1 Ah Wf Wiitr i intuit .k wv i n n H n it it ii H VOL. XIII. NO. 2701. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. STcrn Sltocrtiscmrnts. Shipping. THE DAILY business Guards. LATEST FOREIGN KEWS. T1ITL? I DTTTimiT SILKS! SILKS! SILKS! -:- - IMMENSE ASSORTMENT AT -:- - N. S. SA CHS', 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, K. 1. We have just received an immense assortment of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS Of every description, which we offer at Very Low Prices. BLACK BROCADED SILK, BROCADE SURRAH3, BROCADED SILKS, Evening Shades; INDIA SILKS, all Colors- - SURRAH SILKS, all Colors; BROCADED POSGfcE, EvenV Shade" BLACK OTTOMAN SILK, FANCY PLAID SILKS, ' SILK COMBINATION SUITS for Evening and Street wear. LACE FLOUNCIM! LACE FLOUNCING! BLACK CHANTIT LY LACE FLOUNCING, a T i i v a T r i w r ra v. . ULiAIJJV tst'AiNlStl LiAUK J? JLUUNUING, BLACK FRENCH LACE FLOUNCING, CREAM CHANTILLY and CREAM LISSE FLOUNCINGS, ana v AL.fcJNJliNJSE FLOUNCING. Kja.irjiM.AL. 3id Grloves, tt-- H TTTTYI V T.'Tn nT nwo TV- - ci..j MOUSOUETAINF. Drsaa,! anA rT,lroCci cm : t.. Brown and Black; MOUSOUETAINE tan shades. o SPECT our LARGE and VARIED STOCK. Tk Popular Inn 56 - CASTLE & COOKE, IMPORTERS, Shipping and Commission Merchants, PLANTATION AND SEALERS IN BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, The Shipping Bills. No further action has been taken in Congress upon the Shipping bills. The measure has passed the Senate, bnt in the House the Demo- crats have stood in the way of the progress of the bill, and they fight it bitterly whenever an opportunity presents. However, there is every reason to believe that there will be somo legislation providing for postal subsidies at least for the Australian and Hawaiian service. San Francisco News. The British ship Earl of Zetland arrived from Java with sugar for Spreckels & Bros. The Earl was the second of the Java sugar fleet supposed to have been lost on the passage over, and her arrival was an agreeable surprise to the ' Insur- ance men. who have been selling out for 25 per cent, for several weeKs. A Int. ftf rpfnrmnro Vi xrn trrtt nr - -- " " t r petition to have Congress forbid any importation of opium. The petition is getting numerous signers but will not do much good. William Carouthers. a vounflr man from JNapa, has undertaken to wheel a wheelbarrow to New York in four montbs. - The Harbor Commissioners have adopted plans for a water front belt road and a union depot at the front of Market street. John McComb has resigned as Warden of San Quentin Peniten tiary, after one of . the longest and ft a - most Diuer political tiujivor . . . - t V.. M O Known in me state. Races ThapJdab Noses'" It is not sq.rnuch "nose-rubbin- g" on tho part of many of the tribes of the Dark Continent and of the islanders of New Zealand, Roto uma, Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii and ether groups as it is a plain case of mutual smelling. - It is true that the travelers gen. erally call it rubbing, but the mo. tion and pressure are sometimes no greater than that of the muzzles of two dogs making or cementing acquaintance. The pressure and rub are secondary and emphatic. The juncture only means the com- pliment: "You smell very good!" This does away, with the notion that the flat-nose- d races have be- come flat-nos- ed by reason of their method of : salutations. Popular Science Monthly. iNcia ft&wrttstmfnt. California FEED CO.; KM & WRIGHT, Props. Have on Hand and For Sale, Fresh every month from the Coast, the very best quality of Hay and Grrain Of all kinds, at the very lowest prices! Delivered promptly to any part of the city. giVE US A TRIAL! Warehouse, Leleo Mutual Telephone 121 ; Bell Telephone 129. Office with C. T. Gulick Bell Tele- phone 343 ; Mutual Telephone 139. 1345 59- - Just Received Per Bark "CHARLOTTE," a number of Pianos ! Pianos ! From the Celebrated Factory of C BECHSTEHf, LONDON and BERLIN, f0Now ready for inspection, for sale k H. HACKFELD & CO., Sole Agents fot the Hawaiian Islands. 2688-t- d NOTICE. Pacific Commercial Advertiser M PUBLISHED Every 31omiiig Except Sundays, At No. 46 Merchant St. SUBH(JRI1T10N ( Jailt P. 0. Advkbtiseb, one year 0 oo six months.. 3 00 i tt mnnth Aft Viklt Hawaiian Oazbtts, one year 6 00 eladlng doUb) . 00 Dailt and Weekly, one year in advance.... 10 00 Payable Invariably In Advance. By Postal Mosey Order. All Transient Advertisements mast ue Prepaid. Address: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 00., 18 Merchant at., Postofflce Bex O. HonolpXu. H. I. LEWEUS & COOKE, (Successors to Lewen k Dickson) importer and Dealers In Lomlwr And all Kinds of Building Materlala. o. 82 FOHT 8TBEET, Honolnln. 19 JOHN T. WATERH0USE, Importer and Dealer la GrENER AL MERCHANDISE. No. 35-- 31 Queen Street, Honolnln. 79 WILLIAM O. AOHI, Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Publlo and Real Estate Broker. Office 36 Merchant 8treet. 79 H. HACKFELD & C0-- , (jeneral Commission Agents Cor. Fort ft Queen tits., Honolnln. 79 W. E. ROWELL, Engiiieer" and Surveyor Room 5, Spreckels' Block. 82-- y BEAVErf. SALOON, Fort Street, Opposite Wilder A Co.'s, H. i. NOLTE, PBOPBLETOB. Jlrst-cla- ss Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk. Open From S a. m. till 10 p. m. ivySmokera' Requisites a Specialty. 79 HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Steam Engines, tollers. Haftar afllle. Coolers, Brass and Lead Castings, ind machinery of every description made to uruer. Particular attention paid to ships' black jmitbing. Job work executed on the shortest ootioe. 7 THE ROYAL SALOON, Voe. Xanana and merchant Streets Under the Management of JE. JEL B Wolter, deep always 1 n stock a variety of the beat Wines, Liquors, Beers, and ice cold beers on draught at 10 cents per glass. 3TCmI1 aud See Us.'d 79 Assurance Company FOUNDED 18 OS. LONDON. Capital. - $ 6.000.000 Assets, $ 9,000.000 Having been appointed Agents of the above Company we are now ready to effect Insurances at the lowest rates ot premium. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. 1343 112-- q SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. insurance effected npon every description ol property at current rates of premium. Total Bum Insured In 1885 837,888,700 Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurlsdio. on of the Local Tribunals recognised. G. W. Macfarlane & Co. 79 Agents for Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service TIME TABLE or TBK Oceanic Steamship Co. (subject to charge.) The Australia asd Zealahdia Leave San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M. Leave Honolnln at 12 M. Tuesdays. The Through Steamers Leave Sail Fran- cisco and Honolulu Thursdays. LEAVE AEEIVE STEAMER. SAN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU. Monowai Feb. 5 .... Feb. 12 Zealandia Feb. 10 Feb. 17 Australia Feb. 24 .... Mar. 3 Alameda Mar. 5 Mar. 12 Zealandia Mar. 10 .... Mar. 17 Australia Mar. 24 Mar. 31 Mariposa April 2 April 9 Zealandia.. .. April 7 .... April 14 Australia April 21 April 28 Monowai. April 30 .... May 7 Zealandia May 5 .... May 12 Australia May 19 .... May 26 Alameda May 23 .... June 4 Zealandia June 2 .... June 9 Australia June 16 .... June 23 Mariposa June 25 .... July 2 Zealandia June 30 .... July 7 Australia July 14 .... July 21 Monowai July 23 .... July 30 Zealandia July 28 Aug. 4 Australia Aug. It Aug. 18 Alameda Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Zealandia Aug. 25 .... Sept. 1 Australia..... Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15 Mariposa . Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Zealandia Sept. 22 Sept, 29 Australia Oct. 6 Oct. 13 Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22 LEAVE ARRIVE STEAMER. HONOLULU. BAN FRANCISCO. Australia Feb. 10 .... Feb. 17 Alameda ...... Feb. 12 .... Feb. 19 Zealandia Feb. 24 Mar. 3 Australia Mar. 10 .... Mar. 17 Manposa Mar. 12 .... Mar. 19 Zealandia Mar. 24 Mar. 31 Australia April 7 .... April 14 Monowai April 9 April 16 Zealandia, April 21 ... April 28 Australia May 5 ... May 12 Alameda May 7 May 14 Zealandia May 19 May 26 Australia June 2 .... June 9 Mariposa Jane 4 .... June 11 Zealandia. June 16 .... June 23 Australia June 30 .... July 7 Monowai July 2 July 9 Zealandia July 14 .... July 21 Australia July 28 Aug. 4 Alameda July 30 .... Aug. b Zealandia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18 Australia Aug. 25 .... Sept. 1 Mariposa Aug. 27 .... Sept. 3 Zealandia Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15 Australia Sept. 22 .... Sept. 2: Monowai.... tW--- pt. 24 Oct. 1 Zealahdia Octr-- 6 Oct. 13 Australia Oct. 20 .... "Oct.- - 27- - Alameda Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29 Zealandia Nov. 3 .... Nov. 10 Australia Nov. 17 Nov. 24 Mariposa Nov. 9 Nov. 26 2690-3- m Australian Mail Service FOR SAN FRANCISCO. tho new and Use Al steel steamship 66 99 MAEIPOSA Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, wml be due at Honelulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about March 12, 1891, And will leave for the abeve port with malls and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. (x. Irwin & Co., A.OJENT8. For Sydney and Auckland. The new and One Al steel steamship 6t 99 ALAMEDA 3 Oi the Ooeanlo Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Ban Fran&soo or or about March 12, 1891. And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls an asaengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having 8 CPKRIOB AC OOMMODATION8, apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., 79-- q AGENT?, CHAS. BREWER & CO.'S Boston Line of Packets. IMF9RTERS WILL PLEASE take notice that the fine BARK JOHN D. BREWER Capt. W. L. Josbilyw, Will be laid on the berth in Boston to !eavn for this port on March 15, 1891, if suff- icient inducement offers. ggfFor further particulars apply to 79 1343-- q C. BREWER & OO. J. B. CASTLE, Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, I Honolulu, H. I. My LORRIN A. THURSTON, ATTORNEY - AT -- LAW Honolulu, H. I. Office over Bishop's Bank. 49-l-y J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-L- a. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. O 63-l-y Rogers). WILLIAM C. PARKE, ATTORNEY -- AT -- LAW AND Agent to take Acknowledgments. Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- - m-- j iuiu, h. i. CHARLES F. PETERSON, Typewriter and Notary Public. Office with L. A. Thurston. 133-- q W. F. FREAR, .A.tto rne v at-- H aw. Office over Bishop's Bank. 105-- q MISS D. LAMB, Stenographer and Type-write- r, Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street, near the Postomce. iU3-- q DR. K. KOBAYASHI, NO. 32 EMMA STREET. Office Iours 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 f. M. 2655-2- m FRANCIS M. ENGLISH, B. A., (OXON.), Is prepared to receive pupils in - Classics, Mathematics and English Literature. Special preparation for University and Competitive Examinations. . "jFor terms, etc., please apply No. 43 Emma street. 107-l- m PROP. U. J. ORDWAY, Teacher of Banjo, Guitar & Mandolin 9 Leave orders at Music Department Hawaiian News Co. 154-- 1 m Pioneer Steam CANDY FACTORY and BAKERY. F, HORN Practioal Coniectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74. 1343 79q James nott, jr., PRACTICAL TINSMITH & PLUMBER Corner of King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu, H. I. TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261 residence, Mutual, 236. jtyEstimate3 furnished on all classes of Numbing and Tinsmithing work. First class workmanship and material guaran- teed in all the above branches of my busi-nes- a at reasonable rates. 79q C. BREWER & COMPANY, (Limited). GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AQENT8. LIST or 9FK0KBBJ P. O. Jones, ir President and Manager J. O. Carter Treasurer and Secretary Hon. W. F. Allen Auditor DIRECTOB8: Hon. O. B. Bishop. . Bon, H. Waterhonss 79-- 0 Daily Advertiser 50c. per month. aALU ALIHIIHTIU, Hotel St., - - Honolulu, J. H. FISHER, Prop. tlbms: Hoard aud Lodinne Der week (accord- - in;: to location of room)..? 10 00 to f 12 00 irmisieni, per aay 2 oo Table Board, per week 7 00 oingiejieais so Visitors will find this nn tf Vii most comfortable and convenient houses in the city, the rooms being large, light, and airy. Hot and cold water bath, 8(My EAGLE HOUSE NUUANO AVENUE. THIS FIRST-CLAS- S FAMIL in Hotel (situate in the most pleas- ant part of the City) continues to offer the comforts of a home to transients and others. Adjoining the Main Building are several New Cottages specially constructed for family use. Table unsurpassed. MJTi erms z.uu per day, ?12.00 weekly. Special arrangements for monthly boarders. T. KROUSE. Prop.. 123 1350--y Honolulu, H. I. Clans Spreckels Win. a. Irwin. OLA US SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN I HLANDH Draw Kxchiige on the principal parts o the world. Yf 111 receive deposits oa open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. , Deposits bearing Interest received In their Bav ings Department subject to relished roles and regulations. ia.n WM. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, (Limited.) Wm. G. Irwin, - President and Manager Claus Spekckkl8, - - Vice-- President Walter M. Giffard, - - - - - Secretary and Treasurer Theo. C. Porter, ... Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. AGENTS OP THE OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO., Of San Francisco, Cal. Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) has assumed the assets and liabilities of the late firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and will continue the general business formerly carried on by that house. 1335-- 4 1 13-- q CALL FOR DIAMOND CREAMERY BUTTER In lib., 21b.. 31b. and 71b. Tins Finest .Article for Warm Climates. S.FOSTER & Co. Wholesale Grocers, SOLE AGENTS. 86 aad 88 California St., San Francisco. 90-- y CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents ! AOKITTS FOR:" New England Mutual Life Ins. Co OF B08TON, jEtna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford. UNION" Insurance Company FIRE AND MARINE, OW SAM FRANCISCO, CALIFOBHIA. 1343 79-- q CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants IMPORTERS AJSD DEALERS IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Flantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine lnsur&ace Agents. 11343 Honolulu, h. i. 79-- q - PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines. MfU 7fMl Kid Gloves ! EVENING mnVR in KW aA Hob, 104 Port St tf INSURANCE vAGfENTS. NOTT, and 97 KING STREET. Housekeeping Goods. and Sheet Iron Work 79-- q and Weekly Gazette Largest Circulation .ff JOHN DIMOND BLOCK, 95 Stoyes, Ranges and Plumbing. Tin, Copper The Daily Advertiser ARE THE LEADING PAPERS OF THE KINGDOM, THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THIS opened a retail store at No. 78 Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ' ' combined with a ' Tailoring and Dressmaking Department WONG HOP CHANG. Aug. 21, 1890. 45-- q LEWIS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. lelepltun 0. F. O. Box 97 78 . w .v And Have the

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1 AhWfWiitri intuit .kwv i n n H n it it ii H


STcrn Sltocrtiscmrnts.Shipping.THE DAILY business Guards. LATEST FOREIGN KEWS.


N. S. SA CHS',104 Fort Street, Honolulu, K. 1.

We have just received an immense assortment of

BLACK AND COLORED SILKSOf every description, which we offer at Very Low Prices.



SILK COMBINATION SUITS for Evening and Street wear.


a T i i v a T r i w r ra v. .ULiAIJJV tst'AiNlStl LiAUK J? JLUUNUING,


ana v AL.fcJNJliNJSE FLOUNCING.Kja.irjiM.AL.

3id Grloves,tt--H TTTTYI V T.'Tn nT nwo TV- - ci..j

MOUSOUETAINF. Drsaa,! anA rT,lroCci cm : t..Brown and Black;




Tk Popular Inn56-


Shipping and Commission Merchants,




The Shipping Bills.No further action has been taken

in Congress upon the Shippingbills. The measure has passed theSenate, bnt in the House the Demo-crats have stood in the way of theprogress of the bill, and they fightit bitterly whenever an opportunitypresents. However, there is everyreason to believe that there will besomo legislation providing forpostal subsidies at least for theAustralian and Hawaiian service.

San Francisco News.The British ship Earl of Zetland

arrived from Java with sugar forSpreckels & Bros. The Earl wasthe second of the Java sugar fleetsupposed to have been lost on thepassage over, and her arrival wasan agreeable surprise to the ' Insur-ance men. who have been sellingout for 25 per cent, for severalweeKs.

A Int. ftf rpfnrmnro Vi xrn trrtt nr- -- " " t rpetition to have Congress forbidany importation of opium. Thepetition is getting numerous signersbut will not do much good.

William Carouthers. a vounflrman from JNapa, has undertaken towheel a wheelbarrow to New Yorkin four montbs. -

The Harbor Commissioners haveadopted plans for a water front beltroad and a union depot at the frontof Market street.

John McComb has resigned asWarden of San Quentin Penitentiary, after one of

.the longest and

ft a -

most Diuer political tiujivor. . . -t V.. M OKnown in me state.

Races ThapJdab Noses'"It is not sq.rnuch "nose-rubbin- g"

on tho part of many of the tribesof the Dark Continent and of theislanders of New Zealand, Rotouma, Tahiti, Tonga, Hawaii andether groups as it is a plain case ofmutual smelling. -

It is true that the travelers gen.erally call it rubbing, but the mo.tion and pressure are sometimes nogreater than that of the muzzles oftwo dogs making or cementingacquaintance. The pressure andrub are secondary and emphatic.The juncture only means the com-pliment: "You smell very good!"

This does away, with the notionthat the flat-nose- d races have be-

come flat-nos- ed by reason of theirmethod of : salutations. PopularScience Monthly.

iNcia ft&wrttstmfnt.

CaliforniaFEED CO.;

KM & WRIGHT, Props.

Have on Hand and For Sale,

Fresh every month from the Coast,the very best quality of

Hay and GrrainOf all kinds, at the very lowest prices!

Delivered promptly to any partof the city.


Warehouse, Leleo Mutual Telephone121 ; Bell Telephone 129.

Office with C. T. Gulick Bell Tele-phone 343 ; Mutual Telephone 139.

1345 59- -

Just ReceivedPer Bark "CHARLOTTE," a number of

Pianos ! Pianos !

From the Celebrated Factory of


f0Now ready for inspection, for salek


Sole Agents fot the Hawaiian Islands.2688-t- d


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every 31omiiig Except Sundays,

At No. 46 Merchant St.


Jailt P. 0. Advkbtiseb, one year 0 oosix months.. 3 00

i tt mnnth Aft

Viklt Hawaiian Oazbtts, one year 6 00

eladlng doUb) . 00

Dailt and Weekly, one year in advance.... 10 00

Payable Invariably In Advance.By Postal Mosey Order.

All Transient Advertisements mastue Prepaid.


18 Merchant at.,

Postofflce Bex O. HonolpXu. H. I.


(Successors to Lewen k Dickson)

importer and Dealers In LomlwrAnd all Kinds of Building Materlala.

o. 82 FOHT 8TBEET, Honolnln. 19


Importer and Dealer la

GrENER AL MERCHANDISE.No. 35-- 31 Queen Street, Honolnln. 79

WILLIAM O. AOHI,Attorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Publlo and Real EstateBroker.

Office 36 Merchant 8treet. 79

H. HACKFELD & C0-- ,

(jeneral Commission Agents

Cor. Fort ft Queen tits., Honolnln. 79


Engiiieer" and SurveyorRoom 5, Spreckels' Block.

82-- y


Fort Street, Opposite Wilder A Co.'s,H. i. NOLTE, PBOPBLETOB.

Jlrst-cla- ss Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open From S a. m. till 10 p. m.ivySmokera' Requisites a Specialty. 79


Steam Engines,tollers. Haftar afllle. Coolers, Brass

and Lead Castings,ind machinery of every description made touruer. Particular attention paid to ships' blackjmitbing. Job work executed on the shortestootioe. 7


Voe. Xanana and merchant StreetsUnder the Management of

JE. JEL B Wolter,deep always 1 n stock a variety of the beat Wines,Liquors, Beers, and ice cold beers on draught at10 cents per glass.

3TCmI1 aud See Us.'d 79

Assurance CompanyFOUNDED 18 OS.


Capital. - $ 6.000.000

Assets, $ 9,000.000

Having been appointed Agents of theabove Company we are now ready toeffect Insurances at the lowest rates ot

premium.H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.

1343 112--q


Established 1710.

insurance effected npon every description olproperty at current rates of premium.

Total Bum Insured In 1885 837,888,700

Claims arranged by the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The Jurlsdio.

on of the Local Tribunals recognised.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

79 Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

Honolulu and San Francisco Mail Service


Oceanic Steamship Co.(subject to charge.)

The Australia asd ZealahdiaLeave San Francisco at 2 o'clock P. M.

Leave Honolnln at 12 M. Tuesdays.The Through Steamers Leave Sail Fran-

cisco and Honolulu Thursdays.


Monowai Feb. 5 .... Feb. 12Zealandia Feb. 10 Feb. 17Australia Feb. 24 .... Mar. 3Alameda Mar. 5 Mar. 12Zealandia Mar. 10 .... Mar. 17Australia Mar. 24 Mar. 31Mariposa April 2 April 9Zealandia.. .. April 7 .... April 14Australia April 21 April 28Monowai. April 30 .... May 7Zealandia May 5 .... May 12Australia May 19 .... May 26Alameda May 23 .... June 4Zealandia June 2 .... June 9Australia June 16 .... June 23Mariposa June 25 .... July 2Zealandia June 30 .... July 7Australia July 14 .... July 21Monowai July 23 .... July 30Zealandia July 28 Aug. 4Australia Aug. It Aug. 18Alameda Aug. 20 Aug. 27Zealandia Aug. 25 .... Sept. 1

Australia..... Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15Mariposa . Sept. 17 Sept. 24Zealandia Sept. 22 Sept, 29Australia Oct. 6 Oct. 13Monowai Oct. 15 .... Oct. 22


Australia Feb. 10 .... Feb. 17Alameda ...... Feb. 12 .... Feb. 19Zealandia Feb. 24 Mar. 3Australia Mar. 10 .... Mar. 17Manposa Mar. 12 .... Mar. 19Zealandia Mar. 24 Mar. 31Australia April 7 .... April 14Monowai April 9 April 16Zealandia, April 21 ... April 28Australia May 5 ... May 12Alameda May 7 May 14Zealandia May 19 May 26Australia June 2 .... June 9Mariposa Jane 4 .... June 11Zealandia. June 16 .... June 23Australia June 30 .... July 7Monowai July 2 July 9Zealandia July 14 .... July 21Australia July 28 Aug. 4Alameda July 30 .... Aug. bZealandia Aug. 11 .... Aug. 18Australia Aug. 25 .... Sept. 1Mariposa Aug. 27 .... Sept. 3Zealandia Sept. 8 .... Sept. 15Australia Sept. 22 .... Sept. 2:

Monowai.... tW--- pt. 24 Oct. 1

Zealahdia Octr-- 6 Oct. 13

Australia Oct. 20 .... "Oct.-- 27--

Alameda Oct. 22 .... Oct. 29Zealandia Nov. 3 .... Nov. 10Australia Nov. 17 Nov. 24Mariposa Nov. 9 Nov. 26

2690-3- m

Australian Mail Service


tho new and Use Al steel steamship

66 99MAEIPOSAOf the Oceanic Steamship Company, wml be due

at Honelulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

March 12, 1891,

And will leave for the abeve port with malls andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Wm. (x. Irwin & Co.,A.OJENT8.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and One Al steel steamship

6t 99ALAMEDA3 Oi the Ooeanlo Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from Ban Fran&sooor or about

March 12, 1891.

And will have prompt dlapatcn with malls anasaengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having 8 CPKRIOB AC

OOMMODATION8, apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,79--q AGENT?,


Boston Line of Packets.

IMF9RTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


Capt. W. L. Josbilyw,

Will be laid on the berth in Boston to !eavnfor this port on March 15, 1891, if suff-icient inducement offers.

ggfFor further particulars apply to

79 1343-- q C. BREWER & OO.


Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, I Honolulu, H. I.My


ATTORNEY - AT -- LAWHonolulu, H. I.

Office over Bishop's Bank. 49-l-y


Attorney and Counsellor-at-L- a.

Office Kaahumanu Street,(In office formerly occupied by Mr. O

63-l-y Rogers).



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, Hono- -

m-- j iuiu, h. i.


Typewriter and Notary Public.

Office with L. A. Thurston. 133-- q


.A.tto rnevat--H aw.Office over Bishop's Bank. 105-- q


Stenographer and Type-write- r,

Office of J. A. Magoon, Merchant street,near the Postomce. iU3-- q



Office Iours 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to 4and 7 to 9 f. M. 2655-2-m


Is prepared to receive pupils in -

Classics, Mathematics and EnglishLiterature.

Special preparation for University andCompetitive Examinations. .

"jFor terms, etc., please apply No. 43Emma street. 107-l- m


Teacher of Banjo, Guitar & Mandolin

9 Leave orders at Music DepartmentHawaiian News Co. 154--1 m


F, HORN Practioal Coniectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel St. - - Telephone 74.

1343 79q

James nott, jr.,PRACTICAL

TINSMITH & PLUMBERCorner of King and Alakea Sts.,

Honolulu, H. I.

TELEPHONE Workshop, Mutual 261residence, Mutual, 236.

jtyEstimate3 furnished on all classesof Numbing and Tinsmithing work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaran-teed in all the above branches of my busi-nes- a

at reasonable rates. 79q






P. O. Jones, ir President and ManagerJ. O. Carter Treasurer and SecretaryHon. W. F. Allen Auditor


Hon. O. B. Bishop. . Bon, H. Waterhonss79-- 0

Daily Advertiser 50c. per month.

aALU ALIHIIHTIU,Hotel St., - - Honolulu,

J. H. FISHER, Prop.

tlbms:Hoard aud Lodinne Der week (accord- -

in;: to location of room)..? 10 00 to f 12 00irmisieni, per aay 2 ooTable Board, per week 7 00oingiejieais so

Visitors will find this nn tf Viimost comfortable and convenient housesin the city, the rooms being large, light,and airy.

Hot and cold water bath,8(My


THIS FIRST-CLAS- S FAMILin Hotel (situate in the most pleas-ant part of the City) continues tooffer the comforts of a home to

transients and others.Adjoining the Main Building are several

New Cottages specially constructed forfamily use. Table unsurpassed.

MJTi erms z.uu per day, ?12.00 weekly.Special arrangements for monthly

boarders. T. KROUSE. Prop..123 1350--y Honolulu, H. I.

Clans Spreckels Win. a. Irwin.



Draw Kxchiige on the principal parts o theworld.

Yf 111 receive deposits oa open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business. ,

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Bavings Department subject to relished roles andregulations. ia.n



Wm. G. Irwin, - President and ManagerClaus Spekckkl8, - - Vice--PresidentWalter M. Giffard, -

- - - - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar Factors and Commission Agents.


Of San Francisco, Cal.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., (Limited) hasassumed the assets and liabilities of thelate firm of Wm. G. Irwin & Co., and willcontinue the general business formerlycarried on by that house. 1335-- 4 1 13-- q


BUTTERIn lib., 21b.. 31b. and 71b. Tins

Finest .Article forWarm Climates.

S.FOSTER & Co.Wholesale Grocers,


86 aad 88 California St., San Francisco.90-- y


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co


jEtna Fire Ins. Co, of Hartford.

UNION"Insurance Company




Shipping and Commission Merchants



Flantation Agents,

Life, Fire and Marine

lnsur&ace Agents.

11343 Honolulu, h. i. 79--q

- PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,

HOUSE FURNISHING GOODSKitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, and Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Medicines.MfU 7fMl

Kid Gloves !


Hob, 104 Port Sttf



Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work79-- q

and Weekly Gazette

Largest Circulation



Stoyes, Ranges and

Plumbing. Tin, Copper

The Daily Advertiser


THE UNDERSIGNED HAS THISopened a retail store at No. 78

Nuuanu street, for the purpose of selling

GENERAL MERCHANDISE,'' combined with a '

Tailoring and Dressmaking Department

WONG HOP CHANG.Aug. 21, 1890. 45-- q


Wholesale and Retail Grocers,


lelepltun 0. F. O. Box 9778

. w .v

And Have the

Page 2: intuit .k 1Ah

t --i t?u am;0 UlL

DAILY PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MARCH 4, 1891.Bri SlntljoritB discharged & large ocean-goin- g A VALUABLE WORK. A HURRICANEOUR SAX FRANCISCO LETTER. 2Cnn Uwcrttscntfiiis.

Will not interfere with the regularity ofship the Andrew Welch, the thirdof the kind discharged on the Ewa action of the Aermotor because it is so

Wright's Trade Directory andGazetteer of the World.Per O. 8. Aaatralla, San rrnHo.

Phrur7 24, 1891.constructed that it swings with the wind,9ide of the harbor, bat the Fife-shir- e

after a cood passage from Wright's Australian, India, China and HOLLISTEE & CO.,IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN

Japan Trade Directory and Gazetteer, aLiverpool with a heavy general (From our special correspondent.) hanl-boo- k of trades, professions, com'. 1

i : i

no matter how hard it blows. This stylewindmill is an innovuion on these Isl-ands and plantation men are beginningto realize the necessity of them ; someday, not far distant imagine, a plan-tation will not be consider! complete

cargo was several days in thestream waiting ber time for a

merce and manufactarea in the Austra-lian Colonies', India, China and Japan,including Canada, Soath America, Cen

Sugar.Szw York, Feb. 20. Cubanwharf. At the present moment without one.

tral America, West Indies. Mexico and There are manv gtvl. r.f windmill.- -Centrifugal, 96 degrees, 5 65-1- 00 .South Africa. George Wnzht, publisher, on the market, some cht-.-p-. su n hig'iNewthree large coal shipa from New-

castle, N. S. W., are awaiting thechance to discbarge.

lors. mi is. without doubt, the



priced, others again dear .i' anv prktvcents; granulated, 6 9-1- 6 cents, the

It hi pleased Her Majesty tte Qieen toappoint


to be CommiMioner of Crown Land andLend Agent.

Iolani Palace, March 3, 1891.27013t 1305-l- t

The old-fashion- ed wooden .n- - rr:vlwhighest it has been since last OcrarjHt exuausijve wort ot the kind e?erpublished. Each country is stamped onthe ede of the book and'has a separate

properly classed among the U OurIf this be the case now, what tober. opinion is based on the fact that thy aremay it not be a year hence, The local market is quiet and going out of use on the line of the L nion j rp . .

Pacific Railway, and, in fact. ; oi letindex. The contents include Victoria,New South Wales, Queensland. SoathAustralia, Western Australia, Tasmania,New Zealand. Fiii Islands. Hawaiian

without feature. There have beenwhen almost certainly there PVPrv rasa nrriAro trinrlmilla ara u..i i

will be a line of first - class no changes worthy of note. Boththe California and American re A rticles,






in California, where windmills are as I

plentiful as dwelling houses, th ranch IIslands, riouth Africa, San Salvador,steamships calling here on their Honduras, Costa Rica. Columbia. Ven men are taking out their wooden one,fineries are getting rid of theirstocks of Hawaiian as fast as pos ezuela, Ecuador, Pru, Dominion ofway to and from the Australian even though they be in good Jj Ulr:Canada, Bolivia, Hrazil, Cuba, Uruguay, mai is, noi roue n. and repiacm them :colonies and Vancouver, besides sible after they come. The last Arg-nur- i republic, Central America. with Aermoturs. We secured the sole I

consignments of Manila and Java British West Indies. Mexico. Chile. Inthe certain expansion of our Call

It ha pleaded Her Majenty the Queen toappoint the following gentlemen to beCommUsioners of Crown Lands:

Ilia Excclluct Ho. SAMUEL PAR-KER,

Hi Krcei-Linrcr- r Ho. HERMANN A.W1DEMANN, and


Iolani Palace. March 3, 1891.270l-3- t LVJ5-- U

dia, Philippine Islands, China, Japan,for Spreckels are now in port, andi'erfnnies

and Soaps,biam, Java, English exporters andfornia trade and more frequentarrivals and departures for Chinaand Japan. Already the wharfs Spongrs. Etc.

American exporters. The present issueis the third edition, and it gives a com-plete list of all trades and professions inthe various countries of which it treats,as well as a gazetteer of each town, cityand village, and is invaluable to mer

are too narrow for modern ocean




ships. The Australia and ZealMr. Henry Dickenson ha been appoint chants and manufacturers who are con

are stored on Mission nock, await-ing the time when they can be ad-

mitted free of duty.Some difficulty is being had in

conducting the investigation intothe affairs of the Sugar Trust re-

cently undertaken. A dispatchfrom New York dated the 20thsays: The Senate Committee onLaws resumed its investigation thismorning. It was found that Treas-urer John E. Searles, Jr., had dis

andia are 368 feet Cong each. TheAlameda and Mariposa little less, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE NAPA SODA WATERstantly seeking to extend their trade. Itsed by the Board of Education, School

Agent for the district of Lahaina and La- - the ilounslow 325. The White value to those having business relationswith Central America, Mexico and theHawaiian or Sandwich Islands is simDlv

nai, in place of Mr. Darid Taylor, who hasStar ships though the oldest and

were convinc d of i's Mr'.'ri'y .v rany other m n;f.:c,i:ro .sr. i u- -- ue!we Were 8;ii-fi- e: that i: w,..iid .ringbetter result- - to the j :"iiiiH'r. Ihefirst one p-- t up worked m .if;'d?y, andthe mar aI-- bought itt.-- ; t his 'i.-ihb-

about v. we sold another j:.e. That'sthe way ;t has been ever since we intro-duced tht-r-n; now the demand for theAermotor is so great that we have decid-ed to kep a few oi theui in stock. Latepurchasers have been obliged to waituntil we could have their orders filled inSan Francisco, new ones will not. Wecould publish other testimonials as tothe practicability of them on theseIslands, but we thing the following willanswer:

Honolulu, February 26, 1891.Messrs. Tus Hawaiian Hardware Co.,

Honolulu :

Gentlemen: I have had the Aer-motor, purchased of you, placed in posi-tion on Maunaloa Ranch, and desire toexpress to you the genuine satisfaction Ifeel at the work it has done.

incalculable, and in order to meet thodemand it has been found necessary tosmallest of the line cannot enter

the harbor for insufficient depth of issue an extra edition of 12.000 conies.

Eye Glasses.

Opera Glasses

resigned.By order of the Board of Education.

W. J AS. SMITH,Secretary.

Education Office. March 3, 1891.13fi5-2- t 270i-3- t

Opera Glasses, .

Eye Glassesappeared to avoid being questioned.

water, how then when the Empress The information throughout the book isconfidently recommended as being unThe Deputy Sergeant-at-Arm- s an

nounced that he was unable to usually accurate, much valuable assistof India and her sister ships of 550feet or more (the new White ance having been received through theserve subpenas on Searles, Theo

dore Ilavemeyer, Dekest and Wil postmasters and American Consuls inIt haa pleased Her Majesty the Queen Star are 582) want to come in tae various colonies and countries of .A. Full Line of Spectaclesliam and J. D. Dick. The deputy which it treats some of it within a fortnight of publication and the informa

to make the following appointments:Honorable John Owen Dominis.Gov

ernor of the Island of Oaha.

and these ships will always want apowerful tug to berth them and to

said he was hampered by the peopie in the office of the trust com Hon has by this means been brought

down to the latest date. Mr. Wrizhtget them away from the wharves pany, the employees doing all theyJames William Robertson, Esq., will remain in town till the departure of HOLLISTER & CO., 109 Fort Street.could to prevent him from findingAll "the Ewa side of the harbor is It runs smoothly and the wheel re-volves with the slightest wind. OneCliamberlain of the Koyal Household tne Alameda, March 12, and can be

found at the Hawaiian Hotelwanted for wharves and ware the persons wanted.A Terrible Wreck.

Captain Samuel Nowlein, Captain of strong point in its favor is the fact of 79-- q

there being absolutely no noise in its operhouses, and immediately oppositethe " King's Royal Guard," vice J. P.ation, a fault so common with everyKahalewai, resigned. the entrance to the harbor is want The fine clipper ship Elizabeth,

Capt. Coicord, was wrecked atTennessee Cone, above the North

Lieut. Waiau Jerome Feary, Firstether windmill I have ever seen.

(Signed) George J. Campbell,Manager Maunaloa Ranch.

ed a long, deep catting to the foo PACIFIC HAEDWARE CO., LUFort Street, : : Honolulu.

of Richard street, with a berth forLieutenant of the "King's RoyalGuard," vice Hon. E. K. Lilikalani, re liead of Golden Gate, on Saturday The Aermotor is the only windmillthree ocean racers. Neither of the Royal Hawaiian OperaHouseevening, the 21st inst. At 3 o clock made of steel; it cannot rot, as the

wooden ones will, and it does not rust.flagships of the French or British :n the afternoon of that dav, foursigned.

Lieut. Hiram Kaaha, Second Lieuten tugs went to her relief, but couldsquadrons can come in, though i l. J. LEVEY.W. H. HAMILTON,OSCAB H EKOLD -

ant of the " King's Koyal Guard," viceLE88KK AND MANAGER- - 6TAOF. DIRECTOR- MUSICAL DIRECTOR

not get ber in the bay.they could they would and might

It runs noinelessly, and its action isperfect. It is bound to give satisfaction.They are sold only by us. Prices ouapplication.THE HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,

Opposite Spreckles' Bank, Honolulu.

Tho wreck resulted in the Ions oflie there for weeks at a time.

Lieut. Feary, promoted.Io'ani Palace, March 2, 1891.

2703 2t 1305-- lt

eighteen men, including the captainSo dredging and wharf-buildin- g and two mates.

The Nicaragua Canal.should go on, band in hand,Foreign Office Notice. possible, but there is no good rea Congress is still struggling withFrank P. Hastings, Eh., htiM this day

Sluctirm fin'ca.

BY J AS. K. MORGANson why either should wait for the the Nicaragua Canal Bill and each


Bijou Opera Co.



other. week developes stronger opposibeen appointed Secretary of the Depart-ment of Foreign Affairs, vice Col. theHonorable Curtis P. Iankea, resigned.

tion to the measure. The bill cameWithin almost calculable monthsAuction Sale ofup again the following dav andtho cable will be down here, and Morgan addressed tho Senate in itsSAMUEL PARKER,

AUnister of Foreign Affairs. ships will call for orders, and manyidefense.

American News. ELEGANT FURNITUREof them may want refit and repairnw Honolulu, March 2d,2703-2- t 13G5--H The Legislature of Oregon has1891. H II Trovatore,if thoy know they can get them

Two great private enterprises, as and BRIC-A-BRA- C.

sistcd, but not too liberally, the

These MILLShave given per-fect satisfactionwherever used.They run easier,require less tare,do not rust anddo more workthan any other.

EVENTSReserved Scats can be secured at OnMarine Kail way and tho Ewa rail MarchL.J. Levey's this morning, ai 9 o'clock. Thursday,

--Ar 10 .A..way, are working to show whatlors at 7:30 p. m. v hn ilnnn hv pnn.rov nnd dnfnr.

adjourned without making any ap-

propriation for the World's Fair.It is as good as settled that theCalifornia Legislature will net aside$300,000 for that purpose.

Tho final ceremonies over the re-

mains of General Sherman wereheld at St. Xjoub on the 21st inst.The procession in St. Louis wasfully equal in size to that in NewYorlr-TSfT!- :- -- nies were con


" 'FAUST- -

St. Ahbbkw's Cathedhai Service at 7 p.m.

K. of P. Oaha Lodge No. 1, and MysticLodge No. 2 at 7 :30 p. m.

minatiou. '

CORRESPONDS Special Notice The managementEsqike Co. No. 1 Moutbly meeting at1'MT.U.

Eaoisc Co. No.7:30 p.m.

2 Monthly meeting at

At the residence of MRS. RE1MKN-SCHNEIDE- K,

Punchbowl street. 1 willell at Public Auction, a quantity of Ele-

gant Furniture, comprising in part:

Kosewood ("enter Table1 Handsome B. W. Etagere,Large Japanese and Bronze Vases,1 Elegant Koa and Kou Book Shelves,Carved B. W. Marbletop Table,1 CARVED B. W. BOOK CASE,Side Tables, In' v.'.'i VflTps "

CT"Havinjr imported a quantity of HARTMAN STEEL GALVANIZEDFENCING for parties wishing the same, we can supply a surplus of a few hun-dred feet at very low prices.

3SCRAPER MATS Something new. The do not become slippery when

New GQods-"by.JLa- te ArrivalsPLANTATION SUPPLIES, Galvanized and Plain TECE WIRE; Wfr lest.Maples of special quality. Galvanized buckets and Tubs, Sauce Pans, Fry Pans.Market Baskets. -- OLAKS WAKK. dROniCKRY V.tr-- Ft

We do not bold onraelvei responsible for theUtementa made, or opinions expresned by oar

have much pleasure in infoming the pat-rons that arrangements have been madewith the Tramway Co. to have Cars readyat the close ot each ptrformance for Pala-m- a,

Nuuanu Valley and Waikiki via Kingstreet. Parties wishing to return home by

,'1 mode of conveyance can only do sohw nrrt?"r'ng Tickets from L. J. Levey.

ducted by Father ThoSl?8 E. Sher-

man, son of the dead soldierThe Washington Post has create

Box Plait Bijow Co. Open this ra rning correspondents.at it. J. Levey 'a omce.

Boabdop Immigration Meeting at officeof Minister of Interior at 11 a. m.

79-- qConsulate General of Japan, )

Honolulu, March 3, 1891. jMb. Editor: In to-day-

's Adver 4 irtassive B. W. Sideboard,Silver Plated Ware.Idsetiiig."AnnualTHE DAILY tiser 1 see that " the burning or

the Parliament buildings at Tokio Black Walnut Wardrobeis attributed to oosm, wno natePACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER

a political sensation by announcingthat under no circumstances willex-Presid- Cleveland consent torun for the Presidency in 1892.The announcement has broughtabout a deal of talk and gossip,and its truth has been half a dozentimes asserted and denied. Cleve-land has not defined his position,but he is commonly considered tohave ruined his chances by reasonof his open opposition to the freecoinage of silver.

The New York Herald's Wash-ington correspondent asserts that

foreigners," etc., etc. This report is

ANNUAL MEETING OF THEstockholders of the Union Iron Works

Co , for the election of officers, will beheld at their office on Queen street, onMONDAY, March 9th, at 11 o'clock a. m.

KOBERT MORE.2703-l- w Secretary.

erroneous. The Official Gazette,


Bricra-Bra- c !From Germany and Switzerland;



jt Lowest Market Rates!A LARGE AND CHOICE STOCK OF

which arrived here by last mail,announces that the cause of fireBe Just and fear not;

Let all the enda thou alm'at at beThy Country', thy God'a, and Trnth'a. FOR LEASE!was due to some mishap to the

electric light wire in the buildings. Steel - Engravings !Will you be good enough to cor--

WEDNESDAY, MARCII 4, 1891. rect the above statement that ap THE PREMISES ON KAAHU-man- u

street, at present occupiedby T. H. Davies & Co., and ad-joining their new building.

peared in to-da- y paper. Yours

Large Illustrated Editions of

Standard German AuthorsAlso, a fine collection of


faithfully, J. Tanno, Wmes, Liquors, Beers, Ales, Stout, Etc.Secretary.The report that the Pacific Cablebill ari appropriation have passedCongress is not correct. A passen

8yFor particulars enquire ofJ AS. L. McLEAN,

at Inter-Islan- d m. N. Co.'s office.2&9-l-w tf


The item in Tuesday's Adver- -..am m The remises will be open for in--ger who arrived in the Australia, tiser referring to the burning oi spection on Wednesday, March 4th, from

y a. m. to A P. M.says that the bill bad not passed, the Parliament buildings, appeared

Blaine is scheming for the annexa-tion of Cuba, andlhat the reciproc-ity treaty, as proposed, is only adeep-lai- d scheme to compel theSpanish planters to throw off theyoke of Spain and annex the islandto the United States. The Cubansare very restive over the failure ofthe Spanish Government to come toterms with Blaine and concludereciprocity treaties.

President Harrison has namedex-Gover- Charles Foster ofOhio as Secretary of the Treasuryto succeed William Windom, whodied at New York so suddenly


and the friends of the enterprise in several can francisco papersthat came by the Gaelic. Ed.

Has just arrived with other finebrands of Jas, E. Morgan,

2700-6- t AUCTIONEER.

were doubtful whether it could beat this session. The appropriationof $25,000 to survey the route will


CHAMPAGNE in Pints and Quarts:Q. H. Mumm & Co. " Ex ra Dry." Pommery & Greno " Sec "

Louis Roderer " Grand Vin Sec."


Port, Sherry, Malaga, Muscat,Madeira, Ziufandel, Claret, Malbec,

In Kegs and Cases.

HAVANA CIGARS,A Cargo Boat.A splendid specimen of the Xtm Stitoertiscnunts.probably be voted.

Such as VIRGILIO, IRMA, FLORA, Ac.modern freight-steame- r is now in thisharbor. The British steel screw ship

MARSHAL'S SALE.The increased frequency in thearrival and departure of foreign Honnslow, twelve days from Nana-- For Sale by

lmo, witn ;s,44U tons of coal fromsteamers seems to be bringing Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. She is325 feet long, 41 feet beam and 22

about the result which has often H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.

2702-l- w

E. & J. Burke,IRISH WHISKIES John Jameson & Son,Mitchell's Cruiskeen Lawn.been predicted an increase of feet depth of hold, with a gross ton

travel. This has been the case on nage ox 4,4U. Tappithen, I slay Blend, Glengarry, Royal Blend,SCOTCH WHISKIESLochiel.FOE SALE.An idea of the power and economyevery route in the older countries,

and it will bo the same here. Theof modern engines may be gathered Golden Sheaf, O. F. C.BOURBON WHISKIES Belle of Nelson " 1881,"

Sourmash, Kentucky Favorite, Cutters Al.from the fact that the Ilounslow srecent extra efforts made to adver treble expansion engines nominally ONE BUGGY AND ONE

Brake, almost new. Applytise our islands by the circulation of 2 horse-powe- r work up to 1,160at Adfertiser office.

2703 lwhorse-pow- er and have brought herabroad of the Tourists' Guide and

. a Vt a m .

Hiram Walker & Sons 1883 "Clul)" WhiskeyHIKAM WTALKER & SONS 1884 "IMPERIAL" RYE WHISKEY,

Ex FAUST, 306 Days From New York.

tne raraaise or. tne 1'ucmc, are

FOR SALE.having the effect which was anticipated, and which will doubtlesscontinue each year. The public LGEROBA CORD WOOD. APPLY GIN Palm Tree, J. D. K. & Z., J. J.

Son's " Old Tom," Large Stone Jugs 'Melcher'a " Elephant," Boord &Exquise," Royal Club."

- to W. E. HOWELL.2G99-1-


issued out of the Police Court,on the 21st day of February A. D. 1891,against Lee Kin and Quon Chow.partners,as Sun See Hop Co., defendants, in favorofS. C.Allen, doing business as Allen feRobinson, plaintiffs, for the sum of TwoHundred Seventeen and 50-1- 00 Dollars($217.50), I have levied upon and shallexpose for sale at the front entrance ofKalakaua Hale, in the District ot Hono-lulu, Island of Oahu. at 12 o'clock m. ofTHURSDAY, the 2d day of April A. D.1891, to the highest bidder, all the right,title and interest of the said Lee Kin andQuon Chow, defendants, in and to the fol-lowing property, unless said judgment,interest, costs and my expenses be previ-ously paid.

List of property for sale: 1 clock, 4 bed-steads (white pine), 18 wooden horses, 1counter, 2 tool chests with tools, 1 tool boxwith tools, 1 grind stone and stand. 2car- -enter's benches. 1 bundle of moulding, 11E locks of hardwood, 3 tables. 5 lockers, 1

unGnished table, 1 cabinet maker's ma-chine, tools, etc., 3 boxes o Chinese provi-sions, 1 lamp, 2 carriage wheels, 1 stool. 1old guitar, 2 old bamboo chairs, 5 oldchairs, 1 anvil and vice. 1 lot of windowpanes. Hot R. W. boards, 1 lot N. W.boards, 1 lot iron screws, bolts, etc. etc.

(Signed) C. L. HOPKINS,Marshal.

Honolulu, Mar. 3, 1891. 2703-l- ni

H. PETERSEN132 Fortfijrit.

should increase its efforts in circu

San Francisco News.The steamer China has brught

four steel plates, from Japan, cov-

ered with a lacquer which it isclaimed will not foul when keptunder the sea water. If it is allthat is claimed for it, the UnitedStates Government will adopt itfor use on the new men of-wa-r.

i The brig Tahiti has arrived fromTahiti bringing later news of an-other outbreak on Haiaetea islandone of the windward group. Threemen-of-war- , the Champlain, Voireand Volage have shelled the nativevillages with no real advantage.The natives refuse to submit toFrench protection and have thusfar successfully resisted.

Foreign News.Berlin has another remedy for

tuberculosis. It is the discovery ofProfessor Liebrich, Director of theJRoyal Medical Institute of thatcity. He asserts that it will cureadvanced phthisis, and announcesthat he will give the world thefull benefit of the remedy in a shorttime.

A state of siege has been declaredat Buenos Ayres, on account of anattempted assassination of GeneralBoca, formerly Minister of the In-terior. The inhabitants are greatlyalarmed over the situation.

Hennespy . John Exshawlating these excellent mediums of BRANDIES De Laage Fils & Co. .Extra No. 1, Gonzalez & Co. 5 Crown.Dividend Notice.information relative to our advant-

ages as a place of resort for tourists GUINNESS'

down here, nearly 2S,bU0 miles, at anaverage rate of 9.5 knots, at an expenditure of 15 tons per day. Bythe way, how much does the Kinauburn at the same speed? The Hounslow has a double bottom pitted astanks for water ballast and so canmaintain her trim, being able to takein or to discharge 651 tons of waterballast.

She entered the harbor drawing20 feet of water aft and can carry4,000 tons sugar but will want 22feet 6 inches which is just close tothe maximum depth of our baras it is.

She was built by Messrs. Gray &Co., engined by Messrs. Blair & Co.of Stockton-on-Tee- s, in 1890, iscommanded by Capt. F. Normanwith Mr. H. Oliver for chief

in search of pleasure or health.


FRfcDKRICKSBURGIn Quarts and Pints.

A DIVIDEND WILL BE PAYABLEto the stockholders of the Paia Sugar BEER,

o. reDruary zstn, at the office of Castle 4COMMERCE KNOCKING AT OUR DOORS.uoose. T. W. HOB RON,

27ol-4- t Secretary.It is high time that our harbor

Dividend Notice. W. C. PEACOCKBox 504. 1362 268S-3- m

& CO.,Telephones 46.

improvements were taken in handin grim earnest. We sorely needmore harbor frontage, more wharf, P. O.more warehouse, more depth of A DIVIDEND WILL BE PAYABLE

to the stockholders of the Haiku SugarCo. February 23th, at the office of Castle &water. Fresh Fruits and Potatoes by every Stmr.The longer a man is married the uoone. J. l$. ATHERTON,

270Mt Secretary.The preliminaries for dredging The Weekly Gazette and Daily Advertiseriruiu dii ran Cisco; tne best inS th market.more he apppreciates tho unselfish-ness of woman; the longer awoman is married the more she

are in preparation and would beara little hurrying. In the matter of THIS PAPER IS KEPT ON FILE

E. C. Dare's Advertisingwharfage the

A Hne Mock of Havana Cigars, Tobacco.Orders for Groceries promptly filled.

-- Cash sales small profits. 267T-3m- q


hHE ADVERTISER IS THE1 leading; daily paper of the Kingdom

Railway Company appreciates the selfishness of man. Aoexcy, 64 & 65 Merchaja'- - TTfraTree,Daily Advertiser 50c per month.are as usual to the fore and have Somerville Journal.



Page 3: intuit .k 1Ah




Offer For Sale, ex Hecent Arrival!SUPERIOR : RHINE : WINES,

POPULAR INSTITUTIONS.' Honolulu is justly proud of the

many various institutions that flour-ish in her midst; be they for educa-tional purposes, for physical devel-opment, for amusements and recrea-tions, or for whatever purposes theyare organized ; all are popular fortheir own special advantages. Aninstitution differing somewhat fromthe above, but none the less popular;one offering greater advantages toits many members; one that is notconfined to thecily limits, but whichppreads all over the islands; an in-stitution that, as soon as its doorswere opened, was besieged by multi-tudes anxious to join; and which isdaily growing more rxmular with all

Such as Assmannshauser Auslese. Rauenthaler, Rudesheimer. Hochheimor,Iubenheimcr, Niersteiner, Diede&heimer.

CHAMPAGNES of Benj. & Kug. Terrier, Chalon's Carte Blanche Laurence,St. Ililaire, Carte noir et Carte Blanche.

FLENSBURG STOCK BEER-Guarant- eed the Genuine Article.BAVARIAN BEEK of the renowned Augtistiner Brewerr; also,


ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & Co.79 1343-- q King and Bethel BtreeU.


Genuine Sanitary Underclothing


I herewith appoint MR. 31. GOLDBERG, Agent for the Sale of myGenuine Sanitary Underclothing for the Hawaiian Islands.

Siimedl PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.Stuttgart, the 19th of Fcpteraber, 1890.

Dr. Emerson has a card in thisissue.

See notice of wardroom mess ofU. S. S. Mohican.

See new " By Authority an- -

nouncements in this issue.

The S. S. Australia sails for SanFrancisco on the 10th inst.

"i Several whaling captains camedown on the Australia to join theirvessels.

"A meeting of the Board of Immi-gration will be held at 11 o'clock thismorning.' Cool weather still continues, the

full-bloode- d breeder of malaria,colds, etc.

A very large number of arrivalsby the Australia are stopping at theHawaiian Hotel.

Messrs. E. HoSschlaeger & Co.loffer ex recent arrivals superiorHvines, cigars, etc.

" The sills for the new Brewer &Co. building on Fort street were putin position yesterday.

The directors and officers of theInter-islan- d S. N. Co. for the ensu-ing year appear elsewhere.

Purser Ed. Keil of the Australiahas the acknowledgments of theAdvebtiseb for favors done.

An inspection of Mrs. Beimen-schneider- 's

furniture, etc., may behad to-da- y. Sale w.

Capt. Houdlette of the Australiareports the trip down one of theroughest he ever experienced.

The Bell Telephone Co. give no-tice of a reduction of rates afterApril 1st; also list of officers of thecompany.

Some of the fire laddies were busycleaning their fire apparatus aftertheir excellent work at the fire theother night.

Mr. W. A. Peairs who visited thevolcano last week reports witnessinga grand display. He was muchpleased with his trip.

The clicks of the hammers andchisels on the stones at the site ofthe new Central Union Churchshow busy work is going on.

In the letter of our San Franciscocorrespondent, where the subsidyoffered to the cable company wasstated to be 750,000, it should read


The S. S. China was to leave SanFrancisco Thursday, February 26th,and may be expected on Thursdayor Friday, with two days' later newsfrom abroad.

Bice's Evangeline Troupe will beon the Alameda due the 12th inst.en route to Australia. They havewritten to Mr. L. J. Levey that theywould like to stay over in Honolulufor a short season.

lAt the parlors of the CentralUnion Church this evening the regular missionary concert will be held.Subject: "Darkest England." Paperswill be read bv Mr. Justice Dole andMr. Chas. L. Carter. NJ

fiT0riginal to be seen in my

I certify herewith that I have given to WM. BENGERS SONS, Stuttirart, thesole authority for the manufacture of Sanitary Underclothing after my systemboth at home and abroad. I recognize, as genuine, only the Sanitary Under-clothing made bv the original appointees which are stamped in blc with, theTRADE MARK OF Wm. BkNOER & SONS AND MY PIQJCATURK UNDERNEATH. Be Ware Of

ImmitationlSigned PROF. DR. G. JAEGER.

CGTA Full Assortment Just


To T.k. Effect From January 3, 1891.

T It'.1 1ST SA.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Leave Honolulu.. .6:15' 8:45 1:45 4:30tArrUe HoDoallull. 7:15 9:49 2:49 5:28tLeT Uonoallull.7:45 10:51 3:51 5:501Arrive Honolulu. .8:40 11:55 4:55 6:451

t Saturdays only. 53-- tf

Sundays excepted.


AKRIVALS.Tuesday, March 3.

OSS Australia, Houdlette, 6 daysfrom San Francisco.

Scbr Kulamanu from Kohala.Schr Luka from Kohala.Schr Ka Moi from Hamakua.Schr Mary E Foster from Waianae.Am wh bark Mars from San Francisco.Am wh bk si F Herriman, from a cruise.Am wh bk Northern Light, from San

Francisco.Am wh bk Alaska, from San Francisco.Am wh bk Triron, from San Francisco.StmrJ A Cummins, Neilson, from Koo-la-a.

DKPAKTUKES.Tcesday. March 3.

Stmr Kinau, King, for Maui and Ha-waii.

Stmr Claodine, Davies, for Kahului.Stmr Mikabala, Campbell, for Kauai.Stmr Kaala, Hagland. for Lahaina.Ger bk Charlotte, Bohndorf, for San



Stmr Iwalani, Weir, for Honokaa andKukuihaele at 10 a m.

Stmr Kairuiloa.Dabel, for Nawihwili andHanamaulu at 2 p m.

Schr Mary E Foster for Hanapepe.Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, for San

Francisco via Mahukona.Schr Kawailani for Koolau.

VESSELS 1JJ FOIST.(This list does not Include coasters )

U S 8 Mohican, Shepard, from llilo.H'JSS Nymphe, Turner, Hilo.US8 Iroquois. Bishop, from Samoa.Ger bk Charlotte. Bohndu:f. Liverpool.Haw bk Mauna Ala, Smith, Newcastle.Bk C O Whitmore, Ward. Newcastle.Am bk S C Allen, Thompson, San Fran.Br ship Fifeshire, Gr ig, Liverpool.Ger bk J C Plluger, Kru.e, Bremen.Ger bk Santiago, M Geerds, New York.Am ship Exporter, Ktzr, Newcastle.Am bkt Disc-'very- , McNeill, San Francisco.Am schr Golden Sdore.Henderson.Newctl.Am Bk Sonoma, Lee. Newcastle.Br S S Houn'tow. Norman, Nanaimo, B C.OSS Australia, Houdlette, San Francisco.

FOREIGN' - VESSELS EXPECTED.Vessels. Wbero from. Pti.

BkVivax New York.... May 15Bk Foohng Suey.... Boston June 7Bk H Hackfeld Liverpool June 4Tern Wm Reuton..Newc't(Kahului)FeblOP M S S Chini San Francisco. .Mar 5Bk Newsboy Newcastle Feb 28Ship Merom Port lilakely....Feb 28Bkt Kliriitat Port Townsend. Mar 4Ekt Amelia Port Towns. 'd.. Mar 13Sp Harvester Newcastle Mar 20Tern J O Ford San Fran (Mab)Mar 1

Bk Cnllao- - Liverpool June 1Schr Kaalokai Fanning'a IsL.Feb 28Bk Indefatigable .. Newcastle. Mar 3BkOmt-- Newc'e(Kah) Mar 1

Ship Centennial New York May?0Brgt Lurline ....Feb 28Bk Albert San Francisco.Mar 1

BktSG Wilder San Francisco.Mar 24Schr Robt Lewers... Port Town'd... Mar 15OSS Alameda San Franotiico. Mar 12BrgtConsuelo S F(Kah Mar 6OSS Zealand ia San Francisco.Mar 17

BkC D Bryant San Francisco.Mar 2Bk Annie Johnson.. Liverpool Jun 18OSS Mariposa Colonies Mar 12



From San Francisco, per S S Australia,March 3 Miss telle Appleton.C Bau-man- n.

Mrs U Boiteand child, John BurgosGeo B Burnett and wife. Miss L Carmen jW Chamberlain, Mrs A Clerk, A fci

Crowder, Miss May Cunv ins, Chas Dean!James I Dowsett, Jr, J W brazer,wife an

- boyrlf-1'"1- 1' W Freeman, Franl?Gilford, K. Halst-a- and wife, W H Ham-- i

ilion, A Hutuberg.Dr Hudson. Miss KellyfE Kopke, wife and maid, S Langlois and;wiie. J L Llovd and wile. Miss Nellie M-

Lowry.Mis- - fsabelle Lowry.J DMcDonjaid, Mrs J r ilenaonca, Aim fannyMeyers, Taylor P Morse, Miss CamillMouri, Miss Frances Nickerson, Mrs S CPaine, Chas M Kaymond, C Sanford, TScott, Capt W T Shorey, Miss J Simmons.Miss 11 L shaw, K. stantani. Mrs F V

Sumner, Mit J Thomas, Miss M Thomas,Edw Torpi, Capt Joseph Whiteside, ThO'Wright, Lr F K Tayior.capt E A Thaxter,A E Murphy and 27 steerage.


For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau,"Marrh 3 For Volcano: Mr McArthur.Frwr Ijihina. Makena, Hilo, etc; Mrs J

v.hi. Miss Kipi. H R Macfarlane,rrat. R Wallace and wife,

n r. Oahbe. wife and child, C 1)

Miller, Capt Kaluhikai, C Kaiser, W Ber-i-

Miss Bernhardt. W F Thrum, M

Koki and about 4 steerage passengers.kw Kanai.ner stmr Mikabala, Marchni hf.nor Chief Justice and MrsAF

Judd, Master Judd, Hons A Rosa, A PPaohanl-- : Kev J B Hanaike and wife, J WAlapai, W O Smith, Hon P P Kanoa andn,if i ; OeishtoD. J L Kaulukou, J MVaoaVna. C L Brito. A Rap zo, G W Ale

Lain. J Gandall and tamily. B Lindsay, HKirti mvre. E M Walsb, W L Wilcox. Jv.. I H Mahoe. M Perreira, J H Bare- -

naba 1 K-- Katsura.Capt Wai and about 60

deck passengers.ttm. m ani ner stmr Claudine, March 3

Jndse Geo E hichardson, J O Carter, ReviTathr Ai.srhanl. A F Franca. J de f liesP s Taylor, H Wilbergroth, Miss M Alex-

ander, Mrs Kahananui and 45 deck passen'gers.



Hardware, Crockery,GLASSWARE,

Merchant-stree- t window.

Received and For Sale at


and Cylinder Oils, Dynamo Oils, Powder,Patent Machine-loade- d Cartridges, ,

pe and Bolt Cutting ;

olicited and promptly nlleu. .7W-- q

- ..-vv,. tv i j oca uatwu3rd. She had on board for San Francisco33,072 bag3 sugar, which weighed 4,182,733pounds. Her cargo was valued at $163.-91- 6

88. H. Hackfeld & Co. shipped by her27.GC8 bags sugar, and M. S. Grinbaum fc

Co., 5,404 bags sugar.The United btates cruiser Charleston,

which sailed from here February 18th at 1p. m., was passed Dy the steamship Aus-tralia February 25 at 9:3G p. m.. and prob-ably arrived in San Francisco on theevening ot the following day, about eightdays from Honolulu.

LATEST SAN FRA'CIPC0 SHIPPING SEWS.Arrivals Feb. 23. bark Electra, 23 days

from Honolulu." Departures teb. 20. bark Albert forHonolulu.

Projected Departures Bkt. S. G.Wilder (cleared awaiting better weather);schr. John G. North (cleared); March 5.S. S. Alameda for Honolulu and the Colo-nies: March 10, S. S. Zeatandia for Hono-lulu; b irk C. D. Bryant far Honolulu.

Eceeka Feb. 21, eailed, bkt. Eureka forHonolulu.

Port Lcdlow, Feb. 21, sailed, bkt. Kliti-ta- tfor Honolulu. . ,


Port Townsend Feb. 21. returned, bkt.Amelia from the Sound for Honolulu.


The New York Grand OperaCompany Arrive on the Ausr tralia,

When the steamship Australia wasapproaching her dock yesterday, thewell-know- n figure of Mr. W. H.Hamilton, . the favorite basso, wasseen near the railing, and then itwas known that the members of theNew York Opera Company were onboard. Soon after the vessel dockedthe company were driven to the Ha-waiian Hotel, where they are com-

fortably quartered and are evidentlymaking themselves qaite at home. ISignor Martin iz.the musical direc-tor, was unable to come, but his placewill be filled by Mr. Oscar Herold,who has had large experience and isan able musician.

The company makes its first ap-pearance Saturday evening at theOpera House in Verdi's well-know- n

II Trovatore. The box plan for thesale of seats opens at 9 o'clock thismorning at the office of Mr. L. J.Levey, and there is every indicationof the entire house being quicklysold. Special arrangements havebeen made with the Tramways Company for cars to run in all directionsat the close of each performance.

It is not necessary to remind thepublic, that this company is a first-clas- s

one in every respect. Even themembers of the chorus have beenspecially selected. The openingnight will prove the assertion. Onthat occasion there will undoubtedlybe a crowded house. v . ,

Two New Books. ,

Miss M. Mitchell is at the presentime canvassing the city for the sale

of two valuable and useful books forwhich she is agent. One is "AthleticSports in America, England andAustralia." It comprises history,characteristics, sketches of famouseaders, organizations and great con

tests of baseball, cricket, football, lacrosee, tennis, rowing and cycling.This book includes a full account ofthe tour around the world made bySpalding's baseball players. Theillustrations are numerous and su- -

Derb. and there is a vast amount ofthe most entertaining reading matter. Everyone in the islands interested in athletics of any kind shouldhave a copy of this excellent book inhis possession. The price is fixed at4 and 15.75, according to binding.The other book is " From Manger

to Throne," a new life of Jesus theChrist and history of Palestine andits people by the celebrated Rev. T.De Witt Talmage. D. D. It also includes an account of the doctor sjourney to, through and from theChrist land.' -- The book: naa overfour hundred most beautiful en- -

gravings or tne people, places anascenery. This book will doubtlessmeet with a very ready sale. Ordersfor both books may be left at thisoffice.

S. S. Australia's Voyage.The S. S. Australia, .! H. C. Houd

lette, master, sailed from San Francisco Tuesday February 24th at 2p. m. with 54 cabin and 28 steeragepassengers and 1,306 tons generalmerchandise. Importation $50,000sDecie. Experienced February 24thto March 2d strong northwest windsand sea; thence to port heavy southwest and westerly winds, rough sea,and heavy swell. March 3d lightnorthwest winds and long westerlyswell. February 25th at 9:30 p. m.Dassed a steamer supposed to be theU. S. S. Charleston 390 miles southwest of San Francisco.

" The Countries of the Rio de laPlata.'

The lecture upon the above sub-

ject to be given by His ExcellencyJohn L. Stevens next Friday even-

ing in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, will beupon a portion of country not verywell known. But a description of thecountry by Minister Stevens, withhis well known ability as a speaker,and after a residence there of threeyears, will provide for all an eveningof pleasure ana pronu.

Hamilton House.Following are the late arrivals at

the Hamilton House: Mrs. M.

Schmidt, Miss S. Gonsbery, W.Schmidt, Oakland: J. W. Preston,San Diego; O. Kinsey, E. B. Penni-ma- n

and wife, Mrs. F. W. Sumner,Mrs. A. Clark, Miss N. M. Lowry,Miss Isabel Lowry, Mrs. C. Paine,C. Banmann, San Francisco; Mrs.H. L. Shaw, Iowa; E. Kopke andwife, Honolulu.

Brain workers, and all who have tostand the Hevere mental strain conse-quent on intellectual employment, findClements' Tonic invaluable. Hol-ust- kr

A Co. are the Agents for theIalanda.

2, 3 and ht Chandeliers and Electroliers, Metal and GlassLamps, Larap Fixtures,


Supreme Court of the HawaiianIslands, in Banco March j,


There were two law points whichwere raised at the last hearing, thefirst of which was in regard to thepolicy of a trial of this kind. Wefeel that it is a matter of discretionwith us and it is for the Court to paywhether it is desirable to take summary proceedings or leave a case ofthis kind to take its course by indict-ment, and it seems to us not a verypractical suggestion that a trial ofthis kind is going to affect a subse-quent trial by indictment, becausethere is no probability that a subse-quent trial will take place. Onewould fulfill all the demands of thenecessities of the case, and so thatseems rather a fanciful objection.The law gives it fully into the powerand discretion of the Court to act inthis matter.

In regard to the unconstitutional-ity of this kind of a trial, we do notthink that the section in the Consti-tution precludes us. And, gentlemen,it is not a matter which we are per-sonally interested in in the least, weappear here officially, and an attackwhich affects us officially is a publicmatter, which affects the power ofthe Court ; a matter of great import-ance and of sacred character whichwe are here to defend in our officialand public capacity. We are not,therefore, personally interested inthe matter in the sense in which ithas been referred to in any way, andso we overrule that point also.

In regard to the merits of thecase, we feel that from the evidenceplaced before us by Mr. Bush, thathe has satisfactorily purged himselffrom the contempt which we feltwas committed by the publication ofthe article referred to. If this wasa trial by Jury he would be entitledto the benefit of the doubt, and weare satisfied that he has shown tothe Court that he has not know-ingly published this article.

This being a proceeding by sta-tute, we are confined to the words ofthe law which defines this offense asknowingly publishing malicious in-

vectives against a Court or Jurytending to bring such Court or Juryor the administration of justice intoridicule, contempt, discredit orodium. The fact that it has notbeen published knowingly, althoughit has been published in his paper,we are satisfied, relieves him fromthe charge of contempt of Court.

If it had been a case of libel Mr.Bash, want of knowledge would notrelieve you, you would be stillresponsible in criminal or civil pro-ceedings. And we think that themanagement of your paper in theway you have carried on is verydangerous and careless.

You are discharged from the con-tempt brought against you.

Sale of Valuable Books.Next Thursday there will be a

very important sale of English,French and German books, at theresidence of Mrs. Riemenschneider,Punchbowl street. Many of thebooks are valuable ones in goodcondition and inclade the works ofthe very best authors. A number offine pictures will be offered at thesame time, also a few portfolios.Catalogues can be obtained at Mr. J.Morgan's auction rooms and also atthe sale which takes place at 10o'clock in the morning.

To those who need a pleasant Tonicfor any kind of debility, we can recom-mend Clements' as the beat. For saleby IIollistkr & Co.


To SATISFY SEVERAL IN.aoiries who furnished thefancv Pastry and Confection

ery, Creams, etc., at the Entertainmentgiven by H. M. S. Nymphe. let me statethat it was furnished by F. M. Hors, tothe satisfaction of all concerned, and thegeneral arrangements were superintendedby W. Styenford. 270 3t

;Xctu Utoeriiscmmt3.

K OTICE.Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.

ROM AND AFTER THE FIRST OFF April, 1891, the Kates of the HawaiianKpII Telephone Co. will be the same asthose of the Mutual Co., namely:

Private Residences. . ..$2 00 per monthBusiness Places V 00 per month

J. F. BROWN,2704-- 1 w Secretary H. B. Tel. Co.

Election of Officers.

i T THF. ANNUAL MEETING OFA stockholders of the Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Company (L'd), held this daythe fo'lnwin? Officers and Directors wereelected for the ensuing year:

W. B. Godfrey Presidentj . Ena Vice- - PresidentJ. L. McLean SecretaryW. H. McLean TreasurerT. W. Hobron AuditorDirectors W. B. Godfrey, J. Ena. G. N.

Wilcox, M. P. Robinson, W. O. Smith.JAS. L. McLEAN, Secretary.

Honolulu. March 3, ll. 270 Mw

iSTOTIOE.WARDROOM MESS OF THE U.THE S. Iroquois wi!l not be responsible

for debts contracted by their steward with-o- u

written or verbal authority r.f thecaterer. . 2704-3- t


OFFICE 135 Fort St.. (formerly Dr Tnr- -leer s office).

OrrrcE Hocrs 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 3p. m.; Sundays, 9 t- - 10 a. m.

Bell Telephone No. 51. Residence 5Srhool street. 27n4-Sm- q

Lard Oil, Cylinder Oil, Mecca EnginaShot and Caps, Chamberlain's

House Farnishiog Goods, Silver Plated Ware, Tabic Cutlery,

George Westenholm's Pocket Knives, Wade & Butcher's Raxors,Plows, Planters' Steel Hoes and other Agricultural Implements, Handles.


classes, is the H. F. Wichmas WatchGlcb. The unbounded success ofthese clubs in the few months sincethey sprang into existence, has astonished even the skeptical into thebelief that there was somethingworth joininer after all. Jnst theputting away of a small part ofyour spare cash, brings you, in afew short months, something worthhaving and having joined for. Another thing not generally known bythe uninitiated, is the fact that ifyou already possess a good watch,you are at liberty to select anvthinsdesired of the same value. Is thereanything offering greater advan-tages than the II. F. WichmanWatch Club? d&w

Oceanic Steamship Company

FOR SAN FRANCISCO.The Al steamship


Will leave Honolulu lof the above port ou

Tuesday, : March 10th,At 1J2 o'clock noon,

3TFor Freight or Passage apply to

WM. (f IRWIN & CO.,2704 t -- AGENTS.

JSTOTiOK.Hawaiian Bell Telephone Company.

T THE ANNUAL MEETING OF- stockholders hell Feb. 2S. 1891. the

following officers of the Companv wereelected lor the ensuing year:

OoJfrey Brown . .President and Treas.Cecil Brown Vice-Preside- nt

J. F. Browu SecretaryJ. Ua.isidy . Gen'l SuperintendentII. von llolt AuditorDirectors Jan. Campbell, V. O. Smith,

, F. Brown.(Signed) J. F. BBOWN,

fcecretarv II. B. Tel. Uo.2704-- 2 w 13fV-l- m


libera newly furnished room, midwayMm between Beretania and King 8ts.

cars, or 15 minutes' walk to Fortstreet (no children): enquire at this office.



Book, News and Stationery Store.


ART STUDIESIn grcaat variety.

SPECIAL J3A.ItOA.IN".Orders solicited for

With American Supplement.

Comprising 30 quarto volumes a wholelibrar, in itself, price $55.

Pronounced the greatest and bestlot of Books ever offered.


Wfi 134-- y Proprietor.





Tiie'Queption is Sometimes ApieiTell. U9 concisely which ailments The"Best " Tonic will mont effectn ally cor-rect? flere is the answer : Dyspepsia,All Nerve Troubles, Loss of Sleep, Lossof Aprtite, General Debility, Exhaustion from any caue. To those Recovering from Ulnens, nothing better can beprescribed.

A WALKING MATCH.For Athletes . " We the undersign-

ed participants in the six-day- s' walkingmatch, ending at the Mechanics' Pavil-lio- n,

February 27, I8H9, folly endorse thevitalinng ftrects of The "iiest Tonic.

Frank Hart, Charles J. Sheridan, GusGuerrero, Pat iuerrero, Old Sport Cam- -

pana, James Davis. Oofty Goofty, JohnBrodie, E. 0. Moore, Thomas Howarth,tieorge ('art wright, James Leahy, GasBrown, L. Crazier.


Sole Age.vt HosoLCLt

P. 0. Box m. Telephonfl 46.

VJ,2 2f83-r.- m


Hart 's Patent " Duplex " Die Stock for FnUUDer IlOBe, eillier I lain or lit) uuimu , e)'iiiiicid biivi uuhiuo.

New " Easy " Pennsyl vania Lawn Mowers, High Grass Cutters;Manila and Sisal Rope.

AGENl'S FORHartman's Steel Wire Fence and Wire Mats,NeaPs Carriage Paints,W. G. Fischer's Wrought Steel Ranges and hire and Burglar-proo- f Safes,Gate City Stone Filters,New Process Twist Drills.

rrTTT? A T?l)Tf ATAD Admitted by everyone to be the1 XX Hi A JiililVlVj 1 Vjli, very best Windmill in existence.

It is made of Steel and will last longer and give totter satisfactionthan any other manufactured.

NEW GOODS received by every Steamer. NO OLD GOODS IN STOCK 1

'Orders from the other Islands f-



Full Iine of P. I).

A LARGE INVOICEFor Ladies end Children.

BLACK HOODS of all Descriptions.

John L. Sullivan, the pugilistand actor, writes to Mr. L. J. Leveythat he will pass through Honoluluin June on his way to the Colonies.He is desirous of giving a display ofhis ability in this city.

Some of the visitors who arrivedby the Australia expressed them-selves as much surprised at the ex-

cellent music furnished by the RoyalBand. Well they may, too, for noother band can excel it.

Mr. W. H. Hamilton, the renown-ed basso, has filled a very successfulengagement with the Hess Opera Co.since he was last in Honolulu. He islooking well, so is Miss Carmen whohas been in the Islands before.Aloha!

Invitations are out for a receptionand dance to be given by the Captainand 'officers of the U. S. S. Mohican,on Friday afternoon next, from 2 to5:30 o'clock. This being the last opportunity for this occasion beforetheir expected departure.

A meeting of the consolidated icecompanies was held yesterday after-noon at the law office of Mr. Jona.Austin. After the reading of theminutes of the previous meeting, amotion for adjournment was madeso as to give the board of directorstime to make a more complete reportat the next meeting.

The welcome concert to the NewYork Opera Company at the Hotellast evening by the Hawaiian Bandwas a great success, and there wasan unusually large number of peoplenresent. The verandas were illuminated with colored lanterns and thegrounds with the electric light. Theband played principally operaticmusic.

The fire companies' practice atEmma square stood mem in gooaneed for the recent fire, even if someof the residents around the squaredid get a little soaked with muddywater. How would it do to employthe Fire Department to sprinkle thestreets? Pedestrians along the side-walks would be just as safe fromgetting a wetting as from thesprinklers.

By the last mail a copy of ' TheHawkesbury Bulletin," a weeklypaper published at Port Hawkes-bury, Nova Scotia, was received.The editor and proprietor is Mr. J.J.Williams, formerly a compositor onthe Advebtiseb, and a gentlemanwho left many warm friends in thiscity. The Bulletin is a four pagepaper, neatly gotten up and containsmuch interesting reading matter.The advertising patronage is veryliberal. May the Bulletin "live longand prosper."

Dressmaking Department und


Engineers andOffice and Works,



r the management of Miss Clark.

WORKS CO.Manager.


Iron Founders,Espl&n&de, Honolulu,

Steam Engines,


MACHINERY done at REASONABLE13M 146-3- m


Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery,

The schooner Mary E. Foster arr vedyesterday from Waianae with 1.8)0 bagssugar. She will leave to-d- ay for Hanatpe,Kauai .

Five whaling vessels appeared off portyesterday. They were all from San Fran-cuc- o.

The captains of some of them ar-

rived" on the steamship Australia.The bark Mauna Ala sails to-d- ay for

Mahukona.The scbooners Luka and Kulamanu ar-

rived March 3 from Kohaia, Hawaii, with1.800 and 2,100 bags sugar respectively.Their sugar will be put on board tne steam-ship Hounslow.

The bark S. C. Allen came off the Mar-

ine Kauway yesterday morning, and wasdocked at Wilder's wharf, where she isnow loading sugar, she will leave to-

morrow atternoon for San Francisco with1,200 tons sugar.

The British steamship Hounslow, ofLondon, was docked at the P. M. S. S.Co.'swharf yesterday morning to discharge her2 440 tons of coal. Workmen were en-

gaged unloading coal from the foreand after hatches, and at the same timeother workmen were employed loading herwith sugar. It is expected that she willleave on the 18th inst.with 4,200 tons sugarfor San Francisco. The pilots believe thatthe Hounslow can safely cross over thebar even when drawing 22 fee.

The German iron bark Charlotte, Cap

Stoam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Coolers, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Cars,Cane Cars, Elevators, Conveyors, Furrace Fittings,

Wrought and Cast Iron Work for House Builders,Water Wheels and Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc.



3?elton "Water "Wheel.REPAIRS of all kinds of


Page 4: intuit .k 1Ah




PETEH HIGH: - OProp.Office and Mi ? I on A lakea near Qneen Street.

It begins to look as if the Colum-bian Fair at Chicago might have tobe abandoned, owing to a strike onthe part of laborers. The follow-ing is from the Alta of February15th:

" The situation at Chicago is suchas to warrant the gravest reflec-tions. The capital and credit havebeen secured, after much exertion,to make certain the needed pre-paration for the Columbian Fair.Much concession and compromisehave been required to accomplishthis, and at last ground was brokenand the work began. Then appear-ed the local labor unions, declaringthat no work shall be done excepton their terms, and that the Direc-tors shall not look elsewhere thanin Chicago for the labor needed.

Doors, Sash, Bids, Screens, Frames,1 Etc., Etc.

MOULDINGS-Turn- ed and Sawed Work.

,- 1 77j'

Having secured the services of Mb. C. B. Biflbt, Architect and BoildiDgSuperintendent, 1 am now prepared to furnish Designs for every description ofBuilding, and will Superintend the Construction of the same.

"Please call and examine designs

C7"Prompt attention to all orders. ;j . .153--q



before placing your orders elsewhere.

mvfMlf. T urn nrenaroH tr moka 11 Plana.4 " - -

J"V Is prepared to furnish Plans and Specifications for, and Construct allEm I I kinds of Buildings, either Brick, Stone, Iron or Wood, in a satisfactory

uiauuci'Beinor a, Practical Architect

an1 SruuiiflAatiAna and PA.eAn.lltf Q..

Thankful to all who have entrusted their work to roe heretofore, I hope tomerit a continuance of their patronage, by giving the same my personal supervis-ion and employing competent assistants, thereby enabling me to guarantee satis-faction.

567"ALL KINDS OF JOBBING and REPAIRING promptly attended to.Offices and Stores Fitted up with neatness and dispatch.

G--. W. LINCOLN,65 q 75 and 77 Kxso Rtkekt.Bell Telephone 275.


Baldwin Locorao fives!

The undersigned baying been appointedSole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Penn.,Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, of anysize and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works artnow manufacturing a style of Locomotive particularly adopted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beeireceived at these Islands, and p willhave pleasure in furnishing PlantationAgents ana Managers with particulars oisame.

. The superiority of these Locomotivesover ail other makes is not only knowrhere but is acknowledged throughout tht- -

united estates.

WM. G. IEWIN & CO.,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.


City Meat Market


Practical Butcher,AND MAKER OF THE

Celebrated Cambridge Pork SausageMade by the very best Machinery and

cannot be equalled. His

Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Veal and Pork

is of the finest quality.

All orders entrusted to his care are delivered wnn cleanness and dispatch within

jajdiasifFthree miles of the city. My

Cobbed Beef and Pickled Tongues

Are a Specialty and need no comment.My Celebrated


Are thft BEST in the Islands.

9 Upwards of half a ton a week sold.

Don't forget the address:CITY MEAT . MARKET, . NTJUANU STREET,

(Opposite Queen Emma Hall.)N. B. No connection with anv

other Market. 125-- q


Hawaii. Much 9, 1888. 1

Rlsdon Iron and LocomoUvA Work. Rn Frta- -elaco.

antlmn W b used, two of yourFilter PrBathiai0won. Tbej

xa eonTanlent, easily handled and r workingntiraly to oar satisfaction. I ran rwemmend

no Improvement on them.Very respectfully yours.

(slgnea A. Moobi,Manager Fuiah Plantation

Bbkia, Sept. 28. 1889.3U. torn Dtkb. Agent Bladon Iron Work

Cor ol a la.Dbaa 8i: Please ship na one of yoar so

Compartment Filter Frfteaea. 240 aquare feetsurface, aama ae the one aappUed na laat season,which I am pleased to ay baa glTen ua entirsatisfaction. Your trnly,

GEO. B. EWART,Manager Heela Atrrlcnltnral Co.

Theae Preaaea are made extra heavy foiblgb preaaarea, occuplea a floor space of 1114 ft., and preaenta a filtering-- an rfa.ee of 24Cqnara feet. A limited number In atock ItHonolulu and axe aold at very low prices.

Bladon Iron Loco. Worka.Hen Francisco.

For partleulars enquire ofJOHN DYER Honolulu

Boom No. 9 Spreekala' Block:79 1344 W. a. IRWIN A Co.. A cent.


Carpenter and PainterContractor, Builder and Jobber,

Furniture and Cabinet Maker, etc.

Chinese Employment Office,

No. 39 Kins Street.

Mutual Telephone 670; Bell Tel.98-3- m y

objureIn adrer


Palanfu a n u r riAELASTIC Xtm e TRUSS,, y

If ykrr Sio that we are Inffurinv tha Ettt W '

S N.ThU Celebrated Appli- - &1 a il .1 t . L

lKftlji.l I . . . . Y

""" vmmcm or Hapiure: this it anKleetrto Trnae (the only successful ona'ttvvr nnuted: baa Be Iron Hoops or MteeKX 'Spring about It, arid n be wornntta m and comfort Nlihtand Mirny. It a perrrrt rlmlner 1 or farther partionlara oLrJ, "n,l c. In atatnpa for Pamphl-tJIo- .l antU C M t M D C D that Dr. Pierce's Oen u I ne Elect riI L III LI11D LU Trusses oonuin our Private ftlrr eiaotly like tha shown at tot of tbctaaJvertlaement. Beware of inferior imitation.augnm ;

MAGNETIC ttASTJC TRUSS COMPANY,aeraaeeite ft.taua VreMacaeeW Cevl

. G. hi & Company




Compounds and Eoofing


Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.


Wool Dust.Bone 3Vleal,

Fish o



kl Grade Chemical Cane Manure


Cocksfoot, Eye Grass and Clovers.


Falrbank Canning Co.'s CornedBeef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


3STE"W GOODSA Fine Assortment.

We have just received per S. S. Australiaa nne selection ot ISew Goods,

comprising, oneelegant

Hand-paint- ed Porcelain DinnerSetfA few of those fine hand-embroider- ed


Assorted colors and patterns of CreptDua onawis. iwegani rete-- a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot of

Manila (Jigars and Cheroots100 in a Box.

8carf Pins in great variety,Lily Bulbs.

A few of those handy Mosquito UrnsAlso, an assortment of new styles of.

Rattan Chairs and TablesAlso, a small selection of JAPANESE

'Call earlv and examinA fhia finassortment of New Goods.

WING W0 CHAN & CO.No. SS Nuuanu Street.

79-- q

LOVE'S BAKERY.Mo. 7S Konann Street.

MBS. HOST. LOYZ, ... Proprietrai

vary Description or Plain and fncy

Bread and CrackersT BIB H

Soda Crackers

Saloon BreadAlwajb on Hand.


CalanU Order Promptly Attended t79-- q

THERISDONIron and Locomotive Works,

Corner of Baal and Howard 8treeta,

San Framclaeo California

W. H. TATLOB Presidenta. 8. HOOBK Bnpertntenden

Builders of Steam Machinery

In all Its branches.

Steamboat, Steamahip. Land Engines a BoilersHigh Pressure or Compound.

3TKAM VES8KL8 of all kinds built completiWltb bulls ot wood, Iron or composite.

ORDINARY E NOISES compounded when advisable.

dTEAM LAUNCHE8, BargM and Steam Tugs eonatrncted with reference to the trade in whiolthey are to b employed. Speed, tonnaga an?-

araiioi wiwr guaranteea.4UGAR MILLH and 8nar Making Macblnen

made after ttie most approved plans. Also, a)uoiter ixuu rrora connected merewitn.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler oi 4heet Iron, of an-- ,

slse, made in suitable lengths for connectingtotetber, or Sheets rolled, punched and packetfor shipment, ready to be riveted on thtground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work and Wate;Pipes made by this establishment, riveted b:hydraulic riveting machinery, that quality owork betni; far superior to band work. .

SHIP WORE., Ship and Steam Capstans, 8teanWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madtafter the most approved plans.

BOLE Agent and manufacturers for the Paolfl.uoaai oi we iieine Baiety Boiler.

PCMP8 Direct Acting Pumps for irrigation o

Davy Valve HoUon, superior to any otbeipump.

JOHN DTKB Honolnlc18m Boom N6. 3. opatalrs.Spreckels Blocl

.Red ward & Howell,

Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building

Zstlmatea Qlvsn.

Jobbing- - Prom ptlx Attended to,76 KING 8TKEET.

UM Ttl.pbobt Ho115-3ui-y



& CO.

Arrival ofBlengfe

141 Days from Liverpool!


New Goods

Anchors, Chains,Cocoa Mata, Kettles,

Sauce Pans, Fry Pans,Bedsteads,

Fence Wire,Sheathing Metal,

Roofing Iron,Cane Knives,


Sole Leather Trunks,White Lead, Red Lead,Boiled Linseed Oil,Castor Oil, Belting,Goal Tar, Water Tanks,Fire Brick, Red Brick, Alum,Red Ochre, Fire Clay,Bags, Twine,FilterCloth,

Soap, Groceries,Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Flags,Rope Brushes,

Croquet Sets,Dressing Cases,


Bridles, Felts, Whips, Spurs,Blankets, Sheeting,Dry Goods, Merinos.Bhawta, Handkerchiefs,Victoria Lawns,Mosquito Netting, Leggings,Laces, Ribbons, Hats, Helmets,Velvets, Embroidered Dressas.

Flannel,Basket Trunks,

Picnic Hampers,Rugs, Mats, Carpets,

Clothing, Tweeds,Ginghams,


Suitings in latest styles,Underwear, Braces,Sofa Pillows.Gloves, Flouncing,Embroidery. Curtains,Table Napkins,Table Cloths,Water-proo- f Coats,Artificial Flowers.Dust Cloaks,Pajama Suits,Fine Hosiery Silk, Lisle, Cotton,

Dinner Sets,Tea Sets,

Desert Sets,Fancy Crockery,1

Common Crockery,Wedgewood War-- ,


Wicker Ware, Fancy Chairs,Hammocks, Tables, Baskets.Umbrella Stands,Decanters,Salad Bowls,Mash Seta,Flower Pots,Filters,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Tbeo. H. Davies&Co


Galvanized Ridging,Galv. Screws and Lead Washers,Plain Galvanized Iron,Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc,Boxes of Tin,Galvanized WATER PIPING, ,

1. IK and 2 inch ;

Pipe Fittings,HAIR FELTING and Asbestos Sponge,

for covering steam pipes ;

Rubber Packing, all kinds :

BLACK FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Fence Wire,Galvanized and Copper Telephone Wire,Genuine Bell Telephones,Electric House Bells, and

ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES!lJ30"Electric Light Plaxts of any

size and description furnished and in--Stalled.


Bbls. Coal Tar,Bbls. Stockholm Tar,Bbls. Pitch, Asphaltum ;Blocks, in great variety ;

Manila Rope, to 7 inch ;

Iron and Steel Wire Rope,Iron Seizing, assorted ;

Yellow Metal Sheathing, 14 oz. to 26 ozOakum, Oars, all sizes ;

Patent Logs,Nautical Almanacs,Bunting, assorted colors ;

American and Hawaiian FLAGS.A great variety of

SHIP HARDWARE of latest designs.NO OLD STOCK !

Also, constantly on hand, a full stock oi

SHELF HARDWARE,Tools of all kinds,Agricultural Implements,KEROSENE OIL, of good quality ;SPERM, and all otherLUBRICATING OILS;Boston Card Matches,Rubber Hose, assorted ;ALCOHOL of hieh test for mechani

cal and medicinal purposes, justreceived

aLa!T All of the above fob sale bt

E. 0. HALL & SONCor. Fort and King Streets

1362 2684-l- m


at oua


PtS 6 fcrrJSix (New Styles) FISCHER and SCHTJRBER1

(New York Make)

PIANOS !Just received direct from the Factory.

We will sell them at Prices that defy competition, on

Easy Monthly Installments!

y-Ca- ll early and get first choice. Alsoa new ime oi

Plush Piano Scarfs and Piano Stools.

the Hawaiian news co.79-- q


WATC HMAKERKing: Street, next Geo. Lincoln'.

Cheapest anditbest p'ace

. -to get your

-- iWatch

manner.Repairs to Musical Instruments;

Fine Mechanical Work;

Electroplating and Gilding.

CC All work warranted for twelvemonths. 154-l- m

&UiN NAM SING,No. 109 Nuuanu Street;

Begs to call the attention of the public totheir large and well selected btock of

Japanese Goods,Suitable for this market, which will tw40ld at lowest prices. 49-l-y



from one to an entire set in-serted on gold, silver, allum- -

inum ana rubber bases.Orown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are sconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. AH oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest Improvements In dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrons Oxide Gm.

Hotel street, Tregloan prem,l31q


first squad of men put at workI i i rtou ice grounds were driven on

with clubs, and the first carpenterswho went to erect some temporarytool houses, were ordered off, andhad to go or be mobbed.

The Fair is held to celebrate thediscovery of a new world by anItalian; but the first workmenclubbed off the grounds were hiscountrymen. If Columbus himselfshould materialize he would beknocked down for manipulating aspade and shovel on the ColumbianFair grounds. Those who havehoped and hoped for a bettermentin the labor situation seem doomedto disappointment. Every year itgrows worse; every year the peaceand order of the land are more dis-turbed by the evidences that thereis not work enough in the countryfor those who need work. Thethreats made in Chicago, if carriedout, will end in a bloody stragglewhich will be a nauseating com-mentary upon the lesson intendedto be taught by the Fair. It issomething for American statesmento think of. that at Yienna. Parisand 3Ielbourne,expositions equalingwnat tnis is expected to be wereprepared for and held withoutsuch disorders as are now rife atChicago. Is it because the classestnat are incapable of self-restrai- nt

nave iorsaxen tnoso countries andbecome domesticated here? "


, Notice ot Election.

AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEEwa Plantation Co., held this day, the

luuuwiug uuicers were eieieea ior toe ensuing year:

C.M.Cooke PresidentJ. B. Castle Vice-Preside- nt

E. D. Tenney (SecretaryJ. B. Atherton TreasurerJ. H.Paty AuditorThe above-name- d officers also constitute

tne .Board of Directors.E. D. TENNEY,

Secretary E. P. Co.Honolulu, Jan. 31, 1891 2078 1300-ln- i

Election of Officers.

T1HE FOLLOWING PERSONS WEREA. elected as officers and directors of C.Brewer & Co.. IAi tingof the Company held this cay, ior the cur- -iciu year;

P. C. Jones President and ManagerJ. O. Carter. ..Treasurer and SecretaryW. F. Allen AuditorHon. C. R. Bishop, Hon.H. Waterhouse

anu o. kj. .alien, directors.J. O. CARTER,

Secretary C. Brewer & Co., L'd.Honolulu, Feb. 4, 1891. 2681-l- m

NOTICE.FROM AND AFTERthis date we will not beresponsible for anvfrpitrht: after coma haw

beeu iauuett. Parties to whom freight isconsignea must be at the landing to receive

WILDER'S STEAMSHIP CO.Honolulu. Sept. 5. 1890. 112-- q



and JEWELER,Hotel St., - - - Under the Arlington.

Moderate Prices I 120-- q

New Model Lunch Rooms!

BETHEL, STREET,(Next door to the Postoffice),

Open Niht !Give it a trial. --5 38m

The Enterprise ifcick Co.HAS BEENand has removed to CarnageStand No. 13. ounosite the Po--

iue ciaiion. 1 eiepnone orders will receiveprompt attention and the public guaran-teed satisfaction. Wagonetu furnished ata iew minute s notice.

IWBellTel. 113; Mutual Tel. 630.WALLACE JACKSON,

150-l-m Manager.

Pianos For Kent.


CO VP A NY. 79

B15 hRstriv'' uti:eiAZ-vi- r Co.tj la 51 satisfaction :n ib

1 TO S CI ' W H enre of Gonorrhop andmm Strtotufc Uh et. I prescribe it and

feel &! e In recommend-lo- tt3 Mraralr by tfcIt to all sufferers.

CtadnaMfjrS A.J. ST0XEB, I.DOeeatar, III.

PRICE. 1. 00.Sold b Draftflsu.

H0LLI8TEB & Co., Wholesale Agents.Besboh, Smith A Co.. Wholesale Aaenta'


3?edirrees of all


The following Fine Animals will standfor Service at the Ranch, YVaialae:

Well-bre-d Stallion "MARIN."Norman Stallion

C.AJPT.A.IN" GROWL."Thoroughbred Stl. "MIDNIGrllT."

Two Native StallionsPILIAOAO" and " FRANK."

A. "Well-bre- d Kentucky JACK.

FATJL E.1314-l- y

J. L.

Prac tical House and


Horses Kert.


FOR SALE:JLtallion of "Variona Breeds.

RIarea witb or without FoalHorses Tor any Purpose,


A Skilful BREAKER and TRAINERts employed on the Kanch.

Satisfaction is guaranteed in Breakingana xrsiaiDg xxorses

ISENBEEG.fi2-l- v


Decorate Paioter.


No. 81 KING- - STREETGreat Blood Purifier




No. 130 Fort St.,8651-- q 2


Soli Manufacturers of the


Sarsaparilla, Lemon, Cream and Plain Soda(Jliampagne Cider, Etc., Etc.


Mutual 330---TELJS;PHONK- S- Bell 298CO-ISLA-



G-rocerie- s, Provisions and Feed,CORNXB fORT

Kw oo4s rseslred by erery paeast from the EmMi--preduw. by ry stumer. AU ordtrs talthfuUy stMBdM u,miitQoVu d.lTi J?" Cmltler

1843 79 qj