Invest in Poland

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  • 7/24/2019 Invest in Poland


    Limited Liability Company procedure of registration


    No. Procedureime to


    !Notari"e companyagreement

    1 day

    notarial fee (PLN 1,010 + 0.4% of the amount of sharecapital over PLN 60,000 up to PLN 1 ! +"#% $&'

    additionally 0.% civil la) transactions ta* is levied on theamount of share capital less the amount of notarial feesand court fees chared for reistration of the company.


    Registration in NationalCourt Register$toget%er &it% R'()N*N+P* Statistical )ffice

    and ,US-

    days PLN 600

    /eposit pad0in capital att%e ban1

    1 day no chare

    2 Register for 3A1 day,simultaneous)ith procedure "

    no chare


    +. Notari"e company agreement

    &he Company agreement or t%e company c%arter(for a sole-shareholder company! must e donein a notary form in Poland.

    &he /ompany areement or the /ompany /harter should stipulate

    the usiness name and reistered seat of the company'

    the oect of the company2s activity, as specified in Polish /lassification of ctivities (P3!'

    the life of the company, )henever estalished for a definite time period'

    the amount of the share capital'

    a statement as to )hether a shareholder may hold more than one share'

    the numer and nominal value of shares suscried for y an individual shareholder.

    5f the shareholder of a ne)ly formed LL/ )ill e another company, it must provide the notary )ith anoriinal e*cerpt of the local companies reistry. &he e*cerpt must provide information aout thecompany (and its shareholders, provin that the company has more than one shareholder! and maeit clear )ho, and under )hat conditions, is entitled to represent it. &he e*cerpt must e translated intoPolish y a s)orn translator. &he e*cerpt should not e older than a fe) )ees efore the day ofsinin the company areement.

    5n case, the company )ill e created y an intermediary, the latter must have a po)er of attorneysentered efore a notary. 5t can e provided y a Polish or forein attorney ut there are e*tra

    conditions lined to the reconition in Poland of a document notari7ed aroad.

  • 7/24/2019 Invest in Poland


    &he /ompany areement must e sined in front of a Polish notary, re8uirin the person representinthe company (or its attorney! to come to Poland. 5f the person sinin the notari7ed companyareement does not spea Polish, she must e accompanied y a s)orn translator.

    /omin to Poland )ill re8uire fulfillin all visa conditions concernin forein nationals. fter a period ofresidence in Poland e*ceedin 6 months, it is possile to apply for a temporary resident permit.

    ++. Registration in National Court Register

    &he application for the reistration in the National /ourt 9eister should e filed y the manaementoard. &he application must e sined y all memers of the manaement oard.

    &he application on the form 39:- ;# should contain

    the usiness name, reistered office and address of the company' the company2s usiness

    name may e freely chosen, ho)ever, it must include the )ordin a 7 oranic7on?


  • 7/24/2019 Invest in Poland



    a) 6RS 7Mform the oect of the company2s usiness activity,

    b) 6RS0 76form company overnin odies,

    c) 6RS0 7'form the particulars of the shareholders of the company that follo) into reistration in the


    Cost to complete5 PLN 899reistration fee!+ PLN !99pulication cost

    oget%er &it% its application to register t%e company at t%e National Court Register anapplicant must file5

    a! an application for reistry in the 9eister of Aconomic Antities (9ACBN!, maintained y the :tate:tatistical Bffice'

    Re4uired documents5

    a! R! form

    Cost to complete5 No c%arge

    ! an application to receive a ta* identification numer (N5P! from the ta* authorities'

    Re4uired documents5

    a! ade8uate N5P -" form

    Cost to complete5 No c%arge

    c! a notification to the social insurance payments at Da>ad Ee7piec7en :polec7nych (DE:!

    Re4uired documents5

    a) ,US ,PA form

    Cost to complete5 No c%arge

    N5P and 9ACBN numer are ein otained electronically and automatically entered into the courtreister.

    11 EUR = approximately PLN 4,2.


  • 7/24/2019 Invest in Poland


    +++. )pening of a ban1 account and deposit initial capital

    Payments arisin from the economic activity conducted y the company shall e made or receivedthrouh the entrepreneurFs an account, )henever1! the other party to the transaction )hich has iven rise to the payment is an entrepreneur' and

    "! the one-time value of the transaction, reardless of the numer of payments, e*ceed an e8uivalentof AE9 1,000 converted into PLN at the National Gan of PolandFs averae e*chane rate of foreincurrencies pulished on the last day of the month precedin the month in )hich the transaction )asmade.

    5n order to open a an account, a limited liaility company must provide the an )ith the foundindeed and a 9ACBN certificate.

    Re4uired documents5

    a! company deed or company charter,

    b) 9ACBN numer.

    &he initial capital )hich is re8uired to e paid-in in case of the limited liaility company is 000 PLN.

    +3. Registration for 3A

    fter reistration in National /ourt 9eister and otainin 9ACBN numer, the company should file anapplication for $& purposes at the riht &a* Bffice.

    Re4uired documents5

    a! ade8uate $& 9H$& 9HEA (in case of tradin in oods )ith AE countries! forms! 9ACBN numer,c! a copy of the e*cerpt from the reister (39:!d! the company an account areementf! document certifyin a leal title to an office, )here the seat of the company )ill e (e.. lease areement!

    Cost to complete5 PLN 10 (stamp duty for the $& reistration!
