Introduction - Vinteum Neighbors · Introduction The property management industry is very competitive. Around 53% of owner-occupied households are in HOAs, ... Google Adwords helps

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Page 1: Introduction - Vinteum Neighbors · Introduction The property management industry is very competitive. Around 53% of owner-occupied households are in HOAs, ... Google Adwords helps
Page 2: Introduction - Vinteum Neighbors · Introduction The property management industry is very competitive. Around 53% of owner-occupied households are in HOAs, ... Google Adwords helps

Using Adwords for your Property Management Business2

Table of ContentsIntroduction 3

Step-by-step on how to create your first AdWords campaigns. 4

Create your first Google Ads Campaigns 6

Main goal 11

Create Ads 16

Suggestions for creating your ads 17

Page 3: Introduction - Vinteum Neighbors · Introduction The property management industry is very competitive. Around 53% of owner-occupied households are in HOAs, ... Google Adwords helps

Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 3

IntroductionThe property management industry is very competitive. Around 53% of owner-occupied households are in HOAs, this just increases the demand for property managers. So how do you make your business stand out? In this day and age the internet is the way to get the word out about your business. But when you Google ‘property management companies’, you get a well over a billion results! Google Adwords helps you stand out! You don’t have to be a techie or marketing pro to advertise your business to more people, and people who will be interested.

What is Google Adwords? Google Ads is Google’s paid ad service. It’s an advertising platform capable of creating ads in various formats. Although it allows you to create video ads for YouTube and more, in this manual we will focus only on the Search Network, that is the one we showed above. Your ads can appear with Google search results and on other search sites when your keywords are relevant to a user's search.

We’re going to show you how to create a campaign, and set it to be targeted to people who are in a certain State (for instance), and who’ve been looking for property management companies. This makes you more visible to an audience who matter to you.

Types of results in Googles: In the picture below, you can see the two ways to appear in a Google search. The first one is an Ad (what we’re focusing on in this article) and the second one is the Organic search, read more about that here. What we’ll show you is how to create an ad on Google that will make easier for your prospects to find you.

Page 4: Introduction - Vinteum Neighbors · Introduction The property management industry is very competitive. Around 53% of owner-occupied households are in HOAs, ... Google Adwords helps

Using Adwords for your Property Management Business4

Step-by-step on how to create

your first AdWords campaigns.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 5

Account setup: To get started with the tool, the first step is to set up an account for it. Go to the AdWords page, and click the "get started" button.

On the next screen, you have to fill out the information about your company, the main thing is to put your website.

An email will be requested here, which by default must be Gmail ([email protected]) or your company Gmail account. Remember to use an email that has never been used in any AdWords account.

Then, just follow the steps and that's it, your account is ready.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business6

Create your first Google Ads Campaigns

Before you start building campaigns on Ads, you need to understand how campaigns and ads are structured within the platform.

They’re divided into 4 groups:

Ad Groups: this is where your keywords and ads will be. You can create more than one at the same Campaign, in this way it is possible to work better the group of keywords you’d chosen, making them relate and have similarity to each other

Ads: each advertisement you made and ready to be displayed on the search engine results page

Keywords: the terms you want to redirect to your campaigns

Campaigns: The campaign is the highest level within the account. You can create a campaign for each product, product tracking, or you can organize it any other way you prefer. You can create campaigns for different types of communities. In the campaign you also include how much you want to spend on it per day, this is how Google works. So, you need to think about how much you want to spend on a month and then divide per 30 days. You’ll only pay when someone clicks on your ad. Organize your campaigns always thinking about how much you will spend on marketing per product. You need to think carefully about how much you want to invest in this.

Now you understand the structure of campaigns and how they work, it's time to start creating one, let’s go!

If this is the first time you’re going on to Google Ads after you complete the section about your business, Google takes you to create your first campaign.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 7

As we said earlier you need to decide how much you want to spend per day on your campaign. How much you spend influences your auction, but it's not the only thing that influences your Google position. The quality score also interferes. According to Google, Quality Score is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords, and landing pages. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions. But if you have low-quality ads, you need to spend more to improve your position.

Ad Locations: These are the cities, or maybe countries, you'd like to start running your ads in. This targets your ads, so if you’re based in Florida, set the ad words for Florida it will advertise for users based in Florida.

As we said at the beginning, we will only focus on search network so select the "Search Network" option and select your initial goal with the campaign. Then, decide what you want to achieve with your goal.

Now, it’s time to choose your Keywords.

Keywords are the terms that will activate your ad. You must add them within each Ad group. These are the words that you think people may be using to find services like yours. To help drive the ad to people with a real interest in what you offer, we have keyword matches. Google also helps you to find similar keywords with the one you already choose.

In Ad Groups, you can work on your keywords. You can define as many ad groups as you want and relate them to different keyword groups.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business8

Always remember to save everything you do.

Bids: Choose how you want to pay for your ads. Here you choose both your bid strategy and the maximum amount you're willing to pay for your keywords. Decide how much you want to pay for the advertisement.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 9

Now it’s time to write your ad.

Landing page: This is the actual address where the user is directed after clicking the link.

Obviously, this address does not appear in the ad. This could be the homepage of your website, or the description of your services, or a special page that you can create.

Headline 1: This is the first line of the ad, but you can only have a maximum of 30 CHARACTERS.

Headline 2: This is the second line of the ad, you can use it to add more information about your business.

Description: Include a description of your business in up to 80 characters.

Save and continue.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business10

Now it’s time to update your payment and write extra information about your business, like name and address.

After your payment is approved, you can go to your account. If you want to change something or you’re not ready to pay yet, all you have to do is Pause or Remove the Campaign.

Now that you have a Campaign you can change other things, like your Campaign name: It is up to you to decide which name to set for this, like HOAs or Communities. To create another Campaign, you just need to go to Campaign and click on the plus sign.

When you first create an Ads account you have limited options, so now I’ll show you other possibilities.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 11

Main goalSelect the Main goal of your Campaign:

The options above are the ones available. We’re going to choose Leads to grow your business and get more clients. Select Search on the type:

And select how to reach your goal.

Save to continue.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business12

The next steps are really similar to the ones we did before. You need to choose a Campaign Name -> Networks. We won’t do Display right now, so unclick that option.

Start and end date: You can choose to enter a start and end date for your campaign, but it is not a required field.

Choose the Location, as you did it before.

Now, you can choose the Audience, which are groups of people with specific interests, intents, and demographics, as estimated by Google. They’re people your ad will be shown to. Data from your target audience may be used to improve the bidding and targeting of your audience campaigns.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 13

Choose your budget, for bids the options that must be filled in are:

Goal: You choose the big goal for your campaign.

Clicks: The number of people who click on your link.

Conversions: The interaction of your lead with you, if they subscribe, contact you, etc. Conversion value: The value of your conversions actions.

Bid strategy: Choose how you want your bids adjusted. You can either set bids manually, where you choose the value of your keywords. By opting for "Set bids manually" it will give you the option to set a cost limit for your keywords yourself. This is known as CPC max bid limit. Or you can choose automatic bidding when Google automatically sets the bids for you.

Select a bid strategy directly. Here you have more bidding options, which are:

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business14

You can choose between Automated bid strategy or a Manual one. To do this, you need to think about your main goal.

Here are some definitions that will help you:

Manual Cost-Per-Click (CPC) bidding, you can set your maximum price of the cost of someone clicking on your ads. You can get a good value with this bidding method because you pay only when a viewer is interested enough to click your ad and learn more.

Enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) helps you get more conversions from manual bidding. ECPC works by automatically adjusting your manual bids for clicks that seem more or less likely to lead to a sale or conversion on your website.

Target CPA is a Google Ads Smart Bidding strategy that sets bids to help get as many conversions as possible at the target cost-per-acquisition (CPA) you set. It uses advanced machine learning to automatically optimize bids and offers auction-time bidding capabilities that tailor bids for each and every auction.

Target ROAS lets you bid based on a target return on ad spend (ROAS). This Google Ads Smart Bidding strategy helps you get more conversion value or revenue at the target return-on-ad-spend (ROAS) you set. Your bids are automatically optimized at auction-time, allowing you to tailor bids for each auction.

Now you can choose your Ad extensions. This is where you can include additional information for your ad. There are several options for extensions and you can add for example the differentials that your company has among its competitors. A good extension is to add your phone number or the person who you want to be connected. That way, it’s easier for possible clients to contact you.

Create Ad Groups

In Ad Groups, you can work on your keywords. You can define as many ad groups as you want and relate them to different keyword groups.

The only thing that represents the creation of your ad groups is the name that you include in the field shown below:

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 15

They are:

Broad Match: This is the default match type for all your registered keywords. In it you can’t use any symbols. Ads will show any relevant variations (spelling mistakes, synonyms) of your keywords when someone types them in, even if those terms are not on your list.

Phrase Correspondence: Here, your advert appears to anyone who searches for the exact keyword and the approximate variations of it, with additional words before or after the chosen keyword. The quotation marks ('') indicates this type of Correspondence. It causes the ad to be activated only if the words are exact or with approximate variations (plural, abbreviations, spelling errors) regardless of the order or contain all of them.

Exact Match: It’s not often used by advertiser companies, it makes the ad only active if the keyword is spelled the way it was searched for. Words are used within [ ] to be more specific.

Step-by-Step for Keyword Creation: Just below you add the name of your ad groups you will need to add the keywords as shown in the image.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business16

Create AdsCreating ads is by itself a skill in itself, it is the most important part when it comes to Ads campaigns.

AdWords ads are divided as follows:

Final URL: This is the actual address where the user is directed after clicking the link. Obviously, this address does not appear in the ad. This could be the homepage of your website, or the description of your services.

Headline 1: This is the first line of the ad, but you can only have a maximum of 30 characters.

Headline 2: This is the second line of the ad, you can use it to add more information about your business

Path: A shorter "dummy" address that appears in green. It automatically includes the virtual store registered in the final URL and allows the inclusion of two subcategories. The display URL gives potential customers a clear idea of what webpage they'll reach once they click your ad, so your path text should describe your ad's landing page.

Description: The lines of text are just below the path, with a maximum length of up to 80 characters.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business 17

Suggestions for creating your ads:

Put exactly the same search keyword in the title, include Store Pricing and Differentials.

Phrases such as: "Sign in now", “I can help your community”, "Do not waste any more time" helps a lot in conversions.

Create 2 to 3 different ads to test which approach is best, this is called A/B testing.

Link the ads directly to the product page, such as your Neighbors website, like this one.

Repeat the information contained in the store in the description, which helps when Google qualifies your ad.

You can always create more Ads by clicking here:

Once you create your ad, it will undergo a review by Google! It must meet all of Google's privacy policies, and only after that review will your ad be ready to be announced.

BillingThe forms for paying for Ads are very flexible. You can choose the one that best meets your needs. The options are credit card, either prepaid and when you pay afterward. To access the billing of your campaigns, click on the red strip shown above the platform on the homepage of your account.

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Using Adwords for your Property Management Business18

Measuring ResultsOnce the campaigns are finished, the results must be measured. It's essential to measure the results of your ads and optimize them to know what to adjust in the next campaigns or what to delete. The way you do this is through Google Analytics. It is a great free tool to analyze the results of your campaigns. We will cover how to use it soon.

You can see how your Campaign is going on in Overview and have a more general look at all your campaigns.

That’s how you create an Adwords campaign!

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Vinteum is the developer behind products like Vinteum Neighbors, a web and mobile solution that connects residents and property managers. We leverage the power of technology and efficiency, coupled with an incredible design, to create open communication between residents, boards of directors and property managers. To achieve this, we use a wide range of tools such as community-wide notices, a private social network, secure document storage, personalized websites, and so much more. All this improves the experience of managing associations and of living in a community.

Start your free trial now!