Invest in Madrid Business Case: Drager (ENG)

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  • 7/31/2019 Invest in Madrid Business Case: Drager (ENG)


    Business Case: Drger (ENG)

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    Business Case: DRGER

    Organization: Drger

    Industry: Medical Technologies

    Person interviewed: Santiago Stuyck Roig, Financial Director

    Web page:


    Drger is an international leader in medical and safety technology. Founded in Germany in 1889,

    it has become an international company with approximately 11,000 employees worldwide.

    Its products are used in different areas such as clinical, industrial or mining, as well as fire

    departments and emergency services.


    1.- What is the activity of your company in Madrid?

    Drger came to Spain 40 years ago and established its headquarters in Xaudar street 26 years

    ago. In 2011 invested 2 million Euro to renew its facilities. It is located in an industrial area

    where many electromedicine companies were located due to its proximity to hospitals such as

    La Paz or Ramon y Cajal.

    - The whole Iberian Peninsula, including Portugal depends on this headquarters.

    - Drger has 300 employees in Spain, mostly in Madrid (over 100).- It has 9 sales offices, the main one located in Barcelona.

    - Spain represents 12% of total group sales.

    Drger has two main areas:

    - Drger Safety: Comprehensive solutions for risk management for personal safety and for

    protection of manufacturing facilities: stationary and portable gas detection systems, personal

    protection equipment and respiratory protection for firefighters, professional diving equipment

    and detection instruments for drugs and alcohol.

    - Drger Medical: comprehensive solution for intermediate-critical areas of hospital

    environment: anesthesia workstations, ventilation equipment for intensive care units, heat

    therapy equipment for infants, patient monitoring equipment, IT clinical applications and

    medical gases distribution systems.

    Among its clients there are large engineering companies, fire departments, municipalities,

    police, General Traffic Division (DGT)...
  • 7/31/2019 Invest in Madrid Business Case: Drager (ENG)


    Business Case: Drger (ENG)

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    The company carries out the maintenance and technical services in Madrid.

    2.- When investing in Madrid, what were the key criteria for the selection of this region?


    The key to choosing Madrid was the proximity to major Spanish hospitals and, in particular,to La Paz and Ramon y Cajal hospitals.

    - The presence of numerous and big clients in the public and private sector is also highly


    3.- In your opinion, which are the competitive advantages of the Region of Madrid?

    - Geographic location.

    - Proximity to main customers (hospitals, public institutions).

    - Excellent means of transport that allow easy transfer to anywhere in Spain and the world.

    - High qualification of the available labor.