Power of the Past — Force of the Future! Welcome to MAIA’s Big Event 2019 October 31-November 3, 2019 Boston Marriott Copley Place Course Materials Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral

Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT [email protected] 508-269-6774

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Page 1: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774

Power of the Past — Force of the Future!

Welcome to MAIA’s Big Event 2019

October 31-November 3, 2019

Boston Marriott Copley Place

Course Materials

Intuitive Massage

Charlene Cabral

Page 2: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774


- yt 4 A

N1 a ,sa "11 rzt


Charlene A. Cabral, LMT [email protected]




Page 3: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774

Do you feel or think ...

Everything Always Happens to ME!

Why are my Clients Always Involved in an Accident?

Why am I unable to stay in a Job/Career/ Relationship for a longer period of time?

Why do I always ATTRACT the wrong Employees and the wrong clients?


I NEVER get what I WANT!

Why AM I always being USED?



Page 4: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774


I'm tired of being in PHYSICAL PAIN!


Why won't pain go away ... I'VE TRIED EVERYTHING!?


There are NO COINCIDENCES! 611111111•11111■1111111111111111111111 1


• Consciously ... NO we don't or think we would not!



Page 5: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774


• When you become AWARE, you become CONSCIOUS!

• When you become CONSCIOUS, you set yourself FREE!

• When you set yourself FREE, you BECOME YOU!



What is Intuitive Massage?

• We all have physical pain in our bodies but do we know why?

• Do we know what the DEEP CORE ISSUE is that is creating the physical pain?


Page 6: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774




Page 7: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774


I've been in some sort of physical pain for most of my life. I've tried yoga, massage, medications, and chiropractic care.

Any results from the above mentioned took time to achieve and then proved to be short-lived.

By the time I met Charlene, I was open to whatever might work, and laid down on her table with obvious doubt.

After just one session, the pain I've been experiencing within my body dissipated.

Working through the root cause of the pain, and why it was trapped in certain parts of my body, has aided tremendously in my ability to let it go.

Charlene talked me through the entire process, explained everything she was doing, and providing education around different chakras and compartments we store fear, anger, and saddens in our muscles.

The sessions I have had with intuitive massage have helped me more than many of the other interventions I've tried.

Charlene has an incredible table-side manor, and brings an energy that's very easy to connect with and trust.

Author: Anvar S.

I met Charlene when I went to spa tech institute in Plymouth for massage therapy. At the same time I was struggling with some anxiety and body pain especially in my chest region. One day I was doing my massage clinics and one of my clients didn't show up so Charlene wanted to give me therapeutic massage with some energy work. To be honest I was a bit skeptical about it but I wanted to give it a try.

She guided me through the process of healing and she worked on my chest. Within a few min I felt connection between my pain and my brain and suddenly my eyes started tearing up for no reason. It sounds unbelievable but I felt like my chest pain started going away as if someone gave you a magic pill. Since then my chest pain never came back. I believe Charlene is an amazing healer and when I say amazing I mean it. If you struggling with some sort of chronic pain and you are open minded person, Please give her a chance to work on you and you won't regret as long as you remain engaged and open to it

Anvar S



Page 8: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774

ARTHUR: MICHAEL LUCAS 611M11111111111=1111111111•11111111111111111

One of the first sessions I experienced with Charlene, was like no other. I am an instructor at Spa Tech Institute in Plymouth Ma. So, one day in clinic (where we invite the public to come in for massages done by students.) Charlene's client didn't show so she ask if I would like a little intuitive massage and I accepted the offer. She was informative throughout the process of the session. She found a painful area in glute region and she started asking me to connect with the pain as I'm thinking, " I don't have any issues and nothing to release" just then! Tears started filling my eyes and I had tremendous cry. After a few minutes of crying I started to smile as I felt this feeling of joy enter my body. Charlene is an amazing healer. Michael J. Lucas

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ARTHUR: Maggie L. 11111111111■111111•1111111111111111111111=111

An intuitive massage is no different from a regular massage physically. Charlene works on your tension to relax your body. But an intuitive massage also helps you get in touch with the sadness, grief and other feelings you may be holding in your muscles--and helps you release it. I shed a few tears when Charlene was working on one area of knots, and then laughed for no reason while she was working into another muscle group! I left feeling physically less tense but emotionally lighter too!

This is a longer version of what I would say about it (I ran out of space in the review text box):

An intuitive massage is no different from a regular massage physically. Charlene works on your tension to relax your body. But an intuitive massage also helps you get in touch with the sadness, anger, grief and other feelings you may be holding in your muscles--and helps you release them. It is a combination of body work and emotional therapy. Charlene paused over areas of my body where she felt tension or blocks. She spoke to me about what those areas represent to help me connect with what feeling I am holding there. Grief over a family member, anger over a work relationship, the long-term wear of care giving for others and ignoring my own needs. By naming these emotions during the body work, an intuitive massage helps you identify nod connect with feelings so you can let them go. Relaxing the muscles from touch and from internal acceptance too. I shed a few tears when Charlene was working on one area of knots, and then laughed for no reason while she was working into another muscle group! I left feeling physically less tense but emotionally lighter too! Maggie L.




Page 9: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774




Charlene is so amazing and compassionate!

Each time I have had a massage she is able to help me to release my pain that is not only physical but emotional.

She is able to tap into what I hold onto deep inside my emotional soul and spirit. She has helped me to let go of my fears and to listen to what my body is telling me that to which my mind has not been capable of processing. This process has helped to heal my body and my soul!

Charlene has helped to counsel me through some very difficult times in my life through her intuitive massage'

Peace and healing,

Mary Currier


Six months ago I inadvertently began receiving intuitive massage from Charlene. I had recently become very interested in spiritual/personal development, and intuitive massage helped to rapidly facilitate my spiritual growth.

Charlene's massage technique has helped me to realize that my physical body had been holding on to a lifetime (or even many lifetimes) of old, negative, and fearful emotional energy that was manifesting as both physical and emotional pain. Through the massage, I've been able to learn how to tune into my body and allow it to tell me what I need.

This learning process has helped me not only during the massage but also in my day-to-day life. I truly use this this knowledge to better my life on a daily basis.

Before starting intuitive massage, I had been on an antidepressant medication for 10+ years. Today, I no longer take an antidepressant.

Overall, since receiving intuitive massages I have felt/witnessed a great positive shift in myself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I seem to uncover more about myself with each session.

-Olivia Fitzgerald ...41



Page 10: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774



When I think of Charlene I think of someone I was meant to meet. Upon meeting me in class one night, I was beginning school and she was graduating, we had a chance to be in the same class and it was so rewarding. That night, I had a swollen thumb that I recently had drained in the hospital. While on her table she mentioned that my thumb stood for grief. She noticed it was on the right side and that stood for male. (My dad died of cancer two years prior.) I then showed her my foot which has recently started to have thicker nails then my right and so much drier. She stated it was about fear and worries. I also showed her my teeth - all on the right side, tooth 1,2 and 3 and have had ongoing issues for the past couple of years. She mentioned that it is foundation bones and my foundation may be off. All of these comments resonated and I felt grateful for the explanations in my life. I told her about my dad and began to open up to her

Eight months later, (bumped into her at school) I have precancerous spots on my face and surgery on my back that both developed over the summer. She mentions that cancer is about anger and I am not liking what I am seeing and who is stabbing me in the back? After a day of thought I knew who was doing what to me. A few days later the "what I didn't like what I was seeing issue came to an end" and the spots fell off my face.

My right side is a work in progress still today as I am working through things - things I would not know unless I met her - things that are now improving.

I am blessed to have her in my life and call her my friend!

Kristin Umina


Hi, my name is Kristen and I am so happy to have had the opportunity to meet Charlene at my job at Elements Massage . When first hearing that Charlene does intuitive massage, I was skeptical because I have never heard of it before. When walking into Charlene's room for my first massage with her, I was a little nervous because of everything that I have heard from colleagues about how it was an overwhelming experience, but it was very much worth it After speaking with Charlene for two mins she picked up that I was stressed about something that had to do with my female side. I explained to her that I had to hear my sister yell at me about when my wedding should be planned, and it upset me very much that whole week. When starting the massage Charlene, she started on my legs which was different for me because every massage I have gotten started on my back: Charlene could see when I was standing talking to her about what I was looking for out of the massage that I was favoring my left side, which is my female side. She found a lot of areas in my legs that I didn't even know were bothering me, and she could feel that I wasn't letting go of something...it was the tight with my sister. She showed me how to speak my truth and let my body not harbor so many unneeded emotions. She was speaking to me the entire time because she kept finding more and more areas that have not been bothering me until they were worked on. Charlene has such a way of connecting with the client mind and body to make sure they are comfortable with the massage for the whole amount of time. About IS mins before my massage was over Charlene had this strange feeling that something emotionally was wrong, she was right. I explained to her that since I recently got engaged, I have been praying and hoping to get a sign from my late Memere who passed away two years ago to the date of my massage. Her birthday was in July and her passing was 10 days before her birthday. I explained to her that she was one of the most important women in my life and she really meant the world to me. When I was explaining everything to her, she kindly

interrupted me asking if she was a woman who always spoke her mind and I responded that she was.



Page 11: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774

Kristen's Experience CONTINUED... 41•1■111•111=1111■1111=111111111111111111

Charlene explained to me that she has a woman saying to her to tell me that she is proud of me and that she is so happy

that I found the one the I will spend my life with, but also that she knew him before she passed. Charlene told me things

that my Memere and myself would only know, and it bought tears to my eyes knowing I made her proud. She told me that

Memere said that she is always around and watching over me and that I need to "open my stinking eyes and pay

attention" When I heard her say that I knew it was Memere because she always had a sassy attitude with her family.

Charlene opened my eyes to a whole new experience with intuitive massage and I thank her every time I see her for that

Anyone who can experience this with Charlene must take advantage of it, I'm telling you right now, you will not regret it! Kristen Miglietta


• Holy Shit

✓ Intense

✓ Painful

• Life Changing

• Never Knew Emotions can be that powerful

• Wow

• Incredible

✓ Freeing

✓ Ass kicking


✓ Eye opening





Page 12: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774



Page 13: Intuitive Massage Charlene Cabral manuals/Sat... · INTUITIVE MASSAGE WITH CHARLENE - yt 4 A N1 a ,sa "11 rzt Instructor: Charlene A. Cabral, LMT cabral@ccabralconsulting.com 508-269-6774



