Investing in research, family and me Dr Alison Wall Associate Director, Building Leadership EPSRC

Investing in research, family and me Dr Alison Wall Associate Director, Building Leadership EPSRC

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Investing in research, family and me

Dr Alison Wall

Associate Director, Building Leadership


Alison WallInvesting in research

My career key steps



You create your own story!


Associate Director, Building Leadership

Looking after the strategic plan goal

No budget – all influence!

Member of the Leadership Team

Line manager in a matrix model

Royal Charter - 2003 (replacing Founding Charter of 1993) The objects for which the Council is established and incorporated are:

to promote and support, by any means, high-quality basic, strategic and applied research and related post-graduate training in engineering and the physical sciences;

to advance knowledge and technology (including the promotion and support of the exploitation of research outcomes), and provide trained scientists and engineers, which meet the needs of users and beneficiaries thereby contributing to the economic competitiveness of Our United Kingdom and the quality of life;

in relation to the activities as engaged in by the Council under (i) and (ii) above and in such manner as the Council may see fit: to generate public awareness; to communicate research outcomes; to encourage public engagement and dialogue; to disseminate knowledge; and to provide advice.



The UK is first in the world in terms of research productivity, second in the world in terms of research excellence and yet well behind in terms of R&D spend

Maths research alone was worth over £200 billion to the UK economy in 2010

Engineering is pervasive and highly dynamic, with engineering research underpinning almost every economic sector and contributing an estimated £280 billion in GVA to the UK economy in 2011

Physics-based businesses account for more than one million jobs in the UK and contribute £77 billion to the UK economy directly (with high-value physics-based manufacturing accounting for 500,000 jobs and £20 billion).

The UK’s ‘upstream’ chemicals industry and downstream’ chemistry-using sectors contributed a combined total of £258 billion in value-added in 2007, equivalent to 21% of UK GDP, and supported over 6 million UK jobs


One vision Our vision is for the UK to be the best place in the world to research and innovate

Three StrategiesBalancing capabilityTo maintain the UK’s reputation for excellence and keep it at the heart of global research and innovation

Building leadershipTo nurture the next generation of skilled researchers and innovators and provide the knowledge and skills vital to a healthy, sustainable and prosperous society

Accelerating impactTo support more extensive and rapid exploitation of research outcomes


EPSRC provides national and international leadership while working in close partnership with others

UK universities – 33 Framework, Strategic and Corresponding University partnerships

Industry – 28 Strategic Partnerships and over 2,800 collaborations

Government Departments – BIS, DfT, DH, MoD, DECC

Other Research Councils

Other Funding Agencies – Innovate UK

Other Public Sector organisations – Science Museum, National Gallery

EPSRC as an Investor

• EPSRC looks to build a relationship over time with the people it supports

• With our investment come responsibilities and expectations

• Doing the best for the UK research community demands national leadership and occasionally making unpopular decisions

Current challenges

Talented people for the economy

Early career support

Attracting, developing and retaining top research leaders


- my observations• Nurture• Network• Influence• Connect others• Practice soft power• Are naïve• Take risks• Have considerate passion• Contribute to the greater good• Team players / individuals

Research Leaders


My career (!)

Imperial College – Geology in the Royal School of Mines

PhD and post doc in Mineral Physics

High end computing support


High end computing; facilities and high end computing; Chemistry; Infrastructure and the Environment; Energy

Mission programmes, Accelerating Impact, Building Leadership

Two periods of maternity leave – three children; stayed in touch and returned to the same roles

Secondment to the Energy Technologies Institute


Take learning from everywhere

Pick up bits from all around

Key people you meet in your day job and outside

Work colleagues


Family and friends ….

Multidisciplinarity / interdisciplinarity

My PhD – geology, chemistry, physics, materials, computing …..

Learning to handle difficult situations

Shutting a computing service

Introducing single panels

Shaping capability

Accelerating Impact

I can do a different role



Picking some issues…

Facility tickets

People in chemistry

Energy theme

Impact Acceleration Accounts

Be brave – ETI secondment

Company environment

ETI Board

ETI experience with interns

Call that a campaign?

Worked a lot with Amnesty International



Parliamentary process

Leadership development

New language – emotional intelligence, supporting each other

Support from colleagues

What Lesley learnt

Have fun it helps you when things are difficult

Have a great support network- Partner

Always take the opportunity

My network just keeps coming back

Never be afraid, respectful but not afraid

Help others get on, they will help you get on

I like change and being a little on the edge

Lessons from sport


Lots of raw talent

Growing international competition

Relentless focus on excellence

Sounds familiar?

Talent is not enough, it needs



Nurture and support (inc. getting tough occasionally)

Have fun!


My rules for balance

Keep it in perspective – what really matters? (Time with your family and friends)

Family time – 6 pm to 10:30 pm

Don’t work at weekends – unless late at night!

Holidays – mostly holiday – to take a laptop or not?

We spend time as a family on holidays and weekendsLots of diary juggling – for work and play!Big white board

Make time for school things now and again – I grab the opportunity if I can

Don’t miss the school play, birthdays etc…Unlike the advert!!

Out and about on a Sunday

Do something hard you need to think about and which involves everyone

My sea kayak …..

More sea kayaking – and back to diversity

Some thoughts…

Enjoy learning new things

Look out for learning all around

Don’t be afraid to move on

Keep it in balance

Keep it in perspective

Have fun!