Introduction to the ABC's

Introduction to the ABC's

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Introduction to the ABC's. SMART ABC Tutorial. In this tutorial, you’ll learn what the ABC process is and how to use it. First, we’ll briefly look at REBT theory, the basis for the SMART ABC Tool. Then, we’ll do an example ABC to help you get started. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Introduction to the ABC's

Introduction to the ABC's

Page 2: Introduction to the ABC's

SMART ABC Tutorial• In this tutorial, you’ll learn what the ABC

process is and how to use it.• First, we’ll briefly look at REBT theory, the

basis for the SMART ABC Tool.• Then, we’ll do an example ABC to help you

get started.• You may want to print out an ABC Worksheet

to fill in as we go along.

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What is an ABC?• The ABC process is a method to identify

and dispute our irrational beliefs, thoughts and feelings.

• By doing so we can come up with new, rational beliefs, thoughts and feelings.

• This helps us resist urges and regain control.

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Basic REBT Principles• There are 3 aspects of human functioning:

– Thoughts– Feelings– Behaviors

• People or events don’t make us feel good or bad.

• It is our perceptions of them that result in our feeling good or bad.

• These perceptions influence our behavior.

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Origins of REBT• REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior

Therapy) was developed by Dr. Albert Ellis in the 1950’s.

• His proposal that thinking creates feelings and actions was in direct opposition to his training in and practice of psychoanalysis.

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The REBT Approach to Addiction• At SMART Recovery we do not label ourselves

“alcoholics” or “addicts”.• REBT is supported by research on relapse

prevention, motivational enhancement, and behavioral change processes.

• REBT emphasizes self-responsibility, self-motivation, and self-discipline as the primary means of stopping substance use.

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The Basic ABC• A = Activating Event– What do you think happened?– What would a camera see?

• B = Beliefs about Activating Event– What did you tell yourself?

• C = Consequences– How did you act?– How did you feel?

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The Basic ABC Diagram




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Example: At a Party• A = Activating Event

– I’m at a party.• B = Belief

– Parties must be exciting, or I feel left out.– I must have a drink to relax and have fun.– This is awful and I can’t stand being here.– I’m a bad person because I need a drink.

• C = Consequences– I feel anxiety.– I have a drink.

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Four Categories of Irrational Beliefs• Dogmatic demands– Musts, absolutes, shoulds

• Awfulizing– It’s awful, terrible, horrible

• Low Frustration Tolerance (LFT)– I can’t stand it, I need it

• Self/Other Rating– I’m or he/she is bad, worthless

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Disputing Irrational Beliefs• After identifying A, B and C, we move on to D.• D = Disputing Irrational Beliefs (iB’s)

– Where is holding this belief getting me? Is it helpful or self-defeating?

– Where is the evidence to support my belief? It is consistent with reality?

– Is my belief logical? Does it follow from my preferences?

– Is it really awful (as bad as it could be)?– Can I really not stand it?

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Example: At a Party• D = Dispute Irrational Beliefs (iB’s)

– Why is this so terrible?– Where’s the proof that I can’t handle it?– What does it mean when I say I can’t

handle it? Will I actually explode?– Must I always get what I want?– Is it in my long-term best interest to

believe that I must have a drink?– Is this belief going to lead to my desired


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Irrational vs. Rational Beliefs• Irrational beliefs are the result of irrational

thoughts.• Irrational beliefs lead to unhealthy feelings

and behaviors.• Rational beliefs are reasonable, objective,

flexible and constructive.• Rational beliefs lead to survival, happiness

and healthy feelings and behaviors.

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Irrational vs. Rational Diagram








Rational Beliefs lead to healthy feelings & behaviorsIrrational Beliefs lead to unhealthy feelings & behaviors

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New Effective Beliefs• After Disputing (D), we move on to E.

• E = New Effect (New Rational Beliefs) New healthy negative emotions


– New constructive behaviors

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To Dispute or Not Dispute: Diagram



I’m at a party

Parties must be exciting,

or I feel left out



Drink to feelaccepted &therefore

reduce anxiety

DDispute iB and

remain abstinent

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Example: At a Party• E = New Effect (New Rational Beliefs)

– This is difficult, but I can have fun without drinking.– This is uncomfortable, but I can handle being here.– It is in my long-term interest to abstain from using. I

want to be a clean and sober person.– While it may be upsetting, it’s not life-threatening.– I may strongly desire a drink, but I can survive without

one.– While drinking may bring short-term relaxation, I know

from my past that it leads to trouble.

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Example: At a Party

• E = New Effect (New constructive behaviors)– I remain abstinent.– I stay at the party and have fun.– I move closer to my goal of being clean and


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Summary: ABC Flow Chart


















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The Extended ABC• Some facilitators extend the Basic ABC (with it’s D

and E) to include F and G.• F = New Feelings

– After disputing irrational beliefs and making them rational, how do you feel?

– Annoyed not angry, concerned not anxious, sad not depressed?

• G = Goals– How does the E (New Effect) help you reach your goals?– In the short-term? In the long-term?

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Example: At a Party• F = New Feelings

– I feel uncomfortable and frustrated, but those are healthy negative emotions I can handle.

– I feel stronger and proud of myself for meeting the challenge.

• G = Goals– I met my goal of not drinking today.– I am closer to being the clean and sober person I want

to be.– With a clear mind I will be able to achieve my medium-

and long-term goals.

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Example of Goal Setting• Short-term

– Why are you at this SMART meeting today?– Because I want to stop drinking.

• Medium-term– Why do you want to stop drinking?– So I can finish my bachelor’s/master’s degree.

• Long-term– Why do you want to finish your degree?– So I can get married and start a family.

• Very long-term– Why do you want to get married and start a family?– So I can live a full, happy and healthy life.

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The Chained ABC• ABC’s can be chained together to deal

with secondary upsets.• The C of the ABC for the secondary

upset becomes the A of the ABC for the primary upset.

• This is sometimes called “being upset about being upset”.

• Ask you meeting facilitator for more details.

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When to Use the ABC’s• ABC’s are helpful in resisting urges.• When possible, it is best to anticipate those

urges and prepare an ABC ahead of time.• With practice, you will be able to remember and

apply your ABC in the heat of the moment.• Eventually, applying them will become automatic

and you may not even notice you’re doing it.• Urges will weaken over time.

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The Three P’s• In SMART, we frequently refer to PPP:

– Practice– Patience– Persistence

• Keep practicing your ABC’s and other tools. They get easier over time.

• This is a process. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to learn to apply these new tools.

• Persist in pursuing abstinence. If you lapse or relapse, come discuss what happened.

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What Can I Do Next?• Print out a few copies of an ABC Worksheet.• Think of a few A’s (Activating Events) that

frequently lead you to use, and fill out a worksheet for each.

• In this way you’ll be better prepared to resist the urge the next time you face those A’s.

• Move on to the CBA Tutorial to help build motivation to abstain.