EXTERNAL SITUATION REPORT 7-18 March 2015 IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis OVERVIEW There are currently 1.5 million people displaced in South Sudan, with over 500,000 people having fled to neighbouring Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. Over 112,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are sheltering within UNMISS Protecon of Civilian (PoC) sites across the country, predominantly in Benu and the three Juba PoC sites. Some 2.5 million people are now facing crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity and the outlook for 2015 is dire. Since the beginning of the conflict, 514,384 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia (197,228), Uganda (145,000), Sudan (126,814) and Kenya (45,342). (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 13 March 2015). IOM RESPONSE TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE ETHIOPIA: During this reporting period, UNHCR in collaboration with IOM began relocating more than 50,000 South Sudanese refugees from flood-prone areas of western Ethiopia ahead of the rainy season in late April. The refugees are being moved from the Leitchuor and Nip Nip refugee camps in the Gambella region to Pugnido Refugee Camp. In August 2014, both camps were severely hit by floodwaters during unusually heavy seasonal rains, which caused the Baro River to burst its banks. The first group of 377 refugees left in a convoy of 11 vehicles with a security escort on 16 March. KENYA: During this reporting period, IOM transported 89 refugees from the Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee Camp. The majority of the arriving refugees are from Eastern Equatorial and Unity states. Refugees from Unity reported heavy fighting in the area. Since the onset of the crisis, IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 23,968 refugees. SHELTER AND NON-FOOD ITEMS (NFIs) SOUTH SUDAN: To date, 5,794 Metric Tonnes have been transported across the country by IOM, of which 93 per cent through the Shelter-NFI Cluster. Delivery of shelter materials to Bentiu and Malakal is underway. Meanwhile, dispatching of shelter materials for new shelters to POC 3 is ongoing . Additionally, the prepositioning of NFIs in Rumbek, Maban, Malakal, and Melut is complete and preposition of shelter materials in Malakal is ongoing. Since the beginning of the crisis, over 67,474 households have been supported with NFIs, of which 703 households have received. 1 South Sudan: IOM provides UNICEF with five submersible pumps through the NFI Core Pipeline. HIGHLIGHTS Kenya: During this reporng period, IOM has provided transportaon assistance to a total of 89 refugees. Ethiopia: IOM in collaboraon with UNHCR begin relocang over 50,000 refugees from Leitchuor and Nip Nip refugee camps to Pugnido and Jewi Refugee Camp. Refugees load their luggage at the Nadapal border point. © IOM 2015 (Photo: IOM Kenya)

IOM #SouthSudan Crisis Regional Response (7 - 18 March 2015)

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This report presents an update on the South Sudan Crisis and provides details of IOM's humanitarian response in affected areas.

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IOM Regional Response to South Sudan Crisis

OVERVIEW There are currently 1.5 million people displaced in South Sudan, with over 500,000 people having fled to neighbouring Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Sudan. Over 112,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are sheltering within UNMISS Protection of Civilian (PoC) sites across the country, predominantly in Bentiu and the three Juba PoC sites. Some 2.5 million people are now facing crisis or emergency levels of food insecurity and the outlook for 2015 is dire. Since the beginning of the conflict, 514,384 South Sudanese refugees have crossed into Ethiopia (197,228), Uganda (145,000), Sudan (126,814) and Kenya (45,342). (Source: UNHCR Sitrep, 13 March 2015).

IOM RESPONSE TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE ETHIOPIA: During this reporting period, UNHCR in collaboration with IOM began relocating more than 50,000 South Sudanese refugees from flood-prone areas of western Ethiopia ahead of the rainy season in late April. The refugees are being moved from the Leitchuor and Nip Nip refugee camps in the Gambella region to Pugnido Refugee Camp. In August 2014, both camps were severely hit by floodwaters during unusually heavy seasonal rains, which caused the Baro River to burst its banks. The first group of 377 refugees left in a convoy of 11 vehicles with a security escort on 16 March. KENYA: During this reporting period, IOM transported 89 refugees from the Nadapal border point to Kakuma Refugee Camp. The majority of the arriving refugees are from Eastern

Equatorial and Unity states. Refugees from Unity reported heavy fighting in the area. Since the onset of the crisis, IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 23,968 refugees. SHELTER AND NON-FOOD ITEMS (NFIs) SOUTH SUDAN: To date, 5,794 Metric Tonnes have been transported across the country by IOM, of which 93 per cent through the Shelter-NFI Cluster. Delivery of shelter materials to Bentiu and Malakal is underway. Meanwhile, dispatching of shelter materials for new shelters to POC 3 is ongoing . Additionally, the prepositioning of NFIs in Rumbek, Maban, Malakal, and Melut is complete and preposition of shelter materials in Malakal is ongoing. Since the beginning of the crisis, over 67,474 households have been supported with NFIs, of which 703 households have received.


South Sudan: IOM provides UNICEF with five submersible pumps through the NFI Core Pipeline.


Kenya: During this reporting period, IOM has provided transportation assistance to a total of 89 refugees.

Ethiopia: IOM in collaboration with UNHCR begin relocating over 50,000 refugees from Leitchuor and Nip Nip refugee camps to Pugnido and Jewi Refugee Camp.

Refugees load their luggage at the Nadapal border point. © IOM 2015 (Photo: IOM Kenya)


CAMP COORDINATION AND CAMP MANAGEMENT (CCCM) A high level donor mission visited Malakal PoC site from 16 and 17 March. The delegation from Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), the Department for International Development (DFID) and ECHO visited the Malakal PoC, Malakal town and travelled by boat to Wau Shilluk. They monitored activities and held several discussions with humanitarian staff on the ground including IOM. Meanwhile, the site expansion of the Malakal PoC continues. IDPs have not moved into the new section of the PoC though activities are on track for the move to be completed ahead of the rainy season in April. IOM is also leading with efforts to expand the PoC in Bentiu. WATER SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH) SOUTH SUDAN: Water trucking using an IOM tractor with 4,300 litres is ongoing in Block B, while water trucking using a commercial truck with a tank of 4,000 litres is ongoing in Block A, Malakal Teaching Hospital. Water delivery to Malakal inpatient maternity unit which commenced at the beginning of March continues. School children in Malakal Town were supplied with water for the week to support them while sitting for their examinations. All IDP’s in Melut are receiving clean treated water through the new water supply pipeline and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) system. Average consumption was 12.4 litres per day. IOM is ready to supply more if demand increases. Meanwhile, IOM has provided UNICEF with five submersible pumps through the Core Pipeline and also shared the water

supply network design and recommendations for the new site development with UNICEF Bentiu. HEALTH SOUTH SUDAN: Between 7 and 18 March, In Malakal, 139 children were vaccinated under the routine Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). All required vaccines are available to include adequate coverage. Ten sessions on health promotion reached 680 beneficiaries at the clinic and 752 households were visited resulting in 2,138 individuals being assisted. In the Reproductive Health Unit, 66 IDP women attended antenatal services and 22 pregnant women were provided ante-natal services via the health outreach programme. Four babies were delivered and 15 IDP women attended family planning sessions. In Bentiu, 445 patients were provided with health services and vaccinated while 1,565 attended the health promotion sessions. 83 patients attended antenatal services, and 13 babies were delivered. As a part of the new PoC extension, the construction of health facilities in Sector 3 is being prepared by partners. As an implementing partner, IOM is waiting for the final draft of the necessary improvement in the Health facility of IRC and CARE. The table below shows areas and services provided by the Reproductive Health Unit, during this reporting period.


IOM Preparedness and Response Division | [email protected]

Regional Emergency and Post-Crisis Unit | DANILA Bogdan Silviu | [email protected]

Services provided by the Reproductive Health Unit

Malakal Bentiu

Ante-natal services 66 83

Post- natal services 4 15

Baby deliveries 4 13