EAL Standards/Style Guide Enhanced, Accessible Learning Style Guide Ready Relevant Learning July 2018 Version 1.00

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EAL Standards/Style Guide

Enhanced, Accessible Learning Style Guide

Ready Relevant Learning

July 2018

Version 1.00


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Document History and Revisions............................................................................................................3

1. Development Timeline and Delivery Dates..............................................................................4

2. Training Event Identification Numbers......................................................................................4

3. Content Repository Naming Conventions.................................................................................5

4. Properties......................................................................................................................................6

5. Classification Markings................................................................................................................7

6. Review and Delivery Process.....................................................................................................7

7. Courses.........................................................................................................................................7

8. Self-Directed Interactive Training (SDIT)/eLearning.............................................................10

9. Instructor-Facilitated Interactive Training (IFIT).....................................................................18

10. Trainee Guide (TG)....................................................................................................................24

11. Terminology and Acronyms......................................................................................................28

12. Time.............................................................................................................................................28

13. Dates............................................................................................................................................29

14. Media Sources............................................................................................................................29

15. Additional References...............................................................................................................29

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IntroductionThis document is for course developers working on Enhanced, Accessible Learning courses to support the Ready Relevant Learning portion of the Sailor 2025 initiative. The document includes standards and best practices to ensure consistency among all modules and courses that support the modernization of accession “A” and “C” schools. All modules and/recording files are created using the Naval Education and Training Enhanced Accessible Learning templates.

Document History and RevisionsDate Versio

n Number

Changes Made By Reviewed/Approved By

3.1.2018 d1.0 Initial Draft Sabrina Studstill

Bud Livers and Tom Bonanno


d2.1 Draft Sabrina Studstill

Bud Livers and Tom Bonanno


d2.1 draft Sabrina Studstill

Bud Livers and Tom Bonanno


d.4 draft Sabrina Studstill

Bud Livers


d.5 Added Course and module definition

Changed TTA to TITA Modified IFIT description Added TEIN information,

Sabrina Studstill

Bud Livers and Tom Bonanno

7.9.18 d.6 Moved responsibilities to SOP

Changed “A” school to Accession; added course numbering structure

Added repository link Updated TEIN format

throughout Updated classification

marking to as appropriate and added may or may not exist

Removed POC list;

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Date Version Number

Changes Made By Reviewed/Approved By

developed RRL POC list to be placed on SharePoint; linked

Added “as defined below” to SMARTT

Replaced RRL Analyst with LSO in acceptable learning objective verbs list

Added 70% passing score for course completion certificates

Removed % and number from discussion board requirements and added see syllabus

Updated TG section to remove Units and Lessons to include Lessons and Sections

Changed font throughout to Arial

Added body text general formatting standards

Changed Instruction sheet numbering

1. Development Timeline and Delivery DatesDevelopment timelines and deliverables will be communicated through the Design Plan. Milestone delivery dates will be determined, and will be broken into review dates related to lesson outlines, storyboards, module content development, and final deliverable. Train-the-trainer and piloting as well as pre and post pilot activities should be included in the development timeline. Final delivery dates should allow time for modifications to the training materials or equipment and piloting of modified content if needed.

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2. Training Event Identification NumbersTraining Event Identification Numbers (TEIN) is a numbering system being developed to ease transfer from Corporate Enterprise Training Activity Resource System (CeTARS) and ensure training data is not lost once a Learning Management System is identified. TEIN’s for RRL training will all begin with the letter U. The course number will be comprised of a 3-digit code that represents the Skill Defense Group (SDG) followed by the 4-digit code that represents the level of the course.

Course level of a course.

0100 and 0999 numbered courses are considered Accession courses 1000 and 1999 numbered courses are considered Class “C” courses 2000 and above numbered courses are considered all other classes of courses

3. Content Repository Naming ConventionsNETC established a content repository as a database of digital content with an associated set of data management, search and access methods allowing application-independent access to the content but with the ability to store and modify content in addition to searching and retrieving. All training control documents and training material file names should begin with the assigned TEIN. All training support materials should begin with either the rating or document type. See the chart below for examples. All files should end with the date the last version of the document was approved in the format DDMONYYY.

The following are example of some of the most common documents and the naming conventions assigned to known artifacts.

Use this link for more information on the content repository and to gain access information.

File Type Style ExampleTraining Analysis Document (TAD) /Rating Domain Analysis Document (RDA)/Media Fidelity Analysis Report (MFAR)/Navy Training System Plan (NTSP)



Project Management Charter (PMC) /Functional Requirement Document (FRD)/ Training Installation Transfer Agreement (TITA)



Training Design Plan (TDP) TEIN_TDP_DDMONYYYY U-AAC-0100_TDP_12FEB2018

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File Type Style ExampleInstructor Guide (IG) TEIN_IG_DDMONYYYY U-AAC-0100_IG_30JUN2018

Visual Training Aids (VTA) not embedded in PowerPoints



Structured On the Job Trainer Handbook (SOJTT)


Technical Manuals (TM) PUB#_TM_DDMONYYYY

PowerPoint (PPT) TEIN_PPT_L#_DDMONYYY U-AAC-0100_PPT_L1_30JUN2018

Storyboard (SB) TEIN_SB_L#_DDMONYY U-AAC-0100_SB_L1_30JUN2018

Trainee Guide (TG) TEIN_TG_DDMONYYYY U-AAC-0100_TG_30JUN2018

Performance Support Video (PSV)


Performance Support Checklist (PSC)


Performance Support Diagram (PSD)


Structured On the Job Student Handbook (SOJTS)


eLearning source file (SourceM)

TEIN_SourceM_DDMONYYYY U-AAC-0100_SourceM_30JUN2018

eLearning final file (FinalM) TEIN_FinalM_DDMONYYYY U-AAC-0100_FinalM_30JUN2018

Simulation file name (SIM) TEIN_SIM_L#_DDMONYYYY U-AAC-0100_SIM_L1_30JUN2018

4. PropertiesProperty Style ExampleTitle Course Title: Release Number]: F/A-18E/F Avionics Systems (H3E)


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Property Style ExampleOrganizational Maintenance Course: R1

Training Event Identification Number

List training event identification number provided by training registrar


Description Provide a sentence or two to describe the course

This course introduces aviation electronic technicians to knowledge and skills, including operation, testing, basic troubleshooting, and repair procedures associated with organizational maintenance on the F/A-18E/F aircraft avionics system.

5. Classification MarkingsAll courseware development will be portion marked as appropriate. While distribution restrictions may or may not exist, training materials are not intended for general-public release. Content will be developed at the appropriate classification level as per DoDM 5200.01.

6. Review and Delivery ProcessWhen a module is ready for review, upload the file to the RRL SharePoint site (Captivate) or ReviewLink (Lectora) and inform the Ready Relevant Learning Analyst as listed on the RRL POC list at this link.

7. CoursesThis enhanced, accessible accession training path consists of multiple courses each containing at least one module. The module within a course can be delivered in various modalities and the time requirement for completion could vary. For this reason, NETC determined the best method for tracking completion of courses is by viewing courses as training paths and numbering modules with a training event identification number or TEIN.

Modules will present factual information as well as step-by-step procedures to support the achievement of specified learning objectives. Learning Objectives should be very specific, and use active language – and verbs in particular – that make expectations clear. This informs students of the standards by which they will be assessed, and ensures that student and instructor goals in the course are aligned. NETC prefers the use of the SMART(TT) method for learning objective development which is adapted from the works of Ken

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Blanchard, and Spencer Johnson as defined below. When writing your outcomes, keep in mind learning outcomes should be SMART (TT):

SPEAK TO THE LEARNER: learning outcomes should address what the learner will know or be able to do at the completion of the course

MEASURABLE: learning outcomes must indicate how learning will be assessed APPLICABLE: learning outcomes should emphasize ways in which the learner is

likely to use the knowledge or skills gained REALISTIC: all learners who complete the activity or course satisfactorily should be

able to demonstrate the knowledge or skills addressed in the outcome TIME-BOUND: the learning outcome should set a deadline by which the knowledge

or skills should be acquired; TRANSPARENT: should be easily understood by the learner; and TRANSFERABLE: should address knowledge and skills that will be used by the

learner in a wide variety of contexts

Acceptable Verbs for Learning Objectives

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis EvaluationRemember previously learned information.

Demonstrate an understanding of the facts.

Apply knowledge to actual situations.

Break down objects or ideas into simpler parts and find evidence to support generalizations

Compile component ideas into a new whole or propose alternative solutions.

Make and defend judgments based on internal evidence or external criteria.







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Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis EvaluationSelect

NOTE: Technical action verbs such as “align,” “start,” “lubricate,” “secure,” “troubleshoot,” “specify,” etc. are also acceptable. If questioning the acceptability of a verb, contact the Center Learning Standards Officer (LSO) for the assigned center for clarification.

Modules will include both knowledge and performance assessments. Performance assessments will be graded using rubrics. Knowledge assessments will be developed in Question Mark Perception (QMP). Each module that is completed with a minimum score of 70% should issue a "Completion Certificate”. Some courses will require successful completion of multiple modules to gain final credit. Each module completion certificate conferred throughout the course only confirms training development hours/credits and should not be used as evidence of a completed Navy Enlisted System credential unless otherwise identified.

Test Item Development

a. Test Items are to be developed following NAVEDTRA 132.

b. One test bank will be developed in Question Mark Perception for IFIT training and within the eLearning development software for SDIT training. Test bank includes at least five (5) test questions per learning objective, Distractor and Answer. Feedback for correct and incorrect responses should include paragraph or page number from which the question was pulled.

c. Three test versions (A, B, and C) are required for each test. This can be accomplished using a random questions option.

General Text formatting

Bold is used to emphasize main points. Below are lists of some common formatting and User Interface (UI) elements.

Type Font Size Style Color Line spacing ExampleHeading Arial 24-pt Regular RGB: 0,

32, 96Paragraph spacing: 10-pt after

Line spacing: Multiple at 1.15


Sub Headings

Arial 14-pt Bold RGB: 0, 0, 0

Paragraph spacing: 0-pt before and after

Sub Heading

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Type Font Size Style Color Line spacing Example

Line spacing: Multiple at 1.15

Body Arial 12-pt Regular RGB: 0, 0, 0

Paragraph spacing: 0-pt before and after

Line spacing: Single at 1


For guidance on how to name UI elements, consult the Microsoft Manual of Style.

8. Self-Directed Interactive Training (SDIT)/eLearningSDIT content developed to be used for schoolhouse and in Fleet concentration area will be delivered through a Learning Management System (LMS). Courseware must be developed using the most recent version of SCORM be compatible with the LMS. Additionally, a compact disk/digital video disk of the courseware must function stand-alone outside of an LMS.

Colors used for standard formatting should conform to the following

Lectora and Captivate are the two software tools selected by NETC for use in the development of SDIT materials.

The table below provides basic formatting and writing style examples for each software.

Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example


Standard-Half-Bottom, 65% split, centered

In Course pane, list the module number: Module ##

Use module number and name style from source content as the image (see title image to the right).

Nothing in the heading area.

List the module

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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

objectives in text area. Use the corresponding audio file.

Navigating the Module

In the heading area, the text is "Navigating this course." In the text box, the text is “The [name of module] module has [number] lessons that build on each other.  A final assessment is included at the end of the module. It is recommended that you start with the first lesson and work through each in order. This is a self-paced course; you can close and return to the module whenever you like.

To learn more about navigating this module, double-click the video link.  

Include a demo video that shows:

Home and exit links

Table of contents Next and back

links Resources Glossary Module activities Certificate


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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

Module Introduction

Standard-Half-Bottom, 80% split, centered

The module introduction page is only included in the first module of each course.

In the content area, body text should be similar to the content below.

“This course introduces you to knowledge and processes, including operation, testing, basic troubleshooting, and repair procedures, to perform, under supervision, organizational maintenance on the F/A-18E/F aircraft avionics systems in the squadron working environment.

This module includes a final assessment. You must complete the entire module prior to taking the Final Assessment.

Note if there is audio or not and include audio file as appropriate.

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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

Module Objectives


Create a lesson folder with Standard-Half-Bottom stencil, 65%, centered

Use lesson style from source content as the image (see lesson1 image to the right).

Nothing in the heading area.

Lesson Learning Objectives


Content pages

Standard-Half-Left, Standard-

Include a short title in the content hearing area.

Images should be left

There are various content and process pages. Select the one that is most conducive to the content.

There are various content and process pages. Select the one that is most conducive to the

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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example


aligned unless otherwise specified.

Note if there is audio or not and include audio file as appropriate.

Content heading area: Installing a system upgrade


Content heading area: Installing a system upgrade



Grab text from source materials to explain what the simulation is about.

Then follow with this text:

The simulation will open in a new browser window.

Click the button below to launch the simulation.

Note if there is audio or not and include audio file as appropriate.

Content heading area: Using installation features (sentence case)

Content heading area: Using installation features (sentence case)

Knowledge Check Introduction

Standard-Half-Right stencil, 35% split

In the Heading area, the text is "Knowledge Check".

Add launch page text.

Some lessons contain more than one knowledge check, so the launch page text can vary.

Knowledge CheckQuestions

Page type depends on the question type

In the Heading area, the text is "Knowledge Check #. #" The first number corresponds to the lesson and the second number corresponds to the question’s order within the knowledge check (i.e., question 1, question 2).

The question text can be copied/pasted from Word

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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

files. Use the custom feedback from Word files but start with "Correct." or "Incorrect."

If there is more than one knowledge check in a lesson, the numbering varies (second example to the right). The first number corresponds to the lesson and the second number corresponds to order of the knowledge check (i.e. knowledge check 1) The third number is the questions order within the knowledge check (i.e., question 1, question 2).

Lesson Summary


The lesson summary is placed at the end of each lesson. In the heading area, the text is "Module Title and Module Number."

In the heading area, “Lesson Summary”.

In the body text area, “You have now completed Lesson #.

In this lesson the information you received prepared you to (add learning objectives in numbered bullets).

Your next step is to (continue to lesson 2, take a module assessment, complete a SOJT, etc.)

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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

Provide directions on how to begin the next step.

Note if there is audio or not and include audio file as appropriate.

Module Summary

Standard-Half-Bottom, 80% split

The module summary is placed only in the final lesson for each module, directly before the assessment. In the heading area, the text is "Module Title and Module Number."

In the heading area, “Module Summary”.

In the body text area, “You have now completed the [ ] module.

Thank you for your participation.

Your next step is to take the final assessment or SOJT.

Provide directions on how to begin the next step.

Note if there is audio or not and include audio file as appropriate.


Standard-Half-Right, 35% split

The final course assessment is placed only in the final lesson for each module.

In the Heading area, the text is "Final Assessment."

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Page Type & Stencil

Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

A launch text

To enter assessment questions:

1. In the Course pane area, right-click and select "Edit Assessment." Then click the "Select questions from a question pool" check box and set the number to 50. The question text can be copied/pasted from Excel files.

2. Create questions slides as appropriate and enter question and answers.

Set questions to randomized.

Use this custom feedback "You selected the correct response" or "You did not select the correct response."

Use the image to the right.

Assessment Questions

In the Course pane area, the text is "Final Assessment #.#"

The questions are randomized, so the numbering doesn't matter to the learner.

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Format and Writing Style

Captivate Example Lectora Example

Completion Certificates

Use the features in each software to develop the completion certificate.

9. Instructor-Facilitated Interactive Training (IFIT)IFIT is reserved for complex concepts and content. In support of enhanced, accessible learning instructor facilitated interactive training (IFIT) may be offered in one of two formats, synchronous and asynchronous. Classroom and virtual instructor led are synchronous as the instructor is present with the students during the training. Asynchronous training will also be available through a course management system that supports online interaction, allowing users to organize discussions, post and reply to messages, and upload and access multimedia.

Lesson Plan (LP)

Classroom training is also referred to face to face (F2F) and is facilitated in any available physical setting with the instructor and the students together at the location. Virtual training is implemented through the use or web conferencing software and can be deployed to multiple areas at once. In a virtual training event, the instructor may have some students present in the same location while others attend the training event using the web conferencing software. Virtual training may also occur with the instructor facilitating from a location without any students physically present.

The goal of both modalities it to incorporate interactive training through learning labs, simulations, system simulations, etc. Each modality requires a different style of guide for the instructor. Templates for each modality are described below with a link to the template location.


The LP guides the class instruction and consists of Discussion Points (DPs) and Related Instructor Activities (RIAs). Typically, the LP entry is one-for-one with the TG; however, in some instances this may not be feasible. In these instances, ensure the major concepts are entered

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into the LP to support instructor delivery. The lesson plan should contain everything the instructor needs to teach the course.

The EAL CLP Template is located at this link.

Virtual Lesson Plan (VLP) Template

This template provides the format and lists the required information for a Web Conference Training (WCT) facilitator guide. This facilitator guide may be a companion to the PowerPoint files for the training course. It is developed to assist facilitators in leading course presentations and managing communication with learners. If there is a student workbook, the facilitator guide mirrors the information presented in the participant workbook, but includes more detail on instruction and specific information about presentation of the material and facilitation of exercises.

The EAL VLP template is located at this link.

Asynchronous training will combine self-study with asynchronous interactions to promote learning. This combined network of learners and the electronic network in which they communicate is referred to as an asynchronous learning network. The online learning resources used to support asynchronous learning could include email, electronic mailing lists, threaded conferencing systems, online discussion boards, and meetings in virtual spaces, where discussions will be facilitated among groups of students. The plugins used for each course may vary based on the learning needs of the attendees. Templates for use in asynchronous training events are described below with a link to the template location.

Asynchronous Training Templates

A full range of tools are available to promote interactions between the student and instructor, the student and course content, and the student and peers. Below are the most common asynchronous tools utilized that will be used and the appropriate and effective uses of each tool.


E-mail is the oldest collaboration tool and the most common method for communication in online learning. Private messages can be sent between the instructor and the student. It is reliable, inexpensive, and the most well-known. Email should be used for announcements, due dates, schedule changes, modification to an assignment, or to address possible misconceptions. Use private email to respond to student questions that are of a personal nature such as a family crisis, a grade concern, or conduct in a discussion forum.

Discussion Boards/Forums

Discussion boards or forums are an asynchronous collaboration tool and a key element in learning management systems. Through discussion boards, the student interacts with the course content, the instructor, and other students. Generally, the instructor posts a topic or thread for discussion, and the student replies to the instructor and responds to other student postings. Encourage participation and set clear guidelines for discussions such as what

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accounts for quality and quantity. Include online discussion participation as a percentage of the overall grade. Effective discussion boards are structured content discussions designed to pose insightful questions, inspire curiosity, and incite discomfort.

Types of Discussion Boards:

Structured Content

Students will contribute to asynchronous discussion topics throughout the module regarding assigned reading and content. The instructor will post the question, and students will respond thoughtfully to the posted questions and to the number of other student postings as stated in the module syllabus. Additionally, the student may post questions that enhance the discussion or to further their understanding of the content.

Questions & Answers

Whenever students have questions or ideas about a topic, they can use the questions and answers discussion board to seek answers and input from their peers and the instructor. Students should be encouraged to answer questions posed by their classmates. The instructor may post answers to questions asked in private emails if they are of general interest to the class.


Podcasting is broadcasting a series of audio and video files over the internet “using syndication feeds for playback on mobile devices and personal computers” (Mason et al, p. 92). Audio files are in MP3 format, and frequently, the terms iPod and MP3 player are used synonymously. Podcasts offer a richer environment and a different modality of learning than just text. Podcasts can supply an almost endless variety of content in audio and video form. Podcast are especially useful for addressing the needs of students who prefer audio or visual learning. They can be used to introduce new material, support current lessons, or review material covered in class.

Trainers/Instructors can record lectures, lab directions, project overviews, and review material—and make it all available for students to download to their portable devices. Students can create podcasts to demonstrate their understanding of content. Podcasts enable students to assume a meaningful role in their own learning, and allow student one more way to express themselves.

PowerPoint (PPT) Presentations

When a training event requires instructors to use graphic presentations to augment their content material, MS PowerPoint will be used. Presentations should be well organized and color schemes should provide adequate contrast between backgrounds and text or graphics so they can be easily seen and read by the trainee. The following chart provides general guidelines for PPT development.

Title Slide Enabling Objective Slide Reference Slide

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a. Apply grid, ruler, and guide to determine placement.

b. Main text box for Title Slide dimensions: 5” high and 8” wide

Main text box for Title Slide position: 1” horizontal from top left corner and 1 .75” vertical from top left

1) Content: Lesson Title

2) Font: Arial, 40 pt., Black, Bold, Centered

c. No graphics allowed

d. No punctuation allowed

e. First letter of each word capitalized with the exception of words like “and ”, “or,” etc.

a. “Enabling Objective(s)” font: Arial, 24, Bold. First letter of each word is capitalized, followed by colon

b. Text: Alignment: Left, Indentation Before: 0, Special: None, By: ______, Spacing Before: .24, Spacing After: 0, and Line Spacing: Single

c. Objective Verb: all caps and bold

d. Objective text: Alignment: Left, Indentation Before: .5, Special: Hanging, By: .31, Spacing Before: .24, Spacing After: 0, and Line Spacing: Single

e. Only behavior of the objective populated (condition and standard not included)

f. Remaining enabling objective font: Arial, 22 pt., Black, all lower case with the exception of systems or components (in which case the first letter is capitalized)

g. No graphics allowed

h. Maximum of 12 lines of text per slide

i. If the number of objectives requires more than one slide, the same conventions are to be

a. “References” font: First letter capitalized, Arial, 24 pt., Bold, followed with colon

b. List references in order that it is used or referenced within the lesson

c. Individual references font: Arial, 22 pt., not bold, no punctuation

d. Reference text: Alignment: Left, Indentation Before: .5, Special: Hanging, By: .25, Spacing Before: .24, Spacing After: 0, and Line Spacing: Single

e. First letter of each word is capitalized

f. No graphics allowed

g. Maximum of 12 lines of text per slide

h. Continue to additional slides when there are more than 12 lines of text by using “(cont.)” after the “References” title on the following slides

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used on subsequent slides. Add “(cont.)” following the enabling objective title. For example: “Enabling Objective(s) (cont.)”

Slide with Graphics Slide with Text and Graphic Slide with Table that will be taught

a. Diagram is placed at bottom of slide, centered horizontally, and legible.

b. Follow formatting guidelines listed above.

a. Left text box dimensions: 6.02” high by 4.49” wide

b. Left text box position: .5” horizontal from top left corner and 1.15” vertical from top left corner

c. Follow formatting guidelines listed above

d. The graphic on the right should be placed in the center within the ruler, gridlines, and guides

e. If there are screen shots from software, the text in the screen shot needs to be legible

f. EOSS system diagram text stays as is (must be legible)

a. Center the table on the slide

b. Entire table from TG will be included

c. Follow formatting conventions listed above

d. If the table will not fit onto one slide, break the table into sections of 12 lines or less spread out over multiple slides if necessary (the example above is one table spread over multiple slides)

e. Slides with tables need a minimum of a header bullet (additional bullets may be needed to make them match the LP format)

Slide with table that is shown as an example

Summary and Review Slide Assignment and Application Slide

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a. Center the table on the slide

b. b. Follow formatting conventions listed for table slides and content slides

c. c. If a table will be used solely as an example of what is available in a technical document, the entire table does not need to be shown in the PPT

d. 1) A picture of the table with a “wavy line will be used as an example; see example above

e. d. Slide needs a minimum of a header bullet (additional bullets may be needed to make them match the LP format)

a. The words “Summary and Review” should have first letter capitalized and should be Arial, 24 pt., Bold, with no colon or punctuation (see text style slide)

b. The summary should provide a broad overview of what was addressed in the lesson and should not be a repeat of the learning objectives

c. Questions will be after the summary. Each question should be numbered, with the numbers’ positions as follows: Alignment: Left, Indentation Before: .5, Special: Hanging, By: .5, Spacing Before: 0, Spacing After: 0, and Line Spacing: Single

d. There should be a question for each behavioral element of the objectives (answers to the questions are provided in the LP)

a. An Assignment slide and/or Application slide may be developed; there may not have to be both, but if both are required, these slides have the same format.

b. The words “Assignment” or “Application” should have first letter capitalized, and should be Arial, 24 pt., Bold, with no colon or punctuation (see text style slide.

c. Follow formatting conventions listed above.

d. The assignment or application slide should give the information that the trainee will be doing for the assignment of application with instruction.

The EAL CLP PPT template is located at link.

The EAL VLP PPT template is located at this link.

10. Trainee Guide (TG)The TG is organized by lessons and sections with all related instructional information grouped within each section. Within each lesson, sections are grouped with learning

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objectives and instruction sheets. TGs contain all of the content for the module, and they are used as a workbook and performance aid for the trainees. This document should be written clearly and to a level consistent with the trainees’ understanding. Instruction sheets, consisting of Outline Sheets, Information Sheets, Job Sheets, Assignment Sheets, Problem Sheets, and/or Diagram Sheets, are an integral part of the course and help trainees achieve the terminal and enabling objectives.


1) Font: Arial, 12pt

2) Alignment: Justified

3) Outline level: Body text

4) Special: Hanging

5) By: 0.25”

6) Spacing

a) Before: 6pt.

b) After: 6pt.

c) Line spacing: Single

d) Ensure the “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style” checkbox is NOT checked.

1) Indentation: Left and Right 0”

2) The list level can be seen in the example below:


A. Font: Arial, 12 pt.

B. Header row shading: White, Background 1, Darker 15%

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A. Indentation- left and right 0 ʺ 1. Indentation – left 0.25”, right 0 ̋ a. Indentation – left 0.5”, right 0 ̋ 1) Indentation – left 0.75”, right 0 ̋ a) Indentation – left 1”, right 0 ̋ i. Indentation – left 1.25”, right 0 ̋ (1) Indentation – left 1.5”, right 0 ̋ (a) Indentation – left 1.75”, right 0 ̋ i) Indentation – left 2”, right 0ʺ

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C. Table Label: Centered and Bold

D. If a table is shown simply as a reference to what is available in a technical document, it should use a squiggly line at the bottom of it to indicate that there is more to the table in another document, as shown in the example below:

Instructional Sheets:

1) Instruction sheets will be identified with a three-element number (Lesson Number-Section Number-Topic Number) that relates the instruction sheet to the lesson, section and topic in the Instructor’s Guide. (L1-S1-01)

2) All graphics and tables will be clear and centered on the page.

3) Anchoring graphics are required; there should be a minimum of one graphic per main level heading after the introduction.

4) “FOR TRAINING USE ONLY” will be centered at the bottom of each page.

5) Instruction Sheets will be arranged according to the sequence in which they are used in the lesson topic.

Outline Sheet

1) Should be the first instruction sheet of every lesson (per topic).

2) Titled the same as the Lesson topic in the Lesson Plan.

3) The Introduction section provides the overall scope and content of the Lesson Topic.

4) The Enabling Objective (s) section lists the Enabling Objectives for the Lesson Topic.

5) The Topic Outline section presents a high-level outline of the major points to be covered in the Lesson Topic.

Information Sheet:

Information Sheets should not reproduce information contained in texts or references readily available at the level required for instructional purposes. Developers are instead

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to capture the essence of the subject. Information should be written clearly and to a level consistent with the understanding of the trainee.

1) There should be only one Information Sheet per Topic of instruction.

2) Title will match the Outline Sheet title.

3) The Introduction paragraph should match the introduction paragraph in the outline sheet.

4) The References section lists all publications used to develop the content found in the Information Sheet.

a) Each reference is listed by number, complete title, volume, part, and chapter.

b) Each reference is listed in the order in which they are used in the content.

5) The Information section contains the following:

a) References to technical manuals or other approved publications citing specific paragraphs, figures, tables, etc.

b) DPs that include:

i. Information on new concepts

ii. Background information

iii. Clarifying information

Job Sheets

1) Job Sheets are titled to describe the subject matter of the sheet.

2) The Introduction section explains the purpose of the Job Sheet and the trainee benefits.

3) The Equipment section provides a complete list of all equipment required for use by the trainee to accomplish the job sheet.

4) The References section provides is a list of all publications required to perform the Job Sheet.

5) The Safety Precautions section provides an explanation of all safety precautions that apply to the overall job.

6) The Job Steps section provides the procedure(s) for performing an operation, maintenance, troubleshooting, or the repair of equipment.

7) The Self-Test Questions section provides questions to evaluate the trainees’ retention of knowledge from the Job Sheet.

Assignment Sheets

1) Assignment Sheets title should match the title of the corresponding information sheet.

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2) The Introduction section contains information concerning the overall scope and content of the assignment.

3) The Study Assignment section contains a list of material to be studied by the trainee before the presentation of the next Lesson Topic. It lists questions that assess understanding of what was studied or tests the trainees’ ability to apply information.

a) This sheet is designed to be given as a homework assignment.

b) Applicable documentation is identified by instruction, manual, paragraph, page, figure, or diagram numbers.

c) Specific study instructions, including preferred sequence of study, may be included.

4) The Enabling Objectives section lists the Enabling Objectives.

a) They are identical to those listed in the Lesson Topic in the LP.

b) Enabling Objectives are listed only on the Outline Sheet, so they are not required in Assignment Sheets.

Problem Sheets

1) Problem Sheets are titled to describe the subject matter of the problem.

2) This sheet is used for paperwork troubleshooting when the equipment is not available. Problem sheets will be used in troubleshooting lessons when a job sheet is not possible.

3) The Problem section presents the problem(s):

a) It is organized in a reasonable manner that promotes problem-solving abilities.

b) It provides a clear statement of the problem(s), the conditions, and the parameters affecting the problem(s).

4) The Directions section provides the directions and procedures necessary to solve the problem.

5) Drawings/diagrams, if required, may be incorporated as part of the Problem Sheet, not as a Diagram Sheet.

Diagram Sheets

1) Diagram Sheets are titled to describe the subject matter of the sheet.

2) The section under the heading “Diagram” provides diagrams, schematics, or charts.

a) It is organized in any reasonable matter to accomplish the Lesson Topic objectives.

b) This ranges from foldout schematics or block diagrams to a simplified schematic.

c) The image should be large enough so the trainee can make pertinent notations.

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11. Terminology and AcronymsFor general and universal DoD terminology and acronyms refer to the DoD Dictionary and Associated Terms, last updated August 2017: http://www.jcs.mil/Portals/36/Documents/Doctrine/pubs/dictionary.pdf

For specific and technical terms and definitions that reside outside the DOD Dictionary refer to the Terminology Repository for DOD (OSD/JS) Issuances (CAC required): https://jdeis.js.mil/jdeis/jel/terminology/terminology.xlsx

For NETC specific terminology refer to this link.

12. TimeMilitary Time

When referring to military time, use the 24-hour format. If stating a block of time, separate the time values using an en dash (longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash) with no space on either side. Unless directed by a SME or indicated in GFI, do not add the word hours to a four-digit statement of time.

Example: 0500–0900

Civilian Time

When referring to civilian time, use the 12-hour format, followed by lowercase a.m. and p.m. If stating a block of time, separate the time values using an en dash with no space on either side. In this subtopic, a.m. and p.m. are italicized when describing the abbreviations. In actual text, these terms appear in regular text. See the example below.

Example: 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Time as Location

When using a reference to a clock to state direction, use a numeral, followed by o’clock in lowercase letters.

Example: Check at 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock before proceeding.

13. DatesUse the standard military date format DD Month YYYY.

Example: 10 January 2017

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14. Media SourcesWhile these are not all-inclusive sources of media, for military related photos refer to any of the following:

Joint Chiefs of Staff Media at http://www.jcs.mil/Media/Photos.aspx Navy Mil at http://www.navy.mil/viewGallery.asp# NETC Media Library at link to be determined

15. Additional References

Below are links to other documents that will be useful in the design and development of training materials. This section will be updated as additional references are made available for use.


The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) integrates a set of related technical standards, specifications, and guidelines designed to meet the high-level requirements of accessibility, reusability, interoperability, and durability of content and systems. Shareable Content Objects, or SCOs, are units of information delivered learners via the LMS, and are the smallest unit of information that can communicate with the LMS to track student performance or interactions. SCO are roughly equivalent to lessons, learning objects such as simulations or other complex activities, instructional methods that stand as a unit, and modules, although they can be, and often are, smaller “chunks” of instruction.

SCORM 2004’s sequencing rules, allow for branching (what SCORM calls “sequencing”) between SCOs. Doing this makes it easy for courses to be used in any SCORM 2004-conformant LMS. All courseware must be compliant with Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) 2004, Fourth Edition. For guidelines on SCORM, refer to SCORM and Navy eLearning Documents guidance on NeL (CAC required).

Single User Gaming and Simulation Guidance

The purpose of the Single User Gaming and Simulation Guidance for Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL) is to define Best Practices and technical content standards to ensure that single user gaming and simulation content created for RRL will perform to minimum standards on the TRANET network infrastructure and workstations, as well as future mobile and wireless devices

For the current best practices for standards and guidelines to ensure that gaming and simulation content developed for RRL will perform on current and planned infrastructure for the Navy Ready Relevant Learning transformation please refer to Single User Gaming and

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Simulation Guidance for Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL)located at this link. All streaming video products will be tested based on the guidelines within this document.

Multi User Gaming and Simulation Guidance

The purpose of the Multi User Gaming and Simulation Guidance for Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL) is to define Best Practices and technical content standards to ensure that multi user gaming and simulation content created for RRL will perform to minimum standards on the TRANET network infrastructure and workstations, as well as future mobile and wireless devices

For the current best practices for standards and guidelines to ensure that multi user gaming and simulation content developed for RRL will perform on current and planned infrastructure for the Navy Ready Relevant Learning transformation please refer to Multi User Gaming and Simulation Guidance for Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL) will be located at this link when it becomes available. All streaming video products will be tested based on the guidelines within this document.

Video Streaming Guidance

The Video Streaming Guidance for Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL)details the current Best Practices for Multi-Device Transcoding for streaming video services and standards for the Navy Ready Relevant Learning transformation. Each section will detail the recommended encoding settings and resolutions for the current array of devices along with use cases and background information.

The recommended video source content creation standards for RRL should be established to produce the highest quality and resolution master videos using a widely compatible format. As of the time of writing, the current best format is MP4 using H264 video encoding and AAC, AC-3, or Vorbis audio encoding at 1080P resolution and 80Mbps. additionally, source video should never include burned in matting or letterboxing and video content should be limited to no more than 12 minutes in length. By using a widely compatible and high resolution source video, the maximum video quality is maintained as the video is transcoded to lower resolution and bit rate formats. It should be noted that while cutting edge 4K and greater resolution video is being developed, the majority of training devices and infrastructure are unable to support 4K streaming. The 1080P resolution settings provide the maximum compatibility across all current and planned mobile devices for RRL.

The video streaming server or service must provide high availability of video content to all users and adapt the video streaming bandwidth for each individual user. Scalability and reliability are paramount to the best user experience. Adaptive streaming technology allows the same high quality content to be streamed users and adapted to their current network bandwidth conditions. It is recommended that RRL video streaming services provide adaptive streaming of content to minimize negative user impact from network bandwidth restrictions as well as mobile device and wireless limitations.

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For the current best practices for Multi-Device Transcoding for streaming video services and standards for the Navy Ready Relevant Learning transformation please refer to Video Streaming Guidance for Ready, Relevant Learning (RRL)located at this link. All streaming video products will be tested based on the guidelines within this document.

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