Investigation of the Computer-Aided Drafting J. Peklenik, B. Logar, G. Hlebanja The workshop drawing represents the basic document for forming the part spectrum data base for process planning and the generation of the NC - tapes. The paper reports on a unified approach to develop a software for computer-aided drafting on a comnon basis with the CAPP and CAM including the computer- aided part classification. The proposal is based on the binary matrix of primitives in CSG presentation. The organisation and the operations on the sets of contours are explained in detail. It i s shown how this approach i s used i n computer-aided drafting. 1.INTRODUCTION Recently it was reported /1/ about an integrated approach t o CAD/ CAPP/CAtI based on a newly developed computer-aided f'onation of a part spectrum data base. The basic information in this case is represented by the workshop drawing containing the following five sets of infonation: - shape representation with various cross-sections; - dimensions with tolerance and designations of the cross-sec- - surface quality; - complementary information on fabrication (state of material, - organisational data (identification No, classification No, In order to process the sets of information and data of the draw- ing i n a systematic way it is necessary to form an infonation structure - called the geometric model of a part and an aloorithm for manipulation of this structure. The advantages o f this approach are obvious: - coordination of various views of the object (30-Model); - interconnection of the tolerances, dimensions and surfaces with the geometrical and topological structure of the object; - an effective design of a geometrically similar part, and - integration between the desipn and fabrication. tions; fabrication processes etc. ) ; t i t l e of the part, scale; format etc.). The objective of this research is to fonulate an inteorated pro- cedure f o r CAD/C4PP/CAM with the c m n base for all three acti- vities being the geometrical model of a part. In addition to the G-model it is necessary that the data base for all the specific and relevant information is related to each module. A further contribution to the integrated system is the applica- tion of macros exhibiting the geometrical and technological simi- larity o f the parts. These macros should have a common basis - the binary matrix of the basic shapes in all components of the system. Hence, the objective is to develop such a CA-Drafting System in which the CSG - 20 presentation can be effectively applied. The set of primitives represent the elements of the binary matrix. A brief explanation o f the system, shown i n Fi ure 1, might be quite useful for the understanding of the p r h n c e p t . DIALOGUE EXAPT CLASSI- FI CAT ION Figure 1: CAD-System with CSG-presentation of primitives The function "DI4LOGUE" is intended for the control of the data inputs and outputs for the modules of the system. The geometric modelling is accomplished i n this case through a generative ap- proachto a new cornposition of primtttves. T5e. form with the one- rations and relations a correspondinq CSG tree, which can be interpreted or/and modified accordingly. An inportant role is played by the parser which checks the syntactic correctness of the general formal sentences. I n this case it i s the CSG-tree. In order to move from the CSG-level to the level of drafting or EXAPT-contours it i s necessary to chanw from the symbolic to geometrical processing. Today there are two ways at disposal: - the CSG in the wireframe representation containinn the in- dividual points and the linking between the points, and - the CSG i n the boundary representation i n which the tree develops points . from the volume (or surface) elements down to the I n our case, we are usina sets of orientated contours (SOC) of chosen primitives with the interpretation of the formal expres- sion or tree operations in order to generate a new object. That is to say that we have to exhibit the ability The composition procedure makes possible the conputation of the object geometry. In this way we obtain the basic information for the generation of the workshop drawing of a part as well as the detenination of the EXAPT contour. According to the EXAPT version for turninn, the highest geometrical object is the contour, which represents, together with the shape and the discussions of the unmachined part the basis for the calculations of the tool movements, col- lision computations etc. The last module is used for the part classification and is based on the pattern recognition nethod related to the binary shaoe matrix and the potential function as the decision making discri- minant, /3/. This would conclude the discussion about the system structure and its modules related to the necessary information and its relations in to CAD/CAPP/CAM. t o compose the SOC. 2. PARSEF AND CLASSIFIER As already mentioned, an integrated CAD/CAPP/CAl%ystem on the primitive shape element signed and fabricated is generated by the primitives. The rules how to put together a contour of a part can be formalized by syntactic rules (productions) described by a formal language gramar.!.li th the syntactic analysis of the corposi tion descriptim for a part, it i s checked whether the composition rules have been considered. In this case the parser plays a decisive role. The classification of the syntactic description generated by the gramar of a convenient formal languape i s accomolished by a syn- tactic classifier. which i s nothinn more than the parser apolied in a certain way. In this contribution an algorithm and program are described used for the syntactic analysis of sentences generated with the arbi- trary chosen context free gramars. The sentences of this type are able to describe the tree structures only. Ne applied the alqorithm of S.Earley /6/ which is used for the syntactic reco- gnition of simple generated surfaces in the data base for the 30- geometric model /9/. In our case the algorithm is prosrammed in PASCAL f o r PDP11-Computers instead of LBP as proposed by Earley. The data structures and the structure diagrams of the program are related to the terminology and symbols used i n the theory of the formal languages (see e.g. Ref.6-7). The structural diagrams of the programne for the parser are shown i n Figures 2 and 3 re- spectively. The syntactic classification programme is shown in the structural diagram in Fi ure 4 applied as b w k - programne /9/. i s based (orimitives). Each part to be de- the same procedures and functions being 3. RELATIONS BETWEEN THE SETS OF CONTOURS As Fi ure 5 indicates, the beginning of the generation of the g e o b presentation for an object consists of a selection of primitives using the binary matrix, the determination of the pa- rameters, positions and relations (e.9. a new primitive i s added from the left, as a rule). For each primitive one determines a corresponding symbol defining the pointers for parameters, loca- tions and relations. In case that it i s desirable to check the composed object, we Annals of the ClRP Vol. 34/1/1985 197

Investigation of the Computer-Aided Drafting

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Investigation of the Computer-Aided Drafting

J. Peklenik, B. Logar, G. Hlebanja

The workshop drawing represents the basic document f o r forming the p a r t spectrum data base fo r process planning and the generat ion of the NC - tapes. The paper repor ts on a u n i f i e d approach t o develop a sof tware f o r computer-aided d r a f t i n g on a comnon basis w i th the CAPP and CAM inc lud ing the computer- a ided pa r t c lass i f i ca t i on . The proposal i s based on the b inary mat r ix o f p r im i t i ves i n CSG presentat ion. The organ isa t ion and the operations on the se ts o f contours are explained i n d e t a i l . It i s shown how t h i s approach i s used i n computer-aided d ra f t i ng .


Recently i t was reported / 1 / about an in tegra ted approach t o CAD/ CAPP/CAtI based on a newly developed computer-aided f ' ona t i on o f a p a r t spectrum data base. The basic in fo rmat ion i n t h i s case i s represented by the workshop drawing containing the fo l l ow ing f i v e sets o f i n f o n a t i o n :

- shape representat ion w i th various cross-sections; - dimensions wi th to lerance and designations o f the cross-sec-

- surface qua l i t y ; - complementary in fo rmat ion on fab r i ca t i on ( s ta te o f mater ia l ,

- o rgan isa t iona l data ( i d e n t i f i c a t i o n No, c l a s s i f i c a t i o n No,

I n order t o process the sets o f in fo rmat ion and data o f the draw- i n g i n a systemat ic way i t i s necessary t o form an i n f o n a t i o n s t ruc tu re - c a l l e d the geometric model o f a p a r t and an a loor i thm f o r manipulat ion o f t h i s s t ruc tu re .

The advantages o f t h i s approach are obvious:

- coord ina t ion o f various views o f the ob jec t (30-Model); - in te rconnect ion o f the tolerances, dimensions and surfaces

w i t h the geometrical and topo log ica l s t ruc tu re o f the object ; - an e f f e c t i v e design o f a geometr ical ly s i m i l a r pa r t , and - in teg ra t i on between the desipn and fab r i ca t i on .

t ions ;

f ab r i ca t i on processes e tc . ) ;

t i t l e o f the par t , scale; format e tc . ) .

The ob jec t i ve o f t h i s research i s t o f o n u l a t e an in teora ted pro- cedure f o r CAD/C4PP/CAM w i th the c m n base f o r a l l th ree a c t i - v i t i e s being the geometrical model o f a par t . I n add i t i on t o the G-model i t i s necessary t h a t the data base f o r a l l the spec i f i c and re levant in fo rmat ion i s re la ted t o each module.

A f u r the r con t r i bu t i on to the in tegra ted system i s the appl ica- t i o n of macros e x h i b i t i n g the geometrical and technological s im i - l a r i t y o f the par ts . These macros should have a common basis - the b inary ma t r i x o f the basic shapes i n a l l components o f the system.

Hence, the ob jec t i ve i s t o develop such a CA-Drafting System i n which the CSG - 20 presentat ion can be e f fec t i ve l y applied. The se t of p r im i t i ves represent the elements o f the b inary matr ix. A b r i e f explanat ion o f the system, shown i n F i ure 1, might be q u i t e use fu l f o r the understanding o f the p r h n c e p t .



Figure 1: CAD-System w i t h CSG-presentation o f p r im i t i ves

The func t ion "DI4LOGUE" i s intended f o r the cont ro l o f the data inputs and outputs f o r the modules o f the system. The geometric model l ing i s accomplished i n t h i s case through a generat ive ap- p roachto a new cornposition of pr imt t tves . T5e. form w i t h the one- ra t i ons and re la t i ons a correspondinq CSG t ree , which can be i n te rp re ted or/and modif ied accordingly. An inpor tan t r o l e i s played by the parser which checks the syn tac t i c correctness o f the general formal sentences. I n t h i s case i t i s the CSG-tree.

I n order t o move from the CSG-level t o the l eve l o f d r a f t i n g o r EXAPT-contours i t i s necessary t o chanw from the symbolic t o geometrical processing. Today there are two ways a t disposal:

- the CSG i n the wireframe representat ion containinn the i n - d i v idua l po in ts and the l i n k i n g between the po in ts , and - the CSG i n the boundary representat ion i n which the t ree develops po in ts .

from the volume ( o r surface) elements down t o the

I n our case, we are usina sets o f o r ien ta ted contours (SOC) of chosen p r im i t i ves w i th the i n te rp re ta t i on o f the formal expres- s ion o r t ree operations i n order t o generate a new object . That i s t o say t h a t we have t o e x h i b i t the a b i l i t y The composition procedure makes poss ib le the conputation o f the ob jec t geometry.

I n t h i s way we ob ta in the basic in fo rmat ion f o r the generation o f the workshop drawing o f a p a r t as w e l l as the d e t e n i n a t i o n o f the EXAPT contour. According t o the EXAPT version f o r tu rn inn , the highest geometrical ob jec t i s the contour, which represents, together w i t h the shape and the discussions o f the unmachined p a r t the basis f o r the ca lcu la t ions o f the t o o l movements, co l - l i s i o n computations etc.

The l a s t module i s used f o r the p a r t c l a s s i f i c a t i o n and i s based on the pa t te rn recogn i t ion nethod re la ted t o the b inary shaoe mat r i x and the po ten t i a l func t ion as the decis ion making d i s c r i - minant, / 3 / . This would conclude the discussion about the system s t ruc tu re and i t s modules r e l a t e d t o the necessary in fo rmat ion and i t s relat ions i n t o CAD/CAPP/CAM.

t o compose the SOC.


As already mentioned, an in tegra ted CAD/CAPP/CAl%ystem on the p r i m i t i v e shape element signed and fab r i ca ted i s generated by the p r im i t i ves . The ru les how t o p u t together a contour o f a p a r t can be formal ized by syn tac t i c ru les (product ions) described by a formal language gramar.!.li t h the syn tac t i c analysis o f the corposi t i o n d e s c r i p t i m f o r a par t , i t i s checked whether the composition ru les have been considered. I n t h i s case the parser plays a dec is ive ro le . The c l a s s i f i c a t i o n o f the syn tac t i c descr ip t ion generated by the g ramar o f a convenient formal languape i s accomolished by a syn- t a c t i c c l a s s i f i e r . which i s no th inn more than the parser apo l ied i n a ce r ta in way.

I n t h i s con t r i bu t i on an a lgor i thm and p r o g r a m are described used f o r the syn tac t i c analysis o f sentences generated w i th the a rb i - t r a r y chosen context f ree gramars . The sentences o f t h i s type are able t o describe the t ree s t ruc tu res only. Ne appl ied the a lqor i thm o f S.Earley /6/ which i s used f o r the syn tac t i c reco- g n i t i o n o f simple generated surfaces i n the data base f o r the 30- geometric model /9/. I n our case the a lgor i thm i s prosrammed i n PASCAL f o r PDP11-Computers ins tead o f LBP as proposed by Earley.

The data s t ruc tu res and the s t ruc tu re diagrams o f the p r o g r a m are re la ted to the terminology and symbols used i n the theory of the formal languages (see e.g. Ref.6-7). The s t ruc tu ra l diagrams of t he programne f o r the parser a re shown i n Figures 2 and 3 re - spec t ive ly .

The syn tac t ic c l a s s i f i c a t i o n programme i s shown i n the s t ruc tu ra l diagram i n F i ure 4 app l ied as b w k - programne /9/ .

i s based (o r im i t i ves ) . Each p a r t t o be de-

the same procedures and func t ions being


As F i ure 5 indicates, the beginning of the generat ion o f the g e o b presentat ion fo r an ob jec t consists o f a se lec t i on o f p r im i t i ves using the b inary matr ix, the determinat ion o f the pa- rameters, pos i t ions and re la t i ons (e.9. a new p r i m i t i v e i s added from the l e f t , as a ru le ) . For each p r i m i t i v e one determines a corresponding symbol de f in ing the po in te rs f o r parameters, loca- t i ons and re la t i ons .

I n case tha t i t i s des i rab le t o check the composed object , we

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 34/1/1985 197


WRITE (Yant w r i t t e n states?)READ(Yri t e s t a t

* -. I WRITE I , -.

1 4 . 1 r-, 1.4.2 y'(.'y ][.4.41 , VRITELN (sen- 'IRITELN FOR 1 = 1 TO 1441 TELN tence no t aa: ( Input s t r i n g NCheckedSymbols (e r ro r ! ' - )

I i gure 4:

Figure 2:

must determine a lso the se ts o f contours. This i s possible by using the i npu t parameters and the programme l i b r a r y o f macros which correspond to the elements o f the b inary mat r ix .

When consider ing the meaning o f the symbols and re la t i ons it i s possible t o determine the operations.The sequence o f the symbols and the operat ions represents the formal descr ip t ion o f the ob- j e c t . Figure 6 y ie lds a comparison between the symbolic - formal representat ion and the geometrical representat ion.

The formal expression, as described above, i s represented to some ex ten t by the CSG-tree. The advantage o f t h i s desc r ip t i on i s t ha t one can accomplish i n a ra the r simple way the adding o f new ob- j e c t s as we l l as the changing and de le t i ng of o l d ones. This i s t rue as long as one stays a t the same l e v e l . I n case o f the t ran- s i t i o n i n t o the geometrical p a r t and the implementation o f the composition procedures t h i s p o s s i b i l i t y does not e x i s t any mare Namely, wh i le comparing a group o f independent se ts o f contours

PROCEDURE P~C(innutStrin?YSymbols Vri t teStates ,NSymbolsChecker)


OK: =TRUE CzI Gs;) ROR i - 1 TO f<T> InputSt r inq /i/


NCheckedSymbol s = i - 1 i:=NSymhols

a new ob jec t i s generated and a l l t he previous objects on t h i s leve l a re inaccessible.


The organisat ional s t ruc tu re o f t he se ts o f contours i s shown i n Figures 7 and 8. The geometrical in fo rmat ion can general ly be mastered w i t h the he lp o f in fo rmat ion objects, un l im i ted counta- b i l i t y and the dynamic s t ruc tu re o f the po in te rs respec t ive ly . The contour i s represented by a l i nked l i s t o f arcs. I n the bina- ry mat r ix there are a lso elements w i t h holes. It i s necessary tha t i n t h i s case the leve l o f the informat ion ob jec t i s ra ised f o r one step - to the se t o f contours.

A l l coordinates o f the se t o f contours a re determined i n terms o f i t s coordinate system r e l a t i v e l y , t h a t i s t o say, f ree l y . This means t h a t simple t ransformat ions o f objects, operations, t rans- l a t i ons , ro ta t i ons , m u l t i p l i c a t i o n s w i t h a skalar and m i r ro r i ng over the l i n e a re reduced t o the computation o f t he coordinate

I I r l = ... r p r i r =




Figure 5:

system. If composing two ob jec ts i t i s requ i red t o se t a new co- o rd ina te system.

The o r i e n t a t i o n i s an a t t r i b u t e o f a contour used f o r the d i s - t i n c t i o n between the contours l i m i t i n a the holes o r the e n t i r e 2D-space, F i ure 9

type o r i h e g . pos; and var orn: o r ien ts ;

The dimensions o f the se t o f contours a re def ined i n r e l a t i o n t o i t s coordinate system. This in fo rmat ion i s used f o r easier im- plementation o f the g lu ing opera t ion which appears q u i t e f requent- l y w i t h regard t o the b inary mat r ix , F i ure lo. I n case t h a t the dimensions are no t used, t he distance-&Z?Te spec i f ied . How- ever, i f the dimensions are app l ied and i t i s known on which s ide the element i s added, the distance d i s given i m p l i c i t l y i n the dimension. This p r i n c i p l e i s used i n the case o f g lu ing i n the d i r e c t i o n fre.dit-1, on ly . The computation o f the dimensions can be executed automat ical ly.


The operat ions on the sets o f contours are: - pos i t i on t ransformat ions and - operat ions on sets. The se ts o f contours can be considered as a se t o f po in ts o f a p ro jec t i on o r a cross-sect ion o f an ob jec t . Figure 3:



Figure 6:

Le t us examine the f i r s t p o s s i b i l i t y . We consider here: - t r a n s l a t i o n i n a given p o i n t p; - r o t a t i o n re la ted t o a given vector v; - m u l t i p l i c a t i o n o f t h e se t o f contours w i th a skalar r; - m i r ro r i ng over a given l i n e 1.

Due t o the descr ip t ion o f the sets o f contours i n r e l a t i o n t o the coordinate system, no changes o f the i n te rna l presentat ion o f the SOC (coordinates o f points and heights o f a rcs) occur, on ly the coordinate systems vary i n t h i s case, as Figure 11 ind ica tes .

The operat ions on t h e sets a re : compl ement, A + nC union A U B i n te rsec t i on An6 d i f fe rence A - B o r B - A, and g lu ing as a special case o f one o f t he l a s t th ree operat ions.

The opera t ion complement (unary opera t ion on one element) does no t a f f e c t the a t t r i bu tes , the coordinate system and the dimensions. However, i t changes a l l o r i en ta t i ons and the order o f po in ts , the heights o f arcs becoming negative. Figure 12.

The in te rsec t i on and the d i f f e rence are expressed by the union and compl ement as f o l 1 ows : A ~ B = ( A ~ u B ~ ) ~

A - B = A n B C = (ACU 6)' and B - A = ~~n B = ( A U B ~ ) ~

I t i s obvious that, i n order t o form a l l o ther operations, on ly two basic operat ions a re necessary, the union and the complement. Hence the procedure i s , i n p r i nc ip le , as fo l lows: - the i d e n t i f i c a t i o n o f the in te rsec t ions o f both sets o f contours fo l l ow ing the order i n t o the l i s t o f crossings; - the compression o f both sets o f contours i n such a way as t o make i t poss ib le t o embed new arches r e s u l t i n g from the in te rsec- t ions ; - by consider ing the values o f the determinants o f the vectors v1 and vp new sets o f contours a re generated, and f i n a l l y , there fo l lows - a new computation o f the dimensions. This procedure i s i l l u s t r a t e d c l e a r l y i n Figure 13.

The opera t ion g lu ing i s on ly a special case o f one o f the opera- t i ons (union, in te rsec t ion , d i f fe rence) . The sets o f contours g1 and g2 e x h i b i t i n general a number o f c o m n arches, ( a t l e a s t one).



Figure 8:

orn: =pos ; orn:=neo;

Figure 9


Figure l o gL


lf.. PLANE X-y TRANSLATION p \j/yf


Y IRORING ffre 1

Figure 11: aITH r

A n A a-

n i 1 y7)-L p7-j

A: * last

f r e - a l t e 0

f i r s t

a l t 9 J k f i r s t l a s t


Figure 12:

The operat ions discussed are s u f f i c i e n t f o r composing a r b i t r a r y se ts o f contours cons is t ing o f s t r a i g h t l i n e s and c i r c u l a r arches. This i s s u f f i c i e n t f o r the computer-aided d r a f t i n g i n most prac- t i c a l cases. The expansion o f t he contour composition w i t h other types o f arches i s , o f course, poss ib le .

d i r , F igure 7:




- f i r s t f i rst i e ) COYPRESSION a l t 1 a l t 2



a l t n . 0 -- c


- f i r s t 1 P I - f i r s t 4 / . f i r s t a l t p 11 a l t p l 2 a l t 2 o D o o o o a l t n

0- 0-


1' i t holds:

i t

x c2 = - I t( . u n i t vec tor v i n the z - d i r e c t i o n i s the t r a n s i t i o n i n the d i r e c t i o n o f



I d l

I 5 1



/ 5 /


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F igure 13: