JANUARY 2021 INVESTOR LETTER Q4/2020 First of all, we thank all our investors for your continued confidence in GreyJung & Tramondo Investment Partners AG. We wish you all the best personally and professionally - be well, be good and take care during these unprecedented times and, lastly, we wish you a prosperous and healthy 2021! For the quarter ending December 31, 2020, Tramondo GreyJung Global Opportunities CHF F, EUR F and USD F returned 1.42%, 1.49% and 1.75%, respectively, net of all fees, compared with the HFRI-I Liquid Alternative UCITS Index’s (USD) 4.05%. For the year-to-date period ending December 31, 2020 the Tramondo GreyJung Global Opportunities CHF F, EUR F and USD F returned 5.59%, 5.74% and 7.23%, respectively, net of all fees, compared with the HFRI-I Liquid Alternative UCITS (USD) Index’s 1.91%. Assets under management increased from CHF 23m to CHF 40m in 2020. Please find below a summary of the year and the fourth quarter of 2020 as well as our outlook. REVIEW 2020 - A year for the history books has ended, marked by the fastest bear market ever and the subsequent fastest recovery ever. The most recent year will be the new benchmark for absolute-return oriented strategies, and we are thankful to have delivered solid consistent returns throughout an unexpected year. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL / NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION Dear investors, -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% FEB 19 MAY 19 AUG 19 NOV 19 FEB 20 MAY 20 AUG 20 NOV 20 TRAMONDO GREYJUNG MSCI ACWI USD HFRI LIQUID ALT. UCITS INDEX CHART 1: MAXIMUM DRAWDOWNS SOURCE: BLOOMBERG, BASED ON MONTHLY DATA

INVESTOR LETTER Q4/2020 - Tramondo Investment Partners AG · 2021. 1. 13. · INVESTOR LETTER Q4/2020 First of all, we thank all our investors for your continued confidence in GreyJung

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  • JANUARY 2021


    First of all, we thank all our investors for your continued confidence in GreyJung & Tramondo Investment Partners AG. We wish you all the best personally and professionally - be well, be good and take care during these unprecedented times and, lastly, we wish you a prosperous and healthy 2021!

    For the quarter ending December 31, 2020, Tramondo GreyJung Global Opportunities CHF F, EUR F and USD F returned 1.42%, 1.49% and 1.75%, respectively, net of all fees, compared with the HFRI-I Liquid Alternative UCITS Index’s (USD) 4.05%. For the year-to-date period ending December 31, 2020 the Tramondo GreyJung Global Opportunities CHF F, EUR F and USD F returned 5.59%, 5.74% and 7.23%, respectively, net of all fees, compared with the HFRI-I Liquid

    Alternative UCITS (USD) Index’s 1.91%. Assets under management increased from CHF 23m to CHF 40m in 2020.

    Please find below a summary of the year and the fourth quarter of 2020 as well as our outlook.


    2020 - A year for the history books has ended, marked by the fastest bear market ever and the subsequent fastest recovery ever. The most recent year will be the new benchmark for absolute-return oriented strategies, and we are thankful to have delivered solid consistent returns throughout an unexpected year.


    Dear investors,






    0%FEB 19 MAY 19 AUG 19 NOV 19 FEB 20 MAY 20 AUG 20 NOV 20




  • 5.19%















    TramondoGreyJung (USD)


    SMI (CHF, TR) Eurostoxx 50(EUR, TR)

    BBG BarclaysGlobal Agg.Index (USD)

    BBG BarclaysGlobal HighYield

    Index (USD)

    February March






  • Worth highlighting is our stringent risk management approach during the unprecedented first quarter of 2020 when the fund posted decorrelated positive returns of >2% in both February and March 2020 and limited losses in most of last year’s negative performance months for the MSCI ACWI.

    Referring to chart 3 on the previous page, we would like to highlight our stringent approach which helped us deliver a consistent and resilient return of 6.9% p.a. in USD (net, live) during an unprecedented time. Given the fund’s strong focus on capital preservation, it can serve as an attractive portfolio stabilizer.

    Lastly, the fund made it into last year’s HFM EuroHedge Emerging Manager Awards finals for both the Multi-Strategy and Newcomer categories. It feels good to be recognized for a disciplined and circumspect implementation of our investment philosophy. Additionally, leading alternative

    investments publication Opalesque featured the fund in their “Corona Fighters Collection – Funds that were up or protected assets in Q1 2020”. This further underscores that active risk management is essential for wealth preservation and performance generation.

    After a difficult September, we experienced a normalization within most asset classes at the beginning of October. We could confidently reestablish several positions such as our short US dollar conviction trade and our opportunistic trading. October was dominated by two topics – the resurgence of Covid-19 in Europe and the US as well as the US presidential election. Hence, we shun away from Europe while mostly being active in currencies and precious metals as well as US growth stocks. In the end, markets spent much of the month in a wait-and-see mode before the announcement of widespread restrictions across Europe in the final days of the month tipped the balance of risks to the downside and, thus, also our opportunistic trading in US growth stocks. With some technical damage and a big event ahead of us, we lowered our exposure to benefit from newly emerging trends after the fact.

    In years to come, November will likely mark a turning point during the Covid-19 crisis. The an-nouncement of three vaccines that are effective

    against the virus drove a risk-on mood in markets and added fuel to the post US election rally. On the positive side, our opportunistic trading in stocks (barbell strategy consisting of value and growth stocks) contributed the most supported by smaller positions in our preferred theme of a weaker US dollar. On the negative side, the relief underpinned by vaccine news caused a position washout in precious metals, especially gold, which hurt the performance. Lastly, we started being more active in Asia due to its relative strength and multi-year breakouts (Japan, several ADRs).

    December ended what has been an incredibly volatile year by sailing smoothly in its typical seasonal Christmas rally fashion into the year-end within equities. Hence, due to the solid breadth and constructive market action, we were mainly active in growth stocks throughout the whole month. Additionally, smaller positions in gold and short US dollar bets supported the portfolio.

    For the quarter, the conviction and opportunistic book contributed (gross) -3bps and +179bps, respectively. On an asset class level, our main positive contributor was opportunistic trading in stocks and short US dollar. Negatively affecting returns were precious metals.


    2021 will be all about navigating a post-pandemic world and adhering to our adaptive investment style. Furthermore, the market anticipates very consensual broad-based cross-asset views (bearish US dollar, bullish emerging markets, value will outperform growth) and is still super bullish in a market which is extremely overbought. If we consider how overbought and how bullish the markets started into this year, we have high conviction that 2021 will be a complex trading year and very likely not an outright bullish year, especially for equities. Hence, global markets will likely be less trending and choppier supporting an adaptive/flexible investment style and opportunistic trading.

    Our preferred views are long emerging market Asia (China, Russia, India) + Japan as well as barbell strategies in terms of single lines (mix of value and growth) in the equity space. We only have a smaller size in precious metals momentarily. While staying constructive, we await more fruitful signs from the technical side to increase position


  • size and, thus, keep our conviction for higher prices (gold, silver, platinum as well as gold miners). In our opinion, the US dollar will continue to weaken in 2021. The collapse in US interest rate differentials versus its trading partners, stronger global growth, and a widening US trade deficit are all bearish for the greenback. Therefore, we keep a short bias for the US dollar.

    Lastly, we will strongly focus on yields and inflation expectations and its significant cross-asset implications on value vs. growth and commodities including precious metals for which a structural comeback of inflation should lead to a new secular bull market.

    As for now, global markets need to take a breather either in time or in price due to its extreme posi-tioning for us to get much more aggressive.

    As previously mentioned in our letters, we always have a clear plan at hand of what we want to see and what we do not want to see and will adjust our portfolio accordingly and focus on risk management which is deeply rooted in our DNA. During what is likely to be a volatile 2021 ahead of us, we remain flexible, open-minded and try to take advantage of opportunities where they arise - day by day. We will stick to our investment philosophy: "In investing, we cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails".

    In our quarterly letters, we highlight investments we have made to familiarize readers and investors with our approach. Accordingly, we look at two of our biggest contributors within the conviction and opportunistic books.


    Celsius Holdings, Inc. operates as a holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries, provides thermogenic calorie-burning beverages. The Company markets its beverages through multiple channels including grocery, drug, convenience stores, gyms, and nutrition stores. Celsius is a very fast-growing company targeting millennials in the United States and their emerging consumer behavior for healthy lifestyle.


    1. Initiated a smaller position into a box consolidation with low volume as of stellar earnings in August (+167% EPS) and supportive news flow (Celsius overtaking

    Red Bull on Amazon Prime for second place of best-selling “energy” drinks, 1st place Monster Beverage)

    2. Increased position after significant earnings growth (+100%) and high-volume breakout from box consolidation (pyramiding up)

    3. Partial profit taking (1/3 each) after a stellar rally into strength of +20% and +50% from second buy level (2.)

    4. Kept solid position as of S&P Small Cap 600 inclusion and both supportive price action and news flow (giving the stock more leeway as it performed strongly within a short period of time)


  • Best wishes,GreyJung PartnersTramondo Investment Partners AG


    Fundamental / Story:

    We have a bullish stance on Japan mainly due to making new multi-year-highs before other value indices, its constituents mix of industrials, financials and tech while not being a crowded trade (no one talks about Japan). A big winner for reflation trade. Lastly, it benefits from the unfolding new Cold War between the US and China, where Japanese industrial companies are well positioned. In the beginning, we invested market neutral by shorting the weaker value index EURO STOXX 50 (weaker technical picture and less interesting sector mix as of the strong outperformance of defensives during Covid-19). However, after the vaccine news in November we immediately closed the short leg and put in a directional long bet in Japan.

    Technical / Chart:

    1. Initiated a long Japan / short EURO STOXX 50 position into NIKKEI absolute breakout and after Japan pulled back from its relative breakout vs Europe (red line relative chart NKY/SX5E)

    2. Vaccine news hit the market (9th of November) and we closed EURO STOXX 50 short-leg

    3. Traded around the position into support and resistance zones as it started to consolidate. Target to increase over time as conviction increases



    TRAMONDO INVESTMENT PARTNERS AG UNTER ALTSTADT 10CH-6302 ZUGT +41 710 76 76F +41 710 76 [email protected]

    THIERRY [email protected]. +41 41 729 08 47

    FLORIAN [email protected]. +41 41 729 08 34

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    The information and opinions expressed in this document were carefully collected, analyzed and composed by the Company based on publicly available information from trustworthy sources as of the date of the creation of the presentation. They are subject to change. The Company undertakes no obligation to update the information herein and it should be noted that significant events may have occurred since the date of the creation. Although the information has been obtained from and is based upon sources that the Company believes to be reliable, no guarantee is assumed that the information is accurate or complete. Any reference to past performance data is not necessarily indicative of current and future returns.

    The calculated values are solely indicative. The effective allocation and results depend on investment activity and the development of investments and may differ from the model results. The implementation of an investment proposal can ultimately occur differently and deviate from the structure presented or the products mentioned.

    Individual products or components of this document may have a certain complexity and a high risk (e.g. derivatives, alternative investments, structured investments). They are only intended for investors who understand and assume the risks involved. Investments in foreign currencies are subject to currency fluctuations, investments in emerging markets or in special products are exposed to special risks. An investment in a target described in this presentation should be made only after careful study of the most recent prospectus and a comprehensive due diligence on the targeted assets. The Company recommends that investors carefully assess and seek professional advice if needed with regard to financial, legal, regulatory, credit, tax and accounting consequences before making a final investment decision or implementing a strategy. The investor assumes responsibility for the proper declaration of all assets and their tax assessment.

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    Tramondo Investment Partners AG is incorporated in Switzerland and is FINMA licensed and regulated.