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View from the Corner - November ‘14

Heinrich Strauss | Managing Director

Integration Conference 2014

Resolve business units and subsidiary companies identified the 7 Strategic and Operational priorities, that will drive a common value system in order to make business better for our clients.

Recently, I participated in a multi-day mountain bike stage race for the first time. While partici-pating in the race, your hopes and fears are replaced with the reality of sweat and a few bruises, but mostly awesome memories.

I compare this to our Resolve journey. Now that we have the first year behind us, statistics and reality are replacing budgets and aspirations. Our greatest challenge remains to establish a thriving culture and successful business that we are proud to be associated with. That justifies and rewards our efforts, but also provides a professional home for all of us.

When I reflect on the first year, some aspects have exceeded my wildest expectations, but we also encountered some challenges that we didn’t anticipate. We are now running our race, and our actions and perseverance will determine our success of turning dreams into reality.

A review of our activities over the past months:

Resolve Immix (focused on Microsoft solutions) has been officially part of the family since 1 July 2014. Although they will remain in their current premises in Sunninghill for the foreseeable future, we are actively working towards integrating them into the Resolve family.

Resolve Capacity (logistics facility turnkey solutions) also joined us on 1 July. This consolidation of pockets of expertise from all over the IMPERIAL group, culminates in an exciting opportunity for the respective individuals of this team.

Our SAP strategy is now also unfolding with the launch of Resolve Optima. We look forward to working with them to grow and expand this business.

The business development team is now firmly established and they are guiding our efforts (strategically) on small to major new opportunities.

The rebranding of subsidiaries will continue to roll out. The impact of uniting behind a single Resolve brand is immense and will benefit all of us in future. Let me remind you that our cumulative actions to make business better have a far greater impact on brand building than all the advertising money in the world. While driving along the highway, the sight of our banner on the Resolve building fills me with optimism, pride and hope.

During September, the senior management team, consisting of all the subsidiaries and business units, attended an Integration Conference. We shared and refined the 2020 strategy and launched the service group structure which will enable a greater assimilation of our combined services. It was reassuring to see the common thread of a shared value system and a true desire to make business better across

this diverse and newly formed team. I was humbled and impressed with the quality of people that wanted to associate with our business.

Our targeted acquisition strategy is mostly concluded. Although we will make further acquisitions to enhance the business and support our growth ambitions, the largest prospects for growth will come from realising the full capability across and within each business unit. This business has substantial runway to realise its full potential!

We also had our fair share of challenging projects and operations where our people truly showed resolve beyond what is reasonable to expect. I was immensely proud of the commitment from our people. I wish to thank these individuals for their efforts. Please convey my gratitude to your loved ones. I realise that I am unaware of the extent of cancelled arrangements and long hours away from your family. Although we will always rise to a challenge, these kinds of abnormal situations should never become the norm. We should all strive to stabilise the larger systems, processes and structures in order for operations to return to normality. When difficult environments impact our enthusiasm, we should always rally to support one another.

Due to the fact that my physique is not suited for competitive mountain biking, I find that I am more inclined to stop and appreciate the views. Similarly, I remind you to be very serious about the business of making business better, but let’s not take ourselves too seriously. As long as we are motivated and enthusiastic about making business better, we will never run out of energy to enjoy this ride and build wonderful memories. Have fun, laugh and enjoy the journey!

Best wishes

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Making Business Better Reaching Out

Resolve is supporting a number of charities this year, namely CANSA, Casual Day, Santa Shoebox and Winter Warmer Blanket Drive. CANSA Relay20 – 21 September 2014

Resolvers should never fail to remember those less fortunate than us. This is why Resolve employees recently took part in a 12-hour overnight relay in support of all people who have ever had to battle the scourge that is cancer. The relay was a test of mental and physical strength as the Resolvers maintained our ‘Consider it Done’ attitude by continuing throughout the night in what turned out to be extremely nasty weather!

Casual Day5 September 2014

Thank you to all the Resolvers who took part in Casual Day 2014. The theme was “Bring out the Bling”. Resolve managed to raise R1500.00 by purchasing casual day stickers. Your unwavering support for persons with disabilities is greatly appreciated.

Resolve ImmixSanta Shoebox

Santa’s Shoebox is a community initiative that coordinates the donation, collection and distribution of boxed Christmas gifts to underprivileged children across South Africa and Namibia. This initiative is still in progress.

Winter Warmer Blanket Drive

Our Winter Warmer Blanket Drive is a massive internal competition. This year we got our clients involved and collected a total of 312 blankets for the Operation Anti-freeze Organisation. We ended our initiative with a massive internal ‘Game of Thrones’ cook-off where the Sales and Admin team took the prize for best meal, best dressed and most blankets collected.


Casual Day

Winter Warmer

Santa Shoe Box

Living Our Values every day

Is your personal brand aligned to our values? Commitment, pride, passion, innovation, integrity, accountability, recognition and respect.

Our purpose is to make business better for our clients and for our employees. How we pursue that purpose is influenced by a set of core values – the standards that guide interactions with fellow Resolvers, the principles that direct how we service our clients, the ideals that drive what we do and how we do it. All of our values depict how we strive to live every day!

Through workshops, Resolvers had the opportunity to unravel what each of our values mean to us. What are the behaviours that depict each of these ‘words’? What does it mean to live these values?

The feedback we received from our staff was phenomenal and showed a real pride in the Resolve brand and a genuine intent to live the values.

We will be launching this feedback tool shortly. This tool will allow us to request feedback from our colleagues, and even clients, as to how they perceive us living the values of Resolve every day.

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Process Outsourcing:Facility Capacity Deployment

Far fewer of us are working conventional 8am to 5pm hours than ever before. This is primarily due to technology automating the formerly tedious tasks that virtually consumed the life of the average office worker. Document management, for example, has evolved from a manual process that comprised hours of sort-and-store labour, into a streamlined drag-and-drop process

undertaken on a computer screen. Industries such as manufacturing, distribution and construction rely heavily on achieving tangible results within limited timeframes. Therefore, it is essential to pair technology with powerful software programs that can simplify and automate complex business processes.

This combination enables companies to devote more time towards driving business growth and improving that all-important bottom line.

Since 1996, Resolve Immix has been specialising in customisable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software solutions called Microsoft Dynamics. In addition, we specialise in an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system called Microsoft Sharepoint. This collection of software programs is continuously being fine-tuned, year after year, to adapt to the most intricate business requirements. It encompasses essential business functionalities such as financial and supply chain management alike. We have further extended these capabilities by combining them with company-specific digital marketing strategies to provide a holistic end-to-end solution.

Does Technology have an Effect on Time Management?


Resolve continues to excel in Capacity Design and Deployment

“I want to plant the seed and watch others make it grow”

perfectly summarises the reason he gets up in the morning. “I want to plant the seed and watch others make it grow,” he says. If one looks at how Clinic-in-a-Box, for example, is revolutionising the prevention of HIV and AIDS, it becomes clear that Resolve Capacity is indeed enabling the seeds of innovative solutions to be planted globally. In other recent Resolve Capacity news, a Clinic-in-a-Box health-care facility was donated to the


As to future prospects for Resolve Capacity, perhaps just how rosy these look can best be illustrated by a recent compliment received by Iain from a long-time client who heard that he was now with Resolve: “That’s awesome news - our industry needs a new injection of knowledge and expertise from a company like yours.”

Australian Department of Health following itsexhibition at the 2014 World AIDS Conference.This gesture was made possible by IMPERIALHealth Sciences and the facility is being used toease overcrowding at the outpatients sectionof Melbourne’s Sandringham Hospital.

Resolve Capacity has a reputation for meetingchallenges head on. “We are currently workingon a proposal to construct pharmaceuticalwarehouses for USAID in Mozambique. Thechallenge is that we are positioned as thebidder, which is somewhat unusual. Weneed to ensure conformance to detailedgovernment specifications which are majorfactors in measuring the success of our bid,”said Iain Sherwood.

From right: Andre PearceNikki IsherwoodCraig SwanepoelWarren O’Reilly

Iain Sherwood, Rocco Van Vuuren, Arno Haigh

By allowing technology to generate more disposable time, focus automatically shifts towards actioning innovative ideas, tweaking long-term decision-making and adding value to clients, communities and employees.

Humanity’s greatest strength is our intellect and ability to mechanise and computerise.

Does Technology Have an Effect on Time Management?

“We achieve in all areas related to capacity management and particularly in the fields of capacity planning, design and project management.” That is according to Resolve Capacity Managing Executive, Arno Haigh, who shared several impressive numbers to demonstrate Resolve Capacity’s capabilities.

For instance, few Resolvers realise the scale of the projects undertaken by this Resolve comp-any - over 30 000 square metres of Warehouse-in-a-Box projects have been delivered for clients to date with another 15 000 square metres of projects in progress across African countries.

We can be proud of the fact that some 45 Clinic-in-a-Box units have been commissioned across Africa in six different countries with 10 units being deployed right now. Resolve Capacity also broke ground in September on a new 12 500 square metre pharmaceutical warehouse in Nairobi that the company project managed right from locating the land to its construction.

When one reads about achievements such as these, one wonders what motivates the people concerned to achieve so much in their chosen profession. According to Arno, a 20-year veteran of the FMCG and Pharmaceutical industries, it’s about adding operational value to clients’ projects. “Once this value has been added, donor-funded projects can step in and make a huge difference to the lives of people in need of medical assistance and education.”

For Iain Sherwood, Resolve Capacity’s Design Services Executive, the following statement

By allowing technology to generate more disposable time, focus automatically shifts towards actioning innovative ideas, tweaking long-term decision-making and adding value to clients, communities and employees.

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Technology:Mobile and Digital

“South Africa is one of the most vibrant and dynamic mobile markets on the African continent. From humble beginnings in 1994, the South African mobile telecoms market has grown into a multibillion-rand industry in under 20 years, providing jobs to thousands of South Africans and connecting millions.”

The above excerpt is from Deloitte Digital’s 2013 Forecast for the SA Telecoms Market and helps highlight the enormous possibilities that are present in the local mobile market. There are a staggering 66.1 million active SIM (subscriber identity mobile) cards in a population of some 51.8 million people. This represents a mobile penetration rate of 128%. Furthermore, 11 million smart phones are being actively used in Africa’s most advanced economy.

Resolve is about moving people forward and doing business better. Mobile technology is a key enabler of these twin goals and this explains the recent addition of Resolve Mobile to our family of companies. Resolve is committed to spotting opportunities and having the means to exploit them.

Headed by Managing Director Tracy Langdon-Surkont, Resolve Mobile is more than capable of identifying opportunities and circumventing challenges with complete mobile solutions that close the gap. “I’m a product developer at heart,” says Tracy, “So finding solutions to problems using mobile technology is what drives my passion for what I do”.

She continues, “What also sustains that passion, and provides the drive for the next mobile problem-solving task, is seeing a solution in action. I get a real kick from seeing how mobile technology improves the working environment and enables users.”

Tracy has built up a huge amount of problem-solving savvy following an illustrious career collaborating with many of the leading Mobile Network Operators on the African continent. During her time at Vodacom, for example, Tracy was presented with the highest possible award conferred on employees by South Africa’s leading cellular network operator.

After making the transition from highly-awarded corporate employee to entrepreneur, what would Tracy say is the biggest challenge she’s experienced at Resolve Mobile? “I’m a start-up, so every project is challenging! However, I’d probably have to say that it’s challenging getting clients to buy into a new social phenomenon like WeChat. It’s difficult getting brands to understand the value, but when they do, the reward is knowing they’ve caught the early-adopter wave and will soon reap the benefits of being visionaries,” she concludes.

“Finding solutions to problems using mobile technology is what drives my passion for what I do”


Mobile solutions in ActionMobile solutions in Action

“I firmly believe that aligning People, Process and Technology makes the foundation for better business”

Our Holistic SAP Solutions Our Holistic SAP Solutions


He joined Pebbletree in 2002, became a partner in 2005, and later COO in 2010. During this time, he acted as a Project Director for various large SAP projects while also managing the overall portfolio of projects.

“My passion has always been to deliver superior service and value to the customer. We are very excited to bring our SAP expertise to Resolve to strengthen its leadership position in the market. This combination boosts an already robust business services portfolio,” concluded Henk.

Every Resolve subsidiary company takes enormous pride in the fact that all of us, in many varied ways, help our clients to do business better. Resolve Optima is no different - its core teams of skilled SAP professionals expertly combine people, processes and technologies to make businesses run better.

As the name suggests, optimising the SAP supply chain environment is what Resolve Optima is all about. Heading up Resolve Optima is Managing Director, Grant Tate.

Grant boasts an absolute wealth of experience when it comes to supporting SAP customers in the areas of logistics and supply chain management. He began his SAP career while living and working in Dubai some 16 years ago. Way back then, the imminent dawn of Y2K was possibly the biggest business threat on the horizon. However, it was also a golden opportunity to replace ageing systems with SAP. Grant was assigned to the project in Dubai and was soon taken with the incredible power of SAP. He was selected to implement SAP across all of his then employer’s automotive subsidiaries, which were substantial.

After heading to Europe to implement SAP for Black & Dekker, Grant began putting out feelers regarding starting an SAP consulting business in South Africa. Pebbletree Consulting was born and was later renamed Britehouse SSD after a Dimension Data buyout. We’re sure Resolvers can see just how fortunate we are to be able to access this wealth of SAP experience within Resolve Optima.

The fit between this new Resolve firm and the rest of the group is just perfect, and this is clear from Grant’s continued focus on Continuous Business Improvement. “I firmly believe that aligning People, Process and Technology makes the foundation for better business. Resolve has all of the necessary components for Resolve Optima to provide a holistic offering to SAP clients,” he said. “Holistic” is a word that features often at Resolve Optima. It’s more than a word, however, it’s a business philosophy that’s central to the company’s approach.

According to Henk Jordaan, COO of Resolve Optima: “Offering a holistic SAP offering enables clients to implement new ways of working. SAP can be so much more than just a technology platform. It is in fact a total change management solution.” The understanding of the awesome power of SAP comes from Henk’s vast process control and SAP experience.

After finally joining EDS as an SAP production planning consultant in the late 1990s, he progressed further in a variety of SAP roles.

Henk Jordaan and Grant Tate

Tracy Langdon-Surkont

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Scene Around Greater Than Talent

Resolve’s First BirthdayGiverny De Villiers | 6 August 2014 Not many one-year-olds get to celebrate their birthday in the company of dozens of friends and impressive quantities of sparkling wine. However, Resolve is not your average one-year-old!

Resolvers, together with our clients, celebrated our first birthday by listening to a business update that set our goals over the coming year. The new additions to our fast-growing group - Resolve Immix, Resolve Capacity and Resolve Optima - were introduced and were the cherry on the cake of a very festive occasion!

Technology DayGiverny De Villiers |13 August 2014

Resolvers know that great teams are built on trust and most importantly, an in-depth mutual understanding between each team member. To help Resolvers cement the excellent team relationships, we hosted a Technology Day.

Staff demonstrated their hobbies and interests at this internal event. Some of the topics that were covered were 3D Printing, .NET Gadgeteer, Extreme Gaming, Lego Mindstorms, Rasberri Pi, Arduino, Mobile Mapping, Term Rewriting systems, Quadrocopter and Media Centres.

Barry Neethling, IT Director at First Technology, was even on hand to present his predictions on the next wave of upcoming gadgets that are sure to make an appearance at the next Resolve Technology Day.

Some of our most memorable moments

Grad Night Ju-Marie Bester | 5 September 2014

With previous great successes, SCA Grad Night 2014 certainly had big shoes to fill with a new team and location. There was certainly a lot of passion and drive to ensure that the build-up and the night itself was not just a success but a fun and enjoyable evening.

Each activity and business case presented had a specific purpose behind it to find like-minded people to join the SCA team.

Some classic games included, ’Egg Parachute’, and ‘Minute-to-Win-it’ where we witnessed a few graduate candidates’ crazy efforts to beat the Resolve team! The ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ game revealed who you can trust by your side in court. The ‘Office Triathlon’ was taken to a whole new level with hilarious consequences.

The various scenarios in the ‘Resistant and Difficult Client’ game were especially interesting.

Lines like: ‘You want to change the economy?’ without doubt threw the candidates off guard and created memorable moments!

The team’s hard work and perseverance through the early morning hours, together with the magic ingredient, our true Resolve GEES, made this night unforgettable.

SCA Grad Night

Technology Day

First Birthday

In addition, our Resolve Human Capital Mana-gement staff guides Mosa and gives her direction to improve the quality of service to her clients. The HCM staff also assists Awethu with guidance in terms of putting those all-important Human Resource processes in place.

The highlight of Mosa’s career came when she placed a candidate with Resolve. Mosa has set impressive personal goals, possibly the biggest of them all is to be a talent solutions provider that can compete with an established recruitment agency. Resolve is committed to supporting Mosa and the important work of the Awethu Project. Our interaction is the epitome of the mutually-rewarding relationship that’s good for our business and great for our country!

Small, medium and mirco enterprises (SMMEs) are widely-considered the engines of our economy with over 60% of employment opportunities created by small business.

Awethu Projects identifies and developes high-potential entrepreneurs in under-resourced South African communities.

Many budding entrepreneurs would have experienced the difficulty of obtaining start-up finance and access to sound mentoring advice. Awethu applicants do not need a minimum level of education, business experience or capital.

Mosa was born in rural Lesotho and relocated to Johannesburg with her mother when she was just a toddler. She came to realise that she had a passion to work with people and wanted to help them change their unfortunate circumstances.

During her matric year, her mother was retrenched and Mosa’s dreams of studying further looked bleak. Mosa’s mother heard about the Awethu project on the radio. The Awethu business model would not only provide her with the necessary training but give her much needed support in the critical start-up phase of her business. Mosa’s business idea, ‘Greater Than Talent’, a recruitment agency, was born and she started her training with Awethu. Her preparation involved months of onsite training under the guidance of an experienced recruiter from ADfusion, short courses, and ongoing formal studies in general management through GIBS. Resolve committed to provide her with an office and mentoring.

Our commitment to growing young entrepreneurs

Mosa Moshabesha

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People Enablement is an extended Resolve offering

People Enablement Opportunities for Talented Youth

Resolve Learnership Programme Provides Opportunities for Talented Youthpossibilities of the formal workplace, but the company will also be able to benefit from the fresh ideas and enthusiasm of new talent.

Kagiso Maphoso, Resolve’s friendly reception-ist, is one of the success stories we have from a Business Administration learnership programme conducted in 2012.

From the very beginning, Kagiso has made the best she possibly can from the opportunities given to her by the learnership. The result was an offer of permanent employment - this is a reminder of the difference a successful learnership programme can make to talented and enthusiastic people.

Success depends on the opportunity to prove yourself, good advice from mentors who want to make a positive difference, and just a little bit of good old fashioned luck.

Resolve understands that the harsh reality of life in South Africa is such that we have an enormous pool of highly-talented young people who will seldom have the chance to prove themselves, and certainly almost no access to qualified mentors.

We have therefore committed ourselves to annually providing growth and development opportunities in the form of once-in-a-lifetime learnerships!

This year, Resolve has committed to mentoring eight learners who are currently enrolled in the

Call Centre and Business Administration learnership programmes.

The names of our lucky learners are Johanna Kgobokwe, Xitshembhiso Ntlemo, Lorraine Manaka, Maria Tshabangu, Fikile Mkhize, Nemakhavhani Confidence, Edith Mkhatshwa and Lindiwe Ndhlovu. Resolve has every expectation that these learnerships will mould, develop and equip the above learners with the necessary competencies that could result in permanent employment - there’s that little bit of luck we were talking about earlier!

The possibility of eventual permanent employ- ment means that not only will the learner be exposed to great challenges, opportunities and

Always on the lookout to expand its offering of Advisory, Technical and Process Improvement, this latest development means that Resolve can now offer clients excellence in People Enablement.

Our People Enablement offering comprises the following:

• Human Capital Alignment develops and drives communication to align remuneration, incentives and performance measurement to business objectives as well as align values and culture to business strategy.

• Strategic Organisational Design aligns strategy and human capital development to support business objectives and interoperability for optimal performance.

• Capability Development builds competency of people in line with specific business objectives

and further develops leadership to support improved decision making, synergy, strategy execution and talent management.

• Organisational Engagement and Resilience enables organisations to adapt to constant changes through structured Change Management & Change Leadership interventions.

• Organisational Sustainability provides constant evaluation through metrics and dashboards with continuous improvement support for sustainable business results.

People Enablement, a formidable new Resolve service unit, has been created by combining the services of Commerce Edge South Africa (CESA), a leading provider of procurement education and training solutions in Africa, and TIDASA (The Training and Instructional Design Academy of South Africa) and adding leading advisory capabilities.

TIDASA has always been firmly focused on enabling people to go beyond their limitations by aligning our customised solutions with various educational skills frameworks. We are inspired by our learners’ eagerness and willingness to learn, and by our clients’ investment to develop their staff.

CESA is dedicated to developing supply chain and procurement professionals by assisting them to acquire strategic and operational knowledge and skills necessary to raise their supply chain functions to world-class, leading practice standards.

What we are about?

People Enablement focuses on the people efficiency aspects of business improvement and can offer solutions ranging from training and development, change leadership and management, right through to strategic employee engagement. Resolve provides holistic solutions that truly enable organisations to leverage their people as a unique competitive advantage.

People Enablement is an extended Resolve offering

People Enablement

Resolve Learnership Programme Provides Opportunities for Talented Youth

Kagiso Maphoso

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Enter now and W I N ! !

Stand a chance to WIN a Scrumptious Foodie Bag.The first correct entry drawn will win the prize.Fill in the crossword and mail your answers to

[email protected] The winner will be notified via email.

Recent Wins


3. The number of learners that Resolve has committed to mentoring.

4. The age of Resolve in 2014.

6. Resolve Immix supports professionals in the making from ____ Secondary School.

8. “You want to change the ____?”

11. The name of the Microsoft enterprise content management system.

12. The theme for the 2014 Casual Day was “Bring out the ____” .


1. Santa’s ____ is the name of the initiative that coordinates the donation, collection and distribution of boxed Christmas gifts to underprivileged children.

2. The name of the organisation who hosted the 12-hour relay.

5. Resolvers showed their passion for 3D printing, Extreme Gaming, Quadrocopters and more at the ____ day.

7. The surname of the IT director at First Technology who presented his predictions on the next wave of upcoming gadgets.

9. One of the games at the SCA Grad Night 2014 was the egg ____ game.

10. One of the new additions to the Resolve Group.

Innscor Africa is a diversified conglomerate operating primarily in the FMCG food space, both in Zimbabwe and anumber of other African countries. The project, which was conducted by Resolve Supply Chain Advisory, involvedreviewing logistics process and transport performance across its businesses in Zimbabwe to identify andquantify optimisation opportunities.

CBi-electric African Cables has been designing and manufacturing medium and high voltage electrical powercables at their factory in Vereeniging, near Johannesburg, since 1935. Today the company employs over 600 peopleand is a front-runner in the South African cable industry. African Cables appointed Resolve to help them improvethe operations within their finished goods yard. The scope of operations include handling and storage of drums,flow of drums between Manufacturing, Quality Control, Yard storage, Dispatch and Scrapping facilities, and a reviewof processes, procedures and principles such as 5S.

Resolve extended its long-standing relationship with Toyota SA Motors by being awarded a project to assist theirafter-market part supply business in a system replacement project. Toyota is globally on a journey to replace partsof their existing systems with a single in-house developed platform. Resolve is providing business analysis andprocess design resources.

Woolworths is embarking on a strategic transformation initiative for their Omni-channel offering to customers.Part of this journey is the optimisation of the online shopping offering on their website, and the improvement ofthe value proposition. Resolve, in partnership with UK Consultants, The Javelin Group, was contracted to review thecurrent in-store fulfilment and delivery model, and to recommend process, system and commercial improvementsto their online ordering service.

Regent has embarked on a programme to migrate from their legacy systems to a new system, The InsuranceApplication. Resolve has been selected by Regent to assist with the management of the data migration portion ofthis broader programme over the next 12 months. In addition, Resolve Immix has been appointed for the designphase of a broader Microsoft CRM implementation. Microsoft CRM will play a pivotal role in creating a single viewof the customer for Regent and its channel partners.

Nampak Corrugated offers different packaging solutions nationally, and it wanted to review its existing networkto plan for future growth needs. Supply Chain Advisory has done an assessment to establish an overview of thecurrent national logistics network with a view to identify improvement opportunities. The assessment includedproduct flows within the network, production and warehouse capacity and logistics spend.

The Railway Safety Regulator appointed Resolve to design, develop and commission a web-based nationalinformation and monitoring system that can manage information and monitor safety within its domain of operationwhilst supporting the RSR’s key operational processes.

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www.resolvesp.com | [email protected] |making business better

WILL YOU FIT IN?Resolve’s success lies in the realisation of our purpose of making business better as well as living our values every day. We are continually searching for talented individuals who are motivated and dedicated to living up to this promise.

HOW TO APPLY:Should you fit the profile above and wish to be part of our dynamic company, you can register your CV with us by sending it to [email protected].

SCAN THE QR CODEor visit us on: www.facebook.com/resolvesp

Photos: Denzel Thomas, Adele Du Rand, Sunisha Jular

We employ a wide range of skills across our various business areas.We recruit from all career spheres, including:

Learnerships Graduate Recruitment Internships Experienced Professionals

Careers at Resolve