Introduction to Soil Science in Sustainable Agriculture Craig Cogger WSU Puyallup Sept. 19, 2002

Introduction to Soil Science in Sustainable Agriculture

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Introduction to Soil Science in Sustainable Agriculture. Craig Cogger WSU Puyallup Sept. 19, 2002. Soil Components. Mineral Matter. Pore Space. Organic Matter. The soil ecosystem. Residue decomposition Nutrient cycling Aggregation and porosity Enhance plant growth - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Introduction to Soil Science in Sustainable Agriculture

Introduction to Soil Science in Sustainable Agriculture

Craig CoggerWSU PuyallupSept. 19, 2002

Page 2: Introduction to Soil Science in Sustainable Agriculture

Mineral MatterPore Space


Soil Components

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The soilecosystem

Residue decompositionNutrient cyclingAggregation and porosityEnhance plant growthBreak down contaminants

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•Water MovementHow quickly water moves through soil

Water Holding CapacityHow much water a soil can hold available for plant growth

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Soil pores and water movement

•Macropores: Infiltration and drainage

•Capillary pores: Available water

•Micropores: Unavailable water

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Soil properties that affect porosity

•Soil texture•Soil structure•Compaction and disturbance

•Organic matter

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Soil Particle SizesSand .05-2 mmSilt .002-.05 mmClay <.002 mm

Coarse Fragments >2 mm

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Approximate surface areas of 1

gram samplesCoarse sand Half dollar

Fine clay Basketball court

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Hand texture technique

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Soil StructureAggregation of sand, silt, and clay particles

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Formation of soil structure

•Growth of roots and movement of organisms create pores and aggregates

•Soil organisms break down organic residues, producing glues that stabilize aggregates

•Fungi provide structural support to aggregates

•Physical, chemical processes also involved

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Soil Structure

•Improves macroporosity•Promotes aeration•Promotes infiltration

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Major soil types of the Puget Sound area

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Most local soils formed from glacial

materials•Glacial Till (Ice laid)•Glacial Outwash (Meltwater)

•Lacustrine (Lakebed)

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•Ablation till•Not compacted•Permeable to water and roots

•Basal till•Compact and cemented•Barrier to water and roots

Glacial till soil

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0 to 4”gravelly sandy loam4 to 10”, very gravelly loamy sand

10” +sand and gravel

Glacial outwash soil Very low water and nutrient holding capacity

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Glacial lacustrine(lakebed) soil

Fine texture, highwater holding capacity, hard towork when wet orvery dry.

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Soil fertility and nutrient management

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Nutrient Management•Meet crop nutrient needs•Maintain soil quality•Conserve resources•Protect water quality -- reduce leaching and runoff risk

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Plant NutrientsMajor Nutrients•Nitrogen•Phosphorus•Potassium•Calcium•Magnesium•Sulfur


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How nutrients become available

Mineral Matter Organic Matter




K+ NH4+ Ca++ SO4--

soluble, available




- -


-- - - - -

Ca++ K+

clay OM

- - --- -



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Nutrient Anion Availability

Anion Binding SolubilityPO4

-3 strong lowBO3

-3 medium mediumSO4

-2 v. weak highNO3

- v. weak v. high

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Organic N


NO3 -

Leaching Gases


Plant residues,Manure

Nitrogen Cycle

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Organic Materials

•Little or no processing•Low nutrient content•Slow release of nutrients•Plant, animal, or mineral sources

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Organic Materials:Slow release nutrients

•Plants can only take up nutrients that are in available form (simple, soluble ions).

•Most nutrients in organic materials are in complex organic molecules or minerals, and are not immediately available to plants.

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Slow release nutrients

•Biological processes slowly release the nutrients in organic amendment into available forms.

•Rate of nutrient release depends on the nature of the amendment and environmental conditions.

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Nutrient uptake

•The forms of nutrients taken up by plants are the same for all types of fertilizer -- manufactured or organic.

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Organic materials:Fertilizers vs. Soil


•Fertilizer 1. High nutrient content and availability. 2. Main benefit is nutrients. 3. Relatively small amounts applied.

•Soil amendment 1. Low nutrient content and availability. 2. Main benefit is organic matter. 3. Large amounts applied.

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Carbon:Nitrogen ratio

•Low C:N supplies N to plants•High C:N ties up N by biological immobilization

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C:N ratio and N availability

C:N<10:110:1 to 20:120:1 to 30:1>30:1

N availabilityHighMed - LowVery LowNegative

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High N ContentC:N < 10:1

•Rapid N availability•Use as a fertilizer•Over application leads to excess nutrient levels in soil -- potentially harming crop and water quality.

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High N ContentExamples

•Poultry manure•Packaged organic fertilizers•Fresh dairy or goat manure

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Moderate N ContentC:N 12:1 to 25:1

•Slow N availability•Can add large amounts without risk of over-fertilization

•Use as a soil amendment•Expect some N immobilization (tie-up) shortly after application.

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Moderate N ContentExamples

•Compost•Yard debris•Cover crop residues•Dairy solids

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Low N contentC:N > 30:1

•N immobilization•Need to add N along with organic amendment

•Use as mulch or bulking agent for compost

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Low N contentExamples

•Straw•Sawdust•Paper waste

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Soil TestingNutrientsContaminantsBiologicalSoil Quality

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What is a soil nutrient test?

•A chemical extraction of “plant-available” nutrients.

•Used to predict nutrient availability and fertilizer need.

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Soil Nutrient Tests

•Standard agricultural tests (P, K, Ca, Mg, B, pH, lime requirement)

•Nitrate tests•Sampling Reference: UIdaho Bulletin 704. Soil Sampling

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When to sample?•Standard tests can be taken at any time before fertilization.

•It is best to be consistent from year to year.

•Nitrate tests are taken at specific times.

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How often to sample?•Sample each unit every 1 to 3 years, or at least once every crop rotation.

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How to sample•Divide farm into units (based on soil type, crop, management).

•Small, diverse farms will need to group crops for sampling.

•Take 10 to 20 cores per unit (0 to 12 inch depth).

•Avoid unusual areas.

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Sample handling•Keep moist samples cool during and after sampling.

•Refrigerate, freeze, or bring directly to lab.

•OR, spread in thin layer and air dry•Send about 1 pint to lab, carefully labeled.

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Choosing a lab•Does the lab routinely do ag tests?•Do they use OSU or WSU test methods?•Do they give fertilizer recommendations?•What information do they need?•How to send sample?•Cost? Turn-around time?•What does report look like?

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Interpreting soil tests•Nutrient status Low, medium, high

•Fertilizer recommendation•You will need to interpret for organic fertilizers.

•You will need to interpret if one test represents multiple crops.

•Reference: EC 1478. Soil Test Interpretation Guide

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Web Addresses

•WSU Publications:http://pubs.wsu.edu/

•OSU Publications:http://eesc.orst.edu/

•UIdaho Publications:http://info.ag.uidaho.edu/

•Organic nutrient management web site:http://www.puyallup.wsu.edu/soilmgmt/