Introduction to Parallel Computing Irene Moulitsas Programming using the Message-Passing Paradigm

Introduction to Parallel Computing › ~karypis › parbook...MPI Background MPI : Message Passing Interface Began in Supercomputing ’92 Vendors IBM, Intel, Cray Library writers

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  • Introduction to Parallel Computing

    Irene MoulitsasProgramming using theMessage-Passing Paradigm

  • MPI BackgroundMPI : Message Passing InterfaceBegan in Supercomputing ’92

    VendorsIBM, Intel, Cray

    Library writersPVM

    Application specialistsNational Laboratories, Universities

  • Why MPI ?One of the oldest librariesWide-spread adoption. Portable.Minimal requirements on the underlying hardwareExplicit parallelization

    Intellectually demandingAchieves high performanceScales to large number of processors

  • MPI Programming StructureAsynchronous

    Hard to reasonNon-deterministic behavior

    Loosely synchronousSynchronize to perform interactionsEasier to reason

    SPMDSingle Program Multiple Data

  • MPI FeaturesCommunicator InformationPoint to Point communicationCollective CommunicationTopology SupportError Handling

  • Six Golden MPI FunctionsMPI is 125 functionsMPI has 6 most used functions

  • MPI Functions: Initialization

    Must be called by all processesMPI_SUCCESS


  • MPI Functions: Communicator


  • Hello World !

  • Hello World ! (correct)

  • MPI Functions: Send, Recv



  • MPI Functions: Datatypes

  • Send/Receive Examples

  • Blocking Non-Buffered Communication

  • Send/Receive Examples

  • Blocking Buffered Communication

  • Send/Receive Examples

  • MPI Functions: SendRecv

  • MPI Functions: ISend, IRecv


  • MPI Functions: Test, Wait

    MPI_Test tests if operation finished.MPI_Wait blocks until operation is finished.

  • Non-Blocking Non-Buffered Communication

  • Example

  • Example

  • Example

  • MPI Functions: Synchronization

  • Collective CommunicationsOne-to-All BroadcastAll-to-One ReductionAll-to-All Broadcast & ReductionAll-Reduce & Prefix-SumScatter and GatherAll-to-All Personalized

  • MPI Functions: Broadcast

  • MPI Functions: Scatter & Gather

  • MPI Functions: All Gather

  • MPI Functions: All-to-All Personalized

  • MPI Functions: Reduction

  • MPI Functions: Operations

  • MPI Functions: All-reduceSame as MPI_Reduce, but all processes receive the result of MPI_Op operation.

  • MPI Functions: Prefix Scan

  • MPI Names

  • MPI Functions: Topology

  • Performance EvaluationElapsed (wall-clock) time

  • Matrix/Vector Multiply