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  • 7/25/2019 Involuntary Weight Loss.pptx



    WEIGHT LOSSan approach to diagnosis

    Gatot Sugiharto, MD, Internist

    Internal Medicine Department

    Faculty of Medicine, Wijaya Kusuma UniversitySuraaya


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    Involuntary !eight loss is a challengingprolem

    "his has serious health implications, !ith

    the ris# of patient moridity andmortality

    "he #ey to the diagnosis of involuntary

    !eght loss is a careful and completehistory and physical e$amination%

    "he approach egins roadly and then&uic#ly focuses on speci'cs derived from

    the initial evaluation%


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    Signi'cant !eight loss( loss of )*

    ody !eight in + days, -%)* in .days, or /* in /0 days

    Severe !eight loss( loss of more than

    )* ody !eight in + days, morethan -%)* in . days, or more than/* in /0 days%


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    Initia% E&a%uation'1(

    A. Quantify loss.2 loss of )* of the aselineody !eight 3not ideal ody !eight4 issigni'cant

    1.5an the !eight loss e veri'ed6 Serialmeasurements are est, ut other mar#ers includenumerical estimates and changes in clothing or eltsi7e%

    2.Up to 8)* of cases !ith documented !eight loss

    and thorough evaluation, no cause is ever found3.Is there a physical cause6 9ne:third of cases !ill

    e caused y depression, dementia, or socialfactors


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    B. Categories of weight loss can e divided intofour major categories( d!cr!as!d inta*!+incr!as!d nutri!nt %oss+ incr!as!d ,!ta-o%icd!,and+ and i,pair!d a-sorption

    C. Special considerations

    1.2 tailored approach in the elderly

    2."he approach in human immunode'ciency virusinfection and ac&uired immunode'ciency syndrome is

    more comprehensive#% Special attention is given to disease:speci'c

    infections, nutritional changes, and neoplasia%


    Initia% E&a%uation'2(

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    Histor0 Initia% data

    A. Is the loss intentional ?5onsider dieting,diuretics, and eating disorders%

    B. What is the patients a!erage daily or wee"lyinta"e ?5onsider fre&uency of meals, appetite

    changes, and di;culty !ith food preparation%C. #o$acco% alcohol% and drug historiesare very

    important and fre&uently lead to other concerns%

    &. Chronic conditions?Medical, surgical,

    psychiatric, and family histories are al!ays pertinent%'. Social factorsinclude stress, isolation, and thecost and e

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    Histor0 ta*ing'1(3

    Is th!r! 4!&!r5 Suggest an infectious disease, such as tuerculosis,

    2IDS, rucellosis, and typhoid fever

    5ollagen diseases and neoplasms should not e


    Is th!r! anor!6ia5 2nore$ia may e related to a ferile process, ut if

    there is no fever one should consider the possiility

    of 2ddison=s disease, anore$ia nervosa, Simmonds=disease, drug ause, poisoning such as arsenicpoisoning, scurvy, malasorption syndrome, uremia,and liver failure, neoplasm%

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    Histor0 ta*ing'2(7

    Is th!r! %0,phad!nopath05 Generali7ed lymphadenopathy should suggest

    leu#emia, sarcoidosis, and lymphoma, as !ell asinfectious disease processes%

    Is th!r! an a-do,ina% ,ass5 2n adominal mass may e an enlarged spleen, a

    pancreatic carcinoma, an enlarged liver, or renal mass%

    "hese masses !ould suggest disease of those organs%

    Mass also may e a carcinoma of the stomach orintestine%

    Is th!r! h0p!rpig,!ntation5 >yperpigmentation !ould suggest 2ddison=s disease%

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    Is th! app!tit! nor,a% or incr!as!d5 2 normal or increased appetite in the presence of !eight

    loss should suggest hyperthyroidism and diaetes mellitus%

    May e ta#ing thyroid hormone medication in increased

    &uantities% Is th! th0roid g%and !n%arg!d5

    ?nlarged thyroid !ould suggest hyperthyroidism

    2 focal thyroid mass !hich might e a to$ic adenoma%

    Is th! ch!st 69ra0 a-nor,a%5 5@A anormality !hich may induce !eight loss are

    carcinoma of the lung, tuerculosis, congestive heartfailure, pulmonary emphysema, and 'rosis%

    Histor0 ta*ing'#(

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    :asic ph0sica% !6a,ination

    A. (ele!ant physical )ndings!ill epresent in ..* of cases

    B. Quantify lossy serial !eight


    C. Chec" the !ital signs*temperature,lood pressure, and respiratory and

    heart rates% 5onsider determiningo$ygen saturation%

    &. +erfor, a physicale-a,ination%!ith emphasis on areas

    suggested y clues from the history%


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    Basic la$oratory tests

    A.Deate continues regarding the most useful and cost:eIE antiody titer needsto e done in selected clinical circumstances

    3.5hest radiograph, ?5G, B9F are often useful


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    Co,prehensi!e analysis

    B. Further testing should e done onlyas directed ythe initial 'ndings%

    1.When indicated, endoscopy, and colonoscopy,esophagogram, a small o!el series, ariumenema, and a sigmoidoscopic e$amination%

    2.5omputed tomography and other e$pensive

    investigations are seldom ene'cial in theasence of a speci'c 3often guideline:ased4indication


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    Us!4u% T!sts

    "uerculin test 3tuerculosis4

    Glucose tolerance test 3diaetesmellitus4

    Serum amylase and lipase levels

    3chronic pancreatitis, pancreaticneoplasm4

    Drug screen 3drug ause4

    >IE antiody titer 32IDS4

    Stool for fat and trypsin3malasorption syndrome4

    Stool for ova and parasites3parasites infestation4

    d:@ylose asorption test3malasorption syndrome4

    Urine ):>I22 3carcinoid

    Bone scan 3metastatic malignancy4

    5" scan of the adomen 3malignancyascess4

    ymphangiogram 3>odg#in disease,

    metastatic malignancy4

    5" scan of the rain 3pituitary tumor4

    ymph node iopsy 3lymphoma,


    Serum 2D> level 3diaetes insipidus4

    Serum cortisol level 32ddison disease,hypopituitarism4

    Serum gro!th hormone, > or FS>

    3Simmonds disease4


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    iagnostic ass!ss,!nt.

    "he integration of history, e$amination, and laoratory datausually reveals the cause for involuntary !eight loss%

    A. Cancer%including gastrointestinal malignancies, accountsfor /.* to +.* of cases, and other gastrointestinal

    diseases account for another /* to 8+*B. If the initial steps are not conclusi!e%the est

    approach is careful oservation% Follo!:up e$aminationsand testing should e done monthly for . months% If aphysical cause e$ists, it !ill almost al!ays e found !ithin

    this timeC. If an organic cause is present%this simple approach !ill

    'nd it more than -)* of the time

    &. If an organic cause is not identi)ed in ,onths%oneis unli#ely to e found "hese undi

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    i;!r!ntia% iagnosis'1(

    2n#ylosing spondylitis Bilateral lesions of the lateral

    hypothalamus 3hypothalamicanore$ia4

    Decreased food

    inta#eHmalnutrition2dominal angina2nore$ia of aging5hronicHrecurrent







    en7yme inhiitors3distortion of taste4


    Consteroidalantiinammatory agents


    9structive gastrointestinal

    disease 3including pyloricostruction due to chronicpeptic ulcer disease4

    9ral diseaseoose denturesJoor or asent teeth9ther oral diseases


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    Jain Joor social situation Jostantrectomy

    3especially Billroth II4

    or gastrectomy Joverty Unpalatale diets ?ndocrine disorders


    Diaetes mellitusDiaetic

    neuropathic cache$ia>ypercalcemia

    ?$tensive e$ercise

    Infection, especially2meic ascess

    Bacterial endocarditis

    5hronic suppurative pleuropulmonarydisease 3e%g%, emphysema4

    5ryptosporidiosisFungal diseases


    >uman immunode'ciency virus 3>IE4

    Mycobacterium avium pulmonary

    infectionsJarasitic infestationsJaraspinalHepidural ascess


    Eisceral leishmaniasis


    i;!r!ntia% iagnosis'2(

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    MaldigestionHmalasorptionInammatory o!el

    diseaseJernicious anemia

    Malignancy, especially




    Myelo'rosis Myotonic dystrophy Jar#inson=s disease Jin# disease 3mercury

    poisoning in children4

    Jsychiatric disease2nore$ia nervosa2n$iety disordersBulimia5onversion disorders

    DepressionManipulative ehaviorsJsychosisHparanoiaSchi7ophreniaSustance ause


    i;!r!ntia% iagnosis'#(

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    Severe chronic organ failure>eart failure 3cardiac


    >epatic diseaseJulmonary diseaseAenal failure

    Systemic lupuserythematosus


    i;!r!ntia% iagnosis'$(

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    i;!r!ntia% O&!r&i!yperthyroidism

    9ccult cancer

    o! cardiacoutput

    2nore$ia nervosa


    5hronic infection





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    =a>or caus!s o4


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    I,pact o4 In&o%untar0W!ight Loss


    Jatient=s ris# of moridity and mortality increases%

    "he clinician may 'rst notice that the patient islistless, apathetic, or !ea#, !hich may e associated!ith anemia

    "he functioning of the diaphragm and thoracicmuscles may e diminished, !hich may causerespiratory compromise

    With depletion of sucutaneous fat, the patient=s

    s#in turgor may e impaired, especially in thee$tremities% Muscle !asting may occur, 'rst in the&uadriceps 3the gravityHalance muscles, !hich maycontriute to leaning or falls4

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    4 %

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    Jeripheral edema may occur, independent of heartfailure or any other cardiovascular disease due todecreased oncotic pressure and increased e$tracellularuid%

    Jatient may e$perience glossitis, or crac#ing at theedges of the mouth, and he or she may lose hair or theluster of the hair may change%

    Increased ris# for infection:particularly pneumonia:dueto compromised cell:mediated immunity%

    Jrotein in the diaphragm and intercostal muscles haseen depleted, impairing the patient=s aility to deepreathe, e$pectorate, and clear microes from the lungs%

    I,pact o4 In&o%untar0W!ight Loss

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    ?%inica% "nding'1(27

    &ia$etesL( 2t the onset, !eight loss is primarily caused y osmotic diuresis

    !ith polyuriaHnocturia% ater glycosuria produces caloric loss, comined !ith the increased

    cataolic state of insulin de'ciency and glucagon e$cess%

    In a patient !ith ne! diaetes and prominent !eight loss, considerunderlying pancreatic cancer%

    &epression It is recogni7ed y sadness, anhedonia, anore$ia, and sleep


    Inade/uate inta"e 5ommon causes include painful oral lesions 3phenytoin gum

    hypertrophy, vitamin de'ciency glossitis, heavy metal into$ication,candidiasis, poor dentition4

    Solitary living in the elderly, early dementia, food fads, anormaltaste 3hepatitis, 7inc de'ciency, drugs4

    2dominal pain associated !ith eating 3intestinal ischemia4%

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    &rugs Weight loss is associated !ith cholestyramine, digo$in,

    diuretics, oral hypoglycemics, cytoto$ics, amphetamines,and siutramine%

    0yperthyroidis, Despite an increased appetite, !eight loss occurs%"achycardia, 'ne tremor, sil#y s#in, and eye signs3e$ophthalmos or lid lag4

    2pathetic hyperthyroidism can occur in elderly patientsproducing listlessness and tachycardia or atrial 'rillation%

    ccult cancer Jancreatic cancer is the prototype, !ith aversion to food,

    and !eight loss 38 to ls%4 that precedes visceral painor jaundice, and is not proportional to si7e of the tumor%

    Gastric and pancreatic cancer, moderate in prostate, colon,

    and lung cancer, and mild in reast cancer%

    ?%inica% "nding'2(

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    ow cardiac output ?asy fatigaility, dyspnea on e$ertion, iasilar rales, peripheral

    edema, third andHor fourth heart sounds, and jugular venous distension arefound%

    Anore-ia ner!osa

    "he patient is preoccupied !ith ody !eight, yet is unconcernedaout eing oviously very thin%

    9veractivity, often the form of vigorous e$ercise, despite cache$ia%

    ala$sorption Fat malasorption produces stic#y and greasy stools, ororygmi,

    adominal distension, and vague adominal pain 2ssociated !ith loss of lipid:solule vitamins, !hich sometimes

    produces peripheral neuropathy, anemia, dermatitis, or leeding%

    Sprue causes a malasorption syndrome, one pain !ithcompression deformities, and an$ietyHdepression%

    ?%inica% "nding'#(

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    Chronic infection Fever is the #ey sign% 5ommon occult causes include

    acterial endocarditis, osteomyelitis, tuerculosis,and >IE%

    Adrenal insu4ciency Fatigue, hypotension, and hyperpigmentation

    especially !hen seen in the palmar creases or uccalmucosaare important 'ndings%

    ',physe,ia 5ache$ia occurs in pin# pu

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    Identify and address the underlying cause

    2ppetite disturance of depression may e reversedy antidepressant medications

    Jancreatic en7ymes for pancreatic malasorption

    Aeferral to nutritionist if necessary

    Aeferral to social services if necessary

    2nore$ia of malignancy and 2IDS can e treated!ith megestrol acetate or dronainol

    2ggressive treatment of anore$ia nervosa, includingevaluation for electrolyte and cardiac disorders andconsultation !ith psychiatrist or psychologist

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    Than* You#)

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