Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august

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Page 1: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august

AUG 3 i 1962

jou-rwaia oi standards

t Library, N.W. Bldg







Page 2: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august
Page 3: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august



Issued 22 Aus? 19A? >ART A




Ionospheric Data (revised text) . ii

Table of Smoothed Observed Zurich Sunspot Numbers . ... iii

World-Wide Sources of Ionospheric Data . iv

Tabulations of Electron Density Data -- Special Notice follows p. v.

Tables of Ionospheric Data. 1

Graphs of Ionospheric Data. 26

Index of Tables and Graphs of Ionospheric Data in CRPL-F216 (Part A). 51

Page 4: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august

i i


The CRPL-F series bulletins are issued as part of the responsibility of the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory for the exchange and dissem¬ ination of ionospheric and related geophysical data. While originally a by-product of the collection of data by the CRPL for use in radio propa¬ gation studies, the CRPL-F series bulletins, Part A, "Ionospheric Data," and Part B, "Solar-Geophysical Data," have provided useful service by col¬ lecting and making available a wide variety of data in convenient form for use in research, not only on radio propagation and the ionosphere, but also on a wide variety of geophysical problems. Beginning with CRPL-F 211, Part A, "Ionospheric Data," a number of changes have been made in the tables of ionospheric data which, by providing more information, should increase their usefulness.

The current form of the tables of ionospheric data provides the monthly medians and, in addition, the number of values entering into median determination (count) for all ionospheric characteristics listed. Also, the upper and lower quartile values, indicated by UQ and LQ in the tables, are listed for foF2, h’F2, h'F, and (M3000)F2. Quartile values are not listed for the other characteristics because of space limitations. The tables are prepared by IBM machine methods, which, by improving the speed and ef¬ ficiency of preparation, permit earlier publication of the data.

Graphs of critical frequencies and (M3Q00)F2 will continue to appear. Graphs of percentage of time of occurrence for fEs and virtual heights of the regular ionospheric layers are no longer included. This change was necessary to provide space for the enlarged tables. Data on percentage of time of occurrence of fEs above 3, 5, and 7 Me are still available from the CRPL and the IGY World Data Center A for Airgiow and Ionosphere.

For many years, the tables of ionospheric data appearing in the F- series, Part A, listed values of medians recomputed at CRPL. While this practice enforced a certain uniformity, it was subject to some valid criti¬ cism for tampering with original data. The tables and graphs now show the ionospheric data just as they are provided by the originating laboratory. Responsibility for the accuracy and reliability of the data now rests en¬ tirely with the originator.

Gaps in the tables when data normally might be expected indicate the data were not provided by the originator. Following the recommendation of the World-Wide Soundings Committee, only values of median foEs are listed. In the few cases where fEs is still reported instead of foEs, the data will not be printed. Data will appear in the F-series, Part A, only when the complete daily-hourly tabulations have been received by the CRPL or the IGY World Data Center A for Airgiow and Ionosphere.

Page 5: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


Information on symbols, terminology, and conventions may be found

in the "URSI Handbook, of Ionogram Interpretation and Reduction, of the

World-Wide Soundings Committee," edited by W. R. Piggott and K, Rawer

(Elsevier, 1961), which supersedes previous documents. A list of symbols

is available from CRPL on request.

The following table contains the latest available information on

smoothed observed Zurich sunspot numbers, beginning with the minimum of

April 1954. Final numbers are listed through June 1961, the succeeding

values being based on provisional data.

Smoothed Observed Zurich Sunspot Number

Month Jan. Feb . Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

1954 3 4 4 5 7 8 8 9 12

1955 14 16 19 23 29 35 40 46 55 64 73 81

1956 89 98 109 119 127 137 146 150 151 156 160 164

1957 170 172 174 181 186 188 191 194 197 200 201 200

1958 199 201 201 197 191 187 185 185 184 182 181 180

1959 179 177 174 169 165 161 156 151 146 141 137 132

1960 129 125 122 120 117 114 109 102 98 93 88 34

1961 80 75 69 64 60 56 53 52 52 51 50 48

1962 44

Units of Ionospheric Data Tables

foF2, foEs - - - Tenths of a megacycle

foFl, FoE - - - Hundredths of a megacycle

h'F2, h'F, h'E - Kilometers

(M3000)F2 - - - Hundredths

NOTE: Occasionally, when the median falls between two of the observed

values, the median is carried an extra decimal place beyond these units.

Those cases are easily identifiable by the extra digit appearing to the

right of the number, in a column usually left blank.

MED - Median

CNT - Count

UQ - Upper Quartile

LQ - Lower Quartile

Page 6: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august



The ionospheric data given here in tables 1 to 100 and figures 1 to 100

were assembled by the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory for analysis and

correlation, incidental to CRPL prediction of radio propagation conditions.

The data are median values unless otherwise indicated. The following are

the sources of the data in this issue:

Republica Argentina, Ministerio de Marina:

Trelew, Argentina

Tucuman, Argentina

Commonwealth of Australia, Ionospheric Prediction Service of the

Commonwealth Observatory:

Canberra, Australia

Belgian Royal Meteorological Institute:

Dourbes, Belgium

Escola Politecnica, University of Sao Paulo:

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Defence Research Board, Canada:

Clyde, Baffin I.

Eureka, Canada

Frobisher Bay, Canada

Meanook, Canada

Ottawa, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Radio Wave Research Laboratories, National Taiwan University, Taipeh,

Formosa, China:

Formosa, China

Danish National Committee of URSI:

Godhavn, Greenland

Narssarssuaq, Greenland

French National Center for Telecommunications Studies:

Casablanca, Morocco

Dakar, French West Africa

Djibouti, French Somaliland

Poitiers, France

Tamanrasset, French West Africa

Tananarive, Madagascar

Terre Adelie

Heinrich Hertz Institute, German Academy of Sciences, Berlin:

Juliusruh/Rugen, Germany

Page 7: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute:

De Bilt, Holland

Icelandic Post and Telegraph Administration:

Reykjavik, Iceland

Manila Observatory:

Baguio, P. I.

South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research:

Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia (University College of Rhodesia and


Research Institute of National Defence, Stockholm, Sweden:

Lycksele, Sweden

United States Army Signal Corps:

Adak, Alaska

Grand Bahama I.

White Sands, New Mexico

National Bureau of Standards (Central Radio Propagation Laboratory):

Anchorage, Alaska

Boulder, Colorado

Byrd Station, Antarctica

Fairbanks (College) , Alaska (Geophysical Institute of the

University of Alaska)

Maui, Hawaii

Point Barrow, Alaska

Pole Station, Antarctica

Page 8: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


Termination of Hourly Electron Density Profile Tabulations

Hourly N(h) profiles for the Puerto Rico station have been pub¬

lished in the CRPL-F Reports, Part A, since May 1959, starting with

the data for February 1959. This program terminated with the pub¬

lication in CRPL-F215 of the data for March 1962. It is believed

that this program has satisfied the objective of making available a

large volume of profiles produced by methods of conventional ac¬

curacy. However, in anticipation of the increasing precision

required by modern applications, we intend to concentrate further

work on the calculation of more accurate profiles, inevitably in

smaller volume.

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Page 10: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


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Page 11: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august




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Page 12: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august









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8 5552



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Page 13: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


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£ ^gSSg PP XP S£

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0 22


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6 8883 1~8£ £*2£ SS 5 „PP -■ aa

8 £282 £28£ £"££ S3 i 1 g Jsas


1 e


|S I



£ '■c '■= 5 £ .2 '•= - £ £


Page 15: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august



5 s qS-PS „rgs =8"s§ 82 I ? a =s-?j r-°A =g"SS SE

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Page 16: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


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Page 21: Ionospheric Data · 2017. 11. 30. · aug 3 i 1962 . jou-rwaia oi standards . t library, n.w. bldg . crpl-f. 216. part a . for official use . part a . ionospheric data issued . august


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00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00

00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00


_64. I°N , 2I.8°W_NOVEMBER I960 CL. N0S 503

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36 i

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00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 1 6 18 20 22 00 400 1 40

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00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00


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23,4°W OCTOBER 1958

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NBS 503

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00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00


43.2°S , 65.3° W MAY 1958

Fig. 62. TUCUMAN, ARGENTINA 2 6.9°S , 6 5.4° W MARCH 1958


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00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 00

Fig. 76. POITIERS , FRANCE 46.6°N , 0.3°E APRIL 1957

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33 6°N , 7.6°W MARCH 1957


22.8° N , 5.5° E


MARCH 1957

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MBS 503


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Index of Tables and Graphs of Ionospheric Data in CRPL-F216 (Part A)

Table page F

Adak, Alaska May 1961. 2 April 1961. 3

Anchorage, Alaska June 1961. .. 1 April 1961. 2 March 1961. 3 June 1960. 5

Baguio, P. I. June 1960. 6

Boulder, Colorado May 1961. 2 March 1961. 3

Byrd Station June 1960. 6 May 1960 .. 6

Canberra, Australia December 1958. 10 November 1958. .. 12

Casablanca, Morocco June 1957 . 17 May 195 7 . 18 April 1957 . 20 March 1957 . 21 February 1957 . 23 January 1957 . 24

Clyde, Baffin I. October 1958 . 12 August 1958. 14 July 1958 . 15 January 1958 . 16

Dakar, French W. Africa June 1957 . 17 May 1957 . 19 April 1957 . 20 March 1957 . .. 22 February 1957. 23 January 1957 . 25

De Bi'lt, Holland July 1959.. 10

Djibouti, French Somaliland June 1957 . 18 May 1957 . 19 April 1957 . 20 March 1957 . 22 February 1957. 23 January 1957 . 25

igure page

27 28

26 27 28 30


27 28

31 31

35 37

42 43 45 46 48 49

37 39 40 41

42 44 45 47 48 50


43 44 45 47 48 50

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Index (CRPL-F216 (Part A), continued)

Dourbes, Belgium

October 1958 . . .

August 1958. . . .

February 1958. . .

Eureka, Canada

October 1958 . . .

Fairbanks, Alaska

July 1961.

June 1961.

May 1961 .....

April 1961 ....

June 1960.

Formosa, China

November 1959. . .

October 1959 . . .

Frobisher Bay, Canada

November 1958. . .

October 1958 . . .

July 1958.

Godhavn, Greenland

March 1961 ....

June I960.

Grand Bahama I.

June 1960.

Juliusruh/Rugen, Germany

November 1959. . .

October 1959 . . .

November 1958. . .

Lyc'ksele , Sweden

November 1959. . .

Maui, Hawaii

June 1960.

Meanook, Canada

November 1958. . .

October 1958 . . .

Narssarssuaq, Greenland

June 1960, ....

March 1960 ....

Ottawa, Canada

"November 1959. . .

August 1959. . . .

July 1959.

Point Barrow, Alaska

June 1960.

Table page Figure page

13 38

15 40

16 41

12 37

1 26

1 26

1 26

2 27

4 29

9 34

9 34

11 36

13 38

15 40

3 28

4 29

5 30

8 33

9 34

11 36

8 33

6 31

11 36

13 38

5 30

8 33

8 33

9 34

10 35

4 29

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Index (CRPL-F216 (Part A), concluded)

Poitiers, France June 1957 . May 1957 . April 1957 . March 1957 . February 1957. January 1957 ..

Pole Station May 1960 . April 1960 . .

Reykjavik, Iceland November 1960. April 1960 . March 1960 .

Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia October 1958 .

Sao Paulo, Brazil December 1958. November 1958 . October 1958 . September 1958 .

Tamanrasset,- French W. Africa April 1957 . March 1957 . February 1957 . January 1957 .

Tananarive, Madagascar June 1957. May 1957 . April 1957 ....... March 1957 . February 1957 . January 1957 .

Terre Adelie January 1957 .

Trelew, Argentina May 1958 .

Tucuman, Argentina March 1958 . 'January 1958 .

Victoria, Canada November 1958 . October 1958 . August 1958 .

White Sands, New Mexico June 1960.

Table page Figure page

17 42 18 43 19 44 21 46 22 47 24 49

7 32 7 32

4 29 7 32 7 32

14 39

10 35 12 37 14 39 14 39

20 45 21 46 23 48 24 49

18 43 19 44 21 46 22 47 24 49 25 50

25 50

16 41

16 41 17 42

11 36 13 38 15 40

5 30

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CRPL Reports

[A detailed list of CRPL publications is available from the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory upon request]

Daily: Radio disturbance forecasts, every half hour from broadcast stations WWV and WWVH of the National

Bureau of Standards. Telephoned and telegraphed reports of ionospheric, solar, geomagnetic, and radio propagation data.

Weekly: CRPL—J. North Atlantic Radio Propagation Forecast. CRPL—Jp. North Pacific Radio Propagation Forecast.

Semimonthly: CRPL—Ja.

Monthly : CRPL—D.


Semimonthly Frequency Revision Factors For CRPL Basic Radio Propagation Prediction Reports.

Basic Radio Propagation Predictions—Three months in advance. (Dept, of the Army, TB 11— 499—, monthly supplements to TM 11—499; Dept, of the Air Force, TO 31—3—28 series). On sale by Superintendent of Documents. Members of the Armed Forces should address cognizant military office.

(Part A). Ionospheric Data. (Part B). Solar-Geophysical Data.

Limited distribution. These publications are in general disseminated only to those individuals or scientific organizations which collaborate in the exchange of iono¬ spheric, solar, geomagnetic, or other radio propagation data.

Catalog of Data: A catalog of records and data on file at the U. S. IGY World Data Center A for Airglow and Ionosphere, Boulder Laboratories, National Bureau of Standards, which includes a fee schedule to cover the cost of sup¬ plying copies, is available upon request.

The publications listed above may be obtained without charge from the Central Radio Propagation Laboratory, National Bureau of Standards, Boulder Laboratories, Boulder, Colorado, unless otherwise indicated. Please note that the F series is not generally available.

Circulars of the National Bureau of Standards pertaining to Radio Sky Wave Transmission: NBS Circular 462. Ionospheric Radio Propagation. $1.25.

Instructions for the Use of Basic Radio Propagation Predictions. 30 cents. Worldwide Radio Noise Levels Expected in the Frequency Band 10 Kilocycles to 100

megacycles. 30 cents. Worldwide Occurrence of Sporadic E. $3.25.

These Circulars are on sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Members of the Armed Forces should address the respective military office having cognizance of radio wave propagation.

Selected Technical Notes of the National Bureau of Standards:

NBS Circular 465. NBS Circular 557.

NBS Circular 582.

NBS Tech. Note 2.

NBS Tech. Note 13.

NBS Tech. Note 18. 18-2. 18-3. 18-4.

NBS Tech. Note 31. NBS Tech. Note 40-1.

40-2. NBS Tech. Note 117.

PB151361. World Maps of F2 Critical Frequencies and Maximum Usable Frequency Factors. $3.50. PB151361-2. $3.50.

PB151372. Technical Considerations Leading to an Optimum Allocation of Radio Frequencies in the Band 25 to 60 Me. $2.50.

PB151377. Radio Noise Data for the IGY. $2.50. PB151377-2. Quarterly Radio Noise Data (Mar.-May 1959). $1.00. PB151377-3. (June-Aug. 1959). $1.00. PB151377-4, etc. (Sept.-Nov. 1959). $1.50. PB151390. An Atlas of Oblique-Incidence Ionograms. $2.25. PB151399-1. Mean Electron Density Variations of the Quiet Ionosphere, 1: March

1959 $125 PB151399-2, etc. 2: April 1959. $1.25. PB161618. Variations in Frequency of Occurrence of Sporadic E, 1949—1959. $0.75. These Technical Notes are on sale by the Office of Technical Services, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Order by PB number.

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