Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work

Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

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Page 1: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Introduction to ShakespeareMrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her

5th Period’s Work

Page 2: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Social Classesnobility,gentry,yeomanry,poor

1. In the Elizabethan Era a “ social class is determined by fame,wealth,skills,and birth” (Ethan Nulty).2. The six social classes are Monarch,Nobility,Gentry, Merchants,Yeomanry,and Laborers(Ethan Nulty). 3. Yeomanry is composed of”common citizens with just enough money to support their families” (Ethan Nulty). 4. Knights,gentlemen,squires,and gentlewomen come from the class Gentry, they rarely use their hands while working(Ethan Nulty).5. The highest social class was monarch while the lowest were the Laborers(Elizabethan England Life).6. There were rules for every class and all citizens had to follow them.(Elizabethan England Life) https://prezi.com/r4kxz2_8vwhj/social-classes-of-the-elizabethan-era/Life) .http://www.elizabethanenglandlife.com/elizabethan-era-hierarchy-classes-ranks-in-society.html

Page 3: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

The Globe By: Davis Perry And Ben Moyer

1. The theater is located in “London’s bankside district”(Pressley).

2. The theater played a big role in Shakespeare life because “ the Globe Theatre were so popular that he became a wealthy man” (Doyle & Lischner 9).

3. A main constructor of The Globe was Peter smith (Alchin).

4. Probably the most famous play performed at The Globe is King Henry V (Doyle & Lischner 111).

5. The theater opened in 1599 & closed in 1642 ( Doyle & Lischner 111).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shakespeare's_Globehttp://www.bardweb.net/globe.htm http://www.william-shakespeare.info/william-shakespeare-globe-theatre.htm

Page 4: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Globe: history (opening, closing, shutdown,controversy)

1. The original globe was burned down by a cannon that went off.(Shakespeare for Dummies 14)2. The GlobThe Globe opened in 1599 after the dispute of the new release.(Shakespeare for Dummies

14).3. The Globe was shut down because of “Outbreaks of the Bubonic Plague...Globe Theatre was

forced to close in 1603 and 1608” (No Sweat Shakespeare) 4. People loved the the Globe because almost all of London would come to the globe when a play was

on (Audiences).5. Some plays that were showed at the Globe was,” As You Like It; Hamlet; Measure for Measure;

Othello; King Lear; Macbeth and Antony and Cleopatra,”(Globe).

http://www.nosweatshakespeare.com/resources/shakespeares-theatres/shakespeare-globe-facts/ http://www.shakespearesglobe.com/uploads/files/2014/01/audiences.pdf http://www.shakespearesglobe.com/uploads/files/2014/01/

Page 5: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

The Globe Theater 1. The Globe Theater burned to the ground in 1613 when a special effect cannon hit the roof during a play, but they rebuilt it in the same spot in 1614 (Shakespeare Online).

2. I think it is strange that “at the base of the stage wasn an area called ‘The Pit’ which held ‘the groundings’ - people who paid just a penny to stand and watch a performance (No Sweat Shakespeare). 3.I think it is interesting how “colour coded flags were used… to advertise the type of play being shown” (No sweat Shakespeare). 4.. The Globe Theatre used natural lighting for plays produced in the afternoon, however there was some artificial lighting to provide atmosphere for night scenes (The Structure and Design of the Globe Theater).

5. I feel bad for the boys because “Female roles were played by young boy as theatre stages were considered too risque a place for ladies” (No Sweat Shakespeare).

1. http://www.shakespeare-online.com/index.html

2. www.nosweatshakespeare.com

Page 6: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

The Globe

1. The Globe is one famous Shakespearean theatre (renaissance).2. It was usually crowded, and the audience applauded loudly & clumsily. (the

globe stage).3. There was an “outer and inner stage that were the two primary parts of the

theatre” (the globe stage).4. The “Playwrights in Shakespeare’s time used language to describe ‘special

effects’ much of the time” (special effects).5. To make the noise of thunder, people used the beat of drums or rolled a

cannonball across the floor (shakespeare's globe).6. Roman and Elizabethan costumes were commonly worn, and usually

expensively bought or received from rich donors (shakespeare's online7. some of the productions were “The Complete Walk” and “Hamlet” (shakespeare's globe). http://www.





Page 7: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple


1) In 1559, through the Reformation Bill, “Elizabeth cut off ties with the Roman

Catholic Church” (Elizabethan England Life).

2) The main religion of Elizabethan England was Catholicism due to Queen

Elizabeth’s predecessor who persecuted Puritans (Elizabethan England Life).

3) There was a fine if you didn’t go to church every Sunday, all Churches were

Protestant (Life in Elizabethan England).

4) Even if a Catholic payed the fine, it “does not allow you to have a priest of

practice Catholic faith.”(Life in Elizabethan England).

http://www.elizabethanenglandlife.com/religion-in-elizabethan-england.html http://www.elizabethan.org/compendium/7.html

Page 8: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Queen ElizabethElizabeth was Queen of England, Ireland, and Wales “from 1558 to 1603”


Elizabeth’s admires sought power and patronage, and they glorified her

in any way possible (Brown).

One of Queen Elizabeth’s famous arts is called The “Ditchley” Portrait,

and it illustrates her power and her protection over her nation

(Salomon 83).

Queen Elizabeth grew up with “the knowledge and understanding of a

father who marries, divorces, and beheads, six wives including your own

mother” (The Legacy of Queen Elizabeth 1).


Page 9: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Audience● The cost for the audience is a penny or two for a balcony

seat(Shakespeare’s Theater).● In Shakespeare’s theater the audience “ranged from poor

commoners to wealthy aristocrats”(Doyle 95).● For the people who do have much money, “you could sit in

the galleries around the edge of the theater”(Doyle 95).● The poor people stood in the front of the stage.(The

Groundings).● The rich people sat on the stage(The Groundings).● Queen Elizabeth did not attend the public theater and the

custom was to sit removed from the stage at both private and also at court performances(Brown, Henry).


Page 10: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

SHakespeare PLaysComedies, tragedies, & history

1. Shakespeare had multiple roles in the London theater as an actor, playwright, and, in time, a business partner in a major acting company, the Lord Chamberlain's Men(Shake spheres life)

2. “In the Elizabethan era a theatre called the Red lion famous for some of shakespeare's works”(Renaissance elizabethan Era).

3. “The earliest plays Shakespeare appeared in were Henry VI part 3 & a long published poem named Venus & Adonis.”

4. By 1592, there is evidence William Shakespeare earned a living as an actor and a playwright in London and possibly had several plays produced

http://www.folger.edu/shakespeares-life http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance/elizabethan_era.php

Page 11: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Plays!! 1. 19 of the 30 plays in shakespeare's canon had appeared in quarto format, before the publication of the first folio

(Shakespeare's plays).2. It was rare that shakespeare put any type of printing in his plays, all though two of his poems were printed under his

supervision (Shakespeare's plays).3. While shakespeare was alive “A stage wasn't one type of space; plays had to be versatile” (Shakespeare theater)4. England focused on that “men and boys played all characters “(Shakespeare theater).5. The Five act structure act 1- the exposition (shakespeare)6. Act 2 ;rising action Act 5 ;resolution (shakespeare).7. act 3 ;climax (shakespeare theater).8. act 4 ;falling action (Shakespeare theater).

http://www.folger.edu/shakespeares-theater http://www.shakespeare-online.com/index.html

Page 12: Introduction to Shakespeare 5th Period’s Work · 1/5/2016  · Introduction to Shakespeare Mrs. Hutchings’ Compilation of her 5th Period’s Work . ... 1. Shakespeare had multiple

Common Phrases / Words ● Words shakespeare invented “He invented over 1700 of our common words

by changing nouns into verbs,changing verbs into adjectives,connecting words never used together”(words shakespeare invented).

● This list of words that we use in our daily speech were all brought into usage by shakespeare like bloody,bump,countless,and road (No sweat shakespeare).

● shakespeare had “listed some phrases that he had invented the testament that the bard has had a huge influence on the english language.(Lee Jamieson).

● That shakespeare was not the only prolific writer,he is said to have introduced thousands of words and phrases into a english language.


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Actors in Shakespeare’s Time: Michael and Graham

In Shakespeare’s plays “boys played women’s roles”(Doyal and Lischner pg.


Featured unordinary creatures such as “witches, monsters, fairies”(Doyal and

Lischner pg.85).

Shakespeare believed that great things happened to great people( Doyal and

lischner pg.85).

There was not more than one copy of the play so each actor would only have

their own part of the play. An actor’s part only had their lines and their cues.


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Modern Interpretations1. The movie 10 Things I Hate about You is based on The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, and "back in 1999, served to highlight the fact that William Shakespeare's writings are timeless and universal ("10 Things I Hate about You").

2. The Lion King is based on Hamlet, and “Walt Disney Pictures in mid-1994, released what could arguably be the best animated feature of all time, (“Trey McElveen”).

3. The movie Make Your Move is “a Romeo and Juliet-inspired 2013 South Korean-American independent dance film and ballroom dance” ( Written by [email protected]).

4. The movie “She’s the Man” is based on Shakespeare’s play Twelfth Night, a romantic comedy of mistaken identities, (“Shakespeare at the Movies: She’s the Man”).


Emmie Jamison & Grace Garrison