INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT Prof. Dr. Gerhard Graf (Project Leader) Dr. Frank Hansen (Project Coordinator) Dr. Manuela Görs (Information Officer) University of Rostock (Lead Beneficiary) Jan & Kasia Fidler, Cecilia Torres (External Project Coordination Office)

INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT Prof. Dr. Gerhard Graf (Project Leader) Dr. Frank Hansen (Project Coordinator) Dr. Manuela Görs (Information Officer) University

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Prof. Dr. Gerhard Graf (Project Leader)Dr. Frank Hansen (Project Coordinator)Dr. Manuela Görs (Information Officer)University of Rostock (Lead Beneficiary)Jan & Kasia Fidler, Cecilia Torres (External Project Coordination Office)

Boom of new marine technologies is coming also to South Baltic Region

Change from industry to innovation based economy (global markets, climate change consequences: energy, coastal protection, green technologies)

Increasing utilisation of Baltic Sea and coastal regions conflicts

Need for skilled professionals

Vulnerable environment: need for interdisciplinary professionals with understanding of ecosystemary relations and legal conditions

Large number of unemployed graduates of maritime studies

Change of Maritime Sector: Drivers

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012

Generation BALT will match supply and demand

8 Partners from 4 countries: universities, national business

associations and R&D institutes + 10 Associated Organisations

Goal: adaptation of higher education curricula to changes on

the maritime job market

Co-financed by the South Baltic Programme

Total budget 2 Mio. Euro

Duration: 1. July 2011 – 31. June 2014


Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012


More and better carrier options for graduates of marine-related studies

Long term partnerships between universities and maritime industry


Collaboration of academic institutions to balance curricula and pinpoint

local strengths

Modernisation and internationalisation of curricula

Inspiring and creative environment for students

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012

Project Partners

GermanyUniversity of Rostock (Lead Partner)

PolandUniversity of SzczecinUniversity of Business and Administration, GdyniaPolish Chamber of Maritime Commerce, GdyniaGdansk University of Technology

LithuaniaKlaipeda UniversityKlaipeda Science and Technology Park

SwedenLinnæus University, Kalmar

Generation BALT 3rd meeting, Szczecin, 22nd. – 24th. October 2012

GermanyAssociation of Maritime Technology, Hamburg

Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Rostock

PolandInstitute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Science, SopotUnion of the Baltic Cities, Gdansk Gdynia Academic Initiative FoundationPomeranian Maritime and Vistula Catchment Basin Cluster, GdyniaMaritime Institute in Gdansk

SwedenBaltic University Programme, UppsalaMarine Centre, Simrishamn Municipality

RussiaBaltic Fishing Fleet State Academy, Kaliningrad

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012

Associated Organisations

Our ProgrammeA





* Foresight of the maritime job market in the SB region

* Identification of highest demand for skilled professionals

* Analysis of the current educational offer

* Identification of missing educational offer

Pilot post-graduate / master course:

5 longer weekend courses summer school internship Assignment, e-learning tools

Match-making activities between graduates and employers:

• internet job portal for the new maritime sector • internships • job fairs, exhibitions and other events • partnerships with maritime industry




Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 201

Foresight Analysis of the South Baltic Region 2017

Development prospects for segments of the Maritime Sector including demand for work force/key qualifications

Labour Market Analysis: employment structure; unemployment situation, development and trends

Higher Educational Offer: Compilation of existing programmes and courses

Political framework conditions (SBR and regional)

=> Conclusions: Promising segments for future employment & Supplementary Study Programme

Based on:

Questionnaire analysis (SBR and regional)

Regional reports for Sweden, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, West Pomerania, Pomerania, Lithuania

Input from experts (interviews, presentations and discussions during meetings)

Study of documents

Methods: Overview

Methods: Questionnaire Analysis

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012

Questionnaire survey: 261 experts from 5 countries:

A. Which maritime sectors will develop most within the next 5 years?

B. Which maritime sectors will create highest demand of skilled experts within the next 5 years?

C. Please describe key qualifications demanded for chosen segments.

A./B.: Ordinale Data => Intervallinterpretation => Numerical Data => Statistical Analysis

C.: Deskriptive Analysis

Analysis was performed by our Partner University of Business and Administration, Gdynia

Analysis: Results

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012

Structure of answers and mean ratings for development

prospects of maritime segments






















quasi-mean (leftscale)


Germany Lithuania Poland Russia Sweden

Segment prospects

Work force demand

Segment prospects

Work force demand

Segment prospects

Work force demand

Segment prospects

Work force demand

Segment prospects

Work force demand

Watercraft industry 17 16 5 2 15 12 13 13 14 8

Marine equipment 8 8 7 5 13 13 14 17 8 8

Maritime works 11 10 5 10 14 11 14 5 16 8

Offshore supply 1 2 12 15 6 7 11 13 12 2

Offshore wind energy 2 1 2 4 1 1 10 3 2 4

Exploration and exploitation of sea bed 3 3 15 14 3 4 3 9 13 3

Hydro engineering 13 6 9 11 5 5 2 9 11 8

Coastal protection & construction 10 13 13 12 7 9 7 5 5 7

Fisheries & aquaculture 16 17 14 13 16 16 1 1 4 14

Seaports & Logistics 7 7 3 3 8 10 3 4 3 6

Maritime services 4 5 1 6 10 8 11 7 14 5

Recreational boating 12 14 16 16 2 2 17 15 8 15

Coastal tourism 5 12 17 17 4 3 16 16 7 16

Maritime areas management & administration 14 11 10 7 11 15 9 8 16 8

Adjustment of law concerning maritime areas 15 14 11 9 12 17 3 11 1 1

Innovative maritime industries 6 4 4 1 17 14 6 2 8 17

Security & crisis management 9 9 8 8 9 6 8 11 13 8

Position of 17 segments in national rankings

Pilot supplementary study course

Target groups: last year students, graduates, unemployed maritime professionals

Interdisciplinary, practically oriented, free of charge

Tutors: visionary scientists and leading academic teachers, experts,

maritime industry or SME representatives, young maritime entrepreneurs, maritime authority representatives, politicians

Scope of course: 2 thematic presence weekend courses + summer school + compulsory internship + e-learning and assignments

Curriculum: according to results of the analysis & foresight study

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012

Part-financed by the European Union(European Regional Development Fund)


Course Planning

Longer weekend courses:

Rostock, 28.02.–03.03. 2013: Maritime technology, aquaculture and combined solutions

Kalmar, 03.–06.04. 2013: Green shipping and ECO marine power

Klaipeda, 16.–19.05. 2013: Green growth, green shipyards, retro-fitting, life-cycle management

Szczecin, 31.05.–02.06. 2013: Environmental impact assessment in the coastal areas and maritime environmental law

Gdańsk, 04.–07.07. 2013: Offshore wind energy tower technology: Pre-production engineering, with elements of project management

Summer school: Kaliningrad, 10 days in September 2013, assignments deepening topics, tall ship sailing (functioning of different harbours, practical aspects, intercultural exchange)

Rostock, Germany

Weekend Course: University of Rostock

Date: Date: 07.03.-10.03.2013 (planned)

Organiser:Organiser: University of Rostock


University of Rostock, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental

Sciences and Faculty of Engineering and Marine Technology

Excursion to an experimental Aquaculture Plant (Born) / Oceaneum


Course topics: Course topics:

Aquaculture in the Baltic Sea Region: on and offshore, multitrophic

concepts, combined facilities, regulations and environmental constraints

Innovative maritime technologies: wind parks, antifouling, special ship


Maritime law and regulations for offshore installations

Entrepreneurship in maritime activities

Soft skills: networking and communication, creativity, ideas and niches

for future jobs or business formation

Contact:Contact: [email protected] +49-381-4986051

Thank you for your kind attention!


Project Coordination

Dr. Frank Hansen

[email protected]

Project Management

Jan and Katarzyna Fidler

[email protected], [email protected]

Website: www.generationbalt.eu

Generation BALT 3. meeting, Szczecin, 22. – 24. October 2012