 1590 23

Grand total 179 5097 23245 62331 90852

2009 (planned)

Sum of annual new certificates 253 4999 25893 77408

Sum of annual recertification 25 1156 1967 33

Grand total 278 6155 27860 77441 111734

Comparison total of certificates until end of 2008 actual vs. planned

IPMA Level A B C D all

2008 (actual)

Sum of annual new certificates 161 4160 21655 62308

Sum of annual recertification 16 937 1590 23

Grand total 179 5097 23245 62331 90852

% of planned 90 99.1 99.9 103 102

2008 (planned)

Sum of annual new certificates 182 4273 21862 60431

Sum of annual recertification 15 859 1438 37

Grand total 197 5132 23300 60468 89097

Growth total of certificates between end of 2005 and end of 2009 (planned)

Grand total until end of 2005 was 45542.

Grand total until end of 2006 was 57702 = 2005 plus about 26.7%.

Grand total until end of 2007 was 72516 = 2006 plus about 25.7%.

Grand total until end of 2008 was 90852 = 2007 plus about 25.2%.

Grand total until end of 2009 is planned to be 111734 = 2008 plus about 23% (planned).

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5 Assessors of the Certification Bodies

5.1 List of First Assessors

Country (Nat. Assoc.)

Certification Body First Assessors

Austria (pma)

pma-zertifizierungsstelle Roland Gareis, Kurt Guwak, Franz Dörfler

Azerbaijan (AZPMA)

Azerbaijan Project Man-agement Association (AZPMA)

Igbal Babayev, Bagizadeh Murad, Bushuyev Sergey, Ribak Anatoliy

Brazil (ABGP)

Conselho Nacional de Certificação/ABGP

Jose Amaro dos Santos, Silvio Aurelio de Castro Wille, Nuno Ponces de Carvalho


Bulgarian Project Mana-gement Association

Alexander Apostolov, Vladimir Lilov, Sergey Bushuyev

China P.R. (PMRC)

PMRCC Qian Fupei, Jing Xinhai, Zhang Yulin, Erhard Motzel

Croatia CAPM – CERT Mladen Radujkovic, Vladimir Skendrovic, Ratko Gospodnetic, Klaus Pannenbäcker

Czech Republic (SPR)

Certifikační yrgan Společnosti pro projektové řízení (CO SPR)

Petr Chlupaty, Igor Novak, Sergey Bushuyev

Denmark (DPMA)

DPMA / CERT Morten Fangel, Hans Mikkelsen, John Ryding Olssen, Per Frank Povlsen

Egypt (MES)


Abdel-Fattah El Marashly, Adel A. El-Samadony, Amr Ezzat Salama, Hassan Farahat, Hassan Shaarawi, Hegazy Zaher, Islam Abdou, Mustafa Shaarawi, Klaus Pannenbäcker


National Certification Board Finland

Juhani Silvasti, Jukka Lahtinen, Gustav Wallen

France (AFITEP)

AFITEP: Certification CDP Rolande Marcinak, Gilles Caupin, Jacques Commu-nier, Philippe Lebigot, Guy Roques

France (SMaP) SMaP Certification Gilles Caupin, Philippe Lebigot, Wulff Seiler

Germany (GPM)

PM-ZERT Sebastian Dworatschek, Klaus Pannenbäcker, Ulrich Wolff, Erhard Motzel

Hungary (MFS)

Project Management Profession Excellence Foundation (PMPEF)

Iván Herczeg, László Karas, Zoltán Perneczky, Hans Knoepfel

Iceland (VSF)

VSF-CB Jonas Frimannsson, Egill Skuli Ingibergsson, Gudmundur Pétursson

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Country (Nat. Assoc.)

Certification Body First Assessors

India (PMA)

Project Management Associates (PMA)

Adesh Jain, K. Venkataramanan, J L. Raina, V.K. Sharma, John Pyman (IPMA Level D), K. Pannenbäcker (Levels C+B), Hans Knoepfel (Level A)

Iran PMA Iran PMA CB Jalal Alex Jalalian, Mohammad Hossein Sobhyiah, Hans Knoepfel

Ireland (PMI Ltd.)

Project Management Insti-tute Ltd. (PMI Ltd.)

Tom Ryan, Liam Halloran, John Atkinson, Ruth Buckley, Ed Naughton, John Cahill, Donncha Kavanagh, Tony Brady, Des O‟Reilly, Gilles Caupin, Brigitte Schaden

Italy (ANIMP)

IPMA Italian Project Management Acadmy -Certificazione

Maurizio Alessandro, Danilo Buscaglia, Francesco Porretti, Giovanni Francesco Salamone, Paolo Sanvito, Hans Knoepfel

Kazakhstan (KPMA)

KPMA-Cert Bushuyev Sergey, Voropayev Vladimir, Lyudmila Savchenko, Svetlana Murzabekova

Kuwait (KSE)

KBMCB Talal M. Al-Qahtani, Matar A. Al-Mutairi, Jalal Al-Tabtabaei, Daniel Scheifele

Latvia Latvia-Cert Zaneta Ilmete, Sebastian Dworatschek, Sergey Bushuyev

Netherlands (IPMA-NL)

Cito Certification B.V. John Hermarij, Noud van Roermund

Norway (NFP)

Certification Body Norway Jorunn Wolstad, Ernst Mithun, Knut M. Heier, Morten Fangel

Poland (SPMP)

SPMP-Cert Dalkowski Bogumil, Halas Michal, Smurawa Janusz, Stasto Leszek, Pannenbäcker Klaus

Portugal (APOGEP)

Conselho Nacional de Certificação (CNC)

Alberto Nuno Lara Ponces de Carvalho, Gilles Caupin

Romania Project Management România (certification)

Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea, Nicolae Postavaru, Brigitte Schaden

Russia (SOVNET)

SOVNET Certification Vladimir I. Voropajev, Vladimir I. Burkov, Vyacheslav V. Pozniakov, Klaus Pannenbäcker

Serbia (YUPMA)

YUPMA Cert Petar Jovanovič, Dejan Petrovič, Vladan Popovič, Brane Semolič

Slovak Republic (SIPR / SPPR)

Slovenský inštitút projek-tového riadenia –SIPR

Jiri Vlach, Igor Travnik, Wiliam Trnka, Erik Lukac, Petr Chlupaty, Klaus Pannenbäcker

Slovenia (ZPM)

IPMA Slo Cert Anton Hauc, Brane Semolič, Andrej Škarabot, Klaus Pannenbäcker

South Africa (APMSA)


Theodorus Gerhardus Swart, Robert J. Best, Graham A. Campbell, Klaus Pannenbäcker

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Country (Nat. Assoc.)

Certification Body First Assessors

Spain (AEIPRO)

OCDP Manuel de Cos Castillo, Hans Knoepfel

Sweden (SPF)

Svenskt ProjektForum Sven Antvik, Olle Broman, Per-Frank Povlsen, Håkan Sjöholm

Switzerland (spm)

VZPM Jürg Brandenberger, Karl Hutter, Hans Knoepfel

Taiwan, China (TPMA)

TPMA Certification Chiu Chi Wei, Chiang Wang Lee, Fupei Qian

Turkey (PYK)

PYK Certification Cetin Elmas, Dogan Sahin Gencturk, Sergey Bushuyev

Ukraine (UPMA)

UPMA Certification Sergey Bushuyev, Valentin Ruch, Anatoly Rybak

United Kingdom (APM)

APM Certification Martin Barnes, Eric Gabriel

United States (asapm)

PMCert Ron Waller, Kevin Aguanno, Ron McCandless, Dennis Ballow Sr.

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5.2 List of Actual Assessors

Country (Nat. Asso.)

Certification Body Actual Assessors

Austria (pma)


Helmut Berger, Peter Birnstingl, Johannes Buchberger, Ulrike Cee-Girbardt, Alfonsie Galka, Wolfgang Gary, Gunter Gruhser, Germana R. Heinrich, Robert Herbacek, Walter Hörmanseder, Patrizia Horak, Markus Huber, Ulrike Huber, Wolfgang Kaufmann, Rudolf Kraft, Christian Kratochvila, Judith Kremser, Arkad Kuhnle, Bernd Lauer, Günther Lauer, Martin Meusburger, Inna Mlada, Markus Pedevilla, Günther Rainalter, Markus Rohrhofer, Christian Rudischer, Brigitte Schaden, Herwig Schreiner, Silvester Scholz, Eveline Stellmann, Klaus Steurer, Hermann Scsepka, Gerhard Zimmert

Azerbaijan (AZPMA)


IPMA Level A, B: Bushuyev Sergey, Ribak Anatoliy, Igbal Babayev, Bagizadeh Murad IPMA Level C, B: Igbal Babayev, Bagizadeh Murad, Mazahir Jamilov, Zakir Aliyev


Conselho Nacional de Certificação/ABGP

Silvio Aurélio de Castro Wille, Hélio Gomes de Carvalho and Luciano Kolotelo (IPMA Level C)


Bulgarian Project Man-agement Association

Alexander Apostolov, Vladimir Lilov, Sergey Bushuyev

China P.R. PMRC Certification

Qian Fupei, Jing Xinhai, Zhang Yulin, Liu Lijuan, Cheng Hu, Qiu Wanhua, Dai Dashuang, Su Miao, Xiang Gang, Tang Mingduan, Liu Li, Wang Zuhe, Bai Sijun, Ou Lixiong, Ding Ronggui, Lu Xiangnan, Fu Zhimin, Xue Yan, Wu Shourong, Chen Dequan, Lei Kaigui, Huang Xinliang, Shen Jianming, Wang Keqin, Jia Zongyuan, Wang Xiyan, Guo Bo, Li Dachen, Li Wen, Wang Mingyuan, Hong Xianming, Wu Zhidong, Zhang Peng (Beijing), Wu Ziyan, Yang Baozhang, Jie Jinrong, Zhou Guohua, Sun Yongtong, Song Rui, Shi Ming, Tao Liyan, Zhang Peng (Guangzhou), Wang Yu, Zhang Xingyan

Croatia CAPM – CERT Mladen Radujkovic, Vladimir Skendrovic, Ratko Gospodnetic, Klaus Pannenbacker

Czech Re-public (SPR)

Certifikační orgán Společnosti pro projek-tové řízení (CO SPR)

Petr Chlupatý, Igor Novák, Marcela Nováková, Zdenko Staníček, Jan Havlík, Jan Pokorný, Josef Hajkr, Michael Motal, Jaromír Pitaš, Pavla Ţáková, Jiří Mikulka, Martin Sliva, Jan Gruna, Miloslav Látal, Jan Pochobradský, Zbyněk Krebs, Jaroslav Švec, Marek Herbst, Štěpán Svoboda, Pavel Máchal

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Country (Nat. Asso.)

Certification Body Actual Assessors

Denmark The Association of Danish Project Man-agement

Alex Blom, Allan Krüger-Jensen, Allan Rømeling, Anette Zobbe, Anne Høyer, Birgitte Adler, Bo Dam Jensen, Char-lotte Bundgaard, Erik Brender, Eva Riis, Hans Mikkelsen, Hans Jørgen Andersen, Henrik Lynge, Henrik V. Hougaard, Henrik Timm, Inger Vanggaard, Ivan Jørgen Jensen, Jacob Høeg, Jacob Jespersen, Jan Chr. Rasmussen, Jens Lauge-sen, Jesper Knudsen, Jesper Stang, John Ryding Olsson, John Thomsen, Jørgen Kejlberg, Jørgen M. Steffensen, Kjeld Vognsen, Lars Norup, Mads Hjortkær, Margit Mathie-sen Kudsk, Martin Eisenhardt, Martin Toft Hansen, Michael Larsen, Michael Poulsen, Michael Boe Sørensen, Morten Fangel, Niels Ole Pedersen, Paul Lysholt Rasmussen, Per Frank Povlsen, Per Michael Jensen, Peter Lundin, Peter Snedker, Peter S. Kirkvald, Sofus Clemmensen, Søren An-dersen, Søren Truelsen, Tina Schmidt, Tom Kønig, Torben Bertelsen

Egypt (MES)


Hassan Farahat , Hassan Shaarawi, Hegazy Zaher, Islam Abdou, Ali Kortam , Adel Agib Wassif, Ahmed El-Mahdy Rad-wan.


FINCERT All Levels: Jukka Lahtinen, Juhani Silvasti, Ari Eskola

Levels D & C & B: Petteri Hellsten, Esa Koskelainen, Tuomo Koskenvaara, Kalle Kähkönen, Pertti Luukka, Pekka Mäkelä, Leena Oksanen-Peltola, Vesa Piipponen, Soili Puranen, Jouko Vaskimo

Levels D & C: Petri Heino, Olli Ilmarinen

France (AFITEP)

AFITEP: Certification CDP

Martine Carbonel, Martine Miny, Daniel Arrieta, Bernard Chi-esa, Stéphane, Soulard, Alain de Penfentenyo, Jean-Claude Zborowska,



SMaP Certification Gilles Caupin, Philipp Lebigot, Wulff Seiler

Germany (GPM)

PM-ZERT Sandra Bartsch-Beuerlein, Sebastian Dworatschek, Klaus Pannenbäcker, Gerold Patzak, Steffen Rößler, Wulff Seiler, Ulrich Wolff, Martina Albrecht, Frank Berge, Florian Dörren-berg, Gerhard Pries, Wolfgang Cronenbroeck, Raimo Hübner, Olaf Scherer

Hungary Project Management Profession Excellence Foundation (PMPEF)

IPMA A-D: Iván Herczeg, László Karas, Zoltán Perneczky, Zoltán

IPMA B-D Fenyösi, Kornél Csajtai, Attila Mogyorós, Csaba Kováts

Iceland (VSF)

Certification VSF-CB Jonas Frimannsson, Egill Skuli Ingibergsson, Gudmundur Pétursson, Kolbeinn Kolbeinsson, Sigurdur Arnalds, Steinunn Huld Atladottir, Omar Imsland

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Country (Nat. Asso.)

Certification Body Actual Assessors

India (PMA)

Project Management Associates (PMA)

IPMA Level A, B, C and D: Adesh Jain, K. Venkataramanan, T. Sankaralingam, Dr A S Pillai IPMA Level A: Hans Knoepfel IPMA Level B, C and D: K. Pannenbäcker , A. Radhakrishna, M.K. Parameswaran, B.K. Basu, S.D. Navare

Iran (Iran PMA)

Iran PMA Certification Jalal Alex Jalalian, Mohammad Hossein Sobhyiah, Hans Knoepfel

Ireland Project Management Institute Ltd. (PMI Ltd.)

Tom Ryan, Liam Halloran, John Atkinson, Ruth Buckley, Ed Naughton, Gilles Caupin, John Cahill, Seamus Woods, Pat Lucey, Donncha Kavanagh, Des O‟Reilly, Tony Brady, Brigitte Schaden

Italy (ANIMP)

IPMA Italian Project Management Acadmy -Certificazione

Maurizio Alessandro, Danilo Buscaglia, Francesco Porretti, Giovanni Francesco Salamone, Paolo Sanvito, Giorgio Dalmasso, Roberto Boni, Hans Knoepfel , Michele Orefice, Alessio Piccotti, Germana R. Heinrich, Giovanni Pisano, Marco Foletti, Francesca Grechi ,Ernesto La Rosa

Kazakhstan (KZPMA)

KZPMA-Cert Lyudmila Savchenko, Svetlana Murzabekova, Galina Myaken-kaya, Yevgeniy Tyrtyshny, Gazelya Amirkhanova, Maira Khussainova, Ivan Chubisov, Alexandr Chikitkin

Kuwait (KSE)

KBMCB Talal M. Al-Qahtani, Matar A. Al-Mutairi, Jalal Al-Tabtabaei, Daniel Scheifele

Latvia (LNPMA)

Latvia-Cert Zaneta Ilmete, Sebastian Dworatschek, Sergey Bushuyev

Netherlands (IPMA-NL)

Cito Certification B.V. Theo Antz, Luc de Beer, Clemens Bon, Fred Bons, Ton Brouwers, Henri van Dijk, Emile van Duren, Paul Frank, Hans Frieling, Frank Geldhof, Wim de Gier, Pieter Gremmen, Ine Groen Waterreus, Bert Hedeman, John Hermarij, Paul Hesselman, Sven Huynink, Hans Kemper, Robert Knoop, Ger-rit Koch, Renze Kuiken, Swier Jan Miedema, Betty Nieuwen-burg, Jan Ochtman, Marco Paardekooper, Jan Pallandt, Noud van Roermund, Rinse van der Schoot, Paul van der Steur, Huub Verbruggen, Carel de Wilde

Norway (NFP)

Certification Body Norway

Jorunn Wolstad, Ernst Midtun, Knut M. Heier, Bernt Lingaas, Tore Heag, Per-Arne Rindalsholt, Katherine Breistøl, Ole Christian Albert, Ola H. Botterud, Arfinn Kolstad, Anders Taucher, Berit Clausen Hovland

Poland (SPMP)

SPMP-Cert Dalkowski Bogumil, Halas Michal, Majka Kazimierz, Miskiewicz Miroslaw, Pannenbäcker Klaus, Stasto Leszek, Zalewski Marek,

Level D: Irzycki Andrzej

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Country (Nat. Asso.)

Certification Body Actual Assessors

Portugal (APOGEP)

Comissão Nacional de Certificação (CNC)

IPMA Level B, C and D: Nuno Ponces de Carvalho, Paulo Ribeirinho Soares, Jorge Moreira da Costa, Maria do Rosário Bernardo, Sofia Margarida Sarmento, Belén de Vicente, Vanda Ramalho, Rosalia Dias, José Garcia, Carlos Oliveira IPMA Level C and D: João Gaia, Cassilda Pinho IPMA Level D: Jorge Carvalho

Romania Project Management România (certification)

Brigitte Schaden, Florentina Raducanu, Laurentiu Gusu, Gilles Caupin

Russia (SOVNET)

SOVNET Certification Vladimir I. Voropajev, Vladimir N. Burkov, Vyacheslav V. Pozniakov, Alexei Polkovnikov, Alexandr Tovb

Serbia YUPMA Cert Petar Jovanovič, Dejan Petrovič, Vladan Popovič, Brane Semolič

Slovak Republic (SIPR / SPPR)

SPPR Certification IPMA Level A, B, C and D: Igor Travnik, Wiliam Trnka, Erik Lukáč, IPMA Level B, C and D: Rudolf Takáč, Ladislav Záhorský, Ivan Matušek, Miroslav Gromada, Jana Hurová, Alena Omaniková

Slovenia (ZPM)

IPMA Slo Cert Anton Hauc, Brane Semolič, Andrej Škarabot, Klaus Pannenbäcker, Neda Bogdanovič, Andrej Kerin, Boţidar Slivnjak

South Africa (APMSA)

APMSA-Cert Theodorus Gerhardus Swart, Robert J. Best, Graham A. Campbell, Klaus Pannenbäcker

Spain (AEIPRO)


IPMA Level A, B, C, D: Manuel de Cos Castillo, Jesús Martinez Almela, Hans Knoepfel, IPMA Level B, C, D: Adolfo Cazorla Montero, Jesús Guillén Torres, Eliseo Gómez-Senent Martínez, Salvador Capuz Rizo, Adolfo Lopez Paredes, IPMA Level C, D: Fernando López Rodriguez, Ignacio de los Rios Carmenado

Sweden (SPMS)

SPMS Certification

IPMA Level A, B, C, D: Håkan Sjöholm, Olle Broman, Per-Olov Sandberg IPMA Level B, C, D: Agneta Östlund, Anders Andersson, Anders Blomé, Beatrice Silow, Björn Hagberg, Carina Cederlund, Catharina Sahlin, Dan Jonsson, Håkan Westman, Katarina Ericsson, Lillvor Göthede, Maria Vestgöte, Marianne Palovaara, Reinhold Kon-nander, Stefan Hallberg, Stefan Wiberg, Sven Antvik, Thomas Fihlman, Tore Andersson IPMA Level C, D: Susanne Jahnsson

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Country (Nat. Asso.)

Certification Body Actual Assessors

Switzerland (spm)


IPMA Level A Daniel Baumann, Thierry Bonjour, Thomas K. Hauser, Thomas Heimgartner, Alfred Hersberger, Hans Knoepfel, Hansjürg Rhyner, Martin Sedlmayer, Markus Zoller IPMA Level B: Daniel Baumann, Stephan Bitter, Thierry Bonjour,, Giorgio Buzzi di Marco, Stefano Camozzi, Daniel Carrel, Eric Deane, Laurens De Bever, Dimitrios Fazzone, Peter Frank, Willi Frei, Hanspeter Füllemann, Rainer Gachnang, Susanna Garcia, Thomas K Geiser, Philippe Goumaz, Armin Heeb, Hans-Peter Heini, Alfred Hersberger, Thierry Hogan, Claudio Imperatori, Philippe Jaquet, Jegerlehner Olivier, Georg Kassowitz, Daniel Kneubühl, Hans Knoepfel, Maria Koutintcheva, Norbert Kremmel, Bertrand Lefort, Claude Marguerat, Jean-Bernard Michel, Bruno Mohr, Anne-Thérèse Morel, André Moustopou-los, Marcel Nestler, Michela Papa, Frank Pohl, Beatrix Rentsch, Martin Rohner, Fritz Rohr, Sautter Remy, Rolf Schädeli, René Schanz, Daniel Scheifele, Peter Schmid, Simone Schweikert, Markus Stäuble, Beat Straub, Aurelio Vassalli, Georg Vecsey, Hans-Jörg Walther, Jan Weis-ert,Jean-Pierre Widmann, Alexandre Zbinden, Barbara Zepf-Arnold, Albert Ziegler, Anton Zubler, Markus Zürcher IPMA Level C: Samy Antonini, Fréderic Besson, Binder Markus, Nicolangelo Biondi, Raffael Brogna, Daniel Brönimann, Regula Christen, Cron Dalibor, De Bever Laurens, Gunther Ebert, Alain Gayret, Frédéric Haenni, Bernhard Häuser, Andreas Hirschi, Andreas Jost, Hansueli Lerch, Walter Maucher, Alfred Marti, Michel Mocellini, Martha Muntwiler , Eric Nicolet, Norbert Nothhelfer, Harald E. Oswald, Manuel Otter, Giulio Quirici, Markus Righetti, Martin Rihs, Christian Schmid, Marcel Schweizer, Claus Soltermann, Anna Spari, Tibor Stockinger, Doris Tan-ner, Raphael Wunderlin, Alexandre Zbinden. IPMA Level D: Urs Albrecht, Fréderic Besson, Thierry Bonjour, Regula Christen, Susanna Garcia , Philippe Goumaz, Martha Muntwiler, Marcel Schweizer, Tibor Stockinger, Alexandre Zbinden

Taiwan, China (TPMA)

TPMA Certification Chiu Chi Wei, Chiang Wang Lee, Fupei Qian

Turkey (PYK)

PYK Certification Cetin Elmas, Dogan Sahin Gencturk, Sergey Bushuyev

Ukraine (UPMA)

UPMA Certification:

IPMA Level A,B,C,D: Sergey Bushuyev, Valentin Ruch, Nataliya Bushuyeva, Yuri Teslya, Anatoly Rybak IPMA Level C,D: Dmitry Lukianov

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Country (Nat. Asso.)

Certification Body Actual Assessors

United King-dom (APM)

APM Certification Rod Baker, Brian Harrison, M. Angling, Mrs. J. Bilsborough, J. MacKay, J. Howard, J. Masters, H. Fletcher, K. Gawlor

United States (asapm)

PMCert Ron Waller, Kevin Aguanno, Ron McCandless, Dennis Ballow Sr.

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6 Certification Bodies

Country Name Address

Austria PROJEKT MANAGEMENT AUSTRIA pma - zertifizierungsstelle

Türkenstrasse 25/2/21 A-1090 Wien Tel. +43-1-319 29 21-20 Fax +41-1-319 29 21-29 Email: [email protected] Homepage: www.p-m-a.at Contact person: Michael Wolf

Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Project Management Association


Postal address: 9, A. Aliyev Str. Baku, AZ1005, Azerbaijan. Tel/ Fax: (+99412) 492-95-82 Email: [email protected] www.ipma.az Contact person: Ziba Huseynova

Brazil Conselho Nacional de Certificação/ABGP

CNC/ABGP (Conselho Nacional de Certificação Rua Itupava, 509 ap.56 - Curitiba PR, Brazil CEP: 80.040-000

[email protected] www.abgp.org.br

Bulgaria Bulgarian Project Management Association (BPMA)

BPMA 45, Vesletz St., office 13 BG-1202 Sofia, Bulgaria [email protected] www.project.bg

China P.R. PMRC (Project Management Research Committee)

Box 617, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi‟an 710072, P. R. China Phone +86-29-88494210 Fax +86-29-68687689 Email [email protected] www.pmrc.org.cn

Croatia CAPM-CERT Croatian Association for Project Management

Croatian Association for Project Management University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering Department of Construction Mgmt. and Economics Kaciceva 26, Zagreb 10000, CROATIA Phone/Fax. +385 1 48 28 078 www.capm.hr [email protected] Contact person: Ivana Burcar Dunovic Phone +385 1 46 39 270 Email: [email protected]

Czech Republic SPR Certification Certifikační orgán Společ-nosti pro projektové řizení o. s. (CO SPR)

Sekretariát CO SPŘ

Rybkova 1

602 00 Brno Tel. +420-724 080 090 (Manager of CB) +420-541 148 245 (secretary) Email: [email protected] Internet: www.ipma.cz

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Country Name Address

Denmark Danish Project Management

Association (DPMA / CERT)

Sættedammen 4 DK-3400 Hillerød Tel.: +45 4824 1488 Fax.: +45 4824 1489 www.danskprojektledelse.dk Email: [email protected]

Egypt Management Engineering Society


28 Ramsis street, Cairo -Egypt Tel: 25790050 -25776412 Fax: 25748169 -25775972 Website: http://www.mes.eg.net Email: [email protected] Managing Director: Prof. Dr. Hegazy Mohamed Zaher

Finland Project Management Association Finland certification body FINCERT


c/o Projektiyhdistys ry

Elisantie 16, 02970, Espoo, Finland

Contact person: Jouko Vaskimo Email jouko.vaskimo(at)ixonos.com

France AFITEP Association francophone de Management de Projet Commission de Certification

60-62 rue du faubourg Saint Martin 75010 Paris, France tél: 01 55 80 70 67 Fax: 01 55 80 70 69 Email:[email protected] Certification Manager: Aleksandra Stojanovic

Germany PM-ZERT

(Zertifizierungsstelle der GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e.V.)

Frankenstraße 152 90461 Nürnberg Phone +49 – 911 – 43 33 69 30 Fax +49 – 911 – 43 33 69 39 Managing Director: Werner Schmehr Email: [email protected] Internet: www.GPM-IPMA.de

Greece PMG Certification Centre for Construction Innovation, Dept. of Construction Engineering & Management Faculty of Civil Engineering National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, Building of Strength of Materials - Annex A', Zografou Campus, 9, Iroon Polytechniou st, 157 70 Zografou, Athens, Greece Tel: +30 210 772 3720 E-mail. [email protected] Web. http://certification.pmgreece.gr

Hungary Project Management Profession Excellence Foundation (PMPEF)

Postal address: PO Box 212. Budapest, 1391, Hungary Office: Jászberényi út 24-36. VII/1. Budapest 1106, Hungary managing Director: Iván Herczeg Tel: +36 20-485-02-80 Email: [email protected]

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Country Name Address

Iceland Verkefnastjornunarfelag Islands – Certification Body (VSF-CB)

RARIK, Bildshofdi 9 IS-110 Reykjavík Tel. +00354 528 9141 Fax +00354 528 9009 Email [email protected]

India Project Management Associates (PMA)

A-48, Sector 5, Noida 201301, UP, India Tel. +91 120 2421757 / 2423550 Fax +91 120 2421484 / 2421482 Email: [email protected] ; [email protected] website: www.pma-india.org

Iran Iran Project Management Associationen (Iran PMA)

192 Motahari street, Tehran – Iran

Tel: + 98 21 88 84 84 90 – 1

Fax: + 98 21 88 84 84 89

Email: [email protected]

Internet: www.ipma.ir or www.iranpma.ir

Ireland PMI Ireland (Project Man-agement Institute-Ire) Ltd

25 Upper Mount Street Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 00-353-1 6614677 Email: [email protected] Internet www.projectmanagement.ie

Italy IPMA Italian Project Management Acadmy -Certificazione

Via E. Tazzoli, 6 20154 Milano, Italy Tel. +39 -02- 67100740 Fax +39- 02- 6-071785 Email: [email protected] Director of Certification : Valerio Nera Internet: www.ipma.it

Kazakhstan KPMA Certification

64-A, Iskanderov St., Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050059

Tel. +7 727 250 89 88

E-mail: [email protected]

Director – Galina Kuznetsova

Kuwait KBMCB Kuwait Society of Engineers Project Management Certification Body

P.O. Box 4047 Safat 13041 Kuwait Tel. 2449072 – 2420482 – 2448975 – 2428148 Fax: 2428148 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.kse.org.kw

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Country Name Address

Latvia Latvia-Cert A. Čaka iela 83/85 – B36 Riga, LV-1011, Latvia Tel: +371 7296317 Fax: +371 7296317 Email: [email protected] Homepage: www.lnpva.lv Manager of Certification Body: Daiga Aboltina

Netherlands Cito Postbus 1034 6801 MG ARNHEM Tel.: 026-3521061 Fax: 026-3521356 Email: [email protected] Web: www.ipma.nl

Norway Certification Body Norway Berghagan 5 NO-1405 LANGHUS, NORWAY Tel.: +47 64 88 97 50 Fax: +47 64 88 97 53 e-mail : [email protected]

Poland SPMP-Cert Seat: ul. Uphagena 27 PL - 80–237 Gdansk, Poland Office: al. Jerozolimskie 29/12 PL – 00-508 Warszawa, Poland Tel: +48 22 6222112 Fax: +48 22 6222110 Email: [email protected], [email protected] www: www.spmp.org.pl Director: Inga Klaus Deputy Director : Ewa Prochowska

Portugal Conselho Nacional de Certificação (CNC)

Conselho Nacional de Certificação Praça de Alvalade, 9 - 4.4 1700-037 LISBOA PORTUGAL Tel: +351 21 848 14 40 E-mail : [email protected] www.apogep.pt President: Maria do Rosário Bernardo

Romania Project Management România - CERT

Calea Dorobanti, nr. 15-17, sector 1,

RO-71131, BUCURESTI, România

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +40-21-3191991

Fax: +40-21-3191991

Russia SOVNET-CERT Suite 504, 7, Kibalchicha str., Moscow, 129366, RUSSIA Tel/Fax: + 007 495 682-62-73 Tel/Fax: + 007 495 683-78-80 Email: [email protected] Web: www.sovnet.ru Director: Dr. Galina I. Sekletova

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Country Name Address

Serbia YUPMA Cert Braće Nedića 3, for post Krfska 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Tel. +381 11 3837 577 Fax. +381 11 3837 577 Email [email protected]

Web: www.yupma.org.rs

Slovak Republic

SIPR - Slovenský inštitút projektového riadenia

Kollárova 34, Trnava Rudolf Takac, [email protected], www.sppr.sk

Slovenia IPMA SloCert Project Management Association of Slovenia, Stegne 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 51 383 193 Email: [email protected]

Web: www.zpm-si.com Director of certification: Igor Vrečko

South Africa


APMSA-Cert PO Box 68978, Bryanston 2021, South Africa Email : [email protected] Director of certification: Wessel Pieters

Spain Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO).

Organismo Certificador en Dirección de Proyectos (OCDP)

ETSII Dpto. de Proyectos Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) 46022 Valencia Tél: +34 96 387 91 72 Fax: +34 96 387 91 73 Email: [email protected] www.aeipro.com Chairman: Jesus Martinez Almela Director of Certification: Jesus Guillen Torres Secretary: Angela Paneque de la Torre

Sweden Svenskt Projektforum Box 3395 SE-103 68 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 8 720 00 10 Fax: +46 8 22 14 13 Email [email protected] www.projektledarcertifiering.com

Switzerland Verein zur Zertifizierung im Projektmanagement (VZPM)

Flughofstrasse 50 CH-8152 Glattbrugg Tel. +41 44 809 11 77 Fax +41 44 809 11 40 Email: [email protected] www.vzpm.ch

Taiwan TPMA Certification 12F, No. 529, Po-Ai Road, Feng-Sheng, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Tel: 886-7-7479681

Fax: 996-7-7434906

Email: [email protected]


Page 41: IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

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© 2009 International Project Management Association Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009

Country Name Address

Turkey PYK Certification (PYK/Cert)

Taskent Cad. No: 3/7 Besecvler Ankara, Turkey Tel. +(90312) 2220111 Fax. +(90312)2220102 Email: [email protected]


Ukraine UPMA Certification (UPMA/Cert)

Gorkogo 41-b Kiev, Ukraine, 03150 Tel. +(38044) 332 46 96 Fax. +(38044)2891846 Email: [email protected] www.upma.kiev.ua Director UPMA/Cert: Denis Kharitonov

United Kingdom

Association for Project Management (APM) Certification

Association for Project Management Ibis House, Regent Park, Summerleys Road, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 9LE, United Kingdom

Tel: 0044 (0)845 458 1944, Fax:0044 (0) 0845 458 8807, URL: www.apm.org.uk

Email: [email protected]

United States (asapm)

PMCert c/o PM Partners, Suite 14 114 Waltham Street Lexington, MA 02421 USA Email:[email protected]

Page 42: IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 International Project Management Association 42 Certification

Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009 © 2009 International Project Management Association

7 IPMA Validation

7.1 Certification Validation Management Board

Name Country Function

Sergey Bushuyev Ukraine

Laszlo Karas Hungaria Chairman

Hans Knoepfel Switzerland Chairman proxy

Brigitte Schaden Austria IPMA VP Certification

Werner Schmehr Germany

Hakan Sjöholm Sweden

Yan Xue China

7.2 List of Validations and Revalidations (R)

Country Year Lead Validator Second Validator

Azerbaijan 2008 Gilles Caupin Laszlo Karas

Croatia 2008 Sergey Bushuyev Gerrit Koch

Egypt (R) 2009 Gilles Caupin John Atkinson

Norway 2008 Brigitte Schaden Hakan Sjoholm

Portugal 2009 Per Frank Povlsen Klaus Pannenbäcker

Romania 2008 Gilles Caupin Hakan Sjoholm

Serbia 2008 Yan Xue Hans Knoepfel

Switzerland (R) 2009 Per Frank Povlsen Klaus Pannenbäcker

Page 43: IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

International Project Management Association IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 Certification 43

© 2009 International Project Management Association Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009

7.3 Certification System Panel in Copenhagen September 2008

Country Name Role

Austria Kuhnle, Arkad National Delegate

Azerbaijan Babayev, Igbal

Baghirov, Elgar

National Delegate

National Delegate

Brasil Kolotelo, Luciano National Delegate

China Xue, Yan National Delegate

CVMB Member

Croatia Delic, Davor National Delegate

Denmark Fangel, Morten

Krüger-Jensen, Allan

Sørensen, Michael Boe

National Delegate

National Delegate

National Delegate

Egypt Farahat, Hassan National Delegate

Finland Vaskimo, Jouko National Delegate

France, AFITEP Miny, Martine

Stojanovic, Aleksandra

National Delegate

National Delegate

France, SMaP Lebigot, Philippe National Delegate

Germany Dörrenberg, Florian

Schmehr, Werner

National Delegate

CVMB Member

Hungary Karas, Laszlo CVMB Chairman

Iceland Steinunn Huld Atladottir

Omar Imsland

National Delegate

National Delegate

India Agarwal, Arvind

Jain, Ruchira

National Delegate

National Delegate

Iran Alex Jalalian National Delegate

Ireland Naughton, Ed National Delegate

Italy Mori, Roberto

Nera, Valerio

National Delegate

National Delegate

Latvia Ilmete, Zaneta National Delegate

Netherlands Hesselman, Paul Verstrepen, John

National Delegate

National Delegate

Norway Heier, Knut National Delegate

Poland Prochowska, Ewa National Delegate

Portugal Ponces de Carvalho, Nuno

Bernardo, Maria do Rosário

National Delegate

National Delegate

Romania Bodea, Constanta National Delegate

Russia Voropaev, Vladimir

Polkovnikov, Aleksey

National Delegate

National Delegate

Serbia Jovanovic, Petar

Petrovic, Dejan

National Delegate

National Delegate

Slovakia Takac, Rudolf

Lukac, Eric

National Delegate

National Delegate

Spain Martinez-Almela, Jesus National Delegate

Sweden Ljungman, Anders

Sjoholm, Hakan

National Delegate

National Delegate

CVMB Member

Switzerland Knoepfel, Hans

Baumann, Daniel

CVMB Member

National Delegate

Taiwan, CN Manivong, Kitsana National Delegate

Turkey Elmas, Cetin National Delegate

Ukraine Bushuyev, Sergey National Delegate

United Kingdom Woodward, Graham National Delegate

United States Goff, Stacy National Delegate

Page 44: IPMA Certification Yearbook 2000 - AEIPRO · 2017-12-12 · IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 April 2009 Editors Werner Schmehr, Hans Knoepfel International Project Management Association

IPMA Certification Yearbook 2008 International Project Management Association 44 Certification

Version 1.00 / 07.04.2009 © 2009 International Project Management Association

International Project Management Association http://www.ipma.ch