Investigation of the Rheological, Dynamic Mechanical, and Tensile Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Poly(vinyl chloride) M. Abu-Abdeen 1,2 1 Physics Department, College of Science, King Faisal University, Alhasa, Saudi Arabia 2 Physics Department, College of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt Received 15 April 2011; accepted 9 June 2011 DOI 10.1002/app.35061 Published online 4 November 2011 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). ABSTRACT: Polymer nanocomposites consisting of sin- gle-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and poly(vinyl chloride) were prepared by casting technique. The com- plex viscosity increased with increasing SWCNTs content, and it had a percolation concentration threshold equal to 0.45 wt % of SWCNTs. The storage modulus, G 0 , increased with increasing either SWCNTs content or frequency. A gradual decrease in the terminal zone slope of G 0 for the nanocomposites with increasing SWCNTs content may be explained by the fact that the nanotube–nanotube interac- tions will be dominant at higher CNTs content, and lead to the formation of the interconnected or network-like structures of SWCNTs in the polymer nanocomposites. The rheological loss factor indicates two relaxation peaks at frequencies of 0.11 and 12.8 Hz due to the interaction between SWCNTs and polymer chains and glass transi- tion, respectively. Dynamic mechanical properties were measured for the prepared composites. The results indi- cate that the storage modulus changes steadily, and the tand peaks are less intense for high SWCNTs content. Ten- sile tests were measured and depicted by an increase in the elastic modulus with increasing SWCNTs content, but it decreases for all composites as the testing temperature increased. V C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 124: 3192–3199, 2012 Key words: PVC; SWCNTs; DMA; nanocomposites; rheology; mechanical properties INTRODUCTION Most of pristine polymers are relatively weak, as their cohesive energy is at least two orders of magnitude lower than that of inorganic materials. In recent years, there is an increased demand in the polymer industry for producing polymer composites that are stronger than those already on the market. 1 The physical properties of polymer can be improved by adding inorganic fillers. Many studies reported the effect of different inorganic fillers in the nano-scale on the polymer host properties. Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)/ inorganic nanocomposites based on silica, 2 calcium carbonate, 3 montmorillonite (MMT), 4 ,titania 6 and cal- cium carbonate 7,8 have been previously reported. As inorganic filler, carbon nanotube CNTs have many superior properties such as high aspect ratio, low weight, high thermal and electrical properties, and high elastic modulus. These properties make CNTs as a promising candidate for producing CNTs/polymer nanocomposities with multifunc- tional features. 9–12 The performance properties of these types of composite can be related to the degree of association with the polymer, depending strongly on the composition of the CNTs, as determined by its nature. 13 Different polymer/CNTs nanocompo- sites have been synthesized by incorporating CNTs into various polymer matrices, such as polyamides, 14 polyimides, 15–17 epoxy, 18 polyurethane, 19,20 polypro- pylene, 21–23 and PVC. 11 The rheological behavior of polymer nanocompo- sites as a function of filler content is of great importance in polymer processing, particularly for the analysis and design of processing operations, as well as understanding structure property relationships of polymer nanocomposites. The rheological behavior can realize the full potential of CNTs for application in thermoplastic matrix-based polymer nanocomposites and to optimize the processing conditions for achiev- ing high performance polymer nanocomposites. 24 Broza et al. 25 presented the general description of the nature of the glass transition temperature (T g ) of polymers. Different experimental techniques, includ- ing differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic me- chanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and dielectric measurements are used for the determination of T g . 26–28 The influence of various low-dimension par- ticles, for example, bismuth oxychloride and organic MMT, on the T g of PVC was reported. 29,30 Generally, an increase of T g as a function of nanoparticles Correspondence to: M. Abu-Abdeen (mmaabdeen@yahoo. com or [email protected]). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 124, 3192–3199 (2012) V C 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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Investigation of the Rheological, Dynamic Mechanical, andTensile Properties of Single-Walled Carbon NanotubesReinforced Poly(vinyl chloride)

M. Abu-Abdeen1,2

1Physics Department, College of Science, King Faisal University, Alhasa, Saudi Arabia2Physics Department, College of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt

Received 15 April 2011; accepted 9 June 2011DOI 10.1002/app.35061Published online 4 November 2011 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com).

ABSTRACT: Polymer nanocomposites consisting of sin-gle-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) and poly(vinylchloride) were prepared by casting technique. The com-plex viscosity increased with increasing SWCNTs content,and it had a percolation concentration threshold equal to0.45 wt % of SWCNTs. The storage modulus, G0, increasedwith increasing either SWCNTs content or frequency. Agradual decrease in the terminal zone slope of G0 for thenanocomposites with increasing SWCNTs content may beexplained by the fact that the nanotube–nanotube interac-tions will be dominant at higher CNTs content, and leadto the formation of the interconnected or network-likestructures of SWCNTs in the polymer nanocomposites.The rheological loss factor indicates two relaxation peaks

at frequencies of 0.11 and 12.8 Hz due to the interactionbetween SWCNTs and polymer chains and glass transi-tion, respectively. Dynamic mechanical properties weremeasured for the prepared composites. The results indi-cate that the storage modulus changes steadily, and thetand peaks are less intense for high SWCNTs content. Ten-sile tests were measured and depicted by an increase inthe elastic modulus with increasing SWCNTs content, butit decreases for all composites as the testing temperatureincreased. VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 124:3192–3199, 2012

Key words: PVC; SWCNTs; DMA; nanocomposites;rheology; mechanical properties


Most of pristine polymers are relatively weak, as theircohesive energy is at least two orders of magnitudelower than that of inorganic materials. In recent years,there is an increased demand in the polymer industryfor producing polymer composites that are strongerthan those already on the market.1 The physicalproperties of polymer can be improved by addinginorganic fillers. Many studies reported the effect ofdifferent inorganic fillers in the nano-scale on thepolymer host properties. Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC)/inorganic nanocomposites based on silica,2 calciumcarbonate,3 montmorillonite (MMT),4,titania6 and cal-cium carbonate7,8 have been previously reported.

As inorganic filler, carbon nanotube CNTs havemany superior properties such as high aspect ratio,low weight, high thermal and electrical properties,and high elastic modulus. These properties makeCNTs as a promising candidate for producingCNTs/polymer nanocomposities with multifunc-tional features.9–12 The performance properties of

these types of composite can be related to the degreeof association with the polymer, depending stronglyon the composition of the CNTs, as determined byits nature.13 Different polymer/CNTs nanocompo-sites have been synthesized by incorporating CNTsinto various polymer matrices, such as polyamides,14

polyimides,15–17 epoxy,18 polyurethane,19,20 polypro-pylene,21–23 and PVC.11

The rheological behavior of polymer nanocompo-sites as a function of filler content is of greatimportance in polymer processing, particularly for theanalysis and design of processing operations, as wellas understanding structure property relationships ofpolymer nanocomposites. The rheological behaviorcan realize the full potential of CNTs for application inthermoplastic matrix-based polymer nanocompositesand to optimize the processing conditions for achiev-ing high performance polymer nanocomposites.24

Broza et al.25 presented the general description ofthe nature of the glass transition temperature (Tg) ofpolymers. Different experimental techniques, includ-ing differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic me-chanical thermal analysis (DMTA), and dielectricmeasurements are used for the determination ofTg.

26–28The influence of various low-dimension par-ticles, for example, bismuth oxychloride and organicMMT, on the Tg of PVC was reported.29,30 Generally,an increase of Tg as a function of nanoparticles

Correspondence to: M. Abu-Abdeen ([email protected] or [email protected]).

Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 124, 3192–3199 (2012)VC 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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contained was found; however, for the MMT, anintercalation related decrease of Tg was stated.

In this study, rheological properties including the de-pendence of the complex viscosity, storage modulus,and loss factor of PVC reinforced with different concen-trations of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)on frequency and SWCNTs content will be studiedunder isothermal conditions. The DMTA as a functionof both CNTs content and temperature but at constantfrequency will be also studied. The mechanical proper-ties as a function of SWCNTs content and temperaturewill be studied through uniaxial tensile tests.


Materials and preparation

Polyvinyle chloride (PVC) used in this work was sup-plied from Sabic Company (Saudi Arabia). It was inthe powder form (powder fraction of 90–120 lm, av-erage size of 100 lm, density q ¼ 1.37 g/cm3) wasused as a polymeric matrix for preparation of compo-sites. SWCNT (Aldrich 704113) with outer diameterof 0.7–1.3 nm and average length of 800 nm was pur-chased and used as it is to prepare the composites.

Initially, a desired amount of SWCNTs was dis-persed in tetrahydrofuran (THF) solution. This solu-tion was then sonicated for 30 min to obtain disper-sive nanotubes suspension. The desired amount ofPVC was also dissolved in THF. The weight ratio ofSWCNTs in PVC was determined as follows. A fixedweights, wp, of PVC and wc of CNTs were chosensuch that the total weight was w ¼ wp þ wc ¼ con-stant. Then, the required ratio, wc/wp, was deter-mined by varying both wc and wp. Both solutionswere mixed together using a magnetic stirrer for 24h to form SWCNTs solution mixture. The final mix-ture was further sonicated to give a black-coloredstable solution with no detectable solid precipitation.The resulting solution was poured to betray disheswith fixed area and dried at room temperature. Aseries of composite films were prepared at differentweight ratios (0.5–5 wt %) of SWCNTs/PVC. Thefilm weight has to be very close to the fixed weightw to ensure the correct wt % of CNTs. The samplethickness was in the range of 0.09–0.11 mm.


All tests in this study were carried out on a DynamicMechanical Analyzer (DMA) Q800 (TA InstrumentsLLC, Delaware) instrument with film clamps.

Tensile tests

The tensile tests were carried out on film specimens.The measurements were done at different tempera-tures of 22, 30, 40, 45, and 50�C at a force rate of

1.5 N/min, according to ASTM D 412 and ASTM D624, respectively.

Rheological and dynamic mechanical tests

The mentioned DMA Q800 instrument was usedthrough the rheological and dynamic mechanicalstudies. For these tests, a film-clamp was used indry mode. A slow heating rate of 1�C/min was usedthroughout to ensure that the sample was in thermalequilibrium with the instrument. The oscillating fre-quency was changed from 0.01 to 200 Hz.Rheological tests experiments were performed

with the film under tension, while the frequency ischanged. A static preload force (0.01 N) was appliedto the sample before the dynamic oscillating force toprevent film buckling.During measurements, the instrument was pro-

grammed to maintain the static load at 125% of theforce required to oscillate the sample. It is importantthat the film remained in its linear viscoelasticregion during measurement (to ensure that the prop-erties observed were independent of the deformationapplied and truly reflected molecular motions), andso experiments were recorded maintaining constantstrain. Generally, for thin polymer films, linearviscoelastic behavior can be assured with a strainless than 0.1%, and so this limit was used.


Rheological properties

The complex viscosity, g*, for PVC loaded with 0.0,0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0 wt % SWCNTs as a function offrequency at constant temperature of 25�C is shownin Figure 1. Apparently, SWCNTs have a crucial

Figure 1 The dependence of the complex viscosity on fre-quency for SWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites at room tem-perature. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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effect on the rheological behavior of the composites,even at low loadings. The complex viscosityincreases with increasing SWCNTs content in theentire frequency range, but is more pronounced atlow frequencies. At high frequencies, the impact ofthe carbon nanotubes on the rheological propertiesis definitely weaker, which suggests that the nano-tubes do not significantly influence the short-rangedynamics of the polymer chains. Generally, CNTsdo affect polymer chain relaxation but with littleeffect on the local motion at short ranges.31 Thedecrease in the complex viscosity with increasingfrequency indicates a non-Newtonian behavior overthe frequency range investigated. The complex vis-cosity can be expressed by an equation of the form

Logðg�Þ ¼ A� a Logðf Þ (1)

where A is a constant, and a is the slope with valuesillustrated in Figure 2.

The dependence of log(g*) of the SWCNTs/PVCnanocomposites with the SWCNTs content at differ-ent frequencies of 0.02, 1.0, and 10 Hz is shown inFigure 3. It can be seen that g* of the nanocompo-sites increased with increasing CNTs content overthe frequency ranges investigated. In addition, theextent of increase in g* with increasing SWCNTscontent was more pronounced at low frequencywhen compared with that at high frequency. Thisincrease in g* with increasing SWCNTs content indi-cates an increase in physical interactions betweenthe PVC matrix and the SWCNTs with high aspectratio and large surface area. The increase in the com-plex viscosity of the studied nanocomposites withthe SWCNTs was closely related to the increase inthe storage modulus, which will be described in thefollowing section.

The dependence of the complex viscosity on theconcentration of SWCNTs (Fig. 3) appears to havewhat is known as rheological percolation behavior.To determine the rheological percolation thresholdof CNTs-polymer composites, the relation betweenthe complex viscosity and the concentration of thefiller in a medium is drawn into a modified powerlaw equation:

g�aðm�mcÞa (2)

where, m is the CNTs’ loading, mc is the rheologicalpercolation threshold and a is the critical exponentsthat depends on the oscillatory frequency.In percolated systems one can observe a drastic

change of the viscosity at a fixed frequency for agiven concentration of the filler. This indicates thatthe CNT–polymer composite reaches a rheologicalpercolation threshold at which the nanotubes blockthe motion of the polymer molecules. The powerlaw eq. (2) was used to determine the value of therheological percolation threshold. The function wasfitted to the experimental data points of g* at 0.02,1.0, and 10 Hz for m > mc (concentrations above per-colation threshold). The scaling parameters werefound by incrementally varying mc until the best lin-ear fit to the data points was obtained. The rheologi-cal percolation threshold (mc) was found to be at theSWCNTs concentrations of 0.45 wt % for all frequen-cies. Scaling exponent a ¼ 0.85, 0.65, and 0.55 for fre-quencies 0.02, 1.0, and 10 Hz, respectively. The lowrheological percolation threshold obtained in thisstudy (0.45 wt %) is attributed to the high aspect ra-tio of the CNTs filler and indicates good and

Figure 2 The dependence of the slopes of the complexviscosity lines in Figure 1 on SWCNTs content at roomtemperature.

Figure 3 The dependence of the complex viscosity onSWCNTs content at different frequencies of 0.02, 1.0 and10 Hz at room temperature. [Color figure can be viewedin the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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homogenous dispersion of SWCNTs within PVCmatrix.

The storage modulus, G0, of the SWCNTs/PVCnanocomposites as a function of frequency at con-stant temperature of 25�C is shown in Figure 4. Thefigure can be divided into two regions separated bya frequency fr (¼ 10 Hz), implying two mechanisms.At frequencies greater than fr, the storage modulusG0 of the SWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites markedlyincreased with increasing frequency and SWCNTscontent, where this increment being more significantat low frequency. This rheological response is simi-lar to the relaxation behavior of the typical filled-polymer composite systems.24,32 A gradual decreasein the terminal zone slope of G0 for the nanocompo-sites with increasing SWCNTs content may beexplained by the fact that the nanotube–nanotubeinteractions will be dominant at higher CNTs con-tent and lead to the formation of the interconnectedor network-like structures of SWCNTs in the poly-mer nanocomposites. At frequencies lower than fr,the storage modulus is slightly increased withincreasing CNTs content while for samples contain-ing 5 wt % CNTs, G0 seems to be frequency inde-pendent. This may be explained by the fact that thenanotube–nanotube interactions increased withincreasing SWCNTs content and led to the formationof the interconnected or network-like structures ofSWCNTs in the polymer nanocomposites, resultingin the pseudosolid-like behavior.

The change in the storage modulus of theSWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites as a function ofSWCNTS content at constant temperature of 25�C isshown in Figure 5. The storage modulus increasesmarkedly with increasing SWCNTs content. Thisincreases perhaps because the SWCNTs can be moreeasily dispersed effectively in the PVC matrix, caus-

ing strong interactions. On the other hand, G0

slightly increases with frequency at low CNTs load-ings while there is no, approximately, changes athigher CNTs loadings. At this configuration, interac-tions between CNTs and polymer chains mayrestrict the motion of these chains.The loss factor, tand, of the SWCNTs/PVC nano-

composites as a function of frequency at constanttemperature of 25�C is shown in Figure 6. The figureshows two relaxation peaks at frequencies of 0.11and 12.8 Hz. The peaks heights increase withincreasing SWCNTs content. The first peaks thatappear at low frequency are due to the interactionbetween CNTs and polymer chins. The tand maxi-mum (tand)max, are seen to shift toward lower

Figure 4 The dependence of the storage modulus on fre-quency for SWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites at room tem-perature. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 5 The dependence of the storage modulus onSWCNTs content at different frequencies of 0.1, 1.0 and 10Hz at room temperature. [Color figure can be viewed inthe online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 6 The dependence of the loss factor tand on fre-quency for SWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites at room tem-perature. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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Sticky Note
due interaction between CNTS
Sticky Note
due to glass transition
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frequency with increasing SWCNTs content as aresult of the more efficient blocking effect of CNTsleads to suggest that the mobility of polymer chainsis hindered by the nanotubes. On the other hand,the peaks appear at high frequency are due to theglass transition.33 At high frequency values, thetrend observed for pristine PVC and nanocompositesindicates that motions across entanglements are pos-sible despite the presence of nanotubes.

Dynamic mechanical properties

Figure 7 plots the storage modulus G0 of SWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites, obtained by DMA measure-ment, as a function of temperature at a constant fre-quency of 3 Hz. A single mechanical transition has

been observed in the temperature range studied andis recognized as the a-relaxation or the glass transi-tion peak. The a-relaxation is related to the Brown-ian motion of the main chain associated with theglass transition and the relaxation of segments asso-ciated with it. Onset of glass transition is marked bya sharp decrease in its storage modulus, as shown inFigure 7.The Tg of a polymer is usually taken from the

peak position of loss modulus or tand versus tem-perature curves. Peaks of tand are typically found atsomewhat higher temperatures depending on the in-tensity and/or width of the transition. Figure 8presents the change of tand versus temperature forall studied nanocomposites at a frequency of 3 Hz.Adding SWCNTs to the PVC matrix shifts the tand

Figure 7 The dependence of the storage modulus on tem-perature for SWCNTs/PVC at a frequency of 3.0 Hz atroom temperature. [Color figure can be viewed in theonline issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 8 The dependence of the loss factor tand on tem-perature for SWCNTs/PVC at a frequency of 3.0 Hz atroom temperature. [Color figure can be viewed in theonline issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 9 The dependence of the Tg on SWCNTs contentat frequency of 3.0 Hz at room temperature. [Color figurecan be viewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 10 Stress–strain curves for the pristine PVC at differ-ent testing temperatures. [Color figure can be viewed in theonline issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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peak values of these composites to high temperatureregions, implying an interaction between CNTs andthe PVC molecules. Increasing the CNTs contentalso lowers the tan d peak intensity. The height ofthe tan d peak measures the energy-damping charac-teristics of a material. The damping of tan d intensityis a good indicator of a well dispersion of CNTs inthe polymer matrix, so they directly enhance thestiffness of the composites.

Figure 9 plots the relationship between the Tg ofSWCNTs/PVC nanocomposites and SWCNTs at afrequency of 3 Hz. All the Tg values of the studiednanocomposites increased with the CNTs content.The Tg of the SWCNTs/PVC nanocompositesincreases from 69.16 to 77.27�C as SWCNTs from 0

to 5 wt %, respectively. The interfacial interactionsbetween the CNTs and PVC molecules are strong;so, Tg of these nanocomposites increased with thepolymer restriction of the chains by the CNTs andalso by the good dispersion of CNTs in the PVCmatrix.

Tensile properties

Figures 10–14 present the stress–strain curves forPVC loaded with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, and 5.0 wt % ofSWCNTs at different temperatures of 22, 30, 40, 45,and 50�C, respectively. The maximum stress reachedin these Figures is not the ultimate strength, but it isthe maximum stress available for the instrument

Figure 11 Stress–strain curves for 0.5 wt % reinforcedPVC at different testing temperatures. [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 12 Stress–strain curves for 1.0 wt % reinforcedPVC at different testing temperatures. [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 13 Stress–strain curves for 2.5 wt % reinforcedPVC at different testing temperatures. [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 14 Stress–strain curves for 5.0 wt % reinforcedPVC at different testing temperatures. [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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used. All composites at temperatures 22, 30, 40, and45�C show at first straight lines relations betweenstress and strain in the studied range of stresses.This reflects the Hookean behavior of these compo-sites at these temperatures. At a temperature of 50�C(which is near the Tg of PVC prepared by castingtechnique), yielding of these materials takes placewith yield stress and yield strain values as listed inTable I.

The linear Hookean regions at low strains belowthe yield strain are used to calculate the elastic mod-ulus, E, for all composites at the different tempera-tures investigated. Figure 15 plots a relation betweenthe calculated values of the elastic modulus and theweight percent of SWCNTs content at 22�C. Theelastic modulus is found to increase linearly withSWCNTs content according to the equation:

E ¼ Eo þ b C (3)

where Eo is the elastic modulus of the pristine PVCand b is the slope and equals to 207 MPa. Thisincrease in E implies a good dispersion of SWCNTsinside the polymer matrix, which increases the inter-facial interaction between the CNTs and the polymer

chains. This interaction increases as the amount ofadded CNTs increased. This result is in consistentwith the results obtained for the storage modulus.As the testing temperature increased, polymerchains may be activated and some of them overcomethe hindering effect made by SWCNTs and tend toreorient themselves to a new configuration in a man-ner that reduces the elastic modulus as shown inFigure 16 for all studied composites. The lines inthis figure obey the equation

EðTÞ ¼ E0o �mðT � ToÞ (4)

where E0o is the elastic modulus at temperature To

and m is the slope and equals to 34.1, 34.5, 41, 46.8,and 49.7 MPa/deg for samples containing 0.0, 0.5,1.0, 2.5, and 5 SWCNTs wt % content, respectively.It is noticed that the values of m is high for highSWCNTs loadings. As stated before, high loadingsof CNTs means more interfacial interaction betweenthem and polymer chains which act as obstacles forchains mobility. So, as the testing temperatureincreased more obstacles may overcome, resulting inmore reorientations of polymer chains. Thus, the

TABLE IThe Calculated Values of Both Yield Stress and Yield Strain as a Function of SWCNTs Content and Temperature

SWCNTs content (wt %)

Yield stress (MPa) Yield strain (%)

30�C 40�C 45�C 50�C 30�C 40�C 45�C 50�C

0.0 24.6 19.9 9.8 7.9 4.28 4.9 4.9 5.40.5 34.5 22.4 15.2 8.9 2.2 2.6 3.7 4.41.0 – 29.8 23.6 12.7 – 5.2 5.2 3.72.5 36.4 24.8 14.1 7.8 2 2.8 3.1 3.45 38 26.1 17 10 2.5 3.9 3.5 5.5

Figure 15 The dependence of the elastic modulus onSWCNTs content at temperature 22�C. [Color figure canbe viewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]

Figure 16 The dependence of the elastic modulus ontemperature for SWCNTs/PVC. [Color figure can beviewed in the online issue, which is available atwileyonlinelibrary.com.]


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value of m may be considered as an indication of thenumber of chain’s obstacles present.


The SWCNTs reinforced PVC samples with differentconcentrations were prepared by casting technique.The extent of increase in the complex viscosity withincreasing SWCNTs content was more pronouncedat low frequency when compared with that at higherfrequency. It has a percolation concentration thresh-old of 0.45 wt % of SWCNTs. The storage modulusincreases with increasing SWCNTs content and fre-quency. A gradual decrease in the terminal zoneslope of G0 for the nanocomposites with increasingSWCNTs content may be explained by the fact thatthe nanotube–nanotube interactions will be domi-nant at higher CNTs content and lead to the forma-tion of the interconnected or network-like structuresof SWCNTs in the polymer nanocomposites. Therheological loss factor indicates two relaxation peaksat frequencies of 0.11 and 12.8 Hz. Dynamic mechan-ical analysis reveals that the height of the tand peakdeclines with the increase of CNTs content, whichmeans an enhancement of the stiffness of the compo-sites. Tensile tests indicate a linear increase in theelastic modulus with increasing CNTs content, whileit decreases linearly, too, as the testing temperatureincreased.


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