IPL QUESTION 1: Information on the study “Academically Adrift” Question Claimed on April 22, 2011 Answer submitted on April 23 2011 Time Spent Answering Question: 2 hours Question 1: Needed by: no need by Question: I saw this study called Academically Adrift in a blog post here http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/trends-in-higher-education/academically-adrift-toward-learning/ about higher education. I want to know more about how the study was done and what the results were. name: XXXX from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] area: Education reason: I'm studying the future of colleges and Obama's initiative to increase degree attainments. school: Yes sources_consulted: I googled it, but I wasn't sure where to look for the information I want. Greetings from IPL2: I received your question regarding the study Academically Adrift, including the methods used and the results. I located the below articles on this study. 1) For my first source, I chose the article “Academically Adrift” on the website Inside Higher Education because it provides a detailed account of the study “Academically Adrift” that you were interested in. The home page for the website is: http://www.insidehighered.com/

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IPL QUESTION 1: Information on the study “Academically Adrift”

Question Claimed on April 22, 2011 Answer submitted on April 23 2011 Time Spent Answering Question: 2 hours

Question 1: Needed by: no need by Question: I saw this study called Academically Adrift in a blog post here http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/trends-in-higher-education/academically-adrift-toward-learning/ about higher education. I want to know more about how the study was done and what the results were. name: XXXX from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] area: Education reason: I'm studying the future of colleges and Obama's initiative to increase degree attainments. school: Yes sources_consulted: I googled it, but I wasn't sure where to look for the information I want.

Greetings from IPL2: I received your question regarding the study Academically Adrift, including the methods used and the results. I located the below articles on this study. 1) For my first source, I chose the article “Academically Adrift” on the website Inside Higher Education because it provides a detailed account of the study “Academically Adrift” that you were interested in. The home page for the website is: http://www.insidehighered.com/

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A direct link to the article is located at: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2011/01/18/study_finds_large_numbers_of_college_students_don_t_learn_much This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/67gpbzd Inside Higher Education is an online resource devoted to news, opinions and job information for all of higher education, founded by three professional executives with decades of experience in higher education journalism. The article was published on Jan 11, 2011. To locate this article, I entered “Inside Higher Education” into the IPL2 search bar. I clicked on the first link “Inside Higher Ed.” In the homepage for Inside Higher Education, I typed “Academically Adrift” into the search bar on the top right of the page. I scrolled down and clicked on the last listing “Academically Adrift.” 2) My second source is the website for the “Social Science Research Council.” The homepage is located at: www.ssrc.org Direct link to their listing for the study “Academically Adrift” is below: http://www.ssrc.org/publications/view/985FB16E-4023-E011-ADEF-001CC477EC84/ This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/3nnf424 I chose the website “Social Science Research Council” for my second source because this organization sponsored the study “Academically Adrift” and they are an independent nonprofit organization devoted to the advancement of social science research and scholarship. Their listing for the publication “Academically Adrift” provides information about the study, a direct link to the publisher’s website, to reviews on the book publication, and to purchasing information on the book. I located this website going to the Google website (you could also use the Google search bar on most browsers) and entering the search term “Social Science Research Council” including the quotation marks into the search bar. I then clicked on the first link “Home—Social Science Research Council.” On the homepage for the website, I clicked on the “Publications” tab at the top center of the page. Next to the “type” selection, I clicked on “book.” I then entered “Academically Adrift” into the title search bar and then clicked the submit button. One result appeared. I clicked on the result “Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses.”

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3) For my third source, I chose the listing from the University of Chicago Press, the publisher of the study you are interested in. The homepage link for the University of Chicago Press is below: http://www.press.uchicago.edu/index.html The direct link for the webpage is: http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/A/bo10327226.html This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/3qng2jh I chose the website “University of Chicago Press” for the third source because it provides information about the book and author, as well as other related books published by the University of Chicago Press. I located the website by entering “University of Chicago Press” into the Google search bar. I then clicked on the first link. On the homepage, I entered “Academically Adrift” into the search bar on the top right of the page. I clicked on the first result. 4) For the fourth source, I chose the faculty listing for Richard Arum on the Steinhardt School of Education at New York University. The homepage link is below: http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/ The direct link is below: http://steinhardt.nyu.edu/faculty_bios/view/Richard_Arum I decided to use the Steinhardt School of Education at New York University home page, because it lists contact information for the author of the study, Richard Arum. This would permit me to learn about the author and to contact him with any questions I might have on the study Academically Adrift. I located this website by entering the search term Steinhardt School of Education at New York University into the google search bar. I then clicked on the first result. On the homepage, I hovered my mouse pointer over the faculty tab and clicked on alphabetical list of faculty. I then scrolled down to find Richard Arum and clicked on his contact info. Thank you for consulting IPL2 for you question concerning the educational study Academically Adrift. Please contact us again for any future questions. Michael

Question 1 Feedback:

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Re: EDU: I saw this study called Academically Adrift in a blog post h (no need by) Post-A-Note message (only visible to IPL librarians) Sun, 24 Apr 2011 14:48:04

by Deepti Dutta ([email protected])

Hello Michael, Thank for providing some good resources for the study ‘Academically Adrift’. You cited the resources well providing reasons for choosing them and also a detailed description of how you found them. In addition to providing an article with the detailed account of the study you also provided resources for the patron to purchase the book and contact the author if she desired. While describing how you found your sources, you can start by including the URL for the search engine or the site you started your search on. For example for your first resource, you mentioned that you started by entering the keywords in the ipl2 search bar. It would be a good idea to provide the URL for ipl2 website here and mention that the resources compiled by ipl2 are verified for accuracy and credibility. Similarly, including the URL for Google (at least once) while describing your search strategy for the other resources will help user replicate your search if needed. The slide presentation in IPL2 Training manual at http://training.ipl.org/backroom/refvols/students/module1.html#search includes a few examples which you might find helpful. Overall, your response was professional and I am sure that the patron would find the resources you provided very helpful. Keep up the good work Deepti LOG For Question 1:

Sources consulted and strategies used:

I first reviewed the link for the article the user provided, searching for key terms and names that would be useful in searching for information. I located the name of the book, the author, and the type of study conducted. After searching for this, I entered some general search terms into the IPL2 website, such as higher education and future of education, as listed in the initial question reason. I did locate some sources, such as the Association of American Colleges and University’s website and the American Federation of Teacher’s website. But this proved unrelated and not useful to the study questioned about. Using prior knowledge of news sources for publishers on higher education, I tried entering the search term “Academically Adrift” into the Inside Higher Education website, and discovered an in-depth article on the study. After scanning this article, I located new information, including the name of the sponsoring organization, the name of the publisher, and the full name of the author and author’s university. Using this information, I entered a number of these terms into Google, and located the sponsor’s website, the publisher’s website, and the author’s faculty listing.

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Critique that indicates level of satisfaction with the answer provided:

The question posed for the study “Academically Adrift” concerned the methods of the study used, and the results. Most of the articles I located were brief and didn’t discuss this, which is what I figured would happen. I was fortunate in locating the one on Inside Higher Education, which focused not just on the results, but also on the methods used. I also chose to locate sources about the sponsoring organization, as this might lead me or the patron to further studies of this type. The last information I located was the contact information for the author. This would permit the patron to email the author for specific questions regarding the study. I feel this covered every basis and also provided for a source to seek answers to further questions about the study.

Anything that you would do differently in the future:

I might have chosen to use sources I had known about first next time I search for information, and I also wish I had considered the type-of-literature approach to this question first. Knowing that I should search reviews and news articles during this book’s release would have led me to the information faster, I believe, than searching for it by subject.

IPL Question 2: When and how the practice of separation of surface ownership and sub-surface (mineral rights) ownership first occurred Question Claimed on April 25, 2011 Answer Submitted on April 25, 2011 Time Spent Answering Question: 2 hours Question 2: Needed by: no need by Question: I know that many, if not most, states recognize that legally, ownership of surface land rights and sub-surface, or mineral rights can be (and often are) severed and sold separately. I would like to know when and how the practice of separation of surface ownership and sub-surface (mineral rights) ownership first occurred in this country and what was the driving force or rationale behind this practice. How did it become so widespread a practice when noone appears to know how it was begun?

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name: XXXX from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: Tuscaloosa, Alabama area: History reason: I'm working on a book and will use this information as important facts staging the current legal issues surrounding property rights in this country. school: No sources_consulted: I've searched repeatedly with google and put this question to many historians in the arena of land rights and ownership and found no definitive answer. Greetings from IPL2: I received your question regarding the history of the separation of land and mineral rights in the United States. I was able to locate four sources which together will answer your questions regarding the dates and circumstances of the separation of land and mineral rights. 1 For my first source, I chose an article called “Minerals & Mining Law” in the Findlaw.com. The homepage for the website is: http://www.findlaw.com The direct link to the article is below: http://library.findlaw.com/1999/Jan/1/241491.html I chose this article because it was written and published by Feriancek Jeanine, a lawyer who specializes in natural resources law. The article provides a summary and discussion of two laws affecting mineral ownership in the U.S., the Mining Law of 1872 and the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as well as related issues of mineral land ownership and purchase. I located this article by entering “Mineral Mining Laws in USA” into the Google search engine. The address for Google is: http://www.google.com I then clicked on the second result, “Minerals & Mining Law.” This linked to the article on Findlaw.com, a leading website for free legal information, providing links to articles, court cases and other law related topics. 2 For my second source, I chose the article “Historical Evolution and Future of Natural Resources Law and Policy: The Beginning of An Argument And Some Modest Predictions,” located on the University of Colorado’s website. The homepage for the University of Colorado is:

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http://www.colorado.edu The direct link to the article is located at: http://www.colorado.edu/law/nrlc/library/Publications/Summer%20Conference%20Materials/2007%20Conference%20Material/2007%20Conference%20Papers/Fairfax_Sally%20K.pdf This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/3oman8g I chose this source as my second source because it provides an overview of the development of land rights in the United States, from its conception to the present, and even into the future. The resource was written by three university professors whose expertise is in public resources and environmental policies regarding land management. I located my fourth source by entering “natural resource law history” into the Google search bar. I clicked on the second result, a link to a pdf file on the university of Colorado website. Alternately, I entered University of Colorado into the Google search bar and clicked on the first search result. I then entered the search term “natural resource law history” into the search bar on their homepage at the top right of the site. I then clicked on the sixth result. 3 For my third source, I chose the “U.S. Bureau of Land Management—Mining Laws” located on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s website. The homepage is located at: http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en.html The article is located at: http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/info/regulations/mining_claims.html I chose this article because it has a general listing of requirements for mineral rights and leasing to private individuals, as well as links to other resources, including a two part video chronicling the history of the land records and sales in the U.S. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management is a department of the U.S. government. Also of interest on this website is a series of videos titled “Fractured Land Patterns—History of BLM” on the history of the Bureau of Land Management. The direct link is located at: http://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/info/About_BLM/fractured_land_patterns.html This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/3cm6t4u I located these pages by entering “U.S. Bureau of Land Management—Mining Laws” into the Google search engine. I then clicked on the first result. To navigate to the video series, I clicked on the

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homepage link on the top right of the page. I then scrolled down to the bottom and clicked on the last link listed “Fractured Land Patterns, A Video History of the BLM.” 4 Four my fourth source, I chose a timeline on the Official Federal Land Records Site. The homepage for this site is located at: http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/ The direct link is located at: http://www.glorecords.blm.gov/reference/default.aspx#id=01_GLO_Records|02_Public_Lands_History This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/3tr2u5a I chose this site because it list the history of the federal land bureau, from the beginning of the US to 2006, and includes the major legislation passed that affected the sale of land, i the Mining Law of 1872, which separated mineral lands as a distinct class, as well as links to other related sources. To locate the site, I first typed “land right” into the IPL2 subject database. The homepage for IPL2 is located at: http://www.ipl.org/ The resources compiled by IPL2 are verified for accuracy and credibility. After entering the search term, I clicked on the fourth result, a listing for the Official Federal Land Records Site. I then clicked on the Reference Center at the top middle of the page, and then clicked on the Public Lands History link, the second link on the left set of the page. Thank you for consulting IPL2 for you question concerning the history of the separation of land and mineral rights in the United States. Please contact us again for any future questions. Michael

Question 2 Feedback:

: Re: BUS: HIS: I know that many if not most states recognize that legally (no need by) Post-A-Note message (only visible to IPL librarians) Tue, 26 Apr 2011 10:42:59

by michele marie gallagher ([email protected])

Hi Michael,

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Thank you for tackling this question. Just from reading your very comprehensive answer, I've learned a lot myself! In addition to providing the patron with 4 really terrific resources, I liked the way you explained your search process after each one and offset each resource with a number. In my opinion, this makes each resource easier to distinguish and comprehend. I have just a couple of suggestions: 1. Always be sure to double-check your spelling and grammar before posting your reply. This is a minor quibble, but in my experience it is helpful to compile your response in Word and do a careful proofing including spelling and grammar check. 2. I think you could have reversed the order of the resources. I tend to direct patrons to government sites first (when the question calls for it.) I also like to tout the wonders of the ipl2 as often as possible. I think that when we alert patrons to the type of resources that are available there right off the bat, they may be more likely to come back and take advantage of them. Overall, I think you did a wonderful job and I am sure this patron will make good use of your work while writing the book. Keep up the good work! Michele

Re: BUS: HIS: I know that many if not most states recognize that legally (no need by) Post-A-Note message (only visible to IPL librarians) Tue, 26 Apr 2011 10:44:30

by Matthew Ainslie ([email protected])

Hi Michael, You did quite well on this question. You were friendly, professional and informative. You included all six required elements and did them mostly in the required format. You explained how you found each source and why it was authoritative. All URLs were on a separate line and shortened versions of long URLs were provided. In your closing you thanked the asker and invited them to return. There was one substantive error. The one thing you should have done but did not on any of your four sources is to make clear whether the terms you searched for in each search engine or site were in quotation marks in the search text box, to force it to search for the words as an exact phrase. You put them in quotation marks in your response to the patron, like "Mineral Mining Laws in USA," but in the patron's answer quotation marks like that are often used merely to show which words were searched for, much the way you used them to denote the article titles. In the future, just put down something like (quotation marks not necessary) or (I searched for this in quotation marks so as to search for it as an exact phrase) right after your search terms so the patron will know what to do to get something close to the same results that you did.

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Just as a minor note, the name of the service should not be written in capitals-- ipl2 rather than IPL2-- and I noticed a couple of spelling errors: "Four my fourth source" should be "For my fourth source," and "for you question concerning" in your closing should be "for your question concerning." Spell-checkers are all well and good, but they don't catch everything, so proofreading is still necessary. Apart from that, though, you did quite well. Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Matthew Ainslie Reference Administrator LOG For Question 2:

Sources consulted and strategies used:

After rereading the question several times to ensure I understood it, I began the search by entering the terms “land right” into the IPL2 search bar. This gave me my first resource, the Official Federal Land Records Site. While the site didn’t prove to be the most complete resource I would locate, it did provide me with several useful terms, including the name of the first federal law regarding land right, the Mining Law of 1872. I also discovered the search term “mineral mining” which I then entered into the Google search engine. This gave me my second resource, an article by a lawyer with expertise in natural resources law. This new article provided in-depth discussion of the first major federal law addressing mineral rights and land rights separation, as well as providing several other key terms, including natural resources management as well as the name of the federal bureau that manages those federal issues, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Entering each of these terms in combination, first natural resources management, and U.S. Bureau of Land Management and Mining Laws respectively, I located my last two sources, one an in-depth article on natural resources management, from the past and into the future, as well as general information provided by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management.

Critique that indicates level of satisfaction with the answer provided:

In this case, locating the first resource on the IPL2 provided me with key terms quickly, and this allowed me to quickly locate several sources of some depth on my topic. Scanning the pages required more time because the resources I found weren’t designed as a bibliographical resource. Knowing the key terms and subject headings in this case might have been more helpful to me, as I was dealing with a subject I was not familiar with, nor was I familiar with the timeline I should be searching for initially. My answer covered the question asked in some depth, as well as providing links to other resources on the topic queried about.

Anything that you would do differently in the future:

Next time I am confronted with this type of question, I might have started with an almanac or other type index on laws in the U.S. first, trying search terms that way first. I might also have consulted Wikipedia once I located the federal law dealing with mineral and land rights.

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IPL QUESTION 3: Describe global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation.

Question Claimed on April 26, 2011 Answer Submitted on April 26, 2011 Time Spent Answering Question: 1 and ½ hours Question 3: Needed by: no need by Question: Describe global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation. What mechanisms produce high precipitations in the tropics, at temprature latitudes and what mechanisms produce low precipitation in the tropics name: momal from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: london area: Science reason: guidance school: No sources_consulted: wikipedia Greetings from ipl2: I received your question regarding global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation. The below articles discuss global patterns of weather, their causes, and the mechanics of how weather is created. 1) For my first source, I chose “Global Patterns of Precipitation” from The Physical Environment, an online version of a textbook by Dr. Michael Ritter, a geology professor at the University of Wisconsin. The homepage for this book is: http://www.uwsp.edu/geo/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/title_page.html This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/qykhq The direct link to this chapter is:

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http://www.uwsp.edu/geO/faculty/ritter/geog101/textbook/atmospheric_moisture/global_patterns_of_precipitation.html This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/6cctoj4 I chose this source because it provides a detailed explanation of how global weather patterns occur, and why the tropical zones experience more annual precipitation than temperate zones. To locate this source, I entered the search term “precipitation patterns” (the quotation marks were not included in the search) into the Google search bar. The web address for Google is: http://www.google.com I then clicked on the first result Global Patterns of Precipitation. 2) For my second source, I chose the book chapter “Changing Sun, Changing Climate,” from a book called The Discovery of Global Warming by Spencer Weart. The homepage for this website is: http://www.aip.org/history/climate/index.htm#contents The direct link to this chapter is: http://www.aip.org/history/climate/solar.htm I chose this chapter because it provides a detailed account of how changes in the sun and in greenhouse gases affect climate. The site is sponsored by the author, Dr. Spencer Weart, a noted historian with a specialty in the history of modern physics and geophysics. I located this source by entering the search term “global warming and precipitation” (quotation marks were not used in the search) into the ipl search bar. The ipl2 database can be located at: http://www.ipl.org/ The resources in the ipl2 database are verified for accuracy and credibility. After entering the search terms into the ipl search bar, I scrolled down and clicked on the last result The Discovery of Global Warming. I then scrolled down on the homepage and under the Contents/Site Map section, I clicked on the Changing Sun, Changing Climate link under the Influence on Climate section. 3) For my third source, I chose the website Jetstream, an online weather resource sponsored by the National Weather Service.

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The homepage for the National Weather Service is: http://www.nws.noaa.gov/ The homepage for Jetstream is: http://www.srh.weather.gov/jetstream/index.htm The direct page link is: http://www.srh.weather.gov/jetstream/global/global_intro.htm I chose this source because it is provided by a government agency, the National Weather Service. It provides an overview of the mechanics of weather and mechanisms for that weather, such as the jet stream and ocean currents, and provides an explanation for how these mechanisms are created or work. I located this source by entering “National Weather Service" (quotation marks were not included) into the ipl2 database. I clicked on the first result titled National Weather Service. I scrolled down the homepage of the National Weather Service and under the heading "Education/Outreach" (the heading was not in quotation marks) clicked on NOAA Education. I then scrolled down and clicked on Jetstream -- Learn about Weather Online. I then clicked on the fourth link on the left “Global Weather” (link is not in quotation marks). Thank you for consulting ipl2 for your question concerning global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation. Please contact us again for any future questions.

Question 3 Feedback:

Re: SCI: global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation (no need by) Post-A-Note message (only visible to IPL librarians) Tue, 26 Apr 2011 21:16:40

by Deepti Dutta ([email protected])

Hello Michael, You provided some very good resources for the patron trying to understand the mechanics of weather. The resources were well described and the search description was very good. You also provided reasons for recommending these resources. Your first resource described reasons for varying levels of precipitation in the tropics and temperate regions, answering part of the question. Your last resource explained the global circulation very well, and answered the other part of the patron’s request. My suggestion to you is to present your answer so that the patron knows which resource would answer his/her question. For example for the third resource you wrote that the resource provides “an overview of the mechanics of weather and mechanisms for that weather, such as the jet stream and ocean currents…”. Instead you could have

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directed the patron to a link on the left of this page called ‘Global Circulation’, as the patron had requested information “regarding global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation”. I am sure the patron will appreciate your efforts and the response you provided. Great job! Deepti LOG For Question 3:

Sources consulted and strategies used:

After rereading the question several times, I decided to try entering some terms from the actual question into the ipl2 database search. The terms “global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation” and variations on them produced many results, but nothing that was useful or directly related. I then decided to try terms I knew similar to the phrases from the question, such as precipitation and weather patterns. These did not produce many useful links in the ipl2 database, so I decided to try these terms in Google. Entering “precipitation patterns” into Google produced my first source, a link to an online text by a university professor. Not only did this link provide a good explanation to the causes of precipitation patterns, it also provided me with a clue to another source, the National Weather Service. Returning to the ipl2 database, I entered this term into their search and located the website for the National Weather Service. While their website did not provide me with the answer I was seeking, it did provide a link to a learning website they sponsored called Jetstream. This website provided detailed accounts of the causes and mechanisms of weather patterns around the global. Knowing what I do about mankind’s effects on weather, I decided then to enter the search terms “global warming and precipitation” into the ipl2 database, and discovered another book called The Discovery of Global Warming, discussing not only how greenhouse gases affect global warming, but also how changes in the sun affect natural weather patterns and precipitation.

Critique that indicates level of satisfaction with the answer provided:

While I was unable to locate any sources specific to low precipitation in tropical climates, I feel the sources I provided answered the question thoroughly, as well as provided links to information beyond the scope of the question. After receiving feedback from the previous question concerning quotation marks in my response, I clarified my use of them as merely indicating the phrase I used to search, but not as included in the actual search. I did recall the training specifying this, but it didn’t occur to me at the time the reason why it was important. I was led to the insight that the use of quotation marks bears a similarity with the terms “index” and “dictionary” in the library science field, holding two meanings, the one I am more familiar with as an indication of terms used, but also the less familiar function as similar to a Boolean search, excluding any material not including that exact phrase.

Anything that you would do differently in the future:

Overall, I am pleased with my response and believe it provided the user with adequate sources. However, after receiving feedback on this question, I do believe next time I will take better care in specifying which source answers which part of the question more clearly. While I took it for granted that the reader would know this from consulting the sources, I realized that this is also a part of providing good feedback in an email reference service.

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IPL QUESTION 4: compare and contrast elements of art and principle of organization of the woman with the parrot by gustave courbet and the birth of venus by alexandre cabanel.

Question Claimed on May 4, 2011 Answer Submitted on May 4, 2011 Time Spent Answering Question: 1 and ¼ hours Needed by: 4/30/2011 Question: compare and contrast elements of art and principle of organization of the woman with the parrot by gustave courbet and the birth of venus by alexandre cabanel name: XXXX from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: new jersey area: Humanities reason: for essau school: Yes sources_consulted: google, QandNJofg, school database Greetings from ipl2: I received your question regarding the elements of art and the principles of organization of the paintings “Woman with the Parrot” by Gustave Courbet and “The Birth of Venus” by Alexandre Cabanel. The most complete discussion of the works is the third source I included, while the first two provide background information on the art movements and painters themselves. 1) For my first source, I chose an article on Gustave Courbet on the website Webmuseum, an article located on the website “Art History Resources.” A direct link to the homepage is located at: http://arthistoryresources.net/ARTHLinks5.html A direct link to the article is located at: http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/courbet/

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I chose this article as my first source because it discusses the artist Gustave Courbet and his role in the Realism movement in Europe. The website is sponsored by Art History professor Dr. Christopher L.C.E. Witcombe. The resource also provides links to articles on the Realism movement. I located this source by entering the phrase “art styles” (quotation marks were not used) into the search bar on the ipl2 website. The website can be located at: http://www.ipl.org/ After entering the phrase, I clicked on the second result “Art History Resources on the Web” (quotation marks were not present on the result). I then scrolled down and clicked on the link for Gustave Courbet under the section for Realism. 2) For my second source, I chose an article called “Academic Art” on the website Visual Art Cork.com. A link to the homepage is located at: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/index.htm A direct link to the article is located at: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/history-of-art/academic-art.htm I chose this article for my second source because it discusses the Academic Art of the 19th century and explains the style associated with Academic Art. The website is sponsored by independent editors interested in providing articles on art history and art, and includes a review process for the articles included on the site. I located this source by entering the search phrase “academic art” (quotation marks were not used) into the Google search engine. Google can be found at the direct link: http://www.google.com I then clicked on the sixth result “Academic Art: History, Characteristics of Traditional Theory of ...” (quotation marks were not present in the result). 3) For my third source, I selected an academic essay titled “The Exploitation of Classicism: A visual Depiction of Male Dominance” written by Dr. David Frescas, a post-doctoral fellow at Rockefeller University. A direct link to the article is: http://davidfrescas.com/home/Venus.html I chose this source as my third source because, while directly relevant to your topic, it is not as authoritative as the other two sources. It directly addresses both paintings you cited, and discusses their relation to one another in the larger context of art movements during the time period. I located the article by first entering the phrase “woman with the parrot by gustave courbet and the birth of venus by alexandre cabanel” (quotation marks were not used) into the Google search engine. I then clicked on the first result titled “Venus” (the result was not in quotation marks).

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Thank you for consulting ipl2 for your question concerning the elements of art and the principles of organization of the paintings “Woman with the Parrot” by Gustave Courbet and the birth of “Venus” by Alexandre Cabanel. Please contact us again for any future questions. LOG For Question 4:

Sources consulted and strategies used:

For this question, I decided to first look for each individual artist, first in the ipl2 website and then in Google. In either place, the author’s names were less than useful in finding such articles. Mostly what I found were websites that contained the artwork itself, but not much else. Then I decided to try entering the name of each piece and the artist together, hoping this would provide a hit that was useful. In ipl2, this returned nothing worthwhile. However, in Google, this did return a good, if not the most authoritative, source, an essay that discussed both sources. While the author was not an expert in the field, he did write the piece for a course, and I deemed it important enough to include as a source, but not as the primary source. Scanning this source, I located various phrases I could use to search further. I then decided to try Wikipedia to see what they have, and they provided a wealth of information about the artists, but not much on the movements in relation to these artists, or on the particular pieces the patron requested. However, I did identify a new strategy, to search for art styles and for the type of artwork that the artists produced. I then tried the term “art style” into the ipl2 website and located my first choice of source, a source discussing the movement Gustave was involved with and his role in that movement. I had also, by this point, identified the phrase “academic art” which I then tried in both ipl2 and Google, with Google returning the best hit, an article on a website produced by experts in the field that discussed the term and its history, especially in relation to such artists as Alexandre Cabanel. Critique that indicates level of satisfaction with the answer provided:

Having located three sources I felt answered the question well, I composed my response. I feel my sources answered the question well, providing a discussion of both artists and the particular work asked for, as well as background information on the artists and their roles in history. Anything that you would do differently in the future:

However, if I would change anything, or if I could say I was not happy with anything in my reply, it would be that I did not have a source that discussed the two works in as authoritative a source as I would have liked. I would like to have consulted books in the field had I been given more time, and perhaps indexes that listed major studies on these art movements.

IPL QUESTION 5: What do adult Kangaroos do when danger is near?

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Question Claimed on May 4, 2011 Answer Submitted on May 4, 2011 Time Spent Answering Question: 1 and ½ hours Needed by: 5/7/2011 Question: What do adult Kangaroos do when danger is near? name: XXXX from: [email protected] confirm: [email protected] location: Big Rapids,MI,US area: Science reason: I am in 5th grade and am doing a research project on Kangaroos. school: Yes sources_consulted: I have used a book but it said nothing about it. Greetings from ipl2: I received your question on how kangaroos act when in danger. Kangaroos have few dangers or predators, and those include humans and dingoes. Dingoes are wild dogs in Australia. Adult kangaroos use their claws and feet to fight off dangers. 1) For my first source, I chose a web page on Kangaroos on the website “Kidcyber.” A link to the homepage can be found at: http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/animals.htm A link to the web page can be found at: http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/kanga.htm I chose this as my first source because it is written by a grade school teacher and a grade school librarian. The web page provides facts about kangaroos. I found this source by typing kangaroo into the Google search bar. Google can be found at: http://www.google.com I then scrolled down and clicked on the seventh link Kangaroos. 2) For my second source, I chose a web page on Red Kangaroo on the website “National Geographic.” A link to the homepage can be found at:

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http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/?source=NavAniHome A link to the web page can be found at: http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/red-kangaroo/ This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience. http://tinyurl.com/3zyvcur I chose this as my second source because it was written by a well-known and reliable magazine. The webpage provides basic facts about kangaroos. I found this source by typing kangaroo into the Google search bar. I then scrolled down and clicked on the fifth link Red Kangaroos, Red Kangaroo Pictures, Red Kangaroo Facts… Thank you for asking ipl2 about how kangaroos act when threatened. Please contact us again for any future questions. LOG For Question 5:

Sources consulted and strategies used:

For my last question, I decided to try a Ready Reference question, since I hadn’t answered one yet, and seeing that a youth submitted this question, I chose this one because I wanted to see how different it would be when considering age limits for my answers. This presented difficulties not experienced with the other four questions. Even though this was asking for straight factual answers about kangaroo behavior, locating appropriate material might be a difficulty, given the age range of a fifth grader. Again, as a first trial run, I entered the term “kangaroo” into the ipl2 database for kids, and what I found was disheartening. Only one source showed up in the results, and that one source was useless and unrelated. I then tried the more complex term marsupial, the family of the kangaroo, but nothing showed in the results. At this point, I decided to try Google instead, and the results were much better. By simple typing kangaroo into the Google search bar, numerous results came back, and it was then just a matter of locating age appropriate material. Using the guidelines provided by ipl2, I looked at several sites. I tried a few sources, kidplanet, giftlog.com, and Wikipedia, and found they provided good information, but the language and sentence structures seemed a bit too complex to me for a fifth grader. Two sources on the first page of the results, however, proved much more helpful. Kidcyber seemed the best hit, and as I learned, this was because of who created it, not only an educator with some knowledge of the topic, but a grade school teacher and grade school librarian. The information and language bore this out as the best source. The second source was national geographic, which was helpful and seemed age appropriate mostly. A line or two might have been a bit more complicated, but national geographic seemed to have been worded with younger viewers in mind, surprisingly. Neither source by itself seemed to answer the question in a direct manner or “what do adult kangaroos do when in danger” but rather indirectly. One stated they have few natural predators, including human beings and dingoes, while the other indicated that they defended their young with their claws and feet.

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Critique that indicates level of satisfaction with the answer provided:

Overall, I was satisfied with my answer and feel together they provided the information that was being asked for. The National Geographic might have been not quite perfect as far as the language level on every sentence, but I feel it was the best of the sources I consulted.

Anything that you would do differently in the future:

I don’t believe I would do anything different in this case, unless it was to consult specific resources at a local library for age appropriate material, rather than ipl2 or Google. Given the time constraints and my own work schedule, I didn’t have time to travel to the library, and I hate to admit, I chose Google as much for convenience as because it could provide good answers. One weakness on m y own researching skills right now is a lack of use in consulting multiple resources. Often I found myself using ipl2 or Google exclusively, rather than consulting other sources. Much like the patrons I will be serving, I found myself opting for convenience over depth of coverage, and as a librarian, I believe this is one area I vastly need to improve on.


My overall experience with email reference was a positive one. While it was not the same as would have occurred in person or via live chat, it gave me a glimpse into the life of a librarian as a reference resource for library patrons. With each question I answered, I learned something new, whether this was from the feedback given by the ipl staff or by the nature of the question I was answering. I also specifically sought questions different from the fields I am familiar with, and the different types of questions, both fact related and research related, gave me some ideas about how to search reference sources, and also upon reflection, how to apply theory and techniques discussed throughout our class. First, because this was email reference, the time lapse between the question and my answer was extended beyond what it would be in person or via live chat. This permitted me to reflect on the question, and to consider what terms and strategies I would use for my response. This time would not be permissible under less time constraints, where one has to think on his or her feet. However, in person especially, the cues I had to surmise in email would have been more easily attained in person, or even via live chat. This teaches me that in order to be effective as a librarian, one has to be familiar with the various types of resources available. I am especially reminded of the article we read that focused on types of literature over the traditional approach. I can see that, even if I didn’t know the answer, knowing what kind of literature to consult would have made my life much easier, not only in email reference, but also in person or via live chat. In the future, I can see email reference becoming popular for those users who don’t like to visit a library in person, and perhaps don’t have time to sit via live chat (or prefer not to). Perhaps this is my own perspective, since I do not care for chatting online in general. Live chat does take time, even if it’s not much time. If a person needs an answer but doesn’t have a need by date, email might be the preferred approach rather than live chat, while a deadline might make live chat preferable because

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results are much easier to see and to know right away, as opposed to not knowing when a response will come back. That being said, email reference might also serve a purpose for more general questions regarding research that are not answered via an FAQ section. I could also see the responses to such question via email being used to help edit or create new wikis for the library, to make those wikis more effective and relevant to what is going on at a particular library. As I reflect back on this project, I am conscious of several things I have learned from it. First, I learned about the role fatigue or time constraints can have on a response. I pride myself on my grammar and my attention to detail, and yet on a number of occasions, I noticed that fatigue from my job as a professor as well as time constraints led me to commit errors that I find unacceptable. When I compare this response in myself to a negative closure experience I had at a library on the phone near closing time of the library, I am led to conclude that we are human, but that in spite of such time constraints or fatigue, we need to make a more concerted effort to be error free, whether that is in our manner of speaking and completeness of a response on the phone, or in ridding our response of errors or differentiating in areas that in person would be indicated by tone of voice or body language. I also learned my own tendency towards convenience in searching for answers. This was a bit unsettling. I always pride myself on being complete and thorough in everything I do, and yet, as I look back on my responses and see that I consulted only ipl and Google, I am shocked that I chose both search options for poor reasons, the former because it was required on the site and the latter because it was convenient and familiar. And I see that this is what patrons often do when searching, choosing convenience and familiarity over thoroughness and depth. As a librarian, I cannot allow myself to fall into this way of searching. Looking to the future, I believe this project has helped me take a step towards becoming a more efficient researcher and librarian, as well as helping me to see how the theory we have studied over the quarter applies in real world situations. Even though I’m not sure I see myself working as an online reference librarian, the project did awaken a new interest in digital work in the library field, especially when combined with the wiki project and the patron-focused theories we read. This isn’t to say that the traditional databases and methods are ineffective, but going forward, I am excited by the potential to create a true digital library, one that takes into account the habits and methods of patrons, and that creates a sense of community online in a digital ivory tower, or better yet, a digital monastery. I use monastery here because of what I can easily see happening in the library world: an active and alive community centered around the pursuit of knowledge, except that this community is created entirely online, using various methods and tools already discussed, or perhaps some not even envisioned yet. Such a digital world that makes searching for information easier and more similar to the methods patrons are already familiar with, but that has the efficiency of the traditional system makes my becoming a librarian in such a time truly exciting and a joy in my life.

I certify that:

This paper/project/exam is entirely my own work.

· I have not quoted the words of any other person from a printed source or a website without indicating what has been quoted and providing an appropriate citation.

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· I have not submitted this paper / project to satisfy the requirements of any other course.

Signature Michael Fetters Date June 3, 2011